Is a suspension in the bladder dangerous? What does the presence of sediment and suspension in the bladder on ultrasound mean Suspension in the urine of a child causes

Detection of microscopic sediments in the bladder requires mandatory treatment. The lack of timely help from a specialist can lead to complications, in the form of the formation of stones and sand in the bladder. In medicine, such sediments are usually called bladder suspensions.

What does the suspension in the bladder mean?

suspension is a fairly common problem in patients. The formation of such formations sometimes does not have any symptoms, and they can only be detected through tests to establish another disease. Their occurrence is associated with the anatomical features of the bladder.

It often happens that suspensions begin to form after receiving some kind of injury. This is explained by the lack of activity for any period of time after recovery from injury.

The reasons

Microscopic deposits can form directly in the bladder, and can be formed in the ureter, through which they enter the bladder. There are many reasons for precipitation.

The occurrence of such a deposit in a child, as a rule, is not such a dangerous symptom and indicator of the presence of the disease. Often this is how physiological processes in the body proceed. The main thing is that the child does not complain about the feeling of pain.

If a patient has cystitis, which is referred to as an inflammatory disease, fine sediments form in the urine.

Echogenic suspension it contains salt deposits and concentrated urine. If such a deposit is detected, it is necessary to begin immediate treatment, because the general condition of the patient will only get worse every day.

Sometimes there is a complete stop of urination. At the same time, urine is retained in the bladder until the cause of urinary retention is eliminated or until the bladder ruptures.

Types of suspensions and the reasons for their formation

Suspensions, in order of formation, are divided into two categories:

  • Primary - those that are formed directly in the bladder;
  • Secondary - those that entered the bladder from the ureter.

Primary suspended matter are formed due to a large excess of salts and deterioration of the outflow of urine. With prolonged stagnation of urine, salts precipitate, which leads to the formation of suspensions on the bladder mucosa.

With a prolonged absence of urine outflow, the sand begins to reform into a stone. Since the causes of suspensions in men and women are the same, then treatment is prescribed without specific means. Except in cases of the occurrence of suspensions during the course of pregnancy. During this period, the deterioration of the outflow of urine is caused by the prolapse of the bladder due to the increase in the size of the uterus.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following reasons:

  • Foreign object in the bladder cavity;
  • Protracted inflammatory processes;
  • The intervention of a surgeon;
  • Schistosomiasis.

The walls of the bladder undergo significant changes, thicken, sometimes reaching up to 4 cm, which is caused by frequent stagnation of urine and irritation of the bladder mucosa. This state of the body is called working hypertrophy.


In parallel with the increase in the walls, an increase in the lumen occurs, which leads to an increase in the volume of the bladder. But, it is extremely important to know that changes in the walls of an organ do not occur proportionally throughout the organ, but, say, having increased in one place, in another they become thinner. All this can lead to rupture of the bladder.

Subsequently, after the resulting hypertrophy, muscle paralysis may occur. This condition can lead to even greater retention of urine, and thereby lead to cystitis, salt precipitation, and more.

From all of the above, we can conclude that starting the treatment of suspensions in the bladder can lead to terrible consequences, so do not neglect medical help and wait for all the symptoms to go away on their own.


It is almost impossible to detect suspensions in the bladder only based on the symptoms. Often, the detection of the disease occurs only through the conduct of urine tests required for treatment or staging of another disease.

Pathological symptoms in the presence of suspensions or calculi in the bladder

However, it is still worth paying attention to a number of signals that can indicate, if not the presence of an illness, then at least the need to visit a doctor.

Here is some of them:

  • There are pains in the area above the pubic bone;
  • Urination becomes painful;
  • The appearance of traces of blood in the urine - in medicine this is called;
  • The urge to go to the toilet becomes sudden;
  • In men, bladder problems can cause problems with sexual function. All this is due to the too close location of the bladder to the prostate gland, on which the overflowing bladder exerts high pressure. In such a situation, treatment of two diseases at once is required;
  • A very striking symptom is the so-called interrupted stream, which implies a sudden interruption of urination;
  • Suspensions can cause sharp pain along the urethra. This is caused by damage resulting from the movement of sediments through the canal.

