Wisdom tooth extraction 8 ki. Removal of the wisdom tooth in the upper jaw. The approximate cost of removing the upper "wise" teeth

Wisdom teeth are the eighth large molars closing the dentition. They owe their name to the fact that they erupt already in adulthood - usually not earlier than at 15 years old. A complex root system and specific eruption, often resulting in an anatomically incorrect position, cause high risk development of complications and dental diseases.

Third molars are the only teeth that dentists recommend pulling out not as part of treatment, but as a preventive measure. Before deciding on their removal, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, objectively assess the condition of the molars, their impact on the dental arch, weigh all the risks and possible consequences after the removal of a wisdom tooth on the lower or upper jaw.

Features of the structure of eights and indications for removal

Structure bone tissue eights is no different from neighboring teeth, the features of the third molars lie in their structure. Unlike other teeth, figure eights erupt in youth and do not have "predecessors" - baby teeth - that prepare the gum for normal eruption. Due to such complicating factors, wisdom teeth may have root canals irregular shape, a large number of roots or fused roots.

The photo of the extracted eights clearly shows the specific shape of their root system:

Pathology of the location of the wisdom teeth

A characteristic phenomenon for third molars is dystopia - an incorrect position of the tooth in relation to everything jaw row. It is due to the fact that the eights are cut through the last. The lack of free space in the jaw arch can cause the tooth to erupt partially or not erupt at all.

In dentistry, the teeth, the eruption of which occurs with retention (delay), are called semi-retinated - partially shown on the gum surface, and impacted - completely hidden under the gum.

Dystopia may be accompanied by pain, swelling of the gums and cheeks, and the development of internal inflammatory processes. This pathology is clearly seen in x-rays wisdom teeth:

When looking for an exit to the surface, the molar can deviate significantly towards the cheek, which is fraught with injury to the mucosa during chewing. For a long time non-healing wounds terrible not only because the cheek constantly hurts and swells, but also because they can transform into ulcers. If left untreated, tumor processes may begin. With advanced pathology, the figure eight is removed, and the oncologist observes the wounds.

Indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper or lower jaw

Due to abnormal teething, a person may experience discomfort, persistent throbbing pain, aggravated by chewing. Abnormal eruption can lead to the development of dental diseases and displacement of the dentition up to the anterior zone.

Wisdom teeth do not carry a functional or aesthetic load, so many dentists recommend removing the eighth tooth immediately after eruption, without waiting until it hurts. Emergency removal reduces the risk of developing dental diseases and is less severe.

In conservative dentistry, in order for the doctor to decide on the need for surgery to remove eights, the patient must have indications (symptoms, health threatening). They can be direct and indirect.

Direct indications for urgent extraction are:

  • sepsis;
  • osteitis of the jaw;
  • neoplasm development;
  • periodontal inflammation;
  • pericoronitis;
  • destruction of bone tissue;
  • destruction of the crown of the tooth - caries.

To conditional indications to remove 8 teeth from above or below include:

  • bite pathology;
  • retraction - lack of natural eruption;
  • softening of the root system;
  • fracture of the root or crown part of the tooth;
  • root bifurcation disorder;
  • sinusitis;
  • the need for prosthetics;
  • horizontal position of the tooth with inflammation.

If the molar did not erupt or erupted partially, the doctor decides to eliminate the rudiment based on the risk of complications in the future and the current state of the patient. If the patient has good health, the tooth and gums near him are not inflamed, he will be recommended to see a dentist once every six months. Immediate removal is indicated if there is at least one of these symptoms:

  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • acute and chronic inflammation;
  • development of a follicular (tooth-containing) cyst.

Removal of wisdom teeth

When removing eights, not only the extraction procedure itself is important, but also the preparation for it. Procedure easy removal the tooth takes from half an hour to an hour, a complex surgical operation can last up to 5 hours. If it is planned to pull out several eights, operations are scheduled at intervals of three weeks.

Treatment, cleaning, filling and other planned manipulations on the remaining teeth can be performed 2-4 weeks after the extraction of the third molar.


Before removing a wisdom tooth, the dentist must examine the x-ray of the patient's jaw. With its help, the doctor will be able to accurately determine what kind of removal is to be - simple or complex, to exclude serious complications. This information allows you to draw up an optimal work plan, study potential risks and choose the right tools and equipment.

