Staphylococcal bacteriophage - official instructions for use, indications and restrictions for use, analogues. Staph infection in dogs

Staphylococcal bacteriophage- a highly effective immunobiological drug of antibacterial action against staphylococci.

Staphylococci are a huge genus of microorganisms with more than 27 species. Their most dangerous representative is (Staphylococcus aureus). There is no organ or tissue in the human body where these bacteria are not able to live and multiply, causing a purulent-inflammatory process. More than 20% of people are permanent carriers of S. aureus, in 60% it can be detected sporadically, and only a small proportion of patients need treatment.

You can get rid of staphylococcus by using antibiotics, sanitation with appropriate drugs, using bacteriophages. The use of the latter is possible both in combination with antibacterial agents, and as monotherapy. Antibiotic treatment becomes more and more difficult every year, since no microbe is able to develop resistance to antibacterial drugs as quickly as S. aureus. The use of bacteriophages has become a worthy alternative at the present time.

Pharmacological properties

The staphylococcal bacteriophage (Bacteriophagum Staphylococcus) is a virus of directed strictly specific action consisting of a protein shell and a nucleic acid that infects microbes of the genus Staphylococcus by penetrating through the cell wall, intracellular reproduction, followed by lysis of the bacterium.

The drug Bacteriophagum Staphylococcus does not interact with the immune system, does not have a depressing effect on the microflora of the body (except for St. aureus), does not accumulate in organs and tissues. These rather inert properties of the phage determine the almost complete safety of using the bacterial preparation in the treatment of pathological conditions provoked by staphylococcus aureus in patients of various ages.

Indications for the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage

Therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes provoked by microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus (mainly S.aureus) in patients of various age categories:

  • infections of ENT organs (, tonsillitis, paratonsillar abscess, inflammatory processes of the middle ear, sinus and maxillary cavities);
  • pathological conditions of organs and tissues of the respiratory system (inflammation of the bronchi, trachea, lungs, pleura);
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, other suppurations in ophthalmology;
  • inflammation of the urinary system , , );
  • gynecological inflammatory processes ( , endometritis , salpingoophoritis);
  • purulent-septic processes of a surgical profile (festering wounds and thermal burns, post-injection abscess, mastitis, carbuncle, hydradenitis, paraproctitis (pararectal abscess));
  • inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system (bursitis, osteomyelitis);
  • pathological conditions of the digestive system (, gastroenterocolitis, gastroenteritis), digestive (dysbiosis) of the intestine;
  • purulent, septic, inflammatory pathological conditions of infants from birth to half a year (conjunctivitis, omphalitis, pyoderma, gastroenterocolitis);
  • prevention of nosocomial infection in surgical departments;
  • other inflammatory and purulent-septic processes provoked by the microbiome of the genus Staphylococcus.

Before therapy with a staphylococcal bacteriophage preparation, it is recommended to carry out phage typing of the causative agent of the disease to determine the appropriateness of using the agent. The absence of data from bacteriological examination of the pathogen strain is not a limitation for the use of the drug.

Contraindications, restrictions for use

Contraindications for the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage have not been identified, however, unwanted reactions to the auxiliary components of the drug are possible. A solution of the finished bacteriological preparation containing flakes or sediment is considered unsuitable for use and must be disposed of.

Interaction with other pharmaceuticals

Does not affect the therapeutic effect of other pharmaceuticals. After the use of disinfectants for the disinfection of affected tissues, a high-quality washing with a sterile saline solution is required before the introduction of the bacteriophage.

Influence on driving and the functioning of the nervous system

Does not adversely affect driving. Does not depress the central and peripheral nervous system. Not contraindicated in work associated with excessive concentration. Not addictive.

Use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug in the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers at doses acceptable for an adult patient.

Instructions for use of staphylococcal bacteriophage

According to the instructions for use, the dosage for oral administration should be as follows:

  • adults and children over 8 years old: 20-30 ml orally (by mouth), 35-50 ml through the anus (rectally);
  • children from 3 to 8 years: 15-20 ml orally, 25-35 ml through the anus;
  • children from 1 to 3 years: 15 ml orally, 20-25 ml through the anus;
  • children from 6 to 12 months: 10 ml orally, 10-20 ml through the rectum (rectal);
  • children from birth to 6 months: 5 ml orally, 5-10 ml rectally.

