How much is sinusitis treated with antibiotics in adults. Unique data on effective antibiotics for sinusitis in adults. Polydex spray with phenylephrine

Has often bacterial nature. Therefore, doctors focus patients' attention on the fact that antibiotics are first-line drugs. Let us consider in more detail which antibiotics are more effective in the treatment of sinusitis, when they should be used, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

What are antibiotics for?

In the treatment of sinusitis, antibiotics occupy an important place. Preparations of this group eliminate the causative agent of the disease, reduce the risk of developing dangerous complications.

The use of a properly selected antibiotic for a child, an adult patient guarantees a successful, quick recovery.

Sinusitis is inflammatory process provoked pathogenic microorganisms. The main causative agents of sinusitis are:

  • moraxella;
  • staphylococci;
  • peptostreptococci;
  • fusobacteria;
  • hemophilic rods;
  • corynebacteria.

In 30%, the development of sinusitis is provoked by several pathogens, the infection is of mixed origin. Any inflammation with bacterial infection should be treated with antibiotics, because the body itself is unable to suppress the negative effect of pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Appropriateness of use

Not always the use of antibiotics for sinusitis is considered appropriate. This is due to the fact that the disease can be triggered by bacteria, viral infections.

On the initial stage when the disease progresses mild form, there is a very high probability that sinusitis has viral etiology. In this case, antibiotics are not prescribed. Antibacterial therapy specialists appoint only in the case when sinusitis is bacterial.

Specific signs of bacterial sinusitis are:

If the patient is concerned about these symptoms, antibiotics are mandatory. The doctor prescribes antibiotics when tests confirm the presence of bacteria (most often Staphylococcus aureus). If you do not use the drugs of this group, it will not even bring complete recovery, after all pathogenic bacteria will continue to work, causing harm to the body. But only a doctor should prescribe certain antibiotics, set the appropriate dosage of the drug.


For the treatment of sinusitis modern specialist may prescribe various types of antibiotics. Among the new drugs, "", "Zitrolide" are considered powerful. Often prescribe time-tested drugs:

  • "Ampicillin".
  • "Cephalexin".

When prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor takes into account the nature of the inflammation. The drug should be able to easily penetrate into the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses.

When choosing an antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis, a specialist must remember that he is a constant inhabitant of the body, he is able to get used to the effects of an antibacterial drug.

The use of a weak drug can cause a negative result in therapy. If use strong antibiotic, but do not follow the instructions of the instructions, the bacteria will be able to develop immunity to it.

How to take antibiotics, see our video:


The drugs have a bactericidal effect, have a wide spectrum of action. Due to the fact that microorganisms have appeared that can destroy penicillins, pharmacists have developed special protected drugs. They are represented by the compound of penicillin with clavulanic acid.

Taking such drugs does not provoke an allergic reaction, the development of serious side effects.

In the treatment of adults, penicillins are used in different pharmacological forms(tablets, capsules). For children, penicillins are prescribed in the form of a suspension with a fruit filler.

Names of the most common:

  • "Amoxicillin".
  • "Hikoncil".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Augmentin".
  • "Flemoklav".

Children from penicillins are prescribed:

  • "Amoxiclav".


These drugs are safe for humans. They differ from penicillins in providing a bacteriostatic effect (this prevents bacteria from multiplying). The use of macrolides is suitable for long-term treatment chronic sinusitis.

Preparations of the considered group of antibiotics are accumulated by tissues, they remain in them for a long time. Macrolides can be prescribed to children, pregnant women, during lactation, if potential risk below the expected benefit.

In the treatment of sinusitis, the following macrolides are used:

  • 14 members. Roxithromycin ("Xitrocin", "Roxilor", "Rulid", "Rovenal"), clarithromycin ("Ekozitrin", "Klabaks", "Fromilid Uno", "Klacid").
  • 15 members. These include "", its analogues ("Zi-factor", "Azitrus", "Sumamed", "Hemomycin", "Azitral", "Zitrolide").
  • 16 members. These include midecamycin ("Midepin", "Macropen"), "Vilprofen", spiramycin "Spiramisar", "Rovamycin".


