Why the superciliary arches hurt: how to get rid of such discomfort. Why does the eyebrow above the eye hurt

Headaches are perhaps one of the most common complaints people seek medical help for. And quite often the discomfort is localized in the forehead. Why this happens and what are the situations associated with this type of headache, the doctor will say.

There are quite a few cases when the head hurts above the eyes. Therefore, noticing something like this, it is necessary to consult with a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will diagnose and determine what is the cause of the symptoms. And in the process of examination, it will be necessary to differentiate several conditions:

  • Sinusitis (frontal sinusitis).
  • Horton syndrome.
  • Migraine.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Liquor hypertension.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Infectious diseases (flu, meningitis).

Considering the origin of unpleasant sensations, one should not forget that they can also appear in fairly banal situations. Nervous strain, fatigue, prolonged work at the computer - all this, to one degree or another, also becomes a source of headache in the brow area. Similar signs are observed with hormonal changes in women (before menstruation, in pregnant women, in menopause), having a connection with physiological processes. But the source of the problem is visible only to a specialist.


Those who have a headache between the eyebrows will agree that such sensations are not pleasant. And everyone would like to get rid of them as soon as possible. But first, you need to get tested. The first stage will be clinical diagnostics based on complaints and the results of physical methods (examination, palpation, percussion). It will allow you to identify the symptoms of pathological conditions and make a preliminary conclusion.

First of all, you should understand the features of the pain syndrome. After all, its characteristics in each patient are very variable:

  • Appearance: acute (shooting, throbbing, burning) or dull (pressing, bursting, aching).
  • Intensity (strong, weak or moderate).
  • Duration (short-term or almost permanent).
  • Frequency (rare or frequent).
  • Localization (forehead, temple, eyebrows, eye socket).
  • The presence of provoking factors (hypothermia and colds, physical activity and straining, head tilt, pressure, taking certain medications).

Of particular importance in determining the origin of a headache are additional symptoms that are detected during an in-depth medical examination. For the patient, they can be pushed into the background, but they are no less important in diagnosis.

Determination of the causes of a headache in the eyebrow area begins with the clarification of the clinical picture of the pathology.


Among the pathology of the upper respiratory tract, responsible for the appearance of headaches, sinusitis stands out. They occur with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - frontal and maxillary. This is facilitated by both external and internal factors (frequent rhinitis, deformation of the nasal septum, hypothermia, dustiness and air pollution).

Frontitis is characterized by local and general symptoms. Of the symptoms of intoxication that accompany an acute inflammatory process, fever, malaise, and weakness are noted. And local signs of sinusitis include:

  • Pain in the frontal region.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Purulent discharge.

At the site of the projection of the sinus, redness and local swelling are detected, which can spread to the upper eyelid and the inner corner of the orbit. Pain is aggravated by tapping, pressing and bending over. This is due to an increase in exudate pressure in the frontal sinus.

Similar signs are observed with sinusitis, only the pains are localized mainly in the region of the upper jaw, but can also be given upwards. The danger of sinusitis lies in the risk of infection penetrating into neighboring structures - the eye socket and the brain. This creates conditions for intracranial and orbital complications. Therefore, if during a runny nose it hurts in the eyebrow area, you must be extremely careful and consult a doctor in time.

Horton's syndrome

Horton's syndrome is understood as the so-called beam or cluster headache. It most often occurs in young people (men under 30). An attack of burning, cutting or bursting pain occurs suddenly, localized near the orbit and behind the eye, often radiating to the frontotemporal, zygomatic zone or to the entire half of the head. Patients present with additional symptoms:

  • Redness of half of the face.
  • Injection of the sclera.
  • Horner's syndrome (drooping of the upper eyelid, miosis, retraction of the eyeball).
  • Blockage of one nostril.
  • Psychomotor agitation.

Such attacks usually last about 40 minutes, come in series up to 5 times and occur at night, causing patients to wake up. Exacerbations, as a rule, are observed in the autumn season. And during the light intervals, there are no symptoms.


Another reason why the forehead above the eyes can hurt is a migraine. She, like Horton's syndrome, debuts at a young age, but occurs more often in women. Headache is localized in the frontotemporo-orbital region, mainly on the one hand, has a pulsating character, medium or high intensity, increases with physical activity. Attacks last from 4 hours to 3 days, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and sounds.

