Instead of clinical examination: what tests should be taken once a year. What blood tests you need to take to check your health What tests you need to take to

You need to remember about your health from time to time. And not only during illness, otherwise the body can fail at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is imperative to know which tests must be taken at least once a year. Especially now the number of cancer cases is growing, and in oncology the main way to recovery is to detect the disease as early as possible, at the initial stage.

If you have relatives who are ill with chronic diseases or have died of cancer or something else, keep this in mind. Believe me, this knowledge will greatly help your doctor when he draws up a medical examination plan for you. But even this information is not enough for a long and healthy life.

Every year, men and women need:

- take a general blood test

A painless prick in the finger, as if bitten by a mosquito, will allow you to determine whether you have anemia, blood diseases, or any inflammatory process.

Including a blood test, you can find out the level of cholesterol. If you think that high cholesterol in the blood is only in obese people or the elderly, then you are mistaken. It also increases in young 20-year-old patients. Its level can be affected by smoking, alcohol abuse, bearish, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet. Returning to normal can be very difficult, so it is important not to let yourself go. If you don't want an unexpected heart attack, check your cholesterol every 5 years. If you are over 40, then you need to take a blood test annually.

- pass a general urine test

Urinalysis determines the state of the human genitourinary system. Is there any inflammation in the body - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as early signs of diabetes. The density of urine can determine how the kidneys work. If sugar or acetone is found in the urine, it means that you have advanced diabetes.

- take a biochemical blood test for a number of indicators

It is taken from a vein. With the help of biochemical analysis, you can get a more complete picture of how your kidneys and liver are working.

- check lipid profile

This test will help you find out if you have blood clots.

- do an EKG

The heart is an organ that needs constant monitoring. An ECG will let you know how fully it works for you.

- donate blood for sugar

If you have a sweet tooth and do not want to allow the development of diabetes, then be sure to donate blood for sugar. The analysis is given on an empty stomach and from a finger. Remember that in the initial stages of the disease, you can still change your lifestyle and nutrition and everything will be fine, but in the advanced stages, the disease can give such terrible complications as blindness or gangrene of the foot.

- check cancer markets

This test is done to rule out a malignant tumor.

- go to the dentist

Ideally, the condition of the teeth should be checked every six months, so as not to run them and then spend a fabulous amount on treatment.

- do a fluoroscopy

An annual examination will detect lung cancer or tuberculosis.


Every year, women need:

- get checked out by a gynecologist

The gynecologist will not only look, but also take a smear on the vaginal flora. It will help to identify the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in you and will refer you to an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

To examine the tissues of the cervix to prevent the formation of cancer cells, the doctor will give a referral for colposcopy.

- undergo an examination by a mammologist

If you are over 35, you should have a mammogram every year. For girls and those who have experienced menopause, it is advisable once a month for 7-10 days from the first day of the onset of menstruation to probe the breasts for the formation of seals. If you feel pain in your chest or feel some kind of induration, contact your doctor immediately. It is advisable for women under 40 to visit a mammologist annually.

- take a hormone test

For women, special attention should be paid to the analysis of hormones: it will show whether the ovaries, thyroid gland, etc. are healthy.


Every year, men need:

Not all men, if they get sick, go to the doctors, unlike women. And even more rarely, who annually undergoes a comprehensive examination. This is probably why the average life expectancy of Russian men is 60 years. Although the list of annual tests for a patient under 40 is not that big and you can easily go through them. Men are also advised to visit a urologist once a year.

- examine the ejaculate (spermiogram)

According to the spermiogram, one can determine not only the reproductive function of a man, but even his mood. The condition of a man can give different results of the study.

take an analysis of prostatic juice

If you pass this test on time, you will be able to detect prostatitis, prostate cancer or male infertility at an early stage.

- get tested for sexually transmitted infections

Like women, men need to take these tests in order to prevent the development of unpleasant diseases. All patients are diagnosed with HIV infection, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C.

– undergo an ultrasound examination of the scrotum and accessory sex glands (prostate, seminal vesicles)

This is necessary in order to prevent male infertility. Sometimes you can go through a sound examination, but then it will not be a pity.

– undergo a test for the presence of human papillomaviruses of high carcinogenic risk

Do you think this is nonsense and will not affect you? It is known that human papillomaviruses can provoke the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes, which can develop into malignant tumors.

It would seem that a man, after reading this list, will think: “Why do I need this? I'm doing great." If it's great, then think about future children. Some young married men are specifically tested for fertility. When a man is examined for hormones, he can also make sure that there are no genetic abnormalities and hidden infections.

If you are over forty, then to the number of the above mandatory analyzes is added study of hormones, as well as determining the level of prostate-specific antigen.

Perhaps someone felt uneasy: how many times a year it is necessary to take tests and visit doctors. It's up to you, we just wanted to warn you.

Keep this checklist and do not be lazy to repeat all the examinations every year, it can save your life. And here you can read about which ones, And here - which diseases are detected and treated only in Russia.

