How to protect your dog from ticks. Soap with tea tree oil. Vaccination against piroplasmosis

Ticks cause a lot of trouble for dogs. They not only disturb the animal, but can also cause serious illness. Therefore, the protection of the dog from the tick must be carried out systematically and in without fail.

What are ticks and why are they dangerous

piroplasmosis. It is extremely dangerous, if untimely, incorrect or insufficient treatment can lead to the loss of the dog. As well as a large number of the sucked blood can weaken her and make her easily susceptible to other infections.

How to protect dogs from ticks

Operating Instructions. At the end of the validity period, the collar is removed and replaced with a new one. Sometimes good effect achieved through a combination of resources. It should be remembered that the full protection of the dog from the tick is provided only quality drug. If cheap collars and drops work, then for a very short time.

In many respects, the choice of a particular means of protection against ticks depends on the characteristics of a particular dog. What worked perfectly and kept one safe might not work for another. So it makes sense to try different drugs with expert advice.

Ticks are dangerous not only for people, but also for animals. They also become seriously infected tick-borne diseases. To protect the animal from tick bites will help some folk remedies that contain a natural repellent.

Folk remedies for ticks for dogs

alternative pharmaceutical preparations act folk remedies for dogs from ticks. They must be processed immediately before leaving the house. If the animal is outside all day, then the composition should be used every 2-3 hours. Pay attention to following tips:

  • Take 20 g dried and 50 g fresh wormwood. Pour raw materials with 0.5 liters of water, then bring the liquid to a boil. Let the broth cool, then pour into a spray bottle. Spray the animal with it before going outside or every 2-3 hours.
  • For 200 ml of water, take 1 tbsp. l. clove oil and 30 ml of alcohol. Mix the ingredients, pour the product into a spray bottle. Treat the animal's hair with a solution, excluding the muzzle area.
  • For bathing, it is recommended to use tar soap. After the procedure, you can spray the animal with a decoction of wormwood.
  • Mow on your site high meadow grasses and weeds.
  • If possible, create protective strips of gravel up to 1 m wide.
  • Plant natural insecticides on the site, such as lavender, feverfew, Caucasian and Dalmatian chamomile, pink geranium, marigolds. These flowers will keep ticks out of the area and thus protect the animal. It is allowed to rub the leaves of these plants on animal hair.
  • Examine the pet after each walk, and in nature - every 3-4 hours, carefully probing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, knees, ears, inner thighs, and muzzle.

Vanilla tincture

Among absolutely harmless means vanillin takes the first place. It must be taken in pure form. Vanilla sugar will not work in this case. Vanillin can be protected against ticks by dogs of any age. The only contraindication alcohol tincture should not be used on puppies. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix with vanilla (2 g) vodka (100 g) or alcohol (40 g).
  2. Pour into a glass container, put away for a week in a cool place.
  3. To protect the animal from ticks, apply 2-3 drops to the legs, stomach, sides and withers.

The sweet smell of vanillin repels not only ticks, but also mosquitoes. Such a tool is recommended for the protection of both animals and humans. You can even just sprinkle vanilla on the dog's hair in the direction from head to tail. Another option is to dissolve 1-2 sachets in a glass warm water and spray the animal with this solution.

Essential oils

Repellents from essential oils prepared on the basis of alcohol, which acts as an emulsifier. To enhance the smell, apple or table vinegar is sometimes added. When adding oils, it is important not to overdo it. Dogs have a finer sense of smell than humans, so a strong scent can cause side effects such as impaired sense of smell. Oils can protect against ticks:

  • lavender;
  • cypress;
  • rosemary;
  • mint;
  • cloves;
  • almonds;
  • geraniums;
  • basilica;
  • cedar;
  • palmarosa;
  • thyme;
  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus.

For pregnant dogs or puppies, it is recommended to use the oil tea tree. In its pure form, the listed oils cannot be used so that the animal does not lick off the product. Better couple drops drip on the withers. Oil must not be applied to the face. Can you protect your dog from ticks? different ways:

  • Mix alcohol, water and one of the essential oils in a ratio of 1:10:1. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the sides, withers, stomach and legs of the pet with a solution.
  • Apply a few drops of one of the oils to the collar.
  • Mix a couple of drops of oil with 1 tsp. vodka. With this tool you need to spray the comb, which then comb the dog. Carry out this procedure once a week.
  • In 200 ml of pet shampoo, add 20 drops of a mixture of thyme, lavender, tea tree, cypress oils. Wash the pet with the received product according to the usual schedule.

