Russian speaking pharmacies in Cyprus. Emergency pharmacies. Cypriot Russian-speaking doctors VIDENT Dental Clinic is a website with information about all the pharmacies in Cyprus that remain open after regular business hours (usually until 11pm).

The information is updated daily, however it is recommended that you check by calling the pharmacy through the phone numbers provided.

Telephone duty pharmacies in Cyprus general paid: 90901402


In pharmacies in Limassol, you can buy almost all types of medicines. Some medicines are sold only by prescription. Your doctor's prescription will be charged at the pharmacy along with the cost of the medicine.

Russian pharmacy on Damonos str. (the road on which the Ajax hotel is located), Russian-made medicines,

Russian-speaking pharmacist Athenodorou Athinodoros tel. 25 583 303, house. 25 382 106.

Homeopathic pharmacy

76, Akadimias str. (the road where Carrefour is located is closer to Yermasoyeia roundabout, next to the Zorpas bakery, opposite the Eko gas station), medicines are made in front of the client, tel. 2531 2091

Panayiotis Panayiotu

Germassoia, Appolonia hotel area, opposite the Solferino complex, tel. 25322237

On duty pharmacies

On Sundays, pharmacies in Cyprus usually do not work. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, a child fell ill, and there were no necessary medicines in the home first-aid kit. To do this, a duty pharmacy should operate in every district of the city. Every day, different pharmacies are appointed on duty, so it is better to clarify the address of the pharmacy on duty by calling:

Nicosia - 1402, Ayia Napa - 1413, Larnaca - 1414, Limassol - 1415, Paphos - 1416

A list of pharmacies on duty can be found on the CYTA website (Directories – Tonight Pharmacies).

Another pharmacy began to make homeopathic medicines. This one is below the Papas supermarket: 9 (I) Panayioti Tsaggari str., Potamos Yermasoyias, tel. 25 879 006/7.

Russian speaking pharmacy in Ayia Napa

Russian speaking staff
A doctor works in the pharmacy (examination and consultation is free)
Registration of Tax Free for purchased products
Landline phones +357 237 255 60
Mobile +357 999 558 47

Cyprus is sunny oranges, ruby ​​wine, nut sweets and great cheese. These are natural cosmetics, oils, wonderful herbs, incredible handmade and fancy jewelry. Yes, you should not go to this island just for the sake of shopping, but it is simply impossible to refuse it during your vacation!

If you are going to relax in Larnaca, Paphos, Limassol, Ayia Napa, Protaras or other Cypriot resorts and are already wondering what to bring home from there, arm yourself with a notebook and a pen. We will tell you about what is tasty, healthy and beautiful you can buy in Cyprus.

You need to go to Cyprus with the euro (see the current exchange rate in our converter). If you need to change money, go to banks or private exchangers. Please note that banks will definitely take from 3 to 5 euros of commission for the operation. In Cyprus, you can pay with cards, and for withdrawing cash from them, you will be charged from 2 to 4% commission.

Be aware of the possibility of VAT refund. If you bought goods for 50 euros or more, and the Global Blue Tax Free Shopping logo is visible at the checkout, keep your receipt and fill out the form that the seller will give you. There are two airports in Cyprus - in Paphos and Larnaca. This is where you need to show documents and get a tax-free fee of 19% (will be given in cash or later transferred to a bank account).

So, what can you bring from Cyprus?

Sales in Cyprus are regulated at the state level: the exact dates are set the day before. The largest sales, when the prices of almost all goods are reduced by 50 percent or more, take place around the end of summer and after Christmas. Private traders do not always obey the "laws" of sales, but sometimes they make good discounts.

Ayia Napa is the most fun and youthful resort. Everything here is quite budgetary, but in tourist places the prices are too high. In this city, it makes sense to go shopping in the Incredible Universe complex.

Paphos is a place for an elite and relaxing holiday. It is also the most expensive city in Cyprus. For bargain shopping, check out Kings Avenue Mall or Aquarium shopping center.

The largest shopping center in Limassol (and indeed on the island) is My Mall, which has a large selection of clothes and accessories.

European brands

We would not advise you to count on buying branded European items in Cyprus even during the sales season. The choice here is rather meager, and prices are sometimes even higher than Russian ones. You should go for such shopping only if you really need something right here and now.


