Is it possible to reduce the degree of adenoids. Adenoids. Treatment with a natural antibiotic - propolis

In children aged 2-5 years, the growth of adenoid tissue is quite common. This phenomenon may be caused by frequent respiratory diseases on the background of reduced immunity. If in the normal state the adenoids perform protective functions, protecting against infections, then with excessive growth they themselves become a source of constant infection. Parents who are faced with such a problem prefer the treatment of adenoids in children without surgery. But it should be borne in mind that only adenoiditis of 1-2 degrees responds well to conservative treatment, in other cases, surgery is necessary.

Causes of adenoiditis

Adenoid enlargement is a response to some kind of stimulus. If a child often has a cold or suffers from allergies, then the lymphoid tissue tends to grow. The main causes of adenoiditis are:

  • Heredity. If the parents had adenoiditis, then the chances of this disease in the child are very high.
  • Allergy and bronchial asthma.
  • Respiratory and infectious diseases.
  • Regular inhalation of too dry or dusty air.

The reasons for the growth of lymphoid tissue include living in an ecologically unfavorable region..


Recognizing adenoiditis in a child is easy. Characteristic symptoms every mother should know this disease by heart. The following changes should be of concern:

  • Difficulty nasal breathing, a sick child talks through his nose.
  • The mouth is open all the time, the face becomes puffy. Doctors have such a thing as an adenoid face.
  • The baby may be hearing impaired. The child does not respond to his own name for a long time or asks again all the time.
  • There is snoring in sleep. In addition, the sleep of a sick baby is severely disturbed, he wakes up many times a night.
  • Children with adenoiditis often get sick for a long time.
  • There is a chronic runny nose.

Frequent and prolonged headaches in crumbs should alert. In this case, you also need to see an otolaryngologist who will confirm or refute the diagnosis.

With adenoiditis inflammatory process quickly spreads to other ENT organs. The child is constantly ill with otitis media, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Appointed complex treatment, which contains antibiotics, but after a while the baby gets sick again. The reason for this soreness often lies in the overgrown adenoids.

Some parents, having heard the diagnosis of adenoiditis, hastily decide on adenotomy. There is no need to rush here, it is worth remembering that the lymphoid tissue performs protective function. If the adenoids have grown slightly, then you can do without surgery.

Adenoiditis is diagnosed with an endoscope or the doctor examines the nasopharynx with his fingers. This is very unpleasant procedure which can cause discomfort to the baby.

Degrees of growth of adenoids

There are several degrees of growth of adenoid tissue. Each stage has its own characteristic symptoms:

  1. At the first stage, the lymphatic tissue grows slightly and only slightly blocks the nasal passages. Nasal breathing is a little difficult, but the child can still breathe through the nose. At night, when the pharynx is in a relaxed state, there is a slight snoring.
  2. With the second degree of growth of the adenoid tissue, the nasal passages are blocked by half. IN this case there is severe snoring, daytime the child breathes through the mouth most of the time.
  3. In the third degree, the nasopharynx is almost completely blocked by lymphoid tissue. The baby's voice changes, it becomes viscous and nasal.

Some doctors still distinguish the fourth degree of proliferation of lymphatic tissue, when the nasopharynx is completely blocked by the overgrown tonsil. But this stage of the big diagnostic value does not, since the symptoms of stages 3-4 are almost identical.

With adenoiditis in the nasopharynx is formed excess amount mucus, which is an ideal environment for the life and reproduction of bacteria.

Is it possible to cure adenoids in a child without surgery

cure adenoids in a child without surgical intervention possible, but only if treatment is started in a timely manner. It is important not to miss the initial stage of the disease. If the parents notice that the child has begun to snore or twang, you should immediately contact the doctor. An early diagnosis is already half the success of treatment. At the first stage, adenoiditis can be treated at normal home conditions using medications and some prescriptions. traditional medicine.

Adenoids can be treated conservatively and with the help of surgery. If the degree of growth of the adenoid tissue has reached mark 3, then only surgical intervention often helps. But even in this case, before you get rid of the tonsils, you need to try to treat them:

  1. The treatment regimen for adenoids includes drugs to eliminate the common cold.
  2. Laser therapy is used to reduce swelling and inflammation. This procedure improves immunity.
  3. Homeopathic preparations. Such medicines are considered safe, they can be used for a long time.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures - massage, gymnastics and electrophoresis.
  5. Spa treatment. Children with adenoiditis are recommended to relax at sea and in a coniferous forest.

In addition, it is possible to reduce the size of adenoids by undergoing treatment in salt caves or salt rooms. Salt-laden air reduces swelling and inflammation, and increases vitality organism.

The removal of the tonsils is resorted to only if the child is sick too often or has a hearing impairment. Operation is necessary even when conservative methods do not give results for a long time.

For the treatment of adenoids, various medicines and recipes of folk healers.

How to treat adenoids

IN last years Laser therapy is becoming more and more popular. Laser treatment is very effective and can be non-invasive or done after surgery. The goal of this treatment is to reduce inflammation and cauterize damaged blood vessels to prevent severe bleeding.

Laser treatment has a number of advantages, which are as follows:

This modern method treatment at the initial stage of the disease can reduce adenoids to almost normal. This treatment is recommended for children who, for some reason, are contraindicated to cut out the tonsils..

