A look at the problem of ordinary people. Principles of safe ultrasound examination


So, it was like this: “You can often read in the literature about proper nutrition, and you also say that meals should be 4-5 times a day, but he writes the exact opposite: meals should be 1-2 times. If more often, the valves of the esophagus-stomach, stomach-duodenum, and so on begin to work incorrectly. All this leads to their constant non-closure with the subsequent throwing of the contents up, with all the consequences ... Her arguments are confirmed by examples of cures. Who is right?

Here's what I can say on the subject. There are not only many theories, but also myths related to nutrition. I adhere to the recommendations experimentally verified by specialists in this field. The guideline for eating is the feeling of hunger, which comes every 3-6 hours, depending on your busyness and individual features. The optimal intervals between meals are 4-5 hours. The last meal should be no later than an hour before bedtime.

So, if you have the opportunity to eat only three times a day, breakfast (8-9 am) should account for 30% daily ration, for lunch (13.30-15.00) - 45%, and for dinner (19.00-20.00) - 25% of the daily ration. If you prefer four meals a day, then breakfast and lunch should be a little lighter, but there is either an afternoon snack (17.00-17.30) or a second dinner (21.00-22.00), which makes up 10% of the daily diet. What to choose, an afternoon snack or a second breakfast, depends on your rhythm of life. Finally, if you prefer to eat five times a day, then breakfast is 20% of the daily diet, lunch is 35%, afternoon tea, dinner and the second dinner are 10% each.

your fears about frequent use food is unreasonable. Indeed, there are such diseases - reflux, when part of the food goes against the natural movement (from the stomach it is thrown into the esophagus). This is dangerous because gastric juice can damage the walls of the esophagus. But a noticeable burn of the mucous membrane occurs only with prolonged exposure. gastric juice. And this does not happen from the usual fractional nutrition. Among the causes of reflux, doctors call stress, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, the use of certain drugs (calcium antagonists, anticholinergics, beta-blockers, etc.). However, the frequency of nutrition has nothing to do with it, there are no clinical data on this. Galina Shatalova has her own ideas about proper nutrition, and her recommendations concern not only and not so much the frequency of meals, but the lifestyle in general. In other words, you can’t just eat according to Shatalova, you must either live according to Shatalova, or adhere to the views official medicine. Which is exactly what I do. Therefore, I do not think that eating often is harmful. It is harmful to eat often and a lot, that is, to overeat.

The question of whether ultrasound is harmful to humans is of interest great amount patients and their loved ones. It is especially important to understand the impact of ultrasound on the child and fetus (especially on early dates pregnancy).

This issue should be approached scientifically. Household conjectures of ordinary citizens, though overflowing with emotions, but in fact mean nothing.

In this article, we will consider the issue of the dangers of ultrasound for a person with scientific point vision. We will also talk about how often and how many times you can do ultrasound during pregnancy (including in the early stages).

The question of the effect of ultrasound on a person has been raised since the very beginning of the appearance of this medical diagnostics. Patients are especially interested in the effect of ultrasound on the child and what will happen if frequent ultrasound.

The world is divided into two camps: some completely trust the ultrasound diagnostic technique, while others are skeptical and sometimes hostile towards it.

And this applies not only to ordinary citizens. So in some countries, in the wake of talk about the dangers of ultrasound, ultrasound was completely banned. Is this action justified?

Probably not. And it's easy to explain. After all, the fact is that only ultrasound can confirm or refute the following diseases pregnant women and women in childbirth:

  1. Multiple pregnancy (at the same time, it is important to confirm it in the early stages, since there is a high probability of serious problems).
  2. Ectopic location of the child ().
  3. Placental abruption.
  4. Hereditary diseases of the child.
  5. Violations of the formation of the body (and its individual structures) of the child.

And, it would seem, this is already the end of the list of diseases that can be avoided by performing ultrasound on time. However, do not forget about non-natal pathologies:

This list can be continued for a long time. However, this is not necessary, since supporters of the rejection of ultrasound believe that the disadvantages of ultrasound still outweigh its diagnostic advantages.

Does ultrasound create vibrations that are dangerous for humans?

One of the arguments of supporters of the refusal to conduct ultrasound is the statement about the dangerous vibrations (resonance) created by the ultrasound apparatus. According to them, the fact that the ultrasound sensor operates at a frequency of 20 Hertz can trigger the mechanism of cancer development.

