Candylomas on the labia. Causes, possible pathogens and types of treatment for growths on the labia. Causes of genital warts in women

It is always unpleasant to get sick, but those infections that can hide for many years and live in the body without revealing themselves are especially dangerous. For example, warts on the labia. This disease is viral in nature and highly contagious.

Caused by papillomaviruses, which usually appear on the skin in the form of wart formations. The danger lies in the defeat of condylomas of the internal parts of the genital organs, for example:

  • cervix;
  • The inner wall of the labia;
  • vagina;
  • Even the anus.

If papillomas develop in the internal genital organs, they look like pointed growths, and can bring a number of inconveniences, both moral and physical. Condyloma is sexually transmitted, so you should always remember about protection.

The internal moist and warm environment is excellent for the development of papillomas. Despite the advances in modern medicine, there are no absolute guarantees that you will completely get rid of this disease. And most treatments are extremely unpleasant and painful.

According to modern medical data, almost 70 percent of people carry this virus in themselves, but due to the strength of the immune system, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. But such a state cannot be maintained constantly, because a person is constantly surrounded by all sorts of harmful factors that provoke the onset of the development of genital warts in women's intimate areas.

Having found papillomas in yourself, do not expect that they will disappear on their own. These are harmful viral bacteria gradually taking over new skin. Getting inside the vagina or on the cervix, they can provoke the development of tumor growths.

Growing, warts on the labia:

  • They may begin to bleed due to a violation of the outer shell of the papilloma.
  • A woman begins to experience discomfort during intercourse, due to irritation, especially of internal genital warts.
  • External warts, having the form of warts, spoil the aesthetic appearance, causing inconvenience to women.
  • The presence of this disease can cause neurosis and irritability due to psychological stress.
  • Childbirth is complicated, the disease often provokes premature contractions.

Due to the latent course, the disease can be transmitted from the infected to the healthy, so there is a danger of the disease spreading, especially if you often change your partner. Standard protection during intercourse will help prevent the disease from entering the internal genital organs.

It is especially unpleasant that the disease affects not only the cervix, vagina, or other parts of the genital organs. There are types of papillomas that develop in the urethra. Urethral condylomas have a pointed shape. Causing unbearable itching and burning when going to the toilet.

Ways of infection with warts and what can serve as an impetus for their growth

The main way to become infected with genital warts is to have sexual intercourse with a person infected with this infection. Penetrating into the body through the mucous membranes and skin with close contact, the virus begins to infect healthy cells.

Staying dormant for a long time increases the risk of contracting the virus. The dormant state of the disease can last from a couple of months to several years. Here are a few signs that give impetus to the development of genital warts in women:

  • Acute form of severe disease, and duration of illness.
  • The presence in the body of other pathologies that weaken the immune system.
  • Constant stress weakens the nervous system.
  • Irregular work schedule, entailing insomnia and excessive stress on the body.
  • Avitaminosis develops as a result of improper nutrition. Lack of minerals especially folic acid and vitamin A.
  • Frequent sexual intercourse with unfamiliar partners.
  • The presence of other diseases on the genitals.

When a favorable environment is created in the body for the division of viral cells, they begin to capture large areas of healthy tissue. External warts on the lips are shaped like cauliflower. The upper part is velvety to the touch, and the lower part is stem-like, it contains blood vessels that feed the growth.

And although the infection is transmitted through sexual contact, the causes of the development of genital warts in children is the disease of the mother, transmitted during childbirth. There are also a number of other ways of infection:

  • Through common household items, especially hygienic ones.
  • Sharing the toilet can also cause illness.

If the disease is manifested by the external presence of pinkish formations, then the patient himself can determine their presence and consult a doctor in time. It is more difficult when condylomas in women develop on the labia minora or in the urethra. The inside of the vagina and anus can also be affected, appearing in the form of genital warts.

How the disease manifests itself

The problem with this type of virus is the inability to predict how it will behave. As soon as the virus began to actively multiply, appearing on the outer parts of the labia or the inner ones in the form of fungal growths, the reaction of the body may be different:

  • Gradual growth of warts.
  • Having appeared, external growths may freeze for a while, and not progress in any way.
  • The disease can go away on its own, but this happens in rare cases.

Internal warts in women, taking on a pointed form, become provocateurs of a number of conditions:

  • Discomfort during natural processes, for example, in the presence of genital warts in the urethra, the patient experiences pain during bowel movements.
  • When injured with genital warts, bleeding begins. If the growths are located on the clitoris, then the woman is worried about constant itching, which provokes increased irritability.
  • Condylomas often cause the development of cancer of the internal genital organs.
  • The long stay of the infection in a dormant state gives more opportunities for spread.

Regular examinations at the gynecologist help in time to determine the presence of external genital warts in women. They are easy to identify with a classic examination. But the final diagnosis is made after an additional examination.

It is good if the growths are located only on the outer skin. If condylomas are found on the lower part of the labia, on the eve of the vagina, there is a possibility of their presence on the cervix.

Diagnosis of the disease

  • secondary syphilis. This ailment is manifested by wide warts;
  • bowenoid papulosis;
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Lichen;
  • hair cyst;
  • Soft fibroma;
  • Angiokeratoma.

To do this, conduct a series of examinations to exclude possible concomitant infections. To determine genital warts on the outer parts of the labia, you can use a simple test. To do this, a medical swab is moistened in a 5% solution of acetic acid and applied to the site affected by growths. After some time, the growths take on a whitish hue, which indicates the presence of genital warts.

