Nutrition before donating blood. What are the contraindications for donating blood?

Almost any healthy person over the age of 18 can become a donor. However, there are certain medical and social contraindications to donating blood and its components. Various diseases, recent surgeries, trips to some parts of the world - all this can serve as a temporary or permanent diversion from donation. A detailed list of contraindications can be found below.

In addition, you should know that the donor must weigh at least 50 kg. Body temperature measured before blood donation should not exceed 37°C; permissible systolic pressure - from 90 to 160 mm Hg, diastolic - from 60 to 100 mm Hg; the allowable heart rate is 50-100 beats per minute.

If you have a disease that is not included in the above list, or you are taking any medication, inform the doctor at the station or in the blood transfusion department, and he will decide whether you can be a donor or not. Examination by a doctor and a conversation between a doctor and a donor are mandatory procedures before donating blood or its components. Do not hide your ailments from the doctor, honestly answer his questions and the questionnaire, and then donation will be safe for you and for those for whom you donate blood or its components.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, some medical institutions require donors to be registered in Moscow or Moscow region - permanent or temporary (at least 6 months). However, other blood transfusion departments also accept blood from donors with regional registration. To find out what the registration requirements are at a particular institution, please contact our Donor Coordinator or find the institution in the list and read the description of the conditions for donating blood.

If you donate blood not in Moscow, but in another region of Russia, call the station or the blood transfusion department in advance to find out what requirements there are for the registration of a donor.

Thank you for being ready to become a donor or have already become one!

List of contraindications to donating blood and its components

(See Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2001 No. 364 "On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components" and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 175n of April 16, 2008 "On amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364.")

I. Absolute contraindications

(withdrawal from donation, regardless of the duration of the disease and the results of treatment)

1. Factors of infection with bloodborne diseases:

Human blood is an irreplaceable material. No matter how many modern medicines are created, it is impossible to replace it. Terms, unfortunately, are limited, so these components require constant replenishment. Not a single complex operation, recovery after severe blood loss or chronic pathologies is complete without donated blood. Of course, donation is an important and generous thing. However, not everyone can be a donor. This is subject to certain conditions and laws. Below we will consider what are the rules before donating blood for donation, what you can and cannot eat, what is the cost and possible consequences of this procedure.

Who can be a donor? According to the current laws, donating blood as a donor is possible only on the condition of gratuitousness and voluntariness. Absolutely any person, regardless of gender, between the ages of eighteen and sixty years old, who has no contraindications to the procedure and has undergone a full examination, can be a donor.

One of the important conditions for donating blood is the body weight of the intended donor - it cannot be less than fifty kilograms. In addition, the opportunity for someone, are eligible and foreigners. To do this, they must be completely legal in our country for a year.

Male donors are allowed to donate blood only five times a year, and women only four. In both cases, the interval between blood donations must be at least two months. This period is reduced to thirty days, if only delivery was carried out.


What are the conditions and rules for donating blood to donors. It is necessary to carefully prepare for such a procedure. The donor at the time of blood donation should not feel any pain or discomfort. Before donating blood for donation, the rules provide for filling out a special questionnaire. As a rule, these are not difficult questions. The survey should indicate whether a recent surgery was performed, whether antibiotics, drugs were taken, whether a potential donor visited a dentist, and much more.

Unconditional contraindications are the presence of possible contacts with HIV-infected people. Some minor illnesses, as well as trips to other countries with long residence in its territory, may become some obstacle. This is especially true for some regions of America, Asia and Africa.


In the beginning, you should go through the simplest procedure for a donor -. The material is taken from the finger. Thus, a number of indicators are checked, for example, the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors carefully examine the patient to identify various abnormalities. At this time, the results are being prepared for testing for, A, B, syphilis and.

It should be taken into account that a complete examination is necessary every six months. If you do not show up for examination and testing on time, the donated blood will be destroyed. Only with positive results, the material can be used.

Donors who have a decent experience and donate blood every year regularly undergo a complete examination. It is very important. The therapist must provide a certificate of the diseases suffered by the patient during the year. Women should obtain a health certificate from a gynecologist.


In this situation, some rules for donating blood to donors are provided, which guarantee not only a comfortable and passing procedure without negative consequences, but also guarantee that the donor blood will not harm the patient. Consider what you can and cannot eat, the main thing.

