Ultraviolet radiation: application in medicine. Methods and techniques for carrying out UFO procedures Do UFO

Both small children and adults suffer from diseases of the ENT organs. To cope with the negative impact of the inflammatory process on the tissues of the ear, throat and nose, physiotherapy using the UVR method will help. Proper use of the procedure will help to cure acute and chronic processes, improve the general condition and help to achieve the maximum effect in the treatment.

What is UV therapy? This is a technique that allows you to treat the foci of the inflammatory process using ultraviolet radiation. Manipulation is completely painless, it increases blood flow in the injured areas and provides an active flow of leukocytes to relieve inflammation.

This technique has found wide application in the treatment of ENT pathologies, since it allows you to adjust the wavelength and the depth of their action. With a short and shallow penetration, it can have a bactericidal, antiviral effect. The average depth (from 280 nm) helps to activate the work of vitamins, improve the activity of immune processes in the body. Long-wave irradiation is able to form pigments, stimulate immunity.

In the treatment of ENT pathologies, the method has the following effects:

  • Removes inflammatory processes.
  • Works as a pain reliever.
  • Improves or activates regeneration processes at the cellular level, thereby accelerating the healing process.
  • bactericidal. Destroys microorganisms on the surface of wound sites or in inflammatory foci.
  • Improves and restores metabolic processes.

This physiotherapy is often prescribed to young children for preventive or therapeutic purposes with a lack of vitamin D. Due to its lack, rickets can develop, and when exposed to ultraviolet light, the vitamin is actively synthesized, preventing the disease from developing.

Indications for use

UV therapy should not be used for no apparent reason or without a prescription. Only when pathological processes occur in the ENT organs, after examination and an accurate diagnosis, the doctor can make an appointment.

UV irradiation is recommended for:

  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis.
  • Treatment and prevention of bronchitis.
  • Sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • Enlarged adenoids in children.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Therapy for ear diseases.
  • Pharyngitis.

In some cases, doctors prescribe UV therapy to stimulate or restore the active work of the immune system, and also as a prophylactic against respiratory viral infections.

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis, since there are a number of contraindications, due to which complications may develop.

Contraindications for use

To restore the cell, its regenerative and protective functions in case of injury or infection, it is recommended to use UV physiotherapy. But, despite the effectiveness of this method of treatment, there are contraindications to its use:

  • Any stage of development of oncology.
  • Autoimmune processes that are accompanied by sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, such as lupus.
  • Acute purulent inflammatory processes.
  • Excessive fragility of blood vessels and frequent bleeding.
  • Gastric ulcer, tuberculosis and arterial hypertension.

While carrying a baby or breastfeeding, physiotherapy can only be performed with the permission of the attending physician. The appointment is performed in case of inflammation of the nasal mucosa or oral cavity.

Therapy with ultraviolet radiation in the right dosages and with the right approach is an indispensable assistant, an effective tool in the fight against ENT pathologies.

ENT diseases and ultraviolet treatment

In the presence of ENT pathologies, the doctor may prescribe radiation in such cases:

  • SARS. In order to prevent or treat respiratory viral infections, daily dosed irradiation of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx and nasal mucosa is carried out. One minute is enough for adults, half a minute for children.
  • With bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. To conduct irradiation and eliminate foci of inflammation, it is necessary to “treat” 5 fields of the chest. When irradiating zones 1 and 2, the patient lies on his stomach, the manipulation is carried out over half of the posterior surface of the sternum (either side) or where the inflammatory process is located. When processing the lateral surfaces of the chest, the patient takes the position of "lying on his side" with his arm thrown behind his head, this is considered the third and fourth area for irradiation. The fifth zone is located on the front side of the sternum on the right side, in this case the patient should lie on his back. It is necessary to irradiate each zone separately. In one day, only one procedure can be performed on one of the selected areas. Physiotherapy takes about 5 minutes, each zone should be treated 2-3 times.

  • Acute rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis. With a runny nose at the initial stage, the lower surface of the feet is irradiated for 4 days, 10 minutes each. Also, using a special tube, UV radiation of the mucous surfaces of the nose and throat is carried out starting from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes for 5 days. With pharyngitis and laryngotracheitis, ultraviolet radiation is used on the anterior surface of the chest, trachea and back of the neck. The rays have a good effect on the back wall of the pharynx (using a tube). Manipulation takes no more than 10 minutes, therapy is carried out within one week.
  • Chronic tonsillitis. For inflammation of the tonsils, a special tube with a cut ring is used. It is necessary to open the mouth wide and press the tongue to the bottom as much as possible, the tube with the cut side is directed directly to the affected tonsils. The impact should be alternate on each side for 2-3 minutes. The course of therapy is from a week to 10 days.

