Vitamins at the beginning of menopause. What are vitamins for? Vitamins with herbal extracts

After about 45 years, fading begins reproductive function female body. This is expressed in a decrease in estrogen levels. In turn, the lack of sex hormones leads to a slowdown in all biological processes. The woman has external signs aging, declining health. Vitamins are substances necessary for accelerating bio chemical reactions that keep the organism alive. With menopause, their role is especially important. Vitaminized food and taking special preparations will help to avoid complications that occur during this period.


Menopause in women, its manifestations

Hormonal adjustment, which occurs in the body in connection with age-related changes, is the cause of the deterioration of the work of all body systems. There are problems with digestion. Begins to feel the lack of nutrients - vitamins and minerals. The processes of tissue regeneration slow down.

Hormonal imbalance causes the appearance of tumors of the mammary glands, genital organs. Muscles weaken, structure is disturbed bone tissue. The blood supply to organs, including the brain, is deteriorating.

Typical manifestations of menopause are:

These and other symptoms of menopause (weakening of memory, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, destruction of tooth enamel) manifest themselves differently in everyone. It all depends on genetics, living conditions, general health at the time of menopause. Avitaminosis accelerates the appearance of ailments and intensifies them.

Video: Manifestations of menopause. How to weaken them

What role do vitamins play in the body?

Vitamins are catalysts for the most important chemical reactions that take place in the body. Food processing and absorption useful elements, providing normal fat, carbohydrate, protein, water-salt metabolism, as well as hematopoiesis, the formation of new cells and other processes cannot be carried out without the participation of these substances.

Satisfying the body's need for mineral elements and vitamins is necessary to maintain immunity, which determines susceptibility to various unfavorable factors and age-related ailments. Vitamins make it easier to carry stressful situations and strengthen nervous system.

The composition of many drugs intended specifically for use during menopause, except essential vitamins and mineral components, also includes phytoestrogens - hormone-like substances plant origin. Thanks to this change hormonal background are not as sharp. Vitamins improve organ function endocrine system, prolong the functioning of the ovaries, as these substances are involved in the processes of hormone synthesis.

What vitamins are especially needed during menopause

Most of all, the female body during menopause needs the following vitamins:

  1. A (1.5-2 mg / day). Participates in the regeneration of skin cells and mucous membranes, has a beneficial effect on vision. As an antioxidant, it protects tissue cells from destruction and malignant transformation.
  2. B1 (1.5 mg / day), B6 ​​(1.8-2.0 mg), B9 (400 mcg), B12 (3.0 mcg). Contribute to the strengthening of the nervous system, improve cardiac activity. Necessary to increase immunity, increase brain activity, improve memory, ensure all types of metabolism.
  3. C (90 mg). Required to increase the body's resistance to exposure various kinds infections. Improving condition blood vessels, reduces the risk cardiovascular disease the occurrence of tumors.
  4. E (15 mg). Participates in the synthesis of female sex hormones, slows down the aging of the ovaries. This reduces the risk of estrogen-dependent tumors. Vitamin E is necessary to accelerate tissue regeneration. Therefore, its reception helps to improve the appearance of a woman, preserve healthy hair, skin and nails.
  5. D (10-15 mcg) - without it, the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the body is impossible. Taking vitamin D3 with menopause is necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, improving the condition of bones and teeth.

From mineral components leading role during this period, calcium and boron play, which are part of the bones. The lack of these elements leads to osteoporosis, an increased risk of fractures. Magnesium is present in nervous tissue. Its deficiency affects the state of the nervous system, causes symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, anxiety state, depression. Potassium supports the work of the heart, kidneys, affects the health of the nervous system. Zinc is part of hormones, enzymes, is involved in the regeneration of bone and dental tissue.

Video: The importance of vitamin E for women's health

Vitamin preparations for menopause

The most popular drugs include:

Qi-Klim. Contains vitamins, calcium, selenium (to strengthen the immune system), extracts of motherwort (sedative) and cimicifuga (with phytoestrogen properties).

Femicaps. The product includes vitamins of groups B, E, extracts of passionflower and primrose. The drug helps well with increased irritability, insomnia, jumps in blood pressure, reduces the frequency of hot flashes.

Menopace. Contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as an extract of passionflower and other plants. Accepted as tonic to enhance immunity. Helps with nervous disorders Oh.

