How to treat a viral disease. Orz: how to distinguish a viral infection (orvi) from a bacterial one? How to treat diseases of various etiologies

As soon as there is slush, dampness, chilly wind outside, get ready for seasonal diseases in the form of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza. What are these diseases and how do they differ?

ORZ- an acute respiratory disease caused by viruses, bacteria and other infectious representatives.

SARS- an acute respiratory viral infection, the causative agent of which is viruses and only viruses, such as: rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, reoviruses, as well as influenza and parainfluenza viruses.

To such seasonal diseases like SARS, you must always be prepared

It all starts with what you feel:

  • malaise
  • discomfort in the body and aching joints
  • stuffy nose
  • sore throat and discomfort when swallowing

If you do nothing after these manifestations, then colors will be added to this picture in the form:

  • temperature
  • runny nose, at first in the form of a clear incessant discharge, turning into a viscous thick mucus
  • cough
  • sore throat

How to cure SARS?

If your plans did not include at least a week's absence from work and other important places, then the first thing you need to do is stay at home. At home, take the following steps quickly:

  • bed rest
  • plentiful warm drink
  • cool room temperature

Such measures for early stages in the treatment of SARS will stop the onset of more serious symptoms and will help you get back on your feet in a day or two. These rules apply to both adults and children.

For the treatment of SARS, you need to drink plenty of fluids and bed rest.

If the temperature has already risen above 38 ° C, is it possible to quickly defeat SARS and bring yourself into normal condition? It is definitely difficult to answer. Your initial state plays a role here: strong immunity, you lead healthy lifestyle life, eat well, are not in a state of stress - in this case, the body will not be difficult to overcome the infection.

There are times when “well, it’s really necessary not to get sick.” If on the first day you take Flukold (4 tablets) or any of the antipyretic teas and provided good immunity, then perhaps everything will stop at the initial stage.

If for some reason the time was lost and you could not take the above measures, then most likely it will not be possible to cure SARS in 1 day.

Of course, it’s better not to get sick, and preventive actions are more pleasant and less costly, but if it happened, you need to take measures to quickly cure SARS at home.

cold drinks

When you take them, remember two simple rules:

  1. Drinking should be plentiful, in small portions, but on the first day a lot, this will promote sweating, which means that toxins will be removed with sweat
  2. The liquid should not be hot, not cold, but warm, why? Because in order for it to be rapidly absorbed, the temperature of the liquid must be the same as the temperature in the intestines. If the drink is hot, then the absorption process will occur only after the liquid has cooled down, and if it is cold, then you will need to wait for it to warm up

The body will spend its energy and strength on the process of regulation, and not on fighting the infection. In addition, time will be spent on this, which will not contribute to fast treatment SARS.

  • If a viral infection small child up to a year, then the best option for the baby there will be “raisin water”. It is easy to prepare: a spoonful of washed raisins is poured into a glass of boiling water, cover, leave for 30 minutes and give to drink, pouring into a bottle
  • For older children, a regular dried fruit compote is suitable.
  • Suggest for adults herbal tea with lemon and honey
  • Chamomile tea will work as a mild anti-inflammatory
  • Ginger tea, rosehip decoction and echinacea tea will help strengthen the immune system
  • Spices (black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric) can be added to tea with raspberries, linden, mint to enhance the diaphoretic effect
  • And of course, cranberry juice is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Ginger tea strengthens the immune system

It is better if the drinks are without additional sugar, warm and freshly prepared. If the child is naughty and does not drink the drink you suggested, offer another, eventually water. Let him drink what he wants. It's better than not drinking at all.

Cough with SARS

Viral infection enters the human body in different ways. One of them is the respiratory tract. Penetrating into them, the virus causes a cough, in fact, this is one of the main symptoms of the disease. Getting on the mucous membrane, viruses destroy epithelial cells and actively breed their own kind. Going down the trachea and bronchi, they irritate the receptors that are there. The cough reflex is triggered, which is an assistant to the body during illness, as it allows you to remove the accumulated sputum.