The drugs in this group are considered the most numerous. They surpass penicillins, macrolides in the breadth of the antibacterial spectrum. The drugs of this group are endowed with resistance to beta-lactase (the enzyme responsible for the resistance of pathogens of sinusitis).

In the presence of an allergy to penicillin, the patient may develop an allergic reaction to cephalosporins. Regarding the intake during pregnancy, lactation, the decision is made by the doctor. Many drugs of the group cannot be taken orally, because they are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, they irritate the mucous membrane. Cephalosporins should not be taken at the same time as alcohol.

In therapy, cephalosporins are used:

  • 1 generation. ("Leksin", "Sporidex", "Ecocephron"), cefazolin ("Kefzol", "Lizolin", "Zolfin");
  • 2 generations. Cefoxitin (Mefoxin, Boncefin, Anaerocef), cefuroxime (Axetim, Cefurus, Zinacef);
  • 3 generations. ("Lendacin", "Azaran", "Rocefin"), cefixime ("Lopraks", "Maxibat", "Supraks");
  • 4 generations. Cefepim ("Maxipim", "Cefomax"), cefpir ("Cefanorm", "Isodepem");
  • 5 generations. Ceftolosan, ceftrobiprol (Zaftera).


Preparations of this group are fully synthetic, endowed with a wide range of antibacterial effects, have a fast, bright bactericidal effect.

They act on most pathogens of sinusitis, but are characterized by high toxicity. They can provoke the development of allergies, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system.

Pregnant, lactating women, drugs of this group are categorically contraindicated.

Fluoroquinolones are divided into drugs:

  • 1st generation. Pefloxacin ("Unikpev", ""), ofloxacin ("Zanocin", "Tarivid");
  • 2nd generation. Norfloxacin ("Normaks", "Nolitsin", "Norbactin"), ciprofloxacin ("", "Ekotsifol", "Tsiprolet", "Tsiprobay", "Cifrinol");
  • 3rd generation. Sparfloxacin ("Respara", "", "Sparbakt"), levofloxacin ("Levostar", "Tavanik", "Glevo");
  • 4th generation. Gemifloxacin ("Faktiv"), moxifloxacin ("Megaflox", "", "Moksin").

What antibiotics to take for sinusitis, see our video:


Injections for sinusitis are prescribed quite rarely. The uncomplicated form of the disease is often treated with sprays, drops, tablets. Injections are considered necessary in such cases:

  1. Ineffectiveness of oral medications.
  2. A neglected case, development of a severe form purulent sinusitis.
  3. High risk of complications.

The best options are:

  • . Drugs must be administered every 3-4 hours to maintain their required concentration in the blood;
  • aminoglycosides. The most common drugs in this group are "", "Tobramycin". They are administered with the calculation of 1.5 - 2 mg per kg of the patient's weight. Preparations of this group affect the hearing organs, they can even provoke deafness;
  • cephalosporins. For injections use "Zinacef", "Ceftazidime", "", "Ceftriaxone". "Ceftriaxone" must be administered twice a day;
  • carbapenems. The drugs of this group are considered the most effective, they have a wide spectrum of action. They are used with a pronounced form of purulent sinusitis, with the development of complications.

Injections may be prescribed with caution to the following categories of patients:

  • lactating women;
  • pregnant women;
  • prone to allergies;
  • with renal, hepatic insufficiency;
  • babies (in extreme cases).

To reduce inflammation, strengthen the walls small vessels perform "hot injections" with calcium chloride.

Drops and sprays

Drops in the nose, sprays with antibiotics are used only for sinusitis, provoked by bacteria. At bacterial rhinitis observed:

  • nasal congestion;
  • thickening of the nasal secretion;
  • temperature rise;
  • weakness, headache.

The most popular are sprays:

  • "Polydex".

