What if the dog has a warm nose. Why does a puppy have a dry and warm nose? Video about dry nose in dogs

Most dog owners know that their pet's nose should normally be wet and cold. This is a sign of good health. If it is hot and dry, then something is wrong with the dog. Basically, in all mammals, the olfactory organ is wet (with the exception of humans and some primates). So what causes dry nose in dogs, and should the owner always worry about this?

About the causes of the problem

In pets, this organ is covered with mucus inside and on top. It is produced by linings (special glands). Slime for dogs is a kind of chromatograph, an assistant, thanks to which air movement is determined. It is the moisture that covers the organ of smell from above that helps the animal to identify various odors. This is a kind of barometer of scent.

However, the owners should not worry and immediately take the dog to a specialist, noticing that his nose has become hot, dry. There can be many reasons for this, not all of them indicate an illness of the animal. For example, in a dog that has just woken up, the olfactory organ is normally dry and warm. It can be the same after physical activity, when the dog runs in plenty, plays enough and overheats a little.

If the organ does not become wet during the calm period of the animal, then there may be a change in the environment or stress. Emotional experiences are also characteristic of animals and cause many changes in the body.

Often the olfactory organ in a dog becomes dry due to allergies. Plastic dishes from which the dog eats often become the "culprit" of the problem. Allergies can also occur to plant pollen, dust, detergents, and some products. If the dog is prone to allergic reactions, then owners are advised to keep a food diary in which food items are recorded and the reaction of the dog's body to them is monitored. So it will be easier for the owner to eliminate the allergen from the diet.

The nose can become dry in response to weather changes - heat, cold, strong winds. For example, it gets hot when it's cold as the immune system fights the health-threatening effects of the weather. To help her, you can offer the dog a multivitamin.

If the dog's olfactory organ remains hot and dry for a long time, then in addition to allergies, the cause may be a cold. In such cases, the dog also has other symptoms. This is sneezing, coughing, rhinitis. After the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor, the dog recovers - and her nose returns to a normal physiological state.

Banal fluid deficiency, lack of water in the drinker can also lead to a problem in the warm season.

Injuries are often the cause of the problem. The attentive owner discovers their consequences on his own, because there are manifestations of puffiness, swelling, wounds. In this case, you will need to see a specialist in a veterinary clinic.

Pemphigus is a specific disease that is manifested by the appearance of pimples in the form of bubbles on the nose. They burst, a crust forms, and the work of the lining is disrupted. In such cases, the dog should undergo a histology. Only in this way the disease is confirmed.

What should the owner do when the animal's nose is hot?

First of all, don't worry too much right away. It is necessary to abandon allergenic materials, for example, replace the usual plastic bowl from which the dog eats with a ceramic one. Experienced dog breeders advise washing it with laundry soap, and not with synthetic products that may contain allergens. Allergic dogs should be walked away from flowering plants, shrubs and trees.

If the owner found an injury to the olfactory organ, which caused its dryness, then the first thing he should do is lubricate it with calendula-based ointment or treat it with an antiseptic, then take the animal to a specialist.

Finding that the dog's sense of smell is hot, see if he has water in the drinker. Perhaps it was your inattention that caused the dog's discomfort and dehydration. Water should always be present in sufficient quantities and be available to the dog.

Observe the animal, pay attention to its behavior when a dry nose is detected. Decreased physical activity and appetite, lethargy and disobedience may suggest that the dog's problems are really serious, and you need to rush to the doctor.

There are always times when a pet does not feel very well. Usually the owner notices this and immediately feels the nose of the animal. If it is cold and wet, the dog is healthy; if it is dry and warm, there may be some problems with the health of the animal. However, a dry nose does not always signal the presence of a disease. The reasons for this can be many. But how to understand when a dry nose is the norm, and when it is a pathology? In what cases can you calm down, and in what cases should you start sounding the alarm and contact the veterinarian? As part of this article, various options for dry nose in dogs will be considered.

Dryness and warmth of the nose - not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition to determine the condition of the dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that earlier there were no thermometers and other devices for determining the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And there were no veterinary clinics yet. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered to be a variant of the norm.