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The danger of pathology

Neglect in treatment can lead to the formation of a rather large stone, which, being deposited in the bladder, begins to put pressure on its walls. This pressure causes bedsores by thinning the wall of the bladder and causing it to rupture.

Discontinuities can be classified into two different types:

  • Retroperitoneal;
  • Intraperitoneal.

The rupture of the bladder is often accompanied by a state of shock. The gap, called intraperitoneal, is almost every time accompanied by inflammation of the membrane of the abdominal cavity. And extraperitoneal rupture is accompanied by urinary stagnation and purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fat layer. After a short time, swelling and redness occur.

The rupture of the bladder is often accompanied by a rupture of the urethra. And, although this is more often manifested in men, a clear division into gender does not make a gap.


Obviously, it is extremely difficult to diagnose a disease only by its symptoms, because these symptoms also accompany cystitis, urethritis and some other diseases of the urinary system.

In order to detect the formation of precipitation and prevent their formation in stones or sand, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • General analysis of blood and urine;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder;
  • CT scan;
  • Intravenous pyelography.

Ultrasound examination of the bladder helps to determine not only the presence of precipitation in it, but also their amount. In addition, thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to identify the cause of the disease.

Blood and urine tests reveal the composition of the sediment.


The main goal of treatment is to remove the inflammatory process, clean the affected organ and strengthen the body in general. The main component of the sediment is cholesterol, which precipitates in the form of crystals. It is they who stick together to form stones.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. If precipitation has already formed in the form of a stone, then, in addition to drugs aimed at relieving inflammation, agents that corrode stones are prescribed.

The composition of the treatment includes all types of drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • herbs;
  • medicines with herbal ingredients;
  • vitamin complexes.

Is a good medicine Kanefron(both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution). The drug has a diuretic and thinning effect. In addition, herbs, such as lingonberry or cranberry leaves, various sour drinks, and chamomile decoctions, help well.

Dieting and drinking plenty of water also contributes to a quick recovery.


Although suspensions do not bring any particular inconvenience, especially at the stage of their initial formation, in no case should one ignore their appearance. It is better to prevent the emerging disease at the very beginning. rather than later trying to deal with the much bigger problems caused by the sand already formed in the bladder, or, even worse, the stones.

Suspension in the bladder is the result of injuries, disorders of the urinary process, an increase in the concentration of uric acid salts.

human urinary organ

As a result of such pathological processes, a microscopic sediment forms in the bladder, which subsequently provokes serious complications.

And only timely started and carried out treatment can protect a person from serious consequences.

Microscopic sediment can penetrate into the bladder from the ureter, and can form directly in it.

Sediment in the urine

But the presence of a suspension in a child does not always indicate pathology, it can be a physiological process that is not dangerous. It is important that the child does not experience pain.

If the patient is prone to cystitis, which is a type of inflammatory process, then a fine suspension begins to form inside the bladder.

Dispersion is a concept that allows you to evaluate the degree of particle size reduction. In this regard, fine particles in the bladder are called fine particles, the size of which is 0.005 mm.

The echogenic suspension found in the bladder consists of a fine salt sediment and concentrated urine.

When it is detected, immediate treatment is required, since the patient's condition will constantly only worsen, and urination is disturbed along with it.

It also happens that urination stops completely, provoking stagnation, as well as uneven thickening of the walls of the bladder, as a result of which the organ may rupture.

It is simply impossible to determine suspensions immediately after their formation. The first symptoms that indicate that a dangerous precipitate has appeared are pain that manifests itself in the suprapubic or inguinal region.

Along with severe pain, patients begin to experience various dysuric disorders, which are also accompanied by pain.

It should be noted that in the presence of suspensions, pain accompanies almost every process.

Painful urination

The desire to empty the bladder begins with the appearance of a sharp urge, continues with painful urination, which suddenly stops and resumes only with a change in body position.

In medicine, such a symptom is called "interrupted jet." Such a symptom may be characteristic of patients who have a prolapse of the urinary organ.

With suspensions in the urine, traces of hematuria can be seen. Pain can shift, manifest itself in the area of ​​​​the urethra. This is due to the fact that the sediment, along with urine, is sent along the urinary tract to the exit.

Since the suspension consists of small grains, they begin to cause mechanical damage to the urethral mucosa along the way of their movement, causing pain.

