Symptoms when the ear hurts. Ear headache. Compress with camphor alcohol

A fairly common symptom in adults and children is ear pain, which occurs for various reasons.

The human ear performs an auditory function, capturing and distinguishing vibrations of sound waves from environment. it paired organ, consisting of three sections: external, middle and internal, which is located in the temporal bones of the skull and is limited from the outside by the auricles.

The inner ear also contains the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and acceleration.

Pain in the ear can signal the development of any acute or chronic disease, one of the most dangerous consequences of which can be permanent hearing loss: deafness or hearing loss.

Therefore, if such an extremely unpleasant symptom appears, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Let us consider in more detail the main diseases that may be accompanied by pain in the ears.

Inflammatory diseases of the organs of hearing

Otitis externa

The external part of the organ of hearing includes the outer ear, consisting of the auricle and the external auditory canal, separated from the middle ear by the tympanic membrane. Most often, the cause of its inflammation is acute bacterial infections skin of the ear canal, in some cases arising after trauma from a foreign body entering the ear.

But sometimes otitis externa has an allergic or fungal nature, develops as a complication after the flu, after water enters the ear, diluting the ear secret (the so-called "swimmer's ear"), which creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

It is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • redness and swelling of superficial tissues;
  • mild or severe pain;
  • narrowing of the ear canal;
  • hearing loss (conductive hearing loss);
  • itching, feeling of stuffiness in the ear;
  • the appearance of purulent or serous secretions from the ear canal.

Pain is aggravated by pulling the auricle and pressing on the tragus. The eardrum may also become slightly inflamed, but with otitis externa, its mobility remains. If the disease lasts more than 4 weeks or there are more than 4 relapses per year, otitis media is defined as chronic.

Treatment is with antibiotics or a combination of corticosteroid ear drops to reduce inflammation. With severe pain, analgesics are prescribed, with an allergic or fungal nature of the disease, antihistamines or antimycotic drugs. In some cases, abscesses and chronic otitis externa may require surgery.

Inflammatory diseases of the middle part of the organ of hearing

The middle part of the organ of hearing is in the pyramid temporal bone, it is separated from the outer ear by the tympanic membrane, and from the inner - oval window, tightened with a leathery membrane. It consists of a tympanic cavity with a volume of about 1 cm 3, in which the system of auditory ossicles is located, the auditory (Eustachian) tube connecting to the nasopharynx, the internal cells of the mastoid process, the antrum (cave) - the largest permanent cell of the process and passage to the antrum. Inflammatory diseases in the middle ear are almost always accompanied by pain of varying severity.

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

Otitis media can be unilateral and bilateral, according to the duration of the course of the disease - acute and chronic, according to the nature of the resulting inflammatory exudate - catarrhal and purulent. The reason for their development is the inflammatory process in the tissues of the tympanic cavity, caused by the penetration of a bacterial or viral infection from the outer ear or nasopharynx.

Symptoms of acute catarrhal otitis media:

  • sharp, throbbing pain in the ear, radiating to the jaw, back of the head;
  • subfebrile or elevated to 38o C body temperature;
  • feeling of congestion in the ear;
  • hearing loss.

Symptoms of acute suppurative otitis media:

  • increasing pain in the ear;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38-39o C;
  • general intoxication of the body, weakness;
  • purulent discharge from the tympanic membrane.

Symptoms of chronic otitis media:

  • regular mucous or purulent discharge from the ear;
  • hearing loss.

Treatment of otitis media with pain in the ear consists in the use of antibacterial drugs (only for bacterial infections), ear drops with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, warming up the diseased ear with dry heat (only in the absence of temperature), prescribing physiotherapy. If purulent otitis media is accompanied by unbearable pain, while the eardrum does not perforate on its own, it is recommended that it be punctured by an otolaryngologist.

Eustachitis (tubo-otitis)

The most common causes of impaired function of the auditory (Eustachian) tube, located in the middle part of the hearing organ, are chronic or acute diseases nasopharynx.

Eustachitis is not always accompanied by pain in the ear, it is characterized severe congestion ears, which temporarily disappears when yawning, a significant hearing loss. Lack of timely treatment leads to the development chronic form diseases, occurrence purulent otitis media with severe pain symptoms.


In primary mastoiditis, the inflammatory process in the mastoid process, the internal cells and antrum of which belong to the middle ear region, develops without previous otitis media as a result of traumatic lesions cell structure, hematogenous infection, isolated lesion of the appendix with specific infections. Secondary mastoiditis occurs as a complication of otitis media.


For the treatment of mastoiditis, conservative and surgical methods. basis conservative method is antibiotic therapy, surgical intervention opening of the antrum and trepanation of the mastoid process with complete removal pathological tissues.

Otitis media (labyrinthitis)

The inner part of the organ of hearing has the most complex structure and refers to the sound system. It contains the receptor apparatus of the vestibular analyzer, which includes the vestibule of the cochlea and the semicircular canals, and auditory analyzer, which includes the snail and the organ of Corti. bone cavity inner ear consists of a bony and membranous labyrinth.

Otitis media of the inner ear is often referred to as labyrinthitis. It is caused by viruses, bacteria and their toxins, as well as chemical, mechanical and thermal injury ear. When an infection enters from the middle ear, tympanogenic labyrinthitis develops, through the membranes of the brain - meningogenic, through the bloodstream - hematogenous.

In the first days of the development of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • severe dizziness, accompanied by nausea, vomiting;
  • imbalance;
  • increased sweating.

On the second day of the development of labyrinthitis, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the ear, aggravated by sudden movements;
  • tinnitus, aggravated by turning the head;
  • hearing loss.