Hypotrilone. The composition includes a complex of vitamins, as well as Vitasil SE (dietary supplement based on selenium). The drug is used to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Complivit Calcium D3. Complex vitamin preparation containing calcium. Used both prophylactically and remedy to strengthen bones, tooth enamel. Improves the condition of hair and nails.

Ladys Formula Menopause. Large set of vitamins and vegetable matter diverse action helps to alleviate almost all symptoms of menopause.

As we age, it becomes more difficult to deal with fatigue. I want not only to look young, but also to maintain health, strength for new things. During the period of hormonal adjustment, you can support the body and maintain high performance. To do this, you should carefully consider the choice of vitamins.

Vitamin complexes for mature women should contain minerals, extracts of rare medicinal plants in order to act on the body with particular delicacy and without side effects. Vitamins and minerals in combination with phytohormones relieve hot flashes and normalize heartbeat. Many women have already appreciated the ability of Lady's formula Menopause Enhanced formula to normalize weight during menopause due to the action of a unique extract of maitake mushrooms ("geisha mushroom"). Good health and attractive appearance during menopause is a luxury that you can afford.

Note: What drugs to use and in what doses, the doctor should tell the woman. This excludes the possibility of an overdose of vitamins and minerals, as well as allergic reactions to plant components.

Non-hormonal vegetable medicines also contain vitamins. For example, zstrovel (with herbal extracts and honey), climadinone (contains cimicifuga), feminal (with red clover extract).

What foods contain the right vitamins

The food should be fortified and light enough to avoid the overweight that women tend to become after menopause.

Warning: Any strict diets at this time are contraindicated, as they can lead to beriberi and increased unpleasant symptoms.

The diet must contain cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products rich in calcium. The vitamins and minerals needed for menopause are found in large quantities in cereals, therefore indispensable product is porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat). Meat and animal fats are the main source of vitamin A, fish - vitamin D.

Dried fruits, potatoes, spinach contain potassium. The diet must necessarily contain eggs, nuts, leafy greens, vegetable and butter, by-products and seafood, fresh vegetables(necessarily carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage), fruits and berries, bread with bran and coarse grinding.

Often, from hot flashes and nervous disorders, teas, decoctions and healing infusions from chamomile, oregano, sage, nourishing the body with vitamins B, C, carotene (provitamin A) and others.

Video: How to eat with menopause in the program "About the most important thing"

Many women who have entered the premenopausal phase notice that their condition is noticeably worsening. With the extinction of the reproductive function, skin problems appear, hair grows dull and falls out, nails exfoliate. internal state also changes. The patient may experience mood swings, depression, aggressiveness, tearfulness, and anxiety. Blame it physiological changes in the body due to hormonal imbalance. To alleviate the condition can be special vitamins for menopause, which will soften unpleasant symptoms, will help strengthen the immune system and make it easier to endure this difficult period.

At the first symptoms of premenopause, when menstruation becomes less and less frequent, experts advise patients to take special vitamin complexes. These drugs have a beneficial effect on health and help prolong youth and good health. Vitamins for menopause will help to cope with the following problems:

  • Slow metabolism due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Decreased production of sex hormones.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

These three problems significantly reduce the quality of life of patients after 40 years of age. According to doctors, they are the cause of an unstable emotional background, the development of age-related diseases and premature aging. The doctor should select the drug, taking into account the age of the woman, the severity of the menopause and the results clinical analyzes blood.

At severe course menopause in addition to the mineral complex, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, today these appointments are made only in last resort when the patient's condition significantly worsens her life. These medicines should also be prescribed only by a specialist.

What trace elements are especially needed during menopause

Starting from the period of premenopause, patients have an increased need for certain valuable trace elements, namely:

  • Magnesium. This mineral is involved in the metabolic process, has a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect. A woman in menopause needs magnesium to maintain bone mineral density and prevent heart disease.
  • Calcium. Responsible for bone density and dental health. Also, the trace element is involved in the process of coagulation and metabolism. Lack of calcium leads to disruption of the heart and bone fragility.
  • Bor. Participates in fat metabolism. Renders positive influence on the work of the endocrine system and promotes the absorption of magnesium, calcium and fluorine. Boron stimulates the production of sex hormones, thereby relieving the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
  • D. Participates in the formation and strengthening bone skeleton. The lack of this element leads to loss of teeth, frequent fractures and diseases of the spine and joints. Also latest research proved that this microelement prevents the development of skin and oncological diseases.
  • E. It is the most powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E in menopause has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems, prevents premature aging and protects the patient from the development of age-related diseases.
  • FROM. affects elasticity. vascular wall. Its deficiency leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases, the occurrence of edema and internal bleeding. Also, the microelement has a significant effect on immune system organism, protecting a person from viral and bacterial diseases.
  • AT. This group of substances is involved in all metabolic processes. It is the microelements of group B that contribute to the stability of the emotional background, increase physical endurance, strengthen the immune system and increase mental performance.
  • BUT. Participates in the production of sex hormones, stimulates the endocrine system, strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging. It has been proven that the microelement is the prevention of the occurrence of neoplasms in female reproductive organs and intestines.

