What are the drugs for the treatment of cystitis. Tablets for the treatment of cystitis. What medicines to treat fungal cystitis

Cystitis is familiar to many women. The disease often takes chronic. Inflammation Bladder exacerbates at different intervals.

The appearance of symptoms makes you think about the start of taking medicines. Diet and drinking regimen plays an important role in alleviating the condition, accelerating recovery.

Why does cystitis occur in women

Cystitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the bladder. There are acute and chronic forms of the pathology. Causal factor development of the disease are microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). More often, the culprit is Escherichia coli, due to the anatomical proximity of the urethra to anus. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene favors the birth pathological process. The location of the outlet of the urethra in women near the vagina contributes to the penetration of infection from the genital tract into the bladder.

Gynecological, venereal pathology is often the cause of cystitis in women. Trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma herpes virus enter the perineum with secretions, are brought into urinary system. The pathogen can be transmitted from a sexual partner. Candidiasis (thrush) can also provoke a disease. The choice of drug for the treatment of bladder infection is based on the causative factor.

Factors predisposing to the development of cystitis in women

The entry of microbes into the cavity of the bladder does not mean the onset of the disease. There are natural defense mechanisms against infection. The production of immunoglobulins provides local immunity. The mucus secreted by the glands of the bladder prevents microbes from attaching to the wall. There is a cleansing of the body from infection with the flow of urine with each urination. Violation defense mechanisms occurs for various reasons:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • Systematic use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Inadequate hygiene care behind the crotch area;
  • Wearing tight clothing, underwear made of synthetic materials;
  • Long breaks between urination;
  • Systematic consumption of spicy, smoked, spicy dishes, alcohol;
  • Surgical interventions, catheterization;
  • Urethral injury urinary stones, sand, foreign bodies;
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the genital area;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Pathology endocrine system(diabetes).

The basis of the treatment of cystitis is the intake of antibiotics, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs. But in a huge variety of drugs it is very easy to get confused, so it is not surprising that most patients have the question of what to drink with cystitis.

What is cystitis and why does it appear?

This disease is not the rarest, cystitis is the most common reason for a woman to visit a urologist. Men rarely go to the hospital with such an ailment, because their long and narrow urethra does not allow bacteria to freely enter the bladder, most often they remain in urethra causing urethritis. In women, the situation is different, their urethra is short and wide, so pathogens easily enter the bladder and lead an active life there, causing inflammation.

Thus, the main cause of cystitis is the pathogenic microflora in the bladder, where it should not normally be. An unpleasant inflammatory process can be caused by:

  • bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.);
  • viruses (herpes or influenza virus);
  • fungi (fungus of the genus Candida);
  • protozoa (Trichomonas).

All of these microorganisms enter the mucous membrane of the bladder with cystitis, which leads to urination disorders and pain.

Since there is no drug that can destroy all pathogens, before deciding what to drink with cystitis, it is necessary to determine which microorganism has become the culprit of feeling unwell.

Factors accelerating the appearance of cystitis

Just like that, bacteria cannot get into the urethra, because it has a certain protection that needs to be broken in order for cystitis to appear. These factors include:

Separately, each of these factors may not cause cystitis, but if a woman's immunity has fallen and she has become cold or for a long time wore the wrong underwear, after a while, perhaps she will get acquainted with cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis

Every woman who has already met with such a disease and frantically searched for what helps with cystitis will say that its symptoms cannot be confused with other diseases. You need to go to the hospital urgently if:

  • urination is disturbed, severe pain is felt during the process;
  • the periods between urination were reduced to 10-20 minutes, the patient goes to the toilet up to 30 times;
  • feels tugging and It's a dull pain in the suprapubic area;
  • general well-being worsens, the patient feels lethargy and loss of strength.
  • with aggravation of inflammation are often observed heat and fever.

If the above signs of the disease appear, you do not need to think about how to treat cystitis at home, but you need to quickly go to the hospital, because advanced cystitis threatens with pyelonephritis and other unpleasant complications.

Diagnosis of cystitis

At the doctor's appointment, the patient first of all talks about his problem, trying not to miss the slightest detail. Based on these data, the doctor will first decide how to treat cystitis and what the patient can drink. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor must send the patient to the following diagnostic procedures:

  1. general urinalysis, in which attention is paid not only to biochemical composition liquid, but also on its color, consistency and smell;
  2. urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, with the help of which a final diagnosis is made;
  3. bacteriological culture, which determines the pathogen and what exactly to take with cystitis;
  4. a blood test allows you to determine the presence of a focus of inflammation in the organ and provide information about the general condition of the patient;
  5. cytoscopy, in which you can view the bladder from the inside;
  6. Ultrasound allows you to carefully examine the bladder again, especially if stones are suspected;
  7. a biopsy is required if the malignancy of the ongoing pathological process is suspected.