Migraine occurs in two main forms - simple and associated. The first is accompanied by typical pain with alternating sides of the lesion. And the second is characterized by a number of additional signs that occur before an attack. They are called the aura and are focal neurological symptoms:

  • Visual disturbances (flickering "flies", bright flashes, zigzags, loss of margins, transient blindness).
  • Oculomotor disorders (ptosis, doubling, strabismus).
  • Speech dysfunction (dysarthria, aphasia).
  • Paresis of half of the body (muscle weakness in the arm and leg, decreased sensitivity).
  • Syncope (dizziness, tinnitus, fainting).
  • Panic attacks (anxiety, increased heart rate, increased pressure, sweating and tremors, weakness, large amounts of urine).

But these signs are completely reversible and do not last more than an hour. Otherwise, another cause of neurological problems must be ruled out. Other features of migraine may also indicate danger: the absence of alternation of sides, an increase in intensity, the appearance in the period between attacks, the first occurrence after the age of 50 years.

If the head hurt in the forehead, then migraine cannot be ruled out, especially if there are other signs of paroxysm.


When the forehead hurts between the eyebrows, but there is no runny nose, it is necessary to exclude glaucoma. This is a disease characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure. It has a progressive course and is accompanied by irreversible changes in the organ of vision, which must always be taken into account when consulting a doctor in time. Symptoms of glaucoma include:

  • Pain in the eye, orbital region and half of the head.
  • Feeling of pain and heaviness.
  • "Rainbow" circles (halo) when looking at a light source.
  • Decreased vision in the evening and at night.
  • "Fog" or "grid" before the eyes.
  • Redness of the sclera.

There are two forms of the disease: open and closed. The first is asymptomatic for a long time with a gradual dysfunction of the eye. A closed-angle is characterized by a special malignancy. An acute attack with sharp pain can cause sudden loss of vision.

CSF hypertension

Fluid pressure can rise not only in the eye, but also in the ventricles of the brain. Then they talk about liquor hypertension. And in this case, the head between the eyebrows may hurt. Typical features of the symptom will be: arching and pressing in nature, aggravation with straining, bending down, coughing and sneezing. Patients complain of a feeling of "squeezing out" of the eyeballs, increased sensitivity to light. With CSF hypertension, volumetric processes (tumor, cyst, abscess) in the brain, which prevent the normal outflow of fluid, are necessarily excluded.

trigeminal neuralgia

A headache in the eyebrow area can also be caused by trigeminal neuralgia. This occurs when sensory fibers are compressed or inflamed, which causes their irritation, or as a result of paroxysmal activity in the brain itself. The pain is paroxysmal, shooting and penetrating in nature (like an electric shock). Attacks follow one after another, often for hours and days, exhausting patients in order. A classic sign of pathology is the presence of the so-called trigger (trigger) zones, when exposed to which an attack is provoked. For the superior branch of the trigeminal nerve, this point will be the region of the supraorbital foramen. In addition, the pain often radiates to neighboring areas: the eye, temple, upper jaw.

infectious diseases

Located in the frontal zone and between the eyebrows, pain can be the result of an infectious disease. With influenza, it becomes a sign of general intoxication, the effect of the virus on the vascular wall and irritation of the nervous tissue. Respiratory disease is manifested by such features:

  • High fever.
  • Aches in muscles and joints.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Sore throat.
  • Dry cough.
  • Puffiness of the face.
  • Injection of the sclera.

But a similar sign can also indicate a more serious condition - meningitis. This is an inflammation of the pia mater. Then patients complain of headaches, they experience nausea and vomiting without relief, and fever is characteristic. Among the specific symptoms, meningeal "signs" should be noted:

  • Neck stiffness.
  • Signs of Kernig and Brudzinsky.
  • Pose of a pointing dog.
  • Suspension symptom (Lesage).

They are associated with the tension of the spinal roots and help to establish the correct diagnosis even without concomitant diagnostic tools.

Headaches in infections - a consequence of intoxication, irritation or inflammation of the meninges.

Additional diagnostics

In order to finally establish why the eyebrow in an adult and a child hurts, an additional examination is necessary. It includes laboratory and instrumental procedures. Based on the doctor's initial assumption, the patient may need the following studies:

  • Clinical blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemical blood test (markers of inflammation).
  • Nasopharyngeal swab (cytology, culture).
  • Study of the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure.
  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses and skull.
  • Echo and rheoencephalography.
  • Doppler ultrasound.
  • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance).
  • Ophthalmoscopy.

