The child's ear hurts first aid. Vasoconstrictor drugs against the common cold. Ear pain in a child without fever

Experienced Moms know - the auricles are a vulnerable spot in a baby. Ears start to hurt suddenly, manifested pain syndrome pronounced, and it takes parents by surprise. Often problems arise after visiting various resorts or if the child bathed in dirty water. Swimming in polluted waters is unacceptable for small children. But recommendations are often ignored by adults, which leads to sad consequences.

Consider why this happens, and how you can quickly help if you understand that the child’s ear hurts and needs to be treated.

Why does a child have an earache

Be sure to go to a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist so that the doctor establishes a clear diagnosis and recommends effective therapy. Often, pain is accompanied by hyperthermia - this is a symptom that cannot be ignored, since it can indicate serious diseases, problems with ENT organs.

A child’s ears can hurt due to the following factors, we will consider them in detail.

External factors

Internal causes

Severe ear pain in a child may indicate a disease of nearby organs, or serious inflammatory diseases. infectious diseases, for example, with mumps.


The kid can clap his ears with his palms, he is mischievous - this clear sign that he had a severe pain in his ear. You can not ignore these symptoms - ear pain is very poorly tolerated, so it is possible that your little mischievous will become lethargic, very capricious and will be harmful with or without it.

You need to measure the temperature - it often rises if the reason is the defeat of viruses. With otitis, hyperthermia will also be present, up to 39 degrees.

Parents can put pressure on a small cartilage - visible to the naked eye, located opposite the auricle, round shape. If the baby cries, removes your hands - this means that he is not comfortable and hurts.


  • frequent whims;
  • tries to lie on the side where the ear hurts;
  • in the area of ​​the lymph nodes (under the ear) swelling, the skin is irritated and red;
  • secretions are present.

The last symptom is alarming, especially if the child has an earache and the temperature has risen, and there is also vomiting.

Ear pain in babies

Any doctor will say that the sooner a problem is detected and therapy is started, the easier it will be to get rid of it in the future without provoking the appearance of complications.

The following symptoms are of concern:

  • the child is restless, constantly naughty, hysterical;
  • hyperthermia;
  • refuses breast;
  • the presence of discharge - if the child has otitis media.

Doctors warn mothers if the child's ears start to hurt and the temperature is more than 38 degrees - do not hesitate, it is advisable to seek special assistance as soon as possible.

In children under 5 years old

It is easier for parents of children under 5 years of age to recognize the symptoms. You need to find out why the child is in pain, and there are many of them:

  • injury;
  • bites of mosquitoes, flies, etc.;
  • water ingress is a very common problem;
  • sulfur plug is formed, it also causes pain in the ears.

It is quite difficult to find the cause on your own. The best option is to go to the doctor. Based on the specifics of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Every mother must remember that if a child’s ear suddenly hurts, you can help yourself, but you also need to go to the doctor.

How to relieve ear pain in a child

The first question that will worry mom and dad is what to do if the baby is in pain?

Therapy at home

  1. Careful examination of the ear. If there is something in the ear, you can try to remove it, but you must be as careful as possible so as not to push the object even deeper. In general, usually such manipulations are carried out by a doctor.
  2. If a child’s ear hurts, what to do when it’s impossible to immediately get to the doctor for some reason? Measure t, measure pressure. If the indicators are on the scale, give pharmaceutical preparations so that his condition returns to normal.
  3. If the child's ear hurts at night, while hyperthermia is noted, then the situation needs to be corrected. Usually, the parents give a medicine that will help eliminate the pain and inflammation. To such pharmacological agents include Ibuprofen, Efferalgan, Nimesil, etc.
  4. The solution may be nasal drops, the property of which is to constrict blood vessels. Even if your child does not have a runny nose, it is necessary to drip into the nose, because thanks to such actions, pressure can be reduced, and the pain should subside. Popular drugs are Xymelin, Otrivin, Nazol.
  5. If the child has a severe earache, it will be important to drip drops that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Medications Otipaks, Otirelax - they contain a substance called Lidocaine in the ingredient composition, it has an analgesic effect. Novocaine solution is also quite effective.

If there is no temperature, make a lotion with the addition of all kinds of oils and medicinal herbs but it is important for parents to remember that similar procedures require regularity - from once a state little man it won't get better.

Warm-ups and compresses

To relieve acute pain, without fever, you can make warm compresses. And in order not to harm, parents need to understand the reason why strong pain in the child's ear. It is important to know for sure that there is no pus in the ear, and also pathogenic microorganisms- if they are not, then warming up will be very useful.

You can do such procedures for otitis media, since they act in a complex way:

  • improve blood circulation in tissues;
  • promote the absorption of drugs;
  • remove toxins;
  • contribute to the activation of regeneration processes;
  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • help the baby to relax, calm down.

Important! It is advisable to do compresses only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Types of compresses:

  1. Wet. AT this case it is very important to choose the right impregnation - a warming liquid. It is worth remembering that if the child is not yet 4 years old, then he should not be given lotions with ethanol. A good option- warming oil formulations.
  2. Dry lotions and compresses for ear pain in a child are effective because they can reduce pain. It is irrelevant to do if there is a pronounced inflammation: the tissues are swollen, there is redness. The most popular option is hot salt, which must be transferred to a clean cloth and applied to the auricle, avoiding the area where the lymph nodes are located. It is noteworthy that the procedure allows you to get rid of purulent masses that accumulate in the ear canal with otitis media.
  3. Alcohol compress. Before doing such warm-ups, you should definitely consult with your family doctor. If the pediatrician approved this method, the parent should remember that ethanol must be diluted - 1 part alcohol and two parts boiled, clean water.