Clothes and accessories made in Cyprus are really worthy of attention. We advise women and girls to take a closer look at linen lace from Lefkara. Cyprus even achieved the inclusion of this embroidery in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Buy clothes, handbags, wallets, as well as home textiles trimmed with such lace; That's very beautiful. Such accessories can be a great gift, because they are produced only in Cyprus. By the way, Leonardo Da Vinci himself admired them.

For reference: prices for handmade lace napkins in Cypriot shops start from 15-20 euros for small accessories, from 50 for larger ones. Compare with the size and complexity of other products to calculate the cost of the desired accessory. If prices are significantly lower, this means that the thing is not made by hand, but in a factory.

Cypriot things

In Cyprus, they sell excellent clothes made from natural fabrics, which you can safely bring even for a child. Pay special attention to cotton - things made from it are beautiful, high-quality, pleasant. Women should like silk dresses, skirts or stoles. Prices are reasonable, fit is good.

Tourists often ask what are the prices for casual clothes in Larnaca, Paphos, Limassol, Ayia Napa, Protaras. Well, here we will not please you much - in the popular resorts of Cyprus, things are not too cheap. However, the prices can not be called too high. So, for example, a swimsuit costs about 20-25 euros, slates - 10-12 euros, shirts or trousers - at least 10 euros, resort hats - about 6-8 euros.

Fur coats

It is customary to go to "fur shopping" in Turkey or Greece, however, you can easily buy the same things in Cyprus. During the sales season, such purchases will be especially profitable.


If you are planning to bring some kind of gift for a man from Cyprus, consider buying belts or a leather purse. It makes sense for women to look at bags or wallets. Leather in Cyprus is inexpensive, and the quality is confirmed by numerous reviews of satisfied tourists.


A rare woman leaves her vacation in Cyprus without a chic pair of earrings or a bracelet. The fact is that the craftsmen from the village of Lefkara, who make lace so skillfully, create beautiful silver jewelry that is unlike any other. The filigree technique, which is so popular in Cyprus, resembles lace weaving. The work is very delicate and elegant.

The widest selection of accessories awaits you, of course, in the village itself, but you can buy them at any major resort. Go to specialized stores - there are jewelry for every taste. Prices for silver chains start from 25-28 euros, for rings - from 15-18 euros, for complex necklaces - from 180-250 euros.


If you go on vacation to the relatively new resort of Protaras in Cyprus, look into optics stores where you can buy glasses at a bargain price. It's not just about accessories for vision, but also sunglasses. Recently, tourists have been leaving more and more positive reviews about buying glasses in Cyprus. Sometimes it is much more profitable to buy them here, and not in Russia. Well, Protaras offers the largest selection and great prices for optics.

Cosmetics and medicines

It is best to buy cosmetics in Cyprus in specialized stores or cosmetic departments. But such shopping in souvenir shops on the island should be considered only in exceptional cases. There prices are always higher, and sometimes the quality can be lame.

Medicines in Cyprus should be bought only in pharmacies, but there are some subtleties.


Cyprus has a huge selection of natural cosmetics of the highest quality, and women from all over the world are trying to bring home at least something from this category.

The most popular product is rose-based cosmetics. From a holiday in Cyprus, it is worth bringing natural rose water or skin care cosmetics with its extracts. Such cosmetics are very popular and can be a great gift for a friend, mother, wife, and indeed any woman.

No less popular are cosmetics based on donkey milk. It is believed that such funds have powerful anti-aging properties. The beauties of Cyprus buy such cosmetics themselves. Finding such funds in some other country is more difficult, so it makes sense to buy them for testing on vacation and grab a couple of jars or tubes home.

Perhaps, many women are familiar with the cosmetics of Apivita and Korres. These brands produce products based on olive oil. Actually, this is an export product (the Greeks make it), but in Cyprus it can be bought much more profitable than in Russia. Yes, and it is sold literally on every corner, as it is in great demand among Cypriots and tourists.

For gifts from Cyprus, tourists usually bring handmade soap (olive or rose), sea sponges for the body. The prices for cosmetics are not too high. So, for example, a standard piece (120 grams) of handmade soap will cost you only 1-2 euros.


Tourists often ask if it is possible to buy medicines in Cyprus. Yes, many of our compatriots often seek to bring some medicines, vitamins or supplements from Europe. However, on this island, with this issue, everything is not so simple.

