Intimate piercing for men. Intimate puncture - does it hurt? Which ear is pierced


Penis modification is a popular and risky physical modification of a man's penis. When it is performed, the established structure of the member is often violated. Modification of the penis is not prohibited by law, since every man has the right to change his own penis at his discretion. The right to change the body in any existing way is determined by morphological freedom. But, unfortunately, a tolerant attitude to all sorts of changes pushes men to extremes.

Balls, sleepers in the penis

Now the tattoo on the penis is no longer very shocking to modern society. Much more surprising are men who have homemade balls in their penis. Yes, yes, your eyesight did not let you down - it was home-made. Despite the fact that the procedure has been carried out for a long time in medical centers, salons, so far the daredevils perform it on their own, having heard enough of the stories of their friends who have served time.

Balls under the penis in the zone are prepared from plastic handles of toothbrushes or poured from the body of a fountain pen. The size of the ball should not exceed a pea. Usually no more than three balls are driven into the penis. So that the implant does not injure the tissues of the penis from the inside, it is carefully polished on the concrete floor, lime walls and treated with a cloth. The last step of polishing can be done with the tongue. Punching in the penis for balls is often done with the same sharpened toothbrush handle.

No less popular are sleepers in the penis, which are often combined with balls. Both modifications are aimed at improving the stimulation of the partner. In prison conditions, penis piercings are also done. Performing the procedure by non-professionals in unsanitary conditions and without piercing kits, special balls, sleepers, sterile instruments often leads to infection, rotting of the penis, and necrosis.

Having decided that you just need a ball in the penis, contact an experienced body modification master. He will not use dangerous balls from brushes and make breakdowns with plastic sharpening. The specialist uses factory-made sterile implants that are not rejected by the body.

After installing the balls, sleepers, genitals to prevent swelling, redness should be used with caution. Intimate life stops for the period of healing and removal of threads (no less than two to three weeks). Otherwise, the foreign body will be rejected, as a result of which additional stimulation of the partner will become impossible.

Having learned how to insert a sleeper into a penis, but having no money to visit a specialist, purchase special elliptical implants, the guys, as in the case of balls, try to get by with improvised means. As a result, sleepers made of silicone building sealant can be installed across the length of the penis, behind its head, which are actually unacceptable to be implanted in the penis. Incompatible with the human body are such substitutes for sleepers as silicone twisters, vibro-tails, which are driven into the penis at home. Even having bought a medical implant, you need to understand that the wrong choice of the sleeper diameter leads to its rejection.

penis piercing

Male genital piercing is as diverse as it is dangerous if the master has not gained experience and. The piercing is inserted into the foreskin, frenulum and even the head of the penis, scrotum. But modifying the shaft is a risky business, since such a penis piercing can be detrimental to an erection.

The most polar type of penis piercing is Prince Albert. Performing it, the master makes a puncture from the frenulum and to the urethra itself. Performing the reverse Prince Albert involves piercing the penis, starting at the urethra and ending at the top of the glans. The main advantage that Prince Albert piercing has is the rapid healing of injured tissues.

The main negative about such a modification comes from people who have chosen the wrong decoration. Too small a barbell can grow into the body, a large one disrupts sexual function and can thin the tissues. As a result, the client, instead of piercing, acquires another modification of the penis, called meatotomy. It is characterized by a divergence of tissues with a dissection of the opening of the urethra. Despite the risk of involuntary meatotomy, urinary leakage Prince Albert attracts both partners, as it improves sexual sensations for both the brave guy and his creative girlfriend.

Guys also decide on ampallang - a horizontal piercing of the glans penis. It can also be carried out through the body of the penis. Apadravia is combined with a shallow ampallang (through the head). Such a puncture is similar to a simple ampallang, but is performed vertically. Unlike Prince Albert, the ampallang can take over a year to heal. At the same time, having decided on ampallang, you will have to forget about satisfying your partner in a natural way for half a year and worry all your life that she will not injure her teeth, oral mucosa on a long straight barbell. Scarring and difficulty passing urine are two more reasons to change your mind about getting a glans piercing.

But it is difficult for any ampallang and magic cross (ampallang + apadravia) to compare in terms of entertainment with subincision. This bodily modification involves cutting the posterior wall of the urethra. It turns out that subincision is an incision in the lower part of the penis. When it is performed, the integrity of the urethra is violated. Subincision of the urethra is performed to increase sensitivity. Girls are attracted to such a modification due to the expansion of the partner's penis and an increase in its relief.