Instructions for use in ENT practice

From 1.5 to 10 ml of the drug is injected directly into the site of inflammation (nasal sinuses, middle ear cavity) up to 3 times a day by instillation, irrigation, washing, rinsing or using impregnated turundas (exposure 1 hour). The oral cavity, oropharynx are treated by rinsing or irrigation using special sprayers. In parallel, it is advisable to take the bacteriophage orally and (or) rectally.

Application for wounds and injuries in body tissues

To treat the wound surface Phagopreparation (bacteriophage) is used in the form of compresses, irrigation, for setting tampons. For deep closed wounds, bacteriophage-impregnated turundas are used. Depending on the area of ​​the focus of the inflammatory process, the portion of the phage preparation is from 15 to 250 ml. After extracting the purulent contents of abscesses, the phage preparation is injected directly into the cavity in an amount slightly less than the volume of the punctate. When applied to limited cavities (pleural cavity, articular bag), up to 12 ml is injected, then a polymeric drainage is installed to facilitate subsequent treatments (usually 2-4 procedures are sufficient).

Application for purulent inflammation of the skin

In the treatment of skin suppurations (boils, carbuncles, pyodermatitis), injections of a bacteriophage preparation are made directly into the area of ​​​​inflammation or into the near-inflammatory tissue daily in an amount of 0.3-2 ml for at least 7-10 days.

Use in urinary tract infections

For the treatment of urological inflammations (inflammatory processes in the bladder, urinary canal, kidneys), the bacterial preparation is taken by mouth. In the presence of drainage in the bladder or renal pelvis, the phage preparation is administered through a cystostomy with an interval of 12-24 hours in a volume of 25-50 ml directly into the bladder, through a nephrostomy every 12 hours, 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis.

For the treatment of inflammatory, purulent-inflammatory and septic-like processes in gynecology, the phage preparation is injected directly into the uterine cavity, vagina using a syringe or catheter, 5-10 ml once a day, for colpitis, irrigation is used with a sterile syringe or tampons with 10 ml of the drug 2 times per day (duration of action 2 hours).

Additionally, oral and (or) rectal phage therapy is indicated.

Instructions for use in gastrointestinal pathologies

For the treatment of gastroenterocolitis, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, the drug is taken orally orally 3 times a day 1-1.5 hours before meals. It is advisable to combine two doses of the drug orally with a single rectal injection in the form of an enema (strictly after the act of defecation). In the case of repeated emptying of the intestine within half an hour after the enema is given, it is permissible to repeat the procedure.

The use of the drug in newborns and children under 6 months

For infants of the first days of life (primarily premature infants), during the first two injections, the bacterial preparation is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 with sterilized distilled water or saline (boiled water for enemas and oral administration is acceptable). Provided that there are no negative manifestations (primarily regurgitation), an undiluted phage preparation is subsequently used:

  • for the treatment of conjunctivitis, the drug is instilled into both eyes 3-4 times a day.
  • for the prevention and treatment of omphalitis, skin wounds, pyoderma, compresses are used with sterile gauze swabs soaked in staphylococcal phage 2 times a day.
  • in septic conditions, intestinal inflammations, the alternation of phage intake through the mouth twice a day with a single rectal administration has proven itself well. It is recommended to mix the oral dose of phage with breast milk or infant formula to prevent spitting up. For rectal use, the method of high enemas using a gas outlet tube or a silicone catheter is used.


In the event of an erroneous intake of an excessively high portion of the drug, specific measures are not taken. The negative impact on the human body of increased volumes of bacteriophage has not been confirmed. In case of a recurrence of the pathological process, a repeated course of phage therapy is recommended in compliance with the dosage corresponding to the age of the patient.

Terms of leave in pharmacies

It is released in the pharmacy network without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store without access to light in the original packaging, temperature range from 2 to 8°C, short-term storage at room temperature is acceptable for transportation. After opening the package, store strictly in compliance with the temperature regime, use within 36 hours.

Release form

Bottles with a volume of 10, 20, 100 ml.


There are no structural analogues of the drug "staphylococcal bacteriophage". An action with a similar result is antibiotics, antiseptics.


