Types of clinical studies. Research planning methodology in medicine

The concept of medicine comes from the Latin word medicari, which meant the appointment of a medical. Medicine is responsible for restoring, curing diseases and preventing the occurrence of further disorders, i.e. medicine is a science that studies, warns them and leads to a successful outcome. The field of medicine includes both theoretical and practical activities.

An object

The object of study of medicine is a person as a biological species, which has its own specific nature. In the process of studying disciplines that are part of medical science, a person is considered as one that combines both spiritual and bodily components. Despite the fact that medicine is predominantly focused on the study of the bodily component, its spirituality is also taken into account, which is considered within disciplines such as psychotherapy and psychiatry. In modern medicine, a person is considered as an integral spiritual and bodily being within the framework of such concepts as "health" and "disease".

However, the terms "disease" and "health" are not fully developed. The concept of "disease" is characterized as a phenomenon that creates unfavorable conditions for the body. The term "health" characterizes the state of the human body in relation to the established norms used in a certain area.

Thus, the object of medicine is a person who is considered as an integral organism, functioning within the framework of the definitions of "health" and "disease". Within this framework, three more objects of medical science can be distinguished: pathology and psychological connections within the framework of factors that affect a person as a living organism.


In medicine, there are several subject areas, each of which forms a separate direction in science and allows a more detailed consideration of aspects human health. The subject of medicine as a science is the pathogenesis of diseases that appear. This includes the study of the causes of the development of diseases in humans, as well as the patterns of appearance of these pathological processes.

Other concepts that are included in the subject area of ​​medicine are the clinic, i.e. methods of treatment and recognition of diseases. The subjects of medical research are also (prevention of) diseases and forms of organization of assistance to the population, i.e. theory of health organization.

Classification of the main methods of medical research. Laboratory research methods
Classification of medical research methods
Modern methods of medical research can be divided into two main groups - laboratory and instrumental. The main methods belonging to these two groups are presented in the diagram. In addition, instrumental methods include special group methods, called surgical methods. A separate consideration of this group is associated with the peculiarities of these methods, which consist in the fact that instrumental methods are combined in them with surgical interventions.

Let us give a brief description of the main methods presented in the diagram. In subsequent lectures, all these methods will be considered in sufficient detail.

Laboratory methods consist in the study of the chemical and physical properties of biological fluids and tissues, samples environment(washouts from surfaces, samples of water, soil, air, etc.). In addition, laboratory methods include the study and identification of microorganisms (bacteriology and virology), in order to identify pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms for humans and animals and develop methods specific prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. In microbiology, microscopic research methods, methods of cultivating microorganisms, genetic engineering, chromatography, mass spectrometry, isotope indicators, electrophoresis, cytological, immunochemical, biochemical and others are widely used. Instrumental diagnostic methods can be both invasive and non-invasive. Invasive methods are methods based on the penetration of any sensors or agents into the body of the subject. For example, the introduction of contrast agents into the blood or various cavities of the body, the use of probes and sensors introduced into the body. These methods include angiography, gastrofibroscopy, pneumocephalography, radiation methods, etc. Non-invasive methods are methods not associated with penetration into the body. These include x-ray, electrical, ultrasonic, optical, thermal imaging.

A clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) is a mandatory department of any polyclinic or hospital, and the larger the medical institution, the more diversified its laboratory. A modern doctor, practically of any profile, cannot work without accurate qualitative indicators of the state of systems and organs, metabolism, protective reserves of the body, etc., since on their basis the diagnosis is established and objectified, the course of the disease and the effectiveness of therapy are controlled.

There are 3 main groups of objective methods for studying the human body:

1. Structural diagnostics - methods that detect changes in the structure of organs and tissues (X-ray, ultrasound, thermal imaging, endoscopy - gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.).

2. Functional diagnostics - methods for studying the functioning of organs and systems by their electrical manifestations (electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, etc.), sound (phonocardiography), mechanical (sphygmography) and other manifestations.

3. Laboratory diagnostics - methods for detecting changes in the cellular and chemical composition of biofluids and other biomaterials.

Without diminishing the importance of structural and functional diagnostic methods, it should be noted that 70-80% of the objective diagnostic information the doctor receives on the basis of laboratory tests, and the state of some systems, in particular, the immune, blood coagulation systems, can only be determined using laboratory methods. In addition, some laboratory studies make it possible to identify a pathological process at the preclinical stage, when there are no subjective sensations and pronounced changes in organs and tissues, and also to assess the degree of risk of developing a particular disease for healthy person.

Currently, laboratory medicine is a complex of many subdisciplines, each of which examines certain components of biological material using its own specific methods.

Clinical and laboratory hematology (hemocytology and coagulation)
Hemocytology is a branch of laboratory medicine that studies blood and bone marrow cells. This link of the laboratory service is traditionally associated with clinical hematology, since the diagnosis of blood diseases necessarily includes counting, identifying structural anomalies and the degree of maturation of blood cells, as well as determining the myelogram. For this, not only traditional microscopy is used, but also luminescent, scanning, electron microscope. For the qualitative and quantitative determination of cell populations at different stages of proliferation and differentiation, methods of cytochemistry, monoclonal typing, and radioisotope research are currently used. Traditional routine determinations of the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin, leukogram in modern laboratories are carried out on automatic analyzers with high performance and accuracy.

Coagulation studies - a set of tests that characterize the blood coagulation system (hemostasis). Modern automated coagulographs allow you to simultaneously determine 5-9 indicators within a few minutes.

Clinical Biochemistry- one of the most extensive sections of laboratory medicine, including studies of the content of organic and inorganic substances formed in the course of biochemical reactions, as well as the activity of enzymes in serum, plasma, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and other biological fluids. Modern devices for biochemical research automatically determine up to 20-30 indicators simultaneously using several microliters of blood. The widespread introduction of “dry chemistry” methods makes it possible to transfer a number of biochemical analyzes from a test tube to special test strips and to determine many indicators almost instantly without devices.

Clinical and laboratory immunology - a relatively young and rapidly developing branch of laboratory medicine, which provides for the determination of the degree of anti-infective and antitumor protection of the body based on a set of indicators, as well as laboratory diagnostics and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy for allergic diseases. Determining the immune status of a person is becoming a necessary condition for the successful treatment of many diseases, so the immunological laboratory in the coming years will be a mandatory subdivision of all CDL.
Clinical microbiology (bacteriology, mycology, virology)
Laboratory microbiological studies are carried out to identify pathogens of infectious and inflammatory processes, determine their sensitivity to drugs and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The need for such research is constantly growing; the need for mass screening and diagnosis of HIV infection required the creation of specialized laboratories. In recent decades, great progress has been made in this area due to the widespread introduction of immunological and molecular genetic methods, which make it possible to determine with high accuracy specific surface antigens and DNA fragments of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa using immunofluorescence reaction (RIF), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) , polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA probes. This makes it possible to accurately determine pathogens that, with the help of cultural and serological methods cannot be identified. Automated analyzers make it possible to identify pathogens and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics in a few hours.
Cytology (exfoliative and puncture)
Cytological diagnostics consists in studying the structure and identifying pathological changes in the structure of cells obtained from exudates, synovial and cerebrospinal fluid, from the surface of the mucous membranes, as well as from tissues and organs during their puncture biopsy. Puncture cytology is the main method of preoperative and surgical diagnosis of benign and malignant neoplasms. Modern methods of automated cytophotometry, histochemistry, radioisotope research make cytological analysis operational and accurate.
Clinical Molecular Biology and Diagnostic Genetics
Examines genetic material - chromosomes, genes, nucleic acids to identify different types mutations underlying hereditary diseases and malformations. Modern methods of DNA diagnostics - hybridization analysis, genome amplification, polymerase chain reaction, DNA probes and others are indispensable in prenatal diagnosis and are also widely used to detect viruses and bacteria.

Clinical toxicology
Provides laboratory diagnosis of acute and chronic poisoning caused by organic and inorganic substances, drugs, etc.

A high degree of environmental pollution, production with harmful conditions, man-made accidents and many other factors determine the modern significance of this area of ​​medicine.

General clinical studies
Clinical laboratory studies are among the most common methods for diagnosing human diseases. These studies include; general blood and urine tests, determination of the functional state of various organs and systems (kidneys, liver, etc.), study of the composition of biofluids and body secretions.

The number of these studies in medical practice is constantly growing. Not only the range of indicators used is expanding, but the methods themselves are constantly being improved.

results laboratory research not only contribute to the detection of a particular pathology, but are also used to monitor the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy. In combination with other laboratory and instrumental methods, they acquire even greater diagnostic value. However, the purposeful appointment of laboratory tests is possible only taking into account the clinical picture of the disease. Trying to use as much as possible laboratory indicators complicates their interpretation, loads the laboratory with unnecessary work, renders additional load on the patient.

General clinical studies are often devoid of specificity, but this in no way detracts from their diagnostic value.

Clinical blood tests
When talking about blood tests, you should always keep in mind that blood itself is only a part of the system, which also includes hematopoietic organs (bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, liver) and blood destruction (spleen, tissues). All links in this system are interconnected and interdependent.

The bone marrow is the organ in which blood cells are born and mature. Through certain time cells enter the bloodstream, in which erythrocytes live for about 120 days, platelets - 10, and neutrophils only about 10 hours. Moreover, if erythrocytes and platelets function in the bloodstream, then granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils) and macrophages also function in tissues.

Counting the number cellular elements, which can be performed both manually, using a microscope, and automatically, allows you to determine the functional state of the bone marrow, diagnose a number of diseases associated with a violation of its activity.

In addition, by determining the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and other elements, the concentration of hemoglobin and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), it is possible to detect the presence of an inflammatory disease (pneumonia, rheumatism, polyarthritis, tuberculosis, etc.).

Biochemical blood and urine tests
Biochemical analyzes of blood and other biological fluids make up about 40% of all laboratory tests. They can characterize both the state of the whole organism, for example, indicators of acid-base balance, and individual bodies such as organ-specific enzymes. Since the metabolism between organs and tissues is mediated by blood flow, the blood plasma contains in different concentrations all substances that enter the body and are synthesized in it. The analytical capabilities of modern laboratories have practically removed the question “how to determine?”, since at present it is possible to determine substances contained in biological material at concentrations of 10-6-10-9 mol per liter, and their list includes several hundred organic and inorganic components .

