Treatment of chronic cystitis in dogs. Cystitis in a dog - signs and treatment

The approaching autumn brings with it not only fun walks along the tired paths of the park, but many health problems that can await pets. One of these diseases that owners must be aware of is cystitis. Today we will try to determine the causes, symptoms and treatment of cystitis.

Why Do Dogs Get Cystitis?

First of all, you need to understand that cystitis or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is of three types: toxic, allergic, infectious. In addition, the nature of the course of this disease can also be acute or chronic. Regardless of the form of the disease, the most common cause of its occurrence is the same - microbes entering the urethra and bladder. As a rule, it is Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus.

The provoking factor for the onset of the development of the disease is most often weakened immunity and serious hypothermia of the dog's body. Therefore, it is important for the owner to always ensure that the animal does not overcool during long autumn and winter walks, and is not in a draft after water procedures. Also, cystitis may appear against the background of estrus, since during this period there is a certain decrease in immunity.

It is important to note that cystitis is a very serious disease: if not treated at the first signs of the disease, then cystitis can become chronic, which, in turn, leads to serious kidney disease. In addition, much more serious diseases, such as stones and tumors in the bladder, can serve as the cause of the spontaneous manifestation of chronic cystitis.

Symptoms of the disease

A dog, like any living creature, changes its behavior dramatically during an illness. This also happens in the case of cystitis. However, do not forget that this disease is very insidious and can occur in a latent form. Then its symptoms will be little noticeable and will be clearly manifested only in the event of an acute malfunction in the body.

The video "About cystitis" will allow you to learn more about this disease.

As for the open or explicit form of this disease, it has several striking symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite. A very important sign. Any healthy animal tends to absorb as much of the goodies offered to it. If this does not happen, if the dog eats less or refuses to eat at all - here is your first and most important reason to urgently seek help from a veterinarian.
  • Increased frequency of urination. In addition, every toilet trip of a dog causes her unbearable pain. The stronger the inflammatory process in the body becomes, the more often there will be urges and stronger cramps in the lower abdomen. With severe purulent inflammation, the animal will urinate every 30 minutes, accompanied by a fairly loud whine. With this sign, the volumes of the released liquid will be extremely small.
  • Changes in behavior. Due to unpleasant pain sensations, not only the behavior of the dog can change (refusal to play, loss of appetite), but also the posture itself when urinating. In addition, the movements of the animal will be quite constrained.
  • Pain on palpation of the abdomen. On palpation of the dog's bladder, it will show anxiety (growling, biting, whining). This is a clear sign that the animal is in pain.
  • The color and smell of urine. If you notice that the color or smell of your dog's urine has changed, mucous turbid impurities have appeared, blood is visible - consult a doctor immediately.
  • Heat. Inflammation of the bladder can cause a slight increase in body temperature in a dog.
  • Stomach tension. Cystitis in a puppy can manifest itself in the tension of the abdominal muscles and abdomen of the animal.

If your pet exhibits one or more of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. If treated in a timely manner, many complications can be avoided. During the diagnosis, a number of tests will be taken from the dog to establish an accurate picture of the disease, such as:

  • general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • bacteriological analysis of urine;
  • swab for infection.

Treatment of cystitis

Like any disease associated with inflammatory processes in the body of an animal, cystitis in dogs requires complex treatment. Here, therapy will be based on these analyzes and proceed from each specific situation. That is why it is so important to take the animal to the clinic in a timely manner, and not illiterately treat it at home. Only such an approach will allow the animal to quickly get in shape, and in addition, to exclude a number of other concomitant diseases.

Medical treatment

The main drug treatment of cystitis depends on the causes that caused the disease. As a rule, therapy includes the following drugs:

  • Antibiotics. This is the only remedy that can cope with the inflammatory process. The choice of antibiotic will be made by the veterinarian after examining the tests that will determine which pathogen has provoked the inflammation, how the treatment should be carried out.
  • Antispasmodics and analgesics. Needed to eliminate pain during urination. The choice of a particular drug depends on the degree of development of the disease.
  • antiseptic solutions. Designed for washing and disinfection of the bladder.
  • Antihistamines. They can be prescribed for the treatment of an animal if cystitis in dogs occurs against the background of an allergic reaction of the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of cystitis, the use of various herbal decoctions can help. However, it is important to emphasize that any of these agents should only be used as an aid to primary drug therapy and used in consultation with a veterinarian.

During the mechanical removal of the microbe from the dog's body, not only antiseptic solutions and diuretics, but also a strong decoction of parsley can help. To do this, the green shoots of the plant will need to be insisted on a water bath. In addition, in the treatment it is important to maintain an optimal drinking regimen. The dog should consume a large amount of drinking water, which will provide a natural outlet for pathogenic microflora.

When you treat an animal, it is important to constantly maintain the pet's body. For this, decoctions of thistle and tartar are useful. They will strengthen the immune system and stabilize the body's strength.

Among other things, veterinarians advise that the dog rest and diet during the treatment period. Her diet should include foods high in oats and millet, meat broths.

Prevention of cystitis

To avoid cystitis and any complications associated with it, it is necessary, first of all, to prevent sudden hypothermia of the animal. We will talk about other equally important requirements later.