The surface of the dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When the dog is in a dream, this body is responsible for the possible approach of the enemy and controls all processes occurring nearby. The olfactory organ of the animal is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

When is a dry and warm nose in a dog normal?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations occur in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If there are no accompanying symptoms, then you should not worry. The kid will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural features of the body and the breed, have a slow metabolism. In such cases, the constant dryness of the nose is a manifestation of the normal process of life.
  2. The dog just woke up. If the pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time it loses its ability to be in a constant state of anxiety and alertness. Thanks to this, the life expectancy of the animal is significantly increased, but the nose “dries” more often. In cases where the animal is resting in a specially equipped house for sleeping or under a blanket, its body heats up and the nose “dries out”. After waking up, the pet is enough to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Feelings and stress. If the animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very alarmed, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and also place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that the nervous system of the animal returns to normal, and with it the work of all organs normalizes.
  4. Fatigue. After long and heavy physical exertion, the animal may feel a breakdown. Do not worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest, good nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves rather strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the condition of the dog. If there are no additional signs, then it will be enough just to play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A very cold nose and ears of a dog is a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet's body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if the pet's eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums are pale, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between ordinary overwork and pathologies of various organs.

Animal nose:

  • smooth surface;
  • the surface of the nose is covered with cracks, itches and flakes.

Pet body temperature:

  • temperature high/low;
  • temperature indicators are normal: from 37.5 to 39 degrees.

Animal health:

  1. The dog is cheerful, active, has a good appetite and willingly plays with the owner.
  2. The dog is looking for a quiet and dark place, does not want to eat and drink, constantly combs his skin, behaves aggressively.

Pet hair:

  • has a healthy sheen, pleasant to the touch and cool;
  • hair gets tangled, tangled, has an unhealthy look.

How does a dog breathe?

  • breathing occurs without difficulty through the nose;
  • it is difficult for the dog to breathe through the nose, congestion, sneezing, and inflammation are observed.

Digestion of food:

  • the animal behaves naturally;
  • there is diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, inability to go to the toilet if desired.

If from this plan all the answers have a positive connotation, then be sure that the animal is up to something and most likely there are problems on a psychological background. Perhaps the dog lacks attention, care or affection. But, in order not to think up anything superfluous for yourself, seek help from a veterinarian for the sake of prevention. This will not be superfluous for the pet and for your nervous system. If there are more negative answers from the plan, then it is recommended to immediately take the pet to the veterinary clinic, especially if you have just recently adopted an animal and this is your first experience.

When does a hot nose signal an illness in an animal?

  1. Allergic reactions are the most common problem. Associated signs: the pet constantly scratches the skin, covers its muzzle with its paws and becomes very nervous. There are constant twitching of the body, dandruff and peeling of the skin. It is very difficult to determine the allergen on your own and you can hardly do without the help of a specialist. Of course, you can try to replace all the dishes of the animal with stainless or ceramic, remove all synthetic items, carpets. The diet will also have to be radically changed: leave only cereals and broths. More often to carry out wet cleaning of the premises, refusing to use household chemicals. You should mark in a notebook every thing that was removed from the dog's everyday life. Walk your pet away from flowers that can cause allergic reactions. As soon as you notice an improvement in the animal, immediately go to the doctor for further therapy. Sometimes with the help of tests you can identify the type of allergen, but if this does not work out the first time, continue to keep a diary and write down all the items that you remove from your pet's everyday life. Only such small steps can cope with this disease and detect the allergen.
  2. Pemphigus is a completely immune disease. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of blisters on the nose or body of the animal. The bubbles burst, leaving a crust in their place. It can only be detected with the help of tests that will confirm one or another type of pathogen.
  3. Cold. It can occur in the form of a common cold, or it can turn into a more severe form - pneumonia. It is worth remembering that this complication is much more severe in dogs than in humans and is much easier to end in death. Therefore, it is very important to show your pet to the veterinarian in a timely manner. The specialist examines the dog's chest, listens to it and decides what to do next.
  4. Plague. A very acute disease, quickly turning into a severe form. Signs: apathy, the formation of pus on the mucous surfaces. Diarrhea and vomiting with an admixture of blood, convulsions.
  5. Rabies. This disease poses a serious threat to both animals and humans. In animals, it is, unfortunately, incurable. Signs: photophobia, aggressiveness, lack of appetite, but the dog is very thirsty. If a dog is ill with rabies, then it is euthanized.

If you find certain symptoms in an animal, you should not be tormented by guesswork, but immediately visit a veterinarian, because sometimes an extra minute will help save your pet's life.

Video: how to understand that the dog is sick

People are mistaken when they think that a dry or warm nose in a dog is a sign of illness. You should pay attention to other signs, since a warm nose can be in a healthy animal.

Dogs most often have a cold and wet nose. But during the day, drying or warming of the organ is sometimes noted.