After that, the patient's history is collected, a superficial examination of the tooth is carried out, the extraction method, the drug for anesthesia and instruments are finally approved. To exclude suppuration and inflammation of the hole after surgery, before removal, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the teeth from plaque and disinfect the oral cavity with antiseptics.


The last stage of preparation for surgery is anesthesia. Usually, the removal of the upper and lower eights is carried out under local anesthesia. General anesthesia relevant in situations where it is impossible to use local anesthetic due to the presence of allergic reactions in the patient's history.

Regardless of the type of anesthesia, the procedure should be painless. The patient may feel pain during the administration of the anesthetic and after the end of the anesthesia, but during the period when the doctor removes the wisdom tooth, it will not hurt.

Removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw

Bone mandible denser and 3 times stronger than the top, so it is more difficult to tear the teeth from the bottom. But fractures in the process of being removed lower tooth wisdom are extremely rare. The main risk in the extraction of the lower 8 tooth, especially semi-impacted or impacted, is nerve damage, which can cause numbness of the facial muscles.

The eighth molars, located below, have large quantity roots than the upper ones, therefore, for their painless extraction, dentists resort to surgery.

Before removing the bottom eight, the doctor performs a detailed analysis of the radiograph to visualize the location and shape of the root system. With a large branching of the roots, it is difficult and traumatic to pull out the entire molar, therefore, usually such teeth are divided into several parts using a drill and pulled out one by one.

Removal of the wisdom tooth in the upper jaw

In most cases, the extraction of the upper eights is not complicated by the multiple roots that are characteristic of the wisdom teeth of the lower row. The upper wisdom tooth is removed using forceps (without surgical intervention) when:

  • One root.
  • There are several roots, but they are connected.
  • The curvature of the root is insignificant, and its length is small.
  • The crown is completely or almost completely cut through, which allows it to be grasped with forceps.

The removal algorithm looks like this:

  1. The forceps are applied to the crown or the root located in the hole, then the cheeks of the forceps move a little deeper into the gums and are fixed.
  2. When the doctor is convinced that the instrument is fixed correctly, he begins to gradually swing the molar, after which he painlessly removes it from the hole.
  3. The last step is to apply a sterile swab to the well to stop bleeding.

Removal of difficult wisdom teeth

Removal complex teeth wisdom is complete surgical operation, during which the dentist-surgeon performs incisions, uses a drill, stitches wounds. Complex operations required to extract impacted or horizontal teeth. Such an intervention is carried out in a sterile surgical room. To completely remove discomfort and any pain for the entire period of the operation, stronger anesthetics are used.

Wisdom tooth operation algorithm:

  1. The doctor injects an anesthetic drug into the gum.
  2. Since the wisdom tooth is hidden under the gum, the surgeon makes an incision in the gum and peels off a flap large enough for subsequent work.
  3. In the event that a wise tooth is surrounded by bone tissue, before removing it, the doctor performs a resection of the bone tissue using special cutters. To avoid bone tissue necrosis, work is carried out at minimum speed with cooling.
  4. Then the eighth tooth is removed. Depending on the number of roots, the surgeon can pull out the whole tooth or in parts.
  5. Curettage of the hole and disinfection of soft and bone tissues are carried out.
  6. When all disinfection manipulations are completed, the surgeon returns mucosal flap in place and sutured. If necessary, special drugs are used to stop bleeding.
  7. Upon completion of the operation, the patient receives instructions for postoperative care behind the wound.

Photo: diagram complex removal wisdom tooth

Consequences and possible complications after the removal of a wisdom tooth

Complications may arise due to erroneous actions of the dentist, insufficient antiseptic treatment instruments, neglect of rehabilitation measures and due to the peculiarities of physiology.

Doctor's mistakes are most often associated with the incorrect position of the instrument and excessive force when pressing the forceps, which can lead to a jaw fracture, damage to the gums, and ruptures of the corners of the mouth. Due to the structure of bone tissue and the specifics of the operation mechanical injury are often the result of removal upper tooth wisdom.

The proximity of the eights to large vessels not only increases the risk heavy bleeding after surgery, but also increases the risk of developing an extensive inflammatory process in the body when the hole is infected extracted tooth. The doctor can bring the infection into the hole, working with instruments that have not been properly processed, or the patient himself, without properly caring for the wound and the oral cavity.

