Inhalation with mixed cough in children. Dry cough inhalation. Features of inhalation treatment for dry and wet cough

Inhalation is a very effective method used to treat dry or wet coughs in children. Today, as well as decades ago, inhalations are prescribed for the most advanced inflammations of the respiratory system in combination with the main therapy. Thanks to such medical procedures, it is possible to facilitate sputum production, alleviate dry cough, eliminate pathological process, shorten the period of illness and fully recover.

Long proven practical medicine that inhalation is gentle and safe, and most importantly very effective method treatment of cough in children. It is also an excellent alternative to pills, mixtures and injections, which often cause side effects and effects. If there are no complications, then it is right to start treating with the help of nebulizers - a reliable tool in the fight against coughing. Inhalation therapy allows medicinal products penetrate into the deep parts of the respiratory system. This is possible thanks to steam molecules that enhance the effect of drugs and eliminate spasms. smooth muscle respiratory organs and promote mucus thinning.

To date, pharmacies offer two types of nebulizers:

    The ultrasonic nebulizer has a compact size, quiet operation, the device is convenient for the treatment of young children. Because of the ability to destroy active substances medication is not used for antibiotics or hormones.

    The compression nebulizer, although it differs in overall dimensions and noisy operation, is endowed with the ability to produce the smallest particles.

When choosing the type of camera, the age of the child and the form of the disease are taken into account. It is advisable to purchase a nebulizer with a particle diameter not exceeding 10 microns.

The list of drugs allowed when using nebulizers

With dry cough, it is necessary to soften sore throat, reduce the viscosity of mucus and remove it from the bronchi or lungs. In this case, under the supervision of a doctor, they resort to inhalation using:

    Berodual - for 1 inhalation for children over 12 years old, 2 ml (40 drops) are required, up to 6 years old - 0.5 ml (10 drops). Dilute the product with 3 ml of saline.

    Beroteka - for 1 inhalation for children over 12 years old, 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops) is required, in advanced cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops). From 6-12 years old (body weight 22-36 kg) you will need 0.25-0.5 ml (0.25-0.5 mg - 5-10 drops), in severe cases- 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops). Dilute with saline to a volume of 3-4 ml.

    Salgima - 2.5 ml (2.5 mg) is required for 1 inhalation, apply up to 4 times a day with an interval between inhalations of at least 6 hours, without adding saline.

    Troventa - for 1 inhalation for children over 12 years old, 0.5 mg (40 drops) is required, 3-4 times a day. From 6-12 years - 0.25 mg (20 drops), 3-4 times a day. Up to 6 years - 0.1-0.25 mg (8-20 drops), 3-4 times a day. Dilute with saline to a volume of 3-4 ml.


At wet cough when expectorants are needed for sputum discharge, inhalations using:

    Fluimucil - for 1 inhalation for children over 12 years old, 3 ml is required, 1-2 times a day, from 6 to 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug, 1-2 times a day, from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 ml, 1 -2 times a day. It should be diluted 1:1. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.

    Lazolvan, Ambrobene- for 1 inhalation for children over 6 years old, 2-3 ml of solution, 1-2 times a day, from 2 to 6 years - 2 ml of solution, 1-2 times a day, up to 2 years - 1 ml of solution, 1- 2 times a day. Diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:1. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    Narzan, Borjomi - 3-4 ml of mineral water, 2-4 times a day. Before inhalation perform degassing of water.

    Sinupret, a homeopathic phytopreparation - for 1 inhalation for children over 16 years old - mix 1 ml of the drug and 1 ml of saline, from 6 to 16 years - 1 ml of the drug in 2 ml of saline, from 2 to 6 years 1 ml of the drug and 3 ml of saline. 3-4 ml of the resulting solution 3 times a day.

    Mukaltin - 3-4 ml of solution, 3 times a day. 1 tablet is dissolved in 80 ml of saline until completely dissolved without sediment;

    Pertussin - for adults and children over 12 years old, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 ml of saline, up to 12 years for 1 ml of the drug 2 ml of saline. For one inhalation - 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Anti-inflammatory drugs perfectly relieve the general inflammatory process in the respiratory tract:

    Rotokan - 1 inhalation requires 4 ml of a solution obtained from 1 ml of the drug and 40 ml of saline, 3 times a day.

    Propolis - 1 inhalation requires 3 ml of a solution obtained from 1 ml of the drug and 20 ml of saline, 3 times a day. The remedy is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

    Eucalyptus - 1 inhalation requires 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3-4 times a day. A solution of 10-15 drops of the drug and 200 ml of saline. Contraindication is bronchial asthma, bronchospasm.

