How to get rid of protruding ears at home. The ears stick out in a child, an adult - protruding ears: how to remove, fix protruding, protruding ears without surgery at home? How to hide protruding ears: men's, women's and children's hairstyles and haircuts for t

Lop-earedness manifests itself at an early age, and throughout life gives a person a lot of inconvenience.

This is one of the most obvious aesthetic flaws that immediately catches the eye.

You can get rid of protruding ears in both conservative and operative ways. We will look at them in more detail in this article.

Causes of protruding ears

Lop-eared refers to aesthetic deviations. It can be provoked by some congenital features of the development of the auricle:

  1. Underdevelopment of the antihelix. In this case, only the upper part of the ear is in a protruding position.
  2. Hypertrophic cartilaginous structure of the auricle (when the ears protrude completely).
  3. Earlobe deformity.

Also, one of the reasons may be heredity - when this feature is inherited from generation to generation.

It happens that lop-earedness is pronounced due to the disproportion of the ears to the facial skeleton. Most often this occurs with a vascular anomaly.


From a medical and aesthetic point of view, the ears should fit close to the head, and the line of the auricle should be parallel to the cheek. An otolaryngologist can confirm the presence of protruding ears.

Such a defect is easy to determine on your own. If a problem is found in a child, it is recommended to contact a specialist who will advise the most effective and safe method of solving it.

Sometimes aesthetic pathology is accompanied by hearing loss, acute pain and frequent otitis media.

The doctor prescribes a magnetic resonance examination and a series of tests to rule out chronic or infectious diseases.


The choice of a specific method for correcting a defect depends on its severity. There are three stages of pathology:

  1. initial stage(not conspicuous) - protrusion no more than 30⁰ from the head.
  2. Second stage(noticeable immediately) - the ear protrudes, making an acute angle of deviation.
  3. Third stage(pronounced) - the ears stick out at a right angle.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that a seemingly insignificant cosmetic problem at first glance can lead to serious consequences and psychological trauma!

Ways to fix the defect

Elimination of the defect is possible by non-surgical methods or with the help of surgical intervention.

The most common correction technique is the use of ear correctors. A more effective way is plastic surgery (otoplasty) to change the shape, size, and eliminate any deformities of the auricle.

Surgical intervention

Otoplasty is recommended for children of older preschool age (6-7 years), when the auricles are already formed. The operation does not apply to complex procedures and practically does not cause complications.


Elimination of a defect with the help of surgical intervention is indicated in such cases:

  • wrong shape;
  • before the age of seven, it was not possible to correct the shape in a conservative way;
  • if the angle between the ear and the back of the head increases;
  • smoothness of the antihelix and the anterior part of the auricle;
  • asymmetry;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • injuries or ruptures of the auditory organ.

Otoplasty can be performed at any stage of the development of protruding ears, both in children and adults.


If you cannot do without otoplasty to fix the problem, you should carefully read the list of contraindications before the procedure.

The operation can not be done with the following diseases and features of the body:

  • acute or chronic form of diseases of internal organs;
  • problems with the thyroid gland and blood clotting;
  • cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • any tumors;
  • wounds or irritations in the potentially operated area;
  • inflammatory processes of the auricle and jaw, otitis media;

Some contraindications are relative, which allows the procedure to be performed after the obstructing symptoms have been eliminated.

In the video, see how plastic surgery of the auricles is performed.

Preparing for the operation

If the patient is taking any medications, this should be reported to the doctor who will perform the operation.

It is strictly forbidden to take Aspirin, Citramon, Pentalgin and other drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid before surgery, because the substance helps to thin the blood, and during the operation the risk of bleeding increases.

Two days before otoplasty, it is not recommended to use cosmetics that can get into the ears. For a few weeks, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. On the day of surgery, you should eat light meals and limit fluid intake.

A few days before the procedure, the doctor examines the patient, measures the parameters of each organ separately, prescribes tests:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography and ECG.

It is necessary to first agree with the specialist on the future shape of the organs. It is also important to discuss the optimal angle of departure of the auricle from the back of the head. It is possible to simulate and see the result of otoplasty on a computer.

Shift back method

This is the classic form correction method. With this technique, the specialist performs the following manipulations:

  1. After sterile treatment of the operated area, an incision (no more than 2 cm) is made on the back wall of the organ, and a skin area is excised.
  2. The cartilage is partially removed or shaped so that the shell has an aesthetic appearance.
  3. Small stitches (no more than 3 mm) are applied behind the ear using special needles of different calibers.
  4. Sterile medical napkins are applied to the operated area, a bandage is put on and cold is applied.

