Sources of Karlovy Vary medicinal properties. Sources of Karlovy Vary and treatment. What do the mineral springs of Karlovy Vary treat?

Karlovy Vary is an ancient city in the Czech Republic, which has been surprising visitors for many centuries with the exquisite beauty of architecture, rich history and the hospitality of hospitable residents. But the main feature of this resort town is the healing springs, which have long gained great fame throughout Europe. Actually, thanks to these sources, the city began to actively develop in the recreational direction.

The total number of healing springs in Karlovy Vary is seventy-nine, but only thirteen of them have been developed. Magic water is used mainly for drinking courses, after which the state of human health improves markedly. Bathing in thermal waters, irrigation with the help of intestines, rinsing and other procedures also have a beneficial effect on the body.

The composition of mineral water spouting from different springs is very close, but it still affects the human body in different ways. The type of exposure largely depends on the temperature of the water and the content of carbon dioxide in it. For example, cold springs have a mild laxative effect, while water at a higher temperature slows down the secretion of gastric juice and bile. The chemical composition of water in Karlovy Vary includes such elements as magnesium, calcium, potassium, lithium, bromine and many other substances useful for the body.

Each Karlovy Vary spring has its own interesting history, and the water from it has its own special use. The most powerful and most famous of all is

Source #1- Vrzhidlo, or, as it is also called, Geyser.

The flow of water in it originates at a depth of 2000 meters, and the height of the jet is about 12 meters. Ecologically clean water from this source, the temperature of which is 72 degrees, is used for both drinking and bathing.

The healing power of the Geyser is not only in drinking, but also in bathing

The Vřídlo Colonnade contains five tanks with water rising to the surface, and access to it is open to everyone from 6:00 to 19:00.

Source #2 with a water temperature of 64°C is called the “Spring of Charles IV”, and an old legend is associated with it.

According to it, back in the 14th century, Emperor Charles IV washed his feet here, after which he decided to build a resort on this site. Above the spring there is even a carved picture depicting the discovery of Karlovy Vary.

The third and fourth springs - “Lower Castle” (55 °C) and “Upper Castle” (50 °C), in fact, are one key, the water from which is supplied to two different vases.

But due to the different heights, the water in them differs in temperature and CO2 content. Together, these two sources make up the Castle Colonnade, which, after a large-scale reconstruction in 2001, is open to visitors.

Source #5 also known as "Market", and the water in it has a temperature of about 62 °C.

The spring was discovered in 1838, but since then it has disappeared and reappeared several times. After drilling new wells, the last of which reached a depth of 38 meters, the water stopped disappearing from here.

The sixth source of healing water (56 °C) is Melnichny, and its miraculous properties have been known to people since the 16th century.

It is the local water that the Mattoni company bottles and exports to many countries of the world.

"Rusalkin source"(60°C) is the seventh of those mastered here. Previously, it was the most popular meeting place for vacationers, and this is not surprising, because the pavilion erected here was the first such building in Karlovy Vary.

« Spring of Prince Wenceslas » (65°C) at number 8 was found in 1784. Water from it hit a height of up to 4 meters, so this source is compared with the Geyser in terms of power. Among other sources, this one is the only one that has access to two vases.

The ninth source "Source of Libush", with a water temperature of about 62°C.

In city chronicles, it was first mentioned in the 18th century, but it began to be actively used after the construction of the Mlynskaya colonnade, to which it belongs. It used to be called the source of the Elizabethan roses.

"Rock Spring" with a water temperature of 48 ° C - the tenth in a row. They found it right in the bed of the Tepla River, and in 1845 they brought it ashore not far from the Mlynskaya colonnade.

Eleventh source - "Source of Freedom"(60°C) - was discovered by chance when laying the sanatorium in 1865. The gazebo built over it is protected by the state as a valuable historical object.

Source No. 12 - "Garden", the water temperature in it reaches 39°C. This spring is especially popular with spa patients, as it has a very high content of carbon dioxide - 900 mg/l.