When conducting biochemical analyzes of biological fluids, first of all, the total concentration of all proteins in the blood serum or urine is determined. In the construction of protein molecules, 20 different amino acids are used, the sequence and number of which determine the size and properties of the protein. In the body, the processes of "assembly" of protein molecules from amino acids and "dismantling" for the formation of energy or the removal of "unnecessary" proteins are constantly going on. The rates of these processes are strictly balanced, and therefore the concentration of proteins in the blood serum, tissues and organs is strictly balanced. A pathological decrease in protein concentration occurs with a decrease in its synthesis in the liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis), disorders of the stomach or intestines (inflammation, tumors), with frequently recurring bleeding (gastric, pulmonary, uterine, etc.), with kidney diseases accompanied by a significant loss protein with urine, with extensive burns, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

In the urine, on the contrary, there should be no protein, or only traces of it. Detection of protein in the urine in small amounts is possible after prolonged physical activity, hypothermia, the predominance of protein foods.

A pathological increase in the amount of protein in the urine (proteinuria) indicates, first of all, kidney disease - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure, etc., and is also possible with inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).

Studies of the blood coagulation system
Blood is a unique liquid tissue that has not only fluidity, but also the ability to coagulate (coagulate), that is, thicken and form dense clots (blood clots). The property of fluidity prevents cells from sticking together, and they easily move through all vessels, including the thinnest - capillaries. Due to the clotting ability, if small and medium-sized vessels are damaged, bleeding stops on its own after a while, since the gap in the vessel is closed by a thrombus. Both fluidity and blood clotting are provided by many substances and cells, which, interacting with each other, form a hemostasis system.

Hemostasis disorders can be the causes of independent diseases, but most often they play a very serious role in the course and sometimes in the outcome of other diseases, primarily injuries, surgical interventions, cardiovascular diseases, extensive inflammation, and childbirth. Therefore, the determination of indicators of the blood coagulation system (hemostasis) is very informative for assessing the condition, prognosis and effective treatment of many acute and chronic diseases.

The hemostasis system includes 3 interrelated links:

1 . Vascular component

The layer of cells lining the surface of blood vessels from the inside, the endothelium, releases many substances into the blood that do not allow blood cells to stick together and stick to the walls of blood vessels. When a vessel is damaged or ruptured, endothelial cells secrete substances that trigger the thrombus formation system.

2. Cellular (platelet) component

Small cells or platelets - platelets - are constantly circulating in the blood, on which the initial and final stages of thrombosis depend. When a vessel is damaged, platelets attach to the rupture site, spread over the damaged surface, stick together, forming a lump of cells - the primary hemostatic plug. This stage is called primary or platelet hemostasis, after which a cascade of reactions develops to ensure compaction and firm fixation of the thrombus in the vessel (secondary hemostasis). In addition, platelets play an essential role in the further restoration of the integrity of the vessel.

3. Plasma component

This is a large group of proteins, enzymes, calcium ions, which are contained in plasma and are functionally combined into: a) clotting plasma (coagulation); b) anticoagulant (anticoagulant); c) fibrinolytic (plasmin) system.

A detailed description of the hemostasis system is determined not only by its complexity, but also by the large number of laboratory studies that reflect its condition.
Endocrine research
Glands of internal secretion or endocrine glands - pituitary, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, male and female gonads - got their name due to the fact that they secrete the substances they synthesize - hormones - directly into the blood. This is provided by a very developed vascular network of glands.

Hormones are highly biological activity and are capable, in very small concentrations, of exerting a significant influence on the metabolism in cells and, through it, on the functions of systems and organs, body weight, and, to a certain extent, on behavior. Hormones act selectively on tissues, which is associated with an unequal number of receptors and sensitivity of tissues to different hormones.

Hormone production is under control nervous system, which through the hypothalamus regulates the synthesis of hormones in the pituitary gland. The hypothalamic hormones liberins (corticoliberin, somatoliberin, etc.) have an activating effect on the pituitary gland, and statins (somatostatin, melanostatin, etc.) have an inhibitory effect. The pituitary gland secretes large group so-called tropic hormones, each of which regulates the synthesis of the corresponding hormone in the peripheral gland. The hormones of the peripheral glands, in particular the adrenal medulla, in turn, control the secretion of hypothalamic hormones. Thanks to this close mutual influence and control, the endocrine glands form a single endocrine system. Therefore, an increase or decrease in the content of the hormone in the body can occur not only due to changes in the gland itself (tumor, atrophy, sclerosis, etc.), but also as a result of dysregulation by other systems.

Laboratory studies play an important role in the diagnosis of hormonal disorders, since the final diagnosis of most endocrine diseases can only be established after special tests and functional tests. Information about the activity of the endocrine gland can be obtained by directly determining the level of the corresponding hormone, intermediate products of its synthesis or transformation, as well as by determining the biochemical, physiological and other parameters of the processes that are affected by a particular hormone. Some endocrine disorders arise due to the formation of antibodies to hormones and substances involved in their formation. In such cases, the determination of the level (titer) of antibodies allows you to accurately determine the mechanisms of hormonal disorders. In modern specialized laboratories, radioimmunological methods for determining hormones are widely used, which are very accurate, specific, although expensive.

Research immune system
A person is constantly surrounded by a huge number of various pathogenic bacteria and viruses that are contained in the air, water, soil, on surrounding objects, food and the body of the person himself. They can cause many diseases, but this happens relatively rarely during life, since the body has a complex defense system against foreign agents - the immune system. The human body can be compared to a state that has a large well-armed army - immunity. A huge number of "soldiers" - immunocompetent cells - circulate in the blood, "patrolling" all organs and tissues and eliminating not only infectious agents (microbes, their toxins, viruses, etc.), but also cleansing the body of pathologically altered, malignant, dying and transplanted cells (organs). Thus, the main function of the immune system is the recognition and destruction of foreign bodies and substances.

The central organs of the immune system are the bone marrow and thymus ( thymus), the main peripheral - The lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen. In the immune system, a cellular and humoral link is isolated, which are closely interconnected in the body.

The cellular link of immunity includes lymphocytes and their derivatives - plasma cells, as well as macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and mast cells. Their number is determined by total leukocytes in the blood and according to the leukocyte formula (leukogram). Identification of immunocompromised individuals is based on the analysis of anamnesis data, the results of clinical, laboratory and immunological examinations. Determining the immune status of a person includes a set of analyzes that give a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of the cellular and humoral immunity. Frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases, their lingering course and subsequent complications indicate functional or structural defects in the human immune system.

Renal function studies
The kidney is a paired organ located on both sides of the spine in the lumbar region. The function of the kidneys is varied. The kidneys are involved in the removal of metabolic end products, foreign and toxic substances that enter the body from the external environment, maintain the constancy of osmotically active substances in the blood, acid-base balance, participate in the regulation of water balance, produce substances that regulate arterial pressure, erythropoiesis, etc. Ultimately, the primary function of the kidneys is to produce urine. The mechanism of urine formation is concentrated in a complex kidney structure called the nephron.

The nephron consists of a glomerulus and convoluted tubules. The blood entering the glomerulus is filtered and primary urine is formed in the convoluted tubules, which in its composition corresponds to the blood serum. However, large molecular proteins do not pass through this filter. From the primary urine, water and some substances dissolved in it are absorbed and returned to the blood. The remaining concentrated liquid is excreted from the body in the form of urine.

Thus, the process of urine formation consists of: filtration of blood serum, reverse suction water and substances dissolved in it (reabsorption) and tubular secretion.

The tests used to study the function of the kidneys, in some cases, allow us to evaluate their ability to concentrate urine and remove water, in others - to characterize individual processes associated with urination (the function of the glomeruli, convoluted tubules, examine renal blood flow, etc.).

At the same time, studies of the functional ability of the kidneys in no way detract from the diagnostic value of the results obtained during the chemical and microscopic examination of urine.

Liver function studies
The liver occupies a central place in the metabolic processes of the human body. The large amount of blood passing through the liver allows this organ to release many biological substances into the bloodstream and extract from it. The secretion of bile is just one of the functions of the liver.

The liver is involved in the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, in pigment metabolism, the formation of urea, creatine and a number of other compounds. The role of the liver in the neutralization of various toxic substances by the formation of harmless complexes removed from the body through the kidneys. The functions of the liver are determined using tests (a test with a load of sugars, a test for the synthesis of hippuric acid, a bromsulfaleic test).

Tumor markers
Tumor markers - proteins with carbohydrate or lipid components that are detected in tumor cells or blood serum, are an indicator of a malignant process in the body. These proteins have an equal degree of specificity - one can appear in several types of tumors different localization, others - only with any one specific malignant neoplasm. The frequency of their detection and diagnostic significance are different, since in 10-15% of cases (for different tumors these values ​​are different), the marker protein may not be detected in the presence of a tumor.

Tumor markers are used to monitor the course of the disease and the effectiveness of chemotherapy, surgical and biological treatment. Dynamic monitoring of the level of the tumor marker makes it possible to conclude that the process has completely stopped or progressed, and metastases have appeared. Often, an increase in the concentration of a tumor marker is noted much earlier than any clinical signs of the disease. The determination of tumor markers, although expensive, is a very important research method, without which in some cases it is simply impossible to do without.

Most laboratory research methods require special equipment.

So, for the preparation and preservation of samples at a given temperature, as well as for bacteriological and serological studies use thermostats, as well as refrigerators (cryostats). To maintain the temperature above the ambient temperature, liquid and air thermostats are used. The heat carrier in liquid thermostats is water or oil, in air thermostats - air. Water thermostats allow you to maintain the temperature from 10 to 100 °, oil and air - up to 300 °. Thermostats are equipped with heating and temperature control devices, have an internal chamber where the test material or biological sample is placed. The chamber is enclosed in a jacket in which a coolant circulates, heated by an electric heating element or cooled by a refrigeration machine. In medicine, mainly thermostats are used that support more high temperature than indoors. In the practice of blood harvesting, storage of organs and tissues for transplantation, various biological material, cryostats are used to ensure the safety of materials at low temperatures.

For immunobiological studies, devices are used for pouring and diluting samples and reagents, which ensure simultaneous spilling of the studied samples into single-use multiwell plates.

At histological studies machines are used for histological processing and staining of tissues, microtomes for obtaining thin sections of preparations, machines for fixing and staining blood smears.