Dry and warm dog nose

Nose of a healthy dog

Causes of dry nose of a dog:

  • Age or personality. Puppies are very often observed with a warm nose, if there are no other symptoms, then do not worry. Some dogs have an organ structure in which it is poorly moistened;
  • After active games and loads, if the pet is overtired and tired. Rest and increased nutrition will fix everything. When traveling and moving, the pet may behave strangely, sleep a lot, lose its appetite. In this case, control the temperature, entertain and cheer the animal.
  • Warm and dry air, usually during heating seasons;
  • During sleep or after waking up. This is explained by a slow metabolism and a decrease in moisture;
  • Nervous tension or fear, stress. Let the dog recover, treat him with a treat, provide a comfortable and calm environment;
  • Sudden changes in weather;
  • When do milk teeth change to permanent ones?
  • Heat;
  • After childbirth in the first two days.

If the listed reasons are not accompanied by any other signs, then the warming and dryness of the organ is a short-term phenomenon. If the pet's condition is alarming and additional symptoms occur, then this may be the beginning of a disease.

Dry nose - special attention

If the nose is not wet and hot for a long time, then the attention of the owner is required.

Signs that accompany dryness of the body:

Obvious signs in which it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian:

  • Temperature jump up to 40 degrees and above;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Cloudy discharge from the nose;
  • Violation of urination and bowel movements;
  • Vomit.

Hot dog nose: help

If you find a warm and dry nose in a pet, then watch him. If the dog is active, eating well and showing no signs of illness, wait for the moisture and temperature of the nose to recover.

If signs are noticed that the pet is ill, body temperature should be measured rectally. If the indicator rises more than forty degrees, try to reduce the temperature by physical means - wet the wool, solder it with water, apply cold to the armpits and groin, and put it in a cool place. Take the animal to the veterinarian after the readings decrease. For minor fevers, go to the clinic immediately. Do not give any antipyretics on your own!

If the nose is cracked, then use calendula ointment to moisturize and soften the surface.

Some diseases

Allergy is the most common cause. Symptoms: The dog has a dry and cold nose. The animal itches, behaves strangely, the skin flakes off, it dries up, dandruff appears.

Do not diagnose allergies yourself, but feed your pet only broth and cereals. Do not bathe your dog and do not clean with household chemicals. Monitor the condition of the animal, as soon as the dog becomes better, go to the veterinarian.

distemper- acute and progressive disease. Symptoms: purulent discharge, hot dry nose, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea with blood and foam, refusal of water and food. Go to the doctor as soon as possible or call him at home! Don't delay even an hour.

Rabies- the most dangerous disease. It is transmitted with saliva, animals and people are susceptible to infection. Symptoms at the beginning: dry and hot nose, lack of appetite, but drinks water, apathy and lethargy, photophobia - the most important symptom! The disease is not treated and the dogs are euthanized.

What does a veterinarian do?

The doctor will examine the animal and ask the owner under what circumstances it was found that the nose became hot and dry.

When an infection is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy, develop antifungal and antiviral treatment regimens.

When an allergy occurs adjust the diet, prescribe antihistamines locally and orally. It is recommended to replace the bowls, because the cause of allergies is often low-quality dishes.

For injuries and pain syndromes, which are the cause of dryness of the organ, will select anesthesia and correct treatment of injuries.

For signs of dehydration, a course of rehydrating droppers is required.

Deworming will be carried out upon confirmation of infection with worms, if necessary, detoxification.

Confirmed autoimmune disease(pemphigus foliaceus), affect the immune system.

A dry and warm nose is not always a sign of pathology, just like a cold, wet nose is a sign of a healthy condition. Be attentive to your pets and notice additional signs that accompany diseases.

A dog in the house is a huge responsibility for the owner. There are situations when the animal's nose becomes dry and hot. How to respond to this indicator of canine health, do all cases require a visit to the veterinarian? It must be remembered that in addition to a dry nose, a dog may have any additional symptoms, so you should not make hasty conclusions, you need to take a closer look at the pet. What to do?

A dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • The most banal reason that caused the dryness of the nose and its warming may be a cold. A loving owner should not only be able to feel the pet's nose, but also measure its temperature. If the indicator on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to start treating a cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens are all around us. Plastic dishes, household chemicals, food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian and determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dryness of the nose can be observed in a lactating bitch. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call the veterinarian at home.
  • In the summer, a dog that is in the sun for a long time can get a skin burn. On the nose, the skin is not protected by hair, so sunburn is possible. If you notice a warm and dry nose in a pet, inspect the place where he was. The dog house must be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should control the presence of a container with cool drinking water in the pet's access area. In the summer heat, the dog can overheat, which will also be expressed in the dryness of the nose.
  • In winter, when the weather is frosty and windy, the skin on the dog's nose can be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dryness of the skin of the nose, in more severe cases it can be painful cracks.
  • During walks, and just in the yard, the dog can be accidentally injured. Sometimes an injury leads to a symptom such as dryness of the nose and its warming. Noticing that the dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If the pet refuses to give a paw, most likely he has damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from a veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem on your own.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. When nervous, the dog may get a little sick, which causes such a symptom as a warm and dry nose.
  • Dryness of the nose, complete with blisters that have appeared on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease of the immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble has matured, it bursts, then dried crusts appear that prevent the dog from breathing. It is possible to determine the type of pathogen only after passing the tests.
  • If a dog, in addition to a warm nose, is observed, it is lethargic, does not want to play, you should check it for helminthiasis. Worms in large numbers, accumulated in the peritoneum, can cause severe intoxication of the animal. it can both rise and fall.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of the dog in this disease is as follows: hot dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal to eat, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait, it may drag its hind legs and roll on its side. In severe cases, fainting or possible.

What to do if your dog has a warm nose

In each case, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation, your strength and the condition of the animal. Only then make a decision: show the animal to the veterinarian or help him on his own. Consider the main situations in which an animal may find itself.

dog has a cold

If you suspect a cold, if the dog's condition is not critical, you can get by with home treatment, but if possible, show the animal to the veterinarian so as not to miss it. The first measures that the owner should take in case of a cat's catarrhal disease are as follows:

  • Provide a calm environment, give warm drinks and tasty food that the pet will definitely not refuse. To maintain strength, it is necessary that the dog eat at least a little.
  • There should be no drafts in the place where the sick dog rests. The room should not be too hot or too cold. It is desirable to ensure a normal temperature in the room.
  • It is necessary to go outside, because the dog needs to cope with physiological needs. Walking time can be limited to a quarter of an hour.
  • If the dog is freezing, you can cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad.
  • Periodically, you can comb the dog with a brush. Such a massage activates the body's defenses, helps to disperse the blood and warm up.

At the initial stage of the disease, when the dog does not refuse food and drink, the following medications can be treated: Gamavit, Amoxiclav, Cycloferon. To reduce the temperature, intramuscular injections of Analgin with Dimedrol are used, which are carried out 2 times a day. If the treatment does not help, the dog feels worse, call the veterinarian for an examination. It is possible that the animal develops pneumonia. This condition is quite serious and without specialist appointments it will not cope with it. In order to diagnose an inflammatory process in the lungs, the veterinarian must listen to the dog.

If the dog has a cough, wheezing, and there is no way to show it to the veterinarian, they begin treatment with a wide spectrum of action. In order not to disturb the intestinal microflora, you should additionally purchase a drug to normalize the microflora.

If the pet has a high temperature, you should not give drugs based on paracetamol, they are harmful to the animal. If you do not know how to give injections, give an Analgin tablet, hiding it in a piece of treat.

Allergy in a pet

This condition can be caused by flowering plants, household items, woolen items, household chemicals, food. Determining the source yourself is quite difficult, but you can try. Try to clean the room where the dog is, without chemicals.

Clean frequently with warm water. Dishes should be washed daily, without using chemical dishwashing detergents. If woolen, replace it with cotton. When walking an animal, avoid those places where grasses and shrubs bloom. If the source of the allergy was found in this way, protect the pet from it.

Climatic features

If natural phenomena (heat, wind, scorching sun rays) became the cause of dryness of the nose, it is necessary to use cosmetics and try to protect the animal from the vicissitudes of the weather. For example, in the summer, move the booth to the shade of trees.


In this case, it is necessary to provide the pet with first aid (stop the bleeding, bandage the wound), then visit the veterinarian. If the nose is injured, alcohol, brilliant green, iodine should not be used - this can lead to a burn of the nasal mucosa.

Worm infestations

When purchasing a pet home, it should be remembered that walking a pet on the street may result in the appearance. Therefore, all dog owners are advised to carry out preventive cleaning with special anthelmintic preparations.

If a dog has worms, it may suffer from. Certain types of worms can be found in excrement. It is advisable to take an analysis and start anthelmintic treatment recommended by a specialist. Among the drugs used to treat helminthic invasions are: Pirantel, Fenbendazole, Espirantel, Prakziquantel, Febantel.


Treatment should be aimed at maintaining the internal strength of the animal. It is advisable to contact the veterinarian, as the disease is quite serious and can result in the death of the pet.

When not to worry

A dry and warm nose is not always an indicator of a dog's illness. If the dog behaves as usual, cheerful, playful, most likely there is no cause for concern. Watch the animal, give it food, water.