Protection against tar mites has one significant drawback - a sharp unpleasant odor. The easiest way to use is to bathe your pet with laundry soap. In the process, you need to lather the animal, leave for 5-7 minutes, then wash off the foam. There is another option:

  1. Prepare a glass of water, tar soap and essential oils: grapefruit thyme, myrrh, juniper, oregano.
  2. Grate soap, mix with water.
  3. Then add 2 drops of each essential oil.
  4. Pour the resulting composition into a spray bottle. Spray the animal with a solution before a walk or several times a day if the pet is constantly on the street.


Another folk remedy for ticks is ordinary garlic. These bloodsuckers do not tolerate a sharp garlic smell. It is important to apply the product to those places that are inaccessible to the dog for licking, otherwise it can cause poisoning. Instructions for preparing the tincture:

  1. Grate about 2-3 cloves of garlic in a mortar or garlic maker.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. water, leave for at least 8 hours.
  3. Apply a small amount of infusion to the withers, to the area behind the ears and other places where the dog cannot lick off the product.

Contraindications and precautions

When using a folk remedy for ticks, it is important not to apply it on the face and in those places where the animal can reach with its tongue. This will protect the pet from poisoning and loss of smell. When signs of allergy appear in the dog, the remedy must be changed. Contraindications for use folk recipes:

  • puppy age (for products with a pungent odor, including tar and essential oils);
  • dog pregnancy (also applies to formulations with strong smell);
  • wounds and abrasions on the skin (it is not recommended to apply funds there or use tar soap for bathing);
  • individual intolerance of the animal in relation to any ingredient in the folk remedy.


With the onset of the warm season, do not forget to protect your pet from tick attacks.

It is important to remember that no matter where you live - in the city or countryside- you should regularly treat the dog with special acaricidal (anti-tick) preparations, and after a walk, be sure to carefully examine the entire dog in order to detect a tick in time. Unfortunately, the tick has become a completely urban dweller, and a meeting with him can happen in the yard, in the park, and in the city center. It should be borne in mind that ticks and other insects can attack the treated animal and even attach to it. The tick can stay on the animal's body for up to 10 days, but it is less active on the treated animal and quickly dies. The favorite sites of tick attachment are the head, the area behind the ears, the neck, the elbow area and the groin.

Today there is a large selection of various acaricides in the form of sprays, collars and drops at the withers You can buy them at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy. The most popular brands are Frontline French firm Merial, Advantix Hartz(Hartz Mountain Corporation, USA), Beafar(Beaphar, the Netherlands), KeelTix(Bayer HealthCare, Germany), Bolfo(Bayer HealthCare, Germany), Praktik(Klocke Verpackungs-Service, Germany), ProMeris Duo(Wyeth-Lederle, Italia), domestic Leopard, Mr.Bruno, Rolf Club, Dana.

How do acaricidal preparations work and which one to choose to protect the dog?

And the form of release of the drug, and the active substance, and the authority of the company that produces it, and the price - everything matters.

Drops differ from sprays in concentration active ingredient dissolved per unit volume, and in insect-acaricidal collars, the active substance and solvent are applied to the polymer tape. After application of drops, spray or while wearing the collar, the acaricide in contact with the skin is absorbed into subcutaneous tissue and accumulates in sebaceous follicles. From there, the acaricide, together with the secret, will be released in small portions to the surface of the skin for a long time. Therefore, after treatment with anti-tick agents, it is not recommended for animals to get into the rain for 1-2 days, bathe, wash with shampoo, so as not to wash off the drug applied to the skin.

Most effective means protection are considered insect-acaricidal sprays used according to the scheme: basic treatment by applying a spray to the skin once every few weeks in the amount recommended by the manufacturer, plus a daily spray a small amount on animal fur. For example, one of the most popular Frontline spray products is recommended to be used as follows: once every three to four weeks, at the rate of 4 pressures of the distributing head per kilogram of weight, in a jet on the skin of the animal - as a basic treatment (the spray distributing head has two positions - for blasting and spraying), plus a daily spray on the coat (2-6 sprays of the dispensing head). Unlike other means of protection, the spray acts immediately, but only if the instructions for its use are strictly followed.

