Ultraviolet irradiation for the prevention of SARS. Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVR) - what you need to know about this method What is a UV procedure

Mechanism of action: ultraviolet irradiation penetrates tissues to a depth of 0.1-1 mm and activates biological processes in the body, changes the structure of cells (denaturation and coagulation of protein molecules) and DNA.

Basic steps UV irradiation: photochemical (formation of vitamin D), bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, accelerates the development of connective tissue and skin epithelization (its barrier role increases), reduces pain sensitivity, stimulates erythrocytopoiesis, lowers blood pressure in the initial stage of hypertension, normalizes lipid metabolism.

When performing ultraviolet irradiation, it should be remembered that the light sensitivity of different people and even different parts of the skin has individual fluctuations: the skin of the trunk is the most sensitive to UV irradiation, the skin of the extremities is the least sensitive.

Indication for UV irradiation: respiratory disease (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy); digestive organs (peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis); skin (eczema, trophic ulcers); hypertension, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, myositis. Pregnant women undergo UV irradiation to prevent rickets in children, premature babies; for hardening, healing, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases; persons who work in the north, in mines, underground to compensate for natural UV deficiency.

Contraindication to UV radiation: malignant tumors, tendency to bleeding, hyperthyroidism, blood disease, active pulmonary tuberculosis, stage III hypertension and others.

The most common source of UV radiation is gas discharge lamps, in particular, a mercury arc tube lamp (HRT) with a quartz tube, at the end of which tungsten electrodes are soldered. The air is evacuated from the tube, and its cavity is filled with mercury vapor and a small amount of argon gas. After the llama is connected to the mains, an arc discharge occurs in mercury vapor. Normal lamp mode is set 5-10 minutes after switching on. DRT lamps are used in various stationary and portable emitters - VUSh-1, VPU, BVD-9 and others.

Safety. During irradiation, it is necessary to protect the eyes of the patient and personnel with goggles. Insufficient eye protection can lead to the development of acute conjunctivitis as a result of ultraviolet rays burns the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eyes (pain, photophobia, lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva). Symptoms persist for several days, and cold lotions and eye drops with dicaine are recommended.

The sequence of determining biodoses for the patient:

1. The patient puts on goggles

2. A BD-2 biodosimeter (a metal plate with 6 holes that are closed by a movable barrier) is applied to the area to be irradiated in order to determine the minimum radiation intensity that can lead to the formation of erythema; other parts of the body are covered with a sheet.

3. An irradiator with an already heated mercury-quartz lamp is installed perpendicular to the surface of the irradiation site at a distance of 50 cm.

4. Open the first opening of the biodosimeter and irradiate the skin above it for 30 s. Then, every 30 s, the next holes are opened, continuing to irradiate the areas under the previously opened holes until all 6 holes are opened.

5. After 24 hours, when examining the patient's skin, erythemal stripes are distinguished, respectively, of the holes of the biodosimeter.

6. The number of erythemal strips is counted and the time required for the formation of a minimally pronounced strip is determined: if the patient has 3 strips, then the minimum biodose is 2 minutes.

Remember! 1 strip - 3 minutes, 2 strips - 2.5 minutes, 3 strips - 2 minutes, 4 strips - 1.5 minutes, 5 strips - 1 minute, 6 strips - 0.5 minutes.

There are two main methods of UV irradiation: general (of the whole body) and local (part of the body or its individual parts). General UV exposure can be group (for prevention) and individual (for treatment).

individual general UV irradiation starts with 1/4-1/2 individually determined biodose. After every 2-3 procedures, the dose is doubled and adjusted at the end of the course of treatment to 2-3 biodoses. Procedures are carried out every other day.

Local exposure carry out erythemal doses of UV rays at a distance of 50 cm on an area of ​​​​not more than 600-800 cm 2. In one day, only one field is irradiated, its repeated irradiation after 2-3 days as the erythema decreases, but not more than 5 times.


Hydrotherapy is the use of fresh water (hydrotherapy) and mineral water (balneotherapy) for therapeutic purposes. Fresh water treatment includes dousing, wiping, wrapping, baths, showers; balneotherapy - mineral baths. The use of water for medicinal purposes is due to its properties: heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

The main mechanism of action of water: influence on the skin of temperature, mechanical and chemical factors.

temperature factor. Depending on the temperature of the water, there are cold baths (below 20 °C), cool (up to 33 °C), indifferent (34-36 °C), warm (37-39 °C), hot (over 40 °C). The duration of the baths varies from 3 to 30 minutes depending on the temperature. For example, warm and hot lasting 10-15-20 minutes, cold - 3-5 minutes. The temperature factor affects the heat exchange of the patient's body, namely: sweating and breathing, redistribution of blood, irritation of the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the skin, which favorably affects the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Baths- these are water procedures that are taken for hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. There are baths: general when the patient is completely immersed in water (excluding the head and heart area) and local- immersing a part of the body in water (half to the waist; pelvis, lower abdomen and upper thighs - seated or pelvic; hand and forearm - manual; feet and lower leg - foot and others).

In particular, when the patient is immersed in cold bath a spasm of blood vessels of the skin occurs and metabolic processes are intensified, which lead to a decrease in heat transfer and increased heat generation; hot tub leads to the opposite effect. All these processes depend on the temperature of the water, the surface of the body and the duration of the procedure.

Cool baths have a tonic effect, enhance metabolism, stimulate the function of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Cool baths are prescribed for neuroses with a depressed state, apathy, with reduced appetite, etc .; contraindicated in patients of advanced and senile age, persons prone to vasospasm.

Cool baths are prepared as follows: first, water at a temperature of 34-35 ° C is poured into the bath, and then, by adding cold water, the water temperature is reduced to the required level (32-33 ° C). The duration of the bath is 2-5 minutes. When the patient is in such a bath, the upper part of his body is rubbed with a towel. After the bath, the patient is wiped with a warm sheet, put on a shirt, wrapped in a warm blanket and laid in bed.

hot baths dilate the blood vessels of the skin, increase sweating, reduce the intensity of redox processes, that is, heat transfer increases, and heat generation decreases. Hot baths are prescribed for chronic diseases of the joints, peripheral nerves (sciatica, polyneuritis), metabolic disorders (gout), attacks of renal colic. Hot baths are contraindicated in patients of advanced and senile age, with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, a tendency to bleeding, cachexia.

Hot baths are prepared as follows: first, water at a temperature of 34-35 ° C is poured into the bath, and then hot water is added, bringing the water temperature to the required level (40-43 ° C). The duration of the procedure is short-term - 5-10 minutes (hot baths tire the patient, lead to general weakness, palpitations, dizziness). When taking a bath and after the procedure, the patient's condition is closely monitored, especially the pulse. If during the procedure there is a general weakness, palpitations, dizziness - the patient is taken out of the bath, the head and face are moistened with cold water. After the bath, the patient is wiped with a towel, wrapped warmly and allowed to rest for at least 30 minutes.

Warm baths reduce pain, relieve muscle tension, calm the nervous system, improve sleep. The temperature of the bath water is 37-39 °C, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Indifferent baths have a light tonic and refreshing effect on the body, due to the mechanical and chemical effects of water on skin receptors, eliminate the effect of the thermal factor on the body. The temperature of the bath water is 34-36 °C, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Mechanical factor - this is the pressure of the water layer, stimulating lymph flow, and the outflow of venous blood improves the functioning of the heart.

The mechanical effect of the bath is to compress the chest, resulting in a decrease in the number of its respiratory movements, as well as compression of the abdominal cavity. To reduce the mechanical effect, foam baths are used (neuralgia, obesity, pruritus, menopausal syndrome). To enhance the mechanical effect, an underwater shower is used - massage, which increases all types of metabolism, especially fat and salt (obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems). Of particular importance is gas ("pearl") baths - air bubbles surround the body in the form of a raincoat and contribute to the redistribution of blood.

chemical factor due to components that are dissolved in water. Chemical substances that settle on the surface of the skin increase the irritation of skin receptors, affect the visual and olfactory analyzers.

