Useful or harmful black radish. Biochemical composition of black radish. Black radish contraindications

Radish is a root vegetable from the cruciferous family. It comes in several varieties, differing in shape, color and taste. The pulp has a juicy, crispy and fibrous texture. The taste of the vegetable is spicy, sweet and spicy at the same time.

Depending on the variety, the radish harvest season changes. White and red varieties are available in spring and summer, while black and purple radishes are cold hardy so they can be harvested in autumn or even early winter.

Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked. It is boiled, steamed, baked and marinated. The leaves of the vegetable, which have a mustard flavor, are sometimes eaten. The beneficial properties of radish make it possible to use the vegetable not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Composition of radish

Radishes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The composition of radish in accordance with the recommended daily allowance is presented below.


  • C - 48%;
  • B6 - 4%;
  • B9 - 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B5 - 2%.


  • potassium - 8%;
  • copper - 5%;
  • iron - 4%;
  • calcium - 3%;
  • phosphorus - 3%.

Calorie radish - 14 kcal per 100 gr.

The medicinal properties of radish help maintain liver health, strengthen the immune system and protect the heart from disease.

For joints and bones

Vitamin C in the composition of the vegetable strengthens bones and joints. Radish is useful in the treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis.

In addition, radish contains substances that protect bone marrow cells from the effects of toxins.

For the heart and blood vessels

Radish improves blood circulation and metabolism of fat in the body. It stimulates the liver, which absorbs cholesterol before it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. This reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

Radishes are a good source of potassium. It helps reduce blood pressure and vascular tension by expanding blood flow rather than increasing its pressure.

The vegetable is among the foods with a low glycemic index, so it is useful for people with diabetes. Radish regulates the process of sugar absorption in the blood and protects against sudden spikes in insulin.

For the lymphatic system

The use of radish helps to strengthen blood vessels. It contains vitamin C, which is involved in the production of collagen. The substance protects the vessels from damage, relieves stress from them and reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

For the brain and nerves

Radish is a source of potassium, selenium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining chemical balance in the brain. Its use restores electrochemical balance, increases mental activity, improves memory and concentration, preventing the development of Alzheimer's disease.

For bronchi

Radish helps relieve congestion in the respiratory system, so it is beneficial for asthmatics and those who suffer from bronchial infections and sinus problems. The vegetable reduces irritation of the nose, throat, respiratory tract, and lungs that can be caused by colds, infections, or allergies.

For the gastrointestinal tract

The antioxidants in radishes help to flush out toxins from the body, helping to maintain proper pH levels in the stomach. It prevents bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. The fiber in radish improves digestion and helps you lose weight.

Radish improves liver function. Vitamins, calcium and magnesium in its composition improve the outflow of bile, supporting the enzymatic activity of the liver.

For hormones

Excessive thyroid secretion, known as hyperthyroidism, can be normalized by radish. The rafanin in the vegetable regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and prevents hormone imbalances.

For kidneys and bladder

Radish is a natural remedy for kidney stones and gallbladder. It relieves pain caused by stones, eliminates inflammation and burning during urination, cleanses the kidneys and suppresses infections in the genitourinary system caused by excess toxins.

For skin and hair

Radish cleanses the blood and removes all kinds of toxins and waste products from the body. As a result, the condition of the skin improves. The vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C, which is involved in the fight against aging. The antioxidants in radish prevent pimples and blackheads and reduce the marks caused by skin infections.

The vegetable improves blood circulation, nourishes and strengthens the hair roots and eliminates their excessive loss. Radishes can be used to treat dry or oily scalp. It helps control sebum production and adds extra shine to hair.

For immunity

Radish contains a lot of antioxidants that can control the formation of free radicals in cells and tissues. The isothiocyanates in the vegetable can cause cancer cells to die, preventing them from multiplying. For this reason, radish is considered a natural anti-cancer agent.

Vitamins in radish strengthen the immune system and fight viral diseases such as colds, flu and SARS.