If the third stage of the disease is observed and the lymphoid tissue has grown greatly, then laser therapy does not give the same effect, but such therapy should be tried before agreeing to adenotomy.

Laser treatment has a number of contraindications. Such treatment cannot be high temperature, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, blood diseases and tuberculosis.

Treatment of adenoids with a laser is not cheap, but the price is justified. In many cases, this therapy avoids surgical intervention.

Medical treatment

Adenoids can be treated with a number of drugs. The doctor may prescribe medicines of the following groups:

  • Solutions based sea ​​water for washing the nasal passages. The most commonly used are Aqua Maris and Humer. Thanks to the washings of the nose, the mucous membranes are cleansed and softened, inflammation is noticeably reduced.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs. These drugs do not cure, they can only ease the nasal breathing of a sick child. Nazivin or Otrivin may be prescribed. You can use such drops no more than 3 days in a row.
  • Antihistamines. Eliminate swelling of tissues, help to normalize the size of the tonsils.
  • Antibiotics - needed if a bacterial infection has joined.
  • Immunomodulators - increase the body's resistance to various infections. Thanks to these drugs, recovery occurs in a short time.

With adenoiditis, it is useful to carry out inhalations antiseptic solutions. They help cleanse the mucosa from pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the degree of inflammation. Inhalation improves nasal breathing.

For inhalation, it is not necessary to use drugs. good effect They also provide procedures with mineral water.

Folk methods of treatment

It is possible to treat adenoiditis not only medicines but also traditional medicine recipes. There are several time-tested methods:

  1. Tui oil. It is instilled into the nasal passages according to a certain pattern. According to parents, this method allows you to cure even stage 2-3 adenoiditis without surgery.
  2. Anise tincture is prepared from 4 tablespoons of herbs and half a glass of alcohol. The composition is insisted in a dark place for 10 days, after which it is filtered. The tincture is instilled into the nose, previously diluted with warm water.
  3. Take three tablespoons of powdered dry St. John's wort. Add a teaspoon of butter and a tablespoon of water to the vegetable raw materials, then put on steam bath. Boil until smooth. At the end add 10 drops of celandine juice.
  4. In a glass of water, stir a teaspoon of soda and 20 drops alcohol tincture propolis. The resulting composition is washed with a nasopharynx 2 times a day.

No less effective is the composition for instillation of the nose, prepared from 100 grams beetroot juice and a tablespoon of honey. Such a solution is dripped 4 drops into each nasal passage, up to 5 times a day.

It is quite possible to cure adenoids without surgery, especially if the disease is not running. For treatment, medicines and recipes of traditional medicine are used. Nasal lavages and therapeutic inhalations help well.

Before curing adenoids in a child without surgery, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This disease is diagnosed at the age of 1-15 years.

Medical indications

The pharyngeal tonsils are integral part immunity. They protect against microbes that tend to enter the body with inhaled air. Nasopharyngeal is well developed in children, as they grow older they decrease in size. If the inflammatory process has passed, then the amygdala returns to normal.

The consequences that occur with the growth of adenoids in children, pediatricians include difficulty in nasal breathing. The reasons for the development of this phenomenon, physicians include:

  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • heredity;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • consequences of measles, diphtheria and scarlet fever.

The disease can be cured without surgery.

Before prescribing treatment, the pediatrician determines the stage of adenoid growth:

  • 1st - the formations are small in size, they cover 1/3 of the vomer and choanae;
  • 2nd - tonsils cover ½ of the vomer and choan. Children breathe through their mouths throughout the day, they have snoring;
  • Grade 3 - the disease is severe.

Adenoids in children appear when common cold child. In this case, it is recommended to seek medical help. Parents cannot see the adenoids with the "naked" eye. To reduce them, the ENT examines the pharyngeal tonsil with a special mirror.

Treatment of the disease is prescribed taking into account the symptoms that have appeared:

  • difficult breathing - constant or periodic nasal congestion with copious discharge;
  • snot - over time, a runny nose can become chronic;
  • snoring during sleep - occurs as a result of breathing through the mouth;
  • not intelligible speech - observed with an increase in adenoids to large sizes;
  • poor hearing - with the growth of the tonsils of the hole auditory tubes closed, which contributes to hearing loss.

To diagnose adenoids, doctors use the following methods:

  1. Pharyngoscopy - used to assess the condition palatine tonsils and throats. This technique involves the use of a medical spatula.
  2. Anterior and posterior rhinoscopy - visual inspection nasal passages of a small patient. For this use vasoconstrictor drops. A special mirror is used for posterior rhinoscopy. The doctor examines the nasal passages through the oropharynx.
  3. X-ray - this technique is used to accurate diagnosis the disease in question. X-ray done in lateral view.
  4. Endoscopy - a detailed examination of the nasopharynx. If this diagnosis is assigned to children younger age then anesthesia is used.

You can use both a conservative method to cure adenoids in a child without surgery, or surgery. Therapy is carried out by an otolaryngologist in each case individually. To suppress the inflammatory process little patient prescribe drops and special sprayers that are applied to the surface of the adenoids.

Modern treatment of the disease involves the removal of pus from the surface of the adenoids. This procedure must be performed by a physician. Otherwise, the pus will move to other parts of the nasopharynx. The solution, which is injected into the 1st nostril, is sucked off by vacuum through the 2nd nostril. For quartzing the throat and nose is used laser therapy. Local treatment adenoids in children is to take anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs with antimicrobial properties.

