Why do adults often get colds? "I often get colds": causes, doctor's consultations, examinations, tests, treatment, prevention and strengthening of immunity. Why immunity decreases

Temperature fluctuations in the autumn-spring period become a test of strength for many. accustomed to summer heat the body is suddenly attacked by cold air and piercing wind. Often the result is numerous colds, sometimes requiring long-term treatment and nerve and financial costs.

Disease Definition

What is meant by the everyday word "cold"? There is a whole, resulting from hypothermia of the body, or, acute respiratory infections. Cold symptoms, as a rule, are accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes, which invariably leads to the onset of rhinitis. People often refer to colds, which is fundamentally wrong, because these diseases have pathogens - viruses.

Colds develop gradually, while viruses most often strike suddenly, accompanied by a jump in temperature. With a cold, the following symptoms gradually increase:

  • Increasing runny nose, sometimes sore throat;
  • When the edema passes from the larynx to the bronchi, a cough begins;
  • signs general malaise: weakness, aches, lack of appetite;
  • The temperature does not rise above 38 ° C;

Respiratory disease, if ignored, causes bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, rhinitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Frequent colds are the result of work failures immune system human beings for a variety of reasons.

Reduced immunity - the cause of frequent colds

Immunity is given to a person from birth, and when resistance to disease has a high threshold, a person is said to be in good health. In fact we are talking about the level of immunity, because it is he who is the main barrier between the human body and numerous pathogenic microbes.

A high level of immunity can be provided at the gene level (hereditary) or artificially modeled (). Sometimes immunity to a disease is acquired as a result of past illness(acquired immunity).

If for a number of reasons, or even for one reason, the work of the immune system is disrupted at least in one link, human body begins to fail when diseases attack in different areas, and one of the first to be affected is the upper Airways- the gate of infection in the body. As a result - frequent colds, up to 4-6 per year.

Signs of reduced immunity

Determine the decrease in immunity yourself without additional research quite problematic, but there are a number of signs, the presence of which may be a reason to see a doctor:

  • Deterioration general well-being (chronic fatigue, weakness, headaches, aching muscles and joints);
  • Condition of skin, hair, nails(pallor and peeling of the skin, swelling under the eyes, dry and brittle hair, falling out badly, pale and brittle nails);
  • Protracted and and acute respiratory infections;
  • Absence of temperature during a cold;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and an increase in the number of new diseases.

Decreased immunity is evidenced by the occurrence autoimmune diseases and frequent allergic reactions are evidence of the incorrect functioning of the immune system. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Flaw physical activity;
  • Unfavorable living conditions (lack of sleep, overwork, poor ecology);
  • Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.

The reasons for the decrease in immunity also include an increase in the level of hygiene in modern conditions life, which leads to "unemployment" and, consequently, a weakening of the immune system. Often these same reasons allergic reaction when harmless antigens - pollen become the subject of attack of immune cells, house dust, volatile substances of cosmetics and perfumery.

Possible Complications

The consequences of reduced immunity are manifested in increased vulnerability various infections and, in particular, colds. Endless SARS and acute respiratory infections attack a weakened body and do not receive a proper rebuff. As a result, there is a need for more and more strong drugs, which, in turn, further lower the immune system.

The lack of immunity often causes autoimmune and allergic diseases. Most often, against the background of dysfunction of the immune system, there are multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid joint disease.

How to boost immunity

Raising immunity is a complex and painstaking task, which includes a number of measures aimed at eliminating failure in a certain area of ​​the immune system. Only a qualified specialist can determine this area.

Carrying out measures to raise immunity must be agreed with the attending physician or (in case of drug therapy) immunologist. Self-medication is fraught with unpredictable consequences for the immune system and the whole organism.


To obtain the desired effect from hardening procedures in order to increase immunity, it is necessary to have an idea about the hardening mechanism. When some areas of the skin are subjected to a sharp cooling, the body seeks to reduce heat loss by blood and lymph flow from the cooled areas and vasoconstriction. As a result, there is an accelerated cleansing of tissues from toxins and dead cells, they heal and rejuvenate, and their resistance increases.

However, for the body, this is a significant expenditure of energy, the burden falls on the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system. And if a person does not have energy reserve, then during hardening, the resources necessary to activate the work of the body may exceed the capabilities of the body. There is an overload of systems, and instead of gaining health, a person gets an illness, often associated with a cold.