The mechanism is simple: cancer cells have a certain range of fluctuations, which sets them the rhythm of replication (reproduction). And this rhythm just coincides with the rhythm of the ultrasonic sensor.

And further healthy cell having your own healthy rhythm”, starts to work either in discord (chaotic rhythm), or synchronizing with the rhythm of the ultrasound sensor. That is, based on their linear logic, with the rhythm of a cancerous tumor.

The untenability of this assumption is not in doubt. There is no evidence for the existence of rhythm in cells. Moreover, even if it existed, then by what mechanisms should an essentially autonomous (self-organized) cell adapt to a foreign rhythm?

This makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view, and from the point of view of human logic. In addition, this statement does not have any evidence, in the form of certain experiments.

Does ultrasound cause mechanical damage?

Quite often, supporters of the danger of ultrasound refer to the fact that ultrasound creates a mechanical effect on soft tissues. And, in their opinion, this mechanical effect is destructive.

So these people also refer to the fact that nothing can pass without a trace. This means that ultrasonic waves are also reflected on the examined organs.

Fortunately, seventh grade physics completely refutes these imaginary dangers. The ultrasonic waves emitted by the ultrasonic sensor are negligible in terms of their impact, and they cannot damage anything.

And this is easy to check, since with destructive possibilities, they would first of all damage the skin, which is the first barrier to the passage of ultrasound. Patients would notice at ultrasound sites various options pigmentation disorders, eczema, dermatitis.

However, this does not happen. Yes, and ultrasound can be used to destroy the body, but this requires slightly different equipment. A conventional ultrasonic sensor is not capable of this from the word “completely”.

In addition, if the force of the mechanical impact of the ultrasound apparatus is so great, then why do we not observe rupture of the capillaries of the eyes during their diagnosis? After all, the eye capillaries are very thin, it is extremely easy to damage them.

Do not respond to ultrasound and high-precision sensory systems organism. The examined patient simply does not feel the effects of ultrasonic waves. Then what kind of destructive mechanical action are we talking about?

Is frequent testing harmful?

Everyone has probably heard about the dangers of frequent use of ultrasound. And we are usually talking about frequent ultrasound of the child (including the fetus). They say children are susceptible negative impact more than adults.

And the argument about the dangers of frequent ultrasound diagnostics is based on the fact that since single examinations are not harmful, then multiple ones, by definition, should be so. This logic has ancient roots: small doses of poison are medicine, and large doses are poison.

However, in the case of ultrasound, it is not applicable to indicate “doses”, because this is not an x-ray. Ultrasound is vibration and nothing more: they don't accumulate(accumulate) in the body like a poison, and certainly do not poison it.

Medical practice shows that frequent ultrasound of a child (or an adult - it doesn’t matter) does not threaten anything. At the same time, the age of the child does not matter: it can be a baby, a teenager, or even a fetus on later dates pregnancy.

This is all to blame for the general confidence of the inhabitants that frequent ultrasound is harmful. Therefore, the administration of many medical institutions went to meet them in order to meet their demands. No evidence of harm frequent Ultrasound in both a child and an adult, current medicine does not have.

Harm of ultrasound for a child (video)

General conclusions

It is worth recognizing that sometimes the arguments of the supporters of the refusal to hold ultrasound can make you think. However, if you delve into the study of the issue, it becomes clear that these arguments are untenable.

Every day around the world there are a huge number of ultrasound diagnostician. The bill goes to hundreds of thousands of procedures every day. At the same time, the procedure itself has been used for many years, and during this time there has not been a single case of complications from ultrasound.

At the same time, one can often face the opposite situation, when people who say a firm “no” to an ultrasound scan subsequently regret it (due to a slowdown in the diagnosis of diseases). Sometimes they are just not sure that ultrasound works, but more often they are afraid of this procedure.

Is young enough diagnostic method, which is developing, however, at such a rapid pace that, despite the obvious efficacy and availability, it causes a lot of anxiety in patients. The question of whether ultrasound is harmful is of particular concern to pregnant women, who regularly have to expose not only own organism, but also a growing organism in the womb of a child.

The possibilities of ultrasound

The existence of ultrasonic waves has not been a secret for a long time, but their widespread use in various technological, biological and medical industries has only recently begun. In this case, the following abilities of ultrasound are used:

  • heat objects (including soft tissues of the human body);
  • create ultrasonic vibrations;
  • bounce off obstacles.

