How to take Riga Black Balsam correctly. Useful properties of the Riga balm for a person. Useful properties of balm

Any person visiting Latvia will undoubtedly take a bottle of Riga Balsam with them. This drink has long acquired the status of a "symbol of the country" and wide popularity due to its beneficial effects on health.

Dark color, unique aroma, healing properties and a clay bottle are the factors that characterize the real Riga Balsam. But you should know that the therapeutic dark liquid, in addition to benefit, can also bring harm.

This is not surprising, because modern medicinal and homeopathic preparations have side effects, not to mention the drink created in 1762 ...
Let's see what it is - Riga Balsam, composition (herbs and their effects) and methods of use.

According to the official website of the manufacturer, the company "Latvijas Balzams", the drink has received more than 50 international awards!


The famous Riga Black Balsam (Latin: Rigas Melnais balzams) is an interesting drink in its composition. His recipe is unique, the composition is worth attention: herbs, flowers, roots of medicinal plants.

This is a traditional Latvian alcoholic drink, in fact, a liquor. It has a color from dark brown to black, transparent, has a liquid consistency. A characteristic feature is the expressive bitter herbal aroma, which is given to it by 24 different natural components. Those that are known include:

  • linden;
  • birch buds;
  • raspberries;
  • (black element of useful liquid);
  • ginger;
  • nutmeg;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • Peruvian balsam.

Due to the completely natural composition, the healing drink requires protection from the sun's rays and the avoidance of temperature fluctuations. For this reason, it is produced almost exclusively in clay bottles, the opacity of which provides the contents with insulation from the external environment.

The expiration date is not indicated by the manufacturer, but this should not be considered a mistake. Like good wine, Riga Balsam improves its taste and medicinal properties with age. Therefore, do not be afraid of a "spoiled" product.


How many degrees (percentage) of alcohol are in the drink? The alcohol content by the standards of Central Europe is quite high - 45%. Today, the Latvian manufacturer Latvijas Balsams produces a blackcurrant flavored balm (lat.: Rigas Melnais balzams upenu) with an alcohol content of 30%, and a cream version (Riga Black Balsam Cream) with an alcohol content of 17%.


The history of the emergence of a healing herbal liquid is quite entertaining. It is believed that the mysterious drink was developed according to an old recipe in the Latvian city of Riga. The beginning of its production is attributed to local pharmacist Abraham Kunze.

The time of production falls on the middle of the 18th century. According to the official website of the manufacturer and trademark owner, the distillery's recipe was developed in 1752.

In 1789, under the name "Balzam Kunze" (Kunze's balm), a natural remedy was offered to the Russian Empress Catherine II, when she suffered from painful colic in the vicinity of Riga. The tool miraculously helped the Empress, and she granted Kunze the exclusive right to manufacture it.

However, the healing liquid then had a slightly different composition (contained saffron and some other components), color (yellowish) and alcohol content (12-16%).

In 1847, Albert Wolfschmidt founded a factory to produce the Riga Balsam in its current form. This distillery (although under different names) produces the famous "Riga Black Balsam" until today. The drink recipe is kept secret, only family members of the master of production pass it on from generation to generation.

The coup took place in 1939, when the then masters - the Schroeder brothers and sisters with their families - were forced to return to Germany as repatriates. Then the balm recipe disappeared with them.

After the end of the war, a demanding and lengthy search for the lost recipe began. Conversations were held with former production workers and other employees of the plant, ancient production recipes were studied.

Works and searches did not remain in vain, and in 1954 the original recipe was restored. Since then, Riga Black Balsam has been produced by the company without interruption until today.


Today, the exclusive manufacturer "Latvijas Balsams" produces 3 versions of Black Riga Balsam:

  1. Rigas Melnais balzams - a classic drink with an alcohol content of 45%;
  2. Rigas Melnais balzams upenu - a drink with blackcurrant flavor and 30% alcohol content;
  3. Riga Black Balsam Cream is a cream flavored liqueur with an alcohol content of 17%.

Riga Balsam is one of the most important export products of Latvia, it is exported to 20 countries around the world, including the USA, Namibia and Australia.

The largest volume of exports (64%) falls on the Russian Federation. Most people who follow a healthy lifestyle have it at home (no wonder, because ZOSh and herbs have always gone hand in hand).