Annual medical examination is an integral part of monitoring your own health. This event involves the delivery of certain tests and the passage of diagnostic studies that will allow in the early stages to determine even asymptomatic diseases.

If a disease is detected in a timely manner, it can be dealt with quite quickly and inexpensively, which cannot be said about neglected pathologies, when a patient comes to the doctor with serious symptoms.

Top Mandatory Annual Tests

To control your own health, experts advise to take the following tests every year:

  • Material for research is taken from the finger. The analysis shows the presence or absence of blood diseases, anemia, inflammatory processes. Based on the data obtained, an experienced doctor can draw a conclusion about the state of the human immune system.
  • . This is the main study to assess the condition of the genitourinary system. The presence of leukocytes in the urine will indicate inflammation, while the level of this indicator can determine which organ was affected and suggest the development of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and other diseases. In addition, a urine test can indicate the development of diabetes.
  • Blood chemistry. For the study, blood is taken from a vein. Having studied the results of this analysis, a specialist can evaluate the work of many organs and systems of the body: kidneys, liver, bile ducts. Biochemistry well reflects the well-established metabolic processes in the body - one of the main indicators of good health.
  • Blood test for glycated hemoglobin is needed to assess the level of sugar in the blood and its fluctuations over the past 4-6 weeks.
  • Analysis for STIs: ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and others.
  • Thyroid hormone analysis. For research, blood is taken from a vein and the levels of free thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone are determined. Such a diagnosis is especially important for residents of large cities, where there is a pronounced natural iodine deficiency.

In addition, the annual medical examination involves the passage of the following studies and examinations by specialists:

  • electrocardiogram - a highly informative method for studying the work of the heart;
  • fluorography - in the early stages allows you to suspect diseases and tumors of the tissues covering the lungs;
  • for women - examination by a gynecologist, for men - by a urologist;
  • an annual examination by an ophthalmologist will prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts;
  • Sanitation of the oral cavity at the dentist will allow you to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible.

What else you need to check after 45 years

At this age, the risk of developing various diseases increases, so doctors recommend undergoing an annual medical examination, which involves passing additional tests and passing highly informative studies:

  • Annually it is necessary to do an analysis for tumor markers: men are prescribed a test for a tumor marker of the prostate, rectum and large intestine, women - for a tumor marker of the mammary glands, ovaries, as well as the rectum and large intestine.
  • Women should be tested for sex hormones and C-peptide.
  • Colonoscopy - examination of the colon.
  • Gastroscopy allows you to identify in the early stages of the pathology of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum.
  • A blood test to determine the lipid profile and cholesterol levels in particular. The main goal of such a study is the timely detection of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels. With it, you can prevent the occurrence of vascular thrombosis, sudden stroke or heart attack.

Mandatory annual tests for women

The female body is designed in such a way that many serious gynecological diseases in the early stages are completely asymptomatic. For this reason, women are recommended not only to visit a gynecologist every year, but also to take a number of mandatory tests:

  • smear on flora: a study showing the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora of the vagina, cervix and urethra. It is the main technique that detects the presence of pathogenic agents in the scraping of the surface of these areas. It is the deviations in the smear on the flora that serve as the basis for the appointment of additional high-precision analyzes.
  • Bakposev determines the presence and type of causative agent of a bacterial infection. In addition, the analysis shows to which antibacterial substance the pathogenic agent found in the analysis is sensitive.
  • detects the presence of STIs: ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, chlamydia and others.
  • Blood test for TORCH infection allows you to determine antibodies to the rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis and herpes simplex virus.

The state of health in the future largely depends on what measures a person takes to preserve it today. Therefore, you should not ignore the recommendations of doctors, but on your own initiative, undergo a full range of diagnostic studies that describe a complete picture of the coordinated work of all organs and systems of the body.

The introduction of this contraceptive is carried out in the last days of the menstrual cycle or in the first days after it. After an abortion or childbirth without complications, the procedure is carried out immediately after the operation or after 5-6 weeks. After a cesarean section, a spiral can be installed only after 10-12 weeks.

As a rule, the installation is carried out without anesthesia. Of course, each type of spiral has its own characteristics, introduction, but the basic principle is the same. The woman is located on the gynecological chair, the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic agent, and then the cervix. After that, the neck is fixed on bullet forceps and it is straightened. A conductor with a closed contraceptive is inserted into the cervical canal and moves into the uterine cavity to the required distance. Then, by the movement of the piston, the spiral opens and is located inside. Threads - antennae are placed in the vagina and cut to the desired length. The procedure is almost painless and takes about 5-7 minutes.

The best way to avoid serious and costly treatment is regular check-ups. You can get a free medical examination in any public hospital, or you can do a paid examination in a private clinic. The main thing is to decide which tests to take in order to get a complete picture of the state of your health.

