The pharyngeal tonsil hurts. How to cure sick tonsils? What to do with inflammation


The tonsils are an important organ in the human body. They produce special antibodies that keep viruses and microbes out, and also support normal microflora in the mouth. When germs collect on the tonsils, they become inflamed.

A disease in which the tonsils become inflamed is called tonsillitis. long time doctors used to treat him surgical intervention. But at the present time, scientists believe that by removing the tonsils, some protective barrier in the body is destroyed. Removing the tonsils opens the way into the body for various bacteria, viruses and harmful microorganisms.

Inflammation of the tonsils is forbidden to be treated independently, you need to consult a specialist.

Causes of inflammation of the tonsils

Photo of inflamed tonsils (glands)

The main cause of inflammation of the tonsils is a weakened immune system. The tonsils are a protective barrier, thanks to which microbes, viruses and pathogenic bacteria do not enter the body. Under the influence stressful situations, lack of vitamins, exposure to polluted ecology, immunity decreases and inflammation of the tonsils may occur. Having noticed the first symptoms, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the disease.

Inflammation of the tonsils can occur for reasons such as:

Children are most often in the risk group exposed to the disease. This is because bacteria and viruses that cause tonsillitis are transmitted by airborne droplets. Since children and adolescents are constantly in contact with their peers, the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Symptoms of inflamed tonsils

Inflammation of the tonsils is caused by viruses and has the following symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • sore throat;
  • pain in the temples;
  • enlargement of the tonsils and the appearance of a white film on them;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lethargy of the body;
  • pain in the kidneys, heart, muscles;

If these symptoms are accompanied general weakness in the body and high temperature, it is necessary to suspect purulent inflammation tonsils. At the same time, the tonsils become a hotbed of such microbes as: streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc. From the tonsils, they spread throughout the body and affect the work of vital important organs, inflammatory processes occur, prostatitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, dysbacteriosis can develop. A person has a feeling of a foreign body in the throat.

If the tonsils become inflamed regularly and are accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and intoxication of the body, then we can talk about the chronic nature of the disease. In this case, there are malfunctions immune system, which leads to incorrect operation internal organs. Sometimes inflammation of the tonsils is accompanied by a temporary loss of voice.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the tonsils

With tonsillitis, which has chronic, the symptoms do not particularly bother the patient. But this does not mean that they do not need to be treated.

Chronic inflammation is accompanied by such signs:

  • sore throat during swallowing;
  • angina, which is chronic;
  • temporary absence of voice;
  • headache;
  • in some cases, dizziness is observed;
  • submandibular lymph nodes increase in size;
  • high body temperature.

Symptoms for which you need to call a doctor:

  • acute tonsillitis lasts more than two days;
  • the patient's condition is constantly deteriorating;
  • disruption of the respiratory system;
  • uncontrolled salivation;
  • difficulty eating and drinking.

If treatment is not started on time, the patient may begin to develop complications such as: cardiac rheumatism, glomerulonephritis, heart valve prolapse, paratonsillar abscess, pneumonia, hearing loss, exacerbated allergic reactions.


Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) is a very common condition. Accurate Diagnosis can only put qualified specialist who will preliminarily conduct an examination and take samples for analysis (smear from the mucous membrane of the throat). When the diagnosis is established, the doctor determines the tactics of treating the inflamed tonsils. Will it medications or removal of the tonsils depends on the degree of complexity of inflammation of the tonsils. For example, if a patient has purulent tonsillitis, he is treated with antibiotics.

Treatment with conservative methods

Well conservative treatment inflamed tonsils is aimed at the implementation of several goals:

  • recovery immune functions tonsils (to restore normal work tonsils, it is necessary to remove purulent plaque on the lacunae);
  • determination of an organ prone to inflammation and restoration of its work (for this, the patient must pass an immunological blood test);
  • prevention of complications (for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to wash the gaps twice a year).

Treatment of inflamed tonsils in adults and children involves the removal of purulent masses from lacunae and their treatment with various antiseptics(inhalation, rinsing and irrigation of the mucosa).

Conservative treatments are used to treat chronic tonsillitis, in which there is local manifestation symptoms.