In order not to disrupt sexual function, it is better to think a billion times before making holes, cutting your penis. If you decide on ampallang, subincision purely for aesthetic reasons, then it might be better to decorate the genitals with an interesting tattoo. Of course, this kind of body modification also requires a visit to a smart artist who has decent tattoo equipment and tattoo inks. But at the same time, having changed your mind about being special, it is easy to get rid of an intimate picture using. But hard scars after punctures, cuts will forever remain with you.

As for those who like to make holes in the body at home, instead of a penis, they can be recommended to pierce their ears and noses. Such a modification will not affect sex, but it will not lead to a loss of sensitivity of the penis, a decrease in erection, or the death of penis tissues. For self piercing of ears and nose, use It is easy to get in tatoomag.

Shop tatoomag: always on guard of your dignity.

What does Wikipedia tell us about piercing? piercing(English) piercing- "puncture") - one of the forms of body modification, the creation of a puncture in which jewelry is worn. The term "piercing" itself can refer both to the process of piercing and to holes made by piercing.

You can start with the fact that I made the first puncture on mine at the age of 15. He pierced his ear, not really thinking about its meaning. Well, you see, summer, sun, alcohol, close comrades at that time are nearby. We ran to the nearest kiosk, bought some children's, girlish earrings. Plastic yellow smiley, with a rivet, just like in the picture. Good thing my friend had disposable tools with him. This is one of the most important rules.

They pierced an ear, a lobe (the most not sick, by the way) and only then they were already puzzled by the question, which one is needed? Right or left? The puncture was made on the right. Who knows, he will understand ;-)

And now, the road home, passers-by turn around. Look at what was. A guy, 16-18 years old, walks drunk, in a white T-shirt, his right shoulder is covered in blood, a smiley face is in his right ear. I come home, a neighbor stops me and tells a joke:

The guy came home with an earring in his ear. The father looks at him and says:

- You know, son, from time immemorial, either pirates or ***** wore earrings in their ears. I will now look out the window, and God forbid, your ship is not standing there.

They laughed, neighed, but I did not understand the joke. My parents took it easy, a week later I turn 16 years old, and my mother gave me a titanium earring. It was cool, but she did not know that this was only the beginning of my punctures. Therefore, as I believe, I have the right to talk about piercing.

Ear piercing

  1. helix
  2. Industrial
  3. Daith
  4. Tragus
  5. Auricle
  6. Antitragus
  7. lobe

One of the ear piercings is helix- creating a hole in the helix of the auricle or in the upper part of the ear (cartilage). As decoration, a small ring with a ball - a clasp or a small earring - a carnation is most often used. Heals 6-10 weeks. It hurts because cartilage. I personally had 2 such punctures in one, and 3 in the other.

This type of piercing is widespread in our time, such as industrial- piercing of any two holes connected by one direct decoration, but more often than two upper cartilage punctures. A kind of helix. One is done quite close to the head, the second is done down the cartilage, on the opposite side of the ear. Industrial can be placed anywhere. You can pierce the end of the ear, you can completely horizontally, you can obliquely, and vertically. This is a matter of taste. Heals from 3 months to 1 year. For industrial piercings, a long barbell is used to connect two piercings. There was only one industrial, it was very uncomfortable to sleep during the healing period.

There is a kind of ear piercing such as rook passing through the upper inner side of the cartilage. Heals within 2-3 months. Rings, rods and bananas are used as decorations. It is very difficult - to pierce carefully, in no case do not pierce yourself, or with friends at the apartment!

Tragus piercing ( tragusa) - part of the outer ear, located directly opposite the auricle, also serves, as a rule, for wearing jewelry. As an ornament, most often they choose a small ring with a ball-clasp or a small stud earring. A tragus piercing is also called (English tragus) "tragus piercing". They take root for about a month.

Another type of ear piercing is snug- passing through the antihelix of the ear from the middle to the lateral surfaces. Healing takes place within 2-3 months. A banana or a barbell is used as an earring.

And finally - earlobe. We see pierced earlobes hundreds of times a day. But if you decide to somehow diversify your body with an extra couple of the cutest holes in your body, but are not ready for radical decisions, then you can pierce your earlobe first.