The price for a package containing 4 vials of 20 ml varies between 750-890 rub. The price of a 100 ml bottle fluctuates in the same range.

Higher education (Cardiology). Cardiologist, therapist, functional diagnostics doctor. I am well versed in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Graduated from the academy (full-time), has a lot of work experience behind her.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Doctor of Functional Diagnostics.

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Dosage form:  

solution for oral administration, local and external use


1 ml of the drug contains the active substance - a sterile filtrate of phagolysates of bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus up to 1 ml.

Excipients: Preservative-8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate - 0.0001 g/ml (calculated content);or 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate monohydrate - 0.0001 g / ml (in terms of 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, the content is calculated).


The drug is a clear yellow liquid of varying intensity.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:MIBP bacteriophage ATX:  
  • Other miscellaneous drugs
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    The drug causes specific lysis of Staphylococcus bacteria.


    Treatment and prevention of purulent-inflammatory and enteral diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Staphylococcus in adults and children.

    Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, respiratory tract and lungs (inflammation of the sinuses, middle ear, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy);

    Surgical infections (suppuration of wounds, burns, abscess, phlegmon, boils, carbuncles, hydroadenitis, felons, paraproctitis, mastitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis);

    Urogenital infections (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis);

    Enteral infections (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis), intestinal dysbacteriosis;

    Generalized septic diseases;

    Purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns (omphalitis, pyoderma, conjunctivitis, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis, etc.);

    Other diseases caused by staphylococci.

    In severe manifestations of staphylococcal infection, the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy.

    For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used for the treatment of postoperative and freshly infected wounds, as well as for the prevention of nosocomial infections according to epidemic indications.

    An important condition for effective phage therapy is the preliminary determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the bacteriophage and the early use of the drug;


    Individual intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    It is advisable to use the drug in the presence of infections caused by phage-sensitive strains of staphylococci (on the recommendation of a doctor).

    Dosage and administration:

    The drug is used for oral administration (through the mouth), rectal administration, applications, irrigation, injection into wound cavities, vagina, uterus, nose, sinuses and drained cavities. Before use, the bacteriophage vial must be shaken and examined. The drug should be clear and free of sediment.

    Treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions should be carried out simultaneously both locally and by taking the drug orally 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals from the first day of the disease for 7-20 days (according to clinical indications).

    AT If chemical antiseptics were used for wound treatment prior to the use of the bacteriophage, the wound should be thoroughly washed with a sterile sodium chloride solution of 0.9%.

    Depending on the nature of the focus of infection, the bacteriophage is used:

    1. In the form of irrigation, lotions and plugging in a volume of up to 200 ml, depending on the size of the affected area. In an abscess after removal of purulent contents by puncture, the drug is administered in an amount less than the volume of the removed pus. In osteomyelitis, after appropriate surgical treatment, a bacteriophage is poured into the wound in 10-20 ml.
    2. When injected into cavities (pleural, articular and other limited cavities) up to 100 ml, after which capillary drainage is left, through which the bacteriophage is injected for several days.
    3. With cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, the drug is taken orally. If the cavity of the bladder or renal pelvis is drained, the bacteriophage is administered through a cystostomy or nephrostomy 1-2 times a day, 20-50 ml into the bladder and 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis.
    4. In purulent-inflammatory gynecological diseases, the drug is injected into the cavity of the vagina, uterus at a dose of 5-10 ml once a day, with colpitis - 10 ml by irrigation or tamponing 2 times a day. Tampons are laid for 2 hours.
    5. In purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, the drug is administered at a dose of 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day. Bacteriophage is used for rinsing, washing, instillation, introduction of moistened turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).
    6. With enteral infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, the drug is taken orally 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. It is possible to combine a double oral administration with a single rectal administration of a single age dose of bacteriophage in the form of an enema after a bowel movement.

    The use of bacteriophage in children (up to 6 months).

    With sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, bacteriophage is used in the form of high enemas (through a gas tube or catheter) 2-3 times a day at a dose of 5-10 ml. In the absence of vomiting and regurgitation, it is possible to use the drug through the mouth. In this case, it is mixed with breast milk. Perhaps a combination of rectal (in the form of high enemas) and oral (through the mouth) use of the drug. The course of treatment is 5-15 days. With a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible. In order to prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in case of intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection in newborns, the bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

    In the treatment of omphalitis, pyoderma, infected wounds, the drug is used in the form of applications twice daily (a gauze cloth is moistened with a bacteriophage and applied to the umbilical wound or to the affected area of ​​the skin).

