Hyssop officinalis: application. Herb hyssop officinalis

Hyssop officinalis has long been considered a weed plant, the reason for this is the frequent growth of wild species near housing, as well as on roadsides. Now this plant is actively cultivated as a quality spice, as well as to obtain a valuable essential oil.

Growth area

In its homeland - in the Mediterranean countries, hyssop grows in the wild on dry stony soils of slopes and hills. Widely grown as an ornamental plant due to its bright and long flowering. The conditions of Central Asia, Southern Ukraine, the European part of Russia and the Caucasus mountains are suitable for cultivation. In places of cultivation, it is able to turn into a wild form, the medicinal properties of which are gradually decreasing, so plantation sites are regularly changed every five years.

Morphological characteristics

Hyssop officinalis belongs to the shrubs. Cultivated species are impressive in size - up to a meter tall, wild - smaller, up to 50 cm.

  • Root. The tap root system is represented by an impressive central root, capable of lignifying, and numerous lateral roots.
  • Stem. Several erect stems depart from the root, the surface of which may be pubescent or bare. The stems have a tetrahedral cylindrical shape, actively branch, and eventually become woody at the root.
  • Leaves. The larger ones are located at the bottom of the stems, the smaller ones are near the inflorescences. The petiole is short or absent. The shape of the leaves is lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, the edges are slightly wrapped down. The length varies from 2 cm to 4 cm.
  • flowers. Three to seven small flowers form a one-sided spicate inflorescence emerging from the axil of the upper leaf. The corolla is colored blue, bright purple, less often pink.
  • Fetus. Complicated, resembles a box, breaks up into four parts containing seeds, called erems.

Hyssop officinalis blooms in July. With a long warm summer, flowering continues until September. The fruiting period begins in August, ends in October, when all the fruits fall off on their own. A characteristic feature of the plant is the presence of a spicy smell in all its parts.


The raw material of hyssop officinalis are young shoots with inflorescences. It is worth starting the collection from early June to early July, when the plant is just blooming.

  • Collection. Cut off green shoots with inflorescences - only the tender top. The woody part must be left. In favorable climatic conditions, the stems quickly grow back and bloom again.
  • Training. The grass is sorted for mechanical inclusions, as well as plant impurities. Spoiled branches, crumbling inflorescences are selected.
  • Drying. For drying, the shoots are tied in small bundles, hung in a shaded place, preferably with through ventilation. So the plant dries out faster. When using dryers, a reduced temperature regime (30-40 ° C) is used to preserve the essential oil.
  • Storage. After complete drying, the grass is crushed and packed in thick paper or plastic bags.

Storage in a dark, dry, ventilated place is possible for two years. After the expiration date, the raw material of hyssop officinalis loses its value due to the volatilization of the essential oil.

The composition of plant materials

The benefits of hyssop officinalis are provided by a high concentration of essential oil. It contains the following volatile substances: pinocamphone, limolene, cineole, myrcene, pinene, karene, humulene, cymol, cardinene, camphene. The most powerful antiseptic is cineol. It gives hyssop officinalis bactericidal, fungicidal, antiviral properties. In addition to the essential oil, the raw material of hyssop officinalis contains biologically active substances.

  • Flavonoids. Diosmin, Issopin. They have a vasoprotective effect, normalize blood biochemical parameters, prevent the formation of blood clots, improve the secretion of internal glands, stimulate tissue regeneration, as well as the immune system. They have expectorant and bronchodilator properties.
  • Acids. Triterpene, phenolcarbolic, fatty. Participants in exchange processes. Stabilize cell membranes. They have a digestive stimulating effect.
  • Glycosides. Stimulate the work of the heart, improve the conductivity of nerve fibers, have antispasmodic and diuretic properties.
  • Tannins. They have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect due to the enveloping action.
  • bitterness. Stimulate appetite, improve the functioning of the digestive system, promote the production and excretion of bile.

The wide chemical composition of hyssop, with a predominance of antibacterial substances, determines the main value of the plant - a natural antiseptic.

Medicinal properties

The plant contains substances of various nature with powerful pharmacological actions. Their diversity is due to a wide range of therapeutic actions of hyssop officinalis.