The presence of genital warts is one of the reasons for additional examination of the patient for HIV and syphilis infection. A separate category of patients undergo a biopsy and histology in order to exclude the presence of precancerous conditions. Even the complete removal of all obvious condylomas does not guarantee new relapses as a result. Patients with this disease, even after completely getting rid of all genital warts, are at risk of developing cancer of the genital organs.

The reason for this is the preservation of viral cells in an inactive form in healthy tissues located around infected ones. The presence of condylomas on the small genital horns can be diagnosed during an external examination of the patient.

Warts treatment options, their use and disadvantages

To get rid of genital warts, there are a number of methods, which one will be used, depending on the complexity of the disease, so only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate therapy.

  • Cryodestruction. The most common treatment. To do this, the entire affected surface is treated with a special swab dipped in liquid nitrogen. The procedure is applied after 2 weeks, until the growths completely disappear. The positive side is the low cost and the absence of scarring after treatment. But during its implementation, the patient may experience pain.
  • Getting rid of genital warts with the help of the medical preparation podophyllin. It is applied topically, the positive side of this method is the ability for the patient to process all areas of the skin himself.
  • Solcoderm therapy. A very painful procedure, the reason for this is the use of a mixture of a number of acids as a material for treating growths: nitric, acetic, lactic, oxalic.

If there is a need, then you can repeat the procedure in a month.

In addition to pain, scars may remain on the skin after treatment.

  • The use of trichloroacetic acid. Often used in the presence of education on the mucous membranes of the labia or genital warts in the urethra in women. After treatment, acid residues and warts are removed with ordinary talc. You can repeat the therapy after a week if necessary. If even after six treatments, condylomas remain, then therapy should be changed.

Disease prevention

As a preventive measure, it is tedious to use standard protective equipment during sexual contact, this will help reduce the risk of infection transmission.

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Questions and answers on: warts on the labia minora

2015-09-19 11:35:17

Anastasia asks:

Girl, 25 years old, cervical erosion. The gynecologist at the examination said that I have a lot of condylomas on the labia minora, but the fact is that all my life I was sure that this was just my individual structure of the small lips, they looked exactly like that for as long as I can remember (even before the onset of sexual activity), nothing became inflamed, no new processes appeared, a couple of years ago I was tested for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 52, 58, 59, 67 (all negative). The previous gynecologist, whom I saw for 3 years, never told me about condylomas during any examination, although my genitals looked the same. Tell me, is it possible to confuse warts and papillomas with a special structure of the epithelium in this area? Maybe there is some way to determine whether it is condylomas or not before repeated tests (I am going to take tests again for all types of HPV with typing)?

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Anastasia! Virtually, without inspection, I can’t draw conclusions, understand correctly. See another gynecologist for an examination.

2012-03-12 12:09:27

Elena asks:

Good afternoon! I have a question. I was found to have HPV of a highly oncogenic type (which one was not identified), I also had small warts on the labia minora at the entrance to the vagina. I was liquified for a long time by an immunologist, but to no avail. I got pregnant, I didn’t give any more tests, the warts during pregnancy became larger and increased in size. Before giving birth, the gynecologist prescribed Genferon suppositories. I gave birth to a child naturally. My condylomas did not disappear during childbirth, but on the contrary, they became even larger and increased in size. The child is already 4.5 months old, I do not see any manifestations of condylomatosis of the larynx or other manifestations of papillomas. What is the probability of infection of the child with papillomavirus.

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Good afternoon. It must be remembered that HPV is a chronic disease. Exacerbations are replaced by the disappearance of symptoms. More often, viruses are infected through direct sexual contact, but not everyone. Predisposing factors are needed for transmission. That is, most likely, you will not get infected if you are absolutely healthy and your immunity works as expected. But at the same time, you need to remember that no remedy can guarantee you 100% protection against infection. There are 4 types of papillomaviruses that cause most of the diseases associated with HPV. Types 6 and 11 cause about 90% of genital warts in men and women. Types 16 and 18 cause about 75% of cervical cancers and about 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers. Therefore, you should immediately contact the gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, preferably in the office of pathology of the cervix and uterine body for examination, treatment and possible vaccination against HPV. Now there are vaccines that not only protect, but also have a therapeutic effect. You can also get used to the child, but a little later.

2012-01-29 12:00:18

Elena asks:

Hello! Yesterday I removed condylomas on the labia minora with surgitron. In the morning before removal, I had indigestion and weakness, then the temperature rose during the day, it rose to 38.3 in the evening! Today the temperature still holds, there are no other signs of poisoning, only my stomach hurts periodically! Can the temperature rise due to removal and what can it turn into? And yellow discharge has also begun, is this normal?

Responsible Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello, Elena. In the Astrum Medical Center, genital warts are removed by laser, and the temperature does not rise after this procedure. I think that the increase in body temperature in you is caused by poisoning, but you should see a doctor.

2011-04-27 11:42:16

Linda asks:

Responsible Tovstolytkina Natalia Petrovna:

Hello Linda. The test results are not dangerous, diseases that are caused by various viruses and bacteria can be dangerous. In addition to human papillomavirus infection, all your other problems respond well to treatment. The presence of the human papillomavirus does not mean that the patient will necessarily develop cancer caused by this virus. Such a patient simply needs regular gynecological examinations and careful implementation of doctor's prescriptions. The human papillomavirus is not a contraindication to sexual activity. It happens that warts disappear on their own with an increase in immunity, so you can postpone its removal for a short time. Erosion of the cervix must be treated, especially in the presence of papillomavirus infection.