It is the seams that maintain the necessary shape of the auricle.

The operation lasts from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the amount of work. General anesthesia is used in rare cases, most often a local anesthetic is used.

Method for correcting deformities of the antihelix

This technique can be performed by suturing to artificially restore the antihelix or by modifying the cartilage.

It is possible to combine these two technologies.

Suture technique

The suture technique involves making an incision on the back of the cartilage. After its thinning, several sutures are applied, which form a fold of the antihelix.

When suturing, the anterior wall of the organ is not affected. Horizontal seams should be close together to avoid shirring.

It is important to strictly observe the technology of suturing. The slightest mistake will lead to deformation of the cartilage and the upper part of the ear.

Seamless technique

When cartilage is corrugated, permanent sutures are not applied, which eliminates the possibility of rejection of a foreign body.

This procedure consists in making an incision behind the organ and injecting. As a result, the cartilage splits, and the edges of the antihelix take the correct position.

Laser technique

Laser otoplasty is performed using the same technology as the classical operation. But the advantages of the laser technique are that the incisions are made more accurately and the patient practically does not feel pain during the procedure. The duration of laser otoplasty is 20-30 minutes.

The laser scalpel has coagulating properties, so there is no bleeding during the operation.

The doctor fixes the cartilage in the desired position and sutures it in the same way as in the classical method of otoplasty.


As a rule, the recovery period does not last long. If you follow certain rules of behavior after the operation, there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Otoplasty does not involve the patient being in a hospital. A few hours after the operation, the patient goes home.

Only in the case of general anesthesia, a stay in the clinic is required throughout the day. The stitches are usually removed after 10-14 days. The final results can be assessed six months after the operation.

  1. A sterile dressing must be worn for six days, and put on for another month before going to bed.
  2. Two weeks after the procedure, you can not wash your hair and take a bath.
  3. Up to two months, large physical exertion is prohibited.
  4. You should avoid going to the sauna, swimming pool, prolonged exposure to the sun.

Possible Complications

During surgery, only the skin and ear cartilage are affected. Therefore, serious complications after the procedure are extremely rare.

A few days after the correction, the patient may feel discomfort and moderate pain in the operated area.

Edema and hematomas may appear at the incision sites (but not in the case of laser otoplasty). Sometimes there is a slight numbness of the shell.

These postoperative effects disappear after 1-2 weeks. Painkillers can be taken to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

More serious complications are of the following nature:

  • allergic manifestations (may occur after the use of a local anesthetic);
  • the formation of blood clots;
  • inflammation of the ear cartilage, which leads to the formation of keloid scars;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • extensive hematoma, which can lead to ear deformity.

If the operation was performed by a professional surgeon, serious complications and the return of protruding ears are impossible!

Alternative Correction

Doctors differently estimate the age until which you can get rid of protruding ears without surgery. Some believe that non-surgical methods are effective only in the first six months of a child's life.

Other doctors suggest that up to seven years there is a high probability of effective correction of the form without surgery. There are cases when all signs of pathology disappear as the bones of the skull grow older and grow.

The most effective non-surgical method is the use of silicone correctors. Modern manufacturers have developed proofreaders for children, women and men of any age. Although doctors question the effectiveness of devices for adults.

Silicone molds are applied to dry, clean skin. They need to be fixed on a certain part of the ear and not change the location in the future.

In general, correctors from different manufacturers are recommended from birth or from the age of three months.

In young children, a positive result is noticeable, after 3-6 months of wear, older children will need to wear correctors for about two years to achieve the desired effect.


The cost of otoplasty largely depends on the prestige of the clinic, the region, the professionalism of the doctor, the technique used, the materials and the quality of the equipment.

In the provinces, the price of such a service is much lower than its cost in large cities. Also, in public clinics, otoplasty is performed at affordable prices.

The most expensive technique is laser otoplasty. The average price is from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. A classic operation costs an average of 30 to 45 thousand rubles. In provincial cities, the price of the service starts from 15 thousand rubles.

If the operation was unsuccessful, re-correction is usually also paid. You should discuss the possibility of this situation with your doctor in advance.

You can learn about how laser otoplasty is performed from the video.

Lop-earedness is one of the most common congenital phenomena, due to the protrusion of the auricles. The presence of this defect creates a lot of psychological problems, regardless of age and gender. But this especially affects children who are prone to cultivating an inferiority complex in themselves.

