Cough medicine licorice root. Licorice root syrup: description and methods of application. What helps

Modern pharmacy offers consumers just a huge selection of various means and drugs that actively eliminate cough. However, not all of them can provide positive impact and this does not depend on their quality - it’s just that every person has an ailment, coughing, proceeds differently. BUT, there are still generic drugs, which help fight the disease by reducing the intensity cough reflex and expelling mucus. These drugs include licorice root. Further in the material, we will tell our readers how to take it when coughing for an adult, as well as about all the features of this natural remedy.

How to drink licorice syrup when coughing for an adult

If you are interested in how to take licorice syrup when coughing for an adult (Sirupus radicis Glycyrrhizae), in this case, you should consider that this drug is a natural mucolytic. This syrup is recommended for inflammatory processes respiratory tract and organs, which are accompanied by abundant formation of sputum, which has an increased viscosity.

The expectorant effect of the drug, produced in the form of a delicious syrup, which is suitable for both children and adults, is due to the content of glycyrrhizin in its composition. Due to this, when taking the syrup, the activity of the ciliated epithelium increases. bronchial tree and trachea, which in turn increases the amount of secretion secreted.

When answering the question of how to drink licorice syrup when coughing for an adult, it should be noted that this natural remedy should within one to two weeks. However, you should definitely consult your doctor before using this cough remedy. This is due to the fact that the patient may have an individual intolerance to the components included in the remedy, as well as the fact that the syrup contains a substance such as ethanol, which can cause swelling.

How many times a day to drink syrup

The required dosage (how to take licorice syrup when coughing for an adult), as well as the duration of the course of treatment, is prescribed exclusively by a specialist in accordance with age and health status.

That is, answering the question how many times a day to drink syrup, we note that right amount the drug is prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, the use itself implies that the syrup is consumed one measured or teaspoon (diluted in 100 ml of liquid) per dose. According to the manufacturer's instructions, dosage for an adult involves 2-3 doses of the drug during the day.

A distinctive feature of licorice root is that the syrup has a sweet taste. This is due to the fact that the plant contains quite a large number of sucrose. Actually, unique composition components that are contained in the root and determine its high efficiency to treat cough. Nevertheless, licorice root also has its own contraindications - it is strictly forbidden to take syrup for sick people diabetes, as well as with individual intolerance.

Also, due to the content of ethanol, a violation can be provoked water-salt balance which will lead to swelling. For this reason, the dosage of the drug is prescribed only by the attending physician.

How to take the remedy - before meals or after meals

Note that many are concerned about the question of how to properly take licorice root syrup - before meals or after meals. In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and doctors, this the remedy is best taken after the main meals - that is, no more than three times a day after meals. We remind readers that it is important to consider that the product contains ethanol and an overdose or a long period of use (more than prescribed by a doctor) can lead to edema. It is necessary to store the syrup in a dark place (shelf life is not more than 24 months).

Despite the high positive properties syrup anyway. it is not recommended for women during pregnancy. This is due to the peculiarities of the composition of the drug, which can provoke the development of late toxicosis. In addition, the syrup increases the content of estrogen, this can adversely affect the condition of a woman due to a change hormonal background. For this reason, the use this drug during pregnancy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

Also, this drug is not used when the patient is prone to bleeding. According to the instructions that come with the drug, licorice root is also not recommended for use during lactation. If other drugs do not help and it is necessary to treat a cough with this remedy, then during the course of taking the syrup it is better to temporarily stop breastfeeding the baby.

Licorice root - features and instructions for use

The use of such a cough remedy as licorice root is indispensable for respiratory diseases, especially in the cold season, when many of us are prone to seasonal diseases. Usually the main characteristic symptom such diseases are cough. The reason for the high popularity and demand for licorice root among our compatriots is that this remedy not only perfectly copes with cough, but also increases defensive forces the body, which makes it more resistant to viruses and infections.