Technical tools for quantitative and qualitative research
These include optical visual and photometric instruments for recording colorimetric, polarimetric and other light characteristics of various solutions, suspensions and emulsions: colorimeters, photocolorimeters, nephelometers, polarimeters, photometers, spectrophotometers, etc. Colorimeters are used to determine light absorption in various parts of the light spectrum. Visual colorimeters allow the researcher to compare the light flux passing through the object under study with a standard in a certain light range; selecting the standard closest in color, determine the concentration of a given substance in the sample. Modern colorimetric devices (photometers, spectrophotometers) are fundamentally the same, but in them the light flux passing through the test solution is captured not visually, but by a photosensitive element in which the resulting electromotive force is directly proportional to the strength of the light flux. According to a pre-built graph of the dependence of light absorption on the concentration of the test substance, its content in the test sample is determined. To isolate the required part of the light range in photocolorimeters, light filters are used; in spectrophotometers, in order to more strictly determine parts of the light range, in addition, monochromators are used that highlight a very narrow part of the spectrum. These methods are based on various substances have a maximum light absorption in certain parts of the spectrum. The use of spectrophotometers, where the reference wavelength is more strictly defined, makes it possible to work in the ultraviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum, which significantly expanded the possibilities of photometric techniques. The greatest distribution in honey. In practice, they received photoelectrocolorimeters, photoelectrocolorimeters-nephelometers, microcolorimeters. Photocolorimeters as measuring instruments are built into biochemical autoanalyzers, which provide the determination of many indicators in automatic mode.

The most widely used devices for morphological studies(determining the shape, size, structure of tissues, cells and other structures of a living organism) are various microscopes (see Microscope) .

In hematological studies, various blood cell counters are used, for example, to measure the concentration of erythrocytes and leukocytes in blood suspensions - conductometric hemocytometers, to determine the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood - photoelectric hemoglobinometers, morphological autoanalyzers, etc. These and similar devices in large laboratories of diagnostic centers have replaced labor-intensive processes of counting blood cells and determining the hemoglobin content, cell size distribution, etc. Various automated devices are used to determine the group and Rh affiliation of blood, and to conduct serological reactions. A self-recording portable coagulograph is used to study the blood coagulation system, and flame photometers are used to determine the mineral composition of biological samples. In small laboratories for blood testing, the simplest devices are often used: a Goryaev chamber for counting shaped elements blood, a laboratory counter for counting various blood cells (leukocyte formula) during microscopic examination, a stand and pipettes for determining ESR, a capillary hemoviscometer for determining blood viscosity, etc.

Equipping modern laboratories with automated and mechanized devices gradually replaces manual and visual methods of research, provides higher accuracy and reproducibility of the results of determinations, increases the productivity of laboratory assistants, which is especially important in connection with the constant increase in the number of analyzes performed in laboratories, the emergence of new methods and the expansion of the number of studied indicators.

For successful treatment of any disease, it must be correctly identified. But sometimes diagnosing certain pathologies is not at all easy, and here the professionalism of doctors and modern achievements of medical science play an extremely important role. To date, specialists know a lot of ways to diagnose various disorders in the activity of organs and systems. True, some of them are available only in large medical centers. The topic of our today's conversation will be modern methods of diagnosing diseases in medicine.

Modern methods of diagnosing diseases

Positron emission tomography

This is the latest diagnostic method, which has been practiced only in major medical centers in the world over the past few years. It is abbreviated as PET, and this is the most sensitive examination of the entire human body, in which the activity of organs and the presence of initial and functional changes in them are assessed at the cellular level.

With the help of PET, it is possible to detect early and subtle disorders in the state of organs (functional failures that correspond to the initial processes of tumor development in various organs and their progression).

PET is most often used to diagnose oncological, cardiac and neurological disorders. Modern equipment allows this study to be carried out in parallel with computed tomography, which makes it possible to assess the presence of anatomical changes in organs.

PET allows you to assess the patient's condition and select the most effective method cancer therapy at all stages of its development.

Virtual Colonoscopy

This is the latest diagnostic method that allows you to assess the condition of the intestine. It perfectly replaces the classic colonoscopy, which causes a natural fear in the patient, because during colonoscopy, a long probe is inserted into the intestine. In addition, in some cases, conventional colonoscopy is technically impossible, or this procedure is difficult to perform at the proper level of quality. Since virtual colonoscopy is excellent for examining the tortuous and an order of magnitude elongated bowel, it is also more preferable after irradiation.
Such a study is carried out without internal interventions, it does not cause pain and does not require anesthesia. After it, the patient can immediately return to a normal lifestyle. Virtual colonoscopy allows you to accurately examine colon cancer and polyps, the size of which starts from half a centimeter. And the accuracy of such a study reaches 95%. In addition, during it you can view other internal organs of the abdomen.

Virtual coronary angiography

Such a modern study makes it possible to determine the state of the heart vessels, as well as to assess the patency of stents after coronary artery bypass grafting. In addition, virtual coronary angiography allows you to measure the level of vascular calcification and obtain indicators of heart activity. Such a study is carried out using a modern computed tomograph, while all the data obtained are processed on a computer, where three-dimensional models of both the heart and blood vessels are created. Virtual coronary angiography is a fairly fast and inexpensive research method, it is easily tolerated by patients and provides doctors with a lot of necessary information. Such a study can even be used to diagnose patients who have undergone a heart transplant. In just a matter of minutes, doctors can obtain data on the state of the heart vessels and avoid the development of myocardial infarction, as well as reduce the likelihood of sudden death.

Magnetic resonance imaging

This is a modern diagnostic method that allows you to reliably detect vascular pathologies, cancerous tumors, pathological changes in the spine, injuries and diseases of the joints.

So MRI is great for examining the brain before surgery. This diagnostic method is necessary for patients with tumor lesions, malformations, as well as other pathologies. It allows you to find out the degree of risk of surgery and the likelihood of violations of the basic functions of the brain (memory, speech, vision, limb movement, etc.). With this method of MRI, there is no need to use radioactive or contrast agents, respectively, it can be performed repeatedly.

MRI methods also allow you to examine the vessels - their anatomical and functional features. To obtain a clearer image during such a study, they resort to the introduction of special contrast agents based on paramagnetic materials.

thermal imaging

Many doctors consider thermal imaging as a promising diagnostic method. This method allows you to register the thermal field of the patient, providing computer accuracy. A special device - a thermal imager - captures the infrared radiation of the human body, turning it into a picture visible to the eye. According to the areas of the body that have an abnormally high or low temperature, it is possible to recognize the manifestations of more than one hundred and fifty ailments in the earliest stages of their development.

We have considered only some modern diagnostic methods in medicine that can be used by physicians to assess the state of the body. In fact, in large clinics, they can resort to a variety of diagnostic manipulations, focusing on the patient's condition and the clinical picture of the disease.

Scientific research includes severalblocks of interrelated stages. The first one is pre-scheduled research, drawing up and approval of the research plan. The second includes the research process itself (collection of materials characterizing the problem under study, accumulation of factual data about it, their systematization, development of certain ideas about the problem). The third part of the study is the presentation of the results of scientific research (interpretation, report, publication).

The first and, perhaps, the most important component of the research work is a pre-scheduled study, which includes the choice of a topic, the development of a working hypothesis, the patent information study of the planned research work, the preparation of a research work plan, and the development of methods.

Choice of research topic - an extremely complex creative process, which largely ensures the success of scientific activity. The research topic should be relevant, novelty, have scientific and practical significance. Since the implementation of scientific research requires large material, technical and time costs, creative efforts, the choice of a scientific topic seems to be the most important stage of research.

It is expedient to start the choice of research topic with the study of the experience of previous generations of scientists. To this end, it is necessary to study the problem under study not only according to the sources of literature, but also to master the modern methodological base, to know what research is being carried out in the leading scientific schools peace. Thus, at the first stage of planning, the main thing is to exclude the possibility of duplication and ensure a sufficiently high level of one's own knowledge on a particular problem. At the second stage of planning, an original approach should be found in setting the research problem, and then in solving it, using new methodological approaches, areas of their use, etc.

As techniques that allow to search for new solutions in scientific research, you can use:

1.Familiarization with current and retrospective information, mainly of an overview and analytical nature.

2.Familiarization with the latest achievements science and technology in related fields of knowledge and the transfer to them of methods and methodological techniques from their own field of knowledge or, conversely, borrowing them from related fields.

3. Development of new, more advanced research methods, technologies, devices or composite materials, opening up broad prospects for their use in scientific research.

4. System analysis methods, scientometric methods, etc.

The research topic should be distinguished by: 1) the novelty of the issue under study and the results obtained; 2) relevance; 3) scientific and practical significance; 4) the evidence of the positions put forward by the researcher, arising from the results obtained.

Thus, the researcher's unsubstantiated statements, as well as the lack of novelty, relevance and scientific and practical significance of the results obtained, cannot be regarded as the results of scientific research.

Research work is divided intoinitiative and custom, individual and collective (complex). Initiative research is most often exploratory in nature and is usually funded by internal funds scientific institution received a grant, etc. Custom topics are part of various government programs or is carried out under an agreement with other research institutes (agency) and is accordingly financed by the Ministry of Health, scientific foundations and other customers. Individual research projects, as a rule, are fragments of candidate's or doctoral dissertations, a section of a comprehensive study or an economic contract. Comprehensive (collective) research is formed within the framework of program-targeted planning to solve major scientific problems and is designed to eliminate petty topics, to use available resources more rationally. Each research work is subject to mandatory state registration both during planning and upon its completion in order to avoid duplication and parallelism in work.

The process of choosing a research topic depends on whether the topic is custom or initiative. In the first case, the R&D topic, goals, objectives, deadlines and resources should be determined by the customer. The contractor and supervisor only submit proposals to the customer for solving the task, indicating their qualification and resource capabilities for competitive selection.

Research plan (can be executed in the form of an agreement between the customer and the contractor) includes a justification, schedule, cost calculation, staffing, a report on the conducted patent information study with a conclusion on the exclusion of duplication and the feasibility of planning R&D.

When drawing up a research plan and its expertise, it is important to determine the required material and technical base (the scope of the proposed experiment (observation)), the number of performers and their qualifications, and the timing of the topic. All this ultimately determines the amount of funding required. In accordance with this, in the appendix to the research plan (contract) - the calculation of the estimated cost - all planned costs are listed: wages, accruals to the fund wages and deductions to the employment fund, the cost of special equipment, materials, travel and overhead costs. The objectivity of the timing of the study is determined by the calendar work plan, which should include a listing of all stages and types of work, indicating the timing and specific performers. The deadline can be calculated using a network diagram, usually it does not exceed 3 years.

The R&D topic is usually planned for a research group or laboratory. This determines the number of researchers and the payroll. The ratio of the number of scientific and auxiliary staff depends on the nature of the planned work and can vary from 1:1 to 1:4.

The research topic should be widely discussed by the laboratory team, the Academic Council, expert Councils at all stages of planning, implementation and completion of the topic.

