The drug halidor indications for use. Halidor is an antispasmodic vasodilator drug. Use in children

Halidor is a myotropic antispasmodic, which has a pronounced vasodilating effect.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Tablets Halidor, 100 mg, in dark glass bottles with a polyethylene cap, 50 pieces each. They have a round, flat shape, white or grayish-white color and a slight characteristic odor. One tablet contains 100 mg of the active substance benziklan fumarate and auxiliary components (polyvinyl acetate, potato starch, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, talc, carbomer 934P and anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide). One bottle is packed in a cardboard box;
  • Halidor solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration, 2 ml, in ampoules with two code rings and a notch. The solution is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. One ampoule contains 50 mg of becilan fumarate and excipients (water for injection and sodium chloride). There are 5 ampoules in a blister pack, two blister packs in a carton box.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Galidor are vascular diseases:

  • Peripheral vascular dysfunctions: Raynaud's syndrome and other diseases with vasospasm and acrocyanosis, chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries;
  • Cerebral circulation disorders: complex treatment of chronic and acute cerebral ischemia.

Galidor is also prescribed to eliminate spasm of internal organs:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: inflammatory and infectious colitis, tenesmus, gastroenteritis of various origins, functional diseases of the large intestine, cholecystitis, postoperative flatulence, condition after surgical removal of the gallbladder, cholelithiasis, duodenal or gastric ulcer (in combination therapy with other drugs). means);
  • Urological syndromes: tenesmus and spasms of the bladder, auxiliary treatment of urolithiasis (together with analgesic drugs for renal colic).

An additional indication for the use of Halidor in the form of a solution for injection is preparation for cystoscopy, retrograde pyelography, cystography, urethrography and intravenous urography.


According to the instructions, Galidor is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • Severe and moderate respiratory failure;
  • Severe hepatic and / or renal failure;
  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Acute ventricular and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia;
  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of Halidor;
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Children's age up to 18 years (due to insufficient experience of use).

Method of application and dosage

Tablets Galidor, according to the instructions, are taken orally.

In case of vascular diseases, 1 tablet of the drug is prescribed 3 times a day for 2-3 months. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg. A second course of treatment can be carried out no earlier than after 2-3 months.

To eliminate spasm of internal organs, take 1-2 tablets once. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg. Maintenance therapy: 1 tablet three times a day for 3-4 weeks, then - 1 tablet of Halidor twice a day. The duration of therapy is individual, but in general it should not exceed 4-8 weeks.

Solution Galidor is intended for intravenous injection (after dilution) and infusion administration.

In vascular diseases, 200 mg of the drug is prescribed per day, divided into two infusions. 4 ml (100 mg) of Halidor are diluted in 100-200 ml of NaCl solution. The drug is administered intravenously at a rate of 100 mg/h twice a day.

To eliminate spasm of internal organs, Galidor, according to the instructions, is prescribed by injection. In case of acute pain, 2 ml of the drug is injected deep intramuscularly or slowly into a vein 2-4 ampoules (4-8 ml), diluted to 10-20 ml with saline.

The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, subsequently, if necessary, the patient is transferred to taking pills.

Side effects

When using Galidor, side effects such as:

  • Nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, feeling full, abdominal pain;
  • Dizziness and headache, memory loss, sleep disturbance, anxiety, tremor, gait disturbance; rarely - hallucinations, confusion, asthenia, and very rarely epileptiform seizures and symptoms of focal lesions of the central nervous system;
  • Ventricular or atrial tachyarrhythmia;
  • Leukopenia, increased activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes;
  • Allergic reactions, weight gain, general malaise; rarely (with intravenous administration) - thrombophlebitis.

special instructions

When using Galidor together with cardiac glycosides, with drugs that inhibit myocardial function or cause hypokalemia, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 150-200 mg.

When injected, injection sites should be changed, since one of the side effects of the drug is the ability to cause thrombophlebitis and damage to the vascular endothelium.

At the beginning of the therapeutic course, patients should take special care when driving motor vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities.


