How amino acids help in sports. Amino acids and their role in the body. Best Amino Acids Powder

There is also a group of amino acids that the body can produce on its own, but in very small amounts. Their stocks need to be constantly replenished, especially for people who play sports. These are the amino acids:

1. Arginine. Improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, helps the body get rid of excess fat.

2. Tyrosine. When the muscles are not ready for stress, tyrosine is included in the work and increases the efficiency and speed of muscle recovery.

3. Glutamine. This amino acid is found in large quantities in the muscles. It contributes to the rapid recovery of muscle fibers. In addition, it is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. With age, the body loses the ability to produce this amino acid.

4. Proline. Helps heal wounds.

5. Cysteine. Forms collagen. Makes ligaments and tendons elastic. in tissues, improves the elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Amino acids in training

If you want to gain muscle mass...

You need to take amino acids before and after your workout. Sometimes you need to take it in the morning, the rest of the time you need to use protein.

If you want to lose weight...

You need to take amino acids as often as possible - in the morning, between meals, before training and after. Your task .

By the way, a properly built diet can fully cover a person's need for amino acids. It is usually necessary to take them additionally only for professional athletes and bodybuilders. Preparations containing amino acids are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, gels, solutions.

Side effects

In rare cases, an excess of certain amino acids can cause side effects. A large amount of BCAAs can adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys. Glycine causes drowsiness, and glutamine, on the contrary, causes excessive overexcitation.

Hi all. In today's article, we will consider another supplement that you can easily buy at any sports nutrition store.

Today we will talk about amino acids. For muscle growth, this is one of the most important supplements. Proteins are built from amino acids, which is especially important in bodybuilding. After all, muscles are practically only proteins, that is, amino acids. The body uses them for its growth, strengthening, recovery.

Amino Acid Goals

Amino acids are needed for:

  1. increase the effectiveness of training and accelerate muscle building;
  2. reducing post-workout muscle soreness and faster recovery;
  3. nutritional enrichment with complete protein;
  4. suppression of appetite and burning of part of unnecessary fats.

It is very useful to know that one of the functions of amino acids is "fat burning" (more energy is spent on the absorption of proteins, therefore, more calories are spent during the assimilation of amino acids), so if anyone wants to use amino acids for weight loss, then this is very good supplement.

Benefits of Amino Acids

The clear advantages of amino acid complexes:

  • low calorie;
  • perfectly complement a protein diet aimed at burning fat and working out muscle relief;
  • do not allow catabolic destruction of muscle tissue (prevent "burning", except for fat, part of the muscles).

Their shortcomings

High price and small doses. In the absence of financial difficulties, you can take amino acids 10 g four times a day with a guaranteed excellent result in gaining muscle mass. But almost the same effect will come from taking 20 g of protein four times a day. But it's cheaper.

Varieties of amino acids

Amino acids for sports nutrition are available in two types:

  • hydrolysates,
  • free amino acids.

The hydrolyzate is a protein that has been broken down to the level of free amino acids. What distinguishes it from protein is instant absorption with minimal digestion time, which ensures a rapid supply of amino acids for muscle growth.

Products with free amino acids are characterized by the maximum speed of their transport. Often these are isolated substances (glycine, arginine, glutamine, etc.), but complex compositions are also found.

Both types of complexes give good results. Their difference lies in the fact that hydrolysates are of a more natural origin, and free amino acids, as a rule, are a synthetic product.

There is also a division of amino acids into groups:

  • interchangeable,
  • irreplaceable.

From the point of view of muscle growth, essential amino acids are the most important. They are not synthesized by the human body, so it is necessary to obtain them with protein foods - meat, dairy products, eggs, and especially soy.

When choosing amino acids for yourself, you need to look at the original raw materials. The presence of low-value wheat protein or collagen will lower the price of the drug, but worsen its composition and effectiveness.

Essential amino acids, especially the BCAA type, kick-start anabolic growth processes. The more of them in the product, the better. Athletes sometimes choose pure BCAAs - it's a little more expensive, but the result is excellent. BCAAs are made up of three amino acids:

  • Valin,
  • Isoleucine,
  • Leucine.

Other essential amino acids:

  • tryptophan
  • Histidine
  • Lysine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine

Hydrolysates based on whey protein or egg white, which are the most valuable sources of essential amino acids, are highly effective. Thus, the amino acid complexes AMINO LIQUID and AMINO 2500 from Performance are based on whey hydrolyzate.