In most pharmacies in Cyprus, drugs are sold only by prescription. That is, it is always better to go on vacation with your own first aid kit, complete from and to. Sometimes in the resort areas of the island you can buy some medicines without a prescription, but do not rely too much on this, because not every pharmacist is ready to break the law - and that is exactly what he will do.

If you have a prescription from a doctor, you can easily buy prescribed medicines in Cyprus. Please note that they will be called differently. Therefore, check with your doctor for the name of the active substance in Russian analogues. Prices for medicines in Cyprus can sometimes be higher than Russian ones, but it still makes sense to buy them, since their quality is always the highest.

But with the purchase of vitamins and dietary supplements in Cyprus, you will not have any problems. Is that the range is quite scarce. It is difficult to single out something specific, as the goods on the shelves are constantly changing. Most well-known European brands either appear on the market or leave it again.

In a word, medicines are not something that is really worth taking home from Cyprus.


Strictly speaking, this product can be classified as food. But we will call it a medicine, as many people in Cyprus consider it as such. It is believed that they can cure colds and boost immunity. If you don't believe in alternative medicine, buy a jar of syrup as a delicious sweetener. Moreover, many confectioners often use it to produce diet sweets.

You can find syrup in the health food departments of supermarkets or markets, and it costs about 3-5 euros per bottle.


Souvenirs can be bought at almost any resort in Cyprus, but their prices will vary significantly. It all depends on its popularity and the location of the shops themselves, which can be close to tourist places or "hidden" in the depths of the island.

The capital of Cyprus is Nicosia. This city cannot be called a tourist city, but it is still worth going on an excursion and buying some souvenirs. If there is such an opportunity, do not miss it, as shopping here will be profitable. The best shopping in Nicosia awaits you on Lidra Street, where there are many outlets. For interesting souvenirs, we advise you to go to the Laiki-Gitonia quarter.

Limassol is a popular "Russian-speaking" resort with a lot of entertainment. Here, all souvenirs will cost a little more than in the same Larnaca - a place for a relaxing family holiday. By the way, in Larnaca you should go to Zenon Kiteos or Ermou streets to buy souvenirs.

Not far from Limassol in the village of Asomatos there is a large market. In the covered pavilions you will find a huge selection of souvenirs, jewelry, home accessories, clothes and other goods. In open pavilions, you can buy Cypriot antiques or used items in fairly good condition.

Also in Limassol it will be profitable to go shopping in the very heart of the city - to the Limassol Sunday Market. Here you can find almost all the souvenirs that you will meet in tourist shops, but at lower prices. Just keep in mind that you need to go to this market before lunch. By the evening, the goods are already snapped up like hot cakes, and you will not have time to buy anything.


Cyprus has a huge selection of local artisans that are really worth bringing home as a memento of a sunny holiday. We are talking about beautiful boxes, lace napkins, ceramics, leather and other handmade souvenirs that are in great demand on the island.

If you are spending your holidays in Larnaca, then consider that you are doubly lucky. This city has an excellent flea market where, in addition to antiques (by the way, if you are looking for something interesting in this category, you should definitely come here) you can buy a lot of interesting things. At the same time, and have a bite: there is a huge selection of local delicacies.

antique style

The most popular souvenirs in Cyprus are those that in one way or another remind of ancient times. An incredible number of figurines with Aphrodite or Zeus will be waiting for you at almost every step. Vases of dinos, harps, Triton's trident and figurines of mythological creatures - all this is presented in a variety of forms and types.

Perhaps it makes sense to buy something like this to decorate the house. Moreover, some souvenirs can also be of practical use: for example, mugs with beautiful reliefs or antique vases for flowers and drinks. A very popular souvenir in this category is the Pythagorean cup, which can be used to perform entertaining tricks (it costs about 5 euros). And you can also buy interesting chess in Cyprus, the main characters of which are the Greek gods. This is an interesting and beautiful souvenir.

Marine theme

Models of ships, shell necklaces, towels with natural scenery of Cyprus, paintings of the sea and other typical souvenirs for seaside resorts can be bought on the island literally at every turn. If you like these things, look for them in the markets - they are overpriced in the coastal zone.


An inexpensive and practical souvenir or gift from Cyprus can be a set of ceramic dishes. Almost every village on the island has its own pottery workshops, where you can profitably buy beautiful plates, coffee pairs, jugs or figurines of mythical deities.

Often on the island you will find figurines of ceramic donkeys. The locals have long revered these animals, so they have become the unspoken symbol of Cyprus.