How to cure coughs and colds with folk remedies

Of course, the doctor prescribes medicines, and an experienced doctor will definitely prescribe you and folk remedies for help in speedy recovery from SARS. When treating a cough, what is the goal? It is necessary to remove sputum and clear the airways. To do this, you need to turn a dry cough into a wet one. You can choose one of the options, unless your doctor prescribes something specific:

  1. Helps well breast collection. There are 4 types of them and each of them helps to quickly recover from a cough, and therefore, in general, from a viral infection. They have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Which one is right for you - the doctor will prescribe. The composition and instructions for preparation are usually indicated on the pharmacy packaging.
  2. Cocoa butter is very helpful in treating cough. It will appeal to both kids and adults, because it has a pleasant taste and smell. The oil very well softens the inflamed, cough-scarred throat, and facilitates the removal of sputum, leaving a thin fatty film in the respiratory tract. It has a healing, regenerating property. If the cough is dry, you can dissolve small, pea-sized pieces of oil up to 6 times a day. You can add it to warm milk or tea, wait until it dissolves - and drink.
  3. The following recipe is also known from grandmothers: the lid of a black radish is cut off, a small depression is cut out in the radish itself, which is filled with honey, covered with a lid and left overnight. In the morning there will be juice with honey in the depression. You need to take it in a tablespoon before meals and in the evening before going to bed, not forgetting to report honey to the recess.
  4. Frayed viburnum promotes easy coughing. Many do not like it because of the smell, but you can stir it in warm boiled water and add lemon. If you want to quickly cure SARS, then you can put up with the smell. Take with caution, as viburnum lowers blood pressure.
  5. If you mix 3 tablespoons of aloe juice, 100 g unsalted butter or cocoa butter, 100 g of honey, then you need to take the mixture, adding it to a tablespoon in warm milk 2 times a day. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Cough medicines

Treatment of the respiratory system should be carried out comprehensively and take into account all key points illness. Since the cause of the disease is a virus, in addition to antiviral drugs, pathogenetic therapy recovery aids are used. bronchial patency. These are primarily mucolytic drugs, which not only thin the sputum, contributing to its excretion, but also regulate its amount.

Mucolytic drugs can help with coughing

Mucolytics do their job very well if the patient - Small child with an underdeveloped cough reflex, old man or bedridden patient. The accumulated sputum can cause a lot of trouble. But since the cough is still defensive reaction organism, then the goal of treatment is not to get rid of cough, but to alleviate the condition. All medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.


One of the hallmarks of a viral infection is fever body. In both children and adults, it signals that the body is taking action to fight a cold. High temperature stimulates the body to produce its own interferon - special kind a protein that can neutralize viruses. Its maximum amount is reached on the 2nd-3rd day of illness, and it is thanks to this that most acute respiratory viral infections end on the 3rd day.

If you bring down the temperature below 38-38.5 ° C, then this can help your body not fight the disease itself, it will not use its immune system and become stronger in the fight. By lowering the temperature, you allow the infection to spread. The body will weaken, conditions will be created for the development of complications.

If the disease proceeded easily, and on the third day of a cold, the temperature rose, this may indicate that a complication is developing (pneumonia, tracheitis, otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.).

What is the right thing to do in this case and help yourself to recover from ARVI and from its companion - high temperature?

First, as mentioned above, drinking plenty of warm water will encourage sweating. Sweat, evaporating, cools the body and saves it from overheating. Secondly, the air in the room should be cool (16-18 ° C). If these two basic conditions are not observed, then all other steps will be ineffective and the risk of adverse reactions will increase.

What is dangerous high temperature in children

Here it is worth paying more attention to the moment when the child has a high temperature. Up to the limit marks (38-38, 5 ° C), you do not try to knock it down, but only observe the reaction of the baby. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C and lasts more than two hours, there may be a danger of blood clotting, disturbed water-salt balance and energy reserves organisms will dry up. At the same time, the load on the heart and blood vessels will increase and the regulation process in the structures of the brain may be disrupted. All these negative phenomena may contribute to febrile seizures.

Febrile seizures can occur due to a high temperature in a child

Children with birth pathologies are predisposed to them if the central nervous system. Every mother should know these nuances and be warned how to act in such cases.

What to do if a child has seizures:

  • Do not panic and fall into hysterics. Make sure that the child's face is open and nothing interferes with breathing (pillow, blanket)
  • Do not open your mouth with a spoon or other object, this is not the case.
  • As soon as the attack has stopped, give the baby an antipyretic, give him a drink and call an ambulance
  • If he's asleep, don't wrap him up

You will have to undergo an examination: make an electroencephalogram and ultrasound, as convulsions may indicate impaired brain function.

