How to treat bladder stones. Bladder stones: symptoms and signs of their presence, classification of stones, causes of formation, diagnosis and treatment

- This is a pathology that is characterized by the formation of stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. In this article, ureteral stones and bladder stones will be discussed in detail.

Reasons for the formation of stones in the urinary tract

To date, no one can name the exact reason why stones form in the ureters or bladder. Most scientists in the world adhere to the multifactorial theory, according to which several factors influence the formation of stones at once.

Probably the most significant of all the large number of risk factors should be considered malnutrition, namely the water-salt regime. Many scientists and practical urologists believe that stones in the bladder and ureters are formed precisely from an excess amount of salts in the body. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that this excess amount of salts gets along with food or water. Kidney dysfunction, in which insufficient sodium is excreted from the body, also contributes to a change in the normal composition of urine, which subsequently leads to the formation of calculi.

Inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane of the urogenital canal can also lead to the appearance of stones. This is due to the fact that the protein substances that are produced as a result of the inflammatory process can serve as a kind of matrix during stone formation. In this case, the salt composition of urine can be absolutely normal.

Some influence on the development of urolithiasis is also played by the place of residence of a person. Numerous studies have shown that in the regions of the tropical and subtropical climatic zones, people are much more likely to suffer from urolithiasis than, for example, in the northern regions.

Signs and symptoms of bladder and ureter stones

The clinical picture of finding stones in the ureter quite specific. In this case, the so-called renal colic is observed, which is characterized by an attack of acute pain in the lumbar region on the side of the affected kidney. This pain may radiate to the perineum of the vulva or to the anterior surface of the thigh. In addition, Pasternatsky's symptom is characteristic of renal colic. It is characterized by the fact that even with a slight tapping of the fist in the kidney area, the patient has a significant increase in pain or the appearance of the latter.

In addition to acute pain syndrome, with such a pathology, changes in the urine are very often observed, which are characterized by the presence of blood, salts, sand, or even small stones (sand). This must be taken into account for the differential diagnosis of urolithiasis with other pathologies.

If the stone has already descended from the ureter into the bladder or formed directly in it, the signs of this are different. Symptoms with stones in the bladder less pronounced, but even they can establish an absolute diagnosis. In this case, there will be a small amount of blood or sand in the urine, as well as periodic aching or cutting pains in the perineal region, which are aggravated during intercourse or urination.

If a bladder stone moves quietly in its cavity, then at a certain moment it can block the mouth of the urethra. Most often, this is observed during the act of urination and is manifested by interruption of the jet.

Different types of stones

If you notice pain in the lumbar region or characteristic changes in urine sediment, then you should immediately contact a urologist who can prescribe additional studies and make a final diagnosis.

Diagnosis of stones in the bladder and ureter

The simplest, but sometimes most effective for bladder and ureteral stones is a general urinalysis. With this study, it is possible to identify the exact amount of blood, salts and other pathological substances that may be present in the urine with this pathology. The analysis is screening, since it is only the first step in the diagnosis of urolithiasis.

Twenty years ago, the most informative and accurate in the diagnosis of urolithiasis was considered excretory urography. This procedure is a diagnostic technique, which consists in the intravenous administration of a contrast agent, followed by x-rays of the abdominal organs. This study made it possible not only to see X-ray-positive ureteral and bladder stones, but also to determine how well urine is excreted or not excreted through the urethra.

Excretory urography - a stone of the left ureter. 1 - stone shadow; 2 - stasis of the radiopaque substance in the dilated ureter.

But depending on their origin, the stones may not appear on the x-ray, this divides them into x-ray positive and x-ray negative.

Today, after the appearance ultrasound, excretory urography receded into the background somewhat. This is due to the fact that ultrasound gives results much more accurately and much faster. In addition, for ultrasound, there is no need to insert an intravenous catheter, which in any case is considered an invasion and threatens with infectious complications. And even if we consider this problem from a financial point of view, then ultrasound is much cheaper.

Another innovative technique in the diagnosis of urolithiasis is CT scan which gives even more accurate results than ultrasound. The essence of this study is that a whole series of body pictures is taken in different sections, which makes it possible to accurately assess the size and position of the stones. The only thing that stands in the way of the widespread introduction of computed tomography in the clinic is the cost of the procedure, which today is unbearable for people with average incomes.

Treatment of urolithiasis

Treatment of stones in the ureter and bladder can be divided into treatment of an acute attack and basic therapy. As for an acute attack, various lytic mixtures based on antispasmodics are very effectively used to eliminate it. These drugs, such as spasmalgon, baralgin, no-shpa, papaverine, can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy. They can be used in tablets, but as practice shows, intravenous or intramuscular administration is considered more effective. These drugs, by relaxing the wall of the ureter, contribute to the passage of the stone through the canal and its fall into the bladder. It must be remembered that antispasmodics only eliminate an acute attack, but in no way relieve the main cause - a calculus.