The chemical action of the bath determined by the nature of the drugs that are added to the water. According to its composition, waters can be fresh, fragrant, medical, mineral and gas.

For therapeutic purposes, baths with gas impurities (oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, radon, carbon dioxide), minerals or special medicines are most often used. In addition to mechanical and thermal effects, mineral baths also have a chemical effect on the patient's skin. Gas bubbles, covering the skin, irritate it, reflexively cause the expansion of capillaries, as a result of which the skin turns red and redistribution of circulating blood occurs. Gas baths have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Hydrogen sulfide and radon baths prescribed for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, arthritis, some diseases of the skin and peripheral vessels. Water temperature 36-37 °C, duration 5-15 minutes, course of treatment 12-18 baths daily or every other day.

Turpentine baths used for diseases of peripheral nerves (sciatica, neuritis), joints (polyarthritis, arthrosis), bronchopneumonia. The water temperature is 36-37 °C, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-15 baths every other day.

Coniferous baths indicated for functional disorders of the nervous system (neurosis, irritability, insomnia). The water temperature is 36-37 °C, the duration of the procedure for adults is 15-30 minutes, for children 7-10 minutes, the course of treatment is 15-20 baths every other day.

starch baths prescribed for skin manifestations of exudative diathesis, they reduce itching and dry the skin. The water temperature is 37-38 °C, the duration of the procedure for adults is 30-45 minutes, for children 8-10 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-12 baths daily or every other day.

Sage baths prescribed when it is necessary to reduce pain in diseases and consequences of injuries of peripheral nerves, consequences of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, in chronic inflammatory processes of the female genital area. Water temperature 35-37 °C, procedure duration 8-15 minutes, treatment course 12-18 baths daily or every other day.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises: the room should be tiled, the air temperature in the room should not be lower than 25 °C, the windows should be closed. The junior nurse washes the bath with a washcloth or brush with soap and hot water, rinses with a disinfectant solution (1-1.5% chloramine solution or 3% Lysol solution) and then rinses the bath several times with hot water.

Fill the bath with water immediately before taking the procedure: first cold and then hot. Water temperature is measured with a water thermometer. The patient sits in the bath in such a way that during the procedure he can relax, and his back and legs are supported (the back rests on one wall of the bath, and the legs on the other). If the patient does not reach the wall of the bath with his feet, then a shield or a special device is placed under his feet.

Patient care during the procedure. For each patient, a set of clean linen, soap and a clean washcloth should be prepared, which is boiled after each patient. In the treatment room in the closet there should be a set of necessary medicines for first aid in case of deterioration of the patient's condition. When taking any bath (hygienic or therapeutic), the patient should not be left alone. The nurse should monitor the general condition of the patient, his skin and pulse. If the patient turns pale, dizziness appears or he loses consciousness, it is necessary with the help of a junior nurse to get the patient out of the bath, wipe it with a towel, put it on the sofa with the foot end slightly raised, rub the temples and let the ammonia smell. With pain in the region of the heart, they give validol and urgently call a doctor.

Along with baths, the local effect of mineral waters is widely used - medicinal drinking.

Healing mineral water differs from ordinary water in its physical and chemical properties:

1. High mineralization (soft, medium, high mineralization).

2. Ionic composition (bicarbonate, chlorides, sulfate ions, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium ions).

3. The presence of trace elements (iron, copper, manganese, flint, arsenic, etc.).

4. The presence of microflora (saprophytes).

5. The presence of organic substances (carbohydrates of petroleum origin).

6. A certain gas composition (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon).

7. Of great importance is the concentration of hydrogen ions - the pH of water (strongly acidic, acidic, slightly acidic, neutral, slightly alkaline and alkaline).

It is best to take water from a spring. With secretory insufficiency, you need to drink water in separate sips, with hyperfunction - quickly; to get a braking effect - in one gulp, in large sips. Patients with reduced gastric secretion are shown cold chloride, carbonic acid waters (Mirgorodskaya, etc.). Patients with high acidity are recommended waters that have an inhibitory effect - hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters in a warm form (Borjomi, Carpathian, Lugansk, Novoberezovskaya, etc.).

test questions

1. Classification of drugs.

2. How are narcotic drugs stored and used in the department?

3. What are the ways to distribute medicines to patients?

4. How to correctly inject drops into the eyes, ear, nose?

5. Technique for intradermal injections; possible complications and their prevention.

6. Technique for subcutaneous injections; possible complications and their prevention.

7. Technique for intramuscular injections; possible complications and their prevention.

8. Prevention of AIDS when working with blood

9. The sequence of applying a warming compress.

10. What effect does the temperature factor have on the body?

11. Indication and contraindication for prescribing warm and hot baths.

12. What is the effect of mechanical and chemical factors on the body?

13. How do ultraviolet rays affect the human body?

14. What diseases are treated with thermal electrophysical procedures?

15. What are the methods of UV irradiation and their purpose.

16. Features of the release of physiotherapy procedures to elderly patients.


Representing one of the most powerful methods of influencing the human body, ultraviolet radiation in natural conditions comes from the Sun.

Its action is expressed in strengthening the body's defenses, eliminating inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin, as well as the production of vitamin D, which is responsible for the regenerative processes in the skin, the intensity of the production of immune cells by the body. For this reason, ultraviolet radiation must be used both as a highly effective therapeutic agent and as a preventive measure.

The concept of the method and its types

Ultraviolet radiation has the ability to quickly change the chemical composition of tissues, stabilize many organic processes and eliminate sources of inflammation. These properties of ultraviolet radiation are widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases, in preventive practice. Referring to the methods of physiotherapeutic influence with high efficiency, the considered method of influence is used by specialists in the conditions of medical specialized centers.

Natural radiation is received by a person from the Sun, but in the conditions of medical centers and clinics specializing in physiotherapy, special lamps are used that emit short and long waves, depending on the diagnosis and the degree of susceptibility of the patient's body. Argon-quartz and mercury-quartz lamps emitting ultraviolet rays provide ultraviolet radiation of the required quality and length.

The presence of indications for the use of the ultraviolet radiation procedure is determined by the attending physician on the basis of the diagnosis in the presence of diseases that require strengthening immunity, eliminating signs of inflammatory processes of various localization. The division into types of ultraviolet irradiation occurs depending on the wavelength that is used to provide the necessary exposure.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on human skin is described in this video:

Pros and cons of ultraviolet skin irradiation

The use of ultraviolet radiation helps to prevent the development of many diseases, stimulates the immune system and stabilizes the process of producing substances necessary for the body. By promoting the formation of vitamin D in the body, this type of irradiation provides a more active formation of melanin: skin tan, resulting from exposure to ultraviolet rays, has a pronounced cosmetic effect and makes the skin less susceptible to external negative influences.

The advantages of the method under consideration include the following characteristics and qualities:

  • ease of implementation;
  • the speed of manifestation of a positive result from the application;
  • the possibility of combining with other methods of therapeutic and physiotherapeutic effects;
  • the minimum number of possible side effects when using the method;
  • the possibility of treatment and provision of preventive effects in children.

The advantages of the considered method of prevention and treatment can also be supplemented by the possibility of choosing such a bioinfluence scheme that will provide the best results, and adjusting the dosage of ultraviolet irradiation and the duration of each exposure session makes it possible to maximize the effect obtained from the treatment.

The disadvantages of ultraviolet irradiation include the likelihood of getting it with an incorrectly selected duration and strength of exposure, however, this adverse manifestation can be avoided with the control of a physiotherapist and personal control of one's own condition.