The possibilities of physiotherapy are enormous and, with the right approach, they have the most positive effect on the body and the affected foci, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, improving metabolic processes, accelerating the healing and regeneration of cells.

Features of the

In order for the treatment to be correct and not harm the general condition of the patient, you should contact a medical institution where you will be provided with proper care using special equipment. Nevertheless, there are also portable devices that can be used independently at home.

Step-by-step implementation of the physiotherapy technique:

  • In order to irradiate one of the selected zones, it is necessary to choose the right tube. There are several types of them, depending on the area to be treated.
  • Before use, the device must be turned on and warmed up in advance.
  • The session starts from 30 seconds and gradually increase the time limits to the period indicated by the doctor.
  • After the manipulation is completed, the lamp must be turned off.
  • The patient must rest for half an hour.

The duration of the manipulation, the length of ultrasound penetration, the course of therapy - all this is prescribed and selected by the attending physician immediately after making an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication is very dangerous, especially at home.

Ultraviolet treatment is indicated for diseases of the skin, respiratory organs, joints, female genital organs, and peripheral nervous system. Similar procedures are prescribed for faster healing of wounds, as well as for the prevention of rickets. Currently, for therapeutic purposes, irradiation with narrow-band ultraviolet with a wavelength of 311-312 nanometers. It is especially effective in therapy. Ultraviolet radiation is also used in the treatment of other common skin diseases - vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, some types of dermatitis, pruritis, porphyria, prurigo.

The procedure for irradiation with ultraviolet rays is not accompanied by discomfort, does not require. Its duration is very short: one irradiation session lasts from several seconds to several minutes. In most cases, ultraviolet therapy is combined with medical treatments. The doctor may prescribe ultraviolet therapy even if external medications do not give the desired result.

The best effect is achieved by following the schedule of therapy sessions. The schedule includes two to five treatments, and a full course of UV treatment takes an average of 12 weeks. Visible results are most often achieved after 5-10 sessions. Contraindications to ultraviolet treatment are: tumors, acute inflammatory processes, bleeding, severe kidney damage, stage 2-3 circulatory failure, stage 3 hypertension, active forms of tuberculosis.

How is the ultraviolet irradiation procedure performed?

The ultraviolet irradiation procedure begins with a doctor's examination of the patient. He checks the condition of the patient's skin and prescribes the required number of sessions. The ultraviolet irradiation procedure should be carried out by a nurse under the supervision of a doctor. On the day of the session, the patient should not use toilet water, deodorant, aftershave lotion and other cosmetics. Areas of the body that are not subject to radiation should be covered. Special goggles are provided to protect the eyes.

After each session, the doctor should check the reaction of the skin to ultraviolet light. Depending on it, the duration of subsequent procedures may be increased. Sometimes, after ultraviolet irradiation sessions, patients experience allergic reactions, in which case antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce itching or other discomfort. After the procedures, special skin care is not needed, but patients should avoid additional exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the body.

Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) of the blood is designed to purify the biological fluid, increase the production of immune cells and speed up the metabolism. The features of this method of treatment are the rapid achievement of a therapeutic effect, the preservation of results for a long time.

UV blood: benefits for the body

The UVI method consists in the effect of a light flux on the blood by way of a light-guide catheter into a vein. The mechanism of action is based on improving the work of the antioxidant system of the blood, increasing the total amount of hemoglobin, antiviral and bactericidal effect. UV blood strengthens the immune system, improves tissue nutrition, normalizes the functions of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, activates metabolic processes, normalizes the acid-base balance.

The procedure accelerates the resorption of blood clots, lowers the blood. UV blood helps in the treatment of diseases by restoring normal microcirculation, improving blood viscosity, and activating redox processes. Correction of the properties and functions of blood allows several times the effectiveness of treatment with drugs.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of UVI blood

UV blood is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, gynecological diseases, diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular system. The procedure is prescribed for acute and chronic intoxications, pathological inflammatory processes, endocrine and hormonal disorders, cerebral blood flow pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, genital infections, surgical pathologies. UVR blood is effective and recurrence of chronic diseases in spring and autumn. During pregnancy, such a procedure is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis, in case of miscarriage due to hypoxia.