  • Influence on the central nervous system. Glycosides, vitamins, acids and phytoncides have a tonic effect on the human nervous system. A mild sedative effect, combined with a muscle relaxant, helps to relieve nervous tension without causing drowsiness. Hyssop has been proven to improve memory, concentration and thought processes.
  • Influence on the respiratory system. Hyssop has the ability to relieve bronchospasm, due to which it exhibits an antitussive effect. Stimulation of mucus production helps to thin thick sputum and facilitate its removal, an expectorant effect develops. The listed properties, in combination with the antiseptic effect of essential oils, contribute to the elimination of inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi of an infectious nature.
  • Influence on the gastrointestinal tract. Hyssop officinalis improves digestion by regulating the secretion of the digestive glands. Under its influence, the fermentation of gastric and pancreatic juices improves. Together, choleretic, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory effects are manifested.
  • Influence on the genitourinary system. Biologically active substances of hyssop stimulate peripheral blood circulation, relieve spasm of smooth muscles, increasing the volume of blood entering the kidneys. This contributes to a slight increase in diuresis.
  • Influence on the skin. A mixture of phytoncides, essential oils and tannins promotes accelerated wound healing and reduces inflammation. The activity of cineole against staphylococci makes it possible to eliminate purulent wounds and abscesses with the help of hyssop grass, as well as to prevent infection of small lesions. The plant promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the oral and nasal cavities, eyes.

The healing properties of hyssop officinalis can also have a negative effect on the human body. Side effects of the plant include:

  • arrhythmia;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • convulsions;
  • pressure drop.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

In the presence of any chronic diseases, treatment with hyssop should be agreed with the attending physician. The use of grass for children under 12 years of age is contraindicated.

The use of hyssop officinalis in different areas

Hyssop treatment is popular in folk medicine. It can be consumed in the form of tea, when the body is weakened and in a breakdown, to combat chronic fatigue, a tendency to depression. With the help of the plant, neurosis, mental disorders, memory impairment and concentration disorders are treated. Especially often traditional healers recommend hyssop to the elderly. Plant extract contributes to the normalization of thought processes, helps to cope with the syndrome of senile dementia.

The use of hyssop is recommended to accelerate the recovery of the body after an illness or operation. The herb is able to fight anemia, so it can be used after heavy blood loss. For women, the plant helps to overcome menopause and the unpleasant phenomena that accompany it: hot flashes, irritability, absent-mindedness. In the people, hyssop is used to urgently eliminate a hangover. The use of the plant relieves headaches, eliminates tremor of the limbs, nausea, and "clears the mind."

The beneficial effect of hyssop on the digestive tract is manifested in the chronic form of colitis, as well as in flatulence and dysbacteriosis. A mild laxative effect is manifested by increasing the secretion of bile. The mild diuretic effect of the plant makes it possible to use it for the prevention of urolithiasis. The removal of salt deposits and anti-inflammatory activity give hyssop the ability to alleviate the condition of rheumatism, gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

The treatment of asthma with hyssop officinalis is based on the bronchodilatory ability of the plant. Elimination of bronchospasm stops an asthma attack, and regular intake of hyssop preparations reduces the risk of its recurrence. Expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are widely used to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system:

  • with bronchitis;
  • in the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • with pneumonia;
  • colds;
  • senile cough due to dry mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The use of hyssop for colds helps to cope with a runny nose, fever, aching joints. Immunomodulatory properties speed up recovery. Against the background of taking hyssop, there is an elimination of shortness of breath in heart failure.

Water extracts of hyssop are actively used externally. Treatment of the oral mucosa is carried out by regular rinsing with hyssop. Its properties help to eliminate sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, gumboil, bad breath, hoarseness and loss of voice. Also, drugs are used for bacterial conjunctivitis, as an antiseptic.

The plant eliminates excessive sweating, and therefore is used as a natural deodorant. Among the indications for the use of hyssop externally: trophic ulcers, burns, scratches, chiri, boils heal much faster if compresses are made from hyssop. They also prevent infection of eczematous skin lesions, as well as eliminate its dryness. You can apply extracts to joints affected by rheumatism, bruises, bruises, to reduce inflammation.


Pure essential oil of hyssop is actively used for cosmetic purposes, to enrich the composition of antibacterial agents for the skin. To obtain a sedative effect, essential oil is added to the bath. The use of hyssop for general strengthening of the body in fresh form is widespread - leaves and inflorescences are added to salads, saturating them with useful properties and ennobling the taste. In folk medicine, medicines prepared at home are used. In order not to feel the harm of medicinal hyssop, you need to adhere to the recipes for the preparation of drugs.