The most serious complications after extraction of third molars are:

Recovery after extraction

Depending on the type and complexity of the operation full recovery gums will take three to twelve weeks. The patient may be prescribed:

  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Therapeutic rinses and irrigation of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions.
  • Herbal applications.
The dentist can perform the operation quickly and painlessly, but completely eliminate all risks and Negative consequences after the removal of the wisdom tooth is impossible. Normally, an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ° C, malaise and bad feeling, the formation of edema and bruising in the cheek area, slight bleeding, which should stop within 3-4 hours.

What to expect after a wisdom tooth extraction

The first time after the operation, you need to properly care for the wound and gums, clean the oral cavity in a gentle manner and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Postoperative pain intensifies in the evening and at night, so you should have painkillers ready to be taken if it becomes unbearably painful. Pulsating pain can be relieved by applying cold to the cheek. The analgesic effect and reduction of puffiness are achieved due to vasoconstriction.
  • Sleep on a firm, high pillow or multiple pillows to help prevent swelling.
  • Eliminate solid, cold and hot food.
  • On the first day, you should refrain from drinking drinks through a straw. When it is used, a vacuum is created in the mouth, which leads to a slowdown in regenerative processes.
  • To avoid bleeding, you should not smoke for the first week after surgery, as tobacco smoke increases vascular fragility. It is especially important to exclude smoking after the removal of the 8th tooth from below, since the consequences in the form of bleeding are more typical for the lower jaw.

To find out how it goes surgical removal wisdom tooth, watch the video:

Removal of the lower wisdom tooth ("eight", third molar) is often associated with certain difficulties, which are due to the location this tooth in the jaw.

More than 50% of patients have retention (delayed eruption) of the lower "eights".

The wisdom tooth can have different localization:

  • Medial tilt - the crown of the eighth tooth is directed towards the seventh.
  • Distal tilt - the tooth is tilted backwards.
  • Lingual or buccal tilt - deviation of the "eight", respectively, to the lingual or buccal side.
  • Horizontal position - the third molar is perpendicular to the other teeth.
  • Vertical position - the tooth is at the right angle in vertical plane, but never cut through.

Indications for the removal of the lower third molars are significantly expanded. So the "eights" are to be deleted:

  • If they periodically cause pericoronitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.
  • With caries, pulpitis or periodontitis and impossibility therapeutic treatment(due to incorrect position of the tooth, limited opening of the patient's mouth, curved canals).
  • If they injure the gum or cheek.
  • If it is impossible to cut them evenly.

  • With orthodontic indications (lack of space in the dentition). Often there are situations when in patients aged 20-25 years, the lower third molars begin to erupt, which put pressure on neighboring teeth, which ultimately leads to crowding of the teeth in the anterior region. Also, the orthodontist can direct the removal of the rudiments of wisdom teeth in more early age(15-18 years old).
  • In case of a jaw fracture, the lower eighth teeth must be removed from the fracture gap.


Most removal operations lower teeth wisdom is performed under local anesthesia - mandibular or torusal. Modern local anesthetics are used - ultracain, septanest, ubistezin.

If removal of all four wisdom teeth is indicated, they can be removed simultaneously in a hospital under general anesthesia.

Operation technique

Before the intervention, it is necessary to analyze the radiograph.

There are several clinical situations, depending on which the removal process will have its own characteristics:

  • The tooth erupted completely, is located exactly in the dental arch or is dystopic.
  • The tooth has not erupted completely (half-retention), has an incorrect location.
  • Horizontal position of the tooth.

Removal of a fully erupted wisdom tooth

When removing such a tooth, use straight wide elevators and special forceps for the lower third molars.

The working part of the direct elevator is advanced between the seventh and eighth teeth, while the concave surface is directed towards the tooth, and the convex surface is directed towards the wall of the alveolus of the wisdom tooth. Gradually rotating the elevator, dislocate the wisdom tooth upwards and backwards.

If the removal was not accompanied by an incision, sawing the tooth out of the bone, antibiotics are not prescribed. The recommendations are the same as for removal. ordinary tooth- do not rinse or heat the wound for 2-3 days, keep a bandage tampon for 20 minutes, do not eat for 2 hours.

Removal of the lower semi-retinated "eight"

Removal of an incompletely erupted wisdom tooth requires an incision and cutting out a mucoperiosteal flap. When the crown becomes fully visible, the condition of the surrounding bone is assessed, if necessary, it is removed using carbide burs with a straight tip. After that, the tooth is dislocated with a direct elevator, the hole is carefully cured, treated with an antiseptic.