And last, the thirteenth spring is called "Stefania".

He was recognized as usable only in 1998, so he is quite young compared to others. The place where the mineral water comes to the surface is surrounded by a beautiful white gazebo, stylized antique.

Use of all sources is completely free, so that everyone has the opportunity to collect healing water.

Naturally, before this, it is necessary to consult with doctors so that the course of drinking really benefits your body.

The resort of Karlovy Vary has long been famous for its mineral hot springs, which have many beneficial qualities. They are mainly intended for drinking therapy.

The springs in Karlovy Vary are a whole natural complex that transforms atmospheric precipitation into healing waters. They contain many trace elements and other useful substances, which together have a beneficial effect on the body.

The use of thermal mineral drinks is completely free. There are 15 healing springs in total. Only 1 to 12 springs in Karlovy Vary are used in the spa industry. They are similar in their chemical composition, differing only in temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide.

What are the sources

Many are interested in what are the sources of Karlovy Vary and which one heals, as there are certain indications and contraindications for the use of healing water. People have known about the healing effect of springs since ancient times. The very first mention of treatment with healing water dates back to the 14th century, since at that time Charles IV treated his feet with mineral water. After some time, it began to be used internally.

Characteristics in Karlovy Vary allow the use of water for patients with a variety of diseases. The most popular are such as:

  • "Vrzhidlo";
  • "Prince Vratslav";
  • "Libuse";
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Rocky";
  • "Mlynsky";
  • "Castle";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Market";
  • "Snake";
  • "Garden"
  • "Charles IV".

Each of the sources is intended for the treatment of certain diseases, but it is worth remembering that water should be taken carefully after consulting a doctor and diagnosing.

Geyser colonnade

Among the sources in Karlovy Vary, the "Geyser Colonnade" is distinguished. It hides only one source under water - the Geyser. This is one of the most famous sources. Its temperature is 72 degrees, and the height of the fountain reaches 12 meters. Water is mainly prescribed for taking a bath.

Geyser outlets have been known since ancient times. This healing water protruded from the depths of the earth. Initially, it flowed along with river water. Natural outlets were constantly overgrown with salt sediment. Only the founding of the city and the need to use springs served to capture the water of the Geyser.

Ecologically clean water from this spring in Karlovy Vary is used for drinking and bathing. The colonnade contains 5 tanks with water that comes to the surface, access to which is open to everyone from 6 am to 7 pm.

castle tower

One of the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary is the colonnade on the Castle Hill, which was built according to the project of the architect Oman. It consists of an Upper and a Lower source. Inside the Lower is a bas-relief made of ferruginous sandstone depicting the Spirit of the springs.

The colonnade has been functioning since the beginning of the 20th century, and in the 21st century it was restored by private investors, and it became available only to patients of the hospital located on the territory. However, the water of this source is available to every person. This water source in Karlovy Vary is located in a gazebo next to the colonnade.

The first information about it appeared in 1769, but it was formed in these places much earlier. In the place of its exit, the children made a small pool and bathed in warm water. It was also drunk by cows returning home from pastures. Already at this time, the source interested the doctors of this resort. He had 3 wells drilled, one of which reaches a depth of 31 meters.

The Upper Castle Spring is permanently closed. It is made artificially, as the water comes from the Lower Spring. As a result, it cools and at the same time the solubility of carbon monoxide increases.

Market Colonnade

The mineral spring in Karlovy Vary called "Market" was equipped only a few years ago. The wooden Market Colonnade is decorated with snow-white patterns. Under its roof there are 2 sources, namely "Market" and "Charles IV". According to legend, it was with them that the birth of the city began.

The "market" thermal spring in Karlovy Vary was discovered in the 19th century. The water in it has a temperature of 62 degrees. The colonnade under a gable roof is surrounded by wooden walls on 3 sides, and the front wall looks like a column. From time immemorial, large and small springs have been beaten here, which then disappeared, then reappeared. Since the exit from the source was at a depth of 2 meters, it was necessary to go down to it by steps. More recently, the colonnade has been restored, and now the water rises to its level.