Before engaging in hardening procedures, it is necessary to feel and accept the principles of hardening:

  • Reconsider life priorities and tune in to faith in vitality the human body;
  • Plan the intensity and duration of hardening procedures based on the sensations of your body, observing the measure;
  • Observe the principle of gradualness - the body must withstand the load at an increasing pace, and not take the record barrier on the move, otherwise there is a risk of injury instead of a high result;
  • Like any healing procedures, hardening will give a result only with regular events. One missed procedure (as well as taking an antibiotic) can nullify previous results;
  • Even with good health, hardening measures lead to significant energy costs, so after the procedures it is necessary to replenish them - rub yourself with a hard towel or warm yourself under a hot shower (in a bath), and then dress warmly.

Hardening is one of fundamental principles increasing immunity, however, the approach to it should be as thorough as possible, since hardening procedures carried out illiterately can be harmful.

Physical exercise

Movement is life, one of the most insidious enemies modern man- hypodynamia. This also affects the immune system. Without movement, the rate of blood circulation decreases and lymphatic drainage slows down. This means an increasing slagging of the body and a lack in the tissues of the necessary nutrients leading to immunodeficiency.

However, like hardening, physical activity should be observed in moderation, again based on the resources of the body. For example, for pensioners aged 60-70 years, 15 minutes of daily exercise to significantly reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

A young organism is able to withstand much stronger loads, but even here it is necessary to know the line beyond which overload begins, and, therefore, harm instead of benefit. Intensive exercise for 1.5 hours makes a person susceptible to disease in the period of 72 hours after training.

Like hardening, physical activity gives positive results only in compliance with the principles of proportionality, regularity and gradualness.


To medications to increase immunity, doctors resort to the most severe cases. This is explained by the fact that the mechanism of the immune system has not been studied enough, the impact on some components can lead to the suppression of others.

However, there are several groups of drugs prescribed for a decrease in immunity:

  • Herbal Immunostimulants: eleutherococcus, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, kalanchoe, echinacea, rosea rhodiola, hawthorn, aloe;
  • Animal products: thymalin, timaktid, thymogen, myelopid, T-activin, vilozen, immunofan;
  • Means of microbial origin: Bronchomunal, Imudon, Likopid, IRS-19, Pyrogenal, Ribomunil;
  • Interferon inducers(stimulants): Amixin, Dipyridamole, Lavomax, Cycloferon, Arbidol, Kagocel, Neovir.

All medicinal drugs to raise immunity, they have side effects, and self-medication with these drugs is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

Traditional medicine

Folk recipes for raising immunity include products containing a variety of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of all body systems. First of all, you should draw up a diet that contains in sufficient quantities:

  • Water (2.5 - 3 l);
  • Dairy products;
  • Garlic;
  • Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries), fruits (apples, persimmons, bananas, pomegranates), vegetables (carrots, Bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini);
  • Seafood and sea fish;
  • Nuts and seeds, honey and bee products;
  • Meat and fish, legumes and eggs.

Each product contributes to the chain of normalization of processes in the body, including immune ones. There are a number of recipes for raising immunity:

  • Chopped ginger root(about 2 cm long) boiled in 2 liters of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drink a glass twice a day with the addition of honey and lemon;
  • A mixture of honey and crushed perga is taken 1 tsp 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • A decoction of rose hips (100 g of fruit per 1 liter of water is boiled for 5 minutes) is left for 8 hours to infuse, take 1 tbsp. l. after meal;
  • Boil a glass of unpeeled oats in 800 ml of milk for 2 minutes, insist 30 min. , filter and squeeze. Drink 200 ml of decoction 3 r. per day for 30 min. before meals, course of treatment - 2 months;
  • Make a mixture of 5 g of mummy, juice of 3 lemons and 100 g of crushed aloe leaves, insist 24 hours in a dark place and take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Folk recipes include various products which may have unfavorable side effect just for your body. Before using them, try to get exhaustive information about the components.



Methods of healing the body and increasing immunity play, of course, important role in . However, there are other factors that big influence on the body's resistance. The main ones are bad habits and constant stress.

The life of a modern person, due to the increase in informatization of all aspects, is constantly accelerating. Nervous system does not cope with the amount of assimilated information and often fails. We begin to get upset over trifles, we are always irritated, we are in a hurry somewhere and all the time we do not have time. But the reasons for stress, fortunately, in Everyday life a little.

Do not give diseases an extra chance, help the immune system - and it will answer you good health.

If you catch a cold more than six times a year, you can safely classify yourself as a cohort of frequently ill people. Adult healthy man should not get sick more than twice a year, and this should occur during seasonal epidemics of SARS and.