Drug treatment of labyrinthitis is the use of antibiotics. a wide range action, diuretics, solutions of magnesia and potassium chloride. A complication of labyrinthitis can be deafness, meningitis, paralysis of the facial nerve.

Pain in the ear, not associated with diseases of the organ of hearing, radiating pain

The appearance of pain in the ear is not always associated with inflammatory diseases of the organ of hearing itself. It can be one of the symptoms of any disease of neighboring departments, irradiate (give off) along the nerves from other areas. She can be called the following diseases not related to the organ of hearing:

  • epidemic parotitis ("mumps") - inflammation of the parotid gland;
  • sialadenitis - inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • cervical lymphadenitis - inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular lower jaw joint;
  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • sharp and chronic tonsillitis- inflammation in the palatine tonsils;
  • sinusitis - inflammation paranasal sinuses nose: frontal, adnexal, wedge-shaped;
  • dental diseases: pulpitis, caries, gingivitis;
  • inflammation trigeminal nerve.

Severe and prolonged pain in the ear can signal the development of a dangerous disease leading to the most serious consequences up to total loss hearing, dissemination infectious process on the membranes of the brain, the development of sepsis. This symptom should by no means be ignored, especially in children, so ear pain is a very important reason for urgent appeal to an otolaryngologist.

Ear pain is a symptom of a number of diseases that worries adults and children. Ear pain often becomes unbearable, excruciating, deprives you of sleep, does not allow you to concentrate on work. The most common causes of pain are the pathology of neighboring organs - acute and chronic, arthritis and arthrosis of the maxillary joint, tumors.

To get rid of forever ear pain it is necessary to consult a doctor who will listen to complaints and carry out a full medical examination ears, head and neck. If you do not visit an otorhinolaryngologist in a timely manner and do not start treatment for ear pathology, you may develop severe complications, which will lead to .

The reasons

Ear pain can occur in absolutely healthy people after walking in a strong wind, with or because of its lack, as a result. Ear pain often worries people who make air travel or dive to depth.

Most common causes ear pain:

  • Injuries, frostbite and burns.
  • The outer ear often hurts as a result infectious inflammation and the development of limited or diffuse otitis media. Furunculosis - purulent inflammation of the hair follicles that occurs when damaged ear canal cotton swabs and other items. As a result of a skin injury and the addition of a staphylococcal infection, local inflammation develops.
  • Otitis externa is the result of a bacterial infection that enters the ear together with water while swimming. Fine earwax protects the human ear harmful effects environmental factors. Its excessive accumulation or insufficient education is one of the reasons pain in the ears and hearing loss.
  • Otitis media and eustachitis develop with the penetration of microbes from the nasal cavity or oropharynx into the middle ear and are manifested by pain. When the integrity of the tympanic membrane is broken, bacteria enter the tympanic cavity from the outside. If there are foci in the body chronic infection, then it spreads throughout the body by the hematogenous route.

Otitis, eustachitis - common causes of ear pain

  • At mastoid there is a throbbing pain, which is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, swelling and hyperemia behind the ear, the appearance of a purulent discharge.
  • Can get sick healthy earwith inflammation of the branches of the facial or trigeminal nerves.

Least Common causal factors ear pain:

  1. Neuralgia - pain in the ear when turning and tilting the head,
  2. Caries and pulpitis - pain radiates to the ear, neck and temple,
  3. Deforming osteoarthritis of the jaw joint,
  4. Abscess or cyst of the parotid gland,
  5. Erysipelas or eczema of the auricle,
  6. ear shingles,
  7. Inflammation of the temporal arteries,
  8. Inflammation of the thyroid gland
  9. Diseases of the esophagus, tongue, cardiovascular system,
  10. Lymphadenitis of the parotid lymph nodes,
  11. neck diseases,
  12. , tonsillitis,
  13. Tumors of the pharynx and larynx.

Symptoms accompanying ear pain

Ear diseases

Ear pain is the main clinical sign otitis externa. The nature and intensity of pain can be different: minor or severe pain in the ear that disturbs sleep. Pain is often accompanied by short-term hearing loss, insomnia. Pain gradually subsides, and then completely disappears. In severe cases, intoxication develops, appear local signs inflammation - redness and swelling of the skin behind the ear.

At furunculosis a cone-shaped formation appears on the skin of the ear canal, painful to the touch and surrounded by a zone of hyperemia. Suppuration, ripening, causes sharp and throbbing pain.

Otitis media is a complication of influenza,. It is manifested by excruciating, spreading pain inside the ear, aggravated by chewing and swallowing. Patients refuse to eat and take forced position- lie on the side of the affected ear. Other symptoms include discomfort, itching, and tinnitus. Hearing impairment and development of intoxication are possible. If the disease is not treated in time, acute form becomes chronic.

Peculiarities anatomical structure baby ear and not fully formed immunity contribute to the development of otitis media in children. At the same time, pain and other signs of inflammation of the middle ear are more pronounced. The child cries, screams, refuses to eat, vomits. During the cry, the child grabs his ears with his hands and turns his head. When pressing on the tragus, crying intensifies, the baby tries to move away from the hand that touches the sore ear. If a child complains of pain in the ear, it must be shown to a pediatric ENT doctor.

- the most dangerous form otitis, often ending in complete hearing loss and requiring immediate hospitalization. Patients develop dizziness, nystagmus, unsteady gait, nausea, vomiting, ear pain, increased sweating, decreased hearing.