Runny nose with SARS

Another symptom of a cold is a runny nose. Probably there is no such person who would not experience all the delights of a stuffy nose, heaviness in the head, lack of air.

When illness strikes, we become vulnerable and defenseless. Don't worry, there are a few simple recommendations and rules that can alleviate this condition:

  • Make sure that the mucous does not dry out, constantly moisturize it. To do this, use saline solutions. You can buy them at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself, it's not difficult at all: in 1 liter of cooled boiled water dilute 1 teaspoon of regular table salt. The resulting solution should be washed and irrigated nose regularly, preventing drying.
  • It is necessary to blow your nose correctly, not to overdo it: in turn, each nostril separately with an open mouth.
  • Use vasoconstrictors in the form of drops and aerosols with caution, as they are addictive and provoke vasospasm.

A runny nose is one of the symptoms of a cold.

Don't take a cold lightly. This ailment can cause a lot of trouble if you do not take the necessary steps to treat SARS and carry the disease on your feet. It is also worth noting that all procedures in the form of inhalations, applying mustard plasters and compresses can be performed only in the absence of temperature, otherwise you can only do harm.

The diagnosis of "acute respiratory viral infection" (ARVI or, as it is also called ARI - acute respiratory disease) is most often made by doctors to visitors to the clinic. Many believe that doctors put it on, not wanting to understand the real causes of the patient's ailment. In reality ARVI is the most common disease of mankind, about 50 % from the total number of acute diseases.

The most common ARVI pathogens are parainfluenza, influenza, rhinovirus, RS infection, adenovirus. Because the different forms SARS have general forms manifestations, in everyday life these diseases are usually called a cold. It follows that the common cold is a general name for a group of mild but contagious infections of the upper respiratory tract, which cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.

The development of symptoms is in one or two days after exposure to the virus in the human body. cold a person is contagious for two to three days from the day before the onset of the first symptoms. There is no cure for the common cold but there are a number of measures that can alleviate the symptoms of recovery, which usually occurs within a week.

Approximately two hundred cold viruses are known, the most common being rhinoviruses affecting the nasal mucosa (the cause is approximately 30 % colds).

Science does not know why a person is susceptible to colds and certain types viruses in particular. Young children are most susceptible to colds, even though they receive antibodies from their mothers. They can get colds up to seven times a year. Adults who spend a lot of time with children (for example, educators) also often suffer from colds.

There is an opinion that smoking people they are also very often diagnosed with ARVI, while the symptoms of the disease do not go away for much longer. This is due to the fact that tobacco acts on the cilia that are inside the throat and nose, paralyzing them, as a result of which they secrete less mucus.

SARS classification

There are several types of SARS, depending on the pathogen:
rhinovirus infection. In most cases, the course of the disease is mild, special treatment no need. This type of infection is recognized main reason banal cold;
coronavirus infection. The course of the disease is similar to rhinovirus infection, while the duration of the disease is shorter (up to a week);
adenovirus infection. It spreads mainly to children (even infants). Often to traditional symptoms symptoms of conjunctivitis are added (redness, feeling of sand in the eyes, lacrimation);
parainfluenza. The most common symptoms are: cough (barking), sore throat, hoarseness.

The main symptoms of SARS

SARS is diagnosed by the following features:
runny nose (as a rule, the discharge is clean, but yellow or greenish is not excluded);
pain or irritation in the throat, accompanied by hoarseness;
inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, uncomfortable day and night;
feeling tired and general malaise;
muscle pain;
some fever (more common in children than in adults).

If symptoms do not disappear within 7-10 days you should seek medical help!

How SARS spreads

Respiratory viruses live and multiply in the nasal mucosa and are abundantly excreted along with the nasal secretion of the patient. The most high concentration viruses found in nasal secretions during the first three sick days. In addition, viruses enter environment when coughing and sneezing, after which they settle on various surfaces, on the hands, they also remain on towels, handkerchiefs and other hygiene items. Healthy man can catch the infection by inhaling air saturated large number viruses, or using hygiene items of the patient (viruses penetrate the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose through the hands).