Amino acid intake

Forms of release of amino acids equivalent in effectiveness:

  • powders,
  • pills,
  • solutions,
  • capsules,
  • injections.

Intravenous injections of amino acids have no advantages over other forms, but are fraught with complications and side effects. Therefore, it is better not to resort to them.

Time of receipt

It depends on the purpose of taking amino acids.

To gain muscle mass, it is best to take them only before and after training, as well as in the morning. These are the moments at which the supply of amino acids at a high rate is required. At other times it is more beneficial to consume protein.

In order to lose weight, amino acids are taken more often.


In bodybuilding, the intake of amino acids occurs in a wide range of dosages. A single dose should not be less than 5 g. In this case, the maximum effect is achieved by a single use of 10-20 g.

When purchasing an amino acid complex, one should not lose sight of the size of the doses. Sometimes manufacturers reduce doses, increasing the cost per unit mass of the product.

Diverse and so that you do not get lost in all this diversity, you have compiled a special table for you.

Do you want beautiful abs? Then our exercises that are here will help you achieve this.

Compatibility and side effects

Amino acids are combined with any sports nutrition. But taking them at the same time is not always good. The rate of assimilation of amino acid complexes is inhibited if they are used with:

  • protein,
  • gainer,
  • meal replacements,

Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully.

Amino acids have no side effects as they are natural food components. The duration of the use of amino acids is not limited. Cycling and breaks are also not required.

How to check the quality

This is not at all difficult to do:

  • Powdered amino acids are soluble in water (except for BCAAs).
  • They have a bitter taste.
  • Consistency and color correspond to what is written on the label.
  • Properly sealed packaging and its compliance with factory standards.
  • Expiration date check.

Amino acids serve as the main material for the construction of muscle tissue. They are also actively involved in all the most important processes of the body. But their main value is to ensure muscle growth. Therefore, the use of amino acids alone or in complexes is extremely important in bodybuilding.

Today, it is not difficult to purchase anything from the range of sports nutrition, however, it is still difficult to understand all this variety of amino acids, gainers, proteins, creatine and other beautifully packaged food.

We decided to dedicate this article to sports amino acids in bodybuilding. Tell you about what sports amino acids are, why your body needs them, and how they should be taken in order to get the effect.

So, let's begin...

What are sports amino acids?

Sports amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins in the body. Sports amino acids play an important role in the bodybuilder's body, they form almost all the elements and tissues of the human body: muscles, tendons, hair, skin, ligaments.

The bulk of the amino acids entering the bodybuilder's body goes to the synthesis of muscle fibers, fewer amino acids are spent on the construction of ligaments, the synthesis of hormones: the same growth hormones, steroid and sex hormones that all bodybuilders love so much.

For effective recovery and growth of muscles, the necessary concentration of amino acids must always be in the blood, which is why it is so important to take amino acids correctly at the time when the body is able to absorb them with maximum speed and efficiency.

Types of amino acids and their functions in the body.

All existing amino acids can be conditionally divided into three large groups: nonessential amino acids, essential amino acids and conditionally nonessential.

All non-essential amino acids can be ingested both with food and independently synthesized in our body if necessary.

Essential amino acids are not produced in the body, they can only be ingested with food or sports nutrition of a bodybuilder.

Conditionally essential amino acids can be produced in the body when needed from essential amino acids.

The effect of amino acids on the athlete's body.

The action of amino acids is directly related to which acid is involved in a particular process. Below we have given the currently known actions of amino acids on the human body.

Essential amino acids:

Valine is an essential component of muscle tissue growth. Improves muscle coordination, improves cold and heat tolerance.

Leucine - takes part in the work of the immune system, protects the body during illness.

Isoleucine is an essential element of muscle tissue, can be used as a fuel, promotes the accumulation of energy in the muscles.

Phenylalanine - takes part in the synthesis of the connective tissue of the body (cartilage, ligaments). Also involved in the synthesis of norepinerphin - a substance that transmits signals from nerve cells to the brain.

Lysine - promotes the production of carnitine, thereby improving the oxygen consumption of the muscles.

Methionine - is involved in the processes of restoration of damaged tissues of the kidneys and liver.

Threonine - a constituent element of the connective tissue of the body, is involved in the process of cleaning the liver.

Tryptophan - takes part in the production of serotonin, controls sleep, appetite, pain threshold, fatigue, etc.

Conditionally essential amino acids:

Arginine - takes part in liver detoxification, is necessary for muscle growth.

Histidine - affects the synthesis of red and white blood cells, promotes muscle growth.

