Furuncle carbuncle difference what is the difference, skin abscess is different. How does a boil develop? Causes of appearance and classification of purulent formations

Furuncle- this is an inflammatory process that occurs in an acute form, which affects the hair follicle and the fatty tissue closest to it under the skin. Carbuncles develop as a result of the merger of several boils into one. Furuncle appears in children and adolescents as a result of the development of various diseases.

Causes of boils and carbuncles

The skin has a lot of sebaceous, sweat glands, hair follicles. The hair follicles are surrounded by subcutaneous fat. If an infection enters the skin, then the development of an acute inflammatory process begins, which is expressed by a boil. If a boil appears not in one, but in many places, then this process is called furunculosis. A furuncle can occur in parallel with such diseases as hypovitaminosis, diseases of the digestive system, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, a weakened immune system, and frequent hypothermia.

Clinical manifestations of furuncle and carbuncle

Furuncle occurs in two forms: abscessing and infiltrative. With the development of an abscessing form of a boil, the symptoms are quite pronounced and are accompanied by fork pain. There is a massive purulent fusion of tissues. This is very dangerous, because if a boil appears on the face, then pus can break through to the base of the skull.

With an infiltrative form, signs of intoxication are not very pronounced. If a local examination is carried out, then a dense infiltrate can be detected. It can be surrounded by hyperemic skin, and get very sick. Then a rod is formed inside the boil, it appears as a purulent and destroyed tissue. The furuncle sometimes opens on its own, while the process is accompanied by the release of pus. After that, a cone-shaped recess is formed. After some time, it overgrows with granulation tissue.

With the development of boils in children, the temperature often rises, they become nervous and capricious. In the affected area, tissue infiltration is visible, the outflow of blood can be impaired.

Treatment of boils and carbuncles

Before contact with a boil, as well as after contact with it, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. You can carefully apply an antibacterial substance to the affected area. The procedure should be repeated three times a day. In order to reduce pain and accelerate the maturation of the purulent head, you can put a warm compress for fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, the boil should be closed with dry gauze. It is strictly forbidden to pick and scratch the boil, do not try to open it yourself or squeeze it out. This is very dangerous, because in this way you can spread the infection further. If there was an independent opening of the boil, then you need to carefully remove the pus and treat this place with hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to apply a dry gauze bandage. The procedures should be repeated every day until the revenge is completely healed. In order to reduce the inflammatory process and pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic. No need to turn to ointments and creams that contain antibiotics. They can only be prescribed by a doctor. Before preparing food, wash your hands thoroughly, because the bacteria in the boil can infect food. If a boil occurs in a diabetic, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Treatment of boils and carbuncles should be carried out as soon as possible. Very young children are treated in a hospital setting. The doctor opens the boil, making a small incision so that all the pus can come out. After that, the doctor applies a sterile dry bandage. If necessary, antibiotics are prescribed. If boils occur often enough, then they are prescribed to take tests. This is done in order to check if there is diabetes.


It is necessary to adhere to hygienic requirements for skin care. It is necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system of the baby, make sure that he eats properly and balancedly so that hypothermia does not occur in the cold season. And most importantly, you need to remember that if a boil has already appeared, then in no case should you remove it yourself!

A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the skin, accompanied by an abscess, soreness, itching. The inflammatory process occurs where there is a hair follicle. To distinguish a carbuncle from a boil, you need to consider the extent of the damage. The carbuncle is represented by multiple rashes, the surface of the skin resembles a cork with swelling, redness.

The mechanism of the appearance of boils and carbuncles

The mechanism of occurrence is approximately the same. Causes that provoke the appearance of neoplasms:

  • weakened immunity, beriberi;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • infections;
  • trauma, scratching the skin;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • deterioration of metabolism;
  • increased sweating, hyperhidrosis;
  • excessive friction of the skin on clothing (for example, during intense training);
  • a history of skin diseases (scabies, dermatitis);
  • long-term use of drugs (antibiotics);
  • sudden hypothermia, overheating of the body;
  • professional factors (work in hazardous working conditions, in chemical industries);
  • elevated blood glucose levels (diabetes);
  • prolonged contact with water.

