Male gynecologist as. Physical activity against cancer. What does an andrologist do?

In order to understand under what diseases which doctor to contact, you need to take into account the symptoms of a sick man .

So, a urologist is needed when:

  • Pain occurs in the genital area.
  • The genitals are swollen.
  • There is a local or diffuse hyperemia.
  • The lymph nodes in the groin increase and hurt.
  • It became difficult to urinate.
  • There is a deformation of the penis.
  • An admixture of blood appears in the urine.

You can learn about the need for a venereologist by the following symptoms of male diseases:

  • The appearance of spots, erosions, ulcers on the surface of the genital organs.
  • Painless enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.
  • Burning and cutting when urinating.
  • Bad smell.
  • Discomfort and soreness during ejaculation.

If a man is prone to disordered sexual life, neglects the means of protection and often changes partners, he should be seen by a doctor even without the manifestations described above. Many are hidden, irreversibly damaging male organs. Another serious problem is the inability of a man to conceive a child. Different causes of therapeutic or surgical orientation also lead to such a pathology. A specialist in purely male diseases, an andrologist, is relevant here. This is a doctor who is well versed in all the nuances of the work of the male body. It helps to diagnose and cure erectile dysfunction, hormonal changes. Prompts the patient if the help of a urologist surgeon is needed, he carries out some therapeutic measures himself. Sometimes, for the treatment of certain forms of infertility in men, it is necessary to consult a reproductive specialist. With his help, many patients finally have the opportunity to become a father.

What kind of examinations are carried out for male diseases?

The list of studies and analyzes is always determined by the pathology that is suspected in the patient. Therefore, the diagnosis of a man's health in any doctor begins with a survey and examination. After that, the doctor draws up a list of studies that would help establish and confirm an accurate diagnosis.

The list is very wide:

  • A variety of blood, urine, semen and prostate juice tests.

  • A swab or scraping from the urethra.
  • Endoscopic methods.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Very popular among doctors involved in the treatment of male problems is ultrasound. Transrectal sensors through the wall of the rectum show the state of the prostate in detail.

X-ray methods are used only when strictly necessary. It is necessary to evaluate the results obtained from the same doctor who conducted the initial examination and prescribed tests to assess the work of the male body.

What treatment can be shown to a man?

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor makes up a set of therapeutic measures: surgery, therapeutic course or physiotherapy sessions. Qualified specialists combine all these methods. In addition, they can suggest ways to treat male diseases with effective folk remedies. Indeed, decoctions of medicinal herbs can really be useful: inflammation decreases, regeneration and restoration of tissues damaged by pathology improves. But it is impossible to fully rely on folk methods. If the doctor recommends the treatment of the most famous male disease - prostatitis - with a vacuum, then it is necessary to fulfill his appointment.

And never use unprofessional advice, because it is very easy to lose men's health.

Returning is sometimes impossible.

From youth to old age, every man and woman should be observed by doctors. If a woman, in the presence of problems, turns to a gynecologist, then who is a male doctor?

Who treats various diseases of the genital area and infertility?

Who can solve various men's problems?

And is it necessary to go to such a doctor?

It is imperative to know the answers to these questions so that later you do not decide who to tell about the symptoms and ask for help.

Men's problems

A urologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the genitourinary organs.

An andrologist is a urologist who treats and diagnoses urethritis, varicocele, prostatitis, sexual disorders and other diseases. If there are no problems with inflammation of the kidneys, then you can simply turn to an andrologist.

In addition, the andrologist understands endocrinological diseases, sexual disorders and valeology. Conducts ultrasound examinations and performs operations on any of the urinary organs except the kidneys.

Profession similarity:

  • Both physicians are surgeons;
  • Both deal with diseases of the genitourinary sphere of men;
  • Any of them can make a diagnosis and perform an operation.

Specialty difference:

  • A urologist treats and diagnoses both men and women, while an andrologist deals only with men.
  • The urologist is more responsible for diseases of the urogenital sulfur, and the andrologist for his viability in bed.
  • The urologist is an extended medical specialization, and the andrologist is a narrow direction.

Preventive examination

When a man goes to see a doctor, they usually ask questions about personal problems. Are there any disturbing symptoms, whether urological diseases have been transferred, whether the patient has any chronic forms.

An external examination of the genital organs is carried out. The shape and size of the genital organs are specified, a rectal examination of the prostate can be performed.

In addition, analyzes and various laboratory studies are carried out:

  • Analysis of urine and blood;
  • The level of testosterone in the blood;
  • Analysis of prostate secretion;
  • ejaculate analysis;
  • If cancer is suspected, tumor markers are prescribed;
  • With complaints of infertility - surrenders;
  • In addition, tests for sexually transmitted infections (HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, and so on) can be prescribed.