Other effective remedy protection - drops on the withers(spot-on). You need to treat the dog monthly, the drops begin to act after a few days. A combination of drops at the withers (as a basic treatment) and sprays (for daily treatment) is acceptable, for example, Frontline, Hartz, Bars, which are available in the form of drops at the withers and as a spray. It is also possible to combine drops at the withers with wearing collar. As a rule, the collar can last from 1 to 7 months, but gives less reliable protection from ticks.

It is possible to use in this way products containing both the same active substance and different ones (unless there are special instructions for this in the instructions for the drug). The current opinion about increased total toxicity and the possibility of overdose is unreasonable. The risk is also greatly exaggerated. side effects acaricidal agents - all these drugs belong to little or moderate dangerous substances and are well tolerated by dogs when the instructions are followed.

Before using prophylactic acaricides, be sure to read the instructions carefully. Various drugs have their own characteristics of use and limitations: a number of collars and drops on the withers should not be used for pregnant and lactating bitches, puppies up to 7-8 weeks of age. Products containing permethrin as an active ingredient (Advantix, Hartz, Bars, etc.) are dangerous for cats, so you should not use collars of these brands for dogs kept with cats, and when treated with drops or sprays, cats must be isolated until completely dry dog hair.

It should immediately be noted that None of the above means gives 100% protection, even if daily use Therefore, a thorough examination of the animal after each walk is necessary. Other preventive measures against infection with babesiosis does not exist.

Will vaccines help?

The immunity produced by the vaccine is not strong enough to completely protect the dog from the disease, however, according to vaccine manufacturers, in the event of infection, it will help alleviate the severity of the disease and avoid serious complications.

If you do decide to use the vaccine, be sure to follow vaccination schedule:
- initial vaccination
- re-vaccination after 3-6 weeks
- booster vaccination every 6 months

The effect of the vaccine begins 3 weeks after the basic double vaccination (up to this point the dog is not considered protected) and lasts for 6 months.

Vaccination in no way replaces the regular seasonal treatment of the dog with acaricidal agents and examination of the animal after walking!

What if in spite of everything Taken measures Has your dog been bitten by a tick?

You should not remove the tick with your bare hands, use tweezers, gloves, etc. - the main thing is to avoid contact with the tick of your skin and mucous membranes, because. there is a possibility of contracting other diseases that are already dangerous for humans. If you are unable to remove the tick yourself, contact your veterinarian.

It is convenient to remove ticks with curved tweezers or a surgical forceps, in principle, any other tweezers will do. In this case, the tick must be grabbed as close as possible to the proboscis, then gently pulled up, while slowly rotating around the axis in any direction. Usually, after 1-3 turns, the tick is removed entirely along with the proboscis. If you try to pull out the tick, then the probability of its rupture is high. There is nothing terrible in this, but the formation of a small abscess is possible. After removing the tick, the wound should be treated with an antiseptic, and the tick itself should be destroyed (it is best to burn it in a closed container).

When removing a tick, DO NOT:
- moisten the bite site with caustic liquids - ammonia, gasoline, acetone, etc.
- burning a tick with a cigarette
- sharply pull the tick - it will break off
- apply to the bite site various compresses
- crush the tick with your fingers.

There are special tools for removing ticks.

These devices have an advantage over clamps or tweezers, since the body of the tick is not squeezed, the extrusion of the contents of the tick into the wound is excluded, and the risk of contracting tick-borne infections is reduced.

2. After removing the tick, it is very important to monitor the well-being of the dog.

Not every tick is a carrier of babesiosis, in addition, it is not possible to immediately determine whether a dog is infected. There is no need to immediately take the dog to the clinic for tests, most likely there will be no babesias in the blood on the first day. In the absence of symptoms, normal temperature body (37.5-39C), it makes sense to take a smear of peripheral blood 3-4 days after a tick bite.