Causes of droopy ears

A congenital anomaly suggests some features of the formation of the auricles even in the period of intrauterine development. And the most common causes of such defects are:
  • Genetics or hereditary component. The presence of defect-free ears in parents does not guarantee a similar effect in their baby, who may inherit protruding ears from grandparents or other relatives on the paternal/mother line.
  • Features of embryonic development. During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother may not be aware of the beginning of the process of incorrect formation of the auricles in him. This can be expressed in the following manifestations:

    Underdevelopment / smoothness of the antihelix;
    - hypertrophy of the ear cartilage.

  • Excessive protrusion of the earlobe.
  • Curl deformity ear at the end.
  • macrotia effect. It is a consequence of the progressive growth of the ears, which do not correspond to the proportions of the head.
Additional risk factors for droopy ears include:
  • Obtaining various injuries (cranial, temporal, ear).
  • Ancestral process. Provoking elements for deformation of the auricles are:

    - narrow pelvis. Provides compression of the head and adjacent organs when the fetus leaves the womb.
    - Incorrect position of the fetus. Difficult childbirth can cause the child to receive injuries of various nature.
    - C-section. During the operation, pressure is applied to the abdomen of the woman in labor.

What is deafness

A congenital defect of the ear, when its location in relation to the head suggests not a parallel, but an arrangement at an angle of more than 30 degrees, is called protruding ears. And it most often affects two organs of hearing at once, although there are exceptions in the form of protrusion of only one ear with the correct location of the second.

Lop-earedness is a consequence of various ear deformities that can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • Deviations of the auricle, exceeding the norm of 30 degrees.
  • Contour smoothness of the antihelix.
  • Underdevelopment of the antihelix.
  • Prominent outer ear due to its large volume and cartilaginous mass.
  • A protruding earlobe due to an enlarged outer shell or due to the special shape of the curl.
  • Protrusions in combination with proportional ear disorders due to vascular pathology or Recklinghausen's syndrome.
  • Immediately several (above presented) anomalies.
There are the following degree of deafness:
  • First. Slight protrusion, barely noticeable. Visually, this defect is almost not noticeable, but when measuring the angle of deviation of the auricle from the surface of the head, it exceeds 30 degrees up to 45 degrees.
  • Second. Ear protrusion is already noticeable as the angle varies from 45 to 90 degrees.
  • Third. This is a pronounced protruding ear with an angle between the ears and the head of more than 90 degrees.

How to get rid of protruding ears without surgery, Velcro for ears

A non-surgical way to eliminate protruding ears is considered the most affordable due to the use of special ear correctors (pads, Velcro) sold in pharmacies.
  • Concealer Arilis(Russian-Finnish). Made of hypoallergenic silicone and suitable for children and adults. The achievement of the desired effect is noted after a couple of years - for adults, and a few months - for children. The corrector is changed every 7-10 days.
  • (Spanish). Provides visual correction for adults during the week. Suitable for children from 3 months, and promises to get rid of protruding ears in 6 months.

The hypoallergenic glue included in the kit is used to attach the correctors to the scalp. Before gluing, wash your hair and clean the place behind the ears from hair. The process itself is best done in a dry (not wet) room, avoiding the formation of skin folds under the corrector. Due to their reliability, all of the above Velcro allow their owners to lead a familiar lifestyle: swim, dive, wash.

Improper installation of correctors leads to the formation of diaper rash and scratches.

How to hide protruding ears

Lop-earedness can cause significant discomfort to its owners, especially the female half. Therefore, people with ear protrusion have learned to hide this defect by resorting to various tricks. These include the following manipulations:
  • Emphasis on external virtues:

    Applying suitable makeup;
    - use of attractive lipstick;
    - emphasizing the neckline with a seductive outfit;
    - the allocation of dimples on the cheeks (rouge);
    - making eyes more expressive.

  • Hairstyle change. You will have to give up short haircuts, ponytails and buns, collecting strands of hair in front to cover protruding ears. Preference should be given to voluminous hairstyles, multi-level haircuts and thinning.
  • Using optional accessories. They will not only complement the wardrobe, but also help to disguise the protruding ears. Among useful accessories, it is necessary to highlight various hats and headbands, scarves and ribbons for decorating hair.
  • Complex correction. Lop-eared people often feel inferior. But sometimes this lack gives zest, turning into dignity. It is worth showing confidence, emphasizing individuality, and standing out from the crowd.

The use of tight elastic bands and plasters for fixing protruding ears is fraught with consequences: overstrain of the auricles and damage to cartilage structures.

Ear surgery

Surgical intervention to eliminate the defect requires taking the necessary measures and following the recommendations.