Tyrosine - resists fatigue and stress, takes part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Cystine - relieves inflammation and is involved in the synthesis of collagen.

Non-essential amino acids:

Alanine - regulates blood sugar levels, in stressful situations it can be extracted by the body from the muscles.

Asparagine - takes part in the work of the immune system.

Glutamine - used by the body as fuel, especially during prolonged exercise, strengthens memory and attention.

Glycine - takes part in the production of non-essential amino acids, creatine. Glycine deficiency is manifested in a breakdown.

Proline - forms connective tissues and can be used as a fuel during prolonged exercise.

Serine - necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and the production of cellular energy.

Citrulline - is involved in the decomposition and removal of ammonia, as a secondary product of protein metabolism.

Taurine - regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

Cysteine ​​- takes part in hair growth and detoxification of the body.

Ornithine - activates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Release form of sports amino acids.

Amino acids as sports nutrition are available in various forms: in the form of tablets, powder, capsules with powder, capsules with a solution, or simply in the form of liquid amino acids. Liquid amino acids are preferable to powder ones, they are quickly absorbed by the body. However, liquid amino acids are somewhat more expensive than powdered (tablet) amino acids and are more demanding on storage conditions.

The most popular are sports amino acids, which contain the entire spectrum of essential and non-essential amino acids. Amino acids in sports nutrition are very common, when buying, you should choose well-known brands of sports nutrition manufacturers, as in this case you can be sure of the safety and quality of the product.

In the sports nutrition market, there are BCAAs - amino acids containing free-form amino acids - isoleucine, leucine, valine, glutamine and arginine.

How to take amino acids.

To get the maximum effect from taking sports amino acids, they should be taken as follows:

First: drink them when they can be absorbed by the bodybuilder's body as much as possible,

Secondly: drink them when the body needs them the most.

Therefore, we recommend taking sports amino acids either 20 minutes before meals or during meals. In addition, many manufacturers of sports nutrition - amino acids, recommend that they be taken without fail 20 minutes after the end of the workout and before the athlete goes to bed.

This is due to the second condition, at the above moments the body needs amino acids, and it is actively looking for them inside the body. In the case of the latter entering the body, the bodybuilder's body begins to actively include the incoming amino acids in the composition of the muscle tissue under construction.

As for BCAAs - amino acids, their manufacturers recommend taking them immediately after training, when their absorption rate in the body is maximum.

Side effects from taking amino acids and reviews.

In the modern world, in the sports nutrition market, you can find many different supplements that will help you achieve a particular goal. Today, the most popular supplements are: amino acids and protein. We already talked about protein, now it's time to disassemble amino acids! What it is? What are amino acids for? Who needs them and what types of amino acids are there?

Amino acids are substances that form protein in the body. They are a key component in our life, since all living organisms need proteins. These substances can be obtained from ordinary food. (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese…), or from special additives.

Amino acids have many functions in the body. Here are some of them: muscle growth, recovery, hormone production, antibody production, enzyme production, immune system strengthening, catabolism prevention, acting as neurotransmitters, etc.

These substances have gained great popularity in the field of bodybuilding and fitness. And this is not surprising, since with their help you can accelerate the growth of muscle mass and the process of losing weight, as well as maintain the gained muscles during drying.

Here are some of the most important effects:

  1. More energy. Amino acids are metabolized in a different way than carbohydrates, so the body can get much more energy during training if the amino acid pool is full.
  2. Increased protein synthesis. Amino acids stimulate the secretion of the anabolic hormone insulin, and also activate mTOR, two of these mechanisms can trigger muscle growth. Amino acids themselves are used as building blocks for proteins.
  3. Prevention of catabolism. Amino acids have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, which is especially necessary after training, as well as during the weight loss or drying cycle.
  4. Helps burn fat faster. Amino acids promote fat burning through leptin expression in adipocytes via mTOR

Who needs amino acids?

Amino acids will help you recover better, build lean muscle mass faster and.

What are the types of amino acids?

Essentially, amino acids can be divided into two types: essential and non-essential. Replaceable are those substances that are able to be independently produced in our body. Irreplaceable are those substances that are not able to be produced independently in our body. That is why it is very important that these essential amino acids come to us with food or sports supplements.

There are about 28 different amino acids.

Essential amino acids:

Valine is an essential component that helps repair damaged muscle tissue and maintains normal nitrogen metabolism in the human body. Prevents a decrease in serotonin levels and increases muscle coordination. Included in the BCAA. The best sources of valine in the diet: beef, chicken fillet, salmon fillet, chicken eggs, walnuts.