Preparing the donor before donating blood:

  • Three days before, it is forbidden to use drugs that have a blood-thinning property - this is analgin, no-shpa and so on. It is best to tell your doctor about all medications you take.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take alcoholic beverages 48 hours before the transfusion.
  • It is worth giving up on some food groups - these are kefir, sour cream, yogurts, in a word, fermented milk products. The same list includes various smoked meats and sausages, chips, carbonated drinks, spicy, fatty and fried foods, as well as citrus fruits and even bananas.

Designed specifically for donors. Her diet should include cereals, broths, fresh vegetables, fiber. It is allowed to eat some fruits - apples, peaches, plums. Even a small amount of sugar is allowed. It can be, say, 1-2 teaspoons of honey.

It is also worth taking into account some practical tips:

  • sleep well the night before the procedure;
  • in the morning you can have breakfast, drink a cup of tea or juice, during the day you can drink drinking water;
  • you should refrain from smoking a few hours before and after the transfusion;
  • From dizziness will help a cup of tea, juice or mineral water, drunk immediately before the start of delivery.


During the donation of blood, the patient is in a comfortable position, the most comfortable conditions are created for him. Blood is taken from a donor using sterile instruments. After four hours, you can safely remove the bandage.

The time taken for the procedure can be completely different. If this is the usual standard procedure, everything takes no more than fifteen minutes. If blood is donated for individual components, this requires the use of special equipment, so the process takes much longer. For example, it will take about thirty minutes, and for platelets - more than an hour.

What to do after the procedure

  • Firstly, during the first fifteen minutes you should not get up abruptly and worry, it is better to calm down and breathe deeply.
  • At the first sign of dizziness, you should immediately inform the medical staff.
  • During the day, it is not recommended to wet the bandage and take baths, as well as get involved in heavy physical exertion.
  • For several weeks, eat properly and satisfyingly, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, and do not drink alcohol.


There are many contraindications to donating blood for donation. Such a responsible process requires a special approach.

Some diseases include:

  • syphilis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • radiation sickness;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • AIDS;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers and more.

Pros and cons

It is worth noting that a blood donor has the right to provide time off and this does not require the consent of the employer at all, it is enough to warn him about it.

Donating blood for donation provides for a day off for one working day, during which the material will be collected. The employee also has the right to one additional day of rest, which he, at his discretion, can use during the calendar year.

Such pluses of donors include the provision of monetary rewards for the collected material. In each country and in each region, the cost varies. Donating blood for donation and its price, respectively, also depend on the general health of the donor, blood type and the presence of bad habits.

As far as you can see, donating blood for donation is a truly noble act. Blood collected within fifteen minutes can save someone's life. In addition, the donor completely changes his habits, reconsiders his lifestyle, constantly controls the state of his body, and has the ability to prevent many diseases!

It is not difficult to donate blood, but there are some restrictions and rules that depend on the purpose for which a person parted with the most valuable fluid of his body. And there can be many goals. Some want to become donors, others need to donate blood for HIV, hCG, or to detect hormonal levels. Each of the analyzes imposes certain preparation obligations. However, if an analysis was prescribed, the doctor introduces in detail how to behave so that the result is correct. The most interesting topic is how to donate blood for donation. If a person wants to become a donor, they are not warned in advance what can and cannot be done, and you should rely only on yourself - to look for information and prepare correctly.

Donation: first steps

Blood donors in our country - respect and honor (or, at least, the state is trying to give it to those who help save the lives of others). To officially establish the status of a donor, a federal law was even introduced. It follows from it that only those who donate blood voluntarily are considered a donor. In addition to blood itself, you can donate components: thrombo-, erythro-, leukocytes, plasma, compounds obtained by freezing plasma.

You can donate blood at the age of majority up to the sixtieth anniversary. Blood transfusion stations accept vital fluid from able-bodied citizens of the country and those who have lived in Russia for a year or longer (regardless of citizenship), who have undergone a medical analysis and have no contraindications. Is it possible to donate blood if a person is sick? Depends on pathology. It is not allowed to donate blood if diagnosed with:

If a person has survived the removal of an internal organ, transplantation, you cannot donate blood. Do not take blood from pregnant women, women in labor.