Consider the main components that can be used if there is a need to make a lotion:

  • almond oil;
  • mint tincture;
  • tincture on kombucha;
  • boric alcohol tincture;
  • calendula oil - it has a very bright anti-inflammatory effect.

Before use, you need to make sure that the child does not have an individual intolerance to the components that you plan to use for the compress.

Important: Parents should know if a child has a fever, an ear hurts - it is strictly forbidden to put various warming compositions!

Inflammation will be stronger, as pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply in a warm environment. In addition, the t of the body can become even higher.

Folk recipes

Not every mother knows: if a child’s ear hurts, folk remedies will help relieve the pain. Let's get acquainted with the most popular methods:

  1. Drops with honey. It is enough just to dilute honey with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and bury the baby's ears several times a day. Many argue that to enhance the effect, you can make compresses on propolis - you need to keep them for no more than 3 minutes.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of mint with 100 grams of vodka, insist for a week. Apply as follows: moisten a cotton swab in the tincture and put it in the ear for a few minutes.
  3. St. John's wort is also very effective in eliminating ear pain. Infuse two tbsp. herbs per 100 ml of vodka for 7 days.
  4. Bay leaf- chop dry leaves, you will need 2 tbsp. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over them, leave for about two hours, rinse sore ear 2 times a day.

If a child complains of pain in the ear, it will be important to make a sorrel or celandine compress. Doctors also recommend foods containing vitamin C: sweet peppers, kiwi, lemons, rosehip tincture.

What to do if a child has an earache

If a child complains that his ear hurts, you can help at home. The main thing is to double-check if there is a temperature, since the methods of treatment will differ significantly.

Ear pain without fever

If soreness is present due to injury, or the child has been bitten by an insect, you need to rinse sore spot Chlorhexidine solution or Miramistin. This should be done daily.

What to do urgently at home if the child has an earache due to accumulated, compacted sulfur? This usually happens if mom does not clean her ears, or does this hygiene procedure not properly. It is topical to instill drops called Remo-Vax. In this situation, it is better to go to the ENT - he will very quickly eliminate sulfur plug literally in 5 minutes.

If the nose is clogged, then drops are used that have vasoconstrictor action. If otitis media has been diagnosed, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy.

At high temperature

If the child has a fever and soreness of the ear, you will need to consult a doctor. It is forbidden to make lotions, drip tinctures on alcohol. Parents can give the baby fever medications that have an analgesic effect (such as Nurofen). Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics, UVI, UHF. The drugs are injected into the patient's body intramuscularly. Experts have long established that ear pain is one of the most severe. It is impossible to ignore the symptoms, the main task of parents is to try to help the child as quickly as possible.

Foreign body or trauma

It is not recommended to remove foreign objects from the ear canal yourself - you can only insert them even deeper, or injure the eardrum. You need to examine the ear, pulling it back or down - if there is a foreign object, you need to try to remove it as carefully as possible with tweezers. In case of injury to a child, you can make a lotion from Dimexide, give a pharmaceutical product that has pronounced action anesthesia.

Insect in the ear

It is important for parents to know what to do at home if a child’s ear hurts when a cockroach or a mosquito crawled in? It is necessary to kill the insect - for this, a little glycerin is instilled. Usually, the insect exits the ear canal along with the liquid.

Treatment with drugs

If the baby's ears hurt for a long time, doctors recommend taking medicines. You should forget about self-medication, but still consider the most popular methods of getting rid of pain.

Ear drops

Popular due to the fact that they immediately fall on the focus of inflammation, and begin to act. If the child has an earache and a temperature, then the following droplets will do:

  • Otofa;
  • Otipax;
  • Otinum.

How to anesthetize if the child’s ear hurts, yet? You can use drops called Otizol, it will also provide an analgesic effect and give an anti-inflammatory effect.

Vasoconstrictor nasal preparations

  • Nazol;
  • Xymelin;
  • Naphthyzin for children;
  • Sanorin - also worth asking for a medicine for children.


Let's consider how to treat at home if a child's ear hurts, using drops with the presence of active antibacterial components:

  1. Sofradex - active active substance- gramicidin therefore has a powerful bactericidal effect;
  2. Candibiotic - has antibacterial properties, has an antifungal effect - a universal, highly effective remedy;
  3. Polydex - drops contain three types of antibiotics.

What not to do if the child's ear hurts

  1. Use sticks to clear the ear canal.
  2. Bury if there is discharge from the ear.
  3. Rinse ears with syringes or enemas.
  4. With discharge - you can not warm your ears.

In conclusion: provided a large number of techniques to help get rid of even severe pain. But here it is worth noting that it is impossible to ignore the trip to the pediatrician - it is impossible to find out the cause of the disease on your own, without examinations it will not work, you need to be sure that the child does not have pathological abnormalities.

Causes discomfort and pain in the ears, both in adults and in children, there may be inflammation due to infection or injury different nature. In establishing the cause of the pain and anxiety of the child, it helps to observe his behavior in recent times(poorly eats, naughty), recent or long-term diseases that could provoke the development of the disease. This will allow you and your doctor to understand the cause, make a diagnosis faster, and begin treatment.