The benefits of black radish

Two common types of radish, black and white, have more than just external differences. Despite the similarity of the composition, some of their properties are different. The beneficial properties of black radish help control blood pressure and protect against respiratory diseases.

Radish belongs to the cabbage family, a biennial plant that has gained popularity in various fields. We are talking about cooking, folk healing, cosmetology. Black radish is much more useful than its counterparts, it was mentioned back in the time of Herodotus. Why is this vegetable valuable, does it have contraindications? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of black radish

Any quality of the product must be considered from the side of what chemicals are in the composition. Vitamins, essential oils, and mineral compounds are concentrated in the optimal amount in the dark-colored root crop. Let's consider them in order.

First of all, it should be said that the radish concentrates many vitamins belonging to group B. Among them are niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin. The vegetable is not deprived of ascorbic acid, vitamin K, tocopherol, retinol.

Of the minerals, magnesium, potassium, iodine, sulfur, iron, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and others should be distinguished. The root crop is rich in dietary fiber, useful enzymes, protein, essential oils, carbohydrates (presented in the form of easily digestible saccharides), glycosides, and volatile compounds.

  1. If you are faced with a problem in the form of stagnation of bile, it is recommended to resort to the help of root juice. The composition also helps well with the accumulation of salts in the joints. The course of treatment must begin with small portions. Take 15 ml. composition per day.
  2. Do not be alarmed if at first you will feel pain in the liver area. To mitigate the effects, resort to using a warm heating pad. As soon as the discomfort passes, gradually increase the amount of juice taken.
  3. As a result, the daily norm of radish juice should be about 100 ml. During the cleansing of the liver, it is imperative to adhere to a special diet. If necessary, seek expert advice.

Radish for digestion

  1. To normalize metabolic processes in the body and increase appetite, it is necessary to include radish salad in the daily diet.
  2. Also, the inclusion of red beets and carrots in the dish will not be superfluous. Dress salad with vegetable oil.

Radish for children

  1. To strengthen children's immunity and get rid of cough, it is recommended to give the baby radish juice in combination with honey. Such a remedy will fully relax the bronchi and remove all the mucus from the respiratory organs.
  2. Give the child 15 gr. composition three times a day for a week. Do not forget that radish is contraindicated for children under 1 year old. Otherwise, be careful.

Benefits of radish juice

  1. It is not at all necessary to eat a whole root vegetable to get the necessary benefits. It is enough to grind the radish with the peel and get the juice. Such a composition has the same valuable and healing properties.
  2. Keep in mind that in its pure form, the juice is quite bitter, so in common people it is mixed with carrot or beetroot juice. This composition has a wide range of applications.
  3. The tool is often used in the form of lotions for the treatment of eczema, purulent wounds, ulcers and abscesses. Also, the composition is allowed to drip into the nose for the treatment of colds.
  4. The totality of fresh juices is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of liver and urolithiasis. To cope with the pathology, you need to drink 100 ml. diluted juice per day.

  1. In nutrition, radish is quite successful and popular. The root crop has a minimum calorie content. In 100 gr. raw materials contain only 37 kcal. Systematic eating of radish allows you to quickly saturate the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger.
  2. The root crop contains a large amount of coarse dietary fiber. Therefore, the feeling of fullness comes even after consuming a light salad. The benefit of the vegetable also lies in the fact that the radish perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and slagging. The edema of the extremities disappears, the water-salt balance is normalized.

Radish for hair

  1. The root crop has proven itself well as a remedy that prevents baldness and strengthens the hair structure.
  2. Systematic eating of the product will help prevent common problems with hair.
  3. To strengthen the structure of the strands, it is enough to rub fresh juice into the scalp. Warm up and wait 2 hours. Wash your head.
  4. To enhance hair growth, you need to combine honey and radish juice in equal amounts in a cup. Stir in a small amount of red pepper. Rub the composition into your head and warm yourself for half an hour. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
  5. To eliminate the increased fat content of the scalp, you need to combine 40 gr. nettle leaves, 50 gr. St. John's wort and 60 ml. radish juice. Distribute the product and wait 1 hour. Wash away.