Indications for holding

Such a method of physiotherapeutic influence as ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

  • with a decrease in the body's defenses and an increase in the body's susceptibility to negative external influences;
  • with frequent colds and infectious diseases;
  • at ;
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  • with a tendency to;
  • with skin lesions in the form of long-term non-healing, frequent, erosion of mucous membranes;
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  • for the treatment of the skeletal system: with tuberculosis of the bones, musculoskeletal apparatus, long-term non-healing fractures and sprains.

Also, ultraviolet irradiation has proven itself well for eliminating inflammatory diseases, speedy resorption of infiltrate and exudate, eliminating the effects of frostbite of the skin, it (including with.


Contraindications to the use of ultraviolet radiation should be considered such conditions as exhaustion of the body, the presence of oncological diseases and malignant neoplasms of any localization, early childhood (the neonatal period), kidney and liver damage, tuberculosis in the active stage, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Carrying out algorithm

Irradiation is carried out in special rooms. Control over this treatment process is carried out by a physiotherapist who will help to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner both in the duration of the procedure and in the overall treatment regimen. The combination of additional methods of treatment will speed up the receipt of a positive result and recovery.

Eye protection glasses are a prerequisite for this procedure.

The scheme of exposure to ultraviolet light is simple, does not require special skills and manipulations. Before starting the procedure, the patient takes off his clothes (during ultraviolet irradiation of the whole body) or a separate area of ​​the skin is released from clothes (if it is necessary to expose a certain part of the body to ultraviolet), a light flux is directed to it for a certain period of time and irradiation is performed.

In a specialized medical center

Since the implementation of such a physiotherapy as ultraviolet irradiation requires special equipment (sources of ultraviolet rays), performing it in special medical centers allows you to get the best positive result.

Before prescribing this procedure, both as a treatment and as a preventive measure, the patient should undergo a series of examinations to make a more precise diagnosis and eliminate contraindications for this type of radiation. Further, if there are indications, the physiotherapist draws up an exposure scheme that takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

At home

To implement this type of irradiation at home, it is necessary to select a source of ultraviolet rays with the required wavelength. At home, before starting the procedure, it is also necessary to free the treated area or the entire body completely from clothing, and be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a period of time set by the doctor. The use of this type of exposure requires the use of safety goggles to protect the eyes.

Consequences and possible complications

  • After too long exposure to ultraviolet radiation, an increase, an appearance is likely.
  • A burn may occur on the surface of the skin as a result of too high an intensity of exposure and if the recommended duration of the procedure is not observed.
  • Erythema, which can occur with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, disappears in most cases on its own, however, with a large area of ​​damage, it is recommended to use painkillers and exclude any mechanical effect on damaged areas of the skin, since even slight touches can cause pain.

Recovery and care after the procedure

  • After the procedure of ultraviolet irradiation, it is recommended to spend 15-20 minutes in a relaxed state in order to reduce the likelihood of increased fatigue and dizziness.
  • You should also treat the skin with a moisturizer to prevent the appearance of areas of increased dryness on it.

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Dosimetry and dosing of ultraviolet radiation

Currently, domestic compact portable devices (UV radiometers) are being produced for practice, which allow measuring the energy characteristics of any UV radiation sources with high accuracy.

In the practical work of medical and preventive and sanatorium-resort institutions, the following can be used:
1. UV radiometer "Ermetr", designed to measure the effective erythemal illumination of human skin and determine the dose of radiation from any artificial, as well as natural source of UV radiation, regardless of the latitude of the terrain and the state of the Earth's ozone layer.
2. UV radiometer ("UV-A", "UV-B", "UV-C"), designed to measure the intensity and dose of UV radiation in the spectral ranges A, B and C.
3. UV radiometer "Baktmetr", designed to measure the bactericidal UV illumination from bactericidal lamps.

All of the above radiometers consist of an electronic unit with a digital output and a photodetector head, the spectral sensitivity of which in different types of radiometers is corrected for tabulated sensitivity in accordance with WHO recommendations.

With the help of UV radiometers, it is also possible to determine the threshold dose of UV radiation required for subsequent therapeutic effects. For example, the average threshold erythema-forming dose (with a maximum sensitivity at 297 nm), according to some foreign standards (German Standard Din 5031, part 10) will be 250-500 J/m2.

However, in physiotherapy, to assess UV radiation, it is important to focus not only on physical quantities that reflect energy exposure or radiation intensity, but also take into account the nature of the biological effect caused by it. In this regard, the method (Dalfeld-Gorbachev) of assessing the individual photosensitivity of the skin to UV rays has become widespread in practice (Fig. 327). This method determines the minimum duration of exposure time required to obtain a threshold erythema skin reaction. One biological dose (biodose) is taken as a unit of measurement.

Biodose is most often determined from a distance of 90 or 50 cm from the lamp to the surface of the skin of the abdomen outward from the midline; biodose from irradiators such as "OH" or "BOP-4" (for irradiation of the nasopharynx) is determined on the inner surface of the forearm.

To assess the photosensitivity of the skin, a standard biodosimeter (“BD-2”) is used, which is a metal plate 100x60 mm with 6 rectangular windows (“holes” 25x7 mm each), closed by a flap moving from above. The biodosimeter is sewn into the oilcloth and has ribbons for fixing it on the patient's body.

Determination of biodose

1. Position of the patient on the couch - lying on his back. The patient puts on protective goggles.
2. A biodosimeter with closed windows is fixed on the skin of the abdomen outward from the midline (right or left). Areas of the body that are not subject to UV radiation are covered with a sheet.
3. The irradiator lamp is placed above the biodosimeter, measuring the distance (30 or 50 cm) necessary for subsequent treatment procedures from the radiation source to the surface of the biodosimeter along a plumb line with a centimeter tape.
4. Turn on the irradiator and sequentially (opening the damper every 30 s) irradiate 1-6 windows of the biodosimeter.
5. Upon completion of irradiation of all windows, close them with a damper and turn off the irradiator.

The results of determining the individual photosensitivity of the skin are evaluated after 24 hours (in daylight), while the erythemal strip of minimal (in terms of color) intensity, but with clear edges, will correspond to the time of 1 biodose.

For example, when a biodosimeter was irradiated for 3 minutes (i.e., 30 s for each window), the irradiation time for the first window was 3 minutes, the second - 2 minutes, etc., and the sixth - 30 s. A day later, only 5 out of 6 strips with decreasing (top-down) color intensity appeared on the skin of the abdomen, and the last (5th) strip with fuzzy ("blurred") edges. In this case, the 4th strip (with clear edges) and the corresponding biodose time, i.e. 1.5 minutes, should be taken as the threshold erythema skin reaction.

Depending on the task of the physiotherapist and the type of irradiator, UV irradiation is carried out from various working distances: 30, 50, 75, 100 cm. Based on the known biodose, if necessary, the arithmetic recalculation of the biodose to any required distance can be made using the formula:

X \u003d A * (B2 / C2) (min),

Where: X is the desired biodose per minute; A is the time in minutes and C is the distance in cm of the known biodose; B is the distance in cm from which irradiation is supposed to be carried out.

Example. Known biodose (from a distance of 50 cm) equal to 1 min. It is necessary to determine the biodose time from a distance of 100 cm. According to the formula, we find:

X = 4 min.

Therefore, the time of one biodose from a distance of 100 cm will be 4 minutes.

In outpatient practice, as well as for UV exposures that do not require delay (for example, with erysipelas, etc.), it is allowed to use the so-called "average biodose" for a particular irradiator. It is preliminarily determined (for each irradiator separately) in 10-12 practically healthy individuals, while the arithmetic mean of the time of the found biodoses will correspond to the time of the “average biodose” for this irradiator. "Mean biodose" is recommended to be determined every 3 months.