In an empty alveolus, bone-plastic material is left, or at least hemostatic sponges, the drug Alveogyl, in some cases - a rubber drain, which is removed the next day. Next, the edges of the wound are brought together and sutures are applied.

The patient must be warned about possible complications:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth.
  • The appearance of edema of the buccal region.
  • Limited mouth opening.
  • Painful swallowing.
  • Fever, weakness, headache.
  • Traumatic neuritis lower branch trigeminal nerve, which is manifested by the appearance of areas of numbness of the skin or mucous lower lip, cheeks, tongue.

The hole after the removal of the lower wisdom teeth completely heals in a month, during which the patient may have different sensations in the area of ​​the postoperative wound.

The stitches are removed no earlier than 10-14 days later.

  • No food for two hours.
  • Do not heat the wound site (do not drink or take hot food, do not sleep on the side of removal, do not hold your cheek with your hand, do not go to the bath).
  • Immediately after the intervention, apply cold to the buccal area intermittently. It would also be nice to hold something cold on the wound topically (such as ice cream). The more cold - the less postoperative swelling.
  • Observe oral hygiene, especially carefully clean the seventh tooth, which is now the last one on this side. The plaque contains microorganisms that will provoke inflammatory phenomena and healing will take longer. If you can’t brush your teeth because of poor mouth opening, you should at least rinse your mouth with an antiseptic after each meal.

  • Taking antibiotics is a must. The doctor determines the drug, its dose and schedule of administration. Also appointed antihistamines(loratadine, tavegil, suprastin, cetrin) to reduce swelling. For pain, be sure to take painkillers, as needed.
  • Restrict physical exercise for the next few days.

Removal of horizontal ("lying") lower eighth teeth

The technique of removing horizontal wisdom teeth is the most traumatic. There are two options for the location of such teeth:

  • When the tooth is completely covered with bone tissue.
  • When part of the crown is over the bone.

In any case, an incision is first made in the region of the lower wisdom tooth, a mucoperiosteal flap is cut out, and the location of the tooth is visually assessed. Next, the surrounding bone tissue is removed using a straight handpiece. At the same time, there is no need to cut the bone for the entire length of the root, as a rule, they stop at the level of the neck of the tooth. Further long diamond burs Using a turbine handpiece, a tooth is sawn into two parts - a crown and a root. After complete detachment, the crown is removed by the elevator quite easily, after which the root is dislocated.

The hole is processed, special material or hemostatic sponges are placed in it, after which the wound is sutured.

According to the observations of dentists, the very prospect of removing the eighth upper tooth often causes people to panic. Patients with Soviet experience in dental treatment imagine a hammer, a chisel and a surgeon in the dental office, who whole hour will hollow out the roots, pulling them out in parts from a torn, blood-drenched hole ...

There is some truth in these fantasies, because the top eight of each person is unique in design, location, and this often makes their resection very difficult. And yet, this procedure today is not as terrible and complicated as some people imagine it to be.

Since the “wise” tooth is one of the last to erupt from above, there is no longer room for it in the row. If the teeth are tight, and the jaw is neat and small, the 8th tooth may not manifest itself, since its crown will rest against its neighbor. Accompanied by such a delay with eruption painful sensations, swollen cheek, and similar symptoms, of course, complicate the operation. When compared with bottom eights, then complications with the eruption of their analogues from above are rare, and for an experienced surgeon the operation is not particularly difficult.

Standard surgical treatment algorithm

Removal of the top 8 is a standard procedure, we can talk about the usual removal with forceps if:

  • she has only one or 2-3 roots fused together;
  • the root system is straight and not very long;
  • the crown is more located above the gum, which allows it to be completely clasped with forceps.

The design of forceps designed for the “wise” tooth is specific, the tool is made taking into account difficult access to the dental unit. Sometimes the bone tissue is damaged by caries, such roots are loosened with bayonet tongs. Compared to conventional forceps, which are used with a surviving crown, bayonet ones have completely closed sharp cheeks, convenient for remote molars - eights, molars, premolars, and sometimes capricious incisors and canines.