Peculiarities. It is used to eliminate withdrawal symptoms, as well as a remedy for excessive sweating.

Preparation and application

  1. Fresh grass is carefully crushed together with inflorescences, it can be chopped in a blender bowl or passed through a meat grinder.
  2. The resulting slurry is wrapped in cheesecloth, folded several times.
  3. The juice is squeezed out by hand into a clean container.
  4. Take orally with a hangover, 40 drops per glass of water.
  5. From sweating, hyssop juice is used after dilution with clean water 1: 1. The resulting substance is wiped with especially sweaty places several times a day.


Peculiarities. It is taken orally as a tonic, tonic, anti-cold and expectorant.

Preparation and application

  1. Two teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured into a metal container.
  2. Pour one glass of clean cold water.
  3. The container is put on a slow fire and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  4. Immediately after boiling, the container must be removed from the heat, left to infuse for five minutes.
  5. Strain and take up to two cups per day.


Peculiarities. It is used to improve digestion, as a mild diuretic, and also to stabilize cardiac activity.

Preparation and application

  1. Inflorescences without leaves (10 g) are poured with half a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour.
  3. Filter, take the entire volume twice a day.


Peculiarities. It is used as an external agent in the treatment of wounds, skin injuries, inflammation, dermatitis, as well as pain in the joints.

Preparation and application

  1. Three teaspoons of hyssop pour 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is placed in a water bath and slowly boiled for half an hour.
  3. After 15 minutes of infusion, the mixture is filtered.
  4. Wash the affected area or apply compresses from the decoction at least twice a day.

Hyssop is a herb that has long been used in the Mediterranean as a medicinal crop. Today, a fragrant plant can be found in many parts of our planet. Many people use it as a seasoning for various dishes, but not everyone knows what medicinal properties medicinal hyssop has.

Medicinal hyssop belongs to the lamb family and is a small herbaceous shrub up to eighty centimeters high. It can be found on hills, in steppes and on rocky slopes. Hyssop prefers loose soils and well-lit places.

The plant has an upright tetrahedral stem, covered with small hairs. Leaves are elongated with entire margins and short petioles. Every two leaves coming out of one node are located opposite each other.

Hyssop officinalis blooms at the end of June. Two-lipped blue or purple flowers, placed in deciduous axils, form an inflorescence spike. The fruit of the plant is nuts placed in a cup that ripen in early autumn.

Hyssop is often grown in gardens as a beautiful medicinal plant. The plant has a rich pleasant aroma and is very attractive to bees. Many consider the honey from the flowers of this herb to be the most useful and delicious.


In the inflorescences of hyssop officinalis, up to two percent of the essential oil is contained, which includes:

  • camphene;
  • hydrocarbons;
  • pinene;
  • alcohols;
  • aldehydes;
  • pinecampheol.

Also in the ground part of the herbaceous plant contains:

  • vitamins - B, A, PP, D, K, E and C;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • gum;
  • bitter substances;
  • pigments.

The largest amount of vitamin C - ascorbic acid is found in the deciduous part of the medicinal crop. Hyssop greens and rhizomes are enriched with potassium, copper, iron and manganese. The plant also contains chlorine, flint, selenium, fluorine, tungsten and boron.

Due to its valuable composition, the perennial culture has good antibacterial, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, hyssop is endowed with a restorative and antispasmodic effect.

Of particular value is the essential oil of hyssop officinalis, which is considered one of the most expensive oils. It can be found in pharmacies. The oil has a refreshing and cleansing effect. The oily extract is obtained by steam distillation and extracted from the leaves and flowers of the plant and is used to treat many diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • ischemia of the heart;
  • depression;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

In addition, some countries produce drugs based on medicinal hyssop to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Such drugs increase appetite and promote the secretion of gastric juice.

The perennial herb has a slight diuretic effect and can reduce perspiration. It has wound healing and analgesic properties.