Neoplasms go through the same stages of development:

  1. The stage of infiltration is accompanied by pain, swelling at the site of the formation of the abscess.
  2. The stage of the formation of the rod, the breakthrough of chiria.
  3. Regeneration, accompanied by granulation, healing.
  4. Scarring of the wound.

The treatment process becomes more complicated when the abscesses are located in problem areas: face, nasolabial triangle, ears, genitals.

Difference Between Furuncle Carbuncle

In the international classification of diseases (ICD 10), section L02 "Skin abscess, furuncle and carbuncle" is highlighted.

For the diagnosis of diseases, laboratory tests of blood and urine tests, bakposev of secreted pus, and dermatoscopy are carried out. Furunculosis and carbunculosis are distinguished from diseases similar in symptoms (erysipelas of the face, dermatitis, hidradenitis).

hallmark Furuncle Carbuncle
The causative agent of the disease Streptococcus, purulent staphylococcus aureus
Is it transmitted to another patient Not contagious
Number of rashes Singly located pimples, abscesses do not merge into one formation Multiple inflammations. A carbuncle is formed around several hair follicles, a general infiltrate is formed
Seal color Red Shades of color up to black
Differences in location Head (maxillofacial region, neck, ears), armpits, genitals, buttocks, limbs Neck, back, hips
Which layers of the skin are affected by inflammation? Epidermis Epidermis, subcutaneous fat
Differences in symptoms at the stage of education Soreness, swelling, redness of the skin It is characterized by a strong pain syndrome, the patient is worried about bursting pain. Possibility of rashes with multiple chambers
Clinical picture at the stage of necrosis The formation of a purulent core in each separately located boil Differs in extensive tissue necrosis, circulatory disorders at the location of the carbuncle
Symptoms of intoxication Possible manifestations: a slight increase in body temperature, weakness, fever Symptoms of intoxication: fever, insomnia, fever
Feature of the method of treatment With minor single rashes that do not cause inconvenience to the patient - a medical method. With soreness, severity of symptoms - a surgical method Treated surgically in a hospital setting
Difference in healing time Up to 1 week Up to 4 weeks

With symptoms of malaise (fever, swollen lymph nodes, no improvement within 2-3 days), regardless of the type of abscess, you should consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the type of neoplasm. With an abscessed boil, the symptoms are similar to carbunculosis.

The main difference between boils and carbuncles is the number of rashes, the shape. Carbuncles are more pronounced symptoms.

Similarity in the treatment of ulcers

If the abscesses are minor, do not cause inconvenience to the patient, self-treatment is possible without surgery under the supervision of a doctor. In the case of multiple rashes that cause anxiety, the treatment is carried out surgically in a hospital hospital.

Type of treatment Peculiarities
Operative surgery methods Removal under local anesthesia by a surgeon in a hospital.
Medical treatment
  • local therapy with antiseptics (alcohol solution 70%, salicylic acid);
  • ointments to accelerate the maturation of the abscess (Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment);
  • antibacterial drugs for the prevention of infection of the wound, prescribed after opening the neoplasm (tetracycline ointment, levomekol);
  • painkillers (nise, ketonal);
  • antibiotics active against streptococci and staphylococci (ampicillin, doxycycline);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen).
Folk methods
  • applying warm compresses in the form of bags of salt (pull out the pus);
  • treatment with baked onions (apply to the affected area);
  • applying to the abscess rye cakes made from laundry soap, rye flour, honey (100 g of each component);
  • gruel from ficus leaves;
  • treatment of the damaged area with aloe juice will relieve pain, itching, burning;
  • applying grated potatoes (relieves pain).
  • ultraviolet treatment, the use of dry heat accelerate the maturation of the abscess;
  • magnetotherapy - exposure to a magnetic field (relieves swelling, inflammation).

Physiotherapy is not taken in acute conditions, abscesses, elevated body temperature of unspecified etiology.

diet therapy Exclusion from the diet of junk food: fast food, fried, fatty, salted foods. The diet is based on steamed recipes by boiling. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended during the treatment period.

It is better to combine methods of treatment: diet therapy, medication treatment and home methods.