Many tourists are interested in which spring in Karlovy Vary is the oldest and most famous. It bears a name and an old legend is associated with it. According to her, the emperor of the Roman Empire washed his feet in this source, after which he decided to open a resort on this place. Above it is even a carved picture depicting its discovery.

mill colonnade

The mill colonnade is one of the most famous in the city and there are as many as 5 springs in it, such as:

  • "Mlynsky"
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Prince Wenceslas I";
  • "Libushi";
  • "Rocky".

The roof of the colonnade is supported by columns that are very beautifully decorated. The top balustrade depicts 12 months. The temperature of the source "Mlynsky" is 56 degrees. It is believed that the water from it does not lose its healing qualities during transportation. Part of it is sold in bottles in many countries of the world.

The temperature in the Rusalka spring is 60 degrees. His water used to be very popular. The source "Prince Vaclav I" has a temperature of 65-68 degrees. Water has long been used to make medicinal mineral salt.

The source "Libushi" was formed from 4 small springs, and its temperature is 62 degrees.

garden colonnade

The garden colonnade was built at the end of the 19th century according to the design of Viennese architects. This amazing architectural monument adorns not only the nearby Dvorak Gardens, but the entire resort area. Right under the roof of the colonnade there are 3 healing springs, namely:

  • "Garden";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Snake".

The temperature of the source "Freedom" is 60 degrees. It was opened during the construction of the hospital. It is located in the gazebo, which belongs to historical sites. Spring "Garden" has a temperature of 47 degrees. Initially, it was called "Imperial". It is located on the basement floor of the Military Sanatorium.

Spring "Snake" has a water temperature of 30 degrees. It contains much less minerals, but it has much more carbon dioxide. Mineral water flows out of the snake's mouth right in the Garden Colonnade. These are the most important springs in Karlovy Vary for bathing and drinking water, which help to improve your health.

What is the source of what heals

It is imperative to know which spring in Karlovy Vary treats what and what the healing water is used for. This is required in order not to harm health. The geyser hot spring "Vrzhidlo" is mainly intended for bathing. In addition, water is used for drinking therapy and has a very good effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and also helps in the treatment of gastritis. For people prone to respiratory diseases, it is useful to breathe the air near the geyser.

The source of "Karl VI" is distinguished by the unique healing qualities of a hot spring. Water from it has a good effect on the joints and the skeletal system. The source "Lower Castle" is characterized by the fact that its water is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The source "Upper Castle" is available only to guests of the "Castle Lazne". Rinsing the gums with this water has a very good effect on periodontal disease, prevents the formation of caries, and also helps to strengthen and restore bones and joints.

Spring "Market" is intended for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Today, its water is actively used in sanatoriums. The source "Melnichny" is famous for its thermal water. Many say that this is a female beauty drink. It has a beneficial effect on hair and nails, nourishing and strengthening them. Previously, this water was used only for baths.

The source "Rusalka" is characterized by the fact that its water has a temperature of 60 degrees. It is considered a children's health drink. It can be used to improve metabolism and strengthen the body's immune system. The water of the Prince Valcav I spring is enriched with Glauber's salt, which is why it has a certain laxative effect. It is recommended to use it for cleansing the body and preferably before a spa treatment.

The Libushi spring is used to treat children, improve metabolic processes, and normalize immunity. The water of the spring "Rock" is used for the treatment of diabetes, and its consumption is very effective in the process of losing weight.

The source "Sloboda" is famous for its amazing healing drink, as it helps regulate the production of male hormones, has a positive effect on potency and helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The water of the spring "Garden" is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, helps to remove stones and restore the body after an illness.

Spring "Snake" refers to the coldest. This is a real treasure trove of beauty. It is not intended for consumption of healing water inside, but for washing and helps to rejuvenate the skin.

