Compress paper in medicine and applied arts. Algorithm for applying a warm compress to a child's ear Compressor paper

For the treatment of arthrosis, otitis, myositis, along with tableted and injectable preparations, compressotherapy is successfully used. In this case, the drug penetrates to the affected tissues through the skin. An additional therapeutic effect has a local thermal effect. In the manufacture of dressings, compress paper is actively used.


As a base, a layer of technical paper is used, on the working surfaces of which a thin layer of paraffin melted at 70-80 degrees is applied.


The paraffin layer covering the surface of the paper significantly changes the properties of the material:

  • density increases;
  • the paper becomes hydrophobic (impervious to water and steam) and translucent.

Waxed compression paper has long been actively used in medical and pharmaceutical practice. In pharmaceutical production, it replaced wax paper, which actively absorbed the smells of medicines.


Today, compress paper is not in short supply and is freely available in the pharmacy chain. But if desired, it can be made at home. To do this, you need to prepare thick paper - the future base, printer paper (may not be needed, but it’s better to have it), sheets of parchment, iron and paraffin. You can use a crushed candle or a special granular store-bought paraffin.

  1. Lay a thick towel on the ironing board so that if the paraffin spreads, you will not get ugly stains on the ironing surface.
  2. Pour a layer of paraffin between sheets of parchment and iron with an iron until melted.
  3. We place a sheet of thick paper between the sheets of parchment in paraffin and iron it again.
  4. If there is not enough paraffin, you can add it and again - iron it.
  5. If there is too much paraffin, we place a piece of paper for the printer between the sheets of parchment and iron it again. The printer paper will absorb excess wax.
  6. “Readiness” is determined by touch - by the smoothness of the paper surface. If the surface remains rough, then there is still excess paraffin, you need to repeat the procedure with a printer sheet.

After cooling, the paper is ready for use. Along with medical use (for compresses), waxed paper is used in applied arts, in the home production of decorative candles, crafts, and scrapbooking. It is used to transfer drawings, create flower arrangements, and decorate. For craftswomen, this paper is a real treasure!

From time immemorial, warming bandages have been used as one of the mandatory therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a number of ailments. However, despite the wide popularity of this cheap physiotherapy procedure, there are frequent cases of incorrect application of warming compresses and ignorance of the algorithm for their application. The general technique of any warming application is simple: we take a warming agent (heated water can be used), soak a bandage or cotton-gauze bandage with this agent; material impregnated with a heating agent, cover the area on the body; on top we apply compress paper, a dry layer of cotton and bandage the compress so that it holds well and does not interfere with blood circulation.

Compress materials are cheap

Warm compresses are used to increase blood circulation in tissues and organs, the restoration of health of which requires an increase in metabolism (metabolism) in the affected areas.

The algorithm for performing a warming compress at home is simple. For this technique you will need:

  • warming component (warm water, alcohol, turpentine, ointment, etc.);
  • bandage and cotton;
  • cling film or compress paper.

Cling film or compress paper can be replaced with any other material that does not allow heat to pass through and can create a wet "greenhouse effect". It can be a plastic bag, tracing paper, etc. Another mandatory requirement for the covering material is that it should not injure and irritate the skin at the points of contact with it.

The compress must be well fixed

The sequence (algorithm) of actions when applying a water warming compress:

  • heat water to the required temperature (40-45ºС);
  • moisten cotton wool in heated water (there should be enough cotton wool so that, when applied to the skin surface, it covers the entire area of ​​​​influence of the warming application and at the same time the thickness of the cotton layer is not less than 1 cm);
  • on top of the cotton wool layer, it is necessary to apply 2-3 layers of compress paper or any other material that retains moisture and heat;
  • a layer of dry cotton wool is laid on top of the compress paper;

last of all, it is necessary to apply a bandage bandage that would completely cover all previous layers (the bandage should not be tight or very loose, it should ensure that the compress fits normally to the affected area and free blood circulation).

The technique of applying a bandage bandage as when bandaging wounds.

Warm compresses also include a vodka or alcohol compress.