Specialists of a narrow profile will help to make the correct diagnosis: an ENT doctor, a neurologist, an oculist, an infectious disease specialist. Each patient needs an individual approach in terms of examination. And only with a sufficient amount of information it is possible to draw a conclusion about the origin of pain.

Those who have had a headache in the frontal zone would not want to face it again. Therefore, patients who have experienced it cannot be advised to do anything other than consult a doctor. Only a specialist can conduct the necessary examination, establishing the cause of the symptoms. And after all all further actions on treatment will be based on it.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous for your health.

The arches on which the eyebrows are located are part of the frontal lobe of the head. If there is pain above the eye in the eyebrow area, this is a serious symptom of a number of diseases.

In the region of the superciliary arches and the frontal lobe of the skull, there are many vessels, including meningeal ones. When they expand or narrow during some diseases, the head hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes.

The main cause of any headache, regardless of its location, are neuralgic diseases and disorders.

Among other disorders, the leader due to the occurrence of frequent and prolonged pain in the eyebrow area is migraine. Migraine pain appears very sharply, the attack is quite long - the pain can torment a person from several hours to several days. During the onset of an attack, the problem is localized in the forehead area, and then reaches the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyes. Migraine pain is often accompanied by severe nausea, turning into vomiting. Over time, a person begins to feel severe fatigue and irritation.

The feeling that the eyebrow hurts can occur when the occipital nerve is pinched. Pain can be felt in the forehead, eyes and temples. Severe stress or depression leads to infringement of the nerve. During a nervous and emotional upheaval, the neck muscles overstrain and severely compress the nerve. Initially, the pathology occurs in the back of the head, and then spreads to the forehead and eyebrows.

Above the eyebrows and with infringement of the vessels of the neck. The vessels become narrower, the blood that is transmitted to the brain is less. Thus, oxygen starvation occurs. It is expressed by the following symptoms: pain in the forehead and above the eyebrows, deterioration of vision and hearing, impaired memory and mental activity. The person may experience frequent fainting and trouble sleeping.

With neuralgic pain, patients may experience the following symptoms: tinnitus and changes in vision, damage to the optic nerve and disruption of the normal movement of the pupil, soreness when pressing some arteries in the forehead and temples, the occurrence of hemorrhages in the retina.

Pathology above the eyebrow in women appears with sharp hormonal surges that occur during pregnancy and the onset of the menstrual cycle. The pain can be similar to the pain of inflammation, only with a hormonal surge there is no runny nose. occur during puberty and are one of the symptoms of approaching menopause.

The forehead hurts with intoxication of the body, the most common form of which is a hangover. The reason can also be the frequent consumption of spicy and highly seasoned foods.

Pain in the eyebrow area occurs with various traumatic brain injuries. This can be either a minor injury or dissection of the eyebrow itself, or a serious traumatic brain injury, in which strong intracranial pressure occurs.

Diseases in which this pathology occurs in the region of the eyebrows, forehead, between the eyes:

  • various infectious diseases, including influenza and SARS;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • diseases of ENT organs - sinusitis and frontal sinusitis;
  • meningitis, etc.

Eyebrow injury can occur when falling, hitting and getting a foreign object. There are many blood vessels in the eyebrow area, so there is quite a lot of bleeding in case of injury.

Severe pain in the eyebrow area after an injury indicates severe injury and infection in the wound. In the absence of medical care and examination, the infection can penetrate deeper and affect nearby tissues, including the brain.

If there is no dissection and bleeding in the eyebrow area after the injury, and pain is present, this indicates a serious injury, increased intracranial pressure and concussion. The pain is accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, disorientation in space, dizziness.

To avoid serious consequences during the dissection of the eyebrow and head injury, it is necessary to provide the victim with the following assistance:

  • with a closed injury: apply a wet towel or ice pack to the injury site;
  • with an open injury: try to stop the bleeding, treat the edges of the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide;
  • ask the victim about the presence of headaches, dizziness and nausea;
  • call an ambulance;
  • before her arrival, keep up a conversation with the victim, ask him about his well-being.

For any head injury, especially if it is accompanied by bleeding and severe headache, it is urgent to contact a surgeon and a neurologist for a detailed examination and treatment.

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses always causes severe pain in the area above the eyebrows and between the eyes. The disease affects not only the frontal sinus, but also the sinuses.

The cause of sinusitis, like sinusitis, is a prolonged runny nose with allergies and colds. Frontal sinusitis is also a complication of SARS, influenza and other infectious diseases. The disease is more severe than sinusitis and sinusitis.