Indications for treatment

Springs Karlovy Vary indications for treatment are quite extensive. The complexes of procedures in all sanatoriums are different, which is explained by the level of equipment of medical institutions. Among the main indications, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • recovery after oncology treatment without signs of malignant process activity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • dental problems;
  • neurological disorders.

In addition, the water of the springs is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects for each patient his own treatment program, which fully takes into account the state of health and the diagnosis.

Treatment contraindications

It should be noted that there are certain contraindications for treatment with the help of thermal spring water, which include such as:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intestinal stenosis;
  • increased levels of creatine;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver failure;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

It should be noted that treatment with mineral water is prescribed only by a doctor after a diagnosis. Self-therapy is strictly prohibited, as this can provoke various kinds of complications.

Many of those who come to this country for treatment are interested in what are the best sources to choose in Karlovy Vary and where it is preferable to take a course of recovery. It is possible to be treated not only according to the doctor's prescription.

If there is no appointment, then it can be obtained by contacting a doctor in any chosen sanatorium, and it is best to do this where it is planned to undergo therapy. It should be noted that the treatment is carried out in courses, the minimum duration of which is 1 week.


Each spring in Karlovy Vary is unique, but in any case, each of them helps to improve your health. Some of the procedures carried out in sanatoriums require a doctor's consultation, and for some it is not required. In particular, for the recovery, the following procedures are performed:

  • spa treatments;
  • massage;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • salt caves;
  • inhalation.

Spa treatments deserve special attention, which imply a complex of services provided, which contribute to recovery.

Composition of thermal water

The purpose of the springs in Karlovy Vary is different, as they can be used to treat diseases and improve health. In addition, the water of some of them is intended for drinking, and some - only for bathing. It comes to the surface in Karlovy Vary To get a more complete picture, it is worth noting that its maximum temperature is 73.4 degrees.

The composition of water includes ions, anions, cations, boric and silicic acid, gases. She is not radioactive. The springs are characterized by the fact that the water in them is natural, with a high content of fluorides.

How to drink healing water

It is recommended to drink water according to the prescription of a doctor who will write down which one to consume, how much and how to do it correctly. You can do this without consulting a specialist, but in small quantities. A sharp change in the amount of mineral substances in the body can provoke a strictly opposite effect.

It is best to collect some water in a container and, while walking, consume it in small sips. The optimum temperature is considered to be 50 degrees. It is worth remembering that the hotter the water in the source, the less it can be consumed. Do not collect water in a plastic bottle, you can only use special dishes.

At the first morning intake, you need to collect liquid from the source at 5-6 o'clock in the morning, since at this time it is more saturated with useful geyser gases. The course of therapy is not recommended to be combined with the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Passive smoke inhalation is also harmful. Treatment must be carried out in a state of rest and relaxation.

Karlovy Vary became a Czech spa center as early as 1370. And in 1760, the first balneological resorts opened in Karlsbad.

For the treatment of various diseases, they used mineral water. Modern Karlovy Vary has 12 thermal springs and 1 geyser. Each of them has its own properties, composition and functions.

General information

In Karlovy Vary, mineral water springs are located along the Tepla River. Pavilions were built above them, which belong to local attractions. The resort town has 5 large colonnades and 2 small pavilions, under which there are also thermal springs: "Shtepanka" (No. 14) and "Freedom" (No. 11).

Important: Shtepanka is not included in the official list of medicinal resources used in balneology, but some tourists believe that its water cleanses the intestines well and helps with constipation.

From 2 to 6 Karlovy Vary hot springs are connected to each colonnade. The exception is the Geyser Pavilion. The building was built around only one Vrzhidlo, the famous hot fountain, and reaches a height of 12 m.

In Karlovy Vary, visiting the thermal springs is free for everyone. In the colonnades you can collect mineral water and look at the architecture. SPA-services, medical and wellness programs are paid. In order to take a course of balneological procedures, you need to settle in.

Of course, tourists coming to the resort area are interested not only in the number of springs, but also which one is intended for what. The beneficial properties of thermal springs depend on the composition of the water, its temperature and CO2 concentration.

