How to get yourself in order after long-term use of alcohol. How to restore the body after a long binge

After a stormy and cheerful evening, every person is tormented by the question of how to put himself in order after drinking. Unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol make themselves felt almost immediately. A citizen is tormented by terrible symptoms that cause discomfort for a long period. You can come to your senses after drinking in many ways that show a fairly good result. In this article, we will consider all possible ways to restore the body after drinking.

Reasons for feeling unwell after alcohol

Many people drink various alcoholic beverages without even thinking about the harm they cause to the body. It is worth noting that the unpleasant consequences are reflected in the well-being the very next morning after the feast. Firstly, ethanol is a foreign substance that is not characteristic of the optimal composition of blood and fluid in the body, so much more effort and energy is expended to break it down. The person's condition worsens and he may feel very ill. Secondly, after drinking alcohol, vital organs, including the liver and kidneys, which are involved in the processing of toxic substances, receive a severe blow.

After a certain period of alcohol getting into the blood, the active effect of ethanol on the body begins. In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called alcohol intoxication. A person feels intoxication, which in the morning is manifested by swelling and swollen face, headache, nausea. This happens due to the breakdown of ethanol into toxic substances that hit vital systems and organs.

Attention! The liver suffers most of all after drinking alcohol, since it is she who is responsible for the breakdown of toxins. It is necessary to improve her condition immediately, as complications may develop, for example, cirrhosis or hepatitis may form.

The second system that suffers the most is the cardiovascular system. As a result of drinking alcohol, the heart begins to work in an enhanced mode. After constant alcohol intake, the body can double in size, which is observed in people dependent on alcohol. In this case, the risk of myocardial infarction increases. Today, there are many ways to restore the functioning of the system. If you perform all the necessary procedures in time, you can achieve an excellent result and feel good after drinking alcohol. There are other unpleasant symptoms of a hangover syndrome:

  • In the morning, a person feels a severe headache, which occurs due to oxygen deficiency in the brain. In medicine, this phenomenon is called oxygen starvation;
  • After binge, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are observed, since ethanol acts irritably on the walls of organs;
  • A person can wake up after drinking, feeling a terrible dryness, as alcoholic beverages help to accelerate the removal of fluid from the body. You can return to a normal state after stabilizing the water balance, and for this you should drink plenty of fluids.

As you can see, the consequences after drinking alcohol create complete discomfort for work. That is why in this article we will consider how to put your body in order, how to restore your face after drinking.

The first stage of recovery

The first goal of improving the condition is the stabilization of the body's water balance. By following this procedure, you can influence other indicators. It is worth noting that this process must be carried out in compliance with certain norms and requirements. It is best to drink mineral water for a hangover, as alcohol washes away not only liquid, but also vital salts.

Attention! It is necessary to drink mineral water carefully, without getting carried away. If you want to know how to recover from a hangover, then it should be borne in mind that it is best to alternate such water with ordinary running water so as not to oversaturate the body with salts.

It is worth noting that it is impossible to pounce on water, it must be drunk gradually in short sips. Within an hour and a half, it is recommended to drink a liter of water. Such a measure will help to quickly restore the water-salt balance. If you do everything right, you can also achieve the removal of toxins and toxins from the body.

The next measure to improve the condition of the body is the intake of activated charcoal. This medicine actively and effectively copes with all harmful substances. If you take it after a binge, you can safely remove toxins. In order to bring the body back to normal, dissolve the tablets in a glass of water, with the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight, and drink the healing solution. Coal begins to act actively within half an hour. After about an hour, you will feel much better, which will help you return to your normal mode as soon as possible.

Attention! It helps to bring the body back to normal vitamin C. It is found both in fruits, for example, in grapefruit or tangerine, and in the form of powder or tablets.

