Lymph is constantly flowing. Why is a clear liquid flowing from a wound. Swelling of the legs in the elderly: causes

Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates throughout the body. Its second name is sucrose. She performs important features, cleansing and protecting the body from toxins and infections. The outflow of a small amount of lymph, or ichor, is normal reaction with deep wounds and damage to the epidermis. At the same time, there are a number of pathologies in which lymph can be secreted without visible violations of the integrity of the skin. Why lymph flows from the leg and how to stop this process - we will understand in more detail.

Abundant secretion of lymph is observed with trophic ulcers of the legs.

The movement of lymph is carried out from the bottom up, in the direction from lower extremities to collarbones. Lymph washes the entire body, collecting and neutralizing toxins and pathogens. When the integrity of the skin is damaged, blood flows first. After the blood has been stopped, for some time an ichor can be released from the wound - a clear liquid without a specific odor. Moreover, the deeper the wound, the more lymph will come out of it. In this case, the release of lymph from the wound is a completely normal reaction of the body, which is trying to “patch” the damage and prevent infection of the cut.

Normally, after the blood stops, a small amount of ichor is released from the wound, and then the regeneration process begins. This indicates that infection of the wound did not occur.

If a clear liquid flows out of the wound for a long time, the cause may be hiding in blood poisoning. This happens when the wound becomes infected, followed by suppuration, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the blood.

Pus released from wounds and lesions of the skin and mucous membranes is a product of the breakdown of lymph.

The ichor from the wound can be released after a severe injury or after surgery. If this symptom persists for a long time (more than a few hours), you should consult a doctor.

Plentiful allocation of a lymph is observed at trophic ulcers. This damage to the epidermis is observed in trophic disorders, for example, against the background of varicose veins, erysipelas or diabetes.

Another reason for the release of ichor is the stagnation of lymph in the lower extremities. This condition is called lymphostasis and is a serious danger.

With lymphostasis and violation of the trophism of the lower extremities, pronounced edema develops. When this happens, fluid accumulates in the lymphatic vessels. She does not find a way out, so an effusion is formed. This effusion seeps into the intercellular space, and then comes to the surface of the skin through the pores. Such a violation can also be observed in various pathologies of the cardiovascular vascular system (ischemic disease heart failure, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, myocardial infarction.)

As a rule, when edema occurs in the lower extremities in the elderly, first of all, doctors prescribe an ECG. In most cases, the legs “flow” in grandparents precisely because of a violation of the movement of blood through big circle circulation. Violation of the lymph flow in this case is a natural complication of the pathologies of the cardiovascular system, since lymph stagnation develops against the background of other congestion in the lower extremities.

Thus, a clear liquid from the wound can be released for the following reasons:

  • trophic disorders of the tissues of the lower extremities;
  • wound infection;
  • skin abscess;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning);
  • ulcers and erysipelas;
  • lymphostasis;
  • IHD and other cardiovascular pathologies.

Only a doctor can accurately understand the causes of this phenomenon. Do not panic if a clear liquid is released from the wound for several minutes, and then the skin gradually heals and does not cause discomfort. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and does not require treatment. You should immediately consult a doctor in cases where an effusion forms on the skin without visible damage, the wound does not heal for a long time, or there is severe swelling limbs.

Typical symptoms and complications

Discomfort and pain in the legs when walking are common symptoms of this disease.

Before you understand how to stop the flowing lymph, you should understand the symptoms of this phenomenon. Here we are talking not about the natural release of a few drops of ichor during deep cuts, or as a result of accidental tearing off of a healed crust on the wound, and o pathological condition when on the lower extremities there is a discharge of lymph from the skin pores or from wounds.

Typical symptoms of this condition:

  • pronounced swelling of the lower leg and foot;
  • discomfort when pressing on the leg;
  • fatigue and pain in the legs when walking;
  • the formation of small wounds;
  • pronounced redness of the skin;
  • secretion of a clear liquid;
  • general malaise, fatigue.