Fans of national symbols and collectors should pay attention to dolls in national costumes. They are pretty cute, but sometimes the prices bite. In a word, not every tourist is worth spending money on dolls.

Religious symbols

Bracelets with the faces of saints, amulets, medallions, candles, candlesticks and, of course, icons can be bought in Cyprus in specialized shops or at monasteries. Cypriots profess Christianity, so the religious symbols here are appropriate.

Prices for wooden icons start from 4-5 euros, there are also expensive (from 100 euros and more) icons in a silver frame on sale.

Food and drink

It is most profitable to buy groceries in Cyprus in supermarkets like Lidl, Carrefour or Metro. However, do not exclude going to the markets: there are a lot of vegetables, fruits, farm products, seafood and sweets at reasonable prices.

The town of Polis is a great place for shopping of this kind. The place is not at all touristy, which means that fairs and bazaars here offer a large selection of products targeted at local residents. In this Cypriot town, you can profitably buy seafood at fish markets, fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese, sausages and other farm delicacies in the markets. However, this can be done in other cities as well.


Many tourists take home Cypriot coffee. However, we will warn fans of espresso or even stronger ristretto - local coffee is probably not for you. Coffee in Cyprus has a very mild taste, it does not have the “same” bitterness. However, this does not negate its high quality. In a word, cappuccino or latte lovers should bring coffee from Cyprus, and we advise connoisseurs of the strongest coffee drinks to switch to other shopping points.


Halloumi goat cheese is one of the most important components of the national cuisine of Cyprus. You will probably try it more than once in cafes, where it is served as an appetizer, as part of salads, meat dishes and in other forms.

It is most profitable to buy halloumi cheese in Cyprus in supermarkets, and it will not be difficult to take it away, as it is sold in convenient boxes. Perhaps this cheese is the most popular gastronomic souvenir from Cyprus. Buy a couple of packs to remember your vacation and treat your friends.

The price per kilogram of halloumi cheese in Cyprus will be about 10-12 euros.


There are many mountains on the island, and the variety of flowering plants is amazing. This means that ecologically clean mountain and flower honey can be brought from Cyprus. You will see the best prices for this product in small villages where tourists often go on excursions or on their own. However, you can buy honey in the bazaars of resort towns. The prices here are not too high, but the quality is just excellent.

Olive oil

It is also worth bringing high-quality olive oil from Cyprus. Choose a cold pressed product. It is very convenient to buy oil in large cans, as they are not in danger during transportation. Prices for good olive oil start at 9-10 euros per liter.

You can take home and canned olives, which are sold by weight in supermarkets. Prices for them start from 4-6 euros per kilogram. To take olives from Cyprus to Russia, you can pack them in a plastic container. Or just buy a vacuum-packed product.


Tourists from Cyprus often bring spices. Most often we are talking about ready-made mixes for seafood, meat, vegetables or pastries. It is most profitable to buy spices in the markets and take them by weight.

Prices depend on the seasoning itself, but most often a 100-gram bag of spices costs about 1.5-2 euros.

Oriental sweets

In Cyprus, you will often find pieces of Turkish culture in one place or another. This also applies to national cuisine. Very popular gastronomic souvenirs from Cyprus are oriental sweets that can be brought as a gift to loved ones. They are inexpensive and last a long time. Buy Turkish delight, halva (tahini, peanut, pistachio), baklava, nougat and other goodies.

If possible, visit the village of Geroskipou. It is located near Paphos - if you spend your holidays in this resort, it will be easy to get there. It is here that you can buy the freshest Turkish delight, which delights not only tourists, but also local residents. Other oriental sweets are also sold here, which are definitely worth a try for every sweet tooth.

Separately, it is worth noting kadaif. Buy in Cyprus these small sweet "fluffy" rolls in white sprinkling, which is somewhat reminiscent of thin vermicelli. This oriental delicacy with nuts is definitely worth bringing as a gift to a child.


Suzukos are dried almonds or walnuts in sweet grape molasses. If you have ever tasted churchkhella from Georgia or Russian analogues of this sweet, the taste of suzukos is already familiar to you. Buy two or three ropes with this “healthy Snickers” in Cyprus as a gift for children or those with a sweet tooth - this is a tasty and healthy treat.

By the way, it is profitable to buy pure nuts in Cyprus. Prices for cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts and other nuts are very affordable.