The second stage of recovery

The next important task is to put your face in order after drinking. To do this, after waking up, take a contrast shower, which will not only refresh the skin, but also give it tone. You should wash your face with cool water, but not ice-cold, to make the blood circulate better. It is recommended that the following rules and procedures be followed:

  • Have a hearty breakfast. It has long been noted that for a hangover, you need to eat hearty fatty foods, such as fried meat with vegetables. Then it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir, which helps to stabilize the microflora and improve metabolic processes.
  • We bring the body back to normal with the help of medications. To relieve the symptoms of a hangover, it is best to drink aspirin or special pharmacy products. To relieve headaches, you can take painkillers, such as spasmalgon.
  • Another option, how to put your face in order, is the use of cosmetics to tone the skin. You can also use folk methods, for example, attach cucumbers or cabbage;
  • A brine is excellent for fighting dry land. This method has been used for many centuries, as it shows high efficiency in combating the unpleasant consequences of a hangover;
  • It is optimal to perform a complex of physical activity. In this way, the muscles can be toned and the weakness of the body can be alleviated;

Attention! It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, as you will not alleviate the condition of the body, but rather increase the negative effects of ethanol. After that, it will be much more difficult to restore the body.

Preventive measures to avoid a hangover

It is worth noting that it is always easier to prevent the consequences than to deal with obvious problems. Therefore, in this section, we will look at how to avoid most of the unpleasant symptoms if you are planning a grandiose fun. It is recommended to eat a piece of butter an hour before drinking alcohol, which envelops the walls of the stomach and slows down the spread of ethanol throughout the body. But, it should be borne in mind that the effect of this method is short-lived, so you should drink carefully. There are other ways to prevent:

  • Drink an hour and a half before the feast, an activated angle, with the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. Thus, it will favorably contribute to the neutralization and elimination of toxins;
  • During a feast with alcohol intake, it is necessary to have a proper snack or drink alcohol. The correct proportion of liquid and alcohol must be observed. It is best to drink mineral water, excluding soda and sweet juices.

So we looked at the main measures to avoid the consequences of drinking alcohol. Drink wisely, so that later you do not have to return the body to working condition for days.

Alcohol abuse ends with headache, nausea, weakness and impaired coordination the next morning after drinking. There are many effective ways to quickly recover from alcohol and restore the body to a working state.

Why does it get bad after alcohol

There can be several reasons for feeling unwell:

  • individual intolerance to ethyl alcohol;
  • unstable liver function and lack of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which oxidizes alcohol to ketones and aldehydes;
  • insufficient work of the kidneys;
  • excessive amount of drunk alcohol;
  • alcohol surrogate.

Poisoning can occur even during a party. Consequences are added in the form of vomiting, headache, increased irritability, increased sweating and tremor of the limbs the next day. A pathological condition develops - a hangover syndrome, which is aggravated by guilt.

How to recover from alcohol

Elimination of dehydration will urgently help to remove toxins from the body. It will restore the normal level of salts and pH in body fluids, stimulate the liver and excretory system. The use of special preparations for a hangover will help to quickly neutralize toxic substances.

Priority measures

If intoxication is severe, you need to induce vomiting. To do this, you must first drink as much liquid as possible and press on the root of the tongue. For effectiveness, the procedure must be repeated until the stomach is completely freed from the consequences of the feast.

You need to take a contrast shower. It will reduce the amount of toxins that are excreted with sweat on the surface of the skin.

Ventilation of the room and a walk in the fresh air contribute to increased ventilation of the lungs and rapid recovery. You can’t go to bed, sleep can interfere with monitoring the deterioration of the condition: changes in pressure and heart rate, fever, loss of consciousness. Then you need to seek help from a medical facility.

Smoking exacerbates poor health, additional toxins enter the bloodstream. The bad habit should be abandoned.

All measures together give a good result if they are supplemented with a sufficient amount of liquid to drink ─ pure water without gases with the addition of 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice of lemon, orange, grapefruit. Sugar cannot be added. Green tea with mint, natural ground coffee, sports drinks ─ coconut water and Gatorade will help to clean up after a binge.

A good remedy is brine from home-made fermented vegetables. Its effectiveness is comparable to the action of the drug Regidron, which is prescribed for poisoning to normalize water-salt metabolism.


The first meal should be extremely light so as not to overload the body. After the stress that binge is, the body's digestive capacity is limited.

Breakfast should be easy to prepare and include magnesium and potassium-containing foods. They will return the substances lost during drinking to the body.

To maintain the cardiovascular system and normalize digestion, sources of vitamins and trace elements are needed. It can be raw fruits and vegetables ─ banana, apple, kiwi, tomatoes; greens and berries - cranberries (and juice from it), raspberries, currants. They have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects, stimulate regeneration processes.

