We pierce the ears correctly: the necessary tool and aids. Ear piercing for children and adults

Ear piercing for children and adults is one of the types of piercing, the “art” of decorating the body with piercings in different places. Today this word is fashionable among women and youth, teenagers, but in fact it is a very ancient ritual, a custom of many tribes, which indicated victories over enemies, the number of killed predators and much more. Numerous excavations of ancient tribes find earrings and jewelry that were inserted into the ears and body. But today we and our children, unfortunately, no longer chase mammoths and are not marked in this way as “messengers of the gods”. But the tradition of piercing ears, especially for girls, is widespread today.

This is an important ear!
If we compare man and animals, then the human ear loses significantly and is a kind of rudiment, that is, an organ that has partially lost its functions. We do not hear as well as animals do, and our outer ear is simpler, has no muscles and cannot move (almost, there are originals that can move their ears). However, the earlobe is the pinnacle of evolution and is present only in humans. It is directly related to the activity of the brain. Sages in ancient times were subjected to artificial removal of the lobe in order to achieve higher enlightenment, and the tradition of piercing the earlobe stretches like threads there - in the desire to become better and brighter.

Ancient medicine gave great importance to the ear, not only as an organ of hearing, but also as a reflexogenic zone. Today, reflexology and neurology confirm this. If some areas of the ear are irritated, it can irritate and stimulate the work of internal organs. I experienced it myself, although I was skeptical about it. I was done in this way to stimulate ovulation - it really works!

Therefore, there is a piercing of the earlobe at certain points, you can inadvertently irritate and stimulate the organs, which can later give some diseases, up to infertility. The auricle and lobe are actively used by acupuncturists. In the seventies, scientists developed maps of the ear with projections of organs, and it turned out that the ear is a fetus with a head on the lobe and a body folded along the curl of the ear. The lobe contains the eye, palate, jaws, tongue, inner ear area and tonsils.

So to prick or not to prick?
The most successful points of view of aesthetics are punctures just below the middle of the lobe, slightly forward to the cheek. However, in the same zone there are points that are responsible for the development of glaucoma, myopia and conjunctivitis. Therefore, reflexologists categorically oppose ear piercings. The rest of the doctors are somewhat softer in their judgments, believing that the piercing of the earlobes can provoke existing vision problems, especially if there is a pronounced hereditary predisposition. Then it is worth moving the puncture point forward or slightly back.

However, if we consider the problem from the other side, it is not for nothing that the traditional place for wearing earrings is the ears, or rather their lobes. They do not have so many biologically active zones, there is no cartilage, and they heal quickly and calmly. Neurologists believe that if some points are touched during a puncture, they are turned off from activity, that is, they cease to be stimulated and do no harm. In general, there is still no consensus among colleagues.

You have to be careful when…
Ear piercing is the most popular type of piercing among girls of any age from very young ladies, as well as boys and girls, young women, and even gray-haired old men sometimes sin with this! But there are some contraindications to this type of body decoration. You should not start with an ear piercing if the child has signs of eczema, crusts behind the ears, allergies or blood diseases (clotting problems, changes in the blood formula).

You should not pierce your ears and wear earrings if you are allergic to nickel alloys - this is white gold, cheap alloys, jewelry. A small amount of nickel is enough to fester and itch the ears. And if a microbial infection joins, you can get a purulent abscess. I will flow from the ear, weeping and pain. Do not try to cure it - immediately remove the earrings and treat the ears.
Thus, it is quite possible to pierce the ears, but it is always important for parents to determine at what age the ears are pierced, this is especially worrying for girls' mothers.

When to pierce?
The opinions of doctors differ even here, although doctors unanimously assure that ear piercing is not advisable before three years. Many advise generally to wait until the age of 10-12, when the child consciously makes his choice - to pierce his ears or not. After 12 years, the ears heal more difficult, although today's technology makes this problem not so serious. Child psychologists talk about ear piercing either up to a year and a half, when the pain is not remembered for a long time, and there is no feeling of fear, or already in adulthood, when the child consciously goes for it.

When is the best time to do it?
The best time to pierce a child's ears is late autumn and winter, the risk of catching an infection during the healing period is minimal, there is no temptation to swim in a river or pool, because dirty water can infect the wound. In addition, there is less risk that the child will grab the earlobe with dirty hands, fiddling in the sand or earth. But the downside of winter is, of course, the need to wear hats and possible injury to an unhealed earlobe by an earring caught on the fabric of the cap. Therefore, it is necessary to put on and take off the cap during the healing period with extreme care.