Preparation period

Before otoplasty, the patient must undergo the appropriate examination:
  • delivery of a general blood test;
  • determination of blood clotting;
  • testing for hepatitis, HIV, RW;
  • delivery of ECG, fluorography;
  • identification of allergies to drugs.
Additionally, before surgery, it is required:
  • for 2 weeks, give up medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Citramon and similar drugs that cause blood thinning);
  • avoid alcohol and smoking for a month;
  • arrange a fasting day for a day;
  • do not eat on the day of the operation.

Operation progress

  • Provided that the cartilage is pliable and thin enough, a skin strip is cut from the back of the auricle. Then it is necessary to gain access to the cartilaginous part of the ear cup by partially removing the ear muscle. After stopping the bleeding that has occurred, the calyx cartilage is attached to the periosteal bone of the temple by applying a special suture consisting of non-absorbable threads. Finally, the skin wound is sutured using absorbable sutures.
  • In the presence of contour smoothness of the antihelix, due to its underdevelopment, an elliptical strip of skin is cut out from the back of the ear. Then, soft tissues peel off from the base of the curl, as well as the ear cup. Having achieved the exposure of the cartilage, white silk threads are threaded through it and tied to form the necessary form of the antihelix. The final touch of the operation is the suturing.
  • When creating the required shape of the antihelix, its surface is subjected to notches. A skin incision is made inside the auricle, then the soft tissues are peeled off to open access to the anterior cartilaginous surface. This procedure allows you to bend the cartilage in the right direction. After that, excess skin is removed, and the resulting wound is sutured.

Otoplasty involves the use of an instrument (scalpel/laser) and anesthesia (local/general). The duration of the operation is 0.5-2 hours.

Recovery period

The postoperative appearance of the auricles is characterized by cyanosis, swelling and the presence of hematomas. During rehabilitation, unpleasant sensations in the form of goosebumps can be observed - a return to the hearing organs of sensitivity. In the presence of physical discomfort, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to stop inflammatory and infectious processes.

During the recovery period, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Permanent wearing of an elastic bandage. The term of wearing is determined by the doctor individually (usually not less than 10 days).
  • Wearing a bandage at night to avoid damage to the ears. Duration 2-3 months.
  • Exclusion of any physical activity for a month.
  • Do not subject the ears to mechanical stress.
  • Refuse to visit saunas, baths, solarium for 30-40 days.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun for a whole month (use of protective hats is allowed).
  • Passage of physiotherapy procedures to accelerate healing.
  • Do regular dressings for 2 weeks.
  • The use of non-absorbable threads during the operation involves their removal after 2 weeks.

Otoplasty does not affect hearing, and its results are evaluated by a doctor six months later.

Possible Complications

Serious consequences of otoplasty are rare. These include:
  • Formation of a keloid scar. Predisposing factors are the individual characteristics and skin type of the patient. Elimination of complications includes:

    The use of special silicone patches;
    - administration of hydrocortisone injections;
    - surgical removal.

  • Bleeding, hematoma formation. It is more often characterized by the preoperative administration of medications that weaken blood clotting. Elimination of complications is carried out by removing excess blood and cauterization of blood vessels.
  • Persistent ear pain. Factors affecting this complication:

    Too tight bandage;
    - various inflammations, marked by an increase in temperature (it is necessary to take antibacterial medicines).

  • Individual intolerance. It manifests itself in the form of rejection of materials (threads). The complication is fraught with zero efficiency of otoplasty.
  • Unjustified expectations. A complication of a relative nature, due to the patient's dissatisfaction with the result.


Surgical correction of the auricles has contraindications in the presence of the following factors:
  • poor blood clotting;
  • exacerbated chronic pathologies;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes, especially in the head area;
  • inflammation of the auricle;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • immune disorders.

Otoplasty. Correction of protruding ears (video)

Lop-earedness and its causes. Defect correction methods, including surgery. Results of otoplasty and postoperative behavior.

How to fix protruding ears in children

Children's protruding ears can be corrected through otoplasty, wearing bandages and Velcro. Surgery is recommended for children over 6 years of age under general anesthesia to avoid stress. The use of local anesthesia is applicable to children from 12 years of age.

Otoplasty is performed up to 1.5 hours using a scalpel or laser. Wounds are sutured with special threads that dissolve within a month. After the operation, a fixing bandage is put on for a period of 5 days. During the first 2 weeks, 3-4 dressings are required, avoid washing your hair.

The postoperative period involves a single dose of an anti-inflammatory agent ("Ketonal") and a 10-day wearing of an elastic bandage. For the next month, bandages should be used only during sleep to avoid injury.

For infants, the elimination of protruding ears consists in wearing a bandage. At this age, the ear cartilage is soft and flexible, which means it can be deformed. You can additionally correct protruding ears by constantly wearing tight scarves, caps and hats that press the hearing organs to the head.