Inflammation of the auditory tube, manifested by pain in the ears different intensity, crackling and ringing, a feeling of fluid transfusion in the ear, autophony. In children, the auditory tube has a different structure than in adults. Pathogenic microbes more easily penetrate into the wide and short Eustachian tube.

It is manifested by a sharp rise in temperature to high numbers, malaise, lack of appetite and sleep, noise and pain in the ears radiating to the temple, upper jaw, eye. A lot of pus comes out of the ear. The skin behind the ear is edematous and hyperemic, the auricle protrudes.


With an ear injury, the patient complains of pain and bleeding. Blood, accumulating in the ear canal, blocks it, which is manifested by the development . Hematomas appear on the skin, and scars appear in the ear canal. If, after a blow or a fall, unbearable pain occurs, and, a fracture of the base of the skull should be suspected, and the patient should be urgently hospitalized.

Foreign bodies and insects enter ear canal children much more often than adults. They irritate the delicate skin of the ear, which swells and prevents the foreign object from being removed freely. This causes pain and itching in the ears.

With thermal damage to the ears, acute pain appears, hearing is impaired.

Diseases of neighboring organs

Quite often, pain inside the ear is caused by diseases of organs located nearby. Pain radiating to the ear angina, diseases of the eyes and teeth. Otalgia- ear pain without symptoms inflammatory changes in the ear.

At arthrosis of the jaw joint occurs in the morning. The disease is long and stubborn current. The aching pain in the ears and joint lasts all day and makes it difficult to chew. In this case, a characteristic crunch occurs in the temporal region. Over time, the jaws cease to close normally, which ends with a violation of bite and articulation.

Arthritis of the jaw joint represents inflammatory disease, manifested by symptoms of otitis media and arthrosis. Patients have hearing loss, morning stiffness in mandible. She clicks, crunches when moving. When the inflammation becomes purulent, the pain in the ears reaches its maximum, the skin over the joint swells and turns red, fever develops.

At inflammation of the parotid and cervical lymph nodes there is pain in the ear. Under the skin is determined painful swelling and hyperemia, patients have difficulty chewing, hearing loss is possible.

Sinusitis appears catarrhal symptoms and severe intoxication. In patients, nasal breathing and sense of smell are disturbed, pain in the ears, headache and toothache, the voice becomes nasal, it tickles in the throat.

Ear pain associated with headache flu and others, vascular and dyscirculatory changes in the brain.

Toothache often spreads to other parts of the face and head, including the ears. Usually there is a one-sided, throbbing or shooting pain, worse in the evening and calming down by morning.

When the pain is perceived as ear due to the proximity of the parotid salivary gland. The symptoms of the disease are headache and fever, around the ear - marked swelling.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of diseases manifested by pain in the ears consists in studying the patient's complaints, examining with an otoscope, conducting additional diagnostic methods- audiometry, radiography or tomography of the neck and head, laboratory research blood and microbiological research ear discharge.

To get rid of earache, you need to determine its cause. To do this, you should contact an otorhinolaryngologist, who, after complete examination diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If ear pain is a sign of otitis media, it is recommended to take an antipyretic before visiting the doctor, drip into the nose vasoconstrictor drops. For ear pain resulting from an injury, ice should be applied to the ear.

First aid for ear pain

If available, it is forbidden to self-medicate, you can not use ear drops, warm up the ears and inject ointments. If the integrity of the eardrum is violated, any careless action can lead to hearing loss.

With absence therapeutic effect from ongoing first aid measures, you must contact an ENT doctor.

Traditional Therapy

Antibacterial therapy- usage antimicrobials inside and topically in the form of ear drops.

Infants are prescribed ear drops"Otipaks" and "Albucid", for older children and adults - "Anauran", "Otofa".

To get rid of the pain in the ears, you should completely cure the runny nose. For this use nasal drops"Protargol", vasoconstrictor drops in accordance with age - "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Otrivin", antiviral agents from the interferon group - "Grippferon", combined preparations "Vibrocil".

If purulent inflammation develops, fever, lymph nodes increase, prescribe systemic antibiotic therapy. The drugs of choice are penicillins - Flemoxin salutab, Amoxiclav, Oxacillin, cephalosporins - Cefazolin, Cefotaxime, macrolides - Erythromycin, Clarithromycin, fluoroquinolones - Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin.

If there are relevant indications, surgery ear pathology. In the hospital, the following types of operations are performed: myringotomy - puncture of the eardrum for the outflow of pus; antromastoidotomy - removal of pus from the mastoid process.


At home, the following will help reduce the intensity of ear pain or completely get rid of it: funds traditional medicine:

Before you start using traditional medicine, you should consult a specialist in order to avoid serious complications.

Video: how to eliminate ear pain in the program, "About the most important thing"

Ear pain brings discomfort and reduces performance. In some cases, the pain is unbearable if we are talking about the inflammatory process. Of course, in this case, you should immediately visit a doctor for an examination. But in some cases, the pain increases at night, so each person should know how to provide first aid for severe pain in the ear. We will talk about the causes and treatment in our article.