Benefit for health

Since the beginning of production and until today, traditional medicine recommends Riga Balsam to improve health and support immunity. Due to its rich composition, the drink has many healing properties:

  • tones, improves brain activity, speeds up metabolism, adds energy;
  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents colds, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • has a calming effect, which is important for insomnia and stress (it is recommended to take before bedtime).

For women, the ability of the Riga Balsam to relieve migraines, a disease that affects mainly the fairer sex, is worth attention.

For men, another property is important - an increase in the general tone of the body, leading to the strengthening and support of male power.

Possible harm and contraindications

The use of Riga Balsam, along with beneficial effects on health, also has contraindications. The primary harm is associated, in particular, with alcoholic substances.

Of course, in therapeutic doses, the medicine will not cause harm similar to a bottle of vodka, but there are conditions in which even the minimum amount of alcohol is not allowed.

In particular, due to the content of alcohol and some herbs, it is not recommended to take Riga Balsam during pregnancy - in pregnant women, a possible adverse effect may be uterine contractions caused by certain herbal components, and therefore the risk of miscarriage.

During lactation, herbal ingredients and alcohol penetrate into breast milk, which is fraught with allergies and even intoxication in the baby!

The drink is not intended for children under 16 years of age. In addition to alcohol, which is unacceptable for this age group, it contains herbs that can cause unpredictable reactions!
The following contraindications include:

  • the presence of heart disease;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • unhealthy condition due to traumatic brain injury;
  • recent stroke;
  • allergic to honey, berries and herbs.


To this day, Riga Balsam is used as a good cure for colds and flu. At the same time, there are many possibilities for how to drink a natural remedy for a cold.

The drink is usually drunk either alone (at room temperature, with ice ...), or added to coffee, tea, juice. Some people use it as a topping for ice cream or as an ingredient in various smoothies.

When using a natural medicine, it is important to know how to drink it correctly - both therapeutic effects and potential harm and side effects depend on the appropriate dosage.

Doctors advise to consume it in an amount not exceeding 75 ml per day for men and 50 ml for women. Exceeding this dose leads not only to intoxication, but also to the occurrence of problems with the intestines (due to the influence of the contained herbs).

Ways to use the balm

Consider ways to use the drink for medicinal purposes. The following applications are also recommended for preventing health problems and strengthening the body's defenses.

In its purest form

Riga Balsam can be a good aperitif or digestif due to its ability to stimulate the digestive tract. In this case, it is recommended to consume 50 ml before or after meals.

With coffee or tea

Only 1-2 tsp. balm will improve the taste of your usual coffee or tea. A cup of this drink improves the tone of the body, improves mood.


Riga Balsam will be a good component of alcoholic cocktails. How to make a healthy cocktail? Try one of the simplest options:

  • black balm - 1 part;
  • blackcurrant syrup or juice - 1/2 part;
  • lemon juice - 1/4 part;
  • base (martini or other alcohol - 2 parts.

Mix the ingredients (you can use a shaker). Garnish the finished cocktail with a cherry or a lemon ring.

As a medicine

From the very beginning of its history, the Riga healthy liquid has been successfully used to treat colds, rhinitis, gastrointestinal disorders, and to strengthen the body's defenses.

But, be careful! In the presence of a chronic disease, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it - he will help to individually determine the appropriate dosage.

The use of a drink in traditional medicine

Rheumatic diseases

To relieve pain and inhibit the inflammatory processes that accompany rheumatic diseases, it is recommended to rub with a healthy liquid. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Cold and flu

To get rid of the symptoms of colds, it is advisable to add 2-3 tsp. Riga healing drink in warm tea. You need to take this medicine 2-3 times a day.
The same remedy will help with chronic fatigue syndrome and general loss of strength.

Headaches and migraines

With such an unpleasant problem as a headache and, especially, migraine attacks, 20-30 ml of healing liquid added to tea or coffee will help. It is not recommended for headaches to take it with other alcohol (in the form of a cocktail), because. it can make the pain worse.


After increased physical exertion or a hard day, it is recommended to drink 30 ml (no more) of a healthy drink in its pure form. This will help to relax both the body and the mind.

We buy quality!