Prevention of recurrence of carbuncles

  1. Children and adults must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Do not touch wounds, ulcers with your hands.
  2. Proper diet, healthy lifestyle.
  3. When wounds, cuts appear, treat the skin with antiseptic agents.
  4. Avoid hypothermia, overheating.
  5. Timely treatment of any diseases.
  6. Prevention of beriberi: taking vitamin and mineral complexes in the off-season, fresh fruits, vegetables in the summer.
  7. Walks in the fresh air, moderate physical activity.
  8. Recognize the appearance of new rashes in time.
  9. In the presence of abscesses, exclude visiting public places (pools, baths, saunas).

Furunculosis and carbunculosis can lead to serious pathologies that threaten the patient's health. With self-treatment, secondary infection of the wound is possible, the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. In the case of a timely visit to the doctor at the initial stage of dermatitis, the prognosis is favorable, it is possible to treat the neoplasm with medical methods and physiotherapy.

A boil or boil is a purulent area of ​​​​the body that begins to inflame from the root of the hair follicle near the sebaceous gland. Carbuncle, this is the same, but also includes subcutaneous fatty tissue.

A furuncle begins as a red nodule on the skin. In the middle of inflammation, a purulent core slowly begins to form. The inflammatory focus can reach up to 2-3 centimeters. If many foci appear on the human body, then such a disease is called furunculosis.

Carbuncle is a more serious inflammation. Significant inflammation begins to appear on the human body, which is filled with a purple-red tint. This disease affects the general well-being of a person. The temperature may rise, pain in the muscles, lethargy and headaches will appear.

A carbuncle is an association of several boils in a limited area of ​​the skin. They merge around the hair follicles and form a common infiltrate together with necrosis of fatty tissue and skin cells. Usually suppuration extends in depth. Most often it appears on the neck, face, head, armpits.

Furuncle and carbuncle - what's the difference?

Photo of carbuncle

Carbuncle is a transitional stage in the development of a boil. It manifests itself in a more severe course and is characterized by serious complications.

With a boil, only one sebaceous hair follicle is affected, while neighboring bulbs are involved in the subsequent pathological process. The difference is that in the first case, the deep subcutaneous layers do not suffer.

A furuncle is formed on any part of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet.

Another difference is that with carbuncles, there is an exhaustion of the body, a decrease in immune defense, and a metabolic disorder. With boils, such symptoms are not characteristic.

Causes of inflammation

Carbuncles as well as boils can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Most often, this disease can occur in people who have a weak immune system. It also manifests itself in individuals who:

  • suffer from diabetes;
  • have HIV infection;
  • take steroids for a long time;
  • undergoing chemical therapy;
  • experiencing constant hunger;
  • have skin diseases spread over a large area of ​​the body;
  • use drugs;
  • have heart disease.

A boil differs from a carbuncle in part in that the boil causes mainly Staphylococcus aureus, while the carbuncle can provoke both it and streptococcus, E. coli, Proteus and other anaerobic bacteria.

Carbuncle is a purulent formation that causes a lot of suffering to the patient. Acute inflammation develops around several sebaceous glands and hair follicles in the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue.

What are the differences in their treatment?

Staphylococcus aureus is the cause of the formation of boils. Often, these two diseases can begin in the same way, and initially an ordinary pustule or vesicle forms on the surface of the skin.

Both furuncle and carbuncle require mandatory treatment during their development. This is especially important to do at the initial stages of their formation, which can contribute to a milder course of inflammation and prevent the development of complications.

What is the difference between the treatment of these purulent-inflammatory diseases?

As a rule, with the development of a boil, outpatient therapy is prescribed, that is, the process is allowed to be treated at home. Treatment of carbuncle most often requires direct monitoring and observation by a doctor. In addition, surgical intervention is often used, which is important to carry out in a hospital setting.

Treatment of carbuncle also requires the mandatory appointment of Antibacterial drugs. And it is desirable to begin treatment with antibiotics at the initial stage of the development of the disease. Antibiotics for a boil are recommended to be used only in cases of localization of the element on the face, with numerous foci on the body, and also in case of a significant weakening of the immune properties.

