Daily intake of vitamin D3 for adults. Vitamin D3: why do women of different ages need it, when planning pregnancy and menopause. Preparations and prices. How to increase the level of vitamin D in the blood to optimal values

Assimilation of vitamin D3

The very first precursor of vitamin D3 is called skin cholesterol, which, under the influence of ultraviolet waves with a length of 280 nm, enters a chain of transformations, turning into 7-dehydrocholesterol and then into cholecalciferol. Such chemical reaction takes about two days. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that enzymes are not involved in the transformations, but photolysis occurs (the energy of light photons is used). The darker the skin, the worse and slower vitamin D3 is synthesized.

Then cholecalciferol, associated with a special transport protein transcalciferin, is carried by the blood to the liver, where it is transformed into calcidiol. After that, the same transport protein transports the substance through the blood plasma to the kidneys, and there the active form, calcitriol, is obtained from it.

The cholecalciferol that enters the body from the products is absorbed in the lower (distal) section small intestine. Bile is necessary for the absorption of the substance. The absorbed cholecalciferol binds to protein molecules - albumin or alpha 2-globulins and is sent to the liver, where it is biotransformed into active metabolites with hormonal properties. These metabolites are transported in the bloodstream and distributed in organs and tissues. There they are part of cell membranes, cell nuclei and mitochondria, and vitamin D3 is partially deposited in the liver.

After the absorption of vitamin D3, regardless of the source of intake - from food or through the skin, its maximum concentration in the body occurs after 5 hours, after which it decreases slightly and then remains stable for a long time. If there is insufficient concentration of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, the body synthesizes more calcitriol, which is able to extract minerals from bone tissue. When there are too many minerals, the synthesis of the hydroxylase enzyme, which is responsible for the conversion of vitamin D3 into active form.

The products of cholecalciferol metabolism, undigested residues, return to the intestine, where, in the presence of bile, they can be reabsorbed, circulating between the liver and intestines. The excretion of residues is carried out with urine and feces.

The biological role of the substance: why vitamin D3 is needed

the main role vitamin D3 is to control the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Let's figure out how this happens, and why such a balance is important:

  • calcium is part of the DNA and RNA nucleic acids in the cell nuclei, in order for the mineral to penetrate the cell, the membranes are equipped with special molecules - calcium pumps;
  • the calcium pump captures 2 calcium ions and 1 molecule of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from the blood. A chemical reaction occurs, and phosphorus from ATP provides energy for the penetration of calcium into the cell;
  • calcitriol is the only hormone that can ensure the movement of calcium ions into the cell through its membrane;
  • thanks to vitamin D3, a 2 to 1 balance between calcium and phosphorus particles is maintained in the blood. Violation of this balance leads to malfunctions of the cells, and then the organs as a whole.

Receptors for vitamin D3 are found in cells of the skin, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, brain, pituitary gland, female and male reproductive system, which means that these organs need calcitriol.

In the cells of the intestine, with the participation of calcitriol, proteins are synthesized that are able to carry calcium with the blood flow to any tissues. Thanks to vitamin D3, a constant concentration of calcium ions is maintained in interstitial fluid so that the bone tissue has the opportunity to absorb them if necessary. Vitamin starts a cycle of secondary absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys for their complete assimilation. If vitamin D3 is not enough, then the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals and calcium salts is disrupted in the bone tissue, that is, rickets and osteomalacia develop.

The activity of vitamin D3 is closely related to work parathyroid glands that produce parathyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for increasing the concentration of calcium in the blood and lowering phosphorus. If there is a malfunction in the intake of vitamin D3 and a decrease in the level of calcium, parathyroid hormone begins to be intensively synthesized in response and draw calcium from intracellular reserves, while simultaneously reducing the absorption of phosphorus into the extracellular fluid. There is evidence that vitamin D3 can regulate parathyroid hormone metabolism.

Vitamin D3 is also associated with other hormones: during pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone, androgens stimulate increased synthesis of calcitriol, since additional calcium and phosphorus are needed to form the skeleton of the unborn baby.

Substance functions

The most important function of vitamin D3 is the control of calcium metabolism, since a change in the concentration of calcium in the blood by at least 1% causes a number of disorders in the body:

  • the excitability of nerve endings changes;
  • impaired muscle conduction;
  • the penetration of minerals into cells worsens;
  • the activity of many enzymes decreases;
  • violated hormonal regulation metabolism.

Without the active participation of vitamin D3, it is impossible following processes in the body:

  • the formation of bone tissue cells of osteoblasts;
  • work of immune cells;
  • conduction of excitatory impulses through nerve and muscle fibers;
  • skeletal muscle activity;
  • activity of the heart muscle;
  • metabolic processes in skin cells.

Vitamin D3 is involved in the processes of cell growth, division and differentiation, it is considered an important factor in the prevention of malignant neoplasms. There is evidence that the vitamin controls the production of cholesterol and prevents the formation cholesterol plaques in blood vessels to prevent atherosclerosis.

The key function of vitamin D3 for the child's body is to prevent the development of rickets. If the vitamin is not enough, the baby's bones soften and deform, teeth grow poorly, and an abnormal bite is formed.

Lack of vitamin D3 at a younger age causes poor posture and curvature of the spine in older children, causes impaired joint mobility in 30-year-olds and the development of arthritis in people of mature age.

The norm of vitamin D3 for consumption and content in the body

The intake of vitamin D3 varies depending on the person's age, region of residence, and even skin color. It is subject to correction, if any. concomitant diseases that interfere with the absorption of the vitamin.

With age, the level of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin decreases, so the skin of older people does not synthesize vitamin D3 well, which affects the calcium balance in the body, and therefore it is recommended to increase the intake of the vitamin.

People with dark and swarthy skin need longer insolation or additional intake of vitamin D3, since it is contained in in large numbers the pigment melanin intercepts solar photons, preventing the skin from using them to synthesize the vitamin.

The activity of skin production of vitamin D3 depends on the geographic latitude and season: the angle of incidence of sunlight in regions closer to the north and in winter in the middle lane does not allow the skin to capture enough photons for the synthesis of cholecalciferol, so it is recommended to supplement the norm of the substance from foods and nutritional supplements.

Daily requirement for vitamin D3 at different ages (according to the recommendations of American nutritionists, 2010)

With regard to the additional intake of vitamin D3 by pregnant women, doctors express caution, since there is evidence of both the penetration of calcitriol through the placental barrier and increased activity hormone during pregnancy. An excess of vitamin D3 is fraught with a violation prenatal development baby. Therefore, the expectant mother is recommended to receive it during daily walks and with food. If the doctor recommends preparations with vitamin D3, then its content should not exceed 200-500 IU.

Children of the first year of life are prescribed a vitamin for the prevention of rickets, since the mechanisms for the synthesis of the substance by the skin are still imperfect. But the appointment and dosage depend on the condition of the baby and his mother, the nature of feeding, the region and season, and other factors.

Recent studies refute the notion that you can “stock up” on vitamin D3 during the summer months of active sun and then not know problems in the winter. A person needs constant replenishment of the vitamin content. Its synthesis is possible only in open areas of the skin without clothes, but daily one and a half hour walks on fresh air with an open face and hands is enough to get the norm of vitamin D3.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess of vitamin D3 in the body

The causes of vitamin D3 deficiency in the body, in addition to impaired absorption due to internal diseases, sometimes taking certain medications (antacids, diuretics, etc.), frequent use of sunscreens, refusal of meat products in the diet.

The first manifestations of vitamin D3 deficiency are spoken about by looking at brittle nails and split ends, discussing exacerbations of acne on the face, recalling the frequent visits to the dentist for recurring caries and brittle teeth. In these cases, dentists and cosmetologists recommend reconsidering the diet in favor of foods high in vitamin D3 and adding cholecalciferol pharmaceutical preparations to it.

A manifestation of vitamin D3 deficiency in children is rickets, a disease characterized by low levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which disrupts bone mineralization. At the initial stages of rickets, one can suspect its presence in a baby due to tearfulness and irritability, poor appetite, slow overgrowth of the fontanel, severe sweating and a characteristic slightly flattened nape with worn hairs (sweating skin on the head makes the child rub hard on the back of the head). Progressive rickets disrupts the formation of bones and teeth, provokes curvature of the limbs, chest defects, visual impairment. With proper treatment with vitamin D preparations, the manifestations of rickets most often disappear by adolescence.

In adults, vitamin D3 deficiency provokes osteomalacia, when the bones lack calcium and phosphorus and are structurally weakened. A person’s gait and posture are disturbed, muscles lose their tone and atrophy, bones hurt, and complex fractures often occur. Therapy with vitamin D3 preparations helps to relieve symptoms, and on early stages get rid of their illnesses.

Side effects of an excess of vitamin D3 in the body are weakness and headaches, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and irritability. An overdose of cholecalciferol causes an increased concentration of calcium in the blood and accelerates the excretion of mineral salts in the urine. These processes appear frequent urination with severe thirst, constipation, soft tissue calcification. More serious symptoms of a vitamin D overdose include:

  • disturbed heart rhythm;
  • severe weight loss up to anorexia;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • nephrocalcinosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • disruption of the kidneys.

Chronic hypervitaminosis, when large doses of vitamin D3 were taken for more than 2 weeks, threatens to disrupt the functions of the heart, kidneys, lungs, intestines due to the deposition of calcium salts in them, which can lead to a fatal outcome.