Due to the relative transparency of the human body for ultrasonic waves, the latter, passing through tissues with different structures and densities, are partially reflected from them. The degree and intensity of the reflection is captured by an ultrasound sensor and displayed on the monitor screen in the idea of ​​a visual series that reflects the contours and density of internal organs.

The duration of the procedure is on average about 10-20 minutes and is performed using a strictly defined frequency range, which allows you to get the maximum full information without overheating the tissue.

AT modern medicine much more powerful ultrasonic waves are also used. AT this case we are talking about High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) used for minimally invasive surgery.

With the help of HIFU, the following types of surgical treatment are carried out:

  • removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the body of the uterus;
  • removal of a prostate tumor;
  • treatment of heart diseases (atrial fibrillation);
  • destruction of kidney stones and gallbladder(shock wave lithotripsy);
  • simulation of regenerative processes in nerve fibers;
  • surgery of pathologies of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.

The thin beam of ultrasound waves used in HIFU is much more powerful than the waves used in ultrasound. But even with the use of such power, it is necessary to bring intracellular structures to a boil (this is how a destructive effect on tumors is achieved). prolonged exposure more than 20,000 W / cm 2. For example, surgery to remove uterine fibroids lasts more than 3 hours.

Important! The power of 500 MW/cm 2 used in ultrasound and the large beam width cannot be compared with the power used in the HIFU method, and it can be concluded that it is simply impossible to achieve even a slight heating of tissues during an ultrasound examination.

On the this stage using modern equipment

Effect of ultrasound on DNA

Very often, the harm of ultrasound is associated with its destructive effect on human DNA. This belief is based on the developments that were not brought to their logical conclusion, which were carried out until 1992 in the institutes of the USSR. At that time, the personnel working on the study of the effect of ultrasound on the appearance of mutations were classified as "under harmful effects”and received privileges and a surcharge for “harmfulness”. However, no works on this topic have been published, and already in 1995, ultrasound was widely used to diagnose fetal pathologies in early pregnancy and diseases of internal organs.

P.P. Garyaev "Wave genome", in which the author claims that the frequency of ultrasonic vibrations causes delayed genetic abnormalities, in other words, mutations. But in connection with total absence evidence base, science community did not accept the work of Garyaev. Later, the availability of scientific degrees from P.P. Garyaev, was also declared invalid.

Effect of ultrasound on neurogenic structures of the brain

In addition to the above, other studies were carried out, in particular, the work of the neurobiologist Pasko Pakic, during which pregnant mice were exposed to ultrasound. As a result, it was scientifically proven that with the systematic exposure to ultrasound emitted by a device for diagnostic study people, lasting up to 30 minutes, changes in the work of certain groups of neurons occurred in the brain of mice.

Subsequently, these cells completely lost their ability to function, as their physical and chemical characteristics. However, it is difficult to judge how dangerous such a change is, since no negative changes in the development and functions of the brain have been found.

Important! It is not recommended to perform ultrasound in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 5 weeks), since in this period of time the number diagnostic information not so big but reliable information about the effect of ultrasound on the formation of neurogenic structures of the embryo is still missing.

Neurogenic changes in the brain were also noted during scientific research in the USSR in the 70s. At that time, Soviet medicine had scanners with sufficiently powerful radiation (today, ultrasound scanners with better power control are used). Due to the low prevalence of ultrasound diagnostics, ultrasound examination was not available to everyone and in connection with this it was possible to produce comparative analysis the health status of children born in women undergoing ultrasound during pregnancy and not passing.

As such negative impact on the development of the fetus was not detected, however, subsequently, it was noted salient feature. In women undergoing ultrasound examination, male children born were often left-handed. This fact confirms the existence of a certain influence therapeutic doses ultrasound on the neurogenic regulation of the developing fetus.

To date, all the causes of the formation of left-handedness are unknown.

ultrasound during pregnancy

Is it harmful to do ultrasound often during pregnancy? One of the main issues of concern future mother. The expediency of conducting an ultrasound study is undeniable, as it allows not only to identify a number of pathological changes occurring during pregnancy, but also to get complete information about the condition of the fetus and amniotic membranes. In many cases, this allows you to take timely measures to save the life of the baby and the health of the mother.