Unwanted pimples appear on the human body from time to time. These are carbuncles, and boils, and just pimples. But the furuncle and carbuncle of the face, for example, require serious treatment. There is also a common, as well as a difference, between these skin diseases. Let's consider this problem in more detail.

Have you ever heard that the largest pimple was 13 cm in diameter and 5 in height. An American man had such a pimple and it became known about such an interesting case five years ago. Of course, this man was no exception, but it was his problem that gained worldwide popularity. As it was known from the words of doctors, this pimple was originally an eel, but after a while it began to turn into a huge boil. Some experts suggest that it was even a carbuncle. Of course, not everyone agrees with such a statement, but in order to talk about such a serious issue, you must first learn to distinguish boils from carbuncles yourself.

Pimples that contain a huge amount of pus can occur under the influence of streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus. Sometimes the cause can also be skin damage by other bacteria: enterococcus or Escherichia coli. Bacteria can enter the skin through small wounds, cuts or cracks, and in most cases this occurs due to the fact that a person does not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene and does not begin to deal with the problem in time.

In some cases, you may encounter huge pimples that occur due to the fact that immunity is greatly reduced. In addition, a person can experience various diseases. For example, HIV, diabetes mellitus or blood and skin diseases. At the same time, the work of the sebaceous glands will be disrupted and then the pores begin to open and cannot resist the ingress of dirt or microbes into them.

What are the symptoms of a boil and carbuncle

These two types of acne share some common symptoms: fever, loss of appetite, fatigue, and joint pain. A carbuncle differs from a boil in that it initially has several nodules of the same size, which eventually merge into one. There is also a difference in the depth of acne development. Carbuncle, as a rule, can even affect muscle tissues and cause their necrosis. The common thing is that both types of acne affect the hair follicle. These pimples can appear anywhere on your body, but in most cases they occur on the extremities.

There are three stages in the formation of large pimples

  1. The first stage lasts no more than 2-3 days. The place where the pimple forms begins to turn red. Then one nodule appears with a boil and several if it is a carbuncle. The knot causes pain, which will initially be aching, and then sharp.
  2. On the 3rd day after the onset of symptoms, the second stage begins - suppuration and maturation of the pimple. The furuncle will look like a single pimple, where one rod will be clearly visible. The carbuncle will have several rods, and the skin around it may become bluish.
  3. The last stage is healing. After the pus comes out of the pimple and it begins to heal, scars or scars may remain on the skin. But if you have formed a carbuncle, then this stage may not be, and then doctors start talking about sepsis.
If everything goes well, then in two weeks from the onset of the formation of a pimple, it should completely heal. If you are faced with a carbuncle, you will have to wait a little longer - up to 20 days. If there are complications. That healing period can be significantly stretched. This must be closely monitored, because your muscle tissue may begin to die off at the site of acne formation, and then you will have to forget about full recovery for a long time. At the first signs of the appearance of a large pimple, it can be lubricated with the most common ointment against acne, but if you have complications, then you can not do without medical help. You may be prescribed antibiotics, which will be injected into the pimple with a syringe and thus remove suppuration and promote healing.

Our medical center can help you get rid of such unpleasant formations as boils, carbuncles and abscesses.

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Furuncle (chiry)- This is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues, which is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It looks like painful, pus-filled cavities in the skin. Although boils can occur anywhere on the body, they are most common in areas where there is hair and friction, such as the neck, armpits, groin, face, chest, buttocks, etc.


Carbuncle- This is a particularly large boil or several nearby boils, which are usually deeper and more painful. If you suspect a carbuncle, be sure to consult your doctor, because. inflammation can enter the bloodstream, and then you may need antibiotics.

Why do boils and carbuncles occur?

Staphylococcal bacteria enter through a wound on the skin and infect a clogged sebaceous gland or hair follicle - as a result, a purulent inflammation forms. The skin tissue swells and a red, pus-filled, painful swelling appears. Bye furuncle will not open and empty (the pus contained in it will not come out), the boil will hurt, and it will be unpleasant to touch it. Often occurring boils are often symptoms of more serious diseases.