Basically, the plant is used for healing tinctures and decoctions at home. With their help, you can get rid of various ailments:

  1. Bronchitis. Pour two small spoons of dried and crushed grass leaves with two glasses of hot water and leave to brew for an hour. Strained liquid of fifty milligrams should be taken after meals for a week. Such an infusion well removes sputum from the respiratory organs.
  2. Flatulence and colitis. Fifty grams of crushed plant pour half a liter of dry white wine and leave in a cool place for three weeks. The vessel with infusion during this time should be shaken periodically. Strain the prepared mixture. A day you need to drink one hundred and fifty grams of infusion, dividing this amount into three servings. The healing liquid is drunk before meals.
  3. Laryngitis. Brew tea by steaming a teaspoon of hyssop and the same amount of sage in three hundred milliliters of boiling water. The herbal liquid must be cooled and drunk in a glass in the morning and evening for a week.
  4. Bronchial asthma. Two tablespoons of finely chopped dried hyssop medicinal pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for two days in a closed container. You need to take a warm strained broth thirty minutes before a meal, one large spoonful. The drug should be drunk for one month.

In folk medicine, hyssop tea is an excellent remedy for many diseases. His recipe is very simple:

pour two tablespoons of grass with three cups of boiling water, leave for five minutes.

It is necessary to drink three cups of this healing tea per day. It is not only useful for general strengthening of the body, but also helps in the treatment of various ailments:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • runny nose;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • shortness of breath;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • rheumatism;
  • colds.

Lotions are made from tea for various skin lesions. The grassy liquid helps in the treatment of hematomas, bruises and purulent wounds. Drinking tea also helps reduce sweating. To get rid of gynecological ailments, such as thrush and cervical erosion, douching is done from brewed grass.

Hyssop officinalis has valuable medicinal qualities and is an excellent assistant in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. But still the plant has some limitations in use:

  • you can not drink grass with hypertension;
  • it is forbidden to use hyssop for disorders of the nervous system;
  • it is not recommended to take infusions and decoctions from this perennial culture during pregnancy and nursing mothers;
  • it is not necessary to carry out treatment with hyssop officinalis with individual intolerance and the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the plant;
  • hyssop should not be added to the diet of patients with epilepsy;
  • you can not take the grass in the presence of kidney disease.

Hyssop officinalis can be given to children only after five years. It is better to drink grass for medicinal purposes with the permission of the attending physician.

Hyssop officinalis can be bought at a pharmacy. The grass is sold in a dry, crushed form. The shelf life of the medicinal product is two years at a temperature not exceeding twenty degrees and in a dry place protected from sunlight.

But if there is an opportunity, healing raw materials are not difficult to prepare on their own. Grass should be collected at the end of June or at the beginning of July, when the first flowers have just blossomed. At this time, the stem of the plant is still soft and the greenery contains the greatest amount of nutrients.

For drying, the entire ground part of the healing culture is cut off. Stems, flowers and leaves are laid out in a small layer on a pallet and dried under a canopy without direct sunlight. Dried hyssop stems become hard and the buds are slightly prickly.

Store medicinal raw materials in sealed glass containers or dry paper bags. In dark places without access to moisture, the grass is stored for up to two years.

At the beginning of the XIV century, the famous physician Arnold of Villanova compiled the Salerno Code of Health, in verse, dedicated to medicinal herbs, flowers, and fruits. And it says this about Hyssop:

"The chest is cleansed of phlegm by grass, which is useful hyssop,
if it is boiled together with honey.
And they say that it gives the face an excellent color, and is called hyssop.

Family: labiatae (Labiatae)
Botanical name: Hyssopus officinalis
Pharmacy: dry leaf extract - Hyssopus officinalis L., hyssop herb - Hyssopi herba (formerly: Herba Hyssopi).
generic name: Hyssopus
Folk names: blue hypericum; forest hyssop, Dracocephalum, bee grass, odorous hyssop

The Latin name Hyssopus officinalis comes from the Hebrew "esob" (azob), which means "sacred odorous herb" (although the Bible apparently refers to one of the types of marjoram)

More than three hundred varieties of hyssop are known, of which there are four main varieties of hyssop, but it is Hyssopus officinalis that is mainly used to obtain aromatic oil. It has other names: common hyssop, blue St. John's wort, yuzefka, susop, hysop.

The root is woody. Stems tetrahedral, branched, almost glabrous or shortly pubescent, lignified at the base, twig-like, 45 cm long. Leaves opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate, short-petiolate, entire, 2-4 cm long and 0.4-0.9 cm wide; apical - smaller. The flowers are small, arranged in groups of three to seven in the axils of the leaves, forming a spicate inflorescence in the upper part of the stem. Corolla two-lipped, blue or purple, rarely pink or white. The fruit is a nut.