Possible, but not immediately

Can I donate blood during my menstrual cycle? This is prohibited, you will have to wait 5 days from the last "red" day. From the moment of the birth of the child, you will have to wait 12 months. A certain time period will have to be endured by those who have suffered a number of diseases: a cold, an acute allergy. The requirements are similar after tooth extraction, surgery, vaccination, long-term stay outside the native country. Special, more attentive attitude towards those who have been in contact with sick viruses and infections. You can not donate blood within a year from the date of the tattoo. A similar restriction applies to those who have pierced.

Rules: how to donate blood?

There are quite a few restrictions, and it is important to observe all of them. Improper preparation can lead to the fact that the applicant is already wrapped up from the queue after receiving the initial blood tests. And you can lose your time, and distract employees. In order not to get such an unpleasant experience, it is better to immediately approach the issue responsibly. By the way, when figuring out where you can donate blood, you just need to look at the address of the transfusion station closest to your home. The donor service in our country has its own website, which lists all the reception points and the work schedule. There is also a note on preparatory activities.


  • do not drink alcohol 48 hours before the scheduled blood donation;
  • do not take drugs that can thin the blood (except for oral hormonal contraceptives) 72 hours before the event;
  • do not smoke an hour before the start of the session;
  • do not eat on the eve of spicy, fried, fatty, smoked;
  • do not eat bananas, milk, butter, eggs.

You can replace these groups of dishes and products with sweet tea and berry drinks, mineral water, cereals, fruits, vegetables. Allowed to eat pasta, bread.

Features of the procedure

It is better to come to the center where they take the irreplaceable liquid in advance - 15 minutes in advance. However, it is worth understanding that there will be a queue and, most likely, rather big one. If a potential donor wants to be among the first to be served, then it is better to come even earlier. Upon arrival, a person fills out a questionnaire, indicating in it passport data (the document must be brought with you), information about the state of health.

Before donating blood, the donor is examined by the doctors of the transfusion station. He will be examined by a therapist, they will do a laboratory test, they will say the blood type, if the person does not know it, they will check the weight and height. Additionally, blood is examined for the presence of hepatitis, syphilis, HIV. With good indicators of blood quality and health in general, you can go to the donor chair.

Surrender: is it scary?

Many are afraid to go to the donor center, fearing the procedure itself. In fact, there is nothing terrible. The conditions here are comfortable, almost all stations are equipped with modern equipment, there are many blood collection points. The person is located in a comfortable lounger chair, a tourniquet is applied to the arm and a container is connected through the needle, where the blood gradually drains. If you do not know how to donate blood, then the specialists of the donor center will advise you on this issue. It does not hurt at all, there are doctors and nurses nearby who monitor the condition of the donors. If suddenly someone feels bad, he will immediately be helped.

At one time, 600 ml of plasma or 450 ml of blood can be taken. At the end of the event, a bandage is applied for the next four hours. It is strongly not recommended to remove it earlier. After that, you can go to the window for issuing rewards, and from there - on your own business. At many enterprises, if a person works according to the Labor Code, you can take a day off on the day of blood donation. The law obliges the employer to pay this day. Doctors recommend avoiding physical activity, but most donors feel great (the blood loss is small), so they do not impose actual restrictions on their daily routine.

Donate blood for research

Donating blood in a medical institution does not always have a good purpose to help someone. Most part with the life-giving liquid on the recommendation of a doctor in order to identify what disorders are in the body, what diseases they are pursuing, which explains the problems in well-being. There is a huge variety of analyzes, some require special training, others oblige only to avoid smoking, alcohol and other potent substances, compounds, drugs. Usually the doctor explains in detail what to do and what not to do before going to the laboratory.

Where to take a blood test? You can contact the laboratory at the state clinic, for this you will first have to get a referral from the therapist. The second option is a private clinic. Here you can order a specific type of blood test, no referral is required.

If you are going to donate blood for hCG, other laboratory tests, it is better to visit the doctor in the morning. They don't have breakfast before. In general, before the tests it is recommended to withstand about 12 hours without food. If it is impossible to pass the test in the morning, they come, having previously endured 6 hours without food. At breakfast, any food containing fat should be avoided. Laboratory studies, if a person has prepared and chosen a reliable clinic, will allow to identify diseases at an early stage, because according to blood indicators, violations can be noticed much earlier, so tangible symptoms appear.