In the process of choosing a research topic and planning it, the performer must critically evaluate his real technical, personnel, financial, qualification and other capabilities. Compliance of the resource, qualification, information and methodological base of the contractor with the set goals and objectives of the study allows you to complete the research plan in full and on time.

Patent information research are one of the main sections of preplanned studies. They are carried out in order to determine the scientific and technical level and development trends in the planned field of knowledge, the patentability of the R&D proposed for planning, and to avoid duplication. Patent information research is carried out on the basis of the analysis of patent, scientific, technical, commercial and other types of information. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On patents for inventions", the subject of patent protection in the territory of the Republic of Belarus are devices, methods, substances, strains of microorganisms, as well as the use of previously known devices, methods, substances and strains of microorganisms for a new purpose. R&D, the results of which may be the subject of patent protection, are recognized as protected. Subjects devoted to the problems of epidemiology, issues of medical demography, healthcare organization are not protected. In this case, research is carried out only on scientific and medical information.

Patent information research is carried out by the developer together with the staff of the patent information department. A patent information study is carried out in the following order: the protectability of the planned research work is determined, a plan and regulations for the study are developed, information is searched, selected, systematized and analyzed, a report on the conducted patent information study is drawn up with a list of identified information sources-analogues, a conclusion is drawn up on the appropriateness planning (with justification of novelty, relevance, technical level, distinctive features in comparison with analogues) and avoidance of duplication. Upon completion of the research topic, the patent information study is carried out in a more in-depth form: novelty, technical level, patent purity of the developed object, the expediency of its legal protection abroad and the sale of licenses.

A feature of scientific research in the field of medicine is that the researcher often has access to only indirect information about the state of the functions of the organs and systems of the human body, and any instrumental study can pose a certain threat to health. That is why the outstanding clinician I. A. Kassirsky warned: "Never instrumental research should be worse (more dangerous) than the disease."

Since human life is determined by the most complex biochemical and neurophysiological processes that depend on numerous endogenous and social factors, environmental conditions, the results of artificially reproducible studies and experiments are sometimes purely individual in nature and are established only through their statistical perception. In addition, in the process of a medical experiment, it is possible to understand far from all aspects of the vital activity of an integral organism. It is possible to comprehensively evaluate the phenomena of this kind studied experimentally only by accumulating a large number facts, their comparison and statistical processing, and very often you have to use the results of other researchers published in scientific journals.

And, finally, numerous medical studies and experiments cannot be carried out on humans because of their danger to life and health, and modeling of human pathology on animals and experiments on them do not always give adequate results in further clinical trials.

The results of research are largely determined by the correctness of the chosen research methods. The most widely used empirical method in medicine isnatural observation in natural, clinical or laboratory conditions. The objects of this observation can be healthy or sick people, waste products and tissues of a living organism, cadaveric material, microorganisms and their metabolic products, etc. Field observation includes all kinds of research methods - histological, psychophysiological, etc. A distinctive feature of natural observation methods is that they are carried out only in relation to the object of scientific study itself and only in the usual, natural conditions of its existence. No models replacing the object of study, changing the conditions of its habitat are allowed.

In contrast to natural observationpilot study sets itself the task of studying the phenomenon under strictly controlled and reproducible conditions with the active influence of the experimenter on the object of study.

Among experimental methods research should highlight laboratory experiments, psychophysiological studies on humans, animal experiments, clinical trials, field tests of prototypes or objects, mathematical modeling.

When starting any experimental study, it is necessary first of all to put forward a working hypothesis, on the basis of which the experiment will be built, clearly define the goals and objectives of the study, draw up a plan and develop the necessary accounting documentation (experiment protocol, diary, etc.). The research protocol, as a rule, is kept in a stringed and numbered notebook, in which the number and date of the experiment, detailed information about the object and research methods, and the results are entered. For greater reliability and illustration of the results obtained, radiographs, cardiograms, microphotographs, etc. are attached to the protocol of the experiment. All of them are numbered in accordance with the number of the experiment.

In animal experiments, the correct choice of the object of study plays an important role, since different animal species have different reactivity to certain external stimuli and differently model the pathological processes occurring in the human body. So, for example, the dog is most often used in the study of various pathophysiological processes, toxicological studies are most often carried out on cats, microbiological studies on white mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. The most responsible research is carried out on monkeys, the species specificity of which is closest to the human body. In all cases, it is necessary that the experimental animals be healthy, homogeneous (inbred lines), same-sex, approximately the same weight and age. Exclusively importance for the reliability of the data obtained, they have the conditions for keeping experimental animals and caring for them.

Clinical researches - the final stage of research on the development of new drugs, methods of diagnosis and prevention. Because they are carried out on patients and volunteers, and because of their particular importance, clinical trials are authorized by the directive of specially authorized state bodies. When organizing clinical trials, special attention should be paid to the selection of patients and a control group similar in composition and size. In clinical trials of new therapies, patients receiving conventional treatment, not just placebo, should be used as controls.

In accordance with the "International Ethical Requirements for Biomedical Research Involving Humans" and the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, all medical research involving humans must be based on three ethical principles: respect for the individual, achievement of benefit, justice. In all biomedical research involving humans (patients or otherwise), the investigator must obtain the informed consent of the subjects who will participate in the trial, and if the research subject (SI) is not able to give it, the informed consent of a close relative or authorized representative. Informed consent means the consent of a competent SI who has received all the necessary information, adequately understands it and makes a decision freely, without undue influence, inducement or threat. The SI should receive information about the objectives, methods, duration of the study, expected risk or discomfort, alternative procedures, the degree of confidentiality, the ability to opt out of the study at any time. A subject participating in a medical study must be provided free treatment in case of damages related to the study, as well as compensation for incapacity for work or disability; in the event of death as a result of the study, compensation should be received by his relatives. The SI may receive payment for inconvenience and lost time, compensation for expenses incurred as a result of participation in the study, but these payments should not be so significant that the consent of the trial participant is entirely dependent on monetary compensation.

To evaluate the effectiveness of new methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, to eliminate errors and correctly interpret the results of clinical trials, they must be carried out within the framework ofrandomized controlled trials, considered the "gold standard" for clinical comparisons.

Controlled Clinical Study - This is a prospective study in which matched groups receive different types of treatment: patients in the control group receive standard (usually the best according to modern concepts), and patients in the experimental group receive new treatment. The most important condition for ensuring the reliability of a controlled study is the homogeneity of a group of patients for all signs that affect the outcome of the disease (gender, age, the presence of concomitant diseases, the severity and stage of the underlying disease, etc.). Considering the presence of many interrelated factors that determine the prognosis, as well as "hidden" prognostic factors, it is possible to achieve comparability of observation groups to the fullest extent only when using the method of random distribution of patients into groups, i.e.randomization (random - random). True randomization implies the mandatory observance of the unpredictable nature of the distribution of patients into groups (the researcher cannot predict which group the next patient falls into - "blind selection"). To increase the efficiency of randomization, preliminary stratification is carried out - the distribution of treatment options is carried out in homogeneous groups of patients formed according to leading prognostic signs.(stratification randomization).

However, it should be borne in mind that incomparability of observation groups may also occur after randomization (as a result of patients refusing treatment, serious complications, etc.). It is believed that if more than 80% of the patients included in the study were followed up to its end, the results can be quite reliable. Withdrawal of more than 20% of patients from the study gives reason to doubt the results.

To reduce the likelihood of random or systematic errors, the experimental and control groups should include a sufficient number of observations. Sufficiency is determined by the expected differences in the effect of treatment between the experimental and control groups (the greater the effect, the smaller the groups can be), the type of statistical indicator of the effect of therapy (when using the average values ​​of the study, the groups may be smaller), the ratio between the number of patients in the experimental and control groups (subject to equality in size, groups may be smaller).

Determining the optimal number of observation cases is milestone experiment planning. So, in cases where the results of the study will be expressed qualitatively, a much larger number of observations is required than when using quantitative estimates expressed by arithmetic mean values. In addition, it should be remembered that a small number of studies reduces their accuracy and reliability, however, with a large number of studies, along with reliability, both the cost of the experiment and the timing of its implementation increase. To increase the accuracy of the study by 2 times, it is necessary to increase the number of observations by 4 times. At the same time, the number of observed cases in the control and experimental groups does not have to be the same. The number of cases required for the experiment is determined when planning R&D in each case individually according to special formulas described in a number of reference books on medical statistics.

Due to the fact that in one institution it is often impossible to carry out the calculated number of observations,collaborative research - a system of scientific, scientific-organizational and practical activities carried out according to a single program and methodology simultaneously in several institutions.

When planning a clinical trial, it is necessary to clearly define the following provisions: is the “norm” — the absence of a disease — rationally defined and is the “separation point” between healthy and sick justified; whether the reproducibility, sensitivity and specificity of the methods used have been evaluated, etc.

At clinical assessment new diagnostic methods, it is necessary first of all to compare the proposed method with the reference one, i.e. with the most reliable of the corresponding methods. With the correct organization of the study, the evaluation of the results of a new method should be carried out "blindly" - so that the specialist does not know the results of other analyzes in this patient and, above all, the results of the reference method. Otherwise, systematic errors such as "approaching the alleged diagnosis" are inevitable, since the specialist, knowing the alleged diagnosis, is unintentionally prone to bias in evaluating the results, especially in cases where their double interpretation is possible. To avoid such errors, a two-stage assessment can be used. At the first stage, the specialist reviews the materials (ECG, laboratory preparations, etc.) under the study number and, only if necessary, evaluates taking into account additional data.

Research methods should be pre-tested in the course of pre-planned studies. At the same time, one should make sure of their sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, the availability of reagents for the entire scope of the study, and the compliance of the method with the level of world standards. The equipment must meet the same requirements. If the researcher does not have expensive equipment, it is not necessary to purchase it: it can be rented or used in the course of cooperative research.

Each R&D topic that has been approved by the customer and received funding must be registered in the state register (in Russia - in the All-Russian NTI Center, in Belarus - in the Center State registration RB).

When planning research, one should also take into account the final stage of scientific research - the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained in order to identify existing patterns. Analysis of statistical data is carried out by appropriate mathematical processing of the obtained results, the techniques and methods of which are described in detail in special manuals on medical statistics. In recent years, statistical data processing has been carried out on a PC using special software packages (for example, Statgraph etc.), which allow you to quickly calculate the average values ​​and relative coefficients, identify the nature and strength of the relationship, the degree of reliability, build analytical tables, charts and graphs.