The algorithm for applying a vodka compress, which is done at home:

  • dilute 96% alcohol with water in the following ratio of 1 part of alcohol to 3 parts of water or dilute vodka in the ratio of 1 part of vodka to 1 part of water;
  • soak a layer of cotton wool in diluted alcohol or vodka, wring out the cotton wool and lay this layer on the surface of the skin in the place where a warming effect is required;
  • cover the layer of cotton wool with compress paper or any other material that does not allow heat and moisture to pass into the external environment;
  • make a layer of dry cotton wool;
  • on top of the compress paper or a material replacing it, apply a non-tight bandage bandage (the bandage must be applied in several layers so that it completely covers the surface of the compress).

For patients whose skin reacts painfully to the aggressive effects of alcohol, it is recommended either not to do alcohol warming applications at all, or to apply a half-alcohol compress.

The peculiarity of the algorithm for applying a semi-alcohol compress is that when preparing it, the amount of water should be increased: instead of 3 parts of water, dilute alcohol with 5-6 parts of water.

The imposition of warming compresses based on therapeutic ointments should be done in strict accordance with the instructions for these medicines. The method and time of action of the heating components in such specialized medicines can be very different from the mechanism of action of a conventional warming compress and, accordingly, the algorithm for using such agents is also different.

In accordance with the algorithm, the time for applying a warming bandage is 5-8 hours. After a specified time interval, it is necessary to remove the bandage, wrap the area on the body where the warming effect was used, wrap it with a soft natural cloth. This gentle heat can be used before applying the next compress, which can be done after 5-6 hours.

When is heating applied?

Warm compresses are one of the physiotherapeutic agents in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints, muscle tissues, and in some vascular diseases.

Also, the effect of warming bandages on the neck is used in restorative and rehabilitation therapy in the treatment of tonsillitis and other inflammatory diseases in the larynx.

For sore throats, applying a warm compress will help.

Indications for the use of a compress should be made by the attending physician, who observes the entire course of the disease and can prevent the occurrence of complications due to inappropriate warming. It is almost impossible to make such a forecast on your own. Ideally, the doctor should also determine the algorithm for the use of such warming applications.

The use of warm compresses for joint diseases

The algorithm for applying heating bandages for the joints and the technique for preparing for this procedure are quite simple, it is easy to do it yourself at home. However, due to the fact that such a compress is considered a potent remedy and its use affects the entire body, experts advise getting a therapist's advice before using heating for contraindications.

According to the testimony of doctors, such a compress can be used for arthrosis, arthritis, bruises, sprains.

You can relieve pain and swelling with a bruise with a compress

A warming application can be done according to the mechanism indicated in the first part of this review.

Acceptable heating components:

  • alcohol;
  • vodka;
  • alcohol infusions of herbs;
  • turpentine;
  • therapeutic warming ointments, etc.

Such warming bandages have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. A compress is applied for 6-8 hours, twice a day: in the morning and at night.

To avoid slipping of the compress when applied to the mobile joints of the upper and lower extremities (elbow, knee bend), it is necessary to increase the area of ​​application of the compress itself with a warming component and increase the area of ​​bandaging. It is not recommended to use adhesive tape to strengthen such a compress on the joint.

Warming applications for sore throats

In case of sore throat, coughing, as well as other diseases of the respiratory tract, compresses can be performed only if there is evidence from the attending physician.

This precaution is due to the fact that sore throats and coughs are infectious diseases. As you know, the infection begins to spread actively in a warm environment. That is why premature manipulations associated with the treatment of throat and cough compresses can only aggravate the clinical picture of the disease.

It is necessary to treat the throat with a compress after consulting a doctor

In these cases, a compress can be performed only after the body has overcome the infection, i.e. at the stage of recovery and getting rid of the negative effects of infectious agents.

If there is an indication of the attending physician, a warming compress on the throat area when coughing or with other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract can be performed according to the algorithm and using the technique indicated in the first part of this article.

For a warming application on the neck when coughing, gentle warming components are used, such as warm water, a half-alcohol solution, boiled potatoes, honey, etc.

When not to put a compress

Even if there are general indications for the use of warming applications, such a physiotherapeutic agent cannot be done if there are a number of contraindications.

A compress on the neck should not be placed in cases where the patient is ill with tuberculosis or the presence of other serious infections in the body is diagnosed.

Also, it is impossible to provide additional thermal effect on the neck if the patient suffers from cardiovascular diseases.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the use of a compress on the neck is prohibited.

Any warm compresses are contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases or rashes on the body.

Compresses - various types of medical dressings, are dry and wet.

