Various ways to calm the nervous system. How to calm your nerves

Taking strong medications to calm the nerves can lead to negative health effects. All body systems suffer from expensive drugs that have a calming effect, and by constantly taking pills, a person runs the risk of provoking the development of dangerous diseases.

It should be understood that it will not be possible to completely avoid stressful situations, therefore it is important to know how to learn how to resist the surrounding negativity.

What is the danger of prolonged nervous strain?

It is important to learn how to respond correctly to unpleasant events occurring around. An overly emotional reaction to stressful situations leads to many health problems. A person who is acutely experiencing every stress is more likely than others to face unpleasant consequences:

  1. 1. Headache. To get rid of a migraine, the patient takes pills, which helps for a short time, and then worsens the state of health even more.
  2. 2. Sleep disorders. Insomnia leads to many comorbidities.
  3. 3. Memory deterioration. At the person concentration of attention sharply decreases, temporary memorable failures can be observed.
  4. 4. Hormonal disruptions. Such violations are fraught with infertility, the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  5. 5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. During stress, the patient has complications of the existing pathology, which requires prompt medical intervention.

The above problems, if not addressed in time, pose a serious danger to human life, can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Therefore, it is recommended that appropriate measures be taken as soon as possible to restore the normal functioning of the nervous system.

It is important to refuse long-term treatment with sedative medications. Their long-term use is not only addictive, but also leads to many side effects.

It is highly recommended not to resort to drinking alcohol in order to relax and calm the nerves. The positive effect of drinking alcohol will be rather short-lived, and alcohol addiction develops very quickly, which will lead to many associated health problems.

Ways to relieve stress

There are many different ways to relieve stress in a short period of time at home. At the moment when emotions "go wild", you need to slowly drink a glass of cold water.

You can quickly calm the nervous system after a hard day's work by doing the following:

Way Recommendations and effects on the nervous system
Listening to musicThis is one of the most effective methods. To calm down, turn on your favorite music. In the shortest possible time, you can achieve a positive result by listening to the classics (Bach, Beethoven) or the sounds of nature (birdsong, the sound of rain, the sea or a waterfall).

You need to sit in a comfortable chair or sit on your favorite sofa or bed, close your eyes and just listen to music, disconnecting from negative thoughts. Regular use of this technique helps to calm the nerves and develop a positive attitude.

Full sleepLack of proper sleep and rest further exacerbates the situation. A stressed person needs to get enough sleep. The period of night rest should be at least 8 hours.

It is important to carefully prepare a place to sleep. The mattress and pillow should be comfortable. Bed linen and sleepwear should be selected from cotton fabric. The room in which a person sleeps is strongly recommended to air half an hour before a night's rest.

In order to avoid problems with sleep, in the afternoon it is necessary to stop drinking such drinks as strong coffee, black tea and alcohol. A glass of warm herbal tea or milk with honey should be preferred.

Placing a small container with medicinal herbs in the bedroom will help to normalize the night's rest. Medicinal plants such as lemon balm, lavender, and hops have relaxing and sedative properties.

Water proceduresAn effective and affordable way is to take a bath. Water for the procedure should be warm. It is recommended to add aromatic oils or decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath - their use will have a calming effect. Essential oils of pine needles, sandalwood, basil, lavender, tea tree help to relax after a hard day. Soothe infusions of chamomile, mint, succession, St. John's wort, oregano. It is recommended to take a healing bath half an hour before bedtime.

The most effective for quick relaxation decoction of valerian. To prepare the product, you need to mix valerian, motherwort and yarrow in equal parts (1 teaspoon each). The herbal mixture should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 8-10 minutes. After this time, the liquid is removed from the stove and infused under the lid for 1 hour. The finished broth is filtered and added to bathing water. It is allowed to take a bath with such a remedy for no more than half an hour.

You can simply use a contrast shower. Alternate dousing with cold and hot water will help release adrenaline and normalize blood circulation, which will have a positive effect on overall health.

Complete nutritionIt is necessary to include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, legumes and eggs, dairy products and honey in your diet. Such a varied menu will allow you to replenish the body with the missing vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances necessary for the normal operation of all its systems.

Drinking dark chocolate helps to calm the nerves significantly. Sweet treats promote the production of the hormone of joy. But it is important to remember that the product must be of high quality, and not exceed the safe norms for its use (no more than 50 grams per day)

SportsFor men, it can be exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, and sports games. Gymnastics, running, swimming are suitable for women. Physical activity contributes not only to the prevention of depression, but also to maintaining the figure in the desired shape.
shoppingShopping helps women more, but sometimes men also use this method. Purchasing a new piece of clothing, tool, or other desired item helps release hormones of joy (endorphins), which allows you to cope with stress, preventing it from turning into prolonged depression.
Massage, yogaBefore resorting to the services of a massage therapist, you need to visit a neurologist. The doctor will determine which problem areas should be massaged. Properly performed massage helps to relax and calm the nerves.

Before embarking on independent yoga classes, it is recommended to contact a specialist who will help you choose the right direction and teach you the basics of relaxation therapy.

Folk sedatives

To calm the nervous system without pills, you should use folk remedies. Among the most effective ways in the fight against stress is therapy with decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants.