Popular drops are:

  • "Sofradex".
  • "Protargol" (it is prescribed for pregnant women, children).
  1. If doctors have not established the causative agent of sinusitis, the selection of an antibiotic is carried out empirically (based on experience, taking into account data on common pathogens).
  2. The advantage is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics that can affect most pathogens of sinusitis. These can be: ceftriaxone, azithromycin amoxiclav, lincomycin.
  3. If a bacteriological examination established the nature of the microorganism that provoked the disease, doctors choose an antibiotic based on the sensitivity of the bacteria. Also, experts take into account contraindications, severity pathological process, side effects, age of the patient, concomitant diseases. Based on these data, the doctor sets the duration of the course, dosage.
  4. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics can worsen the patient's condition.
  5. Antibiotics work as long as the patient maintains a certain concentration in the body. Reducing the dose causes reverse process, bacteria develop resistance to the drug, become stronger, evolve.

When using antibiotics from the tetracycline group ("Doxycycline", "Unidox Solutab"), you need to remember about their ability to lower protective function epidermis. The patient cannot:

  • visit the solarium;
  • sunbathe;
  • carry out hair coloring, do a perm.

It is necessary to remember about the incompatibility of antibiotics with certain drugs:

  • Antacids. "Gastal", "Almagel" negatively affect the absorption of antibiotics from the gastrointestinal tract, they reduce the amount of the active substance in the blood.
  • Activated carbon. This drug neutralizes the action of antibacterial agents, binds, removes them from the body.
  • Oral contraceptives. Their effectiveness is reduced when used simultaneously with penicillins, tetracyclines.

It is also worth eliminating alcohol from the diet. Certain drugs can create stable bonds with alcohol (acetaldehydes), which provoke liver intoxication, are difficult to tolerate by the body.

As part of integrated approach for the treatment of inflammation paranasal sinuses nose, specific drugs are used. So, bacterial sinusitis requires the appointment of antibiotics. Familiarize yourself with the main representatives of this group of medicines.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

With the help of specific laboratory studies of a smear taken from the patient's nose, the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to certain antimicrobial agents are established. Antibiotics for sinusitis are prescribed only if the patient has elevated temperature, purulent discharge, pain. At mild degree inflammation doctors usually recommend inhalation, washing, nasal drops. It is important to note that the antibiotic for adults is also selected taking into account individual features organism. For the most part, sinusitis is prescribed:

  1. Penicillins - differ in minor side effects;
  2. Macrolides - are prescribed for intolerance to the former;
  3. Fluoroquinols - belong to drugs with a wide spectrum of action;
  4. Cephalosporins - used when other drugs are ineffective.

Drops from sinusitis

Patients often choose intranasal administration of antibacterial agents instead of oral administration. For this purpose, patients are prescribed special drops. Means for local application shown to persons suffering from dysbacteriosis, pathologies of the liver or kidneys. Among the most effective antibiotics for sinusitis for adults in the form of drops are:

  • Garazon - active substance drug is gentamicin. Garazon is intended for the treatment of inflammation of the ears and eyes, but can be used as nasal drops for sinusitis.
  • Sofradex - complex drug, including framycetin, gramicidin C and dexamethasone. Sofradex is effective against otitis externa but can be used as nasal drops.

Tablets from sinusitis

Only a specialist can pick up effective pills with antibiotics. Tablets for sinusitis are prescribed only during the acute phase of the disease. Therapy chronic form disease is reduced to the use local funds. It is important to note that antimicrobial tablets latest generation do not inhibit the natural intestinal microflora. The following antibiotics are effective for sinusitis in adults:

  • Flemoxin Solutab - the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached after 2 hours after taking it. Flemoxin has almost no effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Clarithromycin is a relatively cheap tablet. They act on intra- and extracellular bacteria.
  • Sumamed - an antibiotic has a unique pharmacokinetics. Struggling with large quantity foreign agents. A separate advantage of Sumamed can be considered a short course of treatment (only 5 days).
  • Avelox is a broad-spectrum drug. An antibiotic is prescribed when other drugs are ineffective.