To alleviate the condition of the baby, vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into the nose (Nafthyzin, Sanorin). The course of treatment lasts 5-7 days. Then washed nasal cavity with the help of "Furacilin", tincture of horsetail or chamomile decoction. General treatment adenoids is to take vitamin complexes And antihistamines("Suprastin").

You can not heat the adenoids. Otherwise, the condition of the baby will worsen. To improve the effectiveness of conservative treatment, complex therapy- taking medications with physiotherapy.

The last technique is ultraviolet irradiation nasopharynx, the use of a helium-neon laser, electrophoresis or UHF on the nose area. Adenotomy is considered effective way treatment of adenoids in children. Surgery is recommended as soon as the diagnosis is made. Physicians distinguish the following indications for adenotomy:

  • the presence of adenoids of the 2nd degree, which are not subject to conservative treatment;
  • frequent otitis;
  • snore;
  • suffocation in sleep.

Can't remove adenoids surgical method with the development of certain diseases of the blood and skin in an acute form. The operation is performed after the sanitation of the mouth and removal of the inflammatory process. If these conditions are not met, after surgery, the child may experience various complications.

Prevention of the growth of adenoids in children is to support the immune system at an appropriate level. The child must comply with the sleep and nutrition rules. With the development of diseases oral cavity and upper respiratory tract timely treatment. To prevent the growth of the tonsils, it is recommended to harden the children's body.

Children with a pathological increase in the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils suffer from breathing problems, hear worse, and the quality of their speech changes. The inflammatory process of the adenoids must be treated without fail. First of all, you need to try non-surgical treatment, and only if it is ineffective, the specialist can prescribe an operation.

Degrees of adenoids

Currently, 3 degrees of adenoids are distinguished in otolaryngology:

  • . The enlargement of the tonsils is insignificant, the child's condition practically does not suffer, in daytime hours he breathes freely, difficulties are noted at night, so such children often sleep with open mouth.
  • . The adenoids are enlarged significantly, while the child breathes mainly through the mouth, and snores loudly at night.
  • . The overgrown lymphoid tissue of the tonsils can almost completely and even completely block the nasopharynx, the child's condition is seriously impaired - he sleeps poorly, gets tired quickly, complains of constant headaches, his voice becomes rough, and his speech is slurred. Due to the constant open mouth, they begin to change in the worst side and facial features.

Unfortunately, only at stages 2 and 3, parents usually pay attention to this problem, when there is little chance for non-surgical treatment of adenoids in children.

Is it possible to treat adenoids without surgery?

Contemporary Not surgery adenoids in children is most effective with grade 1 growth, while grades 2 and 3 require more radical ways therapy. Anyway, most attention should be given to the cause of the disease that caused the pathological process, and not to the symptomatic picture.

When can surgery be avoided?

Every parent whose child suffers from this pathology thought at least once about how to cure adenoids in a child with the help of conservative treatment. Surgical treatment can be avoided in grades 1 and 2 pathological process, in this case, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, including a whole list of medicines: antibiotics, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines etc.

At stage 3 of the disease, doctors raise the question of surgically, since conservative therapy, in most cases, will be ineffective.

Features of conservative treatment at different stages

Adenoids of the 1st degree are treated exclusively in a medical way. In this case, the doctor prescribes the child a course of immunostimulants, vitamins, local and systemic action, nasal lavage and physiotherapy.

Recovery with adenoids of the 2nd degree when using conservative treatment occurs only in half of the cases. In the absence of positive dynamics, the doctor prescribes an operation.

Adenoids of the 3rd degree are almost never treated with medication, the operation is performed without delay.

Treatment of adenoids with folk methods

Often, in the treatment of stage 1 adenoiditis, natural remedies can be dispensed with.


Sea salt has proven effective in the treatment of adenoids in children. saline solution need a nasopharynx. To do this, take a teaspoon of salt per liter of heated water and stir it thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.

You need to taste the solution - it should not be too salty or, on the contrary, fresh. By palatability The water should be like sea water. The resulting solution should be washed with the child's nasopharynx 2 times a day.


2 tablespoons of eucalyptus are poured into 2 cups of water and brought to a boil, after which the infusion is cooled and gargled 3 times a day. Before the procedure, the product must be heated.


The cleaner can be used in two ways:

  1. Pour the crushed plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for an hour.
  2. One hundred grams pork fat add celandine prepared according to the first recipe to the decoction, put in a preheated oven for 1 hour, waiting for thickening. Then the cooled product is placed in the refrigerator for further storage.

In both cases, for the procedure, cotton pads are dipped into the received celandine preparations and applied to the nasal mucosa for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


Collection of herbs - chamomile, eucalyptus, sage and calendula - pour water and bring to a boil. Rinse the nasopharynx with the resulting decoction in the same way as with a solution sea ​​salt.

Sea buckthorn oil

2 drops of store-bought or homemade sea ​​buckthorn oil instill into the nasal passages 3 times a day. The tool has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Combine freshly squeezed beetroot juice in proportions 2:1 with honey. The resulting remedy must be instilled into the nasal cavity for at least 2 weeks.