When buying a healing Riga liquid, it is important to know how not to fall for a fake, how to determine a quality product. To do this, you should be guided by the following factors:

  1. Bottle - it is made exclusively from fired clay. If you come across glass, metal or any other container, know that this is a fake in front of you. In addition, the bottom is absolutely devoid of any inscriptions! On the neck there is a film that serves as protection against accidental opening.
  2. Cork - it is similar (almost) to a cognac cork. Any other form or material indicates a "fake".
  3. Labels - all stickers are literally a work of art, they are glued evenly, perfectly, without smeared glue and skewed edges! The back sticker contains information about the composition and manufacturer.
  4. Barcode - it is on the back label and begins with the numbers "475" - the designation of Latvian-made goods.
  5. When buying Riga Balsam outside of Latvia, pay attention to the presence of an excise stamp with information similar to the original.

Buy a healthy drink at specialized outlets - buying it "from hand" significantly increases the risk of buying a fake. This is fraught, at best, with a lack of medicinal properties, at worst, with harm to health!

Before using a natural medicine, be sure to consult a doctor - he will determine how appropriate it is for you to use it for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, and will also help determine the optimal dosage.

This advice is most relevant for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver or digestive tract.

Riga Balsam is rightfully considered one of the hallmarks of Latvia. Its fame spreads far beyond the borders of the country, and tourists are sure to bring famous ceramic bottles from Riga as a souvenir.

Riga Balsam is a strong dark-colored drink with a recognizable tart taste. The pharmacist Abraham Kunze is considered its inventor, who in 1752 first began selling a medicinal tincture of herbs for alcohol. This balm came to Russia thanks to Catherine II. She cured with his help a disease of the stomach and allowed the official importation of the balm into the country.

The composition of the traditional Riga Balsam includes 24 components, including many plants:

  • Mint.
  • Raspberries.
  • Linden blossom.
  • Blueberry.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Cowberry.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Valerian.
  • Birch buds and others.

It also contains high-purity grain alcohol, water, cognac, honey flavor, Peruvian balsam oil, burnt sugar. The last ingredient gives the balm its characteristic dark color.

For its production, only high-quality raw materials are used, individual components grow only in certain areas of Latvia.

Although the ingredients have long been known, the recipe for making the balm is kept a deep secret. This recipe is known only to a few employees of Latvijas balzams, the company that now produces the drink.

The process of making the balm begins with the fact that the components are placed in oak barrels in a certain order. Barrels are made using a special technology without the use of glue. The drink is infused in them for a month, after which it acquires a recognizable bitterness.

Next, the balm is poured into special ceramic bottles and continues to infuse in them for at least six months. Such containers preserve the medicinal properties of the drink, protect it from the influence of sunlight and temperature fluctuations.

Medicinal properties of Riga Balsam

The healing properties of the Riga Balsam have been confirmed by many generations of people who used this drink as a medicine. It is used for the following diseases:

  • Cold.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Depression.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Diseases of the heart and stomach.

In Latvia, this balm is included in the official list of medicines. For medicinal purposes, its dose should not exceed 30 ml per day.

Types of Riga Balsam

The classic recipe has been supplemented with new ingredients over time. Today "Latvijas balzams" produces 4 types of balm:

  • Riga Black Balsam- a drink with a strength of 45%, produced according to a traditional recipe. It was he who received many awards and worldwide recognition due to its healing properties.
  • Riga Black Balsam Element- a classic drink with a strength of 40%, which received new flavor notes due to the addition of rum.
  • Riga Black Currant Balsam- this is a combination of the benefits of a balm with the taste and aroma of blackcurrant. Its strength is 30%.
  • Riga Black Balsam Cream- liqueur based on the Riga Black Balsam with a strength of 17%. The familiar tart taste of balm in this drink is complemented by the taste of cream and caramel.

Ways to use Riga Balsam

Riga Balsam can be drunk in its pure form, added to other drinks or made into cocktails based on it. There are many recipes for such cocktails:

  • Fresh Black Cranberry: 30 ml Riga Black Balsam, 120 ml cranberry juice, 15 ml cranberry liqueur.
  • Innocent Balsam: 30 ml of balm, 15 ml of peach liqueur, 100 ml of peach juice, 60 g of ice cream, a slice of peach for decoration.
  • BlackMojito: 30 ml balm, 120 ml Sprite, half a lime, fruit syrup, crushed ice.
  • Sugar&Black: 60 ml of balm, 30 ml of coffee liqueur, 50 ml of cream.
  • SexontheBalsamBeach: 30 ml balm, 60 ml mango juice, 60 ml orange juice, 50 ml Sprite.
  • Black Hot Mint: 30 ml of balm, 60 ml of apple juice, 60 ml of mango juice, 3 g of fresh mint leaves.
  • Black Honey Money: 30 ml of balm, 15 ml of honey, 7 ml of lemon juice, 60 ml of apple juice.