General blood analysis

This is the most accessible and most common analysis, without which diagnostics is indispensable. It gives information about inflammation in the body and the state of the blood. By indicators such as hemoglobin, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and ESR, you can determine the presence of infection, hidden internal bleeding, anemia and other diseases.

Blood chemistry

A biochemical blood test allows you to find out more. The doctor must evaluate its results, since there is no fixed set of indicators in the biochemical analysis. Experts generally do not recommend self-medication and advise you to definitely contact a therapist before you go to take tests so that he gives you directions. As part of a biochemical analysis, liver enzymes, glucose, total blood protein, cholesterol, creatinine and others are determined. According to the results, the doctor can evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and liver and determine the metabolic rate.

General urine analysis

Thanks to the general clinical analysis of urine, the state of the human genitourinary system is determined. By the level of leukocytes, a specialist can tell about the presence of inflammation in the body and determine which organ is affected. Such an analysis reveals cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as early signs of diabetes.

Blood test for markers of hepatitis and HIV

Hepatitis and AIDS are dangerous primarily because they do not manifest themselves for a long time. According to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Russia ranks third in the world in the number of new HIV infections. And today, more than half of the cases of HIV transmission occur sexually, and not due to the use of an infected needle, as was the case before. Doctors note that more and more often ordinary people of working age, people from prosperous families, and not just outcasts and drug addicts, are catching hepatitis and HIV more often.

That is why doctors recommend regularly being tested for antibodies to hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV. Donating a little blood is easier than being tormented by doubts. You can get tested for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus in the body free of charge and anonymously from the age of 16.

Blood test for glycated hemoglobin

This analysis indicates fluctuations in blood sugar not only at the time of blood sampling, but also within four to six weeks before it. The higher the level of glycated hemoglobin, the higher was the glycemia and, accordingly, the greater the risk of developing complications of diabetes mellitus. And if in the early stages it is possible to avoid the development of the disease by changing the style of nutrition and lifestyle, then in a neglected state, serious consequences are possible: gangrene and blindness.

People over the age of forty-five are advised to check their blood for glycated hemoglobin at least once a year.

Blood test for thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones perform several important functions. First, they contribute to the growth and development of the body as a whole. And secondly, they regulate all metabolic processes and the activity of the immune, nervous, musculoskeletal, reproductive, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.

Lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) is a disease of the inhabitants of modern megacities. With hypothyroidism, the level of thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) decreases, and the level of TSH (pituitary hormone) increases. As a result, working capacity decreases sharply, depression appears, and a sharp weight gain occurs. For women, hypothyroidism can cause a violation of the synthesis of sex hormones, and this leads to infertility, early menopause, irregular cycles and other serious problems.

A blood test to determine the level of TSH shows whether the function of the thyroid gland is reduced. It is recommended to conduct such an analysis annually for people after thirty years.

Other annual surveys

In addition to these important tests, after thirty years it is worth doing an electrocardiogram every year, which captures the work of the heart. And in order not to miss the onset of hypertension, you need to measure blood pressure.

Fluorography once a year is an excellent insurance against tuberculosis and lung cancer, the risk of earning which increases with every year of life.

After thirty-five years, women should also visit a mammologist every year and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. This will not take much time, but will allow you to notice a possible neoplasm in time.

The kidneys are a paired organ of the excretory system, they remove metabolic products and other toxic substances from the human body. The state of human health depends on their normal functioning. Therefore, if a violation occurs, their robots should know how to check the kidneys. There are many ways to do this, which should be used only after consulting a nephrologist - a doctor who specializes in kidney diseases.

Indications for examination and basic methods

The kidneys are also called the main filter of the body, since their main function is to remove decay and metabolic products in the process of life. These substances, remaining in the body for a long time, become toxic and can poison it. There are a number of indications for the diagnosis of kidneys. Among them:

It is also necessary to undergo a scheduled examination for such phenomena:

If one of these signs is identified, then a visit to the nephrologist is mandatory. He will prescribe a diagnosis of kidney disease. It includes such methods of examining the kidneys:

  • physical methods (examination and questioning of the patient, history taking, palpation of the kidneys);
  • laboratory diagnostics (general and biochemical blood tests, urine tests);
  • instrumental methods for examining the kidneys (ultrasound, x-ray, computed tomography, and others).

One or another research method can be prescribed exclusively by a nephrologist, depending on the presence and severity of symptoms, as well as other indications and possible contraindications. Therefore, if you have problems with the kidneys, you should visit a doctor who will determine which tests you need to take and how they should be given.