Lop-earedness cannot be called a disease. It is rather an anatomical feature that in most cases appears in children from birth. It does not harm health, but contributes to the appearance of complexes. Most people with protruding ears are embarrassed by their appearance and hide a "cosmetic flaw" under a long hair. If you notice protruding ears in your child, consider taking the necessary measures. In the article we will tell you what are the causes of this defect, how to correct it in children and whether it is possible to do without surgery. Read carefully!

Degrees of protruding ears

Statistics tell us that about 3% of the world's population has protruding ears. The size of the auricles in most of them is normal.

Lop-earedness in children is different. In medicine, there are 3 degrees of a cosmetic defect:

  1. First degree. The ears are protruding at an angle of 31 to 45 degrees. Such a defect is very easy to hide with a hairstyle.
  2. Second degree. The angle can be 45 degrees or more. The protrusion becomes noticeable and difficult to hide.
  3. Third degree. The angle is 90 degrees. This is the last degree of lop-earedness, which is almost impossible to hide.

Causes of protruding ears in childhood

Lop-earedness in children may appear due to:

  1. Bad heredity. This is the most common cause of a cosmetic defect. Most lop-eared people have relatives who live with the same problem.
  2. Trauma Some injuries can cause your baby's ears to stick out.
  3. Incorrect position of the fetus or narrow pelvis in the mother. These factors can affect the appearance of the future child.
  4. Unsuccessful childbirth. Sometimes it happens that the cause of protruding ears in children is an unsuccessful birth, or more precisely, a caesarean section.

Elimination of protruding ears in children without surgery

There are two news. One is good, the other is bad. The good news is that you can remove protruding ears from a child at home. The bad news is that ears can only be corrected in infants up to 6 months old. If your baby is older, only surgery can correct the situation.

To eliminate protruding ears in children under the age of 6 months, you need to wear a special bandage on your head. It must be worn for six months. She will press the ears to the head in such a way that the cartilage will get used to the correct position and will forever be fixed in it. Also for this purpose, special silicone proofreaders were invented.

It is worth saying that fixing at home may not help. Many doctors recommend against resorting to such treatment and consider it harmful. Guarantee 100% result is possible only with surgical intervention.


Elimination of protruding ears in children is guaranteed only through surgery. Surgery to correct the shape and size of the ears is called otoplasty. The procedure is carried out for children from 6 years old.

The operation is quite easy and almost never gives complications. The essence of surgical treatment is that the doctor changes the shape of the cartilage, cutting out its extra parts. Then the surgeon stitches and puts a bandage on the patient, which must be worn for several days. Babies under 12 years of age are operated under general anesthesia, and older children under local anesthesia. The consequences of surgery remain invisible, since the scar is small and hides behind the ears. The procedure can also be performed with a laser method. It is considered less traumatic and leaves no traces at all.

Not everyone can get rid of protruding ears with the help of surgery. Before the procedure, it is necessary to pass a lot of tests, since surgical intervention has contraindications. It cannot be done with:

  • diabetes
  • syphilis;
  • HIV infection;
  • hepatitis B;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases, etc.

Is the game worth the candle

Recall that protruding ears in children are only a cosmetic problem. It doesn't need to be corrected at all. If you do not want to resort to surgery, teach your baby not to complex about appearance. There are many people in the world with a similar problem, and this does not prevent them from living in any way.

Protruding (synonymous with lop-eared) ears is almost always a congenital defect of the auricle, not hazardous to health, but negatively affecting the psycho-emotional state of a person. When the ears stick out, it seems that those around them are only looking at them, moreover, they chuckle, coming up with unflattering comparisons. The main sign of the defect is the location of the auricles at a large angle to the temporal bone, while ideally they should be pressed against the head. The angle can be different - from 30 to 90 degrees, but sometimes slightly protruding ears look unaesthetic due to the smoothed shape of the auricle and the weak expression of the cartilage fold, called the antihelix.

Reference. Normally, the plane of the auricle should be parallel to the cheek and depart from the head at an angle of less than 30 degrees, while the distance between the edge of the ear and the bones of the skull located under it should not exceed two centimeters. Each person has unique ears having a characteristic size, shape and relief; experts say that you can identify a person by the ears in the same way as by the papillary lines of the fingertips.

Why do ears stick out

There are not so many reasons for the incorrect position of the auricles, and all of them, one way or another, associated with intrauterine development and the process of the birth of a person into the world.