The common cold is contagious and is caused by exposure to cold.

However, in addition to hypothermia, factors contributing to the common cold are also weakened immunity, draft, rain and a number of other reasons. Regardless, if you think you get colds frequently, such as more than once a quarter, see your doctor.

For colds diseases other than influenza and SARS, include nasopharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, herpes simplex, acute bronchi.

Frequent colds are a weakening of the body, the reasons for which are two and they are interconnected. This is a deterioration in immunity and allergies. Allergy provokes decreased immunity, and a decrease in immunity initiates the development of allergies.

Actually, this list is a hint of what needs to be done if you have reduced immunity and are haunted by colds. The first steps for prevention of frequent colds are diagnostics of immunity and allergy.

The first symptoms of a decrease in immunity are frequent colds, deterioration in performance, drowsiness, depression, fungal diseases , fragility of hair and nails, dry skin, rashes, "female" diseases and digestive disorders. However, for correct diagnosis It is better to visit an immunologist-allergist.

It is necessary to identify allergens that affect the decrease in immunity and the deterioration of the body as a whole. The easiest way to resolve this issue is to skin tests and detect allergies. After the appointment of treatment, measures to increase immunity begin.

To this end vitamins, physiotherapy, restorative procedures are used, walking on fresh air. Often help sedatives from herbal medicines.

Immunity may be closely related to the state of the microflora intestinal tract. In the case of a deficiency of bifido- and lactobacilli, immunity is necessarily reduced, which leads to frequent acute respiratory viral infections and allergic pathologies.

Nutrition is a must for boosting immunity. get the animals and vegetable proteins , without which the cells of the immune system function very weakly. In addition, the entire spectrum of mineral-vitamins is also needed, and especially vitamins C, A, E and group B.

Squirrels can be found in fish, meat, eggs, legumes, nuts. Vitamins of the group They are found not only in meat and liver, but also in dairy products, raw yolks, bran and wholemeal bread, nuts and seeds. Vitamin E - in vegetable oil, sprouted grains of wheat, avocado. Vitamin A - in bright vegetables and fruits, these are tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, apricots, paprika. A lot of this substance in eggs, butter, liver.

Vitamin C-in sauerkraut, citrus, kiwi, wild rose, cranberry.

Do not forget about the daily routine, physical activity and hardening, and methods physical development and tempering on the Internet mono find a set.

There are also pharmacological methods raising immunity. AT preventive purposes natural adaptogens should be consumed up to three times a year. These are the golden root, eleutherococcus, ginseng, aloe, echinacea. It is necessary to follow the dosage that is on the package, use these tinctures in the morning and evening. In the evening, you should brew lemon balm, or motherwort, to reduce the impact of stress on the immune system.

1504 02/13/2019 5 min.

Determining the degree of susceptibility to colds in adults is quite simple, he should not get sick more than six times a year. If this happens more often, then you need to identify the reasons for such unpleasant phenomenon and after their elimination, strengthen your immunity. Although a person can be influenced by other factors leading to a cold.

The reasons

It often happens that adults simply do not have time to fully recover from the previous infectious disease and immediately fall ill next. The rhythm of life dictates to be constantly on the move, but if the disease is not cured in time, then you can fall out of it for a long time. This is the most common mistake of all patients, it is faster to start doing business, but first of all, you should feel sorry for your body.

On the video reasons frequent colds in adults:

Common causes of colds in adults are:

  • Violation of the activity of the intestine. It may contain many microbes that adversely affect the microflora of the body. Frequent outbreaks of mass diseases occur in winter period, this is understandable, since in the team everyone sits in enclosed spaces, which are ventilated very rarely, and if at least one person with a cold is present in it, then he quickly transfers his microbes to others. If he is in direct contact with other people, then the organisms of those accumulate pathogenic microbes that lower the person's immunity.
  • Insufficient protection during an epidemic. Some people, even knowing that many people have the flu or SARS, hope that they will pass it, the body is strong enough to resist the infection, and they are mistaken. From hygiene and compliance elementary rules protection depends on the body's perception of the disease. At the peak of the epidemic, you need to protect yourself from stressful situations and excessive physical exertion. During a long stay in stressful situations in the body, the nervous and immune systems are completely suppressed, this affects the work of many important organs and even blood vessels.
  • Decreased immunity. This system is able to resist any disease, it protects the body from infections. If it gets into a small amount of harmful bacteria, then antibodies immediately cope with them with their massive and constant impact, the immune system does not have enough strength to eliminate them from the body. Immunity can be reduced by the failure of such organs as: the spleen, intestines, as well as blood and Bone marrow. Its level is also affected by the presence of vitamins, stress and addictions.
  • Lack of sleep. Complete night rest should be 7 to 8 hours. This time is enough to fully restore strength and cheerfully meet the day the next morning. If a person cannot fall asleep or sleeps in fits and starts for several hours, then it is worthwhile to seriously review your daily routine and set aside time for rest. With insomnia, it makes sense to consult a doctor so that he writes out effective medicine. Perhaps it will be sedatives in the form of motherwort, hops, oregano or valerian. Relaxing baths and meditation before bed also help.
  • Bad habits. Indifferent attitude to alcohol, frequent smoke breaks, eating unhealthy food - affects the state of the capillaries, can disrupt blood flow. They extinguish the immune system and do not allow it to fight infections in full force, so alcohol and tobacco addiction should be excluded at the first symptoms of a cold.
  • Age. A cold is considered a childhood illness, for adults it is fraught with complications, it is not for nothing that it is better to get sick with many childhood diseases earlier, because then they are accompanied by serious problems, they are not so easy to cure. In old age, you need to set aside time for prevention and monitor your health, otherwise you can be too prone to colds.
  • Antibiotics. Any of them, according to research results, lower immunity by more than 50%. Treatment with them can only be prescribed by a doctor, if there is a hope of being cured without them, he will tell about it. Choose for yourself active remedy don't, it threatens side effects, even if a pharmacist advised the medicine, he will not be able to accurately assess the condition, and popular remedies may help one person, but may not work on another.
  • Lack of movement. Sedentary work or the choice of such a life can lead to hypodynamia, and this disease threatens with an oxygen shortage of organs, and those of them that are responsible for the state of the immune system. The respiratory organs become more susceptible to colds, which leads to imminent illness from an infected patient.
  • Insufficient humidity in the room. It is important that in the room when heating is in cold period a sufficient level of moisture was observed, otherwise the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose dry out quickly and cannot fully retain bacteria. In this case, even dental diseases can affect the development of the disease.

What are the most common causes of cough without a cold, and how to deal with this problem, is described in great detail in this article.

How to increase immunity?

From all the above causes of a cold, it follows that its main opponent in the body is immunity, so you need to constantly increase it.

There are several methods to strengthen it:

  • Physically. Incorporate into your regular daily routine hiking, cycling, swimming pools.
  • Keep a sleep schedule.
  • Harden the body. It is not necessary to immediately go swimming in the hole or pour water on it, it is enough to take cold and hot shower, only the last should be a warm jet.
  • Elimination of foci of infection. This applies to the treatment of teeth and tonsillitis.
  • Reception of immunocorrective agents, which include various balanced pharmacy vitamin complexes.
  • diet. It should not contain a lot of fried, smoked and canned food, it is worth introducing more greens, fruits and vegetables.
  • Getting enough vitamins. Vitamin C is found not only in citrus fruits, but also in cranberries, rose hips, cabbage and lingonberries. Vitamin A is present in greens, grapes and carrots. Vitamin B in eggs, nuts and legumes. Vitamin E can be replenished by using various vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, linseed and olive).
  • Compensation for the lack of trace elements. Zinc, copper, magnesium and selenium are found in legumes, meat, fish and liver.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid. When asked about the article.

    On the video, how to increase immunity with frequent colds for an adult:

    You can protect yourself from colds by choosing healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. At the same time, you need to observe hygiene and communicate less with sick people, and if you have to spend a lot of time with them, then try to ventilate the room or negotiate with them on outdoors. Boost everyone's immunity accessible ways you can forget about a cold for a long time. Link - .

When an adult is often sick colds, he causes inconvenience to himself and others. Friends believe that he avoids communication, as he refuses to attend many events, work colleagues believe that he deliberately constantly takes sick leave, the authorities are thinking about dismissal.

It is assumed that an adult can get sick about 2 times a year, and "sick leave" should fall on seasonal SARS epidemics. If the symptoms of colds - runny nose, colds and fever - worsen up to 6 times a year, or even more, we can conclude that the immune system is low and you need to seriously work on strengthening it.

Immunity - what is it?

To the question: “Why do adults often get colds?”, - the answer is given standard - low immune status. However, few people know what it is.

Immunity is the body's ability to defend itself against foreign invaders.