The balm can be added to tea or coffee, ice cream, pastries and desserts.

This bar was opened in 2007, quickly gained popularity among tourists and today is one of the attractions of Riga. The institution is stylized as an 18th century pharmacy, its staff wears costumes of that era, decor elements were brought from different parts of the world.

It can be found not far from the Town Hall Square, on Kalku Street, 10. It was in this building that the pharmacy of the creator of the Riga Balsam, Abraham Kunze, was located.

Today, bar staff enthusiastically tell tourists the history of the appearance of this drink and offer to try different varieties of Riga Balsam in coffee, cocktails and sweets.

When buying a balm here, you need to keep in mind that the price for it will be higher than at other points of sale in the city.

Points of sale and cost of Riga Balsam

You can find Riga Balsam in the departments of alcoholic beverages of large supermarkets or in specialized stores of the company "Latvijas balzams". They are easily recognizable by their brown company name on a yellow background. In total, 44 branded stores are open in Latvia, 33 of them are located in Riga.

The price of a bottle of balm, depending on the volume and packaging, ranges from 2 to 100 euros. For purchases over 100 euros in branded stores, a 10% discount applies.

Riga Balsam is a unique healing drink that is a hallmark of Latvia and has a long history. It is a strong alcoholic drink that has a unique sweet and bitter taste. Many consider the balm to be a herbal alcohol infusion, which is why it is known for its healing properties.


  1. Anti-cold effect. The balm has such an effect if it is used immediately, as malaise is felt.
  2. Tonic effect. It is recommended to drink balm daily in the morning, 1 tbsp. before meals, which will help to cheer up for the whole day and increase vitality.
  3. Hangover fight. In combination with cranberry juice, Riga Balsam becomes an invigorating drink that perfectly relieves a hangover. Such a miracle drink is recommended after the holidays.
  4. Antidepressant. Scientists have established, and regular customers have confirmed that Riga Balsam is an excellent remedy for depressive conditions. The drink relieves fatigue, apathy. But there is one condition - you can drink balm with depression only if the patient does not take any auxiliary medications for this condition.
  5. To improve appetite. If there is no appetite, it is recommended to drink a balm of 50 gr. before eating. This dose is excellent for intestinal colic, intestinal infections.
  6. In rheumatic heart disease. After drinking 30 gr. balm weakens rheumatic pains in the joints, the blood is better enriched with oxygen, its composition is updated.
  7. The balm is able to perfectly treat burns and wounds, significantly strengthens the immune system.
  8. Used for persistent and prolonged headaches and migraines.
  9. Excellent as a prophylactic for ulcers and gastritis. Riga Balsam contains antiseptic and astringent substances, which helps to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, as well as indigestion.
  10. The composition of the balm contains peppermint, with the help of which gallstone disease is perfectly treated, and valerian and lemon balm are an ambulance for disorders of the nervous system.
  11. Improves metabolic processes in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods, at high loads (mental, physical).


Riga Balsam is a drink with a fairly high alcohol content, which causes its harm. This occurs when the balm is used in excess of the established norm, in large quantities: for example, alcohol dependence or an allergic reaction to the components included in the composition may develop.


Riga Balsam as an alcoholic drink has some contraindications, it cannot be used in the following categories:

  • pregnant and lactating women,
  • children
  • patients who suffer from renal and hepatic insufficiency.


The Riga Balsam contains 24 components, one of which is specially prepared water. A large number of plant extracts:

  • ginger,
  • raspberries,
  • lime color,
  • hypericum,
  • lingonberries, etc.

Also in the composition of grain high-quality ethyl grain alcohol, cognac, sugar, natural honey flavor, Peruvian balsam oil.

As for the chemical composition of the drink in question, it is the owner of a number of organic acids that have a positive effect on the body:

  • apple - lowers blood pressure, increasing tone,
  • ascorbic acid - the active component of vitamin C acid, which plays a huge role in maintaining immunity,
  • lemon - is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process,
  • formic - stimulates cell metabolism, slows down the processes of decay,
  • oleic - slows down the growth of cancer cells, prevents flaking and brittle nails, helps with diabetes,
  • stearic - forms a thin protective film on the epidermis of the skin.