If the ear is sick, the cause can be many factors, which in turn have different localization and nature of pain. Consider what diseases ear pain can signal:

  • mastoiditis
    The cause of this pathology is otitis media who was not treated on time or carried out the wrong therapy. For this disease characterized by inflammation of the mastoid process. Basically, the disease occurs in adults, since in children this process is not fully formed, therefore it is not prone to inflammation. A patient with mastoiditis feels a sharp pain in the ear. Sometimes, as concomitant symptoms, a strong, unbearable pain in the head, body temperature is in subfebrile marks;
  • Otitis various etiologies
    Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear. Depending on the type, shape and degree, pain can be localized inside or outside the ear. Otitis means an inflammatory process in the ear cavity, which is almost always accompanied by acute pain. If you believe the statistics, in 90% of cases, ear pain signals precisely about inflammation of the ear. Usually, inflammation is formed due to low immunity, against which the infection easily penetrates into the ear canals and successfully develops. Otitis media is common in both children and adults. However, in childhood inflammation is a little more difficult and more dangerous. This is due to the fact that the baby's ear canals and the auditory tube are under development and not fully formed, that is, it is very short. Therefore, an infection or virus can easily enter the ear. To date, there are many drugs for the treatment of otitis media, so when timely treatment complications are quite rare;
  • Lymphadenitis
    The disease is an increase in lymph nodes to a critical level. Usually, the occurrence of lymphadenitis is affected by accompanying illnesses which in turn are caused by infection. These include otitis of various etiologies, sinusitis, tonsillitis and others. In fact, lymphadenitis is a disease that the therapist treats, but since the disease is characterized by severe ear pain, the doctor must examine the ear for pathological processes and advise ear pain relief.

The above are diseases that are characterized by ear pain, and which are most often diagnosed at a doctor's appointment. In the presence of one of the pathological processes, treatment should be prescribed qualified specialist, because at improper treatment high risk of complications.

Associated symptoms

There are several other indirect factors that are not ear pathology, but can cause pain in the ear. Depending on the reason, they may join concomitant symptoms. Let's take a closer look:

  • If a person carelessly took a bath or dived in water bodies and water got into the ear - usually this factor does not cause pain. But if the water in the ear did not pour out on its own and the person went for a walk in windy weather, the ear will definitely hurt. This is due to the beginning of the inflammatory process. In addition to ear pain, pain in the head is added, a feeling of fluid overflowing in the ear appears, against the background of the development of the inflammatory process, a runny nose and sore throat may occur. First aid in this case is able to protect against developing otitis media;
  • Often, ear pain occurs when a person has inflammation of the “wisdom tooth”. In this case, in addition to pain in the ear, a severe headache, sore throat, and, of course, toothache join;
  • Pain can occur when the ear is injured. Ear discharge, itching, or ear congestion may occur, depending on the injury;
  • Neuralgic pathology of the trigeminal nerve. Characterized by pain in the ears and head;
  • Caries, periodontal disease. Accompanied by toothache radiating to the ears;
  • presence of adenoids. In addition to ear pain, there are unpleasant sensations when swallowing;
  • In some cases, small It's a dull pain can be observed when present in the ears sulfur plugs. There is a feeling of congestion and hearing loss.

First aid

Regardless of the cause, the patient needs first aid to help reduce the intensity of pain. Experts categorically recommend not to bury drops inside the ear until the doctor examines the condition of the ear canals and eardrum. Therefore, first aid is to take painkillers orally, or apply compresses to the ear. Let's take a closer look:

  • With severe ear pain, you need to take an anti-inflammatory drug inside. Paracetamol is the most harmless remedy that is available in the medicine cabinet for almost everyone.

This is important: Before using any medication, carefully read the instructions for use, especially for contraindications to the drug.

  • Inside, you can take a Nimesulide tablet, which does an excellent job with acute ear pain. The dosage depends on the age, so it is necessary to use the remedy in accordance with the official instructions.
  • As mentioned above, it is not recommended to drip drops into the ears before a medical examination. But the same drops in the ears will help reduce the intensity of pain, only as a turunda. We twist a small piece of cotton wool into a tourniquet, drip drops onto the cotton wool and carefully wring it out. We insert into the ear at night. Drops should be used those that contain painkillers. To date, Otipax drops are most in demand, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  • If it is not possible to get to the pharmacy, you can use traditional medicine. Many in the first-aid kit have alcohol: camphor or boric. The cotton wool is moistened in the solution, squeezed out and inserted into the ear canal. Apart from alcohol products you can use oils or tinctures: propolis tincture, propolis oil, camphor oil, almond oil. All of these remedies have an anti-inflammatory effect and will help reduce the intensity of pain.

This is important: Please note that the first aid measures that help reduce pain for a while are described above. As a treatment, the described methods are not suitable.

  • A decoction made on the basis of bay leaf will help reduce the intensity of pain. Half a liter of water with 5-6 leaves must be boiled. The decoction is taken orally and at the same time a lotion is made in the ear.

Overview of medications for ear pain

Since there are a lot of causes of pain in the ear, we cannot write about a specific treatment. This is due to the fact that each type of pathology may require various treatments, which will be the envy of the nature, the location of the pain and individual characteristics organism. For this reason, in this section we will consider the list effective means that will help you get rid of certain time from ear pain.

Ear pain drops

It should immediately be noted that drops are allowed to be used only after consulting a doctor. At home, it can make lotions based on them. Consider the list of drugs:

  • Nise. An anesthetic that, in addition to stopping pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for ear pathologies. There is more cheap analogue The drug is Nimesulide. Many experts claim that this remedy should be in everyone's first aid kit as an improvised tool. A huge advantage is that the drug is able to stop pain for a day. That is, with ear pain, it is enough to drink one tablet a day. You should not get carried away with the remedy, since the remedy has a strong effect on the liver and stomach;
  • Ibuklin. A popular pain reliever based on Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Reduces pain for short time It has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. With ear pain, it is recommended to drink one tablet. The effect lasts about 8 hours;
  • Ketanov. Designed to relieve pain of various etiologies. The basis of the drug is the substance ketorolac tromethamine. The remedy is used directly during severe ear pain. It is recommended to consume no more than three tablets per day.