For the first meal, fermented milk products with a low fat content are suitable: kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran, bifidok, koumiss. Such a protein breakfast can be supplemented with a raw egg or scrambled eggs. Lecithin is easily absorbed by the liver, has a beneficial effect on its recovery, enhances bile secretion.

The menu can include weak fish broths and chicken soups. They enrich the body with iron, improve metabolism.

It is good to eat porridge for breakfast. For example, viscous rice porridge acts as a sorbent, enveloping the stomach and reducing intoxication. Oatmeal contains a whole range of nutrients and vitamins. It helps to neutralize the acids of alcoholic beverages. You can add a tonic herbal tea containing ginger to your meals. It reduces pain in the stomach and eliminates the feeling of nausea.

Salty foods (sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, homemade salads) should be eaten in small quantities. They can additionally injure the gastric mucosa with a high acid content.


Before you start taking any medication, you should carefully study the composition of the drug and the list of contraindications. This will help not cause allergic reactions and deterioration.

Expired medicines must not be used. The dose should not be exceeded for the accelerated disposal of the withdrawal syndrome, an overdose will require emergency medical care.

Among the drugs there are symptomatic drugs (painkillers, cardiac, anti-inflammatory) and drugs that eliminate the cause of a poor condition - sorbents. They absorb toxins, actively removing them from the body.

Activated charcoal can help relieve hangover symptoms. It costs a penny and works quickly, preventing the absorption of toxins. Paste Enterosgel performs a protective function, reduces toxicosis, relieves heartburn. Almagel is an effective sorbent, it reduces the acidity of the stomach, it can be drunk before and after drinking alcohol.

  1. Aspirin. The active substance is acetylsalicylic acid. Eliminates pain, fever, inflammation during a hangover.
  2. Alka-Seltzer with aspirin and citric acid can be taken several times a day. Relieves headaches quickly.
  3. Antipohmelin. A natural remedy based on fumaric and succinic acids, it restores working capacity well.
  4. Alco Buffer. Hepatoprotector with milk thistle gently relieves the body of poisons, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Zorex contains the antidote unitol. Binds toxic substances in the liver, reducing its damage.
  6. The drug Zenalk consists of an extract of chicory, haritaki, date palm and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, restores brain function.
  7. Medichronal relieves severe toxicosis by the combined action of glucose and sodium formate. Binds the breakdown products of alcohol.
  8. Korda. Contains grape seed extract. Restores energy.

For many who used (abused) alcoholic beverages in the evening, the morning after drinking is marked by a strong hangover, a terrible headache, and other negative manifestations for a person. The head hurts so badly that the person feels terrible. Often the cause of the appearance of unpleasant consequences is of interest to a person precisely after the onset of a hangover.

According to statistics, troubles are observed in 30 percent of cases after drinking alcohol.

Doctors say that uncomfortable sensations cannot arise, intensely manifest themselves solely because of the amount of alcohol consumed.

If the next morning you often have a headache, then the drinks you drink exacerbate the situation, increase the spasmodic reaction. Some heavy drinkers often feel great the next day, without the person experiencing hangover symptoms.

Experts say that if there is no sensitivity to alcohol, and alcohol-containing drinks are abused all day long, this can often lead to alcoholism.

Reasons for feeling unwell

What to do if discomfort occurs after an excessive outpouring?

This question is asked by many faced with this problem. To begin with, it is worth deciding why it arose? Bad after alcohol may be due to liver dysfunction, as a result of which it begins to work worse, and this leads to a decrease in the amount of glucose produced by it, which is necessary for cells, as it supplies them with energy.

If the liver does not produce the required amount of glucose, then the person feels worse, becomes tired, lethargic. There is a decrease in the activity of brain structures.

After drinking any alcoholic beverages, a person feels a headache, nausea, discomfort in the stomach. The cause of these problems is not the alcohol itself, but the constituent components.

It is considered natural that any person is influenced by alcohol in a variety of ways. Someone may feel great after half a liter of strong alcoholic drinks, some, after drinking a small glass, will feel very bad.

It is worth thinking about what awaits in the morning before drinking alcohol. When broken down in the human body, alcohol-containing components lead to various health problems. To cope on the second day with a terrible hangover after drinking alcoholic beverages, a person can sleep and relax.

Symptoms of a hangover syndrome in the morning after a fun booze

A terrible hangover may appear the next day after drinking too much the day before.