In Cyprus, you can try and buy a very tasty dessert - walnuts in green syrup. Perhaps it would be more correct to call it jam. Buy a couple of jars to take with you to remember your sunny vacation. Present such a delicacy to your loved ones - this gastronomic souvenir gives off the national flavor of Cyprus.


In Cyprus, really tasty and high-quality alcohol. Many tourists are often interested in what wines and liqueurs should be brought home. And most importantly - how much you can buy to take out alcohol without problems.

As for the volumes, bad news. In fact, you can export a lot of alcohol from Cyprus - that's great. But to import into Russia will be no more than 3 liters per person. We are talking about duty-free import, but if you are willing to pay 10 euros on top for a bottle, you can take 5 liters.

What should be taken first?


The most popular wine in Cyprus is Commandaria (also known as Namas wine). It would be more correct to call this sweet dessert drink Cahors. It is most profitable to buy such wine in the Troodos mountains at the Kikksky monastery. They often go there on excursions, so if you have the opportunity and desire to go there, postpone the purchase until this moment.

If you are not planning a trip to the mountains, then go to a regular supermarket - Commandaria is almost always available there. Just choose bottles with a black label. Prices for this wine in the resorts of Cyprus range from 8 to 20 euros: it depends on the manufacturer and the place of purchase.

Other wines in Cyprus also definitely deserve high marks. It makes sense to try home-made drinks, which are often served in local cafes. Do not be afraid of local bottled wines. "Aphrodite", "Othello", "Saint Panteleimon" and other wines cost about 4-5 euros per bottle in Cyprus supermarkets.

To try a local product, look for the country of origin on the label. Wines in Cyprus almost never have bad reviews - tourists and locals themselves love them very much.


Beer is not very popular in Cyprus, but beer lovers will have plenty to choose from. In addition to European varieties of beer, you can buy local dark beer on the island - Keo. His reviews are pretty good.


Fans of strong alcohol should like the local Zivania grape vodka. Neighboring Turkey, which has had a huge impact on the culture of Cyprus, produces a similar drink called rakia. If you have tried it, then you have a rough idea of ​​what to expect from Zivania. If not, then we will warn you: the strength of this Cypriot alcohol can vary from 40 to 80 degrees.

Far from all types of Zivania can be exported from Cyprus. Alcohol with a strength above 50 degrees cannot be taken away from the island - this is prohibited. But no one will stop you from trying it during your vacation.

A small bottle of Zivania costs about 3-4 euros, and prices for large bottles start at 20 euros.

Other drinks

Brandy lovers can buy a bottle of Five Kings. Such alcohol can be a good gift from Cyprus for men - it looks beautiful, it is not too expensive, and the taste and quality level are pleasantly pleasing.

Women usually prefer sweet Cypriot liqueurs. Filfar orange liqueur became the absolute leader in this category. However, it makes sense to try other locally produced liqueurs.

We hope you find our tips for shopping in Cyprus useful. We wish you pleasant and profitable shopping! Have something to add? Write in the comments!

our company, one of the few, is an expert in the field of medical tourism in Cyprus. Our specialists will be able to select the best specialist in their field, provide you with an interpreter if necessary, and take care of all organizational issues. You can view our programs and offers for treatment in Cyprus.

Russian speaking doctors in Limassol

George Saccas Pharmacy

st. Agios Zonis, 23B (near Anexartisias street, opposite the Esso gas station). Phone 25366299


Dermatologist, venereologist, cosmetologist. Peeling, professional facial cleansing, painless laser hair removal. Painless removal of age spots on the hands. Mesotherapy, Botox. Mesa Getonia, st. Makarios, 22, Panayiotou Court, office 104. Tel. 25-725957, 99-588871


Pharmacist. Pharmacy. st. Gheorghiu Neofitou 49 (150 meters from the Ajax hotel). Tel. 25-583303

Svetlana Verhuven-Ilyazova

Aesthetic medicine: restylane, botox, mesotherapy, chemical peels, thermage. st. Stefanos Granitz, 7, Frida Court 8 - office 201 (next to Foley's School). Tel. 25-723145.

