How long does it take for a person to recover from general anesthesia? waste after anesthesia. Headache after general anesthesia

The procedure of anesthesia always raises a lot of questions in patients. Common stories and unpleasant memories of not feeling well after anesthesia make you worry about the condition after the operation. To reduce the likelihood of developing unwanted symptoms after general anesthesia, it is recommended to find out in advance how to remove anesthesia from the body and whether it is possible to speed up this process.

Woman after surgery under anesthesia

The stage of exit from general anesthesia after surgery is considered very responsible and requires the anesthesiologist to fully concentrate on the patient's condition. Recovery from anesthesia begins at the moment when the anesthetic supply stops. Consciousness and sensitivity begin to return to the patient: first, muscle tone and reflex muscle reactions return, the nervous system is excited, which can be manifested by incoherent speech and motor restlessness. After that, consciousness slowly returns and the patient wakes up - in the first minutes he is disoriented in space, lethargic, inhibited, speech and expression of emotions are difficult.

During the awakening phase, the anesthesiologist conducts a series of tests that allow you to correctly assess the recovery of respiratory function. Only after a positive result, the patient is extubated and given permission to be transported to the ward.

In most cases, after the operation, the patient is transported to the ward of his department, where he was before surgery. The exception is those situations when the patient is in serious condition - in this case he is transferred to the intensive care unit.

Transportation of the patient after surgery

Ways to quickly recover from anesthesia

It takes some time for the body to fully recover from general anesthesia. It is difficult to name the exact timing of the withdrawal of anesthesia from the body, since the speed depends on many factors. These include the length of time and traumatic nature of the operation, the type of anesthesia used, the individual properties of the patient's body, his gender and state of health before the operation - older people are more difficult to get out of anesthesia.

As a rule, modern drugs for general anesthesia are excreted from the body quite quickly - within a few hours, so the recovery phase itself is short. Older generation drugs take a little longer to be eliminated, causing more unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting, headache, and severe tremors throughout the body. To relieve these symptoms, you can take certain measures.

Nausea and vomiting

The most common side effects of anesthesia. To reduce discomfort, you should follow a starvation diet, it is undesirable to drink even water. Nausea and vomiting respond well to drug therapy, so you can ask the nurse to give an injection of an antiemetic drug - this will help get out of an unpleasant state.


During anesthesia in the body, the thermoregulation system malfunctions, so after waking up, the patient may feel chills. To prevent this condition, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket immediately upon arrival in the ward.


Severe headaches are often caused by the effect of the drug on the brain. To stop the pain attack, you can use conventional analgesics.

As a rule, about 4 hours are enough for the body to remove anesthetics and move away from anesthesia. In the postoperative period, the patient is often administered tranquilizers and analgesics, so the first 12 hours after the operation, he is in a state of drowsiness. In the case when the patient feels satisfactory, he is not bothered by nausea and vomiting, it is possible to speed up the withdrawal of drugs by taking a large amount of liquid. This should be done after consultation with the doctor - in some cases it is contraindicated to give an extra load on the kidneys.

Accelerating the recovery from anesthesia is possible with the help of medications that promote the rapid metabolism of drugs for anesthesia and neutralize the toxic effect of the narcotic substance on the body.

Patient care after surgery

Rapid recovery from anesthesia is facilitated by early activation - with good health, the patient should start moving and eating as soon as possible. It is recommended to ventilate the ward as often as possible, oxygen saturation of the body contributes to rapid recovery.

After the operation, you should stop smoking, as nicotine contributes to a sharp vasoconstriction, due to which the excretion of the drug for anesthesia slows down. The same applies to alcohol - in addition to vasoconstriction, it gives an extra load on the liver and kidneys, which are already loaded.

Folk remedies for recovery after anesthesia

In combination with medical support, the patient can use folk remedies. Arnica officinalis extract helps the patient recover faster and improves cerebral circulation after a major operation. Passionflower (passion flower) and chamomile have a relaxing and calming effect. It is better to buy the necessary herbs at the pharmacy - they are available in the form of filter bags that are convenient for use, they should simply be poured with boiling water and insisted for several minutes.