WHO experts even summed up statistics, and its results are indicative: if you know what blood tests are taken and regularly undergo research, doctors can get up to 80% of information about a person’s condition from the results. The diagnosis cannot be based only on the results of studying the life-giving fluid in the laboratory, but without it, the correct diagnosis cannot be formulated at all. With an unclear picture of the disease, laboratory analysis will make it possible to understand in which direction to look for the causes of health disorders. It is recommended to undergo a blood test in the laboratory, not only if you feel unwell, but also as a preventive measure. Where can I take a blood test "just in case"? During the medical examination - in the clinic, which is assigned a permanent address of residence, at any time - in a private laboratory.

Features of preparation for some analyzes

If you need to donate blood for hormones, then before going to the laboratory it is advisable not to eat for 8-12 hours. The easiest way is to have a snack in the evening, and in the morning - go to the clinic, postponing breakfast for a while after the hospital. At the same time, it must be remembered that sweet (and unsweetened) tea, coffee, and other drinks are also food. Hormonal analyzes in this regard are similar to serological, biochemical and many others. However, you can drink water. It is known that warm water well dulls the feeling of hunger. This will allow you not to suffer, waiting for the opportunity to have breakfast.

How to donate blood for a lipid profile? Here the main restriction is also related to food intake. You need to fast for at least 12 hours, otherwise the results will be inaccurate. This group of tests includes the detection of blood concentrations of triglycerides, HDL, LDL, cholesterol.

But with a general blood test, the duration of the time interval between eating and visiting the laboratory is only one hour (but more is possible). The truth is, you can't eat everything. For breakfast, you can allow tea without sugar, porridge without butter, an apple. You are allowed to drink milk.

Constraints and dependency on time

In order for the test results to be as accurate as possible, it is recommended not to eat fatty foods 2 days before the blood test. If it suddenly happened that on the eve of going to the clinic a large feast was attended, it is better to postpone the procedure. A number of indicators in the blood depend on the time of day, which imposes restrictions on the period of visiting a doctor. If you need to check the concentration of iron, hormones in the blood, then you need to come to the laboratory before 10 am.

If doctors take blood from a vein, it is necessary to prevent, if possible, the influence of external factors on the results. First of all, this applies to physical exertion, as well as nervous overexcitation. Once in the laboratory, you first need to sit for about a quarter of an hour in the waiting room. During this time, a person restores breathing, calms down, and the result will be more accurate. Where to donate blood if it is not possible to visit a doctor at the appointed time? Some modern clinics offer an on-site service. This service is not the cheapest, but health is more valuable than money.

Tests and therapy

If a course of any medications was prescribed, at the same time the doctor recommended to undergo laboratory tests, first you need to find out where to donate blood, visit laboratory assistants, and only after that start a course of treatment. If some medications are canceled, then blood can be donated two weeks after the last day of admission. In some cases, exceptions are made. As a rule, this applies to studies whose purpose is to identify the effect of drugs on humans. If the attending physician, referring to laboratory tests, does not know that a person is taking any drugs, he should be warned about this.

If an x-ray was prescribed, immediately after this procedure it is impossible to go for blood donation. A similar limitation imposes a rectal examination, physiotherapy. When studying the hormonal background in women from 13 years to menopause, it is important to consider that physiology can affect the results, so the day is chosen based on the menstrual cycle. As a rule, when prescribing a blood test for sex hormones, the doctor gives clear instructions on which day you need to visit the laboratory assistant and what measures need to be taken in advance so that the result is accurate. The accuracy of following the instructions is the key to accurate information extracted from the patient's blood.

Features of some procedures

If the main task of a blood test is to identify an infectious disease, when donating a substance, you need to remember that the result can be a false negative. It depends on the immunity of the person and the period of infection. And yet, a negative result of a blood test cannot serve as a 100% guarantee of the absence of infection, which the doctor usually warns about additionally. As a rule, if the situation is doubtful, the doctor prescribes a second procedure.

When choosing where to donate blood, you need to remember that different clinics, laboratories use different equipment, and the results can be expressed in different units. To avoid an unpleasant situation, you should undergo examination and therapy in the same medical institution.

How to donate blood for hepatitis

If a person has signs that suggest hepatitis, it is necessary to take tests to confirm the diagnosis. Any one method will not give a complete and clear picture, so blood is usually taken for research by several methods at once. The first to receive a general analysis that allows you to assess the state of the body. If a person suffers from a severe pathology, the indicators will be out of the norm, which will allow doctors to pay attention to specific features.