Furuncle symptoms

First, local redness and swelling appear on a small area of ​​​​the skin, in the center of which there is a hair. In this place, pain and itching are felt. After about a day, at the site of redness, the skin dies off and under a thin film of dead skin
a yellowish purulent focus is formed with swelling and redness of the skin around it. Possible fever and chills. Soon a dense, painful, cone-shaped knot of purple-red color is formed, in the center of which a softening appears after a few days. Then the furuncle opens with the release of pus and a funnel-shaped ulcer is formed with a yellowish-greenish core of dead tissue at its bottom. After some time, the necrotic rod is separated, the ulcer is cleared, inflammation, swelling, swelling and soreness quickly decrease. Soon the boil heals with the formation of a small scar. Sometimes a furuncle is defined as a painful infiltrate without suppuration and necrosis and goes away on its own, without pus.

Carbuncle Symptoms

First, there is redness and swelling in the area of ​​​​skin with several hair follicles. Then, multiple purulent foci are formed at this place, which can open on their own. The skin around the carbuncle is blue-red, swollen. There is pain in the area of ​​the carbuncle, the skin is hot. The body temperature rises, the pulse quickens, chills and weakness appear.


Spread of boils to other parts of the body; septicemia (blood poisoning).

What can you do?

Wash your hands with antibacterial soap before touching a boil and after touching a boil (whether it's a sore or a festering head).

Gently apply an antibacterial agent to the affected area 3-4 times a day. Apply a warm compress for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day to relieve pain and accelerate the maturation of the purulent head. Then you should close the boil with a thick layer of gauze and keep the bandage dry. In no case do not scratch or pick the boil, do not squeeze or open the boil yourself, because. it can spread the infection. If the boil has opened on its own, carefully remove the pus, then carefully treat the area with hydrogen peroxide. Then apply a dry bandage. Repeat the procedures every day until complete healing. Take pain medication to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Do not use over-the-counter products (creams, ointments) containing antibiotics without consulting a doctor. Never try to open a boil yourself without the permission of a doctor.

Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food as Bacteria from a boil can cause food contamination. Diabetics in the event of a boil should immediately consult a doctor.

What can a doctor do to treat a boil?

Your doctor can open furuncle, making a small incision with a surgical blade, so that the pus can come out, remove the pus and apply a dry bandage. If necessary, prescribe suitable antibiotics (including ointments). With frequent boils (furunculosis) prescribe tests (including to make sure that you do not have diabetes).


An abscess (abscess) is an accumulation of pus in separate cavities of the body due to a violation and liquefaction of tissues by a purulent process.

The causative agent of this form of purulent process is most often staphylococcus aureus (as the only source or in association with streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus and other types of microflora).

The ways of penetration of microbes and the ways of development of abscesses are numerous: skin lesions (microtraumas), spread of infection from the primary focus (furuncle), hematoma suppuration (limited accumulation of outflowing blood), cysts (fluid accumulation limited by the capsule), introduction of concentrated solutions of drugs into soft tissues, lymphogenous metastasis of purulent infection and more.

An infection that has got under the skin, without meeting resistance, begins to multiply rapidly, digests fiber, and as a result, a sac containing pus is formed. Outwardly, the abscess looks like a reddened, swollen area in the place where the injection was previously made. If the sac breaks into the deeper tissues, then there will be phlegmon, and if the pus enters the bloodstream - sepsis.

Phlegmon- almost the same as an abscess, only not in the form of a sac, but in the form of pus streaks freely spreading through the intermuscular spaces. Outwardly, it looks like an abscess, but it does not occupy a limited area, but extends to a significant part of the limb. It is also accompanied by pain, swelling, fever, and even interferes with the movements of the limb. Dangerous, in addition to the occurrence of sepsis, purulent fusion of nerves, blood vessels, muscles, bones and everything that gets in her way.

Sepsis- a very serious condition and very dangerous. At home, it will inevitably lead to death, and in hospitals it is extremely difficult to deal with it. Signs of sepsis are: severe weakness; high temperature, which then disappears, then jumps to 39.50C and above; profuse sweat; lowering blood pressure.

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