The following recipes are most effective for nervous overexertion:

Means Cooking method Indications for use
A decoction of the bark of viburnumTo prepare a healing agent, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry bark with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes and insist under the lid for at least half an hour. Ready broth must be filteredThe drink is recommended to be taken 4 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon
Infusion of viburnum fruits and medicinal herbsIt is required to mix 1 tablespoon of viburnum berries with medicinal herbs - peppermint, lemon balm, St. John's wort and sage (1 tsp each). The resulting mixture should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and infused for an hour. Ready infusion must be filteredThe remedy should be drunk twice a day for half a glass
Chamomile teaTo prepare a tea drink, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes and strainChamomile tea is recommended to be consumed 30-40 minutes before a night's sleep for half a glass.
HoneyThe bee product can be consumed in its pure form or added to tea. To prepare a tea drink in a glass, it is recommended to add 1 tsp. honeyHoney is indicated to be taken 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals. The bee product should be washed down with warm water. Tea can be drunk 3 times a day, 1 glass after meals
motherwort tinctureIt is required to brew 1 tablespoon of a medicinal plant with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for half an hour and strain. Add honey (1 tsp) to the resulting infusion and mix thoroughlyThe finished drink should be consumed in small sips twice a day for half a glass 2 hours before meals
Peony Root InfusionTo prepare the product, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of crushed plant roots with half a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strainThe resulting infusion is recommended to be taken three times a day, 1 tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals.

The use of the above recipes will help eliminate headaches, normalize sleep, improve memory and significantly strengthen immunity, help to normalize a person’s state of mind in the shortest possible time, calm nerves and prevent stress from turning into prolonged depression.

The course of treatment with folk remedies should not exceed 7 days. If necessary, therapy can be repeated after a week break. To achieve the fastest result, it is recommended to prepare a fresh folk remedy every day, since when stored for more than a day, the healing composition loses most of its useful properties.

Before self-medicating, you should consult your doctor. The doctor, based on the examination, based on the general state of human health and the presence of the individual characteristics of his body, will help you choose safe methods of alternative treatment, prescribe the required dosage and set the duration of therapy.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should be especially careful. Treatment with folk remedies without the permission of the supervising doctor during the period of bearing a child can lead to such consequences as fetal fading, miscarriage, premature birth. Self-medication during lactation is dangerous by stopping the production of breast milk. The safest folk remedy for pregnant and breastfeeding women is warm milk with honey (1 teaspoon of bee product per glass of drink).

Preventive measures to prevent depression

If a person is not able to cope with the burden of problems on his own, and the use of the above actions and the use of folk remedies does not bring the desired result, then it is strongly recommended to seek help from a professional psychologist. The specialist will help to identify the true cause of constant worries and tell you what to do in this case and how to behave in a particular stressful situation, teach you how to deal with negativity.

Overly emotional people, overreacting to all the events around them, in order to prevent the occurrence of serious health problems, a number of preventive measures must be taken. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. 1. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. . Do not refuse the help of loved ones. Sometimes just talking to a friend is enough to take the burden off yourself. In the event that you don’t want to puzzle a person with your problems, it is recommended to start a personal diary in which you can write about everything that is sore. Having spoken out on paper, a person will feel much easier psychologically.
  2. 2. Give vent to emotions periodically. Sometimes it is useful to shout, cry from the heart, laugh, beat old dishes. The main thing is to do it without witnesses so that no one is hurt physically or psychologically.
  3. 3. Get an interesting hobby. A favorite activity can distract from negative thoughts. A fascinating hobby significantly improves mood, preventing depression.
  4. 4. Think less about other people's opinions. It is important to realize that it will not work to please every person and it is simply impossible to adapt to all your close and dear people. Be yourself in every situation. People around who truly appreciate a person will always accept him for who he is.
  5. 5. Avoid contact with depressed individuals. A person who is prone to excessive nervousness and is constantly dissatisfied with something has only a negative impact on others. Contact with such people should be kept to a minimum.

In addition to applying the above tips, spending more time outdoors is highly recommended. Useful long walks, cycling, running. Daily pastime in nature will help to significantly relax and achieve inner harmony. You should walk alone or in the company of a person who pursues the same goals and will not interfere with the relaxation process. The best place for a walk is a park, forest, surroundings of a reservoir.

If the cause of nervousness is a protracted problem, then measures should be taken to eliminate it promptly, otherwise the use of the above tips and the use of folk remedies will only give a short-term result.

Thus, following simple rules, you can significantly reduce the amount of stress, reduce the risk of developing prolonged depression and the occurrence of various dangerous diseases provoked by nervous strain.

The human nervous system, like any organ, wears out over time. Constant stress, unrest, quarrels, tensions, emotions have a very bad effect on her. In this article we will try to find the answer to the question of how to quickly calm the nerves and relieve stress at home, what herbs, foods and light exercises will help us with this.

How the human nervous system works

The central nervous system is a rather complex mechanism. The main components of the system are the spinal cord and the brain, which are reliably protected: the brain is protected by the cranium, the spinal cord is located inside the spine.

The nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Sympathetic system consists of a plexus of nerves that extend from the spine and provide innervation to organs in the human body. The role of the sympathetic system is to protect the body from stress, for example, with a strong fright, adrenaline is released. This does not happen by itself, the nervous system gives commands that manifest themselves in the form of frequent heartbeats, dilated pupils, sweating increases.

parasympathetic system it does the opposite - it calms the body. The adrenal glands receive a command to stop the release of adrenaline, the heartbeat returns to normal, breathing slows down, the person relaxes.

Main functions of the central nervous system (CNS)

The nervous system has quite extensive functions. Everything that a person does is controlled by this system. Breathing, heartbeat, the taste of food, the movement of blood through the vessels, the perception of aromas, the ability to see and hear, walk, jump - all this controls the central nervous system. The mental state of a person, emotions, the ability to speak, to perceive oneself and the world, is also in the power of the nervous system. These and many other functions depend on the state of the human nerves.

In order for the system to perform its functions properly, it is important to take care of your health and not neglect the tips that help keep our nerves healthy and calm.

Causes of a nervous state

Like the entire human body, the central nervous system can be depleted under the influence of various factors:

  • Diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Infectious diseases that affect the brain and spinal cord.
  • Malignant processes in the brain.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Emotional disorders.
  • Overwork.
  • Frequent unrest and conflicts.

Why nervous disorders are bad for health

Often a person develops a habit of reacting sharply to everything. If this happens year after year, the result will be disappointing. Inability to control oneself can cause serious harm to the body and health in general. You need to learn how to quickly calm your nerves and bring your emotional state back to normal so that there are no consequences in the form of various diseases.

There are many cases of nervous overexcitation and tantrums that ended in a heart attack, a stroke. Also, manifestations of nervousness adversely affect the stomach, liver, endocrine organs. , gastritis, thyroid diseases are directly related to constant unrest, stress and nervousness.

What to do at home to calm down

The first and simplest thing that experts advise in order to quickly calm the nerves, find a comfortable and calm place, sit or lie down, close your eyes and slowly count to a hundred, without thinking about anything, taking deep slow breaths and exhalations. This is the simplest meditation for calming the nerves, the result of which should not be underestimated.

Washing with cold water will help you quickly calm down and gather your thoughts. Taking decoctions or infusions of soothing medicinal herbs will help normalize the nervous state and cheer you up.

Herbal sedatives for nerves

  • You can make medicinal tea at home

- Melissa 1 tsp

— Water 200 ml.

Place a teaspoon of lemon balm in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for half an hour and drink to calm the nerves. The infusion has a sedative effect, when taken, the pulse becomes even, the pressure decreases.

  • Valerian roots

This plant is known to everyone as a very good sedative.

- Valerian root 10 gr.

- Glass of water.

Pour boiling water over the roots of the plant and leave for half an hour. Take the remedy throughout the day in small sips.

  • Hop infusion

— Water 200 ml.

Hop cones pour boiling water in a thermos. Infuse the remedy for half an hour. Take three times a day, 50 ml.

  • Wormwood

This herb has anticonvulsant and sedative properties.

- Wormwood 1 tsp.

- Boiling water 200 ml.

Pour boiling water over the grass and let it brew for one hour. Take the remedy three times a day before meals for a tablespoon.

  • Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is one of the simplest and most affordable remedies that helps with nerves. The herb can be brewed and drunk as a tea at home.

Brew one teaspoon of chamomile with one glass of boiling water, drink with honey.

  • Strawberry juice with milk

Mix strawberry juice in equal parts with milk. The drink can be drunk all day long, it is tasty and saves the nervous system from tension, acts as a sedative.

What else can you do at home to quickly calm down

  1. Bath with milk. It is necessary to draw warm, but not hot water into the bath, add three glasses of milk. Plunge into the water, lie down for a while completely relaxed.
  2. Fresh air also has a great effect on the human condition and helps to calm the nervous system. You can just open the window and breathe in the air, taking deep calm breaths, or take a walk in the park.
  3. A contrast shower is perfectly refreshing and helps to control emotions.

How to calm nerves with breathing exercises

Breathing exercises, calms the nerves and relaxes. To perform the exercise correctly, it is important to adhere to the rules that will help you perform gymnastics in order to calm down and relax.

  1. To perform breathing exercises, you must lie down or stand with a straight back.
  2. It is necessary to close your eyes, it helps not to think about anything and calms the nerves.
  3. Focus on controlling your inhalation and exhalation.
  4. Throw all negative thoughts out of your head and completely relax all muscle groups.
  5. It is necessary to imagine how the body is filled with oxygen. Muscles relax, a pleasant warmth spreads through the body.

Option one

Take a deep breath to inflate the stomach, while exhaling the stomach falls. When inhaling air, it is important to hold your breath for two seconds, you need to exhale air more slowly than inhaling for 4 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.

Option two

This process must be controlled, while inhaling, raise the collarbones, while exhaling, gently lower them. Repeat 15 times.

Option three

You need to inhale the air, starting filling from the abdomen, then the chest goes and the collarbones rise. Exhale in reverse, starting with the collarbones, then the chest and stomach. This is a wave-like breathing, you can perform it 15 times.

The following exercises will be useful for brain function

Gymnastics helps the hemispheres of the brain cope with the load and activates their activity.