Physical examination

The physical examination is primary. After all, before prescribing certain tests, an experienced doctor must first make sure that the patient has problems with the kidneys. For this, several methods are used:

Laboratory diagnostics of kidneys

If deviations are detected using physical methods, an additional study is indicated. What tests to take to check the kidneys completely? In renal diseases, laboratory tests are mandatory. This type of examination involves the use of several methods:

    Blood analysis. In a biochemical blood test, kidney tests make it possible to assess the condition of the kidneys, their ability to cope with their functions. They are carried out for the presence of creatinine, urea and uric acid in the blood, which a healthy body completely removes from the body. If kidney tests detect these substances in large quantities, this indicates the presence of problems with the kidneys (often kidney failure). Before taking kidney samples, you should exclude from the diet:

    They can distort the results of tests and kidney tests will not show an adequate picture of the state of the excretory ability of the kidneys. Also, a blood test for kidney diseases should be carried out on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Only if these rules are followed, kidney tests are an effective method for diagnosing kidney damage.

    Analysis of urine. It happens:

    • common. Allows you to evaluate the change in color, smell, nature of urine, as well as its biochemical parameters and bacteriological composition. It is collected in the morning before eating.

      Before collecting urine, you should thoroughly wash and dry the external genitalia. For a few days it is better to give up alcohol, salty and fried foods, some products (for example, dairy). You need to deliver it to the laboratory within 3 hours (otherwise it will become unsuitable for research);

    • according to Nechiporenko. Collect the average portion of urine (volume 10 ml);
    • according to Zimnitsky. Urine is collected throughout the day in the amount of 8-12 samples. The method allows you to evaluate its density and quantity with each urination. This will reveal some kidney disease, as well as dehydration.

    Physical and laboratory research methods are required if the patient complains of pain in the back and lower back, swelling, discoloration of the skin, problems with urination. They are completely safe and have no contraindications.

    Instrumental Methods

    The use of instrumental diagnostic methods is possible only with the appointment of the attending physician. There are several methods for such research. Which one to use to check the kidneys, only the doctor can decide, given the age and condition of the patient.

    The most commonly used ultrasound examination of kidney function. It is the safest and can be administered to all categories of people (even babies). For its use, special preparation is not needed, and there is no need to introduce harmful substances into the body.

    Ultrasound of the kidneys will help diagnose an increase in their size, the presence of cysts, tumors, stones. Its implementation requires ridding the intestines of excess gases so that they do not obscure the kidneys. For this you need:

    • 3 days before the procedure, refuse products that provoke gas formation and bloating (cabbage, potatoes, black bread, dairy products, raw vegetables, berries and fruits, confectionery);
    • take enterosorbents (Espumizan, Activated charcoal) that can suppress flatulence;
    • do not overeat on the eve of the ultrasound;
    • do a cleansing enema.

    A less gentle way is the X-ray diagnosis of kidney diseases, since it involves harmful X-rays that can provoke many diseases in humans. There are such types:

    This method requires special preparation of the patient. To do this, apply cleansing enemas, refusal to drink before the procedure.

    Also widely used for the study of the kidneys and such radiation methods:

    • CT scan;
    • radionuclide diagnostics;

    Radiation methods have a number of contraindications due to some risks that arise during their implementation. This may be the negative impact of X-rays and other rays on such groups of people:

    For them, the appointment of radiation procedures is not recommended at all or is applicable only if there are vital indications. Quite often, in the diagnosis of kidney diseases, a puncture biopsy is used (taking a piece of an organ for analysis). Usually. This method is indicated for suspected various neoplasms in the kidneys. This method is quite traumatic and requires the use of anesthesia.

    The appointment of one or another method of diagnosing the kidneys is carried out exclusively by a specialist - a therapist or a nephrologist, having previously studied the patient's medical history. To make a diagnosis, he must take into account his age, the nature of the symptoms and the general condition of the patient.

Main symptoms

If a person has any problems with the functioning of the kidneys, he will have the following symptoms:

  • regular increase in blood (arterial) pressure;
  • change in the color of urine, the appearance of impurities in it (including blood) and an unpleasant odor;
  • constant urge to urinate (especially at night);
  • decrease or increase in the volume of urine produced;
  • pain when urinating;
  • sharp or pulling pain in the lumbar region;
  • swelling of the legs and face;
  • constant thirst and loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

When the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to undergo an examination. With its help, it is possible to detect the onset of the development of diseases in a timely manner. Also, a prerequisite for the examination may be taking medications that disrupt the functioning of the kidneys (Acyclovir, Biseptol, diuretics, etc.).

Who is at risk?

Those people who regularly drink alcohol-containing drinks, smoke, take a large number of various medications should worry about the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Improper nutrition can also provoke the development of diseases. Kidney disease is often observed in people who are overweight and have diabetes.

Diagnostic methods at home

How to check the kidneys at home? Accurate diagnosis at home is not possible, but some activities can help determine if you have any kidney disease. First, remember if you are worried about pain in the lumbar region: sharp and acute pain is a symptom of renal colic, and aching indicates a chronic course of the disease.

Collect morning urine in a clean container. It is desirable that it be white, but you can use transparent. Carefully examine the urine: it should not contain any foreign matter, the normal color is yellow. If you notice a change in the color of urine or the presence of flakes, contact your doctor immediately! Especially dangerous is the staining of urine in brown or red.