The presence of suspensions negatively affects the sexual function of men, since an overflowing bladder compresses the prostate gland, provoking disruption of its functioning.

The danger of pathology

Suspension provokes the prolapse of the urinary organ, in addition, it is the basis for the formation of stones. If the calculus in the bladder reaches a significant size, it adjoins the wall of the organ, begins to squeeze it, taking a fixed position.

Over time, a bedsore is formed at the point of contact, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ was deprived of blood circulation for a long period.

But more dangerous is that the wall is depleted, as a result of which an intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal rupture of the bladder can occur at any time. Without an ultrasound, it is extremely difficult to determine the type of rupture and assess its danger.

General intoxication signs

Retroperitoneal is accompanied by a purulent inflammatory process of subcutaneous fat. Appears approximately on the third day after the break.

Intraperitoneal rupture provokes peritonitis. The patient shows signs of general intoxication. The rupture of the bladder in men may be accompanied by a rupture of the urethra.

Symptoms of the presence of suspension, rupture of the bladder are characteristic of some other pathological processes, so it is quite difficult to visually differentiate.


You can detect sediment in the bladder on an ultrasound. The patient in the presence of symptoms indicating problems with the bladder is necessarily sent for a diagnostic study.

The doctor detects not only a suspension that concentrates in the bladder on an ultrasound scan, but also establishes the presence of stones that can provoke a rupture of the organ.


Thanks to the ultrasound, it becomes possible to identify the amount of suspension, calculate the number of formed stones. The composition of the suspension and calculi help to determine laboratory tests of blood and urine.

Ultrasound is a good diagnostic method, since it also allows you to identify concomitant diseases that affect the general condition of the patient. Such an assessment is necessary in order to develop an effective treatment individually for each patient.

Ultrasound also allows you to establish the possible causes that provoked such a pathology.

In addition to ultrasound, the patient can be referred for computed tomography, intravenous pyelography. Only after establishing a holistic clinical picture can treatment begin.


Therapeutic therapy in identifying an echogenic suspension in the bladder is a medical intervention aimed at relieving the symptoms of the inflammatory process, removing suspension and stones, and strengthening the body.

Echogenic suspension is a signal of improper functioning of the organ. The main component that makes up the suspension is cholesterol, the real culprit in the formation of stones in many organs.

That is why treatment should be aimed at preventing and eradicating urolithiasis in general.

A hyperechoic suspension, determined by ultrasound, is no longer just a small grain of sediment, but a large stone.

After clarifying all the details, treatment begins, providing for the initial dissolution of the stones. At the same time, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment is carried out with the use of pharmaceuticals and herbal medicine. Modern antibiotics can quickly relieve pain.

Treatment consists not only of taking medications, it involves dieting.

As with urolithiasis in the kidneys, and in the presence of a suspension in the bladder in an adult or child, the doctor recommends increasing water intake, which will speed up the process of washing out the accumulated sediment, as well as increase physical activity.

Suspension occurs with damage to the urinary tract and metabolic disorders. If left untreated, it leads to the formation of large stones and inflammation. When a finely dispersed suspension appears, it is necessary to undergo an additional study.

How does the sediment look on ultrasound?

In a healthy person, urine is hypoechoic and cannot be seen on ultrasound. With an increase in density due to sediment, pus, blood, salts, it can be visualized. Suspension in the bladder can be hypo- and hyperechoic on ultrasound. It becomes hyperechoic when such salts appear: phosphates, oxalates, urates.

The longer the outflow of urine in the bladder is disturbed, the higher the concentration of the suspension. Over time, larger particles form from the sediment - sand, and then - stones in the kidneys and bladder. When leukocytes enter the urine, salts, epithelium and fibrin are attached to them. Such a suspension is called mixed.

When an echogenic suspension appears, the following concomitant changes in the organ can be detected:

  • Thickening of the walls of the bladder.
  • Reduction or increase in volume.
  • Change in the relief of the mucous membrane.
  • Deformation.

The muscle tone of the organ decreases, sometimes to complete atony of the walls. The formation of suspension in the bladder and a decrease in muscle tone aggravate the process of stone formation.