Geyser colonnade

In the Geyser Colonnade there is only one "Vrzhidlo", spring No. 1. The temperature of the geyser reaches 72˚С. Karlovy Vary doctors believe that drinking too hot water is not good for health, so it is first cooled and then taken out into bowls located in the Geyser Pavilion.

Drinking fountains are divided into three types: "A", "B" and "C".

Water from section "A" is warm - 50˚С. Drinking from cup "A" is recommended for people prone to diarrhea and indigestion. Water from sections "B" and "C" is artificially cooled to 30–32˚С. It should be taken with a tendency to constipation. Cups "B" and "C" - a storehouse of natural laxatives.

The composition of the geyser "Vrzhidlo" includes silicon and a small amount of radon. The water has a high pH - 6.6-7.1, and the concentration of carbon dioxide varies from 0.37 to 0.75 g / l, so people with diseases of the upper respiratory tract are advised to inhale geyser fumes. They improve the functioning of the lungs and bronchi, help with chronic laryngitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis.

The hot spring from Karlovy Vary has another purpose. Water enriched with radon and silicon is recommended for:

  • hepatitis and cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • ulcer in remission;
  • enteritis.

Market Colonnade

The market colonnade consists of only two thermal springs: "Charles IV" (No. 2) and "Market" (No. 5), also known as "Tržni". They are almost identical in composition to mineral water and are recommended for people with musculoskeletal disorders. They improve the structure of bones and cartilage, reduce pain symptoms.

The water temperature of the "Market" source and "Charles IV" is in the range of 62–64˚С.

castle colonnade

In the Castle Colonnade, as well as in the Market, there are only 2 thermal springs: "Castle Upper" (No. 4) and "Castle Lower" (No. 3). They have different temperatures (the third has 64–67˚С, and the fourth has 55–62˚С), as well as different concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Castle top

Horni Zamecki (No. 4) in Karlovy Vary has completely different properties due to the location of the springs.

Water from the "Castle Upper" is used to treat caries and periodontal disease. It should be drunk and used to rinse the mouth after brushing your teeth and eating.

Castle lower

Dolni Zamecki (No. 3) is almost identical in composition to Vřídło, a hot geyser.

mill colonnade

The Mill Colonnade included 6 mineral springs of Karlovy Vary: Rocky, Libuse, Mermaid, Mill, as well as Prince Vaclav I and Prince Vaclav II.

"Mermaid" (No. 7) / "Mill" (No. 6)

"Mill" is a real beauty pill. It has a high concentration of minerals. Useful substances strengthen the nail plate and restore elasticity to the hair.

Water retains its beneficial properties for a long time, so you can take it with you as a souvenir.

In spring No. 7, t of water is within 60–61˚С, and in No. 6 it does not exceed 55˚С.

"Prince Wenceslas I" and "Prince Wenceslas II" (No. 8)

“Prince Wenceslas” is displayed in two fountains: the first is located in the Mill Pavilion, and the second is on the street, opposite the colonnade. Both springs have the same composition, but the street version is more powerful and contains more Glauber's salt.

Therefore, if you are thinking about which spring to drink in Karlovy Vary during the first days of rest and treatment, then the answer will be unequivocal: water from the Prince Vaclav spring. Glauber's salt has laxative properties. Indications for its use - detoxification of the body, cleansing the intestines, the fight against constipation. The temperature of "Prince Vaclav" varies between 61-65˚С.

"Libuse" (No. 9)

"Libuse" is worth visiting on time. The water from the thermal spring can be drunk from an early age. It normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and is also suitable for the prevention of excess weight and obesity. This mineral water should be consumed by those who want to lose weight without strict diets. Its temperature is 62˚С.

"Rocky" (No. 10)

The "rocky" spring, located in the Mill Colonnade, is one of the coldest in Karlovy Vary (the temperature of the water here does not rise above 48°C).

garden colonnade

In the Garden Colonnade there are "Snake" and "Garden" springs. In Karlovy Vary, these springs are known under numbers 15 and 12.