    Side effects:



    Not marked.

    Interaction: The use of the drug is possible in combination with other drugs, including antibiotics. Special instructions:

    The drug is not suitable for use in vials with impaired integrity or labeling, if the expiration date has expired, if it becomes cloudy.

    Due to the content in the preparation of a nutrient medium in which bacteria from the environment can develop, causing clouding of the preparation, it is necessary to observe the following rules when opening the vial:

    Wash your hands thoroughly;

    Treat the cap with an alcohol-containing solution;

    Remove the cap without opening the cork;

    Do not put the cork with the inner surface on the table or other objects;

    Do not leave the vial open;

    Opened vials should only be stored in the refrigerator.

    Opening the vial and extracting the required volume of the drug can be carried out with a sterile syringe by puncturing the stopper. The drug from the opened vial, subject to the storage conditions, the above rules and the absence of turbidity, can be used throughout the entire period suitability.,

    Influence on the ability to drive transport. cf. and fur.:

    Not installed.

    Release form / dosage:

    Solution for oral, topical and external use.

    Bacteriophage refers to biological products that contain beneficial viruses that affect pathogens. The peculiarity of these funds is that a certain medicine is able to fight only one type of virus. reviews of doctors about which they characterize it as an effective remedy for many diseases, refers specifically to such medicines. About him and will be discussed further.

    It should be noted right away that without a doctor's prescription, such a medicine cannot be taken. Self-medication can be bad for health. The doctor prescribes such a medicine only after establishing an accurate diagnosis and determining the type of harmful viruses in the body.

    general information

    The use of drugs with bacteriophages

    How well these drugs work on the body, reviews will tell. Staphylococcal bacteriophage copes well with purulent infections. It is used for the treatment of mucous membranes, skin and visceral organs.

    In addition to staphylococcal infections, certain ones are able to cope with streptococci, salmonella, enterococcal bacteria and a number of other harmful microorganisms.

    When is bacteriophage staphylococcal used?

    Reviews of doctors say that this medicine will help with the following diseases:

    • sinusitis;
    • angina;
    • otitis;
    • laryngitis and pharyngitis;
    • pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis;
    • pleurisy;
    • purulent wounds, abscess, felon, furuncle, complex burns with suppuration;
    • inflammatory processes of the urinary system, including cystitis, nephritis and pyelonephritis;
    • diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis, cholecystitis, gastroenterocolitis;
    • intestinal dysbiosis.

    Release form

    Staphylococcal bacteriophage is available in bottles of 100 ml in a cardboard box or 20 ml in a pack. Each box contains detailed instructions for use.

    The drug is also available in tablets, rectal suppositories and aerosol for comfortable use in various diseases.

    Methods of using the drug and reviews

    Staphylococcal bacteriophage, depending on the type of inflammatory focus, can be used as follows:

    • The solution is injected into the wound with an abscess after surgery in the form of a puncture to remove purulent contents. The amount of the drug depends on the volume of the removed pus and can reach 200 ml. Also, the drug is effective in osteomyelitis, as evidenced by the reviews. Staphylococcal bacteriophage is poured into the wound after treatment, 20 ml each. The action of the medicine is enhanced if, in addition to this, irrigation and lotions are done.
    • The drug is injected into limited cavities, such as pleural and articular, while leaving a special drip drainage, through which a solution is added after a while.