In general, at least 10% of the planned resources (time, financial, personnel) should be allocated to the processes of pre-planned research, analysis and generalization of the results obtained and their publication, and for the implementation scientific results in practice - at least 25%. At the same time, for many R&D, the implementation stage is planned as an independent study, and the formalization of scientific results in the form of publications, inventions, etc. is carried out by scientists after the completion of R&D in the process of carrying out subsequent research, often arising from previous results.

Medical news. - 1998. - No. 4. - S. 21-24.

Attention! The article is addressed to medical specialists. Reprinting this article or its fragments on the Internet without a hyperlink to the original source is considered a copyright infringement.

The participation of a wise physician in all especially useful manifestations is necessary - let them not think that We avoid scientific observations; on the contrary, We value every thought, scientifically substantiated.

MO, I, 132. In vain do Western doctors talk about the difficulty of working with Us. We have never been against experimental methods. On the contrary, We welcome every unprejudiced action. We approve when a member of the British Medical Council speaks of the right methods research. We are ready to assist the Russian scientist in his work on immunity and immortality. We rejoice when a Japanese surgeon applies astrological terms. We provide assistance to a Latvian doctor in finding eye signs of possession. We are ready to help everyone and rejoice for everyone. It is We who incessantly demand observation and in every possible way direct to attentiveness. We speak of reality, affirm the absurdity of abstraction. Thus We wish that the doctors and scientists of the West treat Our cooperation fairly. It must be understood that the time has come to clear the facts of the consequences of the husk. It is time to admit that many superstitions still grow in the gardens of isolation. Thus the condemnation of everything that is not mine will belong to superstition. The liberation of thinking will be precisely the adornment of true knowledge.

A., 129. One should rejoice at the approach of every doctor who wishes to study the foundations of the rapprochement of the worlds. When the triple sign leads to the trinity, then observations on the human organism become necessary and necessary. The basis of trinity can affect the whole organism. The physician must be aware of the Subtle and Higher Worlds. Only from this consideration can he grasp the subtlest states of the organism. And for him there will be no empty sound Aum!

MO, I, 98. Look for the division of people according to the elements. Not only by the quality of the blood, but also by the property of the nervous substance, it will be possible to notice a direct reaction according to the elements.

MO, I, 290. Labor is the best purifier of all sorts of abominations. Labor generates a powerful factor of sweat, which was even put forward as a means of the birth of man. Sweat is little studied, little compared with the nature of individuals. Little is observed with respect to different elements. Even an inexperienced observer will notice the difference in sweat groups. Indeed, it is easy to see that the fiery nature does not contribute to the amount of sweat, in any case, it leaches it out. Earth and water, on the contrary, intensively saturate with sweat.

Thus one can see how wisely one of the first evolutions of man was pointed out.

"... I would very much like you to emphasize labor even more strongly as the main factor in educating the spirit, and would indicate mainly the importance of its quality. Also, the absolute necessity of mental labor, because if the sweat of physical labor nourishes the Earth, then the sweat of mental work is transformed by the rays of the Sun into Prana and gives life to all that exists. With the realization of this significance of mental work, proper respect for thinkers, scientists and other creators will appear. Only mental work will give us an expansion of consciousness and thereby familiarize us with the distant worlds, the joys of infinite perfection…” .

MO, II, 458. Good tears and bad tears - this is how Ancient Egypt distinguished. The first from delight, from love, from a feat; the second from longing, from malice, from envy. Recently, a scientist has drawn attention to different composition tears depending on the impulse. Of course, each secretion is quite different in its essence when opposing senses introduce harmful or beneficent ingredients. But tears, being a very pure phenomenon, can give particularly useful observations. Of course, such observations require time and patience.

MO, III, 442. All human secretions are too little studied. So much they can remind of psychic energy! I have already spoken about the remarkable content of saliva. After all, it can give the same indications as photographs of radiation. One has only to decompose the saliva of a person into his different states to see her changes. Also, something indefinable in its composition will sometimes be noticed. Something peculiar to psychic energy. From particular cases, a conclusion will also be drawn. How useful is the cooperation of an observant physician!

MO, III, 450. They ask about the causes of infection, about the properties of blood and semen, but they completely forget that psychic energy lies at the basis of these phenomena. It protects against infection, it is in the form of secretions. It is not worth considering a mechanical summary of information if one does not take into account the participation of psychic energy. People call certain immunity an influx of faith, but the state of ecstasy is not without reason called the radiance of the Fiery World. This radiance protects a person from infection. It purifies the secretions, it is like a shield. Therefore, the state of joy and delight is the best prevention. He who knows the ecstasy of the spirit has already been cleansed of many dangers. Even ordinary physicians know how variable the condition of the blood and secretions is. But few associate it with the spiritual state.

A., 306. Striving for a higher world is the best remedy against obsession. Thoughts about a higher world turn out to be the best antidote. Exalted thoughts not only affect the nervous substance, but also purify the blood. Experiments on the composition of the blood depending on thinking are very revealing.

"... In the book "Occult Human Anatomy" sent to you, there are several interesting remarks about blood. It has been scientifically established that the blood of each person is completely individual. Its crystals have a geometric structure that differs for each person. As Manly Hall says, the history of the human soul is recorded in his blood, his position in evolution, his hopes, fears, etc. - all this is recorded on ethereal forms in his bloodstream. Blood analysis will provide a much more accurate system for establishing crimes than all currently existing methods. It is interesting to note that the blood coefficient of Turks and Russians is almost the same, while some blood compositions almost do not mix with each other ... ".

MO, I, 211. I approve if you collect the manifestations of psychic energy and the corresponding glands. In this case, you need to pay attention to the temporal sequence of messages. In this sequence, you can catch the intentional rhythm. It is no coincidence that hints are given in different countries different people. The alternation of the waves of East and West is also not accidental. Gradually, the forgotten area is being reconquered. Again we come to the basics of life. It is in this way that we will again understand life as self-improvement, and in this way we will solve both ethical and economic postulates. That is why it is so important to carefully collect data on psychic energy from different sources without being embarrassed by their seeming contradiction. Nothing else aroused so much controversy as psychic energy. One can gather these flowers of being with a hardened hand, otherwise the hand may tremble among the signs of all ages and peoples. There was no people who did not dream of Agni, collecting the best harmonies for him. A one-sided consciousness will inevitably slip on dogmas and be frightened by sophistry. But Sophia is not sophistry, and experience is not prejudice—that is how useful gathering can be done.

MO, I, 213. During the school years, swelling and tenderness of the glands are especially noticeable. Doctors do their best to drive this phenomenon inside or remove the glands. But almost no one has thought that the special sensitivity of the glands depends on the fiery manifestations caused by new brain and heart tension. Not a cold, not the stuffiness of the room, but new job fiery centers causes tension in the glands. Also, such tension often responds to the skin surface. The manifestation of healing with pure air, of course, reduces tension, for the fiery nature of prana brings the imbalance of the glands to fiery harmony. But each forcible removal of the fiery apparatus will undoubtedly have a great effect in the future, lowering the sensitivity of susceptibility.

MO, II, 232. Swelling and irritation of the glands indicate resistance to dark forces. Of course, irritation of the glands and all tissues is similar to how a hedgehog is helped by raised needles. There is no need to be surprised at this amount of tension when every day is full of madness.

MO, III, 416. Psychic energy penetrates into all tissues, establishing balance throughout the body. In illnesses, psychic energy drains from a certain center, weakening the functioning of the glands. Psychic energy then rushes to those centers that can maintain balance. The tonsils are very dependent on psychic energy. The swelling of the tonsils can be explained as an outflow of psychic energy. The weaker the influx of psychic energy, the more the tonsils swell, for physical development is affirmed without control. Therefore, all growths, up to cancer, can be counted as an outflow of psychic energy. Spiritual balance can help eradicate many diseases. The longer such an outflow of psychic energy, the more malignant the diseases will be.

M. O., I, 179. Dreams have been examined from many angles, but the most significant is usually overlooked.

night knocks, poor digestion irritation and many superficial influences are not forgotten, but all the reflexes of the Subtle World are missed; all influences of thought at a distance, and finally, all hierarchical warnings and fiery feelings. One must have a very atrophied imagination and perception in order to miss these foundations of dreams. Not only did the materialist pay attention only to the superficial data of dreams, but this observer was poor in his nature. One can understand materialism as a desire for reality, but not for belittling and not for poverty. Dreaming is of great importance during the dense life. Almost half of life passes in contact with the Subtle World and even the Fiery World. One must have respect for the state equal to being awake. It is impossible to put unity at the head of reasoning; one must conscientiously and undiminishedly recall all four foundations mentioned above. In this way it will be possible to discern many things both instructive and beautiful.

MO, I, 502. Waking dreams represent touches of fiery energy to the Chalice. They do not represent disease, but are, as it were, heralds of the approach of fiery energy. The manifestations of the details of the Subtle World will begin in exactly the same way. They can proceed beneficently, but when the fiery atmosphere thickens, they can turn into madness. Most the best treatment consists in explaining the cause of the phenomenon, in other words, in the cognition of Agni Yoga. Vivid necessity compels us to give Our advice for wide use. Not so long ago epidemics of daydreams would have been taken as ridiculous nonsense. But now even ordinary hospital doctors have been placed in the need to carefully consider the mass manifestation of such unusual symptoms. In the same way, other incomprehensible signs of new states will begin to flow into life. Are people unwilling to prepare for new conditions? Such ignorance is similar to how one child had the ability to see in the dark, but his mother asked the doctor to deprive her son of this feature. Manifestations of the work of fiery centers have become more frequent. It is not wise to banish these gifts which will bring resolution in the near future.

A., 213. Sleep is communion with the subtle sphere. The state of sleep is indicative from the point of view of psychic energy. It is undoubtedly enhanced, but in a special capacity; in other words, it acquires a peculiar quality of the Subtle World.

A., 219. Lethargy is a special unexplained state between sleep and death. The heart almost does not work, the body is motionless, and an unearthly facial expression is affirmed. Meanwhile, a person is not only alive, but also returns to wakefulness for his own reason, which no one understands. The onset of lethargy is unexpected, and the circumstances of such a transitional state can never be known to others. In Our language, this is a prolonged exhalation of the subtle body. Such a state is not a disease and must be regarded as an unnatural tension of the organism in relation to the Subtle World. It can come from overwork, from fear, from grief shock or unexpected joy. The moment of awakening is especially remarkable. Usually those present are very harmful with inappropriate exclamations and questions. Each such question is already a suggestion. One should be very careful not to spill the retained impressions. Therefore, most often people who have returned from lethargy begin to assure that they do not remember anything. Rather, such memories are knocked out of consciousness by some untimely questions or noise. Thus, the possibility of acquaintance with the Subtle World disappears. When waking up, the aroma of rose oil is very useful.