The next step is biochemistry. This analysis allows you to identify the composition of the blood, the concentration of the most important components. With hepatitis, there is an increase in the number of enzymes that reflect inflammation of the liver, the concentration of bilirubin and fractions changes. Before this analysis, you can eat 12 hours in advance, avoiding heavy, fatty foods.

Hepatitis: accuracy is the key to a correct diagnosis

In order for the results of the blood test to be correct, it is necessary to make a coagulogram. This analysis shows the level of clotting. Laboratory assistants check INR, fibrinogen, prothrombin. The results are usually ready on the day the substance is donated. Finally, the last step is the study of the serum, during which the presence of specific antibodies is checked. The method was developed by immunologists and is implemented in a direct or indirect manner. In addition to hepatitis, it is used to detect HIV. In the course of studying the blood obtained from a vein, formed elements are isolated, special antigens are used.

PCR as a method for detecting hepatitis

If you suspect hepatitis infection, your doctor may send you for a blood test by PCR. This study provides accurate information about the RNA, DNA of the virus. Amplification is delayed for several hours, while in the organic material obtained from the patient, under the influence of laboratory methods, the number of copies of the RNA and DNA of the virus increases. This provides a sufficient basis for identifying the pathogen. Currently, PCR is considered to be the leading method for determining infection in terms of reliability.

Properly conducted research in a laboratory with modern, reliable equipment practically guarantees the accuracy of the result. False positive results of the study are almost 100% excluded. To confirm the result, additional analysis of other biological material can be performed. In addition to blood, laboratory technicians can also examine the saliva of a sick person or substances secreted by the genitals. All of these methods are optional and cannot replace a blood test.

This article is for those who have decided to become a donor, but have doubts. Of course, blood donation is a noble and voluntary act. But can anyone become a donor?

  • What should a person who decides to become a donor know about?
  • Are there age restrictions?
  • What diseases are absolute and relative contraindications to blood donation?
  • What tests do you need to pass in order to become a blood donor?
  • Is blood donation dangerous and are the doubts of people who decide to become a blood donor justified?

Discuss with a therapist Evgenia Anatolyevna Kuznetsova .

How to become a blood donor

There is blood donation, donation of plasma and blood components. Now, whole blood is rarely used for transfusion due to the large number of complications, mainly plasma and blood components. And if you have already decided to become a donor, then you should be not less than 18 years old and not more than 60 years old(although the upper age limit is not as strict, it depends more on the health of the donor). Your weight should be not less than 50 kilograms.

When the state of health meets the standards required for blood donation, those wishing to donate blood must come with a passport and a military ID (for men) to the blood transfusion station and undergo a questionnaire, as well as take blood tests: general, biochemical, hepatitis, RW, HIV infection, and be examined by a general practitioner. Not only a citizen of the Russian Federation, but also a foreign citizen who has lived in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least one year can become a blood donor.

Where to donate blood

So, to become a blood donor, you need to contact the blood transfusion station in your city.

According to the law “On Donation of Blood and Its Components”, since 2013, private medical organizations cannot take blood, or even procure, store, or transport it. This law was adopted in order to tighten blood testing, its storage and transfusion, thereby protecting recipients from possible infection and complications associated with blood transfusion.

In order to donate blood, let's say, in Moscow, it is enough to enter in the search engine "Where can I donate blood in Moscow?" to display a list of blood transfusion stations in the city of Moscow.

According to the list, you can choose a blood transfusion station that is closer to you in terms of territorial location. In this example, you can easily find a list of blood transfusion stations in your city.

Which blood types are more in demand?

Donations of any blood type and Rh factor are necessary, but it should be noted that the rarest blood type is the fourth negative, because it is the most difficult to find: only 7% of people on the planet have this blood type. The most common blood type is the first positive, but there is a law according to which only identical blood can be transfused from a donor to a recipient by group and Rh factor. However, since this is the most common blood type (45% of the world's population has the first positive blood type), more people need it. Therefore, no matter what blood you have, do not hesitate - it is your blood that is needed.

How often can you donate blood

Men can donate blood no more than five times a year, women only four. There must be at least sixty days between two blood donations. Plasma can be donated more often - up to twice a month, but if you donated whole blood, then you can donate plasma only after a month.