Spray from sinusitis

mild degree inflammation can be relieved locally antibacterial agents. In this regard, the spray for sinusitis is good decision problems with nasal congestion and other symptoms of the disease. It is important to note that intranasal administration of antibiotics avoids many of the side effects that are characteristic of oral intake medicines. Effective sprays from sinusitis are:

  • Isofra - the medicine is evenly distributed, its particles are able to penetrate even into the most inaccessible places. The course lasts no more than a week, the dosage is selected individually.
  • Polydex with phenylephrine - spray has antibacterial and vasoconstrictive effects. Removes puffiness from the mucous membranes. The duration of treatment is about 7 days.

Injections for sinusitis

In severe inflammatory processes, doctors usually prescribe injections of antibiotics. Injections from sinusitis are allowed to do no more than a week. AT exceptional cases the course can be extended for a few more days. Such remedial measures are used if the patient has a good tolerability of the drug. As a rule, by injection enter:

  • Amoxiclav (amoxiclav) - has a bactericidal effect. The drug is active against a wide range of pathogens. Amoxil should be injected in high doses.
  • Cefazolin - has a pronounced antimicrobial action. The concentration of Cefazolin in the blood is maintained for 12 hours.

How to choose an antibiotic for sinusitis in adults

Antimicrobial agents are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogens found in the smear to certain drugs, so the course of treatment is selected purely individually. Regarding the question of which antibiotic is better for an adult with sinusitis, it is worth saying that doctors in most cases prescribe a medication with fewer side effects. At the same time, the effectiveness of the drug must also be taken into account.

The price of an antibiotic for sinusitis for adults

The cost of antimicrobial agents is often overestimated by pharmacies. With all this, do not try to buy medicines from the catalog in the online store. As practice shows, such sites offer products without certificates of conformity. Order the right inexpensive medicines can be in specialized virtual pharmacies. Antibiotic prices for sinusitis for adults are shown in the table below:

Name of the drug


Spray Isofra

Flemoxin Solutab



Therapeutic measures for sinusitis are aimed at eliminating inflammation, restoring the outflow of mucopurulent contents from the maxillary cavity .

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics allows you to destroy the cause of the disease and prevent complications.

One of the main stages of treatment of sinusitis is antibiotic therapy. Antibacterial drugs are used to treat all types of sinusitis: bacterial, viral, and fungal.

For sinusitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used to suppress the activity of disease-causing agents.

Acute viral sinusitis can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, which creates all the conditions for the transition from acute form in chronic stage diseases with a particularly persistent course.

With sinusitis caused by a fungal infection, preparations are prescribed containing a unique antibiotic fusafungin, which has a wide spectrum of action, acting on almost the entire pathogenic bacterial microflora- cocci, sticks, anaerobic bacteria, fungi.

Antibiotics for sinusitis are used topically in the form of sprays and drops in the nose, as well as in general treatment in tablets, injections intravenously or intramuscularly.

Topical antibiotics for sinusitis

Topical treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is the preferred treatment option. acute sinusitis and as additional funds in complex general therapy. By modern means local treatment sinusitis are considered sprays isophra, polydex, bioparox.

Spray isophra

The composition of the drug includes framycetin, which belongs to the antibiotics of the aminoglycoside series. Framycetin effectively inhibits the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract ().

Like other aminoglycosides, framycetin exhibits high concentration ototoxic effect causing hearing loss.

However, when local use the drug does not accumulate in the body and is not able to adversely affect hearing.

Polydex spray with phenylephrine

The composition of the spray includes antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin, belonging to different groups antibiotics. The spectrum of action of these compounds covers all possible infections paranasal sinuses.

The spray contains the anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid drug dexamethasone and vasoconstrictor phenylephrine.

Aerosol bioparox

Main active component Fusafungin is an antibiotic that can suppress pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycoplasmas, and fungi.

Fusafungin also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which increases its effectiveness against sinusitis.