Structural analogues of Halidor are Benciclane and Bencilan Fumarate.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. The shelf life of the solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection is 3 years. The shelf life of Galidor tablets is 5 years.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug halidor. Reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Galidor in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Galidor in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use to treat spasms and dyskinesias, kidney and gallstones, and colic in adults, children, and pregnancy and lactation. The composition and interaction of the drug with alcohol.

halidor- myotropic antispasmodic with a pronounced vasodilating effect. The vasodilating effect of bencyclane (the active substance of the drug Halidor) is mainly associated with its ability to block calcium channels, antiserotonin action, and to a lesser extent - with the blockade of sympathetic ganglia. Bencyclane can cause dose-dependent inhibition of Na/K-dependent ATPase and platelet and erythrocyte aggregation, as well as an increase in erythrocyte elasticity. These effects are observed mainly in peripheral vessels, coronary arteries and cerebral vessels.

In addition, Galidor has an antispasmodic effect on the visceral muscles (gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, respiratory organs).

The drug causes a slight increase in heart rate. Its weak tranquilizing effect is also known.


Benciclane fumarate + excipients.


After taking the drug inside, Galidor is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract quickly and almost completely. Due to the "first pass" effect through the liver, the bioavailability of the drug after oral administration is 25-35%. Approximately 30-40% of the amount of bencyclane in circulating blood is associated with plasma proteins, 30% with erythrocytes, 10% with platelets; the free fraction is 20%. Metabolism is carried out in the liver, mainly in two ways: dealkylation gives a demethylated derivative, breaking the ester bond gives benzoic acid, which later turns into hippuric acid. It is excreted mainly in the urine as inactive metabolites, but also unchanged (2-3%). Most of the metabolites (90%) are excreted in an unconjugated form, and a small part - in a conjugated form (approximately 50% in the form of a conjugate with glucuronic acid).


Vascular diseases:

  • peripheral vascular disease - Raynaud's disease, other diseases with acrocyanosis and vasospasm, as well as chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries;
  • diseases of cerebral vessels: in the complex therapy of acute and chronic cerebral ischemia.

Elimination of spasm of internal organs:

  • gastrointestinal diseases - gastroenteritis of various etiologies (especially infectious), infectious and inflammatory colitis, functional diseases of the large intestine, tenesmus, postoperative flatulence, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, condition after cholecystectomy, motility disorders with dyskinesia of the sphincter of Oddi, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (as part of combination therapy);
  • urological syndromes: spasms and tenesmus of the bladder, concomitant therapy for urolithiasis (in combination with analgesics for renal colic).

Preparation for instrumental research methods in urology.

Release form

Tablets 100 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections in ampoules for injection).

Instructions for use and dosing regimen

Vascular diseases

Inside Galidor appoint 100 mg 3 times a day for 2-3 months. The maximum daily oral dose is 400 mg. The interval between courses is 2-3 months.

The drug can also be used as an intravenous infusion at a daily dose of 200 mg divided into 2 injections. Before infusion, 100 mg (4 ml) of the drug is diluted in 100-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution and administered intravenously (in the form of a dropper) for 1 hour 2 times a day.

To eliminate spasm of internal organs

Inside Galidor is prescribed at a dose of 100-200 mg once, but not more than 400 mg per day. For maintenance therapy, 100 mg 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks is prescribed, then 100 mg 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and, as a rule, does not exceed 1-2 months.

In acute cases, Halidor is administered intravenously slowly at a dose of 100-200 mg (4-8 ml) or deeply intramuscularly at a dose of 50 mg (2 ml). Before intravenous administration, the required amount of the solution is diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution to 10-20 ml. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, followed by the transfer of the patient, if necessary, to taking the drug Galidor inside.

Side effect

  • dry mouth;
  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of satiety;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased activity of hepatic transaminases in the blood serum;
  • anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • gait disturbance;
  • tremor;
  • sleep disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • memory disorders;
  • epileptiform seizures;
  • hallucinations;
  • symptoms of focal lesions of the central nervous system;
  • atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmia (especially when co-administered with other proarrhythmic drugs);
  • general malaise;
  • weight gain;
  • leukopenia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • thrombophlebitis with intravenous administration.