The appointment of tests will depend on the reason for the patient's request, his age and health complaints.

After 40 years, it is desirable to be examined at least 2 times a year, since prostatitis and other diseases in the male part have recently become much younger.

Pediatric urologist - andrologist

Patients under the age of 18 are invited to visit a pediatric andrologist-urologist for examination. It treats various disorders of a physiological, endocrine, psychosexual nature. If necessary, the doctor performs surgery.

Boys are observed for the following problems:

  • Various bulges and formations in the scrotum area;
  • Undescended testicle;
  • Incorrect location of the urethra;
  • Non-opening glans penis;
  • Overweight and as a result, a violation of the production of hormones;
  • Enuresis older than 4 years;
  • Pain or difficulty urinating;
  • Pain in the groin;
  • Big difference in testicle size.

With a timely correct diagnosis, various problems in the future can be avoided. In addition, an andrologist can be sent to an andrologist after a disease suffered by a boy (for example, mumps).

So that later in adulthood a man does not encounter problems unresolved in childhood, timely examination and, if necessary, treatment of various problems of the genitourinary system is necessary.

For full male health and prevention of various diseases and abnormalities in the urogenital area, do not forget to visit a male doctor. The disease is always easier to prevent than to treat later.

The fact that a gynecologist is a female doctor and he deals with issues in the intimate sphere is probably known to everyone: both men and women. And as soon as there are any problems in this area, women at all times run to the doctors to get rid of the disease.

But what about the male half of the population?

Which doctor should a man go to if he has problems with the genitals?

After all, the vast majority of men do not particularly monitor the state of their manhood, paying too little attention to his health. In truth, men do not even really know the name of a doctor in terms of male problems and what diseases he treats.

Why do men hate visiting doctors so much?

There are a lot of diseases that cause inconvenience to men in sexual life, and there is a special male doctor for their treatment. Diseases and problems associated with impotence, pain when urinating, lack of libido are attributed precisely to his field of activity.

The whole problem lies in the fact that, even experiencing some discomfort or even mild pain, a man will still decide that it is not worth it to contact such a doctor. Therefore, basically, a doctor who treats the genitals is treated already at the advanced stages of the disease, when the patient can no longer but admit that he needs professional medical help.

Because of what, very often the spouses of such men blame them themselves that they can destroy the family or make it impossible to conceive a child to create a full-fledged family. Although the reason for such behavior and attitude to one's own health most often turns out to be, on the contrary, the understanding of how much depends on the "breadwinner" of the family. After all, a man cannot afford to go on sick leave once again, as it is necessary that someone feed the family.

However, if a man still has an acute question about the need to visit a doctor, then the question arises - which doctor treats the male genital organ?

There is more than one male doctor, depending on the problems you have, you will need an andrologist or a urologist. Both treat the penis, but there is some difference between them.

A urologist deals with the treatment of the genitourinary system in both men and women, so if you have kidney problems or pain when urinating, then you need a urologist. In addition, the urologist is a medical specialization.

Andrologist, in turn, deals with issues related exclusively to men's health. The most important thing that an andrologist treats is the male reproductive system. In a sense, he is a male gynecologist. The andrologist also makes sure that a man is wealthy in life and in bed, that is, he is also associated with issues of lack of erection and low libido. And one of the main differences is that andrologist is a direction in urology.

The thing is that the human body is very complex and specific, because of this, many medical fields are strongly intertwined with each other, and when questions arise related to the male genital organs, usually both doctors take part in the treatment and diagnosis.

Since the field of intimate medicine is quite wide and diseases in this area can be caused by various reasons, knowledge of urology or gynecology alone cannot be enough here.

What specialists will a man need in the process of treatment and diagnosis?

In order to carry out a successful diagnosis, and then competent treatment of such an important part for a man, knowledge is needed in such areas of medicine as sexology, endocrinology, psychology, immunology, knowledge of genetics and sexually transmitted diseases, skills in microsurgery, gynecology and much more.

If, after a person is examined and he has diseases that simultaneously belong to several medical specialties, then not only an andrologist or urologist will deal with such a patient, but several more specialists from other fields of medicine will be added to them. If a patient has sexually transmitted diseases, then the help of a venereologist will be needed here.

If there are psychological disorders that somehow affect potency, then the help of a psychologist and a sexologist will be needed. If the disease is associated with a cancerous tumor, whether benign or malignant, an oncologist will be needed here. If the disease is associated with the prostate, and at the same time it needs to be removed, the help of a surgeon cannot be dispensed with.

If you need this kind of help, there is a urologist or andrologist in every locality. You can make an appointment with them at a hospital or private clinic. Often, an andrologist and urologist can work in a medical center that focuses on family planning.

Treatment by such specialists, and even more so an expensive operation, can hit your pocket hard and deprive you of a significant part of your money. But in order to keep your family and your equally valuable sexual organ safe and sound, is this a big price?