Flowering grass is used, and only the upper, more tender parts of the shoots should be cut. The taste of hyssop leaves is slightly bitter and slightly reminiscent of mint.


Hyssop, like many aromatic plants, contains essential oil from 0.3 to 1-2%, tannins up to 8%, glycosides, hesperidin, diosmin, hyssopine, resins, etc. Green hyssop grass, cut before flowering, rich in ascorbic acid - about 170 mg per 100 g of fresh leaves. It has bactericidal properties. The leaves of hyssop contain ursolic and omanic acids, tannins, the flowers contain flavonoids issopin and diosmin.

To obtain essential oil, hyssop is harvested at the time of mass flowering in the second year of life.
With later harvesting, the content of essential oil is reduced. A good harvest is obtained within five to six years. In the future, it decreases, the plantation is laid in a new place.
To cut leaves for harvesting for future use, they start in the flowering phase.
To harvest raw materials, the beveled mass is dried in the shade under a canopy or in dryers, laying it out in a thin layer. Dried raw materials are stored in dry ventilated rooms.
Hyssop is harvested at the beginning of flowering, from June to August. The fruits ripen in August-October.

Hyssop is a good honey plant. . It is used to attract bees during swarming, for which the hives are rubbed with fresh grass. And pests, for example, a cabbage scoop, the smell of hyssop repels.

As a medicinal plant, hyssop has been known at least since the time of Hippocrates (about 460 - 377 BC), who mentioned it in his writings. It was used by Dioscorides (about 40 - 90 years), Avicenna (about 980 - 1037) and many other equally famous doctors. For example, in the Canon of Medicine, Avicenna describes hyssop as a “hot”, thinning and loosening remedy, and recommends it for use in the following cases: to thin milk in nursing mothers, with “blockages” in the lungs of the elderly, with constipation, as an analgesic, to expel disease-causing “matters” from the head, including memory loss and epilepsy, night blindness, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the respiratory system, liver and bladder diseases, gynecological diseases leading to infertility, in dentistry. By the way, it is very easy to feel the hot nature of hyssop. It is enough to chew its leaves to feel the warmth in your mouth.

Much later, already in France, the Carthusian monks created the "elixir of longevity" on the basis of many medicinal herbs and alcohol. The drink was a huge success for its healing properties. The holy brothers constantly improved it, and as a result, in 1764, the famous Green Chartreuse liqueur was born. The recipe for herbal infusion is still sacredly guarded by the three fathers of the monastery, but it is certainly known that one of the main herbs used in its manufacture is hyssop.

Hyssop is one of those herbs that do not affect a single organ, but the human body as a whole, regulate the energy of a person. A light pure herb with a strong healing effect. It is sometimes even considered not a magical, but a sacred herb.

The medicine:

Hyssop is used mainly for gastrointestinal diseases and to stimulate appetite, the aerial parts also relieve flatulence and colic in the abdomen; once they were widely used for constipation in combination with figs. And its anticonvulsant and weak diuretic action is used in diuretic tea. In addition, hyssop is also used as an expectorant for dry coughs, bronchitis, severe colds and bronchial asthma. The aerial parts also serve as diaphoretics for colds and flu.

Essential oil is used as a tonic and mild sedative in case of exhaustion of the nervous system. associated with fatigue or depression.
The German National Health Service rejected the use of hyssop, as its healing effect has not been proven.


In folk medicine, hyssop is used for angina pectoris, gastrointestinal diseases. It promotes digestion and stimulates the appetite. Hyssop infusion as a general health drink is recommended for older people. It helps with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, asthma, neurosis, excessive sweating.
A decoction and infusion of hyssop are used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis, for rinsing the mouth and throat with inflammatory diseases, as well as for compresses for bruises and rheumatism, for wound healing. And, if you have bruises or bruises, it's time to steam the grass, wrap it in gauze (or another clean cloth) and apply it to the sore spot overnight, wrapping it with a bandage or strip of cloth. The wound can also be treated with this herb.

"The spirit or steam of hyssop, if you hold your ears over it, drives the wind out of them." William Turner, 1562

Hippocrates advised treating pleurisy with this herb, Dioscorides recommended it along with fragrant rue for asthma and colds. Hyssop is one of the 130 herbs that flavor Chartreuse liqueur.