Take your time with the use of a specific anti-babesiosis drug, especially based on diminazine(type berenyl, verbena or azidine), these agents are extremely toxic (in fact, they are poisons). Therefore, if a tick that has bitten an animal turns out to be uninfected (and an average of 3 to 14% of insects are infected with Babesia), then the so-called preventive therapy you will deal a heavy blow to the whole body, to the liver and immune system first of all.

If the dog is sick...

If the worst happened, and a couple of days after the tick bite you notice something wrong in the behavior of the dog - immediately to the clinic. Babesiosis is fast developing disease: from the appearance of the first clinical signs(often non-specific) to severe toxic injury body or even death can take only a few days.

Any of the following symptoms should prompt immediate medical attention:
Lethargy, refusal to feed
increase in body temperature up to 39.5-41C,
Yellowish tinge of mucous membranes
change in the color of urine (dark, red, dark brown).

In the veterinary clinic, in addition to conducting a clinical examination, your pet a blood test for babesiosis must be done without fail. A drop of blood for a smear is taken from a capillary on inner surface dog's ear (not from a vein!) - exactly in peripheral vessels precipitated the largest number pyroplasm. The diagnosis of babesiosis is considered established only after its laboratory confirmation. If a laboratory diagnostics not to carry out, then even in the case of the appearance of the classic triad of symptoms characteristic of babesiosis: hyperthermia ( heat), hematuria (“bloody urine”) and ecteria (jaundice) - no doctor is immune from fatal mistakes.

Ticks make themselves felt in the spring, when the first snow melts and the weather rises above zero. blood-sucking insects amaze nervous system human (encephalitis), while four-legged friends develop the disease circulatory system. Many dog ​​owners seriously think about safety measures, and this is not surprising. Every owner wants to protect his ward from dangerous consequences bite. Consider the most effective ways problem solving.

  1. You can protect your pet with vaccinations. AT veterinary clinics provide the vaccine "Pyrodog" from the company "Merial", France. The composition allows you to protect your pet from piroplasmosis.
  2. The effectiveness of the procedure ranges from 75-85%. You can get vaccinated when the puppy is 5 months old. In this case, the pet must be vaccinated against viruses and dewormed.
  3. The vaccination procedure is carried out in 2 stages with a break of 1 month. A second course is performed after a year or six months, depending on the habitat.
  4. Vaccination and revaccination are strictly forbidden to combine with vaccinations of a different kind. The exception is protection against rabies and leptospirosis.
  5. If a dog has previously had piroplasmosis and is its chronic carrier, the virus can break out again. In this case, it is necessary to treat the pet in a standard way, and also treat it with drops.

How to protect a dog from ticks with folk methods

  1. Geranium. If you keep a pet in the private sector, as a result of which the pet often walks in the yard, proceed as follows. Plant marigolds or geraniums (pink) on the site. result such actions will become complete absence ticks. Bloodsuckers are afraid of an unpleasant smell. As an adjunct, you can dry the plants, make a decoction of them, and rinse the animal's fur.
  2. Tar soap. The product is considered an analogue of tick shampoos. Using soap will not protect your dog for long, but it will keep the results for up to 2 weeks. Soap the animal well, wait 5 minutes, rinse. Get ready for bad smell, which will come from the pet's fur.
  3. Ethers. Fragrant oils repel ticks, pests will not approach the dog even a single step. Prepare an ester of lemon balm, tea tree, lavender, geranium, citrus fruits or cloves. Combine the composition with filtered water and vodka, keeping the ratio 1:10:1. Transfer the solution to a bottle, spray on the pet's coat and wait for it to dry. Pay due attention to the tail, withers, belly, paws and neck. You can spray the collar if you wish.

It is easy to protect a four-legged friend from ticks if you have basic knowledge. The most effective means are drops and tablets. In second place is the spray, but it is toxic. Shampoo and collar are used as additional protection. Vaccination is carried out to increase the effectiveness of the listed compounds.

Video: how to protect your dog from ticks

Every dog ​​owner tries by all means to protect his beloved pet from all kinds of pests and diseases. If you take this goal seriously, your pet will calmly walk around in nature, and you will have much less reason to worry. But which tick remedy for dogs is the best choice for you - here main question that everyone faces. Drops, collars, sprays, shampoos and even tablets - a modern range similar drugs just amazing. And often preference is given to precisely such compositions.