The clear liquid from the wound is lymph. It can stand out from trophic ulcers. In this case, the flow of lymph from the ulcer can be very abundant. AT severe cases applying a tight bandage of several layers of bandage saves literally for 10-15 minutes, after which dressing becomes completely wet.

Understanding when lymph flows from a wound is quite simple. However, with lymphostasis or edema due to severe heart failure, fluid is released through the pores in the skin. At the same time, constant irritation with ichor causes severe reddening of the skin, and small ulcers form over time.

Lymph is transparent, slightly viscous. If a greenish-yellow liquid flows out of the wound, this is pus, not ichor.

A simple test can be performed to detect swelling of the lower extremities. To do this, you need to strongly press your finger on the lower leg and hold for a few seconds. Then you should evaluate the depth of the resulting fossa and the rate of restoration of skin elasticity. With lymphostasis and violation of tissue trophism, such a fossa will be visible on the skin for a long time, while in healthy person the skin will restore its former elasticity in a fraction of a second.

The first thing to do when you notice how water flows from your leg is to seek help from a doctor. If you let the disease take its course, there is a high probability severe violation trophism with damage to the tissues of the leg. Complications of such a violation can be trophic ulcers, necrosis of the tissues of the lower limb and gangrene.


dopplerography lymphatic vessels helps to identify damage

If lymph flows from the leg, the doctor will tell you how to stop it, but only after a comprehensive examination.

Basic examinations:

  • dopplerography of lymphatic vessels;
  • radiography of the affected limb to exclude pathologies of the joints;
  • lymphoscintigraphy;
  • lymphography;
  • lymph analysis.

Dopplerography of the lymphatic vessels helps to identify their damage. Lymphography is an x-ray of blood vessels with the introduction of a contrast agent. Examination reveals various pathologies lymphatic system and determine the severity of venous outflow disturbance. Lymphoscintigraphy allows you to determine the patency of the lymphatic vessels and is one of the most important diagnostic methods for lymphostasis.

Analysis of the composition of the lymph is carried out to exclude bacterial nature diseases.

On average, the cost of dopplerography of blood vessels is about 400 rubles. Lymphoscintigraphy costs about 1500 rubles. Lymphography is not performed in all clinics, the cost of this examination is from 12,000 rubles. Bacteriological analysis lymph costs about 400 rubles.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe an ECG, especially this examination is recommended for elderly patients. For pathologies of the lower extremities, you should contact a phlebologist or lymphologist. If there is no such specialist in the clinic, the therapist can conduct an initial examination, he will also refer the patient to the necessary tests.

How to stop the flow of lymph?

How to stop the lymph in the legs - it depends on the cause of the development of the disorder. Only a doctor should treat the affected legs with lymphostasis and lymph secretion, after determining the cause of the pathology.

The first thing to do, noticing the release of lymph from the limbs, is to take comfortable position so that the legs lie calmly above the level of the heart. To do this, lie down with several large pillows under your feet. Then you should treat the leg with a solution of manganese and bandage the limb. If the lymph flows abundantly from the wound when the skin is damaged or injured, despite Taken measures, you should consult a doctor.

Medical therapy

For the treatment of chronic venous and lymphovenous insufficiency in the absence of complications (mild severity), Flebodia is recommended to take 1 tablet (600 mg) once a day for 2 months

The secretion of lymph through the skin can be associated with various diseases. Medical therapy prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. At cardiovascular pathologies be sure to prescribe diuretics and drugs against thrombosis (Cardiomagnyl and analogues).

With lymphovenous insufficiency, angioprotectors are prescribed - Phlebodia, Diosven, Venosmin, Detralex.

For local application use drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, for example, Troxevasin ointment.

For trophic ulcers apply antibacterial ointments outwardly, vasodilators, anticoagulants. Be sure to use dressings that accelerate tissue regeneration (Branolind, Algipor, etc.).


If lymph oozes from the skin and flows out through the skin, physiotherapy can be used. The purpose of such treatment is to improve tissue trophism and normalize lymph flow. For this, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, hydromassage are used.