The best hairstyle for the time of healing of the wound on the ears will be a neat ponytail or pigtails, any manipulations with the hair should be as delicate as possible and not touch the ears. Hair is not sterile and there are a lot of germs on it - they can injure and infect the ears.

How and where to pierce ears?
It is better to choose a good beauty salon with a cosmetologist or a cosmetology clinic. It is forbidden to pierce the ears of a child with gypsy needles at home! The procedure is done with sterile instruments, skin and a gun. Earrings made of medical alloy can usually be purchased immediately in the salon - initially these are small studs with a pebble. This alloy is hypoallergenic and safe.

The salon master must have a medical education; without it, you cannot pierce your ears. Beforehand, the doctor examines the ears and decides if there are any contraindications, and only after that he takes up the instruments. In front of you, a package with sterile earrings is opened, gloves are put on and the earlobe is processed, the gun is carefully processed in front of you and loaded with an earring.

The procedure itself.
Today they don’t make a puncture with medical games - it hurts and takes a long time. The punctures are carried out with a medical pneumatic gun - an earring stud is inserted into it, which simultaneously serves as a puncture rod and an earring. The gun is like a stapler, snaps the earring on the ear in a second.
Immediately after the ear is pierced and the earring is inserted, it is treated with hydrogen peroxide, usually 3%, and the same is recommended to be done at home twice a day. Carnations at the same time move back and forth at the puncture site, so that the channel is well formed. You can scroll them in the hole, in a word, move them so that the secret does not accumulate and granulation tissue and scar develop. This is done for about 10-15 days, until the wound is completely healed.

If there is redness at the puncture site or in another area of ​​the ear, there is pain and discharge from the ears, visit the same specialist who pierced your ears to rule out complications and infection. Usually the doctor recommends treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol, the wounds heal.

During the first five days, it is recommended not to wet the ears, and not to touch them once again with your hands. Usually the formation of the channel occurs within a month, then the wounds heal completely. This month, the earrings that were placed in the clinic should not be removed; putting on new earrings can injure the canal that has not yet been formed. After complete healing, you can wear earrings that you want.

First earrings.
It is good if the child's first earrings are small and made of inert metals - silver or gold. All types of jewelry can cause a negative reaction from the ear, and massive earrings can lead to injury - the child himself or one of the other children can pull on the earring and injure the ear. Massive earrings, especially those made of precious metals, can also attract the attention of criminal elements, and then the child may become a victim of a crime.

Teen piercing.
It is one thing to pierce the ears of little girls and put on stud earrings, another thing is to pierce the ears of teenage boys and girls with the insertion of terrible rings with a diameter of 1 cm or more. In addition, as a tribute, teenagers can pierce 2-3 or even more holes in their ears, putting on a huge number of earrings. This is likely to have a negative impact on health, because the earlobe is not all safe for punctures.

If the desire is above all common sense, let this procedure take place in the doctor's office, and not in the basements and hangouts of teenagers, with clean sterile tools and performed by a professional. The question of punctures of the navel, eyebrows and nose is generally worth a separate article. Doctors are categorically against such experiments - in case of complications, even sepsis can occur!

Where to make punctures in the ear in order to wear earrings and not harm your health? There are active points on the ear, and there are zones around them. If you hit the active point itself, then there is a risk of hyperstimulation of this area - that is, it will “disturb” the organ associated with it. Accordingly, it is very, very desirable to get into the area near the point when piercing the ear. How to do it?

For example, the most popular puncture site is the earlobe. Exactly in the center is a point responsible for eye health. Take a toothpick or non-writing pen and run it down the center of the lobe. The most sensitive point is the reflex point of the eye. Mark it and step back 2 mm in any direction - to where the earring will look more beautiful. You can do the same with any point on the ear - where you want to make a puncture: find the painful area, retreat 1-2 mm.



Doing them is absolutely not recommended! Having "opened" the tunnel, you will provide hyperstimulation of many points associated with the health of the brain. On the lobe there are zones responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and other systems that control the work of the body as a whole. Tunnels are usually done by very young people who do not yet have hormonal problems, however, such hyperstimulation can accelerate their onset.

heavy earrings

It is also hyperstimulation of points associated with vision and the brain. Therefore, it is recommended to wear massive jewelry only on special occasions. For everyday wear, small earrings made of your favorite metal are suitable.