  • Drafts and cold floors are prohibited. Do not let your pet sleep on concrete surfaces or on cold floors. Always use special mattresses and bedding. Also, avoid drafts, especially if your pet has just taken a bath.
  • Balanced diet. Sometimes cystitis in dogs can occur due to the state of the urinary system of the body. To prevent the deposition of excess salts and the formation of stones, feed your pet with specialized feeds.
  • Drink. Make sure your pet always has access to filtered clean drinking water.
  • Veterinarian examination. be observed at the veterinarian. Donate blood and urine regularly for analysis.

In conclusion, I would like to say that cystitis is a disease, the appearance of which in many cases depends on the inattention of the owner. This is important to remember, because the life and health of the pet is always in the hands of the owner.

Video "Cystitis in a dog"

Cystitis is a serious disease in animals. In this case, the lesion affects not only the bladder and urethra, but also the kidneys. If you notice the symptoms of this disease in time and consult a doctor, you can avoid the sad consequences. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Consider why cystitis occurs in dogs, how it manifests itself and what needs to be done to treat and prevent this disease.

In most cases, such a disease develops due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. They enter the urinary tract via the descending or ascending route. The descending path is the infection through the lymph or with the blood flow from other organs. The ascending path involves the entry of bacteria through the urethra.

Bacteria are always present in the urethra. But they are normally washed out during urination. However, if the dog endures urges for a long time or suffers from hypothermia, stress, then microorganisms begin to multiply more actively in the urethra, which subsequently enter the bladder.

Cystitis most often occurs in females. The reason for this phenomenon is that their urethra is shorter than that of males. In addition, the opening of the urethra is located near the anus, where bacteria can also enter.

As a predisposing factor, the following can be called:

  • bowel dysfunction (or);
  • dysfunction of bladder emptying;
  • circulatory pathology of this organ;
  • weakened immunity;
  • and childbirth.

What to pay attention to

If the female is sick with cystitis, this disease should not be ignored. It can often be that bladder inflammation is a sign of pathological changes in the genital tract. Sometimes cystitis may indicate the presence of a bitch in the genitals.

In males, cystitis may indicate the presence of inflammation of the prostate - both acute and chronic. Quite often, cystitis in males occurs as a symptom of a stone in the bladder, urethra. Unfortunately, inflammation of the bladder is also possible against the background of oncological processes in the kidneys and bladder.

Sometimes cystitis can develop along with urethritis. Urocystitis occurs - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra and bladder. Protein, pus, hemoglobin, epithelial particles may appear in the urine.

Please note that cystitis mainly affects small dogs, such as dachshunds or. You should not allow hypothermia of the dog, especially in winter, by arranging long walks for her. If young pets become ill with inflammation of the bladder, then you need to pay attention to the condition of his urethra: often congenital anomalies in the development of the organ contribute to this.

Signs and symptoms of cystitis in dogs

A healthy dog ​​always has a good appetite. And bad weather doesn't stop it. But if the pet fell ill with cystitis, then his appetite sharply decreases. On palpation of the bladder, the animal is restless, as it feels pain. It is characteristic that urine is excreted, as a rule, in a small amount. The pet begins to leave puddles on the floor or stain furniture.

The urine of such a dog begins to smell unpleasant, it contains mucus, sometimes pus and even blood clots. Often there is an increase in temperature, thirst. The general state is depressed. The dog runs away when trying to feel the stomach, sometimes even growls. When analyzed in the urine, leukocytes are detected.

The chronic form of cystitis is characterized by less pronounced symptoms. However, the dog's behavior changes, it often urinates on the floor or carpet. Behavior on a walk changes: the female often sits down, while the male lifts his paw. Near the opening of the urethra, and in males at the end of the penis, you can see droplets of blood. Blood marks can also be seen on.

An exacerbation of chronic cystitis has the following symptoms in dogs:

  • the dog moves less;
  • she has but drinks a lot of water;
  • urination becomes more frequent, the dog often gets dirty;
  • the pet changes the posture of urination;
  • in the process of urination, as well as after it a pet;
  • sometimes the animal's stomach tenses up, becomes painful, because of which it does not allow to touch itself;
  • the smell and consistency of urine changes.

The more inflammation of the bladder, the more frequent urination becomes, and the pain in the abdomen increases. In severe cases, urination can be every half an hour, sometimes even more often.

What is dangerous cystitis

This disease threatens the development of pyelonephritis. As a result, in dogs, unilateral pain in the kidneys increases and occurs. Bilateral pyelonephritis is especially dangerous for a pet's life.

The course of pyelonephritis is also dangerous in that dogs have a significant increase in blood pressure. From this, the heart wears out faster, which is dangerous for health.

Due to cystitis, there is a high chance of developing urinary incontinence (enuresis). In addition, in advanced cases, chronic kidney failure occurs. The outcome of such a disease is not favorable and quite serious.

It is recommended to start treating cystitis in a dog at home as early as possible. It is important to adhere to the basics of therapy correctly.

Antibiotic therapy is required in this case. contribute to the suppression of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. However, only a doctor can choose an antibiotic after studying the sensitivity of the animal's body to the medication. If this is not done, then improper treatment will not only not give a result, but will also cause the resistance of pathogens to the antibiotic. And this is an additional burden on the liver and kidneys of the dog.

If cystitis is caused by another disease, then the root cause must first be eliminated. Treatment of inflammation of the bladder will be ineffective if the dog has caries, and in the intestines -.

In addition, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • painkillers if the dog feels severe pain;
  • if blood is found in the urine, then a hemostatic drug is prescribed;
  • antispasmodics (intramuscularly).