The complex of these diagnostic procedures will allow you to pick the best treatment with cystitis in women, which will help to quickly cure the disease.

Treatment of cystitis

In order to eliminate the unpleasant signs of cystitis and put the bladder in order, you need to take the following types of medicines:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • herbal preparations;
  • antispasmodics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulators and probiotics.

Because the first thing to do is destroy pathogenic bacteria the mainstay of treatment are antibiotics and antiviral drugs, and all other medicines are required to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Antibiotic therapy

Before results bacteriological analysis the doctor will most likely say that it is best to drink broad-spectrum antibiotics, which in most cases are good for cystitis. If after a few days the state of health does not improve, it makes sense to change the medicine to another. There are several antibiotics that are most actively used for.


This medicine is considered the most effective and convenient because it must be taken at night after emptying the bladder. The drug is available in powder format, which must be diluted in half a glass of water, and then drunk. The patient does not need to guess how much to drink with Monural cystitis, since you only need to take the medication once.

The main drawback of the drug is only that it is used only for acute form diseases, since the amount of the active active substance is not enough to affect chronic cystitis, and it is strictly forbidden to use Monural several times in a row.

The drug, as a rule, should not be taken only by children under 5 years old, the antibiotic can be taken even by pregnant and lactating mothers, but it is important to do this only with the consent of the attending physician.


This medication contains norfloxacin, which is very effective against the pathogens of cystitis. Usually Nolicin and its analogues (Norbactin, Normaks) are prescribed in cases where other antibiotics have not had the desired effect on cystitis. Active active substance does not accumulate in other organs, but is concentrated in the urine, which allows washing the damaged mucous membrane of the bladder.

The main contraindications include the age of the patient, Nolicin can not be used in patients under 18 years of age, since the components medicinal product adversely affect bone tissue. With caution take pills and people who are prone to seizures or epilepsy, as well as pregnant or lactating women.

Take medication when acute cystitis you need three times a day for three days, and in the chronic course of the disease, the course of admission is significantly increased, you should consult a doctor about this.


Refers to antibiotics of the quinolone series, has an antiseptic effect on urine. The drug destroys the pathogens of cystitis that are sensitive to the components of the drug. Despite the fact that you need to take the medication twice a day for ten days, relief is felt within a few hours after taking the first pill.


This drug contains nitrofuran and is used for inflammation in the organs excretory system, for example, with cystitis and pyelonephritis. In order for the use of Furagin to bring as much as possible more benefit, it is imperative to determine whether the bacteria are sensitive to nitrofuran.

The antibiotic is taken for a week twice or thrice a day, depending on the severity of the cystitis. At chronic disease the number of Furagin capsules drunk per day decreases, but the course of administration itself increases.


Contains nalidixic acid, which has been shown to be effective against most possible pathogens cystitis. The medicine should be taken four times a day for a week. The only drawback of Nevigramon is high price, for packaging you will have to pay about 3000 rubles.


The drug belongs to the group of macrolides, they treat cystitis and other inflammations of the urinary system. In no case should you use the drug on your own, since the medicine belongs to a very strong antibiotics, which can adversely affect the patient's body, especially the intestines. You can use Rulid only after consulting a doctor.

Herbal preparations

The use of medicines with medicinal plants- at least good way remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. But it is important to remember that antibiotics should still form the basis of treatment, while herbal and other other medicines can only supplement the treatment of cystitis.


This medicine contains about 10 medicinal plants, which help to pacify the inflammatory process, as well as relieve spasm of the muscles of the bladder and increase the amount of urine produced. The main advantage of the drug is that it does not need to be brewed or specially processed in any way, you just need to drink the tablets twice a day before meals.


It's another one good drug to eliminate the symptoms of cystitis, it contains several useful medicinal plants that will help eliminate unpleasant spasms and heal the damaged mucous membrane of the organ.


Monurel contains cranberry extract, which allows you to disinfect urine and bladder mucosa. For the same reason, many doctors recommend drinking as much cranberry juice or other drinks based on this berry as possible with cystitis. You need to take Monurel long time, so it will not only help to defeat the disease, but also reduce the risk of relapse.