If the stone is not amenable to conservative treatment, then an acute attack of renal colic can be eliminated with the help of a special apparatus - a cystoscope. This metal tube with optics inside is inserted into the urethra, after which the mucous membrane of the bladder and the mouth of the ureters is examined. After that, in one of the holes in the ureter, where there is a problem, a thin tube called a stent is inserted. It promotes the outflow of urine from the kidney to the bladder, even in a situation where it “sits” tightly in the ureter.

Only surgery can be considered a radical method of treatment for urolithiasis, since only it eliminates the direct cause of the pathology - the stone. The incision during surgery depends on the area in which the stone is located. After removal of the calculus, the operating field is drained to remove urine that may leak through the sutured wall of the bladder or ureter.

Features of nutrition and lifestyle with stones in the ureter or bladder

For any variant of urolithiasis, patients are recommended table number 7, which consists in limiting the use of salt, fatty foods, alcohol, spices and other extractive substances. Patients who suffer from urolithiasis must beware of hypothermia and excessive physical activity, which can lead to inflammation of the urinary tract, irritated by stones.

Rehabilitation after illness

All patients who have undergone surgery need bed rest for several days. In addition, they need daily dressings and care of the surgical wound.

In the long-term period, patients with urolithiasis are recommended sanatorium treatment with mud and mineral waters. Sanatoriums like Truskavets, Morshyn and Polyana are very good for this category of patients.

Treatment of bladder stones with folk remedies

It is impossible to cure urolithiasis with folk remedies just as much as it is impossible to cure with classical medicines. Nevertheless, horsetail tincture proved to be very good as a means for resorption of calculi and is now actively used even by representatives of traditional medicine. True, when using such a medicine, it is necessary to be extremely careful so that it does not get on the teeth, because this can destroy the enamel.

Complications of stones in the bladder and ureter

Complications of urolithiasis should be considered a violation of kidney function, which often leads to inflammation of the latter and the formation of an abscess in its cavity. This condition most often ends with an operation, the volume of which may even consist in the removal of this organ.

With bilateral renal colic, when the outflow of urine from both kidneys is disturbed, blood poisoning, which is called uremia, can develop. In such a situation, the condition of patients deteriorates sharply and approaches critical. Uremia can be fatal for patients, so it is necessary to be extremely careful in the treatment of urolithiasis in order to prevent such a condition in time.

Prevention of kidney and ureter stones

Since the etiology of urolithiasis is multifactorial, prevention should be the same. First of all, you need to adjust your diet. To prevent urolithiasis, it is necessary to exclude or limit fatty foods, smoked meats, pickles, spices and other foods containing a large amount of fat and salt.

You also need to remember about the correct water regime. It is considered normal if a person drinks about one and a half liters of liquid per day and goes to the toilet about six to ten times. If your personal performance falls outside this standard, you need to consider your own water-salt regimen.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that people in sedentary professions are much more likely to suffer from urolithiasis than active workers. Thus, sports can become another means of preventing urolithiasis.

Doctor urologist Startsev V.Yu

The formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder is called in medicine - cystolithiasis. The pathological process is one of the manifestations of urolithiasis. The disease has ancient roots, as it was found even in the mummified remains of ancient Greek burials.

The development of stone formation is observed in both the male and female half of the population. 97% of patients of the "strong" sex are men over the age of 50 and boys under the age of six. This is due to the factor of the anatomical and physiological structure of the male urethral canal and a number of specific pathologies in their reproductive system.

Genesis and danger of cystolithiasis

When descending stones through the ureter, the pain can “give” to the lower back

The formation of stones in the bladder in medicine is positioned as a process characterized by the development and formation of stones in various parts of the urinary system. In the normal state of this system, urine contains special impurities and a high concentration of salts that deposit and leave the body at a certain moment.

If there are any changes in the composition of urine, they begin to crystallize and precipitate as salt, forming sand and stones. It is also possible for stones to enter the cavity of the bladder from the kidneys, where they settle and increase in size. Small stones, in the form of sand, are able to be brought out naturally, washed out with urine. Larger ones, which can reach sizes of more than 12 cm, are removed surgically.

A case of a stone weighing 2.5 kg was detected in a patient.

The primary formation of stones develops against the background of infravesical obstructions, in the form of:

  • Processes of hyperplasia and oncological neoplasms in the prostate gland;
  • Acquired or congenital pathology of the urethra - strictures (narrowing of its internal lumen);
  • The presence of a suburethral diverticulum (protrusion of the urethra) and tumors;
  • Neurogenic pathologies that disrupt the innervation of the urethral canal and bladder organ and many other processes.

