What medicines to take with you to Thailand. Means from mosquitoes and insects. Complete list of travel medications

Today is a post on one of my most disliked topics - about what medicines to take to Thailand or any other country with a tropical climate. In principle, the composition of my travel first aid kit does not change much depending on the destination.

You can continue reading or watch Video about how my first aid kit looks like in Thailand and other tropical countries:

I wrote in detail about the choice of reliable insurance at the link:

In the video, I talked about insurance, so below is a list of insurances that I use when traveling:

Insurance for Thailand— the most reliable insurance at ☜ when ordering via the link, a 10% discount. They have Mondial assistance (the leader in the global travel insurance market).

From cheaper options you can take:

Liberty ( positive experience), Alfa Insurance (positive experience), ERV (pays even in ambiguous cases),

Insurance for India— Liberty (did not apply)

Insurance during Vietnam— Liberty

Insurance in Mexico— RESO

For Schengen - Liberty or Consent

Before traveling, I compare insurance prices on the website (this service compares prices and insurance conditions of 16 insurance companies), I read reviews on the Internet about the work of insurance companies and assistance in a particular country, I also buy an insurance policy online through Cherekhapa.

List of medicines on vacation (in Thailand):

1. Activated carbon

2. Teraflu (Teraflu) or any other soluble powder for colds, if you are used to drinking it at home. For example, in Mexico and European countries, Theraflu is sold everywhere, and in Asian countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia) it is almost impossible to find a powder. All means to combat the first symptoms of a cold are presented only in the form of tablets.

3. Spasmalgon or other pain medication

4. Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ketanov

5. Ointment for herpes (Acyclovir)

6. Cough pills

7. Drops for the nose (Nazivin)

8. Pills for a sore throat (Septefril, Acc)

9. Allergy medicine (Suprastin)

10. Cure for indigestion

11. Plaster bactericidal. It is important to always have it with you, especially in Asia, where accidents and falls from motorcycles are very common.

12. Iodine. An analogue of iodine in Thailand is called "Betadine" (Betadine). jar yellow color, can be bought in pharmacies and at 7/11, costs about 40 baht ($ 1.2) per jar

13. Fenistil-gel - this medicine reduces itching from mosquito bites

14. Cotton wool, bandage

You can bring other medicines with you, but my travel first aid kit usually contains only the drugs listed above, which are enough.

Insurance in Thailand

In case of serious ailment, do not rely on self-medication and should immediately consult a doctor. To do this, it would be nice to get insurance in advance, since treatment abroad, including in Thailand and other countries in Asia, and even more so in Europe, is very expensive.

During the winter, I twice applied for insurance to a hospital on Koh Samui. Treatment of a sore throat in Thailand cost me 400$. Maybe I would not treat him, but the disease lasted 2 months and progressed. At some point, I stopped talking at all. I had to call the insurance company. I was sent to the hospital, the treatment was fully paid by the insurance.

Contact lenses

1. Contact lenses are sold in Thailand, but not all brands, so it is better to bring them with you with a margin

2. Renu lens solution is available in pharmacies in every country in Southeast Asia and Europe, and in Mexico it is also easy to find.

Personal care products for women

In Thailand, different pads are sold, but Always is not. It is also very difficult to find tampons. You can find tampons without an applicator, but with an applicator - a rarity. I saw tampons with an applicator only in Tesco Lotus supermarkets, they cost more than 100 baht for a small package. Tampax in Thailand could not be found.

medicinal substance contained in each preparation has international name. You can find it on the Internet, and then show the pharmacist the name of the substance in Latin. The pharmacist must give you an analogue of the medicine you need.

Be sure to take it with you sunscreen, preferably with a protection factor of 50, especially if you have sensitive skin. You can also buy creams on the spot. For example, in Thailand, Nivea cream costs about 300 baht ($10) per tube. Still helps a lot Coconut oil, which is widespread in Thailand.