The first necessary action in the treatment of an overdose of vitamin D3 is the abolition of the drug and severe restriction of exposure to the sun. Recommended intake of vitamins A and, ascorbic acid that reduce the toxicity of cholecalciferol, the rejection of foods and dietary supplements with calcium content.

Treatment of hypervitaminosis requires hospital conditions, where infusion therapy with diuretics, potassium and magnesium preparations is prescribed, in severe cases corticosteroids are administered in a short course.

Products containing vitamin D3 will not be able to fully cover the body's need for cholecalciferol, since its content is low there: most of the vitamin is found in fatty ocean fish, a little in meat and offal, and a small amount in some fruits and vegetables.

Fish and seafood Animal products herbal products
Halibut (liver) 2500 Chicken egg yolk 7 Chanterelles 8,8
Cod (liver) 375 Chicken egg 2,2 morel mushrooms 5,7
Fish fat 230 Beef 2 oyster mushrooms 2,3
Acne 23 Butter 1,5 Peas 0,8
Sprats in oil 20 beef liver 1,2 White mushrooms 0,2
Atlantic herring 17 Dutch cheese 1 Grapefruit 0,06
Mackerel 15 Cottage cheese 1 Champignons 0,04
Black caviar 8,8 Sour cream 0,1 Parsley 0,03
Red caviar 5 Milk 0,05 Dill 0,03

Cholecalciferol easily tolerates heat treatment, so there is a lot of it even in fish canned with oil. Fatty acids, which are rich in sea fish, contribute to better absorption of vitamin D3.

A chicken egg will be able to provide 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin D3, and there is very little cholecalciferol in quail, goose, turkey eggs. Meat products are poor in vitamin, only lamb and beef liver and kidneys contain a significant amount of it. There is little vitamin in dairy products, but with frequent use in large quantities, cheese, cottage cheese and butter will help maintain the level of cholecalciferol (the daily norm of the substance is in a kilogram of cottage cheese).

Some mushrooms are rich in vitamin D3 - but only those that have grown under the sun (forest, field), and not in greenhouse or industrial conditions. Some herbs - horsetail, alfalfa, nettle also contain some cholecalciferol.

The benefits of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is necessary to increase the permeability of cell membranes and the mitochondria in them - cellular organelles that are needed for energy production. Thanks to cholecalciferol, nutrients easily pass through cell and mitochondrial membranes and metabolic products are excreted.

In the intestinal epithelium, with the participation of vitamin D3, penetration through cell membranes calcium cations, phosphates and other minerals, their capture and assimilation by bone tissues. Vitamin D3 is useful for strengthening tooth enamel.

The benefits of cholecalciferol are undeniable for the formation of teeth and bones of the skeleton in children. The substance is necessary for the absorption of phosphorus, without which the synthesis of DNA and RNA nucleic acids, phospholipids, enzymes and amino acids is disrupted.

The benefits of vitamin D3 are confirmed when prescribing an additional intake for women in the perimenopausal period: it relieves menopausal symptoms and prevents osteoporosis. Vitamin is useful in some dermatological diseases inflammatory nature: calcitriol promotes recovery healthy microflora skin.

Contraindications to taking vitamin D3 preparations

Taking vitamin D3 is contraindicated in conditions associated with an excess of calcium in the body and its impaired absorption - hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Large doses of cholecalciferol are prohibited when the patient is immobile for a long time. At the same time, small doses, if necessary (if we are talking about fractures) appoints and supervises the doctor.

With caution and under the control of blood tests, vitamin D3 is prescribed for conditions such as:

  • organic heart disease (ischemia, myocarditis, myocardiopathy, heart disease);
  • acute and chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • hypothyroidism.

To a limited extent and according to direct indications, vitamin D3 can be prescribed to pregnant women and the elderly.

Side effects of the substance

Side effects when taking vitamin D3 preparations act typical signs intoxication - headaches, nausea, impaired stool. More serious manifestations of the side effects of cholecalciferol are kidney irritation - pain in lumbar region, painful urination, darkened and cloudy urine, fever against the background of pain in the kidneys, increased blood pressure, puffiness under the eyes.

In patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, an exacerbation of the process is likely against the background of taking cholecalciferol.

Vitamin specific instructions

If a vitamin D3 preparation is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, one must be aware of the risk of overdose, which is especially dangerous for children with impaired kidney function and development kidney failure. Children are allowed to take no more than 10-15 mg of cholecalciferol per year.

When treating with vitamin D3 preparations, it is necessary to control the level of calcium in the urine and blood, with special attention - if thiazide diuretics are simultaneously prescribed.

While taking vitamin D3 preparations, it is necessary to limit exposure to the open air, under the active sun, in order to avoid hypervitaminosis.

Drugs with substance

The drug called "Vitamin D3" is available in oil, water and alcohol solution with a volume of 20 to 50 ml with a special dropper cap. An aqueous solution is more often recommended for children. It is active in rickets, is rapidly absorbed and creates a high concentration in the liver. It is convenient to dilute such a solution in a spoonful of water or milk and give it to the baby. Oil solution is not recommended for pancreatitis peptic ulcer intestines, chronic enterocolitis. It is also diluted in water or dripped onto a piece of sugar. An alcohol solution is rarely recommended because of the danger of its increased concentration when the liquid evaporates.

As a replacement for "vitamin D3", Aquadetrim, Videhol, Osteokea are prescribed.

The drug "Cholecalciferol" is available in the form of drops for oral administration and a solution for intramuscular injections. The same drugs - Vigantol, Videin 3, Vitamin D3 BON. Their use is agreed with the doctor.

Calcipotriol is an ointment with a synthetic analogue of vitamin D3. It is prescribed for psoriasis and some other inflammatory dermatoses.

"Alpha D3-Teva" - capsules with oil solution vitamin D3 inside, contain its synthetic form.

"Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte" - tablets containing daily dose vitamin D3 and calcium, with mint, orange or lemon flavor.

Vitamin-mineral complexes with vitamin D3 - Complivit Calcium D3, Duovit, Pikovit. Their reception should be coordinated with the doctor, especially in relation to children, in order to prevent an overdose of the vitamin.

Interaction of vitamin D3 with other substances

Vitamin D3 in combination with other fat-soluble vitamins reduces its toxic effect, its combined use with vitamins A and prevents the risk of hypervitaminosis. In the case of rickets in children, the appointment of vitamins C and group B improves collagen synthesis in bone tissue and strengthens it. In this case, the dose of vitamin D3 should be reduced.

The use of drugs containing calcium against the background of an increased content of vitamin D3 carries the risk of increased hypercalcemia, magnesium in the presence of the vitamin is absorbed better and faster.

Interactions of vitamin D3 with certain drugs

Retinoids Reduce vitamin toxicity
Vitamin E Improves Vitamin Metabolism
Anticonvulsants (Difenin), barbiturates Impair vitamin absorption
Cholesterol-lowering agents (cholestyramine), hyperlipidemic drugs Violate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamin D3, so they can not be combined
Synthetic laxatives Reduce absorption efficiency
cardiac glycosides Vitamin D3 impairs their activity
Corticosteroids They interfere with the absorption of the vitamin and intensively remove it from the body, while disrupting calcium metabolism
Antituberculous drugs (Paraaminosalicylate) Violate the balance of calcium and phosphorus, causing vitamin D3 to become more active

With the simultaneous intake of vitamin D3 and drugs for weight loss that inhibit lipase, the vitamin is practically not absorbed.

Indications for the use of vitamin

Vitamin D preparations are prescribed by a doctor if diagnosed following deviations in health:

  • muscle cramps (tetany);
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • violation of the synthesis of parathyroid hormone;
  • softening of bone tissue (osteomalacia);
  • delayed healing of fractures;
  • frequent caries and brittle teeth;
  • diagnosed low maintenance calcium in the bones.

Vitamin D is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets and rickets-like diseases (hereditary nephropathies, etc.).

General instructions for use and dosage

Vitamin D3 preparations in an aqueous and oily solution are recommended for prophylactic administration, one drop per day. The solution is dripped onto a piece of sugar or diluted in a spoonful of water, taken regardless of the meal. Therapeutic doses are prescribed by a doctor.

Taking vitamin D3 supplements different indications approximately assumes the following doses of the substance.

Cause Dosage Duration of admission
Prevention of hypovitaminosis - adults under 60 years old - 400 IU;

Over 60 years old - 600 IU;

Once a day for 2-3 weeks as directed by a doctor
Prevention of rickets in children under 5 years of age 200,000 - 400,000 IU Intramuscularly 1 time in 6 months
Treatment of rickets, hypocalcemia, spasmophilia 200,000 IU + calcium salt preparations Intramuscularly 1 time per week with an interval of 2 weeks, the duration is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the tests
Treatment of osteoporosis, osteomalacia 200,000 IU Intramuscularly every 15 days for 3 months
Prevention of attacks of tetany Up to 1,000,000 IU Daily, the duration is determined by the doctor

Vitamin D3 capsules are prescribed for adults and children over 6 years of age who are able to swallow the capsule without chewing. Assign to swallow 1-2 capsules a day after meals with plenty of water.

Vitamin D3 tablets also have age restrictions: they are not given to children under 6 years of age. One tablet per day should be sucked or chewed with or after meals.