The main symptom of frontitis is a severe headache in the area above the eyebrows and in the forehead. The pain is most intense in the morning. At this time, it becomes unbearable. The pain subsides only after the sinuses are cleared, and eventually resumes. Along with the pain, there is severe swelling above the eye and in the area of ​​the affected frontal sinus.

During frontitis, severe photophobia and a violation of smell are added to the pain in the forehead and eyebrows. If inflammation is a complication of a cold, a person's temperature rises, the color of the forehead above the eyebrows changes, the pain can increase significantly, especially when pressed in the area between the eyes.

You can relieve a headache with frontal sinusitis by constantly washing the sinuses in order to get rid of mucus and pus. To do this, you can use Naphthyzinum for adults and a solution of sea salt for the treatment of children.

If there is no temperature, the pain syndrome will help to reduce inhalation with special aerosols with antibiotics and heating with blue lamps.

In most cases, conservative treatment helps to cope, in others surgical intervention is necessary. In this case, the eyebrow is cut down to the inner corner of the eye.

Treatment of this pathology must begin with determining the cause of its occurrence.

If the attacks of pain are very frequent and severe, analgesics (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) will help to cope with them.

Depending on the cause and intensity of the pathology, drugs can relieve pain or relieve it for a certain period, but it is impossible to completely cope with the cause of the problem in this way.

With minor pains that interfere with normal life, you can use drugs that contain drotaverin (No-shpa). This substance helps to relieve vasospasm, which is the primary cause of pain.

The superciliary arches are located on the frontal lobes of the skull, which, in turn, are the focus of many meningeal vessels, arteries and capillaries. Too frequent and intense headaches in this area can indicate the presence of serious diseases, and discomfort is a kind of signal from the body about the need for intervention.

It is not for nothing that they say that all problems are from the nerves, since in most cases pain in the region of the frontal lobes indicates a pathology in the neuralgic part. A headache in the eyebrow area with migraine, which is characterized by severe discomfort in one or both halves of the head, accompanied by a pulsation in the temple area. In this state, a person can stay from a couple of hours to several days. As a rule, throbbing headaches come along with nausea and vomiting, aggravated by sharp sounds and bright lights. Pathology manifests itself in people from 15 to 60 years. However, cases of migraine can also be recorded in 7% of children under the age of 12 years.

A similar sensation of pressure in the frontal lobes can occur when the occipital nerve is pinched. Unlike migraines, there is no nausea or vomiting.

Pain above the eye in the eyebrow area can occur with oxygen starvation of the brain. This happens when the vessels that transport oxygenated blood cells to this organ are infringed or narrowed. The main symptoms should be considered:

  • pain in the frontal lobes;
  • visual impairment;
  • hearing loss;
  • general inhibition of thought processes;
  • bad memory;
  • insomnia.

With a long stay in this state, a person may faint.

The cause of a headache in the temples and superciliary arches is a hangover. With frequent use of very spicy foods, well-seasoned dishes, pain above the eyebrow is also possible. The same happens with prolonged smoking, which causes hypoxia, which affects the state of internal organs.

Headache and runny nose

Discomfort in the region of the superciliary arches and eyes, combined with a runny nose, is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Body intoxication. In this case, the formation of a strong focus of inflammation in the region of the paranasal sinuses is possible.
  2. development of otitis media.
  3. During a cold, the production of intracranial fluid increases, it presses on the walls of the cranium. This condition is typical for elevated temperature.
  4. Compressive pain in the frontal lobes may occur during the flu.

If nausea and vomiting are added to the symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help, since there is a high chance of earning meningitis - an acute inflammatory process that occurs in the membrane of the spinal cord and brain.

Pain in encephalitis, sinusitis, mumps and other infections are classified:

  1. By duration:
  2. The nature:

Often, cosmetic procedures also lead to headaches:

  • eye and eyebrow tattoo(usually everything goes away in 2-3 days after the procedure);
  • surgical intervention– facelift with the help of threads in the area of ​​the eyes, bridge of the nose and eyebrows;
  • allergic reaction for some cosmetic product.

Pain in the temples and frontal lobes is typical for workaholics of all types of employment, working in excess of the established norms. Mental workers are well aware of the throbbing pain behind the eyeball and above the eyebrow - the consequences of a long stay in front of the computer, constant contact with gadgets, reading, especially in poor lighting. As a rule, in this case, another problem appears - dry eye syndrome:

  • swollen by the end of the working day eyelids;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • dryness, pain in the eyes;
  • permanent feeling that something is interfering;
  • accumulation of mucus in the corners of the eyes and on the eyelashes.

