What to do to avoid diabetes. Be in a depressed state. Violations of a healthy lifestyle - the cause of diabetes

On the day of the fight against a terrible disease - advice from doctors

November 14, World Diabetes Day was dedicated to the theme proper nutrition. After all, there is a direct connection between overweight and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is scientifically proven. And this means that two-thirds of Russians are at risk for the development of diabetes today. What and how to eat to avoid this disease? Experts told about this "MK".

Every 5 seconds someone in the world gets sick diabetes, and every 7 seconds someone dies from this disease, which has received the status of a non-communicable epidemic of the XXI century. According to the Diabetes Atlas of the International Diabetes Federation, there are 382 million people with diabetes in the world (that's three times more than in 1990!). And by 2035, the number of diabetic patients in the world will grow to half a billion people - that is, every tenth person on earth will get sick.

In Russia, officially there are already 3.9 million such patients. “In reality, there are much more patients, at least 10.9 million,” says the chief pediatric endocrinologist Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, President of the Russian Diabetes Association LLC Valentina Peterkova. - Diabetes does not hurt and can be secretive for many years. Overweight is the leading cause of both the development of the disease itself and its accompanying complications. But the number of overweight people in our country is growing. If we can stop the obesity epidemic, we will stop the type 2 diabetes epidemic.”

The first thing that doctors recommend both for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and for people with such a diagnosis is to lose weight. But this does not mean "go on a diet." “Every diet involves reducing the total caloric content of the diet in one form or another. For example, forbidding food certain products or combine one with the other. Miracles do not happen - in order to lose weight, in any case, you will have to eat less. And the basics of proper nutrition must be followed constantly. Without this treatment, even the most modern drugs will not be effective, ”says the head of the department of program education and treatment of the Endocrinological scientific center Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Alexander Mayorov.

Our expert advises to start weight loss by limiting the caloric content of the diet by 500-1000 kilocalories. The easiest way to do this is to reduce the usual portions by half. And also by removing or significantly limiting the use of high-calorie "sweets" rich in fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. These include fatty varieties meat, butter, including vegetable, lard, sausages, smoked meats, fatty dairy products, poultry skin, canned food, seeds and nuts. Doctors recommend adding all these products to the “red list”. As in a traffic light, red will symbolize danger. “Many people believe that butter has more calories than vegetable oil. Actually in 100 g butter 720 kcal, and in 100 g of vegetable - 900 kcal, this is the highest calorie content in nature. And many do not consider nuts for food, while one bag contains half of the daily energy requirement, ”the doctors say. Doctors also include sweets on the red list, including honey, which, it turns out, raises glucose levels much faster than pure sugar.

For the prevention of diabetes mellitus in children school meals Since 2009, sugary carbonated drinks, spreads, mayonnaise, deep-fried food have been banned, says Valentina Peterkova.

Next list products need to be dyed yellow light- this includes foods that should be consumed in moderation, that is, in the amount of half the usual portion. These include proteins and carbohydrates: lean meat, lean fish, low-fat dairy, grains, legumes, cereals, pasta, eggs, bread (white and black have the same calories!)

Finally, there are a number of foods, mainly vegetables and herbs, that you can eat without restrictions. This "green list" includes cabbage, cucumbers, leaf salad, greens, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, beets, carrots, green beans, radish, radish. For example, the number of calories in one piece of bread is equal to the number of calories in two kilograms of cucumbers.

Doctors add that in no case should you starve! Approximate daily calorie content should not be below 1200 kcal for women and 1500 kcal for men.

What to do if you (like the vast majority of people) do not know how to calculate calories? Doctors say that this is not necessary. “The important thing is not how many calories a person consumed, but how much he reduced his usual diet. The indicator will be weight loss. The rate of weight loss should be very slow - no more than 0.5 kg per week. If the weight does not decrease, then the person does not follow the diet, ”says Dr. Mayorov.

For people with type 2 diabetes, one of the main goals of changing the diet is also to prevent a significant increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels. As a rule, it rises after taking carbohydrates.