Before the operation, the surgeon will send you for an x-ray, this will help him assess the degree of complexity of the removal and possible complications from adjacent teeth or maxillary sinuses. Next, the doctor will collect an anamnesis, clarifying everything accompanying illnesses, examines the tooth, prepares a set of tools necessary for a particular case, removes plaque from the unit to be removed and treats the oral cavity with an antiseptic. Preventive measures prevent suppuration of the hole after removal.

After treatment, the operation area is anesthetized.

Algorithm for the standard operation to remove the top eights.

After the operation, the dental surgeon will advise on how to care for the wound, what painkillers can be used, how long the hole will heal.

Features of resection of impacted upper eights

Due to the fact that there is always little space for wisdom teeth, doctors observe dystopia every day - their non-standard location. In reality, it looks like this: the erupting tooth deviates to the free side, injuring the cheek when chewing with sharp edges. AT adulthood, at diabetes or simply reduced immunity such wounds do not heal for a long time. Forming ulcers can be the beginning of oncological problems, which is why it is so important to remove problem tooth. Sometimes, with a lack of space, the figure eight cuts through partially, bending strongly and resting on the seven (the so-called semi-impacted wisdom tooth) or does not erupt at all (impacted version).

Should it be removed impacted teeth? From the point of view of professionals, if they do not cause discomfort, there is no risk of complications, then they are left under observation. Once every six months, you need to come to the doctor for an examination. If there is pain, near the problem tooth is formed follicular cyst This tooth needs to be removed immediately. During the examination, the doctor will analyze the x-ray to determine the limits maxillary sinus: the closer it is to the roots, the easier it is to pierce or perforate.

Algorithm for the operation to remove impacted eights.

  1. The oral cavity is locally anesthetized.
  2. The gums are cut with a scalpel and the strip is peeled off.
  3. The bone is resected, in order to avoid necrosis, tips and cutters are used at low speeds with constant cooling (if the problem tooth is not surrounded by bones, it will not be necessary to cut it).
  4. Elevators or forceps extract the tooth (whole or in fragments).

  5. Curettage of the hole is carried out and washed with antiseptics.
  6. Bone tissue is treated with biomaterials.
  7. cut flap soft tissue put in place and sutured.
  8. Stop bleeding by putting gauze swabs impregnated with hemostatic preparations.

    It may be easier to remove a tooth in parts, but there is a danger of fragments falling into maxillary sinuses where it is more difficult to extract them. After the operation, the doctor must consult on proper care behind the wound.

    Video - How a tooth is removed

    Narcosis or local anesthesia?

    Everyone who has to remove a "wise" tooth is concerned about the question: what type of anesthesia is more suitable for such an operation? Anesthesia has one advantage: all fears can be turned off along with consciousness. But such anesthesia also has disadvantages: special training, high price, backfire. AT clinical practice cases are described when patients did not wake up at all after anesthesia: in some diseases there is always a risk of developing a resuscitation situation during surgery.

    All of the above arguments speak in favor of local anesthesia. Modern anesthetics The articaine group almost always provide high-quality "freezing".

    The eights on the upper jaw, when compared with the lower ones, ingrown into the array of a powerful jaw, have one advantage. They are surrounded by a thin cortical plate with holes for the exit of nerve processes, and it is not difficult to “freeze” them.

    Usually, infiltration anesthesia is performed, when the drug solution is injected into the transitional fold - the projection of the root system onto soft tissues.

    If this is not enough, tuberal anesthesia is used. For a prolonged effect, vasoconstrictors such as adrenaline and its analogues are added. By accelerating vasoconstriction, they contribute to the slow absorption of the anesthetic, which remains in the area of ​​operation for a long time. An adrenaline concentration of 1:100,000 makes it possible to work with a tooth without pain for at least an hour.

    If there are contraindications for local anesthesia (intolerance to drug components, mental disorders, panic fear depending on the type of instruments and blood, high trauma, duration of intervention), then the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

    Possible complications after removing the top eight

    In general, the upper eighth tooth big problems does not deliver when removed, but in some cases undesirable consequences there are. This is due to the negligence and inexperience of the dentist. Brute force during such manipulations is unacceptable, so the graceful young lady-surgeon copes with her duties without worse than men sports type. Dental surgeons claim that the tooth is pulled out by hand. The tongs are part of the doctor's hand, but the head must also be involved in it. When removing, it is not the effort that matters, but the leverage plus competence. When the tooth does not give in, reinforce physical impact stupid, since such an acceleration increases the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