Important: Name medications and dosage indications are for informational purposes only. These funds are best used once for pain relief, in no more than a day the patient needs to visit a doctor to prescribe further treatment.


After a cold or flu, the ear often hurts, such complications are often diagnosed in children. Unpleasant sensations in an adult and a child can be caused directly by ear diseases, sometimes pain radiates to the hearing organs due to diseases of other organs. But sometimes the pain syndrome occurs in absolutely healthy people. Properly rendered first aid and timely access to a doctor will help to avoid the occurrence of serious complications.

Ear pain may indicate a serious illness

Causes of ear pain

Ear pain has varying degrees intensity, sometimes it radiates to the temple or jaw. The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms depends on the cause that provoked their appearance. Ear pain in healthy people occurs after swimming in the sea or pool, during air travel, when climbing mountains.

Pain as a symptom of otitis media

Sharp pain, fever, discharge from the ear canal - all these signs signal the presence of inflammatory processes in any part of the hearing organ.

The main ear pathologies:

  1. Otitis externa - develops when the hearing organs are damaged by staphylococci, proteus, fungi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the cause of the disease can be frequent and improper cleaning of the ears. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of boils, the pain intensifies during chewing, when exposed (pressed) to auricle, hearing worsens, tinnitus occurs, the ear canal swells and turns red. Sometimes the temperature rises, discharge appears.
  2. Otitis media - the disease is often diagnosed in children, due to the anatomical features of the structure of the auditory tube, pathogenic microorganisms from the nasopharynx penetrate the organs of hearing. In newborns, frequent regurgitation can provoke the development of pathology, when milk enters the auditory tube and leads to impaired drainage functions. Characteristic features of the disease are sharp, shooting pain in the ear, which can radiate to the teeth, temporal region, eye sockets and brow ridges, discharge of pus, temperature 38 ° C and above.
  3. Internal otitis - the disease is accompanied by hearing loss, pain, dizziness, vomiting, it is difficult for a person to maintain balance, the gait becomes shaky, an obsessive ringing in the ears appears.
  4. Often the ear aches, congestion appears, pain of an impulsive nature with excessive release of earwax.

Otitis externa is a common ear disease.

If the inflammatory process is localized inside the ear, caused by a bacterial infection, there is a high probability of hearing loss, often even after recovery there are problems with coordination of movement.

Inflammatory processes in nearby organs

Often, discomfort in the hearing organs occurs with inflammation of the organs that are in close proximity to the ear, with injuries, tumors.

Why can the ear hurt:

  1. Mastoiditis is an inflammatory process of the mastoid process of the skull, which is located behind the auricle, the pathology develops against the background of purulent otitis media. The disease is accompanied by fever to subfebrile values, weakness, migraine, insomnia. Intense pain occurs more often on one side, is localized behind the ear, radiates to the parietal region, upper jaw, and a strong pulsation is felt in the temporal part.
  2. Lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node, which is located behind the ear. This disease develops as a complication of dental and ENT diseases.
  3. Abscess behind the ear purulent formation can be located under the periosteum or subcutaneously. Removal is possible only by surgical intervention.
  4. Parotitis is an inflammation of the salivary gland, the pain is localized under the ear.
  5. Giant cell arteritis is a rheumatic disease in which pathological changes occur in the ear artery. The disease is often diagnosed in older women.

Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph node near the ear

In the presence of tumors, you can feel a bump behind the ear, on the outer part of the auditory tube, pain may appear periodically. But pain and hearing loss can be caused by benign or malignant neoplasms in the brain, while external signs pathologies are absent. With injuries, pain syndrome is accompanied by bleeding, damage to the integrity skin, swelling, temporary hearing loss.

Middle ear injuries often occur with increased pressure.

Pain that radiates to the ear from other organs

Since the ear is closely connected with the nose and throat, pain in the hearing organs can occur with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, and chronic rhinitis.

Diseases in which pain radiates to the ear:

  • neuralgia of the trigeminal and facial nerve;
  • dental diseases, malocclusion, wearing braces;
  • arthritis, arthrosis of the mandibular joint - pain radiates to the ear and jaw;
  • erythrootalgia (red ear syndrome) - displacement of a vertebra in the cervical region, which leads to pinching of the laryngeal nerve, the ears turn red, slightly increase in size;
  • cervical osteochondrosis - with this disease, the ear and head hurt;
  • epidemic parotitis (mumps).

pain due to cervical osteochondrosis can be given in the ear

With these pathologies, the pain covers large areas, the head may ache completely, only on one side, or be localized in the temporal, parietal, occipital part. Identify the exact location of the outbreak pain syndrome difficult, unpleasant sensations are constant, pulsating, aggravated by movement, chewing, swallowing, talking.

Often, ear pain occurs after the removal of the tonsils.

Which doctor to contact


Since ear pain can be caused various pathologies, it is necessary to undergo a thorough and comprehensive examination.

Basic diagnostic methods:

Only on the basis of the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to draw up an adequate treatment regimen for quick and safe relief from ear pain.

MRI to detect ear disease

What to do with ear pain

If there is pain in the ear, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor, he will prescribe drugs for external and internal use. At home, you can provide first aid, use folk methods It is possible only in combination with drug therapy after prior consultation with a specialist.

If the ear is stuffed up due to excessive accumulation of sulfur, the cork is removed with Jeanne's syringe. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diabetes, mechanical damage eardrum. You can fix the problem yourself with the help of peroxide - the solution needs to be instilled several times a day, 3-4 drops.

First aid

First aid is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome, but it cannot replace the full-fledged therapy that the doctor will prescribe after the examination. Doctors recommend using medications only in extreme cases- it is best to just plug the ear with cotton wool, do not lie on the affected side.