The question of how much they recover from general anesthesia after surgery worries people who are going to have surgery. Probably, many are not so afraid of the operation itself, as the side effects of anesthesia.

Properly performed anesthesia will help you get out of this state quickly and with minimal harm to health.

Anesthesia: pros and cons

Narcosis is a state of the nervous system caused by artificial (drug) in which it is inhibited and does not respond to pain. In this case, there is a complete relaxation of the muscles, the loss of some reflexes, the body plunges into a deep sleep.

This state is achieved by the introduction of special anesthetic drugs, which provide such an effect. The dose of the drug carefully calculated by the anesthesiologist will help the body to quickly recover from anesthesia. Conversely, the slightest mistake in these calculations can lead to tragic consequences.

Anesthesia is designed to protect the human body from surgical trauma. This is not only the removal of pain, but also the protection of the body. Despite the fact that anesthesia is designed to help a person undergo surgery, it is often the cause of complications and side effects. Although modern medicine has moved away from the use of highly toxic drugs that were used in the past, sometimes such phenomena are present.

As a rule, before the operation, the anesthetist is obliged to tell the patient about how anesthesia works, about all its risks and side effects. An important role is played by the presence of concomitant diseases and allergies. That is why you need to undergo a very thorough examination before the operation.

Back to zmistuViews and types of anesthesia

Anesthesia is divided into the following types:

  • general;
  • regional;
  • local.

General anesthesia is the most difficult type of anesthesia. This is the only type of anesthesia when the patient is completely unconscious. At its core, this is a very deep sleep caused by special medications. This type of anesthesia is used for serious and long-term operations.

This type of anesthesia requires an open airway. If surgery should be prolonged, then aspiration may occur - a condition when the contents of the stomach enter the respiratory tract. With this type of anesthesia, a special tube is inserted into the patient to ensure breathing. Or a special mask is used, which is called laryngeal. These devices are installed in the respiratory tract when a person is already sleeping, so they do not cause discomfort.

Narcosis happens:

  • venous (drugs are injected into a vein);
  • endotracheal (through a special tube);
  • mask (the patient breathes through the mask).

There may also be a combination of these methods. The depth of anesthesia (how deeply the patient sleeps) is controlled by the doctor by changing the dose of the drug. With prolonged and serious interventions, sleep is deeper. At the end of the operation, the doctor stops the medication, thereby preparing the patient to wake up from the sleep state.

Return to zmistuThe hour in which people get out of anesthesia

The anesthesiologist throughout the operation monitors the concentration of drugs in the patient's blood, controls the heartbeat, body temperature, breathing with the help of special devices. After the operation, the patient begins to recover from anesthesia. The sensitivity of the muscles, reflexes returns, the person comes to his senses. The anesthesiologist usually asks the patient to answer a few simple questions. So he is convinced that the patient has returned to consciousness and can normally move away from anesthesia.

The body needs some time to excrete the drugs used for general pain relief. All this time, doctors will monitor the condition of the patient's organs and systems to make sure they are functioning normally. In some cases, in order to quickly withdraw from anesthesia, special drugs are used that neutralize narcotic substances.

As a rule, with a correctly calculated dose of anesthetic and a normal reaction of the body, the time to exit from general anesthesia lasts about 4 hours after the end of the surgical intervention. After leaving, the patient is usually injected with painkillers, and he will be half asleep for about 12-18 hours. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, which should not disturb loved ones.

For some time after leaving this state, the patient experiences some unpleasant phenomena.

The exact time for which drugs for pain relief will be removed from the body depends on the individual characteristics of the body, age, and state of health.

The need for an operation on a pet always scares the owners. The excitement is added by the fact that the surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia, from which the animal will then need to be “meeted”. Consider how to prepare for the operation, as well as how to properly help your pet come out of anesthesia.

cat in surgery

There are many myths surrounding veterinary anesthesia. This is due to the fact that, until the mid-1990s, heavy drugs equivalent to narcotic drugs were used for operations. After a dose of such anesthesia, the animal could not always come out of anesthesia correctly. At that time, the percentage of cases where complications occurred was quite high - one in ten.

Today, veterinary medicine has stepped forward, and safer drugs are used for operations. A mild effect on the body allows you to quickly remove the cat and anesthesia without harming it with aggressive "chemistry".