AT childhood There are many reasons that contribute to the appearance of trouble in the ears: these are anatomical features, and imperfection and underdevelopment of organs and their parts, and so on.

1. Runny nose.

In a baby who does not yet know how to blow his nose, the infection from the nose easily passes to the tube due to structural features. The auditory (Eustachian) tube is shorter and narrower, the angle of the tube is less in relation to the pharynx.

Because of this, the fluid from the nasopharynx easily enters the auditory tube. Also, if there is a viral infection in the nose, then it will certainly be in eustachian tube. If there is inflammation in the Eustachian tube, then it will certainly appear in the middle ear. In the future, inflammation begins in the ear cavity, which increases the pressure inside. It causes the child to have an earache.

2. Leakage of breast milk.

In infants, ear inflammation can occur due to the ingress of breast milk into the auditory tube. This happens due to the fact that the child is fed most often in a horizontal position.

3. Enlarged adenoids.

Even in children, adenoids grow much more strongly. They are able to completely block the passage auditory tube, which can cause inflammation in the middle ear.

With the growth and maturation of the child, these problems begin to go away, and the reasons that contribute to the appearance ear pain, also change.

4. Inflammation of the ear.

AT young age the immune system still very weak, so sharp respiratory infections and rhinitis are frequent guests. In many cases, these diseases end with a complication in the form of otitis media.

5. Foreign body.

As children grow up, they develop an increased curiosity about everything, so ear pain in a child may be the result of an injury, liquid or a foreign object getting into the hearing organ.

How can parents tell if their child has earache?

  1. You need to listen to your child's complaints. Almost always, the baby makes it clear to his parents about the experience and pain. The child begins to touch his ears and the area around them with his hands, tries to somehow pull them off, clap them.

    As soon as you notice this behavior, contact your doctor immediately.

  2. First you need to measure the temperature. With inflammation of the ear, it often rises high, even sometimes above 39 degrees Celsius.
  3. Try pressing on the tragus of the ear. If the child does not like it, he will start to cry - these are signs that an infection has begun and there is inflammation. So in a simple way you can find out on which side the ear is damaged.

Symptoms of the disease also include the following manifestations:

  • strong crying of the child and his whims;
  • the baby wants to lie on the side of the inflamed ear;
  • peeling skin around the affected ear, redness or swelling in the area of ​​the lymph nodes;
  • as with any disease, the child does not want to play and does not eat well;
  • discharge from the ear of a white or greenish tint.

The last sign from this list indicates that the process is already running. Pus broke through the eardrum and came out.

It is necessary to be alert if vomiting and dizziness appear with these symptoms. It's evidence of what's afflicted inner ear, which is responsible both for the perception of sound and for the operation of the entire vestibular analyzer.

What should parents do at home?

You should immediately contact an otorhinolaryngologist. This is the very first and overriding condition. Only a specialist can correctly assess the condition of the ear and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

But there are situations and cases when it is impossible to get to a specialist in the near future. For example, the ear ached at night, on the road, in the country, on the plane. How and how to help if a child has an earache?

You can take painkillers. An analgesic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) in tablets for oral administration can relieve pain in the ear. Also, this drug can reduce the child's body temperature and alleviate the condition if it has risen due to inflammation in the ears.

Concerning anesthetic ear drops. It is strongly not recommended to bury them before being examined by an otorhinolaryngologist. Serious contraindication to ear drops and other ear instillations: injury, rupture eardrum.

Its main symptom is the appearance of liquid contents from the ear. If there is damage to the membrane, then the drops will fall into the middle ear cavity, which may lead to severe consequences and hearing impairment. You must carefully read and study the instructions for the drug and follow it. If the parents decide to apply ear drops without consulting a doctor, this will occur solely at their own risk.

Regarding vasoconstrictor nasal drops. They help relieve swelling of the mucosa, open the auditory tube. The accumulated fluid in the middle ear cavity will be able to flow out of it through the auditory tube into the nasopharyngeal cavity, thus reducing pressure on the tympanic membrane itself and reducing soreness.

Parents possible with ear infections The child has:

  • give more fluid so that the mucous membranes work in full force, the symptoms of intoxication decrease, toxic substances are removed from the body;
  • give antipyretics if the temperature is quite high;
  • to strengthen immunity, offer vitamins, and to relieve inflammation, you can give a decoction of chamomile.

It is impossible for ear diseases:

  • drip various essential oils;
  • insert the leaves of various medicinal plants into the ears;
  • drip drops into the ears if a perforation of the eardrum is suspected;
  • to go outside with a child with an open head without headwear;
  • clean, going deep into the ears, from pus and various other secretions;
  • inject alcohol-containing products into the ears.

What should I do if my child often has earaches?

  1. Feed your baby as much as possible breast milk. Milk contains useful vitamins, as well as antibodies that protect the child and prevent inflammation from developing.
  2. When breastfeeding your baby, try to keep the baby's head in a slightly elevated position. This will prevent milk from entering the auditory tube through the nasopharynx.
  3. With SARS, try to clear the nasal passages of mucus as much as possible.
  4. Put on a hat or cap on your head (sometimes even in summer).
  5. Do not open the front windows of the car. The wind will just blow in the child's ear.
  6. After swimming, visiting the pool, carefully try to dry the auricles.
  7. Don't try to permanently remove wax from your ears.