  • severe respiratory failure;
  • severe renal failure;
  • severe liver failure;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • AV block;
  • epilepsy and other forms of spasmophilia;
  • recent hemorrhagic stroke;
  • traumatic brain injury (within the last 12 months);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age (insufficient application experience);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Data from preclinical studies did not reveal any embryotoxic or teratogenic effects, however, adequate and well-controlled clinical studies on the use of the drug Halidor during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted. Therefore, the administration of the drug to patients in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is not recommended.

If necessary, the use of the drug during lactation should decide whether to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years (insufficient experience of use).

Use in elderly patients

A special dosing regimen when using the drug Galidor in elderly patients is not required.

special instructions

With the simultaneous appointment of Halidor with drugs that cause hypokalemia, cardiac glycosides, with drugs that depress myocardial function, the daily dose of Halidor should not exceed 150-200 mg.

For parenteral use, injection sites should be changed, because. the drug can cause damage to the vascular endothelium and thrombophlebitis.

It is necessary to refrain from parenteral administration of the drug to patients with severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure, predisposed to collapse, as well as with prostatic hypertrophy and urinary retention (the degree of retention increases with relaxation of the bladder muscles).

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

At the beginning of the course of treatment, patients should be especially careful when driving vehicles and other potentially hazardous activities.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Galidor, it enhances the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system of anesthetics and sedatives, including the use of alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs.

With the simultaneous use of Galidor with sympathomimetics, the risk of developing tachycardia, atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias increases.

With the simultaneous use of Halidor and drugs that reduce the level of potassium in the blood (including diuretics, cardiac glycosides), and quinidine, the summation of proarrhythmic effects is possible.

With the simultaneous use of Halidor with digitalis preparations, the risk of arrhythmia increases with an overdose of cardiac glycosides.

With the simultaneous use of Halidor with beta-blockers, it may be necessary to select a dose of a beta-blocker due to the opposite of chronotropic effects (negative for beta-blockers and positive for bencyclane).

With the simultaneous use of Galidor with calcium channel blockers and other antihypertensive drugs, their effect may be enhanced.

With the simultaneous use of Galidor with drugs that cause side effects in the form of spasmophilia, the summation of these effects is possible.

With the simultaneous use of Halidor with acetylsalicylic acid, it is possible to increase the inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Analogues of the drug Galidor

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • Bencyclane fumarate.

Analogues for the pharmacological group (myotropic antispasmodics):

  • Avisan;
  • Andipal;
  • Dibazol;
  • Dicetel;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Kellin;
  • Librax;
  • Marelin;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • But shpa;
  • But shpa forte;
  • Noshpalgin;
  • Novitropan;
  • Nomigren;
  • NoshBra;
  • Oxybutin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Papazol;
  • Platifillin;
  • Spasmol;
  • Spazmomen;
  • Spazmonet;
  • Spazoverin;
  • Sparex;
  • Trigan;
  • Trimedat;
  • Urolesan;
  • Cystenal;
  • Cistrine;
  • Enablex;
  • Unispaz.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.


The pharmaceutical market offers patients a large selection of myotropic antispasmodic drugs with an accentuated vasodilatory effect. One such remedy, trusted by cardiologists, is Galidor. Provided that the drug is taken correctly and correctly, the drug can effectively help the patient eliminate the problems of cardiac disorders, spastic conditions.

Application instruction of Galidor

The active substance of the drug Halidor is benziklan, which has a wide range of positive therapeutic effects and is successfully used to treat vascular and spasmodic pathologies. Before using the drug, the manufacturer recommends that you read the instructions, which will help you responsibly comply with the treatment prescribed by your doctor. Pay attention to the sections with the dosage regimen, contraindications and special instructions.

Composition and form of release

The drug is available in the form of flat tablets with a round shape and a specific odor. The tablet is divided by a chamfer. One side is engraved with "HALIDOR".

Quantity, mg

Benciclane fumarate (active ingredient)

Auxiliary components:

potato starch

polyvinyl acetate

magnesium stearate

carbomer 934R

sodium carboxymethyl starch

silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active component of Halidor - benziklan - is an active antispasmodic with a strong vasodilating effect. The ability of benciclane to exert a vasodilating effect is due to its potential for calcium channel blocking, antiserotonin activity, and an unexpressed ability to block sympathetic ganglia. At the same time, benziklan is able to have an antispasmodic effect on visceral muscles:

  • urinary organs;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory organs.