Indications for the use of multivitamins in menopause

Many women, having learned about the need to take vitamins during menopause, independently purchase drugs and begin to use them uncontrollably. Doctors insist that such an approach to taking medicines is unacceptable. An excess of any of the substances can cause the development dangerous states from allergic reaction to heart problems. Vitamin complexes, like other medicines, should be drunk only according to indications. Among the clear indications for taking multivitamins in menopause are:

  • Avitaminosis.
  • Insufficient production of estrogen.
  • Regular flushes.
  • Instability of the psycho-emotional background.
  • Rapid aging of the skin.
  • Weakened immunity.

These indications must be confirmed by clinical plasma analysis. Only after a thorough examination and identification of deviations, the therapist will be able to select and prescribe a set of vitamins for menopause, which are necessary for you.

When taking the drug, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosage and regularly take a blood test.

How to choose multivitamins for menopause

Today in pharmacies you can see a huge variety of medicines for women. This variety often confuses patients, because every patient wants to get the best effective vitamins and not become a victim of advertising fraud. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, experts advise that it is better to purchase prescription drugs.

Vitamins during menopause must be taken by all ladies without exception. Menopause is a serious period of change in a woman's life. A decrease in the amount of estrogen provokes changes not only in appearance, but also affects bone mineralization and density, endocrine diseases, cardiovascular systems, psycho-emotional state. Properly selected complex of minerals and vitamins will help to avoid unpleasant phenomena, health problems, allowing you to look more attractive. Many menopause collections may contain herbal extracts that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative effects, certain medicinal plants can regulate hormonal levels.

Which vitamins to include - a detailed analysis

When choosing a complex during menopause, you can thoughtlessly take from those offered at the pharmacy by a pharmacist. There will definitely be no harm from this, in any case, you will enrich your body with the necessary elements. But the most the best option- choose a drug with the most suitable composition and dosages. It is not always necessary to give preference to complexes marked “for women” or “after 40”. This can only be a publicity stunt, so it is better to stop your choice on the right one, specifically for the individual composition. It is optimal to entrust the selection of the complex to an endocrinologist.

B vitamins

Nutrients of this group play a huge role in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid that elevated concentrations can provoke atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease ( senile dementia), since it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, it may well cause the formation of blood clots.

Also, B vitamins during menopause are involved in lipid metabolism, helping to control weight gain and regulate the functioning of the nervous system. The introduction of this group into the diet provides a boost of energy and vigor, strengthens the immune system and reduces the phenomenon of hot flashes.

Folic acid(aka vitamin B9) has a positive effect on the emotional background, helps to reduce menopause disorders. Vitamin B9 deficiency is often associated with insomnia, irritability, and depression.

Retinol (Vitamin A)

This microelement is the main source of preserving the beauty of the skin, cell membranes brain. The element has powerful antioxidant properties, contributing to the prevention cancerous growths in the chest reproductive organs. When using the recommended daily dosage the work of the sex glands and the production of collagen are activated, which gives the dermis a healthy look.

Vitamin C

During menopause, it is important to maintain the thyroid gland and pancreas, remove toxins, improve their work by taking vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant helps maintain vascular tone, relieves inflammation of their walls, and improves immunity.

Vitamin E

No wonder this element is also called the childbearing vitamin. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs, in particular the ovaries, and contributes to the accumulation of vitamin A. Regular use enough tocopherol helps to maintain the beauty of the skin and delays aging.

It has been proven that the lack of an element leads to serious nervous disorders and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Element E helps maintain the composition of the brain membrane, helping to prevent the loss of important molecules.