Histidine is an important component that helps repair damaged muscle tissue. Present in myelin sheaths that protect nerve cells. Also, this amino acid protects our body from the damaging effects of radiation and removes heavy metals. Carnosine, a powerful muscle antioxidant, is synthesized from histidine. The best sources of histidine in the diet: tuna, salmon, chicken fillet, peanuts, lentils.

Isoleucine is one of the most important essential amino acids, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and normalizes blood sugar levels. Isoleucine normalizes energy supply processes and strengthens the synthesis of the epidermis (outer layer of skin). Included in BCAA (basic material for building new muscles). The best sources of isoleucine in the diet: chicken eggs, cheese, fish, turkey, chicken fillet.

Leucine is an essential component for strengthening and maintaining the immune system at the proper level. The main functions of leucine: normalizes metabolic processes, inhibits the destruction of protein molecules, enhances protein synthesis, inhibits glucose breakdown, increases insulin secretion and normalizes water metabolism in our body. Included in BCAA (basic material for building new muscles). The best sources of leucine in the diet: beef, veal, chicken fillet, fish, turkey fillet, cottage cheese, milk, peanuts.

Lysine - takes part in bone formation and positively affects the absorption of calcium. Also, he takes part in the synthesis of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, the formation of collagen and tissue repair. Lysine has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, lowers the level of triglycerides in the blood serum and is an antiviral amino acid. The best sources of lysine in the diet: chicken eggs, beef, veal, lamb, chicken fillet, turkey fillet, beans, peas, cod.

Methionine is one of the most important essential amino acids, which is involved in fat metabolism and has a positive effect on the synthesis of taurine and cysteine. Also, methionine has such positive functions as: improving digestion, improving muscle endurance, lowering bad cholesterol, a positive effect on hair growth, a positive effect on the liver, protects against the damaging effects of radiation and removes heavy metals. The best sources of methionine in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, veal, cottage cheese, legumes, peanuts.

Threonine - maintains the stability of protein metabolism in the human body. Takes part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Prevents the deposition of fat in the liver. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. The best sources of threonine in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, beef, veal, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, mushrooms.

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid involved in the synthesis of serotonin. It improves mood, suppresses depression and relieves insomnia. Women should pay due attention to this amino acid, as it alleviates premenstrual syndrome. The best dietary sources of tryptophan are: cheese, fish, meat, legumes, mushrooms, cottage cheese, pine nuts, peanuts.

Phenylalanine - improves mood, reduces pain, improves memory and learning ability, suppresses appetite. It is part of the body's proteins that make up muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other organs. The best dietary sources of phenylalanine are: meat, chicken eggs, legumes, nuts.

Non-essential amino acids:

Alanine is an essential amino acid for our body that takes part in the metabolism of glucose. It has such positive properties as: increases muscle contraction, serves as an energy source for muscles and the central nervous system, normalizes blood sugar levels and stimulates the immune system. Best Dietary Sources of Alanine: Meat (veal, beef, poultry), milk, cheese.

Arginine - has many positive properties, which makes this amino acid very valuable and in demand. The positive properties of arginine: inhibits the growth of tumors, promotes detoxification processes in the liver, normalizes nitrogen balance, enhances the production of GR, enhances the production of sperm in men, enhances the production of insulin, improves blood flow in the muscles and improves immunity. The best sources of arginine in the diet: pork, chicken fillet, salmon fillet, chicken eggs, pine nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds.

Asparagine - normalizes the work of the central nervous system. Increases immunity by increasing the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies. The best dietary sources of asparagine are: milk, whey, meat, poultry, seafood, asparagine, legumes, nuts.

Citrulline - this amino acid is not so much important for our muscles as for the body. It helps to increase energy supply, strengthens the immune system, enhances stamina and improves erectile function. The best dietary sources of citrulline are watermelon, peanuts, soybeans.

Cysteine ​​is an amino acid that plays an important role in the formation of skin tissues, nails and hair. Also, it takes part in the formation of collagen and improves skin elasticity. Cysteine ​​is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes various toxic substances and protects the body from radiation. The best sources of cysteine ​​in the diet: chicken fillet, turkey fillet, pork, chicken eggs, milk, red pepper, onion, garlic.

Cystine is an amino acid that plays an important role in the formation of skin tissues, nails and hair. It plays an extremely important role in the formation and maintenance of the tertiary structure of proteins and peptides and, accordingly, their biological activity. The best sources of cystine in the diet: meat, fish, soy, oats, wheat.