How not to use sprays

  • Do not turn the spray into drops and try to drip it into your nose. It's so hard to get the dosage right.
  • The spray contains an antibiotic, you can not use it for more than 10 days and use it uncontrollably from time to time.
  • If there is no result, you can not increase the dosage. It would be right to visit the doctor, he will give another appointment.
  • Do not use nasal spray.

Antibiotic nose drops for sinusitis

For sinusitis, it is recommended to use sinuforte nasal drops in combination with antibiotic treatment. Sinuforte has vegetable origin, contains an extract of cyclamen, has a pronounced anti-edematous effect.

There are reviews on the forums about effective treatment sinusitis in children with an antibiotic. You should not use the drug for instillation into the nose of children, a contraindication to the use of dioxidine, as indicated in the instructions, is the age of up to 18 years.

General use of antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotic therapy refers to the first-line treatment in the treatment of sinusitis. The goal of treatment is the destruction of pathogenic microflora and the restoration of mucosal functionality.

The sensitivity of pathogens of sinusitis differs in different regions.

As a result long-term use antibiotics have now emerged big number resistant forms among pneumococci to benzylpenicillin and macrolides.

There is also resistance of Haemophilus influenzae to antibiotics of the aminopinicillin series. High level resistance is observed in Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococci to the antibiotic co-tricmoxazole.

The best choice of antibiotics for sinusitis caused by streptococcus and Haemophilus influenzae are aminopenicillins and cephalosporins. Good sensitivity noted to amoxicillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin, cefuroxime.

Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies, as an addition to the main treatment, in the article yu

How to choose an antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis

To identify the causative agent of sinusitis, it is necessary to do.

For a number of reasons this is not always possible. The procedure is painful and causes fear for many.

The choice of antibiotic has to be made empirically, based on the prevalence of pathogens in the region and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

The drug of choice for treatment is amoxicillin from amino penicillin series.

Amoxicillin has good bioavailability, up to 93% of the drug is absorbed by ingestion.

Amoxicillin tablets taste good, they can be chewed or washed down with water, an antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis for both adults and children.

The drug is considered relatively safe for gastrointestinal tract. It does not accumulate in high concentrations in the intestine, practically does not cause dysbacteriosis.

In the absence of a result of treatment, second-generation cephalosporins are prescribed. Preference is given to cefuroxime or ceftriaxone.

The preparations are intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. Ceftriaxone injections are given once every 24 hours for three days in a row. In the treatment of acute sinusitis with antibiotics, injections are often preferable, since the drug enters the blood immediately.

from the cephalosporin family high efficiency third generation antibiotic ceftibuten. It is part of the drug Cedex, sold in capsules and powder for suspension. Adults take Cedex in the form of tablets, children - in the form of a suspension.

The advantages of the drug include the ability to accumulate in the focus of infection in high concentrations. Cedex tablets or suspension are taken once a day, which is an indisputable advantage of the drug.

In acute sinusitis, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are used, which have a wide spectrum of action and high activity against Haemophilus influenza and streptococci. The drugs of choice are levofloxacin and moxifloxacin.

Optimal characteristics for treatment severe forms acute sinusitis has levofloxacin.

Levofloxacin tablets are well tolerated by patients and do not cause intestinal complications. Levofloxacin is used for allergies to aminopenicillin antibiotics.

Moxifloxacin is taken orally in tablets. The antibiotic is indicated for bacterial sinusitis, used to treat sinusitis in adults.

Moxifloxacin is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age due to contraindications.

In case of allergy to the aminopenicillin series, macrolides are prescribed. They are classified as second-line antibiotics because they are less effective in treating acute sinusitis. Of the macrolides, preference is given to roxithromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin.

From the tetracycline series, doxycycline is used. It is prescribed for allergies to aminopennicillin antibiotics for adults and children over 8 years of age.

Treatment regimen for mild sinusitis

With acute viral sinusitis in the first 10 days of treatment do not prescribe antibiotics.

As a replacement, Echinacea compositum C can be prescribed. In the absence of a result, antibiotic therapy is resorted to.