Pathologies in the valvular apparatus of the urethra can lead to the formation of stones in the bladder in children - the disease can develop due to: meatostenosis - narrowing of its external course (congenital or acquired), narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis) or inflammatory processes of the head of the penis (balanoposthitis). Symptoms of bladder stones in women often occur due to vesicovaginal and ureteral fistulas, as a consequence of radiation cystitis or the presence of a ligature (suture material) after bladder surgery.

The impetus to develop secondary processes of cystolithiasis is given by "migrating" stones that enter the bladder from the kidneys. In 15% of cases with hyperplasia in the exocrine gland - the prostate.

If cystolithiasis is not treated in time, the stones can provoke a complete or partial blockage of the passage of the bladder, which prevents the exit of urine or completely makes this process impossible.

Hard stones with sharp edges can injure the mucous lining of the organ, causing inflammatory and hemorrhagic processes. In addition, the so-called "migrating stones" can lead to trauma and hemorrhage not only in the bladder cavity, but also in the ureter, which in a chronic course is fraught with the development of anemia.

Symptoms and types of bladder stones

Some symptoms depend on the type of stones and their size.

Deposits in the cavity of the bladder can be manifested by single and multiple localization, have different sizes and shapes. Sometimes there may be a combination of the location of stones in the ureter with stones in the bladder, or other localizations in the urinary system. In addition to external differences, calculi also differ in their chemical composition.

The most "popular" ones have a calcium structure - they are dense in consistency, are considered the most dangerous and difficult to remove. According to their chemical composition are:

  1. Oxalate, having a brown color, a rough surface and crystals of oxalic acid salts in the composition. Such stones injure the mucous tissue, which gives the urine a scarlet color and causes pain when urinating.
  2. Phosphate, characterized by a higher density, having a gray color and phosphorus salts in the composition, which affects the ease of crushing. Such deposits are the result of a failure in metabolic processes. Signs of their presence are manifested by light flakes in the urine, difficulty urinating and pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Urate stones with a smooth structure that cause neither irritation nor damage to the mucous lining. It is a consequence of dehydration of the body (dehydration). They are found only in the analysis of urine.
  4. Struvite, formed as a result of the acid-base reaction of urine, which provokes the precipitation of phosphate, carbonate, ammonium and magnesium salts, which contribute to the development of struvite formations.
  5. Cystine - a very rare type of stones that have a hexagonal shape and the appearance of a crystal. It manifests itself as a consequence of cystinuria - congenital disorders in metabolic processes. In patients with signs of such stones in the bladder, the concentration of the amino acid (cystine) is constantly elevated.
  6. Mixed nature containing in its structure various sediments of salts and with the appearance of a characteristic layered pattern.

Sometimes, the presence of calculi in the cavity of the bladder does not show any symptoms even with large stones. Clinical signs occur in the case of constant contact of stones with the walls of the bladder or in cases of irritation of its mucous lining, or due to blockage of the free exit of urine.

With signs of the presence of stones in the bladder cavity, the symptoms are so diverse that they cannot be a diagnostic marker. The main manifestation is pain in the lower abdomen and pubic area. Men experience a feeling of discomfort, dull or sharp pain in the penis. The pain can be slightly expressed at rest and unbearable during body movements and acts of urination.

The disease is characterized by irradiating pain syndrome - with a return to the area of ​​the perineum and thighs, manifested in the genitals.

The presence of calculi provokes disturbances in the processes of urination, when moving, it often causes the urge to urinate, abruptly interrupting the excreted stream of urine. Signs of the movement of stones into the urethral canal are manifested by a delay in the release of urine.

A stone stuck in the sphincter of the bladder disrupts its physiological process of closing, which is manifested by signs of enuresis (urinary incontinence). In such a case, the symptoms may be similar to those of cystitis. Some patients, with large stones in the bladder, are forced to empty it only in the supine position. In some cases, the manifestation of the disease in children is expressed by signs of enuresis and painful erections (priapism), not associated with sexual desire.

General symptoms are supplemented by:

  • Weakness and joint pain;
  • Fever and migraines;
  • Decreased appetite.

Treatment options - remove or remove stones?

Which methods of treatment to apply, remove or remove stones from the bladder - the doctor decides according to the indications of a diagnostic examination, which provides information about the location, quantity, size and chemical composition of the stones. Today, there are two main treatment options - medical and surgical.

Drug therapy is used in the treatment of small stones that can be removed naturally. The main purpose of the drugs is the removal of acute pain during the release of stones.