    Table. Complications when removing the top eights

    Type of complicationDescription of the problemPrevention

    With severe caries damage, when the forceps are squeezed with inadequate force, the patient hears the crack of a falling apart tooth and spits out its fragmentsCarefully control the forces of the forceps and the depth of immersion of the cheeks - the deeper the better

    If a single unit is chosen as a support when using elevators, it may be weakNear the reference seven with this technique there should be a normal six

    If the tooth is of increased complexity, and all attention is focused on its extraction, the gum is injured when the forceps slip off. To improve access, you can also tear the patient's mouthThe surgeon must control his every step as much as possible.

    If you work roughly with the elevator, you can push part of the root under the gums, which then need to be dissectedUse the tool carefully and with the utmost care

    With a rough grip of the crown with forceps, you can also grab the processIn order not to infect the wound, it is necessary to align the sharp edge of the array

    Break through the bottom excessive loads to the root and a poor understanding of the anatomy of the jawPreliminary x-ray of the tooth, control of forces aimed at the root or tooth

    To avoid such consequences, monitor the chosen dentistry - advice from friends, reviews on thematic sites, long-term results of patients who have been there. This will help you find a professional without pathos and inflated prices.

    Video - Atraumatic removal of the top eight

Good day! It's time for me to write a review about my adventures with the surgeon

I am a "happy" owner of a non-standard set of teeth. There are 33 of them.

Extraction of a supernumerary tooth.

At the age of twelve, it was time to put on a bracket system, crooked teeth, milk teeth that did not fall out in front. In the picture, the doctors saw a rather rare anomaly in the form of 33 teeth in front.

Supernumerary teeth (hyperdontia) are "extra" teeth. Such an anomaly occurs quite often: 5% of people have more than 32 teeth. At the same time, one grows in 70% of cases. supernumerary tooth, in 25% of hyperdontia - 2 teeth, and only in 5% of people - 3 or more. In women and men, this anomaly appears with the same frequency.

Appointed urgent operation. Removed milk tooth, then the gum was cut under the lip and a huge extra tooth was pulled out, which looked more like a fang. Everything took place under local anesthesia, I did not feel pain, I remember that I was very hungry and tired. The gum was sewn up, after a couple of days the threads came out on their own, did not rinse with anything, everything was delayed quickly. In children at this age, everything is quickly delayed. Then a normal tooth erupted, but the entire jaw had to be corrected with a bracket system. A year and a half with an iron in my mouth and Hollywood smile was my reward. Unfortunately, in those days there were film cameras and each frame was saved, and the pictures remained with the doctor as a benefit and a rare case.

Removing eights. WHY?

Eights got out at the age of 20, the upper ones, the lower ones later, and on the one hand ...

The upper ones got out both at once, crookedly. It was very painful, I experienced what babies experience. Temperature, snot, I wanted to gnaw something so that they would already crawl out.

They gave me pain for several years. The front teeth were slightly crooked.

One lower tooth almost got out (every autumn it climbed with snot and fever), and the second one slept, but from time to time I felt discomfort in the gums. I began to notice changes in the bite and curvature of the lower dentition.

I decided to delete all 8! And rotten tops (they can’t be cleaned) and not quite cut through the bottom ones. It is a well-known fact that it is better to remove teeth before the age of 25, bone tissue recovers faster.

At 28, things didn't go so smoothly.

Removing the top eights.

Removed in city dentistry, free of charge, under local anesthesia.

An injection of Ultracaine into the gum, one movement of the surgeon's hand and they are gone! Then a couple of days do not eat hot and hard. No rinsing and procedures, no pain and discomfort!

That's how they rotted, it's impossible to clean them! Too far away for a brush to reach.

Removing the lower eights.

Removal with complications.

I decided to remove the same in city dentistry, but for a fee. The office is new and everything is modern. I really didn't know what I was getting into...

As you can see, the roots of the teeth are huge:

This tooth can be seen in the picture on the right, it almost completely crawled out, and behind it there is a small cyst. This happens when the tooth has nowhere to grow.