M. O., III, 292. The interaction between bodies must be investigated, because, just like the state physical body affects the state of the astral body, of course, the astral body also affects the physical body. The diseased state of the organism is reflected in the astral, and the spiritual ailments of the astral body are reflected in the physical. All spiritual experiences have their effect on the astral body, as well as on the physical. But in these phenomena it is necessary to understand very subtly. But each experience on the spiritual plane does not immediately leave its mark on a roughly healthy body. Of course, when the subtle body collects around itself all the poisoned fluids that infect the astral body, then the grossly healthy body is also infected. In the infected astral body, the affirmation of interaction takes place. astral body it easily perceives all the fluids of the physical body, therefore each imbalance is immediately reflected in the subtle body. That is why it is so important for the doctor to know the spiritual state of the patient. In diseases and the fight against them, one must keep in mind the consistency of bodies and inseparable bond between them. Such a sensitive attitude must be cultivated on the path to the Fiery World.

MO, III, 294. The causes of disease lie at the root of the connection between the physical and astral worlds. The body reflects all the consequences of the affirmations taking place in all layers and depths of the Cosmos. It would seem that it is clear what an inseparable relationship exists between the macrocosm and the microcosm, but, except for enlightened consciousnesses, this concept is not taken into account and does not advance scientific research. If one were to know how the pressure of the atmosphere affects the organism, then how could one not strive to cognize this connection, the power of which saturates every cell of life with its Fire. The connection between bodies and the interaction of currents must be investigated, for it is impossible to accurately determine the state of an organism and its diseases without establishing a fiery correspondence. A subtle study of the spiritual and physical state will make it possible to find the fluids of decomposition.

M. O., I, 137. Add to the Latvian doctor. When observing the eyes of the possessed, one must not lose sight of the fact that the sign seen can be mobile. From the approach of the fiery energy, the sign can, as it were, dissolve. The obsessor may either begin to rage, or may retreat, taking the sign with him. Thus, observation can be carried out without presupposing fiery energy, otherwise the action will turn into the expulsion of the obsessor. Such an action in itself is beautiful, but beyond the scope of the ophthalmologist. The same effect is sometimes noticed in skin diseases, which are modified and even disappear under the influence of fiery energy. Let us not forget that obsession sometimes manifests itself on the skin or in convulsions in the face. But the Latvian doctor deserves praise, because it is not easy to see brown gas crystals.

M. O., I, 280. Also warn the doctor to be careful with the possessed. It must be remembered that even in your thoughts you should not keep explicit indications of possession when you approach the possessed. It must not be forgotten that the obsessor is very sensitive to thoughts when he suspects that his presence is revealed. He can express his anger in a very heterogeneous way. By destroying the phenomenon of obsession, one can make many enemies, therefore one must make these observations without any personal announcement.

M. O., I, 283. Also tell the doctor: not all obsessions are definitely dark. There may be influences of the middle spheres, directed, according to the obsessors, for the good. But especially good results are not obtained. Possessors of such low degrees and the receptacles available to them, of little development, result in doublethink, imbalance and inability to control oneself. There are many such people who are called weak-willed, while both wills reduce each other. It is possible to treat such people only by providing labor according to their choice, but to a large extent. With the concentration of labor, the possessor will get tired of remaining without manifestation, for each possessor strives to reveal his own self. So the doctor can notice different kinds of obsession. But the principle of the epidemic is very unacceptable for the improvement of mankind. By the way, the concept of Guru is very protective against possession. The teacher, in the event of a weakening of the will, gives his reserve in order to prevent someone else's dark influence from invading. Of course, the Teacher, whose consciousness is high, can sensitively determine when his participation is needed. After all, this leadership is not like violence.

MO, I, 373. "Urumia" is the name given to the fiery understanding of obsession. Not only humans can possess this straight-knowledge, but some animals close to humans can sense this terrible state. Horses and dogs especially understand and resent the approach of the possessed. In ancient China, there was a special breed of dog, highly valued, which was especially sensitive to recognize the so-called possessed. Also in ancient times it was customary to show horses and dogs to guests. At the same time, the attitude of animals was noticed. Many ambassadors have gone through this ordeal. It should be noted that cats also smell the possessed, but usually quite the opposite. Obsession makes them happy. So, for example, when a cat senses a possessed person or a strong manifestation of him, she does not hide, but walks around, rejoicing and meowing. Whereas the dog bristles and tries to either hide or rush at such a person. It is necessary to develop urumiya in oneself not only for protection, but also for the expulsion of the obsessor. Often one conversation about the meaning of Agni already affects the obsessor. He is afraid of Fire, and therefore the mention of fiery energy already makes him angry and then retreats.

MO, I, 437. Let's write it down and tell the doctor about obsession. Indeed, there may be cases when the obsessor has become so accustomed to the body of the possessed that he even almost supplanted him. You can also find cases where the obsessor is so strong with the life force of the possessed that when exiled, he will cause death. He has so mastered the psychic energy of the possessed that, upon release, he loses his vitality. Therefore, expulsions are always carried out very carefully. The patient's diet and psychic energy are preliminarily observed. If a decline is noticed, then there is no need to inflate a weakened heart. It is usually easier to expel when a fit of rabies sets in. The risen energy helps to get rid of the possible decline in cardiac activity, which can end in complete prostration.

M. O., I, 643. It is necessary to measure in order to find the true value. There are many illusions and phantoms that prevent us from appreciating the true movement of the spirit. Many manifestations of the dark forces try to captivate or frighten.

Such attacks are especially serious where there are possessed or mentally ill people nearby; they are like open gates, they not only attract entities to themselves, but create, as it were, a channel for everyone around. The boundaries of mental illness are very imperceptible, therefore I advise such caution. I think it is not good to waste strength on experiments with obsession; when ill-health shakes the balance, whisperers can attach themselves to the diseased ear. But only an unshakable consciousness will cast off these vipers immediately. You already know enough that the disease cannot be started. Vigor should be immediately instilled and Agni should not be forgotten.

MO, II, 86. Many criminals will turn to labor under suggestion. Just like drunkenness and other vices, so the diseases of crime can be cured by a command of the will. Also, one should not forget that many crimes are committed under the influence of obsession. So, such people need to be treated, but not punished. Of course, in such a treatment, intensive systematic work is of decisive importance; for obsessors every labor is hateful. They are trying to plunge into chaos, but the essence of labor is already a manifestation. One should not be upset by the consideration from where strong suggestions will come, there are many of them, but they are scattered. When the Institute of Psychic Energy comes into being, it will gather many useful collaborators. It should not be forgotten that the institute of astrology will be a close assistant for data verification. Recently, governments have been ashamed of both heavenly bodies and human power, but psychic energy must occupy the attention of enlightened people.

MO, II, 223. Above all, the imbalance of the world worries Me. Obsession develops and threatens with madness. Many countries are ruled by madmen in the fullest sense of the word. The phenomenon of mass possession has not been repeated before, it is incomprehensible why scientists do not pay attention to such a disaster! Humans create millions of murders. Really no one will think that this is a hotbed of obsession!

MO, III, 467. Examples of cruel obsession can be observed. It is necessary that doctors understand such a bestial state to such an extent that they can stop the infection. Properly isolate the possessed like lepers. Degrees of obsession may be incurable. The brain and heart are reborn from dual pressure, but a firm, honest, knowing spirit knows no obsession.

MO, III, 93. The construction of new foundations will consist in establishing a balance, in establishing coordination between science, art and life. Equilibrium needs to look at all statements. Thus the world needs a great manifestation of balance. Coordination is affirmed on a new understanding of all the subtle principles of the Hierarchy. It is even possible to foresee how the transmutation of all statements will take place; how in science there will be no more divisions between spirit and matter, and precisely it will be possible to build on new principles when the spiritual and the physical are united. It is possible to master the knowledge of the body through the coordination of the centers, their functions and qualities. This unification of all functions will lead to the knowledge of real life. For example, various kidney deposits and eye functions can be studied. It is possible to coordinate all the functions of organs that are double ramifications. It is possible to compare organs that act by one channel. You can see many combinations of functions that are very revealing.

Thus, new constructions have their great principles, and a great upsurge in the world of knowledge is planned. Thus, the fiery carriers of synthesis bring good and happiness to the world. On the path to the Fiery World, let us remember the great affirmation of balance and coordination.

A., 221. Every nervous attack can be healed by the calmness of those around you and by the influence of sound, color, aroma and even temperature. But it is difficult to find all such conditions. In addition, it is necessary to apply exactly the combination of sounds, colors and aromas that is individually needed in this state.

Therefore, it is very important that as many experiments as possible be made with the influence of sounds, colors and aromas. Many useful studies can already be carried out in schools. It is difficult in private houses to find a special room with sufficient facilities for this. But schools and hospitals should have a good room with some equipment. In this way, many useful conditions can be added to the suggestion.

A., 224. It is vain to think that mental treatment has been satisfactorily delivered. Attempts to treat with light or sound are weak and scattered. No one is busy studying the correspondences of fragrance to color and sound. But the main mistake is that there are almost no doctors who would understand the correspondence of the worlds. Without knowledge of these foundations, one can get bogged down in the narrowly material plane, but the sphere of psychic energy concerns all planes. It can only be known in all its subtlety. Thus, a physician cannot speak of obsession if he himself has no conception of the Subtle World! The doctor cannot understand light therapy unless he recognizes the color scale. Cannot recognize the subtle tonality, if one loves the roughest music. It is impossible to prescribe treatment with aromas if one cannot recognize them himself.

I am not speaking to humiliate doctors, on the contrary, I would like to arm them for the salvation of mankind. Too much poison has multiplied. Many means are directed only at the destruction of psychic energy, therefore, not only in cities, but also among nature, prana is already being violated by the intrusion of unrecognized currents. Meanwhile, it must be understood that mankind has no right to poison the Earth's atmosphere; it is responsible for the hygiene of the planet.

One can ask physicians to be attentive to the understanding of the correlation of the worlds and to the refinement of their feelings. Evil cannot speak of good. The rude cannot judge refinement.

A., 384. In addition to researching psychic energy for color, test it for sound and aroma. You can get the indicative effects of music, while noticing both the distance and the musical harmonies themselves. Much is said about the influence of music on people, but there are almost no demonstrative experiments. You can notice the effect of music on a person's mood, but this will be a common place. Of course, it is assumed that cheerful music communicates joy, and sad music - grief, but such conclusions are not enough. You can check which harmony is closest to the psychic energy of a person. Which symphony has the most powerful effect on calming or inspiring people? You need to experience different pieces of music. The very quality of harmonization will give the best indications of the paths of sound and human life.