The owner should take into account that the drugs of the new sample are more expensive than those used before. Therefore, if you are offered two types of anesthesia before the operation, do not save on the health of your pet and choose a more expensive remedy. The cat can recover from such anesthesia faster and easier.

Possible risk

Regardless of which drug is used, the load on the respiratory cardiovascular system of the animal still appears. The task of the anesthesiologist and surgeon is to minimize the unpleasant consequences after the operation, so you need to contact only reliable and proven specialists.

The veterinarian must examine the animal and select the optimal drugs for anesthesia. Problems and complications after surgery most often occur as a result of the use of anesthesia that is not suitable for a particular animal.


Preparation for the operation includes two stages: examination of the patient and preparation of everything necessary.


Before the operation itself, the cat should be examined by a veterinarian. During the examination, the pulse, pressure and body temperature are checked. The doctor also feels the cat's stomach and checks the oral cavity.

Blood and urine samples are collected. A blood test for biochemistry is necessary in order to detect hidden diseases that tend to manifest themselves after exposure to anesthesia.

Ultrasound examination for internal pathologies is also practiced. Such a measure will help to avoid re-entering the pet on the surgical table.


If there is not an urgent, but a planned operation, for example, sterilization, it is advisable to plan it for the morning. Also, the owner should make his schedule so that throughout the entire time while the cat is recovering from anesthesia, there is an opportunity to care for her.

The cat is on a starvation diet before the operation, so do not feed the cat 12 hours before the procedure. Water must be removed 10 hours before surgery.

If you do not arrange such a "unloading", the food in the stomach can cause nausea during the operation, which is unacceptable.

If the operation is performed in the clinic, take care of comfortable transportation. It is best if the transportation takes place not in public transport, but in a car. It is also possible to perform surgery at home. To do this, veterinarians go home, however, this method has its drawbacks. In an unforeseen situation, the doctor will not have all the necessary equipment. It is also difficult to ensure complete sterility at home.

If it is possible to take the cat to the hospital, perform the operation only there.


  • Rigid box. You can bring a cat to the clinic in a carrier, but you can’t stuff a cat there under anesthesia;
  • Plaid in which the box will be wrapped;
  • Several diapers to lay on the bottom;
  • Oilcloth;
  • Eye drops.

What does the cat feel

Some owners worry that the cat will feel pain during the operation. It's a delusion. For anesthesia, a number of drugs are used, which are aimed not only at "sleeping", but also at weakening the muscle tone of the animal. It happens that the cat can come out of anesthesia earlier than expected, sometimes on the operating table. Even in this case, the animal will not feel anything, thanks to drugs that “turn off” sensitivity.

The duration of the anesthesia

The amount of time a cat spends "sleeping" depends largely on the type of substance administered, as well as the route of administration. Simple surgical manipulations, such as castration or dental operations, are carried out using short-term drugs. After such anesthesia, the cat recovers faster. Sometimes awakening happens in the clinic or on the way home.

Longer acting drugs are used for complex operations. Anesthesia in this case lasts from two to 8 hours. The speed of withdrawal from "sleep" largely depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

After the operation, you need to ask the veterinarian how long the normal recovery from anesthesia lasts in a particular case.

anesthesia and eyes

The cat's body is designed in such a way that while under anesthesia, cats' eyes remain open. This does not mean that the animal can see everything around during the operation.

In order for the mucous membrane of the eye not to dry out, the veterinarian will advise you to buy special eye drops. Not vitamin solutions and anti-redness drugs, but ordinary drops that prevent the cornea from drying out. They must be dripped to the cat during the operation, as well as periodically during the recovery from anesthesia.

When instilled, you need to press the upper and lower eyelids, imitating blinking, because the cat's eye will not be able to distribute the solution over the mucous membrane itself.

First watch

After the introduction of anesthesia, the first day is considered to be critical. At this time, it is necessary to constantly be near the animal and observe its condition.

After coming home, the cat should be laid on a soft and warm place. Make sure that the pet is not pestered by drafts, and also isolate the “bed” from other animals in the house. Keep children out of the cat's rest area.