A baby is born with protruding ears because:

  1. Lop-earedness is inherited. Experts say that a gene mutation leads to deformation, which is quite difficult to track, since it does not appear in every generation.
  2. There were problems of intrauterine development. The outer ear of the fetus begins to form in the third month of pregnancy and only by the time of birth acquires the correct shape and relief. It is clear that if there is a negative impact on the mother's body, then the development of the fetus in general and the auricles in particular may fail, as a result, the child will be born (at best!) With thickened and bent ears.
  3. The fetus was injured during the passage of the birth canal. In addition, incorrect pressure on the abdomen, a too narrow pelvis of the woman in labor, and the wrong position of the child can lead to deformation of the auricle.

Interestingly, almost half of all babies are born with protruding ears, and the number of boys and girls among them is approximately the same. Thus, the impression that males are more likely to suffer from protruding ears is misleading - there are no fewer women with protruding ears, but in most cases they manage to hide their ears under long hair. Sometimes they begin to stick out as a result of injuries received after birth. In such cases, not congenital, but acquired protruding ears develop, and, as a rule, only one damaged ear.

Video: why ears are protruding (E. Malysheva, "Live great!")

Accurate diagnosis will help to effectively remove protruding ears

It would seem that if the ears are protruding, the diagnosis is obvious, and the defect should be eliminated.

The main signs of prominence:

  • the angle between the auricles and the bones of the skull is more than 30 degrees;
  • underdevelopment of the antihelix;
  • the borders of the ears are smoothed.

However, the problem can be solved both surgically and non-surgically - in order to make the right choice, it is necessary to clarify the features of the patient's protruding ears, and these can be:

Underdevelopment of the antihelix. The role of this fold (elevation), located inside the auricle and located parallel to another fold - the curl, is difficult to overestimate - it is she who is the "spring" that attracts the outer ear to the bones of the skull. The antihelix may be completely absent or be smoothed, and then the ears protrude along the entire length, but it is not uncommon for this fold to be partially present (most often in the lower part adjacent to the lobe), and then the problem concerns only the upper part of the ear.

Overdeveloped cartilage tissue. The "thick" auricle looks more voluminous and due to this it seems that it protrudes strongly forward. The effect is enhanced if the antihelix is ​​smoothed out.

Urine protrusion. With this deformity, normal ears also appear lop-eared, and the reason for this lies in the hypertrophy of the ear cavity (cup) or the non-standard shape of the tail of the antihelix. .

Big ears (macrotia). Ears that are too large in relation to the head and face are almost always protruding. Macrotia can be in absolutely healthy people, but in some cases it is the result of too much, vascular anomalies and some other congenital malformations.

Attention! To establish prominence and prescribe conservative treatment, you should consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). If the correction of protruding ears without surgery is impossible, then a consultation with a plastic surgeon will be required, with whom it will be possible to discuss the new shape of the auricle and the optimal angle of its departure from the head. Of course, protruding ears are primarily a cosmetic defect, but in some, albeit very rare cases, because of it, the patient begins to hear worse with age, and in addition, the risk of developing otitis media (inflammatory diseases of the middle and inner ear) increases.

How to fix protruding ears without surgery

Methods of conservative treatment do not always allow to correct the defect, but they should not be discounted, at least for the absence of complications and the possibility of using it during the period of cartilage tissue growth, that is, in very young children. There is an opinion that if the newborn's ears are fixed in a normal position and this is done up to six months (until the cartilage tissue stabilizes), then there is a chance to avoid future surgery to eliminate protruding ears.

To fix the auricles, bandages and special correctors are used:

Bandage. The purpose of the application is to press the ears to the head. Bandages (bandage, scarf, cap, cap) are mainly used to correct a defect in infants, whose cartilage is still soft and elastic, which allows them to be given the desired shape. Bandages are also used for prevention to prevent the child from developing lop-earedness in the future. The fact is that the auricle is formed up to six or seven years, and during this period it can both press and deviate from the skull at a large angle.

Proofreaders Arilis (Russia). Domestic development, the manufacturer promises to get rid of protruding ears at any age, but subject to prolonged wearing of the corrector: in children under one year old, the result will be noticeable after three months, and in adults who want to get rid of protruding ears without surgery, changes will occur no earlier than two years of continuous wearing of Velcro for the ears.

Proofreaders Otostik (Spain). Two types of products are produced - Normal (for adults) and Baby (for children from three months). The set includes 8 ear correctors (one can be worn for a week) and special glue. As for children, (judging by the reviews) in a large number of cases it is possible to correct the defect, and for adults, the product only helps to visually remove protruding ears - the ears will be securely pressed to the head only while wearing the corrector, which is very convenient - they even swim in the pool with it or the sea.