Vitamin for skin and hair

Already in the process of cholecalciferol synthesis in the skin, when exposed to sunlight, its stratum corneum thickens, the skin becomes denser. After the substance has been converted to its active form in the kidneys, its molecules partially return to the skin, because its cells are equipped with receptors for communication with calcitriol and need it. The task of calcitriol is to regenerate the barrier properties damaged skin, renewal of the epidermis, control of cell division and differentiation, activation immune protection. There is evidence that vitamin D3 contributes to the restoration of healthy microflora in skin inflammation.

Thanks to vitamin D3, the skin retains its elasticity and smoothness, healthy color, and good hydration. In the presence of acne, inflammatory elements heal faster in the presence of the vitamin. For hair, vitamin D3 is important as a strengthening and regenerating agent, which improves growth, strengthens hair follicles breakage is prevented.

Analysis for vitamin D3

A blood test for vitamin D3 is necessary in order to clarify the likelihood of hyper- or hypovitaminosis, as well as to monitor the success of therapy using this vitamin.

Usually, any blood test for vitamin D examines the level of its most active and stable metabolite - 25 (OH) D3 - that is, cholecalciferol. Therefore, to determine the level of vitamin D3 in the list of laboratory tests, routine research for vitamin D.

For analysis, venous blood is taken, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Reference values ​​​​for vitamin D3 are from 20 to 70 ng / ml, if an indicator of 5-10 ng / ml is a severe deficiency, more than 150 ng / ml - we are talking about intoxication.

An additional diagnostic indicator of hypervitaminosis is an increased concentration of phosphorus and calcium in the blood and urine, an increase in the level of calcitonin and a decrease in the values ​​of parathyroid hormone.

Vitamin D3 and calcium are jointly involved in strengthening bone tissue, accelerate the healing of fractures and prevent osteoporosis. For more information on getting vitamin D3 from foods exposed to sunlight, see the video below.

To maintain health, it is important for a woman to control the amount of vitamin D in the blood. Especially during the period of bearing a child and in a state of menopause. Its benefits are known. However, not everyone thinks about what role it plays in the body. It is necessary for a woman during pregnancy, during breastfeeding. The state of health, phosphorus-calcium metabolism depends on its quantity in the body.

Vitamin D is a substance produced in human skin, tissues of animals and plants under the influence of the sun or ultraviolet rays. Its Russian synonym is 25-hydroxycalciferol.

The substance group includes:

Vitamin differ depending on the type of origin:

  1. Endogenous. Formed in the skin from provitamin 7-dehydrocholesterol (D 3, cholecalciferol).
  2. Exogenous. Enters the body with food (D 2, ergocalciferol).

Conditions for formation in the body:

  • sunlight or ultraviolet rays;
  • skin color (the lighter, the better the synthesis);
  • age (aging skin practically does not produce vitamin D);
  • the state of the atmosphere (cloudiness, rains prevent synthesis).

Provitamin 7-dehydrocholesterol is converted into cholecalciferol in human skin under the influence of sunlight. In the same place, it binds to protein and in such a tandem enters the bloodstream and the liver.

In the liver, it is converted to 25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol (calcidol). Then, in the kidneys, it is converted into 1,25-dihydroxy-cholecalcifers (calcitriol), that is, into the biologically active form of vitamin D.

Forms D 2 and D 3 are the most common natural compounds. In appearance, it is a white crystalline, powdery, fat-soluble substance that dissolves in ether, chloroform, alcohol, but is insoluble in water. Quantity is measured in international units (IU).

The importance and role of vitamin D in the body

The norm of vitamin D in the blood of women during childbearing is a necessary requirement for the health of the baby and future mother. Its deficiency during pregnancy is fraught with premature birth and multiple complications in both the woman and the baby.

Violation of the balance of vitamin D during menopause entails the development of not only osteoporosis, but also diabetes, allergies different type and other metabolic diseases. This vitamin, also called solar, acts on the body both as a vitamin and as a hormone.

As a hormone:

  • binding in the intestines with protein, it helps to move potassium in the body;
  • helps to absorb calcium in the kidneys.

As a vitamin:

  • regulates the level of phosphorus and calcium in the blood;
  • protects bone mass, prevents rickets and osteoporosis, increases the absorption of calcium in the small intestine;
  • reduces susceptibility to cardiovascular skin diseases, oncology, metabolic diseases;
  • prevents muscle weakness;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates the work thyroid gland.

Indications for analysis

Vitamin D is synthesized in the body under certain conditions. In addition, the norm in the blood of women different ages, respectively, is different.

After 45 years, even in the absence visible reasons, endocrinologists recommend monitoring the level of the vitamin, since it is at this time that a person’s ability to receive it with food decreases. Synthesis in the aging skin is significantly reduced.

Vitamin D deficiency is dangerous for the body, especially for women.

Therefore, you should exclude the risk of its development and go through the usual procedure for donating blood for analysis:

How to pass the analysis

For research, blood is taken from a vein or urine. The immunochemiluminescent method of investigation and the Sulkovich test are used, respectively. An appointment for the analysis of "25-OH vitamin D" is given by endocrinologists, general practitioners therapeutic practice, rheumatologists, orthopedists, traumatologists. According to the level of an intermediate product of vitamin D synthesis,

25-hydroxycalciferol, you can judge the level of calciferol in the body and determine the excess or deficiency.

Before research, you should:

  • refrain from smoking;
  • do not eat at least for three hours, it is only allowed to drink water without gas;
  • exclude spicy, salty, fatty foods from the diet on the eve of the tests.

The exact result can be affected by:

  • pregnancy;
  • taking drugs that lower the level of vitamin D in the blood, namely oral anticoagulants, phenyton, phenobarbital, rifampicin;
  • X-ray methods of research, as they change biochemical composition blood.

The norm of vitamin D in women by age

The norm of vitamin D in the blood of women is determined by individual indicators and depends on age, physiological structure and even emotional state.

The average values ​​are somewhat different, depending on the laboratory that made the analysis. However, there is that golden mean, which should be guided by when conducting a survey. The most favorable and indicative is the age of the woman.

The norm of vitamin D in the blood during pregnancy

The norm of vitamin D in the blood of women during pregnancy in its average should be equal to 30 ng / ml. For proper intrauterine development, the baby needs a lot of calcium, which directly depends on the concentration of vitamin D in the mother's blood.

Table of norms of vitamin D in the blood in women by age and during pregnancy

It crosses the placenta, but circulatory system his child is not enough. On the other hand, it is forbidden to prescribe high doses of the vitamin without medical supervision for a period of more than 6 months, so as not to provoke toxic manifestations.

Reasons for deficiency

Among the causes of a lack of vitamin D in a woman's body, experts note:

Deficiency symptoms

Signs of vitamin D deficiency can be similar to diseases:

  • feeling tired and general malaise;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased vision;
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • allergic reactions;
  • private fractures of bones;
  • changes in appetite;
  • peeling skin;
  • weight loss;
  • joint pain;
  • muscle cramps.

To determine the cause of an uncomfortable state of health, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination annually.

What diseases are caused by a lack of vitamin D?

Against the background of an insufficient amount of vitamin, due to its poor synthesis, diseases such as:

  • depression;
  • asthma;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • migraine;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • metabolic disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • periodontal disease;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Causes of hypervitaminosis

The norm of vitamin D in the blood of women may be higher than generally accepted, which also causes negative symptoms. The cause is an overdose of the drug, even for a short time.

If foods high in phosphorus and calcium are consumed while taking vitamin D, this significantly aggravates the situation. When their content in the blood rises to a critical level, it is possible internal damage kidneys, soft and bone tissues.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis

An overdose of the “sunshine vitamin” is no less dangerous than a deficiency. The body reacts:

Symptoms are similar to intoxication.

If the concentration in the blood is not critical, then appear:

  • irritability;
  • muscle spasms;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive excretion of urine.

The condition needs urgent medical intervention and treatment. First of all, the drug of the vitamin D group is canceled and drugs are prescribed to increase the level of acidity of the urine in order to reduce the possibility of calcium deposits in the kidneys. The patient is prescribed a strict diet that limits foods high in calcium. A study is ordered to determine bone density.

How to adjust nutrition

In addition to the use of drugs, diet should be adjusted. By using certain products, it is possible to reduce the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in tissues and blood in order to return a comfortable physical condition. You need to limit your diet to diet. Its main principles are fractionality and mode.


  1. The daily menu should be divided into small portions, 200 or 300 grams, and eat food in 5-6 meals.
  2. Food should be taken at strictly defined hours for this. The body gets used to and begins to produce substances involved in digestion at the same time and in the amount that is necessary for the absorption of nutrients from the foods eaten.

To reduce the amount of calcium and phosphorus that come with food, you need to exclude from the diet for the duration of treatment:

Useful during this period of time for health will be:

  • boiled or oven-baked chicken or turkey meat;
  • low-fat varieties of fish in boiled or baked form (navaga, cod, pollock, bream, pike perch, pike);
  • greens;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat.

The same principle of fractionation and regimen is also preserved with a lack of vitamin D. However, products should be consumed exactly the opposite.

That is, they will benefit:

  • liver;
  • veal;
  • beef;
  • sturgeon varieties of fish;
  • whole milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • butter;
  • legumes;
  • various cereals.

In order for vitamins and microelements to be fully absorbed, it is better to eat meat with vegetables.