2011-04-26 22:16:47

ELENA asks:

Hello! Has handed over the analysis on PTSR. Results: Mycoplasma hominis (quantitatively) positive. Ureaplasma urealiticum (quantitatively) will put. Chlamydia trachomatis PCR negative Mycoplasma genitalium PCR positive. Herpes virus 1.2 PCR negative HPV HRC screening PCR HPV 16 negative HPV 18,33,45,52,58,67 positive HPV 31,35,39,59 negative BAK sowing on microflora: the place of taking the biomaterial is the vagina. The isolated microflora of Gardnerella vaginalis. The growth rate is 10 * 8. Conclusion: Bacteriological signs of bacterial vaginosis were revealed. Gardnerella vaginalis has good sensitivity to metronidazole and other antianaerobic drugs. Oncocytology: Place of sampling: cervix + cervical canal Quality of material: adequate Clinical diagnosis: cervical ectopia Cervix: unchanged squamous epithelium cells in the preparation. Cervical canal: In the preparation, cells of squamous and cylindrical epithelium are within the normal range. Cytological conclusion: No cells with signs of malignancy were found in the test material. The doctor prescribed me treatment: Isoprinosine 2 tab 3 times a day - 10 days, then 1 month break (and so 3 times). Control for the HPV virus at the end of the medication after 6 months. Then take Fromilid uno 1 tab. 1 time per day - 7 days and with it fluconazole 1 caps 1 time per day - 7 days. Then, 4-6 weeks after taking the drugs, take a PCR test for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. A genital condyloma was also found on the labia minora. I have never been tested for human papillomavirus before. Now I'm very scared, I just think about it. Tell me, are the results like mine very dangerous? I know that this type of virus is a type of high degree of oncology. Will the prescribed treatment help? I know that until the age of 30 the body itself can cope with this virus, and I am 27. I gave birth to a child a year and a half ago. Maybe immunity decreased due to hormonal failure after childbirth and led to such indicators of tests. How to have a sexual life and is it possible at all now? I read that even a condom does not protect against this virus ....... Some kind of horror ... And when to remove this condyloma - after treatment or immediately? And whether it is necessary to cauterize the erosion of the cervix?

Responsible Vengarenko Victoria Anatolievna:

Elena, it is NECESSARY to treat necessarily, in addition to examine and treat the sexual partner. In addition to drugs, it is necessary to treat with radio waves or cryotherapy.

2010-12-18 00:17:08

Elena asks:

Hello! In my analyzes, HPV of high carcinogenic risk, DNA without type identification (positive ++++) and ureaplasma parvum (positive +++), as well as genital warts on the labia minora, were found in the analyzes. I took wilprofen 500000, viferon 2, lactogin, terzhinan and hofitol, the doctor advised me to get vaccinated against HPV, but does it make sense if I am 26 years old and the type of HPV is not defined?
Please answer another question: can I have genital warts with HPV HRC and what should I do about them? Thank you.

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

good day, Elena! Yes, you have warts and they are caused by the presence of HPV. You can and should do only one thing with them - delete them. Which way to do this can only be determined by your doctor. And there are many possibilities: to excise, that is, to remove by operation (surgical intervention), to use a preparation containing a mixture of acids (for example, Solkovagin), to carry out cryodestruction (exposure to low temperatures), diathermocoagulation (exposure to electric current), laser therapy, etc. After removal, the place where there were warts will need to be treated with ointments with an antiviral component. Vaccination is not necessary because vaccination prevents HPV infection and you are already infected. Be healthy!

2010-09-03 07:49:44

Natalia asks:

A year and a half ago, condyloma appeared on the labia minora. Recently I signed up for removal, but after menstruation, she began to get sick, and then she disappeared. Why could this happen? She did not treat anything, only, as prescribed by the doctor, she drank 1 tablet of Mycosyst.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello, Natalia! Your situation is an illustration of the fact that the body itself can cope with papillomavirus infection and the skin changes caused by it (warts and papillomas). Apparently you have strong immunity, which is not afraid of such infectious agents as papillomavirus. Nevertheless, we advise you to donate blood for the detection of papillomaviruses - for safety net. Take care of your health!

2016-05-28 09:59:07

Catherine asks:

Hello. 2 years ago have found out kandiloma. After the diagnosis, allokin-alpha treatment was prescribed (3 days for 1 amp, 3 days we skip and so 3 times, if I remember exactly) and removal of genital warts in the area of ​​the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and around the anus. The treatment passed. Nothing bothered my boyfriend, but in some places there are single warts and papillomas. Allokin was also pierced for him (according to the same scheme). After a short time, single ones reappeared and were removed again. Now, after 2 years, pah-pah, I'm afraid to jinx it, everything is fine. True, sometimes small, pimple-like, some things come out on the inside of the thigh, closer to the hairline, I mechanically remove them. Please tell me what needs to be done so that they do not appear again. What tests should be taken periodically and how often. Can the virus be eliminated? Does a guy need to delete items? And are there any remedies that can be applied topically for prevention? Thanks

Responsible Hovhannisyan Karine Eduardovna:

Hello Ekaterina! Genital warts are caused by HPV viruses of various types, most often it is 6 or 11. According to the literature, the HPV virus disappears on its own in 90% of cases, without treatment within 8-10 months. What is the danger? If there is a high oncogenicity HPV virus (which can also disappear on its own), then there is a risk of developing cervical cancer in 10% of cases. Therefore, in this case (the risk of developing cancer), when donating blood for the E7 oncoprotein, the analysis will show the presence of this protein in the blood. Those. if there is a high-risk oncogenic papillomavirus (type 16 and 18) and oncoprotein E7, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist every 3 months for cytology and observation. As for genital warts. It is better to remove them. Reduces the risk of partner infection. To prevent recurrence, before the removal of genital warts, tests for STIs are taken, especially Trichomonas by the method of "seeding for Trichomonas" and blood for immunology.