    Malavit - requires 1 ml of the drug and 30 ml of saline. For 1 inhalation - 3-4 ml of solution, 3 times a day.

    Tonsilgon N, a homeopathic phytopreparation - for children over 7 years old, 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 ml of saline, from 1 to 7 years 1 ml of the drug and 2 ml of saline, up to 1 year 1 ml of the drug and 3 ml of saline. For 1 inhalation - 3-4 ml of solution.

    Calendula, phytopreparation - 1 ml of the drug and 40 ml of saline. For 1 inhalation - 4 ml of the finished solution.

Cough with bacterial bronchitis is treated with inhalation using:

    Fluimucil-antibiotic - for 1 inhalation for children over 12 years old - 250 mg, 1-2 times a day, up to 12 years old - 125 mg, 1-2 times a day. The recommended dose of the drug is diluted with 2 ml of saline.

    Furacilina - for 1 inhalation 4 ml, 2 times a day. You can dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of saline, 2 procedures per day.

    Dioxidine - for 1 inhalation - 3-4 ml of the resulting solution. Only 2 procedures per day. 1% drug is diluted with saline 1:2, 0.5% 1:1.

    Chlorophyllipt - for 1 inhalation - 3 ml of a solution prepared from 1 ml of the drug and 10 ml of saline, 3 times a day. The dye contained in the preparation is not washed off!

    Gentamicin - for 1 inhalation, children over 12 years of age require 0.5 ml (20 mg) of the drug, 1-2 times a day; from 2 to 12 years - 0.25 ml (10 mg), 1-2 times a day; Dilute the dose for adults and children over 12 years old in a ratio of 1 ml and 6 ml of saline. Use 3-4 ml, 1-2 times a day; from 2 to 12 years, dilute 1 ml of the drug in 12 ml of saline, 3 ml per procedure.

    Miramistin: For 1 inhalation, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended a 0.01% solution of Miramistin, 4 ml 3 times a day; up to 12 years - 1 ml and 2 ml of saline, 3-4 ml 3 times a day.

The dosage and frequency of use is adjusted by the attending physician when accurate diagnosis considering the duration of the disease. Self-medication is not recommended.

Sequence diagram in the case of inhalation with several drugs:

    Inhalation with bronchodilator drugs;

    After 20 minutes, sputum thinners are used;

    After 30 minutes - inhalation with antiseptic agents;

    Anti-inflammatory drugs are used without interruption after antiseptics;

    Immunomodulatory drugs are used after a cycle of medical procedures or for preventive purposes;

For example: saline or mineral water, a mixture of 2 ml of lazolvan and 2 ml of saline, 5 ml of rotokan. After recovery, inhalation with 2 ml of interferon is recommended.

The inhaler (nebulizer) used at home should be washed after each use. It is impossible to carry out inhalation with substances that are not intended for it. All solutions must be warmed to room temperature.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received in the Volgograd State medical university. He also received a certificate of a specialist in 2014.

Cough in a child is a response of his body to certain annoying factors, promotes sputum discharge and cleansing of the lungs. But in some cases, the cough can be quite painful, and therefore it should be treated. Doing this at home is quite simple with the help of inhalations, which are not only effective, but also safe for children. The main advantage of this method of treating dry and wet cough is the local effect of medicinal components, which means that other organs will not be loaded, which reduces the risk of complications.

Dry and wet cough: what is important to know

Especially painful for children is dry. With regular inhalations medicinal solutions you can achieve its softening and improve the condition of the child. The main goal of treatment is to stimulate the process of sputum formation. This is important, because it is a dry cough that supports the inflammatory process, in which the infection simply cannot leave the body.

A wet cough often does not require special treatment, as it quickly removes sputum and passes on its own. In this case, inhalation will speed up the process of cleansing the lungs of the child. Usually wet cough occurs after dry, which is a good sign retreat of the disease. However, parents should be aware that dry and wet cough are two different states, which means that the approach to treatment should be fundamentally different.

Rules for inhalation for children

At home, you can carry out inhalation for a child different ways. Suitable for older children steam inhalation, in which you need to breathe over a pan with hot water with the addition of medicinal components. Such inhalations can be carried out for five to ten minutes twice a day.

When carrying out steam inhalations, young children need to monitor the water temperature, which should not exceed thirty degrees. Otherwise, steam treatment may cause burns to the oral cavity.