During ultrasound, the sediment looks like flakes. It changes its localization in the bladder with a change in body position. The characteristic location is near the back wall of the organ. The particles have increased echogenicity and are clearly visible in the lumen. They can form clusters. With a running inflammatory process, hypo- and hyperechoic structures are formed from the blood and mucus. The echo suspension can be attached to the walls of the organ. During the liquefaction stage, the clots become anechoic and create an irregular contour.

Interesting! A full bladder transmits ultrasonic rays well. Formations in its lumen are visualized better than in the kidneys, as they are surrounded by dense tissue.

Suspension during the study looks white, as it does not transmit rays further. Ultrasound can be performed transabdominally, transrectally and transurethral. The last method is the most informative, but has difficulties in execution. The standard transabdominal method is sufficient to detect sediment.

An ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system can reveal the amount of suspension, count the number and size of stones. The method allows you to determine the concomitant pathology, the structure of the urinary tract, the condition of other organs of the small pelvis.

When does the suspension appear?

A suspension is a sediment in urine, formed from dense particles. It is fine and coarse. A finely dispersed suspension consists of formations whose size does not exceed 0.005 mm.

The bubble may consist of the following elements:

  1. Epithelial cells, erythrocytes, leukocytes.
  2. Salts of uric acid.

All elements that form a precipitate are presented in the table.

Salts are classified as finely dispersed particles, while blood and epithelial cells are referred to as coarse particles.

The sediment can form directly in the bladder or descend from the higher located sections of the urinary system. The main types of suspension are presented in the table.

Suspension in pathology

A sediment in the bladder is formed with an increased concentration of uric acid salts. Against the background of a disturbed outflow of urine, a suspension is formed. In a well-filled bladder, formations ranging in size from 1 mm can be distinguished. Small salt particles can form flakes. If the risk factors are not eliminated, stones form after a few months.

A fine suspension is formed during the excretion of oxalates, phosphates, urates and is visible in the bladder. It appears with excessive consumption of salty foods, abundant fluid intake against the background of urolithiasis. Echogenic suspension consists of salt crystals and concentrated urine.

In case of trauma or surgery, blood enters the lumen of the bladder. Erythrocytes form a coarse suspension, which affects the echogenic structure of urine. To determine the nature of the particles that are in the lumen of the bladder, a general urine test is prescribed. In it you can see a large number of red blood cells.

Gallstone disease is also accompanied by the appearance of sediment in the urine. It belongs to the fine type, as it contains a large amount of bile pigments. is determined earlier than jaundice, itching of the skin, abdominal pain. In violation of the outflow of bile, bound bilirubin is excreted through the kidneys. When conducting an ultrasound examination, a hyperechoic suspension is detected.

With a complex metabolic disorder, salt crystals also appear in the urine. This phenomenon is called uric acid diathesis. To confirm the diagnosis, a venous blood test is prescribed for the level of uric acid, pH, and general urinalysis. Suspension in the bladder is not formed if salt intake is limited and the drinking regime is observed.

Suspension is normal

Sediment is detected not only with damage to the urinary system. A suspension in the bladder can form in a healthy person in such cases:

  • In pregnant women with compression of the bladder by an enlarged uterus.
  • In young children during physical exertion, changes in diet.
  • In an adult, if he has not urinated for a long time.
  • While taking medications.

During pregnancy, there is a physiological violation of the outflow of urine. The enlarged uterus compresses the urethra and pushes the bladder down. Due to prolonged stagnation, a precipitate may form, which will disappear after childbirth.

Crystals in the urine are often detected in healthy children and in diseases. In a child, a suspension in the bladder can form with the introduction of complementary foods. After getting used to new products, the composition of urine normalizes.

Important! The reason for the formation of a suspension may be taking drugs that are excreted through the kidneys (sulfonamides, antibiotics).

If you do not urinate or drink water for a long time, the concentration of urine increases. It becomes hyperechoic and can be seen on ultrasound. Therefore, before the procedure it is necessary to drink about 1-1.5 liters of liquid. This will avoid false results.

When taking antibacterial drugs, the color and density of urine may change. In the sediment, crystals of streptocide, sulfadiazine, sulfazol are detected. Preliminary diagnosis can be established by the presence of sediment along with clinical signs. To confirm it, additional methods of examination are carried out.

How to detect suspension?