It can manifest itself both in one and simultaneously in both organs.

Clinical picture

When the eyebrow and frontal lobes hurt, the symptoms are as follows:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, it interferes with free breathing;
  • insomnia;
  • can start watery eyes;
  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased headache in bright light;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyes along with redness;
  • lack of mood;
  • irritability;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hemorrhage in the eye.

Prolonged work with a computer or documents leads to a pathology called "computer visual syndrome". Its clinical picture is slightly different:

  • permanent feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • pain between the eyebrow zone and the upper eyelid;
  • mucus secretion colorless, viscous, accumulating in the corners of the eyes;
  • high photosensitivity;
  • temporal pain, which begins to pulsate in the right, left, or both parts of the head;
  • discomfort in the forehead and eye sockets;
  • blurred vision;
  • fast fatiguability when reading from a monitor and paper;
  • severe pain with sudden movements of the eyeballs, tilting the head.

If at least a third of the symptoms are present, you should immediately seek help so that the disease does not become chronic.


To find out the causes of headaches, you need to visit:

  • otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • neurologist;
  • therapist or pediatrician;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon.

If a craniocerebral injury is likely, bleeding is observed, an eyebrow is cut, you first need to contact the surgeon.

First aid for head injuries:

  1. If injury closed, necessary wet a towel with cold water and apply to the forehead(an alternative is an ice pack). With an open wound this cannot be done. First you need stop bleeding and treat the edges of the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Interrogate the victim for the presence of nausea, dizziness and vomiting, whether it hurts to move the head, neck, move the limbs.
  3. Call an ambulance.
  4. Don't let the person fall asleep do not try to transport yourself, just keep the conversation going and periodically ask if it got worse.

Medical treatment

For very severe pain, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve discomfort in the frontal lobes, you can use tablets that include drotaverine (No-shpa) or ibuprofen (for example, Novigan, which is especially effective for headaches that accompany high fever). These drugs are able to relieve vasospasm, but are not a panacea, because they do not fight the cause.

For a complete treatment, you need to understand where the malaise came from:

  1. If discomfort occurs with high blood pressure, critical days or light strokes and injuries, you can relieve spasm with the help of drugs such as Analgin or Nise.
  2. Treat pain caused by body intoxication, recommended with Aspirin or Oops.
  3. For infections and viruses, when the fever does not go astray, and the color of the snot varies from yellowish to green, you need to pay attention to antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. If a the pain is not just pressing, but squeezing so that it pulsates with each turn of the head or tilting down, they will come to the rescue Citramon, Sedalgin or Tetralgin.

Self-massage is one of the effective ways to relieve spasm. With light pressure and massaging of the temples, neck and bridge of the nose in the corners of the eyes, the pain will gradually disappear. When pressing or touching the temporal region brings discomfort, self-massage of the bridge of the nose will help.

If touching the frontal lobes is unbearable even in thought, you can resort to traditional medicine. Treatment involves the use of infusions, herbal compresses based on coltsfoot leaves. If you get a headache while landing a plane or diving into water, you can use the following tips:

  • with a decrease chew gum without closing your mouth;
  • in time swallow saliva
  • breathe slowly at the first sensation of nausea.

You can also press on the wings of the nose, cutting off oxygen for a few seconds, which will avoid severe pain in the area of ​​the temples, forehead and brow ridges, stuffy ears and slight dizziness. Such methods are effective not only under water or in the sky, but also on the ground, they are actively practiced in modern medicine in order not to drink medicines so often.

Headache is a common phenomenon and therefore scares a little. Analgesics, ibuprofen, in most cases, put an end to the torment. But if the eyebrow above the eye hurts with or without pressure, this can alert. And it should be noted, not in vain. Often in this way the body signals serious problems.

There are ducts and sinuses in the cranium, and a large number of them are concentrated in the eye area, between and above them. The conclusion about the cause of pain can be made at the place of its occurrence.

Diseases are divided into:

  • pathologies of a neurological nature;
  • infectious pathologies.

The latter can also be divided into diseases of the central nervous system and ENT organs. In the first case, we are talking about meningitis and encephalitis, the second group includes sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others.