Warts in women are bodily outgrowths or warts. This lesion of the skin and mucous membranes is an inflammatory disease. Warts can grow rapidly throughout the body, so you should immediately go to the doctor.

Treatment of pathology on the labia minora

When treating genital warts in women on the labia minora, the doctor sets himself the goal of:

  • eliminate cosmetic defects;
  • normalize the physical and mental state of the patient;
  • prevent complications;
  • reduce the risk of infecting others.

The choice of therapy will depend entirely on the nature of the process, the morphological structures of pathological elements, the size, quantity, and localization of formations. The age parameters of the patient are also taken into account. The traditional method of therapy is able to eliminate the clinical manifestations of the infection.

However, it is not possible to destroy the pathogen and completely remove the infection from the cells. It has only a temporary effect.

Modern therapy is capable of eliminating condylomas and preventing relapses on the labia minora. It can rightly be grouped into four groups.

To permanently get rid of formations, a specialist is appointed:

  1. destructive treatment. It consists in removing and cauterizing formations using physical or chemical methods. As a result, the structure of warts is destroyed.
  2. Taking cytotoxic drugs.
  3. Antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment.
  4. Complex therapeutic methods of treatment.

Why do women get warts

Women develop warts as a result of infection with a viral infection provoked by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This disease can be transmitted sexually or through the household.

The first type of infection is the most common. The infection prefers to be located in places with increased heat and moisture.

Sexual contact creates optimal conditions for the virus to reproduce. The second variant of infection with the virus is less common, in most cases HPV is transmitted by household means if simple hygiene standards are not observed.

If dangerous formations are located on the walls of the vagina of a pregnant girl, there is a risk of infection of the baby.

An insidious virus can be present in the body for a long time, without showing itself in any way.

Active development of genital warts can be triggered by:

  • weakened immune system;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • candidal lesion of the vagina (thrush);
  • pregnancy
  • feeding a newborn;
  • susceptibility to viral diseases;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • long diets;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • uncontrolled and excessive intake of antibiotics;
  • hypothermia or overheating in the sun;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.

Symptoms of this disease

When condylomas occur in women, the first symptomatic signs are small formations that are located in the genital areas.

Symptoms of genital warts in women:

  • burning sensation;
  • itching;
  • a feeling of alien objectivity in the affected areas;
  • humidity (in places of genital warts);
  • bad smell;
  • painful symptoms;
  • bloody secretions.

Most often, warts are located in the area of ​​​​the labia, vagina, anus. Sometimes in the oral cavity, urethra.

From the moment of infection to the first symptoms of HPV, it can take more than one year.

Everything will depend on the immunity of the woman. As soon as the protective function of the female body weakens, the infection will begin to progress.

Condylomas cause a woman not only physical discomfort, but also psychological difficulties. Indeed, in the process of sexual intercourse, an inferiority complex can form, especially with a pronounced disgust of the partner.

Causes and features of flat warts

Flat warts occur in women due to the human papillomavirus. They have high oncogenic activity. These growths fuse with the epithelium, affecting the cervix and vagina.

They are located on the mucous membrane, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of pathology during standard examinations. To identify the presented formations, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations (biopsy and histological examination of the material).

Flat warts are benign formations that, if left untreated, pose a real danger to human health.

The development of growth in the deep layers indicates chronic forms of the virus that have been present in the body for a long time.

Often, flat warts appear in young girls. The disease can occur with the presence of dysplasia. Experts regard this condition as preoncology.


Getting rid of effective means

To date, pharmaceutical agents are used to remove genital warts, the variety of which is quite wide. Before using the drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

In medical practice, there were cases when recovery occurred without the use of medications. Pregnant women can be attributed to such a number of lucky ones.

After the removal or cauterization of genital warts, the doctor prescribes conservative therapy using immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs:

  1. "Isoprinosine" is an immunostimulating agent. Reception is carried out three times a day, one tablet. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
  2. Novorin is an antiviral agent with a pronounced effect against HPV infection and herpes.
  3. "Viferon" - rectal suppositories, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the cells of the body that produce interferon.
  4. Echinacea tincture is able to strengthen the immune system and activate the formation of interferon.
  5. "Duavit" and "Supradin" are vitamin and mineral complexes that support immunity.

When prescribing local liniments, they are especially effective:

  1. "Acyclovir" - the drug is available in the form of an ointment, which is widely used for skin lesions with warts. The medication is applied to clean skin or mucous membranes of intimate areas no more than five times a day.
  2. "Aldara" is an effective cream composition that is used for genital warts. The drug is applied directly to the formation in the morning and evening. It is very important to protect healthy areas of the skin and mucous membranes from getting cream.
  3. "Epigen" - an intimate gel for external use. It has a pronounced antiviral and immunostimulating effect. The features of the remedy include: use in preventive measures and after sexual intercourse.

Removal of genital warts in various ways

To date, it is not possible to completely get rid of the papillomavirus. Doctors can prescribe the removal of skin growths, the treatment of concomitant ailments (improve immunity). Any treatment presented has the risk of HPV re-infection.

