Diagnosis of catarrhal reflux esophagitis. Acute and chronic forms of catarrhal esophagitis. Causes and symptoms

According to WHO statistics among diseases gastrointestinal tract more common is GERD, which develops against the background of esophagitis. According to the presence, the degree of damage to the esophageal mucosa, it is divided into catarrhal, erosive, hemorrhagic and necrotic.

The disease catarrhal esophagitis is the most common form, characterized by inflammation of the mucosa. Characterized by hyperemia, swelling of the esophagus. There are acute, chronic esophagitis. Acute occurs with a single intensive effect on the mucous membrane of any mechanical, thermal or chemical factor, and chronic - with a long one.

Prevention of relapses

Catarrhal esophagitis has a risk group that includes men over 45 years of age, smokers, people suffering from heartburn for a long period, who had cases of heartburn at night, as well as overweight people.

The goal of esophagitis prevention is to prevent the disease and its recurrence. Prevention measures are:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle (exclude smoking and alcohol);
  • compliance with the rules of nutrition (do not overeat, do not eat fried, salty, spicy, do not eat at night);
  • reduce body weight (if BMI is more than 30);
  • avoid uncontrolled use of drugs that cause reflux ( sedatives, tranquilizers, drugs, nitrates);
  • suppression of heartburn attacks, tk. this is a signal hyperacidity leading to mucosal damage.

Prevention is successful if the number of exacerbations has decreased, the severity has decreased, and no complications have been identified.

At wrong staging diagnosis, advanced disease, complications may occur: Barrett's esophagus, cicatricial stenosis, wall perforations, purulent inflammation. Some will require surgery.

Patients with catarrhal esophagitis have high percent recovery, subject to recommendations, a qualitative change in living conditions and the exclusion of risk factors.

It is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which has an inflammatory origin. In this case, the formation of hyperemia and swelling is noted. The most likely to provoke the disease different factors: from injuries to infectious components. Given this, it is strongly recommended to carry out diagnostics in time and not to forget about the importance of the recovery course.

Briefly about the state

The presented condition is one of the most common forms of pathologies of the esophagus. It's about it is about such conditions that are characterized by hyperemia, the formation of edema, as well as other symptoms. There is no exact number regarding the prevalence of the disease, because the diagnosis must be confirmed by biopsy, which, in turn, is not carried out in every case.

It should be noted that catarrhal esophagitis is a secondary form of the disease. Thus, it is formed against the background of other pathological conditions associated with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It may be infectious or somatic diseases that should be subjected to separate treatment. In this regard, some experts classify catarrhal esophagitis, including distal, as a pathological syndrome, and not as a separate disease.

Reasons for development

There are many factors that influence the development in one way or another. catarrhal esophagitis. We are talking about the impact of chemical or thermal factors, alcohol abuse. In addition, the list contains surface damage shells in connection with medical manipulations. No less often, catarrhal esophagitis is formed after suffering infectious disease, namely diphtheria, scarlet fever and some others.

A separate place is occupied by such factors as massive reflux of stomach contents in GERD, persistent vomiting, and prolonged intubation. A separate category includes such forms of the disease that develop in patients with immunodeficiency.

AT this case the cause of the development of the condition may be viruses, candida fungi.

Among other things, catarrhal esophagitis may be the result of acute stomatitis, gastritis, allergic diseases and other states. The heterogeneity of the presented factors fully determines the differences in the mechanisms of origin. Given this, I would like to pay special attention to the manifestations of the state.

Symptoms of esophagitis

The leading symptoms of the condition should include the lack of comfort, burning in the retrosternal region. At the same time, sensations may varying degrees severity, which directly depends on the depth and extent of damage. In some cases, heartburn is noted, but most often the symptoms are not pronounced. As inflammation increases and worsens, the burning sensation intensifies more and more.

No less rarely, pains that point specifically to catarrhal esophagitis are given to the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, cervical part. One of characteristic symptoms should be considered a significant increase pain in the process of eating food, in particular, this applies to hard names. In addition, the symptoms of the condition should include regurgitation of mucus, copious excretion saliva and nausea.

The sudden onset of symptoms is likely, characterized by a high degree of effectiveness. In this case, the disease lasts from several days to two or three weeks, gradually regressing on its own. With a prolonged negative effect on the mucosa of the esophagus, the development of chronic inflammation. All diagnostic features associated with catarrhal esophagitis will be presented below.

Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist, who, based on the main symptoms, will be able to make a diagnosis. You should pay attention to the following features:

  • conducting laboratory tests usually does not show any change. It is possible to detect a slight neutrophilic leukocytosis;
  • an obligatory step should be considered the implementation of intraesophageal pH-metry, which allows you to establish the presence of GERD, as well as some features of the condition;
  • radiography also has low information content, which only in some cases allows identifying uneven contours or swelling in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folds.

Most often x-ray examination used in order to exclude various oncopathies or. To correct the diagnosis, for example, if there is a suspicion of a distal process, some additional measures are resorted to.

May be required differential diagnosis In addition, to correct the recovery course and determine the degree of effectiveness, experts insist on re-examinations.

The treatment of catarrhal esophagitis will be discussed later.

Methods of treatment

During the recovery process great importance focus on eliminating provoking factors and minimizing the load on the organ. AT without fail you need to apply diet number 1, because it involves minimizing negative influence on the body. This applies to the impact of chemical, thermal and mechanical factors. Any dishes, without fail, must be prepared in the form of mashed potatoes - in such cases, catarrhal esophagitis, including distal, will be excluded much faster.

Food is strongly recommended to be taken exclusively in the form of heat. In addition, under the condition of severe acute injury (burn in the esophagus), it is necessary to completely limit the oral intake of food, as well as liquids. In the event that the disease develops against the background of another pathological condition, in connection with which treatment has already been carried out, it is advisable to replace the tablet dosage forms with parenteral ones.

Literally from the first days, treatment involves the use of astringent medicinal components and enveloping agents. In order to reduce the degree of pain intensity, anesthetics are used that are characterized by local influence, for example, novocaine. Improving the contact of any of the presented components will be possible only through their use in a warm form, preferably in a horizontal position without water.

If there is a pronounced painful syndrome, you should take non-narcotic analgesics, and it must be done parenterally. When catarrhal esophagitis has infectious origin, etiotropic treatment is prescribed, namely antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs. Treatment secondary form esophagitis is the treatment of the underlying disease.

Severe widespread damage to the mucosa of the esophagus can be repaired with the use of reparants. They are given as injections.

In the same situation, when there is a violation of the motility of the esophagus, it is necessary to correct the condition.

How prevention is carried out and what are the prognosis for any form of the disease, even if it is distal, will be discussed later.

Forecast and prevention

A condition such as catarrhal esophagitis is characterized by a favorable prognosis. In the vast majority of cases, independent regression of the disease is possible. This happens within a few days. At the same time, transformation into a chronic form or the formation of some complications, critical consequences is possible. In order to avoid this, it is strongly recommended to take into account certain preventive measures.

We are talking about following a certain diet, proper nutrition, as well as refusing to drink alcohol or use the nicotine component. An important element prevention should be considered timely diagnosis and early start recovery course for any diseases digestive system– be it gastritis, GERD or any other condition. It is in this case that it will be possible to talk about the preservation of 100% of the function of the entire gastrointestinal system, even if distal esophagitis has been detected.



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    1. Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No one can be completely safe. But significantly reduce the chances of occurrence malignant tumor everyone can.

    2. How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically ban yourself from smoking. This truth is already tired of everyone. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from oncological diseases. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminate tobacco from your life - the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3. Does it affect excess weight to the development of cancer?
    Keep your eyes on the scales! Overweight affect not only the waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity contributes to the development of tumors in the esophagus, kidneys, and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue serves not only to save energy reserves, it also has secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases just appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, 26% of all cancer cases are associated with obesity.

    4. Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Set aside at least half an hour a week for exercise. Sports are on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the US, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet and did not pay attention to physical education. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but more vigorously. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 proves that even 30 minutes is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women in the world) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol is blamed for causing tumors in the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum, and mammary glands. Ethanol decomposes in the body to acetaldehyde, which then, under the action of enzymes, passes into acetic acid. Acetaldehyde is the strongest carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, as it stimulates the production of estrogen - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6. Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables are not only included in healthy diet They also help fight cancer. This is why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half daily ration should be fruits and vegetables. Especially useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: ordinary white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Which organ cancer is affected by red meat?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Studies have confirmed that people who eat more than 500 grams of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

    8. Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18-36 are particularly susceptible to melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both artificial tanning equipment and the sun's rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube sunscreen. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in 2010 confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream get melanoma half as often as those who neglect such cosmetics.
    The cream should be chosen with a protection factor SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also do not expose yourself to the sun's rays from 10 to 16 hours.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    By itself, stress does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry alters the activity of the immune cells responsible for turning on the fight-and-flight mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes, constantly circulate in the blood. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


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  1. Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 3 of 9

    Does being overweight affect the development of cancer?