Magnetic laser therapy is used to accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers.

Quantity necessary procedures determined individually for each patient. On average, at least 10 physiotherapy sessions are indicated.

Lymphatic drainage massage

If lymph accumulates under the skin, the lymphatic system needs to be treated. To improve the outflow of lymph is shown. It should be performed in the clinic, with a qualified massage therapist. After the course therapeutic massage the procedure can be continued at home. At home, it is enough to regularly massage the limb from the bottom up with soft rubbing movements to improve the lymph flow.

Compression stockings

If a clear liquid comes out of the wound, a tight bandage should be applied. The flow of lymph helps to stop compression underwear. With lymphostasis, products of the 3rd class of compression are prescribed. Such stockings provide the necessary pressure in the lymphatic vessels and veins of the lower extremities, and prevent their overstretching.

To stop the ichor oozing from a small wound, you can use the usual tight bandage. At the same time, it is important to ensure adequate wound treatment to accelerate tissue repair.

Compression hosiery is indicated for regular wear to all people who have problems with lymph circulation, especially with lymphostasis.


In case of violation of lymphatic drainage, drinking coffee is contraindicated

In case of violations of the trophism of the lower extremities, a special diet should be followed. The diet is based on the rejection of foods that retain fluid in the tissues. So, limit your salt intake. It is allowed to consume no more than 2 g of salt per day during treatment. Do not drink coffee and strong tea, any spicy and salty food, fried foods should also be discarded.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will not help if the ichor is released from the wound for a long time, but they can be used in addition to medical treatment. To combat swelling and stagnation of lymph, traditional medicine suggests using diuretics. You can use an infusion of wild rose, parsley, a decoction of dandelion leaves.

For the treatment of wounds, you can use a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Only a doctor can draw up an optimal treatment regimen in each case. There is no need to self-medicate and rely on traditional medicine, since it is possible to effectively deal with the problem only if the cause of its occurrence is identified.

Dropsy ("dropsy edema") - the accumulation of fluid in the tissues or cavities and organs of the body.

The accumulated moisture is formed from liquid constituent parts blood and lymph. which, due to special, abnormal conditions, exit (sweat) from the vessels, do not enter the further circle of blood circulation and accumulate in the tissues of the body. Dropsy impregnation of tissues can be observed either in limited areas, or be general and touch almost all parts of the body. Depending on the prevalence of the process, V. are divided into: general - hydrops universalis, and local; the latter, in turn, are divided into separate forms, depending on the place of the lesion, which have their own special names, are as follows: swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue- anasarca, hyposarca; abdominal V. - ascites; accumulation of fluid in chest cavity, in the pleural sac - hydrothorax; in the heart bag - hydropericardium; in the cavities and ventricles of the brain - hydrocephales, etc.

The reasons for the formation of dropsy are mainly: 1) in mechanical conditions that prevent complete removal from tissues of venous blood and lymph; so, for example. with pressure on any part of the body, limb, superficially lying veins may be narrowed in the lumen, and deeper located arteries will continue to deliver blood to the tissues; due to such conditions, the lymphatic fluid that has entered the tissues will not enter the veins that have a difficult outflow of blood, but will accumulate between the cells and fibers of the tissue, and edema will result. General dropsy, which develops in diseases of the heart, has the same mechanical origin; it is usually observed with such suffering of the heart, when the correct flow of venous blood into the right heart; for example, with insufficiency of the tricuspid valve and, consequently, with insufficiency of the bicuspid valves, and when, due to a decline in cardiac activity, a weakening of the strength of heart contractions, the balance between the flow of liquid lymph into the tissues and its reverse absorption is disturbed. Dropsy and swelling from mechanical causes are usually called "stagnant" or "passive"; secondly) from changes in the composition of the blood or lymph and from changes in the walls blood vessels; the latter, in turn, most often occurs in blood diseases and malnutrition of tissue cells. These changes cause increased seepage through the walls of the capillary vessels of the liquid parts of the blood, the so-called "cachectic" or "hydremic" dropsy. They are observed when the blood is depleted of protein, when the blood is watery and its poverty. shaped elements, with specific changes in the blood and blood vessels in diseases of the kidneys (Bright's form), with marsh emaciation (malaria), with scurvy (scorbutus), with malnutrition (incomplete starvation), etc. (unlike dropsy of mechanical origin, or passive, these dropsy are called "active") and 3rd) under influence of disorders nervous system, peripheral or central - the so-called "neuropathic edema". This kind of dropsy includes "paralytic edema", local or general, developing after paralysis from various lesions of the head or spinal cord; "neuralgic edema" - with nervous or neuralgic pains; swelling with traumatic injuries nerve trunks, "hysterical edema", blisters of urticaria (articaria), which appear in some individuals when various flavoring or medicinal substances, etc. (Prof. V. V. Podvysotsky, "Fundamentals general pathology", St. Petersburg. 1891, p. 187). The cause of neuropathic edema is believed to be in a disorder of the innervation of the vessels, or, more precisely, in spasmodic contraction of the veins (Unna).