Instructions for use of this natural drug says that this syrup can be taken by both children and adults and it includes such Components;

  • licorice root extract;
  • ethanol;
  • sugar syrup.

Thanks to this composition, the syrup has not only excellent taste qualities, but also high efficiency for clearing the bronchi of mucus that appeared as a result of the development of a cold.

Important. Licorice root cough syrup can cause an allergic reaction, as well as increase blood pressure. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a specialist before taking the drug.

The price of the syrup, the benefits of natural cough medicine

In order to purchase licorice root, it is enough to contact any pharmacy or medical institution while the price of syrup is available for anyone (from 20 to 60 rubles). It is precisely because of the low cost and high efficiency that many of our compatriots acquire syrup for treatment colds. However, do not forget about the side effects and contraindications to taking the remedy, so before using it, nevertheless, consult your doctor.

The presented natural remedy helps in the treatment of diseases with symptoms such as dry and wet cough, pleurisy, bronchitis and sinusitis. Also, licorice root, despite its low cost, is effective in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases and pneumonia.

Usually, data treatment course natural preparation does not exceed two weeks. Note that in the treatment of children, licorice syrup, the drug is given exclusively on prescription, since it contains ethyl alcohol.

The main effect of the syrup is the removal of mucus accumulated in the bronchi due to a more productive cough, which helps to effectively clear the airways.

Popular analogues of syrup, what to look for

If, for any indication, the patient cannot take licorice root, in this case, you can use other media. We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular cough remedies - analogues of licorice root syrup:

  • Gedelix It is an expectorant with an antispasmodic effect. The active substance of this drug is ivy extract. This expectorant is produced in the form of drops and syrup. The drug is prescribed as a medicine used for diseases of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough.
  • Pertussincombination drug plant origin, which helps to thin the viscous sputum that collects in the respiratory tract. The advantage of Pertussin is that in addition to the expectorant effect, the drug also has a bronchospasmolytic effect. Pertussin contains thyme extract, which provides effective liquefaction and subsequent sputum removal.

Child's cough common symptom colds and infectious diseases. Gradually, from a dry form, it turns into a wet one, becomes less frequent and the baby recovers. It happens that the coughing period is delayed, which worries parents. Licorice root syrup helps to overcome it - affordable and effective expectorant. When and under what symptoms its use is justified, it is described in the annotation to the drug.

One remedy for cough is licorice root syrup.

How does licorice root help?

Licorice root (licorice) from the legume family has many beneficial properties and is used in medicinal purposes in the form of different dosage forms- tinctures, concentrated syrups, thick decoctions. It contains a natural antioxidant vitamin C, a number of essential oils, flavonoids, and others useful components. Initially, a laxative, diuretic, wound healing, immunostimulating effect of the root was noted. Later proved its effectiveness in coughing.

The plant is allergenic, therefore, preparations with its content should be given to children with caution.

Composition and features of the drug

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Commercially prepared licorice root syrup is a chocolate brown thick liquid. It has a sweet taste, and it usually doesn't take long for babies to be asked to drink it at the proper time. The viscous structure provides a quick and gentle action of the drug, which envelops and soothes the airways. In 100 ml. 4 ml of therapeutic liquid is measured. licorice root extract ( active substance) and additional components - 10 ml 96% ethyl alcohol, 86 ml. sugar syrup.

The composition of the syrup includes alcohol, so the medicine is not prescribed to young children.

Therapeutic effect the drug is due high content natural bioflavonoids (liquiritin and liquiritoside), which have a general strengthening effect on the body. It also contains glycyrrhizic acid, systosterol, glycyrrhizin - ingredients to increase immunity. Syrup (additional component) consists of sugar, starch and pectins. Since the drug is based on alcohol, doctors prescribe it with caution until the age of two.

For colds, a medicine based on licorice root has a complex effect:

  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral.