To determine the biodose of UV radiation in pediatric practice, the same method is used (Dalfeld-Gorbachev). Taking into account the high sensitivity of the child's body to UV rays, it is recommended to sequentially open the windows of the biodosimeter every 15 seconds (this should be done especially when determining the biodose in children during the first months and years of life). In children of school age, it is permissible to open the “holes” of the biodosimeter every 30 s.

The results of determining skin photosensitivity in children should be pre-evaluated 3-6 hours after irradiation (in a hospital) and finally - after 24 hours (in inpatients and outpatients). When implementing UV irradiation, it is also necessary to take into account the general condition of the child, the period of the disease, the nature of its course, the state of the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the body, and the light and climatic conditions of the child's life.

Technique for conducting ultraviolet radiation

General ultraviolet exposures

With general irradiation, during one procedure, the front and back surfaces of the patient's naked body are exposed alternately. Irradiation can be individual and group. The position of the patient - lying or standing.

For group exposures, it is recommended to center the irradiator lamp on the chest, back, and for individual exposures, on the upper third of the thigh (when using the ORK-21M irradiator) or on the navel area (when using the EOD-10 irradiator). Depending on the type of irradiator, the distance from the source of UV radiation to the irradiated surface is 50-100 cm.

Before general individual irradiation, the photosensitivity of the patient's skin is determined. For group exposures, it is allowed to use the average biodose for a given irradiator. For general UV exposure, patients should wear light-protective goggles. Irradiation is carried out according to the schemes, starting with suberythemal doses (1/8, 1/4, 1/2 biodose). There are 3 generally accepted (exemplary) schemes for general UV irradiation (Table 7). The choice of scheme is determined by the general condition of the patient and (or) the nature of the disease. General UV irradiation is carried out daily or every other day, if necessary, the course is repeated after 2-3 months.

Table 7. Exemplary schemes of general UV exposures

Local ultraviolet exposure

With local irradiation, limited areas of the skin surface are exposed: 400-600 cm2 (in adults) and 50-400 cm2 (in children). In children, the area of ​​the irradiated surface depends on the age of the child: up to 1 year of life - 50-80 cm2; from 1 year to 3 years - 80-100 cm2; from 3 to 5 years - 100-160 cm2; from 5 to 7 years - 150-200 cm2; for children over 7 years old - 200-400 cm2. With local irradiation, erythemal (1-8 biodoses) and less often suberythemal (up to 1 biodoses) doses of UV irradiation are used more often. In children, the dose of the first exposure should not exceed 2 biodoses.

Repeated irradiations of the same area of ​​the skin are usually carried out every other day (less often - after 2 days), different areas of the skin surface (taking into account their area) can be irradiated in one day. Repeated irradiations of the same field are carried out in an increasing (by 1-2 biodoses) dosage.

Due to the change in the optical properties of the skin, erythemal doses for the same area are prescribed repeatedly, but on average no more than 4-5 times. The number of local exposures using suberythemal UV exposure can be increased to 7-14. If indicated, a second course of erythemotherapy can be carried out no earlier than after 7-8 weeks, t. after restoration of the sensitivity of the irradiated areas of the skin to UV rays.

There are several ways of local irradiation: a) irradiation of the site (center) of the lesion (wound, trophic ulcer, etc.); b) extrafocal irradiation (repercussion technique) - exposure to a skin surface area symmetrical to the site of the lesion (for example, if there is a plaster cast on a sore leg, irradiation of a healthy leg); c) irradiation by fields (chest, along the nerve, etc.);

D) segmental irradiation of reflexogenic zones (collar zone, panty zone, Zakharyin-Ged zones, etc.); e) stage-nose irradiation (by zones-belts); c) fractionated irradiation, in which, in order to limit UV exposure over the area, a “perforated localizer” made of medical oilcloth with a size of 30x30 cm is used.

It cut 150-200 square holes with a side of 1 cm and at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Irradiation is carried out with erythemal doses through holes in the oilcloth placed on the patient's body. Two fields are irradiated in one procedure (chest, back). With fractionated irradiation of children, a perforated localizer is also used: for newborns - with 12 holes with an area of ​​0.5-1 cm2; for infants - from 40 and for older children - from 70-125 holes of the indicated area size.

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.

This method of therapy has not yet been studied enough, therefore it is considered new, but its positive effect on many functions of the body has already been proven.

Ultraviolet blood irradiation has gained popularity due to its effectiveness. The therapeutic effect of such manipulations persists for a long period, which is also important.

Why UFO is useful

Indications and contraindications for the use of this technique should be taken into account by physicians in each specific case. The procedure can not only bring tangible benefits to the human body, but also cause harm.

  1. The level of acids and alkalis in the body is normalized.
  2. There is an increase in hemoglobin in the blood.
  3. The activity of leukocytes is activated.
  4. There is a detrimental effect on viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  5. UVR improves the functioning of red blood cells.
  6. There is an increase in immune defense.
  7. There is a decrease in the manifestation of allergies.
  8. There is a resolving effect on blood clots.
  9. The exchange of acids is balanced at the cellular level.
  10. The blood thins.
  11. The activity of any inflammatory processes is reduced.
  12. Edema is reduced.
  13. UVR promotes the renewal of cell membranes.

As statistics show, this method of influencing the human body can significantly improve many processes in it, although it is not well understood. In addition, when comparing the results of treatment with medications and the method of UVR of blood, it becomes clear that ultraviolet irradiation is much more effective, moreover, it does not have such a large number of side effects.

With a disease of any etiology, you can improve the patient's condition using this method of treatment. By improving metabolic processes, strengthening immune defenses and correcting many more body functions, any ailment can be cured much faster.

Therefore, drug treatment can be carried out simultaneously with UVI blood, this will accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect.

When is this method needed?

Due to the fact that the technique affects the blood, it can be used in almost any disease. In addition, ultraviolet blood radiation is done as a preventive treatment if the patient suffers from chronic diseases, has a predisposition to any ailment.

What diseases are prescribed for:

  • urological diseases (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis);
  • gynecological pathologies (vaginitis, endometritis, colpitis) and others;
  • in proctology (perianal fissures, paraproctitis) and others;
  • diseases of ENT organs (tonsillitis, adnexitis, sinusitis) and others;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (as a prevention of heart attack and stroke);
  • in case of poisoning of various etiologies (alcohol, drugs);
  • ailments of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • skin problems.

Often UVR of blood is used to improve the condition of a person with sepsis, despite the severe course of this pathology, the effectiveness of ultrasonic blood irradiation is palpable.

Also included in the indications for use is a disease such as diabetes mellitus. Stimulation of the blood during this procedure improves the activity of the endocrine glands, which is necessary for diabetics.

Often, the use of this technique is prescribed to patients with impaired potency and menstrual disorders. Despite the fact that the cause of these ailments lies in hormonal failure, this method of treatment gives tangible positive results.

Many do not know about the existence of such a method of therapy or do not understand why they do this procedure. Only a doctor can provide all the necessary information about this, based on the health status of a particular patient.

How is the procedure carried out

To conduct a session of UVI blood, special equipment is required. The specialist uses an apparatus that performs ultraviolet irradiation of blood, which is a multi-wave irradiator operating in all light spectra.

  • During a therapy session, the patient enters a sterile room, lies down on the couch, the doctor takes blood from his vein and adds a medicine called Hepatrin to it. This medicine is needed to keep the blood from clotting.
  • Through a special tube, blood enters a vessel called a "cuvette", which is located in the irradiator itself.
  • After a certain exposure, the blood flow returns back to the patient's vein.
  • The duration of the session is usually 1 hour. The course of such treatment should consist of 7-8 procedures.

Many people, not knowing how UVI is done, are afraid to go to such a therapeutic session, but these manipulations are painless, there are practically no unpleasant sensations.

Who is not eligible for this treatment?