It is much more convenient to use a special device at home - a nebulizer. Nebulizers are different types, but the principle of their action is always the same. This device, equipped with a special mask or nozzle, sprays medicinal substance, which penetrates deep into the bronchi and has a local therapeutic effect.

Inhalation will be most effective if the following rules are observed:

  • in the process of inhalation, it is advisable to hold your breath while inhaling for a couple of seconds. This rule, of course, does not apply to very young children;
  • it is recommended to carry out the procedure at least an hour before a meal or an hour or two after a meal;
  • after inhalation, it is necessary that the child remains at rest for two hours;
  • it is also not recommended to go outside for several hours after inhalation;
  • before starting a course of cough treatment with inhalation, you should consult a doctor, he will help calculate the dose of the drug and the time of the procedure.

Dry cough inhalation

If a child has a severe, dry, inhaled cough, it is best to use mucolytic drugs. The following medicines will help to translate a dry cough into a wet one and speed up the healing process:

  • ACC - this drug can be used for inhalation of 1 milliliter for children under two years of age and 2 milliliters for older children;
  • Lazolvan or Ambrobene - are used in a similar way;
  • Pertussin - extract medicinal herbs, which should be diluted with saline in the same ratio.

It is necessary to use any drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor and in strict accordance with the instructions.

Not every drug can be used in a nebulizer for inhalation. Some oil, salt, aromatic solutions or homemade decoctions can damage the device.

Wet cough inhalation

Cough medicines

If the use of the above drugs gave positive effect and the child’s dry cough has turned into a wet one, you need to help his lungs clear out sputum. To do this, inhalations can be carried out with the following means:

  • Furacillin;
  • herbal preparations, for example, Sinupret or Rotokan;
  • soda solution, which has absolutely no contraindications;
  • solution or infusion of eucalyptus leaves.

If, when inhaling a child twice a day for at least five minutes, his condition will improve after a few minutes.

Recipes for cough decoctions for inhalation

Decoctions to help with coughing

If parents do not want to use pharmaceutical preparations for inhalation for a child, solutions can be prepared independently from natural ingredients:

  • infusion of eucalyptus leaves - pour two tablespoons of dry raw materials with a liter of water, bring to a boil and insist;
  • in the same way, you can prepare a decoction of chamomile;
  • good effect when coughing, inhalations are given with a decoction of mint, to which a rubbed clove of garlic is added. However, such a tool can only be used for steam inhalation; it should not be added to the nebulizer so as not to break the device.

In addition, inhalations can be carried out with essential oils. A couple of drops of a few drops of ginger, rosemary, cypress, eucalyptus or bergamot oil should be added to a liter of water.


Inhalation, like any medical procedure, has several contraindications. Firstly, the doctor may not recommend it if the child has some chronic diseases, for example, pathologies of cardio-vascular system or bronchial asthma, as well as acute conditions, such as purulent. Secondly, inhalations are not carried out with elevated temperature. In addition, when using ready-made pharmaceutical products you should make sure that the child is not allergic to them.

How to choose a nebulizer. Video

Dry cough accompanies many diseases bronchopulmonary system. He can disturb during the day and at night, from which the child becomes capricious, weakened, refuses to eat. To help cope with a cough, enough pharmaceutical preparations have been developed to date, thanks to which it is possible to short term achieve recovery. One of the most effective methods of struggle is inhalation with a dry cough in a child.

When are they appointed and what are their features? Inhalations are widely used in otolaryngology, pulmonology, especially in childhood. Among the indications for the procedure, it is worth highlighting:

  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, caused by viral, bacterial infection;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia (after the end of the acute period);
  • cystic fibrosis.

In addition, inhalation procedures are indicated for prophylaxis in order to prevent exacerbations in case of chronic bronchitis, the development of stagnant phenomena in postoperative period, with prolonged immobilization due to injury.

Children in most cases are inhaled with a nebulizer, but conventional steam treatments are also widely used. The nebulizer can be used at home, which helps parents to early stage disease to begin treatment. If there is no such device at home, in clinics, hospitals, it is available in almost all medical institutions.

Why is the nebulizer so popular

Nebulizer inhalation has a number of advantages, among which the most important are:

  1. The possibility of accurate dosing of the drug.
  2. Temperature control, thanks to which the development of a burn of the upper respiratory tract is prevented.
  3. Convenience for carrying out at children's age, even up to 1 year.
  4. Splitting the drug into small particles, which makes it possible to penetrate deeper into the respiratory tract, providing therapeutic effect directly in the area of ​​inflammation.
  5. The possibility of using those drugs that lose their therapeutic effect when heated.