Dimethylglycine - is part of some hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA. The best sources of dimethylglycine in the diet: meat, seeds, grains, legumes, liver.

Glutamine is an essential amino acid for normal muscle growth. Positive properties of glutamine: strengthens the immune system, takes part in protein synthesis in muscle tissues, is an anti-catabolic (suppresses the hormone cortisol), accelerates recovery processes, reduces the chance of overtraining, normalizes blood sugar levels and increases brain performance. The best dietary sources of glutamine are: beef, chicken, fish, chicken eggs, milk, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, parsley.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that has a positive effect on fat metabolism and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. It also protects the body from toxins, free radicals, diseases and viruses. The best dietary sources of glutathione are: onions, garlic, cabbage, avocados, nuts, seeds, poultry, egg yolks, spinach, celery.

Glycine - takes part in the synthesis of nucleic acids, bile acids and non-essential amino acids. In addition, it has such useful functions as: restores damaged tissues, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, improves mood, improves sleep quality, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The best sources of glycine in the diet: meat, fish, milk, chicken eggs.

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)- the most important amino acid, which is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system and the brain. GABA has gained a lot of popularity in bodybuilding due to its positive effects such as: increased production of growth hormone, increased muscle stiffness, increased fat burning, improved sleep quality, has a calming effect. (prevents overexcitation of nerve cells). The best dietary sources of GABA are tea and coffee leaves, filamentous mushrooms, cruciferous plant sap.

Glutamic acid- serves as a neurotransmitter that transmits impulses to the central nervous system. It has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism and can serve as a source of energy for the brain. Glutamic acid is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids and increases the permeability of muscle cells to potassium ions. The best dietary sources of glutamic acid are: cow's milk, parmesan cheese, chicken, duck, beef, pork, cod, mackerel, trout, green peas.

Histamine is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Improves sexual desire and increases the permeability of blood vessels. The best sources of histamine in the diet: milk, cottage cheese, oatmeal, liver, poultry, chicken eggs.

Ornithine - has gained great popularity in bodybuilding due to such positive effects as: increased production of growth hormone, a positive effect on the liver, increased fat burning, increased insulin secretion, has an anti-catabolic effect. The best dietary sources of ornithine are chicken eggs, meat, fish, and dairy products.

Proline - has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the cardiovascular system, strengthens the joints and ligaments. The best sources of proline in the diet: rye bread, rice, beef, lamb, herring, tuna, cheese.

Serine - has a positive effect on fat metabolism and the immune system. The best dietary sources of serine are: pumpkin seeds, nuts, chicken eggs, milk, poultry, herring, mackerel, lamb.

Taurine is essential for the normal metabolism of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It has a positive effect on the brain and improves metabolic processes. The best dietary sources of taurine are: meat, fish, oysters, chicken eggs, milk.

Tyrosine - takes part in the production of melatonin, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, suppresses appetite. Tyrosine is the amino acid of creativity (increases the creative process and allows you to think bigger). The best dietary sources of tyrosine are almonds, avocados, bananas, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.

Carnitine - can be attributed to amino acids, as it has a similar chemical structure. It helps convert fatty acids into energy. It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, liver. Carnitine increases stamina, improves the quantity and quality of sperm, slows down aging, lowers the level of bad cholesterol. The best sources of carnitine in the diet: beef, lamb, dairy products, liver, veal, turkey, pork.

Let's go over the main points again:

№1) Amino acids - what is it?

Substances that form protein in the body. They are a key component in our life, since all living organisms need proteins.

#2) What are amino acids for?

They have many functions in the body. Here are some of them: muscle growth, recovery, hormone production, antibody production, enzyme production, immune system strengthening, catabolism prevention, acting as neurotransmitters, etc.

#3) Who needs amino acids?

This supplement is suitable for those men and women who are exposed to heavy physical exertion. (bodybuilding, fitness, boxing, sprint, martial arts).

№4) What are the types of amino acids?

Essentially, amino acids can be divided into two types: essential and non-essential. There are about 28 different amino acids (9 irreplaceable and 19 interchangeable).


  • Valine
  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine


  • Alanine
  • Arginine
  • Asparagine
  • citrulline
  • Cysteine
  • cystine
  • Dimethylglycine
  • Glutamine
  • Glutathione
  • Glycine
  • Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)
  • Glutamic acid
  • Histamine
  • Ornithine
  • Proline
  • Serene
  • Taurine
  • Tyrosine
  • Carnitine

P.S. Also, I recommend that you allocate some of your precious time to watch this video.