The essence of the exercise is to alternately breathe through the left and right nostrils. With the thumb of the right hand, you must first pinch the right nostril, then the left with the little finger. Alternately breathe first with the right, then with the left nostril slowly drawing in air: inhale with the left - exhale with the right, then inhale with the right - exhale with the left, etc.

Exercise for calming and relaxing

Perform light, slow breaths, fully concentrating on the exercise, put your hand on the solar plexus, take a breath with your stomach and chest.

stress relief exercise

Take a short and not very deep breath, hold the air in the lungs for four seconds and slowly, slowly exhale the air. Rest for a few seconds and repeat the process again.

The following technique is aimed at increasing the flow of blood to the brain - it will relieve excitement, nervous tension and anxiety. The palm of one hand should be placed on the forehead, the second on the back of the head. Inhale and exhale smoothly and evenly, holding your breath between them for a second.

Treatment of nerves and stress in our hands

Many processes in the body depend on the functioning of the nervous system. It cannot be assumed that stress, quarrels, conflicts will pass by themselves and will not leave an imprint on health. The best assistant to the nervous system is a person who controls himself and does not pour out his anger and emotions on others.

At home, you need to learn how to quickly switch from an increased nervous state to a calm one. If nervous tension is associated with work, then when you come home you need to learn how to leave all problems behind the threshold. You can turn on calm relaxation music to calm your nerves or listen to the sounds of nature, take a bath, spend an evening with family and friends.

You can not accumulate pain and resentment in yourself - this has a very negative effect on the nerves. To resolve differences, you need to find time to talk about the misunderstanding in a calm atmosphere. Resolved problems fall down like a stone and a person feels calm.

Foods to help calm your nerves

In order for the nerves to be strong and calm, it is necessary to monitor the diet. Some experts argue that people prone to outbursts of anger, irritability, nervousness need to eat 350 grams of certain foods that will help you quickly improve your well-being and calm your nerves.

The list of products that favorably affect the functioning of the central nervous system includes chocolate, cheese, caviar, pork, beef, poultry, nuts and milk. These products are filled with tryptophan, an amino acid. Once in the body, the substance turns into serotonin, it promotes mental relaxation, a feeling of emotional satisfaction arises. Eating these foods in moderation can help calm your nerves and ensure a good mood.

And now watch this incendiary video, which literally in a minute will cheer you up and you will start dancing:

We bring to your attention 15 tips on how to calm female nerves at home. Modern life is filled with constant stress, surprises and unforeseen situations, and the rhythm of life for many women reaches a tremendous speed. It is necessary to give everything at work, and look after the children, and keep the house clean and tidy, and cook food, and so on. The tasks of a modern woman can be listed for a very long time, and many simply forget that in the midst of all this fuss and hassle, it is also necessary to have time to enjoy life, relax and restore the nervous system.

Most often, older women are engaged in achieving inner peace, and even then not always, but in youth it seems that the nerves are iron and the body is eternal, therefore, it is not worth pitying it. In fact, it is necessary to protect the nervous system from a young age, trying to keep inner balance and maintain a normal emotional state. It is about how to calm your nerves and put your thoughts in order without leaving your home that we will talk about today.

What will help you calm down?

Unfortunately, a young, ambitious woman, with a bunch of responsibilities and tasks, simply does not have enough time to pause, exhale and calm herself. The day is scheduled literally by the minute, and the experiences and anxieties accumulated in the soul have to be put aside in the mind, because first of all it is necessary to complete the tasks planned for the day. And after a busy day, you want to fall asleep faster and not think about anything - there is simply no time for relaxation of consciousness. Here it is worth noting that often the decisions made by a person who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown are erroneous, wrong and hasty. From here, problems at work begin, a decrease in labor efficiency, a woman ceases to have time to do what she has planned, which causes even more nervous tension. This forms a real vicious circle.

To relieve stress and calm the nerves, you need to clearly define what situation has pissed you off, think it over, think over options for solving the problem, and only then move on. But this should take some time. Let's say the situation at home has become tense due to your constant employment. Nerves are tense, I don’t want to go home after work, as another quarrel is likely to await. Stop and think: maybe there are ways to spend more time with your family? Discuss this issue calmly with your husband, then talk with your boss, for example, about working five, not six days a week, or taking part of the work home. Understand the situation, and the nervous tension will gradually subside.

The main thing is not to wind up your consciousness, convincing yourself that the problem cannot be solved, and every day the situation will only become more complicated. In order to solve the problem, you need to have a cold mind, and coming home and regularly scandal, defending your innocence - this is a direct way to worsen the situation.

In fact, a nervous shock is also a disease, only not of a physical, but of a psychological nature, and it also gives complications and can be launched to an incurable form. Therefore, you should treat your emotional state with care, not even neglecting to take a vacation for a couple of days at your own expense, and understand yourself, calm your nerves, improve your relationships in the family or think about how to solve difficult working moments. Only after you deal with your subconscious feelings, you can find solutions to the problem. Well, we, for our part, have selected 15 tips for you that should support the nervous system and help calm your nerves at home. You can turn to one or more tips at once, the main thing is to concentrate on what you are doing and let go of all extraneous thoughts.

Calming down at home: 15 tips on how to improve your emotional state and calm down.