When normal developing pregnancy Ultrasounds are performed only three times:

  • at 11–14 weeks;
  • at 20–24 weeks;
  • at 31-34 weeks.

Frequent ultrasound examination is indicated only in the presence of the following threatening conditions:

  • development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • placental abruption;
  • toxicosis in late pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • malformations of the child.

In all of the above cases, it is impossible to compare the dubious harm from ultrasound with a real risk to the life of the mother and fetus.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks pregnant

For many women, the decisive argument that tilts their doubts about “harmful or not” towards rejection of the procedure is the reaction of the child to the effects of ultrasound. Indeed, doctors quite often note how often during a routine examination, the embryo begins to actively move and “turn away”.

In fact, this behavior is not a confirmation that ultrasound harms the fetus, the reasons may lie in the stressed state of the mother:

  • uterine tone, due to the touch of a cold gel or probe;
  • pressure on the uterus of a full bladder;
  • excitement.

Important! When diagnosing using 3D ultrasound, it should be remembered that more power is needed to obtain a three-dimensional image than to obtain a two-dimensional one.

Since there is still no unequivocal statement that there is harm from the use of ultrasound for the purpose of diagnosis, as, however, it is impossible to confidently state the opposite, up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, this type of diagnosis should be avoided.

The phrase “every medicine is poison, and the difference is only in the dose” is the best way to answer the question of whether ultrasound is harmful to humans. Undoubtedly, ultrasound has a certain effect on tissues. Proof of this is the excitement nerve fibers in response to long-term pulsed exposure to focused ultrasound. To date, there is no reliable information on how ultrasound affects the development of the embryo, but one can be sure of its relative safety when examining the fetus at later stages of pregnancy and an adult.

Which is better for the skin general health of a person: to be an "unwashed barbarian" or a "clean"?
Does our skin need to be washed frequently?

Upper layer skin, - the epidermis, - consists of several layers of cells. New ones form in the lower one, and then, moving to the surface, they gradually turn into horny scales and eventually fall off.
Normally, horny scales mix with sebum and form a kind of protective film on the surface of the skin.

Also, some microorganisms are constantly present on the skin - representatives of the normal microflora. She performs important features: supports normal level acidity of the skin and displaces pathogens.

Studies show that if a person takes a bath every day for several weeks or does not wash during the same time, this does not affect the state of his permanent normal microflora.

Some micro-organisms may be temporarily present on the skin, but eventually the normal microflora will crowd them out. If the skin is damaged and its protective functions are reduced, then these bacteria and fungi can colonize it and form a new one, pathogenic microflora. They are capable of causing disease. AT normal condition skin has a pH of 5.0. This is very important for her protection.

It turns out that, on the one hand, when taking a shower or a bath, we remove everything “extra” from the skin: dust, sweat, horny scales, “foreign” microorganisms that have settled on it. In the same time frequent washing leads to the fact that we erase the natural protective layer from the skin, and it simply does not have time to recover. However, it is not the washing itself that is important, but the quality of the water and the composition of the hygiene products that you use.

The water you wash with

In accordance with sanitary regulations and the norms approved in Russia in 2002, the water that enters your tap must be “epidemic and radiation safe, harmless chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties.

The main indicators and the content of a number of chemicals in tap water are regulated, standards are set, but in reality water does not always meet these criteria (especially in small towns and villages). Even more at risk are people who have to take water from standpipes and wells.

Exceeding the content of certain substances in water is a threat not only to the stomach and intestines, but also to your skin if you often like to sit in the shower or in the bath.

Chlorine is used to purify water from microorganisms in a centralized water supply system. Indeed, there are more safe technique, - with help ultraviolet radiation, - but it is so expensive that its widespread implementation is still unlikely.

If a person washes with water high content chlorine, the hair will be the first to react. They will fall out more, lose natural shine become brittle, and the ends begin to split. The skin becomes dry, tight, irritated, an allergic reaction may occur.

The action of chlorine on the skin also has long-term consequences - it destroys normal microflora skin and reduces its protective properties. May appear acne and . Chlorine - good disinfectant as it is a powerful oxidizing agent. Once in the body, it forms free radicals that damage living cells. And this is one of the mechanisms of aging and development malignant neoplasms, in particular, .