Often completely unbearable and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To this end, doctors prescribe antispasmodics that will help eliminate spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder and return good health. These types of drugs include No-shpa, Drotaverin and Baralgin, but it is important to remember that they cannot be used when hemorrhagic cystitis because it leads to increased bleeding. Also, one should not hope that an inflammatory disease can be cured with Drotaverine, since the use of antispasmodics will only help eliminate the symptoms, but not the root cause.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Often the pain in cystitis is so severe that patients ask what pills can be taken to improve their well-being if antispasmodics do not work. Doctors in such cases recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, which not only eliminate pain, but also have a beneficial effect on the raging inflammatory process.

Immunomodulators and probiotics

These medicines do not play particularly important role c, but they allow you to quickly recover from antibiotic therapy that is not very useful for the body. Taking immunomodulators will help the body fight pathogens more effectively, and the use of probiotics will restore beneficial microflora intestines.

The inflammatory process, the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract, pain and spasms, urination disorders - these are the main manifestations of cystitis, which should be combated. rational therapy. Cystitis tablets have an advantage over other forms of medication - they are convenient to take, so most patients prefer tablet preparations.

Choosing inexpensive and effective treatment pills at random or taking them randomly is a lottery, and far from a win-win. Any pill without a doctor's prescription can bring significant harm to the body, while, but only drowning out the symptoms.

The price of self-treatment for inflammation of the bladder may be too high. Before starting any effective pills from cystitis, you should contact a urologist who will develop the correct treatment regimen, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease.

The “drink just in case, maybe it will help” option can cost more than taking it to paid clinic. The doctor will prescribe, among which bacteriological culture, which will reveal the sensitivity of bacteria to certain drugs.

Antibacterial tablets of synthetic or semi-synthetic origin

The main reason for the development of cystitis is bacterial infection, it is because of the harmful microflora (streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci) that inflammation appears. Therefore, the basis for the treatment of acute and recurrent cystitis is antibacterial agents.

Important: an antibacterial drug will be effective when it is prescribed by a doctor. It is not worth choosing a medicine on the advice of friends or reviews on the Internet, it is also wrong to choose the most expensive drug for cystitis - the price is not a guarantee of a cure. It is imperative to pass urine for analysis in order to determine which bacteria caused the inflammation, and then decide which pills to drink.

Having drunk a pill for cystitis with antibacterial action, the patient can feel the improvement after a few hours. But this does not mean that the best drug was chosen, which quickly cured the disease. It is necessary to continue therapy with prescribed drugs throughout the course (prescribed by a doctor, usually 5-10 days). After therapy, tests are repeated - if they are good and there are no symptoms, then cystitis is considered cured.


Effective against most pathogens of cystitis, drugs from this group can be used in a short course. However, some doctors believe that it is unreasonable to drink fluoroquinolones for uncomplicated cystitis, they should be left as reserve drugs for more complex diseases. Therefore, fluoroquinolones are more often prescribed for severe forms diseases, including those with complications.

  • . It acts on gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, is effective in any form of the disease.

  • Ofloxacin. Spectrum of action: Escherichia coli, Proteus, Neisseria, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Ureaplasma, etc.

  • Norfloxacin. Acts on Escherichia coli, Proteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria, etc.

The spectrum of action of penicillins is not as wide as that of fluoroquinolones, so the drug is selected individually in each case. However, they have a significant advantage - they are well tolerated, almost non-toxic. They are rarely prescribed, as resistance of many strains of pathogens to representatives of this group is increasingly noted - in other words, penicillins do not always help.

  • . Acts on staphylococcus, streptococcus. Moderately active against Proteus, Enterococcus, coli.
  • Amoxicillin. Effective against staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli.
  • Oxacillin. Acts on streptococci, staphylococci, neisseria.


They are highly active against many bacteria (they have a greater effect on gram-negative ones), have a strong bactericidal effect, and are resistant to beta-lactamase enzymes. In total there are 4 generations of this group of drugs, but the first 3 are produced in tablet form. Today, only cephalosporins of the 2nd and 3rd generations are used as drugs for cystitis, since representatives of the 1st generation are less resistant to beta-lactamases and are not as effective .

  • Cefuroxime. Acts on Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, enterococcus.
  • Cefixime. Take when streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus are detected.

Nitrofuran derivatives

Tablets for cystitis from this group have a pronounced bactericidal effect, are usually well tolerated, pathogens slowly develop resistance to them, and the price of drugs is relatively low. Therefore, nitrofuran derivatives are considered first-line drugs for cystitis.

  • Furagin (Furamag). Spectrum of action: staphylococci, E. coli, enterobacteria.
  • . Effective drug in relation to staphylococcus, proteus, streptococcus.

The above is not full list antibacterial drugs prescribed for cystitis, there are much more of them. The doctor may prescribe pills for inflammation of the bladder, which are not in the above list - these may be other drugs or analogue drugs that are simply called differently.