Usually the signs of feeling unwell are that:

  1. dehydrated human body;
  2. in the oral cavity there is a strong dryness;
  3. muscles hurt;
  4. coordination is disturbed;
  5. the patient has a fever;
  6. aches are felt all over the body;
  7. a severe headache is felt, the head is spinning;
  8. The patient is nauseated and vomits.

Often these manifestations result if there is a strong intoxication of the body after drinking, lasting several days.

What should a person do to solve this problem?

This can be helped by the removal from the body of bad substances obtained after the splitting of alcoholic beverages. To achieve this goal, drinking plenty of clean water will help. This contributes to the rapid removal of alcohol from the body and getting rid of the manifested problems.

Do not take excessive amounts of medication after alcohol intoxication. All this will lead to harm to a person, aggravation of health, unpleasant consequences.

Preventing Problems After Drinking Alcohol

So that the next day after drinking a person can feel great, it is worth adhering to small rules. They will help to cope with the solution of this problem in a short time.

You can eliminate the symptoms with the help of a considerable amount of sugar-containing products. Before drinking alcohol, drink 1 to 2 glasses of milk. This will help to cope with the manifestation of the alcohol syndrome. Hangover problems will be helped if pure alcoholic products are drunk.

You should not use tobacco products along with alcohol, so that an uncomfortable state does not occur. To slow down the entry of alcohols into the circulatory system, it is worth eating fatty foods in large quantities.

The use of several tablets of activated carbon will help to cope with an unpleasant phenomenon (1 tablet is drunk for every 10 kg of net weight). Taking sorbent preparations (Enterosgel, Atoxil) will help eliminate intoxication manifestations.

Folk recipes on guard of health

If a person becomes ill after an excessive outpouring, then strongly brewed tea and coffee drinks will be the salvation. You can bring the patient into shape with the help of a cold or contrast shower, after which the blood pressure stabilizes, puffiness is eliminated.

If nausea occurs, the stomach is emptied the next morning. After a 30-minute interval, a small portion of chicken broth is eaten. A cold compress will help to cope with a headache, it is placed on the forehead of the head.

A good remedy is a mixture of kefir with mineral water. It should not be used if nausea occurs.

Water with lemon added to it can help solve the problem. Drinking a large amount of the product helps to restore the water balance in the human body.

Salvation from hangover manifestations has long been ginger tea. The recipe is simple. Ginger is finely chopped, placed in a saucepan, poured with water, put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for 25 minutes.

How to quickly get in shape

When drunk, 5-6 pieces of citrus fruits (it can be oranges, tangerines) will help to get in shape in a short time. This will replenish the supply of vitamin C. In the absence of citrus fruits, you can take ascorbic acid.

Relieve hangover symptoms with cucumber marinade. The use of salt contributes to the removal of intoxication. Drinking a couple of cups of the remedy helps to improve the condition.

After using it, the electrolytes lost by the body are replenished. A person receives the necessary potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Other substances are found in sauerkraut, bread kvass.

In the absence of such products, 0.5 tsp can be dissolved. table salt in 100 ml of liquid.

You can cope with a hangover syndrome with the help of seafood, fish products, dried apricots.

Elimination of hangover symptoms must be carried out quickly. If it is not treated, then its duration can be up to a day.

Alcohol abuse has an extremely negative impact on human health. Even after a few drinks in the morning, a hangover syndrome can occur, the main symptoms of which are headache, nausea and vomiting. The body in this situation needs help, and everyone has their own tried and tested method for this. Cucumber pickle helps one, another is treated with dairy products, others prefer a walk in the fresh air.

Reasons for feeling unwell

A person who drinks a lot and often should know what exactly happens in his body after a thorough drinking. Such information, if it does not stop him from drinking, will help him find ways to improve his well-being the day after the feast.

Ethyl alcohol, once in the body, undergoes decomposition with the release of its constituent compounds. As a result of their action, signs of intoxication appear - alcohol poisoning. Such a state becomes a burden on the body even after a slight intoxication, not to mention binge drinking.

Unpleasant sensations are the harder, the more impurities and tannins are contained in the drunk alcohol. Alcohol negatively affects the entire human body, but the liver suffers the most, since almost 100% of the alcohol consumed passes through it. Each drink, especially if it is repeated many times, causes irreparable harm to the cells of the body. This increases the risk of cirrhosis of the liver.