Moderate course

The main drugs are amoxicillin, levofloxacin. Alternative drugs are cefaclor, cefuroxime, azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, doxycycline.

Severe form

Medicines are administered parenterally, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Preference is given combined preparations amoxicillin + clavulonic acid or ampicillin + sulbactam.

With intolerance to aminopenicillins, the choice is stopped at cefuroxime, cefutaxime, ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol.

Chronic sinusitis

If there is no effect of treatment, the dose is increased or replaced with a complex drug amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. The drug is well absorbed in the form of a suspension or soluble tablets, approved for use by young children.

Locally, children after 2.5 years of age are prescribed an aerosol bioparox, which includes the antibiotic fusafungin.

At severe course sinusitis in children, the antibiotic ceftriaxone is connected to the treatment complex.

The drug is intended for intravenous and intramuscular injection, has a wide spectrum of action, is approved for use in children from an early age.

Used to treat children non-surgical method YAMIK, 4 procedures are enough for the child's condition to return to normal.

The complexity of the treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is the prevalence of types of pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics, the difficulty in determining the bacterial, viral or fungal origin of inflammation.

Antibiotics are the mainstay of therapy this disease. Inflammation develops against the background of a protracted infection of a bacterial, less often other (viral, protozoal) origin. Antibiotic treatment allows you to get rid of the underlying disease and prevent its transition to a chronic form.

Fundamentals of therapy of sinusitis

The main task in the choice of medicines and wellness procedures with inflammation of the sinuses is to achieve a quick and lasting result. Undertreated, it easily becomes chronic, causing secondary outbreaks of the disease. This is due to the fact that the sinuses communicate with each other and are easily involved in the inflammatory process. Contributes to the spread of the disease and the flow of mucous secretion along the walls of the nasal passages.

To the main therapeutic methods with sinusitis include:

  • The use of bacteriostatic and bactericidal agents.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • The appointment of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Puncture of the maxillary sinus.
  • Inhalations.
  • Surgical intervention.

Additionally, antipyretics (for example, paracetamol), analgesics, vitamins can be prescribed.

Antibiotic treatment

Treatment with antibiotics for sinusitis is prescribed in the vast majority of cases. As Professor of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech S.V. Ryazantsev: " the main objective systemic antibiotic therapy for - eradication (destruction) of infection and restoration of sinus sterility. The indications for this are:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Symptoms general intoxication organism.
  3. Detection in the purulent contents of representatives pathogenic microflora:, pneumococci, etc.

Antimicrobials depending on the severity of the disease and general condition organisms are administered orally, intramuscularly or by injection directly into the sinuses.

Taking antibiotics in tablets is carried out within 3-7 days dosage depends on the specific medication. In the absence of improvement, after 1-2 days, a puncture is performed with the introduction of the drug into the affected sinuses. Injections are prescribed if it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug, the presence of contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract.

The cost of antibiotics

The price of drugs depends on which generation they belong to. The first antibiotics produced are the cheapest. For example, penicillin can be purchased for 5-10 rubles, erythromycin - for 30-50 rubles. The cost of antibiotics released later will be slightly higher. About 100-150 rubles cost ampicillin, clarithromycin, biseptol, amoxicillin.

Types of antibiotics prescribed for sinusitis


Old school otolaryngologists prefer to prescribe different types sinusitis penicillin preparations. The most effective against cocci are characterized by:


You can also find the name of the antibiotic - benzylpenicillin and penicillin G. It has a high activity against gram-positive bacteria, disrupting the synthesis of their cell wall components. As a result, the peptidoglycan murein included in its composition does not form the so-called "crosslinks" - cross-links within the molecule, which leads to its solubility. A bacterium that is not protected by a cell wall undergoes lysis and dies.

The dosage of an antibiotic for adults can reach up to 12 million units per day, maximum amount receptions - 6. The total duration of the course should not exceed 5 days, in the absence of remission, it is necessary to switch to more potent drugs.