Black radish contraindications

  1. The root crop of the black variety has many positive properties, however, the use of vegetables according to folk recipes should be carried out with extreme caution. Include radish in your diet gradually. You should not eat the root vegetable in its pure form, it can adversely affect the digestive tract.
  2. It is forbidden to include radish in the menu if there is an individual intolerance and an allergic reaction. Also, contraindications include a recent heart attack or stroke.
  3. Radish is contraindicated in the presence of gastric ulcer, pregnancy, lactation period, liver pathologies, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis and renal failure.

Black radish occupies a leading position among its “brothers” due to its beneficial qualities and medicinal use. With the help of a root crop, you can overcome ailments of varying complexity, whether it be atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. But do not mindlessly consume the product, make sure that there are no contraindications.

Video: black radish cough

Black radish has long been known for its medicinal properties. It has been used to treat ailments for centuries. This root crop was familiar to the ancient Egyptians, this fact became known from the results of ongoing excavations.

The famous Hippocrates appreciated the beneficial properties of radish. With her help, he treated lung diseases, dropsy. The ancient Greeks, with the help of a root crop, got rid of coughs, helped digestion, and improved eyesight.

Biochemical composition of black radish

The root crop is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, essential oils, glucosides. Radish is also rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and other valuable substances.

Radish contains B vitamins, a lot of vitamin C, which is simply necessary for normal human life.

Many summer residents in their gardens grow a root crop, which is sometimes called a garden radish and use it to prepare various salads, side dishes, sauces. But in addition to cooking, black radish is used in the treatment of many ailments.

What is useful in black radish

In a biennial plant, in the first year a rosette of basal leaves and a solid
root crop. In the second year, a flowering stem appears, seeds ripen. The stem is quite tall, up to half a meter long. The flowers are small, connected in tassels, forming inflorescences.

The vegetable has a lot of vitamins: A, beta-carotene, vitamins of groups B, C, E and PP.

Trace elements are presented potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium.

Root vegetables are rich in amino acids, enzyme lysozyme- an antibacterial agent that destroys the cell walls of bacteria. As well as glucosides, fiber, phytoncides.

One hundred grams of grated vegetables contain 2 g of proteins, almost 7 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber, organic acids, starch. The calorie content of the product is low, so the vegetable is useful for weight loss.

The benefits of black radish for the digestive system

Due to the high fiber content, the vegetable effectively cleanses the digestive system, ridding the intestines of harmful substances.

This is important for the proper functioning of the intestines, since the likelihood of the formation of foci of congestion, where food remains ferment or rot, is significantly reduced.

  • Regular consumption of vegetables stimulates the blood circulation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Black radish is useful for eliminating dysbacteriosis, suppressing pathogenic microflora.
  • The plant stimulates the secretion of bile, which is an effective prevention of gallstone disease.
  • The vegetable is used in case of violation of intestinal motility, with constipation.

Useful properties of black radish in the treatment of various diseases

Phytoncides give the root crop a bitter taste, a bit reminiscent of onion or horseradish. The antiviral properties of phytoncides make it possible in some cases to refuse to take artificial antibiotics, replacing them with vegetable consumption.

Black radish is useful in having a diuretic effect. The calcium included in the composition is necessary for hypertension. Radish decoctions eliminate urinary retention, are indicated during menstruation, have a mild laxative effect, and are used for sore throats and flu.

The benefits of black radish for coughs and bronchitis

In the case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the use of a vegetable contributes to expectoration. In addition, the plant has an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect.

Recipe for cough: get radish juice, where honey is added for taste. Take 1-2s.l. half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for the treatment of bronchitis: mix black radish juice with honey in equal parts. Take 1s.l. 3-4 times a day.