As for the magical properties of this herb, this is one of the main herbs that were considered anti-demonic - added to a bag of aromatic herbs for bathing, to bags and incense to protect against evil forces.
To protect against dark forces, grass should be used exclusively in the form of incense or water infusions. Just dried grass or alcohol infusions will not help here.
The grass prepared in advance must be dried so that, having lost moisture, the grass acquires a fiery energy force. The very power that will increase the ability of the grass to drive away not only all kinds of evil spirits, but also bad intentions and evil intentions that penetrate your thoughts. Smoke from smoking cleans not only a person, but also his home.

In the Bible, it is called bitter herbs, and brooms from it were used to anoint jambs during Egyptian executions so that the Angel of Death would pass by and not take the firstborn, brooms from it were used during worship by the Levites, the plant most often mentioned in the Bible after grapes.

If the child has bad dreams, you can add weed to the stuffing of mattresses or prepare a small bag of this weed and put it under the pillow. The smell of this herb will protect the child from fear in a dream, and incense prepared from hyssop will help against enslaving spirits.
By the way, if you dream of hyssop, it means that serious charges will be brought against you, and if a woman has a dream with hyssop, her reputation is in jeopardy.

A stalk of hyssop, placed in shoes, protects from evil spirits; a twig tucked into your belt or held in your hand can add strength and relieve fatigue during long walking. A smart and knowledgeable magician, going on a long journey, always takes a branch of this plant with him.

Magic recipes


3 parts rue
2 parts rosemary
1 part vetiver
1 part hyssop
1 part mistletoe
Boil as usual, strain and oil every window and door in the house. Pour the rest into sewers and drains to protect them too.
Don't drink!


As a spice in hyssop, leaves and that part of the branches that are not lignified are used primarily. Spicy, somewhat tart and bitter in taste, they are a good addition to various dishes, improving their quality, enriching them with useful substances.

Fresh leaves with flowering tops of twigs in home cooking are added to soups, minced meats and pates. Many people use hyssop when stuffing eggs and sausages. Hyssop is almost indispensable for cooking fried pork, stews, beef zrazy. It is added very carefully to vegetable and bean dishes. It is combined with dishes from cottage cheese (cottage cheese pastes). Improves the taste and aroma of cucumber and tomato salads, spices pickles (use flowering twigs and add in small quantities). It can be used in the preparation of drinks, more often it is done in the countries of the East.
Dried hyssop sprigs are added to almost all dishes, as are dried leaves. The norm of laying dry herbs per serving: 0.5 g in the first courses, 0.3 g in the second, 0.2 g in sauces. After adding hyssop, the dishes with the dish do not need to be covered, otherwise the smell will deteriorate. Large doses should not be carried away, hyssop is "friendly" to other simultaneous additives from herbs such as dill, parsley, celery, fennel, mint, marjoram, basil.

Hyssop tea:
2 teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured into 1/4 of cold water, brought to a boil and infused for 5 minutes. After straining, the tea is ready to drink. Dosage: 2 cups per day.

10 g of flowers per 100 ml of boiling water and 15-20 g of sugar, take 100 ml per day. Drink with colds in the chest and bronchitis

Boil 3 teaspoons of chopped hyssop herb in 1.5 cups of water in a water bath for 30 minutes and add 3-4 tablespoons of red wine. For rinsing with stomatitis and diseases.

Essential oil:
A mixture of 10 drops of hyssop oil and 20 ml of sunflower oil. Pairs well with thyme and eucalyptus. With bronchitis and severe colds - rubbing.

With nervous exhaustion, depression and stress, they take baths, adding 5-10 drops of oil there.

In a filled bath (37-38 gr.) Add 5-10 drops of hyssop oil pre-mixed with 1-2 tbsp. l. emulsifier (milk, honey, sea or table salt). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Aromatization of rooms:- Add 4-6 drops of oil to an aroma lamp filled with water and light a candle. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes.

ATTENTION! The essential oil should be used with caution as it contains the ketone compound pinocamphone which causes convulsions in high doses.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to hyssop oil. Be careful during pregnancy and epilepsy. Avoid contact with eyes. An overdose is harmful.

Hyssop is effective in the treatment of many serious diseases, but it must be used with caution due to a number of contraindications.

A worthy replacement for the universal unpretentious plant used in medicine and cooking since the 10th century has not yet been found. Hyssop is indispensable both in the treatment of certain diseases and in the creation of culinary masterpieces.