In the early days, do not lean on street food, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating, drink more water(just not from the tap)

I for a long time bought bottled water at 7/11 and then got used to Thai water and started buying filtered water from vending machines. Didn't drink water from the tap

There are no vaccines for malaria and dengue, so best defense is not to walk through the jungle in the pre-sunset hours, but to use a fumigator at home, which is best to take with you from Russia.

Fluid and plates for the fumigator can be bought in Thai supermarkets. Mosquito spray is available at any 7/11 store. There, for 18-20 baht ($0.5) you can buy a package of mosquito coils. They are usually set on fire and placed under the table on the street or in a ventilated room.

So, you haven't forgotten anything, have you? What's in your first aid kit on vacation?

Health to all, and may your first aid kit remain in your suitcase!


Thailand is an exotic country that attracts tourists with its beautiful beaches, warm climate, Asian exoticism and affordable prices. Before traveling to the land of smiles, it is worth remembering that abrupt change climate and unusual cuisine can cause various ailments. Of course, in most cases, such troubles do not arise, and tourists quickly adapt to local conditions. However, it is better to play it safe and pack a first aid kit for the trip in advance for all occasions.

For adults

Traveling to a distant unfamiliar country is a rather serious undertaking. Therefore, it does not hurt to take with you the basic medicines necessary for first aid in case of illness or injury. Of course, in Thailand, all the necessary medicines are sold in local pharmacies, but even with knowledge of English, it is quite difficult to immediately understand unfamiliar packages and names. various drugs. How much medicine to take with you - everyone decides for themselves, however minimum set must be available.

The sun during the tourist season in Thailand generously gives its warmth. However, sometimes there is such hell that you will never find in Russia even in mid-July. Therefore, sunscreen must be in the luggage. Any local 7-11 or Family Mart also has a wide range of creams available. Before you buy one of them, you need to pay attention to the letters "SPF" and standing side by side numbers is the so-called sun factor. The higher the number, the stronger the effect of the cream. Optimally for Thailand, "SPF 50" is suitable.

For active rest you will need to take antiseptics such as iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. Also, bandages and plasters will not interfere on vacation. Special attention it is worth giving repellents and remedies that relieve itching after an insect bite. As a rule, the attacks of Thai mosquitoes and midges are quite painful and can cause large tumors. In Thailand itself, a lot is sold good ointments helping after bites. It is enough for the seller in the pharmacy to say or write “insects” (insects), and he will immediately offer a variety of bottles with products reminiscent of the famous “ golden star from Vietnam.

After bites or heat, the temperature may rise, and here on help will come good old paracetamol.

Girls planning a holiday in Thailand would do well to bring tampons with them, as they may not be available in small shops and pharmacies near the hotel. Tampons are usually sold in Thailand in large supermarkets such as Big C, Tesco Lotus, Tops Market.

In the case of taking sleeping pills or antidepressants when entering Thailand, you cannot do without a prescription and an extract from the medical history. It is desirable that all this be English language or at least a translation attached. And of course you can't take narcotic drugs prohibited by law.

For kids

If adults usually ignore vaccination before traveling to Thailand, then the child will definitely need to get it. Thus, a few months a month before the trip, you need to go to pediatrician and do necessary vaccinations. Experts recommend getting vaccinated before traveling against the following diseases:

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Typhoid fever
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Rabies

If something from this list is already included in routine vaccinations your child, no additional vaccination is required.

As with adults, children will need antipyretics and pain relievers, medications to normalize their activities. gastrointestinal tract. However, they should be in smaller dosages, according to the instructions.

Medicines for children are often available in the form of various syrups. Therefore, when boarding a plane, do not forget that bottles of no more than 100 milliliters in volume can be taken on board.

For children under 3 years old, repellents should not be used. After three years, you should buy insect repellents that are specifically designed for child's body: similar adult drugs may be toxic to the child.

Baby sunscreen should also be separate, with a note that the product is intended specifically for children. In Thailand, such creams are on sale in almost any minimarket. You should choose a package that says "for kids" (for children).