Christophoros VRONDIS

Physiotherapist (Moscow University). Physiotherapy exercises, electro- and hydrotherapy, treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. apparatus, rheumatism and sports injuries, complex diagnostics, massage. st. Orfeos, 5 (intersection with Victor Hugo street). Tel. 25-342221, 99-674540


General doctor. Specialization in: surgery, traumatology, infectious diseases, oncology, burns. Withdrawal from alcohol withdrawal syndrome. In / in, / m injections. Work in 24/7 mode. Home visit to the patient. Phone 97-787177


Cardiologist, therapist. st. Stavrou Stylianidi, 6. Tel. 25-722121


Endocrinologist. st. Agias Zonis, 12, office 104. Tel. 25-376888


Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, director of the Active Birth Center - a center for preparing for childbirth. Preconceived preparation, yoga for pregnant women and women after childbirth, seminars, women's consultation. st. Velestinu, 4. Tel. 25-335274, 99-565231

Ilias Ilia

Oculist, ophthalmologist. st. Rubens, 16. Tel. 25-336861


Obstetrician-gynecologist. Ultrasound diagnostics, observation of pregnant women, childbirth. All obstetric and gynecological operations. Infertility treatment, in vitro fertilization. A new, modernly equipped luxury clinic with affordable prices. Pentagios, 8 (Roundabout Mesa Getonia, next to the Super Home Center). Tel. 25-828948, 99-821054


Pediatric neonatologist, Ph.D. Sciences. Center for ultrasound diagnostics. Tzenis Karezi street 3. Tel. 25-870710, 99-434334


Ear throat nose surgeon. Kato Polymidia, 49th street, 57. Tel. 25-712661, 99-649377

Lia-Gladis to KONSTANTIN

Pediatrician. Kato Polymidia, 49th st., 57. Tel. 25-712661, 99-597770

Victoria KOSMINA

Children's dentistry and orthopedics. Tel. 99-753566. All types of treatment, extraction of teeth, prosthetics for adults. Tel. 99-490515. st. J. Kennedy (opposite the Cleopatra restaurant).

Petr Nikolaevich Kureas

Therapist, diabetologist, general practitioner. Chief Physician of the Emergency Department of Limassol Central Hospital. Mob. 97-777888 (home call 24 hours a day)


Obstetrician-gynecologist. st. Dimitriu Koromila, 6, next to Debenhams Olympia. Tel. 25-587360, 99-487925

Laboratory of Niki Loizidou-Savvidou

Biochemical, microbiological analyzes and clinical examination. Tests for cancer indicators. Water tests for allergies. Dysanexia test. Home service. District of Germasogeia, Spirou Kyprianou Ave. (300m from the roundabout of Germasogeia), Kolonakiou St. 11 (next to Zorbas shop). Tel. 99-194346 (Russian), 25-312259, 99-628775.


Dermatologist, venereologist. Painless removal of hair, venous and age spots. st. Agios Zonis, Nikolaou, Pentadromos Center, of. 303 Tel. 25-379965, 99-661433

Vangelis MOTSIOS

(1 Moscow Medical Institute, additional education: Germany, Italy, Spain). Aesthetic medicine: anti-cellulite, anti-age therapy, face and body mesotherapy, wrinkle and lip correction. Sports medicine, manual therapy, therapeutic massage. Antistreet. Adults and children. Germasogeia, Kavallias street, 3. Phone 99571919


Therapeutic-diagnostic center


Surgeon, specialist in general, endoscopic and laser surgery, proctology


Therapist-pediatrist. st. Agios Zonis, 12, 1st floor Tel. 25-343833(around the clock)


Dental surgeon (therapy, prosthetics and implantation)

st. Panayoti Tsangari, 23 - office 106 (above the Papas store)

Tel. 25-430670


Therapist. Laser therapy, reflexology, electroanaesthesia, homeopathy

st. Efnikis Antistaseos, 30

Tel. 25-747148, 99-560716


Urologist-andrologist, surgeon

Treatment of impotence and male infertility

st. Efn.Antistaseos, 30

Tel. 25-747148, 99-656896

Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic Demitris Hadjipapas.

Gynecology, cosmetology, school for future mothers.