After the appearance of an echo suspension during an ultrasound examination, an examination is carried out. Laboratory methods are also used. These include a general analysis of urine and blood, a biochemical blood test, an analysis according to Nechiporenko, according to Zimnitsky, sowing, a three-glass sample. The choice of method takes into account the age, stage of the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies.

A general urine test can provide information about the density, presence of sediment and its composition. In order for the method to be informative, you need to correctly collect urine and take it to the laboratory within 2 hours.

If laboratory methods and ultrasound are not informative enough, such studies are carried out: cystoscopy, CT, MRI, intravenous pyelography. Cystoscopy allows you to evaluate the structure of the bladder and urethra from the inside. Relate to endoscopic types of diagnostics. During the survey, you can establish the following data:

  1. reveal blood or pus;
  2. determine the source of bleeding;
  3. inspect ;
  4. diagnose a violation of the outflow of urine;
  5. identify from which ureter pus is released;
  6. determine the size of the tumor or foreign body.

CT and MRI are performed with and without contrast. They allow you to get an accurate image of the bladder and adjacent organs. The method is used for primary diagnostics and for monitoring in dynamics (after injuries, operations, with tumors).

If blood or sediment is detected, intravenous or retrograde urography is prescribed. Diagnosis is based on the introduction of a radiopaque substance - iohexol, iodamide, trazograph. The method allows you to determine the source of bleeding, pus, to identify the location of the tumor.

Signs of sediment in urine?

The detection of sediment can occur by chance - during a routine medical examination, when taking tests for other diseases.

Interesting! Small particles in the urine do not cause manifestations for a long time. With hypothermia, stress, hormonal changes, complaints may occur.

There are such symptoms of suspension in the bladder:

  • Pain over the womb or in the groin.
  • Discomfort and pain when urinating.
  • Urine color change.
  • Availability .
  • Frequent night calls.
  • Violation of urination - the inability to urinate in the presence of urges, interruption of the stream.
  • Urinary incontinence when coughing, laughing, crying.

The symptoms are caused by uric acid salt crystals, which damage and irritate the mucous membrane. The course of the disease is influenced by urine pH and nervous regulation.

How to remove sediment in urine?

In cases where the precipitate appeared after contact or extracorporeal lithotripsy, there is no need to worry. Pathological changes always accompany this procedure. They are observed within a few weeks after lithotripsy.

Cystitis is treated with antibacterial agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal remedies. In the course of treatment, control blood and urine tests are taken. In a week, the intensity of inflammation should decrease or complete recovery should occur.

For the treatment of suspension caused by urolithiasis of the kidneys, medical or surgical treatment is used. Be sure to adjust the daily diet, increase the drinking load. After treatment, a follow-up ultrasound examination is performed.

With damage to the liver, lungs, endocrine system, the underlying disease is treated. The appearance of suspension in urine in pregnant women and infants requires active monitoring. If pathological changes are detected in several tests in a row, an additional examination is carried out (biochemical blood test, computed tomography).

Diet and nutritional rules play a supporting role in treatment. It is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages, seasonings, smoked, pickled, spicy. Reduce protein and fat intake.

If there are no diseases of the urinary system, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid throughout the day.
  2. Limit the use of foods that contribute to the formation of stones (grapes, meat, wine).
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Do not hold back urination.
  5. Pass a medical examination at least 2 times a year.

Suspension is one of the clinical signs that allows you to identify pathology. It can be regarded only in combination with the results of analyzes, instrumental examinations, concomitant diseases.

The formation of a suspension in the bladder with its subsequent deposition on the walls of the organ is the result of impaired diuresis, inflammatory processes in the urogenital area and excessive formation of uric acid salts. This condition signals metabolic disorders and the onset of urolithiasis.

Suspension in the urine can be primary, formed directly in the storage organ and secondary, which means the movement of sediment and small stones from the kidneys and ureters to the bladder.

In the early stages of the disease, the formation of a fine, colorless precipitate in the form of microcrystals of undissolved salts of uric acid is observed. Stagnation of urine leads to an increase in the concentration of deposits, crystallization of the precipitate and its precipitation in the form of a suspension.

The most common cause of pathological changes are diseases of the urogenital area: cystitis, prostatitis, infections and inflammation. In addition, the suspension in the urine can be caused by:

If the pathological process is not stopped in a timely manner, then the fine sediment crystallizes, transforming into stones of various sizes. The reasons for the appearance of sediment in the urine are identical in both men and women. Pathological changes occur regardless of the sex and age characteristics of the patient. The exception is childhood and pregnancy, in which the suspension in the urine may be the result of natural physiological processes occurring during this period.