  • To stop the pain syndrome and in order to relax the walls of the urethra, antispasmodics are prescribed in the form of painkillers No-shpy, Drotaverin, Spazmalgon or Spazmalil.
  • In case of infectious accession, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - Amoxiclav, Cefodox, Augmentin, Zinnat, or Tsiprinol. As a preventive measure, a complex anti-inflammatory agent, Cyston, can be prescribed.

An integral part of conservative therapy is the normalization of the alkaline level of urine and diet. If necessary, it is possible to carry out sanitation techniques from the bacterial flora in the bladder cavity.

The need for surgery in the treatment of bladder stones in men or women is due to the need for destruction and subsequent removal of formations from the bladder cavity and the body as a whole. If the formations are not amenable to destruction, abdominal surgical removal is used.

With a large size of stones or the failure of conservative treatment to remove stones from the bladder, crushing is used - the main method of surgical intervention. For these purposes, apply:

  1. The technique of remote lithotripsy is a shock wave method that allows you to destroy small stones without the use of anesthetics, followed by the removal of their residues naturally along with urine. With such crushing, damage to adjacent tissues is possible, which is the only drawback of the method.
  2. Suprapubic litholapaxy. The percutaneous crushing method allows you to destroy the calculi and remove their remnants through an incision with a vacuum tube.
  3. Transuretal lithotripsy method - allows you to crush formations using a laser, pneumatics, ultrasound and electrohydraulics. The most advanced and convenient method is laser fragmentation with visualization of the process through a flexible optical endoscope.
  4. The open cavity technique is used in the presence of large-sized calculi, in which, due to the narrowness of the urethral canal, it is impossible to remove it in any other way.

You can solve the problem by any chosen method. The main thing is to prevent complications.

What are the possible complications?

A neglected disease and attempts at self-treatment can lead to:

  • To an infectious lesion of the entire genitourinary system;
  • Cause blockages in the urinary tract;
  • To uncontrolled jumps in blood pressure (nephrogenic hypertension);
  • Chronic inflammatory and purulent processes that can provoke anaphylaxis and death of the patient.

With the timely elimination of background processes, the prognosis for the treatment of cystolithiasis is favorable. If the causes of stone formation are not eliminated, there is a high risk of recurrence. In the future, after treatment, patients need to undergo a comprehensive examination and ultrasound of the bladder every six months.

Urolithiasis is a pathology associated with the formation of stones (stones) in the bladder, ureters, kidneys or urethra. Bladder stones are more often observed in men aged 45 or more against the background of their prostate pathologies or urethral strictures, etc. Such stone formation is most common in African and Middle Eastern countries, Indonesia, Burma, Thailand, etc.

Classification of stone formation

Stones can be of various shapes and shades, consistency and chemical composition, and also have a multiple or single character. Small stones are called microliths, large stones are called macroliths, single stones are called solitary stones. There are several classifications and forms of the disease. According to the types of stones, pathologies can be of the following forms:

  • Phosphate - when pebbles are formed from salts of phosphoric acid, they are rather fragile stones with a soft structure and a light gray tint. Usually they appear as a result of violations of material metabolism;
  • Oxalate - when oxalic acid salts act as raw materials for stones, these stones have a rough surface and brown color, they can scratch the mucous membrane, which causes pain and stains the urine reddish;
  • Urate - formed on the basis of uric acid salts, these are smooth calculi that do not injure the mucous membranes, are usually observed in residents of hot countries and occur against the background of gout or dehydration;
  • Protein - representing protein casts.

In addition, stones can be primary or secondary. In the primary formation of stone formation occurs against the background of stagnation of urine in the bladder cavity. In the secondary form of the disease, stones form in the kidneys, and they enter the bladder cavity through the ureter.

In its pure form, stones are very rare, more often they have a mixed base: urate-phosphate, phosphate-oxalate and other combinations.

What indicates the presence of stones in the bladder cavity

The clinic of the condition, indicating stones in the bladder, is rather ambiguous. When the stone just descends into the cavity of the bladder, the patient has renal colic, characterized by acute pain in the lumbar region, which may radiate to the perineum, genitals, or anterior femoral region. When tapping the edge of the palm in the renal region, the patient experiences a sharp pain, or the already existing pain syndrome intensifies. In addition to pain, patients have a pathological change in the qualitative characteristics of urine: sand, various salts, blood impurities, etc. can be found in it.

If loose flakes of light shades were found in the urine, the stream is interrupted during urination, and there is a pronounced painful sensation in the lower abdomen, then it is worth suspecting the presence of phosphate-based pebbles in the bladder cavity.

In cases where the pebble has already descended into the cavity of the bladder, or has formed in it, the symptoms will not appear so brightly, although the pathology will still be clear to an experienced doctor. The amount of bloody impurities and sandy calculus in the urine will be insignificant, but the pain will be just as strong. The pain syndrome may be cutting or aching in nature, it may increase in the process of sexual intercourse or urination.