V.'s distribution into groups is of more theoretical significance; in practice, the moments that cause V. are often complex, which determines the existence of "mixed forms" of dropsy (prof. Yu. T. Chudnovsky, "Protocols of the General. Russian doctors", St. Petersburg. 1879. p. 109). Clarification and recognition of the main cause of such V. in each individual case is of great clinical significance for treatment and prediction of disease outcome. From true dropsy, it is necessary to distinguish inflammatory liquid effusions caused by inflammatory processes in tissues and organs (see Inflammation) and also the so-called "false dropsy". The latter are formed in individual bodies and glands from excessive accumulation of liquid secretions (secretion) in them due to difficulty or cessation of their exit from narrowing or complete infection excretory ducts; for example, dropsy of the renal pelvis (hydronephrosis) with infection of the ureter, accumulation of fluid in lacrimal sac, - in the fallopian tubes during the fusion of their walls (hydrosalpinx), etc. False dropsy usually represent cystic saccular tumors filled with fluid.

Anatomical changes in tissues during dropsy are expressed primarily by the separation of fibers and cells by the accumulating fluid and subsequent cloudy swelling and their fatty degeneration. As for the appearance of the edematous parts, their shape changes: they become soft, less elastic; with finger pressure on the edematous skin, a depression is formed that does not smooth out for a long time; they increase in volume, sometimes so significantly that neighboring organs are displaced; the functions of edematous organs are violated until complete cessation, which causes secondary disorders.