Ear pain can also be due to inflammation of the ear canal of the outer ear. How can you understand that this damage to the ear is exactly external? With such otitis pain become stronger when the child opens his mouth, and also if you try to pull the ear shell. Perhaps the appearance of itching in the ear, narrowing of the lumen of the auditory canal of the outer ear due to severe swelling, redness, various kinds rashes.

What could be the reason?

  1. Excessive ear hygiene. Frequent cleaning ear canal leads to a decrease in the amount of sulfur, which performs an important protective function. The absence of sulfur in ear canal contributes to the reproduction of microflora.
  2. Injuries. Children often put various objects in their ears - a toothpick, a needle, a hairpin, a stick, a seed, and the like.
  3. Water in the ear while visiting the pool, swimming in rivers, ponds, diving into a lake or sea. Fluid buildup can lead to inflammation in the ear.

When a child visits the pool, the likelihood of external otitis increases. There is also such a term as "swimmer's ear". This condition develops with constant and prolonged contact with water.

Forms of otitis externa

  1. diffuse otitis externa. The most common infections bacterial nature: staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Quite often, allergic eczema appears in the ears, erysipelas with streptococcal infections. An ordinary small scratch or a pimple can lead to the development of a bacterial infection. The infection spreads when there are microcracks, injuries in the ear, too little or no wax. With diffuse otitis externa, the child may have a fever, he will complain of unbearable, severe pain, refuse to eat.
  2. Limited otitis. A limited furuncle appears in the external passage of the ear, or it becomes inflamed hair follicles. In this case, the pain becomes stronger during chewing. The child may also refuse to eat. The lymph nodes located behind the ears are enlarged. With spontaneous opening of the boil, discharge from the ear appears purulent nature which may have an unpleasant odour.


In any form of otitis externa, it is first necessary to contact an otorhinolaryngologist. An ENT doctor will accurately determine the cause, whether it is a boil or other inflammation in the ear. Treatment for ear furuncle in children is stationary. First aid is the use of pain medication.

Each parent may be faced with a situation where his child suddenly and abruptly at night or during the day begins to have severe ear pain, there is noise and stuffiness in the ears, ear pain can also be shooting in nature.

Here we will consider recommendations for the treatment of a pediatrician - L. Sh. Anikeeva, what needs to be done in such cases, how and with what it is possible to treat and cure ear pain at home without complications, how to provide first aid to relieve and relieve severe pain in the ear folk remedies without harmful effects for the health of the child.

If your baby has recently had respiratory disease or he has just run out of his nose, and now he does not find a place for himself because of severe ear pain. This suggests that the infection from the nasopharynx has spread through the auditory tube to the middle ear. In children under 3 years of age, the development of otitis media during or after a cold is a fairly common phenomenon associated with the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the children's nasopharynx - a wide and short auditory tube facilitates infection in the ear.

Most characteristic symptom otitis - severe pain in the ear.

The child does not just complain that "the ear hurts", but screams and sobs so that the need emergency assistance no one doubts. The baby does not know how to speak, but with anxiety and a piercing cry, it will make it clear to the mother that it needs help and care. When pressing on the tragus, anxiety increases, and the reason for his unusual behavior becomes clear. To make a diagnosis, an examination by an otolaryngologist is necessary, but first aid facilitating the condition of the child, you must provide him immediately.

What and how to do with severe ear pain in a child at home, see below ...

First aid: how to relieve and relieve severe, shooting pain in the ear in a child

Put drops in your ear

It is necessary to start with the treatment ... of the nose. Exactly vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube, improve ventilation of the middle ear cavity and the outflow of inflammatory exudate from it.

Drop 3-4 drops of Otipax (Otinum, Sofradex, Otofa, etc.) into the ear, preheating them to body temperature. You can warm the medicine by holding the dropper in your palm. It is even better to introduce a cotton turunda moistened with warm Otipax into the ear canal.

Give pain medication

Give the child any painkiller (paracetamol, nurofen at the age dose). Many mothers are perplexed: why nurofen and paracetamol, he does not have a temperature. These drugs have not only antipyretic, but also anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, so their use in otitis media is justified. BUT normal temperature they don't decrease.

Apply a compress to the ear

Have a good effect semi-alcoholic compresses on the ears. They relieve pain, improve blood supply to the middle ear and tissue nutrition, contributing to a speedy recovery.

How to make a compress on the ear: cut a square with a side length of 10-12 cm from cotton fabric. If the fabric is thin, pre-fold it in 3-4 layers, gauze or a wide bandage will also work.

In the center of the square, make a vertical cut, stepping back from the top and bottom sides 2-3 cm each. Wet the cloth with warm vodka or alcohol diluted in half with water, wring it out so that the liquid does not drip, and put the square on the ear so that the auricle enters the cut like a button in a loop.

On top of the fabric, apply the same size (or slightly larger) square of cellophane or compress paper with the same cutout so that the auricle is again outside. Thereafter big piece put cotton wool on the ear, and fix the entire structure with a scarf or cap.

After 15-20 minutes, the ear warms up and the pain recedes. Do not rush to remove the compress, it should perform a warming function for 3-4 hours. In a well-imposed compress, the child can sleep through the night, and in the morning you will notice an improvement in the condition. But this does not relieve you of the need to see an ENT doctor. Only he, according to the state of the eardrum, will appoint proper treatment, including deciding whether antibiotics are needed.