Second common problem tap water- high hardness associated with a high content of calcium and magnesium salts. Young children react most strongly to swimming in hard water - by the age of three months they may have the first symptoms, which transforms into eczema with age.

Frequent washing in hard water destroys the natural protective layer of the skin. In addition, such water washes away the soap applied to the skin worse. Outcome: increased dryness, irritation and allergic reactions, increased risk the occurrence of cracks and penetration into the skin of infection.

Soap and shampoo: friend or foe?

The labels of shampoos and shower gels usually state that they contain " natural ingredients”, “herbal extracts” and other healthy substances. Few read the fine print describing full squad. And there, by the way, you can find a lot of interesting things.

Many disinfectant soaps contain a substance called triclosan. In 2014, scientists from the University of California-San Diego conducted a study during which they found that triclosan does not in the best way affects the health of laboratory mice: it can cause fibrosis and liver. Of course, when you bathe and apply soap to your skin, the body receives a small dose of this substance, which is almost harmless. But frequent washing for several years can affect health.

In 2008, American scientists were alarmed by another discovery. After examining the urine of 163 children, they found that phthalates are present in many samples - chemical substances found in baby shampoos. Penetrating into the body, they can disrupt the development of the organs of the reproductive system.

In the manufacture of soaps and shampoos, various surface active substances. At frequent use they can be bad for skin and hair, especially if they're cheap. The first symptoms: itching, dandruff, dry skin,.

Of course, the composition of hygiene products is not limited to those listed above. The lower the cost of a soap or shampoo, the more likely it is to contain harmful ingredients. With a single and infrequent use, they most likely will not lead to problems. But often it is better not to use them.
The worst effect on the skin hygiene products, which include many alkalis (as we have already said, the skin has a pH of 5.0, that is, slightly acidic). Contact with alkalis leads to an increase in pH and a decrease in protective functions skin. If you wash several times a day, then the acidity of the skin simply does not have time to return to normal.

Of course, you need to bathe regularly. Especially in summer, when the skin is actively sweating and covered with dust. But in everything you need to know the measure:

  • Prioritize a shower over a bath. It's more hygienic.
  • Do not use a solid shower head. Pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in it, so it must be collapsible, it must be washed regularly.
  • Use soap and shampoo only when needed. During the daily morning and evening shower, it is quite possible to do without them.
  • Choose hygiene products carefully. Look at their composition. Do not buy products that contain a lot of alkalis, harmful components.
  • It is advisable to give preference to children's and organic means hygiene. They usually cost more, but we are talking about your health.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the water you wash with. If you live in an area where tap water contains a lot of impurities - consider installing a cleaning system.

The choice of household chemicals really needs to be given Special attention. According to the latest data, it contains up to 15 substances hazardous to health.

Many people are interested in the question, what happens if you have sex too often? It would seem, how sex can harm health? But, as you know, even poison in small doses is a medicine, and in large doses - death. Everything is good in moderation, which is why it is necessary to learn how to find a middle ground in any situation.

Harm or benefit?

According to British scientists, excessive sexual activity harms males. It turns out that young people who have sex have more 20 once a month, the risk of getting prostate cancer increases by 32% . Scientists explained this fact by the fact that the appearance of this disease male sex hormones play an important role.

Also, British scientists came to another conclusion that frequent sex can reduce a person's life. It turns out that at intimacy special hormones are released that negatively affect the body's natural defenses, that is, they reduce immunity, as a result of which a person can get sick. Also, in the representatives of the stronger sex after sexual intercourse, there is a decrease in testosterone levels, and this in turn leads to a decrease in any physical activity.

In addition, according to British scientists, frequent sex can cause psychological disorders. That is, a person may experience emotional imbalance, apathy and absent-mindedness.

For the fair sex, frequent sex can also result in health problems. In a fit of passion, microscopic injuries of the vaginal mucosa may appear. Since a woman does not always have natural lubrication, because of its lack, unpleasant pain may occur.

Frequent sexual intercourse can also be harmful if the person constantly changes their partners. The risk of catching a serious venereal disease increases many times. It is worth noting that if men often have sex, then they experience a blunted orgasm or it disappears altogether.

Summing up, we can say that frequent sex can be harmful to health, but you can’t do without it. Without intimate life it is impossible to build a normal relationship between a man and a woman. That is why it is so important to know the measure in everything.

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