Consider the main methods of therapy:

  1. Cryodestruction with nitrogen. In this case, liquid smoke actively affects condylomas. As a result, the leg dies off, and the tumor-like formation stops feeding. The presented therapy is painless, scarring is absent.
  2. laser therapy. The rays are directed to bodily formations, as a result of which they fall off, and the resulting wound heals completely within ten days. With this method of removal, pain is quite noticeable. Especially if the warts are located in the genital area.
  3. concentrated acids. This method is a treatment of genital warts with concentrated acid. After applying the solution, the growths disappear. Therapy requires special precision of application. Therefore, the procedure is carried out under the clear guidance of the attending doctor.
  4. Radio waves. Removal takes place using a special apparatus. The advantages of the presented therapy include: the absence of injuries and bleeding, fast and accurate excision of formations. The resulting wounds heal very quickly, an hour of rehabilitation passes without complications. The only drawback of the radiosurgical method is the high cost of the procedure.

It should be remembered: as soon as symptomatic signs of the virus are detected, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.

Treatment of the early stage of the disease is faster, and the results are more successful!

Elimination of folk remedies

Most patients, especially women, treat genital warts at home. However, we should not forget that the use of folk recipes requires an individual approach.

In this situation, the type of skin, the prevalence of formations, the presence of contraindications are taken into account. Consider the most effective recipes for removing genital warts in women.

The best helper in the fight against this disease is garlic. It is used both in pure form and for the preparation of mixtures. If warts are located on the neck or armpits, then you should cut the clove of garlic in half and apply to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

You can lubricate the growths with the juice of the plant. It is necessary to carry out the procedure with extreme caution so as not to damage the healthy areas of the skin layers.

For rashes on the genitals of women, use the following recipe. Take a shallow iron container, pour in red wine (100 grams), apple juice (50 grams) and heat the mixture. After removing the ingredients from the stove, add half a grated lemon (rub with the peel) and two crushed garlic cloves.

Infuse the mixture for about three hours. Then strain with cheesecloth. The drug is taken orally at bedtime. The medicinal decoction helps to strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from the formation of malignant tumor-like formations.

To remove the HPV virus from the female body, it is recommended to use chicken egg protein. Apply the protein compound to warts three times a day. The course of therapy is ten days.

Soak the peeled onion in vinegar (table). After two hours, cut the vegetable into pieces and fit it to the affected areas of the body, fixing it with adhesive tape. The procedure is carried out twice a day, for one week.

It is possible to remove warts with the help of Kalanchoe. The plant is crushed to form a slurry. Then the mixture is applied to the affected areas, fixed with a bandage or plaster. After 6-7 hours, the lotion should be replaced with a new one.

A very effective home remedy for genital warts is celandine. Apply freshly squeezed plant juice to neoplasms, no more than twice a day. When the head of the growth darkens and disappears, the course of treatment can be considered completed.

Education in the anus

To cure anal warts in women, it is necessary to remove them. Excision of growths is carried out in a medical institution, after the necessary examination has been carried out. It is worth noting that it is impossible to cure the disease with folk remedies.

Neoplasms are removed:

  • electrocoagulation method (electric current);
  • cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen);
  • laser;
  • chemical influence (solution "Podophyllin").

After removal, a histological examination is performed, where the possibility of oncological processes is determined.

After excision, there is a repeated risk of genital warts.

Causes of genital warts in women that occur repeatedly:

  • decreased immunity;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • promiscuity;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • deviation from the recommendations of the attending doctor.

To prevent warts from developing in the anus, it is necessary to support the body in the postoperative period:

  • general tonic and antiviral drugs;
  • follow the diet;
  • consume as much vitamin as possible;
  • streamline intimate life;
  • when having sexual intercourse, use a condom;
  • every three months to be examined in a medical institution.

Attentiveness and vigilance of a woman is the key to health!

What to do if a burning sensation occurs

Damaged warts can cause burning and itching, especially if the growths are located in the intimate area. Injuries cause not only discomfort, but also the occurrence of concomitant infectious lesions (candidiasis, gonorrhea).

So that neoplasms do not become the culprits of inflammatory processes and burning, it is necessary:

  1. For some time to refuse sexual contact. Then the genitals and the warts themselves will not be injured.
  2. Wear good quality underwear. Do not purchase synthetic items so that rubbing of intimate areas does not occur.
  3. Do not self-medicate where chemicals are used. Since burning can act in connection with burns.

Often, the presence of warts in the genital area causes itching. These irritations can be facilitated by biological secretions (urine and feces), which are acidic.

Accordingly, the growths are injured with double force. Therefore, after each bowel movement, carry out hygiene procedures.

Vaginal secretions can cause the development of a secondary infection, provoking both a specific ailment (gonococcus, Trichomonas) and nonspecific (staphylococcus aureus). In this case, infectious pathogens cause burning and itching.

With this disease, the skin and mucous membranes are quite sensitive. Therefore, try not to use the usual soap or gel. These funds can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, irritation and overthrow.

If a woman is sick with diabetes, and condylomas are observed in the genital area, then the symptoms will worsen, and the treatment will be difficult and lengthy. In diabetes, blood sugar is significantly elevated.

Therefore, burning and itching can appear with the slightest injury, abrasions and damage. Be very careful and attentive!

Condylomas in women - treatment, symptoms, causes

5 (100%) 6 votes

Condylomas on the labia minora often appear in women who actively have sex with unfamiliar partners. If no action is taken to combat these genital warts, then they begin to spread through the skin and mucous membranes, causing a lot of trouble for their mistresses.

Reasons for the appearance

Warts are caused by infection with HPV, the human papillomavirus. In 75% of cases, infection occurs through microtrauma during sexual contact between a healthy woman and a sick man, less often during childbirth (the child becomes infected from the mother). The infection can enter the body by household means (through a towel, washcloth or non-sterile razor).