One of the common myths is that people with diabetes should not eat carbohydrates, in particular, bread, potatoes, pasta. In addition, it is generally accepted that these products are contraindicated for people who want to lose weight. It's a delusion! If you eat them without fat and in moderation, they are not dangerous for the figure. Carbohydrates are the basis of our nutrition, a source of energy for our body. Exception - easily digestible carbohydrates in pure such as sugar, honey, fruit juices. They immediately and very strongly increase the level of blood glucose. Well, everyone, without exception, should keep in mind that in order to maintain slim figure half of your plate should be vegetables, less than a third - fats and about 15% proteins. However, the amount of carbohydrates needed per day depends on the needs of a person, taking into account his physical activity. The latter should take at least 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity, and even better would be at least 1 hour a day, continues Alexander Mayorov.

By themselves, fatty foods do not increase glucose levels, but they lead to the accumulation of excess weight, which is a risk factor for diabetes. But (few people know about it) seriously increases blood glucose levels fat-free kefir. Long years Soviet doctors said that sour fruit much more useful for diabetes than sweets, as they do not affect glucose levels. But in last years scientists have found that both green apples and bananas increase sugar in the same way.

The most useful, according to experts, are foods rich in plant fibers ( whole wheat bread, vegetables, herbs), unsaturated fatty acids(fish) and non-caloric sweeteners.

Many people believe that diabetes develops in those who eat a lot of sweets. However, sugary foods by themselves do not increase blood glucose levels. “Excessive consumption of sweets can lead to weight gain, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, but a slender person who eats only cakes has a much lower risk than a fat person who does not eat sweets,” doctors say.

Alcohol experts do not prohibit completely, but advise to significantly limit it. Also because of his high calorie. For example, 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 kilocalories. “The fact that beer has more calories than spirits is a myth, beer is the lowest calorie of all alcoholic beverages, 100 grams have the same calories as fruit juice. However, beer is drunk much more. And in two bottles of a foamy drink - already 500 kilocalories, ”continues Alexander Mayorov.

Doctors emphasize that even with a diagnosis of diabetes, you can become a long-liver if you eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow the doctor's recommendations. By the way, in the last two years in Russia they began to award Dr. Joslin medals (they are given to patients who have lived for more than 50 years with diabetes) - we already have 20 medalists.

Our experts note that there are no people who cannot lose weight. "Many people say: I'm getting fat because of hormonal disorders, or tablets, or such heredity, or the constitution. But pounds of weight are taken from food, not from heredity. Therefore, proper nutrition should become a habit for everyone, ”says Alexander Mayorov.

In 43 cities of Russia, 57 regional educational centers for patients with diabetes have already opened, where patients can receive similar advice on how to lead a lifestyle with this disease. The study showed that after training there, 93% of patients began to better follow the doctor's prescriptions, and 90.7% better understand the meaning of insulin therapy.

Diabetes mellitus is severe violation endocrine system in which the pancreas is unable to secrete insulin sufficient quantities, or the hormone simply cannot be absorbed by the body. Every inhabitant of our planet, without exception, has a risk of getting sick. Someone has a slightly higher chance, someone has a slightly lower chance, but this does not mean that you do not need to monitor your health.

People who have genetic predisposition to this violation. If your mom, dad, grandparents had diabetes, then you need to be especially careful. There are a number of recommendations explaining what to do to avoid this trouble. It is them that we will analyze today and talk about how not to get sick with diabetes for an adult and a child.

Basic principles

Diabetes is extremely complex disease fraught with a wide range of possible consequences. The most severe and dangerous for patients are:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • amputation of limbs;
  • deterioration of vision up to its complete loss.

A person with diabetes mellitus runs the risk of facing many troubles every day, so it is better to try to prevent the occurrence of a violation. Make it real.