Plant Based Tablets

Phytopreparations are not considered a medicine, they can be used to treat cystitis only when mild form course of the disease without fever and only after consulting a doctor. They are usually included in complex therapy along with synthetic antibacterial drugs and apply as prophylactic.

  • . The tablet contains more than 10 herbal ingredients, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effects, promotes the dissolution of kidney stones. It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

  • Kanefron. Fights inflammation, has diuretic, antibacterial and antispasmodic effects. It is used to treat cystitis and to prevent the formation of urinary stones.

  • Monurel. Contains vitamin C and cranberry extract. Possesses antimicrobial action, is most active against Escherichia coli, but also affects Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Proteus. Used in the complex treatment of cystitis, used for prevention.

Herbal medicines are sold without a prescription and are considered relatively safe. Nevertheless, we advise you to always consult with a urologist before using any herbal remedies, because even they have contraindications. It should also be borne in mind that an allergic reaction may occur from a herbal medicine tablet taken orally.


Antispasmodic drugs unable to cure cystitis, they are drunk to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Antispasmodics relieve pain by relieving muscle spasm internal organs. They also relax the urethral sphincter, making the urge to urinate less frequent. The drugs are fast-acting and relatively cheap.

  • Drotaverine (more than famous drug with the same active ingredient called No-shpa). Relaxes smooth muscles, promotes expansion blood vessels and improve blood supply to organs. The action is fast (after about 30-60 minutes, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached). The price of the drug is low, which makes it popular.

  • Baralgin. Eliminates spasm smooth muscle, has a strong analgesic effect, expands the lumen of blood vessels. Powerful drug, which can be used for cystitis only on the recommendation of a doctor, self-medication is unacceptable (for example, if there is internal bleeding, Baralgin can increase it).

  • Tempalgin. Acts as an analgesic, antipyretic. A mild tranquilizer effect is also noted, which helps to eliminate the symptoms of anxiety that often accompany inflammatory diseases With severe pain. You can drink as prescribed by the doctor, who will appreciate possible consequences for the body.

NSAIDs in tablets

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used as part of complex therapy for cystitis. They have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

  • Ibuprofen (the name of the analogues is Nurofen, Faspik). Reduces temperature, relieves pain, fights inflammation. Acts quickly, but has many side effects. Drink according to doctor's advice last resort- take once before consulting a doctor, as the price of a chaotic intake can be high for health.
  • Ibuklin. Contains ibuprofen and paracetamol. More effective than regular Ibuprofen, but the number of side effects and contraindications is also greater.

The purpose of taking probiotics for cystitis is to normalize the intestinal and vaginal microflora, this will help the body cope with the disease faster and reduce the likelihood of exacerbations in the future.

In women, inflammation of the bladder often occurs precisely because of an imbalance in the microflora, when harmful microorganisms enter the urethra from closely located foci of infection.

  • Bifidumbacterin tablets. Normalizes the intestinal microflora due to the content of live bifidobacteria, is able to neutralize side effect antibiotics, antagonistically active against many pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
  • Biosporin tablets. has a positive effect on immune system, is able to suppress the activity of antibiotic-resistant strains, is antagonistically active against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Proteus.

The effectiveness of probiotics in the complex treatment of cystitis was evaluated in a study involving 44 patients diagnosed with chronic cystitis. The results were evaluated 3 months after the start of treatment. Women were divided into 2 groups:

  • The first group (24 women). Assigned standard antibiotic therapy. After 3 months, relapses were noted in 7 patients.
  • The second group (20 women). Antibacterial therapy was prescribed in combination with a probiotic. There were no relapses.

Given the results obtained, probiotics can be recommended for inclusion in the treatment regimen for chronic cystitis, as they reduce the likelihood of relapses. What to drink from probiotics with cystitis, ask your doctor - it is impossible to name in absentia the best drugs that will help in a particular case.


Cystitis appears against the background of a weakened immune system, so doctors often include immunomodulating agents in the complex therapy, which help to strengthen the protective properties of the whole organism and urinary tract in particular. Some of them are also used as antivirals.

The mucous membrane of the bladder is a protective barrier that keeps defenses against various infections. Normally, bacteria cannot attach to the walls of the bladder due to a thin layer of a special substance - glycocalyx, and are washed out with urine.

But at chronic cystitis the defense is weakened, and the cells that produce the glycocalyx are damaged. The process of producing interferons is disrupted, it becomes easier for bacteria to attack the body. In this case, it is advisable to prescribe immunomodulators.