Risk factors for SARS

Everyone knows that SARS is a seasonal disease. In autumn, winter and spring, due to hypothermia that provokes these diseases, they are most common. People with the most predisposition to SARS weak immunity: children, adults suffering from congenital or acquired forms of immunodeficiency, as well as the elderly.

Causes of SARS in children

Newborn babies have temporary immunity received from their mother. But upon reaching the age of six months, it weakens, while the child's own immunity does not have time to fully form. It is at this time that the baby is most vulnerable to the disease.

It is important to keep in mind that young children have not yet developed the habit of personal hygiene, such as washing their hands or covering their mouths when coughing and sneezing. At the same time, children often touch their nose, mouth and touch their eyes.

The system for removing ear and nasal secretions in children is not fully developed, therefore high chance of developing bacterial complications after a cold (otitis media, sinusitis). In addition, children have a smaller diameter of the trachea and bronchi, so children are prone to blockage of the airways. copious secretions or mucosal edema.

Complications about SARS

The most frequently occurring complications:
Acute sinusitis. During SARS, the body is most unprotected against other infections, including bacterial ones. The most common complication is bacterial sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the sinuses, in particular frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis. A complication in the form of sinusitis can be suspected if symptoms of the disease, such as heaviness in the head, nasal congestion, headache, fever, persist after 10th sick day. If a acute sinusitis not cured in time, it can develop into a chronic form, the treatment of which is more problematic. Only the attending physician can diagnose "acute sinusitis" and prescribe competent treatment.
Acute otitis, or inflammation of the middle ear. Such a complication is familiar to almost everyone. It's hard not to notice him. It is extremely important to contact a specialist in time to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, since an infection in the middle ear is dangerous for its severe consequences.
Acute bronchitis . The bronchi are also affected badly. bacterial infection. main feature acute bronchitiswet cough with yellow or green sputum. It is important to remember that those who suffer chronic diseases upper respiratory tract ( chronic form sinusitis, bronchitis) of people during SARS or immediately after, complications of these diseases may appear.
Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Probably one of the most dangerous complications after SARS. Diagnosis can only be made by comprehensive examination. But if after 7-10 days of illness there are no noticeable improvements, there is still a high fever and cough, should be urgently see a doctor.

Diagnosis of SARS

If the course of the disease is typical, diagnosing SARS is quite easy. In order to exclude possible complications, the patient is referred for fluorography chest, analysis of urine and blood. In the event of suspicion of bacterial cause diseases, take a crop to determine the type of pathogen bacteria. Conducting immunological studies to determine the type of virus that provoked the disease is advisable only when severe forms diseases, serious difficulties in making a diagnosis (and, as a result, in treatment), in other cases, the value of the study is exclusively scientific.

Cold treatment

1. Compliance with half-bed mode. The room in which the patient is located should be regularly ventilated.
2. Plentiful warm drink(not less 2 l daily). This amount of liquid will help to quickly remove toxins from the body, formed by the vital activity of viruses. It is best to drink liquid rich in vitamin C: rosehip infusion, tea with lemon, fruit drinks.
3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac. These drugs reduce pain and body temperature. It is allowed to take drugs with medicinal powders type coldrex, teraflu and so on. It is important to know that lowering the temperature below 38 C it is not necessary, because it is at this temperature that the body's defense mechanisms begin to actively work. This rule does not apply to young children and patients prone to convulsions.
4. Antihistamines - drugs used in the treatment of allergies. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, they relieve signs of inflammation: swelling of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion. There is a group of drugs of the first generation, side effect which cause drowsiness. This group includes suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine. New generation drugs such as semprex, loratadine (claritin), zyrtec, fenistil do not cause drowsiness.
5. Nasal drops. They relieve nasal congestion and reduce swelling of the mucosa. But this one at a glance safe drug not so harmless. On the one hand, with ARVI, you need to use nasal drops to reduce swelling and improve the outflow of fluid from the nose as a prevention of sinusitis. But the use of vasoconstrictor drops for a long time can lead to the appearance chronic rhinitis. Uncontrolled intake of drugs leads to thickening of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages, this develops dependence on drops, and as a result can lead to permanent congestion nose. This complication can be treated only through surgery. Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor the mode of application of drops: do not longer than a week on 2-3 times a day.
6. Relieve sore throat. Throat gargle unloved by many disinfectants is the most effective method fight colds. You can use infusions of chamomile and sage or ready solutions, for example, furatsilin. The procedure should be carried out frequently - approximately every 2 hours. In addition, you can use disinfectant sprays, such as bioparox, hexoral and others.
7. Cough medicines. the main objective Cough treatment - make sputum thin enough to cough up. This helps a lot drinking regimen because drinking warm liquids thins the mucus. If there is difficulty in expectoration, expectorants can be used. mukaltin, ACC, broncholitin and others. Self-prescribe drugs that reduce cough reflex should not be used as this can lead to dangerous consequences.