Despite its beneficial effects on the human body, ultraviolet radiation can be dangerous. Only the doctor decides on the need to prescribe this method of treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's health.

The technique has contraindications, if ignored, it can harm the body.

Since this technique has not been fully studied, doctors fear that under certain circumstances, UVR of blood can provoke a negative reaction of the body, especially for serious human diseases. Since it remains unknown how the body will respond to such treatment in severe illness, the use of this therapy is best avoided.

Under what conditions is the use prohibited:

  1. Tumor formations of malignant and benign course.
  2. AIDS.
  3. Tuberculosis in the active stage.
  4. Syphilis.
  5. Problems with blood clotting (hemophilia).
  6. Disorders of a mental nature.
  7. epileptic seizures.
  8. Chronic bleeding.
  9. Hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke.
  10. There are medications that cause sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, which also serves as a contraindication to the use of this therapeutic method.

Due to the ambiguity of the consequences of the method of ultraviolet blood under such circumstances, this method of treatment is not used.

Sometimes there are people who have an individual intolerance to this kind of impact on the body, they are also included in the group of patients with a contraindication to UVR blood.

Is it possible to undergo UVI blood for pregnant women?

In gynecology, the method of ultraviolet blood is most often used. Sometimes drug treatment is ineffective, so doctors prescribe ultraviolet irradiation. Diseases such as uterine fibroids, genital endometriosis, infertility, menopausal disorders and many others are an indication for this method of therapy.

The period of bearing a child can also be complicated by ailments. Often there are problems associated with late toxicosis, when a woman feels very unwell. In addition, placental insufficiency threatens the life and health of the fetus, which is also considered a complication of this period.

In such cases, women are prescribed treatment by ultraviolet irradiation. Among other things, such procedures are actively used if complications arise after childbirth.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the appointment of UVI blood, provided that the procedure is done by a professional. Today, such therapy is quite often prescribed to women in position in order to improve their condition, well-being, and also prevent pathology of fetal development and the threat of miscarriage.

Complications and consequences

Any method of treatment can not only help, but also harm. Side effects from ultrasonic blood irradiation are extremely rare, but they do exist. Often, complications of this method of treatment are allergic reactions that appear on the background of taking certain medications.

What drugs can not be taken with UVI blood:

  1. Phenothiazines.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Sulfonamides.
  4. Fluoroquinolones.

These drugs are photosensitizers, so simultaneous treatment with these drugs and ultrasonic irradiation is not possible.

Sometimes there is an overdose of ultraviolet radiation, to which the body can respond by inhibiting the excretory function of the adrenal glands, as well as inhibiting the activity of the spinal cord.

Such a treatment procedure should be carried out only in a medical institution and only by a specialist in this field, then the risk of any side effects can be reduced to zero.

Today, UV radiation is gaining more and more popularity, people are looking for safe methods of treatment so as not to harm the body. Such procedures can be considered as such if they are carried out correctly. Importantly, ultraviolet blood irradiation can be performed on children without fear for their health.

What is it - UV blood, described above. Accurate scientific data on the benefits of this method of therapy is enough to actively use it. These procedures will relieve many ailments, including those that arose during pregnancy, but one should not rely entirely on ultrasonic irradiation, this is not a panacea.

In any case, before treatment, the doctor examines the patient and prescribes a complex of medications, and UVI blood can become an additional method of therapy.

Hello. I have uterine fibroids. After 5 procedures of ultraviolet blood myoma increased. They said they needed an operation. Now I'm very sorry.

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Nose and pharynx UV procedure

Not only medicines help to cope with diseases, but also physiotherapeutic methods of exposure. Physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. One of the most famous methods of such treatment is UVI. Consider what this procedure is and how UVR of the nose and throat helps with various diseases in this area.

What is this method

UVR, or ultraviolet irradiation, is a method of exposing the invisible eye to electromagnetic radiation in a certain wavelength range. This method is widely used in the treatment of various inflammatory pathologies.

Due to the action of these rays in the irradiated area, biologically active components (histamine, etc.) are released. When entering the bloodstream, these substances increase blood flow to the affected area and ensure the movement of leukocytes to the site of inflammation.

What are the effects of this technique?

  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Pain reliever.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates recovery processes after injuries and injuries.
  • It has a bactericidal effect. UV radiation causes the death of microbes both on the surface of the wound and in the foci of inflammation.
  • Contributes to the normalization of all types of metabolism (protein, lipid, etc.).

Thanks to such a versatile influence, UV radiation is used to treat various diseases. This method of treatment has found wide application in the treatment of ENT diseases.

With the development of ENT pathology, a specialist may recommend UVI in the following situations:

  1. With angina, it is prescribed in the first days of the disease with a catarrhal form, when the patient does not have a high temperature and purulent raids. At this point, early exposure to the inflamed tonsils can prevent further sore throats from developing. UVR is also recommended at the recovery stage, when the tonsils have already cleared of purulent deposits and the patient's condition has returned to normal. In this case, the procedures help to shorten the rehabilitation period and speed up the recovery process.
  2. With sinusitis and other types of sinusitis. UVR can only be recommended for catarrhal form, when there is no pus yet, or at the recovery stage, in order to speed up the healing process.
  3. With adenoids in children. This method helps to remove puffiness and disinfect the mucosa. The course of such procedures helps to prevent the development of swelling and inflammation.
  4. With a runny nose. The procedure copes well with bacterial rhinitis at all stages.
  5. For the treatment of ear diseases. With external and non-purulent otitis media, this method helps to cope with the infection and relieve inflammation.
  6. With inflammation of the back of the throat (pharyngitis). It works well in both acute and chronic forms of the disease.

UV radiation of the nose and pharynx helps to fight both acute and chronic inflammatory processes

There are many conditions in which the doctor may recommend supplementing the treatment with physiotherapy. Before this, it is necessary to clearly establish the cause of the disease, since this method has a number of contraindications so as not to harm and cause serious complications.

Contraindications for appointment

Despite the positive effects of ultraviolet radiation, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  1. In patients with or suspected of having cancer.
  2. Autoimmune lupus and other diseases accompanied by hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. At the stage of acute purulent inflammation, which occurs with high fever, intoxication and fever.
  4. Tendency to develop bleeding and increased fragility of blood vessels.
  5. With a number of other diseases and conditions, such as tuberculosis, arterial hypertension, stomach ulcers, etc.

Important! Given the large list of contraindications, only the attending physician should prescribe UVI after examining the patient.

During pregnancy, the appointment of physiotherapy should be agreed with the doctor. This method is allowed to be used during pregnancy with inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and throat after consulting a doctor.

How it's made

In order to perform the procedure, you can contact the clinic or hospital. There are special devices that generate the necessary ultraviolet radiation.

When it is not possible to do the procedure in the clinic, you can purchase a portable device for use at home

In addition, a portable UVI device was developed for patients. It is very easy to use at home. It is suitable for both adults and children.

How is the procedure:

  1. For local irradiation, special sterile tubes are used. They come in different shapes and diameters for irradiating different areas.
  2. Preheat the lamp for several minutes so that its parameters stabilize.
  3. Begin the procedure with a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the session.
  4. After the end of the procedure, the lamp is turned off, and the patient must rest for half an hour.

Methods of quartzization depend on the disease. So, for example, in acute pharyngitis, the posterior surface of the pharynx is irradiated. The procedure is carried out every day or every other day, starting with 0.5 biodoses, and if everything is in order, bring it up to 1-2 biodoses.

For different irradiated areas, different sterile sheath-nozzles are needed, suitable in size and shape

In chronic tonsillitis, a special beveled tube is used. Begin to irradiate with 0.5 biodoses and gradually increase to 2 biodoses. The right and left tonsils are irradiated alternately. Such courses are repeated for prevention purposes 2 times a year. With otitis, the external auditory canal is irradiated, and with a runny nose, the tube is inserted into the vestibule of the nose.