This is just a starting point for moving on to more exotic piercings - just as your parents buy you a hamster first before they buy you a puppy.

No wonder the traditional place for wearing earrings is the earlobe - it has fewer important active points than in other areas of the ear, there is no cartilage, healing takes place faster, literally a month or two. My lobe seems to be small, but there were 5 punctures at one time in one ear, and 3 punctures in the other.

piercing in the form tunnels, is the insertion of plastic and metal tubes or plugs into the cavity of soft tissues. Most often, such jewelry is inserted into the earlobe. An important aspect of the puncture procedure is the gradual expansion of the hole to the required size, according to the diameter of the tube. A tunnel with a diameter of up to 8-10 mm after removal is most often delayed, if more, then surgical intervention may be necessary, although the characteristics of the body of each person play an important role in this. If the diameter of the hole is too large, then the inner wall is cut to close it, after which the filling takes place quite quickly. Too large holes are simply sewn up. Healing occurs within 2-3 weeks. I stretched my one ear to 10 mm and the other to 50 mm, but now the ears are not hanging, I have grown them. But they didn't look very good without jewelry, so THINK WITH YOUR HEAD before you get pierced.


Standard wash procedure superficial piercing consists in the superficial removal of lymph from the jewelry. In view of the fact that it is not possible to flush the canal from the inside (and there is no need for this), you should always treat fresh piercing very gently! You will need a solution chlorhexidine or miramistina. Chlorhexidine and miramistin are broad-spectrum antiseptics.

During the entire initial healing period, you should wash the piercing 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. To do this, use a cosmetic stick or napkin soaked in Miramistin to clean the jewelry from the released blood plasma and lymph. In no case do not peel off the crust of blood from the jewelry with your nails! To remove caked blood, apply a swab soaked in Miramistin or chlorhexidine to the puncture site for 5-10 minutes. Apply antiseptic ointments(for example, levomekol and the like) is possible only in difficult cases of healing with suspected infection no more than 2 times a day, but no more than 5-7 days in a row. Otherwise, antibiotic ointment additives destroy the body's natural bacterial defenses and the healing process stops completely.

Next time I will talk about piercing other parts of the body.

To be continued...

Genital piercing of the penis is the piercing of soft tissues in different parts of the intimate area, followed by the installation of jewelry. This method of body modification helps diversify sexual life, adds new emotions and sensations to it. Genital piercings have been practiced since ancient times, but later people forgot about them until the end of the last century. Today, men are increasingly turning to piercers to install earrings on the penis and scrotum.

Features of male piercing

Male intimate piercing was glorified by Prince Albert, the future husband of the English heir to the throne of Victoria, who loved to flaunt in fashionable tight-fitting trousers, where his reproductive organ stood out strongly. Prolonged inconvenience led him to the idea of ​​making a puncture in the head of the penis and inserting a ring. The earring made it possible to fix the organ to the hips, it did not interfere with walking, dancing at balls, riding a horse.

In today's world, people think of piercing as a piece of jewelry. The product additionally stimulates a man during an erection and has a pleasant effect on the partner's intimate places.

Most often, the masters are treated by clients over 35 years old. This is due to the desire to give sexual attractiveness and impress potential partners. The presence of a piercing on the penis expands the possibilities of sexual life, makes it possible to experiment.

Most holes heal quickly without complications. When the canal passes through the urethra, the wound is naturally disinfected.

Inflammation and rejection is a direct consequence of insufficient care, non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Types and places of puncture

Genital piercing, judging by the photo, is diverse. Almost any area in the intimate area is suitable for the implantation of jewelry. Punctures differ in location and functionality.

Popular male genital piercing options:

  • The area between the anus and the scrotum. The variety is called Gooch. This place is comparable to the female clitoris, has increased sensitivity due to the accumulation of blood vessels and nerve endings. Light stroking, pulling jewelry greatly increases excitement, speeds up orgasm.
  • Piercing in the bridle of the penis - Frenulum. It gives the ability to control arousal and prolong pleasure. Care must be taken when penetrating because of the risk of damaging thin skin.
  • The fold separating the base of the organ and the scrotum, Hofada. This intimate piercing does not give the member additional benefits, it acts as a decorative element.
  • Pubis. The hole is called Pubik. It is done to stimulate the female clitoris during sexual intercourse. This is a nice original gift for a partner, associated with a number of problems for the owner. The decoration takes root only if the puncture is made correctly, otherwise rejection and inflammation occur.
  • The scrotum is decorated with Skrotal. The product in the genitals brings an unforgettable sensation of stimulation.
  • Head. For this part of the manhood, there are several options for placing the earring: Prince Albert with a passage through the urethra from the bridle to the top. Often this type of puncture is called King Arthur; Apadravia - vertical arrangement of the bar with a ball under the base; Dido - double piercing of the head; Ampallang - horizontal piercing of the head of the penis, it is possible to pass through the urethra.