The drug, compared with the previous one, shows activity against a wider range of pathogens, it damages the cell walls of a number of gram-negative bacteria of the genera Neisseria, Shigella, Klebsiella, etc. It belongs to the acid-resistant derivatives of penicillin, that is, it is not destroyed by the action of HCl in the stomach. The maximum dosage of amoxicillin per day is 3 g, the application is made in 2-3 visits. It is also possible to receive the specified amount at a time.


Similar to amoxicillin. The drug is considered the most successful semi-synthetic penicillin of the first generation. It also refers to broad spectrum antibiotics, i.e. active against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Recent times more and more gram-positive cocci (according to data for 1999, almost 30% of microorganisms) are insensitive to the drug. Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria respond well to ampicillin.. single dose for adults, it can reach 500 mg, the frequency of administration is 4-6 times a day.


An important advantage of this antibiotic is its activity against bacteria that produce penicillinase (these include some types of Klebsiella, Salmonella, Neisseria). The drug is taken every 4-6 hours for 0.5-1 g.

Attention! The names of antibiotics may vary depending on the manufacturer. To determine their type, it is necessary to find out which active substance is included in the preparation.


Antibiotics of the macrolide class have proven themselves well. Modern therapists in conditions of increased resistance of gram-positive bacteria to penicillins prefer to prescribe drugs of this series. With sinusitis, the following representatives are most often used:


The activity of these drugs is associated with the inhibition of growth factors of gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and some protozoa. Sulfonamides act on the principle of competitive suppression. They resemble para-aminobenzoic cyst (PABA) in structure, and therefore it is possible to embed them instead in folic acid. As a result, the metabolism bacterial cell and she dies.

Common antibiotics of this group, prescribed for sinusitis, are:

  1. Biseptol. The drug consists of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. The first disrupts the metabolism of the microbe, acting according to the mechanism described above. Trimethoprim enhances its action and inhibits the bacterial enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. Biseptol retains its activity for up to 7 hours, so it is usually not taken more than 2 times a day. A single dosage for adults is 480-960 mg.
  2. Sulfadimezin. It is highly active against cocci, which are common cause sinusitis. The dosage is 1g per day, the number of doses can vary from 4 to 6. The duration of the course is up to 10 days.
  3. Etazol. This drug is characterized by low toxicity compared to other sulfonamides. This is due to the fact that it is less susceptible to acetylation and does not form crystals in urinary tract. Maximum daily dose for adults is 7 g, single - 1 g. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.


These antibiotics are extremely valuable in therapeutic practice due to its low toxicity and activity against a wide range of pathogens. These antibiotics are widely used in the West. In Russian practice, many therapists consider tetracyclines only as alternative means due to the high resistance of representatives of the local pathogenic flora. They are recommended for use in exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. When sinusitis is prescribed:

  • Tetracycline. The drug belongs to a wide range antibiotics. When the pathogen enters the cell, it binds to the 30S ribosome, disrupting protein synthesis. This leads to the impossibility of the functioning of the microorganism and its death. Adult patients with tetracycline to achieve therapeutic effect it is necessary to take every 6 hours for 250-500 mg. The course is determined by the attending physician, but with long-term use the work of the liver and kidneys is monitored.
  • Doxycycline. It is a semi-synthetic antibiotic obtained by modifying tetracycline. Less resistance of cocci is shown to it, which makes it more wide application. It acts in a similar way, disrupting the protein synthetic systems of the bacterial cell. The maximum daily dose is 200 mg for an adult, in most cases divided into two doses. The duration of the course is determined by the therapist.


The appointment of UHF or microwave radiation is indicated in the very first days of the disease. The number of sessions should be up to 8-12, taking into account the daily passage of the procedure.

High-frequency waves have the following types of effects on the sinuses:

  1. Local expansion of capillaries;
  2. Reducing hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses);
  3. Removal of edema;
  4. Pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect.