The dropsy liquid impregnating tissues is very close in composition to blood plasma. contains all its liquid, soluble constituents (only in a slightly smaller amount), the salt content is almost the same as in the blood, and protein substances, on the contrary, are much less, especially in dropsy fluid with chronic inflammation kidneys (Bright form), with heart disease, cachexia, etc., in which the protein content in the dropsy fluid is less than 1%. The dropsy fluid is often clear and colorless, but sometimes yellowish or reddish from the admixture of blood and cloudy from the presence of white blood cells, purulent bodies or fat. Its reaction is alkaline; specific gravity is lower than the specific gravity of blood. Dropsy cannot be considered an independent form of the disease, but is a consequence or symptom of other disorders. Hydrotic phenomena, complicating various diseases, do not act in the same form and intensity, but have their own characteristics. Thus, in diseases of the heart, dropsy edema is first of all noticed on the legs, on the ankles, and slowly rises upwards; later the arms, shoulders and face swell. With cardiac dropsy, the fluid that leaks from the blood vessels, as if by virtue of its gravity, descends and accumulates in lower parts body. With dropsy of renal origin and with some cachectic edema, it is first noticed on the face, then dropsy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (anasarca) is observed, common to the whole body. Not infrequently, chronic kidney disease causes an enlargement of the heart (cardiac hypertrophy) with successive circulatory disorders, and a combination of kidney and heart diseases is obtained, which is reflected in the form of dropsies. When blood flow through the portal vein is obstructed due to liver disease or compression of the vein by any tumor or from any other cause, fluid effusion occurs in one abdominal cavity - abdominal dropsy (ascites). The reasons that impede the movement of blood through the portal vein are usually very persistent, which is why abdominal V. in most cases has a long course and reaches enormous sizes; sometimes up to 20 liters of fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity. To abdominal dropsy edema of the legs may join again due to the fact that the fluid accumulated in the abdomen presses on the veins, and then cachexia may develop from malnutrition. which is the cause of general V. Dropsy of nervous origin are often observed on one half of the body, for example, with half paralysis; or on one arm, leg, etc., with damage to individual nerve trunks. Treatment of dropsy is directly dependent on the causes that cause them; destruction of the latter or at least, weakening them - these are the first main indications for dropsy therapy. Dropsy edema, which develops with heart disease, usually passes relatively quickly with increased cardiac activity and a decrease in stagnation in venous system; cardiac remedies aimed at restoring compensation of blood circulation, such as foxglove (digitalis), adonis (adonis vernalis), lily of the valley (convallaria majalis), caffeine, etc. are at the same time anti-V. blood flow through the portal vein, in most cases is not amenable to radical therapy, since the causes of such a difficulty usually lie deep - in persistent changes in the liver tissue, in the development of tumors that press on the vessels, etc., which are often impossible to eliminate. General V. in diseases of the kidneys disappears when the correct function of the latter is restored, when the disease process in the walls of blood vessels improves, and when the normal composition of the blood is restored. Dropsy from cachexia and nerve affections also require therapy directed against the underlying suffering. In addition to radical therapy, palliative measures are also applied to the treatment of dropsy, aimed at limiting the accumulation of fluid, which are necessary when the dropsy accumulation becomes excessive, disrupts the activity of various organs and threatens life. Such measures include, first of all, all methods that raise the overall energy of the body and help it itself to fight against the abnormal conditions caused by the disease process. We see such an example of the body's self-defense in the development of collateral circulation in general. With a large accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity due to a significant difficulty in the outflow of blood through the portal vein, collateral, additional blood circulation also develops. and function portal vein take over the venous branches embedded in abdominal walls and belonging to the common venous system.

Then, the accumulation of fluid in the body can be limited by reducing the amount of water in food (dry eating) or by increasing the removal of moisture from the body by sweat, urine, excrement, which is why diaphoretics are used against dropsy. diuretic, purgative.

With a large accumulation of fluid in the body or in individual cavities, a simple mechanical release is also used. To release fluid with general dropsy, injections or skin incisions are made mainly on the legs, through which fluid oozes. Tubes, metal or rubber, are sometimes inserted into the incisions made. During this kind of operation, one must strictly observe their cleanliness and disinfection; contamination of wounds leads to the appearance of phlegmonous and even erysipelas. The release of fluid can be done on the same patient many times, and there have been cases when it gave impetus to a lasting recovery. The accumulated liquid in any cavity sometimes pours out and arbitrarily, with an accidental rupture of the walls; so, an arbitrary outflow of fluid during abdominal dropsy was observed through the navel. through the intestines, etc.; this leakage of fluid can be useful, but sometimes it is very dangerous when the fluid flows into other organs, for example. into the lungs with chest dropsy (pleural sac).

A. Lipsky. dropsy in animals. AT general development disease in animals is the same and is caused by the same causes as in humans. In some animal species, V. is relatively rare, for example. in horses, which is explained by the content of these animals closer to nature; on the contrary, pet dogs, contained far from under normal conditions, it occurs as often as in humans. Sometimes general dropsy takes on the character of an epidemic disease and reaches the size of an enzootic (see this next). This is usually due to the improper maintenance of animals; thus, an epidemic disease with dropsy was repeatedly observed among working oxen and horses in those farms where working cattle are fed with residues from sugar beet production, which contain a huge amount of water, very often up to 95%, and the remaining 5% of dry matter contains only 1/2% nitrogenous nutrient. Interestingly, cows. those receiving the same food, but having a natural drain of excess water taken into the food through the mammary gland, do not fall ill with dropsy. In addition, V. was observed among sheep when grazing on bad swampy peat pastures and among cattle with exclusive feeding bardoy. V. in animals is also often not independent disease, but only a symptom accompanying any other disease, for example. with hepatohelminthic disease of sheep, tuberculosis of cattle, etc.