Contraindications to the use of UV blood are blood diseases, predisposition to hypoglycemia, ongoing bleeding of various origins, acute cerebrovascular accidents, porphyria, pellagra, photodermatosis, hypersensitivity to sunlight, epilepsy, oncological diseases.

How is ultraviolet blood

Ultraviolet irradiation of blood is carried out using special equipment. The apparatus for ultraviolet blood irradiation is a multi-wave irradiator that performs exposure in all active light spectra. When performing the procedure, a peripheral vein is punctured with a thin hollow tourniquet having a diameter of 0.8 to 1.2 mm.

The patient's blood through the tube enters a special vessel located in the therapeutic apparatus, where it is exposed to ultraviolet irradiation, after which it returns to the patient's vein. The duration of the UVR procedure is no more than an hour, the general course should be 6-8 sessions.

The UFO-lamp is intended for carrying out improving procedures. Ultraviolet irradiation has a positive effect on the processes occurring in the body, and also helps to improve the condition in certain diseases.


The UV lamp is used to increase the body's resistance to infections (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.), for the prevention and treatment of rickets in pregnant and lactating women, and in children. It is used to treat pyoderma, pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, improve recovery processes in fractures, to normalize immunity in chronic inflammation, to stimulate hematopoiesis (the process of hematopoiesis), to compensate for the lack of sun.

Dosed irradiation with a UV lamp has a positive effect on the body. The procedure regulates blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, increases immune activity, promotes the work of protective mechanisms during epidemics of viral infections. The UV lamp has a negative effect on the retina, so the procedure must be carried out in special glasses. Instead, you can put cotton pads on your eyelids. Some people, due to the characteristics of the body, are not able to tolerate artificial radiation, therefore, during the procedure, their condition must be monitored. Ultraviolet radiation therapy sessions are not suitable for people who experience dizziness, headaches, nervous irritation, etc. during the irradiation process.

Before the session, moderately treat the skin with cream or oil, apply them in a thin, even layer. Turn on the lamp and wait 5 minutes for it to warm up. Place the working surface of the device at a distance of 10-50 cm from the surface of the body. If it is necessary to carry out local skin irradiation, limit the painful area from healthy ones with a towel or sheet. For local irradiations (for example, mucous membranes of the nose, throat), before turning on the lamp, install a special tube in the opening of the device screen.

The first session should last no more than 1 minute, then you can begin to gradually increase the duration of the procedures up to 5 minutes. Ultraviolet radiation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat in order to prevent influenza ARVI is carried out for 1 minute for each zone. Every 3 days, increase the duration of the session by 1 minute until you reach 3 minutes. The course is 10 procedures. During the acute stage of the disease, irradiation is not carried out. Contraindications to UV lamps are the following ailments: severe kidney damage, heart damage with circulatory failure in the 3rd stage, coronary artery disease, stage II-III hypertension, severe exhaustion, bleeding tendency, anemia, skin diseases, hyperthyroidism. The UV lamp is not intended for tanning.

Method characteristic. UVR is the therapeutic use of ultraviolet radiation from artificial sources. According to the biological effect on the body and depending on the wavelength, the UV spectrum is divided into three zones (see clause 5.2, table. 1).

Equipment. Sources for UV radiation are divided into two groups:

- Integral emitting the entire spectrum of UV rays (OUSh-1 devices for individual general and local irradiation, OH-7 - irradiators for the nasopharynx, OUN 250 and OUN 500 - ultraviolet desktop irradiators for local irradiation). In all these emitters, the source of UV rays is an arc mercury-quartz tubular (DRT) high-pressure lamp of various power (DRT-100, -250, -400, -1000 W).

- selective emitting a certain part of the UV spectrum (UV or DUV, DUV in combination with SUV). The source of KuV-rays are bactericidal arc lamps of the DB type, which are used in devices for decontamination of premises in the absence of people (OBN-1 - bactericidal wall-mounted irradiator, OBP-300 - bactericidal ceiling irradiator, etc.) and in devices for local irradiation of limited areas of skin and mucous membranes (BOP-4 - portable bactericidal irradiator, BOD-9 - arc bactericidal irradiator). To obtain UV rays, fluorescent erythemal lamps made of uvio glass of the LE type (LE-15, LE-30) are used. The phosphor covering the inner surface of uvio lamps provides radiation with a peak in the region of 310–320 nm. UV emitters are used in general UV devices for the prevention and treatment of UV deficiency.