Vitamin D

How to choose vitamins

For women over 40, it is important to choose a drug with the most complete composition of vitamins and minerals. You should pay attention to the dosage - it must correspond to the daily norm. A number of specialized complexes contain extracts and concentrates of medicinal plants, these components are completely optional, although they can alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

You can just pick a good one vitamin supplement, and as an assistant to relieve the unpleasant signs of menopause (your gynecologist will help you choose the drug), you can use a medicine with phytoestrogens, for example, Climaxan.

Important: during menopause, all vitamins should be taken only with meals. To avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you are taking several types of supplements at once, it is best to separate them.

Pros and cons of popular complexes for women after 45:

  1. Tsiklim is a dietary supplement containing phytoestrogens, motherwort extract and L-carnitine. Contains almost everything necessary elements at recommended doses. L-carnitine promotes weight loss, but its content in tablets is quite low, which is unlikely to have an effect when taken. Motherwort has a good sedative effect. Substitute - Mense (saw helps).
  2. Femicaps - capsules with a significant content natural ingredients with vitamins and minerals. medicinal plants help relieve menopausal symptoms, reduce the severity age-related changes. The drug has an incomplete complex of elements (E, B6, magnesium), so it will have to be supplemented with other vitamins. A large number of extracts may cause allergic reactions
  3. Alphabet 50+ — this additive has a division into 3 types of tablets with different composition for minerals and vitamins better assimilation. Has a maximum full squad trace elements, however, important minerals for women during menopause are presented in an underestimated amount (the same extremely important calcium- only 400 mg, that is 30% of the recommended dosage). Additionally enriched with lutein and lycopene, which support visual acuity.
  4. Doppelhertz Menopause - a supplement with soy phytoestrogens, contains an extensive list of essential vitamins and minerals, but there are problems with dosages - calcium is only 500 mg (50%), vitamins B12 and B9 exceed daily allowance 3 and 2 times, respectively. Contains no magnesium or potassium.
  5. Omega 3 - during menopause, salvation for blood vessels from blood clots, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, namely heart attacks and strokes, Alzheimer's disease, cancer - especially breast cancer. Omega polyunsaturated fatty acids are contained in, which must be included in the diet not only for women, but for all segments of the population.

Regular exercise, even in the form of a banal exercise, will help to better assimilate not only medicines but also to all additives. Law of nature.

In fact, already young girls should know and prepare for the upcoming inevitable changes in nutrition, exercise:

  • to strengthen pelvic organs, to avoid involuntary urination during sneezing, coughing;
  • cervical region, to prevent withers, headaches;
  • back muscles for a straight posture;
  • the press, so that the stomach grows less;
  • strong legs and buttocks contribute to an easy gait.

And be sure to drink vitamin complexes regularly to maintain the appropriate balance of the body.

AT adulthood It is also important to pay due attention to your health. Complete nutrition, healthy sleep and physical exercise help you stay active longer. During menopause, taking vitamins can support the body suffering from restructuring and reduce concomitant symptoms menopause. Carefully consider the choice of supplement, carefully studying the composition and dosage. It is advisable to consult your doctor before use.

Dear ladies, take care of yourself and try to keep your youth longer!

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The onset of menopause in a woman's life is an important, difficult period. Hormonal restructuring begins around 37-39 years and can end only after 50-55 years. No matter how strong a woman feels, she needs the support of loved ones, and vitamin complexes will help alleviate menopausal symptoms.

Why do you need vitamins during menopause

During the preparation for menopause, processes begin to occur in the body when the extinction of ovarian functions affects general state. abrupt change mood, increased anxiety, sleep disturbance, hot flashes, excessive sweating become frequent guests with menopause. Taking the complex recommended by the doctor, a woman will be able to improve her well-being. This will happen because vitamins help:

  • run faster metabolic processes, accelerate metabolism;
  • there is a synthesis of sex hormones, the production of which has sharply decreased;
  • Immunity increases, due to which they are removed acute symptoms menopause.

What vitamins to take after 50 years for a woman

Gynecologist after passing by a woman necessary examinations will be able to recommend the most necessary vitamin preparations with the upcoming menopause, talk about their beneficial effects on the body. To make it easier to understand, the summary table contains information about important nutrients that you need to pay attention to initially.


Action on the body

Retinol (A)

Improves the condition of the mucous membranes, supports ovarian function, prevents the appearance of tumors in the area of ​​the mammary glands, the pelvic area.

Ascorbic acid (C)

Raises immunity, accelerates metabolism, reduces fragility of blood vessels, removes excess liquid from fabrics. Is an antioxidant.