Never take antibiotics! Antibiotics are used only when bacterial complications appear; they are absolutely useless against viruses. Thus, it is not necessary to take antibiotics without the knowledge of a doctor. They are not harmless to the body. Furthermore, uncontrolled reception antibiotics can lead to the emergence of resistant forms of bacteria.

Folk remedies for the treatment of SARS

Excellent remedy to relieve fever and inflammation- raspberry. To make tea with raspberry jam must be diluted in a glass of water 2-3 teaspoons of jam. To prepare a drink from dried raspberries, pour a spoonful of fruits with a glass of boiling water and let it brew 10-15 minutes.
At high temperature the following solution is useful: 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves and raspberries, a spoonful of oregano herbs. Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain. Accept by 3-4 times a day.
During advised to dissolve in the mouth until completely dissolved small amount propolis, and with flu and colds - drink tea with a little honey added. Both honey and propolis are contraindicated in children under six months of age.
With a cold twice a day, the following solution should be applied: mix a tablespoon of black elderberry flowers, linden, leaves peppermint. Pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour, then strain.
For sore throat rinses (with a frequency of at least six times a day) with such a solution will be effective: a tablespoon of calendula tincture or a teaspoon of soda with the addition of three drops of iodine to a glass of water.
Relieve sore throat and get rid of cough linden flowers will help. Lime tea: two teaspoons of lime blossom per cup of water.
A large number of essential oils that are effective to relieve spasms of the respiratory tract, contained in fir oil. This oil is used for massage.
For colds and flu massage the chest, back and neck (the area above the collarbones). Older children and adults are recommended to do inhalations with the addition of 3-4 drops fir oil per one procedure.
For the treatment of colds and flu you can use garlic and onions, which contain natural antibiotics. During a flu epidemic, doctors advise eating a small onion or a few cloves of garlic.
Inhalation is also effective. with aphonia (loss of voice), hoarseness, shortness of breath. For a glass of boiling water 2-3 finely chopped heads of garlic. Covering your head with a towel 10-15 inhale the vapors for a minute.

There are many viruses that infect humans. The highest viral activity is observed in autumn-winter period. At this time, viruses are often found that cause acute respiratory diseases, for example, adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza virus, etc. Treatment of viral infections should be comprehensive and combined. Those who think that they can cope with the disease on their own or with the help of folk methods are at risk for a host of complications. Even having strong immunity, the body is not always able to cope with a particular virus. Especially since the majority modern inhabitants defense mechanisms are reduced by the most different reasons. For example, disruption immune system occurs as a result of poor ecology, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity, chronic stress etc.

Basic principles of ARVI treatment

Treatment of viral infections made up of a series therapeutic measures, primarily aimed at the destruction and removal of the pathogen from the body. To get rid of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are used antiviral drugs, symptomatic therapy and drugs that increase immunity. Antiviral drugs directly fight the virus, in particular, block its growth, reproduction and spread. Immunomodulators are involved in the formation of an adequate immune response, contribute to the production of antibodies and other protective factors. Auxiliaries reduce the symptoms of intoxication and improve general well-being patient. In addition, if necessary, medications can be used to treat concomitant diseases.


At the disposal of the immune system there are universal defenders - interferons. Interferons are protein compounds that are the first to respond to the invasion of viruses. However, the production of these substances is often reduced, which is mainly due to the action of negative external and internal factors, and in children under 3 years of age and pregnant women physiological reasons. As a result treatment of viral infections requires the use of drugs that restore the production of interferon. AT complex therapy VIFERON® can be used - a domestic representative of the group of recombinant interferons. It is worth noting that this drug acts against all viruses, and can be prescribed in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections for children and expectant mothers.