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With symptoms, the ear is stuffed up and shoots in it, perhaps this is inflammation or otitis media and the treatment will be different. For accurate diagnosis need to see a doctor. A sign that you need to pay attention to the ear hurts the ear or hurts the ear after visiting some place - a draft, a cold or a playground.

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The child's ear hurts: what to do at home

What to do when a child has an earache. How to get rid of ear pain. How to treat otitis. What to do at home. How to put a drop in the ear of a child. Ear pain in children and first aid.

If a child has an earache, then he becomes capricious and whiny. It is difficult for a baby to be interested in favorite toys or games. It is understandable, because backache in the ears can only be compared with severe toothache. In this case, the baby should be shown to the otolaryngologist as soon as possible in order to identify the cause of this phenomenon and determine the treatment. But often ear pain occurs at night or on a day off, then parents have a reasonable question, what to do?

Why does the child have an earache

There are many causes of earache in children. In many cases, parents themselves will be able to determine what provoked the pain. To do this, it is enough to analyze what the baby has been doing over the past day, and what he has been ill with in the next week. The causes of pain can be both external and internal factors.

External factors

Most often, pain in the hearing organs occurs for the following reasons:

  • Swimming in the pool or open water. Hearing problems are especially common after swimming in too cold or dirty water..
  • Foreign body in the auditory canal.
  • Ear injuries, which include bruises, insect bites, and a ruptured eardrum.
  • Sulfur plug in the auditory canal. Appearance acute pain can be associated with the ingress of water into the ear. In this case, the cork soaks and presses on the nerve endings.
  • In children under 6 years of age, the cause of backache can be a walk without a hat in cold weather.

In children under 3 years of age, drafts can be the cause of ear pain. It is enough to leave the baby after bathing near open window and after a few hours, backaches may occur.

Small children after bathing and washing their hair should wear a light cotton cap on their heads.

Internal causes

In young children, the reason pain may be different infectious diseases. Most often, this phenomenon occurs with otitis media, which develops as a complication of the common cold. Otitis externa, which is the result of a boil or wounds in the auditory canal, can also provoke backache. In addition, lead to ear pain in children younger age may be the following factors:

  • Fungal diseases, for example, otomycosis.
  • Eustachitis.
  • Acute viral infections. Soreness can occur with a poorly treated cold or at the very beginning of this disease.
  • In some diseases of the ENT organs, pain radiates to the ears. This is often observed in children under 5 years of age with tonsillitis, mumps, sinusitis or toothache.
  • With inflammation of the auditory nerve.
  • With tumors in the ears of a different nature.
  • For diseases vascular system, brain, eyes and nose.
  • With hypertension and hypotension, as well as in violation of cerebral circulation.

If the child complains of pain in the ear, then first you need to find out what other symptoms are. In accordance with this, we can assume what caused this condition, and help the baby.

Young children often have a runny nose, which is then complicated by otitis media. To forget about problems with the ears, you should treat your nose in a timely manner.

Clinical picture

Ear pain in a child does not occur just like that, this pathological phenomenon occurs due to negative factors. To determine what provoked soreness, you need to examine the baby's ear. If the child is not yet 2 years old, it is better to conduct an examination by two adults, one of them holds the baby a little:

  1. Carefully examine the auditory canal. If it has foreign body, you can try to remove it yourself. To do this, tilt the head towards the problem ear. If a foreign body is firmly inserted into the canal, you should not even try to remove it, it is unacceptable to use cotton swabs, tweezers and other sharp objects. In this case, only a doctor can help.
  2. Gently press on the tragus of the ear - this is such a cartilaginous protrusion that is located at the entrance to the ear canal. If the baby reacts absolutely calmly to such an action, then the cause of the pain lies not in the ear, but in other organs, and here the pain only gives.
  3. They measure the temperature. If the baby's ears hurt and this is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then the reason lies in acute otitis media or eustachitis. In this case, parents can somewhat alleviate the condition of the baby by giving him an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug. Children can be given Paracetamol or Ibuprofen at a therapeutic dosage.
  4. If a It's a dull pain in the ear without a high temperature, then the cause of this condition may be some external factor or high arterial pressure. If the house has a blood pressure monitor with a special children's cuff, then the pressure should be measured.
  5. If backaches are observed against the background purulent discharge, it could be due to an infectious disease.
  6. A bluish and swollen ear may indicate an insect bite or injury. Often, during active games, kids hit and do not even notice it.
  7. The formation of a whitish coating in the auditory canal and peeling may indicate a fungal infection. In this case, it is necessary to take a scraping from the ear, and only then prescribe treatment.

If a child has a severe earache, he becomes whiny and restless. Parents in this case should have a little patience and try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs. To do this, you should anesthetize the ear a little by giving Paracetamol or another permitted drug.

Shootings in the ear can be so severe that they cannot be tolerated. The task of parents as soon as possible to alleviate the condition of the baby.