Reception of Galidor may be accompanied by a slight increase in heart rate and a tranquilizing effect. Bencyclane can inhibit Na/K-dependent ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase), erythrocyte and platelet aggregation, and increase erythrocyte elasticity. Similar effects are noted mainly in the coronary arteries, peripheral and cerebral vessels.

The active component of the drug - benziklan - is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum plasma level of bencyclane is fixed after 2-8 hours (usually three hours) after oral administration. Metabolism after the first passage through the liver determines the bioavailability of the drug at the level of 25-30%. About 30-40% of the benciclane that enters the body binds to plasma proteins, 10% to platelets, 30% to erythrocytes. The free part is about 20%.

The drug is metabolized mainly in the liver in two ways: the dealkylation process leads to the appearance of a demethylated derivative, and the interruption of the ester bond produces benzoic acid, which turns into hippuric. The main volume of the drug is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites. The half-life is 6-10 hours. This period applies to all groups of patients, including those with impaired liver and kidney function, and the elderly.

Indications for use of Galidor

The drug is prescribed when diagnosing vascular diseases in a patient, as well as to suppress spasm of internal organs. Specific indications for the appointment of Galidor are:

  1. From the peripheral vessels: chronic obliterating arterial disease and Raynaud's disease (and other diseases with spasm and acrocyanosis of the vessels).
  2. Vascular diseases of the brain: in the combined treatment of chronic and acute cerebral ischemia.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: inflammatory and infectious colitis, gastroenteritis of various origins, tenesmus, functional pathologies of the large intestine, cholecystitis, postoperative flatulence, cholelithiasis, motility dysfunction with sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia, adaptation after cholecystectomy, duodenal or gastric ulcer.
  4. Urological conditions: tenesmus and spasms of the bladder, treatment of urolithiasis (together with analgesics for renal colic).

Method of application and dosage

Depending on the form of release of the drug, its method of application varies. The tablets are intended for oral use (ingestion), the solution is for parenteral (intravenous and intramuscular administration) in the form of injections. The dosage of the drug differs according to the type of disease, the degree of the course, its severity and the individual characteristics of the patients.

In vascular diseases, 100 mg tablets are prescribed three times / day for a course of 2-3 months. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg. Maintenance therapy occurs after 3-4 weeks of the main treatment, the dosage is 100 mg twice / day for 1-2 months. Tablets are taken regardless of the meal, washed down with water. Between courses is a 2-3-month interval. With spasm of internal organs, 100-200 mg is prescribed at a time.

Solution Halidor

In vascular diseases, intravenous infusions of the drug are taken at a dosage of 200 mg / day, divided into two doses. 4 ml of the solution are diluted in 100-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, it is administered intravenously by drip for an hour. With spasm of internal organs in acute cases, 100-200 mg (4-8 ml of solution) is slowly injected or deeply intramuscularly (50 mg or 2 ml of solution). Always before intravenous administration, the dose is diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution to 10-20 ml. The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, then the patient is transferred to taking pills.

special instructions

If the drug Galidor is prescribed simultaneously with drugs that cause hypokalemia or depress myocardial function, cardiac glycosides, then its daily dose cannot exceed 150-200 mg. Other special instructions:

  1. With parenteral administration of the solution, it is necessary to change the injection sites so as not to damage the vascular endothelium and not cause thrombophlebitis.
  2. The use of the solution should be abandoned in patients with heart or respiratory failure, with a predisposition to collapse, prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention.
  3. With prolonged therapy with the drug, systematic laboratory blood tests are recommended (every two months).
  4. At the beginning of treatment, patients should be careful when driving vehicles and dangerous mechanisms.