The list of drugs that compensate for vitamin D deficiency is wide. The remedy is selected according to individual indicators, depending on the diagnosis and tolerance of the components of the drug, by a general practitioner, endocrinologist, gynecologist, rheumatologist, orthopedist, traumatologist. The drugs are available in tablets, capsules, solutions.

In the Russian pharmacy chain you can buy:

Means for women during the period of bearing and feeding a child with breast milk are chosen especially carefully, since beriberi and hypervitaminosis are equally dangerous and lead to extremely dangerous consequences for the health of the expectant mother and fetus.

And since vitamin D is intended, in fact, for two, then therapeutic dose in the blood of women in position should be slightly higher than normal for an adult.

  • Aquadetrim- tablets, normalize the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, used for rickets, osteomalacia;
  • Dibas- injection solution is used in the treatment of diseases associated with calcium deficiency;
  • Vitrum Prenatal- tablets, vitamins containing vitamin D.

They are stored away from sunlight due to the instability of the drug components (in the refrigerator).

The shelf life depends on the form:

  • oil drops - 2 years;
  • aqueous solution - 3 years;
  • capsules - 2 years;
  • ointments, creams - 2 years.

Medicines of the vitamin D group are used depending on the form. It is taken with milk or other liquids, rubbed into the affected areas of the body, or injected intramuscularly. At the same time, the norm of the content of vitamin in the blood of women and the peculiarities of the diet are taken into account in order to avoid exceeding the content of vitamin D in the body.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about Vitamin D

The role of vitamin D in the body:

When the need rises

  • Signs of deficiency

Why an overdose of vitamin D3 is dangerous Sources of vitamin D3 intake into the body from the outside

  • Table of vitamin D content in food

Preparations with vitamin d3

What is vitamin d3

Significance for the body

Musculoskeletal system. Without this substance, the absorption of calcium, which is part of the bones, ligaments, dental tissue, muscles, and blood, is impossible. Its deficiency leads to the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue, as a result of which it weakens and changes in structure. This results in osteoporosis. The risk of the disease is especially increased during menopause, when the absorption of nutrients and the production of vitamin D3 deteriorate significantly.

With a weakened immune system, the risk of breast cancer, intestinal cancer, skin diseases (psoriasis), and multiple sclerosis increases.

When the need rises

Signs of deficiency

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis:

  • hypertension;
  • liver enlargement.

Preparations with vitamin d3

Hair loss, tooth sensitivity, flaking of the skin of the face and body, bone pain and general feeling depression - all these symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are so familiar and common in women. They are usually caused by a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D deficiency is especially common.

Let's take a look at the benefits and harms of vitamin D for women.

Role in the body

Vitamins of group D perform several very important functions for the body at once:

  • regulate the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • transport calcium from the blood to the bones;
  • increase immunity;
  • responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine;
  • participates in the process of hormone synthesis.

Calciferols are divided into several types: cholecalciferol (D3), ergocalciferol (D2), D4, sitocalciferol (D5) and stigma-calciferol (D6).

Their main difference lies in the function they perform. special role it is vitamin D2 and D3 that play in the maintenance of life, a significant effect of other types of calciferol on humans has not yet been proven.

Cholecalciferol is fat soluble vitamin, which is responsible for the absorption of minerals, the preservation normal structure bone tissue.

Ergocalciferol, in turn, maintains the optimal concentration of these substances in the body. Consequently, It is necessary to take both types of vitamins at the same time, as they complement each other..

Why is vitamin D useful for women?

The intake of D vitamins is very important for the female body, because calcium is responsible for the condition of our bones, the regulation of the heart, the transmission nerve impulses, fast metabolism and blood clotting.

With its deficiency, a strong deterioration in the condition of the teeth, frequent fractures and injuries, pain in the knees, bleeding,

hair loss

and brittle nails.

Phosphorus is the main component of teeth and bones, and is also involved in the synthesis of nutrients into energy and in the process of cell division. If there is little phosphorus in the female body, then pain in the bones, general weakness, decreased metabolic rate and skin rashes.

But it is calciferols that help to assimilate these minerals! Therefore, it is so important to take not only the necessary minerals, but also vitamin D, which will help them assimilate and stay in the body for a long time.

how to get pregnant fast

and what will help you. Many secrets future parents forget to take into account.

What vitamins for immunity to drink for a child are described in detail here.

Vitamin E - why it is necessary for women when planning pregnancy, is described here.

Daily rate

What is the norm of vitamin D for women per day?

The need for calciferol per day is 5 mcg.

Since we get cholecalciferol from food, and ergocalciferol from sunlight, the daily norm of this component for people living in the north can be increased to 10 mcg.

It is also recommended to increase the daily dose of vitamin D3 to 10 mcg for women who rarely go outdoors, lead a mostly nocturnal lifestyle, or live in poor environmental conditions.

Girls and girls aged 11 to 20 years should also increase the amount of calciferol to 10 mcg, since in this period of life the final stage of the formation of bones and teeth, the development of the female reproductive system, high activity, and muscle growth are observed.

Increased need for pregnant and lactating women. It will be 10 mcg per day. This dose is necessary for the normal development of the child and the prevention of the risk of rickets.

The program “Live Healthy” in this video highlights what daily dose of vitamin D is needed:

A blood test helps to show the content of Vitamin D in the body, its deficiency or excess. Usually this procedure is prescribed by an endocrinologist, but if you want to drink any complex, then we advise you not to neglect this analysis either.

Blood collection is performed on an empty stomach, before it you can not eat 8-10 hours. Of the drinks, only pure water can be consumed, since coffee, tea, and especially sweet juices and soda can violate the veracity of the testimony. The cost of the analysis usually ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the place of residence and the medical center itself.

A scale indicating a reduced, very low, normal or excessive level of vitamin D in women in the blood: with readings less than 10 ng / ml, there is a lack of calciferol, 30-100 ng / ml is a normal concentration, more than 100 ng / ml is an excess.

A video about vitamin D will tell you in detail in which cases it is prescribed:

Causes and symptoms of deficiency

Causes of calciferol deficiency are:

  • little variety in food;
  • lack of nutrients in the body;
  • rare exposure to the street in daylight sunlight.

Especially often there is a deficit when girls go on various diets. The most detrimental in this regard can be called mono-diets, during which you need to eat only 1 product, and protein diets.

For our beauty and health, all useful substances must enter the body. You can find cholecalciferol in cod liver, egg yolk, seafood, cottage cheese, butter and cheese.

But ergocalciferol is obtained exclusively from sunlight.. Spend more time in the sun, and then you will avoid many problems associated with the lack of this component.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in women are:

  • rickets;
  • softening of the bones;
  • blurred vision;
  • severe bleeding, frequent bruising and bruising;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia;
  • hair loss;
  • increased fragility of nails.

Now you know about the reasons when vitamin D is below normal in women, and the consequences of its long-term deficiency.

Hypervitaminosis is observed very rarely, but among its signs we can distinguish vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, severe pain in the joints and sharp rise pressure.

The video will talk about the consequences of a lack of vitamin D:

Treatment of deficiency Monopreparations in drops, tablets

Calciferol is available in 2 forms: oil in the form of drops and solid in the form of tablets. The concentration of the drug in liquid form usually higher, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

  • Calcitriol
    This is the active form of cholecalciferol, which stimulates the synthesis of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Calcitriol should be taken 1 tablet 1 time per day after meals. During the application, it is worth reducing the consumption of foods rich in Vitamin D: liver, cheese, butter.
  • Alfacalcidol

    Vitamin D3, acting as a regulator of minerals in the body.
    The method of application is selected individually, depending on the degree of lack of calciferol. A doctor usually prescribes a daily dose of 0.5 to 5 micrograms. Available in the form of capsules of 0.25 and 1 mcg.

  • Doctor Best D3
  • nature's answer

    Calciferol in liquid form, which should be taken 2 drops per day with the largest meal. Vitamin D in liquid form has its advantages, as it is mixed with an oil solution and is well absorbed by the body.

  • Aquadetrim

    Vitamin D3 in the form of drops with a small concentration, which must be taken dissolved in 1 tablespoon of water. Women are most often prescribed 1-2 drops of Aquadetrim per day.

  • Vigantol

    Cholecalciferol in the form of drops, the method of application of which is 1-4 drops per day after meals. If you have diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency, then the dosage should be increased to 10-15 drops.

  • Complivit Calcium D3

    A complex of vitamins for women Complivit Calcium D3, which simultaneously contains calcium carbonate and D3 for better assimilation. Helps to cope with a lack of a mineral in the body, osteoporosis, poor blood clotting and brittle nails. Girls are recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day, chewing them.

  • Duovit

    Dietary supplement with a high content of vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, Vitamins D and A, folic acid, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Reception schedule: 1 tablet a day after meals.

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed

    Chewable orange or mint flavored tablets that help replenish calcium deficiency in the body. Vitamin D in this case is needed for the full absorption of the mineral. Dosage: 2 tablets 1 time per day or 1 tablet twice a day.

  • Calcemin

    Another dietary supplement in which D3 is used to better absorb calcium. In addition, calcemin contains zinc, copper and manganese. The complex should be taken 1 tablet per day.

  • Natecal D3

    Chewable tablets with a high content of calcium and cholecalciferol, which regulate the concentration of the mineral in the body and reduce the work of the hormone that washes it out of the bones. How to use: 1-2 tablets daily after meals.