Take 10 dried cloves and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled and is ready, it will acquire Brown color. The resulting clove infusion is instilled 2 drops into each nostril an unlimited number of times a day, used until complete recovery.


Alternative treatment of adenoids in children is carried out with aloe juice, which must be instilled into the child's nose before bedtime. To prepare remedy, you need to cut off the bottom leaf of aloe and rinse it. After that, the plant is crushed, and the juice is squeezed out of it with the help of gauze. In each nasal passage you need to drip 2 drops of juice in the evening.


Essential oils are also used to treat adenoids. Inhalation with vapors of lavender, mint oils, tea tree, juniper and arborvitae have a positive effect on inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils already from the first procedure.

Also, oils can be used as nasal drops, be sure to dilute them in the following proportion - 1 drop of essential oil to 30 drops of neutral oil. Similar procedure with adenoids gives a tangible positive effect.


Brew 1 tablespoon of budra with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, you need to inhale the vapors of the decoction for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

A mixture of string with oregano

Take 1 tablespoon of raw string, oregano and coltsfoot. Brew 2 cups of boiling water and leave for the whole night. After the product has cooled down, you can add a few drops of fir or thuja oil to it. The resulting infusion is instilled 15 drops into the nasal cavity 3 times a day for a week.

Mint with St. John's wort

Pour 1 tablespoon of mint and the same amount of St. John's wort and oak bark with 2 cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the product and instill into the nose 10 drops three times a day for 10 days.


Dissolve in half a glass warm water 2 tablets of mummy and instill the resulting solution 2 drops 3 times a day for a week. After 7 days, repeat the course of treatment and thus carry out 4 full courses.


For the treatment of adenoids in a glass of water, combine ¼ teaspoon of soda and 20 drops of 10% alcohol solution propolis. Rinse the nose with the resulting product 3 times a day, pouring half a glass of fresh solution into each nasal passage during the procedure.

green walnut shell

Chop green shells walnut in the amount of 20 grams, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and hold on fire for 5 minutes. The decoction should be infused for at least an hour, after which it is instilled 4 times a day, 5 drops in each nasal passage.

Inhalations for adenoids

Many doctors are sure that inhalations for adenoids are contraindicated, since exposure to hot temperatures can accelerate their growth, but these procedures help well with the inflammatory process at stage 1 of the disease. Therefore, before inhalation, you need to clarify the opinion of the doctor.

Procedures can be done from decoctions of plants with the addition of essential oils - these will wet inhalation. You can also apply essential oils to pieces of a damp cloth and spread them around the room so that the child breathes their vapors - in this case we are talking about dry inhalation.

Treatment with a nebulizer

How to treat adenoids with a nebulizer? You will need saline and solutions such as, or Hydrocortisone. Treatment with these drugs using a nebulizer is often used for adenoids - they successfully relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasopharynx, destroy pathogenic microbes, and prevent the growth of lymphoid tissue.

Treatment of adenoids in children by other conservative methods

Before agreeing to surgery, it is necessary to try all conservative treatment methods to reduce adenoids in a child without surgery.

In addition to medicinal, homeopathic and folk remedies, you can carry out:

  • massage of the cervical-collar zone and face;
  • breathing exercises;
  • washing the nasopharynx with solutions based on sea water (,);
  • physiotherapeutic methods (UVR of the general and collar zone, UVI of the nasal cavity, electrophoresis with calcium chloride and diphenhydramine);
  • undergo spa treatment;
  • stick to healthy eating With enough in the child's diet of vegetables, fruits, dairy products.


How to cure adenoids in a child without surgery using homeopathy, many parents think. Reviews about alternative treatment quite contradictory. Some claim that homeopathic remedies cope with the problem perfectly, others are convinced that this approach is completely useless, that is, everything is very individual.

Effective homeopathic remedies include Job-baby and Lymphomyosot. It is believed that these drugs prevent further pathological growth of lymphoid tissue. But for the appointment of treatment, in this case, you need to contact a homeopath.

Antibiotics for the treatment of adenoids in children

If the cause of the disease is an infection, in 99% of cases the child will be prescribed antibiotics. The range of antibacterial drugs used to treat adenoids is wide.

The doctor can focus on the following groups:

  • penicillin group - Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab;
  • macrolides -, Vilprofen;
  • cephalosporins - Suprax, Zinnat.

Usually, oral intake drugs prescribed by a doctor are enough to treat the focus of infection. Injectable drugs are used extremely rarely.


Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic remedy that affects the lymphoid tissue, on which the state of the child's immune system depends. After its use, the outflow of lymph from the affected tissues improves. The tool helps to improve the function of the lymph nodes.

Lymphomyosot as a modern homeopathic remedy helps to treat adenoids in children without surgery, completely relieving the child of the pathological process or reducing the severity of symptoms to a greater extent. advanced cases. The drug is given to the child under the tongue, according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. The remedy can be used from birth.


Silver-based preparations such as Collargol and Sialor are also used to treat adenoids. Protargol protects against inflammation of the tonsils, dries the mucous membrane, reduces swelling. It is recommended to instill 2 drops in each nasal passage up to 4 times a day for a week. A month later, the course can be repeated.

Treatment of adenoids with Avamys

The drug is not the main tool for the treatment of adenoids. It works exclusively as auxiliary drug, effectively eliminating the inflammatory process in the focus of infection and helping to alleviate the signs of the disease. Removing swelling of the nasopharynx, Avamys helps to normalize nasal breathing and temporarily stop the pathological growth of lymphoid tissue.