Halidor during pregnancy

According to clinical studies, there is no embryotoxic or teratogenic effect of Galidor, but strictly controlled trials on pregnant women, nursing mothers have not been conducted due to ethics. It is forbidden to take the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. If a nursing mother needs treatment with the drug, she should stop breastfeeding.

drug interaction

The drug Galidor, when used simultaneously with anesthetics, sedatives, enhances their inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. Other drug interactions of the drug:

  1. Increases the risk of developing tachycardia, atrial, ventricular tachyarrhythmias when combined with sympathomimetics.
  2. The combination of the drug and drugs that reduce the level of potassium in the blood, diuretics, cardiac glycosides, quinidine leads to the summation of proarrhythmic effects.
  3. The combination of the drug with digitalis preparations leads to an increased risk of arrhythmia in case of an overdose of cardiac glycosides.
  4. The combination of the drug with beta-blockers requires careful selection of the dose of the latter due to opposite chronotropic effects (for blockers - negative, a decrease in the frequency of contractions).
  5. The simultaneous use of the drug with calcium channel blockers and antihypertensive drugs enhances the effect of the latter.
  6. The combination of a drug with drugs that cause spasmophilia leads to a summation of effects.
  7. Acetylsalicylic acid in combination with the drug leads to increased inhibition of platelet aggregation.

Side effects

During treatment with the drug, side effects may occur. The most common of these include:

  • dry mouth, nausea, feeling full, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea;
  • hallucinations, anxiety, epileptic seizures, dizziness, confusion, headache, insomnia, memory loss, tremor, gait disturbance;
  • tachyarrhythmia;
  • general malaise, weight gain;
  • leukopenia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • thrombophlebitis.


Signs of an overdose of the drug are increased heart rate, lowering blood pressure, collapse, impaired renal function, urinary incontinence, anxiety, drowsiness. Severe cases end with convulsive epileptiform seizures, tonic and clonic convulsions. The treatment is symptomatic therapy. In case of an overdose of tablets, gastric lavage is performed, benzodiazepines are prescribed. There is no specific antidote, dialysis is ineffective.


The main contraindications for the use of the drug are respiratory, renal, hepatic and decompensated heart failure. Other prohibitions on the use of the drug include:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • epilepsy, spasmophilia;
  • av-blockade;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in history;
  • traumatic brain injury that occurred less than a year ago;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children's age up to 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy medicine only with a prescription. It should be stored at 15-25 degrees for five years for tablets and three years for solution.


The drug can be replaced by means with the same active substance or a similar principle of action. Popular analogues include.


Halidor (in Latin - Halidor) is an antispasmodic used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases accompanied by spasms and pain. It has a number of contraindications, so a doctor's appointment is required.

Halidor (in Latin - Halidor) is an antispasmodic used for the symptomatic treatment of diseases accompanied by spasms and pain.

Composition and action

The composition of the drug includes:

  • bencyclane fumarate (50 or 100 mg);
  • rice starch;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • carboxymethyl starch;
  • silicon dioxide, dehydrated;
  • talc;
  • sodium chloride.

The active substance has the following properties:

  1. Expands peripheral vessels. This action is explained by the ability to block calcium channels, prevent the production of serotonin and block the sympathetic ganglia.
  2. Does not lead to an increase in blood pressure.
  3. Suppresses the synthesis of Na / K-dependent ATPase, prevents the adhesion of platelets and red blood cells, increases the elasticity of red blood cells. These actions are manifested in the capillaries, coronary and cerebral arteries.
  4. It has a mild analgesic effect.

Release form

The drug is available in the form:

  1. Tablets for oral use. They are round and white in color. Covered with enteric film. Packed in plastic bottles. The cardboard box contains 1 vial and instructions for use.
  2. Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration. It is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. It is poured into ampoules of 2 ml, which are packaged in cardboard boxes of 10 pcs.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Halidor

Pharmacological action - antispasmodic, vasodilating.


When taken orally, the active substance is rapidly absorbed by the intestinal walls. The maximum concentration of benziklan in the blood is reached after 4 hours. 30% of the active substance interacts with plasma proteins.