The composition of the balm contains a large number of trace elements, which are presented in the table.

vitamins and minerals content per 100 grams of Riga Balsam how it affects the body
1 vitamin C 0.13 mg is a powerful antioxidant, protects the body from colds, helps with stressful situations
2 vitamin A 0.87 mg regulates protein synthesis, contributes to the normal activity of the visual receptor, is necessary for the normal development of the unborn child in the womb
3 vitamin D 0.98 mg ensures normal growth and development of bones, prevents osteoporosis and rickets
4 copper 1.2 mg prevents the development of atherosclerosis
5 cobalt 0.05 mg improves memory
6 iron 2.07 mg participates in the processes of blood formation and maintenance of its normal composition
7 zinc 1.17 mg necessary for protein synthesis, controls muscle contraction, has a normalizing effect on brain activity, helps in the treatment of schizophrenia
8 potassium 3.12 mg regulates metabolism
9 magnesium 0.99 mg helps in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels

To taste, the balm slightly resembles a medicinal mixture, where each component does not interrupt the other, but complements each other with a light background.

How they cook

The components included in the Riga Balsam have long been known, but the recipe for making the drink is kept in the strictest confidence. They say that three people know this recipe: the master and his two apprentices. To prepare the balm, manufacturers take only high-quality ingredients: for example, birch buds - only taken from Latvian birches that grow in the Kemerovo nature reserve.

  1. The initial stage of making the balm is aging the infusion for 30 days in specially made oak barrels. As a result of such exposure, an essence of 45% content is obtained, in the finished product it is contained at the level of 4%.
  2. After aging, the essence is mixed with juices, alcohol, brandy, burnt sugar and honey are added, which colors the future balm in a characteristic black color.
  3. The finished famous drink is poured into specially made ceramic bottles and stored in this form for many years. An interesting fact: clay balm bottles have not changed their composition and design for 100 years, and in 2005 they only changed the cork.

How is the balm usually used?

  • To prevent a cold, you need to add 1 tbsp. drink in tea or coffee - this will increase the formation of sputum and sweating.
  • You can gargle with sore throat.
  • After physical exertion, the balm is taken as an immunomodulatory and tonic medicine in an amount of not more than 30 g.
  • With the help of compresses based on the Riga Balsam, pain syndromes, tension of the joints and muscles are relieved.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing various cocktails using balm. Such cocktails are popular in many restaurants and bars.

How to store

The storage of the Riga Balsam is another interesting fact. The fact is that even if the buyer tries very hard to find the expiration date of the product on the bottle, he will not find it. And this is not the manufacturer's mistake, but his position: like wine, the taste of balm can only improve over the years, so the drink has no expiration date.

How to choose

You can find the Riga Balsam in the departments with alcoholic drinks by a clay bottle, a brown name of the manufacturer on a yellow background.

What is combined with

Riga Balsam is used as an auxiliary remedy for various deviations in human health. Consider what and in what cases this alcoholic drink is combined.

  • An excellent cold drink will turn out if you mix 1 tbsp. Riga balsam, 1 tbsp. blackcurrant jam and 100 gr. boiling water. You can take it immediately, using slow sips.
  • A good combination is adding a Riga drink to morning coffee, juice, ice cream.

Riga Balsam is an excellent medicine that allows you to cope with health problems. One condition - for the drink to be as useful as possible, it is necessary to properly organize its reception. Only in this case it will be a real elixir of longevity, vivacity, otherwise only unpleasant consequences can occur, one of which is addiction (alcoholism).

The ingredients of this drink have long been known, but the exact recipe has been kept secret since 1752. They say that only three people know all the secrets: the master of the liquor shop and his two assistants. The balm is prepared with specially prepared water, high-quality alcohol, cognac and Peruvian balsam oil.

Abraham Kunze, who invented the Riga Balsam, was a pharmacist. The remedy for all diseases was to the liking of the inhabitants of Riga. Even in our time, Latvian doctors recommend balm as a remedy. Useful properties are due to the composition: a dozen organic acids, tannins, alkaloids, glucosides, proteins, fats, as well as: Co, Cu, Ca, Na, Mn, K, Fe, Zn, Mg, Cr.

Taste, aroma and medicinal properties arise from honey, birch buds and extracts of ginger, raspberries, St. John's wort, linden flowers, lingonberries, etc. - only 24 ingredients.