Another diagnostic method is the calculation of the daily volume of urine excreted. To do this, urinate in one container for 24 hours, and then measure the amount of its contents.

Normally, a person excretes about 2 liters of urine per day. If this figure is greater, this indicates polyuria, if less, it is oliguria.

In anuria, the kidneys do not produce urine at all. In case of any deviations, consult a doctor immediately.

Another sign of impaired kidney function is swelling on the face. They are easy to detect by enlarged eyelids and a slightly swollen face. Edema in kidney disease is formed very quickly, while the skin is pale. They can occur not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body.

What tests should be done to check the kidneys?

In order to recognize kidney disease and check their work, it is necessary to undergo an examination in the clinic. First of all, the specialist will offer to take urine and blood tests.

Each person should give urine for analysis every six months. In the laboratory, urine is studied, the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes is counted, the color, transparency and acidity are determined. Also, experts detect the presence of pathogenic impurities.

What urine test to pass to check the kidneys? In addition to the general analysis, there are two more types of urinalysis that are used for kidney diseases:

  • according to Nechiporenko - will reveal pyelonephritis, cystitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • on Bence-Jones protein - it can be used to detect malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.

General blood analysis

Blood is taken in the laboratory from a vein and from a finger.

In the first case, the analysis will show the amount of creatinine and uric acid, in the second - the degree of inflammation (if any).

During the day before donating blood, it is forbidden to drink alcohol-containing drinks and medications.

Additional examinations

Based on the results of urine and blood tests, additional examinations may be prescribed to the patient:

  1. Ultrasonography. Using this method, a specialist evaluates the structure of the kidneys. Ultrasound is safe even for small children.
  2. X-ray. It allows you to identify various neoplasms in the kidneys. In some cases, the patient undergoes urography. To do this, a contrast agent is injected before the procedure.
  3. Scintigraphy. This method, unlike ultrasound, allows you to identify not only the size of the organs, but also functional disorders.

All of these methods will give a complete picture of the condition of the kidneys of the subject.

The most common kidney diseases and their symptoms

There are many diseases that lead to kidney failure, but some of them are especially common.

Urolithiasis disease

The main symptom of this disease is renal colic. It is a consequence of the release of a stone from the kidney into the ureter, which leads to a violation of the outflow of urine and injuries to the walls of the urinary tract. Acute pain can spread to the entire pelvic region, and sometimes to the inner thigh.

Inflammation (cystitis, pyelonephritis)

The most common diseases accompanied by inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract are cystitis and pyelonephritis.

With these ailments, the patient has a strong fever, lethargy and loss of appetite.

The pain can be both aching and sharp. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region. Often cystitis and pyelonephritis are accompanied by frequent and painful urination.

Infections (glomerulonephritis)

Glomerulonephritis is an infectious disease. In the early stages of the disease, an admixture of blood is noticeable in the urine, and as the disease progresses, anuria (cessation of urine production) can be observed. With glomerulonephritis, the electrolyte balance is disturbed, extensive edema develops, but there is no pain characteristic of renal diseases. The most serious complication is swelling of the brain and lungs.

Preventive measures

The kidneys are a natural filter of our body, so it is very important to take care of their condition and prevent the development of possible pathologies in advance.

To do this, it is enough to follow simple tips and recommendations, mainly related to the daily diet and lifestyle.

Here is a list of preventive measures that will help avoid the development of kidney ailments:

  • Limit the amount of protein-rich foods in your diet that cause kidney stones. The norm of protein per day for an adult is 0.7 grams per kg of body weight.
  • It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat more healthy foods for the kidneys: berries (lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries), watermelon and melon, rose hips, fresh herbs, vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, bell peppers), apples, fish (preferably sea).
  • Observe the drinking regime. If you do not have chronic kidney disease, drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day, in the heat, with dehydration (diarrhea and vomiting), with intense exercise, this volume increases.
  • Eliminate any hypothermia, as they increase the load on the kidneys.
  • Go in for sports (but do not overload yourself too much, dancing and yoga are suitable for the prevention of kidney diseases).
  • Get fit and strengthen your immune system.
  • Watch your weight.

The kidneys are a rather sensitive organ, so they should be treated with increased attention. If you notice any symptoms that indicate the development of kidney disease, be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that the disease is easier to cure at an early stage.

Indications for examination

Indications for examination may be various factors or external signs that are observed in the patient:

  • pain in the lumbar region is the main symptom of kidney disease;
  • pain of unclear localization, extending to the lower abdomen in the groin area;
  • discomfort when urinating or frequent urges may indicate a pathology in the urinary system;
  • the daily rate of excreted urine can be significantly reduced due to abnormal processes in the kidneys or impaired metabolic processes in the body;
  • persistent hypertension that does not respond to rapid reduction with essential drugs indicates the kidneys;
  • hematuria - the presence of blood in the urine, the second most important indicator of insufficient functioning of the excretory organs;
  • not a characteristic color, smell, concentration of urine, in most cases are associated with the inability of the internal organs to function normally.