  4. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

An inflammatory process that has formed in the distal esophagus without deep tissue damage is called catarrhal esophagitis by experts. Characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease will be attacks of heartburn, literally tormenting a person. In the absence of adequate medical measures either when uncontrolled intake medicines, the situation is aggravated - formed severe complications. An increased tendency to superficial esophagitis have representatives strong half humanity. After all, they are more likely to abuse alcohol and tobacco products.

Main reasons

The main provoking factor contributing to the appearance of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the esophagus, of course, is an uncorrected diet. For the formation superficial reflux esophagitis enough to use:

  • sour, overly peppered, pickled dishes;
  • alcoholic drinks, soda, hot coffee;
  • various spices, marinades, sauces.

No less detrimental to the mucosa is the presence in humans of such diseases as duodeno-gastric bulbitis, diaphragmatic hernia, as well as hyperacid gastritis, a severe form of beriberi.

Catarrhal esophagitis may also appear for other reasons:

  • infection with viral or bacterial agents;
  • organ injury;
  • burns or radiation;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • prolonged use of medications, for example, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoids.

If it is not possible to establish the true root cause of distal catarrhal reflux esophagitis, experts speak of an idiopathic variant of the disease.


Most medical staff focuses on morphological changes in the tissues of the esophagus when determining one form or another of the disease:

  1. The most common, characterized by superficial hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa, is catarrhal reflux esophagitis. With a timely start complex treatment comes fast recovery because tissues are not destroyed. Such catarrhal form often formed against the background of insufficiency of the cardia - weakening due to negative reasons cardiac sphincter of the stomach.
  2. If bleeding erosions are detected against a hyperemic background, a specialist will make a diagnosis of erosive distal esophagitis. It is more often formed due to mechanical or chemical tissue damage. Less often, the primary cause of inflammation is infection with pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, it is customary to distinguish acute course pathology - literally a few days from the moment of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Whereas in chronic distal reflux esophagitis, pathological processes in the tissues of the organs proceed for months or even years.

In its form, the disease can also be primary - the disease forms independently. Or be a complication of other pathologies of the structures of the gastrointestinal tract - cholecystitis, GERD, peptic ulcer stomach.

The main severity of the disease

When conducting endoscopic examination the specialist necessarily determines the severity of hyperemia and swelling in the mucous membrane of the esophageal tube. So, if the inflammatory process is local, weakly expressed, there is some looseness of the tissues - this is reflux esophagitis of the 1st degree.

If separately located elongated erosive defects occur, capturing only the upper layers of the mucosa, we will talk about the 2nd degree of the disease. They affect, as a rule, no more than 10–15% of the organ wall. Possible allocation of pathological exudate.

If erosive defects merge with each other, tissue necrosis is observed in some parts, and the affected area reaches 45–50% - this is already 3 degrees of the disease. The fourth stage will be indicated by completely merged erosions, localized literally over the entire surface of the esophageal tube, leading to tissue necrosis and narrowing of the lumen of the organ.

With late treatment of the patient for advice, the disease leads to lethal outcome- due to perforation ulcer defect, malignancy and decay of a malignant neoplasm.


Distal catarrhal esophagitis has various clinical manifestations. For example, in an acute variant of the occurrence of an ailment, a person will be disturbed by:

  • severe discomfort when swallowing dishes;
  • painful impulses in the neck;
  • frequent bouts of heartburn, hiccups;
  • covering the surface of the tongue with a whitish coating;
  • excessive salivation;
  • chills and fever;
  • constant feeling of being unwell.

Chronic distal esophagitis will form due to untimely treatment acute course of the disease. Main clinical manifestations:

  • constant discomfort, a kind of abrasion in epigastric region when eating;
  • outside meals, soreness may occur due to physical exertion;
  • in a supine position, an attack of pain can radiate to the back or neck;
  • often there is severe heartburn and burning in the projection of the esophageal tube;
  • dyspeptic disorders due to insufficiency of the cardia - nausea;
  • profuse salivation, especially at night;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

In the absence of adequate medical care negative state progresses - the pathological process becomes not only distal, but also proximal. A person begins to be disturbed by a suffocating paroxysmal cough, as well as hoarseness, hoarseness, general pronounced weakness.