Which drug is better to buy

Choosing a drug that works well is quite not an easy task. First of all, you it is worth deciding whether you will take vitamin D in a single form or as part of a complex.

Most often, in monopreparations, the concentration of calciferol is increased to 2000 - 10000 IU, which is more than 100, and sometimes even more than 1000% of the norm.

Therefore, such supplements are only suitable for people with a severe deficiency or with diseases associated with this deficiency. Monopreparations are best taken under medical supervision to avoid overdose.

Cholecalciferol in the composition of the complexes has a lower concentration, usually 5-10 mcg (200-400 IU). In addition, vitamin D in such supplements comes as a supplement to calcium for better absorption. That's why, you can take dietary supplements without a doctor's prescription. The main thing is not to exceed your daily allowance.

Daily dosage for therapy

The daily norm of calciferol in the prevention of diseases associated with its deficiency is 500-1000 IU (10-20 mcg). In the presence of diseases such as osteoporosis and hypoparathyroidism, the dosage should be increased to 3000-5000 IU (international units).

It is worth increasing the dosage to such a figure during pregnancy and lactation, because at this time the baby gets everything necessary substances from Mom.

Deficiency can lead to very serious consequences for a child: rickets, osteomalacia, bone deformities.

Deficiency of D3 and D2 is very dangerous. But no less dangerous is its hypervitaminosis, in which a strong deposition of calcium is possible in internal organs, demineralization of bones and occlusion of blood vessels. Therefore, use the drug only in the prescribed dosage!

Calciferols and aging

After 30 years, calcium gradually begins to be washed out of the body. And one of the reasons for this may be a lack of Vitamin D.

After 40-45

This problem is especially aggravated during menopause and after it. Therefore, starting from the age of 40-45 years, women must definitely take vitamin D (calciferol) in the form of a complex.

After 50-55 years

After 50 years, the standard dosage of vitamin D for women - 1000 IU can be increased by 1.5-2.5 times.

For the elderly

Older people should also consume cholecalciferol at this dosage. In addition, after 50 years you need to take biological additives containing calcium.

Of course, special complexes and monopreparations help to fill the deficiency of vitamins. But do not forget to get calciferol from ordinary food: liver, cheese, butter, and also spend at least 20 minutes a day in the sun. And then you can preserve your beauty and health for many years!

Now you know everything about D3 and other D vitamins: why do women need them, and what will happen if they are deficient - when the level is lowered.

Who needs and why vitamin D is useful

Vitamin D (or calciferol) is the very substance that is produced in our body under the influence of sunlight. For this, it is also called the "sunshine" vitamin. This element is the main means of treating and preventing rickets. It is familiar to young mothers, pregnant women and the elderly firsthand. What are the benefits and harms of this substance for our body?

Vitamin D is a whole group of substances. People need two of them - D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). The group also includes D4, D5, D6.

D3 and D2 are fat-soluble substances, the body is able to accumulate them. At the same time, cholecalciferol is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight, and we can get ergocalciferol only from food.

What is it needed for

The main benefit of vitamin D is that it is responsible for the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It regulates bone density and growth. Thanks to this substance, calcium enters our teeth and strengthens them. The vitamin has another important feature. Without it, calcium and phosphorus are not absorbed, and the lack of these trace elements increases. But this is not the whole benefit that calciferol brings:

  • this substance is an important element in the prevention of skin and cardiovascular diseases;
  • reduces the risk of oncology and inhibits the division of abnormal cells;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes the growth of muscle mass;
  • regulates the work of the thyroid gland;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots.

As a result medical research it has been proven that D3, which our body synthesizes during sunbathing useful in the treatment of psoriasis. In patients, the skin is smoothed, the spots become less noticeable, the itching goes away.

Since calcium is an indispensable substance in the structure of the human nervous system, vitamin D indirectly participates in the transmission of nerve impulses between neurons. Official medicine uses calciferol as part of the complex therapy of cancer.

Where do we get vitamin D from?

The main source of calciferol is our skin. The substance is produced in it under the influence of sunlight. To get a daily dose of vitamin, it is enough to spend about thirty minutes in the air. At the same time, the face and hands must be open (in accordance with weather conditions). In summer, it is safe to sunbathe in the morning (before 11 am) and in the evening (after 4 pm). At this time, it is most difficult to get burned and overheat, and the wavelength of light is optimal for the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. In winter, on a sunny day, you can take a longer walk, exposing your skin to warm rays.

D3 is produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which is why its deficiency is acutely felt by residents of northern latitudes and large cities (due to the small amount of time spent outdoors and the high gas content of the atmosphere, which does not let the sun's rays through).

D2 can be obtained from food. For example, it is found in corn oil, in parsley. However, to get the daily amount of a useful substance, you will have to eat a very large amount of these products. So a very small part of the solar vitamin comes to us with food. Most the right way make up for the lack of this substance - more often to be in the fresh air.

What does D-hypovitaminosis lead to?

Lack of calciferol, first of all, leads to bone fragility, premature tooth decay, muscle weakness. Bones can break even from minor trauma. At the same time, they will grow together for a very long time.

In a person with a lack of this substance, immunity weakens, which is why he gets sick more often. Lack of calcium leads to a weakening of the heart muscle, disturbances occur in the work of this organ.

A person with D-hypovitaminosis is haunted by arthritis, and diabetes may even develop. In women, the monthly cycle is disrupted. It is possible to suspect insufficient intake of this substance in the body on the basis of the following symptoms:

  • burning in the mouth and throat;
  • persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • frequent cramps, tingling in the arms and legs;
  • fragile bones;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • drop in visual acuity;
  • sleep disturbance.

Most often, a lack of calciferol occurs in the following groups of people:

  • having problems with the organs of the digestive system;
  • living in the north;
  • residents of large cities;
  • in those who rarely go out into the open air;
  • in people with dark skin color;
  • expectant mothers and lactating women;
  • in people who eat a large amount of fat;
  • in the elderly;
  • in children under the age of one.

If a small child becomes irritable, moody and lethargic, his sweating increases, then he may have D-hypovitaminosis. It is urgent to show the baby to the pediatrician.


Since vitamin D is a fat-soluble substance, it is easily accumulated in the body. If a person is taking synthetic vitamin supplements, then instead of benefit, it can cause significant harm to one's health. With the frequent use of this substance in large quantities, D-hypervitaminosis develops. Dangerous Consequences such a state:

  • removal of useful minerals from the bones with the subsequent development of osteoporosis;
  • accumulation of calcifications in the heart and blood vessels, which leads to atherosclerosis;
  • calcium salts accumulate in soft tissues and internal organs, interfere with their work;
  • a person is haunted by nausea, vomiting;
  • on the part of the nervous system, headaches, insomnia, dizziness develop.

An overdose of calciferol can be suspected if a person has the following symptoms:

  • digestive system disorders: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness, pain in muscles and joints;
  • headache;
  • fever and pressure, convulsions, shortness of breath.

Calciferol itself is useful, but its overdose is much more dangerous than a deficiency, so do not take this substance on your own. Like any other medicines must be prescribed by a physician. You can independently increase the level of D in the blood in such a way that as a result you will benefit, and not harm yourself, by being in the fresh air more often.

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Why do women need vitamin D3. Signs of deficiency and excess

The increased need of the female body for vitamins is associated with the peculiarities of physiology. Blood loss during menstruation, which is more difficult for a woman than for a man, is associated with a high consumption of vitamins and nutrients. Their consumption increases many times during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding. One of the vitamins women's health"is vitamin D3, without which the bones weaken, the skin ages faster, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. The nature of the load on the body in different periods life is changing, which affects the need for this substance.

What is vitamin d3

D3 is one of the substances belonging to the group of "vitamins D". The main components of this group are:

  1. D2 (ergocalciferol). This vitamin is not found in the human body. In yeast and other fungi, as well as in some plants (for example, in parsley), the so-called provitamin D2 (ergosterol) is present. Getting into the human body with plant products, it turns into vitamin D2.
  2. D3 (cholecalciferol). The body receives it in two ways. First, it is formed in the human skin from cholesterol when illuminated with ultraviolet rays. Secondly, it enters the body with food of animal origin. This ingredient is not found in herbal products.

The action of substances in the body is the same.

Significance for the body

A feature of vitamin D3 is that it plays a dual role in the body:

  1. Regulates the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which is necessary to maintain normal condition bone tissue. Accelerates the metabolic process, promotes the absorption of compounds of these chemical elements in the intestine.
  2. Acts as a hormone, regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Action on various body systems

Musculoskeletal system. Without this substance, the absorption of calcium, which is part of the bones, ligaments, dental tissue, muscles, and blood, is impossible. Its deficiency leads to the leaching of calcium from the bone tissue, as a result of which it weakens and changes in structure. This results in osteoporosis. The risk of the disease is especially increased during menopause. when the absorption of nutrients and the production of vitamin D3 are significantly impaired.

It is called an "anti-rachitic" substance. During pregnancy, it is needed to form healthy bones in the fetus, as well as protect the body of the expectant mother from calcium deficiency and its consequences.

Nervous system. The substance ensures the growth and regeneration of nerve cells. The work of the musculoskeletal system, the ability of muscles to contract, depend on the state of the neurons that transmit signals from the brain to the muscles.