Condylomas do not appear on the mucous membrane of the small lips immediately after the invasion of the virus into the tissue. The disease is asymptomatic for a long time, and a person, not knowing about it, continues to infect other sexual partners. HPV is activated when a woman's immunity weakens. This occurs during stress, after taking antidepressants, major operations and a course of chemotherapy.

Often, condylomas begin to appear on the membrane of the labia minora 2-3 months after infection (this is how long the incubation period of the virus lasts). Their development can be accelerated by the following factors:

Condylomas, growing, can affect the labia majora, cervix, inguinal folds and the anus.

Characteristic features

Neoplasms caused by the papilloma virus are manifested by small elevations on the mucous membrane. Within 3-4 hours after that, they turn into outgrowths on thin legs with wide caps.

Genital warts in women can be flesh, pink, gray. These genital warts rarely grow singly, they are localized in small groups. Merging one with the other tops, they quickly increase, because they absorb the blood flowing through the vessels of the leg through a special channel. Outwardly, warts resemble cauliflower.

Neoplasms in 15% of pregnant women can regress and disappear without the use of treatment methods. But in most cases, they grow on the mucosa and are injured, because they come into contact with the surface of daily pads and with tight underwear. Damage to genital warts can occur during sexual contact or hygiene procedures.

If the growth is injured, other sexual infections can get inside it, which will complicate the course of the disease. In this case, the discharge protruding from damaged warts contains not only blood impurities. Pus, mucus, cheesy flakes protrude from condylomas, the discharge has a sharp and unpleasant odor. When large growths are formed, swelling of the mucous membrane of the genitals and the skin around them occurs. Injury to such neoplasms is fraught with the appearance of fistulas and the flow of pus from them.

A woman who has condylomata experiences discomfort in the area of ​​​​small lips, which manifests itself:

  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • pain during intimate contact.

Sex without a condom in this pathology contributes to the penetration of the virus into the cervical canal and cervix. The warts formed in them can degenerate into malignant growths and cause cancer. The consequences of untreated genital warts are: dysplasia of the uterus, difficulties during childbirth, infection of the newborn, infertility, as well as psychological problems associated with the appearance of the labia minora affected by pathology.

Methods of detection

To avoid the above complications, women with the appearance of warts should contact a gynecologist or venereologist as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of warts on the labia includes several methods, because neoplasms can be confused with manifestations of other diseases. For example, growths develop in people infected with AIDS, so women need to be tested for the presence or absence of the immunodeficiency virus in the body. With syphilis in the genital area, there are wide warts. Although they are different from genital warts, doctors suggest getting tested for a sexually transmitted disease.

Rarely, rashes on the labia in women can be a sign of micropapillomatosis, an anatomical phenomenon that does not require treatment. But experienced doctors can distinguish it from genital warts by visual inspection.

The method for determining infectious pathology is an immunological blood test for the presence of antibodies to the virus.

A simple method is considered to be a test with 5% acetic acid. A small amount of the substance is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the area with growths. Wait 5-8 minutes and look at the result. The whitened part of the mucosa will indicate that this is condyloma.

Doctors use the colposcopy method to examine the cervical canal in case warts have spread through its epithelium. A swab is taken from the canal to rule out possible cervical dysplasia. PCR material analysis helps to determine which of the 8 types of pathology is present in the body, and a histological examination of a condyloma tissue sample allows an accurate diagnosis to be made.

Differentiated diagnosis is carried out in order to distinguish the pathology from angiokeratoma, brilliant lichen and fibroma.

Medical measures

To combat genital warts, immunostimulants and antiviral drugs are used. Condylomas are removed chemically and surgically.

Immunostimulants (Imiquad, Panavir) in the form of creams and gels are applied to the affected areas of the mucous membrane of the labia. Tablets Likopid and Immunomax are taken orally in order to increase the immunity of a sick woman. Injections of the antiviral agent Alloferon are administered subcutaneously to prevent the spread of the disease.

To get rid of genital warts, people use folk remedies, but they can only be used after consulting a doctor. For example, small warts can be removed with the help of celandine juice, if you lubricate the growths with it several times a day.

Methods for removing genital warts

The doctor can remove neoplasms with the help of potent chemicals, which contain several acids. They are applied to condylomas, while the patient feels a burning sensation, sometimes pain. The procedure is repeated after 30 days. As a result, the warts disappear, but instead of them, scars remain on the mucosa. With highly concentrated trichloroacetic acid, growths are treated once a week. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks. Cauterize neoplasms with Condylin, which causes necrosis of genital warts.

In medical institutions, the HPV problem is fought with the following surgical methods:

Each method allows you to remove condylomas present on the small lips, but the choice of the type of operation depends on the size of the neoplasms, their number and the solvency of the patients.

Thermocoagulation is performed under local anesthesia, as this is a painful procedure. The doctor uses a coagulator to treat genital warts with high temperature. In place of warts, dried scabs remain, which fall off after 3-4 days.

Cryodestruction is the most democratic way to remove growths. The technique of the operation consists in exposing the affected tissues to the cryodestructor apparatus. Its tip is pressed against the wart and quickly cooled to -180 °C. Often this procedure for removing genital warts is carried out using liquid nitrogen, a cotton swab is lubricated with it, which is pressed with the tip of the apparatus for 2-3 minutes to the neoplasm. Under the influence of cold, the damaged tissue is destroyed, and the mucous membrane heals within 3 weeks. There are no scars left after the procedure.

This method cannot be used in the presence of large genital warts and acute infections associated with the disease.