To obtain juice, wash, peel and cut the root crop. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. After 2-3 hours, juice will stand out, which is useful to take 1 tsp. in one hour.

Treatment of the heart and blood vessels with radish juice

Black radish juice is useful for prevention atherosclerosis and get rid of "bad" cholesterol. It is taken in 2 s.l. 3 times a day. Honey is added to improve the taste.

For treatment arrhythmias juice is taken in 1s.l. 3 times a day.

Black radish juice is useful for dissolving stones

Radish juice is useful for preventing the formation and getting rid of stones in the gallbladder, bladder, and kidneys.

Treatment begins with 1 tsp. juice an hour after eating. Gradually increase the dose and bring it up to 1 tsp, then up to half a glass.

The main condition for proper treatment is the absence of pain in the liver. During the course, you need to abandon acidic and spicy foods.

Pain is caused by escaping lime deposits. To reduce its intensity, a heating pad is placed on the right side of the abdomen. If the discomfort is tolerable, the dissolution of the stones is continued until about 3 liters of juice are drunk.

To improve the taste sensations, the medicinal composition can be taken together with beetroot juice.

Prevention and treatment of tumors

did not happen prostate adenomas, it is useful to include black radish salad with vegetable oil in your daily diet.

For resorption uterine tumors and in case mastopathy, pathological growth of breast tissue, it is useful to prepare the composition by mixing in equal parts aloe juice, corn oil, radish juice. Add alcohol with a strength of 70 ° in the amount of 1/10 of the volume obtained, insist in a dark place for a week. Take half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. three times per day.

For the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors, thoroughly rinse 1 kg of radish, grind it together with the peel, pour 1 liter of vodka. Infuse for half a month in a dark place, strain. Take tincture 1/4 cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

External treatment with black radish

Crushed black radish seeds are useful for antibacterial properties, in the form of poultices they are used for the speedy healing of wounds, eczema.

Pulp compresses help eliminate blue under the eyes, bruises, the effects of bruises, scars, wrinkles and freckles.

Recipe for the treatment of joints with radish juice

Prepare 300 ml of juice, mix with honey, sea salt, medical bile, medical alcohol, taking a glass of each component.

Dip the linen cloth in boiling water, wring out, moisten with the prepared mixture. The compress is placed at night. In the morning wipe the skin with vodka or cologne.

The duration of the course is from one and a half weeks to a month.

This recipe is also used in the treatment spurs, osteochondrosis, arthrosis.

Recipe for compress and rubbing

Grind the pulp of the root crop, add a few chopped cloves of garlic to 1 cup.

Put a compress on a sore spot, withstanding as much time as you can endure. Do not be overly zealous so that a burn does not happen. Then rub vegetable oil into the skin, wrap well.

Another recipe is used to treat sciatica or rheumatism. Mix 3 parts of radish juice, 2 parts of honey, 1 part of vodka, add some salt. Having steamed the joint well, rub the mixture. You can take 50 ml of the drug inside.

Freshly prepared black radish juice is useful for neuralgia, gout, it is rubbed into the sore spot.

Black radish contraindications

Despite the undeniable benefits of radish, it also has contraindications. And first of all, this applies to all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at the time of exacerbation.

Radish is contraindicated for people suffering from flatulence. By improving the work of the stomach, radish also improves the production of gases.

Radish is also contraindicated in case of previous kidney diseases, or during diseases, such as glomerulonephritis.

You should not use radish and people who have had a heart attack.
Pregnant women should be treated with caution.

Do not forget that radish contains a lot of essential oils, and is the strongest natural antibiotic. Therefore, when treating black radish, be sure to consult a specialist.

An absolutely useless and tasteless root crop - radish has gained such fame today. Its benefits and harms to the body are evaluated using the example of medicinal properties. Many people know that its juice, mixed with honey, is good for coughing, but at the same time it irritates the gastric mucosa and provokes exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Of course, this is not all.