Aliens are foreign compounds and substances that saturate the air, pathogenic microorganisms, foreign objects - donor tissues, own transformed cells.

As soon as danger arises for the body (sometimes only assumed, as in the case of allergies and autoimmune diseases), the body begins to produce special phagocyte cells that neutralize the stranger, neutralizing it.

But this is only the first line of defense. On the second are antibodies - chemically active molecules - immunoglobulins.

Protective barriers are also created by mucous membranes and the surface of the skin. Local immunity provides secretion various glands, which produce sweat, nasal secretion, sebum, sputum - that is, natural organic secretions.

If these three protective "walls" stop pathogenic flora failed, and it took root at the cellular level, interferon begins to be produced in the cells - this causes a rise in temperature and a feverish state - the body fights.

Innate immunity is a gift from nature; specific immunity reacts to individual antigens. Acquired active immunity occurs after vaccination with active microorganisms or after an illness, acquired passive - with mother's milk or the introduction of serum into the body.

An example of passive acquired immunity is maternal, exactly the one that protects the little man during the first six months of life.

Causes of frequent colds

Symptoms of a decrease in the immune status are as follows:

  • constant exacerbations chronic diseases;
  • causeless irritability;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • intestinal disorders - flatulence, diarrhea, constipation;
  • increased fatigue...

The main reasons why dangerous symptoms occur.

  1. Irrational nutrition, diseases of the stomach and intestines, disruption of the digestive system.
  2. Lack of physical activity.
  3. Environmental factors - chlorinated water, polluted air, the use of many chemicals, various radiation, elevated level noise.
  4. Unstable emotional condition and stress.
  5. Indiscriminate use of medications.
  6. Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs.

There is a theory that the main reason for the decrease in immunity is ... an excess of antiseptic measures. A nipple is boiled for a newborn, things are ironed on both sides. Older children constantly wash their hands, they are not allowed to play with animals, dig in the sandbox. If in childhood the body did not have time "познакомиться" With pathogenic microorganisms, then in the future, when he meets with them, he remains defenseless.

Another theory is that weakened immunity causes comfortable conditions existence. It is no wonder that getting used to dressing at every drop in temperature, they immediately catch a cold in a draft.

Can an adult who often gets colds change the situation and learn to resist the introduction of an infection?

To improve immunity, you need to eat right and varied. The menu should have a place for animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins and trace elements. The lack of vitamin C, E, A and group B has a particularly strong effect on the decrease in immunity.

Needed to maintain gut immunity fermented milk drinks and products.

For adults, daily routine is just as important as for children. Requires at least 8 hours of sleep young age, and about 5 hours with the extinction of hormonal functions.

Why does old age take less time to rest, because, it would seem, "old men" get tired faster? Young people lead on average more active image life, the body is renewed at the cellular level. Elderly people do not spend energy on this anymore.

Regular walks in the fresh air are necessary - oxygen is very important for the normal functioning of the body.

You can increase resistance to seasonal infections by hardening. For some reason, everyone thinks that hardening is possible only in childhood. Hardening techniques for adults are no less than for children.

Just do not try to quickly strengthen the immune status - this takes several years.

In order to learn how to drink cold drinks and not get sick with a sore throat - or other colds - it takes up to six months. First, the temperature of the drinks is lowered to 15 degrees, then - gradually - to 5. It takes up to 2 weeks for each degree. And only then you can safely lick icicles.

In order to harden completely, it takes even more time. Hardening measures include: cool showers, air baths, barefoot walks - and each time the temperature is reduced very slowly.

Medical measures to increase immunity

To protect yourself from infection, you should get rid of all provoking factors.

It is necessary to remove all foci of infection in the body. To do this, it is desirable to do sowing on bacteria and the sensitivity of antibacterial drugs to them.

The foci of infection are carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the sinuses - paranasal sinuses nose, urogenital infections.

But this does not mean that you should sterilize and quarantine yourself. The transition of diseases to chronic form can be avoided if, at the onset of symptoms, "jam" them haphazardly with pills, and treated with a course, systematically.

To prevent frequent colds, drugs that increase defensive forces organisms are immunostimulants. They can be natural adaptogens and pharmaceuticals.

Natural remedies must be taken in a course, 2-3 times a year, before the start of the epidemic seasons. The most effective intake of ginseng, aloe, echinacea, golden mustache, eleutherococcus.

Currently in pharmacy network can be purchased homeopathic preparations that support the immune system. It is advisable to consult a doctor before buying these funds.

In case of disorders of the stomach and intestines, after therapy antibacterial drugs you need to take probiotics.