With catarrhal terminal esophagitis, a person's weight is steadily decreasing, vomiting of undigested food and hiccups are observed. Attacks of pain almost throughout the day, due to similar symptoms sleep is disturbed.


To understand what distal esophagitis is and why it has formed, help modern methods diagnostics:

  • visualizing - fibrogastroscopy, radiography with contrast;
  • study of the pH of the environment in the esophageal tube;
  • determination of the quality of organ motility - esophagomanometry.

In order to clarify the diagnosis of erosive reflux, radionuclide scanning, as well as CT or MRI of the organ, can be performed.

A preliminary diagnosis is made by a specialist on the basis of characteristic complaints made by a person at the time of the consultation - increased discomfort and burning sensation during the passage food bolus along the esophagus, as well as in the supine position. Weight loss due to reduced food intake, frequent bouts of hiccups, heartburn or acid belching.

A full diagnosis is made by the attending physician only after receiving all the information from the above diagnostic procedures. Only in this case it is possible to understand the mechanism of the appearance of catarrhal reflux esophagitis, what it is and how it can be dealt with.

On the initial stage the formation of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the esophageal tube, it is quite possible to do without the use of pharmacy medicines. With catarrhal distal reflux eophagitis of the 1st degree, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • timely cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - for example, gastritis;
  • give up bad habits- the use of tobacco, alcoholic products;
  • do not wear tight, constricting chest and belly clothes;
  • after eating, rest exclusively in an upright position;
  • avoid frequent tilts of the body forward;
  • ensure quality night rest- the head should be 10-15 cm higher than the body.

Recognizing the clinical manifestations of distal esophagitis, what it is and understanding how to deal with it, a person regains health and joy of life. The main emphasis, of course, should be on the diet - together with a specialist, a sparing menu is selected. It is recommended to remove from the diet those dishes that can injure the mucous membrane - fatty, hot, peppery, alcohol and soda. Do not overeat before bed - the last snack is 3-4 hours before preparing for a night's rest.


Distal reflux esophagitis requires a special approach to the selection of therapeutic measures. At the initial stage of its formation, it is quite enough to follow a sparing diet and take courses of medicines that have the ability to stop the inflammatory process in the tissues of the esophageal tube. Physiotherapy methods are also beneficial for esophagitis - direct current stimulation of the sphincter, electrophoresis, hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

First aid is aimed at relieving spasms in upper divisions intestines - antispasmodics bring relief, for example, the well-known No-shpa. For effective protection walls from hydrochloric acid and eliminate heartburn, antacids are used - Rennie, Almagel or Maalox. Pantoprazole, Omeprazole, and Famotidine help to reduce the volume of digestive juices produced. How to treat and what to take is decided exclusively by the gastroenterologist. Self-medication is not allowed.

Excellent decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs capable of reducing inflammatory manifestations, restore acidity in the stomach. Treatment with folk remedies can be used, but only after prior agreement with a specialist.

At severe course pathology, according to individual indications, the issue of surgical intervention is decided. Treatment of catarrhal esophagitis usually does not require such measures.


To prevent damage to the tissues of the esophageal tube, it is enough to follow a diet in which fractional nutrition small portions is main component preventive measures. Giving up bad habits and striving for a healthy lifestyle will also help to avoid reflux esophagitis.

Catarrhal reflux esophagitis - pathological condition characterized by edema and hyperemia distal esophageal tube. It progresses due to the reflux of gastric contents into this organ. This disease can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. Has no restrictions regarding gender and age category, but most often it is detected in people of working age.

The most common cause of progression of distal reflux esophagitis is cardio insufficiency. This is a pathological condition in which a person does not completely close the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach cavity. As a result of insufficiency of the cardia, hydrochloric acid and particles undigested food are thrown into the distal esophageal tube, causing inflammation and swelling there. This disease also requires timely correction. Treatment is carried out at the same time insufficiency of the cardia, as well as catarrhal reflux esophagitis.