Questions to the doctor

Question: How often can UVI be done to a child?

Answer: The standard duration of treatment is 5-6 days. Procedures are done once a day or every other day. However, it all depends on the disease and concomitant diseases of the patient.

Question: If a lump appears on the nose, then it can be irradiated with UV radiation.

Answer: No, before using UVR, you need to find out what kind of formation it is. This method is contraindicated in malignant tumors and suspicion of them.

Question: Can I use this treatment if I have a temperature of 37.2 and a purulent runny nose flows from my nose?

Answer: No, if you have a purulent process, then UVR can provoke the development of complications and an increase in the inflammatory response.

With proper conduct, UVI can be an excellent tool in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nose and throat. It must be remembered that such thermal procedures have a number of contraindications and limitations, so their appointment must be agreed with the doctor.


After what period can a second UVI be done?

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating, you can harm yourself!

What is UV blood

Non-drug methods are a great help in treatment. These include physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture and other areas. Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) of blood is also called photohemotherapy.

The effect of human exposure to the visible part of light waves has not been studied enough. Its application is based largely on practical results.

The technique has its indications and contraindications. The strengths of this method are:

  • impact at the cellular level;
  • quick result;
  • effect duration.

Photohemotherapy, in addition to UV radiation, includes laser irradiation.

The mechanism of the healing action of ultraviolet radiation

The influence of certain doses of UV blood on:

  • metabolism in the body;
  • activation of immunity by increasing the production of own antibodies;
  • purification of biological fluids in the body (blood, urine, bile, lymph) from slagging;
  • restoration of normal acid-base balance;
  • an increase in hemoglobin levels;
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • resorption of loose blood clots;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • improving the supply of tissues with oxygen due to the more active activity of erythrocytes;
  • restructuring of cell membranes.

These mechanisms allow you to influence inflammation, relieve swelling, stop allergic conditions.

Who is UV therapy indicated for?

Ultraviolet blood irradiation is used to treat various diseases:

  • to relieve intoxication in acute and chronic poisoning;
  • in inflammatory and allergic diseases of the respiratory system (sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, pneumonia);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis;
  • in gynecological practice in the treatment of colpitis, pathological menopause, endometritis, thrush, polycystosis;
  • to combat sexual infections caused by chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, plasmosis;
  • in the treatment of infertility in men and women, impotence;
  • in the treatment of endocrine diseases that cause a malfunction in the production of hormones (hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, obesity, diabetes mellitus);
  • to restore pathological changes in the urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis, renal failure);
  • in cardiology to relieve symptoms of hypoxia, ischemia, spasm and thrombosis of arteries;
  • with neurological syndromes with impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • if there are problems in the blood supply to the limbs due to thrombophlebitis, with obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs;
  • with metabolic and inflammatory changes in the joints (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • in dermatology for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, furunculosis, erysipelas, neurodermatitis, urticaria;
  • with such chronic surgical pathology as osteomyelitis, hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis, paraproctitis.

UVR of blood is used to relieve toxicosis in pregnant women, to prevent miscarriage.

Intravascular irradiators are considered more convenient and gentle to use.

To whom UFO is contraindicated

Contraindications to UVI blood are associated with the unclear effect of the method, possible activation or provocation of the pathology. The technique is not used in the treatment:

  • AIDS, syphilis, active tuberculosis;
  • with suspicion of oncopathology;
  • hemophilia and other blood clotting disorders;
  • against the background of prolonged chronic bleeding;
  • ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy.

There are no age contraindications to the method.

What drugs increase sensitivity to UVA

Carrying out UVI of blood is categorically impossible if the patient takes medicines containing photosensitizing substances for a long time.

  1. Herbal preparations for the treatment of vitiligo, hair loss, psoriasis (Ammifurin, Psoberan, Beroxan). They are obtained from fig leaves, the herb psoralia. The active substance is furocoumarins. When harvesting fig fruits and leaves, it is recommended to cover contact surfaces of the skin from the sun, since the plant provides a quick burn in sunny weather.
  2. Synthetic drugs (tetracycline antibiotics, sulfonamides, Griseofulvin, phenothiazine derivatives, statins, oral contraceptives) have unwanted photosensitivity in the list of side effects.

The antiviral drug Riboverin, hormonal agents containing sex hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estradiol), also increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Against the background of taking these drugs, even a short exposure to sunlight causes severe burns or allergic manifestations.

How is the procedure carried out

For the procedure, you need a sterile room similar to the surgical unit. The patient is placed on the couch. In practice, 2 methods are used:

  • extracorporeal (extravascular) - blood is taken from a patient from a vein, into which heparin is added (so as not to clot), it is placed in a special cuvette of the irradiator, then returned to the patient;
  • intracorporeal (intravascular) - a thin catheter is inserted into the vein, which is a multi-wave irradiator.

Light guide catheter gives a small illumination along the vein

The instrument uses a wavelength from 280 to 680 nm. The procedure takes up to an hour. About 10 sessions are prescribed for the course. Complications in the form of a slight reddening of the skin are rare.

Who appoints and where

Since blood ultraviolet irradiation is not included in the approved list of standard methods of treatment, it is not available in state medical institutions (polyclinics, hospitals) or it is carried out only on a paid basis. Any doctor can recommend it.

Cost of the procedure

Prices for UFOK vary greatly in different cities (from 450 rubles to 1200 per session). As a rule, they depend on the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the staff.

When treating in this way, do not forget to carefully read the contract with the clinic, pay attention to the participation of the medical institution in eliminating the negative reaction. Not all patients get the expected result. However, the technique has not been studied enough.

UVI blood helped me with sepsis, and, as a side effect, it increased libido utterly!

UFO contraindications

A (nm) - long-wave UV radiation (DUV)

V (nm) - medium wave (SUV);

C - (nm) - shortwave (CUF).

UV radiation is dosed by the Gorbachev-Dakfeld biological method. The method is simple and is based on the property of UV rays to cause erythema when the skin is irradiated. The unit of measurement in this method is one biodose. For one biodose, the minimum exposure time of a given patient from a certain distance to a certain source of UV rays is taken, which is necessary to obtain a weak, but clearly defined erythema. Time is measured in seconds or minutes.

General UVR is used for:

  • increase the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  • prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • treatment of pyoderma, common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of hematopoiesis;
  • improvement of reparative processes in case of bone fractures;
  • hardening;
  • compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency.

    The face, chest and back are irradiated daily with erythemal doses for 2-3 days. With catarrhal phenomena in the pharynx, the pharynx is irradiated for 4 days through a tube. In the latter case, irradiation begins with 1/2 biodose, adding 1-1/2 biodose in subsequent irradiations.

    Application of UVR to the skin of the chest using a perforated oilcloth localizer (PCL). PCL determines the area to be irradiated (prescribed by the attending physician). Dose -1-3 biodoses. Irradiation every other day 5-6 procedures.

    In the first days of the disease, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal mucosa is prescribed in suberythemic doses, counting on the bactericidal effect of UV radiation.

    Assign UV irradiation of the plantar surfaces of the feet. Dose 5-6 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 4-5 procedures. UV irradiation through the tube of the nasal mucosa in the stage of attenuation of exudative phenomena. Irradiation starts with one biodose. By adding 1/2 biodoses daily, the irradiation intensity is adjusted to 4 biodoses.

    UV irradiation is carried out on the trachea and on the skin of the back of the neck. The radiation dose is 1 biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day, adding 1 biodose, the course of treatment is 4 procedures. If the disease is prolonged, then after 10 days, UVR of the chest is prescribed through a perforated oilcloth localizer. Dosabiodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UV irradiation is prescribed from the first days of the disease of the anterior surface of the neck, sternum, interscapular region. Dosabiodoses. Irradiation alternates every other day of the back and front surfaces of the chest. The course of treatment is 4 procedures.