There are also stronger immunomodulators - "Ribomunil", "Bronchomunal" and the like. But only a doctor should prescribe them.

Measures to harden and increase immunity do not guarantee that it will be possible to completely get rid of diseases. But on the other hand, the body will be so prepared for a meeting with viruses that it will be as painless as possible for it - the risk of complications will be reduced to a minimum.

Frequent colds can unsettle anyone. If a person is constantly sick, his life turns into solid pills, drops and mustard plasters, and endless sick leave do not add to him either the love of the authorities, or, of course, any hopes for career. What could be the cause of frequent colds and how can it be dealt with?

People who suffer from 6 or more colds a year are often considered ill, and the cause of colds is almost always viral infection. Viruses are especially annoying for babies; at present, pediatricians bring such children into special group"CHBD" (frequently ill children) and conduct special supervision over them. As a rule, as children grow and mature, they get sick less and less, while in adulthood, a healthy person should ideally not get sick more than twice a year, and the causes of these diseases should lie in the plane of seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS.

Alas, unfortunately, few of us today can boast of such good health - according to statistics, the average Russian suffers 3-4 colds a year, and residents of big cities, in particular Muscovites, get sick even more often. And above all, this is due to the weakening of the immune system, which is facilitated by a number of factors.

What is immunity

Any intrusion of foreign material (we call it an antigen) immediately causes a so-called. cellular immune response, expressed in the production of special phagocyte cells that capture and neutralize the antigen. But this is not the only line of defense. There is also humoral immunity, according to which the antigen is neutralized by special chemically active molecules - antibodies. These antibodies are special serum proteins called immunoglobulins.

The third strategy for protecting the body is the so-called non-specific immunity. This is the barrier formed by our skin and, as well as the presence of special microorganism-destroying enzymes in the body's fluid media. If the virus has entered the cell, this does not mean that it has won - in a person with strong immunity in response to this, a special cellular protein interferon is produced, which is just accompanied high temperature.

As you can see, nature provides many opportunities to protect itself from the aggression of viruses and bacteria. But it was not by chance that we mentioned that our contemporary, and especially a resident of a metropolis, as a rule, cannot boast of strong immunity. And there are reasons for this.

Why immunity decreases

The most global cause reduced immunity - this is our notorious wrong image life.

Signs of decreased immunity

  • Of course, frequent colds
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nervousness, aggressiveness,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, loose stools
  • Unsatisfactory skin condition: dryness, peeling, acne, inflammation, etc.

One of these signs, or all of them together, should make you accept preventive measures and help your immune system. There are numerous methods and ways to raise immune defense of your body. And all of them are divided into physiological and pharmacological.

Physiological methods of raising immunity.

  • should in without fail contain animal and vegetable proteins (without them, the cells of the immune system do not work well), and the whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, A, E and B vitamins.

Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts. B vitamins are also found in meat and liver, raw yolks, dairy products, wholemeal bread and bran, seeds and nuts. Sprouted grains of wheat, vegetable oil and avocados contain a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin A is found in any brightly colored vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin, paprika, there is also a lot of it in butter, eggs, and liver.

Contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, rose hips. Sufficient quantity of these vitamins is the key to a good condition of the cells of the immune system.

It is equally important to regularly drink fermented milk drinks to maintain intestinal microflora.

  • Daily routine and physical activity. The body needs at least 8 hours a day, a sane work schedule without overwork after midnight, sports are required (winter views and swimming are especially good), long walks in any weather. The apartment should be ventilated often, and sleep - with the window open.
  • hardening. There are a lot of hardening methods. These are cool foot baths and douches. cool water and walking barefoot on the grass. The most important thing is to start warm time year, so that by the winter cold you can give up your favorite woolen scarf, which is so hot, but without it you are afraid of “catching a cold”.

Pharmacological methods of raising immunity

  • Preventive intake 2-3 times a year natural: eleutherococcus, golden root, ginseng, echinacea, aloe. According to the dosage indicated on the package, take these tinctures in the morning and evening. In the evening, brew lemon balm or motherwort to reduce the effect of stress on your immune system.
  • Preventively, and especially during massive seasonal epidemics, you can take homeopathic remedies to increase immunity, which is now sufficient.
  • 2-3 times a year drink a course (4-6 weeks) of probiotics (linex, bifidumbacterin, etc.)
  • The question of the use of serious immunomodulators, such as bronchomunal, ribomunil, etc. be sure to decide only with an immunologist!
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