Folk remedies

Rosehip decoction

With the appearance of a sore throat, indicating inflammation of the tonsils, it is shown to consume a lot of warm liquid with vitamin C (in no case should you drink hot). To do this, at home, you can use a decoction of wild rose or pharmaceutical dragees. It will also be helpful more often at home drink tea with lemon, sage, chamomile, mint.

Puffiness from the throat is well removed by inhalations with herbs and essential oils, gargling with antiseptics. You can gargle with water with iodine and salt. If the body temperature is normal, you can make warm foot baths, such baths will be more effective with the addition of dry mustard to the water.

It is worth considering that when the tonsils are covered with a white coating, then folk ways should be supportive. The main complex of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Pharmaceutical remedies for sore throat

If inflammation is viral origin, then they begin to treat it with the destruction of the virus. When tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed.

With angina of fungal origin, it is necessary to restore normal intestinal microflora, for this, the doctor treats with special antifungal agents.

Inflammation of the tonsils in adults and children, accompanying influenza or SARS, is caused by the penetration of the virus into the body. In this case, therapy is carried out with antiviral drugs. Immunomodulatory agents that have a local effect are effective.

There are cases that, in addition to chronic tonsillitis, the body manifests allergic reaction. Then appointed antihistamines and calcium gluconate, which are taken for five days.

Doctors can prescribe Panadol and funds based on it to a child. These drugs reduce pain and are accepted regardless of whether the body temperature is high or not. Temperatures below 38.5 are not recommended to be knocked down, since at a temperature of 38 many microbes and viruses die.

Medicinal lozenges with extracts will help reduce sore throat and disinfect medicinal herbs. You can also use cough syrups, homeopathic lozenges, aerosols to irrigate the affected throat.


Tonsil removal

In case of complications, palatine tonsils cease to cope with their task and turn into an infectious focus. Such an inflammatory process is called decompensated tonsillitis and is treated with surgery.

  • angina diseases more than twice a year, in which there is a purulent plaque on the lacunae, high fever, glomeruonephritis, polyarthritis, decreased immunity and other complications;
  • a single case of angina, accompanied by violations of the vital organs;
  • chronic tonsillitis disease, not amenable to treatment conservative ways, in a patient with diseases of cardio-vascular system, joints, etc.

The removal of the tonsils is carried out on an outpatient basis, the patient returns home on the same day. But for full recovery the body will take a few weeks. AT recovery period ear pain may occur. Also, the body becomes more susceptible to viral and infectious diseases.

Severe inflammation of the tonsils

If you do not start treating the inflamed tonsils in time, you may experience chronic tonsillitis with the formation of purulent accumulations between the tonsils. The patient has difficulty breathing, as the tongue and palate come into contact due to the abscess. In particular severe cases purulent abscess extends to the neck.

Preventive measures

Simple personal hygiene can reduce the likelihood of illness. You need to wash your hands more often, clean your nose and do other simple procedures that everyone has known since early childhood. When there is no way to clean yourself up with soap and water, you need to replace them with wet wipes. Permanent care behind you and simple hygiene procedures will prevent not only inflammation of the tonsils, but also a number of other diseases.

In order not to destroy the natural defense mechanism respiratory tract smoking people it is necessary to quit smoking, also nicotine negatively affects blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the throat.

The mucosa in the nose exercises protective function, preventing dust and germs from entering the body. Therefore, in order to prevent inflammation of the tonsils, you need to inhale air through the nose.

The main method of prevention is to strengthen the body's immune system. It is necessary to cure all diseases to the end, constantly replenish vitamins and healthy lifestyle life.

Mode during illness

It is very important for this disease to adhere to some recommendations, this will speed up the healing process. During the days of illness, the patient is advised to adhere to bed rest. The diet should contain only light food. It is necessary to give preference to warm semi-liquid food.

With inflammation of the tonsils, in no case should you make a diagnosis yourself. It is necessary to seek help from a qualified laura who will prescribe a complex of treatment and help you be healthy!


The tonsils are organs that consist of lymphoid tissue. More often in medicine they bear such a name as tonsils. These formations are localized in the oral cavity in the zone of the root of the tongue and soft palate, and perform a barrier function, preventing penetration pathogenic microorganisms that come in from the outside with the act of breathing. But an excess of viruses and bacteria in the air or a decrease in immunity leads to the fact that inflammatory response. AT this case timely treatment is necessary.