Do not put the cat on a hill. Waking up from anesthesia, he will not fully control his movements and may fall. Therefore, the bed must be equipped on the floor. Place an oilcloth under the bed, as the cat will not be able to control its needs at first. And periodically it will need to be cleaned.

It is necessary to lay the cat in such a way that the seams after the operation are in the most relaxed position. The cat should not pull and rub anything.

After operations on the abdominal cavity, the cat must be put on a blanket. It will protect the stitches from contamination and keep them safe when the animal wakes up and tries to examine the scar.


In most cases, the cat wakes up 4-6 hours after arriving home. Waking up, the cat will immediately try to get up. It is important to ensure that the animal does not harm itself with sudden movements, since some pets immediately try to run away, not understanding the source of discomfort.

If the cat tries to get up, offer him water. Avoid long “walks” and carefully place your pet back on the bed every time he tries to get up.

It is important to understand that the behavior of a cat during recovery from anesthesia is an unpleasant sight. The animal looks pathetic, it cannot control its body, and the paws are constantly bent. This situation is normal, so you should not try to help the murka unnecessarily. It is better to provide her peace and observe her condition.

Some animals may show aggression, this is also normal. The cat does not understand what happened to him and tries to defend himself in the style of a predator - to attack an imaginary offender.

Try not to irritate the pet once again. The room should be quiet and calm. Otherwise, the cat will try to hide from intrusive people.


You cannot feed the cat after the operation, but it is necessary to give water. To avoid dehydration, start watering the animal immediately after waking up. In the first hours, she will not be able to drink on her own, so it is necessary to instill a few drops of water into the cat's mouth every half hour.

Until the animal can move confidently, it must be watered on its own. Use a syringe without a needle, instilling a teaspoon of liquid every hour.

There is an opinion that a bowl of water should be left near the stove bench. However, this should not be done if the owner has the opportunity to water the cat manually. The fact is that a disturbed swallowing reflex will not only not give the pet the opportunity to get drunk, but can also cause the cat to choke or get drunk with its nose.

Also, the danger of a bowl next to the sunbed is that drowsiness after anesthesia catches the cat suddenly. He can fall asleep with his face in a cup.


Do not try to feed the cat as soon as she is awake. The body is still in a sluggish state, so food that is not digested properly can cause constipation. The cat should not be allowed to strain during trips to the tray, as this can cause the seams to open.

At first, the cat will not be interested in food. This is fine. Don't try to force feed her. A weakened body will not interfere with a day of hunger strike.

Feeding can be started only then. When signs of impaired coordination of movements disappear. The first food eaten by a cat should be liquid. It is important not to offer unfamiliar food to the cat after the operation. It should be the usual food at room temperature.

A lump of pate is best suited, which you can offer the cat by bringing it to the muzzle. For the first time, half a teaspoon will be enough.

The cat will begin to feel hungry and ask for food only the next day. You need to feed it with semi-liquid food in small quantities.

You need to worry only if on the third day after the operation the cat does not eat anything. In this case, you need to consult with the veterinarian who performed the procedure.


An anesthetized cat will walk under itself, so stock up on enough diapers and patience. This situation will last until the pet begins to move. After that, put the tray near the couch so that the patient does not have to look for it.

When to sound the alarm

To make the exit from anesthesia as smooth and comfortable as possible, provide it with all the necessary conditions. Also constantly monitor the condition of the animal:

  • Measure body temperature every two hours;
  • Listen to the heart rhythm: there should be no pauses and sharp jumps in the heartbeat;
  • Take care of the cat's eyes and inspect the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • If an external seam remains after the operation, treat it regularly;
  • Follow all doctor's orders (injections, wound treatment).

There are situations when the condition of the animal worsens. In this case, you can not hesitate.

Feel free to alert the doctor at any time of the day if something is wrong with the cat.

Call your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Respiratory failure: the cat wheezes, breathes superficially, breaths are intermittent or superficial;
  • The mucous membranes have changed color: reddened or turned blue, excessively pale;
  • It is difficult to listen to the pulse or interruptions are heard in it;
  • Body temperature increased or decreased;
  • The time allotted for awakening has passed, and the cat does not respond to touching the mustache and nose;
  • Any symptoms that seem unacceptable to the owner.