How to relieve ear pain in a child

All parents should know how to provide first aid for ear pain in a child. This knowledge will be useful if the problem arose at night or on a day off when the doctor is not working. At home, you can relieve pain by following these instructions:

  • If the ear is very sore at night, you can call ambulance. Doctors will help the baby, and if necessary, they will take him to the ENT department of the hospital.
  • The baby is given anesthesia - they give a permitted painkiller, more often paracetamol or Nurofen. The medicine must be given in a timely manner, do not pull hard, as the baby will cry a lot and will not be able to sleep.
  • At home, a sick child can be given a warm compress. To do this, a piece of gauze is moistened in vodka diluted with water and placed around the auricle, covered with a piece of cellophane on top and a warm scarf is tied. The auditory canal should remain open, the compress is placed only around the ear. Children under the age of 4 can wear a hat on top.
  • You can drip a couple of drops of warm water into the sore ear. vegetable oil. Our grandmothers used this method, and it really helps.
  • Treatment can be supplemented by the application of dry heat. To do this, salt or any cereal is heated in a dry frying pan, poured into a sock and applied to the organ of hearing. It is necessary to ensure that cereals or salt are not very hot. No warming procedures should be carried out if pus is leaking from the ear.
  • At high temperature given to a sick child antipyretic drug. You can moisten a piece of cotton wool in heated boric alcohol and put it in a sore ear. The patient is given more to drink.
  • If there have been lumbago in the ear before, you can drip the drug that the doctor prescribed earlier into the ear. Quite often, doctors prescribe the drug Otipax, which will help reduce inflammation and pain.

These are all actions that parents can take before contacting a doctor. The main thing is to set aside panic and be patient, it is also important to calm the baby. The child should be taken in your arms, sing songs to him and tell your favorite fairy tales. Usually, an hour after taking the painkiller, the condition improves, and the baby calmly falls asleep until the morning.

If, despite all the measures taken, the condition of the sick baby does not improve, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Even if there are no backaches in the ear in the morning, you still need to show the baby to the doctor. This will help to avoid chronic otitis media.

How to treat

Medicines for the treatment of ear diseases should be prescribed by a doctor. The treatment regimen may differ slightly, depending on what led to the inflammatory process. Otitis media is most often treated at home. The patient is admitted to the hospital only severe course illness and if the child is less than one year old. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Antibiotics a wide range actions - for ear pathologies, Augmentin and Amoxicillin are often prescribed. Only for intolerance medicines penicillin groups, macrolides or cephalosporins are prescribed. Basically, drugs are prescribed in tablets, injections are indicated for purulent flow.
  • Ear drops - Otipax, Otinum, Garazon, Sofradex. Last drug- this is powerful antibiotic which can only be taken as directed by a doctor.
  • Drops for removal of sulfur plug Remo-Vaks. It is prescribed not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of sulfur accumulations.
  • Tools for removing sulfur plugs - Vaseline oil or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Antifungal agents - for otomycosis, rinsing the ears with a solution of Nystatin and lubricating the skin with Vishnevsky ointment are prescribed.

Medicines should be taken for at least 5 days, following all the doctor's recommendations. Do not stop treatment antibacterial drugs at the first sign of improvement. This can lead to a chronic inflammatory process.

During treatment, the child must be shown at least twice a week. The doctor will be able to track the effectiveness of the treatment and, if necessary, adjust it.

Folk methods

Many doctors include folk remedies in the treatment of ear diseases. Such A complex approach allows you to quickly eliminate inflammation and prevent complications:

  1. Almond oil is collected in a pipette, warmed up a little over the kettle and dripped 1 drop into each auditory canal. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.
  2. Cooking chamomile decoction from a teaspoon of inflorescences and a glass of water. Insist until the infusion cools to a temperature of approximately 37 degrees. The resulting solution is washed with a problem ear a couple of times a day. Alternatively, you can moisten gauze turunda in a decoction and put it in your ear.
  3. Juice is squeezed from aloe leaves, mixed with warm water, in a ratio of 1: 3, in the resulting solution, moisten a cotton turunda, which is then placed in the problem ear. Keep such a turunda should be at least an hour.
  4. Pour 100 grams of water into a small bowl and add a tablespoon of honey to it. In the resulting solution, a wide, but thin piece of beets is boiled until tender. Then the beets are cooled a little and applied to the ear for 40 minutes. Top cover with a piece of cellophane and a scarf.
  5. Several sprigs of lemon balm are brewed in a glass of boiling water, insisted and cooled slightly. The ear canals are washed with a warm solution 3 times a day. Washing can be carried out only if there is no allergy to herbal preparations and the tympanic membrane was not damaged.
  6. 1/3 teaspoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of water and 5 drops are added alcohol tincture propolis. The resulting solution is dripped into the affected ear 3 times a day, 1 drop.

cure many ear diseases helps geranium, which grows in most houses on the window. A leaf is cut from the plant, washed and wrinkled a little with your fingers, a specific smell of geranium will appear. Next, the leaflet is folded into a tube and shallowly inserted into the auditory canal. You need to keep the geranium in your ear for 2-3 hours. The substances that make up the plant have a detrimental effect not only on bacteria and viruses, but also on fungi.

Any folk methods may only be used with the advice of a physician. It is unacceptable to self-medicate, especially when it comes to young children.

Preventive actions

To prevent ear diseases, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Use cotton swabs to clean your ears. Cotton buds can only be used to clean the auricle and external auditory canal.
  • After washing the head, the baby is put on a light cap.
  • It is necessary to treat colds in a timely manner and in full.
  • Dry your ear canals after swimming in open water.

The kid needs to be taught how to blow his nose correctly, first they clean one nostril, then the second. If you blow your nose at once two nostrils, there is Great chance development of otitis media.