This problem most often occurs in childhood, but the possibility of developing the disease in adults cannot be excluded. Therefore, it will be useful for many to learn how to treat inflamed tonsils right at home.

How does inflammation manifest?

Inflammation of the tonsils in an adult and a child often accompanies diseases such as tonsillitis, influenza or SARS. And it can vary in its severity and duration:

  1. At catarrhal form the patient has discomfort in the throat, burning and sensation of perspiration. Sometimes there is a slight soreness with swallowing movements. The temperature may rise, but it rarely rises above 38 degrees. During the examination, swelling of the tonsils is visible, in small areas it is possible to detect mucous or purulent plaque. Lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw slightly increase in size and become painful.
  2. With follicular disease, the temperature already rises above 38 degrees. In this regard, there is intoxication and chills, pain in lumbar region, severe weakness and inability to perform the usual work. Pain when swallowing food can be so intense that a person loses his appetite, sometimes the patient feels a "shot" in the ear. Lymph nodes are enlarged, their soreness is noted on palpation. In young children, this phenomenon may be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.
  3. Lacunar inflammation of the tonsils in adults is even more severe, and clinical picture becomes very expressive. On examination, there is a significant increase in the tonsils, there is a total coating of yellow-white color. Intoxication becomes so severe that the patient is not recommended to be treated at home, he is placed in a hospital for this.

Therapy of the disease

How to treat enlarged tonsils? To do this, do the following:

  1. To get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, you need to gargle every hour, washing out pathogenic microflora and its metabolic products. For this purpose, antiseptic solutions are used.
  2. After half an hour, the result is fixed by lubrication medicinal substance which contains iodine. Most often, Lugol's solution is used, but it should be clarified if a person has allergies.
  3. At home, it is possible to cure the tonsils, if they are inflamed and hurt, only if the cause of the disease is eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the treatment of ARVI or influenza in full. If the cause is viral (herpes often occurs in children) or fungal infection, then you need to take special means, but before that you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor.
  4. With a high temperature, swollen lymph nodes and whitish rashes in the throat, it can be assumed that the inflammation of the tonsils is caused by the bacterial flora. In this case, oral antibiotics are recommended. Penicillins or other drugs are prescribed imperatively a wide range. But the most correct is the selection of therapy after crops for sensitivity.

Help in folk ways

How to treat enlarged tonsils at home is well known and traditional healers. Treatment natural remedies in adults, it can be used in combination with drugs.

  1. It helps to gargle every two hours with a solution of sea or ordinary salt. Making it is easy. Just take a glass of warm, pre boiled water one small spoonful of salt. Even more effective if you add the same amount of soda and a few drops of iodine to this remedy.
  2. Treatment of inflammation of the tonsils in adults is carried out with the help of spruce broth. You need to take the needles in the amount of 40 grams and pour a glass of boiling water. After the broth has cooled, it can be used for rinsing.
  3. Not everyone knows, but pomegranate peel has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. It must be dried, ground to a powder and taken in the amount of one small spoon per glass of water. Insist one hour. To do this, it is better to use a thermos. Rinse with ready-made broth up to five to six times a day.
  4. Treatment in adults and children can be carried out with the help of. You need to take one small spoonful of flowers and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. After cooling and straining, gargle the sore throat.
  5. At home, you can prepare another remedy. Brew for an hour or (one tablespoon per 300 ml of water). Rinse throughout the day as often as possible.
  6. Tonsils with their enlargement and inflammation in adults are recommended to be treated with clover. It is brewed (three small spoons per 300 ml of water), and taken 50 ml orally in the morning and evening. It is recommended to do this for about five days. The plant has antibacterial properties, and such treatment leads to a quick recovery..
  7. Helps in this case, the use of honey. It should be taken in a small spoon every day, with the slightest sign onset of the disease. If purulent deposits are found in the throat, honey is recommended to be added to solutions intended for rinsing.
  8. Traditional healers use propolis treatment for angina. His alcohol solution it can also be added to rinses with inflammation of the tonsils. For this purpose, you should take 20 drops of the product in half a glass of water. It is enough to gargle only three times a day to get an effective result.
  9. The tonsils become smaller and soreness goes away if you use a tincture treatment, which is easy to prepare yourself. It is necessary to prepare chopped stems in the amount of 100 grams and pour 500 ml of medical alcohol or moonshine good quality. They should be insisted for 10 days. Take 40 drops per 200 ml of water inside, you can gargle with the same composition.
  10. It's no secret that you can successfully cure this condition with the help of berries. They need to take 20 grams and pour boiling water (200 ml). Bring to readiness in a water bath and drink three times a day. At the same time, the temperature is significantly reduced during a feverish state, burning and sore throat are eliminated, inflammation quickly disappears.
  11. If a problem arises, and the tonsils hurt and turn red, then inhalations can be done. To do this, you need to take a horseradish root in the amount of 20 grams and brew 200 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil and insist a little. For the procedure, thyme is also suitable. You need to take 20 grams of grass and 300 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes.