The conversion of the active substance into metabolites occurs in the liver. As a result of dealkylation, demethylated compounds are formed. The destruction of the ester bond is accompanied by the release of benzoic acid. Subsequently, it is converted into hippuric acid. Most of the active ingredient is excreted by the kidneys as a metabolite. 2% of benziklan leaves the body unchanged. The elimination half-life lasts 8 hours.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Galidor are:

  • acute violation of cerebral circulation in atherosclerosis and spasm of the arteries of the brain (as part of complex therapeutic schemes);
  • obliterating pathologies of peripheral vessels of various origins;
  • vascular diseases arising after surgical operations;
  • chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • spastic dyskinesia of the esophagus and stomach;
  • spasm of the bile ducts;
  • intestinal disorders, accompanied by inflammation, pain and false urge to defecate;
  • pain syndrome that occurs after removal of the gallbladder;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • acute and sluggish prostatitis, accompanied by impaired urination;
  • multiple sclerosis.


The drug for urolithiasis is used to eliminate pain and facilitate the release of stones in the acute stage.

With renal colic

With renal colic caused by spasm of smooth muscles, Halidor's injections are used to provide emergency assistance. It is not recommended to use the drug as the only therapeutic agent.

How to take Halidor


Dosage and regimen of tablets depends on the type of pathology:

  1. Vascular diseases. The drug is taken 100 mg 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 400 mg.
  2. Spasm of smooth muscles. Take 100-200 mg once. Do not drink more than 4 capsules per day. As maintenance therapy, the drug is taken 100 mg 3 times a day.


In vascular pathologies, the solution is administered using droppers. The average daily dose (200 mg) may be divided into 2 applications. 4 ml of the drug is diluted in 200 ml of saline. The drug is administered slowly, over 1-2 hours. To eliminate spasmodic pain syndrome, injections are given intramuscularly or intravenously. 2-4 ampoules are mixed with 10-20 ml of saline. 2 ml of the resulting mixture is injected deep into the gluteal muscle.

Before meals or after

How many days to take Halidor

The therapeutic course for vascular diseases is 60-90 days. The break between courses of treatment is 2-4 months. With muscle spasms, the medicine is taken for a month. The need to continue therapy depends on the nature of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism.


The drug is not used for:

  • intolerance to the ingredients of the drug;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • supraventricular ventricular tachycardia;
  • severe respiratory failure;
  • acute heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction.

Side effects

Against the background of taking an antispasmodic, the following undesirable consequences may occur:

  • gastrointestinal disorders (dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, false feeling of fullness, nausea, vomiting, loose stools);
  • neurological disorders (anxious thoughts, pain in the back of the head, impaired coordination of movements, confusion, hallucinations, insomnia, epileptic seizures);
  • cardiovascular pathologies (palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias);
  • dysfunction of the hematopoietic system (thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia);
  • other side effects (weight gain, general weakness, allergic skin rashes).


When taking high doses of the drug, there is a violation of the heart rhythm, a drop in blood pressure, urinary incontinence. In rare cases, orthostatic collapse develops, epileptic seizures and tonic-clonic convulsions occur. Treatment is supportive and there is no specific antidote.

special instructions

In some cases, the drug should be discontinued. Sometimes a dosage change is required.

Can I take during pregnancy and lactation

The introduction of Galidor in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is not recommended. In the 2-3 trimester, the drug is used in the presence of absolute indications.

If it is necessary to use an antispasmodic during lactation, breastfeeding is temporarily suspended.

Application in childhood

The safety of benziklan for a child's body has not been proven, so it is not prescribed to minor patients.

For impaired renal function

For impaired liver function

The drug is not prescribed for liver diseases.

Alcohol compatibility

Drinking alcohol during treatment can lead to increased side effects. Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol while taking Halidor.

drug interaction

Benciclane increases the effectiveness of sedatives and painkillers. The risk of arrhythmias increases with the combined use of an antispasmodic and sympathomimetics. If it is necessary to take Galidor during treatment with beta-blockers, dose adjustment is required.

The drug enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs.


Cheaper drugs also have a similar effect:

  • Dibazol-Darnitsa;
  • Enelbin 100;
  • Papazol;
  • Papaverine;
  • Vinoxin.

Papaverine is one of the analogues of the drug.

Terms and conditions of storage

Tablets and solution are kept in a cool dark place, protected from children. The shelf life of tablet forms is 3 years, the solution is 5 years.

Each Halidor tablet contains 100 mg benziklane fumarate , as well as excipients: potato starch, polyvinyl acetate , magnesium stearate , carbomer 934 R, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), colloidal anhydrous silica and talc.