The corpses of animals that have died from general V. are striking in their anemia and pale color of the meat. The same pallor of color in living animals can be seen in unstained areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. The meat of animals killed in the period of fully developed dropsy is tasteless, and therefore in some states it is either not allowed for sale at all, or is sold only with special conditions. The cure of this disease is possible only under the condition of changing the content of animals.

Article from the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

Hello. My grandmother has leg edema associated with coronary heart disease. Sores formed on her legs. “Water”, i.e. lymph, flows out of them. Tell me how to be. I know that this cannot be cured, but at least I wanted to reduce the swelling. doctor) does not help. Another doctor said that it is necessary to tie an elastic bandage to reduce lymph flow. And I wanted to know if you have any drugs or ointments for this disease? Our doctor prescribed Pentoxifylline. But it does not help.

The question was asked 10 years ago

Doctors Answers

I wish you health!

Hello! The most important thing to achieve in this case is to lower the swelling as much as possible. Furosemide is not so much for swelling of the legs, but, perhaps, for unloading the heart, so continue to give it if the doctor has prescribed it. Make sure that Grandma does not sit too long with her legs dangling. If she is sitting, then you need to put your feet on a chair or at least on a stool. When lying down, place pillows or a cushion under her feet. So that during the day the legs do not swell very much, indeed, it is necessary to tie an elastic bandage. From pentoxifylline, there should not be much sense in this case. It is better to give her some kind of venotonic such as phlebodia, detralex, troxevasin, venoruton, etc. Phlebodia is better, because well lowers lymphatic edema. Don't expect these remedies to make grandma's legs normal, but it will get better. Make wet-drying dressings with a solution of potassium permanganate (pink) or simply with alcohol / vodka - wet the gauze with potassium permanganate and wrap your legs in those places where the lymph flows. Let it stay until dry. Potassium permanganate dries those cracks from which lymph flows. But the most important thing is to keep your legs higher, this will have the biggest effect.
I wish you health!

The human lymphatic system is actively involved in metabolism, prevents infection from entering the body, removes harmful substances from cells and tissues. Violations and failures of the system under consideration lead to the formation of edema, ulcers, and damage to the skin. From the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, a fluid (ichorus) flows, which doctors call lymph. Pathology should not be ignored - treatment will not take much time.

Possible reasons

To prevent pathology, it is necessary to find out why lymph flows. The main factors that cause this problem are:

  • blood poisoning - untreated injuries, cuts on the legs and arms lead to infection;
  • bad ecology - quality environment it is also reflected in the lymph circulation system;
  • diseases of blood vessels, skin;
  • bad habits: tobacco smoke, nicotine, alcohol adversely affect health;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • mechanical injury;
  • excessive, exhausting physical activity;
  • heart diseases.

The ichor from the damaged area is also released due to the transferred surgical operation. If lymph flows profusely, the wound oozes, the legs are swollen, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Lymphorrhea and lymphedema

Lymphedema (lymphostasis) is a disease that occurs due to malfunctions in the lymphatic system. The ichor gradually collects in the tissues, muscles of the legs, which leads to a change in the appearance of the affected limb. The disease must be treated as early as possible advanced stage there is a risk of becoming disabled, the leg will eventually lose its motor function. Among the causes of lymphostasis are:

  • excess body weight;
  • surgery to remove the breast (mastectomy);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • diseases of the blood vessels of the legs;
  • infectious invasions.

Damage to the lymphatic vessels leads to lymphorrhea. Pathology is characterized by abundant secretion of ichor: fluid flows out of the damaged area, enters the internal organs. Lymphorrhea appears due to surgical intervention, injuries, injuries of extremities.