This disease can be diagnosed by endoscopic examination. With its help, it is possible to examine the walls of the esophagus, assess the degree of damage to it with hydrochloric acid, and also identify cardia insufficiency and other pathologies that could provoke the reflux of gastric contents. Treatment distal reflux esophagitis is conservative. The complex uses drug therapy and a special sparing diet.

Reasons for development

Many etiological factors can provoke the progression of catarrhal reflux esophagitis. LES insufficiency is the primary cause, but symptoms can also occur due to:


Acute or chronic catarrhal esophagitis is not too pronounced clinical picture, but still its symptoms are quite specific, which allows the doctor to establish a diagnosis almost immediately. Such a disease is accompanied by the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • heartburn. It occurs due to the reflux of hydrochloric acid into the esophagus. Most often occurs immediately after eating. This symptom can occur with a long torso forward, as well as in the supine position;
  • sour belching;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the esophagus, which a person constantly tries to move further by eating solid food, which only injures the mucous membrane more strongly;
  • pain when eating;
  • cough, especially worse at night.


Only a qualified doctor-gastroenterologist can confirm the progression of the pathological condition, after laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The most informative technique is endoscopy - examination of the esophagus using a special probe with a video camera at the end. The doctor will be able to assess the condition of the walls of the esophagus, as well as the affected area.

In addition to this method, pH-metry is also carried out, radiography using contrast agent, clinical blood and urine tests, coprogram and other tests. After receiving the results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective scheme treatment.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the disease that led to. In addition, appointed medicines to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. The treatment plan includes antacids, antispasmodics, enveloping drugs, blockers " proton pump" and others. Dosages are prescribed for each patient strictly individually.

Treatment also includes a light diet. It is important to observe it not only during therapy, but also after it, so as not to provoke a relapse of the pathology. Forbidden alcoholic drinks, solid foods, caffeinated drinks, foods that are too hot, fried and spicy dishes. The treatment of this disease is long, and in order for it to be as effective as possible, it is required to strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

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Reflux esophagitis is a disorder chronic nature, which is characterized by the reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, which is accompanied by irritation of its walls. The peculiarity of the disease is that it is expressed mild symptoms Therefore, often the diagnosis of the disease occurs when completely different disorders are detected, for example, peptic ulcer or gastritis. Often such a pathological condition is one of the signs of a hernia of the esophageal opening.

Erosive reflux esophagitis is a complicated course of the disease, characterized by the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus. Often localized in the distal part, i.e. in lower section esophagus, and is characterized by the occurrence of ulcers (erosions) on the mucous membrane. With this form of the disease, all the symptoms of ordinary reflux esophagitis appear more clearly and cause significant discomfort to a person.

Reflux esophagitis is a pathological process in which food is thrown from the stomach back into the esophagus. At this time, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs. The disease affects absolutely all people, regardless of gender or age, because of which it can be diagnosed even in children. Therefore, it is important to know which drugs can cure this disease.

Reflux esophagitis is a pathological condition in which the mucous membrane of the esophagus becomes inflamed due to the reflux of stomach contents into the organ. Most often, this condition progresses in case of insufficiency of the cardia - the sphincter, anatomically located between the esophageal tube and the stomach, does not completely close, and because of this, hydrochloric acid and particles of undigested food enter the esophagus. The distal part of this organ is usually affected. The disease itself has several degrees of development, and each of them has its own clinical picture. It is important to know the symptoms of such a pathology, so that when they are first expressed, immediately consult a doctor and carry out treatment.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis, like any other ailment of the digestive system, necessarily includes compliance special diet. Its main task is to reduce the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms during an exacerbation of the pathology, to prevent the development of relapses in the future. In addition, proper and sparing nutrition helps protect the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach from the aggressive effects of irritants. sample menu for each day (or week) should be compiled by a qualified nutritionist together with a gastroenterologist. It is important to use exactly those foods that the doctor will allow. In addition to prescribing a diet, with reflux esophagitis or gastritis, a nutritionist can also advise some recipes for preparing delicious and healthy dishes.

Digestive problems are quite common in modern people. Wrong image life, abuse junk food and alcohol directly harm this area of ​​the body.

Regular examinations in medical institutions make it possible to detect this disease on early stage and cure her. Distal catarrhal esophagitis is the most common form of this disease, requiring immediate diagnosis and treatment.