1. Breathing exercises.

It has long been proven that with the help of breathing exercises, you can significantly improve not only the emotional background, but also the overall well-being of the body. Please note that a person's respiratory rhythms are fundamentally dependent on how he feels on a psychological level, and as soon as a stressful or tense situation arises, people begin to breathe at a different pace. You can calm the nerves by controlling the respiratory processes, for which there are several special techniques developed by specialists. If stress occurred suddenly, then with the help of a single application of the breathing exercises technique, you can significantly calm your nerves. But for a complete restoration of the nervous system, you will have to repeat the exercises with a certain regularity. Here is some of them:

Deep breaths. It is necessary to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders, and inhale the air as deeply as possible, slowly, and then exhale completely, releasing the lungs gradually. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the exhalation exceeds the inhalation in its duration. After exhaling completely, hold your breath a little, and repeat the exercise again.

Breathing according to the method of yoga. Here the nervous system must calm down precisely at the moment of exhalation, on which it is necessary to focus all your attention. If inhaling increases the tone in the body, then exhaling relaxes, helps to feel calm, peaceful. You can familiarize yourself with this technique in detail in yoga classes, and simply by studying the rules for its implementation on the Internet.

Beginners in the field of breathing exercises should be extremely careful with the exercises. Do not delay the execution, and if out of habit there is a feeling of weakness, dizziness, feeling unwell, you should immediately stop breathing exercises.

2. Learn mentality.

In order to calm the nerves, it is not enough just to do the exercises, you must be able to set yourself up in the right way. If you do breathing exercises or take a bath with the thought that life is going downhill and nothing can be done, then there will be no sense in it. You need to learn how to manage your subconscious mind by setting yourself a positive direction of thinking. Being in this mood, you can learn to control your own nervous system. For example, if you feel a strong tension or emotional outburst, resort to the following settings: "Everything that is not done, everything is for the better",“The problem is solvable, there are no hopeless situations”, “I have close people who will always help me”, “I am strong, and I can cope with the task, everyone succeeds, so it will work for me”, and so on.

In order to relieve stress and calm your nerves, you need to choose for yourself the setting that will cheer and help as much as possible, and then regularly remind yourself of it, repeating to yourself. It is also important to realize the situation itself, which caused nervous tension, and to understand why the circumstances turned out the way they did. When the brain randomly thinks about a problem: "Everything is bad", he simply cannot concentrate on understanding what exactly the cause is, and from which side the solution to the problem should be sought. And given a clear setting: “Now I’m stressed because yesterday I didn’t have time to complete the work plan”, for example, options for solving the problem will immediately form: you need to come to work earlier tomorrow, or take part of the work home, and so on.

When a person knows what he should do, the mind calms down and nervous tension disappears.

3. Water procedures.

No wonder they say that when nerves fail, it is necessary to turn to water procedures. It can be a simple shower at home, a bath with aromatic oils, or a visit to the spa. At the subconscious level, a person associates water procedures with getting rid of unnecessary thoughts, cleansing not only the body, but also the mind. Therefore, in order to put the nerves in order, experts recommend spending some time in a warm shower before going to bed. A contrast shower, as well as dousing, although beneficial to health, but the nerves do not calm, but only excite, so you should choose a comfortable water temperature.

In order to stimulate the soothing effect of the shower, you can listen to your favorite songs while bathing, create pleasant lighting and light an aroma lamp with your favorite soothing oil. After the end of the procedure, go to bed, having previously dressed in things made of soft, natural material that are pleasant to the skin.

4. Comfortable environment as a way to put your nerves in order.

Man is a creature that is very dependent on the environment, so try to organize maximum comfort for yourself. A good, healthy sleep helps to relieve stress and calm the nerves at home. And in order to fall asleep with pleasure, you need to organize a comfortable sleeping place for yourself: make the bed with fresh, fragrant bed linen, choose a comfortable mattress, clean the room. A clean, comfortable environment will help you fall asleep faster, as well as recover as much as possible during your rest.

5. Make time for yourself.

Modern women are forced for the most part to solve many problems at once, and family, and household, and workers. But still, you need to find some time to let go of all thoughts about them, free your mind and thoughts, and take care of yourself. We are not talking about trips to beauty salons or shopping centers, for many it has already become an integral part of life, and does not play the effect of relaxation. Although, if this technique helps you, then you can do shopping therapy. Or just forget about all the problems, think about something pleasant, relax, and get rid of the constant hassle at least for a while.

Constant stress on the nervous system leads to negative consequences. If you have been in a busy mode for a long time, it is better to take a vacation and go on vacation abroad, or at least to one of the sanatoriums in our country.

6. Massage.

This way to calm the nerves is known to all. It’s great, of course, to take a course of massage during sessions, letting go of all problems and worries, but if this is not possible, you can resolve the issue yourself. You have probably noticed that a person who begins to get nervous, without noticing it, runs his hand over his head. So, this is justified by the fact that it is the skin of the head and face that is very rich in nerve endings, and even elementary stroking of the hair already helps to calm down a little. Try to massage the scalp on your own, imitating a comb with your fingers and moving like this from the forehead to the back of the head. Using massage movements, rub the temporal region, forehead and cheeks.