In order for the body's defenses to recover faster, it is necessary to give the dog decoctions of natural herbs. To do this, use the herb of thistle, tartar. Such a food supplement is taken in conjunction with a complex of antibiotics.

It is important that during the period of active treatment the dog rests more. To do this, you do not need to overload it with physical activity, in particular, walks. . The diet should be more cereals, cereals (oatmeal and millet), milk. The meat broth is very useful.

To reduce acidity and prevent the formation of kidney stones, adding a little cranberry juice to the diet is indicated. Such an additive helps to increase the protective functions of the body as a whole, and also enhances antibacterial protection.

The full course of treatment of a dog for cystitis should be at least three months. If the therapeutic period is shortened without the knowledge of the veterinarian, then cystitis can become chronic.

The story of cystitis on video

Prevention of cystitis

The disease can be prevented. Nothing complicated is required from the owner of the dog, just follow certain rules:

  • It is necessary to monitor the drinking regimen of the dog. She must have access to clean drinking water at all times. Water should be given from a filtered bottle. Dehydration can cause a dog to develop kidney stones.
  • should be at least three times a day. If you do not walk it with such frequency, then there should be a tray in the apartment or house.
  • Make sure that your pet is not in a draft, as well as near the fan. The tile is also dangerous for him in terms of hypothermia and. The same applies to balconies that have an uncoated concrete floor.
  • It is recommended to monitor the condition of your pet's teeth. Inflammation of the oral cavity and damaged teeth are a source of bacteria that can penetrate through the blood or lymph into the bladder.
  • You can not walk the females during the time where stray dogs gather. When walking, do not allow males to lick the loop of the female.
  • Males should not be allowed with untested females.
  • If you have a pet of a long-haired breed, then he needs to cut the hair under his tail. This is done so that the remnants of feces do not fall on the genitals, as well as in the mouth during licking.
  • To control the general health of the dog, it is necessary to take him to the veterinarian every year. It is mandatory to take a urine test. It is also important to monitor changes in urine values ​​between studies. Your doctor may recommend a blood test.

Remember that cystitis is easiest to prevent and treat at a very early stage. On the contrary, the later therapy is started, the less effective it is.

Cystitis in dogs occurs when inflammation of the bladder mucosa is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, often accompanied by urethritis. Often in pets, the disease is a consequence of problems in the urinary system: kidney stones, nephritis or pyelonephritis, less often the inflammatory process occurs in the primary form, when the infection enters the organ from the outside. Pathology occurs in an acute or chronic form, differs in the duration of the course, the severity of symptoms, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after an examination and clarification of the causes of the disease.

Features of cystitis in dogs

In dogs, cystitis develops less frequently than in cats, but has more pronounced symptoms. Mostly adults and young animals are ill, but the disease also occurs in puppies. More often, inflammation in the bladder occurs in squat and decorative breeds: short-legged terriers, dachshunds, welsh corgi, toy terrier, French bulldog. Castrated animals get sick less often.

Elderly dogs, mostly females, are susceptible to the disease, since their urethra is located near the anus, the canal is whiter, short and wide than in males. Sometimes the infection occurs during mating, then the treatment of inflammation is complicated due to the inability to use certain drugs in pregnant females.

The inflammatory process captures the surface of the epithelium of the bladder, in the absence of treatment it penetrates into the deep layers of the mucosa. The mucus and exudate formed on the walls of the organ mix with urine, changing its structure, color and consistency. Biological structures and epithelial cells quickly decompose, so an unpleasant odor appears. Differentiation of the disease occurs according to the state of the secreted fluid and changes in the wall in the cavity of the bladder, cystitis is distinguished in dogs:

  • catarrhal. The mucous membrane of the organ is involved in inflammation, it turns red and swells, becomes covered with mucus and pus, so the urine becomes cloudy and stretches with threads.
  • Hemorrhagic. Accompanied by deeper damage with thinning and pinpoint damage to blood vessels, blood is noted in the secretions.
  • Purulent. It develops in a neglected form, is accompanied by the appearance of grayish-yellow fibrinous films on the walls of the organ, necrotic erosions with mucus and pus appear on the epithelium of the bladder, capturing deep layers, the urine acquires an unpleasant odor, it contains purulent inclusions and blood.
  • Dystrophic. With constant damage to the walls of the bladder, epithelial cells of the mucosa are found in the secretions of the dog, the color of the urine remains unchanged.

Allocate an acute course of the disease, when the clinical picture is manifested brightly and the diagnosis is not difficult. The chronic form of inflammation is characterized by hypertrophy and wrinkling of the bladder mucosa, in some cases non-bleeding granulomas develop. The process is accompanied by periodic relapses, often cystitis is a companion of the underlying disease, so its symptoms are accompanied by manifestations of other pathologies, which makes it more difficult to identify the disease.

It happens that severe inflammation captures the entire surface of the bladder mucosa with the formation of individual purulent foci that break into the cavity of the organ or into the surrounding tissues, causing an inflammatory process in them.

The reasons

The causative agent of inflammation in the bladder in dogs are bacteria and viruses, protozoa, more often staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, E. coli and Proteus are found in the analyzes. Microorganisms that are present on the ground, on the bedding, on the fur near the anus and in the groin of the animal, penetrate into the bladder along the ascending path: from the outside through the prepuce, urethra, rising, overcome the sphincter and concentrate at the mouth of the organ, causing cystitis.