Natalya Sakhnova

Dimitris Hadjipapas

Ultrasound, pregnancy management, childbirth, infertility. Oncology. Plastic surgery of female genital organs. Laser (treatment of cervical erosion, removal of genital warts, moles, hemorrhoids). Laser cosmetic services. Dimitris Liperti St. 3 (behind the Body Line, Ariel junction). Tel. 25-347-333, 97-666-081


General surgeon, specialist proctologist. St. Thessaloniki, 19 (3rd floor) (above the cinema "Othellos"); phone +357-25367263, +357-99672884


Pediatrician (preparation for clinical residency). Additional specialization in allergology. Dimitru Koromila street, 6 next to Debenhams Olympia; phone +357-25583500, +357-99565456

Michalakis SPIROU

Neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Phone 25-747689, 99-624939


Pediatric neonatologist. st. Agios Zonis, Kotsios court, Block A, off. 21. Tel. 25-353533, 99-615535


Neurologist, psychiatrist. Treatment of chronic alcoholism. Headache Diagnostic Center. st. Agios Zonis, 74, office 12. Tel. 25-726077, 99-628748


Gastroenterologist-hepatologist. Gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the pancreas, liver and biliary tract, endoscopic examinations, diagnosis and treatment. Getonia Mesa, corner of 59 Makariou Ave. and Spirou Kyprianou Ave., Steratzias Court, room 7. Tel. 25-752233, mob. 99-344739.


Pediatrician. Immunoprophylaxis, rehabilitation of frequently and long-term ill children. st. Kefalinias, 8. Tel. 25-811142, 99-305701

Russian speaking doctors in Nicosia



Center for reproduction and the arts. fertilization

st. Pindar, 19

Tel. 22-816600, 99-578037


X-ray, ultrasound, mammography, diagnostics of osteoporosis

Etc. Digeni Akrita, 46, of. 21

Tel: 22-765440, 99-475860


Cardiologist, candidate of sciences. All types of cardiology studies: ultrasound of the heart, stress test, isotope studies, prevention. Selection of therapy, referral to angioplasty and heart surgery.

A. Theoharidi, 4. Engomi (near Intercollege)

Tel. 22-756599

Elpida Mina

Rheumatologist, treatment of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, juvenile polyarthritis, rheumatic arthritis. Specialist in Pediatric Rheumatology. American Medical Center. 15B, St. Spirou Kyprianou, Strovolos, Nicosia, tel. 2247663 email: [email protected]

Institute of Medical Rehabilitation

st. Digeni Akrita, 29, of. 201

Tel. 22-755940


Therapist, PhD, restorative medicine, physiotherapy, ozone therapy, plasmapheresis, treatment of severe viral, fungal and microbial infections, heavy metal poisoning, food poisoning, snakebite effects, encephalitis, diabetic foot.


Dermatologist, venereologist, cosmetologist, treatment of skin and venereal diseases, pediatric dermatology. Botox, contour plastic. st. Digeni Akrita, 29, of. 11. Tel. 99544114


Physiotherapist, therapist. Restorative medicine, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. st. Digeni Akrita, 29, of. 201

Tel. 22-755940



Strovolos, st. Byzantiou, 24, office 103

Tel. 22-752985, 99-623550

Christalla Chakli-Nikolenko

Pediatrician, st. Digeni Akrita 52, of. 102 Tel. 99467307



st. Acheon, 22, polyclinic "Nicosia". Tel. 22-780780,

22-753033, 99-635822

Dental Clinic VIDENT

All types of treatment and prosthetics. Implantation. Teeth whitening (ZOOM system)

st. Ilia Venezi, 2a, office 104,

Strovolos Park

Tel. 22-314678

Russian speaking doctors in Larnaca

Gabriel MINA

Urologist, andrologist, candidate of medical sciences Timios Clinic

Stavros, st. Santi, 17

Tel. 24-631666, 99-620794



Mammography, diagnostics of osteoporosis, general radiology, panorama. pictures of the jaws

st. Kyriakou Matsi, 14

Tel. 24-657412, 24-625080


st. Promiteos, 3

Tel. 24-652088, 99-418484



st. Promiteos, 3

Tel. 24-656523

Clinical diagnostic laboratory. Head Medical Specialist in Laboratory Diagnostics Irina Khartomajidi

Calling in Cyprus is not difficult: street payphones are quite common here, and you can also use the phone in cafes and shops. To call from a payphone, you need to purchase a phone card with a face value of 5-10 €, which are sold at the post office, in supermarkets and shops.

Mobile communications in Cyprus

In order to call on a mobile, it is most advantageous to purchase a local SIM card and not mess with roaming. There are two main mobile operators in Cyprus: CYTA and MTN. To purchase a SIM card, you only need a passport.