The drug can be prescribed in a small course or for a fairly long period - from 8 to 12 months. The appointment of Avamys should be handled by an ENT doctor.


Sofradex is successfully used in otolaryngology for the treatment of pathologies of ENT organs, including adenoids.

The spectrum of action of Sofradex on the affected lymphoid tissue of the tonsils:

  • decline pain and local irritation of mucous membranes, often accompanying inflammatory manifestations;
  • elimination of puffiness, normalization of nasal breathing;
  • restoration of affected mucous membranes;
  • anti-inflammatory effect on the focus of infection;
  • disinfectant and antimicrobial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes as the root cause of the disease.

The course of treatment with Sofradex lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the course of the disease and individual characteristics child. To suppress the pathological growth of lymphoid tissue and destroy pathogenic flora Sofradex is administered intranasally, 3-5 drops 3 times a day.

Considering the importance for local and general immunity noso pharyngeal tonsil, it is better to choose for the treatment of adenoids conservative therapy at initial stages diseases. But the fight against inflammation of the nasopharynx at home is not always safe. The likelihood of developing complications and worsening the health and well-being of the child is increased.

Therefore, the treatment plan must be agreed with the doctor and carefully adhere to it during the entire prescribed course. Thus, surgery can be avoided and the adenoids can be cured.

Useful video about the treatment of adenoids in children

Do you know, dear readers, what is the connection between adenoids in children preschool age And mental faculties child? If you have had to see a neurologist for hyperactivity or a poor perception of information in a child, the doctor will advise you to treat the adenoids. Many parents know that similar pathology being treated operational way ENT doctors and therefore try to avoid surgery, especially in babies. In this article, you will learn that adenoids in children can be completely cured without surgery at home.

Adenoid vegetations are the formations of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, which initially carry a very important immune function protecting the body from infection. T-lymphocytes are formed here, which are responsible for cellular and humoral immunity. The pharyngeal tonsil, one of the tonsils of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring, is located in the vault of the nasopharynx and is not visible during normal examination. To see it, you need a special tool - a nasal mirror.

The formation of the pharyngeal tonsil begins at intrauterine development fetus. Adenoid vegetations are present mainly in young children under the age of 7 years. Usually, after 8-9 years, the adenoids begin to decrease and by the age of 12-16 they almost completely disappear.

The pharyngeal tonsil is located at the very beginning of the respiratory tract and is the first in contact with microbes and viruses. With any inflammatory process active interaction T-lymphocytes with antigens of viruses and microbes, the tonsil increases in size. As soon as the inflammation passes, the lymphoid tissue returns to its original size.

But sometimes, not having time to come to normal condition, the adenoids become inflamed again and increase in size again, but after repeated inflammation they can no longer reach their original sizes: the folds of the nasal mucosa become thickened, lengthen, take the form of rollers separated by grooves.

Enlargement of adenoids promotes frequent illnesses, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, and this is one of the symptoms of measles, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, influenza, SARS and other acute and chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract. Summarizing the above, adenoids are a pathological growth of the pharyngeal tonsils.

Why do adenoids appear?

I have already told about one of the reasons for the development of adenoids - these are frequent infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Other reasons may be:

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases in children, accompanied by high fever;
  • Childhood infections - measles, rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, acute viral infections;
  • Transferred acute viral infections in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of developing adenoids in children is higher than in women who were healthy;
  • Untreated or untreated bacterial and viral infections;
  • Predisposition to allergies, which is almost always accompanied by an allergic rhinitis.

At risk are children who often consume foods rich in preservatives, dyes, flavors and stabilizers. Not the last role is played by heredity, dry indoor air and unfavorable environmental conditions.

Signs and symptoms of adenoids in children

Parents should be alerted already by the first signs when the child has difficulty in nasal breathing. At first this happens during sleep, the baby begins to snore, sometimes very strongly when the baby sleeps on his back with his mouth half open.

Frequent and prolonged colds- another sign of the development of adenoids. Moreover, the discharge from the nose is at first transparent and not thick, but later they become thicker and purulent.

There is usually no pain. They appear when the child has to breathe only through the mouth, which happens with 2 and 3 degrees of adenoids.

Symptoms of adenoids may vary depending on the degree of development of the pathology.

  • 1st degree - the child has a gradual difficulty in nasal breathing, that is, during the day the child breathes normally, and at night during sleep, the parents notice that the child begins to breathe through the mouth. When examining the nose, ENT - doctors note that the tonsil closes 1/3 of the vomer (the nasal septum, to which the pharyngeal tonsil is attached).
  • 2nd degree - the symptoms are more pronounced. The child is sick more often, mouth breathing prevails over nasal breathing. Here the lumen of the nasal passages is closed by 2/3.
  • 3rd degree - the lumen of the nasal passages is completely closed by overgrown adenoid tissue. The child cannot breathe through the nose.

With difficulty in nasal breathing, which is typical for degrees 2 and 3, the child's brain is constantly experiencing oxygen starvation which affects its development. It is called - chronic ischemia brain or chronic hypoxia. In this state, the brain cannot function normally, and higher cortical functions decrease. As a result, the child's attention, memory, speed of thought, speed of speech decrease.