When the stones are able to move freely through the cavity of the bladder, there is a risk of blocking the mouth of the urethra with a stone, while the patient notices a sharp interruption of the urine stream at the time of urination.

It is worth highlighting the following signs of stone formation in the bladder:

  • Dull pain syndrome, often radiating to the penis or scrotum, aggravated by urination;
  • Bloody impurities in the urine, usually appearing at the end of the emptying of the bladder;
  • Visual changes in urine, manifested in the form of its turbidity, density or bad smell;
  • Accelerated, painful and unbearable desire to go to the toilet;
  • Sudden interruption of the stream, when the bladder has not yet completely emptied.

In the event of an unreasonable change in the color of urine, the appearance of sediment in it or pain in the lumbar region, it is recommended to immediately visit a urologist in order to determine the cause of the changes.

Where do bladder stones come from?

There is no single and only correct answer to this question. Scientists identify a whole group of specific factors, due to the influence of which stones are formed in the bladder. The most significant of them is non-compliance with the water-salt regime. The vast majority of researchers argue that urinary stone formation is promoted by excess salt content in the body. This does not mean that salts get only with food and drink. They can also accumulate in the body due to impaired sodium excretion by the kidneys. This can occur against the background of renal pathologies.

Often, the causes of stone formation are caused by infravesical obstruction, which is a violation of the urine outflow due to various kinds of obstacles located below the bladder. Against the background of this phenomenon, the bladder is not able to empty completely, which is why urine stagnates in it, as a result of which stones are formed. Obstacles may appear due to:

  • Sclerosis, hyperplasia or;
  • Stenosis of the bladder neck;
  • Scarring of the urethra;
  • Stones or sand in the kidneys;
  • Violations of the nervous functions of the bladder;
  • Foreign objects in the bladder (catheters, sutures, stents, cystocele or diverticula).

The formation of stones can begin against the background of inflammatory pathologies of the bladder. The geographic location of a person can also play a significant role in the process of stone formation in the bladder. Thus, in states with a tropical climate, a greater number of patients with urolithiasis were recorded than in northern countries.

Therapy of urinary stone formation

The therapeutic process is divided into relief of an attack and general basic treatment. For the relief of an attack, lytic mixtures containing antispasmodic substances are usually used. Among them are drugs like No-shpy, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Papaverine, and so on. Although it is more convenient and easier to take such drugs in the form of tablets, the experience of physicians proves that the greatest effect is achieved with intramuscular or intravenous injection. Medicines of this action help to relax the walls of the ureter, which facilitates the process of moving the stone along it. But these remedies eliminate only the symptoms of an attack, and do not cure the underlying disease.

Conservative treatment of stones involves the observance of the correct diet and the selection of the necessary medications that are suitable for the main composition of the formed stones. Such therapy involves alkalization of urine, as a result of which already formed stones are eliminated and new stones cannot form.

If urate stones are found in the bladder, litholytic therapy is indicated, which involves the dissolution of stones by taking special preparations.

It is possible to get rid of stones in an operative way, although surgical treatment of the problem is extremely rare today, since it is possible to eliminate excrement in less invasive ways. With a pebble size of 0.5-2 cm, their crushing is shown by means of laser or ultrasonic exposure. It is possible to carry out crushing through a small puncture, i.e., by the contact method. After the stones are crushed, they are washed out with a special liquid.

Methods for the prevention of stone formation

Prevention of stone formation is based on a diet that avoids salty and smoked, fatty and heavily spiced foods, in general, it is recommended to minimize the intake of fats and salt. The drinking regime also needs to be adjusted. It is considered normal if an adult consumes liquid in the amount of 1.5-2.5 liters per day, while there should be about 7-10 urinations.

The prevention of stone formation includes the treatment of inflammation of the bladder and possible pathologies of the prostate gland. If there are foreign bodies like stents and catheters, then their timely replacement is necessary. Men over 50 are recommended an annual preventive visit to the urologist. Well, bad habits must be eliminated: quit smoking, do not drink alcohol, exclude the use of drugs.

Bladder stones in men are manifested by severe pain in the lower abdomen, in the groin, lower back. If the stones begin to move, acute attacks occur, often passing into renal colic. Symptoms are characterized by fever, chills, fever, and nausea. The patient may be in shock due to the high pain threshold, especially when stones clog the urinary tract or ureter.

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    Clinical picture

    The formation of stones in the bladder (cystolithiasis) poses a direct threat to the health and life of the patient. Urolithiasis affects up to 2% of the male population of any age. Pathology in most cases is considered as a consequence of diseases caused by anatomical or functional changes in the patient's body. Almost 50% of stones are formed on the basis of uric acid. The size of stones can vary from 1 mm to 10 cm in diameter.