What is hyssop, what does it look like, what is another name, decoding

- semi-shrub plant, reaching a height of 80 cm, growing mainly in Africa and Eurasia, but also found in the Caucasus.

Numerous stems of the plant have a quadrangular shape, long leaves are planted directly on them, slightly rounded downward along the edges and sharp at the ends. The inflorescences are located above the leaves and resemble collected oblong spikelets with purple, pink or blue corollas.

Hyssop blooms for a very long time, new flowers from spikelets-inflorescences replace each other every 5-7 days. In August, instead of flowering corollas, fruits begin to appear - nut-shaped, trihedral brown seeds.

Hyssop is popularly known as blue St. John's wort, bee grass, sacred grass, susop, hysop, juzefka.

Hyssop reproduces both by seeds and by dividing the rhizome. It tolerates transplantation and changes in climatic conditions perfectly.

Hyssop benefits and harms, medicinal properties, contraindications

Hyssop can be safely called a universal multifunctional plant:

  • Unpretentious and decorative, it can decorate rock gardens and front gardens of private houses. At the same time, it easily gets along next to other plants, does not require special care and, having grown well, can play the role of a hedge.
  • The long and abundant flowering of hyssop, as well as its pleasant aroma, attracts bees, so it can be plant between vegetable beds
  • Hyssop is used as an ingredient in the preparation of various folk antitussive, wound healing, antiseptic, antihelminthic agents
  • The plant is spicy seasoning and is widely used in cooking.

The plant has medicinal properties due to its unique rich composition. It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, oleanolic acid and vitamin C. The main medicinal properties of hyssop:

  • antimicrobial
  • expectorant
  • painkiller
  • diuretic
  • exciting
  • antipyretic
  • laxative

However, hyssop also has a number of contraindications:

  • Overdose of hyssop causes spasms
  • Hyssop is forbidden for children, pregnant and lactating women
  • Not recommended for hyperacidity of the stomach
  • The use of hyssop by hypertensive patients and people suffering from epilepsy and convulsions is unacceptable.

Video: Hyssop Useful properties

Hyssop essential oil, decoction, tea: application

Light emerald-colored essential oil of hyssop with a tart-sweet smell is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It is used when tonsillitis, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress. Hyssop essential oil also helps to normalize blood pressure.

Rubbing is effective for bronchitis: hyssop essential oil (20 drops) is mixed with vegetable oil (40 drops) and the chest and back of the patient are thoroughly rubbed for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day (morning and evening) until the condition is relieved.

People prone to depression and nervous disorders, should be taken baths with hyssop oil. Add 5-7 drops of essential oil to the bath and inhale its aroma for 7-10 minutes while taking a bath.

Hyssop decoction It is recommended to apply to women in violation of sweating during menopause. Prepare a decoction as follows: 1 tsp. dry grass pour 200 g of boiling water and leave under a tightly closed lid for 2 - 2.5 hours. Then take 3 times a day, 70 g before meals.

Hyssop tea, which has a diuretic effect, drink hot, let it brew for 7-10 minutes.

How to brew hyssop?

The recipe for brewing hyssop depends on the purpose for which the resulting product will be used.

For bronchitis: Dry hyssop flowers (1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water (1 l) and let it brew for 1 - 1.5 hours. Then the infusion is filtered through a fine sieve, sugar (1 tablespoon) is added to it and mixed thoroughly. Drink 0.5 tbsp. 1 time per day.

For colds: Dry crushed leaves and stems of hyssop (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.) And infused under the lid for about 2 hours. Take 0.3 liters 3 times a day. In the prepared infusion, you can add sugar, honey and lemon to taste.

Hyssop: use in folk medicine for children from cough

Children over 3 years old are offered a decoction of hyssop twice a day (morning and evening), 100 g before meals. If the child has signs of allergy, you should immediately stop treatment, give an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

How to treat asthma with hyssop?

For the treatment of bronchial asthma it is necessary to drink the infusion of hyssop in a course of 1 month, without interruptions. The infusion is prepared as follows: crushed dry hyssop (3 tablespoons) is poured into a liter thermos with boiling water and after 5 minutes the lid is closed. After 1.5 hours, the infusion is filtered, then poured into a thermos again. Drink hot, 1 spoon before each meal.