The musculoskeletal system. AT adolescence there is a rapid development of the musculoskeletal system, due to which coordination of movements is being established. During this period, the girl's gait is formed, movements become more complicated. There is an increased intake of vitamin D3. Therefore, good nutrition, exposure to sunlight on the skin is of particular importance.

The immune system. D3 is essential for building immune cells. The body's ability to fight infection depends on their content in the blood. Infection leads to the occurrence of female inflammatory diseases, which are the cause of violations menstrual cycle, infertility. During pregnancy infectious diseases lead to wrong development fetus, miscarriage and other complications.

With a weakened immune system, the risk of breast cancer increases. intestines, the occurrence of skin diseases (psoriasis), as well as multiple sclerosis.

Endocrine system. This substance is involved in the regulation carbohydrate metabolism in the liver, increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, thereby regulating blood glucose levels. Hypersensitivity to insulin is the cause of the production of excess amounts of estrogen in the ovaries. This leads to ovulation disorders, can cause infertility, early menopause. The ability to regulate blood sugar levels and increase tissue sensitivity to insulin can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Vitamin D3 is very necessary for women to improve metabolism, burn fat, reduce body weight, improve work of cardio-vascular system. The intake of this drug is necessary for diseases of the thyroid gland, since the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood drops sharply.

Video: The norm of vitamin D, the value of the analysis for its content in the body

Daily requirement for women

When the need rises

Vitamin D3 deficiency is commonly seen in people living in areas with long winters, low levels of sunny days, the predominance of cloudiness, rain and fog. Dusty air (climatic or industrial) also makes it difficult for the skin to produce this substance. The need increases in adolescence and old age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Reinforced doses are prescribed in the treatment of bone fractures, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, endocrine, immune systems.

Note: Vitamin D3 is not formed in the skin if it is covered with clothing, smeared with sunscreen. A visit to the solarium allows you to enhance its production, but a strong ultraviolet irradiation promotes skin cancer.

The causes of vitamin deficiency can be diseases of the stomach and intestines, which make it difficult to digest, as well as vegetarian food, diseases of the liver, endocrine system organs.

Signs of deficiency

With a lack of vitamin D3 in a woman, there is fatigue, insomnia, broken bones. Pregnant women may experience leg cramps, drowsiness, joint pain, deterioration of tooth enamel, skin, hair, and nails.

What is dangerous overdose of vitamin D3

This substance is able to accumulate in adipose tissue and gradually consumed as needed. Before prescribing an appointment, its content in the blood is examined. With an excess, excess calcium is formed, which in the form of calcifications (accumulation of salts) is deposited in the vessels, heart, kidneys, and lungs. They can clog arteries and damage tissues.

  • violation of the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, fever;
  • poor urine output, inflammation of the kidneys, traces of blood in the urine, as well as the presence of protein and white blood cells;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • the appearance of a bluish tint to the skin;
  • palpitations, arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;
  • liver enlargement.

Found in blood increased content calcium, decrease in the concentration of phosphorus.

Video: The role of vitamin D in the body, sources of replenishment

Sources of vitamin D3 intake into the body from the outside

The substance enters the body with food or in the form of vitamin preparations.

Vitamin D content in foods

Preparations with vitamin d3

Minisan. The drug is available in tablets (1 tablet contains 10 micrograms of the substance), as well as in drops (5 drops = 12.5 micrograms of vitamin).

Aquadetrim (1 drop of the drug contains 12.5 mcg of vitamin).

Vigantol (1 drop = 16.5 mcg of vitamin).

Natekal d3. Chewable and lozenge tablets (1 tablet contains 10 micrograms of vitamin D3).

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Are you sure you're getting enough Vitamin D?

Today we will talk about vitamin D, its health and longevity benefits, according to Ray Kurzweil - CTO google and a famous immortalist and futurologist - this is one of the top 3 main anti-aging drugs available today. In this article, I will detail the scientific research behind vitamin D that backs up this claim and its practical applications.

Vitamin D deficiency

Many have heard about vitamin D and know that it is produced in human skin when exposed to sunlight. It is the only vitamin that is produced in this way in the human body. Vitamin D can be consumed externally through food or drugs. According to statistics, its deficiency is observed in a very large percentage of the population of the entire planet - most of all in the inhabitants of the northern countries, in the world there is a lack of this vitamin in more than a billion people! Even in countries with sufficient intensity of the sun - India, and Pakistan, China, there is a shortage of it. The territory of Russia is located in such a way that it is poorly trained by solar radiation - therefore, the Russians have a very high risk of getting a disadvantage vitamin D.

The need for vitamin D increases in people who drink a lot of tea and coffee.

Vitamin D deficiency disease

Vitamin D deficiency seriously affects health - in children with a lack of this vitamin, diseases can develop: rickets, and beriberi, in which hair will fall out, skin will peel off, growth can greatly slow down. In adults, deficiency can lead to even more serious health problems, and cause the following diseases:

  • Osteoporosis
  • type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension and disruption of the cardiovascular system
  • Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease
  • Depression and frequent headaches
  • Breast and ovarian cancer in women

Why vitamin D is useful

Ray Kurzweil

If you boost vitamin D in the blood, firstly, you will not get all these diseases, and secondly, you will be able to feel better, due to the slowing down of the aging process with this vitamin. Ray Kurzweil a well-known person - the technical director of google, one of the most famous supporters of the ideas of life extension, transhumanism and immortalism recommends it as the most important geroprotector for slowing down aging, which is in the top 3 that he takes himself.

Vitamin D - slows down aging

Vitamin D helps activate autophagy processes in the cells of your body, for the study of autophagy processes in the body gave Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016, you can read more in this article.

  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3679232/
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3285235/
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20557314
  • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20488750

Vitamin D contributes to the activation of telomerase, which in turn can restore the ends of telomere DNA - thereby slowing down aging.

Delays the development of senile diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • The whole complex of cardiovascular diseases
  • autoimmune diseases
  • Prevents age-related dementia
  • Fights cancer
  • Helps in restoring immunity

Formation of vitamin D in the skin

As I have already noted, the main amount of vitamin D is formed in the human skin, from provitamins, the components for the formation of vitamin D are produced in the body from cholesterol, and also come from food. If a person spends enough time in the sun, then most likely he does not have a lack of vitamin D, although there are exceptions - if an elderly person - his skin transforms worse ultraviolet radiation into vitamin D.

What foods contain vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in fatty fish and fish oil, it contains approximately 400 me (international units) in one teaspoon. To get enough vitamin D from food - at least 500 me you need to eat 200 grams of salmon per day, or more than a kilogram of cod - few people consume this amount of fish per day.

A small content of vitamin D is also found in butter, cheese, liver, cream and full-fat milk, egg yolks, fish caviar, some mushrooms, in all these products the content of vitamin D is so minimal that they cannot compensate for the body's need, for example, 100 grams of butter contains - 35 IU, 100 grams of egg yolk - 25, in the liver - 50 IU.

Vitamin D cod liver

There is one product rich enough in vitamin D - cod liver (mostly available in canned form), it contains a very large amount of it, if you constantly eat cod liver, you can easily get an overdose of this vitamin, cod liver cannot be stored for a long time, and eat in large quantities - to get the daily norm of vitamin D, it is enough to eat a small piece - 20-30 grams. It can be recommended to purchase 1 can of cod liver for a family of 3-4 people, and eat it in a maximum of 2-3 days, then you can not worry about the lack of vitamin D in the body.

How much vitamin D to take to slow down aging?

To slow down aging, you need to consume from 500 to 1000 IU (vitamin D bioavailability is from 60-90%), depending on the season and time of exposure to the sun, as well as age. Reduce your vitamin D intake in the summer if you spend a lot of time outdoors exposing your skin sunlight- although it is also not recommended to be zealous with this, since solar radiation causes accelerated aging skin - photoaging, which I wrote about in the article.

My vitamin D intake: to give an example of my own course of taking: in the summer period I do not take vitamin D at all, I start taking vitamin D in September, at a dosage of 1000 ME (I eat few foods rich in vitamin D) and take about 3-4 months (until December), after that I take a break for a month and after that I resume taking it until I go outside, in the sun more often (I take a break for a month just in case, since the analysis is expensive and it often fails).

In Russian pharmacies, a cheap drug is sold to slow down aging - a quadretrim(cholecalciferol), its price is about 200 rubles, and the package is enough for several months of use. AT aquadetrim contains vitamin D in liquid form, 1 drop contains 500 I of vitamin D, it is recommended to take it with a little water in a tablespoon, preferably on an empty stomach. On the surface, he is simply clear liquid(you can see the photo below).

Minimum and allowable dosages of vitamin D

Table of dosages of vitamin D (reception during the day) based on Wikipedia data. In different countries, the acceptable dosage is considered various meanings, but a growing body of research suggests that you should have as much vitamin D as possible in your blood.

Overdose Harm - Too Much Vitamin D

The main thing with vitamin D is not to overdo it with the use, because if it is too much, it can adversely affect health. With an excess, calcification of the arteries can develop, their stiffness can increase, which can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, can provoke the formation of kidney stones. An overdose of vitamin D does not happen overnight, most often it can occur with excessive use of the vitamin for a long time - a month or more.

This study describes the risks of excessive doses vitamin A:


There is evidence that too low and too high dosages can affect the reproductive function of men.