To achieve good results in bodybuilding, an athlete must competently approach the organization of nutrition and physical activity. Most modern athletes prefer sports nutrition, in particular the intake of amino acids. To choose the right nutritional supplements containing amino acids, you need to know for what purposes they are intended, and how to use them.

There are three types of amino acids: nonessential, conditionally nonessential, and nonessential. Essential amino acids are not produced in the body on their own, so the athlete must add them to his diet.

Aminocarboxylic acids are one of the elements of protein. Their presence is of great importance for the normal functioning of the body, since they are necessary for the production of certain hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

In order for the body to properly replenish energy after training, as well as build muscle, it needs amino acids. Therefore, they are of considerable importance in the nutrition of a bodybuilder.

Amino acid is the main building block of all proteins of animal and plant organisms.

The importance of amino acids in bodybuilding

Since amino acids are involved in all body processes associated with physical activity (restoration and activation of muscle tissue growth, suppression of catabolic processes), it is difficult to overestimate their importance for modern athletes. The fact is that physical activity, even of moderate intensity, leads to a significant consumption of free amino acids (up to 80%). And timely replenishment of the shortage contributes to building muscle mass and increasing the effectiveness of training.
Of particular importance for bodybuilders are BCAAs (branched-chain aminocarboxylic acids - valine, isoleucine and leucine), since it is from them that almost 35% of all muscles consist. In addition, BCAAs have powerful anti-catabolic properties and other beneficial functions, which is why many sports nutrition manufacturers make nutritional supplements based on them.

BCAAs are three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine, the starting material for building and regenerating body cells.

Types of amino acids

Amino acid complexes differ in composition, the ratio of amino acids and the degree of hydrolysis. Amino acids in free form, usually isolated, we have already mentioned them, these are glutamine, arginine, glycine, etc., however, there are also complexes. Hydrolysates are broken proteins that contain short amino acid chains that can be quickly absorbed. Di- and tripeptide forms are, in fact, also hydrolysates, only the amino acid chains are shorter, and consist of 2 and 3 amino acids, respectively, and are absorbed very quickly. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are most in demand in the muscles, and are absorbed very quickly.

Amino acids are available in the form of powder, tablets, solutions, capsules, but all these forms are equivalent in effectiveness. There are also injectable forms of amino acids that are administered intravenously. It is not recommended to inject amino acids, as it does not have any advantages over oral administration, but there is a high risk of complications and adverse reactions.

One of the common forms of release of amino acids is tablets and capsules.

Amino acid classification

There is the following classification of aminocarboxylic acids:

  1. Interchangeable. These amino acid compounds can be synthesized on their own, especially after the intake of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Non-essential amino acids include: glutamine, arginine, taurine, asparagine, glycine, carnitine and others.
  2. Partially replaceable (or conditionally irreplaceable). Synthesized in the body in a limited amount, these include tyrosine, alanine, histidine and cysteine.
  3. Irreplaceable. They are not produced by the body and come only with food and sports supplements, and therefore their deficiency is often observed.

A person receives this type of acids (EAA) only with food. Their lack in the body leads to a deterioration in well-being, metabolic disorders, and a decrease in immunity.

At the same time, it is possible to fill the need for EAA only with the help of a plentiful and balanced diet, which is almost impossible.
That is why many bodybuilders choose to obtain essential amino acids through the regular use of appropriate supplements. To stimulate protein synthesis and muscle tissue growth, it is recommended to take such drugs both before and after training.

Valine, methionine, tryptophan are part of the drugs, which include essential amino acids.

List of essential amino acids

It includes several EAAs:

  1. Valin. Takes part in the formation of glycogen and stimulates energy production during a low-calorie diet.
  2. Isoleucine. Breaks down cholesterol, necessary for the formation of hemoglobin and glycogen, as well as the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  3. Leucine. Reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes, fills the body with energy, takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates and activates the breakdown of cholesterol.
  4. Lysine. When metabolized in combination with methionine and vitamin C, it forms carnitine, which improves the body's resistance to stress and fatigue. It also stimulates mental activity, supports the high performance of the immune system, has a positive effect on calcium absorption and the restoration of connective and bone tissues.
  5. Methionine. It is a powerful antioxidant, activates the process of regeneration of kidney and liver tissues, has a lipotropic effect, takes part in the formation of creatine, cysteine, adrenaline and choline.
  6. Threonine. Necessary for the formation of elastin and collagen, tissue growth, isoleucine biosynthesis and activation of the immune system. Promotes the process of energy exchange in muscle cells.
  7. Tryptophan. Kind of an antidepressant. In combination with vitamin B6 and biotin, it helps to normalize sleep. It also takes part in the formation of serotonin and nicotinic acid, stimulates an increase in the blood level of growth hormone.
  8. Phenylalanine (CNS stimulant). Required for the production of collagen and neurotransmitters, participates in the formation of triiodothyronine, thyroxine, dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, melanin, insulin. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, helps to reduce appetite and improve mood, attention, memory and performance.