A warm nose is not the main indicator, so it is impossible to react sharply only to this symptom. Maybe the dog was tired, nervous, which caused the nose to warm up and dry. A warm nose occurs in puppies, nursing animals, pets that have just woken up. If there are no other, more serious symptoms of diseases, then there is no reason to worry either. I hope we answered the question: “Why does a dog have a dry nose?”.

It is traditionally believed that if a dog has a hot nose, then this is the first sign of a quadrupedal disease. Indeed, if the animal does not feel well, it is uncomfortable, anxious, then the nose becomes dry and warm. This may be a temporary phenomenon, and against the background of general mobility and good appetite, should not cause panic in the owner.

In other cases, when the dog has a hot nose and lethargy, accompanied by an unwillingness to eat and drink, then a visit to the veterinary clinic for examination is necessary and justified.

What is the function of the nose in animals?

The function of the nose in the dog's body cannot be overestimated. This is the most precise device through which the animal not only breathes, but also receives information about the outside world.

The structure of this organ, its mobility provide a directed sense, and the glands that produce a special secret moisten the surface and allow you to perceive odors even at a long distance. Licking his nose, the dog thereby increases its sensitivity to external stimuli.

Therefore, when the nose is warm and dry, the dog becomes less receptive to the environment, vulnerable and defenseless. But for a domestic dog, this is not always a sign of a serious illness.

Is a high temperature of the nose always a deviation?

In real life, the nose of domestic dogs is quite often hot and dry. This is certainly directly related to the physical and emotional state of the animal at a particular moment and is temporary, of a short duration.

Observing the pet at these moments will allow the owner to assess his general condition and draw conclusions about his health.

Reasons that do not require the use of drastic measures may be as follows.

  1. Hot dog nose after vaccination. A common situation that is caused by a temporary decrease in immunity. During this period, the animal may be lethargic, refuse to eat. The normal state is restored within a day.
  2. After rest or sleep. The maximum duration of the period of lethargy is 10-15 minutes.
  3. In a bitch during pregnancy, nursing or estrus. Dry and warm surface is associated with hormonal changes.
  4. Emotional stress, change in habitual lifestyle or physical overwork. Restoring the habitual habitat, proper rest and feeding will allow the pet to quickly return to normal.

These situations are normal for any dog ​​and should not bother the owner if the rest of the time the animal is cheerful, running and eating well.

When is concern justified?

The owner should be worried if the dog has a hot nose and no appetite, the animal moves less, is depressed, and other negative changes are observed. Careful monitoring of your pet will reveal the true cause of the ailment, and timely measures taken will contribute to the speedy recovery of a friend.

The table shows the likely situations that result in a change in the temperature and humidity of the nose.

Cause General condition of the dog Owner actions
Food poisoning lethargy;

liquid stool;

occasional fever

change the diet, give light, proven food;

drink plenty of water;

Avoid physical activity

Cold lethargy;

high temperature;

· lack of appetite;

discharge from the nose;

watery eyes;

wheezing when breathing and barking

· clinical examination;

treatment according to the prescribed regimen

Allergy · anxiety;

skin itching;

watery and inflamed eyes;


Avoid contact with possible allergens: household chemicals, plastic;

change the place of walking, avoid flowering plants and herbs;

Conduct a survey to identify the source of irritation;

give antihistamines

sunburn, overheating peeling and dryness of the nasal surface;

general lethargy;

possible rise in temperature

move the pet from the open sun to the shade;

Cover with a wet cloth

provide access to fresh water

Prolonged stay in the wind, hypothermia the appearance of cracks on the nasal surface;


Lubricate the cracks with calendula ointment or baby cream;

create a comfortable environment for the dog

Injury Wounds, damage to the paws or skin;

Decreased appetite

treatment of injured areas;
Helminthiasis lethargy;

not wanting to play

· constipation;

An increase or decrease in body temperature;

Diagnosis for the presence of worms;

treatment prescribed by a doctor

immune disease pemphigus the appearance of blisters on the nasal surface;

· hard breath

diagnostics in the clinic;

Fulfillment of a veterinarian's order

plague of carnivores Refusal of food

Discharge from nose and eyes

wobble when moving

urgent delivery to the clinic
Rabies photophobia;

Refusal of food

profuse salivation;


the disease is incurable

Requires preventive vaccination

These reasons require the owner to take extra care of the health of their pet.

Thus, a hot nose in a dog can mean both a temporary change in the emotional or physical state, and be a symptom of various kinds of diseases. Constant monitoring of the behavior of the pet will allow the owner to correctly assess the situation and provide assistance if necessary.

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