    • Also, the medicine can be prescribed by a doctor for oral administration for diagnoses such as cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. For patients with a drained bladder or pelvis, the drug is administered orally through a cystoma or nephrostomy up to 2 times a day (from 20 to 50 ml into the ureter and from 5 to 7 ml into the pelvis).
    • The drug will help to cope with a number of gynecological diseases, and this is confirmed by numerous reviews. Staphylococcal bacteriophage is prescribed to patients with purulent-inflammatory foci. The solution is injected into the vagina or uterus, 5-10 ml every day. With a disease called colpitis, irrigation of 10 ml and tamponing 2 times a day for 2 hours will be effective.
    • This drug will help to cope with. Very often, a staphylococcal bacteriophage is prescribed for angina. Reviews of doctors suggest that rinsing with this solution contributes to the rapid recovery of the patient. In addition, the medicine is instilled into the nose and used to wet the turundas in the ears.
    • How are staphylococcal bacteriophage reviews positioned? With dysbacteriosis and infectious lesions, the drug shows good results. It is prescribed 2-10 ml up to three times a day an hour before a meal. In addition, rectal administration of the drug is also practiced to achieve the maximum effect of therapy.
    • Staphylococcal bacteriophage will help with furunculosis. Patient reviews indicate that aerosol spraying and lotions in the form of applications accelerate the process of tissue repair and lead to a speedy recovery.

    How is staphylococcal bacteriophage prescribed for adults? Doctors' comments say that with an adequate approach to therapy using antibiotics and other drugs, there is a positive trend in such serious diseases as abscess, sepsis and other manifestations of advanced infection. However, an early appeal to a medical institution will allow timely diagnosis of the cause of a particular disease and provide assistance without waiting for complications and consequences.

    Assignment to children

    The drug is widely used in pediatrics. What do they say about such a medicine as bacteriophage staphylococcal reviews? For babies, a disease such as omphalitis is very dangerous. It is manifested by suppuration at the umbilical wound, redness of the skin around it and swelling, as well as an inflammatory process in the subcutaneous fat layer. The cause of this disease is a staphylococcal infection. Disease progression can lead to sepsis. Timely systematic treatment of the wound with a composition such as staphylococcal bacteriophage will help to quickly neutralize the action of harmful microorganisms, which will lead to recovery.

    Another common disease of infants is vesiculopustulosis. It is characterized by skin lesions, which are accompanied by the formation of vesicles with cloudy contents. The condition of a small patient depends on the number of rashes. The cause of the disease is also which can be defeated by lotions with a remedy such as staphylococcal bacteriophage.

    Feedback on the treatment of children of different ages

    In older children, staphylococcal lesions of the skin are often manifested by furunculosis and folliculitis, in some cases hydradenitis and carbuncles can be observed. How does the staphylococcal bacteriophage advise to use the instruction? For children (reviews of doctors confirm this), in the treatment of skin manifestations of this type, it will be effective to take an aerosol, as well as the use of lotions and applications on the affected areas of the skin.

    In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system caused by staphylococci, which are characterized by obvious signs of intoxication, oral and rectal administration of the drug can be prescribed.

    What should be studied before taking Staphylococcal bacteriophage? Reviews. For children, timely antibiotic therapy is very important, which should be preceded by laboratory tests to identify the bacteria that caused the disease. This will help to quickly and without complications stabilize the condition of a small patient, which will lead to recovery.

    Latin name:
    Bacteriophagum Staphylococcus
    ATX code: J01XX
    Active substance:
    Manufacturer: Biomed, Russia, etc.
    Pharmacy leave condition: On prescription
    Price: from 250 to 850 rubles.

    Staphylococcal bacteriophage is an effective antibacterial drug against staphylococcal infections for systemic use.

    Indications for use

    • Staphylococcal bacteriophage is used for ENT patients with: sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis
    • In pulmonology: pleurisy, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia
    • Surgery: treatment of postoperative wounds to prevent infection and when a primary infection is detected; use in purulent surgery: carbuncles, boils, phlegmon, complicated mastitis, paraproctitis, gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis
    • Combustiology: burns and complications
    • Traumatology: purulent bursitis, osteomyelitis of various etiologies
    • Pediatrics: newborns with omphalitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis, pyoderma
    • Urology and gynecology: urethritis, cystitis, salpingitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, dysbacteriosis.


    The main active substance is a sterile filtrate of Staphylococcus bacteria, the stabilizer is chinosol.

    Medicinal properties

    Staphylococcal bacteriophage is a drug that in a certain way affects the most common strains of staphylococci. When combined with a bacterium, it dissolves it, and removes the decay residues from the body.

    It is an antibacterial drug of immunobiological effects and is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases caused by staphylococci. A wide spectrum of action on pathogenic strains gives effective results in complex treatment. Does not affect beneficial bacteria found in the human body.

    The average price is from 250 to 850 rubles.