7. Sweets as a way to calm the nerves.

Despite all diets and restrictions, during a period of stress, you can afford to eat a little sweet, because it is sweet food that contains certain hormones that have a calming effect on nerve cells. So take it as a medicine in this case, which must be taken to cure the nerves. It's not about eating a bucket of ice cream or a huge piece of chocolate cake. It is quite possible to replace such high-calorie foods with prunes, dried apricots, honey or dark chocolate in a small amount. Of course, stress is not a reason to overeat, because in the future there will be another source of tension, such as extra pounds. Everything is good in moderation.

8. Movement is life.

As experts have long confirmed, during movement, the circulation of blood flows in the body improves, therefore, useful and necessary substances for it move faster and reach the goal. Therefore, if you are losing your nerves, take up some kind of mobile, vigorous activity. For example, if there is a conflict at home, go to the store or just take a walk in the park, putting your thoughts in order. If you can’t complete a task at work, take a break by choosing the task that requires movement.

If we talk about regular, rather than one-time calming of nerves through physical activity, you can choose for yourself a visit to the pool, a fitness center, go dancing, simply do exercises or stretch at home - which suits you best. The main thing to remember is that your goal is not to win a medal, but to calm your nerves, and overloads in this matter are useless. Therefore, carefully listen to the body, if it is tired, do not force yourself and just relax.

9. Change of interior.

We are not talking about starting repairs, as this is even more stress for the nervous system. But to rearrange some furniture, interior items, just clean up the wardrobe or sort out the desktop - this is what you need. On a subconscious level, a person who arranges something around him puts things in order in his own thoughts, sorting out all the problems and tasks, like books in a closet. According to psychologists, by changing the place of twenty-seven objects in a familiar environment, you can make room for the circulation of energy. Therefore, it will help improve your emotional state, calm your nerves at home, and improve your own thought process.

10. Creativity.

For many people, in order to relieve tension, it is desirable to put on paper everything that makes you nervous. No matter what style and how you draw, the main thing is that drawing has strong calming properties. A person relaxes, giving himself completely to his occupation, while the nerves become less tense, and problems recede into the background. It is not for nothing that such a thing as coloring for adults is gaining more and more popularity. "Anti stress". Here, the pictures consist of the smallest details that need to be painted in different colors using pencils or felt-tip pens.

In the process of painstaking coloring, a person is distracted from problems, the mind relaxes and after a while the nervous tension recedes.

11. Aromatherapy.

You can also calm female nerves by influencing the body through the sense of smell. There are many essential oils that are used for relaxation. These include lavender oil, tangerine or orange, chamomile, bergamot, geranium, and some others. The ways of using them are also different, and you can choose the one that suits you, focusing on your preferences. Someone likes to take a bath with oil, someone likes to rub the skin with it or use it in the massage process. You can just light an aromatic lamp and sit on the couch with your favorite book. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of oil, since too saturated air or the ingestion of a large dose of oils into the body has an exciting effect on the nervous system.

12. The right way of life.

In order to calm the nerves at home, it is enough to reconsider your attitude to sleep and nutrition. In order for the nervous system to be strong and less exposed to external stimuli, it is necessary to get enough sleep and eat right. If, after all, the nerves have suffered, then we must take our lifestyle even more seriously: exclude nighttime TV viewing until three in the morning, spicy, fatty foods. Analyze how many hours your body needs to get up in the morning was not difficult and almost painful, and go to bed at the appropriate time. It may be difficult at first to get used to falling asleep early, but over time it will become a habit, and you will feel how much calmer you have become regarding problems.

When a person has a great responsibility, he feels constant tension, so he just needs a good rest. Otherwise, even a small problem can actually piss you off at the moment when the limit of resistance to stress comes. An elementary traffic jam or cold coffee pours into a real tantrum.

Often, overcoming nervous breakdowns, people then suffer from maximalism. If they start drawing, they try to do it perfectly when it comes to sports, but they torment themselves in the gym for several hours, and so on. Then there will be no effect from such calming, but only a new reason for stress will appear: the drawing is not beautiful enough, and yesterday's run is too short.

The key to calming your nerves in these ways is to be calm. All actions must be performed measuredly, for the benefit of the body and emotional state, and without exposing it to new tests.

13. Laughter prolongs life.

When a person laughs, endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones, are released. They will help you overcome stress. This is not only about having fun with friends in the company, but also about watching funny movies or video clips, reading jokes, and so on. Any reason to laugh heartily can cut nervous tension in half. Therefore, try to find as many reasons for joy, laughter and fun as possible, even the simplest brochure with funny stories bought from the subway can have a positive effect on your state of mind.

14. Sedative drugs.

If the stress is already going wild, and the above methods do not have the desired effect, you can turn to sedatives. It is advisable to choose products that are based on natural ingredients, herbs, tinctures, soothing teas. In principle, in the pharmacy you can also purchase a special collection that calms the nervous system. Or cook it yourself from herbs such as chamomile, valerian, lavender, mint and others.

But any sedatives cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, otherwise, indifference to the outside world, apathy, drowsiness may occur, which is also not the best way out of the situation. Therefore, again, you should remember that everything is good in moderation.