Which place to choose and how to position the hole, everyone decides for himself, but when choosing, one should take into account the individual anatomical structure of the organ and the state of health.

Technique and rules of execution

When choosing a salon and a master, you should clarify how the penis piercing is done and whether sanitary standards are observed. Not every specialist has the skill to work with intimate areas. Explore the photos in the portfolio.

The gun is only used to form superficial holes in the scrotum. In other cases, needles equipped with a catheter or hollow needles are used.

When working in each separate zone, there are features.

Male genital glans piercing is performed as follows:

  1. With the help of a clamp, the organ is fixed and displayed in a comfortable position. The place of capture and the location of the instrument depends on the type of puncture.
  2. With a quick movement, the master pierces the tissues with a passage through the urethra or nearby.
  3. Without removing the needle, an earring is inserted.

Foreskin piercing:

  • The clamp captures the fold.
  • The needle passes through the skin and is not removed.
  • An ornament is inserted into the hollow part, which is passed through the hole and fixed.

The type of piercing is only suitable for uncircumcised men. It is possible to create different compositions and paths from decorative products.

How to pierce the pubis:

  1. The hairline is shaved before the procedure. The use of creams, gels and oils is not recommended.
  2. The place where the needle passes is disinfected.
  3. A fold of skin is grasped with a clamp.
  4. The master forms a hole.
  5. An earring is inserted into the channel. The best option is a curved U-shaped bar.

There is a high risk of wound infection with regular shaving.

Scrotum piercing, main stages:

  1. The skin is grasped with a terminal clamp.
  2. A special needle is used to make a puncture.
  3. An earring is inserted into the hole.

The procedure in this area should be carried out by a master with the appropriate qualifications. As a result of a violation of the technique, damage to the testicles, spermatic cords is possible, which will negatively affect the reproductive abilities of a man.

How the bridle is pricked:

  1. The master with his hands or forceps captures the area where the penis and the lower part of the head are located.
  2. A hole is made with a hollow needle or with a catheter.
  3. A short straight bar is inserted.

It is important that sterility be observed during intimate piercing! Tools and jewelry are disinfected in an autoclave. The master works in sterile disposable gloves.

Contraindications and care

When not to pierce the penis:

  • pathologies of a mental nature;
  • blood diseases;
  • problems of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • a tendency to prolonged healing of injuries and the formation of keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • skin, venereal diseases;
  • viruses and infections in the acute phase;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the material used to make earrings.

If there are no contraindications to intimate piercing, it threatens a man with serious complications that affect the functionality and reproductive abilities of the reproductive organ.

How to care:

  • regular antiseptic treatment of the wound and the part of the leg adjacent to it;
  • compresses with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine;
  • wearing soft underwear;
  • a ban on visiting swimming pools, public baths, swimming in reservoirs;
  • do not pull out the earring, do not scroll until the wound is completely closed;
  • abstaining from sexual contact for at least a month.

Choosing and changing decorations

For the intimate sensitive area, mainly rods and horseshoes are used, rarely rings. The size and thickness are selected by the master depending on the type of puncture.

Particular attention is paid to the material of the product. The best option is implantation titanium. It does not release hazardous substances into the blood, which reduces the risk of inflammation and rejection. It is allowed to insert earrings made of gold of the highest standard into a healed puncture.

Every man is looking for a way to become special for his beloved or casual partner. It is difficult to surprise a woman, and piercing in the intimate area comes to the rescue. If you decide to make a puncture, choose an experienced master. In no case do not do the procedure yourself. Violation of technique threatens with scarring of the urethra, rupture of the frenulum, damage to the testicles, nerve endings, arteries.