Since essential amines cannot be synthesized in the body, they are all required by the body. For athletes, however, the most important are branched-chain amines, also known as BCAAs. This group includes three substances: isoleucine, valine, leucine.

The name of these substances is associated with their molecular structure containing an additional carbohydrate chain. These are unique amines as they are metabolized in muscle tissue while the rest of the amino acid compounds are processed in the liver. It is now quite clear why BCAAs are often referred to as muscle amines.
Among the BCAA group amines, leucine is characterized by the greatest anabolic properties. Today, BCAAs can be bought as a separate supplement, and these substances are also included in a large number of other supplements, say, weight gainers, pre-workout complexes, etc.


BCAAs have a wide range of positive effects, which we will now discuss.

The use of these amino acids stimulates the formation of new muscle tissue, accelerates recovery and slows down the destruction of existing ones, normalizes fat metabolism, accelerates fat burning and improves metabolism.

  • Anti-catabolic effect

Amines of the BCAA group are able to effectively protect muscles from destruction. This property of substances is actively used by bodybuilders during cutting, when they have to sit on a low-carbohydrate diet food program.

During training, the body's glycogen reserve is consumed quite quickly, and protein compounds that make up muscle tissue begin to be used for energy.
Since the amount of carbohydrates is limited during drying, the energy reserves in the body are small. This can lead to serious weight loss. At the same time, we note that the less fat mass in your body, the higher the likelihood of losing muscle tissue. If used before a BCAA cardio session, this can be avoided.

  • Increased effectiveness of training

Many novice athletes are interested in whether BCAAs can increase the effectiveness of training. To answer this question, we present the results of one study. The participants in the experiment were divided into two groups. Representatives of the first took a placebo, and the second used BCAAs. The training process was the same in each of the groups.
As a result, scientists stated that the use of amines decreased the rate of secretion of cortisol and a special enzyme that can destroy muscle tissue - creatine kinase. At the same time, an increase in the concentration of the male hormone was recorded. It should also be said that the subjects with a large fat mass consumed amines in larger quantities in order to manifest the anabolic effect of the supplement.

  • Stimulation of the production of anabolic hormonal substances

The group of anabolic hormones should include somatotropin, insulin and testosterone. All of them are able to withstand the destructive effects of cortisol on the body. In the course of numerous studies, it has been proven that BCAAs are able to accelerate the production of all these substances.
This fact also explains the strong anti-catabolic properties of BCAA amines. For example, leucine has the ability to enhance the work of insulin, which leads to an acceleration in the production of protein compounds in muscle tissues. There are also research results that indicate a positive effect of leucine in relation to the processes of reduction of adipose tissue. Also note that the effectiveness of supplements with BCAA amines can be enhanced with vitamin B1.


Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid found in protein that is essential for effective muscle growth and immune system support. Glutamine is widely distributed in nature and is a conditionally essential amino acid for humans. Glutamine in sufficient quantities circulates in the blood and accumulates in the muscles. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, and muscles are made up of 60% of it, which once again emphasizes its importance in bodybuilding.

Glutamine is essential for efficient and productive growth of muscle tissue. This amino acid is found in excess in muscle cells and circulates in the blood.

Effects of Glutamine

  • Participates in the synthesis of muscle proteins.
  • It is a source of energy, along with glucose.
  • It has an anti-catabolic effect (suppresses the secretion of cortisol).
  • Causes a rise in the level of growth hormone (with the use of 5 g daily, the level of GH increases 4 times).
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Accelerates recovery after training, prevents the development of overtraining.

How to take glutamine?

The recommended dose of glutamine is 4-8 g per day. It is optimal to divide this dose into two doses: immediately after training and before going to bed on an empty stomach. After training, glutamine quickly saturates the depleted pool, suppresses catabolism and triggers muscle growth. It is recommended to take glutamine before bed because growth hormone is produced at night, and glutamine can enhance this process. On rest days, take glutamine at lunch and before bed on an empty stomach.