For immunity

Correction of immunity is necessary in almost all cases of infection with viral infections. Some doubt the advisability of using funds that strengthen protective functions, and also believe that interferons are needed only for autoimmune and cancer. Others are afraid to use such funds because of the pronounced side effects. However, there are conditions under which treatment of viral infections involves the use of drugs that combine two important actions: antiviral and immunomodulatory. For example, if the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is observed frequently, or acute respiratory viral infections are severe and prolonged, and also lead to otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia. There is a drug that has indications in complex treatment various viral infections among the smallest patients, as well as pregnant women (from 14 weeks). In addition, it was found that when using the drug VIFERON® Suppositories, there are no side effects that occur when parenteral administration preparations of interferon alfa-2b, antibodies are not formed that neutralize the antiviral activity of interferon alfa-2b.

Antibiotics for SARS

Many patients believe that SARS treatment you need to start with antibiotics, including to prevent complications. Antimicrobials do not act on viruses, they can be prescribed for acute respiratory viral diseases only if the bacterial flora is attached. In other situations, antimicrobial agents can cause a violation of the quantitative and quality composition natural bacterial environment. For action pathogenic bacteria indicate symptoms such as a high temperature reaction for more than 3 days, the occurrence of raids on the tonsils, soreness in the throat or ear, a runny nose that does not go away within 2 weeks, an increase in regional lymph nodes, increased cough, development of shortness of breath and wheezing.

Symptomatic therapy

In addition to the well-known auxiliary methods fight against viral infections (plentiful drinking, inhalations, antipyretic and vasoconstrictors etc.), the doctor may also consider using vitamin complexes. SARS are characterized by a tendency to develop against the background of an exacerbation of any chronic diseases, since long-term diseases weaken the body, opening the way for viruses. In such cases, it is necessary to use drugs that eliminate relapse chronic pathology. In order to prevent acute respiratory viral infections, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor the possibility of using combined measures to strengthen immunity (influenza vaccination, hardening procedures, breathing exercises, the use of antiviral drugs, for example, the drug, etc.).

According to materials:
"Viferon in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections", L.V. Kolobukhin.

Everyone is familiar with the state of malaise when you wake up with a stuffy nose and a feeling of fever, from which it throws you either hot or cold. You may also be coughing, sneezing, experiencing muscle pain and fatigue. These are the main symptoms of a viral infection. If you get sick, you need to do everything possible to get well as soon as possible. In some cases, unfortunately, medical preparations not enough. After reading this article, you will learn how to cure viral infection in as soon as possible and prevent recurrence of symptoms in the future.


Recovery of the body

    Set aside enough time for rest. An organism infected with a viral infection, in addition to its normal work, has to fight the infection. So he really needs rest. Take sick leave for 1-2 days. Make time for rest and quiet activities that require no effort on your part, such as watching your favorite movies. Rest will allow your body to focus on fighting the virus. If you can't sleep, do the following activities:

    • Read your favorite book, watch a TV series, listen to music, or call someone.
    • Note that antibiotics are ineffective against a viral infection. Therefore, you need to give your body as much rest as possible, thereby allowing it to fight the virus.
  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Viral infections usually lead to dehydration (dehydration occurs due to fluid loss due to fever or sputum production). If the body is dehydrated, the symptoms are more severe. This vicious circle can be broken by drinking a large number of liquids. Drink water, tea natural juices, as well as drinks with electrolytes, so that the body receives enough liquids.

    Do not contact people for several days. If you have a viral infection, you are contagious, meaning you can pass the virus on to another person. In addition, by interacting with other people, your body is exposed to other pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that can aggravate your condition.

    Use a humidifier. Using a humidifier, especially in the bedroom, can help reduce nasal congestion and coughing. Thanks to this, you will sleep better. Good dream- the guarantee of recovery. Keep your humidifier clean. Regularly clean the appliance from mold. Otherwise, your condition may get worse. Clean the humidifier regularly, following the recommendations in the user manual.

    Buy lollipops or gargle saline solution to relieve sore throat. If you are experiencing pain in the throat, buy lollipops from the pharmacy for sore throats. The composition of such lozenges includes substances that have an analgesic effect.