For long-term storage, the drug is produced in dark glass vials. A number of manufacturers may add water, specially prepared glycerin, natural preservatives to the medicine, but children should choose syrups with the minimum amount components (only licorice, sugar, alcohol). The drug has affordable price: a bottle produced by Samaramedprom, ECOlab, and other domestic pharmaceutical plants costs about 50 rubles.

The effect of cough syrup

Many biologically active substances that licorice root syrup contains have a beneficial effect on the condition respiratory system with SARS, colds. Flavonoids and glycyrrhizin stimulate the activity of the epithelium lining the bronchi. Under their influence, the villi actively produce bronchial secretions, bind pathogen cells and push liquefied sputum to exit along the bronchial tree.

The therapeutic effect of the syrup is as follows:

  • liquefaction and withdrawal of sputum;
  • respiratory tract disinfection;
  • regeneration of microcracks that form after coughing;
  • relief of coughing attacks of any kind (frequent dry, wet);
  • gradual cessation of cough and inflammation in the bronchi.

The syrup helps to thin and remove sputum from the lungs of a child.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of syrup based on licorice root:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis (we recommend reading:);
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract(stage of remission);
  • inflammation of the urinary tract.

With a complicated cough, the drug is prescribed in combination with other medicines. However, when the baby takes pills that are not compatible with licorice root (with codeine in the composition), the syrup is postponed. They drink it for 10 days. If in the first two days the child does not get any relief or edema is observed, you should contact the clinic for a second examination in order not to miss the complications of the disease.


Before giving a baby and an older child the drug, contraindications and side effects should be studied. Its use is unacceptable in such situations:

  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • disruption of the kidneys and liver.

Licorice root has contraindications, so its use is possible after consulting a doctor

Side effect the drug is expressed in an allergic reaction, an undesirable increase blood pressure. In the first case, a rash, diathesis, other skin reaction on arms, legs, face. In the second case, the pulse quickens, when listening, the pediatrician observes heart murmurs. The child complains of feeling hot, gets tired quickly. Stomach discomfort and nausea are possible. In diabetes, doctors usually select drugs that are similar in effect, but without sugar.

General rules for taking syrup for children under 12 years old

It is impossible to prescribe syrup from licorice root up to 12 years on your own. It is important that the pediatrician examine the child and determine the appropriateness of its use in a particular situation.

The medicine is given to the child after meals, in an individually prescribed dosage. The doctor selects her, based on weight, age, well-being little patient. When calculating, the specialist relies on the dose for an adult weighing 65 kg.

For 1 kg. babies are supposed to weigh about 0.3 ml. syrup (a single dose of 20 mg is divided by 65). Knowing the weight of the baby, you can determine the required amount of medicine. For example, a baby weighing 9 kg. it is necessary to give about 2.7 ml of syrup (0.5 tsp) at a time, which is important to dilute in a dessert spoon of water before serving.

When treating a cough in a child, it is important to remember the need for frequent and plentiful drink for better expectoration

The basic rules for taking syrup are as follows:

  1. When correct weight infant is unknown or controversial, the dosage can be adjusted based on age. Up to six months, it is 1/10 of an adult, in a year - 1/6.
  2. Take licorice no more than 3 times a day. The course lasts no more than one and a half weeks.
  3. Before giving to children, the drug is carefully diluted in boiled water or weak tea. To enhance the expectorant effect during the period of its administration, frequent drinking is recommended - water, fruit drinks, compotes, tea.
  4. Infants are prescribed medicine with caution, in an extremely rare cases. For infants, pediatricians select expectorants without ethanol.

Dosages for children of different ages

When measuring the correct amount of syrup (in drops, teaspoons), take into account that the limit single dose for two year old baby is equal to two drops (see also:). Sometimes experts use more a simple circuit reception, appointing to take as many drops at a time as full years on the this moment to kid. Dosages according to the instructions:

  • up to 2 years - 1-2 drops per 1 tsp. water 3 r / day;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 2-10 drops per 1 tsp. water 3 r / day;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 50 drops per 0.5 tbsp. water 3 r / day;
  • from 12 years old - 0.5 tsp each for 1 tsp water 3 r / day.