If a child's ear begins to hurt at night or on a day off, parents should try to alleviate his condition. As a first aid, you can warm the ear with dry heat or drip it with a little warmed vegetable oil.

Parents of more than 70% of children aged 0 to 5 years have encountered such a problem when a child’s ear hurts without fever or with an increase in it. And it’s good if such an attack happened on weekdays, when you can immediately contact your doctor or call him to your house.

But in some cases, everything happens at the wrong time: while relaxing in the country or in the village, on weekends, at night, when it is not possible for the child to immediately show the doctor and prescribe treatment. Some parents get lost if their child has an earache at night. What to do in this case, how to alleviate his suffering and live to see the life-saving consultation of a specialist?

Causes of ear pain

Before you start self-medication (which, by the way, it would be better not to do) and start doing something to alleviate the condition of the crumbs, you need to find out what is its cause.

There may be several reasons:

  • Injury or insect bite. They are usually characterized by blue and swollen ears.
  • The presence of a foreign object in the ear canal. Small children can put some small toy or bead in their ear.
  • Water ingress while swimming. This can happen both in nature and at home, as well as after visiting the pool.
  • Formation of sulfur plug when the child's ears have not been cleaned for a long time.
  • Otitis media is the most common disease, which is a consequence of a protracted ARVI or other colds. This is the most common cause that the ear hurts in a child under the age of 5 years.
  • Fungus in the ear. It is also usually accompanied by severe itching.
  • Viral infection. It is accompanied not only by ear pain, but also by fever, as well as discharge from the ear with an unpleasant odor.
  • tumor processes.
  • elevated blood pressure and intracranial pressure or, conversely, hypotension. In this case, the temperature does not rise, but it makes sense to measure the pressure of the child.
  • Damage to neighboring organs (neck, nasopharynx, eyes, brain).
  • Pain in the ear can occur as an echo with pain of a different nature, for example, with toothache, mumps, tonsillitis, etc.

In addition to the listed causes of ear pain in children, it can be associated with anatomical features child's body as well as genetic predisposition. If mom or dad in childhood often faced the problem of otitis media, then the child is more likely to be prone to the same disease.

Well, do not underestimate the role of warm hats, especially in windy and cold weather. The ear can simply "inflate", as the people say.

Otitis media is the most common cause of pain

Separately, I would like to focus on such a disease as otitis media, since it is the most common cause of pain in children's ears.

Otitis like independent disease rarely appears on its own. Basically, it is a consequence of frequent SARS and occurs against the background of adenoviruses, rhinoviruses and various influenza viruses. Such otitis has a viral character.

There are also external otitis media, which occur for completely different reasons. There are two types of otitis externa:

  • Diffuse - is bacterial, allergic or fungal in nature. bacterial otitis media caused by staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this case, any scratch, pimple or microtrauma can cause bacterial infection with fever and severe pain.
  • Limited - usually caused by inflammation hair bulb or education purulent boil. At the same time, the temperature can also rise, the lymph nodes behind the ears can become inflamed, and all this is accompanied by severe pain.

Some parents ask questions: how much does the ear hurt with otitis in a child and what to drip into the ear in case of pain to a child? Depending on the form of otitis and the neglect of the disease, you will have to treat the child's ears from one to three weeks, while the pain will continue until the inflammation is removed. In particular difficult situations treatment may take more than one month.

As for the drops that can be used for otitis media, we will talk about this a little later.

First aid for ear pain

So, what should parents do if they find themselves in a situation where an immediate visit to a doctor is impossible for one reason or another, and at the same time the child’s ear hurts a lot? The first aid that you can give him is to relieve the symptoms and provide rest to your sick child.

The procedure for this should be as follows:

  1. Conduct a thorough examination of the ear. You may be able to detect a foreign object in the ear canal, then you need to try to carefully remove it by tilting the child with the affected ear down. But at the same time, be careful: there is a chance to push this item even deeper.
  2. If there are no external visible damage, and the temperature of the child is normal and there is no discharge, then the child needs to measure the pressure. If it is high or low, then you need to give the baby the appropriate drug that normalizes blood pressure, in doses prescribed for childhood.
  3. Try pressing lightly on the tragus (outer cartilage underneath the ear). If at the same time the child does not show any anxiety and does not hurt, then most likely this pain is an echo from some other pain, for example, a toothache.
  4. If ear pain is accompanied by fever and / or fluid, then this is a sure sign. inflammatory process. In this case, you need to give your child an age-appropriate pain reliever or antipyretic. Many medications already combine these two characteristics, for example, children's Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen.
  5. It is also necessary to drip vasoconstrictor nasal drops into the child's nose. This should be done in any case, even if there is no hint of a runny nose. The fact is that such droplets will narrow the blood vessels, and this, in turn, will reduce the pressure in the ear canal, and the pain will subside a little.

Many mothers immediately look for what can be dripped into the ear for pain in the child. We strongly recommend not to drip anything before consulting a doctor. The baby may have damage (perforation or rupture) of the eardrum. In this case, the ingestion of any liquid, especially on alcohol based, can only aggravate the situation and lead to irreparable consequences.

Can compresses be applied?

If everything is clear with drops and alcohol solutions (without a doctor’s prescription, they cannot be dripped into the child’s ears), then the situation with warming compresses, which were especially used before, with our grandmothers and mothers, is not at all such an unambiguous situation. Doctors do not have an unambiguous opinion about whether they are beneficial. The most important and unconditional truth is that in no case should you make compresses and generally apply any kind of warming if the child has fever or discharge from the ears.