The presence of urinary sediment in a child does not always indicate the onset of any disease. In most cases, symptoms manifest themselves against the background of adding new products to the diet, and may also indicate dehydration and psycho-emotional overload. A visit to the doctor is necessary in case of manifestation of unusual signs and impaired diuresis.

Characteristic symptoms

In most cases, the formation of urinary sediment takes place in a latent form in the absence of any signs of infection and inflammation of the urinary system. The pathological process is detected by chance when examining a urinalysis for another disease or during a medical examination. Symptoms to watch out for are:

  • frequent urge and burning sensation when urinating;
  • the presence in the urine of traces of blood, white flakes and suspensions, a change in its smell and color;
  • erectile dysfunction in men;
  • sharp pains over the pubic region, in the groin and lower back;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • hypertension.

Fine sediment, when particles of suspension do not exceed 0.005 mm, are most often diagnosed in patients suffering from cystitis and urogenital infections. Sediment crystallization can lead to a serious complication: a change in the thickness of the walls of the bladder, followed by their perforation and the flow of urine into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if a sediment is found in the urine, even when pathological changes do not manifest characteristic symptoms, medical advice should be sought.

Diagnostic methods

Suspension in the bladder is one of the symptoms of disruption of the urinary tract and metabolic processes. To clarify the diagnosis, ultrasound of the filled bladder is usually prescribed, which makes it possible to visualize the hyperechoic sediment and its distribution, as well as the contours and structural changes in the walls of the organ. Depending on the identified problems, consultations of narrow specialists (gynecologist, nephrologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist) and additional studies can be prescribed:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • CT scan;
  • intravenous pyelography;
  • cystography.

The detection of an excess amount of potassium and sodium salts (urates), phosphates or oxalic acid crystals (oxalates) in the urine sediment indicates the presence of specific problems, taking into account which the optimal treatment regimen is selected and preventive measures are prescribed.

The main directions in treatment

The onset of urolithiasis requires a comprehensive examination and adequate treatment. The therapeutic strategy is selected on the basis of anamnestic data, general somatic condition and problems identified during a comprehensive examination. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the causes of suspension in the bladder and to stop pathological processes. The following principles of treatment are distinguished:

  • detection and correction of metabolic disorders;
  • selection of the optimal drug therapy regimen;
  • balneological and physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • herbal medicine;
  • lifestyle and diet modifications.

To inhibit the process of crystallization of calculi and excretion of uric acid salts, preparations of the terpene group are prescribed: Kanefron, Cyston, Avisan, Cystenal, etc. . If necessary, antispasmodics and painkillers are prescribed, course therapy with vitamin and immunomodulatory drugs is carried out.

A set of measures aimed at correcting metabolic disorders. It includes compliance with the drinking regimen, diet therapy, a ban on alcohol and alcoholic beverages, getting rid of excess weight. The patient will have to part with pickles, marinades, smoked meats, fried potatoes and other gastronomic excesses. The diet should be alkalizing with a predominance of vegetable and dairy products (with the exception of pickled cheeses). The daily diet should include:

  • boiled or steamed poultry and fish;
  • yeast-free bread;
  • vegetable fats;
  • weakly brewed tea, compotes, freshly squeezed juices;
  • low-fat dairy products.

If a suspension is found in the bladder, a spa treatment and the use of alkalizing mineral water from natural wells give a good effect. The absence of such an opportunity will help out the use of a bottled product (Borjomi, Essentuki, Polyana Kvasova, Luzhanskaya). When buying, you need to pay attention to the date of production, since after 6 months the water loses its healing properties.

From fruits, preference should be given to fruits of red and purple color: plums, lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, cherries, currants. Such berries are distinguished by a high content of flavonoids, ascorbic acid, have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Violation in metabolic processes and the work of excretory systems is fraught with many diseases. One of them is a suspension in the bladder. Such a substance is not yet sand, but under suitable conditions it easily turns into both sand and stones.