    Stones are hard and soft. Their number can reach up to several tens or be single. Often, fine sand forms in the bladder. Often, instead of stones, the deposition of salts, mainly calcium, is noted.

    Studies show that bladder stones form mainly in men at an early age (before 6 years) and after 50 years.

    Causes of the disease

    According to statistics, the risk group is left by people with poor nutrition, a low standard of living. A provoking factor may be the untimely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Urologists have found that the main cause of stones in men over 50 is incomplete emptying of the bladder in prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

    The main reasons for the development of the disease, experts believe:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • metabolic failures, as a result of which salts appear in the bladder;
    • improper diet: choosing spicy, sour, bitter foods that cause salt deposits;
    • pathologies of the skeletal system, among which osteoporosis, osteomyelitis and various injuries predominate;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • living in countries with a hot climate, which contributes to increased sweating and the formation of salts in the urine;
    • diseases of an infectious nature that cause loss of fluid in the body;
    • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system - prostate adenoma, prostatitis, cystitis.

    The correct determination of the cause that provokes the formation of stones is necessary for the selection of effective methods of therapy. The patient is examined by means of an ultrasound machine and only then an accurate diagnosis is made.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The symptomatic picture of the disease is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Almost all patients have blood in the urine. Sharp pain can occur against the background of physical exertion or a sudden movement.

    Dangerous seizures develop if the stones begin to come out of the bladder. In such situations, pain is noted in the inguinal region. If a man urinates with pain and occurs too often, then the stones are located in the lower part of the bladder or ureter. Signs of renal colic indicate that the stone has clogged the passages in the ureter.

    Spontaneous attack may stop if the stone has changed location or passed out with urine. The above symptoms are very often accompanied by fever and nausea. Depending on the pain threshold in a man, the cramping syndrome can be of varying severity. Chills and fever are noted. The patient may be in a state of shock, gradually the pain spreads throughout the abdomen and lower back. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, blood clots and traces of pus appear in the urine.


    A complication of the disease is a blockage of the urinary tract and, as a result, the development of an infectious process of the urethra. Besides:

    1. 1. Urinary incontinence syndrome develops.
    2. 2. Erection becomes painful.
    3. 3. Stones in the bladder not only cause pain, but also provoke inflammation of the abdominal cavity and kidneys. In especially advanced cases, you can lose a kidney.

    Medical treatments

    Regardless of where bladder stones come from in men and how painful they are, their treatment should be carried out under the full supervision of doctors. With home therapy, the use of each of the funds is possible only after consultation with a urologist and surgeon. The entire therapeutic course is divided into relief of seizures and general basic treatment.


    Drug treatment consists of taking antispasmodic lytic mixtures. In addition to tablets, patients are shown the introduction of intravenous and intramuscular drugs (Metacin, Scopolamine, Drotaverine). Cystone and Uronefron have an antimicrobial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The main action of the funds is to relax the walls of the ureter, which helps to facilitate the movement of stones through it.

    The active ingredients of Cyston do not adversely affect the acid-base composition of urine.

    Litholytic therapy, the main focus of which is the removal of stones from the bladder and ureter, is indicated only in the presence of small stones. It is prescribed to patients who do not have kidney problems. Preparations Allopurinol and Urolesan reduce the level of uric acid and activate the process of dissolution of stones.

    Medicines do not eliminate the very cause of the disease, but only reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. Therefore, the optimal solution to the problem is cardinal - the removal of stones of any size from the bladder.

    Surgical intervention

    When conservative treatment of the disease does not work, the man is prescribed the removal of stones using one of the surgical methods. These include:

    1. 1. Cystolithotomy. This method involves the excision of stones in the cavity of the bladder using endoscopic equipment. A special cystoscope is inserted into the bladder to crush stones. In the absence of such an opportunity, the surgeon makes incisions in the suprapubic part and removes all the stones.
    2. 2. Cystolithotripsy. An operation in which stones are removed with a laser. The cavity of the bladder after the procedure must be washed with a large amount of liquid.

    The choice of any of the methods depends on the results of a detailed diagnostic examination. The direct appointments and recommendations of specialists play a paramount role. Each of the operations is performed under anesthesia. Immediately after surgery, a catheter is inserted into the man to remove urine. Be sure to prescribe a course of painkillers and antibiotics for 5-7 days. An ultrasound examination is necessary to identify the results of surgery.

    The rehabilitation period in most cases does not exceed 3 weeks. However, with complications, the return to a full life can be delayed for months. Close observation of the surgeon and urologist is necessary for a man for at least 3 weeks after the removal of stones. It is important to comply with all appointments for dressing the surgical wound.