Dry compress prepared from several layers of sterile gauze and a layer of cotton wool, which are fixed with a bandage; used to protect the injury site (bruise, wound) from cooling and pollution.

Wet compresses there are warm, hot and cold. Impose them on different parts of the body, depending on the localization of the pathological process.

It is prescribed as a resolving or distracting procedure for chronic inflammation of the joints, tonsillitis, otitis, laryngotracheitis, pleurisy. As a result of the local and reflex action of heat, a rush of blood occurs, pain sensitivity decreases.

Warm compresses are contraindicated in dermatitis, violation of the integrity of the skin, furunculosis. You can not put compresses at high body temperature, with various allergic skin rashes. This procedure is not recommended for cardiovascular diseases of the II-III degree with symptoms of heart failure, with atherosclerosis with damage to the cerebral vessels, with fresh thrombosis (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins), with a tendency to bleeding. You can not put compresses on patients with tuberculosis in the active phase and other infectious diseases. You should not do this procedure during a violent, acute inflammatory process, for example, when there is pain, swelling, redness, local temperature increase in the joint.

Warm compress technique

A piece of cloth, folded in several layers, is moistened in warm water, wrung out, applied to the skin. An oilcloth (compressed paper, polyethylene) is applied on top, wider than the moistened cloth, and on top - a layer of cotton wool or flannel of an even larger area. All three layers are fixed with a bandage tightly enough, but so as not to disrupt normal blood circulation. After removing the compress (after 6-8 hours), the skin should be wiped with alcohol and a dry warm bandage should be placed on the area to be heated.

If you need to put a compress on the entire chest or stomach, you should sew a vest or a wide belt from oilcloth and cotton wool (batting); for the wet layer, a tissue of the appropriate shape is cut out, but smaller.

A medicinal warming compress is also used, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances to the water (baking soda, alcohol, etc.). Usually impose semi-alcohol (alcohol diluted in half with water) or vodka compress. You can use alcohol and vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a 1:1 ratio. Often doctors recommend ready-made medicines for compresses, for example, menovazin.

Very effective for rheumatic arthritis medical bile or Dimexide. But medicinal substances can cause irritation, therefore, before putting a compress, the skin must be lubricated with baby cream or petroleum jelly. In folk medicine, compresses with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, buttercup are used.

Dimexide applied as a solution for compresses. The use of Dimexide solution is indicated as part of the complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), deforming osteoarthritis (in the presence of lesions of periarticular tissues), reactive synovitis;
  • limited scleroderma, erythema nodosum, discoid lupus erythematosus, foot fungus, keloid scars, thrombophlebitis, alopecia, eczema, erysipelas; bruises, sprains, traumatic infiltrates;
  • purulent wounds, burns, sciatica, trophic ulcers, acne, furunculosis.

Dimexide solution for compress has a pronounced local anesthetic effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, changes the sensitivity of microflora resistant (resistant) to antibiotics.

How to breed Dimexide for a compress?

Dimexide is used mainly in the form of aqueous solutions (30 - 50%) for tampons, compresses. The compress should be applied to the affected areas, capturing the adjacent healthy skin.

To obtain a solution of the desired concentration, the concentrated preparation of Dimexide is diluted with boiled or distilled water in the following ratios:

  • 10% solution - 2 milliliters of concentrate and 18 milliliters of water;
  • 20% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 8 ml of water;
  • 25% solution - 2 ml of concentrate and 6 ml of water;
  • 30% solution - 6 ml of concentrate and 14 ml of water;
  • 50% solution - mix the components in a ratio of one to one.

Instructions for use Dimexide

Skin, in the form of applications and irrigations (washings). In a solution of Dimexide of the required concentration, gauze wipes are moistened and applied to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. A polyethylene film and cotton or linen fabric are applied over the napkin. Duration of applications - 10-15 days.

How to use Dimexide solution in the treatment of diseases:

  • In the treatment of erysipelas and trophic ulcers, the drug is used in the form of a 30-50% aqueous solution of 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • With eczema, diffuse streptoderma, compresses with a 40 - 90% solution of Dimexide are recommended.
  • For pustular skin diseases, a 40% solution is used.
  • For local anesthesia, a 25-50% solution of the drug for compresses is recommended, 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • In the treatment of deep burns, bandages with a 20-30% solution of Dimexide are used (if necessary, in a dose of up to 500 ml).
  • For facial skin and other highly sensitive areas, 10-20-30% solutions are used. In skin plastic surgery, dressings with a 10-30% solution are used on transplanted skin auto- and homografts immediately after surgery and in the following days of the postoperative period until the graft is firmly engrafted.
  • Less concentrated solutions produce washing of purulent-necrotic and inflammatory foci and cavities. With postoperative purulent complications caused by staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the drug is applied to festering wounds and infiltrates.