"Snake" (No. 15)

In the "Snake" spring, the concentration of minerals is low, but the percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is high, the water t does not rise above 30˚C.

Experienced tourists recommend not only drinking from the spring, but also washing your face. They believe carbon dioxide is even better for wrinkles. They say that if you regularly come here, you can become 5-10 years younger in 2 weeks.

The "Snake" spring is located on the left bank of the Teplá, not far from Vrzhidlo and the Atrium shopping center.

"Garden" (No. 12)

Sadovy is one of the most popular springs in Karlovy Vary. It is located on the territory of the Military sanatorium, in the basement pavilion.

The spring has become popular due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide. Water saturated with CO2 is recommended to drink in diseases of the liver and urolithiasis. Carbon dioxide does not break up large stones, but it can clear the kidneys of sand. It also accelerates the recovery of liver cells after Botkin's disease (hepatitis). The temperature of the "Garden" source does not rise above 40˚С.

"Freedom" (No. 11)

"Freedom" refers to the Garden Colonnade. It is located not in the pavilion, but between the Mill Colonnade and Sanatorium III. A gazebo was built above it.

Water from the source "Freedom" should be drunk for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the male reproductive system. It helps with prostatitis, problems with potency and hormonal disruptions. "Freedom" is one of the hottest in the "Garden" colonnade (water t does not fall below 57-60˚С).

Interesting: The inhabitants of Karlovy Vary call the unofficial thirteenth source "". Healing tincture appeared in pharmacies in 1807. By the way, the construction of the Mill Colonnade began in 1871, the Garden Colonnade in 1880, and the Market Colonnade in 1882.

The Czech resort is not in vain recognized as one of the best SPA centers in Europe. The thermal springs of Karlovy Vary can work wonders. However, this conventional wisdom is only true with the right approach. It is not enough to know which source of Karlovy Vary treats what, because mineral water affects the body in different ways and you should not drink it without indications.

Tourists who are going to take a drinking course should first consult with a doctor. Only a specialist will tell you exactly for which diseases and in what quantities you need to drink the Karlovy Vary elixir.

Even in the last century, medicine did not have such a large number of medicines and diagnostic devices as it does today. But people got sick before, and they were treated, but in a completely different way. One of the most popular methods of treating many diseases and, of course, the most pleasant were and remain healing mineral springs, which are found in almost any country.

The history of the famous resort

One of the oldest spas, known since the 13th century, is the Czech city of Karlovy Vary. The charming resort town has a rich history. Located in the center of Europe, it has survived numerous wars, epidemics, fires and floods. But the fame of unique mineral water springs remained unchanged. It was thanks to them that the city became a resort and received that unique architectural appearance that can be seen today.

At the end of the nineteenth century, active construction of spa buildings began. At this time, the Mill and Geyser colonnades, the theater, the Imperial hydropathic, and the Imperial Hotel were built. The railway connected the resort with European cities, which significantly increased the influx of tourists.

Simultaneously with the construction, balneological science also developed rapidly. Many well-known physicians and scientists worked in Karlovy Vary, improving and scientifically substantiating the methods of water treatment. The result of this activity was a complex method of treatment that combines bathing, drinking water directly from the source and walking in the fresh air.

Sights of Karlovy Vary

There are many interesting sights in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary. The famous Moser glass factory and museum, founded in the 19th century by the engraver and businessman Moser, provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the glass production process, to see the work of glass blowers up close. The museum presents a unique exposition of the products of the plant for the entire time of its existence.

The Orthodox Church of Peter and Paul, which is located at the foot of the mountains, is one of the most noticeable and beautiful sights of the city. The church was built in the style of Russian architecture of the 17th century and decorates the city very much.

Not far from Karlovy Vary there is an old Gothic castle-fortress Becov nad Teplu. The fortress, founded in the 13th century, is located on a rocky promontory. Over time, the military significance of the fortress was lost and it was turned into a Renaissance palace, which has survived to this day.