What to do when your ear hurts:

  1. At the first signs of otitis media, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose or take an antihistamine - the swelling of the nasopharynx will decrease, the outflow of fluid in the auditory tube will improve.
  2. If a outer part the ear is swollen and sore, while the disease proceeds without fever, there is no discharge, it will help dry heat, compresses - such procedures improve the process of blood circulation in the tissues, soothe, eliminate pain.
  3. You can take an anesthetic drug - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  4. If the ears hurt for no more than two days, there is no discharge, you can drip Otipax, Otinum, both drugs eliminate the inflammatory process, anesthetize.
  5. Boric and camphor alcohol should be used only in extreme cases, when there are no other medicines at hand, the pain arose suddenly - these drugs are not as safe as they seem. It is better not to bury them, but to make turundas.
  6. If water gets into the ear, it is enough to jump on one foot, the blocked ear should be tilted down. You can create a vacuum - firmly attach your palm, and sharply remove it.
  7. With otitis media before a visit to the doctor, you need to drip into the nose vasoconstrictor, inject 3 drops of 1% Dioxidine into the sore ear, drink an antipyretic medicine.
  8. In case of injury, apply cold compress, alcohol solution will help reduce pain after a burn.

For the treatment of diseases of the ears, it is necessary to use compresses

In the presence of secretions of any nature of their ear, it is strictly forbidden to instill any drops without a doctor's prescription - you can violate the integrity of the eardrum.

Medical therapy

If the patient is worried about ear pain, doctors most often prescribe ear drops, ointments, with advanced pathologies, additional pills must be taken.

Drops for the treatment of ear diseases

Depending on the type of pathology, the presence and consistency of the discharge, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drops. But first you need to clean the ear, remove the crusts - this can be done with hydrogen peroxide.

The main types of ear drops:

  • Anauran, Tsipromed, - antibiotics;
  • Sofradex, Polydex - hormonal preparations, help with severe inflammation ear;
  • Otofa, Normaks - safe for auditory nerve medications needed to eliminate perforated otitis media;
  • Ototon, Phenazone - anesthetic drops;
  • Candibiotic is an antifungal agent.

Ear drops Anauran

Before instilling drops, they need to be held in the palms of your hands for several minutes so that they warm up. During the procedure, the ear needs to be pulled back and up a little, in a child under two years old - down and back. After the injection of the drug, you need to press the tragus for a few seconds, lie down for 3-5 minutes. For children under one year old, ear drops are rarely prescribed, most often the doctor recommends using Nazivin nasally.

What ointments are used if the ear is inflamed

Means for local application have an anti-inflammatory effect and help eliminate pain, they are impregnated with turundas.

Ointments for getting rid of ear pain:

  1. Sofradex - combined medicine helps to eliminate the inflammatory process, fungal infections, bacterial plaque. Ointment should be soaked in a cotton swab, put into a sore ear for 25 minutes. The duration of therapy is not more than a week, otherwise an addiction effect may occur.
  2. inexpensive ointment With antibacterial action, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, improves metabolic processes, activates the synthesis of interferon. The drug is used to treat the skin with external discharge of pus, with otitis media, it is necessary to soak the turunda with the remedy, lay it in the ear for 10–12 hours. The duration of the course is 10-12 days.
  3. Tetracycline ointment is an antibiotic used for otitis externa. Apply the product 2 times / day for 5-7 days.

Levomekol - affordable antimicrobial ointment

As additional methods therapy, you can use warming with a blue lamp, ultraviolet irradiation, provided there are no signs of severe inflammation.

Effective pills and suppositories

Tablets and suppositories are prescribed to eliminate a strong pain syndrome, a running inflammatory process.

How to treat ear pain:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac one suppository at night, Nurofen or Mig 400 mg each severe pain;
  • antibiotics - Ampicillin, Amoxicillin;
  • antifungal agents - clotrimazole.

Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent

When taking antibiotics orally, it is additionally necessary to drink drugs for recovery intestinal flora, hepatoprotectors. Antibacterial therapy must be carried out to the end, even if there is a significant improvement in well-being, average duration treatment - 7-12 days.

Treatment with folk remedies

The most popular folk way elimination of ear pain - warming up with salt or flax seeds. Raw materials should be heated in a dry frying pan, poured into a canvas bag, applied to the diseased organ. The duration of the procedure is 25-40 minutes, it is better to conduct a session before going to bed.

Castor oil is a safe way to eliminate ear pain

Castor oil has a bactericidal, antimycotic, wound-healing effect, it is used to treat dermatological pathologies, eliminate inflammatory processes and fungal infections.

How to make a compress:

  1. Fold the sterile piece of gauze several times, make a slit in the center.
  2. Soak the fabric with warm oil, apply to the ear area.
  3. Top with polyethylene, insulate with a woolen scarf.
  4. Leave the compress on all night.

Compresses with castor oil help treat ear diseases

Castor oil can be instilled into the ear - the product should be heated to a temperature of 37 degrees, 3 drops of the substance should be injected into each ear, and the passage should be plugged with a cotton swab. The procedure cannot be performed if a perforation of the tympanic membrane is suspected, during the stage of acute inflammation.

Walnut, garlic, peach, almond, ichthyol oil, warm beet juice are suitable for instillation.

Geranium - medicine from the windowsill

A medicinal plant will help to anesthetize the ear if unpleasant symptoms caused by rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other pathologies. Geranium relieves puffiness, has an antiseptic and analgesic effect, and effectively fights viruses.

The juice of the plant is used as drops - drip 2 drops into the diseased organ, put on top compress paper and a thick layer of cotton.