Tocopherol (E)

Stimulation of activity female glands responsible for childbearing, delays and smoothes the symptoms of menopause, helping to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Vitamin D

Takes an active part in the absorption of calcium from outside, reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Thiamine (B 1)

Regulates the functioning of the nervous system, blood vessels and heart.

Pyridoxine (B 6)

Supports the immune system, delays skin aging, regulates mood, sleep.

Folic acid (B 9)

It has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to avoid sudden changes in mood.

Cyanocobalamin (B 12)

Maintains the nervous system in a balanced state.


The intake of vitamins in the body of a woman who is on the verge of a new stage of life should not only take place with medication. By following a certain diet, focusing on certain foods, you can help yourself to transfer menopause calmly, without splashes. Saturation of the body with various natural vitamins and minerals that enter the body naturally during meals, reduce the risk of cancer female organs. General recommendations by the presence of products in the preparation of the menu:

  • Increased content calcium - dairy products, milk, mustard seeds, nuts, chicken and quail eggs, soybeans, marine brown algae, yeast.
  • Tocopherol (E) - potatoes, beans, green peas, avocados, brown rice.
  • Boron-containing foods - strawberries, peaches, prunes, raisins, figs, asparagus.
  • Vitamins and minerals - greens, brightly colored fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits.


Timely medical support of the body will guarantee a calm entry into the menopause stage. Hormone therapy enriched with vitamins is divided into groups. One includes drugs containing only estrogens, the other - both estrogen and progesterone. Take as prescribed by the doctor, after carefully studying the instructions. Combination medicines that will help a woman during menopause:

Name of the drug

Action on the body

Divin. Tablets (11 estrogen +10 progesterone)

Cause menstruation in violation of the cycle and menopause. Take according to the scheme 1 tablet for 21 days with a break for a week, when the discharge should begin.

Klimara. A patch that stays on for a week.

Contains estrogen, helps relieve menopause symptoms.

Complex Alphabet 50 plus (vitamins, minerals for people over 50)

There are three types of tablets in the package: Iron, Calcium-D3, Antioxidant. Each type performs its function when taken.

Orthomol Vital F, Orthomol Femin

Female poly vitamin complex with exhaustion of the body during menopause.

dietary supplements

At right approach to the selection of a complex of vitamins for menopause, the doctor may recommend a parallel intake of dietary supplements. good reviews the products of the large company "Evalar" are famous. Instructions for the use of drugs are written in an accessible way. Here are some dietary supplements from this and other manufacturers that will help with menopause:

Name of dietary supplements

Composition / Action


Vitamins E, C, pantohematogen, glucose. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, reduces hair loss, improves nail growth. Increases skin turgor.

Formula Women (Arta Life)

Minerals, plant extracts, vitamins. Rejuvenating effect on the female body.

Doppelgerz Active Menopause

Source of phytoestrogens, calcium, vitamins. General strengthening effect to maintain body functions.


Oils, herbal extracts, tocopherol. Signs of menopause are reduced - rapid pulse, sweating, swelling.


The cost of hormonal non-hormonal drugs taken during menopause can vary significantly. Depends on the manufacturer, packaging capacity and network of pharmacies. Dietary supplements from the manufacturer Evalar are affordable, you can buy them from 150 to 1,000 rubles. The cost of natural Femicaps is about 2,000 rubles. Effective pills Gemafemin, Doppelhertz have a price of 530-1240 rubles per pack. You can save 5-15% of the cost on vitamin complexes, dietary supplements if you choose from the catalog and buy cheaply in the online store of the corresponding direction.

How to choose vitamins for menopause

In accordance with the period of menopause, the doctor will recommend and help you choose a vitamin complex that will support the female body during the difficult period of autumn age. Exist general rules choice of drugs. Special attention to substitution hormone therapy should be addressed to those women who have a predisposition to cancerous tumors, reception with great care can be prescribed only by a doctor.

Symptoms of all three stages of menopause (premenopause, menopause, postmenopause) are similar to each other. Their manifestation can be expressed brightly or smoothed out. It remains to consider which vitamins are best taken during the appearance certain symptoms:

  • flushing, with reddening of the skin, elevated office sweat - vitamin E (tocopherol), C ( vitamin C), group B;
  • appeared vaginal dryness, thinning of the mucosa - vitamin A (retinol);
  • increased irritability, mood swings, changes in sleep patterns - a complex of B vitamins;
  • prevention of osteoporosis, increased bone fragility - vitamin D;
  • violation menstrual cycle- vitamin E, C;
  • rapid skin aging syndrome - vitamin E, K, B6.