A drug Halidor in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration contains 25 mg per 1 ml of solution, 50 mg benziklane fumarate per capsule. Excipients are also present in the solution: 8 mg sodium chloride (in dosage forms for parenteral administration ) and up to 2 ml of water for injection.

Release form

The medication is available in two forms:

  • White or off-white tablets, round shape, flat, they have a chamfer, engraving " HALIDOR» on one side of the tablet, there is a slight characteristic odor. Tablets of 50 pieces are placed in bottles made of dark glass. Each bottle is placed in a cardboard box.
  • Injections of Galidor- solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection has the form of a transparent, colorless, odorless liquid. The solution is sold in ampoules (the volume of each is 2 ml). 5 ampoules are placed in blister packs, and blister packs of 2 are placed in cardboard packs or 10 in cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

halidor is myotropic antispasmodic , has a pronounced vasodilating (vasodilating) action.

Also, the drug may cause some increase heart rate , provide a small tranquilizing action .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Benziklan has a vasodilating effect mainly due to its ability to block calcium channels , render antiserotonin action , and to some extent - the property to create blockade of the sympathetic ganglia . Also benziklan can cause dose-dependent suppression Na+/K+-dependent ATPase , reduce the aggregation of some blood cells ( and ) and improve elasticity erythrocytes . These effects are mainly observed in coronary arteries , peripheral vessels and vessels of the brain.

In addition to the above, benziklan has an antispasmodic effect on visceral muscles (musculature of the urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs).


After taking Galidor inside benziklan absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract quickly and almost completely. Maximum concentration in the plasma of a person who has taken the drug, it is usually reached after 3 hours (but this interval can have a duration of 2 to 8 hours) after ingestion. Since there is an effect first pass» through the liver, as a result bioavailability medication when taken orally is 25-35%.

In circulating blood benziklan distributed approximately in the following proportions:

  • 30-40% of the total amount of the substance binds to plasma proteins;
  • 30% - binds to erythrocytes;
  • 10% - with platelets;
  • 20%. - free fraction.

Metabolism the drug occurs in the liver. During metabolic processes, dealkylation , which ultimately gives demethylated derivative , or broken ethereal communication , resulting in the formation of , which subsequently turns into hippuric acid .

Half life lasts from 6 to 10 hours. The drug is excreted mainly in the urine as inactive metabolites, but it can also be excreted unchanged (no more than 2-3%). Most of the metabolites (about 90%) are excreted from the body in an unconjugated form, and a small part is excreted in a conjugated form (of which approximately 50% is in the form conjugate formed from glucuronic acid ).

Indications for use of Galidor

There are a lot of indications for the use of Galidor. It is prescribed for:

  • peripheral vascular diseases - with other diseases in which often develops acrocyanosis and vasospasm, in chronic obliterating diseases of the arteries ;
  • diseases of the cerebral vessels: used in complex therapy, both in acute and chronic forms;
  • the occurrence of spasms of internal organs;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - of various etiologies (especially with infectious), infectious and inflammatory, functional diseases of the large intestine, tenesmus , postoperative , condition after cholecystectomy , dysmotility sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia , (used as part of ongoing combination therapy);
  • urological syndromes: spasms and tenesmus Bladder , concomitant therapy (prescribed in combination with painkillers for);
  • preparation for instrumental research methods used in urology.


Contraindications for the use of the drug include:

  • heavy respiratory failure ;
  • (with a severe degree of insufficiency);
  • heavy liver failure ;
  • decompensated heart failure ;
  • spicy ;
  • paroxysmal supraventricular or acute ventricular ;
  • and other forms spasmophilia ;
  • recently transferred;
  • craniocerebral injuries (their presence during the last year);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Side effects

From the side of some systems of the human body, side effects of the drug are possible:

  • Digestive system: dry mouth, abdominal pain, feeling of fullness, nausea , vomiting , loss of appetite , serum activity may increase hepatic transaminases .
  • central nervous system: there is a possibility of anxiety, dizziness, headache, gait disturbance, tremor , sleep disorders, insomnia, memory disorders; rarely transient confused states of consciousness , appearance epileptiform seizures , hallucinations; in isolated cases, symptoms of focal lesions of the central nervous system appeared.
  • The cardiovascular system: sometimes there is development atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmia (its probability especially increases with the joint administration of Galidor with other proarrhythmic drugs).
  • In addition to the side effects listed above, there may be a general malaise, weight gain, the development of leukopenia, allergic reactions; occasionally manifests itself with intravenous administration.