If the patient is in severe pain, an anesthetic (novocaine) can be added to the solution, and with compresses in the form of tampons, vegetable oil is usually used.

Dimexide Gel used instead of compresses. Gel Dimexide does not require dilution with water and is ready for use. Apply externally according to the same indications as the solution.

Dimexide is usually well tolerated, but some patients may experience erythema, itching, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, dermatitis, diarrhea. In some cases, with poor perception of Dimexide, nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm are observed.

Dimexide is contraindicated with severe cardiovascular insufficiency and atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, impaired kidney and liver function, stroke, coma, during pregnancy, during lactation, glaucoma, cataracts. Use with caution in the elderly. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

How to apply a compress to a child?

The rules for applying a warm compress to children are the same as for adults, but an absolute contraindication for this procedure is an increase in the child's body temperature.

Compress for angina

With tonsillitis, children often make vodka compress on the neck.

In this case, the tissue moistened with vodka should be applied to the postero-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its front part free - the area of ​​the thyroid gland.

hot compress

hot compress prescribed for local heating of tissues. Under its influence, a rush of blood occurs, which causes an analgesic effect. This procedure is used for migraines caused by spasm of cerebral vessels, colic (intestinal, renal and hepatic), joint pain, salt deposition in them, and neuritis.

Hot compress technique

The fabric is moistened in hot water (temperature 50-60 o C), quickly squeezed out and applied to the desired area of ​​the body, covered with oilcloth and warm woolen cloth. This compress is changed every 5-10 minutes.

Cold compress

cold compress, causing local cooling and narrowing of blood vessels, reduces blood supply and pain. It is used for various local inflammatory processes, bruises, and nosebleeds (on the bridge of the nose). A cold compress is placed on the head in case of feverish conditions and sharp mental excitement.

Cold compress technique

A piece of cloth, folded in several layers, is moistened in cold water (preferably with ice), slightly squeezed and applied to the corresponding part of the body. The compress is changed every 2-3 minutes, so it is convenient to have two sets of compress, one of which, cooled in advance, lies in cold water. Depending on the condition of the patient, the procedure is carried out for 1 hour or more.

Otitis in a child is a common phenomenon. You can alleviate the pain of the baby with the help of a warm compress. All mothers know about this, but not every mother knows how to properly make this compress, put it on a child, and when this cannot be done. We will talk about this in detail in this article.

Why you need a compress

Age features of the structure of the hearing organs in children - a wide and not long enough auditory tube, which is located horizontally. Various fluids, nasal mucus with a runny nose can get into it, resulting in inflammation. When the child grows up, the auditory tube also increases, it becomes more vertical, and otitis media recede.

However, between the ages of 1 and 12, otitis media can occur several times a year.

Inflammation of the ear can be external, middle and internal. Most often, children are diagnosed with otitis media. With any otitis, a doctor's consultation is required., because we are talking about preserving the auditory function and preventing inflammation of nearby organs, primarily the brain. However, a sharp acute pain in the ear tends to appear most often at night, when polyclinics are not working.




A warm compress is not a way to treat otitis but the opportunity to alleviate the condition of the child before medical assistance is provided. In the home medicine cabinet of most parents, of course, there are also ear drops in case of otitis media, but burying them without being sure of the integrity of the eardrum is a huge risk. It is impossible to check whether the membrane is intact at home without special instruments. Therefore, the issue of using drops before a medical examination for sane parents is removed from the agenda.

It is not difficult to apply a compress to a child's ear; it does not require extensive and deep medical knowledge if the algorithm of actions is known.

Pleasant warmth helps to reduce pain and relieve swelling a little.

When you can not put a compress

It is strictly forbidden to put a warm compress on a child if if he has purulent or bloody discharge from the ear. Their appearance indicates perforation of the tympanic membrane, a bacterial complication of otitis media. Heat in this case will only increase the activity of pyogenic bacteria, the infection risks acquiring life-threatening proportions.