15. Councils of the psychologist.

In our country, this type of problem solving is not yet very common, although it is gradually gaining popularity. But in the West, when the slightest psychological problem arises, a person does not hesitate to seek advice from a specialist. And this is the right approach - the sooner you start solving the problem, the less the stage of its development is started. So if you feel that the tension is growing, the nerves are giving up, then you should make an appointment with a psychologist. The specialist will conduct a series of studies, tests, and identify the cause of your anxiety, after which he will help you find a way out.

Modern people rarely lead a calm measured life. Each of us has enough problems of a different nature that can not only spoil the mood, but cause a whole storm of negative emotions. If there is a feeling of tension, irritability or emptiness, uncertainty, this means that the nervous system does not cope well with overloads. This condition can provoke problems with sleep, exacerbation of chronic diseases, headache. How to calm the nerves and relieve tension to help yourself? There are enough funds that relate to both traditional and traditional medicine. Let's consider the most effective.

How to quickly calm your nerves

These tips will help bring the nervous system back to normal, especially if they are performed in a complex manner. They are suitable for those who want to know how to calm their nerves without pills.

Breathing exercises.

The alternation of a deep breath through the nose and the same exhalation through the mouth 10 times, then 10 minutes of rest, can be repeated again. Performing this exercise, you should sit comfortably in a chair or on a sofa, close your eyes and relax all the muscles. Drive thoughts away.

Spa treatments.

Are you angry and looking for a way to calm your nerves? and visit the salon, where experts will help you recover with the help of a relaxation procedure.

Hot shower or herbal bath.

Water treatments are great for soothing the nerves, but hot showers and soothing herbal infusions are the most effective. If you turn on calm quiet music while taking a bath, then the tension is removed quickly enough. Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can fill the bathroom with your favorite fragrant foam. A hot bath gives a strong relaxing effect.


Try counting to yourself from 0 to 100 and back.

Communication with animals.

Domestic fluffies are excellent psychotherapists, their purring has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Walking barefoot.

Thus, the impact on the points located on the feet and responsible for certain organs and systems is carried out. In winter, you can scatter peas or buckwheat on the floor and walk, stepping on the grains.


This procedure helps and strengthen the immune system. Douche should be started using warm water, gradually lowering the temperature.

Jogging or brisk walking.

Physical activity effectively restores raging nerves.

Be alone.

For some people, the effective way and the answer to the question of how to calm the nerves is to be in a quiet environment alone with yourself. It is advisable to lie down, relax, turn off the phone. It is also good to fill the room with your favorite aroma with aroma candles or lamps.


Turn on some light relaxing music. You can download songs of this style to your computer. No need to listen to fast music or rock in a nervous state. This will only aggravate the condition.


When a person starts to get nervous, a favorite thing that brings moral satisfaction will help to switch and get out of this state. Someone likes to sew or knit, embroider or make something - any hobby will help to come to a state of balance.


It is good if there is an opportunity to walk through the park or just along a sparsely populated street. Fresh air has a positive effect on the body and restores the emotional state.

Calm the nerves with traditional medicine

How to calm the nerves, if the smallest problem drives a person crazy, the mood is subject to rapid changes, and the nerves “give up” for no apparent reason? In this case, you can turn to traditional medicine. Herbal decoctions give a good result, but they should be used if there is no allergic reaction.

  • Mint, Melissa, Chamomile. These herbs are considered the easiest means that have a calming effect, strengthen the nervous system and have a positive effect on the entire body. They can even be used by children.
  • Valerian. It is a powerful tool that effectively soothes shattered nerves, relieves anxiety, relieves insomnia. However, to get the desired effect, you need to take a decoction of valerian root for at least a month.
  • Motherwort. It is used as a decoction, and alcohol pharmacy or home tincture. The tool perfectly relieves phobias and anxieties.
  • St. John's wort. Perfectly strengthens the nervous system. If St. John's wort is taken systematically, then a person becomes more resistant to stressful situations.
  • Lime tea. A tool that effectively helps get rid of irritability, depression and chronic fatigue. It is good to add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to linden tea.

You can find many ways to calm your nerves at home, and then in a calm state look for ways to solve the problem.

“Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel,” said Finnish writer and journalist Martti Larni. And what kind of life would we choose?

Each of us during the day there are various small troubles that make us nervous. Fortunately, the big ones that make us nervous don't happen all that often. However, the inability to calm down and the daily stay in an excited state will end sooner or later.

Anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, indignation, indignation and other similar feelings turn us on to such an extent that we immediately want to break something, kick, or even hit someone. And not everyone manages to keep themselves from such a temptation.

And even if later you have to regret what you have done, the tension subsided, the person calmed down. The former feelings that forced him to explode are replaced by remorse, regret, tears. Some people in stressful situations grab a cigarette, a glass, or “jam” stress, emptying the refrigerator.

Is it possible to calm down in another way, without damaging your own and health? Psychologists believe that it is possible, and offer to use several recommendations.

1. Treat nervous tension or stress consciously

To do this, you need to learn more about the mechanism of stress.

The very word “stress” has entered our everyday life relatively recently. By it, we usually mean increased psychological stress in response to the impact of adverse factors. It is unlikely that any of us thought about what happens in our body at the moments when, for some reason, we start strong.