The main negative prerequisites that lead to diseases of this kind are not even problems with the pancreas (such as pancreatitis), but obesity. It is this nuisance that is considered key and can lead to the development of the disease both in people prone to it and in those who do not have a predisposition. Therefore, it is worth highlighting three main principles of disease prevention. In order not to get sick, you need:

  1. Eat properly.
  2. Increase physical activity.
  3. See an endocrinologist.

most big problem for modern society is food. Because we use harmful products, suffers not only the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract, but also other organ systems. The body must always be in balance. nutrients. Of course, not always what is tasty is useful and vice versa. However, in order to prevent the development of diabetes, you still need to develop certain eating habits. In particular:

  • minimize the consumption of foods rich in fats;
  • halve the amount of products rich in carbohydrates and proteins;
  • eat unlimited food the minimum amount calories.

Why excess weight is a problem? Because the more fat deposits in the body, the less cells are susceptible to insulin. Therefore, excess weight is the main enemy of a person who does not want to get sick with diabetes. It is widely believed that the disease comes from sweets. In fact, this is a little different. Sweet can be diet foods they won't get diabetes. The most dangerous in this case are fatty sweets (for example, all kinds of cream cakes) and foods rich in sugar (pastries, sweets). If the sweet does not contain glucose and is not replete with fats, then it can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities.

What foods should be restricted

There is a whole list of products, the use of which must be abandoned, or as much as possible to reduce their number in the diet. First of all, all kinds of fatty foods should be attributed to those. This is butter and vegetable oil, although you cannot completely refuse them. Fat can be harmful to the body. You should also be careful with any dairy products. high fat content. Therefore, sour cream and cream are the first candidates for exception, and it is recommended to choose cottage cheese according to the fat content (no more than 5%).

As for meat, again, you need to reduce consumption fatty product and smoked meats. Dietary meat in the diet can be left. It is also necessary to abandon fish, which includes a large number of fat, as well as from bird skins. It is not recommended to eat all kinds of canned food.

From plant products, you should limit the consumption of nuts and seeds, because both of these products are very fatty. Lovers of honey and jam will have to be upset, because they are rich in glucose. Also pay attention to sweet pastries, confectionery, sweet water and alcohol. Experts advise eating as little fried food as possible.

Foods that are not subject to any restrictions include vegetables and fruits. The more plant foods you eat, the better for you. You can also drink as much mineral water and unsweetened coffee as you like. Contrary to popular belief, coffee does not cause diabetes. When preparing all kinds vegetable salads try to minimize the amount of mayonnaise, butter and other fatty dressings. Vegetable oil will be good option only in small quantities.

Diabetes is a very dangerous disease in which the body loses the ability to absorb glucose. Unfortunately, none of us is immune from the development of this terrible disease. The development of diabetes is largely predisposed by a hereditary factor that we are not able to influence. However, there are other circumstances that can act as a "trigger" to the emergence sugar disease. All of them are connected exclusively with the way of life and may well be adjusted. So, the risk of developing diabetes increases if you:

1. Skip breakfast.

According to an American publication dedicated to medical nutrition(the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition), by skipping breakfast just once a week, we increase our risk of developing diabetes by 20%. During a night's sleep, insulin levels are at a dead center, but when you wake up and for a long time do not eat, it drops sharply. When you finally eat lunch, insulin levels will rise just as sharply. These spikes in insulin are unhealthy and increase your chances of getting diabetes.

2. Eat lots of sweets.

Everyone knows that “if you eat a lot of sweets, diabetes can develop”. So, if you are a lover of cakes and cola, you are at risk. However, the development of the disease is provoked not so much by the amount of sugar consumed, but by the excess weight that often appears in the sweet tooth. As body weight increases, the body needs to produce more and more insulin to maintain normal glucose levels. The more extra pounds we gain, the more difficult it is to strike the right balance. In the end, insulin may not be enough and then diabetes will develop.

3. Get little sleep.

For the prevention of diabetes good sleep is no less important than . According to the Minnesota regional center According to the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders study, a person experiencing a lack of sleep triggers reactions similar to those that occur with insulin resistance. In particular, in a person who sleeps little, the process of converting glucose into energy can slow down. So if after sleepless night you feel overwhelmed and deprived of strength, this may also be due to the state of prediabetes.