Symptoms of Lymph Discharge

The ichor that flows from the damaged limb is confused with pus. To determine the release of lymph from the wound, pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • legs swell and become covered with sores;
  • pain at the site of injury;
  • worsening motor function joints;
  • in the area where lymph is secreted, the skin turns red;
  • the patient feels constant fatigue, lethargy.

Distinguish pus from ichor by the color of the secreted fluid. Lymph is colorless, with pus the liquid will be yellow (yellow-green) in color.


To determine the reasons for the discharge of lymph from the wound will help various diagnostic procedures. Phlebologists recommend the following types of medical examination:

  • Ultrasound examination of blood vessels (to prevent thrombosis);
  • lymphography;
  • lymphoscintography;
  • radiographic examination;
  • a puncture is made on the injured area of ​​​​the leg in order to examine the composition of the secreted lymph.

After reviewing the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will select the correct course of treatment. If lymph from the wound is released due to various diseases, then it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology.


A research method that allows you to accurately identify violations in the lymph circulation system. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special drug (contrast agent) into the human body, which will allow you to monitor the outflow of lymph through x-rays. The method is popular in the detection of cancer.


Lets explore general state lymphatic system. Based on the results of the diagnostic method, the neglect of the pathological process is judged. The procedure is performed by injecting radionuclide markers into the subcutaneous layer of the feet. contrast agent injected into both legs of the patient, which will allow you to compare the composition of the lymph.

Dopplerography of vessels

The method allows you to track the outflow of blood in the venous vessels. Dopplerography reveals various pathologies associated with narrowing of the lumen of the walls of arteries, veins, formation on their walls cholesterol plaques. The procedure is performed under the influence of ultrasound, similar to an ultrasound examination.

Vascular Dopplerography is an informative and harmless diagnostic method, which is carried out when the ichor is isolated from the wound.

Other tests

Magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to detect lymphatic disorders. The method allows you to track the outflow of lymph, does not have side effect on the human body.

A biochemical blood test is needed to determine the rate of proteins and liver enzymes. Also, when lymph flows from the wound, they give general analysis urine. All these ways diagnostics will help in choosing a method of therapy.

Treatment Methods

When lymph is abundantly released from the damaged area, the question of hospitalization arises. If you refuse a stationary regimen, they are treated at home, but this should be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

The patient during treatment is forbidden to eat salty and liquid foods.

How to stop the ichorus?

If lymph secretion is accompanied severe discomfort, you should treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide using a piece of cotton. With an abundant flow of fluid, doctors recommend the following treatment procedures:

  • treatment of the damaged area with a solution of manganese;
  • dressing the wound with an elastic bandage;
  • keep your legs higher than your body while in a sitting position.

In especially severe cases, you can not do without surgery and taking medications. During copious excretion ichor, a person should rest his legs, walk less.

With trophic ulcers

The considered pathology of the skin of the lower extremities appears due to varicose veins. The expansion of the veins in the legs is accompanied by the release of lymph and pus with a characteristic bad smell. In such a situation, it is important to prevent microbes from entering through the wound.

Used for treatment medications prescribed by the doctor.

Drug therapy

The intake of medications for the allocation of lymph depends on the causes of the pathological process. "Cardiomagnyl", "Atoris" are used for cardiovascular diseases. To effectively relieve swelling, diuretics are prescribed. An effective remedy elimination of the problem will be taking the drug "Flebodia 600". There are many lubricants medicines, which will help stop the release of ichor from the wound.


Improve lymph circulation, restore tone to leg muscles long years. The following wellness procedures are prescribed:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • hydromassage;
  • laser therapy;
  • lymphatic drainage.

Treatment with decoctions and infusions

Unconventional methods of dealing with pathology will help stop the release of fluid from the leg during wounds.

Among the variety of recipes traditional medicine The following have performed well:

  • dandelion infusion - prepared by adding 1 tbsp. crushed flowers in 500 ml of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 2-3 hours, then drunk before breakfast. Lotions are made from the tincture, applying them to the damaged area;
  • honey and garlic compress - 2 vegetable cloves and 1 tsp. bee product mix thoroughly. The resulting remedy is applied to sore spot with a piece of cloth, gauze bandage;
  • freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - drink every day on an empty stomach until the ichor stops flowing from the leg.