What is this disease

Stomach ailments can be cured at an early stage if you put maximum effort into it. Catarrhal esophagitis is a pathological process that occurs inside the esophagus, in its mucous membrane.

Inflammation of this zone of the body can be localized on the surface of the entire esophagus as a whole or in a separate part of it. Most often, there is a lesion of the distal part, which is the end of the esophagus, where it connects to the stomach.

Often, patients do not know their diagnosis and begin to treat themselves at random, which only worsens the situation, blurring the clinical picture. In order for the therapy to be correct, a thorough diagnosis is required.

When examining in the case of catarrhal esophagitis, the doctor observes significant changes in the condition of the esophageal mucosa.

When conducting a gastroscopy, the doctor sees that inner part the esophagus is edematous, red in color, this is due to the accumulation of blood cells in the submucosal layer.

The defeat of this area can proceed in different ways, more or less intense and destructive, but catarrhal appearance this disease is already a problem in the initial stage.

Types of esophagitis:

  1. Catarrhal (superficial).
  2. Exfoliative.
  3. Erosive.
  4. Pseudomembranous.
  5. Necrotic.
  6. Phlegmonous.

There is such a variety superficial esophagitis like catarrhal reflux esophagitis. This means that the disease has arisen due to the reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, which irritates the mucous membrane and leads to an inflammatory process in this area.

The reasons

There are many reasons for the development of this disease, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to understand the factors provoking this disease. Only by eliminating all the harmful effects on the problem area, you can count on the effectiveness of therapy.

The main provoking factors:

  • weakness of a muscle called the sphincter;
  • regular increase in pressure inside abdominal cavity, which can be observed with regular wear of tight and tight clothing, during pregnancy, or if body weight has increased greatly;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • eating junk food;
  • due to insufficiency of the cardia - a valve that closes the passage between the esophagus and the stomach;
  • diseases of infectious origin;
  • narrowing of the walls of the esophagus;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • physical activity immediately after eating;
  • mechanical damage, foreign body in the cavity of the esophagus.

Many do not realize how spicy, fried, smoked and other unhealthy food negatively affects the human stomach and esophagus. You need to organize your diet properly to protect the digestive system. Being under stress also affects health in a bad way.


Symptoms of distal catarrhal esophagitis may long time not manifest itself, but the pathological process has already begun in the esophagus. You should immediately respond to the first signals of the body that there is a problem in the digestive system.

At the initial stage, the signs cannot be called very obvious, they occur from time to time and do not cause much inconvenience. Then the symptoms will be brighter and begin to bring more and more discomfort.


  1. Burning in chest.
  2. Heartburn, sometimes quite painful.
  3. Throat sore and itchy.
  4. Eructations of sour contents.
  5. Pain in the chest.
  6. Nausea.
  7. Sensation of a lump in the throat.
  8. Increased secretion of saliva.

Apart from discomfort, distal catarrhal esophagitis manifests itself in the results of the examination of the patient. The doctor is able to make such a diagnosis on the basis of gastroscopy alone.

Flow forms

This disease can proceed in different ways. It all depends on the extent of the spread of the inflammatory process and the time during which the disease was not diagnosed and treated.

  • acute form. It is characterized by an abrupt onset of the disease. A person can just eat once junk food than harm the esophagus. In addition, the use of cold and hot food also affects this area detrimentally and can provoke the onset of the disease. Another cause of acute distal reflux esophagitis is often acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.
  • Chronic form. This course of the disease is observed with constant harmful effects on the mucosa of the esophagus. If you eat improperly for a long time, drink alcohol and ignore healthy lifestyle life, it is quite possible to acquire chronic catarrhal esophagitis. It will make itself felt throughout a person's life, since this ailment cannot be completely cured. Subject to all the doctor's recommendations, a person can live and work for a long time without thinking about their diseases.

What is catarrhal esophagitis and how to treat it, the doctor will tell you, self-medication is unacceptable. Among other things, inflammation of this part of the body can also manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Mild catarrhal esophagitis practically does not manifest itself.
  2. Moderate is diagnosed when minor symptoms ailment.
  3. Expressed declares itself brightly, with the occurrence of all symptoms.

There is such a thing as terminal catarrhal esophagitis. Many are confused by this diagnosis. This is just a localization pathological process, which explains that the problem has formed in the area of ​​​​the esophagus, close to the stomach.