For dilution of the drug is indicated saline. The medicine is poured into a special glass, which must be kept in vertical position during the procedure. For one session, 3-4 ml of the finished product is enough.

It should be borne in mind that 1 ml of saline is consumed by the device itself for operation.

With the help of a nebulizer, the drug is broken into particles of different diameters, ensuring penetration to a certain level of the respiratory tract.

For example, elements with a diameter of more than 5 microns settle on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, larynx, trachea, without penetrating into deeper sections. Particles of 2-4 microns have the ability to reach the bronchi, bronchioles, only particles whose diameter does not exceed 2 microns are able to penetrate into the alveoli.

As a result, it is possible to independently regulate the depth of drug delivery, which was previously controlled only by the depth of breathing. To date, there are ultrasonic, compressor types of devices.

  1. The ultrasonic type transforms the medicinal substance by vibrating the piezoelectric element. Its advantage is no noise, compact size, which makes it convenient for transportation. The disadvantages include the presence of restrictions in operation, since during crushing, the medicine is heated, which is unacceptable for some medicines. Often ultrasonic device used to moisturize mucous membranes.
  2. Compressor type - more common for use in medical institutions, at home. It allows you to use various medicines(antibacterial, mucolytic, antitussive, enzymatic agents, phytopreparations, immunomodulators). The process of grinding the drug is carried out by feeding air flow under pressure.

For small children, it is recommended to use a mask that fits closely to the face. At an older age, a mouthpiece pipe is allowed, which must be clasped with the lips. After using the nebulizer, the components of the device should be washed with boiled water.

Steam inhalation

Quite simple, affordable procedures at home are steam inhalations. Enough kettle with a spout, pots for their holding. In this case, large particles of the drug added to boiling water, as well as water vapor, have a therapeutic effect.

The particle diameter reaches 20 microns, which does not allow them to penetrate deeper into the trachea, so such inhalations are not effective. medical techniques with bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia (to eliminate residual effects inflammation).

In addition, for steam procedures not used many drugs that lose their therapeutic property when heated.

Inhalation of hot vapor increases the risk of burning the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

After inhalation, a short-term effect is observed, since warm steam increases local blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, thereby reducing pain moisturizing mucous membranes.

If parents do not trust pharmaceuticals they use recipes traditional medicine. Similar medicines can be prepared independently at home:

  1. Infusion of eucalyptus leaves is used twice a day. To prepare a medicine, 30 g of dry raw materials should be poured with 4 glasses of water, boiled, insisted. When the steam cools down a bit, you need to start the procedure.
  2. A decoction of chamomile is prepared by brewing 30 grams of the plant in a liter of water. The medicine allows you to reduce swelling, irritation, inflammation in the mucous membrane.
  3. A decoction of mint (30 grams per liter of boiling water) can be combined with a chopped clove of garlic. This combination has a pronounced antibacterial action, which is indicated for pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  4. Recommended for hydration essential oils. It is enough to add a couple of drops of ginger, eucalyptus oil, cypress in boiling water.

Contraindications for inhalation

We emphasize that with any cough in children, steam inhalations are prohibited in such cases:

  1. Subfebrile hyperthermia, when the body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees.
  2. The presence of sputum with purulent discharge.
  3. Purulent processes in the oropharynx, for example, follicular, lacunar angina, abscesses.
  4. Increased tendency to nosebleeds.
  5. Pulmonary bleeding, including hemoptysis.
  6. Allergic reactions to the drugs used.
  7. Violation of the cardiac rhythm.
  8. Severe pathology cardiovascular insufficiency severe respiratory failure.
  9. Emphysema, pneumothorax.

Oily solutions are contraindicated for use in a nebulizer, which increases the risk of penetration of the smallest fatty particles deep into the bronchioles, clogging them, disrupting the drainage function.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect from the procedure to children, parents should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. For the nebulizer, only physiological saline is used to dilute medicines. If you wish to do alkaline inhalation non-carbonated alkaline water without the addition of drugs.
  2. The child must be in a sitting position. When using a nebulizer, small children are allowed to lie down.
  3. Do not talk during the procedure.
  4. The drug is prepared immediately before use, it is not stored for a long time.
  5. If the cough is due to the spread of inflammation from the nasopharynx, breathing should be through the nose and mouth.
  6. If a cough develops due to pharyngitis, tonsillitis, breathing is performed slowly through the mouth.
  7. When the defeat of the bronchi, alveoli, the breath should be through oral cavity, slow, deep with a delay of 2 seconds, exhale through the nose.
  8. The duration of the procedure is a maximum of 10 minutes.
  9. Inhalation is carried out an hour after exercise, food, so as not to induce vomiting.
  10. After the procedure, for an hour it is not recommended to go out into the cold, drink, eat, gargle antiseptic solutions. This will provide maximum healing effect from the drug used.