Surely every person at least once in his life became inflamed tonsils. How to treat this disease, few know. Therefore, in this article, we decided to highlight this topic.

general information

What does a person feel if his tonsils are inflamed? How to treat this disease medications and at home? All questions must be answered by experienced specialist. But if you do not have the opportunity to contact him in the near future, then we will try to help you.

Before proceeding with the treatment of this ailment, life-threatening diseases, which are also expressed by lesions of the tonsils, should be excluded. It should be noted that there are quite a few diseases whose symptoms are very similar to banal sore throat. For example, diphtheria. It is characterized gray coating, which is formed on the palatine and lateral tonsils, as well as severe swelling throat. Moreover, the patient may constantly complain that his tonsils are very sore. How to treat this disease, only a doctor should tell. Indeed, at home, diphtheria is strictly forbidden to undergo therapy.

The main symptoms of inflammation of the tonsils

Before telling you about how to treat tonsils at home, you should tell what symptoms this pathology accompanies.

Secondary signs

What to do if the tonsils hurt? How to treat this disease at home, we will describe further. But before that, I would like to remind you that in addition to the main signs of the inflammatory process, there are secondary symptoms. Among them are the following:

  • the patient's manifestation of general weakness;
  • hoarseness or hoarseness in the voice;
  • headache;
  • swelling and redness of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of pustules.

It should be noted that secondary signs do not always appear in people. It all depends on the type of infection that provoked the inflammatory process in the tonsils.

Main reasons

There are many diseases that are accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. In addition, the cause of such a deviation can be a mechanical effect (for example, overvoltage after loud and long singing or speech, etc.). However, most often the tonsils become inflamed due to bacterial or viral infections and sometimes fungal. Depending on why the infection occurred and inflammation developed, the question of treating this disease can have several solutions. Moreover, they can be radically different from each other.

how to treat with medications?

There's no point in treating viral inflammation antibiotic agents. After all, you can get rid of a common cold by using antiviral drugs, as well as frequent and warm drink and ventilation of the room.

If the patient develops, then he can not do without antibiotics. However, only the attending physician should prescribe such medications.

Diagnostic process

The doctor should examine the patient's throat. If the tonsils have white coating and pustular foci, and the patient stably keeps fever for 3-5 days, then the specialist is obliged to apply antibiotic therapy.

In most cases, the bacteria that infect the tonsils are streptococci. This significantly complicates the treatment process, since it is very difficult to prescribe the right type of antibiotic against this ailment. After all, streptococcus has a fairly high degree of resistance to many drugs.

To speed up the healing process, doctors recommend doing bacterial analysis. To do this, you need to take a swab from the throat. As a result of such a study, the doctor will be able to easily prescribe an antibiotic that will be highly effective in a particular case.

Serious illnesses

So what to do if the tonsils are inflamed? How to treat this disease, only a doctor can advise you and only after an examination.

In the event that neither antibiotics could solve the problem, nor, most likely, you fungal infections tonsils They are quite easy to confuse with ordinary inflammation. As a rule, they are distinguished by a white cheese-like coating, which may be present throughout oral cavity. Similar infections determined only in the laboratory.

Currently, the most common fungal disease that affects the tonsils is thrush. It should be treated by external treatment of the oral cavity and tonsils with an antifungal solution.

Folk remedies

In addition to the therapy that was prescribed by the doctor, it will not be superfluous and folk remedies. By the way, they can significantly facilitate and speed up the healing process.

So what measures to take to cure inflamed tonsils at home? To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

Inflammation is an inflammatory process that occurs in the oral cavity. It can occur in both adults and children. In this case, a violent reaction of the body to inflammation is observed.