Geranium juice has medicinal properties

In combination with antibiotics, geranium will help speed up the healing process for inflammation of the middle and inner ear - you need to pick a fresh bottom leaf, beat it off a little or knead it, roll it up, and carefully place it in your ear.

If your ear hurts, herbs will help

If the ear aches and shoots, washing with chamomile will help to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms - brew 3 g of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, rinse the diseased organ 3 times / day. The procedure cannot be carried out elevated temperature, pronounced pain syndrome.

Washing chamomile decoction get rid of ear diseases

If the pain is accompanied by noise and ringing, you need to use lemon balm tincture - pour 50 g of grass into 150 ml of vodka, put it in a dark room for 7 days. Drip 3-4 drops of the medicine twice a day.

Natural ointments for the treatment of otitis media

For the treatment of abscesses, burns, otitis media, it is necessary in 220 ml of warm vegetable oil add a piece of wax the size of a box of matches, simmer over low heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add half the boiled yolk. The mixture is judged for 20 minutes, filtered, moistened with cotton wool, inserted into the sore ear overnight. The duration of treatment is 7-8 days.

Oil, wax and yolk - ingredients for otitis ointment

Melt in a water bath 100 g unsalted butter, add 5–7 crushed bay leaves, 7 drops of essential garlic oil, 15 g of grated propolis. Soak cotton plaits with the cooled mixture. Insert into the ear for 40 minutes, the procedure can be carried out 2-3 times a day for 10 days.

Self-medication of ear diseases is extremely dangerous. Perforation of the tympanic membrane, complete or partial loss of hearing, arthritis of the lower jaw, inflammation of the salivary glands or radial nerve, penetration of pus into the brain - all these are the consequences of inadequate drug therapy. Diagnosis and strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist will help to avoid the development of severe complications.

Ear pain is a common symptom that worries children and adults. Most often we are talking about the inflammatory process or injuries. Ear pain should be treated by a doctor. There are some guidelines that will allow you to soothe the pain before you see a specialist.

Causes of ear pain

There are many various reasons which can cause ear pain. It is important to pay attention to the symptom in time and take action. Otherwise, complications are possible that can lead to serious consequences, up to partial or even complete hearing loss. Most often occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • Otitis. This is the most common cause of ear pain and occurs in both adults and children. Otitis is external, middle and internal. With otitis externa, damage to the elements of the outer ear or the entire surface of the ear is noted. With otitis media pathological process affects the tympanic cavity. With internal otitis, the labyrinth becomes inflamed. Therefore, otitis media is also called labyrinthitis. Most often, otitis has an infectious nature. They can be caused by fungal diseases, bacterial infections, viruses, diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as injuries and other lesions of various elements of the ear.
  • Foreign objects in the ear. If the child's ear hurts, then it is likely that the whole problem is in foreign object in the ear. Children often push small objects into their ears, such as beads, peas, and others. No need to try to remove the object from the ear yourself! Let the doctor do this using special tools.
  • Fluid in the ear. Ear pain can be triggered by ingestion, and then stagnation of fluid in the ear.
  • Sulfur plugs. This is another reason for ear pain. pressure on the eardrum and ear canal, causing discomfort and even pain.
  • Furunculosis. A furuncle in the ear is a common occurrence. The appearance of an abscess is accompanied by severe, often throbbing pain that does not go away until the boil disappears. A furuncle in the ear area is a rather dangerous disease, since the infection can easily penetrate deep into the ear and even spread to the sinuses. Only a doctor should treat such a disease.
  • Barotrauma. Too much high pressure, rendered to the ear is damaging in nature and is called barotrauma. Barotrauma can be caused by sudden and loud noises, as well as too sharp changes in atmospheric pressure.
  • tympanic membrane rupture - leads to severe pain in the ear. This condition is usually triggered by trauma.
  • Eustacheite. It's inflammation eustachian tube which most often occurs with respiratory infections.
  • Mastoiditis. This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the mastoid process, which is located on the temporal bone.
  • Lymphadenitis. Inflammation of the behind-the-ear lymph nodes is another cause of ear pain. Inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur for various reasons.
  • Paralysis and paresis of the face - another reason for pain in the ear.
  • Toothache. In some cases, toothache can also spread to the ears.
  • High blood pressure. Typically, with increased blood pressure in addition to pain, a person also feels a noise or hum in the ears.
  • (piggy). With inflammation of the salivary glands, pain can also spread to the ear.
  • Caries- a disease related to the teeth. Its course is characterized by the destruction of enamel and bone substance (dentin). Pain in the affected tooth caused by acute caries, often gives into the auricle. Only a dentist can get rid of these aching and pulsating sensations
  • Sinusitis- the development of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. It can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. Occurs as a complication of acute rhinitis, influenza, other infectious diseases. Unpleasant sensations in the sinuses are supplemented dull pain in the ear.
  • pinched nerves. This condition is accompanied by pain in the ear, which can be described as pulling and throbbing. They often intensify when you turn your head sharply or just smile.
  • Arthritis maxillofacial joint can also give pain in the ear.

Ear pain in children

After inflammation and viral infections children often have earaches. Many parents self-medicate and make many mistakes.

  • the child may shake his head
  • lie down on the side of the sore ear (in warmth it becomes easier for him),
  • rub it with your hand
  • there are also digestive problems (abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea)

Pain in the ear with a runny nose or cough is not the only symptom which will disturb the child. AT acute period development of otitis media, the clinic can be quite pronounced and be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • congestion in the ear;
  • body temperature from 37 to 39.5 degrees;
  • hearing loss;
  • noise in ears;
  • pain can also be in the temples, teeth, jaw from the inflamed side.