If a dry cough is due to the inability to cough up sputum, and moist rales are heard in the lungs, then the sequence of using drugs for inhalation is as follows.

First, a procedure is performed with bronchodilators, due to which the bronchi expand, making it possible to facilitate the process of sputum removal. Then mucolytics are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the viscosity of sputum, improving its expectoration. At the end, inhalation is carried out with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic drugs, which makes it possible to introduce an antimicrobial substance into the bronchi cleared of sputum, providing a powerful therapeutic effect.

Preparations for the nebulizer

In the fight against cough, such groups of drugs as antiseptics, bronchodilators, hormones, immunomodulators, mucolytics, antitussives, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as alkaline mineral water are used.

At the same time, drugs are isolated that are strictly prohibited for use in a nebulizer. This applies to drugs that are not able to have a therapeutic effect due to their pharmacodynamic characteristics. These include diphenhydramine, papaverine.

Oil solutions, decoctions of herbs can greatly contaminate the device. Not maintaining the cleanliness of the device, the nebulizer can become an infectious source.

For dry cough the main task determine the tactics of action: whether to suppress a hoarse cough, for example, as in the case of its allergic origin, or to stimulate sputum discharge if moist rales are heard above the lungs.

  • Rotokan containing calendula, yarrow, chamomile. 1 ml of the drug is diluted with 40 ml of saline.
  • Propolis (1 ml) is diluted with 20 ml of saline. Do not use if you are allergic to bee products.
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus tincture are diluted with 180 ml of saline. Contraindications are represented by bronchial asthma.
  • 1 ml of calendula tincture is diluted with 40 ml of saline.

Children with dry cough are shown:

  1. Tussamag with thyme extract. For a child from 6 years of age, dilution of the drug is required twice, from one year - three times dilution with saline.
  2. cough medicine from herbal ingredients dissolves thoroughly in 15 ml of saline.
  3. Mukaltin at a dose of 1 tablet should be completely dissolved in 85 ml of saline.
  4. Pertussin with thyme, thyme is diluted with saline twice.
  5. Berotek is used from 6 years. It is enough to dilute 10 drops in 4 ml of solvent.
  6. Berodual is diluted 0.5 ml in saline.

If the child has a cough allergic origin, inhalations are carried out with dexamethasone, pulmicort to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, irritation of the bronchi.

In the presence of sputum, but dry cough, it is required to reduce the viscosity of sputum, improve its excretion. For this, lazolvan (ambroxol), ACC, furatsilin, dioxidin, decasan, chlorophyllipt, miramistin are used.

  1. Lazolvan is used undiluted, as a ready-made solution is sold.
  2. ACC is sold in powder form. From 6 years old - 0.5 ampoules are enough, which corresponds to 150 mg.

These drugs should not be used in parallel with antitussives (broncholitin, libexin, codeine, synecode).

At home, treatment of children is carried out only after a preliminary examination by a doctor and complete examination. This reduces the risk of developing severe complications associated with an allergic reaction, overdose, insufficient duration of medication. If the doctor has diagnosed moderate or severe course illness, do not refuse hospitalization.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:child with nebulizer" width="300" height="200"> !} With the help of a cough nebulizer for children, inhalation procedures are carried out, which are effective methods against diseases such as a cold, often accompanied by a runny nose and cough, especially in autumn and winter period. With the help of compressed air, the nebulizer turns medicines into vapors that the child inhales. Getting into the lungs and bronchi, the medicine creates a quick therapeutic effect.

Types of devices for inhalation

Inhalation is a procedure based on the inhalation of steam with medicines and has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. A targeted effect on the respiratory system gives a good effect, stimulating the body and significantly reducing the absorption time of the drug.

Before inhaling, you need to make sure that the child does not have a fever. The procedure is contraindicated for bleeding from the nose, hypertension 3 stages and cardiovascular insufficiency.