If the dog is healthy, and the number of the pathogen is low, the body copes with the infection and resists its spread, weakened immunity leads to the activation of microorganisms and the development of cystitis. Factors contributing to the disease:

  • poor quality food and living conditions;
  • hypothermia, swimming in ponds;
  • renal pathologies;
  • anomalies in the structure of the urethra;
  • infection with nematode larvae when eating earthworms;
  • the presence of other diseases in the body of a pet, in females, cystitis is provoked by birth trauma, endometriosis or vaginitis;
  • improper catheterization or insufficient sterilization of the instrument during veterinarian manipulations;
  • injuries of the abdomen and inguinal region;
  • insufficient motor activity and paralysis;
  • taking anticancer drugs and an allergic reaction to industrial feed cause irritation of the walls of the organ;
  • drinking water saturated with chemical compounds.

Cystitis of non-bacterial origin in dogs develops due to internal damage to the walls of the bladder with stones, tumors, particles of the pelvic bones during fractures.

The development of inflammation contributes to the rare emptying of the bladder due to untimely walking of animals kept at home. Increased sugar in the urine also provokes irritation of the walls of the organ and the active reproduction of pathogenic flora.


The bacterial infection spreads in all directions, therefore, in advanced cases, dogs with cystitis develop urethritis in parallel, males suffer from balanitis, and females from vaginitis, this threatens the development of prostatitis and endometritis and other inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. The purulent process sometimes leads to the death of the animal.

Pyelonephritis becomes a dangerous complication of cystitis, and there is a risk of infection of both kidneys, leading to intoxication of the body, and disturbances in the work of the heart. Perhaps the development of persistent enuresis and even death of the animal. Chronic inflammation in the bladder contributes to the formation of stones and aggravates the problem, so it is important to see a doctor at the first signs of the disease.


The reproduction of bacteria leads to an inflammatory process in the mucosa lining the bladder from the inside, and a violation of its function. With an increase in the lesion, signs of acute cystitis appear, the severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the process:

  • Irritation of the mucosa causes repeated reflex contractions of the bladder, leading to frequent urination. Urine comes out in small portions, the dog is in pain. At the same time, a previously clean pet leaves puddles on the floor due to the inability to restrain the urge.
  • At the moment of excretion of urine, the animal whimpers, especially at the beginning and at the end of the act, changes its usual position, males try to raise their hind legs higher and squat at the same time, girls sit down, and, moving forward, pull up the back of the body.
  • The color of the discharge is initially transparent, or immediately cloudy, later blood impurities appear in the first portion, the urine acquires a pink tint, yellowish streaks of pus are visible in it.
  • The launched inflammatory process leads to a strong swelling of the sphincter or the ingress of stones into the outlet of the bladder, in this case, when trying to urinate, the discharge flows out only in drops or the outflow of fluid does not occur at all.

The behavior of the dog also changes: when you try to touch the stomach, the pet whines or snaps. The products of inflammation are absorbed into the blood, causing metabolic disorders, the animal is depressed, and there is an increase in temperature. Violations affect the secretory function of the stomach, a decrease in the production of gastric juice worsens the digestibility of food, the pet refuses to eat, with severe pain, vomiting is observed.

In chronic cystitis, the symptoms do not differ, but the process is not so pronounced: the pain is less pronounced, the urge to urinate occurs less frequently.


The owner can cure cystitis in a pet at home on his own, but a veterinarian should make a diagnosis, since it is required to identify the cause of inflammation and concomitant diseases, conduct an examination and take tests to prescribe effective drugs.

To alleviate the condition of the animal, if it has not urinated for a long time, bladder catheterization is performed to remove stagnant urine. At the reception, the organ cavity is washed with antiseptics to remove cell particles, mucus, blood clots, pus and sand. First, a saline solution of sodium chloride is introduced, then compositions based on furacilin, alum, ichthyol, potassium permanganate, boric acid are applied, the lavages are returned back through the catheter. The procedure is carried out daily up to 4 times in a clinic until the liquid becomes clear.

Cystitis requires an integrated approach to treatment, so a group of drugs is used that affect all manifestations of the disease. Since therapy should be started immediately, the veterinarian prescribes broad-spectrum antibacterial agents to relieve inflammation, after the results of the microflora, a suitable antibiotic is selected for cystitis for each type of pathogen.

The following medications are prescribed:

Drugs and other treatmentsActionDosage
Baytril, Cefa-kure, Cefotaxime, AmoxicillinTreatment of inflammation and destruction of the pathogen
  • Baytril - intramuscular injections of 0.2 ml / kg;
  • Ceftriaxone injection - 15-20 mg / kg twice a day;
  • Amoxicillin - injections of 1 ml / 10 kg
FuradoninAntimicrobial agentTotal per day 5-10 mg/kg