There are many causes of inflammation. Most often, this disease occurs due to:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Contact with infected sick people or objects.
  • Focal inflammation in the nasal or oral cavity.
  • Poor or untimely nutrition.

If the patient has purulent, then in most cases this leads to inflammation of the tonsils. At harmful conditions work or life, which are characterized by dust or gas pollution, this disease can also develop. A common cause of the disease is contaminated unboiled water that a person regularly drinks. If the human body lacks vitamins or proteins, then this very often leads to an inflammatory process.

People from weak immunity and low resistance of the organism, the disease affects most often.

The cause of the appearance of the disease can be, which has chronic form. It is a focal infection that occurs as a result of measles, etc. With the development this disease the mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils becomes inflamed. Inflammation in a patient can be observed as a result of an acute form. It occurs as a result of exposure to microbes: staphylococci, streptococci.

There are many reasons for the appearance of inflammation of the tonsils, which directly depend on the lifestyle of a person and the performance of the immune system.


Inflammation of the tonsils is characterized by the presence of a fairly extensive symptomatology. With the development of this, most patients complain of the appearance of aches throughout the body and general malaise. Also during this period, pain in the throat area is observed. Most patients have headache. Almost all patients with inflammation of the tonsils have an increase in the body.

Symptoms of the disease are not only physical condition patient, but also externally. When examining a patient by an otolaryngologist, he notices that the tonsils have changed their color. If the patient has an inflammatory process, then the tonsils become bright red. The doctor also notices a significant increase in the size of the tonsils. In size, they do not resemble almond grains, but walnuts. The tonsils are characterized by friability. Most patients develop cicatricial adhesions between the tonsils and the arches of the palate.

When the disease appears, doctors can diagnose the appearance of a yellowish-white coating and purulent plugs, which are characterized by the presence of an unpleasant putrefactive odor.

Under the human jaw are located The lymph nodes, which increase in size during the course of the inflammatory process.

The patient himself can feel only part of the symptoms that provide him with discomfort. When they appear, the patient needs to without fail see an ENT doctor.

Medical treatment

With the development of this disease, the patient's body weakens, which is why it is necessary to take vitamins.

They are selected according to individual characteristics the patient's body.should only be performed by a physician. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to correctly select medications.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of inflammation

Many patients first encounter such a condition as the tonsils are inflamed, and they do not know what to do in this case. Very often traditional medicine helps to overcome the disease.

With the help of folk medicines not only facilitates, but also significantly speeds up the process:

  • With inflammation of the tonsils, you need to drink a lot of warm drinks. To avoid burns, it is necessary that they are not very hot.
  • For drinking, it is best to use tea, which consists of viburnum, rosehip, chamomile, lemon.
  • If the patient has plaque or pustules on the tonsils, then they must be rinsed regularly. For this purpose, special antiseptic solutions are used.
  • You can also prepare a medicinal product based on sea salt. To do this, you need to take a glass warm water and add a teaspoon of sea salt to it. stirred until the salt dissolves and is used for.
  • A highly effective remedy is an iodine-based rinse medicine. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of warm water, add a pinch to it baking soda and sea salt and a few drops of iodine. This tool used for gargling thrice a day.
  • Ordinary honey has a high effect on inflamed tonsils. It must be eaten every day, one tablespoon at the first signs of the disease. If the inflammation is accompanied by the release of pus, then honey is added to medicines that are used to gargle.

Folk medicines are characterized high level efficacy in the treatment of inflammation of the tonsils. Despite this, before using traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Use of antibiotics

Inflammation of the tonsils - antibiotics: types and uses

Treatment of the inflammatory process should be carried out with the help of. Most often, for inflammation of the tonsils, drugs are used that belong to the pennicillin group.

The most frequently used is:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxicillin, etc.

These drugs belong to the category of semi-synthetic antibiotics that belong to the pennicillin group.

Drugs block transpeptidase enzymes, the location of which is the membranes of bacteria.

If the patient is contraindicated in the introduction of these drugs in the course of treatment, then they are replaced by Doxocycline, Cefalexin.These drugs belong to the category of semi-synthetic antibiotics, which are intended for systematic use. They provide a bacteriostatic effect, as they adversely affect the protein synthesis of pathogens.

Useful video - Angina: causes and treatment.