From what disease caused it, the pain can be different - acute, dull, constant, paroxysmal, manifested when pressed, and so on. In addition to diseases, the cause of pain can be a traumatic effect.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of pain:

  • Meningitis and encephalitis have similar symptoms: high fever, stiff neck, body aches. As soon as the body temperature jumped up sharply, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Migraine- a disease that has a genetic predisposition that is inherited. According to patients diagnosed with this disease, pain in the eyebrow area is the first sign of an attack, along with lethargy, yawning, drowsiness, and weakness. Its further manifestations are the appearance of severe prolonged pain, spreading in the area from one or both eyebrows through the temples to the back of the head. Subsequently, the whole head is covered with pain; it is so sharp and unbearable that a person can both feel sick and vomit.
  • Vascular cervical disease. Its essence is that the walls of the cervical vessels are overgrown with plaques of cholesterol, so oxygen does not enter the head well, as the blood circulation slows down. Due to chronic hypoxia, damage to hearing and vision occurs - their sharpness decreases, and after that painful sensations appear around the eyes.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses of the face, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, develop due to the fact that various harmful bacteria appear in the body. Inflammation of the mucosa results in pain that is concentrated both above and below the eyebrow, as well as in part of the undereyes. The pain differs from other types in that it intensifies when pressed. In some cases, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature, loss of smell, the appearance of a fear of light.
  • Head injury. This is a very dangerous type of injury, because it is the front part that is “stuffed” with a large number of sinuses and ducts. As a rule, facial injuries are accompanied by severe bleeding, because blood vessels are concentrated here in large numbers. If it was not possible to avoid infection in the wound area, it is very easy for her to reach the central nervous system. It is extremely important to properly provide first aid to a patient who has received such an injury before the arrival of a doctor: stop bleeding, wash the wound (if possible, disinfecting it), bandage it.
  • Pinched nerve in the neck. This happens when the work of the muscles of the neck is disrupted. Pain in the superciliary arches, referred from the occipital region. The pain is as strong as in a migraine attack, but its direction is the opposite - from the back of the head to the eyebrows.
  • Increased intracranial pressure. As a rule, patients with experience are aware of the presence of hypertension. By itself, it will not pass, only in the case of its benign nature.
  • Another disease is trigeminal neuralgia. If it is present, pain above the eye in the eyebrow area can appear and disappear over several years. Treatment in this situation does not help, an MRI of the head is necessary to exclude the possibility of oncology.

There are also cases when pain in the eyebrow area is not pathological. They are a consequence of how a person lives:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • smoking - vasospasm and, as a result, hypoxia;
  • incorrectly compiled food menu, excess fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  • mental strain;
  • long and constant activity at the computer monitor.


Pain in the eyebrow or orbit is one of a significant number of symptoms. This may be the main or side manifestation of the disease.

With pain around the eye or eyebrow, symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa, runny nose;
  • fear of light;
  • swelling of one or both eyelids;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness, sometimes reaching vomiting;
  • eye hemorrhage;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • loss of control over your body.

Doctors and diagnostics

The first doctor to contact if the area of ​​​​the eyebrow or eye hurts is a therapist. He gives direction for examination and consultations of other doctors. This may be an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist or surgeon (traumatologist). In case of a facial injury, the infectious disease specialist also necessarily examines it.

A certain number of examinations will definitely be carried out: a blood test is taken, an x-ray of the nasal sinuses is taken. The ophthalmologist will examine the patient's fundus, the otolaryngologist, if necessary, will take a sample of the nasal mucosa, possibly probing his sinuses. In a situation where the doctor suspects the presence of meningitis, a cerebrospinal puncture will be taken. You may need a CT scan (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance therapy) of the head, and the neurologist will refer you to an EEG (electroencephalogram).


Only a doctor can cure the disease, after an accurate diagnosis is made. Self-medicating with these symptoms can be very dangerous. The maximum that can be done to the patient, if the pain is very severe, is to take an anesthetic drug that does not require a doctor's prescription - any ibuprofen - containing medicine.

If the patient knows that the cause of the pain lies in the vasospasm, it is necessary to drink an antispasmodic - Spazmalgon, Novigan, Pentalgin-N, Tempalgin.

When it comes to cold or hot compresses, you need to be extremely careful. If it is sinusitis, any warming up can aggravate the disease; if the cause of the pain is a stiff nerve, a cold compress can make it worse.

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor who made the diagnosis. If the pain above the eyebrow is associated with diseases of the ENT organs, the otolaryngologist will treat. With getting rid of the identified disease, the disturbing pain will also pass. The same applies to other diseases.