As we have already said, in order to become a blood donor, you must pass blood tests:

  • General
  • Biochemical
  • For hepatitis

Preparing to donate blood

Before donating blood for donation, it is necessary to refrain from fatty, spicy, excessively salty foods, drinking alcohol and smoking for three days. On the eve of the dinner should be light, in the morning before the procedure, it is advisable to drink sweet tea with bread.

Donation procedure

The procedure itself for the convenience of the donor takes place in the donor chair. With the help of sterile instruments, from 400 to 500 grams of blood is taken from the donor for 15 minutes, starting from 50 drops per minute. Part of the blood is sent for tests for infections, group and Rh factor. Plasma donation lasts about 30 minutes, platelets - 1.5 hours.

Immediately after blood sampling, you can not engage in physical labor, drive, drink alcohol.

Is donation safe?

Yes. Donating blood is absolutely safe. Sterile instruments are used to take blood, the feeling of weakness and dizziness during and after the procedure quickly disappears.

However, there are relative and absolute contraindications for blood donation.

Absolute contraindications for blood donation

Absolute contraindications for blood donation are diseases such as:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Syphilis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Malignant tumors
  • CNS diseases
  • mental illness

Relative contraindications are temporary contraindications, they include certain diseases and conditions in which donation is temporarily contraindicated. Relative contraindications are:

  • Operations, minor surgical interventions (tooth extraction)
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • SARS, tonsillitis
  • Menstruation
  • Allergy in the acute stage
  • And etc.

After blood donation

After blood donation, there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells and subsequently hemoglobin - the most common occurrence. If your body is prone to anemia, then you cannot become a donor.

Platelets can be donated no more than once every three months, because when donating platelets, sodium citrate is injected, it leaches calcium from the bones. Therefore, platelet donors need to use vitamins containing calcium.

After donation, there may be nausea, chills, weakness, dizziness, which soon disappear. It is these symptoms that most often scare potential donors and raise doubts that donation is safe for health. But if, according to the results of tests and examination by a general practitioner, there are no absolute and relative contraindications, then there is no need to worry - donation is absolutely safe, and the symptoms of weakness and dizziness will soon disappear on their own. However, it must be remembered that after donating blood, you must sit for 15 minutes, as well as eat and exclude physical labor on this day.

Can I get money for donation?

Do not forget that the life you save has no price, but you should know that the donor has the right to refuse food in favor of a monetary reward. The legislation provides for 2017 for 450 grams of blood payment in the amount of 8 to 45% of the subsistence minimum, depending on the blood type and demand for it, monetary compensation for food in the amount of 5%, two days off with pay. There is also the title of "honorary donor" - in order to receive this title, one must donate whole blood at least forty times or plasma at least sixty times. However, donation money is not required. If you have been awarded this title, then by law you will receive an annual payment in the amount of 12,373 rubles (the amount for 2017).

Exist compulsory benefits :

  • Free hot meals
  • Two days off with pay
  • Vouchers for sanatorium-and-spa treatment are provided to donors in the first place

The attitude of the Orthodox Church towards blood donation

The Orthodox Church has a positive attitude towards blood donation.

If you decide to become a donor and are thinking about how to do it, or if you still have questions and doubts, then you can refer to the official sites about blood donation:

Myths about donation

There are myths about donation . The most common myth is that donation is harmful. This is a myth, because when donating blood, the body is forced to produce blood, thereby renewing blood cells, activates the immune system, the body begins to work in an enhanced mode, the work of internal organs is activated, and it “trains” in case of blood loss.

There is a widespread myth that a donor can become infected during blood sampling. This is also a myth, because only sterile instruments are used for blood sampling.

It is also important that donation concerns everyone.

More Donation Myths

So, we can conclude that in the absence of relative and absolute contraindications and satisfactory health, blood donation is absolutely safe and even beneficial for the body, because it leads to the renewal of blood cells. Donation reduces the risk of heart attack by several times, activates the system of red bone marrow cells, and improves immunity. Donation helps to "unload" the liver and spleen, which has a beneficial effect on the body. According to some data, blood donation reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and coronary heart disease.

It is worth parting with the fear of becoming a donor - it is honorable, safe and even good for health. Donate life - become a donor!

Therapist E.A. Kuznetsova

Donating blood is not a simple matter and it cannot be said that all this passes without a trace. On average, it takes about a month to restore blood, even more, because such losses are significant for the body. But, despite this, each person has such a function in different ways and it all depends on the individual needs of the organism and nature.