Indirect signs include general fatigue of the body, nausea, fever, constant thirst, and a sharp decrease in weight. External manifestations of kidney disease include swelling of the lower extremities, puffiness of the face. It is important not to confuse the swelling of cardiovascular diseases that appear in the evening.

Home diagnostic methods

At home, it is not possible to accurately diagnose the disease, due to the lack of the necessary reagents for testing. However, it can be suspected that it is the kidneys that are responsible for the ailments and the symptoms that appear.

One way is to carefully examine the urine collected in the morning in a sterile transparent container. While a person is sleeping, the kidneys continue to function and purify the blood from decay products, therefore it is in the morning that the information content of this kind of analysis will be the highest.

Urine should be clear yellow, free of foreign matter, flakes or discoloration. The presence of blood in the urine or pus changes its color, and this indicates a violation in the urinary system and you should immediately seek medical advice.

An additional method of diagnosing at home is the collection of daily urine and subsequent counting. Just as in the previous method, you need to take a clean, and preferably a sterile container to collect fluid for 24 hours. After that, the collected urine is compared with normal values. Conventionally, a person excretes about two liters of urine per day. An indicator above the norm indicates polyuria, and below it indicates oliguria (the kidneys are not able to produce urine and purify the blood).

Both the presence of renal symptoms and the analysis of urine at home are not an absolute indicator of the disease of the excretory system. With any deviations from the norm, only a doctor is able to understand which particular organ is susceptible to pathology, and in accordance with this, prescribe treatment.

Lab tests

After an initial examination by a doctor, anamnesis and palpation of the lumbar region, laboratory tests of urine and blood are prescribed.

  1. A general urine test shows the presence and number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells. An assessment is given to the specific gravity, glucose, proteins, cylinders. The presence of pathogenic microflora, fungi, infections, bacteria is also determined.
  2. A general blood test is taken in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, then the results will be more revealing. The study will show anemia, as well as possible inflammatory processes that occur in the body.

There are additional urine tests that are considered more informative:

  1. Analysis according to Zimnitsky, in which the excretory function of the kidneys is evaluated. Every three hours throughout the day, an analysis is carried out for the amount and concentration of urine, which is a rather laborious process. The main thing in this study is not to violate the usual drinking regime, so as not to distort the indicators.
  2. Analysis according to Nechiporenko involves the collection of morning average urine (the first and last liquids are drained into the toilet). The study helps to detect infectious lesions (pyelonephritis, cystitis).

Indications for examination

Everyone benefits from a kidney exam. It would be far from out of place to clarify the state of the main filter of the human body.

Kidney testing is necessary if:

  • a person feels high blood pressure, over 139 to 89;
  • when urinating a small amount of urine;
  • frequent urge to urinate at night;
  • pain syndrome, feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region;
  • pain during urination;
  • urine has an unpleasant odor;
  • blood appeared in the urine, it changed color;
  • anemia developed;
  • for the diagnosis of urolithiasis;
  • to detect kidney stones;
  • after dehydration of the body, due to vomiting, diarrhea, high fever;
  • when taking potent, toxic drugs;
  • with morning sickness and a systematic temperature of 37.5 ° C;
  • with systemic diseases such as lupus, diabetes;
  • with a palpable neoplasm in the abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis of kidney disease is shown to everyone. It is better to prevent the development of a terrible pathology than to treat it for a long time.


In medicine, there are 2 main tests. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor can give an opinion on the state of the organ.

The first type of testing is laboratory techniques that help to see pathological changes in the function of a paired organ. The second type of testing is instrumental diagnostics. The methods allow to evaluate changes in the structure of the organ and urinary tract. And such a study as urography, allows you to judge the excretory function of the kidneys. So, how to check the kidneys, what are the methods? Research in the laboratory includes the study of blood and urine. The following substances are found in the blood:

  • urea;
  • creatinine;
  • uric acid.

Blood is taken from a vein. According to a general blood test, which is taken from a finger, one can only diagnose anemia, the presence of an inflammatory process without information about the place of its localization. Donate blood should be in the morning, on an empty stomach. In urine, the number of the following cells is determined:

  • leukocytes;
  • epithelium;
  • erythrocytes.

They give an assessment of the specific gravity, the presence of cylinders, proteins, glucose, pathological formations, which include all kinds of fungi, impurities or mucus. Urinalysis may be general, or it may be according to Zimitsky or Nechiporenko. Reberg's tests are often prescribed.