Purulent otitis media

Do not use a warm compress for otitis externa, which is most often manifested by the formation of painful boils on the auricle. If there are injuries, wounds, abrasions on or near the ear, if the child's ears have recently been pierced and the wounds have not yet healed, a warm compress cannot be applied.

If the pain in the ear came not alone, but with a high temperature, this is also a contraindication for the procedure. Thus, it is possible to put a compress only in case of acute otitis media, in which there is no discharge from the ear, temperature, visible abscesses and boils.

What will be needed?

It is best to prepare a list of what you need in advance and keep it in your home first aid kit in case of sudden nocturnal otitis media. Then the child will not have to suffer for a long time, while the mother, awake, is frantically looking around the house for something suitable for making a compress. So, you will need:

  • Gauze napkins (ready-made pharmacy or home-made) 10X10 cm in size. One compress requires 7-8 such single-layer napkins or the same number of gauze layers.
  • Compression waxed paper. It should be noted right away that it is not worth replacing it with cellophane or baking paper. Such paper perfectly retains heat due to paraffin impregnation. It costs mere pennies (no more than 20 rubles), it is sold in any pharmacy. The size of the paper must be larger than the gauze to cover it completely. It is best to measure 12x12 cm.

compression paper

  • Cotton wool. You should not take too thick a layer, because more does not mean more useful. The area of ​​the cotton layer should exceed the area of ​​the gauze and the area of ​​the paper. It is optimal to make a cotton layer 14X14 cm thick no more than 2 centimeters.
  • Sunflower oil. Heated, warm, but not hot. The optimum temperature is 37-38 degrees Celsius. In a small amount.
  • Diluted medical alcohol. The pure product is diluted approximately in half with water to obtain a liquid with a strength of 30-40%. If there is no alcohol, you can take 40-degree vodka and do not dilute anything.

  • Bandage. It is best to use a sterile pharmaceutical bandage of a large width. If this is not available, a non-sterile bandage can be used. If there is no bandage at all, prepare a scarf, the main thing is that it does not have a long wool pile.
  • Scissors. Manicure from my mother's cosmetic bag will not work. You need ordinary, large classic scissors.

It is important to remember that for children under 4 years old, a compress can only be applied with vegetable oil. For older children - with vodka or diluted medical alcohol.

Babies from 3 years old can replace vegetable oil with camphor oil, but, unlike vegetable oil, it has side effects and contraindications. If camphor oil has not been used previously for a child, it is better not to risk it, since otitis media does not give time for experiments.

Some parents mistakenly believe that it is possible to make a semi-alcohol compress using both oil and alcohol. You don't need to do this, it's pointless.

Action algorithm

It is clear that a child screaming in pain does not leave the mother a chance for composure, but first you need to pull yourself together and calm the child. While you tell him a story or sing a song, you should prepare everything for the compress:

  • In the gauze layer in the center, a vertical hole is cut with scissors in size suitable for the child's auricle to easily crawl into it. A similar hole is made in compress paper. The cotton layer is left intact.
  • The child is seated in front of him on a chair, bed, on his knees to his father (this is preferable, since it is advisable to keep the baby so that he does not spin).
  • The one who will put the compress should thoroughly wash their hands, treat them with an antiseptic.
  • The child's head is placed in such a way that the diseased ear is on top, the hair is removed (stabbed, collected in a ponytail), if there are earrings, they should be removed.
  • A remedy is poured into a small shallow bowl - an alcohol solution (for children over 4 years old) or sunflower oil (for children under 4 years old).

Setting technique

Do everything calmly, communicating with the baby in a friendly tone:

  • The first layer is gauze. The napkin is moistened in oil or alcohol solution, easily squeezed out. It is important that it does not pour or drip from it. After that, the layer is gently applied to the ear, not forgetting to stick the auricle into the slot cut especially for it.
  • The second layer is paper. Waxed paper is put on the auricle in the same way through the slot, tightly leaned against the gauze. The task of paper is to keep warm, which is why it has a slightly larger area than gauze.

  • The third layer is cotton. The prepared "insulation" covers both previous layers.
  • The fourth layer is bandage. This, in fact, is already fixing the compress. As already mentioned, in the absence of a bandage, a scarf is used.