4. Be depressed.

depression is considered side effect diabetes mellitus, but data from a study published on the American Diabetes Association website suggests that depression can also be a trigger for the development of diabetes. According to the information presented, people who experience depression are 63% more likely to develop diabetes. Some doctors even consider depression and diabetes to be similar illnesses, with similar symptoms of weakness and fatigue.

5. You don't move much.

If you have sedentary work or do you prefer outdoor activities long sitting in front of the TV, you are at risk. Every hour you spend in stable sitting position increases the risk of developing diabetes by 3.4%. To reduce this risk, you need to get up and move from time to time. Even if you just get up every half an hour, the risk of getting sick will decrease. Ideally, to stay healthy, you need to exercise, at least 20 minutes 3-4 times a week. Moreover, it is best if you sweat a lot during these classes.

So, now you know what you can do to avoid becoming a victim of diabetes. Of course, reconsidering your way of life will require some effort and work on yourself from you. However, it is absolutely worth it! Especially when you consider that new good habits improve your overall health and help prevent not only the development of diabetes, but also a whole “bouquet” of other diseases called “lifestyle diseases”.

How not to get sick dangerous disease? It turns out that type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. But the 2nd is quite real. What needs to be done for this? There are many simple rules.

How not to get diabetes - features

In short, you need to adhere to the following:

  1. Watch your weight, as diabetes most often affects people who are obese.
  2. Move more, drive active image life, so that there are no stagnation in the body.
  3. Eat right, do not allow an excess of sugar in the body. Remember, sweets and excessively fatty foods disrupt carbohydrate metabolism.
  4. No need to overeat.
  5. Give up smoking and alcohol abuse.
  6. Control your blood glucose levels.
  7. In case of any violation in the body, consult a doctor in a timely manner (see which doctor treats diabetes mellitus).

You need to know that diabetes does not develop rapidly, it develops over a long period of time, so you always have the opportunity to take action in advance. On the initial stages much easier to get rid of pathology.

Blood sugar control

It is advisable to visit an endocrinologist at least once a year and take appropriate tests. If for some reason you cannot do this, you can control your blood sugar levels at home. Just before that, carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor. Today, many devices for measuring sugar on their own are produced. The following are considered the most reliable and accurate:

  1. Device number 1. Test strips are purchased specific color after contact with biological fluid(blood, urine). It is the shade of the strip that indicates the level of glucose.
  2. Device number 2. The glucometer device also has test strips that must be inserted into the device. The device automatically evaluates the sugar level. The result is shown on the display.

Step-by-step instructions for measuring sugar at home

The glucometer is sold in a complete set with test strips, a finger prick lancet and instructions for use. Rules for measuring glucose levels with a glucometer:

  • Be sure to check the accuracy of the code on the device and the tube with the test strips before use. If it is not the same, you need to adjust the glucometer. How to do this is indicated in the annotation.
  • Hands must be clean and dry.
  • Pierce the fingertip with a lancet, which must first be massaged.
  • Remove the strip from the vial and place it against the drop of blood.
  • Remember, the first drop from the finger is wiped off, and the second is used to conduct the test.
  • Insert a test strip into the meter.
  • Wait a maximum of 15 seconds and read the result.

Please note that glucose readings may vary due to several factors. For example, after heavy physical activity, at high temperature body or in stressful situations. Therefore, in this state, the sugar content may not correspond to reality.

Measuring blood sugar levels with a Bionime GM 110 glucometer (video)

From the video review you will learn clearly how to measure the level of glucose in the blood using the Bionime GM 110 model glucometer:

Table of indicators of blood sugar levels - transcript

Read also: how to determine diabetes mellitus (tests, signs, risk factors).

Who is at risk

  • Age category over 40 years.
  • Obese people.
  • With a hereditary predisposition (if one of the close relatives has diabetes).
  • People with in an inactive way life.
  • In case of non-compliance with proper nutrition (eating excessive amounts of sweet, fatty, smoked, canned, etc.).
  • The presence of diseases of the digestive tract, heart, circulatory system, pancreas.