With chronic hypoxia appearance the child also becomes characteristic: pale circles appear under the eyes, the child's face becomes slightly puffy. Appears headache, the child does not tolerate stuffiness.

Children with adenoids have characteristic symptoms:

  • The child sleeps with his mouth open, snores, during sleep attacks of suffocation or apnea are possible, babies cry in their sleep;
  • With mouth breathing, as a rule, the mucous membrane of the mouth dries up, because of this, the child may have a dry cough in the morning;
  • Due to nasal congestion, the timbre of the voice changes, speech becomes nasal;
  • Discomfort from nasal congestion affects the mood of the child, he becomes capricious, appetite decreases;
  • Hearing deteriorates, and due to the proximity of the auditory canal connecting the nasopharynx and the ear cavity, otitis media may develop and pain in the ear may occur;
  • Toddlers become lethargic, capricious, irritable, get tired quickly, they have headaches.

Possible complication of adenoids - adenoiditis, when pathogenic microflora causes inflammation of the hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil. acute form adenoiditis is accompanied by fever, nasal congestion, pain and burning in the nasopharynx, symptoms of intoxication, mucopurulent discharge from the nose, and an increase in regional lymph nodes.

At untimely treatment problems with swallowing food, deformation of the facial skeleton and mental retardation may be observed.

How to treat adenoids in a child?

Treatment of adenoids is selected taking into account the degree of growth. And it is imperative to eliminate the factors that contribute to the increase in adenoids.

Treatment of adenoids without surgery

1 and 2 degree respond well to timely conservative treatment, which boils down to the instillation of vasoconstrictor drops, if necessary, antibiotic treatment is carried out. It is imperative for a child to increase immunity so that he has colds as rarely as possible.

Give good results folk methods, the essence of which is to wash the nasal cavities with infusions medicinal herbs or instillation of drops. An entire section will be devoted to this method of treatment below.

Surgical treatment of adenoids

With 2 and especially with 3 degrees of adenoids, surgical treatment will be required. But before the operation, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment. Only if it is ineffective, the doctor will decide on the need for surgical treatment.

There are several methods of conducting operations, each of them has its pros and cons.

  1. Classical excision of adenoids. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia lidocaine, the operation lasts no more than 30 minutes, the child is left in the department for 1 day. However, this method is not acceptable if the child actively resists, there is a risk of leaving even a small piece of tissue, which can give relapse, and for the child mechanical injury added psychological.
  2. Laser adenotomy. This method is less traumatic, since the operation is performed by a laser beam, it is painless, postoperative period passes without pain and bacterial complications and rarely recur. This method is recommended only for grade 3 adenoids, as aid after endoscopic adenotomy.
  3. Endoscopic (shaver) adenotomy. It is performed under general anesthesia with special devices– endoscopes. This technique is the most reliable and safe, which guarantees high-quality and complete removal adenoids.

Indications for operation:

Contraindications for surgery:

Alternative methods of treatment of adenoids at home

Modern medicine claims that adenoids can only be cured by surgery. However, given the numerous reviews of parents, it is safe to say that adenoids can be cured at home without resorting to any medicines, let alone the operation.

If you notice symptoms, do not delay and proceed immediately to treatment. Treatment at home has several advantages: healing procedures are carried out in a comfortable psychological environment and these methods are painless.

Nasal lavage

An excellent effect is given by washing the nasal passages with saline, baking soda and herbal infusions:

  • In 1 glass warm boiled water dissolve a quarter teaspoon drinking soda, add 15 drops of 10% alcohol tincture of propolis to the solution. Flush each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped horsetail herb pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire and cook for 15 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for another 2 hours. We wash the nasopharynx 2 times in laziness during the week.
  • Grind St. John's wort, pour warm water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Rinse your nose twice a day. The infusion can be taken orally in half a glass per reception three times a day.
  • Pour the crushed oak bark (1 tbsp.) With a liter of water and boil over low heat without a lid until the amount of water has evaporated by 2 times. In a strained warm broth, add half a teaspoon of any coniferous resin, stir well. Use to wash your nose in the morning and evening.

Some parents will say that rinsing the nose is a very technical procedure. And they will be wrong. I found a video that shows how easy and effective this procedure can be. Be sure to watch this video to the end!

Nasal drops

  • Tui oil. In 1 st. l. olive oil add 5 drops of thuja essential oil, mix gently wooden stick. The resulting oil instill 2 drops in each nasal passage at night. First, rinse the nasal passages with saline. solution.

Children do not like it when drops are instilled into their noses, which cause a burning sensation. N.F. Fonshtein, director of the Moscow Clinic of Children's Diseases, suggests instilling eye drops(Sofradex, Garazon). They act gently, contain antibiotics and the hormone dexamethasone or hydrocortisone. They must be instilled 6-8 drops into each nasal passage for a week.

To have the effect of using nasal drops, they must be properly instilled. The bottom line is that the medicine gets on the surface of the adenoids. And in order for the medicine to really be on the surface of the adenoids, the child, when instilling drops, should lie on his back with his head thrown back strongly, even a pillow can be put under his shoulders. After instillation, the child must be kept in this position for another 2-3 minutes.