The subtleties of applying a compress

The hardest part about this warming compress is getting everything that has been folded over your ear to fit properly. You need to start bandaging from the side of a healthy ear. On it, they usually finish fixing, making a neat bow. When bandaging, it is not at all necessary to bandage a healthy auricle, “circle” it with a bandage either in front or behind, so that the ear looks out the "window".

It remains only to check whether everything is fixed correctly. To do this, use the index finger. If the compress is applied in compliance with all the rules, then it does not skip or with great difficulty can skip a finger. Such an imposition is considered incorrect, in which the compress lies freely on the ear, dangles, and lets air through.

If an indeterminate fluid is discharged from the ear, if there is pus or boils, you can put a dry compress on the child. Everything is done in the same way, only the gauze is not wetted by anything. There is little benefit in such a compress, so its imposition by and large does not make sense. But if it will be calmer for parents to wait until the morning when polyclinics open, then why not.

    I used to use ordinary oiled clean sheets of a school notebook. It baked, did not burn and separated well. Then I used parchment and baking paper. By the way, some types or grades of this special paper are extremely inconvenient. Stick and crumble after baking when separated from the cake. I bought a silicone mat on a baking sheet six months ago for 80 rubles and solved all the problems. I don't grease anything, everything bakes beautifully. The main thing is not to cut on it.

    I use a sleeve if there is no paper. I just cut the sleeve to the desired length, cut it along the seam and lay it on a sheet or baking dish

    Kalkoy in the first place. This is the best and most commonly used replacement. If not, you can oil a regular blank sheet of paper, the thinner the better. Drafts should not be used in any case, because even putting the sheet with a clean side to the dough, you risk that the paste or pencil will get on the dough through oil impregnation. It obviously won't do any good. Do not use foil either, it will not allow the dough to bake well.

    I use paper that was given to me in the office in rolls, it is very similar to tracing paper, only thicker it is completely clean and can be used in the kitchen. You can also use it with foil, but it’s true that it’s expensive in the store, cooking paper is even cheaper. You can just grease the baking sheet with margarine or butter, sprinkle croutons or semolina on top, then nothing will burn for sure. When I bake an apple pie, I grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil and sprinkle with oatmeal, the children really like it.

    You can replace baking paper (baking paper) with ordinary sheets that are used for printers, you just need to soak them a little with vegetable oil.

    Also, food foil is suitable for this business. You can also just take and grease a baking sheet with butter or margarine and bake on it without paper.

    There are many options for replacing baking paper, as soon as the housewives adapt))

    • tracing paper lubricated with vegetable oil
    • sleeve for baking
    • fax paper (which is on the roll)
    • plain writing paper, also impregnated with oil
    • non-stick silicone mats
    • sprinkling a greased form or baking sheet with breadcrumbs (as an option - flour, semolina)

    In the end, they even came up with non-stick mixture, which will not burn any baking.

    Take half a glass of flour (any), fat (you can use lard, cooking oil, melted butter) and vegetable oil. Fat must be very cold.

    Mix all the ingredients in the mixer at first on low speed, then increase the speed and beat until the mixture is white and fluffy, having doubled in size. The mixture should be silver in color. If it turns out a little watery, you can add a little flour. The mixture is applied with a brush to the walls and bottom of the mold or baking sheet. This coating never burns, is easily washed off and does not leave a mark on the crust of products.

    You can store the mixture in the refrigerator, they say that it can stand for about a year.

    There are special reusable silicone mats that are even more comfortable than parchment. if there is nothing at hand, but you need it urgently, then you can simply grease plain paper (at least notebook sheets) with vegetable oil and let it soak. Baking will not stick, but then you still have to wash the baking sheet.

    Ordinary tracing paper will replace baking paper, I actually thought that it was the same thing.

    So that meat or pastries do not burn, buy Teflon molds or a Teflon baking sheet. It lasts a very long time and nothing in it burns. Just lubricate with oil, and there is no need to put paper.

    To be honest, I don’t use baking paper at all for baking pizza or a pie, I just grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, if the dough is very tender and you still need paper, you can bake on regular printer sheets or on notebooks lubricated with vegetable oil.

    Baking paper can also be replaced with aluminum foil or compress paper, which is sold in a pharmacy. In general, it is very convenient to grease a baking sheet or a frying pan with vegetable oil and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs.

    ordinary writing paper, but oiled and lightly sprinkled with flour. CLEAN, of course, or in extreme cases - the scribbled side is not for the test

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