Perhaps, the expediency of taking immunomodulators among patients causes the most controversy, although their effectiveness has been proven. Some believe that immunomodulators are indispensable, while others refuse to take these drugs, citing the fact that the body must fight itself. Who is right. Let's turn to the facts.

Here are the results of a study of the effectiveness of the drug Tiloron in the complex therapy of chronic cystitis:

Initial data: 60 women diagnosed with recurrent cystitis, age of patients from 20 to 80 years. The patients were divided into 2 groups of 30 people. The total period of observation of the patients was 180 days, during this period each patient visited the doctor 5 times.

  • The first group received an antibiotic (10 days course) and an immunomodulator (10 tablets per course). basic therapy, 10 tablets once a week for prevention). On the 25th day of treatment, flora was isolated in 20.7% of cases. On the 100th day - in 13.8% of patients. On the 180th day - in 3 women.
  • The second group received an antibiotic (course 10 days) and a placebo. On the 25th day of treatment, flora was isolated in 48% of cases. On the 100th day - in 32% of patients. On the 180th day - in 3 women.

As can be seen from the results, the eradication of microorganisms in the group of women who took a drug with an immunomodulatory effect against cystitis was more intense, which proves the effectiveness of immunomodulatory therapy for cystitis.

The same indicators of microflora isolation on the 180th day indicate that courses of immunomodulatory therapy for prevention should be carried out twice a year.


There is an impressive number of drugs that are available in tablets and are used for cystitis. Among them are tablets with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Some of them are sold without a prescription, but in no case should this be a reason for self-medication - if taken irrationally, any medicine can harm. Consult a doctor at the first symptoms of cystitis!

Despite the popularity and effectiveness of antibiotics, many still seek to use medicines that include more natural ingredients. There are quite a few reasons for this. For some patients, antibiotics are simply contraindicated due to serious problems with health, and, as a rule, after the completed course, an additional course is required to restore the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Today in the pharmacy you can find a huge selection of tablets for cystitis, based solely on herbs. Cystitis is enough unpleasant disease especially for children. It is accompanied by severe pain and the inability to fully urinate. main reason cystitis is urinary infection, which provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane and changes urinary sediment. The main reasons for the development of the disease are stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis, trauma to the mucous membrane of the bladder, banal hypothermia, various hormonal disruptions (especially in women), and a lack of appropriate vitamins.

Benefits of herbal remedies for cystitis

At a minimum, herbal preparations will not harm. It is worth remembering that antibiotics may not always be suitable for a particular patient.

Also, herbal medicines are not addictive. They are perfect for both regular prevention and full-fledged, complex treatment. Quite often doctors prescribe herbal tablets for the treatment of chronic forms of cystitis.

Another important advantage is that some of these tablets can increase therapeutic effect others medical preparations which include anticoagulants, antibiotics, drugs to lower blood sugar levels, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Do not forget about others, no less important rules treatment. Without them, the recovery process can take longer. With cystitis, the patient must observe the pastel regime, drink plenty of fluids and exclude from the diet. alcoholic drinks, spicy and salty dishes, preservation and decoctions based on meat. Sometimes, to remove pain, the doctor prescribes heating pads, .

List of herbal tablets

Important! In no case should you choose pills on your own, even if they are based on herbs. The urologist will make a thorough examination, make a referral for testing and additional surveys and only after that will choose the most correctly individual plan treatment, which will include the most appropriate drugs.

the method of application and the dosage itself largely depend on the form of the course of cystitis, the age of the patient, his weight, and much more. A single rule for all is the observance of a strict reception schedule.

The basic principle of action of any such agent is based on a diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. The main advantage is a complete replacement herbal decoctions that the patient needs to prepare. Each preparation contains about ten extracts of various plants. Basically, two tablets per day are enough one and a half hours before meals or two hours after. Do not neglect, for example, cystone, when there is a fact of recurrence of cystitis.

Very well remove the temperature of the pill with cranberries. Many pharmaceutical companies very often grow this plant themselves. main feature herbal remedies with cranberries lies in the fact that they are not destroyed in gastrointestinal system. They enter the bladder in a timely manner and do not allow the infection to attach to the walls of the bladder. These tablets contain a lot of vitamins C, PP, H, B, iron, phosphorus, calcium. The most recommended drug is still Monurel, dispensed without a prescription, optimal in cost and without contraindications.


The main active ingredient in these tablets, as already mentioned, is cranberry. Everyone has long known that this plant copes well with the removal of toxins from the body and eliminates pain syndrome in the abdomen. It should be noted that the drug belongs to biologically active additives, which effectively fights such bacteria:

  • coli;
  • shigella;
  • Proteus;
  • Neisseria.