It is also necessary to investigate the influence of aromas. It is necessary to bring both fragrant flowers closer, and different formulations which should excite or lower psychic energy.

In the end, you can combine color, sound and flavor and observe the cooperation of all three engines.

MO, III, 561. A sensitive dog rushes from afar in the footsteps of its owner. This fiery sensitivity also exists in man, but he tries to drown it out with reason. Meanwhile, not a few people can confess that they sometimes hear inexplicable smells. It may be that the Subtle World sends aromas, but they are rarely heard. People are more likely to agree on animal scents than on supermundane scents.

"... The idea of ​​something beautiful, of some kind of festival, is associated with flowers, therefore flowers should have a psycho-physiological effect, creating an elevated, solemn mood that contributes to the outflow of psychic energy" .

"... What varieties of roses are useful for psychic energy? All fragrant ones are especially good..." .

"... Another interesting piece of information about the meaning of fragrances. In the book "Five Years of Theosophy" there is an excellent article by Dr. L. Salzer, M.D. It is called "Odorigen and Jiva" ("Odorigen and Jiva"). It talks about the role and meaning of smell.

Of course, in various pharmacopoeias we often meet the following remark - "the action is similar to other essential oils"; it must be said that this remark is extremely unfair, for each such aromatic substance has its own specific effect. But it still eludes analysis. In the future, the so-called "essential oils", these characteristic properties (characteristics) of plants will play an important role. But now this is not yet realized, and therefore such articles as "Odorigen and Jiva" are milestones of the future.

I am quoting from the article. "That these aromatic substances are by no means inert bodies (inactive), but on the contrary, can be inferred from their volatility, for, as is known in physics, volatility is the result of atomic activity.

Prevost describes two phenomena observed in experiments with aromatic substances. First, if you put them on the water, they begin to move; secondly, the thin layer of water covering a perfectly clean plate of glass shrinks when a substance such as camphor is placed on the glass. Also, Mr. Ligevis proved that the particles of an aromatic substance placed on water are rapidly crushed, and the movements of camphor or benzoic acid are not only suspended, but even completely stopped, if any aromatic substance comes into contact with water, in which they move.

Thus, observing how aromatic substances, coming into contact with liquids, receive special movement and at the same time communicate the movement of the liquid, we can conclude from this that the specific formative ability of protoplasm does not depend on the protoplasm itself, for it is the same everywhere, but on those specific aromatic substances ... "" .

MO, I, 32. It is difficult for a refined heart to live in the lower strata. Heights help a little, but still between the heart and the fiery homeland of his intermediate gaps are too large. But there shouldn't have been contaminated layers. People created them and should strive to purify them. Artificial ozone will help very little. Prana is purified by the highest Fire, and only this quality makes it creative. But even in the valleys, even in the squares of cities, before pronouncing decisions, try to inhale as deeply as possible. In this sigh, perhaps, a particle of the prana of Grace will reach through all the obstacles. Thus, let us not despair anywhere and make the last effort everywhere. One can observe how a sincere hearty sigh forms an unusually long, as it were, invocative trumpet. Thus, let us not forget that all the best manifestations of the human organism are not only powerful in chemical reactions, but they penetrate through many layers by their psychic force. Let us not humiliate in any way the sacred microcosm created by the will of a pure heart.

MO, I, 204. Deep breathing is a sign of special tension. Thus, shock should not be understood only as misfortune and suffering. You have heard more than once about the moments of bliss before an attack of epilepsy and some diseases. But this is only a transference of consciousness into a fiery manifestation. Thus monks and sadhus will never exchange this fiery feeling for any treasure.

MO, I, 521. A sigh was considered an answer to God. The focus of fiery energy produces this spasm.

Notice that the killer and every dark intruder does not sigh. This tension takes place in higher emotions. You can write a book about breathing, and it will be very close to prayer. So you can select all beneficial reflexes. There is no need to consider them morally abstract; it is better to recognize them as the foundations of health.

A., 117. Tears and saliva change composition depending on the state of mind. But every breath is already different in chemistry. If the breath is not easy to examine due to its usual superficiality, then a sigh that causes the body to tremble will already be indicative. You may notice that a deep breath causes something like an internal convulsion. Such nerve contractions show an increased release of psychic energy. She, depending on the impulse, will call to activity and some organs that will give a special chemistry to the breath. When pronouncing Aum, a sigh appears, the chemistry of which will be very beneficial.

M. O., I, 222. As long as humanity remains in a bodily-physical consciousness, it is hardly possible to change the methods of conditional experimental medicine. Only the direction of consciousness towards psychic energy can limit the absurd vivisection. Work on living plants, on the one hand, and the application of psychic energy, on the other, will lead thinking into a new channel, but in any case, every statement against vivisection already evokes Our approval. Such statements show knowledge of the phenomena of the Subtle World and an understanding that such vivisections can be new centers of infection. In the future, sufficient prophylaxis with the ability to apply psychic energy will make illnesses non-existent. In the meantime, as far as possible, one must stop the cruelties of vivisection and talk about psychic energy. With such a constant reminder, the energy itself will begin to manifest itself more. After all, fiery thinking is the kindling of torches.

MO, I, 350. Hygiene of thought must be both spiritual and earthly. It is necessary to carry out experiments of thinking strengthened by fiery medicines. It is necessary to pay attention to how phosphorus or the fumes of eucalyptus affect thinking. It is necessary to check how much musk raises thinking. You need to collect all the data on other resinous oils. In a word, one must remember all the combinations closest to the work of Fire. These experiments must be carried out on persons of strong fiery thinking. Such experiments will remind you not only of vitamins, but also of Agni. The efforts of doctors to focus not only on internal medicines, but also on the effects of smell, will bring the desired results. People are very sick. The dark forces are trying to plant various kinds of drugs, but the narrow limits of life are not expanded by putting the intellect to sleep. What is needed now is spiritual wakefulness. One must love this wakefulness as a state worthy of a person.

M. O., I, 543. Why does evil sometimes appear to be victorious? Only from the instability of good. It can be proved in a purely physiological way that the manifestation of the predominance of evil is short-lived. Evil arises with imperil, but this poison can only give the first very strong outbreak. Then it goes into decomposition and gradually destroys its own parent. This means that if Agni is at least partially revealed, it does not cease to increase. So, when the imperil is already decomposing, Agni, on the contrary, will acquire full strength. Therefore, I advise you to endure the first onslaught of evil in order to leave it to your own devouring. In addition, when the duel of evil with good, in other words, the imperil with Agni, the latter will increase proportionally, while the imperil will decompose its owner. Thus, one can observe the duel of the lower with the higher, but only a full consciousness can encourage one to resist evil. It is useful to remember this and gather not only strength, but also patience in order to overcome what is already destined for destruction. I affirm that the truth "Light conquers darkness" even has a physiological basis.

M. O., I, 544. But who will help to collect useful examples? One can enumerate them, but few physicians take the trouble to note the movement and significance of Fire among the cases he observes. I do not advise Our doctor to apply all observations on himself. It can be exhausted by the phenomenon of overwork. He has many examples around.

MO, II, 196. Human body movements must be comprehended. It is necessary to teach children not only gymnastics, not only rhythm, but the meaning of economy of movement. When people understand the Fiery World and radiations, they will not senselessly wave their arms and legs, shake their heads and sway unnecessarily. If they had imagined their auric egg, they would not have disturbed it randomly with unnecessary vibrations. When people imagine, as it were, a fiery circle in reality around them, they will not senselessly burn their hand. The so-called nervous movements are especially unforgivable. It is they who show all the indiscipline of the will. Every doctor should monitor such habits of patients. Many diseases can be identified with one human movement. It is possible to cure him of the most disgusting habits by observing these movements and showing their harmfulness to the subtle body.

Thus, the doctor can manifest the most useful activity without physical drugs.

MO, III, 120. The transference of sensibility ought to be subtly examined. The transference of sensitivity inward or outward will constitute a very important branch of science, not only for the study of the human organism, but also for the study of the mutual pressure of macrocosm and microcosm. Until now, attempts have been made between people and objects, further experiments will be with plants and animals. Expanding the research, one can come to the study of the exchange of subtle energies. Thus, all animals can serve to change the currents of the sick. Of course, you will need to develop immunity from infection for this study. The magnetism of the Earth and the roots of trees, as well as prana, can serve to purify emanations. It is possible to achieve in the space laboratory all the bases for these studies. Before experiencing the transfer of sensitivity, one must study the manifestations of Agni Yoga, for only a subtle perception will give a subtle understanding. One must be imbued with the currents of the spirit in order to understand all the might that saturates the Fiery World.

MO, III, 397. The causes of diseases are innumerable, and science must understand these causes. At the same time, one must keep in mind the structure of all planetary life. When considering diseases, one should study the spiritual and physical currents. The environment also has its influence, for the group aura exerts strong impact to a sensitive organism. We have often heard that the best go, as it were, first into the Subtle World, and during epidemics of disease often carry away many sensitive spirits. It is necessary to investigate this phenomenon, because the insufficiency of psychic energy is not always the cause of the disease. Microbes of spiritual contagion, saturating space, weigh down precisely the sensitive organism, which has a large reserve of psychic energy. One can trace how often the disease resolves the accumulated drama of life at critical moments, and often the third spirit takes upon itself the burden created around it, which it voluntarily and tensely bears. Physicians should very carefully investigate the circumstances surrounding and preceding illnesses, for they can find the key to many diseases.

"... Laboratory analyzes of secretions are not only useful, but necessary for every more or less serious illness. If one could learn to film and read a person's aura and at the same time have an analysis of his secretions, then, as it was said, diseases could be established accurately But and science will come to this. I remember two of our family doctors in Russia - one Dr. Dvukraev, who during the war held the high post of commander-in-chief of the entire Sanitary Department in the country, and Dr. Grus for childhood diseases. Both of them are only in rare cases resorted to drugs and preferred the simplest home remedies and both said that the best doctor one who knows how not to interfere with nature, but only to help her, but in no case poison the body with patented poisons.

MO, III, 448. If a psychiatrist collects cases of unusual illnesses, he will undoubtedly detect contact with the Fiery World. If a specialist in neurology collects the facts of unexplained phenomena, he can help the study of psychic energy. Even the apparatus of our physiologist in Calcutta can give hints of the same energy. Revealed various names but the meaning is the same. People don't like to stick already existing titles and that only complicates the study.