Medicines for Thailand is a new topic that I have to tell you about, since quite often I hear the question - “what medicines to take to Thailand?” Let's try to figure it out.

In principle with pharmacies in Thailand full order. The range of medicines is quite wide and they practically do not ask for prescriptions for the purchase of medicines. In addition, if you have insurance, all the necessary medicines you will be given immediately after contacting the doctor in the hospital. But still, in order not to bring the matter to such an insured event, we recommend taking a small first-aid kit with you.

What medicines to take to Thailand? Put painkillers in the first aid kit. Of course, here the means to which you are accustomed are already better and what works best for whom. Do not neglect antipyretic medications. For example, paracetamol. But you can not take cough or sore throat medicines - such medicines are in great abundance in all countries of Southeast Asia.

Good to have with you antihistamines. These anti-allergy products are good for insect bites or date burns. sea ​​jellyfish. Therefore, put Suprastin or Loratadin in your own collection of medicines.

Be sure to have a kit in case of upset stomach. Traveling to a country with unfamiliar and exotic cuisine can sometimes have little effect on the work of this life. important body our body. Therefore, the presence of activated carbon, Lopedium and Phosphalugel is fully justified.

In your list, where medicines for Thailand are indicated, it is advisable to have a patch. For chafed feet or minor cuts and scrapes.
Remember also that the local climate is bad for healing. mosquito bites and any minor wounds.

In general, the presence of a trauma kit is desirable - in local Thai pharmacies you will be offered only unfamiliar drugs. For this reason, you can grab iodine, antiseptic ointments and funds. If you forgot to take this with you, then in pharmacies, purchase Betadine locally - a kind of analogue of our iodine. Also now, almost all pharmacies in the city have a Lithuanian A4 format, where the names of drugs are written in Russian, which greatly simplifies the life of many tourists.

In principle, you have collected the mandatory ammunition of the first-aid kit. It remains only to add some details - some of them will be useful to you and your loved ones.

Also historically, tampons are not used in Thailand. For those ladies who use these personal hygiene items, I recommend taking them with you.

Thai resorts are close to the equator, so the sun's rays are direct here. Have with you sun protection almost a necessity. You can also purchase such funds in local pharmacies, where they are available in abundance, but it is imperative to have them with you if you do not want to experience the torment of sunburn.

It is also good to have anti-mosquito products with you. In Thailand, it seems that for mosquitoes the same paradise on earth as for humans. These funds are also widely distributed on sale and their cost is quite comparable with domestic prices - you can not buy them with you.

Also remember, any prescription drug you bring in must have a "document" from your primary care physician or other licensed professional. Otherwise, you risk parting with the medicine at customs. Also remember that medicines containing ephedrine and its derivatives cannot be imported into Thailand. These substances are considered prohibited in ancient Siam, and you can be prosecuted for their possession.

What medications do you take to Thailand?