The optimal level of vitamin D in the blood is considered to be a level of 30 ng / ml, which can be determined by doing an analysis (the analysis is called 25-OH vitamin D) - unfortunately, analyzes for vitamins are not included in the list free medicine, therefore, it remains only to use the services of paid laboratories, where such an analysis costs from 1 thousand rubles.

Symptoms of a vitamin D overdose:

  • Digestive disorders: nausea, diarrhea, or reverse symptoms such as lack of appetite, constipation.
  • Sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe, there is shortness of breath on exertion
  • Muscle pain, headaches, joint pain
  • Convulsive conditions
  • Fever
  • Pressure surges

If an overdose is suspected, it is necessary to immediately cancel the drug, and see if the symptoms disappear, and if they do not disappear, then do an analysis for the content of the vitamin in the blood.

Contraindications for the use of vitamin D:

  • Hyperkalemia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Organic heart disease
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys

Combination of vitamins D and K

Vitamin D and K

The combination of these two vitamins can provide significant benefits to the health of the body, they form a synergistic complex. Vitamin K controls the calcium balance in the body: it counteracts the deposition of calcium in the walls of arteries, directing it to its intended purpose - in bones, teeth and nails, it also has a lot of useful properties against aging, and even cancer prevention, but its consideration requires a separate article.

At IHERB Life Extension Foundation Life Extension sells a complex preparation containing vitamin D and K, as well as sea iodine - a good combination, you can buy it using the link using my ref code ZPW509 and get a 10% discount on it.

Conclusions: I considered benefits of vitamin D, for health, and use to slow down aging and achieve longevity, this is one of the few anti-aging geroprotectors that can be purchased at a regular pharmacy at a minimal price, I think? worth taking advantage of. Thank you for reading the article, leave comments, ask questions, I will be happy to answer.

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Vitamin D deficiency is a fairly common problem in women. It is expressed in peeling of the skin, pain in the joints, hair loss, brittle nails and general weakness. To make up for the lack of useful elements, you need to know in which products and preparations they are contained.

Vitamin D: role in a woman's body

In the early 20th century, calciferol (vitamin D) was isolated from fish oil. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and also a hormone. AT ordinary life it is called the "vitamin of the sun", as it is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet rays in the skin. Does not change its properties during storage and heat treatment.

There are 2 active types of vitamin D - cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol. The first form (D3) enters the human body with food, and can also be synthesized under the action of UV rays. The second (D2) is a synthetic vegetable vitamin, which is enriched with products, added to dietary supplements.

The group includes D6, D5 and D4 (stigmacalciferol, sitocalciferol and dihydroergocalciferol).

All these compounds are active metabolites of stable biological substances supplied with food and sunlight.

Vitamins represented by group D perform important functions:

  • participation in hormonal synthesis;
  • regulation of calcium metabolism in the body;
  • increased immunity;
  • transportation of calcium, phosphorus and ensuring their absorption into the intestine.

Women need regular intake of vitamins of group D in the body. They are responsible for the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, without which the normal functioning of the heart and nervous system is impossible.

Calcium is involved in the processes of blood clotting, metabolism, strengthens bones and supports joints. With its deficiency, the likelihood of serious injuries and fractures increases.

If the exchange of phosphorus is disturbed, the woman feels lethargy, decreased efficiency.

Redness and peeling may appear on the skin. The more vitamin D in the body, the better these vital minerals are absorbed.

Daily intake of vitamin D in women

The daily requirement for this vitamin for a woman is 5 mcg. The norm increases by 5 mcg for people living in the northern regions due to lack of sunlight.

The dosage should be increased by 5 and in the following cases:

  • when breastfeeding and bearing a child;
  • aged 11 to 19;
  • when living in adverse environmental conditions;
  • when leading a nocturnal lifestyle or a rare stay in the fresh air.

For teenage girls, the nutrient is recommended for proper muscle growth, normal formation reproductive system. Pregnant women 10 mcg enough for a day proper development baby, as well as reducing the risk of developing rickets in him.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

If a person is under the sun for a long time and eats properly, a nutrient deficiency occurs quite rarely. Vitamin D deficiency can be identified by pronounced signs.

If it is detected, you need to contact a specialist to identify the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The main signs of deficiency:

  • Reduced immunity, frequent colds, infections in a chronic form.
  • Muscle weakness and pain. Particularly disturbing are the legs and arms.
  • Frequent fractures and their difficult healing.
  • Poor health, fatigue.
  • Frequent mood swings acute reaction on the stressful situations, depression.

Often, insufficient bone mineralization develops: rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults. In most cases, the problem of vitamin deficiency is faced by children, the elderly, expectant mothers, as well as vegetarians and people suffering from alcohol addiction.

Reasons for the lack of calciferol:

  • Lack of the body's ability to synthesize the right amount vitamin A. It is associated with the presence of a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or a surgery on the intestines, stomach.
  • The required amount of the nutrient is not produced by the body of an elderly person.
  • Increased nutrient requirement. Occurs in young children who eat only breast milk, in women who often give birth. The deficiency also develops during pregnancy.
  • Taking a certain group of drugs. Some of them: "cadmium", "rifampicin", "primidone", "colestyramine", etc.

Often the problem is the lack of the right amount of vitamin in the daily diet. People who do not eat fish, vegans and vegetarians face this.

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency

Regardless of the cause of the deficiency, a comprehensive professional treatment. The main therapy for vitamin D deficiency is dietary supplementation. active additives with D2 and D3. The specialist, after identifying the cause, prescribes injections, liquid products, tablets or complexes. In addition, a treatment schedule is established, dosage taking into account the severity of the condition and age category patient.

With a slight deficiency, emulsions, powders or tablets with the usual concentration of the substance are prescribed. High content products are recommended in more difficult cases.

After passing full course your doctor may prescribe supportive care. It involves taking a nutrient in a smaller amount compared to that required during the main treatment.

Vitamin D blood test

Diagnostic tests for vitamin D deficiency include not only reviewing a patient's medical history and symptoms, but also performing a simple blood test. In most cases, the referral is issued by an endocrinologist. Based on the results, you can understand what the severity of the problem is and what treatment is required.

Before collecting blood, you can not eat for about 10 hours. The veracity of the testimony can be violated by carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, so only water is allowed to drink.

If the result of the analysis indicates a figure of less than 10 ng / ml, then treatment of the nutrient deficiency is required.

With indicators exceeding 100, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the level of calciferol. The norm is considered to be an interval from 30 to 100. Also, to determine the concentration of a substance, the doctor can send for a high-precision analysis called 25-OHD.

Table of products with vitamin D

Most vitamin D can be obtained from following products: salmon fish, cod liver, yolks, natural dairy products. Number leader useful elementfish fat.

Products Vitamin D content (µg/100 g)
Fish oil derived from cod liver 250
Canned fish: cod liver 100
Fish liver: halibut 100
Fresh or salted Atlantic herring 30
Canned food: sprats with oil 20
Sea fish: mackerel, chum salmon (fresh) At least 16
Canned mackerel, cod Around 16
Mackerel and tuna (canned) Around 15
Representatives of salmon (pink salmon, salmon) fresh 11
Black caviar 8
fresh tuna Not less than 5.5
Mushrooms: morels, chanterelles Around 5
Yolks (chicken eggs) 4,5
Liver: pork, beef At least 4
river perch 3
Red caviar At least 2.5
Sea bass, pike, flounder 2 to 2.5
Sweet butter without salt 1,5
Standard butter or ghee 1 to 1.5
Cheeses with a fat content of 50% 1
pollock fish 1
Cheeses: feta cheese, Adyghe About 0.65
Curd with a high percentage fat 0,55
Bold curd products 0,3
Cream with a fat content of more than 35% About 0.2
Thick sour cream 0,15
20% cream About 0.1
light cream Less than 0.09
Condensed milk 0,05
Cream ice cream 0,02

Preparations and vitamin complexes with vitamin D

Calciferol can be taken in different forms. These are oily drops, vitamin complexes and tablets. The concentration of the substance in liquid form is higher, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.


"Doctor Best D3". Cholecalciferol is present in high concentration (5000 IU). There are other options - 1000 or 2000 IU. Available in soft tablets. Gluten and soy free. Manufacturer - USA. The optimal dosage is 1 capsule per day. Take after meals.

"Calcitriol" from a Swiss manufacturer contains the active form of vitamin D. It is available in the form of capsules (the norm is 1 piece per day). During the course, you should limit the use of liver, fish, butter. "Alfacalcidol" available in the form of capsules (options - 1 mcg and 0.25 mcg). The method of use is determined by the attending physician, depending on the purpose of use and the degree of vitamin deficiency.

liquid form

Vitamin D in the form of a liquid is represented by various preparations.

The advantage of this particular form lies in the excellent digestibility by the body, since calciferol is mixed with an oil solution.

The most popular drugs:

  • "Akvadetrim" with a daily rate of 4 drops;
  • Natures Answer - 2 drops during lunch;
  • "Vigantol" - a maximum of 4 drops after a meal.

You can increase the dosage according to the doctor's prescription in case of deficiency. You can also buy fish oil in capsules or in the form of an emulsion. Liquid in dark bottles has an unpleasant taste, but is enriched not only with calciferol, but also with vitamin A and omega-3.

Vitamin complexes

Women's vitamin-mineral complexes with calciferol help strengthen nails, hair, improve the condition of the skin, and get rid of joint pain.

Auxiliary components - ascorbic and folic acid, magnesium, calcium carbonate and more. etc. The standard form of release is chewable tablets.