Suspension in the bladder - what does it mean

The bladder is an unpaired organ of the excretory system, has an ovoid shape. In the normal state, the organ is symmetrical, its contours are even and clear. In its structure, the urea is echo-negative. There should not be any echogenic formations in his cavity. If the latter are detected, then this means that some pathogenic processes are developing.

One of these formations is a finely dispersed suspension. These are the smallest solid particles of salts: too small to form a solid precipitate, but large enough to be determined by ultrasound. Suspension is not yet sand, although it is quite often confused with sand from the kidneys. However, the latter has a slightly different origin and composition.

A suspension in the urea can be formed by the following compounds:

  • urates - salts of uric acid;
  • oxalates - esters and salts of oxalic acid;
  • phosphates - calcium salts of phosphoric acid.

Healthy urine contains a certain amount of salt: urine and removes excess compounds. Normally, their concentration is such that salts are only in dissolved form.

The appearance of a suspension indicates an excessive concentration of salts and its accumulation, and this is a pathological process.

In children, the appearance of a suspension is not always a sign of a disease. This is due to the characteristics of a rapidly growing organism. In this case, the main factor is the presence or absence of pain. If the latter are absent, the child does not have difficulty urinating, enuresis is not observed, and so on, then, most likely, the formation of a suspension is associated with physiological processes. In this case, it is worth observing changes in the urine. If the suspension persists for more than a week, you should consult a doctor.

Suspension by itself is not a disease. This is a sign of some pathological process that leads to a high concentration of salts.


There are several types of suspensions. The first defining feature is the size of the particles, since the larger they are, the higher the chances of the suspension transforming into sand and stones.

  • A finely dispersed suspension consists of particles with a diameter of not more than 0.05 mm. As a rule, these are pure salts.
  • Coarsely dispersed includes larger particles. In addition to salts, they include captured epithelium and blood cells. Such a suspension is most often a sign of stone formation, but can also be the result of surgery.

Another classification of suspended matter is related to origin:

  • Primary - technically, such a suspension is due to too high a concentration of compounds in urine. This slows down the flow of urine in the usual way, and the stagnation of fluid provokes the precipitation of salt crystals and the appearance of suspension. In this case, the sediment is formed only in the bladder and, by and large, is not associated with the state of the kidneys.
  • Secondary - small particles separated from larger formations in the ureter and kidneys. With urine, they are excreted into the bladder and are in it in the form of a suspension. The reason for their appearance are diseases of the genitourinary system. As a rule, the diagnosis of such ailments is difficult.

As mentioned, the bladder is normally a non-echoic structure. Therefore, the appearance of areas and formations of echogenic areas immediately indicates a deviation.

According to the intensity of this feature, 2 types of suspension are distinguished:

  • Echogenic - a suspension of small particles of salt and concentrated urine. Includes cholesterol. Echogenic indicates congestion in the urea.
  • Hyperechoic - means that the suspension consists of large particles, ready to turn into stones. This condition requires immediate treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

The concentration of salts in the urine and, as a result, the stagnation of urine and the formation of a suspension accompanies many pathologies. The most common cause is inflammatory diseases.

It is impossible to immediately detect a suspension in the urine. For quite a long time, the latter is practically not excreted in urine. If the primary ailment, the same cystitis, is treated at the same time, the patient may not know that there was a sediment in the urea for some time.

As a rule, the signs noticed do not relate to the suspension itself, but to the disease that caused it. These include:

  • visible turbidity of urine, unusual color, possibly smell. Mechanical changes may not be accompanied by pain and other signs of inflammation at all;
  • pain in the groin and lower abdomen - accompany most bladder ailments;
  • - intermittent jet, difficulty emptying the organ at a time;
  • frequent, painful urge to urinate - is associated precisely with a high concentration of salts, since such a liquid irritates the urea membrane;
  • appearance is possible. The sign can be caused both by mechanical damage during the passage of suspension through the urethra, and by a more serious complication - kidney dysfunction.

Actually, the sediment in the urine can be seen only after it has been settled. If the suspension is finely dispersed and its amount is small, then for the visible detection of the sediment, preliminary centrifugation is necessary.


In many cases, the presence of a suspension in the cavity of the bladder does not cause any pain and is not visually determined. Pathology is detected only on ultrasound if diseases of the genitourinary organs are suspected.