In the modern world, the expression “meet by clothes” is more relevant than ever, so more and more women and men are thinking about piercing their ears. Parents are also not far behind, following new trends and all sorts of ways to decorate their child. Earrings are beautiful, but they are still piercings, so you need to know at least a little about the procedure before you carry it out.

To pierce the ears of a child or not is the choice of each parent and the child in particular.

Should I pierce my baby's ears?

Parents strive to make their children even more beautiful and think about earrings from an early age. However, the main thing is the desire of the child and the recommendations of the doctor. No need to forcefully drag the girl into the salon if she does not want to.

It is worth remembering the risks: the master can pierce the ear unevenly, infection of the wound is possible, pain during healing. In addition, there are contraindications:

  • chronic diseases of the ears;
  • diabetes;
  • neurological disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe form of allergy.

The earlobe of a child is an accumulation of special points, the impact on which can affect the development of the baby, so it is advisable not to touch them. The most successful are the holes just below the middle of the lobe, closer to the cheek. And to pierce the girl's ears or not is up to the parents.

At what age can you get your ears pierced?

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All mothers are concerned about the question, when is it better to pierce the ears of a child, at what age can this be done? Psychologists believe that it is best to go to the salon if the baby is under one and a half years old. Since during this period the child practically does not experience fear, the procedure will be calmer. The statement is debatable: perhaps the girl will grow up and realize that she does not want to wear earrings at all.

It is better to wait until the child is 7-9 years old. At this age, a girl can say a deliberate “yes”. It is not recommended to pierce the lobes if the child is older than 12, as the risk of scarring increases.

Pros and cons of early piercing

There are many pros and cons to early ear piercing. Among the negative aspects of this issue are:

  • Insecurity - even in the most sterile conditions, there is a risk of infection. In addition, a child's earlobe is an accumulation of special points, the impact on which can affect the development of the baby.
  • At an early age, the likelihood of an allergic reaction to earrings is high. Since even the most expensive and high-quality jewelry contains a fraction of nickel, which can cause allergies.
  • The small child is very active. Children run, jump, fall and can catch on something with an earring. Many parents worry that an active girl might tear her earlobe.
  • Some mothers believe that earrings simply do not suit very young children. Jewelry is appropriate in the image of a teenager, but completely out of place for a baby.
  • The last but rather serious problem is that children are careless. If a child wears expensive earrings, he can easily lose them. For some parents, this is a reason to wait.

Ideally, if the piercing of the ears is already done at a conscious age, that is, when the child himself wants it

There are fewer advantages, but they are all significant:

  • The beauty. It is for this reason that women began to pierce their ears, parents want to decorate the appearance of their child.
  • In childhood, the pain threshold is higher.
  • Getting your ears pierced before the age of 12 reduces the risk of scarring.

When is the best time of the year to wear earrings for the first time?

When it comes to the health of a child, every little thing matters, even the season. Due to a number of factors, a particular season may not be suitable for ear piercing. When is the best time to do the procedure? Folk signs recommend the apple blossom period - May. However, many are skeptical of folk wisdom, but in vain - even experts, for objective reasons, consider late spring or early autumn to be the best time for piercing ears - during this period, wounds heal the fastest.

Why is it better not to carry out this procedure in winter? Because of the cold weather, you have to put on knitted sweaters and warm hats (see also:). The child can touch the earring while taking off or putting on clothes. Any sharp awkward movement can lead to damage to the earlobe. For the same reasons, you should not pierce your ears in March, October, November, etc.

Why not in summer? It would seem that it is warm outside and you don’t need to put on a bunch of clothes - however, the heat slows down the healing of wounds and can increase the risk of infections.

Ear piercing methods

Many parents, not without reason, are concerned about the question of how best to pierce a girl's ears. The most common are three types of instruments for performing the procedure: a needle, a gun and System 75. The choice is up to the parents, but it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

The main thing is that you can not prick your ears at home. This is fraught with infection, crooked punctures and other unpleasant consequences.

Use of a needle

The traditional way is to use a special catheter needle. Mostly, the piercing procedure is carried out in medical centers and tattoo parlors where this type of service is provided. Local anesthesia is often used.