Before talking about preventive measures, it is still necessary to establish the reason for the occurrence of these symptoms. As soon as the doctor has made a diagnosis, and the patient has been treated, you can direct your efforts to prevent such diseases in the future.

If this is not possible, for example, a migraine is diagnosed, which, as you know, cannot be cured, you need to carefully monitor the approach of an attack. As soon as the first signs appear (and every person suffering from migraines will accurately recognize their appearance), you need to ensure peace and quiet, take the painkiller prescribed by the doctor, and try to stop the attack. This is especially true for people whose attacks are accompanied by the so-called "aura" - visual flashes and intolerance to light and sound.

Prevention of colds at all times was hardening, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle - quitting smoking, walking in the fresh air - both hiking and skiing, playing sports, eating healthy balanced food. In addition, knowing your predisposition to colds, it is better - again after consulting a doctor - before the start of the SARS and flu season, drink a course of vitamins that increase the level of immunity. It is very useful to include in your diet foods rich in vitamin C - lemon, cranberries, lingonberries, rose hips.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Neurodentistry: facial neuroanatomy, facial pain [Text]: textbook for students of dental and medical faculties / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, compiled by Kalinin V. A. [et al.]. - Samara: Etching, 2017. - 58 p. ISBN 978-5-473-01138-8
  • Classification of headaches, cranial neuralgia and facial pain and diagnostic criteria for the main types of headache: [Trans. from English] / Classification. com. Headache Intern. islands for headaches; [Scientific ed. and ed. foreword A. A. Shutov]. - Perm: ALGOS-press, 1997. - 92 p. ISBN 5-88493-017-8: B. c.
  • Korotkikh, Nikolai Grigorievich Clinic, diagnosis, treatment of facial pain / N. G. Korotkikh, I. N. Lesnikova. - Voronezh: New Look, 2008. - 128 p. ISBN 978-5-93737-037-2
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What to do if the eyebrow above the eye hurts? At first glance, this symptom may seem trifling, but you should not neglect the first signals of your body. It is no secret that important organs of a person, as well as nerve endings responsible for their work, are concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pain focus.

Causes of pain in the eyebrow area

Pain brings significant inconvenience to our lives. Many try to ignore them and hope that everything will pass by itself. And some are nervous and obviously upset.

The nature of the pain in the eyebrow is different: discomfort when pressed, acute pain in the area, or just discomfort in the eyebrow. If you feel pain in your eyebrow, you should think carefully about what concomitant factors could be the cause. Of course, pathology can only be detected by a doctor during special examinations. But some lifestyle violations can affect the pain in the eyebrow. These include:

  1. Overwork;
  2. Many hours of work at the computer;
  3. Poisoning the body with alcohol;
  4. Eating fatty, fried and spicy foods;
  5. Mental and physical overload.

You will be surprised, but the cause of pain in the eyebrow area can be safe, at first glance, cosmetic procedures:

  1. Eyebrow tattoo;
  2. Allergic reactions to cosmetic preparations;
  3. Plastic surgery in this area.

Do not exclude the possibility of serious diseases, which often begin with trifling symptoms or are completely asymptomatic. These include the following diseases:

  • (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis);
  • Intracranial pressure;
  • Migraine;
    cervical osteochondrosis;
  • intracranial injury;
  • Failures in the work of the nervous system.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the causes of pain in the eyebrow area can be different. Serious diseases that only a doctor can diagnose are dangerous with brain damage. Cosmetic procedures are not at all harmless. And, of course, the wrong way of life is largely reflected in the body as a whole, not to mention the pain in the superciliary arch.

Parallel symptoms: edema, blurred vision, dizziness

In order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to listen to your body and find out what other accompanying symptoms bother you. And also determine the nature of the pain: pulsating, when pressed, continuous. Consider some diseases in which patients complain primarily of pain in the eyebrow area.

With a neurological disease of migraine, the following are characteristic:

  • Paroxysmal, prolonged headaches, including in the eyebrow area;
  • Photophobia;
  • Nausea;
  • Fatigue.

Pinched neck vessels:

  • visual impairment;
  • Fainting states;
  • Pain in the eyes and neck;
  • Noise in ears.

Inflammatory disease frontitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness of the eyes;
  • Photophobia;
  • Pain on palpation of the eyebrows and bridge of the nose;
  • Elevated temperature.