  • Ultrasound allows you to identify zones of echogenicity, to establish their nature and intensity, which allows you to determine the concentration of salts. In addition, ultrasound provides information about the general condition of the bladder: wall thickness, thinning, congestion. The doctor can analyze not only the consequence of the pathology - suspension, but also changes in the organ provoked by the disease.
  • A blood test is required to determine the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Urinalysis shows exactly which salts form a suspension, which indirectly indicates the true cause of the disease. So, the appearance of phosphates almost always indicates pathologies in the kidneys.
  • Intravenous pyelography may be prescribed - an x-ray of the kidneys against the background of a contrast agent. This is how not only the state of the organ is assessed, but the work, which is important for diagnosing the primary disease.

Other additional studies may be carried out, since the causes of the appearance of suspended matter are quite diverse.

Suspension in the bladder on ultrasound


How to treat the disease depends on the nature of the pathological process. Suspension is only a consequence. Eliminating it alleviates the patient's condition, but does not eliminate the cause.

The general treatment regimen includes several activities:

  • removal of pain and difficulty in urination;
  • a decrease in the concentration of salts and the removal of sand or stones, if any;
  • general strengthening of immunity;
  • treatment of the primary disease - inflammation, dysfunction.


Most often, the cause of the formation of sediment are a variety of inflammatory processes.

If this is not pyelonephritis - here the treatment is very specific, then therapy includes:

  • antibiotics - the medicine suppresses inflammation, destroys any pathogenic microflora, creating conditions for the restoration of the body. The most common include monural, furazidin, cefixime, norfloxacin;
  • to improve the outflow of urine and the mechanical release of the bladder, herbal preparations are prescribed:,. As a herbal remedy, decoctions of chamomile and horsetail are recommended, as well as lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks - these are very strong natural diuretics;
  • for pain relief, it is best to use suppositories, not tablets - Voltaren, for example;
  • with urinary incontinence, detrusitol is also prescribed;
  • installations with sea buckthorn oil, collargol, miramistin contribute to the rapid removal of inflammation;
  • if necessary, an immunomodulator is prescribed - Uro-vax.

The treatment regimen for a child is not much different, however, antibiotics are chosen that are safe for children's health: amoxiclav, sumamed, azithromycin. Phyto preparations are used the same.


It is extremely important to follow a certain diet during the treatment of such diseases. With a mild form of the disease, often only drinking plenty of water and diet is enough to eliminate the pathology.

  • The first commandment of treatment is to drink plenty of fluids. The more it is, the less concentrated the urine. Accordingly, the suspension is mechanically washed out of the bladder. Drinking is water, weak tea, fruit drinks, compotes, but not coffee or alcohol.
  • Salt is limited - no more than the norm recommended by age.
  • Products with a high salt content are excluded: pickles, marinades, smoked meat and fish, canned food, spicy dishes.
  • Sweets of any kind are limited, since they all contain a large amount of salts.

What is the danger to the body

Although the suspension is only a symptom of the underlying ailment, eliminating it is just as important as treating the cause. The higher the concentration of salts in the urine, the higher the likelihood of the formation of sand and stones already in the bladder.

In addition, the sediment causes other complications:

  • The most obvious is a change in the walls of the urea. Due to constant irritation and fluid stagnation, the walls of the organ hypertrophy, which leads to painful urination. In addition, there is a high probability of uneven hypertrophy: areas with too thick walls and too thin appear. Such unevenness is fraught with autotrauma and ruptures.
  • Atony - due to frequent urges, a paradoxical reaction may develop, which leads to suppression of the urination reflex. At the same time, stagnation of urine and the appearance of stones become not the most difficult complication, since there is a possibility of paralysis of the organ.
  • Perforation is the worst complication. With uneven hypertrophy, exposure to weak areas, such as trauma, impact, stagnation of urine, leads to rupture of the membrane and outflow of fluid into the abdominal cavity.

Such severe complications are rare, since by that time the pain will force the patient to consult a doctor. But the transformation of acute inflammation into chronic, gradually undermining the bladder, is more than likely.

A suspension in the bladder is a sign of diseases in the organs of the excretory system. The most common cause is inflammatory processes. Suspension represents a certain danger in itself, regardless of the nature of the primary disease. So if you find cloudy urine that lasts more than a week, you need to see a doctor.

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