M.O., III, 580. You know what is worse than an obvious injury - a concussion from a projectile or an explosion: a person usually loses his balance forever. The same thing happens with shock. invisible forces. Every doctor can observe the same symptoms both from concussion and from invisible shocks. They even talk about the noise of thought or the gusts of wind, hot or cold. It is right that thought can make noise or create wind. And such an action will be fiery, but people rarely notice such manifestations.

MO, III, 599. You remember the wonderful case of a blindfolded boy who did amazing things. But the answer is simple: he was blind from birth. People did not appreciate his abilities when they found out about his blindness. As if his abilities were lost from this state. You can often see how people pay attention to the most insignificant circumstances, not noticing the main thing. Some abilities of the blind are worthy of wonder and observation. This state is sometimes called fiery vision.

A., 55. People know that everyone sees objects in their own light. There are already explanations for different structure eyes, but completely do not attach importance to what people see through their aura. Everyone has their own color around them and sees through it. Tell the doctors this truth, and they will laugh, because the color of the radiations is invisible and eye diseases are not mentioned in textbooks. But even the manifestation of blindness is possible from a shock. Similarly, deafness and other feelings depend on the heart. The radiation itself depends on the condition of the heart. This means that everything that comes from the heart as a prayer is very colorful. Let us save ourselves from the scarlet and black prayers.

A., 89. It is useful to take communion with upper world as a need for clean air. No need to sit in a stinking poisonous atmosphere. Even the most ignorant people understand the harm of poison.

It is also noticed that when spiritual development people are freed from unpleasant odors characteristic of undeveloped organisms. Let us think that the higher world can transform even the composition of the blood! Let us not think that such influences are supernatural; on the contrary, it will be the most natural. When a person has returned from pure air, he is fragrant, the consciousness overshadowed by Grace is also fragrant.

A., 122. Indeed, when communicating with the higher world, one can observe that bent or crossed legs have a deep meaning. Let the doctors consider what effect on blood circulation and nerve centers has such compression of the limbs. Let them pay attention to the condition of the respiratory channels.

The one who understood the lubrication of channels respiratory organs, he already knew how to smell the meaning of these wires.

A., 164. Why do doctors pay little attention to atmospheric pressure? They send the sick to the waters, or to the sea, or to the mountains, but do not warn that the quality of the air may be completely changed by the action of the currents. There are various observation posts, but they must also become disseminators of information that is also useful for medical practice. Health must be protected by the state.

MO, I, 404. Perhaps the seventh vitamin is Fire. It has already been sufficiently clearly pointed out that the supply of clean air is much more essential than the use of city air. But by purity one must understand a special fiery saturation. People on the mountains can live longer without food and do not need sleep. Nourishment of the spirit or Agni can satiate them without requiring heavy foodstuffs. Let them make observations on the nutrition of prana at heights.

A., 296. One can observe many primitive methods for evoking events in memory. You can read how one ruler bowed his head to his knees so that a change in blood circulation would help awaken sleeping memory. Hermits are known to beat their chests to influence the Chalice. Many examples show that physical circulation associated with mental functions. All the more it is necessary to respect science, which considers the physical side of life, but thereby opens a new connection, spiritual, inherent in all being.

A., 308. During recovery, one can notice how sometimes something interferes with the process. It can be assumed that the patient himself delays the aspiration of the organism by his negative attitude; but it can be seen that there are other causes that lie outside of man. Spatial currents will be strong stimuli for all kinds of reactions. In hospitals where observations are possible on many individuals, one must skillfully observe why taking the same drug works differently. Among the spatial conditions there are many clues. One should not think that a blue clear sky will already be an indicator of useful currents; it may be that the formidable, cloudy sky will establish the best currents.

Little attention is paid to spatial currents, little attention is paid to various human moods. It is impossible to explain everything by thoughts that saturate space. In addition, there are the most subtle chemisms of distant worlds; such currents come into contact with the lower above-ground layers. You can imagine what combinations can turn out! In this case, too, a person cares little about his neighbor.

A., 353. Psychic energy can indicate both the quality of food and the harm of poison. Verily, man himself bears within himself the touchstone. You can successfully apply the same energy to identify diseases. You can especially monitor fluctuations in conditions ...

A., 303. One should say to a person: "Do not weaken yourself; discontent, doubt, self-pity eat up psychic energy." The manifestation of eclipsed labor is a terrible sight! It is possible to compare the results of luminiferous work and darkened work, when a person has robbed himself.

I believe that science should help in this matter. There are already devices for measuring blood pressure, and there will also be devices for comparing the burdened or inspired state of the body. One can be convinced that a person who has not succumbed to the influence of the three indicated vipers works ten times better; in addition, he retains immunity against all diseases. So again you can clearly see that the mental principle dominates the physical.

Especially now you can see how much harm humanity is doing to itself. Each thought is either a stone of creation, or a poison in the heart. It is not necessary to think that, speaking of self-poisoning, We mean something new - this truth is as old as the world! But when the ship is about to crash, then you should call for common work all forces.

A., 506. The worm of doubt is a very revealing symbol. It is the worm that is like a bacillus that decomposes psychic energy and even influences the composition of the blood. Someday scientists will show the mental and physical characteristics of a person who has fallen into doubt. Such consequences of the disease of doubt will be among the most contagious.

From infancy, the best prophylaxis against doubt should be used. Healthy intelligent inquisitiveness will not give rise to doubts, but all ignorance will be the source of the most ugly doubts. Doubt will be first of all ugliness and, in the end, will lead to betrayal.

The epidemic of betrayal is already a planetary disaster. Thus, from an insignificant worm, the most terrible dragon is formed.

A., 562. Vibratory electric massage is useful if vibrations are coordinated. It is foolish to surround the patient with vibrations alien to him. One should first of all study his psychic energy, its qualities and tension. Massage is based on rhythm, but rhythm is extremely individual. You can rub in completely inappropriate irritations.

Therefore, rhythm and vibration must be studied in medical schools.

Vibrational treatment is very individual, with the multitude of vibrations that exist, it is impossible to prescribe their use, a path of experience is needed on the basis of three helpers. One of them will be the clairvoyance of the doctor himself, another will be the help of the pendulum of life, and the third will be the indication of the patient under hypnosis. Only with such accomplices can one find the necessary vibrations. The treatment itself can take place by means of an electrical apparatus. But vibrations are also possible through hand passes. Under all conditions, special quick wit and mobility will be required from the doctor. He may notice that it is more necessary to apply an alternating current, and then he should quickly find an addition. Also, he must understand when we apply a cooling current or the hottest. There is no need to make mistakes in the currents, otherwise there will be undesirable consequences. It should also be borne in mind that during an epidemic there can be very accelerated symptoms and you need to be able to spot them. Also, strong vibrations should not be used with insufficient experience. Each new application must be tested for minor benign diseases. You also need to check which of the three accomplices is applicable. After all, they are applied and perceived individually.

A., 556. From the temple, let's look into the basement. We will be able to keep in ourselves not only soaring, but also compassion. Every person has an open wound. Only psychic energy can feel this pain. Each study of higher energy will also teach the discovery of help. Likewise, the desire to help must be nurtured.

"... One more useful information. We find among the ancients a mention of the science of characteristics, or signatures. A person, knowing the characteristics (that is, the shape, smell, appearance) of a plant, could use it for medicinal and other purposes without the need for "blind experiments and accidental discoveries ". The same applies to the mineral and animal kingdoms. This is the science of "correspondences." And since all nature is built according to a certain plan, the researcher who has open eyes will see these "correspondences" in everything. Paracelsus knew this science. His miracles were the result of the application of these principles. Astrology is the first step in the field of this science ... ".

“... If physical fire is the best purifying agent, then how much more powerful is that substance that helps to intensify the vital fire in us, transmuting all harmful deposits in the body. Indeed, in the Teaching it has been pointed out so many times that psychic energy is a panacea against all diseases. Finding crystal of psychic energy would put an end to many diseases. malignant diseases, such as cancer, are possible only when the body's supply of psychic energy is depleted. It would be interesting to study and compare the blood of cancer patients with the blood of a normal, healthy person. Many instructive things will be revealed in the study of blood ... ".

“... You have a healthy body, therefore you could show up in cooperation with the Great Master. You could gain great knowledge about the functions of the inner person - this main source of health, but also the main factor in all diseases caused by excesses and, above all, a decline in morality. The new medicine will be based on familiarization precisely with inner man revealed to us in the functions of the tonsils and the nervous system. The nervous system is the most important area in the human body, but modern medicine devotes little time to studying it, and the most powerful step towards discovering hidden diseases in a person remains unused.

The medicine of the future, in fact, will not treat the consequences, but the study of the causes of diseases. The treatment of some consequences sometimes even leads to new complications in the body ... ".

"... Doctors begin to anticipate a completely new meaning of the nervous system in a person, and the best minds began to express completely new thoughts about the meaning of a person.

Vagus is like a thermometer to determine the state of the body. A person with a powerful vagus can endure the most difficult operation, but a weak vagus cannot endure even an insignificant disease.

The solar plexus is also an indicator of the state of the body. Weak solar plexus does not withstand surgery. The person - the carrier of a weak solar plexus quickly fades away.

The strength of the solar plexus and vagus can be explored by the extremely careful use of X-rays. A healthy solar plexus will tense up under such exposure and respond with pain, but a plexus that does not respond to X-rays will not survive the operation. X-rays correspond to the sun's rays.

The solar plexus can be treated using X-ray massage up to two times a day and no more than a few minutes.

It is necessary to develop a technique for recognizing a healthy solar plexus and vagus from their weak condition. Thus, a refined organism may experience pain in the solar plexus, but the plexus itself will be healthy. Taking soda and valerian relieves such pain. Treatment of the solar plexus may also consist of taking soda and valerian up to three times a day.

If taking half a teaspoon of baking soda with valerian does not relieve pain through a short time after taking it, it means that the solar plexus is unwell, and you will have to apply X-ray massage. If the solar plexus does not respond with tension and pain to the massage with rays, then after the second unsuccessful application of X-rays, the massage should not be continued. Of course, all this information is not for publication, but for you ... ".

"... By a strong vagus, one can determine the vitality of a person. A healthy vagus will be manifested in the tension of the pulse and in a certain change in its rhythm in accordance with the change in cosmic currents, also by examining its strength with x-rays.

New devices are needed to study the activity of the heart, solar plexus and vagus nerve ... ".

“I would also advise you to read The Diary of a Doctor by the famous Dr. Pirogov. I myself did not read it, but at one time, H. P. Blavatsky, with the knowledge of the Great Teachers, greatly approved of his works and cited excerpts in her books. His unprejudiced mind , following scientific paths, introduced him into the realm of the occult.

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