Primary mechanisms of action. The mechanism of action of UV rays is based on the process of absorption of light quanta by atoms and molecules of biological tissues. The energy value of UV radiation quanta is sufficient for the formation of electronically excited states of molecules (internal photoelectric effect), the destruction of ionic and covalent bonds. The energy of excited molecules, when the latter return to their original (unexcited) state, initiates photochemical processes, which include photosynthesis(formation of more complex biological molecules), photoisomerization(formation of molecules with new physicochemical properties from precursor molecules), photolysis(decomposition of protein molecules with the release of a large number of biologically active substances, such as histamine, acetylcholine, heparin, prostaglandins, kinins, etc.). Photoelectric and photochemical processes caused by the action of ultraviolet light quanta occur in the upper layers of the skin, since the depth of penetration of UV rays into tissues is fractions of a millimeter (up to 0.6 mm). The formation of biologically active substances and the change in the functional state of the nerve receptors of the skin under the action of UV rays provides a powerful flow of afferent impulses to the centers of nervous regulation with the formation of an organism's response at the metameric-segmental or general level. In addition to the neuroreflex mechanism, UV rays also have a neurohumoral effect, since large amounts of biologically active substances from the skin with blood flow are carried throughout the body, causing functional changes in all organs and systems. The main local phenomenon that provides the neuro-reflex and neurohumoral mechanism of action of UVR is the formation in the skin ultraviolet (or photochemical) erythema. Any part of the UV range with an increase in irradiation intensity above a certain level causes persistent skin hyperemia at the site of exposure due to local accumulation of photodegradation products and the development of aseptic inflammation. UV erythema is characterized by the presence of a latent period (3-12 hours), uniformity, clear boundaries, lasts up to 3 days.

The severity of UV erythema, its nature, as well as other photoelectric and photochemical processes occurring in the skin, have their own characteristics depending on the spectrum of the active UV radiation and its dose. UV rays have a weak erythema-forming effect, since they mainly trigger photosynthesis-type reactions. They are selectively absorbed by tyrosine molecules, causing their decarboxylation with subsequent formation of melanin pigment. Provide activation of epidermal macrophages. SUV rays they mainly trigger the photolysis reaction, form free radicals, since the quanta of medium-wave UV radiation have significant energy. UV rays are characterized by a pronounced erythema-forming effect with a maximum peak at a wavelength of 297 nm. They are selectively absorbed by 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D) and, through a photoisomerization reaction, convert it into cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3). Kuf rays, having the highest quantum energy, cause protein denaturation and coagulation. Selectively absorbed by nucleic acids, causing their photolysis. The resulting lethal mutations lead to cell death, including bacterial and fungal ones. The erythema formed during UV radiation has a reddish color with a bluish tint due to the expansion of subcapillary veins, develops earlier, and disappears faster than that caused by UV rays.

Physiological reactions. The direction and nature of physiological reactions depends on the dose and spectrum of UV radiation. Low doses of UV and UV rays that do not cause erythema ( suberythemal), are used mainly for general irradiation and have a positive effect on the functional state of almost all organs and systems of the body:

Improve the processes of higher nervous activity, activate cerebral circulation;

Stimulate the sympathetic-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems;

Stimulate all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium, reduce atherogenic fractions of blood lipids, sugar levels during initial hyperglycemia;

Have an immunomodulatory effect;

Improve the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system;

Stimulate erythropoiesis, increase hemoglobin levels.

Large doses of UV radiation ( erythema) increase the imbalance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex, reduce the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, lead to a violation of the ratio of T-cell subpopulations, a decrease in their activity and inhibition of antitumor reactions, and therefore are used only for local irradiation.

Local erythemotherapy provides an increase in local immunity due to prolonged activation of microcirculation, an increase in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, and the activation of T-lymphocytes (helper link). An increase in hemolymphoperfusion of irradiated areas of the body, including those related to the corresponding metamer of internal organs, helps to reduce inflammatory edema and reduce exudation phenomena. Irritation by photodestruction products of an extensive receptor field causes an intense flow of afferent impulses that enter the cerebral cortex and cause delocalization of the pain dominant. On the periphery, parabiosis of the terminal sections of the nerve afferents occurs due to their re-irritation by large amounts of biologically active substances.