    UV irradiation of the chest is prescribed after 5-6 days from the onset of the disease. UVR is carried out through a localizer. Dosabiodoses daily. The course of treatment is 5 irradiations. During the period of remission of the disease, a general UVR is prescribed according to the main scheme daily. The course of treatment is 12 procedures.

    Both general and local exposures can be used. The chest is divided into 10 sections, each measuring 12 × 5 centimeters. Only one area is irradiated daily with erythemal doses, limited by a line connecting the lower corners of the shoulder blades, and on the chest by a line passing 2 cm below the nipples.

    (It is carried out in combination with UHF, SMW, infrared and magnetotherapy). In the early stage (before the formation of a purulent cavity), ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed. Dosabiodoses. Irradiation every other day. The course of treatment is 3 procedures.

    (In combination with SMW, UHF, infrared, laser and magnetotherapy). In the stage of infiltration, ultraviolet irradiation of the axillary region every other day. Radiation dose - sequentially biodose. The course of treatment is 3 irradiations.

    Irradiation is carried out with a dose of 4-8 biodoses in order to create conditions for the best rejection of decayed tissues. In the second phase, in order to stimulate epithelialization, irradiation is carried out in small suberythemal (i.e., not causing erythema) doses. Repetition of irradiation produced in 3-5 days. UVR is carried out after the primary surgical treatment. Dose - 0.5-2 biodoses course of treatment 5-6 exposures.

    Irradiation is used in 2-3 biodoses, and the surface of intact skin surrounding the wound is also irradiated at a distance of 3-5 cm. Irradiation is repeated after 2-3 days.

    UVR is used in the same way as when irradiating clean wounds.

    UV bactericidal radiation of the fracture site or segmented zones is carried out after 2-3 days, each time increasing the dose by 2 biodoses, the initial dose is 2 biodoses. The course of treatment is 3 procedures for each zone.

    The general UVR is prescribed 10 days after the fracture according to the main scheme daily. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

    UVR after tonsillectomy of the tonsil niches is prescribed 2 days after the operation. Irradiation is prescribed with 1/2 biodose on each side. Daily increasing the dose by 1/2 biodoses, bring the intensity of exposure to 3 biodoses. The course of treatment is 6-7 procedures.

    UVR is started with a suberythemal dose and rapidly increased to 5 biodoses. Biodose irradiation dose. Procedures are carried out in 2-3 days. The lesion is protected from healthy areas of the skin with the help of sheets, towels.

    UV irradiation of the tonsils through a tube with a bevel of 45% of the cut begins with 1/2 biodose, daily increases by 1/2 biodose every 2 procedures. Courses are held 2 times a year. A sterile tube through the patient's wide open mouth is pressed onto the tongue so that the tonsil becomes available for UV irradiation. The right and left tonsils are irradiated alternately.

    UV irradiation through the tube of the ear canal. Dosabiodoses daily. The course of treatment is 6 procedures.

    UVI of the vestibule of the nose through the tube. Dosabiodoza every other day. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UV irradiation with the long-wave part of the spectrum is assigned according to a slow scheme. The course of treatment is 5 procedures.

    UVI is prescribed according to the main scheme daily. The course of treatment procedures.

    UVR is prescribed as PUVA therapy (photochemotherapy). Long-wave UV irradiation is performed in combination with taking a photosensitizer (puvalen, aminfurin) by the patient 2 hours before irradiation at a dose of 0.6 mg per kilogram of body weight. The radiation dose is prescribed depending on the sensitivity of the skin to the patient's UV rays. On average, UVI starts with a dose of 2-3 J/cm 2 and is brought to the end of the course of treatment up to 15 J/cm 2 . Irradiation is carried out 2 days in a row with a rest day. The course of treatment is 20 procedures.

    UVR with a medium wave spectrum (SUV) starts from 1/2 according to an accelerated scheme. The course of radiation treatment.

    UVR is assigned to the anterior abdominal skin and the skin of the back. UVR is carried out in zones with an area of ​​400 cm2. Dozabiodozy on each site every other day. The course of treatment is 6 irradiations.

    2. General ultraviolet irradiation according to the accelerated scheme. Irradiation is carried out daily, starting with 1/2 biodose. Gradually adding 1/2 biodoses, bring the intensity of exposure to 3-5 biodoses. The course of radiation treatment.

    Ultraviolet irradiation of the external genital organs is prescribed. The dose of irradiation is a biodose daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 5-6 exposures.

    Ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed using a tube. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. Cervical erosion. Ultraviolet irradiation of the cervical region is prescribed with the help of a tube and a gynecological mirror. Dose - 1/2-2 biodoses daily. Doses are increased every two procedures by 1/2 of the biodose. The course of treatment procedures.

    Ultraviolet irradiation of the skin of the pelvic area is prescribed in the fields. Dozabiodozy for each field. Irradiation is carried out daily. Each field is irradiated 3 times with a break of 2-3 days. The course of treatment procedures.

    Therapeutic physical factors have a homeostatic effect on various organs and systems, increase the body's resistance to adverse effects, enhance its protective and adaptive mechanisms, have a pronounced sanogenic effect, increase the effectiveness of other therapeutic agents and reduce the side effects of drugs. Their application is affordable, highly efficient and cost-effective.

    Ultraviolet radiation in medicine, devices, indications, methods

    Ultraviolet radiation in medicine is used in the optical range (integrated spectrum), which is subdivided into short-wave (C or EUV) nm, medium-wave (B) nm and long-wave (A) nm (DUV).

    The mechanism of action of UV radiation is biophysical, humoral and neuro-reflex:

    Protein inactivation, denaturation and coagulation;

    Photolysis - the breakdown of complex protein structures - the release of histamine, acetylcholine, biogenic amines;

    Photooxidation - increased oxidative reactions in tissues;

    Photosynthesis - reparative synthesis in nucleic acids, elimination of damage in DNA;

    Photoisomerization - internal rearrangement of atoms in a molecule, substances acquire new chemical and biological properties (provitamin - D2, D3),

    Erythema, with CUF develops 1.5-2 hours, with DUF hour;

    Central and peripheral nervous system;

    autonomic nervous system;

    All types of metabolism, mineral metabolism;

    Respiratory organs, respiratory center.

    Painkiller (A, B, C);

    Epithelizing, regenerating (A, B)

    Desensitizing (A, B, C);

    Regulation of vitamin balance "D", "C" and metabolic processes (A, B).

    Injury to soft tissues and bones;

    Burn and frostbite;

    Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, rheumatism;

    Infectious diseases - flu, whooping cough, erysipelas;

    Pain syndrome, neuralgia, neuritis;

    ENT diseases - tonsillitis, otitis media, allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;

    Compensation of solar insufficiency, increase of firmness and endurance of an organism.

    Indications for ultraviolet irradiation in dentistry

    Diseases of the oral mucosa;

    Dental diseases - non-carious diseases, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis;

    Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region;

    Predisposition to bleeding

    Functional insufficiency of the kidneys,

    Hypertension stage III,

    Severe forms of atherosclerosis.

    OKN-11M (DRT-230) - local irradiation

    Lighthouses OKB-ZO (DRT-1000) and OKM-9 (DRT-375) - group and general exposure

    OH-7 and UGN-1 (DRT-230). OUN-250 and OUN-500 (DRT-400) - local exposure

    OUP-2 (DRT-120) - otolaryngology, ophthalmology, dentistry.

    On a tripod (OBSh) and mobile (OBP)

    Local (BOD) with lamp DRB-8, BOP-4, OKUF-5M

    For blood irradiation (AUFOK) - MD-73M "Izolda" (with a low pressure lamp LB-8).