Not far from Karlovy Vary lies beautiful Prague. You can go on an excursion to the capital, see the amazing Old Town, the Church of St. Vitus, take a boat ride along the Vltava. And directly in Karlovy Vary it is good to be treated and at the same time relax.

Healing springs that bring health

Karlovy Vary is an ideal place to relax and treat various ailments, from digestive problems to paralysis due to its mineral waters. Nature has prepared an ideal resort and clinic, which mankind has learned to use correctly.


The waters in this wonderful place under pressure pass from the bowels of the earth through several layers of minerals and absorb all the healing properties, coming to the surface already healing.

Waters from different sources are aimed at treating various ailments:

  • some help people restore the musculoskeletal system, damaged as a result of illness or injury;
  • others treat kidney diseases by flushing out stones and strengthening tissues, regulate sugar in diabetics and have a beneficial effect on the pancreas;
  • still others treat the entire digestive system, from the mouth to the intestines.

The very air in this wonderful place helps people recover, it is fresh and clean, you want to breathe and breathe. The city is surrounded by mountains, next to a small river Tepla - hence the purity of the air.

How to drink mineral water: basic rules

Do not rush headlong into mineral springs and drink water excitedly. Any medicine in large doses is a poison. For example, in the Middle Ages, people spent 10 hours in baths with such water, as a result, the skin corroded into many microscopic cracks and the water supposedly washed away all ailments through them. Imagine how painful such a procedure was.

Everything is more human these days. After the examination, the doctor will assign you a specific source and give you its number, since the water in the sources is different due to the balance of gases, temperature and chemical components. You need to use water immediately after you have taken it from the source into a special cup that has a spout. No need to wait for the moment when the water cools down or stops smelling. Water brings maximum benefit if it is in the form in which it comes out of the source, that is, with a high temperature and an unpleasant odor.

At a time, you need to drink no more than half a glass half an hour before a meal. You will be convinced of the benefits for the digestive system right away. If you drink more, the water will work so well that you will have to quickly look for a toilet room, which, by the way, is next to each source.

In the process of drinking healing waters, doctors recommend moving, especially for this, gazebos and colonnades are installed next to the springs in order to walk between them.

There are 12 springs in Karlovy Vary. Vrzhidlo is the most powerful source. It hits from a depth of more than two thousand meters and brings one and a half tons of water every minute.

The treatment lasts about three weeks, but usually tourists come for two. But even during this time, the body manages to cleanse itself, stock up on the necessary minerals, and normalize metabolism. Treatment is relatively inexpensive, it all depends on the sanatorium in which you settled.

Leisure activities include walking, playing tennis and golf. This is a resort for treatment, not entertainment. Hiking abounds in a huge number of routes. Communicating with spa guests over a glass of Becherovka, you will not even notice how all the paths have passed and you will have to start over.

Karlovy Vary became famous in the Middle Ages for the healing properties of its thermal springs. People from all over the world come here to improve their health.

The main feature of the Karlovy Vary springs is that they are almost identical in chemical composition, but have different carbon dioxide content and temperature.

In ours, we have collected all the useful information that you will need when preparing for the trip.

We have gone through all the sources listed on the official website of Karlovy Vary, checked their current state and are ready to provide you with our report.

Map of the mineral springs of Karlovy Vary

No. 1, Vrzhidlo (Geyser)

Temperature: 72°C

Location: Geyser colonnade

Water from this source is prescribed for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only source that supplies bathing water. At the moment, the geyser hall is closed for reconstruction.

In the colonnade there are a total of 5 thermal water tanks with temperatures of 72, 50 and 30 °C.

No. 2, named after Charles IV

Temperature: 64°C

Location: Market Colonnade

The healing properties of this spring led Emperor Charles IV to the decision to establish a spa here.

No. 3, Lower Castle

Temperature: 55°C

Location: Market Colonnade

Water in its chemical composition almost coincides with thermal mineral water from the 1st spring "Geyser".