Alternatives in the treatment of cough

For children under one year old, it is necessary to use other drugs, for example, Gedelix


100 ml of syrup contains 4 g of licorice root extract, 86 g of sugar syrup, 96% alcohol and water - up to 100 ml. It is sold in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 100 ml.

pharmachologic effect

From the roots of licorice naked obtained herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, immunostimulating, regenerating, expectorant and antiviral actions. pharmacy name- licorice root syrup. The instruction contains data on the composition, indications, contraindications and dosages. Therapeutic effect due to glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid (15% of total weight), as well as numerous flavone compounds, polysaccharides and essential oils. Glycyrizine is a stimulant of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, promotes secretion. Liquiritozide (flavonoid compound) has an antispasmodic effect on muscle tissue respiratory organs. Not only viruses can suppress licorice root syrup. The instruction shows that this drug suppresses pathogenic microorganisms, for example, mycobacteria, staphylococci. Scientists have proven antitumor effect remedy and mild immunomodulatory effects.


The medicine is used for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchitis (acute and chronic);
  • pneumonia;
  • atelectasis when the bronchi are clogged with a plug of mucus;
  • ulcer of the stomach or intestines in the healing stage, gastritis in remission.

Also, licorice root syrup, the instruction advises taking in pre- and postoperative periods in the rehabilitation of the bronchial tree, as well as for the treatment of cough. In all cases, you should consult your doctor.


Gastritis in exacerbation, non-healing ulcer, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Licorice root syrup - the instruction confirms this - can cause allergic reactions. At long-term use in people prone to high blood pressure, it may increase. When side effects it is recommended to stop using the drug.


Pregnant and lactating, as well as patients with bronchial asthma and diabetes use only as directed by a doctor.

Licorice root syrup: how to take

For treatment, the syrup is drunk in pure or diluted form three times a day, preferably after meals. If the syrup is used in pure form, which means that it must be washed down with liquid (half a glass of water or tea). You can add the medicine to tea and drink. Dosage for adults - 1 dessert spoon per 1 dose. Licorice root syrup for children is taken in the following dosages:

  • two drops per 1 dose - for children from one to two years;
  • half a teaspoon for 1 dose (or 10 drops) - for children from two to twelve years old;
  • one teaspoon per 1 dose - for children from twelve to eighteen years old.

The course of treatment is no more than ten days. If during this time the condition has not improved, then you need to review the treatment and consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.


The syrup can be stored for 2 years in a cool place, away from sunlight.

Cough accompanies a huge variety of diseases, including not only banal SARS and acute respiratory infections, but more serious pathologies- bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic diseases respiratory organs, etc. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large number of drugs to combat this. an unpleasant symptom, both on the basis of synthetic components, and from natural herbal ingredients. One of the recognized means of both folk and traditional medicine considered licorice for coughs. How to take licorice root at home, what medicines are based on this medicinal plant can be purchased and what are the contraindications, read on.

The unique composition of the components allows the plant to be widely used not only in quality, but also in the treatment of many other ailments. The second name of the plant is licorice, belong to the legume family. Licorice root for cough is used primarily because of its enveloping and high-quality expectorant effect. At the chemical level, the main effect is provided by the glycyrrhizin contained in the plant, which has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiallergic effect. Mucous components can improve bronchial secretion, render.

The root also has a number of other interesting qualities:

  • has a diuretic effect;
  • reduces excretion gastric juice, which is useful in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases associated with high acidity;
  • can be used as an antidote for different kind poisoning, has a pronounced anti-toxic and adsorbing effect;
  • reduces the manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

In order for the remedy to have the desired effect, both for and for the treatment of other forms of diseases, it is worth knowing how to drink licorice, with what to combine. What are the benefits and harms of the plant in these specific cases - read on.