Therapeutic effect.Suberythemal doses of DUV and SUV rays: immunomodulatory, pigment-forming, trophic, reparative, desensitizing, vitamin-forming, anti-rachitic, hardening, general strengthening (increase in body resistance).

Erythemal doses: bactericidal (especially CUF), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, desensitizing, trophic.

specific action. Medium-wave and long-wave ultraviolet irradiation in suberythemal doses should be more widely used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, since with ultraviolet insufficiency, a decrease in the overall resistance of the body, secondary immune deficiency, autonomic dysfunction with a predominance of the tone of the parasympathetic system, and rickets in childhood develop naturally. .

Erythemal doses have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and have a bactericidal and mycocidal effect (with superficial inflammatory processes), which leads to their widespread use in purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes.

Methodology. When choosing a method of treatment with UV rays, the spectrum of radiation and the dose of UV rays are important. For dosing UVR in physiotherapy practice, the Gorbachev-Dalfeld biological method is used, based on an assessment of the severity of the erythemal reaction of the patient's skin. The unit of dose in this method is one biological dose. One biodose is the dose of ultraviolet radiation, measured over time, that causes minimal (threshold) erythema from a certain distance (usually from 50 cm). Doses that do not cause erythema (i.e., less than 1 biodose) are called suberythemal. Doses from 1 to 8 biodoses are erythema, and there are small erythemal doses (1–2 biodoses), medium (3–4 biodoses), large (5–8 biodoses). Doses above 8 biodoses are called hypererythemic.

Total UV exposure(individual or group) is carried out from integral or long-wave emitters, starting with suberythemal doses according to the main, accelerated and delayed irradiation scheme.

Children require special attention during general exposures. Weakened and premature babies begin to be irradiated with 1/10–1/8 of the biodose, older ones - with 1/4 of the biodose. Irradiation is carried out every other day (3 times a week), gradually increasing the daily dose to 1 1/2-1 3/4 biodoses. At this level, the radiation dose remains until the end of the course.

Local UV exposure conduct from integral or short-wave emitters to areas of the body with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 600 square meters. see in erythemal doses. Methods of local UV irradiation: directly on the focus; irradiation of reflexogenic zones; fractionated irradiation; field exposure; extrafocal irradiation (on a part of the body symmetrical to the focus);

Rules for erythemotherapy: repeated exposures of the same area are carried out as the erythema fades - after 1–3 days, increasing the dose of subsequent exposures by 25–100% of the initial one (less often from the previous one). The same area is irradiated 3-6 times, except for purulent wounds, bedsores and mucous membranes, which are allowed up to 10-12 exposures.

In childhood, local UV irradiation is allowed from the first days of life, general - from 1 month. With local UVI, the exposure area ranges from 50 sq. cm in newborns up to 300 sq. see in school-age children. Erythemotherapy usually begins with 0.5–1.0 biodose.


General UV exposure is used to:

Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, for hardening;

Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;

Treatment of common pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;

Normalization of the immune status in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;

Stimulation of hematopoiesis;

Compensation for ultraviolet deficiency.

Local UV irradiation is applied:

In therapy - for the treatment of arthritis of various etiologies, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;

In surgery - for the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcers, bedsores, burns and frostbite, infiltrates, purulent inflammatory lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, mastitis, erysipelas, the initial stages of obliterating lesions of the vessels of the extremities;

In neurology - for the treatment of acute pain syndromes in the pathology of the peripheral nervous system, the consequences of craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries, polyradiculoneuritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, hypertension syndrome, causalgic and phantom pains;

In dentistry - for the treatment of aphthous stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, infiltrates after tooth extraction;

In ENT practice - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, paratonsillar abscesses;

In gynecology - in the complex treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory processes, with nipple cracks;

In pediatrics - for the treatment of mastitis in newborns, weeping of the navel, limited forms of staphyloderma and exudative diathesis, pneumonia, rheumatism;

In dermatology - in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma, etc.

Contraindications. Common to physiotherapy, hyperthyroidism, systemic lupus erythematosus, liver and kidney disease with insufficiency of function.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: purulent wound of the leg.

Write: UV radiation from the BOP-4 apparatus to the wound area with the capture of healthy tissues (+1–1.5 cm along the perimeter) from 6 biodoses + 2 biodoses to 12, daily, No. 4 (6).

Mark on the cliche: Area of ​​influence.