The benefits include:

  • often the procedure is performed by a qualified doctor - cosmetologist or surgeon;
  • in clinics, the likelihood of infection is much lower;
  • painlessness due to the use of an anesthetic;
  • the ability to choose the size of the needle under the lobe;
  • You are allowed to put on jewelry.

Ear piercing with a needle is less popular today than piercing with a gun or System 75

However, there are also significant disadvantages:

  • the child may be afraid of the needle;
  • the anesthetic is not always safe for the child's body;
  • after the procedure, discomfort is felt for some time;
  • if the specialist is not qualified enough, the puncture may be uneven.

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the region within 1000 rubles. Allowed from the age of three years.

Reusable pistol

Piercing with a gun is carried out in beauty salons and some tattoo parlors. The technology consists in piercing with a needle-earring, which instantly passes through the earlobe and immediately fastens. The procedure is almost painless, so anesthetics are rarely offered in salons.

The service has many advantages:

  • disposable needle earrings that are inserted into the gun;
  • almost complete absence of pain;
  • an even hole in the earlobe, since the pistol mechanism is easily actuated;
  • rapidity.

Earrings for piercing ears with a gun

However, there is also a minus, which can be significant for some parents. Earrings, which are inserted during the procedure, must be worn without removing for 2 months until the wound heals. Only then are they allowed to change. However, manufacturers take this shortcoming into account and produce earrings in various shapes and colors. Often they cannot be distinguished from jewelry made of precious metals.

The cost of the procedure is up to 1000 rubles, the service is provided to children from one year old. See the video for more details on the procedure.

System 75 tool

System 75 is a new ear piercing equipment manufactured by an American company. The device is positioned as professional. The kit includes a disposable sterile cartridge with needle earrings and a reusable instrument.

This method has many advantages:

  • rapidity;
  • noiselessness (in contrast to the use of a conventional pistol, the child is not afraid);
  • maximum sterility of the procedure, since the earring does not come into contact with a reusable instrument;
  • the needle is very thin, it does not pierce, but pushes the tissues of the earlobe, which does not bring pain at all;
  • earrings are installed in cartridges immediately, which minimizes the likelihood of any mistakes due to the fault of the master;
  • earrings are packed separately, so you can pierce the lobes in several steps;
  • earrings are made of materials that do not cause allergies - titanium, medical steel, etc.

Ear piercing with System 75

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • the earring has a very thin needle, so at first you will only have to wear earrings with a thin bow;
  • limited choice of earrings, as they are specially made for the System 75;
  • the price is twice as high as for other ear piercing services.

Carrying out the procedure

In any salon or medical center, regardless of its status or the cost of the service, the procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Training. The lobes are treated with a special disinfectant solution, sometimes anesthetics are used. If the child has a low pain threshold, it is necessary to warn about this. With a special marker, the master marks the puncture site.
  2. Puncture directly. If a needle is used, then a puncture is first made, where jewelry is inserted. If the gun - the earring is inserted immediately.
  3. Disinfection. With special means, the specialist processes the puncture site.

It is difficult to say how long the procedure will take, it all depends on its type and the master. After the procedure, for about 3 months, parents should take care of the punctures, following the mandatory recommendations.

Preparation before piercing and care after

After the decision to pierce the ears of the child has been made, he needs to undergo a medical examination. If a serious illness has recently been transferred, it is worth postponing the procedure. It is also necessary to find a good salon - it is not enough to ask a neighbor for advice or read one review on the site.

The main thing is to visit an allergist to identify an allergy to nickel. Absolutely all jewelry contains this metal. The day before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your head and ears to avoid infection.

Wound healing can take from 1 to 3 months, depending on the characteristics of the girl's body. At home, the following recommendations should be followed to speed up the process:

  • the child must understand that it is impossible to touch the earrings, especially in the early days;
  • until the ears heal, you do not need to change the earrings;
  • hair should be braided so that it does not cling to jewelry;
  • the puncture should be treated with antiseptic agents (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, etc. on the recommendation of a doctor) from 2 times a day, a week after the procedure, you need to scroll through the earrings during processing;
  • after piercing, it is undesirable to wash your hair or ears, swim for 5 days.