  • SIM cost: 15 €
  • money on the account: 5 € (+ 100 free SMS)
  • local calls: €0.12
  • calls to Russia: €0.8
  • SIM cost: €7.50
  • money on the account: 5 € (+ 20 free SMS)
  • local calls: €0.9
  • calls to Russia: €0.10

Most Russian mobile operators offer roaming, special rates or bonus promotions. You can learn more about roaming tariffs in offices or on official websites.

Prices are in rubles

Internet in Cyprus

Internet in Cyprus is available in any hotel, including Wi-Fi, but it is rarely free and usually expensive. Free Wi-Fi in large cities is available in almost every cafe. Operators CYTA and MTN offer mobile 3G internet for 30-40 € per month.

Post in Cyprus

The post office in Cyprus has a difficult schedule, so send your packages before the lunch break at 13:30 from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays and public holidays, the post office is closed.

The letter can be thrown into a yellow box on the street or brought to any post office where money transfers can also be made. Sending a letter weighing up to 20 grams costs 0.50 €, postcards 0.45 €.

For parcels at the post office, you need to purchase a cardboard box, which, after filling, tightly wrap it with tape. A package weighing 2 kg costs about 14 €, it will take a maximum of two weeks to go.

Telephone codes of cities in Cyprus

Cyprus dialing code: 357
Ayia Napa phone code: 23
Paphos phone code: 26
Limassol phone code: 25
Larnaca phone code: 24
Nicosia phone code: 22

How to call from Cyprus to Russia

  • 00 - 7 (Russian code) - your city code - subscriber number

Example: 00 - 7 - 495 - 1234567

How to call from Russia to Cyprus

  • 8 - beep - 10 - 357 - (area code) - subscriber number

Example: 8 - beep - 10 - 357 - 03 - 123456

How to make international calls within Cyprus

Phone number only (no area code).

Pharmacies in Cyprus

There are a lot of pharmacies in Cyprus. Standard opening hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 with a lunch break. Every day, a duty pharmacy is assigned, which is open until 23:00. The address of such a pharmacy can be found by pay phones.

  • Larnaca (+359) 909 014 14
  • Limassol (+359) 909 014 15
  • Paphos (+359) 909 014 16

In the small resort town of Ayia Napa, a few decades ago there was only an unremarkable fishing village. Now the town is made up of villas, nightclubs, luxury apartments and discos, bowling alleys and restaurants, billiards and other establishments serving numerous tourists.


Ayia Napa- an ideal place for youth recreation. One big party is having fun here around the clock. During the day, vacationers are concentrated on the beaches, mastering all kinds of water activities, and with the onset of night from the sea coast, tourists move to the city center with a noisy nightlife.

Since the majority of vacationers are young people, the hotels are mainly focused on them, lovers of fun entertainment, loud music and noisy parties. In addition to entertainment facilities and beautiful beaches, the resort town is also known for other attractions. The city center is interesting in that an old Venetian monastery built in the sixteenth century has been preserved there. In the villages of Liopetri and Paralimni, not far from the resort, very beautiful wicker baskets and ceramics are made. One of the most beautiful places in Cyprus is Cape Greco. It is very close to the city.

beach holiday

The beaches of Ayia Napa take tourists all day long. The most popular is Nissi. This is followed by Pantahou in the harbor of Limanaki and Landa. Sea water is unusually clear, and the beaches are very clean. It is extremely interesting to observe the colorful inhabitants of the seabed here. To do this, just buy a mask for scuba diving in any shop.


The city center is filled with many souvenir shops, nightclubs and restaurants. There is even a whole street of clubs here! The whole life of Ayia Napa is concentrated on it, starting with the onset of night. Flyers are actively distributed here, inviting to foam parties and discos. Many dances continue in the street. There is no face control, the atmosphere is completely informal.

The resort has a large Luna Park. The most popular attraction among those who like to “tickle their nerves” is a giant catapult that “shoots” tourists several tens of meters in height. On the outskirts of the city there is an aqua park. Lovers of a relaxing holiday can choose hotels on the outskirts, away from the noise: Asterias or So Nice Boutique. Getting from them to the center is also easy. You can visit interesting excursions to get acquainted with the ancient history of the resort town, you can go shopping for souvenirs, or you can have fun at the disco until dawn.

Ayia Napa is deceptive: it looks like a quiet and calm town, but it's only until the evening. With the onset of twilight, everything around is blazing with neon and filled with merry youth. This resort is the noisiest in Cyprus. And with the advent of morning, you can again enjoy peace and quiet until evening.

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