Laser removal is an expensive but safe way. With its help, it will be possible to remove extensive "colonies" of warts. Under the influence of a laser, the neoplasms dry out, and a healthy mucous membrane quickly recovers under the crust. There are no traces of condylomas in place after the operation.

In severe cases of pathology, doctors use the method of surgical resection. This is an operation performed under general anesthesia, during which large growths are cut out with a scalpel from the affected tissues of the female genitalia. The surgeon puts a seam on these places, which can be removed after a month.

For 1 session, it will be possible to remove condylomas using a beam of high-frequency radio waves. It is applied to genital warts with a special apparatus. The method is expensive but effective. A small wound remains on the mucous membrane, which heals in 2-3 days without a trace.


Although doctors use both drug therapy and surgical methods in the treatment of genital warts, it is impossible to get rid of HPV 100%. The virus penetrates deeply into the tissues, and over time, a person may experience a relapse of the disease, then growths will again appear on the mucous membranes. In order to delay the reappearance of genital warts for a long time, women must protect their health and increase the body's defenses.

People do not develop strong immunity to the virus, so they can become infected with it again if they do not have sex with a trusted partner or refuse to use barrier contraception. After undergoing treatment, women need to visit a gynecologist once a quarter and take cytology smears annually.

Genital warts are warty formations on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs caused by the human papillomavirus. Another name is "anogenital (venereal) warts", as they are located in the anus and genitals. Age - 18-35 years. The main treatment is removal.

For doctors and students: ICD10 code: A63.0

Genital warts on penis skin

The reasons

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV for short). Specifically - 6, 11, 13, 16, 18 types.

Detailed article about this virus: read.

HPV has many types. Some of them cause the appearance of ordinary warts on the skin (read the article about what types of warts generally exist).

Part - sexually transmitted and cause the appearance of genital warts.

Clinic and symptoms

Infection occurs by contact (the sexual route is the same contact route of infection).

The source of infection is warts in a sick person, that is, modified cells of the skin or mucous membrane in which the virus develops.

The warts themselves may not yet be visible to the eyes, but there are already altered cells on the skin. Upon contact with the skin of another person, the virus from these cells enters his skin, penetrates into microcracks and begins to develop in the skin.

It looks like condyloma in the context

Genital warts of different localizations


  • small vesicles and tubercles on the skin and mucous membranes,
  • slight redness around
  • slight itching.

Disease development:

  • formations grow in size up to 1-1.5 cm,
  • appearance of "cauliflower" or "cockscomb",
  • itching gets worse
  • new bubbles appear nearby.


  • genitalia: groin, pubis, genital organs in a man and a woman (glans penis, foreskin, vulva, vagina, labia minora),
  • anus (anus). This arrangement gave a second name: anogenital warts.
  • rarely - inside the urethra and on the cervix,
  • rarely - in the oral cavity, on the lips, on the cheeks and on the tongue.


1) in adults, the main route of transmission is sexual.

2) a contact route of transmission is very rarely possible - through a dirty toilet rim, taking a shared bath, using shared hygiene items, shared cutlery, etc. The virus survives for several minutes in a viable state in a warm, humid environment. This transmission mechanism explains such cases when genital warts are detected in virgins, in children.

3) condoms reduce the risk of HPV transmission. But not 100%. Contact with unprotected skin during sexual intercourse (for example, contact of the scrotum and labia) - risk of infection .

Appearance time:

From the moment of sexual contact to the moment of appearance of education - 2-3 months or more. If the immunity is strong, then this period can stretch for several years or even decades.

At the time of weakening of the immune system, condylomas appear. In women - sometimes during pregnancy, when there is also a load on the woman's immune system.

What is the immune system and how it works is described in detail.
We read about how to increase immunity.

Complications of condylomatosis!!!

  • Inflammation of condyloma
  • Trauma and ulceration
  • Phimosis and paraphimosis in men (narrowing of the foreskin)
  • Disease progression
  • Childbirth infection.

Attention: condylomas do not affect the ability to get pregnant in any way !!!

Diagnosis - how to make a diagnosis yourself?

  1. A characteristic picture is "cauliflower", "cockscomb".
  2. Sexual contact 2-3 months before the start.
  3. Acetic acid test. A cotton pad is moistened with 5% (!!!) acetic acid. Place it on the affected area for 5 minutes. If after 5-10 minutes the area turns white, then this is condyloma.

In the hospital:

  • PCR diagnostics. Find out the amount and type of HPV virus. It is advisable to immediately pass on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Often, condylomatosis is combined with other STDs - trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, etc.
  • Women - required (!!!) examination of the cervix and taking a cytological smear to exclude dysplasia and cervical cancer. I tell you more about dysplasia and CIN here: link.
  • A control PCR analysis for HPV is performed 2 months after the end of treatment.

Differential Diagnosis

Genital warts in the initial stage can be confused with:

Treatment in the hospital and at home

What to do???

Men - on reception to the venereologist.

Women - on reception to the gynecologist.

Medicine uses THREE directions in the treatment of genital warts:

  • Removal of warts themselves, as sources of the virus
  • Impact on the virus
  • Strengthening the immune system

Removal Methods

1) Liquid nitrogen, or cryodestruction.
Read more about the methodology

Liquid nitrogen freezes papillomas on the labia, penis, on the skin in the inguinal region. In this case, the papilloma dies, falls off. The area of ​​frostbite heals quickly. The method is effective, but must be carried out by an experienced specialist.

About what types of papillomas are, I tell in detail.

2) Cauterization with local necrotizing agents

Concentrated acids, alkalis and a number of other substances cause a chemical burn of warts. She dies and falls off. In its place is a small wound that heals quickly.