What exactly does a urologist do?

A doctor who deals with diseases of the urinary tract and the reproductive function of the body is called a urologist. They can work if they have a higher medical education and pass an internship or a master's degree in their specialty.

Some sometimes wonder if it would be correct to call such a doctor a male gynecologist. And the unequivocal answer to this question is no! The male gynecologist does not exist. Only a specialist who solves issues related to male sexual life. He is a male doctor, but often women also act as patients. Wait, but women visit the gynecologist, you say. True, but only in case of diseases or any issues related to the reproductive system and reproductive functions.

If a woman has problems associated with the kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra, then she needs to contact a urologist along with a therapist.

But in men, everything is completely different, their urinary system and reproduction are intertwined. And the urologist is already responsible for both systems in the male body. But there is also some division of labor between workers in this area. Andrology is part of urology. Andrology deals exclusively with the functions of reproduction, and a doctor from this field will be called an andrologist.

What exactly does an andrologist do?

In our country, as well as throughout the world, such a medical specialty appeared not so long ago. When problems arise related to intimate life, a man usually seeks help from urologists, endocrinologists, sexologists and others.

But the fact is that it is necessary to approach such a delicate issue in a complex manner, because of this it became necessary to form such a part of urology as andrology. The range of diseases that this specialist treats is very wide, which is why he is visited not only by adult or elderly men, but even by children-boys.

No one is immune from health problems, and even more so when it comes to health in terms of sex and reproduction. A doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the male genital organ is called an andrologist. Such a doctor must simultaneously be able to navigate in several medical areas, namely in neurology, venereology, sexology and urology.

What exactly does an andrologist treat?

First of all, you should contact such a medical professional if you have lesions of the genital organ, including various infections, severe cutting pains in the groin and perineum, burning during urination, pain in the lower abdomen and testicles.

The next set of ailments dealt with by such a doctor are problems with the urinary system. If, when you urinate, you have some feeling that your bladder has not emptied completely or that the process is very difficult.

An andrologist also considers male health issues affecting premature ejaculation, hypogonadism, difficult or completely absent erection, various pathologies in the scrotum, painful and complicated ejaculation, prostatitis and male menopause.

He also takes an active part in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases.

The most common male diseases

One of the most serious and important diseases not only for men but also for women is infertility. The statistics in this regard are simply terrible, every fifth family has difficulty or inability to conceive a child. And the cause of half of all these cases is the problem of the penis in men.

The following reasons can cause male infertility: sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, rubella and mumps, diabetes mellitus or surgical microtrauma in the area of ​​the seminal duct, which leads to their blockage and impossibility of conception.

In addition to the fact that a man and a woman may have problems associated with reproductive functions, they need to have on hand a variety of information on how to plan a family, and prepare their body and mind for a greater likelihood of conceiving a healthy child. If this does not happen for a long time, then you need to sign up for a consultation with a specialist of this kind.

Dermatovenereologist, urologist. He specializes in the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, phoniculitis, orchitis, syphilis and other diseases of the urinary and male reproductive systems.

The gynecologist's office is, perhaps, the only place where even a self-confident business woman turns into a timid, confused girl: you must admit, it is not easy to pretend to be a vamp when you are laid out on an armchair, like a frog before dissection.

Especially if it turns out on the spot that your doctor is not a strict gray-haired lady of pre-retirement age, but a man, and not at all old and very handsome.

Many, having learned that the reception is not SHE, but HE, abruptly “recover” right under the doors of the office. And you can be sure that in the coming years they will not appear on this floor - only if it is very tight.

In fact, male gynecologist is a relatively new phenomenon. In ancient times, "ladies' affairs" were always in charge of women - let us recall at least the village midwife, who was considered the first person in the village after the headman.

And only in the 16th century, somewhere in Europe, a male doctor first entered the chambers of a woman in labor. By the way, it was he who first lifted the woman in labor from the “karachek” and forced her to push lying down, explaining this by the fact that, you see, he can’t see well ...

But, despite the fact that a good five centuries have passed since then, in our country, a male gynecologist is still perceived as a kind of exotic curiosity. However, those who still dare to go to see him are often satisfied.

“Recently, for the first time in my forties,” I went to a male gynecologist and was pleasantly surprised by how carefully and painlessly he inserts a mirror,- says Anna. - Before that, a grumpy pensioner was responsible for our site: when she conducted the inspection, it seemed to me that a little more - and she would reach my tonsils.

“As for me, the examination procedure is always unpleasant, and it doesn't matter who conducts it - a man or a woman, - says Natalia. - But psychologically, men are somehow more comfortable: at least they will not conduct educational conversations, they say, “you are all jumping on the beds here - and then I will treat your gonorrhea.”