There are not so many diagnostic methods used for this disease. The patient needs to visit a doctor at the first digestive disorders. The doctor will listen to all the complaints of the patient and prescribe necessary examination and analyses.

What is included in the diagnosis:

  1. UAC ( general analysis blood).
  2. OAM (general urinalysis).
  3. Stomach acid test.
  4. Determination of the acidity of the medium by impedance-pH-metry.
  5. Ultrasound diagnostics to establish the condition internal organs and exclusion of tumor formations on the wall of the stomach, duodenum and in the pancreas.
  6. X-ray with suspicion of narrowing of the walls of the esophagus or tumor formation.

After collecting and analyzing all the data received, the doctor may prescribe additional measures for the examination, such as CT.

Traditional treatment

Therapy of catarrhal esophagitis is carried out in several directions. The doctor will tell you how you need to change your lifestyle and diet so that the treatment is beneficial, and its effect is fixed for a long time.

Methods of treatment non-drug:

  • after eating, you need to walk slowly for about 30 minutes;
  • sleep better on a high pillow;
  • not commit physical gymnastics with an emphasis on the tension of the muscles of the press;
  • cannot be transferred;
  • diet must be strictly adhered to.


  1. Histamine H2 receptor blockers.
  2. Prokinetics.
  3. proton pump inhibitors.
  4. Antacids.

In some cases, medication therapy does not bring tangible results, then the disease may progress further, and doctors will have to apply surgical treatment.

Folk methods of treatment

The use of drugs is necessary for this disease anyway, however folk recipes can enhance the effect of drugs. Independently, without consulting a doctor, use folk methods no treatment. Only a doctor can calculate all the risks, because the characteristics of the disease in a particular person.

There is a wide range of ways home treatment. There are some that have been popular for a long time:

  • 1 way. potato juice. This remedy must be freshly squeezed. Taking half a glass of this juice a couple of times a day can reduce unpleasant symptoms and remove heartburn. Among other things, this liquid contains a lot of useful substances.
  • 2 way. Aloe juice. it folk remedy considered to be very effective. You need to squeeze 7-8 drops and drink them before or after meals. Consistency this tool is such that it well envelops the walls of the esophagus, leaving a thin film that prevents negative influences.
  • 3 way. Sea buckthorn oil. In any pharmacy you can buy this remedy, the main thing is that it be natural. Drink half an hour before meals and half an hour after meals 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. The condition will improve quickly as inflammation decreases and tissues begin to repair.
  • 4 way. A decoction of rose hips. Beneficial features of this plant allow you to activate defensive forces body to fight any disease, including catarrhal esophagitis. Brewing and drinking such a decoction is very useful, it heals wounds well and saturates the body with vitamins.

In addition, there are many recipes for herbal teas, taking which, you can significantly improve your condition and cure almost any disease. Chamomile, motherwort, pine buds, lemon balm and other herbs are grouped into collections, they are brewed and these infusions are drunk for a long time.


Nutrition can be called the main component of the treatment of esophagitis of any course. There are many recipes for various dishes, which include healthy foods that improve the healing of the mucosa of the esophagus. There are products that are harmful to a person suffering from such a disease.

Healthy food:

  1. Vegetable soups.
  2. Kasha cooked in water.
  3. Mashed potatoes.
  4. Boiled pasta.
  5. Meat low-fat varieties steamed, boiled.
  6. Fish in boiled or baked form.
  7. Vegetable oil for dressing.
  8. Jelly with berries.
  9. Marmalade.

In any case, the diet for each patient with catarrhal esophagitis is individual. Nutrition must be fully coordinated with the attending physician.

Junk food:

  1. Everything is fried.
  2. Fatty meals.
  3. Sour sauces, vinegar.
  4. Coffee Tea.
  5. Smoked meats, sausages and more.
  6. Salty.
  7. Very hot and cold food and drinks.
  8. Alcohol.
  9. Onion and garlic.

In addition to the composition of food, a few more points are important. Before eating (half an hour) you need to drink a glass of water room temperature. Do not take after meals horizontal position to keep acid from escaping into the esophagus. Physical exercise allowed only after 1 hour after eating.

The doctor will tell you in detail about all the nuances of treatment. If they are followed, the result of treatment will be positive and fast.

Catarrhal esophagitis is only initial stage this pathological process. It is important to stop the development of the disease in time so that it does not become severe and incurable.

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