Proofreaders Oto-plastic (UAE, Dubai). These products are intended for adults, one corrector can remain on the skin for no more than two days. But there are options for men and women, taking into account the difference in the structure of the auricles.

Attention! There are other protruding-ear correctors on sale, both Russian and imported, they all operate on the same principle, give similar results and differ mainly in price and elegance of execution (an important fact, given that not many people want to demonstrate the “Velcro” that presses their ears » to the public).

Applying correctors:

  1. Degrease the skin.
  2. Remove the protective shell from the corrector and attach one half to the ear (behind) and the other to the head, making sure that the parts are parallel to each other.


  • glue the corrector on absolutely dry skin;
  • the procedure is carried out at room temperature;
  • you can go outside no earlier than an hour later;
  • the adhesive surface must not be touched with hands;
  • make sure that there are no hairs and skin folds in the place of gluing;
  • glue the corrector in a permanent place;
  • after removal, the corrector cannot be reused;
  • if after installation the skin turns red, the corrector should be removed immediately.

Of course, it is very tempting to get rid of protruding ears without surgery, but correctors and dressings do not always allow you to do this. Although, in some cases, Velcro helps out, for example, when there is an important meeting, performance or photo session and you don’t want to draw attention to protruding ears.

How to make your ears not stick out? A radical way to get rid of protruding ears

We are talking about otoplasty - a surgical operation, during which the shape of the auricle and the degree of its fit to the head are corrected. Such surgery can be performed on children from the age of six (in most cases), and adults at any age. It has not been considered a complex operation for a long time, but it requires precision and practical skills from the surgeon. After examining the patient, the doctor examines his anthropometric data and determines the new shape and position of the auricle. Manipulation, as a rule, is carried out under local anesthesia (for children - under general anesthesia); an incision is made behind the auricle, through which part of the cartilage is removed, and the remaining cartilage is given the desired shape.

The duration of the operation is 30-60 minutes, the recovery period takes about a month, in any case, this is how much you have to wear a fixing bandage (bandage). Currently, along with a surgical (metal) scalpel, a laser scalpel is used. Such an operation costs about 10% more than the traditional one, but after it there are practically no complications and there are no traces left. Otoplasty allows you to remove protruding ears for life.

How to hide protruding ears

Protruding ears, strange as it may sound, sometimes give a person a certain charm, make him sweet and charming. In addition, there are many ways to hide protruding ears, for example:

  1. Divert attention away from the ears by switching it to another part of the face or body. Bright eyes and lips will help out, as well as a seductive neckline or a thin waist.
  2. Make a voluminous hairstyle based on multi-level haircuts or long hair. Remember that sleek hairstyles such as buns, ponytails and very short haircuts do not go well with protruding ears.
  3. Make active use of accessories. It can be jewelry, hats, scarves, and glasses.
  4. Turn a flaw into a highlight, as many Hollywood stars do, who have protruding ears and do not experience complexes about this.

It is interesting: Lop-eared people are talented, energetic and have excellent hearing. In addition, they are lucky - if they want to do creative work, they will definitely succeed. Protruding ears testify to the independence of a person, and if the left ear sticks out more strongly, then households suffer from the desire to do everything in their own way, and if the right one, business partners and colleagues.

The main thing about protruding ears

Question Answer
Synonyms lop-eared, protruding ears.
Which doctor to contact otolaryngologist, plastic surgeon.
Is lopsidedness hereditary? yes, the defect is congenital and can be inherited, but not necessarily in every generation.
How to deal with protruding ears? you can have plastic surgery or use ear correctors.
Will Velcro for ears from protruding ears permanently get rid of the defect? help if treatment is started in infancy; it will take years to correct a defect in an adult, and there is no 100% guarantee of success.
How to hide protruding ears? switch attention from the ears to other parts of the face and body; use accessories, pick up a hairstyle that covers the ears.
Celebrities with protruding ears Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lopez, Will Smith, Kate Hudson, Jessica Simpson, Reese Witherspoon, Emma Watson (protruding right ear), Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts, Katie Holmes and many others.

The outer ear begins to form as early as 3 months of intrauterine development, after the same period of time, the auricle is formed. Therefore, protruding ears can be replaced already in the first days of the baby's birth.

The easiest way to correct the problem is in the first 6 months of life. For this, various fixation methods are used. In the future, the cartilage becomes stronger, so it is more difficult to correct the situation.

protruding ears

In medicine, it is believed that the shell should be located at an angle of 30 degrees to the head, and the line of the auricle should be parallel to the cheek. Increasing the angle more than 30 degrees is called protruding ears.

This phenomenon is common. Half of the people have at least the initial stage of pathology. The problem occurs equally in the male and female population. In men, protruding ears are more noticeable only because of the short hairstyle. Deformation can affect both one ear and two at once.