Dear readers, after reading this article, you learned that adenoids in children can be cured without surgery. To do this, you need to be a little more attentive to the health of your children. Do not delay, when the first signs appear, start treatment on time! Be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Treatment of adenoids in children is mandatory and important process for which every parent should be prepared. To prevent backfire in the form of adenoiditis and hearing loss, and in order not to reach the operation, as the only way out of the situation, one must strictly follow medical recommendations.

To cure adenoids, complex therapy is needed, including medication, homeopathic and physiotherapeutic approaches, this is the only way to achieve lasting results.

Is conservative treatment effective?

Therapy for enlarged adenoids in a child should be prolonged, at least 2-3 months, to achieve a lasting result. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the competence of the doctor and the perseverance of the parents, otherwise the adenoids will not decrease, continuing to cause problems for the child.

If, in parallel with inflammation of the adenoids, the child is often and for a long time sick, you need to look for the cause. Perhaps this is the result chronic infection which can be detected by an immunologist. If there is no infectious agent, you need to increase immunity under the supervision of a pediatrician and carry out the therapy recommended by the ENT.

To reduce adenoids means to defeat the inflammatory process with the help of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs. You can try the treatment with homeopathic remedies, and folk recipes. The main thing is to do this under the supervision of a doctor, since one medicine is effective for a child, another can not only not help, but also harm.

Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor observing the child in dynamics

The question of removal of adenoids should be decided by the doctor only after infectious process will be suppressed. In most cases, when stable remission is achieved, surgery is unnecessary, so most doctors prefer conservative treatment of adenoids in children to surgery.

Medical therapy

Antibiotics for the treatment of adenoids are not prescribed, with the exception of cases when a bacterial infection joins inflammation, and without suppressing it, reduce adenoid vegetations fail. The basis of treatment is raising local and general immunity, cleansing the nose and maxillary sinuses from accumulations of mucus and the restoration of full breathing.

Often, in order to rid the child of mucous accumulations and improve breathing through the nose, it is enough to carry out just a few nasal lavages. The procedure is useful for a runny nose and for the prevention of colds and infections. You need to spend it in the bathroom. The child leans over the sink while the parent enters medicinal composition first in one nostril, then in the other.

The first procedures can be carried out by introducing liquid into the nose slowly, then increase the pressure. Washing with a jet has the best effect. For one wash, 3-4 sprays of liquid in each nostril will be enough.

For washing, you can use a rubber bulb or a special device.

What to wash? Herbal decoctions give a good effect:

  • Mix dry herb coltsfoot, calendula and horsetail. Boil 15 grams of herbs in 25 ml of water, then leave for about 2-3 hours. Use for washing or instillation into the nose.
  • Mix white rose petals, yarrow, licorice root, strawberry and birch leaves in equal parts, pour boiling water, boil. The decoction is prepared and applied in the same way as the first.
  • Take in equal parts the grass of the succession, duckweed, wormwood, St. John's wort, calamus root and clover flowers. Prepare a decoction and apply in the same way.

If the doctor has prescribed the use of medicinal drops or oils, their use will be much more effective after washing the nose, since the introduction of even the most effective drops into the nostril will not work if the nasal passages are clogged with mucus and pus.

Sea salt is also effective for washing. The composition can be prepared independently using pharmacy salt or buy a ready-made spray or system for flushing based on sea water.

A common appointment is Rinofluimucil spray. It has a mucolytic (thinning) effect, clearing the sinuses of the infected contents, and relieves swelling from the tissues. double effect the drug allows you to clear the nose and make breathing easier.


How to treat adenoids with inhalation? There are many ways to do this. Inhalations will help achieve the following goals:

  • reduce swelling of the mucosa;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • improve lymph flow and blood supply;
  • increase local immunity.

Each of these tasks is achieved by using different medicines And herbal remedies. It is necessary to use a nebulizer for inhalation with adenoids. Steam inhalation in the period of exacerbation, they can only do harm, forcing the infection to go down to the lower respiratory tract.

Inhalation is an effective way to deal with adenoids

For inhalation, doctors often recommend the following drugs:

  • Ambrobene - to thin and remove mucus, if inflammation of the adenoids accompanies a cough;
  • Fluimucil - antibacterial drug, is prescribed for a pronounced inflammatory process;
  • Derinat - increases local immunity;
  • Hydrocortisone, Pulmicort - relieves swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa.

Dry inhalation is carried out by applying to cotton swab a drop of essential oil and inhaling its vapors for 10 minutes. You can also drop the oil on the heated salt, it will turn out saline inhalation(breathe over the salt with essential oil you need 5-10 minutes, covered with a towel). Thuja, fir, pine, mint, eucalyptus oil is suitable for these purposes.

Inhalations with Cycloferon have shown themselves to be a fairly effective way of adenoiditis and other diseases of the nasopharynx. It is an immunomodulator a wide range action with powerful effect. The drug is not available in the form for inhalation, but for these cases, an injection solution (1-2 ampoules) is taken, mixed with 4 ml of saline and inhaled.

You need to breathe for at least 5 minutes, the course is 10 days, 1 inhalation per day. Positive dynamics in the treatment of adenoids after a course of inhalation is noted by many parents.


Cryotherapy is modern way cure adenoids without surgery. Cryotherapy of adenoids is carried out using liquid nitrogen, more precisely, its effects on the enlarged amygdala, as a result of which it decreases in size. During the treatment, the doctor can destroy some areas of the vegetation, then they will fall off on their own and completely painlessly.