  1. Antipyretic. On vacation in Thailand fever muscular and joint pain in rare cases, may be a manifestation of a tropical disease - Dengue fever. With this disease, it is highly recommended not to take any antipyretics, except for the usual paracetamol. Even Citramon can aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, it is better to take Effelalgan or Panadol (Paracetamol) to Thailand, Panadol syrup is suitable for children.
  2. Painkillers. Pentalgin or Solpadein.
  3. From allergies. Cetirizine (Cetrin, Aleron, Zyrtec) or Loratadine (Lorano, Claritin). The child can take similar drugs in the form of a suspension.
  4. From a sore throat. Strepsils lollipops or Givalex spray. For children - Lisobakt
  5. Enzymes for the intestines. For those unprepared for Asian cuisine, it is better to take a package of Pancreatin (Festal, Mezim, Creon) in the medicine cabinet. For a child - only children's forms of pancreatin. It is impossible to divide Mezim or Festal by half a tablet, since the drug is inactivated in the stomach without reaching the intestines.
  6. Sorbents. Activated carbon or Smecta.
  7. At food poisoning. Nifuroxazide or Enterofuril. For a child, similar drugs in suspension. And, of course, Regidron to restore water balance.
  8. Laxative. Senadexin or Guttalax. Children are better off with Dufalac in sachets.
  9. Fixing. Loperamide or Imodium.
  10. Antiseptic. Iodine or green.
  11. From sunburn. Sun cream and Panthenol.
  12. From herpes (if there is a tendency). Cream or ointment Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerpevir.
  13. Repellents. Insect bite spray OFF or Gardex. As well as ointment after insect bites: Sinaflan, Kremgen. For children after bites, Psilo-balm, Fenistil gel is better. It will not be superfluous to take a fumigator.
  14. Universal antibacterial eye drops based on Miramistin or Decamethoxin.
  15. Antifungal cream. When the climate changes, as well as after bathing in salt water, it is possible to change the microflora on the mucous membranes, which in turn can lead to genital candidiasis. Clotrimazole (Canesten) will do.
  16. Sedative. Glycised or Novo-pasit.
  17. Baby cream.
  18. Bandage, Cotton wool, Cotton swabs, Adhesive plasters.

You should take with a margin the drugs that you regularly take, as well as write out the composition of these drugs in Latin. For example: the drug for pressure is Enap, and the active ingredient is Enalaprilum (in Latin) or Enalapril. Thus, if you suddenly run out of stocks of your drugs, and your medicine is not available in Thailand pharmacies, then any pharmacist will help you choose an analogue for active ingredient in Latin. If your drug is a prescription drug (and basically all drugs for the treatment of heart vascular system, diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - PRECISION), it is better to take a couple of prescriptions with you. This can make it easier for you to find and purchase the right medicine in local pharmacies. Moreover, medicines in Thailand can cost an order of magnitude cheaper than at home.

List of first aid kits in Thailand

1 Panadol/ Panadol syrup adult / child Antipyretic 1 Adult tablets 500 mg 2-3 times a day / children from 3 months - 2.5 ml, from 1 year - 5 ml, from 6 years - 10 ml
2 Solpadein adult Painkiller 1 Adults 1 tablet 3 times a day
3 Claritin / Claritin Syrup adult / child Antiallergic 1 Adults - 1 tablet or 10 ml of syrup per day / Children from 2 to 12 years old - 5 ml of syrup per day
4 Lisobakt adult / child Inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity 1 Adults dissolve 1 tab. 3-5 times a day / Children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 tab. 3 times a day, from 7 to 12 years old, 1 tablet 3-4 times a day
5 Festal adult To improve digestion 1 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals
6 Smecta adult / child In case of poisoning 10 pack Dilute the package on half a glass of boiling water. water. Adults: 1 sachet 3-5 times a day. For children under one year, the solution is divided into 5 doses per day, for children from one year to 2 years - half a package 3 times a day, from 2 years - 1 package 2-3 times a day
7 Nifuroxazide / Nifuroxazide syrup adult / child For infectious poisoning 1 Adults - 1 tab 3-4 times a day / Children from 2 months to 6 months - 2.5 ml 3 times a day, from 6 months to 6 years - 5 ml 3 times a day, children from 6 years old - 5 ml 4 times a day
8 Regidron adult / child For vomiting or severe diarrhea 1 Dilute 1 sachet in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution should be taken at the rate of 10 ml/kg of body weight per hour, then with improvement general well-being- 5ml/kg
9 Senadexin adult Laxative 1 2 tablets at night
10 Candles with glycerin to kid Laxative 1 Children use 1 suppository
11 Imodium adult Fixing 1 2 tablets once, if necessary, after 1-2 hours, additionally take 1 tab.
12 "Zelenka" solution adult / child Antiseptic 1 In case of damage skin by using cotton swab applied to the area near the affected area
13 Sun cream + Panthenol for sunburn adult / child Auxiliaries 1
14 OFF insect bite repellent adult / child repellent 1
15 baby cream adult / child Auxiliaries 1
16 Ophthalmodec adult / child Eye drops for infectious diseases eye 1 1-2 drops in each eye 4 times a day.
17 Clotrimazole cream adult Antifungal agent 1 Apply to affected areas 3-4 times a day
18 Glycine adult / child Sedative/hypnotic 1 1 tab. under the tongue before bed
19 Bandage Auxiliaries 1
20 cotton wool Auxiliaries 1
21 Adhesive plasters Auxiliaries 10
22 Cotton swabs, discs Auxiliaries 1
23 Thermometer 1