    Release forms

    At the moment, only one form of release is registered in Russia - a solution. You can find it in the following volumes:

    • Sterile solution bottles 100 and 50 ml, clear yellowish liquid without sediment for internal and external use - packed one by one in a cardboard box
    • Transparent sterile solutions of a yellowish tint in 20 ml bottles - four packs in one cardboard box.

    Mode of application

    Before use, check the expiration date and condition of the drug. In case of visible damage to the packaging, a change in the state of the liquid (precipitation, turbidity), the medicine cannot be used. Normally, any solutions should remain clear without sediment.

    Solutions for oral administration also three times a day 30-60 minutes before meals. Children up to 6 months: 3-5 ml, up to a year: 8-10 ml, up to three years: 12-15 ml, up to eight years: 18-20 ml, from eight years: 25-30 ml. The dose of the drug and the duration of therapeutic treatment are prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

    Before using the drug, a test for the tolerability of this drug is mandatory.

    According to the localization of the infection, the following types of manipulations are performed: irrigation, tamponade, washing of the drainage cavities, drip injection into the joint cavities and pleural spaces, various types of applications no more than 200 ml per procedure.

    Courses of treatment range from 5 to 15 days, depending on the pathology, then a control sampling of tests is carried out. If necessary, treatment is extended.

    Cross-drug interactions

    It can be used with other antibacterial and immunobiological drugs, as well as in combination with other groups of drugs.

    Side effects

    Not identified. In rare cases, individual intolerance.


    No contraindications have been identified.

    Can be used: pregnant women, nursing mothers, children from birth under the supervision of an appropriate specialist.

    Storage conditions


    Staphylococcal toxoid

    NIIEM them. N.F.Gamalei, Russia

    Price from 510 to 1250 rubles.

    It is a clear, colorless liquid (sometimes light yellow) available as a solution for subcutaneous administration. It is used to treat staphylococcus aureus in acute or chronic form.


    • Contains no preservatives
    • The drug does not have a toxic effect on the body in an explicit form


    • At the slightest storage conditions - it is no longer possible to use the solution
    • After the injection, local and general reactions of the body can be observed.

    In this section, you can get acquainted with the various types of bacteriophages that are used in other infections and diseases.


    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 650 to 750 rubles.

    Recommended for use in: enteral infections, urological and gynecological diseases, ENT and surgical pathologies, inflammatory diseases with purulent discharge in newborns, septic diseases caused by Escherichia coli or Proteus. Release form: sterile solution for internal and external use.


    • Possible during pregnancy
    • Bacteriophage coliproteus liquid is used for children from birth.


    • Coliproteus bacteriophage in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction
    • The use of the drug involves complex manipulations to maintain the sterility of the solution.


    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 640 to 770 rubles.

    During periods of infectious outbreaks, it is recommended to use it as a prophylactic drug for family use, in the complex fight against nosocomial infection. It is prescribed for children from a year and adults after consulting a doctor. Children under one year of age are prescribed a bacteriophage of salmonella groups ABCDE. Release form: in the form of a solution of 100 ml and 20 ml and in the form of tablets for the treatment of bacteriocarrier and diseases caused by salmonella.


    • Effective result from the use of the solution in babies
    • Can be combined with other antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs (staphylococcal bacteriophage)


    • Appointed only after the results of the tests
    • Not always available for sale.

    Klebsiella pneumonia

    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 490 to 650 rubles.

    It affects only strains of Klebsiella, does not have a negative effect on the body. The bacteriophage of Klebsiella pneumonia helps in the complex treatment of otitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. For the treatment of diseases associated with the nasopharynx, you can drip nose drops or use an aerosol during pregnancy.


    • Purified bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia is allowed to be used by pregnant women
    • It is possible to use bacteriophage Klebsiella pneumonia purified to children from birth in accordance with the dosage by age.


    • The bacteriophage of Klebsiella pneumonia is prescribed only after clinical tests and established sensitivity to infection.
    • The dosage of the drug is calculated only by the doctor.


    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 200 to 610 rubles.

    Antibacterial drug for therapeutic treatment of dysentery and prophylactic use. Available in liquid and tablet form.


    • Good drug tolerance
    • Bacteriophage dysenteric polyvalent can be prescribed with other drugs in complex therapy


    • Contraindicated in pregnancy
    • To control the correctness of the choice of treatment process, a sensitivity analysis should be carried out.