Application instruction of Galidor (Way and dosage)

For vascular diseases

Inside the medicine is taken 100 mg 3 times a day for 2 or 3 months. The maximum dose that can be taken orally per day is 400 mg (tablet). Between courses of taking the drug, you need to make an interval of 2 to 3 months.

In the form of intravenous infusions, the drug is taken at a dose of 200 mg (per day). The daily dose is divided into 2 injections. Before infusion, 100 mg (contained in 4 ml of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration) of the drug must be diluted in 100-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, and then injected intravenously over 1 hour, this must be done 2 times a day. day.

With spasm of internal organs

Inside, 100-200 mg of the drug is prescribed at a time, but not more than 400 mg per day.

In the case of maintenance therapy, Galidor is prescribed 100 mg 3 times a day for 3 or 4 weeks, then 100 mg 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined for each person individually and depends on when the symptoms of the disease disappear. As a rule, this period lasts no more than 1-2 months.

When used in acute cases, the drug is administered intravenously according to the instructions for the use of Galidor injections - slowly in the amount of 100-200 mg (this is 4-8 ml of solution) or intramuscularly deeply in the amount of 50 mg of the drug (2 ml of solution). Before intravenous administration, the required dose of the solution is diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution to 10-20 ml. The length of the course of treatment is 2 or 3 weeks, then, if necessary, the patient is transferred to the reception of Galidor inside.


With an overdose of the drug increases heart rate , decreases arterial pressure , may develop collapse , impaired renal function, urinary incontinence appears, a state of drowsiness, anxiety is characteristic, in severe cases, epileptiform convulsive seizures may occur. With a significant overdose, tonic and clonic convulsions may occur.

In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is carried out. If a large number of tablets were taken, gastric lavage should be performed. In the event of seizures, it is recommended to use benzodiazepines . No specific antidote has yet been found. Information about whether it is possible to withdraw benziklan with dialysis, no.


The simultaneous use of Galidor with certain drugs can lead to side effects. Therefore, you need to be careful when combined with such drugs:

  • Means for anesthesia and sedatives - this combination increases the depressing effect of Galidor on the central nervous system.
  • Sympathomimetics - simultaneous use increases the patient's risk of developing atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmia .
  • Drugs that lower the level of potassium in the blood (such drugs include diuretics and cardiac glycosides ) and quinidine - summation of proarrhythmic effects may occur.
  • digitalis preparations - increase the risk of developing arrhythmias in case of overdose cardiac glycosides .
  • Beta blockers - there is a need to adjust the dose of beta-blocker, as these drugs have opposite chronotropic effects (for beta-blockers, the effect is negative, and for benziklan - positive).
  • Calcium channel blockers and other antihypertensive drugs - may increase the effect.
  • Medicines that cause side effects in the form spasmophilia – there is a possibility of summation of similar effects.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid - can increase braking platelet aggregation .

Terms of sale

The drug is sold only by prescription.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored out of the reach of children, at temperatures from 15°C to 25°C.

Best before date

Tablets are good for 5 years. The solution for injection is good for 3 years.

special instructions

At the beginning of the course of taking the drug, great care must be taken when driving cars and other vehicles, as well as in any other activities that may be potentially dangerous.

Analogues of Galidor

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Halidor's analogues are drugs such as Bencilan, Bencilan Fumarate, Vinoxin MV, Dibazol-darnitsa, Duzopharm, Enelbin 100 Retard .


Not assigned.

During pregnancy and lactation

Preclinical studies have not been able to reveal any embryotoxic or teratogenic effects, but at the same time, adequate and well-controlled clinical studies on the use of the drug Halidor during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted. Therefore, taking the drug during the first trimester of pregnancy is undesirable.

If it is necessary to take the drug during the lactation period, it is necessary to decide whether it is appropriate to stop breastfeeding for the period of treatment.

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