    • Gargle with saline solution (dilute 1/4-1/2 tablespoons of salt in one glass of water). This is another way to relieve sore throat.
  2. Check with your doctor if you have other health problems that could be exacerbated by a viral infection. Viral infections are not usually dangerous, but they pose a threat to people with weakened immune systems and those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If you have cancer, diabetes, or any other immune system disorder, please consult your doctor if you have a viral infection.

    Change in diet

    1. Include foods with great content vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered one of the most powerful immune modulators. Therefore, during the period of illness, increase the intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be taken in tablets. You can also change your diet to increase your intake of this vitamin. Include in your daily diet following products:

      Include chicken soup in your diet. Have you ever wondered why children are given chicken noodle soup when they are sick? This is because chicken soup is great helper in the fight against the virus. Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it helps relieve nasal congestion.

      • Add onions, garlic and other vegetables to the soup. Thanks to this, you will increase the amount of vitamins and minerals that the body badly needs during an illness.
    2. Increase your zinc intake. Zinc regulates immune functions body and helps it fight viruses. Most people take 25 mg of zinc daily. However, you can increase your zinc intake by including the following foods in your diet: spinach, mushrooms, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and boiled oysters.

      • Zinc is most effective at the onset of a cold or flu, in the first two to three days. Increase your zinc intake if you feel like you're starting to get sick.
      • You can also purchase zinc lozenges. Such lollipops can be purchased at a pharmacy.
      • Do not take zinc supplements if you are taking antibiotics (eg, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones), penicillamine (a drug used to treat Wilson's disease), or cisplatin (a drug used to treat cancer). Zinc reduces the effectiveness of the above drugs.
    3. Increase your echinacea intake. Echinacea is a plant that is often used to make tea. In addition, echinacea is available as food additive. Echinacea increases the number of white blood cells (white blood cells, which are responsible for immune reactions) and other substances that allow the body to fight the virus. Echinacea can be consumed in the form of tea, juice or tablets, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

      • In addition, you can include eucalyptus, elderberry, honey, reishi and shiitake mushrooms in your diet.

    Medical treatment

    1. Take over-the-counter medications to help reduce fever and pain caused by a viral infection. If you have a cold or the flu, you are most likely experiencing headache and your body temperature is elevated. Paracetamol and ibuprofen help relieve pain. Paracetamol also helps to reduce fever. You can buy the above drugs at any pharmacy.

      Use a nasal spray. Exist different kinds nasal sprays. Salt nasal sprays are safe and can be used by both children and adults. Salt nasal sprays reduce swelling and discharge from the nose.

    2. Take cough syrup if you are coughing. When choosing a cough syrup, pay attention to its composition. In particular, pay attention to whether the syrup you choose contains decongestants, antihistamines and / or painkillers. This is very important to avoid an overdose of one or another substance that is part of the syrup (for example, if the painkiller is part of the cough syrup, you should not take an additional painkiller).

      • OTC drugs are safe for use in adults. However, pay attention to the interaction of the syrup you choose with other drugs that you take.
      • Do not use cough syrup on children under two years of age.
      • At wet cough prescribe mucolytic agents, and with dry - drugs that suppress the cough reflex.
    3. Seek medical attention if you have a serious viral illness. In some cases, professional health care. Contact your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

      • Increased body temperature (above 39.4 °C)
      • Deterioration after short-term improvement
      • Duration of symptoms more than 10 days
      • Cough with yellow or green sputum
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Viral infections require not only etiotropic therapy, but also symptomatic, pathogenetic approaches. One generic drug from all viruses does not exist.

Infectious diseases viral nature- the most common pathology in any corner of the globe. However, the answer to the question of how to treat a viral infection in adults and children should be sought from a specialist: an infectious disease specialist or family doctor. There are many nuances that must be taken into account, and independent attempts can cause irreparable harm.

There are three main directions in the treatment of any viral infection. These include the following:

  • etiotropic therapy - aimed at actually destroying the virus;
  • pathogenetic - eliminates the most significant clinical syndromes;
  • symptomatic - eliminates individual, most unpleasant symptoms for the patient.

Both in children and adults, the etiotropic component is the most important.

Preparations with an antiviral effect destroy the pathogen for a short time, the development of the disease stops.