Evitalia-Vet, Veda-Baktoneotim, Agrovetzashchita, Zoonorm

Hepatovet, Covertal, Legafiton

Restoration of obligate intestinal flora and liver cells after and during antibioticsThey give 2-3 times a day, the number of doses depends on the drug and the weight of the dog according to the instructions.
Baralgin, No-ShpaReducing pain and spasm
  • Baralgin - 0.1 ml / kg of solution.
  • No-shpa - injections of 1 ml / 10 kg or tablet 40 mcg / 10 kg on the root of the tongue
Vikasol, Calcium Chloride, DicynonIncreased blood clotting
  • Vikasol - 1-2 mg / kg.
  • Ditsion - in the thigh 1 ml / 10 kg, in tablets: 1 time per day 0.5 tab / 5 kg
Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actionInside 10-15 g
Ammonium chlorideDissolves mucus, increases diuresis0.2-1 g
Suprastin, AllervetTo relieve an allergic reaction
  • Suprastin: for large breeds - 1.5-2 tablets, for small and medium - 0.5-1 tablet.
  • Allervet - into the muscle until the symptoms disappear, 1 ml / 5 kg, up to 4 times a day
Anandin, Immunofan, GamavitTo fight infection, produce interferonsAnandin tablets or injections 3 days at 20 mg or 0.2 ml/kg
Exposure to a high-frequency electromagnetic field is prescribed for chronic inflammationTo eliminate inflammation, activate phagocytosis, tissue regeneration and resorption of proliferates10 sessions every other day for 15-30 minutes

At home, the animal needs to be provided with warm bedding, peace, plenty of boiled water and proper nutrition. The diet includes milk, millet and oatmeal, boiled vegetables. Light meat broths are allowed with the normalization of urine outflow. Fish and meat are undesirable, food from the hosts' table is prohibited: salty, spicy and fried, dry food should be excluded.

If cystitis is not complicated by serious disorders, the symptoms of the acute form disappear after a week, the dog will recover in a maximum of 10 days. Treat the chronic form of pathology for 1-1.5 months. When the disease is provoked by kidney stones, an operation is performed to remove them, for helminthic invasion, anthelmintic drugs are required.


  • Uroleks. Produced in the form of drops based on herbal preparations, the drug has low toxicity, has a moderate analgesic, antiseptic, hemostatic and diuretic effect. Prevents the formation of salt crystals and the development of relapses. The pet is given medicine for a month, 3 drops / kg three times a day.
  • Stop cystitis. Antimicrobial and antiseptic, relieves spasm, increases urine flow, removes sand and toxins. For ease of use, it is available not only in tablets, but also in the form of a suspension. The dosage is indicated in the instructions and is determined by the weight of the pet, the drug is included in food or applied to the root of the tongue.
  • Cyston. The medicine is based on plant extracts, provides a beneficial effect on the function of the urinary system, relieves inflammation, removes toxins. Dogs are given 0.5-2 tablets, the duration of administration is up to 14 days, with stone formation, the course is extended to 6 months.
  • Healthy kidneys. The composition of the product includes about 30 medicinal herbs, it is allowed for use in puppies. The composition provides analgesic and antibacterial action, relieves spasm and inflammation, promotes the excretion of fluid, neutralizes the acidity of urine and prevents the formation of stones. In the acute phase, the drug is given every 2 hours at 1 tablet / kg, then the amount of application is reduced to three times the use until the symptoms disappear.

If there is no blockage of the urethra, it is recommended to give the dog herbal decoctions made on the basis of horsetail, lingonberry or bearberry leaves, knotweed, and corn stigmas are used to reduce pain. The light diuretic properties of the compounds will help speed up the excretion of decaying organic matter, and prevent congestion.


As an auxiliary treatment for inflammation of the bladder, the doctor sometimes prescribes homeopathic remedies that have a beneficial effect on the urinary organs of the dog:

  • Cantarin. Participates in anti-inflammatory, spasmodic and diuretic process, activates regenerative reactions in the tissues of the urinary organs. Injections are indicated for acute cystitis throughout the course, injected up to 2 times a day into the muscle or under the skin. Chronic course requires the use of 2-3 times a week for no more than a month.
  • Cantharis compositum. German drug for the normalization of the function of the kidneys and bladder, helps to remove exudate and reduce the inflammatory process. An injection is given daily until the pet's condition is normal, the dose is 1-4 ml.
  • Nux womica. It is used for debilitating spasms when other drugs are not effective, the dose is 1-4 ml, depending on the weight of the animal.
  • Atropinum compositum. A complex medicine - an antispasmodic, is also used to remove adsorbed toxins, activate the immune system. Acute course: once a day, chronic - once every 4 days, 1-4 ml.

Homeopathic medicines have no contraindications, but the dog sometimes has intolerance to the components, so they are used only as prescribed by the veterinarian.

If your beloved pet has become lethargic, drinks a lot, began to go to the toilet, whining, or, worse, anywhere, you should not immediately punish him. It is possible that the dog is sick and needs to be taken to the veterinarian - such behavior may be a signal of the onset of cystitis (inflammation in the bladder).

Features of the disease

The disease does not have age-specific features - both old and young animals, including puppies, get sick. A separate risk group is formed by small breeds and undersized individuals (dachshunds, for example). Bitches get sick more often than males due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system.

In general, dogs get sick less often than cats, but have a more pronounced clinical picture.

It is very important to determine the exact cause of the disease, because. only symptomatic therapy is a guarantee that the pathological condition will return, and the next time it will manifest itself many times stronger.

The symptoms of cystitis in a dog are acute and chronic. Chronic cystitis is a condition that develops against the background of some other primary disease. Its symptoms are diluted with clinical signs of another pathology, so it becomes difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In an acute course, the symptoms are pronounced, there are no difficulties with preliminary diagnosis.