It is not easy for the cardiovascular system. It takes on the increased burden of pumping blood. Headache is caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the brain. Irritation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the fact that a person feels sick, he develops heartburn.

Delirium tremens - the main symptoms and methods of treatment

Ways to get rid of a hangover

There are various techniques for quickly recovering from a heavy drink. It is effective to use not one, but several available methods:

  • To put yourself in order, you need to replenish the loss of fluid. For this purpose, it is best to drink mineral water, since it contains substances lost by the body. It is recommended to drink not in one gulp, but little by little. It is enough to drink 1-2 liters of water per hour. Water will help remove toxins and waste from the body.
  • To combat harmful substances at home, you should use a natural absorbent - activated carbon. The agent should be dissolved in a glass of water at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. The drug takes effect within a few minutes. The suction properties of this remedy in a short time relieve the body of poisons and toxins, soothe the work of the digestive tract, and relieve the feeling of nausea.
  • Hangover syndrome is successfully removed by a time-tested immune stimulant - vitamin C. You can recover from alcohol if you eat a lemon or drink effervescent Aspirin Upsa, containing ascorbic acid.
  • Breakfast with a hangover should be eggs, seafood, protein salads and smoothies. Such products with the presence of organic compounds fight toxins, normalizing the general condition of a person. Good for breakfast oatmeal. It is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron, which are the first to be lost after drinking alcohol.
  • It is useful to eat berries and fruits. Watermelon works great against dehydration. It normalizes sugar, restores lost vitamins, magnesium. Potassium deficiency is provided by bananas. They relieve the feeling of fatigue, energize for the coming day.
  • If there are no problems with the stomach and a severe headache, then you need to take an aspirin tablet.
  • It's good to go for a walk in the park. Fresh wind very quickly brings to life, improves metabolic processes.
  • Alcohol has a negative effect on the nervous system. There may be feelings of anxiety, unreasonable fear. Glycine should be used, which improves brain metabolism.

It must be remembered that a method that helps one may be useless for another. The breakdown of alcohol and the removal of toxins from the body depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Therefore, you need to find what is useful for him.

In the morning after drinking, you have to pay for the fun spent time: headache and dizziness, nausea, dry mouth, abdominal cramps, weakness. If these are not withdrawal symptoms, but an ordinary hangover, then it is possible to cope with them without involving a doctor. Medicines from the home medicine cabinet and proper nutrition will help improve the condition.

Causes of bad condition

A hangover is a depression of the internal organs caused by ethyl alcohol. The fact that this occurs exactly the day after drinking is associated with chemical processes occurring in the body:

  • When a person consumes alcohol, ethanol enters the bloodstream. It acts as a central nervous system stimulant, so during the period of intoxication, euphoria, fun, and activity are felt.
  • In the liver, ethyl alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde. It is a toxin, therefore it is poorly perceived by the body - it causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness.
  • With further splitting, acetaldehyde from alcohol turns into ethanoic acid, which is easily excreted from the body with urine.
  • With excessive alcohol consumption, acetaldehyde does not have time to oxidize, as a result it accumulates in the tissues and is converted into the organic keto acid pyruvate.
  • An increased concentration of pyruvate provokes a failure of gluconeogenesis and causes acidosis (a change in the acid-base balance of the body to the acid side).

The body tries to eliminate alcohol in natural ways, so vomiting and diarrhea occur. Moisture is redistributed so that the decay products of ethyl alcohol can be eliminated with urine (therefore, after drinking, you need to drink plenty of fluids, otherwise the body will take H2O from the tissues - this causes dryness). Due to the lack of water, the blood thickens, hypovolemia begins (a decrease in blood volume in the vessels). The brain receives less of the necessary substances (especially oxygen), headache, weakness, apathy occur.

By the way: fusel oils, sugar, tannin in alcohol interfere with the oxidation of ethyl alcohol and contribute to the retention of acetaldehyde in the body. That is why drinking with bourbon, wines, strong cocktails, liquors, whiskey, tequila cause a more painful waste the next morning than after vodka, moonshine.

It will be bad after alcohol until all the substances from the drink taken are removed from the body. On average, improvement occurs 15-24 hours after the end of the booze. From medicines and folk remedies, improvement occurs 2 times faster. If the deterioration lasts for several days, this is not a hangover, but an abstinence syndrome (and therefore, one must begin to be treated for alcoholism).