The nebulizer allows you to treat and prevent cough safely and effectively. There are several varieties of the device that differ in mechanisms:

  1. Ultrasonic nebulizers. The conversion of the drug into vapor occurs due to vibration with a high frequency. The main advantage of the device is its compactness, but it is not able to spray some medicines.
  2. Compressor devices. They are among the most functional types. Such machines can work with any medicines. The transformation of liquid into vapor occurs due to the pressure of oxygen. The disadvantage is the massiveness of the structure and noisy operation.

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  1. Membrane nebulizers are produced in small sizes. The action occurs due to the spraying of drugs through the membrane. Such devices have all of the above advantages, but the cost of the device is much higher.

Read also: Banana cough recipes for a child

When choosing an inhaler, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of treatment. Effective Therapy children passes when the sprayed particles do not exceed 7 microns. Ultrasonic and compressor devices have just such an effect. However, a noisy appliance can scare the kids. If drugs containing antibiotics are used, then do not use ultrasonic nebulizer, as it destroys the drug complex.

For the treatment of cough, it is better to opt for the compressor version with several modes, data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 300w, content/uploads/2017/03/img_5825_1437398869781.jpg 393w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> controlling particle size. Such a device will be useful in the future for the prevention of diseases of the nose.

For the smallest, a comfortable mask is provided, which does not allow microparticles to fly apart. For older children, a special mouthpiece is included in the kit.

Rules for using a nebulizer

It is necessary to carry out the procedure one hour after eating. After finishing inhalation, you can not go outside and be in a cold room. It is desirable that the child be in good mood. To achieve better action from the procedure, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Make sure that the child's throat is free, the collar does not pull or press.
  2. Fill the instrument chamber with at least 4 ml of liquid.
  3. Only fresh solution should be used.
  4. Before use, the liquid is brought to room temperature.

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  1. Inhaler refills medicines immediately before the start of the procedure.
  2. After refueling, the compressor and face mask are attached.
  3. The kid has to make a few deep breaths then hold your breath for a few seconds.
  4. It is necessary to carry out inhalation for 10 minutes.
  5. The child should sit quietly and breathe deeply.
  6. After the procedure, the device is disassembled, washed and sterilized.

The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:nebulizer solutions" width="300" height="233"> !} more than a day. If several drugs are prescribed, then they are used alternately. First, means for dilating the bronchi, after 20 minutes, drugs for thinning and removing sputum.

Nebulizers are not designed for oil medicines as the machine produces small particles. Once in the lungs, they can cause oil pneumonia and allergic reaction organism.

Read also: Treatment of cough folk remedies in children quickly

Recipes for inhalation when coughing

Inhalation with a nebulizer for coughing is effective method to fight and prevent colds in children. Before using this or that drug, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, who will prescribe necessary remedy for a specific case.

Various drugs are used for certain form cough. There are dry, wet and allergic cough. With a dry cough, hysterical barking sounds occur, it is necessary to alleviate the child's condition with the help of medicines. Wet cough is characterized by sputum production, therefore, drugs are used that contribute to its separation. At allergic cough it is necessary to relieve swelling and reduce the cough reflex. The basis of the prescription for the inhaler includes physical. solution, sometimes mineral water.

Inhalations for coughing with a nebulizer, basic recipes for children:

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  1. Fluimucil's solution dilutes sputum, turning a dry cough into a wet one, and removes accumulated mucus. Sold in pharmacies in a powdered state. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. Berodual - effective remedy to relieve cough spasms and expand the bronchi. 10 drops of the solution are diluted with 3 ml of sodium chloride. Assign to children from 6 years.
  3. A 1% solution of Dioxide has a bactericidal effect, having a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. For inhalation, 4 ml of the solution is used. You can do such procedures no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Treating a cough with a solution of Furacilin prevents infection from entering the lungs. Take a pure 0.024% solution of the drug and add 4-5 ml to the nebulizer.
  5. Chlorophyllipt solution 1% is a drug for plant-based and has antiseptic properties. For inhalation, the medicine is diluted with physical. solution in a ratio of 1:10. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
  6. With a wet cough, Lazolvan in ampoules is used to thin sputum. For 2 ml of medicine you will need 2 ml of saline. solution. Inhalation is done 2-3 times a day.
  7. Sinupred promotes the separation of mucus with a wet cough, 1 ml is diluted with 3 ml of the solution, used 2-3 times a day.
  8. Gentamycin solution 4% is active in infections respiratory tract. When coughing, 0.25 ml of the drug is diluted with 3 ml of saline. solution. Inhalation is carried out 3 times a day.