Male piercing has long been not just a tribute to fashion, but also a stylish accessory that can tell interesting details about its carriers from their personal lives. If in ancient times earrings were worn mainly by warriors and representatives of special castes, then today dumbbells and tubas adorn the ears, eyebrows and other parts of the body of bohemians, creative intelligentsia and young people who simply want to stand out against the background of the gray mass of big cities and the monotony of quiet Russian provinces.

The choice of men's piercing accessories is in no way inferior to women's. Among the usual rings and carnations, there are also exotic models, mainly used to decorate piercings in non-standard places. Do not forget that you need to treat the piercing procedure as a medical operation. Only in this case, along with a stylish accessory, you will not get a lot of unwanted "bonuses".

What to pierce men?

This question can be answered as follows: if you are a representative of a creative profession (rock musician, futurist artist, and others), then the choice of a puncture site will be limited only by personal fantasies and phobias about injections. But actors, models and civil servants should not pierce their bodies too much, as this can negatively affect their careers. Representatives of professions in which a strict appearance means money (sales managers, bank employees, retail employees) should also restrain their fantasies within the dress code.

Earlobes and eyebrows

Most often, men decorate their earlobes, due to which many do not classify these punctures as “piercing”. Small earrings can be seen in the ears of not only famous football players and actors, but also office workers, and even representatives of working professions. It is important to understand here that ear piercing also has its limits. If small rings or studs in the earlobes are suitable for almost everyone, then three-centimeter cylinders, bone plugs or dumbbells in the cartilaginous part of the ear will not always be appropriate and will not suit everyone. With small rods and special balls, you can decorate not only the auricle, but also the tragus.

The punctures located on the lobe are the easiest to heal, but the cartilaginous part of the ear heals on average for at least 3-4 weeks. In general, ear piercings are the easiest to maintain and less painful. But punctures on the eyebrows are produced exclusively in specialized salons. Eyebrow barbell wearers may experience issues with expansion of the puncture site, as well as specific care considerations.

Nose and nasal septum

Piercing of the nose and nasal septum is more often seen on representatives of some youth subcultures, as well as musicians. Most of these guys prefer to wear jewelry in the nostril. It can be small rings, as well as special earrings with a loop. A puncture in the nasal septum is not only a kind of challenge to the piercing community, but also evidence that the wearer of such an accessory is a brave and clean person. The fact is that only a specialist can make a puncture in this part of the body, while the procedure itself is very painful. Such a piercing requires constant hygiene, both after the procedure, and during the subsequent wearing of a barbell or other type of nose earrings.

tongue and lips

Punctures in the tongue and lips can be classified as exotic, since jewelry in these parts of the body is worn by real fans of pain, needles and antiseptics. If the labrets are visible to everyone, then the bar in the tongue will be the secret of a man and his woman. According to experts, this type of piercing is one of the most dangerous, since a puncture can cause infection.

Exotic piercing solutions

Punctures in the nipples and other exotic types of male piercings are always deployed on truly brutal or unusual guys. It is interesting that in many native tribes such decoration was the prerogative of warriors, but women were forbidden to perform such experiments on their bodies. Exotic also includes piercing, which involves the implantation of plates and balls under the skin, which can be located in various places on the body.

Types of earrings for piercing

Surprising as it may seem, a men's jewelry box with this kind of jewelry can surprise even sophisticated ladies. For the manufacture of accessories, precious metals (silver, gold), as well as surgical steel and even titanium can be used. Plugs and expanders made of silicone and natural materials (bone, wood, stone) are more popular among young people. Fans of club life should take a closer look at the baubles glowing in the dark, which are often made of silicone and acrylic.

As for the forms of earrings, it is quite difficult to understand here without a special dictionary of terms for a master of male piercing. If even youngsters who have recently crawled out of tights and shorts have heard about rings, carnations, barbells, bananas and tunnels, then only those initiated into the pierced caste know about stretch marks, labrets, circulars, skindivers and other gadgets.

Among the novelties, it is worth mentioning special transparent earrings, designed for those who do not want to part with their favorite accessory, but the position and dress code do not allow openly wearing labrets in the lips or ears. Also retainers are suitable for athletes.

A special group is made up of microdermals, many of which have an inner and outer part. At the same time, the base implanted under the skin is often made of titanium, but the replaceable head is made of surgical steel. This type of puncture can also be perfectly disguised, which is probably why titanium body painting is popular among men who sit in stuffy offices during the day and turn into reckless pub-goers in the evening.