If present, antibiotics may be administered intramuscularly to the patient. Regardless of the drug used for treatment, its intake should be from 7 to 10 days.

Treatment of inflammation of the tonsils should be done immediately after the onset of the first symptoms. Otherwise, patients may experience. Most often, this disease provokes a deterioration in performance and joints. In some patients, there is untimely treatment deterioration of the kidneys.

If the inflammation of the tonsils constantly passes into the surrounding tissues, then their removal is prescribed. If the disease has a purulent process, then it can pass to the heart and lungs. This condition is very dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient.

With the transition of the purulent process to the surrounding tissue, patients may experience a purulent abscess.

Inflammation of the tonsils is enough dangerous disease, which not only causes discomfort to patients, but can also cause serious complications. That is why it is necessary to produce timely illness only after consulting a doctor.

Sometimes in a person’s life such a situation arises that the tonsil is swollen on one side. In this case, you should not panic, since the cause of tonsil inflammation can be of the most harmless nature.

However, self-medication or simply ignoring the problem that has arisen is also not a way out. You just need to figure out what to do in case of an ailment that has formed and how to properly organize its treatment.

Causes of unilateral inflammation of the tonsils

Exacerbation of pharyngitisAt a fairly low temperature, pharyngitis causes noticeable discomfort in the pharynx. It is difficult for the patient to swallow, which requires immediate medical attention.
Purulent tonsillitisTonsillitis in acute form often causes inflammation of the tonsils. In this case, the tonsil affected by bacteria or a virus begins to disturb the patient. The fungus can also cause the described inconvenience for the victim.
LaryngitisAn inflamed larynx is usually independent disease, or a concomitant link in other pathologies. Wherein bad habits aggravate the disease in the body.
SARSAcute respiratory disease often provokes inflammation of the tonsils, in which the palatine tonsils turn red. In this case, they do not form purulent lesions, which are characteristic only for follicular tonsillitis.

All of these diseases can provoke such a pathology as inflammation of one tonsil. The infection is insidious in that it quickly captures healthy areas in the human body. Therefore, it is frivolous to postpone a visit to the doctor in this case.

The process can be unilateral in the event that the inflammation has not had time to spread to the rest of the tonsils, therefore, without treatment, unilateral tonsillitis soon becomes bilateral.

The tonsils are associated with lymphatic system perform the same functions as the lymph nodes. The infection enters them, spreading through the mucosa of the pharynx and oral cavity, also with the flow of infected lymph. Pathological process may spread to the tonsil from the nasal cavity, middle ear, teeth, tongue, and soft palate.

Rare causes of the disease

Another inflammatory process that affects the tonsils is a pharyngeal abscess. It is a unilateral disease characterized by sharp increase the affected tonsil in size, strong pain, especially when swallowing, but not disappearing at rest, fever, pronounced syndrome general intoxication- headache, weakness, nausea. Abscess of the tonsil is dangerous with the spread of pus, development purulent pharyngitis, laryngitis, mediastinitis.

In addition to SARS and influenza, there are less common, but more dangerous reasons tonsillitis - childhood infections, such as scarlet fever and whooping cough, diseases of the immune system, tumor processes. In addition, the tonsil can become inflamed due to the spread of infection from the middle ear or diseased teeth.

Symptoms of inflammation

Signs of unilateral tonsillitis are quite bright. On the initial stage the inflamed tonsil turns red, the process is accompanied by sore throat, soreness when swallowing, talking and coughing. Then the edema of the affected tonsil increases, one tonsil becomes larger than the other, and this causes significant swallowing difficulties, sometimes so pronounced that the patient is forced to eat in small portions.

In some diseases, a plaque appears on the surface of the tonsil, which has a specific appearance, which depends on the causative agent of the disease and is diagnostic sign. With fungal infections, there is almost always a milky-white color, a curdled consistency (which is why candidiasis was called thrush).

At unilateral tonsillitis The left tonsil may become inflamed more often than the right. The mucosa around the affected lymphoid formation becomes red and inflamed, the process also spreads to a healthy paired tonsil.

Fever, cough and other cold symptoms do not always accompany tonsillitis. Heat body is a less formidable diagnostic sign than normal. Inflammatory process at normal temperature- a sign of a weak immune response to infection.