Postmenopause- this is a very sensitive period in a woman's life, during which she needs to take care of her health especially carefully. Reception best vitamins after menopause, it helps to pass this life stage without much difficulty.

The postmenopausal period usually begins after age 45. Menopause is a stage in a woman's life, the onset of which indicates that she is coming out of childbearing age. There is a sad but real "myth" that menopause is a disease. However, as already mentioned, this is only a myth. Menopause is not a disease, it is a life stage that every woman goes through. At this stage, the female body undergoes physiological and psychological changes. This is another stage of reproductive changes that a woman has to endure; The first is the onset of puberty. The period during which menopause continues is not fixed. Its duration depends on the structure of the woman's body. For some women, menopause can last for two to three years, while for others it can take eight to ten years.

Why do women need vitamins?

When menopause begins, the body stops producing the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that guarantees the strength of a woman's body, making her bones strong and keeping them healthy. When estrogen stops being produced, maintaining bone health becomes a woman's first priority. It is during menopause that a woman's body undergoes significant changes. And as her body's strength levels decrease due to the drop in estrogen production, she needs the best multivitamins to stay healthy.

There are daily supplements for women consisting of essential vitamins and minerals that help female body do not need nutrients, and thus protect it from bone diseases. in number serious problems that postmenopausal women may experience include osteoporosis and arthritis.

Vitamins help prevent heart disease in postmenopausal women

In addition, after menopause, it becomes increasingly difficult to decipher what the body is deficient in, since deviations in bodily functions can be the result of a deficiency of several minerals. Can't single out one nutrient or a mineral whose deficiency would be responsible for the observed symptoms. For example, many consider osteoporosis to be a disease caused by low levels of calcium in the body. However, calcium deficiency cannot be the only cause of this disease. Minerals such as magnesium, zinc, boron, and vitamins C and D may also be required to maintain healthy bones, and with the development of osteoporosis, there is reason to believe that the body's stores of these substances are depleted. Therefore, any one vitamin may not solve the problem of existing symptoms; daily intake of multivitamins is necessary, allowing you to use beneficial features all the necessary nutrients.

Vitamins in the postmenopausal period

Calcium. A multivitamin with calcium is one of the best postmenopausal multivitamins. Calcium is a mineral that is required to maintain healthy bones and thus prevent osteoporosis. When the body lacks calcium, it can absorb calcium particles from available reserves. When calcium is also lacking in the diet, osteoporosis develops. healthy bones vital in order to healthy life. Calcium is also needed by the body for proper muscle contraction, including the most important one, the heart. Must be included in daily diet eating foods such as green leafy vegetables and dairy products, keeping in mind other vitamins and minerals that are also needed.

Vitamin B12

After menopause, many women become susceptible to atrophic gastritis, which leads to vitamin B 12 deficiency. Atrophic gastritis occurs when stomach cells are completely destroyed bacteria Helicobacter pylori. These bacteria deplete the reserves of vitamin B 12, and the body begins to lack digestive juices. Strong deficit vitamin B 12 causes anemia. In order for the body to receive, it is necessary to include meat, fish, poultry, eggs and milk in the diet. Vitamin B 12 supplements, which provide 2.5 micrograms of this substance per tablet, are one of the best multivitamins for women.


In women who have entered the menopause, there is often an improvement in the levels of iron in the body. However, many women still experience iron deficiency during menopause. Increasing the body's ability to absorb iron is possible with foods rich in vitamin C. Supplementation with vitamin C at 8 micrograms per tablet can also help avoid iron deficiency.

Vitamin D

To ensure normal calcium metabolism and maintain bone health, it is necessary. If the body does not have enough vitamin D, women are at increased risk of serious bone fractures. Signs indicating a vitamin D deficiency are obesity and dark spots on the skin. Taking a daily vitamin D supplement containing 15 mcg of this vitamin per dose improves bone health.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced in the human body and must be obtained additionally, in the form of supplements or certain products nutrition. By increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, you can fight against postmenopausal diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Multivitamins with omega-3 fatty acids This is the best multivitamin for postmenopausal women as it helps relieve depression and hot flashes, the main symptoms of menopause.

Taking multivitamins by postmenopausal women is a key factor in keeping their bones healthy. Therefore, include the listed multivitamins in your diet, and cope with menopause with a smile!

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