The maximum peak concentration of cranberries in the body occurs between 1 and 4 hours after ingestion. Monurel is metabolized primarily in the kidneys.

Contraindications for use:

  • Disturbances in the work of the kidneys;
  • Allergy to some components;
  • Pregnancy (causes placental bleeding) and lactation.

The best effect is achieved if you take Monurel before going to bed. The tablets should be taken with plenty of water. As practice shows, in the acute form of cystitis, Monurel is taken within thirty days. As a preventive measure, it is used two weeks a month for 3 months. Prevention reduces the risk of relapse.

No cases of overdose were found, but side effects are not excluded. You can identify them by the following signs:

  • Vomit;
  • Heartburn;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Indigestion.

The shelf life is 24 months from the date of production. There are no data on contraindications for children.


The composition includes 18 mg of centaury grass, 18 mg of lovage root, 18 mg of rosemary leaves, as well as additional substances such as red iron oxide, dextrin, corn starch.

The main focus is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action. With active use, patients experience a decrease in protein excretion, which is explained by the effect of plant components on the glomerular and tubular system. The main indication for treatment is not only an infection in the bladder, but also noncommunicable diseases kidneys. To prevent the formation of urinary calculi, it is possible to use it as a prophylactic agent.

It must be taken orally without chewing or crushing. It is necessary to drink large quantity water. The duration of the entire course is determined by a specialist who will take into account the patient's history, possible allergic reactions etc. Given the composition, many doctors are of the opinion about long-term use.

Basically, adults and adolescents over 12 years of age are prescribed two tablets three times a day.

Strictly contraindicated in individuals intolerant of fructose and lactose. Also, complications may appear in those who have a peptic ulcer or have problems with the cardiovascular system.

In the course of the studies, no information was received that Kanfernon somehow affects the fetus of a pregnant woman. But still, given the limited experience, pregnant women should avoid the use of Kanfernon.

Produced in blister packs of 20 units for 60 tablets. The shelf life is 4 years. It is necessary to store in a dark place at a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees Celsius.


Main constituent components Cystone:

  • Rhizomes;
  • Silicon lime powder;
  • stems;
  • Flowers;
  • Purified mineral resin.

At the time of manufacture, Cyston is steamed with an extract of cornflower herbs, bashful mimosa seeds, dolichos bicolor, fragrant peony and horsetail.

Treatment is achieved by increasing the blood supply to the kidneys and urinary system. Due to the composition, oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxyproline are actively excreted. As a result, the risk of countermentation is reduced. The cystoi influences the mucin and breaks down these countermeasures. Sand, crystals and stones are also excreted from the body.

Saxifrage reed stops irritation of the mucous membrane and affects the crystal-colloidal ratio of stones and eventually destroys their structure.

Silica lime acts as a diuretic, and mineral resin tones metabolic processes and improve food digestibility.

The main indications for use are urinary incontinence, gout, pyelitis, litholysis of stones, postoperative treatment.

Produced in a bottle for 100 pieces. The pills themselves are biconvex, round shape, light brown. Cystone is contraindicated in persons with poor urinary tract patency. Adults should take the medicine 2 times a day, 2 tablets for four or six months.


Urovax is widely used, which can be used both in combination and in preventive therapy. Sufficiently high quality and without complications combined with antibiotics and various antiseptics. Available in the form of gelatin capsules. The capsule itself contains a powdery substance inside. A cardboard box is designed for a plate with ten such capsules. The main ingredient is Escherichia coli, a gram-negative rod-type microorganism.

Urovax stimulates T-lymphocytes, increases the level of immunoglobulin and produces indogenous interferon. In order for the therapy to bring the maximum result, Urovax is not drunk 14 days before and for 14 days after oral intake live vaccines.

Shelf life reaches five years. Country of manufacture - Switzerland, the Netherlands.



  • Marigold flowers - choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerated recovery of damaged tissues, sedative effect;
  • Peppermint leaves inhibit fermentation processes in the digestive canals, and also lower the tone of smooth intestinal muscles, urinary biliary ducts;
  • The fruits of fragrant dill perform antispasmodic functions;
  • Bearberry leaves are natural antiseptic and diuretic;
  • Eleutherococcus rhizome heals wounds and relieves inflammation.

For basic physical and chemical properties represents the crushed raw materials of yellow-green color and powder large with lilac-brown impregnations. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to specific components. For more details, see the instructions in the box. The drug is prohibited for children under 12 years of age!