Treatment of unilateral inflammation of the tonsils

Therapy in the event of a situation will depend on the decision that the doctor will make after examining the patient. Treatment of the affected tonsil can be carried out as follows.

Use of antibiotics

The attack of the body by bacteria will be really repulsed only when using such medical preparations. Treatment in a situation where the tonsil is inflamed will become an ineffective method without this therapy.

In most cases, a doctor with an affected tonsil prescribes drugs such as Amoxicillin and its analogues in the form of Augmentin, Amosin or Flemoxin Solutaba.

It should be remembered that antibiotic treatment significantly affects the intestinal microflora.

Therefore, when taking such serious medications, it is desirable to maintain the condition of the stomach with Linex, Acipol or Bifiform.


If the tonsil is inflamed, then it is necessary to urgently remove the cause of the problem. In addition to taking antibiotics, it is necessary to correctly organize accompanying therapy. Treatment in this case is carried out with the help of antibiotics and rinsing the affected pharynx with medicinal herbs and alkaline solutions.

Such manipulations help rid the tonsils of pus and significantly reduce pain when swallowing. It is necessary to do the described procedures taking into account all the recommendations of specialists. First, the gargle solution must be at a temperature of 36 degrees, so as not to burn or chill the throat. Secondly, it should be remembered that the treatment of tonsil inflammation with medicinal herbs can cause swelling of the pharynx.

If there are no obvious contraindications, you can use pharmaceutical products such as Lugol, Furacilin, Rivonal or Iodinol. All these medicines will help get rid of the infection that struck the throat of the sick person. ethnoscience in this case, he will recommend rinsing the inflamed tonsil with potassium permanganate.

The main rule for such a procedure is the complete dissolution of the crystals of the described substance in water, so as not to cause irritation of the pharynx. Sea salt is also a formidable weapon if . Treatment in this case will consist in mixing a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of salt and soda.

The final touch in creating the perfect rinse solution is to add 5 drops of iodine to the healing liquid. In terms of using herbal decoction for washing the tonsils, treatment is best done with sage, calendula, chamomile and elderberry.

All the described ingredients must be mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Then it is necessary to repeat the procedure several times a day for the greatest therapeutic effect.

Applying compresses

Such dressings help make the treatment of inflamed tonsils extra help with antibiotic therapy. Sage - the best remedy when a problem occurs. This herb has always been famous for its healing properties, so a compress from it will help in as soon as possible functionally restore the problem area in the throat.

It is important to remember that it is only necessary to treat inflammation of the pharynx in this way by applying a cellophane film on top of the compress. This should be done taking into account the fact that the bandage should produce a warming effect. Therefore, on top of the medical dressing, it is worth tying a scarf or scarf made of natural fibers.


It is worth remembering that the vapors inhaled during the procedure should not cause an allergic reaction in a person. using inhalation is possible only after a thorough examination by specialists. The nebulizer will help to carry out the described procedure correctly, without harming the sick person.

medicinal juice

Few people know that inflammation of the tonsils can be blocked with a squeezed lemon mixed with sugar. This should be done in a 1: 1 ratio (a tablespoon of both ingredients). Received remedy It is recommended to take three times a day before meals. You can simply chew a lemon without adding sugar to reduce pain syndrome in the throat area.

Lubrication of the tonsil

It is recommended to do such manipulations with the help of kerosene. Unilateral inflammation of the tonsils can be treated with a ten-day lubrication of the affected area with sounded fluid. Clamping the tongue with a spoon or a special tool, you need to treat the problem area of ​​​​the tonsil with a stick, with cotton wool soaked in kerosene wound around it.

Cleansing the body

As you know, everything superfluous from human body needs to be cleaned up. Toxins are not best friends any individual, so you should get rid of them as soon as possible. Treatment of an inflamed tonsil with flushing harmful substances should be done regularly. In this case, you need to drink pharmacy herbal preparations or decoctions that are prepared at home.

It is recommended to treat the affected tonsil with a collection of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort and yarrow. You can use only one component from the voiced list, because each of these herbs has the ability to reduce tonsil inflammation in short span time.

Treatment in a situation where one tonsil is inflamed should be agreed with the doctor. It is not worth making hasty conclusions in this case, because the palatine tonsils are a kind of shield in the human body. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to engage in self-diagnosis in the event of a problem.

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