According to the manifestations of inflammation of the bladder in dogs is classified into:

  • catarrhal (urine is cloudy, and protein is found in the analysis);
  • hemorrhagic (obvious presence of blood);
  • dystrophic (outwardly, urine is practically unchanged, and epithelial cells are found in the analyzes);
  • purulent (the name speaks for itself - the presence of pus and an unpleasant odor leave no doubt about the form of the disease).

What symptoms to look out for

  1. Frequent urination. You can only notice in pets that live indoors - he will constantly ask to go outside or make small puddles right in the room. The volume of urine produced per day does not increase: the dog goes to the toilet more often, but in small portions.
  2. Impurities appear in the urine: mucus, blood or pus. It becomes cloudy and acquires a sharp and unpleasant odor that is not characteristic of the usual state.
  3. At the time of urination or at the end of the process, the dog may whine in pain. Males stop lifting their paw, and urinate, crouching on both paws (a clear sign of cystitis). It is clearly visible that the procedure causes pain and discomfort to the pet.
  4. The dog does not allow you to feel the belly in the crotch - twitches its paws, crouches, whines and tries in every possible way to avoid inspection. The wall of the abdomen is tense, like a tympanic membrane.
  5. With a protracted process, general malaise, lethargy develops, appetite decreases, body temperature rises. There may be signs of intoxication at the time of the development of a purulent process, because. the sick animal will increasingly try to hold on to urine so as not to feel pain.
  6. Cystitis in a dog with signs resembles urolithiasis - a more serious pathology, which is excluded in the very first place.

How to help a pet with inflammation

A veterinary specialist makes a diagnosis not only on the basis of a description of the owner of the pet's condition and a clinical examination, but also on the results of ultrasound and blood and urine tests. The rarest form is allergic. Usually placed after all other species have been excluded.

Treatment of cystitis in dogs at home is permissible only after it has been examined by a veterinarian and the correct medication has been given. The cause must be established, which will be eliminated simultaneously with symptomatic therapy.

It is impossible to independently and uncontrollably solder the dog with “herbs”, because. in case of an allergic manifestation of the disease, even more harm can be done to the animal. Herbal decoctions are not prohibited, but must be agreed with a specialist!

How to treat cystitis in dogs?

Preparations for treatment are prescribed, dosed and combined strictly by a veterinarian! The disease is not treated only by eliminating the symptoms.

  • bacterial infection. Treatment of cystitis in dogs with antibiotics is used only after urine culture and determination of the sensitivity of the microflora to a particular drug. If there is no time to wait, the veterinarian usually prescribes broad-spectrum drugs or nitrofurans (for example, furadonin for cystitis).
  • hemorrhagic factor. Dogs are shown mandatory use of hemostatic agents when blood is found in the urine.
  • secondary diseases. If, in addition to cystitis, a dog has pathologies suspected of provoking it, then the underlying disease is first eliminated, and then the inflammatory process is eliminated. Or the treatment is carried out in parallel.
  • Flushing the bladder with a catheter carried out with antiseptic liquids and only by a specialist! A good way to cleanse the bladder of waste products of microorganisms and reduce the risk of intoxication. Necessarily carried out after emptying the bladder. In rare cases, antibiotic solutions are used.
  • allergic cystitis diagnosed very, very rarely. In addition to antihistamine therapy, the diet must be changed, excluding potential allergens from it.
  • During treatment, it is observed special drinking regimen- Enough and only clean drinking water.
  • Pet feeding should be carried out either with special feeds intended for diseases of the urinary system, or the diet should be formed independently. The most famous foods for cystitis and diseases of the genitourinary system (including urinary stones):
    • Royal canin urinary s/o and Royal canin urinary;
    • Hills Prescription Diet canine u/d;
    • Farmina Vet Life for dogs;
    • Purina urinary.
  • If the pet does not like ready-made options, then it is best to give cereals (not cereals), weak soups, boiled vegetables and sour-milk products. It is better to exclude meat in any form for a while until the acute symptoms of the disease are removed during the treatment of cystitis in a dog (but meat broths are possible).

Drugs to combat cystitis

Painkillers and antispasmodics
  • analgin: 1 tab. / 20-25 kg or 0.1 ml / kg of weight intramuscularly symptomatically, it can be repeated only after 10-12 hours; contraindicated for small dogs, puppies, as well as animals with severe kidney pathology;
  • no-shpa (drotaverine): 1 tab. / 10 kg or in a solution of 1 ml / 10 kg per muscle. It is better to give in tablets, prick when it is not possible to give a tablet.
  • baytril 5%: 0.2 ml/kg intramuscularly for 3-10 days. Do not mix with tetracyclines and chloramphenicol;
  • cefotaxime: twice a day at the same time 15-20 mg / kg up to 1 week (but not less than 5 days) by intramuscular injections;
  • ceftriaxone: a daily dose of 20-40 mg / kg, divided into 2-3 doses at regular intervals, the duration of the course is 5-10 days;
  • furadonin: daily dose of 5-10 mg/kg of dog weight, which should be divided into 2-4 doses per day at regular intervals. Course: up to 10 days (but not less than a week).
Solutions for catheterization
  • furacillin;
  • saline 0.9%;
  • 0.5% protargol or tannin;
  • 3% boric solution.

All fluids should be close to body temperature. It is better to rinse more often and with small portions of liquid (from 5 to 25 ml, depending on the size of the dog) than once at once with a large volume.