The exact recipe is kept secret, which only adds to the popularity of the balm from Riga.

Types of Riga balsam

Now Latvijas Balzams produces four types of Riga balzams:

  1. Black. Prepared according to the classic recipe, which has not changed since 1752. The basic version of a strong drink (45% by volume) is recognized all over the world.
  2. Element. A modernized version of the 300-year-old recipe. All the main ingredients are preserved, the bouquet is complemented by rum and a few other ingredients. Fortress "Element" 40% vol.
  3. Currant. A relatively new type with the addition of blackcurrant juice and ginger. In the drink, only 30% vol.
  4. Black creamy balm (Riga Black Balsam Cream). Soft balm with caramel-vanilla aroma, only 17% alcohol.

In the photo, all types of balm are on the table of the company store. Riga

How to use Riga Balsam and how it is useful

Such a rich content of nutrients justifies the use of Riga Balsam for the following ailments:

  • With a breakdown, physical and mental overwork, it is recommended to take 30 ml of the drink after a meal.
  • To prevent colds and get rid of signs that have already appeared, it is useful to add a couple of spoons of balm to tea.
  • Peppermint, lemon balm and valerian will restore the work of the stomach and smooth out the symptoms of gallstone disease.
  • Rinsing from a balm dissolved in warm water helps with sore throat.

A glass of Riga - an ideal replacement for traditional medicines

What do Latvians drink Riga Balsam with?

The best way to understand how to drink Riga Balsam correctly is to ask a Latvian:

  • Latvians serve the balm in liquor glasses with coffee or tea. You can pour Rīga balzams into a cup or drink a few drops, although some people like to drink a portion in one gulp to feel the warming effect and richness of taste.
  • Good balm in alcoholic cocktails. Black balsam goes well with dry white wines, vodka, cognac, and in Latvia it is added even to beer and sweet fortified wines.
  • The aroma and taste are interesting in combination with milk, ice cream and desserts. Try pouring a little balm into Coca-Cola or champagne - you will be surprised at the new taste of familiar drinks.

To whom the balm from Riga is contraindicated

  1. Riga Balsam is a multi-component drink, so study the composition before drinking so as not to provoke an allergy.
  2. The balm should be discarded by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
  3. Diseases of the kidneys and liver exclude the use of balm.
  4. The weekly dose of this alcoholic beverage should not exceed 150 mg.

Riga Balsam is a famous Latvian drink, which, like the Baltic resort of Jurmala or amber jewelry, is a symbol of the country. For 200 years of existence, neither the recipe for the drink nor the technology for its preparation has changed at all.

The fragrant herbal infusion was originally considered exclusively a medicinal product, which was produced by the local pharmacist Abram Kuntse. Since then, this bitter-sweet taste has been loved not only by local residents, but also by guests of Latvia, and it has been consumed both in its pure form and as part of numerous cocktails.

Composition and varieties of Riga Balsam

The recipe for making the Riga Black Balsam is kept strictly secret and is only available to a few employees of the company Latvijas balzams, where the drink is produced. However, its composition has long been no secret.

It includes 24 components, including:

  • herbs grown in different regions of Latvia (mint, blueberry, raspberry, nutmeg, birch buds, etc.);
  • honey flavor;
  • water;
  • cognac;
  • Peruvian balsam oil;
  • grain alcohol;
  • burnt sugar, which gives the drink a dark color.

Balm has 4 varieties:

  1. Riga Black Balsam is a classic black balm with a velvety soft taste of a bouquet of berries, fruits, herbs and roots.
  2. Riga Black Balsam Currant is a composition consisting of a classic bitter with the addition of natural blackcurrant juice.
  3. Riga Black Balsam Cherry is a composition consisting of classic bitters, natural cherry juice and ginger.
  4. Riga Black Balsam Element is a drink that combines the tastes of classic bitters and high quality rum.

Drink strength

Initially, the fortress of the Latvian herbal infusion was only 16% vol. But over time, the drink became much stronger.

Now the classic Riga Black Balsam has a strength of 45% vol., Balsam Element - 40% vol., Balsam Currant and Balsam Cherry - 30% vol. each.

Benefit and harm

Back in 1762, when bitter first appeared, its creator advertised his product as a panacea for a variety of diseases, including:

  • toothache and headache;
  • fever;
  • stomach colic;
  • tumors;
  • dislocations;
  • frostbite;
  • bites of poisonous snakes and insects;
  • limb fractures;
  • stab and stab wounds.