What to do if you feel bad after drinking

To move away from drinking, detoxification of the body is used - a procedure to accelerate the removal of alcohol residues from the body. Consists of two stages:

  • Taking medications or foods with sorbent properties (absorbing toxins).
  • Stimulation of the urinary, digestive systems (so that the decay products of alcohol come out with urine, feces or vomit).

Medications and folk remedies that normalize the salt balance and eliminate the deficiency of vitamins and minerals (primarily magnesium) will help to recover quickly after drinking alcohol. Stimulation of the nervous system and oxygen contribute to the improvement of well-being - a contrast shower and walking in the fresh air can help with this.

More liquid

Alcohol provokes the production of vasopressin, which stimulates the kidneys to absorb and excrete water. As a result, the tissues are dehydrated, the salt balance is disturbed: a person from drinking feels dry, weak. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to keep yourself in order. Brine, mineral water without sweeteners help.

A cup of natural coffee, strong tea will help to cheer up. These drinks after alcohol are also useful in that they stimulate the central nervous system, accelerate oxidation, and eliminate toxins.

Important: you can’t quench your thirst and try to eliminate a hangover by repeated drinking of alcohol (even a weak one like beer). This will not help to cure, as it does not normalize the salt balance, does not make up for the lack of water, but leads to repeated intoxication. In addition, the systemic use of alcohol is the cause of the development of alcoholism.


The first thing to do the next morning after a party is to drink preparations with absorbent properties: take 4 tablets of activated carbon, a sachet of Enterosgel or Polysorb. Hangover symptoms are helped by rehydrants that restore the water-salt balance. Popular means of this category are Alka-Seltzer, Regidron, Hydrovit Forte. They include aspirin, chloride and sodium hydrocitrate.

If you do not want to overload the body with synthetic means, you can take drugs with a natural composition: Drinkoff or Limontar will help you recover. The composition of such drugs contains succinic acid, eleutherococcus, vitamin complexes, ginger and other restorative and stimulating components of natural origin.

A very good result after drinking can be achieved with medicines with dimercaprol in the composition (Zorex, Unitiol, Antipokhmelin). This substance neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol, speeding up the metabolism.

Milk products

Survive after a stormy night with booze helps "sour-milk breakfast" immediately after waking up. Low-fat (0-2%) kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without additives work best. It is necessary to drink on an empty stomach, but not more than a glass of the product. The benefit is in the absorbent effect, protection against dysbacteriosis, stimulation of the excretory system.

Milk also helps with a hangover, as it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps break down acetaldehyde. But it is important to warn: due to acidosis caused by drinking, milk may not be absorbed, which will provoke vomiting. This is not bad, since the remaining alcohol will be removed from the stomach with vomit.

What to eat

During a hangover, it is useful to eat boiled potatoes, drink potato broth - the starch from these dishes acts as a sorbent. Boiled chicken will help to refresh, but will not weigh down the stomach. Fatty, spicy food during drinking and the next morning is best avoided - along with alcohol, heavy food puts a strain on the pancreas and liver.

Products with organic acids allow you to restore the body - these are sauerkraut, lemon, orange, green grapes, apples. The excretory system works better from melon, watermelon, beets, strawberries. When you have a hangover, you should eat sweets (honey, dark chocolate, berries grated with sugar) - they will help compensate for the drop in glucose levels, remove hangover symptoms such as weakness, irritability, dizziness.

How to prevent the condition

Preventive measures can help prevent hangovers. Firstly, before drinking you need to eat well, and an hour before the feast, take 2 pcs. Activated carbon or succinic acid. Also, hepatoprotectors will not harm - drugs with enzymes that stimulate the liver. Experts advise the day before the upcoming holiday to take a double dose of vitamins B and C - they are needed for the oxidation of alcohol, with their shortage in the blood, an increased amount of acetaldehyde is concentrated.

During the holiday, alcohol should be eaten, not washed down. Preference to give one type of drink - mixing different products increases the likelihood of severe intoxication, a hangover. After a party, before going to bed, it is useful to take a couple more tablets of activated charcoal.

It will be good if you manage to walk in the fresh air for 30-40 minutes between drinking and sleep. Movement and oxygen will disperse the blood through the vessels, improve metabolism, which will lead to an acceleration of the oxidation of alcohol in the body.

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