Complexes with high efficiency:

  • "Natekal D3";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Complivit Calcium D3";
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed".

The dosage is indicated in the instructions, optimal amount per day - 1-2 pieces.

How to take vitamin D: the dangers of an overabundance

Vitamin D intake should be agreed with a specialist. Only an experienced doctor can say, based on the condition of the woman, in what form and in what form it is best to consume the nutrient. Mono-supplements with a high concentration of calciferol (from 2,000 to 10,000 IU) can be harmful if the patient does not have a pronounced vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin complexes with a low concentration (up to 400 IU) should be taken according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Lack of D3 and D2 is very dangerous for the female body, but an excess can lead to serious consequences. This is a blockage of blood vessels, demineralization of bones, as well as the occurrence of calcium deposits in various internal organs. Prolonged overdose can lead to dangerous state- hypercalcemia.

Excess is determined by the following early symptoms:

  • high blood pressure;
  • excessive thirst;
  • constipation and increased urine production;
  • loss of appetite, nausea.

Quite often, an overabundance is diagnosed in young children, when mothers, without the consent of a specialist, exceed the recommended doses. Therefore, before taking a vitamin, it is required strict observance prescribed dosage.

Calcium with Vitamin D

Normal heart function, a strong skeleton, strong muscles - 2 elements are responsible for all this in the body: calcium and vitamin D. With a lack of calciferol, joint pain occurs, deteriorates tooth enamel, the functioning of many vital organs is disrupted.

After 30 years, the trace element begins to wash out, the use of a sufficient amount of D3 will help to cope with the problem.

In women around the age of 45, the problem worsens during menopause. Therefore, it is imperative to take calciferol in any form, for example, in the form of a vitamin-mineral complex.

It is mandatory to take supplements that contain calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Only in this case, unpleasant complications can be avoided, the cause of which is a deficiency of vital nutrients.

A group of calciferols is involved in the work of many organs, in the process of blood clotting, helps to strengthen bones, healthy hair and nails. It is important to take enough vitamin D so that the body does not become deficient in the nutrient. The intake of supplements and complexes should be agreed with the doctor.

Vitamin D is responsible for more than just strong bones and teeth. The effect of vitamin D is much larger. He is responsible for the condition of the skin and the integrity of the genes. A deficiency of calciferol can cause a deterioration in general well-being, depression, and even tumor processes. It is important to support high level vitamin D in the body. Especially dangerous is the lack of calciferol in pregnant women and young children. A balanced diet and vitamin D supplements can restore the balance of nutrients.

daily requirement

adults should consume 2.5 mcg per day in order not to have health problems. special need in calciferol experiences female body during pregnancy and lactation. The daily dosage is 10 mcg.

  • Interestingly, the need for vitamin D will always be higher in those who live in countries with short daylight hours. You should consume up to 5-7.5 mcg of calciferol per day for residents of high latitudes, bedridden patients, people leading a nocturnal lifestyle. It is especially important for women during menopause to take vitamin D supplements.
  • The body of the elderly needs additional source calciferol. The same can be said about babies, residents of ecologically polluted areas, and vegetarians.

Vitamin D is unique in its kind. It acts as both a vitamin and a hormone at the same time. It increases the absorption of calcium, strengthens all hard tissues in the body, improves blood composition.

Symptoms of hypovitaminosis

Lack of calciferol causes serious health problems. Symptoms of beriberi are:

  • speed dial or sudden loss weight;
  • chronic depression;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • mood swings;
  • brittle nails and alopecia;
  • bone weakness;
  • high fatigue and chronic fatigue;
  • cramps and muscle weakness;
  • joint pain.

Men are less likely to experience vitamin D deficiency, which is explained by hormonal changes in the female body during menopause, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Indirect signs of beriberi are osteoporosis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. Women may have problems conceiving.

With a lack of calciferol, the body's vulnerability to infections increases. Flus and colds are more likely to disturb, the skin deteriorates, acne and acne. Headaches, obsessions, bad dream. The symptomatology of beriberi is variable, therefore, a clarifying diagnosis is required. It is recommended to take a test for 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This informative method research, and spend it on an empty stomach. Normally, vitamin D is 30.0-74.0 ng/ml.

Vitamin D deficiency is indicated stoop, delayed development in children, crunching and pain in the joints. With beriberi, secondary hyperparathyroidism may occur, early illness Parkinson's disease, progressive diabetes, multiple sclerosis, ovarian and breast tumors.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Avitaminosis develops in every fourth person on the planet. Deficiency occurs due to lack of ultraviolet radiation, unbalanced nutrition, physical and mental exhaustion.

Severe beriberi may be due to the following factors:

  • liver pathology- problems with the liver provoke the destruction of its own vitamin D in the body;
  • gastrointestinal diseases- cause violations of the synthesis of calciferol;
  • dark skin- the absorption of the vitamin is reduced, which is why the inhabitants southern regions encounter beriberi, finding themselves in northern latitudes;
  • nutritional errors Vegetarians are the most affected. They receive less fatty acids and other beneficial substances that promote the absorption of calciferol. Diets and fasting days can also cause calciferol deficiency;
  • elderly age- Problems with vitamin D occur in almost all people over 50 years of age. Over the years, the absorption of calciferol decreases, and the synthesis of its own decreases;
  • seasonality- In winter, there is less ultraviolet radiation, which means that the absorption of vitamins is lower. Interestingly, ultraviolet only works in the open air; sunbathing through glass does not make sense;
  • childbearing- a huge burden falls on the female body during pregnancy. The last trimester is especially hard. Women who are expecting a baby should take vitamin D supplements.

Can make the situation worse dysbacteriosis, hereditary factors, frequent colds. It is important to maintain adequate physical activity, walk in the fresh air and spend enough time in the sun, especially in childhood.

Ways to make up for the lack of calciferol

Calciferol deficiency manifests itself in different ways, and the methods of correction are the same for everyone. First of all, they change their diet, pay attention to foods containing calcium and vitamin D. The consequences of a long vitamin deficiency can be extremely dangerous, so it is important to compensate for the lack of calciferol.

Balanced diet

You can replenish calciferol with the help of a thoughtful diet. Fatty fish are especially rich in vitamin D. Sources of calciferol are foods such as butter, cheeses, milk, beef and pork liver, fish oil, egg yolk, chanterelle mushrooms, yeast.

  • Vitamin D can be compensated with shiitake, corn oil, parsley, nettle and dandelion. Meat offal is a source of vitamin D. They can even be offered to young children in the form of mashed potatoes.
  • Vitamin D's enemy is caffeine. That is why you should limit the content of coffee, tea and other tonic drinks in the diet.

Vitamin complexes

A quick way to make up for the deficiency of calciferol is to take vitamin complexes. Treatment of beriberi is complex, so it is important not to overdo it with vitamins. Hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than calciferol deficiency. Vessels become fragile, infertility, atherosclerosis or cardiac pathologies may develop. Before taking pharmaceutical preparations, you should make sure of the diagnosis.

You should not rely on symptoms, because health problems can be caused by other reasons. Correction of beriberi requires the intervention of a specialist. Traditionally, the following agents are prescribed:

Drug namesDescription
Ergocalciferol It is offered in the form of dragees, oil capsules and alcohol solutions. Enriched with vitamin D2.
Doppel Herz Aktiv Contains calcium and vitamin D3. Helps with hair loss, strengthens bones, acts as a prevention of ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
Devisol It is not a cure, but stimulates the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, helps with edema, metabolic problems and obesity. Used to treat children. Contains cholecalciferol and intensively affects bone tissue.
Alpha D3-TEVA It helps with rickets, decreased vision, is easily digestible and is suitable for the treatment of beriberi in childhood.
Vigantol Prevents osteoporosis, obesity, increased blood sugar. Improves the absorption of calcium. It is an oil preparation with a high degree of bioavailability.


To prevent diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency, traditional medicine will allow:

cooking recipes
Dandelion salad Wash the leaves and chop, add a few slices fresh cucumber, refuel olive oil, lightly salt. Such a salad will be useful for edema and skin dermatitis: hives, itching, irritation.
nettle salad Boiling water is poured over young greens so that the sharpness is gone. For two handfuls of nettles, take 5 stalks of green onions, a bunch of parsley, a handful of peeled and fried walnuts. Mix and fill vegetable oil, preferably walnut.
Alfalfa It is added to salads, cereals, side dishes. Useful properties have directly seeds that germinate within 1-2 days. They help with allergies, brittle bones, depression and dizziness.
Horsetail decoction Take a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water, bring to a boil, insist 20 minutes. Take a glass daily. This remedy helps with kidney disease, hair loss, brittle nails. Horsetail has a diuretic effect, but does not flush out calcium from the body.

Possible Complications

  1. If the analysis revealed a lack of calciferol, then treatment should not be delayed. If left unchecked, the decline in vitamin D levels can lead to complications such as periodontal disease and tooth loss, frequent fractures, asthma, arthritis, and chronic migraines.
  2. The musculoskeletal system takes the greatest blow. Irreversible articular pathologies, there are pains in the spine. In childhood, rickets is formed, the child lags behind in development from peers. If a lack of vitamin D is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, then fetal pathologies are not excluded.

Health problems can occur both with a lack of calciferol, and with its excess. Therefore, one should not rush into treatment without making sure of the diagnosis.

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