The composition of the bitter root

No wonder in Russia almost every day there was a radish on the table. The benefits and harms of products were then learned empirically, a person observed, compared, evaluated which plants, herbs and root crops allow not only to get enough, but also to resist diseases. Today we already know that radish contains vitamins A, PP, C, E, almost the entire group B. There is useful fiber, lipids, organic acids, enzymes and amino acids. The richest composition of minerals: salts of iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus - will help you stay full of energy even in the dead of winter.

A separate line are volatile They are caused by sulfur-containing substances: methyl mercaptan, minirin, anthocyanins. In addition to enriching the body with useful substances, vitamins and minerals, radish helps to cleanse it of bacteria and viruses, which significantly reduces the risk of getting colds.

Different types of radish

Today, red, green, white and black radish are known. Their benefits and harms have long been studied, and now we will analyze in more detail how they differ from each other. Black radish is considered the most useful, but at the same time it is very tough and bitter. Although if it is cooked correctly, it will reveal the whole flavor bouquet. But it is usually successfully used for treatment. Its juice destroys bacterial cells and perfectly heals wounds, sores and pustules. But it is good only for healthy people, all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a direct contraindication.

White radish is a salad variety, although it is also very spicy. However, flavored with dressing in the form of mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil, it becomes a wonderful snack, which will also help resist colds. White radish contains a large amount of phytoncides, they effectively destroy pathogenic bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

If you can't stand spicy food, then green radish is a good alternative. Its benefits and harms are well balanced, the root crop is suitable for almost all people, except for those who are overweight. It is quite neutral in taste, it has less bitterness and, accordingly, phytoncides, but a lot of useful substances. Its juice stimulates the production of gastric juice, and therefore increases appetite.

This variety has many names: green, "lobo", Chinese, Margelan radish. Since the variety ripens very early, it is also called summer. Seed stores are always ready to offer a wide range of seeds from different agricultural companies. Choose the most famous brands, even if they are more expensive - high germination will pay off all costs. If you like the taste of spring vegetables, then your choice is green radish. The benefits and harms have already been discussed above. This variety is safe even for people with liver, kidney and heart problems. Only individual intolerance can prevent you from enjoying this wonderful root crop.

green manure plant

Another variety is This plant does not form root crops, but nevertheless is a valuable crop. Oil is extracted from its seeds, the plant itself is used as a fodder crop (silage and green fodder). Another option for using this amazing plant is the disinfection and fertilization of fields. A plot of depleted or contaminated land (nematodes, rot) is sown with an annual radish, and the plants are plowed during the flowering period. Thus, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Use in traditional medicine

Since childhood, we all know the taste of radish with honey. It is this folk remedy that is the best cough remedy. Absolutely safe and at the same time incredibly effective. Even if you can replace it with jam or sugar. This remedy can be used to improve lactation.

Radish is known for its choleretic and diuretic properties, it can be used for cystitis, painful, frequent or, conversely, delayed urination. It is often prescribed for gynecological problems, scanty or too heavy menstruation, frequent delays.

For the rapid resorption of bruises, the treatment of bruises and rheumatism, grated radish compresses are well suited. If your tooth hurts, and you can’t urgently get to the dentist, rinse your mouth with radish juice. And most importantly - this root crop normalizes metabolism and is widely used for obesity. You need to take a third of a glass of juice three times a day before meals, and the result will not be long in coming.


In small quantities, the vegetable can be consumed by everyone, but if you are thinking about introducing radish into your regular diet, then you should ask your doctor for advice. In particular, contraindications are organic heart disease, severe damage to the liver and kidneys. It is worth greatly limiting the consumption of radish if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers. Even if there is no history of such diseases, be sure to listen to your feelings. Pain, burning sensation in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms should be a reason to refuse delicious

Radish in cosmetology

Grated radish and sour cream masks are used for deep cleansing, nourishing and whitening the skin. This simple folk remedy can be a real salvation for those who want to get rid of freckles. Radish juice is used as an effective hair growth activator.