    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 200 to 610 rubles.

    Microgen, Russia
    Price from 60 to 250 rubles.

    It is used for adults and children from eight years of age to irrigate the nose. Proteus liquid bacteriophage and liquid coliproteus bacteriophage are similar in name, but differ in their effect on the body.


    • Easy to use aerosol
    • The liquid proteus bacteriophage differs from the simple proteus bacteriophage in that it can be used for children from the first days of life.


    • All types of use of the drug are only prescribed by a doctor after special diagnostic studies.

    Russian name

    Staphylococcal bacteriophage

    Latin name of the substance Staphylococcal bacteriophage

    Bacteriophagum staphylococcum ( genus. Bacteriophage staphylococci)

    Pharmacological group of the substance Staphylococcal bacteriophage

    Model clinical and pharmacological article 1

    Pharma action. It has the ability to specifically lyse staphylococcal bacteria.

    Indications. Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, respiratory tract, lungs (sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy) and the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis); surgical infections (purulent wounds, burns, mastitis, abscess, phlegmon, carbuncle, hydradenitis, felon, paraproctitis, bursitis, osteomyelitis); urogenital infections (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis); purulent-inflammatory diseases of newborns and infants (omphalitis, pyoderma, conjunctivitis, gastroenterocolitis, sepsis); generalized septic diseases. For prevention - treatment of postoperative and freshly infected wounds, as well as for the prevention of nosocomial infections according to epidemic indications.

    Contraindications. Hypersensitivity.

    Dosing. inside. Enterocolitis, diseases of internal organs, intestinal dysbacteriosis - 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. For 1 dose up to 6 months - 5 ml, 6-12 months - 10 ml, from 1 year to 3 years - 15 ml, from 3 to 8 years - 20 ml, from 8 years and older - 30 ml.

    Rectally 1 time per day (in the form of an enema) in combination with a double ingestion. For 1 dose up to 6 months - 10 ml; 6-12 months - 20 ml; from 1 to 3 years - 30 ml; from 3 to 8 years - 40 ml; from 8 years and older in an enema - 50 ml.

    Locally for 7-20 days in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases with localized lesions.

    If the cavity of the purulent focus is treated with chemical antiseptics, before using the bacteriophage, rinse the cavity with a sterile 0.9% NaCl solution.

    Purulent wounds - in the form of irrigation, applications, dressings, introduction through drainage at least 1 time per day. In case of abscesses after opening and removing the purulent contents, the drug is administered in an amount less than the volume of the removed pus. In drained cavities daily 1 time per day - 20-200 ml.

    Osteomyelitis - 10-20 ml into the wound cavity through the turunda, drainage.

    Introduction into cavities (pleural, articular, and other limited cavities) - up to 100 ml of bacteriophage, leaving capillary drainage, through which the bacteriophage is re-introduced for several days.

    Purulent-inflammatory gynecological diseases - 5-10 ml daily 1 time per day in the cavity of the vagina, uterus.

    Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs - 2-10 ml 1-3 times a day in the cavity of the middle ear, nose. Bacteriophage is used for rinsing, washing, instillation, introduction of moistened turundas (leaving them for 1 hour).

    Cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis - 20-50 ml into the bladder and 5-7 ml into the renal pelvis through a cystostomy or nephrostomy.

    Children up to 6 months. Sepsis, enterocolitis of newborns, including premature babies, 2-3 times a day in the form of high enemas (through a gas tube or catheter). In the absence of vomiting and regurgitation, the drug is used orally, mixed with breast milk. Perhaps a combination of rectal and oral administration of the drug. The course of treatment is 5-15 days, with a recurrent course of the disease, repeated courses of treatment are possible. To prevent sepsis and enterocolitis in case of intrauterine infection or the risk of nosocomial infection in newborns, the bacteriophage is used in the form of enemas 2 times a day for 5-7 days.

    Omphalitis, pyoderma, infected wounds - 2 times a day daily as an application (moisten a gauze cloth with a bacteriophage and apply to the umbilical wound or the affected area of ​​the skin).

    Side effect. Not described.

    Special instructions. The use of bacteriophage does not exclude the use of other drugs, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

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