  • suprastin: 1 tab. / medium dog, ½ tab. / small or puppy, 1.5-2 tab. / large individual;
  • allervet 1%: 2-4 rubles / day. 1 ml / 5 kg of weight (or 0.2 ml / kg) subcutaneously or intramuscularly until the signs of an allergic manifestation of the disease disappear.
Hemostatic drugs
  • dicynone: 1 ml/10 kg body weight per thigh. It is important not to exceed the dosage;
  • vikasol: 1-2 mg/kg in the muscle, maximum 3-5 days;
  • calcium chloride: a maximum of 5-15 ml is injected intravenously (slowly), depending on the size of the animal. If it gets under the skin, then the area should be pricked with sodium chloride to avoid necrosis.
Homeopathy and herbal medicines

They are used only in combination with the main treatment.

  • Kantaren injections: inject into the femoral muscle or subcutaneously into the withers 1-3 rubles / day for a week to ten days or until the condition returns to normal; with chronic cystitis - once a day for up to 1 month. Dose: 0.5-4 ml/animal, depending on size;
  • cantaren tablets for cystitis: the duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian, but not longer than 1 month; 2-3 times / day for severe form, 1-2 times / day - for mild; single dose 1-3 tab./animal, based on its size;
  • cantharis compositum: administered by any injection method at a dose of 1-4 ml/dog, repeated every 24 hours until the condition is normalized in acute course and every 4 days in chronic;
  • urolex: give orally 1 hour before feeding, 3 drops / kg of body weight 3 rubles / day. Give either immediately undiluted to the root of the tongue, or dilute in a very small amount of water and pour with a syringe. Duration of admission should not exceed 30 days;
  • cystone: 1-2 tablets per day, equal to the body weight of the animal. You can immediately the entire dose, can be divided into 2 doses. The full course reaches 4-6 months if the cause of cystitis is stones, and up to 2 weeks of symptomatic therapy in other cases. Taking the drug is not advisable without an appropriate diet;
  • stop cystitis for dogs (see instructions below).
Herbal preparations
  • painkillers: corn stigmas (you can’t give for a long time!), peppermint and lemon balm;
  • have a diuretic effect: knotweed, bearberry, oregano, horsetail, St. John's wort;
  • relieve inflammation: licorice, St. John's wort, oak bark, birch buds, ginger, marshmallow root, parsley.

Different herbs have different properties. Decoctions are prepared from herbs of different groups for a complex effect. 1 part of any herb from each name is taken, 250 ml of boiling water is poured, infused in a closed container for 20-30 minutes, filtered and topped up to 0.5 liters of the total volume. Give twice a day up to 50 ml of herbal liquid, depending on the size of the animal.

Drug Stop cystitis

This is a whole series of drugs, which is represented by three herbal complex remedies: Stop cystitis in tablets and suspensions and Stop cystitis bio also in suspension (what to give a dog from cystitis from the above is decided by a veterinarian). The drugs very quickly normalize the condition of the animal, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The "bio" form allows you to constantly monitor the state of the urinary system as a prophylactic. Stop cystitis, in addition to herbal components, has medicinal components in the list of components that explain its action.

Functions of the drug: antimicrobial, antiseptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, saluretic (removal of sand and stones from the bladder).

Stop cystitis (in suspension - up to 320 rubles / 50 ml)

Available in various volumes (up to a maximum of 150 ml). For individuals up to 10 kg, the daily dose is 4 ml, divided into 2 doses of 2 ml. If the weight exceeds 10 kg, then the daily dose rises to 6 ml, and the number of doses can be 2 or 3 (3 ml or 2 ml at a time, respectively). The duration of the course is determined by the veterinarian, paying attention to the severity of the pathology, concomitant treatment and the course of the disease. For the purpose of prevention, 1 ml is given once a day for 1 week.

Stop cystitis (in tablets - up to 290 rubles / 20 tablets)

1 tablet is given twice a day for dogs weighing up to 10 kg and 1.5 tablets if the weight exceeds 10 kg. For the purpose of prevention - once. The course is 5-7 days. The tablet is placed on the base of the tongue or given simultaneously with any food convenient for giving the medicine.

Stop cystitis bio (up to 350 rubles/50 ml)

This is the control and improvement of the entire urinary system. For periodic course admission. Dosage: unless otherwise indicated by a veterinarian, 2 ml of the suspension is given to dogs weighing up to 10 kg and 3 ml, if more than this weight, 1-2 times / day. Duration - one week in the period of exacerbation. And once a day, 1 ml for one month for the control normalization of the condition.

Side effects

Not noted. In very rare cases, allergic manifestations were recorded, which disappeared after discontinuation of the drug.


There are no special contraindications, with the exception of an individual reaction to the constituent components.

special instructions

Suspensions must be shaken before use. It is important not to skip doses - both in tablets and in suspensions, because. efficiency decreases. If a dose is missed, the next one should be taken at the proper time without doubling the volume.

Disease prevention

Cystitis is easy to prevent. For this it is enough:

  1. Always give your pet clean drinking water to drink.
  2. Be sure to walk 3 times a day - 2 times is not enough. Small dogs can put toilet trays in the apartment. It is important that the animals do not endure for a long time!
  3. Do not let your pet lie or sleep on a cold floor (such as cement or tile) or a draft during the cold season.
  4. Timely treat gynecological diseases in bitches, avoiding purulent inflammation.
  5. It is definitely worth it once or twice a year to conduct preventive examinations at the veterinarian.
  6. Do not walk bitches during estrus in places where there are accumulations of stray dogs.
  7. It is important to trim the hair around the anus in long-haired dogs to avoid contamination of the urethra by stool.
  8. If there is a tendency to diseases of the genitourinary system, then it is better to feed it with special feeds designed specifically for such cases.
  9. Timely vaccination is required.