How effective was the treatment with herbal infusion for each of the above diseases, history is silent, but in some cases, positive results are documented.

For example, the balm came to Russia and became popular due to the fact that Empress Catherine II was cured of stomach colic with it, and during the Napoleonic wars, herbal infusion was widely used in hospitals on the battlefields to treat fractures, stab and chopped wounds.

Today, Riga Balsam, whose benefits in the treatment of many diseases have been proven by many years of practice, is included in the official list of medicines in Latvia.

  • colds;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depressions;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart disease;
  • rheumatism ().

With great care, herbal infusion should be taken by people with chronic diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • pancreas;
  • liver.

However, do not forget that the drink is alcoholic and strong enough. Therefore, the use of infusion will bring more benefit or harm, depending on the dosage.

The maximum single dose of a drink for women should not exceed 20 ml, and the daily dose should not exceed 50 ml. For men, a single dose can be 50 ml, and a daily dose of 75 ml. Exceeding these dosages can cause.

How to drink Riga Balsam?

Black balsam is usually served in special liqueur glasses. To improve digestion, it is taken before meals as an aperitif. Herbal infusion has a powerful tonic effect, so it can be taken in the morning, adding 1-2 tsp. in coffee or after a hard day's work, adding to tea.

In order not to interrupt the aroma of the drink, snacks are never served with it.

To use the beneficial properties of bitter for medicinal purposes, it should be consumed in courses, starting with 2-3 drops and gradually increasing the dose to 30 ml. Because balm is a drug, then more and the duration of treatment should be set by the doctor depending on the disease and the patient's health. Now you know .

Black Balsam Cocktails

Riga Balsam is widely used in cooking, adding to ice cream, desserts, pastries. Bitter is drunk in its pure form and added to other drinks, such as coffee or tea. But much more often it is used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. Cocktails with Riga Balsam are distinguished by their unique herbal aroma and ease of execution.

Tram of desires

To prepare a cocktail, add 40 g of Balsam Currant and 120 g of pomegranate juice to a highball (tall glass) filled with crushed ice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Serve with an orange slice.

Black Night Dancer

To prepare this cocktail, you need to shake 20 ml of black balm, 10 ml of blackberry syrup and 5 ml of lemon juice in a shaker with ice. Pour the contents of the shaker through a strainer (strainer) into a Coupe glass, add 40 ml of Coca-Cola drink and garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Riga's Fruity Summer

To prepare this drink, squeeze the juice from ½ lemon and ½ orange and shake in a shaker with 100 ml of Ginger Ale lemonade. Then pour 40 ml of Balsam Currant into a highball filled with crushed ice and add the contents of the shaker.

Black Shooter is a two-layer drink that is drunk at a time. To prepare it, you should pour into (a small glass for drinks that are drunk in 1 sip) with a bar spoon 20 ml of peach juice, and then the same dose of classic bitter.

Mulled wine with Riga Balsam

To prepare it, mix 750 ml of dry red wine with 100 ml of classic bitter in a saucepan, then add a pinch of nutmeg, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 clove sticks and cardamom to taste.

Heat the mixture on fire to 50-60 ° C, add orange slices, heat a little more, but do not bring to a boil. Remove the mulled wine from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Serve the drink in a warm glass, after straining and adding 4 tbsp. l. honey.

To prepare a cocktail, thoroughly mix in a shaker 1 part of classic balm, 2.5 parts of strawberry juice, 1.5 parts of peach juice, 1/4 part of caramel syrup and lemon juice.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to mix well 1 part of Riga Balsam with 2.5 parts of fresh milk and ¼ part of caramel syrup. The mixture is poured into a glass with a wide neck and a scoop of creamy ice cream is placed on top. If desired, the drink can be sprinkled with grated dark chocolate.

Place ½ lime, cut into wedges, in a highball glass and top with 4 parts Sprite soda and 1 part bitter, then add a small amount of sweet fruit syrup (any) and fill the remaining space with crushed ice.

To prepare a cocktail, you need to take 30 ml of balm and 60 ml of apple juice and mango juice. Mix everything well, pour into a glass filled with crushed ice and add 3 g of fresh mint leaves.

Fresh Black Cranberry

To prepare the drink, mix 30 ml of bitter with 120 ml of cranberry juice and 15 ml of cranberry balm. Serve in a glass filled with crushed ice.

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