Instrumental methods

Today in medicine, 4 methods of instrumental research are used. Methods to assess the structure of the paired organ and renal tissue are as follows:

  1. ultrasound. Ultrasound of the kidneys makes it possible to assess the structure of the paired organ. Ultrasound examination is carried out in a planned manner once every 12 months. Ultrasound does not provide an opportunity to assess the function of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  2. X-ray study. This includes CT and x-ray examination with a tube, injection of IV contrast or into the urinary tract. The use of x-rays cannot be frequent, so the procedure is carried out only according to the indications of the attending doctor.
  3. Radionuclide scintigraphy. This study involves the introduction of a special radioisotope substance into the patient's body. Conduct research only as prescribed by the doctor.
  4. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Allows you to see the body in layers. Visualization is provided by a special magnet. Although this method is expensive, it does not harm the body, since it does not give radiation. The method is also used according to indications.

Diagnosis of kidney disease at home is not possible. You can only carry out prevention on your own.

Prevention is about more than just following the rules. It is very important to undergo an examination every year, to do an ultrasound of the kidneys, to take a general analysis of urine and blood. All other studies are usually prescribed by a doctor, based on individual indicators.

It is important to understand that a timely examination of the body helps to identify pathology in the early stages and, accordingly, to conduct effective treatment.

CT scan

CT, or computed tomography, can be done with or without contrast. It depends on the indications. A CT scan is prescribed when it is required to diagnose:

  • injuries or neoplasms in the kidneys;
  • infection in the kidneys;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • polycystic;
  • studies of the retroperitoneal space.

A CT scan is performed before the removal of the kidney, before the biopsy and after the removal of the organ. This is done in order to identify hematomas, if they have formed. In addition, CT is done before removing stones from a paired organ, after a kidney transplant. Conventional tomography does not require special preparation, but if the study is performed with contrast, then the following must be done:

  1. Read the documentation, fill out the questionnaire and give permission for a CT scan. You should also tell your doctor if you have a seafood allergy.
  2. Take a blood test for biochemistry, which will provide data on kidney failure.
  3. Do not eat before the procedure, at least 3 hours.

CT is performed as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove all metal, any metal objects, including piercings. If metal structures are installed in the body, then CT scans cannot be done.
  2. If CT involves the introduction of contrast, then it is drunk or injected. Before CT with a contrast agent, a simple tomogram of the kidneys is mandatory.
  3. Lie down on a medical couch and lie still, thanks to this the picture will be clearer.
  4. The radiologist does the study, being in a special booth. He keeps in touch with the examined person all the time and monitors his reaction so that there are no problems.
  5. There is a link button next to the couch. If the patient becomes ill, vomiting or other negative symptoms open, he can immediately contact the radiologist.
  6. If the patient is claustrophobic and a CT scan is necessary, then the doctor is always present in the office; in case of panic, he gives a sedative.
  7. The procedure does not last long, and the radiologist describes the images for about 30 minutes.

According to the CT scan, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Complaints suggesting kidney disease

There is a list of complaints that allow suspecting kidney problems:

  • Swelling of the feet, face;
  • Pain and discomfort in the lower back;
  • Increased pressure, combined with headaches;
  • Change in the type of urine;
  • Increased urge to urinate;
  • Decreased amount of urine;
  • Regular urging at night;
  • Persistent feeling of thirst;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Weakness;
  • Shortness of breath, decreased stamina;
  • Chest pain, heart problems;
  • Skin itching.

Diagnostic methods

People who suffer from kidney disease often wonder how to check the kidneys, what tests to take and which doctor to make an appointment with.

There are several ways to diagnose kidneys. The doctor who will check your kidneys and make the correct diagnosis is called nephrologist.



Ultrasound of the kidneys is the most common study. The kidneys are well accessible for ultrasound and thanks to new technologies, the accuracy of this method is not inferior to computed tomography.

In some cases, ultrasound of an organ with Doppler provides unique information.

During the ultrasound, the location of the kidneys and their interaction with other organs are studied.

Estimated organ mobility, which may be partial in inflammation, are detected anomalies of location and development.

The study of the contours of the body is also carried out to detect tumors.

Urography of the kidneys

Urography is performed for research kidney conditions: the patient is injected with a contrast agent and x-rays are taken. That is why the method is called contrast urography. It is based on the ability of the injected composition to delay x-rays.

Assign to patients with suspected stones, infection urinary tract, in the presence of blood in the urine, which may indicate inflammation or cancer, with damage to the excretory tract. There are several types of urography:

  • overview,
  • intravenous
  • excretory.

Plain radiography is the first step in the examination of patients. It provides information about condition of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, as well as determine volumetric formations.

The results of the study do not depend on the work of the kidneys. The method simplifies the differential diagnosis of urological diseases.

Radionuclide scintigraphy

Renal scintigraphy is performed at various urinary system disorders. Research is being carried out for

  • study of the shape, dimensions, position of the body,
  • localization and severity of the violation,
  • assessment of the functional state of the renal tissue.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic tomography is a method of examining the kidneys using a magnetic field and radio pulses.

MRI matters a lot to detect organ diseases. This is especially true for those who have contraindications for CT.

An extremely effective method for examining patients with kidney tissue formations, it is used when CT, ultrasound are ineffective, and when X-ray examination is not recommended.