IMPORTANT: Regarding the possibility of combining the treatment of asthma with hyssop infusion and other means, you should consult your doctor.

How to use hyssop for hair?

With hair loss and fading, hyssop essential oil is added to the shampoo (or balm). For 15 g of shampoo you will need 2 drops of oil. Regular use of this product will help restore hair and stop hair loss within 1.5 - 2 months. Hyssop oil also helps with dandruff.

IMPORTANT: In no case should you increase the amount of oil in the shampoo. It will not bring benefits, but it can harm.

When to collect hyssop for drying for the winter, how to harvest?

For drying, hyssop is harvested in July - August, cutting off the top flowering shoots. Dry them, spreading them out in a thin layer and avoiding direct sunlight and moisture. You can also tie branches of hyssop to dry under a canopy, flowers down.

After drying, hyssop becomes prickly and hard, so it must be crushed carefully.

If hyssop is planned to be used as a seasoning, then it should be cut at the time of the greatest flowering. This herb has the strongest aroma and the ability to improve the taste of dishes.

IMPORTANT: The color of the plant is preserved even after drying, so if you need to make seasoning of different colors, you need to dry the blue, pink and purple hyssop separately from each other.

It is best to store hyssop in a cotton bag or closed tin cans. However, after 6-8 months of storage, its aroma weakens and disappears.

Those who have the opportunity to plant hyssop in their backyard should certainly do this. This unique plant should always be at hand, as it can come in handy at any time.

Video: Hyssop officinalis

Genus: Hyssop (Hyssopus).
Family: Lamiaceae.
Latin name: Hyssopus officinalis.
Folk names: odorous hyssop, bee grass.

Description, habitat

The medicinal herb hyssop is a prominent representative of the Lamiaceae family. It grows in the southern part of Siberia, in the Mediterranean and Asia, in central Russia, in the Caucasus. Most often, this plant is found in the steppe area, less often it can be found on dry gentle hills, on rocky slopes. The order of species of this herb is known.

Hyssop is a semi-shrub or strongly scented herb. As for medicinal hyssop, it is a highly branched shrub, reaching a height of 50-60 cm, it has stiff branches. The stems are preferably yellow in color, the leaves with drooping edges are green, and flowers grow from their axils. The latter can have blue, white and pink tones.

Collection and preparation

The miraculous herb hyssop blooms from July to September, after flowering, instead of flowers, nut seeds are formed. Flowering grass is harvested, only tender upper shoots are cut from it. They are dried in small bundles in a well-ventilated area. Due to its pleasant aroma, beneficial properties and tart taste, this herb has found wide application not only in medicine, but also in perfumery, the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. It is known to grow plants at home.

Chemical composition

Hyssop contains essential oil, tannins, resins, diosmin, hesperidin, issopin. Grass cut before flowering is rich in ascorbic acid. Fresh foliage has a strong bactericidal effect.

Useful properties of hyssop officinalis

This herb has long been used in folk medicine. Even in the treatise of Avicena, it was written that hyssop has antitussive, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Today, the plant is used for heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, and neurosis. Hyssop is very effective in the treatment of inflammation of the oral cavity and pharynx, it is simply indispensable for indigestion.

The medicinal properties of hyssop officinalis are effective in chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, with respiratory catarrh and tonsillitis. The herb quickly relieves inflammation of the urinary tract. The use of hyssop does not end there, it is useful for conjunctivitis, rheumatism, helps with excessive sweating, and helps to quickly get rid of worms.

Effective use of hyssop officinalis is known in the form of infusions. Lotions are made from them for long-term non-healing wounds, the oral cavity and throat are processed. Drinks are indicated for poor appetite, they also strengthen the stomach, are recommended for the elderly.

Preparation and use of medicines from hyssop

Traditional medicine recipes

The healing and beneficial properties of hyssop officinalis are expressed in its decoctions. To get an effective potion, you need to pour 10 g of a mixture of inflorescences and leaves into 200 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. After cooling, strain the broth, consume several times after meals.

To prepare tea expressing all the medicinal properties of hyssop officinalis, you need 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, pour 250-300 ml of cold water, boil, insist. Take no more than two cups per day.

Good for treating bronchitis infusion herbs. It is prepared from 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The resulting composition is poured into a thermos, aged in it for at least 1 hour. A glass of the miracle drink, taken 20 minutes before a meal, will relieve a bad cough. The course of treatment is 1 month.

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