Physical injury is not uncommon. The main danger lies in closed craniocerebral injuries. In the absence of bleeding and unbearable pain, you should immediately contact the emergency room. With these symptoms, internal bleeding is possible. A few symptoms that indicate the presence of a severe injury:

  • severe dizziness;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Severe pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • Edema in the area of ​​injury.

Physical trauma is the cause of pain in the eyebrow area

Physical injury is the culprit of pain in the eyebrow area

Head injuries can result from a fall or blow. As you know, a whole network of blood vessels is concentrated in the head area. That is why, as a rule, severe bleeding is observed during an injury. Severe pain can indicate the severity of the injury and possible infection. Infection is fraught with irreversible consequences.

It is important to know how to provide first aid for a physical injury. This can save a person's life. Consider some first aid tips for the victim:

  • Apply a wet towel or ice wrapped in a towel to the bruised area. This option is suitable if the victim has a closed injury;
  • With heavy bleeding, try to stop the flow by applying pressure to the wound. That is, apply a clean towel or gauze bandage to the wound and keep it until the ambulance arrives;
  • Call an ambulance;
  • Be sure to talk with the patient, ask him about the pain. If possible, find out the blood type and Rh factor. Do everything so that the person does not lose consciousness.

Head injuries are almost never minor. That is why, regardless of the nature of the bruise, an examination by a specialist is necessary to exclude serious consequences of the bruise.

Inflammatory processes of ENT organs as a probable cause of headache

Inflammatory processes in the ears, nose, pharynx, larynx often lead to headaches and, in particular, to discomfort in the eyebrow area. As a rule, diseases of the ENT organs are a complication of viral diseases, such as ARVI and.

Sinusitis is called inflammation in one or more sinuses. Inflammation of the frontal sinus of the nose is commonly called frontal sinusitis. The main symptoms of this disease have been previously described.

Most often, a complication in the form of frontal sinusitis occurs with improper care of the nasal cavity during a prolonged runny nose. The disease is more difficult than sinusitis, and patients complain of unbearable pain in the frontal zone, especially after sleep.

In addition to unpleasant pains, a strong swelling in the eyes and forehead is added, and an increase in temperature is also possible. Due to inflammatory processes in the sinuses of the nose, the patient's sense of smell may be disturbed and severe irritation to bright light may appear. In the initial stages of the disease, it is necessary to rinse the nose with sea water. Usually this is enough. But there are cases of severe neglect and the appearance of purulent stagnation. In this case, only surgery can help.

Everyone has heard the so-called sinusitis, but few people know what this disease is. So, sinusitis is inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. Sinusitis and frontal sinusitis are the most common diseases of the sinuses. Some symptoms indicating the presence of inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Severe pain in the forehead and nose;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Violation of the sense of smell;
  • Edema is possible;
  • in nighttime.

Like all ENT diseases, sinusitis is dangerous due to damage to nearby tissues and the occurrence of irreversible consequences.

Treatment and diagnosis of diseases associated with eye pain

Treatment and diagnosis

As has been repeatedly said, in order to eliminate discomfort in the eyebrow area, it is necessary to identify the disease in which this symptom is observed. Depending on the diagnosis, eyebrow pain can be treated with certain medications that can reduce or completely eliminate the discomfort.

For minor pain, antispasmodic drugs help. Their action is aimed at reducing spasm of blood vessels and muscles, which is the cause of pain. If pain occurs once, then painkillers cope well with such a problem. With alcohol poisoning, preparations containing acetylsalicylic acid help well. Antipyretic drugs will perfectly cope not only with the temperature, but also with the headache. And, of course, the right lifestyle is the key to good health.

It is worth remembering that only a highly qualified specialist can diagnose the disease based on your complaints and the results of the study. The patient is prescribed mandatory tests and, in some cases, an X-ray or MRI of the head.

Help of traditional medicine for pain in the eyebrow area

Some traditional medicine tips can help you manage eyebrow pain. With discomfort, sometimes it is enough to apply a cold compress to a sore spot. Many people know the miraculous effects of medicinal plants such as burdock and ordinary cabbage leaf. And decoctions of mint, lemon balm, viburnum can eliminate the pain symptom and relax.

As well as with drugs, non-traditional methods will help to remove unpleasant symptoms for a while, but they cannot replace highly qualified help. That is why you should not postpone going to the local doctor.

Summing up, I would like to note that the cause of pain in the eyebrow area above the eye can be different. On your own, you can only temporarily reduce the pain, and contacting a doctor will help you get rid of an unpleasant symptom once and for all.

Headaches associated with sinusitis:

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