It is also performed to monitor the effectiveness of the implemented treatment of renal disorders.

And those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, widespread atherosclerosis, or other risk factors should be screened as needed.

People are often interested in the question of whether a general blood test will show the presence of alcohol. There is no doubt that the presence of ethanol in the body will be reflected in the result. That is why one day before donating blood, you should not take alcohol. After all, this will significantly change the picture of the real state of health. Due to the negative effect of alcohol on the blood, it may be thought that a person has diseases that are actually absent.

How does ethanol change the analysis?

When alcohol is still in the blood, Hemoglobin, red blood cells, glucose, lactic acid, etc. are affected. Because of this, they may decide that a person is sick with certain ailments that he actually does not have. As a result, it will not be possible to prescribe the correct treatment, and drugs that are not needed may be prescribed. Therefore, if a general blood test is planned, you should not drink alcohol.

As already mentioned, hemoglobin changes, as well as red blood cells in which it is contained. These cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to other organs. Under the influence of ethanol and its decay products, erythrocytes cannot move normally, and adhesion occurs. Their number is also decreasing. Hemoglobin itself goes down, and this is bad for analysis.

It is also worth considering that alcoholic beverages increase the viscosity of the blood, which cannot normally penetrate through the lumen of blood vessels and capillaries due to clots.

Such a condition is considered dangerous not only for health, but also for life. In addition, if there is alcohol in the blood, then doctors may think that a person is developing megaloblastic anemia. Its symptoms are low hemoglobin, as well as a small number of red blood cells.

The action of the intoxicant does not end there. It can also affect your glucose levels. This is quite dangerous if a person has diabetes. It is also worth noting that the content of lactic acid increases. This sign can be mistaken for dangerous pathologies, for example, hemorrhagic shock.

It also happens that ethanol affects uric acid, increasing it. Because of this, doctors may decide that arthritis or gout is developing. In addition, the content of triacylglycerols in the blood increases. If there are more of them, then various diseases can be suspected. Among them are hepatitis, coronary disease, hypothyroidism, renal failure, atherosclerosis.

As you can see, alcoholic beverages have a pretty strong effect on performance. Therefore, it is important not only that the very fact of drinking drinks will reveal. The analysis itself will not be considered reliable, so it will have to be redone.

Alcohol analysis

There are various reasons when you need to specifically undergo an analysis for the presence of alcohol in the blood. Most often it is passed by drivers who violated the rules of the road. Also, this will be required if it is important to know whether a person has used ethanol or not.

As a rule, the study allows you to find out exactly whether the driver drank or not. Moreover, it will be possible to determine the presence of alcohol in the body even when there are no external signs. Therefore, this study is considered effective, and in some cases necessary. In addition, it is more accurate than the analysis of urine, saliva or exhaled air.

The result will also help determine how drunk a person is:

  • Up to 0.3. Alcohol does not affect behavior in any way, there are no external signs.
  • From 0.3 to 1. Ethanol has little effect on humans. However, self-control is lost.
  • From 1 to 2. The average degree of alcohol intoxication. The person experiences weakness, dizziness, nausea. The nervous system is overexcited. It is quite difficult to control yourself, it can be disorientation.
  • Up to 2.5. In this case, a person is very drunk, he can no longer be responsible for his actions. All symptoms characteristic of alcohol intoxication are present.
  • Up to 3.5. This condition is considered dangerous, as there is a risk that. As a rule, urgent assistance is required, which is aimed at removing toxins from the body and maintaining the functioning of the organs.
  • From 3.8 and more. Extremely dangerous condition, there is a high risk of death. It is necessary to take immediate measures in order to reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

If there is even a slight intoxication, then you should not drive. After all, the reaction will be slow, so you can get into an accident. Don't risk your health or the lives of others.

It should be noted that the result may be distorted in some cases.

First of all, alcohol can be detected in the body if a person takes medications containing ethanol.

But in this case, the indicator will be small. It also happens that the study is distorted due to the fact that alcohol was used for disinfection. In this case, you may get such a result, as if a person had drunk a little. If a person is sure that in the near future he did not use alcohol at all, then he should ask that the analysis be redone. By the way, the indicator of the procedure is influenced by various factors that need to be taken into account. First of all, it is important how much a person has consumed alcohol. It is quite obvious that if you drank a little, then there will be no intoxication.

It is also important how fast the person drank alcohol, because ethanol is gradually eliminated from the body. Therefore, if you drink not in one gulp, but for several hours, then the stage of intoxication will be less. It is also important to consider how strong the drink was. Naturally, the higher the concentration of alcohol, the higher the stage of intoxication. Therefore, the indicator may be higher after a glass of vodka than because of two bottles of beer.

By now, it should be clear how alcohol affects the blood test. It should also be remembered that before submitting the material for research, you should not drink for at least a day. Otherwise, the result will not be accurate.

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