As a student, one such lady even brought me to tears. As I later found out, she was unmarried and deeply lonely - this is such a strange manifestation of female envy.

However, Male doctors have their downsides. First, they tend to be less understanding than women in childbirth and are 40 percent more likely to send their pregnant patients for caesarean sections.

“For the first time, I encountered a male gynecologist before childbirth in the“ unit ”, Marina says. - The girls who were already at his examination, they said that he makes everything very painful, rude, so that almost every second from the observation room is led directly to the delivery room.

I don't know about others, but He looked at me rather carefully. But it was he who confidently said that the head of my child was tightly pressed against the birth canal, while my future Pasha had long and confidently sat on the priest..

And, of course, the biggest problem is shame. In our almost puritanical society, where a couple of decades ago, teenage girls could measure the length of a skirt with a ruler and not let them go to school if it turned out to be two centimeters shorter than allowed, undressing in front of unfamiliar men is almost like death.

It is difficult to deal with this problem, but it is possible: try to understand that in fact the doctor is a sexless creature and that for him there is only an organ - healthy or not, and the rest is of little interest to him.

And it is hardly possible to tune in to a lascivious-erotic mood when a dozen of the same suffering patients with their thrush, erosions and fibroids are waiting for you in the corridor.

In general, as one friend of mine wisely remarked, when it really burns and your health is in danger, you will not think who your doctor will turn out to be - a man or a woman.

You will think about whether he can help you. In doctors, first of all, professionalism should be valued, and sex is a secondary matter.

Lisa Saina

FIRST HOUR Andrey Savitsky, obstetrician: - It seems to me that there is nothing unnatural if a man decides to become an obstetrician or gynecologist, because since ancient times, mainly men have been involved in medical activities, including “female” diseases.

Sometimes you can hear that male specialists do everything more carefully and less painfully, but personally I think that it all depends on the professionalism of the doctor, not from his gender. As for shame and embarrassment, in my practice there has never been a case when a woman refused my help.

Perhaps because my work is always associated with urgency, and in such a situation, a woman does not care who provides assistance - the main thing is that it is really provided, and provided with high quality.

Dear readers! How do you feel about male gynecologists? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

In most cases, men treat their health without due attention. Any woman knows that for all the problems of her reproductive system, she needs to contact a gynecologist. And, in fact, quite often it does. For men, everything is much more complicated: some of them do not even know that there is a special male doctor, what is the name of his specialization and what diseases exist in this area.

Why don't men like doctors?

There are many diseases of men that cause discomfort of varying degrees. They can be expressed by erection, pain, etc. Not every man experiencing such symptoms, especially if they are mild, will decide that he needs a doctor for male problems. What is the name of such a specialist, mainly only those representatives of the stronger sex who have rather serious deviations are interested.

Many women blame their spouses for not being afraid to leave the family without a breadwinner. However, the reason for such an attitude to their own health is often precisely their concern for their relatives. A man, realizing how much depends on him, cannot, or rather, does not want to, allow himself to get sick. Health problems have a negative impact on self-esteem, so they ignore them.

Who solves the problems of the male sexual sphere?

Some representatives of the stronger sex still willingly visit doctors, others run to them under duress, exhausted from suffering. However, for both of them, the first task that needs to be solved on the way to recovery is to find an answer to the question: what is the name of the male sexual doctor?

The main specialist in this field of medicine is an andrologist. This specialist deals directly with the problems of the male sexual sphere. However, due to the specifics of the structure of the human body, namely the close connection of its systems, an andrologist cannot be limited only to knowledge from the narrow focus of his activity.

What other professionals can help?

The knowledge of an andrologist should include information from such areas of medical science as sexology, genetics, endocrinology, psychology, immunology, genetics, venereology, microsurgery and others. If during the examination it turns out that the disease is directly related to one of the listed specializations of medicine, it is not always effective if only a male doctor begins to treat. What is the name of the specialist who will provide additional assistance, the andrologist is obliged to inform the patient.

For example, if a sexually transmitted infection is detected, the help of a venereologist may be needed. Problems in the field of sexual relations can sometimes be solved by a psychologist or a sexologist. With prostate adenoma, a visit to the surgeon will become mandatory, to which the patient will be referred by a male doctor. What is the name of the disease that struck the man, treatment and forecasts will be told by the appropriate specialist.

How can a urologist help?

An andrologist can be found in almost every city. They usually visit clinics that specialize in men's health or family planning. Repeated visits to such a specialist along with treatment can significantly affect the family budget. But is it possible to get free help if you need a male doctor? What is the name of such a specialist?

Almost in any state polyclinic, a urologist sees a doctor. It is he who can help diagnose and cure the disease, since his specialization partially includes knowledge from andrology. But it is possible that in the end you will still have to turn to an andrologist or other highly specialized doctor.

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