Brief conclusions

Such is the simple and now almost forgotten radish. The benefits and harms to your body will depend on you. If there is a suspicion of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract, then either reduce consumption to a minimum and carefully monitor your well-being, or completely abandon this product. If there are no contraindications, radish will be an excellent source of vitamins, help diversify the table and protect yourself from colds.

Even the works of Hippocrates mention the beneficial properties of black radish. It was eaten in ancient Greece, oil was obtained from the seeds. Another name for the plant is sowing radish, in Russia it is grown as a vegetable crop.


Black radish contains vitamins A, beta-carotene, groups B, C, E. Trace elements are represented by potassium, sodium, phosphorus,.

The root crop is rich in amino acids, glucosides, phytoncides. The enzyme lysozyme, which is part of the composition, is useful for antibacterial properties, destroys the cell walls of bacteria.

In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of basal leaves, a root crop. In the second year, a flowering stem appears, seeds ripen.

The stem is high, up to half a meter. The flowers are small, connected in brushes, form inflorescences.

A bitter taste that resembles or horseradish is given by phytoncides. Their antiviral properties help against, with, flu, in some cases, the therapeutic effect is comparable to pharmacy antibiotics.

Black radish is useful as a diuretic; calcium, which is part of it, is necessary for hypertension.

Black radish for cough

The vegetable has an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect, promotes expectoration in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Treatment of cough with radish with honey.

  • Take 1-2s.l. radish juice half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day, add a little honey for taste.
  • Cut the radish into thin slices, sprinkle with granulated sugar, insist overnight in a dark place.

The resulting juice should be taken at 1 tbsp. in an hour, for children - 1 tbsp. every 2 hours until complete recovery, temporary exacerbations are possible during treatment.

  • Cut the black radish into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar, place the pan in the oven for two hours, strain, pour the juice into a bottle.

Take 1s.l. 3-4 times a day before meals and at night.

  • Cut the core from the radish, put 1 tbsp. honey, after a few hours a mixture of juice and honey is formed.

Take 2 s.l. three times per day.

  • Mix in equal parts radish juice (125g) with honey (200g), take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 2 (for chronic bronchitis):

  • Stir 2 tsp. gruel of black radish, 4 tbsp. horseradish gruel, 6 tbsp. gruel, pour 1 liter of boiling white wine, leave for two hours, stirring occasionally, strain, add honey to taste.

Take every hour for 50g, before lunch and dinner for 100g.

Beneficial features

Fiber is useful in cleansing the intestines from harmful substances, reduces the likelihood of the formation of foci of congestion, where food remains roam or rot.

The use of a vegetable in food stimulates the blood circulation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses pathogenic microflora, helps restore intestinal motility, has a mild laxative effect, is indicated for constipation.

The use of fresh radish is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver (from fatty degeneration).

Getting juice.

  • Wash, peel and cut fresh root vegetables.
  • Place the slices in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar.
  • After 2-3 hours, collect the juice.
  • Wash the root crop with a brush, hold for 15 minutes in water with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate, rinse. Grate with peel, get juice, store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
  • Peel the root crop, grate it, squeeze out the juice, which is taken fresh, because during storage it acquires an unpleasant taste.

The medicinal properties of black radish juice are used for cirrhosis of the liver, toxic hepatitis, constipation, flatulence, as a prophylactic for anemia, obesity, and heart rhythm disturbances. Take 1-2s.l. before meals.

Useful properties of radish juice help to prevent atherosclerosis, get rid of the "bad":

  • Take juice for 2s.l. 3 times a day, to improve the taste, add honey.

Recipe for arrhythmia:

  • Take juice for 1s.l. 3 times a day.

Black radish stimulates the secretion of bile, which is useful for cholelithiasis. The medicinal properties of juice to dissolve minerals are used to prevent the formation and get rid of stones in the gallbladder and bladder, renal pelvis, kidneys, and in the vascular bed.