No animal is immune from complications after anesthesia. The following symptoms may occur:

  • Increasing pressure;
  • Decreased liver function;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Pulse interruptions.

In order to reduce the risk of such side effects, veterinarians recommend the use of gas anesthesia as safer.


As a result of an incorrectly performed operation, a complication such as a hernia may occur.

In case of complications, the cat must be re-delivered to the hospital

Hernia - prolapse of internal organs into the cavity of the subcutaneous sac. In this case, the operation is repeated. You can notice such a complication when examining the seam. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scar with a hernia, a bump or other seal will be observed.

If a hernia is suspected, the cat should be urgently shown to the doctor.

Anesthesia is an integral part of surgical operations. With proper care, the cat quickly recovers, so the owner must know how to properly look after the animal after anesthesia.

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Getting out of anesthesia after surgery worries many people more than the course of the surgical intervention itself. After all, during it a person does not feel anything, but after the withdrawal of anesthesia, unpleasant sensations arise. And they are associated not only with the return of sensitivity in the area of ​​surgical influence: in addition to pain, the patient sometimes experiences a lot of painful symptoms that can last for several hours.

Features of local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is understood as temporary anesthesia of a small area of ​​the body due to exposure to external preparations or injections with a medicinal solution. In the definition, one can immediately see a large classification of types of local anesthesia: superficial and internal. The latter, in turn, is divided into several more subtypes depending on the area of ​​​​impact (epidural, conduction, spinal, infiltration).

Local anesthesia has found application in almost all areas of medicine, but the most striking example is dentistry. Today, almost all manipulations are performed with anesthesia. And if earlier the patient had to endure for 10-20 minutes while the doctor drills a tooth, cleans the canals, puts a seal, now all the pain is reduced to a second tingling from the introduction of a thin needle.

How is it carried out

All types of local anesthesia have their own characteristics of conduct, but on average it is something like this: a person is injected with medicine in a certain area. After a few minutes, sensitivity in this area is lost, and doctors can begin manipulations. At the same time, the patient remains conscious, but he does not feel anything, even the touch of a cold instrument. The general condition is also stable, although some admit that they experience mild nausea and dizziness. But doctors attribute this to anxiety rather than pain relief.

By the way! Sometimes, before inserting the needle, the skin is preliminarily anesthetized with external anesthetics to reduce pain from piercing soft tissues. Combined local anesthesia is obtained. It is used, for example, during epidural anesthesia.

How does the anesthesia go away?

The amount of anesthetic administered and the choice of its type is calculated based on the complexity of the operation and the patient's physique. But the medicine is always taken with a margin so that the anesthesia does not suddenly accidentally go away during medical manipulations if they take longer. Accordingly, after the end of the operation, the patient has a few more minutes (sometimes even a little more than an hour) for the anesthetic to stop working.

Sensitivity returns gradually, but quickly enough. First, a person begins to feel touch, and after a minute or two he feels pain at the site of the manipulation. If it was a dental procedure, then the gum puncture zone or the hole after the extracted tooth may ache.

In the treatment of caries, as a rule, pain is not felt after the withdrawal of anesthesia. If it was a more complex operation, for example, to remove an ingrown nail, then the operated finger may start to hurt quite badly, because there was a violation of the integrity of the tissues. But these pains can be stopped with analgesics.

Possible Complications

Some people are allergic to certain types of medications. Local anesthesia involves the use of Lidocaine, Novocaine, Bupivacaine, etc. And a person may experience a reaction to them in the form of:

These reactions appear immediately after drug administration. And if the first two are quite tolerable, then the last three require the termination of the operation and the hospitalization of the patient. You can find out about the presence of an allergy to anesthetics by preliminary conducting an allergy test.

Some people note certain reactions after the local anesthesia has worn off: dizziness or headache, weakness appears, sleepiness, and the temperature rises. But it is impossible to say for sure whether this is an allergy to the medicine or the consequences after the operation.

Features of general anesthesia

A more complex type of anesthesia, which involves immersing the patient in a narcotic sleep and completely depriving him of not only sensitivity, but also consciousness. It is difficult for people who have never experienced this in their lives to imagine such a state. Therefore, many are afraid of their first operation under general anesthesia.