Cystitis in dogs is an inflammation of the lining of the bladder. The disease occurs in a chronic or acute form and can lead to urethritis - inflammation of the urethra.

It must be remembered that lead to cystitis:

  • inflammatory processes in the genitals (endometritis, vaginitis and others);
  • swimming in cold reservoirs, walking in frosty and damp weather, being in drafts for a long time;
  • kidney disease (nephritis, pyelonephritis and others);
  • entry into the bladder of an animal of pathogenic microflora (chlamydia, viruses, E. coli, etc.);
  • tumors, allergies and the use of certain groups of medicines are the rarest causes of the development of the disease.

The disease is more common in females than in males. This is due to the peculiarities of the physiological structure of females. Their urethra is wider, shorter and located near the anus.

The disease can occur due to weak immunity. Owners often skimp on the nutrition of their dogs, believing that the animal can eat the same food that people eat. The pet needs a special balanced diet, which should contain not only meat, but also vegetables and fruits. A sedentary lifestyle also often becomes an indirect cause of some diseases. Dogs, especially young dogs, need an active lifestyle.

Symptoms of the disease

Identifying the symptoms of cystitis is easy. It is enough to observe the behavior of your dog.

If a toilet-trained dog constantly urinates in the apartment, he is probably sick. Instead of punishing the pet, the owner should watch how he empties his bladder. In the acute form of the disease, the animal experiences severe pain. His movements are careful. Males do not stand in their characteristic posture when they urinate, but squat, like females, with their hind limbs widely apart. The pet has cloudy, foul-smelling urine, in which blood clots can be seen. Body temperature rises. The animal loses its appetite, feels thirsty, becomes passive. When the owner tries to take the dog in his arms, the pet runs away or growls. In this case, an acute form of the disease can be suspected.

Signs of cystitis in a dog with a chronic form will be somewhat different. Determining the disease in an animal is much more difficult, since outwardly it seems to be completely healthy. Oddities in behavior can be noticed during urination. The dog whines, changes positions. Some pets lose activity and appetite, experience intense thirst, as in the chronic form of the disease. Other dogs behave as usual. Behavior changes only in the later stages of cystitis. You can determine the presence of the disease by yellow and pink spots on the bedding or in the place where the dog usually sleeps. The owner should be alert to frequent urination of the pet.

Treatment of the disease

Cystitis can be treated at home. Even a person who does not have the appropriate education can cope with this task. However, the health of the pet should be entrusted to a professional veterinarian who knows exactly how to treat the disease.

Without the necessary equipment, the owner is not always able to correctly diagnose his pet. He may mistake another, more dangerous and intractable disease for cystitis in a puppy or an adult.

Treatment methods:

  1. Since the disease in most cases has a bacterial etymology, it is necessary to treat cystitis in a dog with antibiotics: Ciftriaxone, Cefadroxil, Baytril and some others. The course lasts from 7 to 14 days. The treatment will have side effects. In the intestines of a pet, the microflora is disturbed, which can lead to dysbacteriosis. The animal will have problems with defecation. Antibiotics are harmful to the liver and cause disturbances in its work. That is why veterinarians prescribe maintenance therapy - Vestin, Ribotan, Gamavit, Essentiale.
  2. Treatment of cystitis in a dog is usually not without painkillers. So that the animal does not experience discomfort during urination, he is prescribed drugs such as Cyston or No-shpa.
  3. Your pet needs a bladder flush. It is strictly forbidden to carry out this procedure on your own. Washing can only be done in a veterinary clinic. With the help of a special catheter, the doctor removes fluid from the bladder, and then fills it with antiseptics. The procedure is carried out during the first visit to the doctor. With the help of washing, the body is freed from the products of inflammation - pus, inorganic accumulations and mucus. Manipulation is carried out in the first days of treatment of the animal.
  4. At home, the dog can be given diuretic teas in accordance with the attached instructions. A large animal is given the same dose as a human. For small dogs, half of this portion is enough. The finished mixture, which is sold in pharmacies, can be replaced with horsetail and corn stigmas. These plants have a slight diuretic effect, help to cleanse the bladder from the infection located there and have a calming effect on the mucosa of the organ.


The disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. The dog must not come into contact with sick animals in any way. The breeder needs to keep track of which individual the pet mates with. Stray dogs should not be allowed near a pet during a walk. Animal for mating must be vaccinated and have a medical certificate of the absence of diseases.

The dog must have healthy gums and teeth. Animals cleanse the genitals with their tongue. Any inflammation in the oral cavity can affect the occurrence of cystitis. Long-haired pets need to cut the hair around the anus and near the genitals. It is advisable that the dog drink clean water. During a walk, the owner should not allow the pet to lap from the puddle. A dog should not sleep under a fan or on a tiled floor, even in summer.

Every owner needs to know how to treat cystitis in dogs. The success of therapy is influenced not only by the preparations chosen by the veterinarian, but also by other procedures - the owner should ensure that his pet has complete rest and proper nutrition. Salty, spicy and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is better to refuse feed for the duration of treatment and switch to natural products.

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