What should be the food

Nutrition in the life of every person plays one of the critical roles. Because it depends general state health. Food products can affect the functionality of all body systems, both positively and negatively, so the diet must be correct.

In order to prevent the development of diabetes, the diet should be as follows:

  • It is important to limit the intake of carbohydrates and high-calorie foods. Carbohydrates overload the pancreas, disrupting its work, and calories lead to a set overweight which is dangerous for diabetes.
  • The diet should be as varied as possible.
  • The diet should be divided into 5 times a day. In this case, portions should be small.
  • Dishes should preferably be steamed or cooked in water. You can bake in the oven, but with a minimum amount of fat.
  • Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet - let them be the maximum amount.
  • Eliminate the consumption of sweets, pastries and fatty foods. It is necessary to refuse smoked, canned and too salty.
  • Vegetables and fruits are conditionally divided into 3 groups based on the content of carbohydrates. So, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes are considered the most useful and low-carb. Average carbohydrates are found in carrots, beets, radishes, onion. And also in currants, raspberries, strawberries, citrus crops. Most high content harmful carbohydrates in potatoes, grapes, bananas, figs, sweet apples. Of course, it is impossible to completely refuse such products, it is enough to reduce the dosage.
  • It is very important to eat foods that contain dietary fiber, as they contribute to the formation of insoluble and poorly absorbed complexes, thereby removing cholesterol and sugar from the body. These are foods such as rye and bran bread, various cereals.
  • Eat more protein foods. it lean varieties fish and meat, dairy products.
  • Give special attention water intake, it should be at least one and a half liters per day.
  • If there is a need to use alcoholic beverages(birthdays, holidays), then drink them in moderation.

Prevention of diabetes: proper nutrition (video)

From the video you will additionally learn what should be the diet that helps prevent diabetes - the features of food intake, types of foods and much more:

Weight loss: sports, physical activity

As you know, excess fat, which accumulates in the body, significantly reduces the sensitivity to natural insulin, resulting in an increase in glucose levels. To actively combat extra pounds you need to follow a low-carb diet and be sure to exercise. The fact is that this will not only prevent and relieve obesity, but also increase the sensitivity of cells and tissues to their own insulin. Therefore, the sugar level will not rise.

Among exercise aerobic training, strength and high-intensity is very popular. It turns out that more load further increases the body's sensitivity to insulin. And so less likely get diabetes.

Besides, physical activity consumes a store of energy within each cell. And this indicates that now the cells become open to absorb and process new doses of glucose. Sports activities save a person from bad cholesterol and fully strengthen circulatory system. Needless to say, reducing body fat and strengthening the immune and muscle systems!

No stress and bad habits

Stressful situations can develop diabetes mellitus, because with nervous overstrain, the level of secretion of one's own insulin decreases. Among other things, the produced insulin is inhibited basally, resulting in the release of glucose from the tissues into the blood.

This leads to a hyperglycemic state, which is characterized by a lack of a hormone. Another negative factor under stress is a decrease in the body's sensitivity to insulin and an increase in sugar levels. If a nervous tension lasts a long time, it strictly leads to the development of diabetes.

Smoking also has negative impact to the glucose level. It turns out that nicotine stimulates secretion stress hormones(somatotropin, cortisol and catecholamine). These hormones greatly increase the amount of sugar. Therefore, smokers have a much higher risk of developing diabetes than non-smokers.

If you contact the clinic for blood sugar control in a timely manner, adhere to proper nutrition and lead a healthy active lifestyle, you will eliminate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is a terrible disease that affects many people around the world. The disease is dangerous with fatal complications that can lead to death. Probably everyone has heard about the dangers of diabetes, but few people know that diabetes is preceded by prediabetes.

“If prediabetes is detected early, the development of type 2 diabetes can be completely avoided”

The main thing: to detect prediabetes, you need quite a bit: firstly, starting from the age of 40, you should be tested annually for glucose and the level of glycated (glycosylated) hemoglobin in the blood. If the tests show deviations from the norm, you need to make an appointment with a doctor and find out if you have prediabetes, and then just change your lifestyle. You may also need medication.