Piercing Care

Since the piercing procedure involves the application of a microtrauma, then, like any wound, a puncture will need special care. Most of the recommendations for all types of male piercing come down to basic hygiene, which always starts with thorough hand washing.

For washing punctures, it is necessary to use alcohol-free antiseptics, for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin. Traditional iodine and brilliant green, on the contrary, will dry out the channel. It is not recommended to move the piercing, especially during the wound healing period. At the same time, it is important that the antiseptic gets not only into the area around the earring, but also into the hole. This procedure should be done 3-4 times a day every day.

The period of formation of a permanent hole may be different. For example, an earlobe heals in an average of 12-14 days, an eyebrow can ooze up to 2-3 months. The punctures in the nose and cartilage of the ear will cause the longest inconvenience. In these time frames, it is also important to avoid visiting bathhouses, public pools, rivers and lakes. For a better effect during this period, you can drink zinc-containing vitamins.

To be or not to be?

Like a tattoo, male piercing involves a balanced decision: before the procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is important to remember that some types of piercings can leave noticeable marks behind. Therefore, beginners should not immediately make permanent punctures. For starters, you can vilify magnetic clips that will accustom your ears to unusual heaviness.

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

A penis piercing can be a great way to improve your sex life and feel confident. In addition, no one will know about such a piercing (except for your partner). This piercing is not for everyone, but if you are interested, then read on.


Part 1

Study the question carefully

    Explore this question a bit. There are many different types of piercings, both on and around the penis. The most common are Prince Albert, Ampallang, Frenulum and others. Find their description on the Internet and read to decide what you like best. Your best bet is to search on Google Images.

    Read about bloodborne pathogens and the potential risks of self-piercing. Getting pierced at home, you can get all sorts of diseases that can put your health and the health of your partner at risk. If you still decide to puncture, do it very carefully. You can't joke with things like a penis. You have one, so take it seriously.

    • Check with local laws. In most countries, people under the age of 18 are not allowed to get pierced. Please take this seriously.
  1. Decide what size or thickness you would like to make. Piercing sizes often follow the American standard, in which a larger number means a smaller caliber, but they can also be specified in millimeters. For example, genital piercings are typically done in sizes 16 (1.3mm) to 12 (2mm), although there are always exceptions. Size 14 is usually around 1.6mm.

    Order surgical steel piercing needles. Make sure they are the size you need. Most piercing and tattoo parlors won't sell you piercing needles due to liability issues, but you can order needles online without too much trouble. Make sure you order from a trusted source and that the bags containing the needles are completely sealed - otherwise you are more likely to get serious illnesses. As we said before, don't play around with your penis.

    Buy jewelry made of titanium or surgical steel. Make sure they match the piercing in shape and size. These can be rods and rings for frenulum piercings, a curved rod for Prince Albert, and so on. Be mindful of the length of the jewelry you need. Jewelry that is too small can cause a lot of healing problems, so if you're not sure, order slightly larger jewelry for extra space for swelling (and swelling is more likely to occur).

    Order additional tools. Depending on the type of piercing, it might be helpful to buy a pair of clips. It is very difficult to hold the head when piercing a piercing on the scrotum or penis. Clamps allow you to clamp the skin, making it immovable, thereby preventing slipping and displacement during piercing. Piercing in the wrong place can cause serious bleeding or worse, permanent injury, so clamps come in handy.

    • That's one reason why it's best to have it done by a professional. The placement of the piercing is very important and a professional will get you pierced in the right place with their experience.
  2. Prepare gloves and other sanitation supplies. You can also order gloves online. They are very important. You must be sure of cleanliness so as not to contract any infection transmitted through the blood. Alcohol wipes are needed to sterilize and clean the skin around the piercing site. In addition, it will be useful to take an ointment based on vitamins A and D to lubricate the needle. This will make inserting the needle much easier.

    • Remember that wipes may not help. In fact, even alcohol wipes can be non-sterile. Therefore, it is best to use professional equipment.

Part 2

  1. First, decide where you will be pierced. Choose a room with the most even surface that you feel comfortable working on. A good option would be a bathroom. You will need a place that can be easily disinfected and cleaned of blood when you are done.