What kind of cough is licorice for?

As already noted, the drug has a pronounced expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Licorice is used to treat many diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

The main indications for use are dry, hysterical cough, as well as. This legume is especially good in the treatment of exhausting paroxysmal cough without sputum - as active substances are able to gently envelop the bronchi, disinfect mucous surfaces, reduce the risk of small wounds on the epithelium with excessive tension in the muscles of the respiratory departments.

With a wet cough, licorice will be appropriate in the case when sputum is practically not separated, there is stagnation of mucus in the bronchi. In case of a productive wet cough remedy is not prescribed.

Licorice root - application

You can make your own licorice-based cough remedies, as well as buy licorice syrup at pharmacy network. In the case of preparing the medicine on your own, it is strongly recommended to buy ready-made raw materials in a pharmacy, since there are a great many nuances of collecting and drying from a plant.

Folk recipes

Among the most simple recipes traditional medicine on the basis of licorice, it is worth highlighting decoctions and tinctures.

Water tincture. To prepare the tincture, you will need 1 tablespoon of powdered root, 500 ml of boiling water. Pre-dried rhizomes should be fried in a dry frying pan until caramelized. Pour boiling water over licorice powder, leave for 1 night. Strain, take for cough 3-4 times a day, 50 ml after meals. Keep refrigerated.

Alcohol tincture. The root is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:5, placed in a dark container. Leave in a cool place for 10-15 days. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. It is worth taking 30 drops, previously diluted in a spoonful of water, for 7-10 days twice a day.

Decoction.Pour a full tablespoon of powder from the roots with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. cool, strain and drink throughout the day, regardless of meals, it is necessary to consume 1 glass of the product per day.

Tea. Mix in equal proportions dry plantain leaves, wild rose, Iceland moss. Add 2 parts of licorice root to them, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Strain and drink tea throughout the day in unlimited quantities - the remedy will have an immunostimulating, expectorant and softening effect.

pharmacy syrup

It is one of the most inexpensive and effective expectorants. A bottle of 100 ml will cost about 40 rubles. Instructions for use for coughing indicate that you can drink the syrup in its pure form, but be sure to drink large quantity liquids to enhance the expectorant effect. The medication should be used after meals, 3-4 times a day, regardless of age. Dosage:

  • children from 1 to 2 years old - 2-3 drops of syrup should be added to water, juice or milk;
  • from 2 to 3 years - half a teaspoon;
  • from 3 to 6 - 1 teaspoon;
  • from 6 to 12 - one dessert spoon each;
  • taking licorice root for coughing for an adult and children from 12 years old costs at the rate of 1 tablespoon at a time.

Licorice root - how to use it correctly?

Do not forget that at least herbal remedies much safer than synthetic medicines However, only a qualified specialist can tell you which dosage is right for you and determine the appropriateness of using licorice in this particular situation.

For adults, the remedy is naturally safer than for children, but you should not abuse self-medication. Remember:

  • contains a small amount of ethanol, therefore, children under 3 years old are still better to dilute the product in a small amount liquids;
  • should not be used on children alcohol tinctures home cooking, it is better to give preference to decoctions;
  • in the presence of wet productive cough the remedy is ineffective, and can even harm the body, as it stimulates the production of mucous secretions in the bronchi, it is worth using the plant only for dry and wet cough with sputum difficult to separate;
  • for the preparation of homemade medicines based on this legume, it is better to use ready-made raw materials purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store, since harvesting and drying require special knowledge and skills, in the absence of which the healing properties can be completely lost.

Benefit and harm

As effective remedy from cough licorice has been known to mankind for more than one hundred years. Useful properties, which are widely described above - a set, but there are also negative sides root application. With prolonged use - more than a month - there is a deterioration in metabolism, the appearance of puffiness, deterioration in hair growth and the nail plate. Known cases of gynecomastia (increased mammary gland in men).