Let's start with drugs.

First aid kit in Thailand: what to take

In general, we brought with us to Thailand a bunch of all kinds of medicines for all occasions, but I want to tell you exactly about those that should be 100% in your travel kit and which are very to a large extent probabilities will be useful to you on vacation, even if you have arrived for only 10 days.

For adults:

  1. Polysorb(powder for dissolving in water). The most popular holiday remedy, especially for stomachs unaccustomed to Thai food. Great for poisoning, diarrhea and food allergies. Including suitable for children, the main thing is to observe the dosage. Take a jar of at least 25 g, it is consumed quickly.
  2. pain pills: MIG 400 or took. There are many more similar drugs, everyone can choose for himself the most suitable remedy. But you need to take painkillers. Unexpected pain can come at any moment, and worst of all, if it happens on an airplane (it will take a long time to endure). And during the flight, exacerbations occur most often. A tooth, an ear may ache, or, God forbid, a kidney stone will climb. So these tablets should always be at hand.
  3. Rinzasip. Catching a cold in Thailand is nowhere easier. From hot to cold, from cold to hot. In general, there is not much to explain here. Cold powder must be!
  4. Smecta (powder). It is also very good remedy with diarrhea, heartburn, bloating. On vacation without it, nowhere, especially if you have "all inclusive" :).

What to take for a child:

  1. Febrifuge(for example, baby syrup Nurofen). In Thailand, such a tool can be bought at any pharmacy or 7Eleven store (called Sara), and from Russia it makes sense to take it only to make sure on the plane, as I said, with a long flight you need to be ready for anything.
  2. Baneocin(antibacterial powder). Very good tool for different cuts, abrasions, scratches, etc. Just sprinkle the wound and seal it with a band-aid. Since our child is very active, I always have this powder in my bag, wherever we go.
  3. Drops Zyrtec (antiallergic drug). Also very the right remedy for a child. In a foreign country, an allergy can manifest itself to anything, especially food and Exotic fruits. So we definitely take it!
  4. Tantum Verde(Spray for the throat). Suitable for both children and adults. A very good remedy for relieving sore throat in the event of all kinds of inflammatory diseases oral cavity.
  5. Vasoconstrictor drops for the nose (for example, Nazol). It should also be in the first aid kit in case of various colds. They can also be dripped 30 minutes before the flight so that the child does not have ears blocked.
  6. Thermometer, patches.

This is how ours turned out mandatory list medicines to take with you when you travel. We can also advise you to buy sunblock in Russia before the trip. In Thailand they are much more expensive, for example, baby cream costs 500 baht.

What things to take?

I will not give advice now on what clothes to take to Thailand, because if I went on a short vacation from a week to two, I would limit myself to a pair of swimsuits, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, shoes, I would also take a few dresses, a couple of handbags, glasses, a hat is a must :)

I’d rather talk about what you really need at sea, and what you can now buy at a very big discount and much cheaper than in Thailand. We are in this moment we are preparing for a trip to Koh Samui and are waiting for November 11 to purchase all this.

Here is my list of necessary things for the sea:

  1. . The most necessary thing especially on the islands! In Pattaya, this costs 1900 baht. On aliexpress, you can already buy it three times cheaper, and tomorrow it will cost only 857 rubles!

  1. . An indispensable thing for trips to the water park! Tomorrow we buy for 560 rubles.
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