Otitis with a runny nose often go in pairs, so you should pay attention to your baby's stuffy nose. Usually a runny nose begins, and then an earache. But it is necessary to treat both, because the infection in the nasopharynx persists for more than one day. It is also important to teach the child to blow his nose correctly: pinch one nostril, release the other from the mucus.

Then repeat the same with the other nostril. That is, release them alternately. If you do this at the same time, mucus can get into auditory tube causing an inflammatory process.

Any treatment should be agreed with the doctor, especially if the child has a fever. sore ear should be kept warm, but you should not force the baby to sleep and walk around the house in a hat, it will be enough to put warming vodka compresses twice a day for three hours (not at night!).

Also, any anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic and antipyretic properties will help reduce soreness in the ears and relieve inflammation: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Cefekon, Panadol, Nimulid (nise), etc.

In the process of using such drugs, the recommended age doses must be strictly observed.

Which doctor will help with severe ear pain

If you have pain in the ear, you should consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). During the examination, the doctor will carefully listen to you, analyze complaints, conduct an examination and make an appropriate diagnosis. Then, depending on the diagnosis, treatment will be carried out. If the cause of the pain in the ears lies in the increased blood pressure, then the patient is sent to a cardiologist or therapist, who draw up a treatment plan for the cause of ear pain.

In most cases, the treatment of ear diseases is carried out in outpatient settings. Only in severe cases, the patient can be hospitalized in an inpatient department.

Treatment of the patient is carried out depending on the causes that caused the pain in the ear. If we are talking about otitis, then first of all it is carried out drug therapy aimed at destroying the infection that caused the disease. Most often, otitis media is caused by bacteria, so local ones are used. Antiseptics in the form of drops are also used.

Apart from antibiotic therapy, doctors also prescribe vasoconstrictor nasal drops to patients. This is necessary to relieve swelling in the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube. Thus, the load on the eardrum is reduced.

Assigned to the patient with a high temperature. In addition to the antipyretic effect, these medicines also help relieve some ear pain. Currently, the safest antipyretic drugs are drugs based on paracetamol.

At timely handling to an otolaryngologist and adequate therapy the disease can be cured in a few days. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to seek medical help as soon as possible, especially when it comes to the health of children.

What to do if your ears hurt

As a rule, ear pain occurs abruptly. Most often this happens at night, when, unfortunately, a person does not have the opportunity to go to the clinic. In such cases, it is important to know what to do to relieve pain in order to wait for the morning and only then consult a doctor. If your ear hurts, here are a few tips to help you relieve the pain:

Salt or alcohol compress for earache. If there is no increase in temperature with pain in the ear, then you can make a saline compress, but it must be warm. Salt compress is applied to the affected ear. It is most effective to use saline compresses when the pain only makes itself felt. Therefore, start acting at the first symptoms.

It is required to take a four-layer gauze napkin, the size of which should extend beyond the auricle by 1.5-2 cm, make a slit for the ear in the middle. The napkin should be moistened in an alcohol solution or vodka, squeezed out, applied to the ear area (place the auricle in the slot). Put compress (waxed) paper a little larger than gauze on top, and cover with a piece of cotton wool larger than the size of the paper. All this can be secured with a scarf tied around the child's head. The compress should be kept until it has a thermal effect (3-4 hours).

Ear drops. Direct instillation of ear drops is dangerous. Instead, it is necessary to make a turunda out of dry cotton wool, gently insert it into the external auditory canal and drip onto the cotton wool. warm medicine 3-4 times a day. A portion of the drops should be heated to body temperature (36.6 ° C).

It is possible, for example, to heat a pipette in hot water, and then draw the medicine into it or first draw the preparation, and then heat the pipette with it in hot water. If a dropper-dispenser is attached to the bottle with drops, then it is convenient to heat in hot water that part of the medicine that will fit in the pipette when the vial is turned over. Close the cap first.

Boric alcohol. If you do not have individual intolerance and other contraindications, then moisten cotton wool with boric alcohol and insert it into your ear. Boric alcohol relieves ear pain well.

Painkillers. At painful sensations and will help in the ear. In this case, you should take the painkiller to which you are accustomed, and which helps you relieve pain. Apply on your own or try to pull out foreign body(if we are talking about this) from the ear alone is by no means impossible. This should be done only by a qualified doctor.

Remember that self-treatment at home is possible only if there is no high temperature. If the temperature rises, and the patient's condition worsens, then an ambulance should be called.

Folk remedies for ear pain

If an earache caught you at night, or in a place where there are no hospitals nearby, then you can use some. This is not a panacea, but it will make it easier to endure the pain before going to the doctor.

Treatment for ear pain includes:

Juice medicinal plants . It is necessary to drip 2-3 drops of the juice of one of these plants into the ear:

  • angelica;
  • mint (can be mixed with honey);
  • angelica;
  • oregano (mix with milk);
  • elderberry;
  • henbane (it is better to make a mixture with rose oil).

Camphor oil. With severe pain in the ear, you can put cotton wool soaked in camphor oil. Behind the ear should be lubricated with iodine - the pain should quickly subside.

Almond oil as an analgesic - it can also be instilled into the ear.

Honey-vodka compress- for this, several layers of gauze fabric are moistened with vodka and smeared with honey, and then put on the ear in such a way that it goes around it, inner part while remaining open.

Juniper tincture.In case of inflammation of the middle ear, put a piece of cotton wool soaked in tincture of juniper berries inside the ear. It is cooked in sunflower oil.

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