The expediency of taking licorice by a child can only be determined experienced specialist, however, in any case, children do not use drugs containing ethanol in their pure form.


The list of contraindications for the remedy is small, but unconditional, since complications caused by licorice root can be deplorable:

  • a history of hypertensive crisis, as the plant affects blood pressure;
  • violations heart rate, when using licorice, serious failures are possible, up to a fatal outcome;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • excessive activity of the adrenal glands;
  • age up to 1 year;
  • predisposition to bleeding, problems with blood clotting.

Side effects

At long-term use possible violation of the water-salt balance, the appearance of swelling of tissues, problems with urination. Due to the peculiarity of retaining sodium in the body, high blood pressure may occur.

At permanent reception it is necessary to control the work of the adrenal glands, since the drug contains steroid compounds that can cause hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex.

special instructions

With extreme caution, pharmacy syrup should be used in patients with, since the medication contains sugar. Not recommended for long term use. Perhaps the manifestation of individual intolerance to licorice or allergic reactions. Treatment is symptomatic.

Licorice (licorice, licorice) - perennial, which has a powerful root system. The most popular are two types of this plant: Ural licorice and naked licorice. Both species are a root source that has long been used in Food Industry, cosmetology and medicine. Licorice grows as a weed in fields and along roadsides. O healing properties licorice has been known to people since prehistoric times.

Licorice has long been recognized official medicine, based on this medicinal plant created a large number of drugs with different spectrum of action.

Ingredients of Licorice Root:

  • steroids (carry out anti-inflammatory action);
  • glucuronic acid (removes toxins from the body and destroys poisons and therefore licorice is widely used to treat intoxication);
  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids (perform an antispasmodic effect, eliminating capillary fragility);
  • saponin-glycyrrhizin (increases the secretion of glands, due to which licorice root has diuretic, laxative and expectorant properties);
  • asparagine.
Due to its rich composition, licorice root can lower blood cholesterol and also cleanse the circulatory system.

One of the main features of the root is the ability to effectively resist pathogenic microorganisms- staphylococci and mycobacteria. Licorice is excellent at fighting tumors.

Licorice root well regulates water-salt metabolism. In addition, it helps the body to more easily tolerate the lack of oxygen, has a beneficial effect on the hormonal system.

Licorice root syrup is usually prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, tracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis. Ready syrup is sold in a pharmacy. You can easily prepare the medicine at home:

  1. 4 gr. thick extract of licorice mixed with 80 gr. sugar syrup.
  2. Add 10 gr. alcohol.
  3. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.
Licorice syrup is simply indispensable for bronchitis (both in acute and in chronic form), as it has a complex healing effect: it increases the secretion of bronchial glands, reduces mucosal edema. As a result, the viscosity of mucus is significantly reduced and expectoration and breathing are facilitated.

The course of treatment is usually from 7 to 10 days, but it all depends on the individual and the characteristics of the disease. Doses, duration of the course and the need to repeat it should be determined only by the doctor. Licorice Root Syrup - thick liquid dark color, sweet in taste, has a peculiar tart smell.

Adults are usually prescribed to take syrup three times a day, one teaspoon. You can dilute the syrup in warm water.

Children under the age of 2 years are given 1-2 drops of syrup, which is diluted in a teaspoon of water, 3 times a day. Babies should be given medicine with extreme caution, after consulting a doctor first. Do not forget that alcohol is present in the syrup. Babies (2-6 years old) are prescribed 2-10 drops 3 times a day. Children (6 - 12 years old) syrup should be given 50 drops, diluted in warm water, 3 times a day. Children (over 12 years old) take half a teaspoon of syrup, diluted in a teaspoon warm water, 3 times a day.

Please note that the syrup has its own contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation period;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.
With prolonged use of drugs based on licorice, pressure may increase, fluid retention in the body may occur, and work may also be disrupted. genitourinary system. Before you start using the medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.
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