Treatment of gallstone disease:

  • Take juice before meals for 6-8 weeks in increasing doses - from 50 ml to 400 ml per day.

At the beginning of treatment, it often starts to hurt in the liver area, a heating pad or a bath helps. While taking radish juice, it is worth giving up spicy and sour.

Kidney cleansing:

  • Mix a glass of honey, red juice, radish juice, vodka, put in a dark place for 2-3 days.

Take 1s.l. 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

After a while, the kidneys may get sick, sand will begin to come out - you need to be patient until the end of the prepared composition.

If desired, repeat the cleaning after three weeks, but take not one, but one and a half glasses of radish juice.

Liver diseases:

  • Mix honey and radish juice in equal parts.

Take 1s.l. three times per day.

The beneficial properties of black radish improve metabolic processes, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is used in malignant tumors of various localization:

  • Grate with peel 1 kg of well-washed radish, pour 1 liter of vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark place, shake once a day, strain.

Take 50 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The benefits of black radish for men and women

For the prevention of prostate adenoma, it is useful to include in the daily diet a salad of grated fresh root vegetables, which is seasoned with vegetable oil.

In the case of tumors of the uterus, mastopathy, the composition helps:

  • Mix in equal parts aloe juice, corn oil, radish juice, add 70 ° alcohol in the amount of 1/10 of the volume obtained, insist in a dark place for a week.

Take half an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. three times per day.

Prescription for the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors:

  • Thoroughly wash 500 g of radish, chop together with the peel, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for half a month in a dark place, strain.

Take 1/4 cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

In folk medicine, radish juice has long been used for the onset and intensification of menstruation.

To increase the separation of milk, taking 100 g of radish 2-3 times a day before meals helps.

Outdoor use

Recipe for spurs, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, joint diseases:

  1. Mix 300 ml of juice with honey, sea, medical bile, medical alcohol (one glass each).
  2. Dip the linen cloth in boiling water, wring out, moisten with the prepared mixture.

Put compresses at night, wipe the skin with vodka or cologne in the morning. The duration of the procedures is from one and a half weeks to a month.

Treatment of sciatica and rheumatism.

  • Add a few crushed slices to a glass of pureed pulp.

Withstand the compress on the sore spot as long as you can endure, so that it does not happen. At the end, rub in vegetable oil, wrap well.

  • Mix 3 parts of radish juice, 2 parts of honey, 1 part of vodka, add some salt.
  • Steam the diseased joint, rub the mixture.
  • Mix 300 ml of juice, a glass of honey, 100 ml of vodka, 1 tsp. salt.

Rub the mixture with pain in the muscles, nerves, joints, with sciatica.

Freshly prepared black radish juice is useful for neuralgia, gout, it is also rubbed into sore spots.

Crushed seeds are useful with antibacterial properties, in the form of poultices they are used for the speedy healing of wounds, eczema, fungal infections:

  • Crush the radish seeds, add a little water.

Apply the gruel on the feet affected by the fungus 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

Pulp compresses are used for cosmetic purposes, they help to quickly get rid of blue under the eyes, bruises, bruises, scars, wrinkles and freckles.

The liquefying, disinfecting properties of black radish are useful in the treatment of:

  • Skip the vegetable through a meat grinder.

Apply the resulting cake for 10-15 minutes on the nasal or frontal sinuses, cover with a towel on top.

Harm and contraindications

Black radish can damage tooth enamel. It should not be taken during, as well as in the case of or duodenal ulcers, colitis, enteritis, with high acidity, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, organic heart disease, gout, inflammatory processes in the kidneys or liver.

With external treatment with black radish on sensitive skin, burns are possible, so compresses should be applied through gauze or a thin cloth.

In case of heart disease, radish juice should be taken internally with caution, start with a minimum dosage - 1 tsp.

Modified: 02/09/2019
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