Less in demand, in comparison with other analogues, but not inferior in its main properties, due to which it has many positive feedback. Refers to combined medicines plant origin. The composition contains many essential oils, as well as the fruits of wild carrots, horsetail grass and mountaineer bird, birch buds, mint leaves and staminate orthosiphon. Urocholum, in addition to the standard functions required for the treatment of cystitis, also has antiazometic features.

These drops are often prescribed for the treatment of biliary dyskinesia and for getting rid of cholecystitis, pyelonephritis. Before taking before meals, the drops are diluted in a tablespoon of water. Before the procedure, the bottle must be thoroughly shaken.

For teenagers and adults, 10 or 12 drops three times a day will be enough. Duration of admission - from 5 to 30 days.


Trinephron is a fast-acting liquid and capsule formulation. One capsule contains centaury herbs, lovage roots and rosemary leaves, as well as excipients.

Trinephron creates a large concentration of antibacterial components in the patient's urine. General state this improves, and the likelihood of further inflammation decreases. In many ways, inflammatory foci removed with rosmarinic acid.

The capsules are swallowed whole before meals. The integrity of the gelatin shell should not be broken. For persons over twelve years old, two capsules three times a day are sufficient.

How to avoid cystitis?

In order not to waste finances and your own time on long-term treatment, there are some rules, adhering to which you can avoid health problems:

  • Do not sit on the cold;
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods;
  • Women especially carefully monitor the health of the reproductive system;
  • Observe the rules of hygiene;
  • Only have safe sex.

Expert opinion

If no critical consequences are expected from the bladder, which is still inflamed, in the near future, then pills on a plant, natural basis are exactly what you need! Often, everything is done at this stage without antibiotics that can create additional problems completely different direction.

Self-selection of a cure for cystitis is a big mistake. Unpleasant symptoms most likely disappear, but the cause of the disease will not be eliminated. In the worst case, self-treatment will lead to the development serious complications or the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must comprehensive examination starting with the examination of the patient. With cystitis external changes usually not. When pressing on the lower abdomen, there are pain. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • Complete blood count reveals symptoms nonspecific inflammation, high level leukocytes, a large number of immature forms neurophiles and increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR).
  • A urinalysis helps to detect protein, high performance the presence of bacteria, erythrocytes and leukocytes. If the level of leukocytes is exceeded, then a three-glass test and a urine test according to the Nechiporenko method are additionally assigned.
  • Bacteriological examination of urine is carried out in order to identify the pathogen. Determining the culprit of the disease will allow the course of therapy to be targeted and more effective, and the chances of a full recovery will increase significantly. Such a study allows you to conduct an antibiogram in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to different groups antibiotics.
  • Cystoscopy is performed if cystitis has chronic course. In the acute form of the disease, the procedure is not prescribed, as it contributes to the spread of infection and is painful.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) helps to detect stones in the bladder, determine the condition of the urinary tract and nearby organs. Allows to exclude malignant and benign tumors.

Based on the results of the examination, the urologist prescribes antibiotics, herbal remedies and antispasmodics.

What drugs are needed for a complete treatment

In order for the treatment to be complete, drugs must have certain properties: eliminate the pathogen, stop the pain syndrome.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics kill quickly pathogenic microflora. It is important to take them for a certain period of time recommended by your doctor: 5, 7 or 10 days. If you do not follow this rule and stop taking the drugs ahead of time, then the causative agent of cystitis may develop resistance (addiction) to the action of the drug. Wherein pathogenic bacteria will not be completely destroyed.

The most popular and effective means in the fight against pathogens of cystitis are antibiotics of the group of fosfomycins and fluoroquinols. If the patient has an individual intolerance similar drugs, then nitrofurans, chloramphenicol, cephalosporins are prescribed.

An approximate treatment regimen for cystitis:

  • Norfloxacin - twice a day, 400 mg. The duration of the course is 3 days.
  • Monural - 1 time per day for 3 g. Consume within 3 days.
  • Ciprofloxacin - twice a day, 250 mg. The duration of therapy is 3 days.

Self-treatment of cystitis in a very rare cases leads to complete recovery of the patient. To choose the right antibiotic, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. During the treatment period, monitoring of the dynamics of the patient's condition is required. In addition, many antibiotics are absolute contraindications to application.

To date, treatment with Furagin, Furadonin, Ampicillin, Biseptol, Cefalexin, Cephradine is considered ineffective, since pathogens have developed resistance to them.

Inexpensive antibacterial medicines for cystitis:


It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Usually prescribed in cases where other means do not give desired result in the course of therapy.
Nolicin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy, vascular atherosclerosis. It is undesirable to use Nolicin in patients with liver disease and renal failure.