Compared to other cells, plasma is the fastest to recover, it takes about two days. It takes about a week to restore a sufficient number of platelets, and only five days to normalize the level of red blood cells.

Immediately after donating blood, doctors recommend taking some special measures that will help to consolidate the recovery more quickly and effectively. As a rule, this is the normalization of nutrition, that is, it is necessary to eat more vitamins and foods that increase the amount of blood in the body, do not exercise and do not drink alcohol.

How to restore blood faster

  1. In the first time after donating blood, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible. It can be any juice (pomegranate or cherry), tea, mineral water, compotes and more.
  2. You need a proper and balanced diet, eat vitamins - protein foods, iron-containing foods. Such nutrition should be present for two days after blood donation to cover the loss of plasma.
  3. Useful in addition to the diet of calcium. This is due to the fact that during blood donation they use a special calcium-releasing drug - citrate. There are, for example, Nycomed, calcium gluconate or Calcium D3 and others.
  4. It is also desirable to take hematogens for three days according to the doctor's prescription.

What Not to Do

  1. After donating blood, it is strictly forbidden to engage in physical sports or any other physical activity. It is better to spend the rest of the day in bed with warm tea and chocolate, which also helps to restore blood.
  2. In order to immediately restore blood after donation, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, especially since it can affect the general state of health. You may feel dizzy or even faint. Only red wine (cahors) is allowed, about 100 grams.

Basically, there are many different ways to restore blood after donation, but the main aspect is proper and balanced nutrition. The body of each adult contains about five liters of blood and its restoration is simply necessary, because anemia is an unsafe disease. This also applies to women after childbirth, when urgent recovery is necessary after heavy bleeding.

In some cases, an urgent transfusion is done, since there is no need to wait for self-recovery. Most often, after childbirth, not only special nutrition is prescribed, but also the intake of certain drugs that will help restore the body's functioning.

Various medications and food products play a rather important role in restoring blood and stopping possible bleeding, but in this case, traditional medicine and a lot of grandmother's advice can also come in handy, especially since there is every reason for this.

  1. It is enough to eat a spoonful of perga once a day - a product produced by bees. After taking such a recipe, you will not feel dizzy, and good health is ensured.
  2. Walnuts, raisins and dried apricots are also useful - these products are useful not only after donating blood, but also for regular use. Basically, even doctors recommend that people with low hemoglobin eat at least some nuts, dried apricots and raisins every day (it improves memory and the head works better).
  3. You can make a healthy salad of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts and honey - mix it all up and eat in small portions three times a day. Such salads can even be made just to strengthen the immune system.

If you follow the simplest rules after donating blood, then such a procedure will not seem scary and dangerous to your health at all. Agree that today it is quite difficult to find the right donors, and even more so to pick up a rare blood group. It is dangerous for some people to donate blood for several reasons, one of which is low hemoglobin. And, as you know, now almost every third with such a diagnosis, respectively, there are very few people who want to and people with the possibility of safe delivery. Restoring blood is not a problem, but aggravating the general condition is already worse.

It is worth noting that before donating blood, it is necessary to undergo a doctor's examination and pass some tests to determine compliance with the norms and the risk of bleeding.

Medical Examination Framework

As a rule, all the necessary tests should be done in blood transfusion centers - they determine your characteristics and health status (suitability for this procedure). Defined:

  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • general analysis data - leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, CRE;
  • the presence of infections transmitted by blood;
  • the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus;
  • the presence of the hepatitis B virus of group C, as well as the causative agent of syphilis.

The results are usually ready in two days, after which the donor can collect the samples. Such results are communicated only personally as confidential information. If any violations are revealed, the doctor informs about it personally. Then the question is decided where to go next to solve the problem.

To all this, a potential donor must undergo a special medical examination, during which pressure, pulse, temperature and general well-being are determined (whether the head hurts or is spinning, nausea, weakness). With some symptoms, even a simple nosebleed can be dangerous. After the examination, everyone must fill out an appropriate questionnaire, where they indicate all the diseases they had in childhood or adulthood.

After all the necessary procedures, the decision is made on the admission of the patient to surrender or not. Even those who often suffered bleeding during operations or with poor blood clotting may not be allowed.

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