If these symptoms are absent, then when a child’s ear hurts, a compress can still somewhat alleviate his condition.

How to make the right compress?

  1. Take a thick napkin or gauze folded in several layers, make a slit in it under auricle.
  2. Take vodka or any medical alcohol diluted to a state of 40% content, dilute them with a little more water and warm them up slightly. Strongly warm alcohol solution does not make any sense, because the alcohols will evaporate, and the benefit of the compress will be zero.
  3. Moisten gauze or a napkin in a heated solution, wring it out well.
  4. Lubricate the skin around the ear with baby cream and apply gauze, passing the auricle through the slit. Put polyethylene on top or compress paper also with slot.
  5. On top of all this, put a layer of cotton wool and secure the structure with a bandage.

Such a warming compress should be left for about one hour. Heat will help relieve pain and calmly endure until a visit to a medical institution.

In addition to warm compresses, you can simply apply dry heat, that is, simply warming the child's ear with cotton wool or a warm scarf or scarf. We repeat that any warming (and dry too) is contraindicated when the child's body temperature rises or in the presence of purulent and other discharge from the ear.

Be sure to visit an otolaryngologist.

Even if the pain in the child's ear has passed, after the first aid has been provided, you still should not relax and let everything take its course. If you do not want complications or any other serious consequences then a visit to the doctor is a must. You can visit your local pediatrician, but it is better to immediately go to a specialized specialist - an otolaryngologist. Only he, with the help of a special medical instrument - an otoscope - can determine the cause of pain in the ear and prescribe the correct treatment.

With fairly mild forms of the disease, the doctor usually prescribes a local drug treatment at home, prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain, lotions, compresses, laying ointments, etc. Sometimes appointed additional methods, for example, physiotherapy procedures - UVI or light therapy. A vitamin complex may be prescribed for general strengthening immunity.

If it was discovered bacterial infection, then an antibiotic is prescribed for ear pain in a child. Penicillin injections are usually prescribed, which are done within 7-10 days. Parents should not be afraid of this, because it is much better to drink or pierce a course of antibiotics than to deal with the dangerous and sometimes inevitable consequences of their own fears later. If antibiotics are not treated, ear disease can progress to meningitis, mastoiditis, or even end in a brain abscess. It is unlikely that you need such sad consequences.

In some cases, when fluid or pus accumulates inside the ear, but naturally it does not come out, hospitalization of the child is recommended, followed by opening of the abscess.

What to drip with pain in the ears?
  • Otipax is the most common drug for the treatment of otitis media. It is prescribed as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Enough effective medicine. But you have to be careful with him. If a child’s ear hurts, Otipax can help, but it can also cause allergic reaction because it contains lidocaine.
  • "Garazon" is another medication with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • "Otinum" - this medical drug is also able to relieve pain in the ears and relieve inflammation. But it is contraindicated in children under the age of one year.
  • "Otofa" - contains the antibiotic rifampicin and is used in the treatment of diseases of the middle ear.
  • "Sofradex" - also contains an antibiotic.
  • "Remo-wax" - used to remove sulfur plugs.

Now you know when a child has an earache, what can be dripped into it, but only after consulting a doctor. In this case, it is possible to drip only if the integrity of the eardrum is not violated. Otherwise, it is better to make just bookmarks from cotton wool soaked in the appropriate preparation.

homemade recipes

In addition to already prepared medical preparations There are many home and folk recipes, which are also very commonly used. But again, we do not recommend using them without the permission of a doctor, because then all the responsibility will fall on your shoulders. What are these recipes and do they really help?

So, what else can a child drip into an ear with pain?

  1. Warmed almond or nut oil can give a good effect. It is dripped 1 drop three times a day.
  2. Propolis with honey can also alleviate the condition of the child. Just do not forget that honey - strong allergen and you have to be careful with it.
  3. If a child's ear hurts, then camphor alcohol can help to cope with this. Usually make compresses from 2% camphor alcohol. He does great with various types otitis. It also has no less effect camphor oil because camphor has vegetable origin and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  4. You can put oil in your baby's ears walnut by squeezing it out with a garlic press. Two drops will be enough.
  5. Another miracle cure when a child has an earache - tincture of calendula. This plant is a storehouse of various vitamins and minerals. organic compounds. It contains vitamins A, E and group B, essential oils, lutein and flavonoids. The latter are just the most valuable for alleviating ear pain, as they kill various viruses and bacteria, relieving inflammation.
How to bury in the ears

Still no less important issue is when a child has an earache, not only what to drip, but also how to do it correctly.

Remember a few basic rules:

  • Drops must be warm. Not hot and not cold, but warm. To do this, it is enough to hold the bubble under the stream for a few seconds. hot water or just warm it in your hands.
  • When you bury a child in the ear, he should lie on his side. Pull the auricle slightly back and up (this is for older children, babies - back and down) and drip right amount. After that, let the child lie down in this position for a while.
  • Be sure to stick to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, otherwise you can only do harm.
  • It is important that even if only one ear hurts, you still need to dig in both to prevent the spread of infection.

We examined in sufficient detail what causes of pain in children's ears can be, what diseases cause them, and why they are dangerous. Despite the rather extensive list of drugs that can relieve pain and inflammation, they should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist.

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