The combination of glutamine with sports nutrition

Glutamine combines well with many sports supplements, and the effects are mutually reinforcing. The most optimal combination: glutamine + creatine, protein. This bundle can include pre-workout complexes, anabolic complexes (testosterone boosters) and other supplements. Do not mix glutamine and protein together as this will slow down the absorption of the former, take them at least 30 minutes apart. Creatine and glutamine can be mixed and taken at the same time.

Side effects

Glutamine is a natural amino acid that is constantly supplied with food. Glutamine supplementation is not harmful to health, and usually does not cause any side effects.

Other amino acids common in bodybuilding

  • Arginine - improved muscle nutrition, nutrient transport, pumping.
  • L-carnitine is one of the best fat burners that is absolutely safe for health.
  • Beta-alanine - muscle antioxidant and restorer
  • Citrulline is a powerful energy restorer after training, prevents overtraining, improves muscle nutrition.

Pharmacy amino acids

Modern medicine attaches great importance to drugs based on amino acids. All biochemical systems of the body are made up of these compounds, and this causes the need for their production (you can buy most of the amino acids in a pharmacy).

The main purpose of amino acids is the synthesis of enzymes, which are natural accelerators of all chemical reactions in the body. The better and more efficiently the processes of protein synthesis occur, the more energy is released in humans.

It is estimated that the action of amino acids in the bodies of athletes provides about 10% of their total energy. If the muscles have exhausted their energy reserves during training, then a significant amount of amino acids must be consumed to restore physical performance and progress.
Some of the amino acids are able to influence the production of growth hormones, which makes them useful for athletes involved in strength sports. This fact was proven during the experiment: after taking L-arginine and L-ornithine, the subjects experienced a short-term, but quite significant natural increase in the level of growth hormone.
For twenty-two participants in the experiment, a strength program was written, the duration of which was five weeks. One group was given a certain amount of L-arginine in their diet, while the other group took a placebo (a substance with weak chemical and anabolic activity). After the end of the course of classes, measurements were taken of the strength and muscle gains of all trainees. The results showed that athletes who took amino acids had much more significant achievements.


One of the most valuable amino acids for the body is phenylalanine. It has an important effect on the body. One of its functions is to protect endorphins. These cells control pain in the body, and the presence of D- and L-phenylalanine helps to relieve acute pain in the long term. This amino acid is produced naturally in the body and is a thousand times more effective than morphine. Taking a small amount of phenylalanine has a good analgesic effect.


An equally valuable amino acid from a pharmacy is Glycine, an amino acid that does not have optical isomers, which is part of many proteins and various biological compounds. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the central nervous system, prolonged stress, insomnia, increased excitability, heavy physical exertion, ischemic stroke. It is recommended to use 0.3 g per day for a month. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

The action of glycine

  • The mood improves.
  • Decreases aggressiveness.
  • Sleep is normalized.
  • Increases mental performance.
  • The nervous system receives additional protection from the effects of alcohol and other harmful substances.

Glycine can be found in any pharmacy, the average price is 50 rubles. for packing. Many take glycine to stimulate brain activity, this pharmaceutical amino acid is very popular among athletes.


Methionine is an essential amino acid that is part of proteins, it also:

  • lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • used as an antidepressant
  • improves liver function

Methionine is found in large quantities: in meat (beef and chicken), as well as a lot of it in cottage cheese, eggs, wheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, pasta. Not much of it is found in bananas, soybeans, beans. It is recommended to take it 0.5 g three times a day. This pharmacy amino acid is usually prescribed for liver diseases, or for protein deficiency. Do not take if you have a strong sensitivity to methionine. The cost in pharmacies is 100 rubles. for a pack.


60% of the amino acids inside the muscles is glutamine, it performs a lot of different functions in the body, so it definitely does not hurt to supplement it in the form of a supplement.

Glutamine is an essential amino acid that you can buy at the pharmacy, it is part of proteins and is necessary for full muscle growth and immunity. The cost of glutamine is much higher than glycine, but it may be cheaper to buy it in a pharmacy than you can buy it in a sports nutrition store. It is recommended to take glutamine - 5 g 2 times a day.
The action of glutamine

  • Is a source of energy.
  • It is an anti-catabolic defense.
  • Helps strengthen immunity.
  • Improves the quality of recovery processes.
  • Stimulates muscle growth.
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