As usual, an injection of Ultracain, an incision in the gums, and in order to pull out a tooth, it must be pressed in and then pulled out. The roots are huge, for some reason it hurt me. But they pulled him out, put gauze with a solution and sent him home. Keep gauze for 30 minutes. After 40 minutes, I spit out the gauze and my mouth filled with blood, pieces of meat also fell out of the gums (sorry for the details). I did not get through to the dentistry, the ambulance said that they would take me to the maxillofacial for the night. I hobbled back, without a queue, my gum was sewn up with one seam, with a hemostatic sponge. And the pieces of meat that fell out were a blood clot. There was no pain, no swelling. A few days later, the wound stank of rotten meat, a strange aftertaste appeared. This complication is called dry socket.

Dry socket syndrome is one of the complications that appears after the extraction (removal) of the tooth. It arises from the lack blood clot in the alveolus. In this case, a cavity is exposed in which the bone is visible. Typically, this appears painful sensations on the third day after removal. This complication has more definitions that appear in medical literature: alveolar osteitis and alveolar post-extraction alveolitis.

I went for washing, treatment, fortunately, that there were no antibiotics and the suture was removed after a week.

Overgrown hole in the gum after 8 months. Food was clogged there, I had to use an irrigator and rinses on herbs.

A tooth without rot, but a huge and harmful one, which caused me torment for several years.

Removing the second eight is difficult.

The tooth grew crooked, a little more and the seven would be damaged, and the front teeth would stand up like an accordion ...

On the recommendation of the dentist, I went to the maxillofacial surgeon. I didn’t apply to the state structure anymore, because the last time I had more than enough. We went to the hospital, suddenly there good conditions and doctors? But drunks with swollen faces and other dubious citizens walked in the stinking corridor, we ran out of there like a bullet! Look and that's enough!

I went to the medical center where the surgeon was the highest category, with practice of maxillofacial surgeon. It can be seen from the picture that facial nerve very close, removal will be difficult!

The doctor gave excellent pain relief! The operation took 1.5 hours. Incision of the gums, parts of the tooth were chipped off so that they could be hooked, then removal, very careful and accurate. The hole was filled with osteoplastic material (bone replacement), 6 sutures were applied.

I decided to do osteoplasty to speed up healing and to avoid gaps in the gums. Until the age of 25, bone tissue is restored quickly and without any osteoplasty, but at the time of the operation I was already over 25.

Osteoplasty allows you to restore the lost volume of the alveolar ridge and thereby prevent further destruction of bone tissue, which will save the patient from further adverse effects associated with changes appearance and physical health. Osteoplasty is necessarily performed before the installation of implants, if the patient's own bone tissue is not enough.

Once again, no pain! Cheek swelling alert! And they let me go home. 3-4 days bed rest! Soft warm food!

Hero of the occasion (hewn for removal)

Seam on the gum:

First day:

Second day:

Third and fourth day:

It became painful only after moving away from Ultracaine, she began taking painkillers.

Preparations. I was assigned:

Antibiotic for oral administration in tablets (so that there are no complications).

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for five days (to reduce pain and eliminate inflammation).

Cold on the first day on the cheek (so that it swells less and does not bleed).

Calcium preparation after antibiotic (for better recovery bone tissue).

The pain went away after three days. On the third day, the swelling subsided, I slept instantly! Liquid oozed from the seam (this is the norm), the edema went away more and more, I became like a person, not a hamster

It was very difficult to open your mouth for a week, in the early days it was simply not realistic ...

How to eat.

I ate soup-puree and baby food meat and vegetables! Everything is a little warm. On the fifth day, I was able to eat not only liquid, but also soft food. Of course, the mood is at zero for a week, the doctor recommended me to drink cocoa, it does not improve my mood very well.

A day later, I went for dressings, where the wound was washed with a syringe, treated with ointments, the stitches were removed after a week, the sensations were not pleasant, but it was worth the patience. Inseam healed and the remnants of the threads came out after three weeks.

About price.

For all the procedures, I ran into 500 dollars. Along with surgery, drugs, dressings...

And this is my collection of eights! I'm extremely glad that they are no more !!

Upper and lower.

Make up your mind! It's not so scary! But just find good clinic and an experienced doctor. don't repeat my mistakes.

If my review was useful to you, I expect a positive rating

A wisdom tooth often causes trouble: it does not erupt completely, grows sideways inside the gums, or does not appear above the surface at all. In many people, third molars have a weak structure, often crumble, rot.