Any mother faced a cold of a child - acute respiratory diseases very often overcome both children and adults. Seeing how it is difficult for babies to endure illness - it is difficult for them to breathe and suckle, their throat hurts, or - many parents are thinking about buying a nebulizer for children, which, according to reviews on the Internet, treats and greatly alleviates the symptoms of SARS or flu. Is this really so, and is it worth buying an expensive device - we figure it out together.

Nebulizer - we will defeat a cold and cough together!

What is a nebulizer?

These words mean special device, with which it is easy to carry out inhalation of medicines for babies. Nebulizers smash medicinal solutions into the smallest particles (aerosols) up to 5 microns in size. Such aerosols pass well even into the lower respiratory tract.

There are several types of nebulizers depending on the mechanism of drug spraying:

If you have not bought yet, but only choose the device - different models nebulizers from different manufacturers. The reviews have real photos, and some even small video reviews.

For compressor devices, also specify the type of nebulizer chamber: direct-flow (convection) has large losses of the drug on exhalation (up to 70%), since the nebulizer produces and sends aerosol into the tube constantly. That is, the baby exhales not only his own air, but also the resulting new portion of the aerosol. The problem of loss of medicinal particles is solved by chambers that are activated by inhalation. Losses in this type of cameras are no more than 10%.

Why is a nebulizer beneficial for respiratory infections?

This device has become popular due to the effect of double action:

  • spraying the smallest particles of the drug contributes to the uniform distribution of the drug over respiratory system, delivering active substance even to its lower parts, increasing and prolonging the therapeutic effect;
  • inhalation of water vapor improves the condition of the mucous respiratory organs - the separation of mucus increases, the blood circulation in the capillaries increases, the metabolism accelerates, which greatly helps the body in the fight against the disease.

With a nebulizer, a runny nose and cough can be cured much faster.

That is, when you are treating with a nebulizer, you are simultaneously taking medicine and inhaling water vapor, which is useful for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. So does the nebulizer really have no contraindications?


Very important: for inhalation with nebulizers, oily solutions are FORBIDDEN: inhalation of the smallest vapors of oil can cause oil pneumonia due to clogging of the small lumen of the bronchi. Oil pneumonia is extremely difficult to treat. Never use oils or oily solutions in nebulizers!

Usage oil solutions Absolutely forbidden!

How to choose a good nebulizer

To buy a quality nebulizer, remember or write down the main specifications. Learn about them from a consultant or read the instructions:

  • Nebulizer type(optimal compressor or mesh), and for the compressor - and the type of chamber (better those that are activated by inhalation).
  • tank capacity for a medicine, that is, the maximum volume of the solution that can be poured there is important when choosing compressor models: if this volume is exceeded, an aerosol will not form.
  • Performance- how much aerosol is produced per minute. For the treatment of babies, the indicator is very important - children really do not like to do something for a long time. Choose nebulizers with higher performance.
  • Residual volume: during inhalation, not all the solution passes into an aerosol due to the technical features of nebulizers. That is, some amount of the drug will still be lost. But mesh nebulizers do not have a residual volume.

Trick: add saline solution (sold in a pharmacy, look for 100 ml vials) as the medicine evaporates, then you can significantly reduce losses due to residual volume. But the procedure time will increase.

On the Russian shelves there are nebulizers in fairly wide price categories- from 1500 rubles for a compressor device to 9000 per mesh.

The most common and trusted companies are OmronCompAir (from 2300 rubles), MicrolifeNeb (from 4000 rubles) and B.Well (about 3000 rubles).

These models are the leaders in sales of Russian online stores. They have optimal ratio parameters "price-quality":

Fast delivery across Russia is possible.

Is it possible to do without a nebulizer?

Can! The bottom line is that inhalations folk recipes, and medicines can be carried out using basins or ladles, covered with a towel or bathing in a bath. With an ordinary cold or seasonal flu, this is more than enough. But if someone in your family is prone to lingering or obstructive respiratory diseases or there were complications after infections - a nebulizer is worth buying, as it effectively delivers drugs even to lower divisions bronchi.

If someone in the family is suffering chronic diseases respiratory tract, without a nebulizer is indispensable.