    Disinfect everything. First of all, make a solution of bleach and water in a ratio of 1:4. Thoroughly clean the bathroom (if you decide to puncture it). Clean surfaces that you think you might touch during the procedure. Clean every inch of the area where you will be working. The cleaner it is, the better for you.

    Don't neglect your piercing jewelry. If you bought sterile clamps and jewelry, then great; if not, it is better to boil them in a pot of water, and then wipe them with a solution of water and bleach. This must be done, since it is not known what these jewelry were in contact with before you bought them.

    Prepare all materials. After everything is sterile, put on gloves and lay out everything you need on the table: extra gloves, sterile needles, sterile clamps, sterile jewelry, alcohol wipes, marker and some vitamin A and D ointment. Remove these gloves and throw them away.

    Cleanse the skin around the future puncture. Put on new rubber gloves. Use an alcohol wipe to disinfect your skin.

    Mark the puncture site. Use a marker to make two dots: one where the needle will enter and one where the needle should exit. Make sure these dots are at the right distance for your decoration. Imagine that the jewelry has already been put into the puncture. Make sure everything is done smoothly and exactly the way you want it - you are unlikely to want to take out the piercing and re-pierce.

    • You must understand that the drawn points do not guarantee an accurate piercing. If you flinch (for example, due to severe pain), the needle may move, then the puncture will be uneven. Another reason for someone else to do it.
  2. If everything looks good, take off your gloves and throw them away. Put on a new pair.

    Use a clamp. The clip (if you have one) will allow you to secure the skin in the marked area. Make sure the dots on either side of the skin are lined up and parallel to each other, then gently pinch the skin. Marked points should be visible through each side of the clamp; they should be positioned so that a straight line (needle) can ideally pass through them.

    • This method is only suitable for certain types of penis piercings. For a Prince Albert piercing, you will need to use a different method. It is more difficult to do and should only be done by a professional.
  3. Alternatively, stretch the skin. If you haven't bought a clamp, it will be a little more difficult. Use one hand to stretch the skin and flatten it so that both points are on the same line. Be prepared for the fact that it will not be easy to hold the skin and pierce it with your other hand (another reason to consult a professional).

Part 3


    Take the needle. After installing the clamp, unpack the needle. Have you bought a sterile piercing needle in the size you need? If not, then stop the procedure. Get the right size needle. MAKE SURE THE NEEDLE IS STERILE. If the package is damaged, buy a new needle. This is NOT the time to be lazy.

    Apply ointment. After you open the needle, apply some ointment based on vitamins A and D to it. This will make the next step easier to perform.

    Align the needle. Good! Now check again that both points are still on the same line in the clamp. If they are in place, hold the clip in one hand so that the marks can be clearly seen. Now take the needle with your other hand and place it on the same line as your mark. You can hold the needle between your thumb and middle finger while using the index finger on the back of the needle to push it through. This is a general recommendation - hold the needle the way you feel most comfortable.

    Pierce the skin. Now take a few deep breaths in and out, make sure you line up correctly, and quickly pierce the skin with the needle until you see it go through the other side for at least a centimeter or two. Don't push the whole needle through the other side - we'll use it to insert the earring into the penis.

    • Piercing the skin on the penis hurts! Even very resistant men writhe in pain during such a piercing. You must push the needle until it is completely pierced, despite the pain. It is very difficult to keep piercing further when pain arises, however, it will not be worse than it was at the very beginning, so go to the end - keep piercing further. You hardly want to go through such a difficult path and end up without a piercing.
    • If it hurts, push with a little more pressure. Once you get to the other side, the pain subsides quickly.
  1. Insert the piercing. Excellent! Now that you've pierced the needle, the hard part is over! Now you just need insert jewelry into hole. The needle is still sticking out on both sides of the hole, isn't it? It sure looks pretty cool, but now it's time to insert the decoration. So, unscrew or remove the ball from one side of your decoration. Don't lose it! Now grab the threaded, not round, side of the jewelry and place it at the back of the needle. It should fit in there easily. Now use the jewelry to push the rest of the needle out and the earring will pierce right into the hole.

    Attach the decoration. If you did everything right, then the threaded end of the jewelry should peek out of the puncture outlet. Now just screw the ball back into place. Congratulations on your new piercing! Take your time to finish - process everything with one more alcohol wipe.

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