The estimated cost of the drug is 150-300 rubles.


It is an analogue of the drug 5 NOC. Nitroxoline treats pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis. The antibiotic is contraindicated in liver diseases and kidney failure.

average cost drug 60-70 rubles.


The antibacterial agent belongs to the quinolone series. Has been successfully used in the treatment of infections urinary tract if bacteria are susceptible to pipemidonic acid. Palin should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnant and lactating women. As well as children under 15 years of age.
The approximate price in Russian pharmacies is 250–280 rubles.

Monural - modern and safe medicine from cystitis, which can be used even in pregnant women.

It is one of the cheapest and most effective antibiotics used for the treatment of cystitis. The price is about 300 rubles. Monural is not prescribed for children under 5 years of age and people with allergies to the components of this drug. Before use, the powder must be dissolved in water, it is used exclusively on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

For people who have the opportunity to purchase more expensive antibiotics, they recommend drugs such as Nevigramon and Rulid.

  • Nevigramone is a nalidixic acid, which is characterized by high antibacterial activity. Excellently tolerated by patients. The cost ranges from 3200 to 4400 rubles.
  • Rulid is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide range actions. Refers to macrolides. It is used exclusively as directed by a physician. The average cost is in the range of 1100 to 1200 rubles.


Eliminate spasms and pain syndrome, which is one of the main symptoms of cystitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the muscles, which causes pain during filling and sharp pain when emptying the bladder. Nosh-pa, Baralgin, Papaverine relieve muscle tension, which relieves pain. The price is in the range from 50 to 100 rubles.

Antispasmodics are available in various forms, in the form of tablets, water-soluble powder or suppositories. The effectiveness of a particular drug does not depend on the form of use.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Similar agents (Nimesil, Diclofenac) are used to interrupt the chain of biochemical reactions that cause the inflammatory process. This reduces local swelling and fullness of the affected tissue, which relieves pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy: Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Faspik, Nurofen, Mig. Drugs should be used if cystitis is accompanied by severe pain. The cost ranges from 30 to 100 rubles.


Such remedies give an excellent result if cystitis occurs without an increase in body temperature and a pronounced pain syndrome. Most often, phytopreparations are used as part of complex therapy with antibacterial agents.


It has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the drug includes more than 10 different plant extracts. Long term use provides dissolution of kidney stones, enhances the action antimicrobials, reduces inflammation. Produced in the form of tablets. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 430 rubles.


Phytopreparation is made on the basis of cranberry and is its highly concentrated extract. Since ancient times, it has been used to treat cystitis, as it has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Available in tablets long-term use which prevents recurrence of the disease. The price in Russian pharmacies averages 450-500 rubles.

lingonberry leaves

Cowberry leaf is one of the best medicinal non-drug medicines for cystitis

Inexpensive, destroys Staphylococcus aureus, has astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic action. The drug is indicated for use in pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, nephropathy, cystitis. Helps to increase immunity, provides a higher effectiveness of taking antibiotics. Filter bags containing lingonberries are less effective than ordinary dry leaves in packs. The cost in pharmacies of the Russian Federation is 40-50 rubles.

Phytolysin paste

The tool is made on the basis of 9 various herbs and represents them water-alcohol solution. Has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, eliminates spasms muscle tissue. Helps to remove sand from the renal pelvis and ureters. The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 300-350 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution. Regular intake of Kanefron reduces pain during urination and the likelihood of relapse if cystitis is in chronic form. The tool is based on medicinal herbs: centaury, lovage, rosemary. The price in Russian pharmacies is 350–400 rubles.


The occurrence of cystitis is directly dependent on the state of the urinary tract, intestinal microflora and vagina. For this reason, in addition to antibiotics and herbal remedies, you should undergo treatment with probiotics that restore microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Acipol, RioFlora Immuno.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women

As you know, women are most susceptible to the occurrence of cystitis, they account for 90% of all cases. Effective remedy, which is usually prescribed to the fairer sex: Monural, Ibuprofen, Palin. Simultaneously with antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, phytopreparations are prescribed: Cyston, Monurel, Kanefron.

Treatment for cystitis in women includes:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of spicy, pickled, smoked and salty dishes.
  2. The use of immunostimulants.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Douching with medicinal herbs.
  5. Application natural remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Warm baths and compresses.

Improper treatment can lead to a rapid transition of cystitis from acute course into chronic. In this case, the walls of the bladder lose their elasticity, a cyst is formed, the structures of the organ are destroyed. Due to the ever-present inflammatory process likelihood of tissue degeneration malignant neoplasm increases significantly.

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