General anesthesia is also successfully used today in all areas of medicine. Moreover, sometimes this is the only chance to carry out the operation. In dentistry, this type of pain relief is also used when a person (usually a child) is unable to overcome their fear of going to the dentist.

There are two main types of general anesthesia: inhalation (through a mask) and intravenous. Sometimes combined anesthesia is used. What it will be in a particular case, the doctor decides, depending on the specifics of the operation and the physiology of the patient.

What is made up of

General anesthesia consists of three "components": medical sleep, analgesia and muscle relaxation. In fact, a person simply falls asleep, but in fact, completely different changes occur in his body. During normal sleep, breathing is calm, the body is relaxed, but reflexes are preserved.

And if you prick a person with a pin or just pat him, he will wake up. And narcotic sleep also implies analgesia - suppression of the body's autonomic reactions to all types of interventions: punctures, incisions, manipulations with internal organs, etc.

The third "component" of general anesthesia - muscle relaxation - is necessary to facilitate the work of surgeons during the operation. Due to the presence of muscle relaxants in the drug solution, the patient's muscles are as relaxed as possible and also cannot reflexively respond to interventions (contract, tighten).

How is it carried out

If this is general anesthesia of the inhalation type, then a mask is put on the patient's nose and mouth, through which the gas-narcotic mixture is supplied. A person is required to breathe evenly and not resist the onset of sleep. Using sensors connected to the body, the anesthesiologist determines when the anesthesia has fully worked, and signals this to the surgeons.

Intravenous general anesthesia involves the administration of drugs through the skin. Such anesthesia is considered to be deeper and more reliable, while inhalation anesthesia is used for simple operations. If there is a heavy and long-term intervention, then combined anesthesia is used: first intravenous, then a mask is added.

By the way! During the action of general anesthesia, physicians necessarily monitor the main indicators of the viability of the body, thanks to the equipment and external signs. The patient's skin color, body temperature, heart rate, pulse - all this allows you to control the course of anesthesia and the person's condition.

How long do you recover from general anesthesia?

People sometimes fear for their well-being when coming out of general anesthesia after surgery because it is a difficult process. Although it is difficult for the anesthesiologist, but rather unpleasant for the patient. It is like waking up from a very heavy sleep. In this case, the following sensations may be noted:

If the general anesthesia was light, then the patient after the operation goes to the ward and "wakes up" himself. After deep anesthesia of a person, the anesthesiologist necessarily “wakes up”. This can happen right in the operating room, or in the intensive care unit after some time.

By the way! Some people come out of general anesthesia for hours, while experiencing the entire "set" of the symptoms listed above.

Possible consequences

General anesthesia is a stress for the body, which during its action actually balances on the verge of life and death. Yes, everything happens under the control of a team of doctors, but all the same, breathing almost stops, there are no reflexes, the heart beats very weakly. Therefore, the consequences associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are not uncommon. This is manifested by a decrease or increase in pressure, spasms of the larynx and bronchi, sputum, hiccups.

Is it possible to ease the recovery from anesthesia?

You can reduce the intensity of discomfort if you properly prepare for the operation. To do this, you need to frankly tell the doctor about the diseases you have suffered and about your worries, follow a diet, conscientiously take the prescribed drugs. If the patient is willful about preoperative preparation, eating secretly from the doctors, running around smoking or drinking some pills, then this will create problems during the surgical intervention. Moreover, they will be associated not only with immersion in and out of anesthesia, but also with the course of the operation itself.

It is necessary to follow medical recommendations even after the general anesthesia has ceased to work. If the doctor allows you to get up and walk, you need to do this to prevent thromboembolism (blockage of the veins). Some people are advised to just move their legs for the same reason. It is not recommended to grab a book or a smartphone immediately after waking up: it is better to rest and think about something good, for example, that everything is over. And in no case should you neglect the doctor's instructions, which, depending on the type of anesthesia and the operation performed, may be different.

Anesthesia is a general anesthesia of the body, which is accompanied by drug sleep. Its purpose is to relieve the patient of pain during surgery. Proper preparation for will help to easily bring the patient out of this state.