You have to be very careful with cauterizing agents so as not to burn the healthy skin around, otherwise there will be a scar. Treatment of genital warts with such aggressive substances should only be carried out by a doctor.

The preparation contains alkalis. It is extremely aggressive for the skin, therefore it is used mainly for the removal of common warts. It is not recommended to use on the skin of the genital organs.

The drug contains phenol and metacresol. It acts softer, there are almost no scars. Can be used on the skin in the groin area.

The drug acts gently, but the treatment period is longer.

- Solcoderm
More about solcoderm

The drug contains nitric, acetic and oxalic acids, which burn condyloma tissue.

Pharmacy packaging solcoderm

Scheme: be sure (!) to lubricate the skin around with a cream to protect it; once with an applicator, apply 1 drop of solcoderm to condyloma, if the formation is large, then 2-3 drops so that they cover the entire surface without flowing onto healthy skin; break - 1 week; if the formation has not come down, then the treatment is repeated.

- Kondilin, or podofilin.
detailed instructions

This medicine contains a substance called podophyllotoxin. It delays the division of human cells, thereby destroying them.

If you smear the surface of the warts with condylin, then it will decrease in size. The drug is dangerous for healthy skin. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Scheme: the skin around is treated with cream; 2 times a day with an applicator, 1 drop is applied to the surface of each formation, or more if the condyloma is large; drying time for condilin - 3-5 minutes; repeat the treatment for 3 days, then a break for 4 days.

3) Laser

And here is a reader's review about laser removal: link.

Removal of warts with a laser is less traumatic and less painful. The laser beam vaporizes the formation. A small wound heals quickly.

Watch the video of laser papilloma removal:

4) Electrocoagulation

This is the excision of genital warts with an electric knife. The surgeon anesthetizes the tissues with novocaine. Then he burns out condyloma with an electric knife. The operation is not easy and can have consequences in the form of scars on the skin.

On the video: removal of papillomas with a coagulator.

5) Radio wave method, or Surgitron apparatus. More details about this method

The condyloma is excised with high frequency radio waves. This method is similar to a laser. But the Surgitron apparatus is very expensive, so the price of such a procedure is also high. There are no complications after it.

Outdated technique. It is rarely used - only with large sizes of genital warts. It is performed under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. After excision with a scalpel, the skin is sutured with surgical threads.


  • Isoprinosine (or groprinosin): 2 tablets - 3 times a day; 14-28 days. More detailed instructions:.
  • Allokin-alpha: 1 ampoule, powder dissolved in 1 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride, injected subcutaneously 1 time in two days, course - 6 injections. Detailed article about allokin: link.
  • Epigen intimate spray: spray the area with genital warts 4 times a day throughout the entire treatment period. Details about the epigene: link
  • Panavir: available in different forms - gel, spray, suppositories, injection - it all depends on the prevalence and localization of condylomas. More about panavir: link


The following immune preparations are used in the general course of treatment for genital warts: immunal, polyoxidonium, cycloferon, reaferon, leukopid and a number of others.
Attention: Immunostimulants are drugs. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Immunal: 1 tablet - 4 times a day, the course is from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Reaferon: powder of 1 bottle (1 million units) diluted with water (half a teaspoon), drink 30 minutes before meals - 2 times a day, for 10 days.
  • Polyoxidonium: 1 suppository (12 mg) inside the vagina or in the rectum at night every other day - 10 times.

A detailed article on the immune system and its functions: read.


  • therapeutic methods of treatment only complement surgical ones so that there are no relapses after removal;
  • relapses occur in 30% of patients who underwent removal of warts;
  • Self-healing from genital warts happens, but rarely. The basis of self-healing is the strengthening of immunity;
  • viruses are found in large numbers in the thickness of each condyloma, so they must be removed.

Treatment with folk remedies

1) Iodine tincture.
I do not recommend!!! You will lose time and health.

Lubricating the surface of warts with tincture of iodine gradually dries it, and it should fall off. BUT: this does not always happen, but very, very rarely. In addition, lubrication of the skin and mucous membranes with iodine can cause burns and scarring in the future.

And most importantly, iodine is absorbed through the skin, accumulating in the thyroid gland, and in excess leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, which is very, very bad. Take care of your thyroid gland, go to a cosmetic clinic or a dermatologist, and he will remove your neoplasms quickly and painlessly.

2) Celandine (grass!).
I tell you more about the celandine.

Genital warts are smeared with fresh celandine juice several times a day. BUT: the effect of such lubrication is positive only if the condyloma is small in size - a few millimeters in diameter. If it is large, then there will be no effect. Waste your time.

In this case, it is better to do this: remove a large condyloma in a cosmetic clinic or a dermatologist. And small ones nearby - lubricate with celandine.

It looks like grass - celandine

3) Healthy lifestyle in all its guises: hardening, healthy eating, minimizing stress, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, adequate sleep, physical education and outdoor walks.

Remember a sanatorium or a rest home - its entire regimen is aimed at improving the body's defenses. Try to repeat the regimen of the day of the sanatorium as much as possible, and your immunity will gradually begin to fight itself against such misfortunes as genital warts or other viral infections.


Prevention of genital warts is simple:

1) Sexual contact with only one partner.

2) Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

3) A healthy lifestyle that helps maintain immunity at a high level.

4) Vaccination of girls and boys against the most dangerous types of papillomavirus.

Be sure to watch this video, where various experts talk about this disease.

  • cervical dysplasia - the most formidable manifestation of HPV; is it cancer or not cancer?

Attention: if the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.

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