Patients often ask the doctor to remove a capricious unit: at a certain point, pain, swelling appear in the G8 area, inflammation of the gums develops. Extraction of third molars often proceeds with complications. What to do after wisdom tooth removal? Doctors' recommendations will help you understand how to avoid mistakes and complications.

When a wisdom tooth is removed

Leave the capricious unit or get rid of the "eight" as soon as possible - it's up to the specialist to decide. The dentist-surgeon will prescribe an x-ray, look at the location of the tooth, examine the quality of the dental tissue during visual inspection. Only on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the problematic unit, the doctor will decide whether to remove or save the third molar.

There are cases when the extraction of the "eight" is vital:

  • semi-impacted wisdom tooth. A severe defect is an indication for the removal of a partially erupted unit. The "figure eight" is located horizontally or vertically, the crown is often half hidden under the "hood" of gum tissue. Particles of food are stuffed into the folds, an inflammatory process often develops;
  • displacement of the “eight” away from the dental arch, tilt towards the tongue or towards the cheek. There are injuries of the mucous membrane, tongue, inner surface cheeks. Sometimes a malignant tumor develops on the affected areas;
  • oblique position of the third molar compared to other teeth. Wrong position provokes forward shift standing units, caries of adjacent molars. Often there is pain in the jaw, excessive pressure is experienced by the dental nerve, a headache appears;
  • the third molar is severely destroyed, filling is difficult/ineffective. The low effectiveness of therapeutic treatment, after which, you still have to remove the dilapidated unit.

What to do after a difficult wisdom tooth extraction? Any mini-surgery on the third molars is associated with a risk of complications. Even after a relatively simple extraction " wise tooth» meticulous care of the wound is required, compliance with hygiene measures. Competent actions, the exact implementation of the recommendations will prevent complications.

Note! Less often, after the extraction of the “eight”, a cyst is formed (a bubble filled with liquid), a rupture of the bottom of the maxillary sinus occurs. When the oral cavity is infected, stomatitis is sometimes diagnosed. AT severe cases purulent masses are formed, an abscess develops. With the spread of exudate in the tissues, penetration into the deep layers, a phlegmon is formed that threatens life.

How to proceed:

  • upon occurrence dangerous symptoms contact the dentist who removed the tooth. The doctor will clean the wound, put an antiseptic preparation, tell you how to relieve pain, remove swelling, redness;
  • for antiseptic baths, Chlorhexidine 0.05%, furacilin solution, Miramistin are recommended; (Instructions for the use of Chlohexidine; Miramistin -; Furacilin solution - page);
  • at severe inflammation the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic after the removal of the wisdom tooth, which suppresses the activity of bacteria in oral cavity. The drug is selected by the dentist on an individual basis after a special test;
  • with swelling, redness of the gums, to relieve inflammation, use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, soda solution;
  • decoction oak bark with active astringent action accelerate wound healing;
  • if the cause of swelling is allergic reactions, accept antihistamine. Effective action showed proven means: Tsetrin, Erius, Suprastin, Tavegil. Choose 3rd generation drugs causing drowsiness with a minimum of side effects, long-term action;
  • at severe pain take anesthetics: Ketorol, Ketanov, Nise, Paracetamol. Some medicines have side effects: do not exceed the dosage;
  • for improvement general condition in inflammatory processes, take restorative drugs, multivitamins. healthy body more likely to cope with the infection;
  • with paresthesia (nerve damage), painkillers, physiotherapy will help. Manipulations will be prescribed by the dentist, taking into account contraindications, the patient's condition.

Take note:

  • never self-medicate. If the pain increases, swelling, redness increase, urgently visit a dentist-surgeon;
  • throbbing pain radiating to the ear, swelling lymph nodes, soreness salivary glands testifies to the extensive inflammatory process. With the severity of the case, resection of the gums or mucous membranes, drainage of purulent masses are required;
  • before visiting the dentist, take baths with a decoction of chamomile, take anesthetics;
  • in no case do not touch the wound in the gum with your hands, spoon or cotton swab;
  • it is forbidden to get a festering clot: manipulations will be carried out by a doctor in compliance with sterility.

Each person should know how to proceed after the removal of a wisdom tooth and other less problematic units. Wrong actions, for example, warming up instead of cold compresses, attempts to clean the hole at home often turn around serious problems. Remember: osteomyelitis, flux, cyst, swelling of the facial tissues often develop when trying to self-medicate.

The process of removing a wisdom tooth in the following video:

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