Indications for cryotherapy:

  • adenoids 1-2 degree;
  • recurrent or chronic runny nose;
  • frequent infections and colds against the background of an enlarged tonsil.

The procedure begins with local anesthesia, then an endoscope with a mini-camera is inserted into the nasopharynx, the data from it is displayed on the monitor. Enlarged adenoids are treated with nitrogen vapor supplied through a tube. At the same time, steam comes out of the child's nostrils. The process is fast - a few sets of 5 seconds are enough.

The child during the procedure does not experience unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations, and the process is carried out in the form of a game, which is important for psychological state baby.

Treatment of adenoids with homeopathy is carried out in order to increase resistance, strengthen the immune system, give the body strength and the ability to fight on its own. bacterial infections. Usually homeopaths prescribe medicines based on anatomical features child, the degree of neglect of the adenoids and other nuances.

Someone needs a low dosage of medicine, someone needs a higher one, so universal means not for all children.

Tui oil and drops of Riniltiks complexone are instilled locally into the nose. They relieve inflammation, restore the epithelium and reduce adenoid vegetations. Euphorbium compositum - complex homeopathic remedy, which has anti-allergic, reparative and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat adenoids, chronic rhinitis, including allergic etiology, sinusitis and other pathologies of the nasopharynx.

The spray is injected into each nasal passage several times a day. It is effective as part of complex therapy aimed at eliminating adenoids. Parents who used this remedy claim that after a week of treatment they noticed a positive result.

Homeopathy for adenoids in children helps to strengthen the child's body as a whole and get rid not of the consequences of the problem (enlarged adenoids), but of its cause - reduced immunity and infectious diseases.

Homeopathic treatment of adenoids usually takes at least 3 months, but this method, in contrast to the operation, sparing and comfortable for the child

Buteyko Method

This technique is based on a set of exercises that includes breathing exercises. Many tests conducted by scientists confirm that the Buteyko method can reduce the manifestations of asthma, adenoids and other pathologies.

The application of the method provides regular workouts within a few months. In general, this technique involves the restoration of respiratory function by relaxing the muscles. You need to breathe smoothly and slowly, but only through the nose.

The Buteyko Method has three rules:

  • breathe only through the nose - even if this is not possible, during training it begins to unfold;
  • equalize and reduce the force of breathing by relaxing the muscles;
  • avoid severe lack of air during exercise.

The technique for children was developed on the basis of the game with the help of educational pictures. The Buteyko method is practiced only in specialized clinics and gives excellent results in the treatment of adenoids.

Traditional medicine in the fight against pathology

You can treat adenoids at home with the help of folk recipes used in combination with the main therapeutic methods.

Treatment of adenoids folk remedies involves cooking various means for inhalations, ointments, decoctions

Here are some recipes for home therapy:

  • St. John's wort ointment. Mix chopped herbs with unsalted butter 1:4. Add 5 drops of celandine juice there. Shake the composition poured into the bottle until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. It should be instilled into the nostrils 2 drops three times a day.
  • Ivy-shaped budra - boil a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of water for 10 minutes, then inhale the vapors of the resulting broth several times a day for 5 minutes. At temperature, the procedure is contraindicated.
  • Clove fruits. Pour 10 fruits with a glass of boiling water, insist until dark brown. The finished composition should be instilled into the nose a few drops as often as possible during the day.
  • Sea salt solution. A teaspoon is diluted in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. Rinse your nose twice a day.
  • Celandine with interior pork fat. 2 tbsp Boil herbs in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain after half an hour. 100 ml of melted pork fat, mix with broth and put in the oven for 1 hour. To a teaspoon finished product you need to add 2 drops of celandine, soak pieces of cotton wool with this composition and insert them into the nostrils for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day for 10 days.

You can apply these recipes after consulting with your doctor, because children often have allergies not only to drugs, but also to plants.

Surgical treatment

An operation for adenoids in children, called adenotomy, is performed after all attempts to cure the pathology with conservative methods have been ineffective. The decision is made by the doctor together with the child's parents. Many parents delay the operation to the last, fearing that it will pass without anesthesia and cause severe pain to the child.

Today, medicine has many methods of pain relief, ranging from local to general anesthesia. General anesthesia causes in some cases Negative consequences, so it is more often used local anesthesia in the form of lubrication or spraying of an anesthetic on the mucous membrane.

After the operation, the child may have a fever, this natural reaction organism. Some children complain of abdominal pain, stool disorders, vomiting with blood. Such phenomena occur if the child swallowed blood during the operation.

Immediately after the operation, many children note free breathing through the nose, which is aggravated by "squishing" and nasality. These phenomena disappear within 10 days after the intervention, when the mucosal edema subsides.

Carrying out an adenotomy

In any case, whether to do an operation or not, than to treat adenoiditis, the decision is made jointly with the parents. But if all conservative methods have been tried, but there are no results, you should not torment the child and bring it to the appearance of physical and mental retardation, hearing loss and other serious complications.

Treatment of adenoids is a complex and lengthy process for which parents must be prepared. The operation is the most last resort, which can be resorted to when other methods are ineffective. Only complex therapy (alternation of medication, folk and homeopathic remedies) can help rid the child of adenoids and not bring him to the operating table.

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