Definition of protruding ears

Epidemiology, causes

The appearance of the problem is often associated with heredity. In humans, the “protruding ear gene” dominates the gene for normal ears. Therefore, the risk of developing a defect in offspring is 50%. If the parents have normal ears, and the grandparents had problems of this nature, then the risk of developing such a feature is reduced.

Lop-earedness may also indicate that during fetal development. The reason is the hypertrophied cartilaginous structure. The problem can also be observed with an increase in the entire auricle.

The sizes can be different, but sometimes they are disproportionate in relation to the entire facial skeleton. This problem occurs when the ear grows too fast or when one half of the face changes intensively.

Thus, the causes of drooping ears are:

  • incorrect shape of the end of the curl,
  • macrotia,
  • altered cartilage structure,
  • congenital characteristics,
  • improper development of the antihelix.

About the causes of protruding ears in our video:

Types, stages

Prominent ears are classified by stages:

  • First. The angle of the ears with the head is 31-44 degrees. The defect is not visible. Elimination of deficiencies occurs due to the elimination of excess cartilage tissue at the site of deepening of the shell.
  • Second. The angle is 45 degrees. Pathology is noticeable immediately. The deflection angle is sharp, but closer to a straight line.
  • Third. The angle is 90 degrees. In this case, the use of complex techniques to fix the problem is required.


The presence of a problem is obvious to the patient himself. Determine the degree or type of deformation according to the forces of the otolaryngologist. If there is no pain, then there is no need for special research methods. If discomfort in the ears also appears, then in addition to taking an anamnesis, the doctor may prescribe diagnostic measures:

  1. Laboratory research. They are performed before surgery, as well as to determine the cause. Symptoms may be the result of a chronic disease or.
  2. Instrumental methods. These include, x-ray of the sink, otoscopy.

Sometimes protruding ears are one of the signs of a serious pathology. For example, von Recklinghausen syndrome. Girls sometimes develop Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. Differential diagnostic measures are used to exclude these pathologies.

Is it possible to fix protruding ears without surgery, see our video:

Signs in children

In children, as already noted, the problem can be noticed at birth. In addition, the problem may arise due to the incorrect position of the fetus. But this theory is controversial.

The stages of lop-earedness are determined in the same way as in adults. With classical methods, the problem can be dealt with from an early age. Operations are appointed only after 6 years. Ears protruding at the wrong angle are the main sign of protruding ears in children. Correcting the problem with otoplasty is worth it, because in the future it can lead to the development of complexes.

How to get rid without surgery?

In the first six months of a newborn's life, special silicone molds can be used. At an older age, this method is not used, since it can lead to deformation of the cartilage.

There are several types of correctors:

  1. Ear bandages. An ordinary cap or hat for newborns can correct a slight protruding ear. Sometimes it is recommended to use a bandage or a scarf. These methods are also good for preventive purposes.
  2. Alilis proofreaders. Helpful if used regularly. In children, the result becomes noticeable after 3 months. Adult correctors should be used for at least 24 months.
  3. Correctors Otostik. Produced in different shapes and sizes. Such a device repeats the shape of the auricle and is attached to the scalp using a special adhesive.

Correctors work pretty much the same way. For adults, they differ not only in size. There are different types for men and women. When changing the corrector, it is not recommended to change the place of gluing.

Special Velcro are also used. They allow you to "fix" the ears in the correct position. They are quite tightly attached to the skin, so it is important to ensure that the skin does not sweat under them.

Velcro can be used once, for example, before an important meeting or on an ongoing basis. Stickers work the same way. It is important not to place such objects at the junction that connects the ear to the head.

The photo shows the result of wearing correctors

How to hide?

The easiest way for women is to change their hairstyle. Do not use adhesive tape and plaster for these purposes. Otherwise, it will occur. When choosing a hairstyle, use a look based on the extension from the crown to the ears. The length of the haircut does not matter. If you like short hair, then semi-long asymmetry will do.

Among the accessories, headbands and bandanas are very popular. They can be worn at any time of the year. Any noticeable thing on the neckline will divert attention from your ears.

For men, ear correctors will help to cope with the problem, which can be used only as needed. You can pick up accessories that simply distract attention from your organ of hearing.

A simple hairstyle to help hide protruding ears:


It is better to start treatment as soon as the problem is discovered. Many are interested in whether it is possible to completely get rid of protruding ears without surgery. If you find a suitable method for the baby in the first months of life, then it is quite easy to cope with the situation. For older children, it is only possible to slightly correct the angle of the ear to the head.

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