Briefly, this can be described as follows: in response to a stressor - a stressor, a small gland called the pituitary gland, which is located at the base, connects the hormonal system to work. The thyroid gland releases an increased amount of a hormone called thyroxine - and we become irritable and agitated. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline - the hormone of anxiety, due to which the metabolism rapidly increases, the cardiovascular system is activated, and the heartbeat increases. They also secrete the hormone norepinephrine, which prepares the brain and body for a response to an irritant and adapts the body to stress.

Thus, at the moment of strong nervous tension, a command comes from to bring the whole organism into tone, and this is provided by the hormonal system. Thanks to hormones, physical activity increases, muscles tense up, because in case of danger, which is signaled by stress, a person must either attack or run away.

That is why he cannot calm down quickly. The body first needs to “work out” the stress hormones. The words of others like “Calm down immediately!” make him even more angry.

2. Use, “work out” stress hormones will help physical activity

During physical exertion, physical discharge occurs: stress hormones that have managed to develop in response to a stress factor are “burned out” and at the same time hormones of happiness are produced - endorphins. That is why it is worth doing some intense physical exercises when nervous tension. If time permits, it is worth going to the gym (they say that strength exercises will be the most effective in this case), swimming pool, jogging, walking. And even wash the windows or clean the apartment.

To relieve nervous and muscle tension, you can do several gymnastic exercises:

Reaching for the stars

Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Taking a slow deep breath, we stretch our arms up and stretch as if we want to reach the ceiling. As you exhale, lower your hands;

Stretching your shoulders

We occupy the same starting position as in the first exercise, only we put our hands on our shoulders. At the moment of inhalation, raise the elbows of the hands as high as possible, and throw the head back. On exhalation, we return to the starting position;

Grab your legs

We sit on a chair, we press our legs to ourselves. The toes are on the edge of the chair, the chin is between the knees. We wrap our arms around our legs and press them to the chest as tightly as possible. After 10 seconds, we sharply weaken the grip;

These exercises should be repeated several times. They relax the muscles of the shoulders, back, neck.

A great stress reliever is sex. During intimacy, endorphins are released - hormones that have a therapeutic effect on the nervous system and contribute to emotional unloading.

Physical activity not only allows you to calm down, but also develops stress resistance. Nordic walking with sticks, swimming, cycling, etc. are ways available to everyone for the prevention of neurosis and stress.

But what to do if you need to relax quickly?

3. Do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises will help restore emotional balance.

Slow inhales and exhales

Within 4 seconds, we slowly inhale the air, hold our breath for 5-6 seconds and exhale slowly for the next 4 seconds. We repeat this exercise up to 10 times;

Breathe belly

We take a sitting position, slightly raise the chin and take a deep slow breath, first filling the stomach with air, and then the chest. We hold the air for a few seconds and make a slow exit, first releasing the air from the chest, and then we draw in the stomach. We repeat 10-15 times;

We inhale and exhale alternately through the left and right nostrils.

We take any relaxed posture and close our eyes. Close the left nostril and inhale through the right, holding the breath. Then close the right and exhale through the left. Then we do the opposite exercise. We repeat it several times.

4. Resort to aromatherapy

You can “run away from stress” with the help of some essential oils. They are sold in pharmacies and it is quite possible to keep them just in case in your desktop, purse and at home. If necessary, a few drops of anti-stress oil are applied to the temples or wrists.

Relieve nervous and muscular tension, restore energy and improve mood oil of orange, lavender, mint, lemon balm, cedar, bergamot.

To create a peaceful atmosphere in the apartment, a ceramic aroma lamp is useful, in the side hole of which a tablet candle is inserted. Pour 5-10 ml of water into the upper part of the lamp, where to drop a few drops of your favorite anti-stress essential oil (4 drops of oil per 10 sq. M of the room).

5. Use folk remedies

Strengthen the nerves will help herbal infusion of thyme. Put a tablespoon of thyme in a jar, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, tightly cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes. We divide the resulting infusion into three servings and take them throughout the day.

6. Meditate

People underestimate the importance in relaxing the mind and body. It seems to some that this is not serious, to others that this activity is exclusively for those who practice yoga. And yet, its mental health benefits are supported by numerous scientific studies.

Let's try to calm the nerves with the simplest meditation: just sit down as we like, close our eyes and focus our attention on one thing for 10 minutes, for example, on an account, on a candle flame, trying not to be distracted by any other thoughts. As time goes by, it will become easier and easier to give a short respite to your nerves in this way and to calm your mind.

7. "Feed" your nerves right

During nervous tension, the body especially needs nutrients, and especially protein, vitamins E, A, C and B vitamins. For example, during severe stress, the body's need for vitamin C increases 75 times!

With their shortage, stress resistance is significantly reduced, because they are necessary for the normal functioning of the pituitary gland. Thus, the ability to overcome nervous tension depends to a large extent on how complete our nutrition is.

8. Develop the right perception of any situation

Situations where it is impossible not to worry and not be nervous do not happen so often. Usually we do it for trifles that are not worth attention. Remember: “It doesn't matter what happens around me. The important thing is how I feel about it ”- and we will try to treat troubles philosophically.

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