Yes. If you pierce one of the acupuncture points. In oriental medicine (which the official Russian does not deny) it is believed that there are points on the human ear that are responsible for the work of all internal organs.

Piercing a point can either improve or worsen the functioning of the corresponding organ. In the middle of the lobe, for example, there is a point responsible for the eyes. Therefore, in some people, after piercing the ears, vision deteriorates.

At what age can you get your ears pierced?

Not until seven or eight years old. Until this age, the earlobe is not yet formed. A puncture hole can, for example, move off the center and end up on the very edge. Adults can get their ears pierced at any age.

However, people who take a long time to heal wounds and scars are at risk of scarring. The older the person, the higher the risk.

Where should I go for ear piercing?

Ears need to be pierced only by a beautician in a beauty salon, piercing or by an acupuncturist. They can pinpoint the location of acupuncture points on the ear. Some salons even have special devices that calculate these points by their electrical conductivity.

In acupuncture points, compared to other areas of the skin, it is different.

What parts of the ear can be pierced?

Theoretically, all places can be pierced. The earlobe is more often pierced for aesthetic reasons and because it is the largest and softest part of the ear, it has no cartilage and healing is fast.

The number of holes is not limited, the main thing is that acupuncture points should not be pierced.

When should you not pierce?

Eczema (skin disease). Rheumatic diseases (connective tissue diseases) - the most common are the so-called nodules, seals in the earlobe. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but if they are pierced, they can increase or become inflamed.

Blood diseases. Cystic acne (a complication of common acne) - you should not pierce your ears, even if you have had acne in the past.

Allergy to metals, especially nickel, which is found in small amounts in all precious metal alloys. Therefore, the first year after piercing, you need to wear stud earrings made of hypoallergenic surgical steel, in which there is no impurity of nickel.

What you need and do not need to do in the first month after piercing:

You can not visit the pool, swim in the reservoirs, go to the bath for the first three days. Earrings should not be removed until the wound is completely healed.

It is necessary to wash the puncture site twice a day with antiseptic solutions: hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

It is better not to wipe with alcohol, it irritates the skin.

You need to scroll the earring in your ear every two to three days.

It is necessary to remove the earring at the end of the first month, rinse the hole in the ear and the earring with an antiseptic solution, and put it back on.

Sources: Asiyat Aliyeva, acupuncturist, Elena Shnyakina, cosmetologist

Do you want to pierce your ears? We have no doubt that everyone will simply gasp with delight when they see the final result. But keep in mind that piercing your ears is not so easy, and sometimes risky. However, if you're like those twins in The Parent Trap and really want to get your ears pierced so you can fill in for your sister (or because you just like the look of earrings in your ears), then read the tips below. They will tell you how to safely pierce your ears and start watching all the glitter of jewelry hanging in them.


Preparing for a piercing

    Use, if possible, cotton balls soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol. You will need them to wipe the puncture site so that an infection does not get there. Let the alcohol evaporate before piercing your ear.

    • You can also use hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to wipe.
  1. Mark the place you want to pierce. We hope you have planned in advance where you want to get pierced. Otherwise, your earring may hang crooked, too high or too low in your ear. If you are piercing both ears, look in the mirror and make sure the marks are even.

    • If you've had your ears pierced before and you're getting pierced for the second or third time, then leave enough space between the piercings so that the studs don't overlap. But don't make the piercings too far apart, otherwise it might look weird.
  2. Buy a sterile piercing needle. It is hollow inside, so when you pierce its ear, you can then easily put an earring into it. These needles can be bought online or at piercing studios. Do not share needles with other people to prevent the spread of infections and diseases.

    • The needle should be larger in diameter than the stem of the earring you plan to wear.
    • You can also buy an ear piercing kit. It includes two sterile needle earrings, which are already pre-loaded in a special spring-loaded hole punch. You can purchase this set online or at specialty beauty stores. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully.
  3. Choose your earrings. When you just pierce your ears (lobes or cartilage), it is better to wear special stud earrings for a while. A good size would be 16 gauge earrings and about 10mm long. This length will allow you to wear them even if your ear is swollen.