The market column has recently been restored and looks impressive.

No. 4, Upper Castle

Temperature: 50°C

Location: Castle Lazne

In fact, this is one source, the water from which is supplied to two vases. But due to the fact that the upper source is located higher, its temperature is lower.

The Karlovy Vary website states that this source is for public use. In fact, it was closed. Possibly only during the winter.

No. 5, Market source

Temperature: 61°C

Location: Market Colonnade

Since the discovery of the spring in 1838, it has disappeared and reappeared. Since then, several wells have been made, thanks to which the water from the "Market" spring can still be prescribed by spa doctors today.

No. 6, Mill

Temperature: 56°C

Location: mill colonnade

One of the most popular springs among vacationers. Water in which well improves metabolism.

No. 7, Mermaid

Temperature: 60°C

Location: mill colonnade

The seventh source at one time was even more popular than the Mill. Its properties are similar to the source number 9.

mill colonnade

No. 8-a, im. Wenceslas I

Temperature: 65°C

Location: mill colonnade

The water from this spring was used to produce Karlovy Vary medicinal salt.

No. 8-b, im. Wenceslas II

Temperature: 58°C

Location: in front of the Mill Colonnade

This source is deprived of attention among tourists, perhaps because of its location, outside the colonnade. Although it is on the contrary very convenient, next to a huge number of shops.

No. 9, Libushi

Temperature: 62°C

Location: mill colonnade

Source No. 9 regulates metabolism well. Arose due to the union of four smaller sources.

No. 10, Rocky

Temperature: 53°C

Location: mill colonnade

The rock spring effectively regulates metabolism. Until 1845, it flowed into Teplá, later its water was brought to the Mill Colonnade.

No. 11, Freedom

Temperature: 60°C

Location: Pavilion "Freedom"

Source "Freedom"

The water in this spring is exactly 60°C. In the second half of the 19th century, a wooden gazebo was built over the source, which is now a historical monument and is protected by the state. The spring is located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade.

No. 12, Garden

Temperature: 47°C

Location: At the Garden colonnade, in the building of the Military sanatorium

The healing water from the Svoboda spring is popular among vacationers due to its pleasant sour taste. It is located in the building of the Military sanatorium, near the Garden Colonnade. Opening hours from 6:00 to 18:00.

No. 15, Serpent Spring

Temperature: 30°C

Location: garden colonnade

Garden Colonnade, Snake Spring

One of the most popular sources, to which there is always a queue. Contains fewer minerals, but more carbon dioxide.

Little Known Sources

The official website of Karlovy Vary additionally lists three more sources that we have never heard of. We decided to find each of them and see what condition they are in at the moment.

No. 13, Dorotka

Location: Pavilion Dorotka

Dorotka is an unusual Karlovy Vary mineral spring, it is rather the release of dry carbon dioxide with a small amount of water. The spring was taken out to the stone pavilion Dorotka near the former gas and light hospital (Lazne IV). Since 2012, the pavilion has been closed to visitors.

No. 14, Stepanka

Temperature: 14°C

Location: in the park in front of the Richmond Hotel

This source was discovered at the end of the 19th century. Due to its unique composition, rich in iron, it has become part of the drinking cure. At the beginning of the 20th century, it disappeared; it was only possible to find it in 1993.

In 1997, Alois Klein's wooden pavilion was built over the spring.

Unfortunately, this spring was closed for the winter period in March.

No. 16, Iron Spring

Temperature: 11.9°C

The spring was first discovered in 1852, and already in 1856, according to the prescription of the doctor Rudolf Manl, this water began to be taken for medicinal purposes. As the name suggests, the water from this spring is rich in iron.

This is the coldest spring of Karlovy Vary, unfortunately, deprived of the attention of the guests of the spa town.

We found the pavilion, not without difficulty - it is located on Bezručova street (not far from the Tzhnice station).

Karlovy Vary – public transport 2019
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