    Therapy at home

    You can remove stones at home by combining medications and folk medicines. Doctors strongly recommend to consult individually when choosing one or another alternative method. A description of the most popular folk remedies for the treatment of bladder stones is presented in the table:

    Name Description
    Rosehip infusion

    To prepare the medicine you need:

    1. 1. Pour 200 ml of wild rose with a liter of boiled water.
    2. 2. Infuse the mixture for at least 10 hours.
    3. 3. Boil over low heat until reduced by one third from the original amount.
    4. 4. Before using the broth, filter it through a sieve.

    Drink 70 ml 30 minutes before meals, at least 3 times a day. For effectiveness, herbalists advise adding 1 dessert spoon of honey and lemon juice to a serving. It is necessary to store the medicine in the refrigerator, slightly warming up before drinking. The recommended time of therapy is until the complete disappearance of stones.

    decoction of oats
    1. 1. Pour one glass of unpeeled oat grains with 500 ml of boiled water.
    2. 2. Infuse the mixture in a thermos for 12 hours.
    3. 3. Rub the resulting gruel through a fine sieve.

    It should be taken daily instead of breakfast. The course of drug therapy is from 30 to 60 days. The number and size of stones matter. The tool is also effective when sand is found in the bladder

    Drink made from vines

    A soft but active action in this direction has a decoction of branches and mustaches of homemade grapes. It is useful to combine it with drinking at least 3 liters of water per day. For a healing effect, raw materials must be collected in early spring.

    Preparing a drink:

    1. 1. For 1 teaspoon of chopped raw materials, take 200 ml of boiling water.
    2. 2. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 3 minutes.
    3. 3. Insist to isolate all the nutrients from the branches for about an hour, strain and divide into 4 servings.

    Drink each of them before the main meal. The optimal duration of therapy is 30 days

    herbal collection

    The drug collection for removing bladder stones, most useful for men, consists of knotweed, corn stigmas, calamus, lingonberry leaves and Kuril tea.


    1. 1. Take 100 g of each ingredient.
    2. 2. Pour 2 tablespoons of ground raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water.
    3. 3. Keep in a thermos for 12 hours.
    4. 4. Strain.

    Take 1/3 cup 3 per day. General course - 4 months with a 14-day break in the middle of treatment

    Lemon juice

    Lemon juice has unique properties for dissolving stones and sand in the bladder.


    1. 1. For 2 servings of fresh lemon juice, take 1 serving of boiled water at room temperature.
    2. 2. Therapeutic dose is 200 ml per dose.

    You need to repeat them 3 times a day before meals. Herbalists advise to combine such treatment with daily intake of beet, cucumber and radish juices (from 100 ml of the mixture per day). Therapy depends on the size and number of stones and ranges from one to four weeks.

    Mixture of natural juices with honey
    1. 1. Stir in equal proportions freshly squeezed juices of radish, carrots and beets.
    2. 2. Add a similar amount of natural liquid honey to the resulting mixture.
    3. 3. Infuse the medicine for 4 days in a cool place - in a glass container with a closed lid.
    4. 4. Then put it in the refrigerator.

    For a daily dosage, one tablespoon is diluted with a glass of boiled chilled water. Divide the drink into three parts and take one before the main meals. The duration of treatment is until the end of the prepared mixture. Then a break of 2 weeks and another course of therapy.

    Therapeutic diet

    Advantages in eliminating the symptoms of the disease have conservative and surgical methods. However, doctors also focus on the fact that proper nutrition not only improves the general condition of the patient, but also contributes to the removal of stones.

    The main principle of the diet is frequent meals in fractional portions. The menu must necessarily include healthy products. The correct emphasis in nutrition is the use of vegetables that do not contain oxalic acid, and dairy products. It is necessary to include in the daily diet sweet varieties of fruits and vegetables, as well as compotes, jelly and natural juices from them.

    You need to give up:

    • table salt and rich broths;
    • spicy and smoked dishes;
    • muffins and sweet soda;
    • any fats other than vegetable fats.

    You can not fry food, the best solution is baking in foil. A man diagnosed with bladder stones should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. This allows you to reduce the acidity of urine and facilitate the process of dissolution and release of stones of any size.

    In especially difficult cases, a man will have to put up with such a diet and stick to it for many years. After all, according to medical statistics, stones are formed again in 40% of already operated patients.

Bladder stones cannot be seen without special equipment. But the disease manifests itself as pain symptoms, most often in the lower abdomen and above the pubis. The pain can radiate to the perineum, capture the genitals and internal genital organs. As a rule, pain sensations appear when a person moves, and intensify when the patient urinates.