    Suspended Reflected Distribution (OED)

    Slow (from 1/8 to 2 biodoses, adding 1/8 each)

    Accelerated (from 1/2 to 4 biodoses, adding 1/2 each).

    Erythema small (1-2 biodoses)

    Medium (3-4 biodoses)

    Large (5-6 biodoses)

    Hypererythemic (7-8 biodoses)

    Massive (over 8 biodoses).

    Direct radiation within minutes, in the absence of people.

  • In medical practice, there are 2 main groups of UVI - general and local.

    With general UV exposure, the front and back surfaces of the torso and limbs of a person are exposed, and the slow scheme is used for debilitated patients with reduced nutrition and weakened reactivity, and the accelerated scheme is used for healthy people.

    The main group-scheme UVR is used for patients with a fairly good reactivity of the body or healthy for the prevention of influenza, skin diseases, and in some cases - for pregnant women.

    With a slow UVR regimen, they begin with 1/8 of the biodose, gradually increasing to 2.5 biodose with repeated procedures. At the same time, UVI procedures are usually carried out daily, and from 26 to 28 procedures are prescribed for the entire course of treatment.

    According to the basic scheme of the general UV-procedures, start with 1/4 biodose and bring up to a maximum of 3 biodoses. For the entire course of treatment, from 16 to 20 UVR procedures are prescribed, conducting them every other day or daily.

    The accelerated regimen of general UVR begins with 1/2 biodose and is adjusted to 4 biodoses, and is used for practically healthy people or young people with good reactivity in bone fractures. If it is necessary to conduct a repeated course of UVR procedures, the break between them should be at least 2 months.

    When carrying out UVR procedures of local exposure to the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus, erythemal doses are most often used, which are divided into small - ranging from 1 to 2 biodoses, medium intensity - from 3 to 4 biodoses, high intensity - over 8 biodoses.

    In turn, the general UVI is divided into 3 subgroups-schemes:




    When performing one procedure with erythemal UVR, it is possible to irradiate an area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus with an area of ​​​​not more than 600 cm 2. As long-term medical practice of UVR has shown, when intense erythema occurs on large areas of the skin, patients experience such phenomena as fever, headache, nervous and muscle fatigue (these phenomena are also observed with prolonged exposure of the human body to sunlight on a clear day). summer weather). Repeated UVI in certain biodoses when exposed to the same area of ​​the skin is carried out, as a rule, 1-3 days after the first procedure, when the resulting erythema begins to subside. The same area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the pathological focus cannot be irradiated with erythemal doses of UVR more than 3-4 times due to the fact that with multiple UVR procedures in the same area, skin sensitivity decreases. But in some cases of intensive therapy of UVR of mucous membranes, wound areas, procedures are performed at the same place repeatedly - from 10 to 15 procedures or more (in the absence of unforeseen complications).

    Erythemal UVI is carried out with:

    Impact on the lesion in the form of wounds, boils, erysipelas, etc.;

    Field irradiation in the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sciatica, intercostal neuralgia and other diseases. In this case, the area of ​​the pathological focus to be irradiated is divided into several sections of a small area (from 50 to 200 cm 2), while one or two sections are irradiated in one procedure;

    Irradiation of reflexogenic zones: erythemal UVR procedures are carried out in zones: collar, panty, region of spinal cord segments. Erythemal ultraviolet radiation of the collar zone is usually performed in the presence of sluggish inflammatory processes of the brain, its membranes, face, as well as in vascular disorders of the upper extremities, and some diseases of the chest organs. To conduct erythemal ultraviolet irradiation of the pelvic organs, in case of violations of peripheral circulation in the lower extremities, the areas of the skin covering corresponding to the lumbosacral segments and the anterior surface of the thighs are affected;

    Fractional erythemal UV. This technique for the treatment of pathological foci involves the use of a perforated localizer made from a medical oilcloth 40x40 cm in size, in which from 160 to 190 holes with a diameter of 2 cm are cut out. This type of erythemal UVR is used, in particular, for certain lung diseases, especially when performing procedures in children's medical institutions (for bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases). The skin in children is more sensitive to the effects of any type of UV radiation, which is why the biodose is performed with shorter procedures than in adults, therefore it is recommended to open each window of the biodosimeter after 15-30 seconds when determining the biodose.

    When conducting general UVR, the maximum dosage of exposure to pathological foci in children under 2 years of age is no more than 2 biodoses, and in older children - no more than 3 biodoses. The area of ​​the resulting pathological foci during local UVI procedures in children under three years of age should not exceed 60-80 cm 2, at 5-7 years of age - from 150 to 200 cm 2, and in older children - 300 cm 2.

    To induce erythema with appropriate UVR, the first exposure to pathological foci (or lesions) should not exceed 1.5-2 biodoses. When carrying out repeated UVR procedures, the dose of exposure to certain foci is increased by 0.5-1 biodose (for children).

    Indications. General UFOs apply:

    For the prevention of solar insufficiency (avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis for vitamin D in adults, pregnant women and children;

    In the treatment of rickets in children;

    To increase the overall resistance of the body of an adult or child.

    Local UVR (erythemotherapy) is most often used for diseases of internal organs, such as: pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis, rheumatism, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, myositis, myalgia, sciatica.

    General and local ultraviolet radiation is widely used in surgery (after wound surgery, with erysipelas), in traumatology (for bruises, infected wounds, fractures), in dermatology (for psoriasis, pyoderma, eczema, etc.). UVR is an effective method in the treatment and prevention of influenza and many infectious diseases (in particular, scarlet fever, whooping cough).

    Contraindications for UFO:

    malignant tumors;

    Tendency to bleed;

    Active pulmonary tuberculosis;

    blood diseases;

    Severe cachexia;


    Lupus erythematosus;

    Circulatory failure I-II degree;


    Note. In the 1990s a special method of phototherapy has been developed - laser therapy using small-sized quantum generators - lasers, in which the laser beam has a huge power, which creates a variety of opportunities for its use in intensive care. Laser light is characterized by coherence, i.e. consists of waves of the same frequency that move and amplify each other, resulting in a straight, narrow, far-reaching beam of light. The thermal energy of considerable power is concentrated in the laser light beam. Any substance (including bones and metal) encountered in the path of the laser beam evaporates instantly.

    In these years, attempts were made to treat such pathological foci as precancerous skin tumors with a laser beam. In this case, the laser installation was tuned to a frequency at which its beam was absorbed by a dark tissue and reflected by a light one. Malignant tumors on the human skin are often dark in color, otherwise they can be artificially stained in this (dark) color to ensure maximum absorption of laser light.

    Since 2000, laser surgery has been actively developed, in particular, in the treatment of certain eye diseases, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. A number of retinal damages are currently being eliminated with a laser beam of a certain power.

    In addition, the laser beam is used to eliminate pain impulses (for example, in case of pain due to damage to the peripheral nerves).

    The treatment of certain diseases with the help of a light laser beam has now reached great perfection and is carried out even at the molecular level, which other methods of phototherapy are not able to carry out.

    Examples of appointments of PFI procedures

    1. Lumbosacral sciatica. UVR procedures of the lumbosacral zone and along the sciatic nerve, 1-2 fields per day, starting with 3-4 biodoses daily. During the UVR procedures, each field is affected twice.

    2. Tonsillitis. Procedures start with one biodose, then add with repeated irradiations from / 2 to 1 biodose, maximum no more than three biodoses for each tonsil, daily. For the entire course of treatment, 10 to 12 procedures are prescribed.

    3. Erysipelas of the right leg. UVR procedures of the right lower leg, exposure in four fields (anterior, posterior and 2nd lateral), with simultaneous coverage when exposed to 5 to 7 cm of healthy skin around the pathological focus, start with four biodoses and increase to 10 (adding with each subsequent procedure two biodoses). For the entire course of treatment, 4 to 5 procedures are prescribed for UVI every other day.

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