Before the operation, the patient is often overcome by fears: will he wake up after the operation, what will they be, and how will it affect his future life? Therefore, the doctor needs not only to choose the right effective and safe anesthesia, but also to prepare the person psychologically. The patient's recovery from anesthesia requires special attention, because at this stage, the restoration of all vital processes begins.

For patients with an unstable nervous system, sedatives are prescribed a day before surgery.

How long does it take to get out of anesthesia?

The release of decay products of painkillers can be forced with the help of enhanced therapy, diuretics, antidotes and stimulants. However, it would be more correct to wait and observe for a while until the body processes it on its own.

Postoperative patients, as a rule, are in a state of half-asleep, since the effect of the painkillers used lasts 1.5-4 hours. Based on the indicators of the patient's condition, it can be determined whether they will be excreted from his body. Recovery from anesthesia and awakening proceed smoothly if there is no postoperative pain, so the patient should be fairly well anesthetized.

During the recovery from anesthesia, reflexes in patients are restored gradually, so for some time they may be inadequate.

Prevention of anesthesia complications

Immediately after the completion of the operation, the patient may experience headaches and hallucinations, which disappear in the next few hours after anesthesia. Vomiting is one of the most common consequences of anesthesia, which can be prevented by abstaining from food and during the first 2-3 hours.

For the prevention of thromboembolic complications and bedsores, the patient is recommended to move more, turning from side to side. Too long a patient's stay under anesthesia is fraught with memory impairment. To avoid this, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily for 7-10 days. This will speed up the body from painkillers and reduce their negative effect.

main goal anesthesia is the inhibition of human reactions to surgical trauma. This is not only medical sleep, but also pain relief, and muscle relaxation or muscle relaxation. Wake up after anesthesia no less important stage, because at this time, the processes of vital activity are gradually restored in patients. Patients may be inadequate for some time after anesthesia. To prevent complications anesthesia anesthesiologists monitor the patient after the operation is completed.


Remember that the exit time is at least 1.5-2 hours, while anesthetic drugs are in effect, this time you should be under the supervision of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator in the intensive care unit. You may feel pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative wound, accompanied by nausea, and the mode of wakefulness and sleep may be disturbed. To prevent aspiration, you should lie on your side for some time or with your head turned to the side.

Remember that early activation prevents thromboembolic complications of soft tissues. You should try to start moving as early as possible, turn on your side, sit down in bed, get out of it. Hypostatic pneumonia is also prevented by physical activity and vibration massage.

Please note that the first 2-3 hours after anesthesia you can neither drink nor eat. You can only drink water or unsweetened juice. And take food only the next day to avoid additional problems with intestinal upset. If you feel an attack of vomiting, try to turn on your side, and after it be sure to rinse your mouth.

An obligatory component of the early postoperative period is analgesic therapy. Only the attending person prescribes them. Remember that all these drugs have many side effects, and a number of them form mental and physical dependence. Therefore, they should not be abused.

To lose weight, some try different diets, others do different exercises, others listen to the advice of friends and acquaintances. But without a properly chosen method, a person will not be able to achieve any results.

How can you choose the right weight loss method?

All methods for weight loss are good, but without a systematic approach and the opinions of experts, some methods may not suit you or even harm your health very much.

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For the surgeon, high-quality anesthesia is the maximum in duration so that it is enough for the duration of the operation, and the minimum in dosage so that the heart and lungs work without fail. High-quality anesthesia for the patient is a quick exit from the state of sleep and a minimum of complications. The interests of both the surgeon and the patient completely coincide. But, no matter how perfect anesthesia may be, everyone recovers from it in different ways.


It all depends on the type and dosage of anesthesia; activity of enzymes that break down drugs; on the type of the patient's nervous system; duration and extent of surgery. Many also general health, age. Young people get on their feet much earlier than older people.

There are early and late complications after anesthesia. The exit from it is often accompanied by confusion of consciousness. Disoriented in time and space, the patient has little idea where he is and what is happening to him. There are even hallucinations that quickly disappear.

Other side effects last for many hours. This is primarily trembling, fever. The patient is thrown into a fever, and after a few minutes he is cold. The caregiver must quickly respond to these temperature changes: either cover the patient, or remove the blanket and put a cool, damp cloth on his forehead.