However, etiotropic treatment has several features. Among them, the following are the most important:

  • the choice of the active substance is determined by the type of virus;
  • early start of the drug provides more high efficiency his actions;
  • the duration of administration depends on the form of the disease and the pathological agent.

Modern medicine has really reliable antiviral drugs only against certain microbial agents.

Most modern treatment protocols emphasize the need for the use of antiviral agents as first-line drugs. However, the importance of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy is no less. In many cases, when reliable means antiviral action absent, it is pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy infectious diseases helps the patient to recover.

Means of etiotropic therapy

All active ingredients can be divided into 4 large groups:

  • drugs with an actual antiviral effect;
  • interferon human and recombinant;
  • inducers of own (endogenous) interferon.

Depending on the specific pathogen and the time when the infection occurred, one drug or a combination of them can be selected and applied.

Means with a direct antiviral effect

They have the ability to damage the cells of the virus and destroy it. These medications are quite specific, that is, they can quickly destroy the influenza virus, but do not have a significant effect on the hepatitis virus.

Currently in practical medicine the following are used:

  • neuraminidase inhibitors (ingavirin, oseltamivir, zanamivir) - for the treatment of influenza;
  • M2-channel blockers (amantadine, rimantadine) - for the treatment of influenza and SARS;
  • daclatasvir, sofosbuvir, ribavirin - for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C;
  • lamivudine, tebivudine, entecavir - for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis B;
  • ganciclovir, valacyclovir, acyclovir - for therapy.

How to treat a specific variant of a viral infection in a specific person, the doctor decides. Only a specialist can assess the real need for a powerful antiviral agent, assign the correct scheme, take into account all the nuances of dosage and duration of use.

Self-administration, for example, only ribavirin in hepatitis C can only worsen the course of the disease and contribute to the development of resistance to the pathogen.

A special question is whether it is possible to treat a viral infection in a child with the same means as in adults. There is no single answer, since there are a lot of features:

  • in children, smaller dosages are used;
  • many drugs can only be prescribed to a child over 12 years of age;
  • The risk of side effects in children is slightly higher than in adults.

Obviously, in young patients, the appointment of antiviral drugs requires a balanced approach and a solid justification. You should not use antiviral drugs for each ARVI, since a significant positive effect may not be seen.

Interferon preparations

A protein compound called "interferon" - main way protection human body from viral agents. In most cases, acute infectious process it is produced in insufficient quantities.

Treatment with the introduction of interferon from the outside helps to eliminate this deficiency and quickly destroy the pathogenic microbe.

Currently, two variants of interferon are known:

  • human (obtained from the blood of a donor);
  • recombinant (produced using genetic engineering methods).

The clinical efficacy of both options is almost the same. Many brands allow you to choose the most suitable, from a financial point of view.

Interferons are not always well tolerated, which creates some limitations for their use, for example, when chronic hepatitis C. On the other hand, interferons are available in various forms. dosage forms(nasal spray, injection), so you can choose the most convenient option for the treatment of influenza and SARS.

Interferons can be used not only in adult patients, but also in children.


By their nature, these are antibodies, that is, compounds obtained from the blood of donors that neutralize the antigen (virus). They have 100% bioavailability, are evenly distributed in tissues, and practically do not cause side effects. Them important feature is the specificity of the action: anti-measles immunoglobulin has no effect, for example, on the hepatitis A virus. At the same time, the effectiveness of the effect on a specific microbial agent is quite high.

The following immunoglobulins are currently used:

Immunoglobulins can be used in children and adults. They are recommended as an independent treatment or as part of a combination of several active substances.

Inducers of endogenous interferon

Implemented in clinical practice only in countries former USSR, since in other states the evidence for their effectiveness is not credible. The peculiarity of their action is to stimulate immune cells to synthesize their own interferon. As a result, natural for the human body is activated defense mechanism. Inducers of their own interferon cause significantly fewer side effects, are better tolerated by adults and young patients.

On the pharmacy shelves are:

  • licopid;
  • polyoxidonium;
  • cycloferon;
  • ridostin;
  • neovir;
  • lavomax;
  • kagocel;
  • amiksin.

Endogenous interferon inducers can be used both for the treatment of viral infections and for their prevention.

Thus, it becomes clear that the answer to the question of how to treat a viral infection requires specialist advice and a detailed consideration of the specific situation.

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