Also, the presence of stones in the bladder may be characterized by too frequent urge to urinate. It is enough for the patient to walk quickly enough, sit in a shaking car, lift something heavy - and now it is necessary to look for the nearest toilet.

A sign of stones in the bladder are also violations of urination of a specific type - the so-called symptom of an interrupted stream ("laying"). The bladder has not yet been emptied, but the stream of urine has been interrupted, and the act of urination can be completed only after the position of the body has changed.

If the disease is advanced, and the stone has reached a significant size, urination becomes possible only in the supine position; treatment of bladder stones should be started as early as possible.

Causes of bladder stones

Reasons why stones appear in the bladder:

The most common cause of stones inside the bladder is the complex name of infravesical obstruction; this is a collective term that includes a variety of pathologies that lead to subvesical blockage of the outflow of urine.

As a rule, it is from the violation of free urination that occurs in the area of ​​​​the neck of the bladder or the urination canal that adults who suffer from symptoms of bladder stones suffer.

The mechanism of stone formation is simple: since the bladder, due to abnormal changes, is not able to perform its functions and be emptied properly, urine stagnates in large quantities, concentrates, salt crystals are formed, which later transform into stones.

In male patients, intravesical growth of the prostate gland, as well as squeezing of the urethra in the prostate area, often leads to this condition. Also, as a reason that prevents the outflow of urine, there is a narrowing (stricture) of the urethra or Marion's disease (stenosis) - a sclerotic lesion of the bladder in the cervical region.

Violation of the connection of the bladder with the central nervous system (innervation) also leads to the formation of stones. In patients with neurogenic bladder (impaired urination due to damage to the nervous system), injured spinal cord, calculi form in 35-36% of cases over 8 years.

Various inflammations affecting the bladder; the development of inflammatory processes can be observed after a person has been prescribed radiation therapy.

The presence of foreign bodies in the bladder. These can be remnants of suture material, stents, constantly present catheters, in women - mechanical contraceptives that have migrated into the bladder; or foreign bodies that the person himself through an oversight or specially introduced there.

Defects of the inner muscular membrane, protrusion of the mucous membrane (diverticula);

In women, prolapse (prolapse, prolapse) of the bladder together with the wall of the vagina - cystostele.

A consequence of a reconstructive type operation (with tissue transfer) performed to eliminate stress urinary incontinence.

Small kidney stones that have passed through the tubular ureter into the bladder can also cause urinary stones to form. But this is not a prerequisite: in medicine, there are many cases when, in the presence of kidney stones in patients, there were no signs of pathology in the bladder.

A type of trematodosis is urogenital schistosomiasis.

If a person who has impaired urine outflow has metabolic disorders, this does not serve as a good reason for the appearance of stones in the bladder.

Types of bladder stones

Bladder stones are classified according to several criteria:

Age dependency. In an adult, stones most often contain up to 50% uric acid, in children (according to statistics in areas for which this disease is typical) - uric acid in crystals, as well as calcium phosphates and oxalates.
Quantity. There may be one stone (single), or there may be several stones in the bladder (multiple).
The size. There are calculi of a wide variety of sizes - from very small to formations comparable in size to the bladder itself.
Hardness / softness. Stones in the urinary tract come in various textures, both soft and hard.
surface type. There are calculi with a flat and smooth surface, like rounded pebbles, and there are with protrusions-thorns.

The main symptoms of bladder stones

It happens that the patient does not observe any external signs at all; therefore, an accurate diagnosis of the presence of stones in the bladder is possible only with the use of special equipment.

Most often, patients who have bladder stones complain of pain in the lower abdomen and pubic area; also characteristic are sharp attacks of desire to urinate, accompanied by painful sensations, the appearance of blood in the last portion of urine, nighttime urges that cause the patient to wake up.

The following situation is also typical: urination suddenly stops, but there is pain of character in the genitals (in men), lower back, abdomen and even in the thighs.

Similar sharp or dull pains can also appear when a person is engaged in physical education or simply changes the position of the body. In some cases, intermittent urinary incontinence and painful erections (priapism) have been observed in children.

Methods for diagnosing bladder stones


  • urinalysis - general analysis;
  • ultrasound diagnosis of the bladder region;
  • internal examination of the bladder by inserting a cystoscope.


  • examination of the bladder using computed tomography;
  • panoramic x-ray of the urinary tract;
  • Rg-study using a contrast agent (cystogram);
  • examination of the problem area on a magnetic resonance tomograph.

Treatment of bladder stones

In the case of conservative treatment, the goal is to alkalize the urine. Medicines and a diet are prescribed to the patient, depending on what type of salts are found in the urine. Operative treatment is possible.

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