It also shows the imposition of hot compresses several times a day until complete recovery, especially when sinusitis occurs in children under 12 years of age.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The main purpose of prescribing such funds is to ensure the drainage of sputum that accumulates in maxillary sinuses. Drops for sinusitis are instilled 3-4 times a day in one or both nostrils, depending on the location of the inflammation. Sprays are used less frequently: twice or thrice a day. Common means include:

Combined drugs

Medicines containing mild expectorant, vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics have shown themselves well. When sinusitis is prescribed:

Attention! Define the best drug in each case should the therapist. Self-treatment for sinusitis is unacceptable!

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

As a method of treating sinusitis, the puncture is most widely used in Russia and the former Soviet republics. In the West, the procedure was almost completely abandoned due to trauma to the patient's psyche during multiple punctures. AT contemporary practice punctures are used in the presence of purulent contents in the sinuses that prevent complex therapy.

  • The number of punctures during the treatment period should not exceed 3-4 procedures.
  • The puncture is used mainly to remove purulent contents, in extreme cases - to introduce drugs for sinusitis into the sinus.
  • Washing the sinus is carried out with antiseptic solutions.

Inhalation for sinusitis as an additional method of complex therapy

Inhalation is used for the following purposes:

  1. Removal of inflammation;
  2. Antibacterial action;
  3. Entry into the body of drugs of local action;
  4. Heating of the sinuses.

Attention! The procedure serves additional method systemic therapy. It can be effective on early stages diseases, but should not be the main treatment for acute or chronic sinusitis!

When sinusitis is prescribed as drugs for inhalation:

Inhalation can be carried out using an aerosol can, inhalation of vapors or essential oils, nebulizer drug. The latter may be the most effective due to its deep penetration medicines into the nasal cavity.

Surgical intervention

According to Professor Vladimir Timofeevich Palchun, Corresponding Member Russian Academy Sciences, in his guide for otolaryngologists: " Indications for urgent surgical intervention are common or local complications: abscess, meningitis, sepsis. The operation is an opening lattice labyrinth, elimination of the focus of inflammation and the introduction of an antibiotic.

It is worth noting that each doctor chooses independently how to treat sinusitis, based on his practice and each specific case. In the literature one can only find general recommendations regarding therapeutic measures in relation to sinusitis of different localization.

Video: sinusitis in the program "Live Healthy!"

Sinusitis - serious illness, with the appearance of the very first symptoms of which you need to start treatment as soon as possible. This will help to avoid dangerous consequences. If the disease is running, then antibiotics are usually prescribed for sinusitis in adult patients.

Indications for use

It is important to prescribe the discussed drugs to the patient only if the cause of the disease is bacterial infection. Only a doctor (ENT) can prescribe antibiotics to a patient after clarifying the diagnosis. For this, an analysis is necessarily carried out to determine the sensitivity of the microbes that provoked inflammation. This will allow you to choose the most appropriate effective antibacterial drugs in each individual case. The dose and duration of treatment is also determined by the specialist.

Antibiotics will be completely useless, for example, with allergic type illness or chronic course ailment.

Under such conditions, the drugs discussed can only worsen the patient's condition.

When do you need antibiotics for sinusitis?

With a mild form of sinusitis that has not been started, doctors usually prescribe to the patient complex therapy, which includes only special nasal drops, inhalations with medicines and nasal lavage. If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist and immediately begin treatment, this is enough to defeat the disease.

If the patient already has strong pain in the nose, the body temperature has risen, or purulent discharge is noticed at all, then in this case, the list of therapeutic procedures will necessarily include taking antibacterial medications.

How to choose?

As noted above, antimicrobials are always prescribed to the patient by the doctor individually. The most suitable are determined laboratory research taken from the nose biological material sick. The sensitivity of detected pathogens to certain drugs is taken into account. Thus, the most effective and efficient means are selected.

If the doctor offers the patient several antibacterial drugs one group, then when choosing it is worth stopping at the one that has the minimum list of possible side effects. It happens that a specialist recommends an expensive remedy to a patient, as he receives an additional bonus for such “advertising”. Therefore, it is advisable to check the prescribed drug for the presence of budgetary, but no less effective analogues.

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