Purpose(example). Diagnosis: lumbosacral osteochondrosis in the acute phase. Lumbargia syndrome.

Write: UVR from the OUSh-1 device to the lumbosacral region from 4 biodoses + 1 biodose to 8, every other day, No. 4 (6).

Mark on the cliché: Area and area of ​​impact in sq. cm.

Phototherapy is widely used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The most commonly used exposure to ultraviolet rays, or UVR.

What is UFO

Ultraviolet irradiation is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the influence of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is between the visible and X-rays. The wavelength of this radiation is different, and the effect produced on the human body will depend on it.

Long-wave causes erythema, that is, redness of the skin and increased metabolic processes in it. The medium wave treatment stimulates the production of vitamin D and strengthens the immune system. And short ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal effect.
In UFO physiotherapy, 2 types of devices that generate UV rays are used:

  • integral - produces the entire spectrum from long to short;
  • selective - a source of one type of radiation.

General UV irradiation is used for preventive purposes. Often it is prescribed for those who have recently had a disease and are in a weakened state.

Local UVR is used to enhance blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as stimulate the immune response in the affected area. Radiation contributes to the prevention of purulent complications in the presence of wounds and the prevention of rheumatism with frequent tonsillitis.

Another application of ultraviolet light is the disinfection of premises. Bactericidal lamps are installed in children's, medical institutions, sometimes at work and in public places.

How is physiotherapy done?

Artificial total UVI can be performed both individually and in groups. More often group exposures occur in special rooms. An irradiator is installed in the center of the room, around which up to 25 people are accommodated at a distance of 3 m. The procedure takes only 3-4 minutes.
Often this technique is used in pediatric practice to prevent vitamin D deficiency and rickets.

During local physiotherapy, ultraviolet is directed locally to the affected area due to special nozzles. These can be reflexogenic zones, mucous membranes or fields located near the injury site. The course consists of 6-12 procedures prescribed 2 or 3 times a week.

In case of acute respiratory infections, ultraviolet irradiation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is prescribed, special tubes are used for this. A session for an adult is 1 minute, for a child 30 seconds. They also irradiate the chest in the fields, applying a special oilcloth with windows on it. This is necessary so that a new zone is processed each session.

Pustular lesions of the skin are processed only after the sanitation of eruptive elements, abscesses and boils - after excision. The emitter should be at a distance of 10 cm from the skin.
Regardless of which method is chosen, the physiotherapist determines the minimum effective biodose for each patient before treatment. Most often, the course begins with 1/4-1/2 biodose.

Contraindications to the procedure

For some diseases and conditions, UVR is not prescribed. The procedure is contraindicated for:

  1. The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  2. Fever and hyperthermia.
  3. Overproduction of thyroid hormones.
  4. Immune diseases.
  5. Recent myocardial infarction.
  6. Acute cerebrovascular accident.
  7. Insufficiency of liver and kidney function.
  8. Blood coagulation disorders.
  9. Photodermatoses.
  10. Exacerbations of chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis.
  11. Cachexia.

There are no contraindications for quartzing, but when the lamp is on, it is necessary to leave the room, and upon completion of disinfection, ventilate the room well.

Representing one of the most powerful methods of influencing the human body, ultraviolet radiation in natural conditions comes from the Sun.

Its action is expressed in strengthening the body's defenses, eliminating inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin, as well as the production of vitamin D, which is responsible for the regenerative processes in the skin, the intensity of the production of immune cells by the body. For this reason, ultraviolet radiation must be used both as a highly effective therapeutic agent and as a preventive measure.

The concept of the method and its types

Ultraviolet radiation has the ability to quickly change the chemical composition of tissues, stabilize many organic processes and eliminate sources of inflammation. These properties of ultraviolet radiation are widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases, in preventive practice. Referring to the methods of physiotherapeutic influence with high efficiency, the considered method of influence is used by specialists in the conditions of medical specialized centers.

Natural radiation is received by a person from the Sun, but in the conditions of medical centers and clinics specializing in physiotherapy, special lamps are used that emit short and long waves, depending on the diagnosis and the degree of susceptibility of the patient's body. Argon-quartz and mercury-quartz lamps emitting ultraviolet rays provide ultraviolet radiation of the required quality and length.

The presence of indications for the use of the ultraviolet radiation procedure is determined by the attending physician on the basis of the diagnosis in the presence of diseases that require strengthening immunity, eliminating signs of inflammatory processes of various localization. The division into types of ultraviolet irradiation occurs depending on the wavelength that is used to provide the necessary exposure.