    • Some jewelry stores sell piercing earrings with pointed tips. They are easier to insert into a punctured hole.
    • If you have the opportunity, then buy earrings made from high quality metals such as silver or titanium. In such earrings, your ear will be less likely to become inflamed. You will also avoid any kind of allergic reaction, because some people may be allergic to low-quality metal products, such as gold-plated earrings.
  4. Sterilize the needle on fire. Do not use other people's needles, your needle must be in a sterile package. Hold the needle in the flame until the tip turns red. Be sure to wear sterile latex gloves to keep the needle from getting bacteria from your hands. Wipe off soot and soot from the needle. Wipe the needle with a 10% alcohol solution or hydrogen peroxide. We warn you that this will only be a partial sterilization and germs may remain on the needle. The only way to completely sterilize the needle is to use an autoclave.

    • You can sterilize the needle in boiling water. As soon as the water boils, dip the needle into it and hold for 5 to 10 minutes. Pull it out with forceps and keep it only with sterile gloves. Clean the needle with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  5. Wash your hands with soap and water. This will reduce any possibility of bacteria spreading. Put on sterile latex gloves after you have washed your hands.

    Move your hair away from where you plan to pierce your ear. Your hair may get stuck between your ear and the earring, or it may even get caught in the hole made by the needle. If possible, tie your hair into a bun and keep it away from your ear.

    ear piercing

    1. Find something to put on your ear. You will need it so that when you pierce your ear, you do not accidentally prick yourself in the neck. A piece of soap or cork, for example, will do. Avoid applying an apple or potato. Apples, potatoes, or any other fruits or vegetables you might be thinking of using contain bacteria that will cause inflammation at the puncture site.

      • If possible, ask a friend (or friends) to help you with the piercing. Have him either press the plug against your ear or, if you trust him, pierce your ear. This whole process will be much easier if you have someone next to you who can help.
    2. Correctly guide the needle towards the ear. The needle should be directed perpendicular to the lobe, i.e. at a 90 degree angle to the mark you made on the ear. This will allow you to make a puncture more efficiently.

      Take a deep breath and pierce the ear with a needle. Make a puncture in the place that you marked. You can hear the needle go through the cartilage. Don't be scared. Move the needle and tilt it slightly. If you are using a hollow piercing needle, then insert the leg of the earring into the needle.

      Insert an earring. After you have pierced your ear, do not remove the needle, but insert the leg of the earring into it. Pass the earring through the lobe.

      Pull out the needle. Slowly withdraw the needle from the lobe. Try to keep the earring in place. It may hurt a little, but try not to rush, otherwise the earring will fall out of your ear.

      • Be aware that the hole you made with the needle can close up within minutes if you don't insert an earring into it. If your earring falls out of your ear, then sterilize it as quickly as possible and try to put it back in. If the earring will not pass through the ear, then you may need to pierce the ear again.

    Care of the puncture site

    1. Let the earring stay in your ear for six weeks. Don't take out the earring. After six weeks have passed, you can insert another earring, but do it right away. It can take anywhere from six months to a full year for the hole to fully form and not "close up" if you leave it without an earring for a while.

    2. Wash the puncture site daily. Rinse your ear with a solution of warm salt water. Use sea or Epsom salt rather than plain table salt. Salt will clean the puncture site and protect it from infection. Do this until the puncture is completely healed (about 6 weeks). Do not rub your ear with rubbing alcohol.

      • An easy way to rinse your ear is to take a cup or bowl slightly larger than your ear and pour a solution of water and salt into it. Place a towel under the cup to absorb water if it spills. Lie down on the couch and slowly dip your ear into the cup. Soak it in water for 5 minutes.
      • You can also dip a cotton ball in a solution of warm salt water and rub it over your ear.
      • Or you can wipe your ear with an antiseptic solution that you can buy at a pharmacy.
    3. Make sure the pillowcase of your pillow you sleep on is free of any unnecessary hanging ribbons or other embellishments, otherwise you'll snag your earring on them and get really hurt.
    4. Warnings

    • If you get your ear pierced by a professional, the procedure will be much less tiring than if you pierce it yourself.
    • Don't let your piercing get inflamed. But if this still happened, then do not remove the earring! Otherwise, the wound will quickly heal with an infection inside, and this can cause many problems. Rinse your ear constantly with warm salt water. If the infection persists, see a doctor.
    • Don't pierce your ear with a gun, safety pin, or old stud. The pins are not made of material suitable for piercing. Pistols cannot be sterilized, and the earrings used for them can damage ear tissue.
    • Pierce your ear only if you really know what you are doing. Otherwise go to a professional!
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