Solutions for devices of different types

Due to the design features, not all inhalation solutions are suitable for different types of nebulizers. Consider the most commonly prescribed by doctors:

  1. Mucolytics(acetylcysteine, lazolvan, mukomist) - only for compressor and mesh nebulizers.
  2. Alkaline complexes(sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate) - all types of devices;
  3. Antibacterial solutions(furatsilin, dioxidine, malavit) - mesh and compressor types.
  4. Bronchodilators(, salbutamol, berotek, atrovent) - all types.
  5. Glucocorticosteroids(hydrocortisone) - all types of nebulizers.

Solutions for various diseases

Depending on the type of ailment, the doctor may prescribe various medications:

  • Sodium chloride, mineral water type "Borjomi"- inhalations are recommended for laryngitis, productive - 2-4 times a day through a mask.
  • Fluimucil, ACC injection- liquefaction and excretion of sputum, recommended for difficult expectoration. Children 2-6 years old are usually prescribed 1-2 ml per procedure. Diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:1. Make inhalations 1-2 times a day, the course is not more than 10 days. It is not recommended to use in therapy with antibiotics.
  • Lazolvan and Ambrobene- with viscous sputum difficult to expectorate. For children under 2 years old, the dosage is 1 ml, older - 2 ml per inhalation, diluted with saline 1: 1. The course of inhalation with a nebulizer for coughing is not more than 5 days. Do not use in conjunction with antitussives (sinecode, pertussin, falimint, codeine).

Lazolvan promotes sputum discharge from the lungs.

  • Pertussin- expectorant, good for tracheitis, whooping cough,. Children under 10 years old - 1 ml per inhalation, diluted in 2 ml of saline.
  • Fluimucil antibiotic- for confirmed infections bacterial nature(angina). For children, the fourth part of the bottle for 1 procedure no more than twice a day. Store the bottle in the refrigerator on the door for no more than a day. Warm to room temperature before inhalation.
  • Dekasan- antimicrobial drug, indicated for angina, laryngopharyngitis. No more than 2 times a day, 1-2 ml, diluted with saline 1:2. The course of treatment is up to 5 days.
  • - antiseptic drug(complicated infections, their purulent forms). For children, the drug is diluted 1: 2 (two parts of saline), procedures are carried out 3 times a day.

It is used for complex forms, kills microbes, removes pus.

  • Tussamag- Relieve cough urges unproductive cough. For children 1-5 years old, 1 ml of the drug is diluted with 3 ml of saline solution. 3-4 ml of the diluted solution is inhaled no more than 3 times a day.
  • - bronchodilator, prevents asthma attacks, relieves spasm of the respiratory organs. Up to 6 years of age - 10 drops per 1 procedure, diluted with saline (about 3 ml), let the child breathe no more than 3 times a day.

When a child is sick, a blood test is indispensable. Only in this way the doctor will be able to get a complete picture of the state of health of the child. talk about what's going on inside the baby.

Can't do without general analysis urine. This analysis is prescribed whenever the child feels unwell. An advanced mother should be able to decipher the result, in we will tell you how to read unfamiliar medical formulations.

How to carry out so as not to harm

How to inhale a child in order to cure and not scare? Rules for using a nebulizer:

  1. Do not inhale after eating, do not talk during the procedure.
  2. It can not be carried out at an elevated temperature in a baby.

When the baby has a temperature, the procedure cannot be carried out!

  1. In the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, breathe through the nose through the mask.
  2. In diseases of the middle respiratory tract (throat), inhalation and exhalation are done through the mouth, using a mask.
  3. Treatment of the lower respiratory tract - through a tube.
  4. It is forbidden to use oil solutions for inhalation with a nebulizer!
  5. Using herbal decoctions the mechanism of the device may become clogged, it is not recommended to carry out inhalation with decoctions using a nebulizer.

Grass residues can cause damage to the appliance.

  1. If the instructions for the drug say "for children over a certain age", always consult a doctor, some drugs (for example, vasoconstrictors) may be toxic to young children.

Young children are often afraid of new things, so always show yourself how to carry out the inhalation procedure. Let the baby examine the device, hold it, press the buttons. Already from 1-1.5 years old, children begin to actively imitate their adults, so show how you like this procedure. Do not force the child to breathe for more than 7-10 minutes, otherwise the next time he will refuse to use the nebulizer. It is better to let the inhalation be shorter, but spend them more often. It is more effective to do inhalations for sleep.

“Drink milk, children, you will be healthy!” - so says the well-known song. However, many mothers are tormented by the question,. Let's figure it out together. high temperature and coughing baby should drink a lot. The best drink is warm tea. It promotes sputum discharge, removes toxins from the body and helps in the fight against viruses. At what age can you give tea to a baby read.

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