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on human skin is described in this video:

Pros and cons of ultraviolet skin irradiation

The use of ultraviolet radiation helps to prevent the development of many diseases, stimulates the immune system and stabilizes the process of producing substances necessary for the body. By promoting the formation of vitamin D in the body, this type of irradiation provides a more active formation of melanin: skin tan, resulting from exposure to ultraviolet rays, has a pronounced cosmetic effect and makes the skin less susceptible to external negative influences.

The advantages of the method under consideration include the following characteristics and qualities:

  • ease of implementation;
  • the speed of manifestation of a positive result from the application;
  • the possibility of combining with other methods of therapeutic and physiotherapeutic effects;
  • the minimum number of possible side effects when using the method;
  • the possibility of treatment and provision of preventive effects in children.

The advantages of the considered method of prevention and treatment can also be supplemented by the possibility of choosing such a bioinfluence scheme that will provide the best results, and adjusting the dosage of ultraviolet irradiation and the duration of each exposure session makes it possible to maximize the effect obtained from the treatment.

The disadvantages of ultraviolet irradiation include the likelihood of getting it with an incorrectly selected duration and strength of exposure, however, this adverse manifestation can be avoided with the control of a physiotherapist and personal control of one's own condition.

Indications for holding

Such a method of physiotherapeutic influence as ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed for the following conditions and diseases:

  • with a decrease in the body's defenses and an increase in the body's susceptibility to negative external influences;
  • with frequent colds and infectious diseases;
  • at ;
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  • with a tendency to;
  • with skin lesions in the form of long-term non-healing, frequent, erosion of mucous membranes;
  • at ;
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  • for the treatment of the skeletal system: with tuberculosis of the bones, musculoskeletal apparatus, long-term non-healing fractures and sprains.

Also, ultraviolet irradiation has proven itself to eliminate inflammatory diseases, speedy resorption of infiltrate and exudate, eliminate the effects of frostbite of the skin, it (including with.


Contraindications to the use of ultraviolet radiation should be considered such conditions as exhaustion of the body, the presence of oncological diseases and malignant neoplasms of any localization, early childhood (the neonatal period), kidney and liver damage, tuberculosis in the active stage, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Carrying out algorithm

Irradiation is carried out in special rooms. Control over this treatment process is carried out by a physiotherapist who will help to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner both in the duration of the procedure and in the general treatment regimen. The combination of additional methods of treatment will speed up the receipt of a positive result and recovery.

Eye protection glasses are a prerequisite for this procedure.

The scheme of exposure to ultraviolet light is simple, does not require special skills and manipulations. Before starting the procedure, the patient takes off his clothes (during ultraviolet irradiation of the whole body) or a separate area of ​​the skin is released from clothes (if it is necessary to expose a certain part of the body to ultraviolet), a light flux is directed to it for a certain period of time and irradiation is performed.

In a specialized medical center

Since the implementation of such a physiotherapy as ultraviolet irradiation requires special equipment (sources of ultraviolet rays), performing it in special medical centers allows you to get the best positive result.

Before prescribing this procedure, both as a treatment and as a preventive measure, the patient should undergo a series of examinations to make a more precise diagnosis and exclude contraindications for this type of radiation. Further, if there are indications, the physiotherapist draws up an exposure scheme that takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

At home

To implement this type of irradiation at home, it is necessary to select a source of ultraviolet rays with the required wavelength. At home, before starting the procedure, it is also necessary to free the treated area or the entire body completely from clothing, and be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a period of time set by the doctor. The use of this type of exposure requires the use of safety goggles to protect the eyes.

Consequences and possible complications

  • After too long exposure to ultraviolet radiation, an increase, an appearance is likely.
  • A burn may occur on the surface of the skin as a result of too high an intensity of exposure and if the recommended duration of the procedure is not observed.
  • Erythema, which can occur with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, disappears in most cases on its own, however, with a large area of ​​damage, it is recommended to use painkillers and exclude any mechanical effect on damaged areas of the skin, since even slight touches can cause pain.

Recovery and care after the procedure

  • After the ultraviolet irradiation procedure, it is recommended to spend 15-20 minutes in a relaxed state in order to reduce the likelihood of increased fatigue and dizziness.
  • You should also treat the skin with a moisturizer to prevent the appearance of areas of increased dryness on it.
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