Another common complication of anesthesia of all types is excruciating nausea, turning into vomiting. Because of it, surgical sutures can disperse, especially after eye, otolaryngological operations, abdominal operations in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it is necessary to give the patient an antiemetic drug.

As the anesthesia wears off, the pain from the surgically injured tissue gets worse. The pressure may rise, tachycardia may appear. To alleviate the condition, the patient is periodically administered doses of painkillers.

After anesthesia, you really want to drink, and smokers also smoke. But these requests cannot be fulfilled. A sip of water can cause severe vomiting. A puff of a cigarette - clouding and even loss of consciousness. You can only moisten the patient's lips with a moistened napkin.

If the sensitivity of some part of the body is lost, there is no need to be afraid of this. Muscles may not obey, coordination of movements may be disturbed - this will also pass when the anesthetic drug is completely removed from the body.

With the late effects of anesthesia is more difficult. They usually make themselves known after weeks. Some have such severe headaches that they do not go to any pain that occurs immediately after surgery. Others suffer from dizziness, still others from insomnia, and still others from leg cramps. A therapist will help get rid of them, to whom you should immediately contact.

But more often memory worsens somewhat, especially after heart operations. However, it usually recovers within a week. Much less often, memory disorders can persist for a year or longer. The nootropic drugs Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, Phezam, and others help to restore brain functions faster.

Sometimes, before and after the operation, a person is overcome by a feeling of fear that is difficult to control. “Panic attacks” appear, which greatly loosen the nervous system. To get out of this state, you can not do without a psychotherapist.


After the operation, when the patient is still unconscious, he can fall into a coma with a fatal outcome. This is extremely rare, but you should still be aware of such a risk.

Useful advice

Help yourself recover from anesthesia. Saturate the tissues of the body with oxygen by going out into fresh air more often. Lie less, move more. Very useful slow walks.

During the recovery period, give up alcohol, even weak. Try not to smoke or drastically reduce the number of cigarettes.

To normalize the intestinal microflora, take "Bifiform" or "Linex". Eat little, but more often. Food should be light, give preference to vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

After anesthesia, hair sometimes begins to fall out intensively. Take care of them especially carefully, do masks, massage.

The most important thing is to psychologically set yourself up for an optimistic mood. That's half the recovery! Try to smile more, laugh more, overcoming the pain, and it will soon recede.


  • Site / How to get away from anesthesia
  • Website anesthesia
  • Site Svoilekar/After anesthesia
  • Video: Can anesthesia harm human health

Anesthesia is used for operations or some diagnostic manipulations. Anesthesia is performed by means of an injection, the solution for which is created using special medications. The calculation of the required amount of the substance is made by the anesthesiologist in accordance with the clinical picture of the patient.


There is no single amount of anesthesia required for all patients. The amount of anesthetic is calculated according to the type of procedure performed, the timing of the operation, and the person's physical condition. The introduction of a medical device is carried out after considering such indicators as age, weight, sex, drugs taken for treatment and existing diseases. Before prescribing anesthesia, the doctor must examine the pressure, respiration, the amount of oxygen in the blood, pulse and heart rate. Some diseases that the patient may have preclude the use of anesthesia.

Eye injury is a very rare complication that may occur due to incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure. Death during surgery in a healthy person is unlikely, such cases are less than 1 in 100,000 operations. Anaphylactic shock occurs in 1 case out of 15,000 and only in 1 case out of 20 causes the death of the patient. The main cause of complications in the postoperative period is the negligent attitude of the patient to the preparatory stage or the concealment of certain facts from the doctor. Feeling embarrassed to say about untreated carious teeth or the presence of implants, you can miss the teeth after the operation, a rich dinner the day before is fraught with vomiting, smoking for several months before the operation will result in bronchitis and tonsillitis. Modern anesthetic drugs act gently, without causing serious complications.


With general anesthesia, complications associated with a decrease in blood pressure and impaired innervation are less common, while with spinal anesthesia, sore throats, bronchitis, and sore throat are less common.

The patient is carefully prepared for a planned operation, and, accordingly, complications can be avoided. In emergency operations, complications, especially frequent ones, are almost always observed.

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