But, despite the instructions and the assurances of advertisers that all these drugs will save the pet from ticks and fleas without causing any harm, they are not always accurate. Of course, store-bought chemicals are used by dog ​​breeders everywhere, but they can also harm the dog's health. Sprays and drops are absorbed into the skin, tablets affect the liver - whatever one may say, but if you do not want to worsen your health four-legged friend and afraid of even the smallest allergic reactions, store compositions are not the best solution for you.

The only nuance worth paying attention to is natural ingredients work effectively, but the period of protection of dogs from ticks will not be as long as after application store-bought drugs. Protecting a pet from ticks with folk remedies is an excellent choice for a dog breeder who wants to keep their pet healthy first of all. What kind of folk remedies for ticks to use for dogs, and how effective they are, is the next point that you need to find out.

Essential oils

If you are looking for how to treat your dog from ticks, using only harmless natural ingredients, essential oils are the best solution. However, at the stage of mixing fragrant liquids, be sure to take into account the fact that the sense of smell of an animal is much thinner than that of a person, so you should not overdo it with such substances.

There are many ways to get rid of ticks in your dog with essential oils. One common treatment is combing. Use lavender, thyme, eucalyptus oil - all this is recommended to be mixed with a teaspoon of vodka. Next is taken cotton swab to be soaked in the resulting solution. They put it on a comb along the entire length and begin to comb the dog. It is advisable to carry out this procedure once a week. From aromatic components can be prepared effective shampoo from ticks. To do this, add 20 drops of a mixture of tea tree, lavender, cypress, thyme oils to 200 ml of shampoo.

Another way to use essential oils to repel ticks is to treat the collar. Lubricate the dog headband with lavender, thyme and add a little vegetable oil. This mixture will keep ticks away from your pet. But you will have to do this procedure daily. Removing a tick from a dog at home and preventive treatment of a pet can all be done with the help of essential liquids.

Tar soap

Folk remedies for ticks used in dogs can be quite effective if used correctly. For example, tar soap, like celandine - in general indispensable tool dog care. It heals wounds and relieves irritation and itching. It is also worth using to rid your pet of ticks and fleas. To do this, simply lather the dog with tar soap while bathing and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

A significant drawback of this tool is an unpleasant odor. But agree, you can get used to it. It's about First of all, about the health of the pet. Therefore, tar soap is a good solution. Its cost is low, and the result will justify all your efforts.

In appearance, tar soap is somewhat reminiscent of household soap, but it has a much more saturated and dark color. The key component of such a product is Birch tar, it is from him that a pungent smell emanates. The use of this soap is absolutely safe not only for small puppies, but also for humans. You can lather your pet even without special gloves. Another important advantage of the product is that there are no side effects. Protecting dogs from ticks with tar soapoptimal choice for the dog breeder, both in terms of price and performance.


  • decoction of wormwood. Grind approximately 20 g of wormwood and fill with water. Bring the solution to a boil and let it cool. In the future, be sure to filter the resulting mixture. When it is ready to use, pour it into a spray bottle and spray your pet's coat;
  • vanilla. 2 g of vanillin must be added to 100 ml of vodka. Mix all the necessary ingredients, and then infuse the solution for about 10 days, preferably in a dark place. It is not necessary to spray the dog with such a mixture. Lubricate individual areas - withers, stomach, sides and paws of your pet;
  • garlic water. Add 2-3 cloves of garlic to 500 ml of water. Leave the mixture for 8 hours, and after the time has elapsed, apply the product on the back and withers of the pet (the dog will not be able to lick these parts of the body).

Ticks in dogs appear, and treatment at home must be able to provide competently. Tincture is a good way to get rid of pests. But remember: protection will be short-term. If you are going for a walk, this should be enough for you. But when traveling out of town, you will need to lubricate the pet's hair with such products every 2-3 hours.


How to remove or how to remove a tick - modern dog breeders think about this quite often, especially in the spring, when these parasites are activated and with new force attack dogs and other animals. It is not difficult to remove ticks, the main thing is to act competently and promptly. After removing the pest, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

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