It's amazing how simple everything is, and yet how many people with diabetes!

A person dies of diabetes every 6 seconds in the US

“The incidence of diabetes is enormous. In 2014, 2016, approximately 5 million deaths were somehow associated with diabetes. And that's more than deaths from breast cancer, lung cancer, HIV/AIDS and malaria ALL combined. Here it is - the scale: in the USA, every 6 seconds, a person dies from diabetes. And this is due, among other things, to the fact that the diagnosis of diabetes was made late, and we can no longer change anything, ”says Alexander Ametov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, RMAPE of the Russian Ministry of Health.

In Russia, approximately 6 million people suffer from type 2 diabetes. But the real number of patients can reach 9 million people.

But according to the results of the first national epidemiological study NATION, in Russia 19.3% of the population or approximately 20.7 million people live with prediabetes. The prevalence of prediabetes in developed countries is much lower, ranging from 10 to 16% among the adult population.

Obviously, to change the situation, you need to change the concept and look no longer for diabetes, but for prediabetes.

To understand how to “catch” prediabetes, you need to understand how diabetes itself develops. Fortunately, experts have such an understanding: the normal state is prediabetes - diabetes mellitus (deterioration of insulin sensitivity, increasing glucose levels, glucose toxicity, a decrease in the mass of pancreatic beta cells responsible for the secretion of insulin, one of the main regulatory hormones).

Who is at risk

Unfortunately, there are often no symptoms of prediabetes. And here it is better to talk about risk factors for the development of prediabetes and, consequently, at a later date - diabetes mellitus.

"It - overweight body or obesity predominantly abdominal (abdominal) type, overeating, passion for fatty, sweet food and fast food, low physical activity and genetic predisposition - the presence of diabetes in relatives, ”says Aleksey Zilov, candidate of medical sciences, member of the presidium of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists.

How to Diagnose Prediabetes

Prediabetes can be diagnosed using laboratory methods.

“For all people over 40, I would recommend taking two tests once a year - for fasting blood glucose and for blood glycated (glycosylated) hemoglobin. With hidden increases in blood glucose levels, glucose binds to a certain amount of hemoglobin, expressed as a percentage. Hemoglobin is a transport protein for oxygen and a high percentage of binding to glucose leads to partial oxygen starvation of tissues and organs, leading to complications,” explains Alexey Zilov.

How to prevent prediabetes from turning into diabetes

If an endocrinologist diagnoses prediabetes based on research, then it can still be changed. And most importantly, without losing the pleasure of life, adds Ph.D., doctor the highest category, Member of the European Atherosclerotic Society and European Society Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Fatima Dzgoeva.

"Change in lifestyle and nutrition - main factor success in the fight against prediabetes. No need to go on a diet - you need to follow a rational approach to nutrition, intelligently combining it with physical activity and not forgetting about a good mood. Prediabetes is the “bell” of the body that needs to be heard and taken action,” Fatima Dzagoeva notes with optimism.

What to eat

"In your diet should be a lot dietary fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits and grains. But you should not eat more than two fruits at a time. And better in the morning. Freshly squeezed juices should also not be carried away. They lose some of their useful properties as the fibers are removed from them. The only juice you can drink every day is tomato juice. Avocado is very useful - at least twice a week, it contains a lot of vegetable fats, fiber, it is able to reduce the level bad cholesterol. Then, red rice, chocolate, but only - bitter. Fats: olive oil, flaxseed oil - you can recommend everyone to add it to salads. In general, the most healthy diet for us it is Mediterranean,” says Fatima Dzagoeva.

“It is essential that the policy of prediabetes treatment be based on a holistic approach: it balanced diet, this is a reasonable physical activity, these are medical possibilities. This is a set of measures that could prevent the development of a serious disease - diabetes. The early prescription of one of the most successful drugs in the treatment of diabetes, metformin, is a recommendation that should soon be adopted at the level of the Ministry of Health. And I really hope that then we will gradually begin to solve this problem,” says Alexander Ametov.

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