Health food

To improve the body, salty dishes are completely excluded from the patient's menu. Nutrition is based on the consumption of foods rich in animal and vegetable proteins, amino acids. Sour cream, eggs, milk, lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, beans are the most useful foods in a situation where lymph flows from a wound.

Compression treatment and kinesiotherapy

Compression underwear is worn both in order to prevent violations of the lymphatic system, and to stop the pathological process. Special knitwear will improve blood circulation, normalize the outflow of lymph.

Kinesiotherapy is a new physiotherapeutic method that is used to treat various pathologies. To prevent the flow of ichor from the leg, massage, lymphatic drainage are done. Procedures will remove puffiness, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


Manual and hardware lymphomassage of the lower extremities is useful for improving the functioning of the lymphatic circulation system. The procedure strengthens the immune system, removes poisons from the body, improves metabolism. 10-12 massage sessions are enough to prevent discharge from the wound.

Lymphatic drainage massage with abundant flow of lymph from the legs is contraindicated for pregnant women and persons who suffer from chronic diseases of the skin, kidneys, liver. The manual type of manipulation is performed independently at home, the hardware is done in beauty salons.

Violations and failures of the system under consideration lead to the formation of edema, ulcers, and damage to the skin. From the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, a fluid (ichorus) flows, which doctors call lymph. Pathology should not be ignored - treatment will not take much time.

Possible reasons

To prevent pathology, it is necessary to find out why lymph flows. The main factors that cause this problem are:

  • blood poisoning - untreated injuries, cuts on the legs and arms lead to infection;
  • poor ecology - the quality of the environment is also reflected in the lymph circulation system;
  • diseases of blood vessels, skin;
  • bad habits: tobacco smoke, nicotine, alcohol adversely affect health;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • mechanical injury;
  • excessive, exhausting physical activity;
  • heart diseases.

The ichor from the damaged area is also released as a result of a surgical operation. If lymph flows profusely, the wound oozes, the legs are swollen, then you should immediately seek medical help.

Lymphorrhea and lymphedema

Lymphedema (lymphostasis) is a disease that occurs due to malfunctions in the lymphatic system. The ichor gradually collects in the tissues, muscles of the legs, which leads to a change in the appearance of the affected limb. The disease should be treated as early as possible: at an advanced stage there is a risk of becoming disabled, the leg will eventually lose its motor function. Among the causes of lymphostasis are:

  • excess body weight;
  • surgery to remove the breast (mastectomy);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • diseases of the blood vessels of the legs;
  • infectious invasions.

Damage to the lymphatic vessels leads to lymphorrhea. Pathology is characterized by abundant secretion of ichor: fluid flows out of the damaged area, enters the internal organs. Lymphorrhea appears as a result of surgery, injuries, damage to the limbs.

Symptoms of Lymph Discharge

The ichor that flows from the damaged limb is confused with pus. To determine the release of lymph from the wound, pay attention to the following manifestations:

  • legs swell and become covered with sores;
  • pain at the site of injury;
  • deterioration of the motor function of the joints;
  • in the area where lymph is secreted, the skin turns red;
  • the patient feels constant fatigue, lethargy.

Distinguish pus from ichor by the color of the secreted fluid. Lymph is colorless, with pus the liquid will be yellow (yellow-green) in color.


Various diagnostic procedures will help determine the reasons for the discharge of lymph from the wound. Phlebologists recommend the following types of medical examination:

  • Ultrasound examination of blood vessels (to prevent thrombosis);
  • lymphography;
  • lymphoscintography;
  • radiographic examination;
  • a puncture is made on the injured area of ​​​​the leg in order to examine the composition of the secreted lymph.

After reviewing the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will select the correct course of treatment. If lymph from the wound is released due to various diseases, then it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology.


A research method that allows you to accurately identify violations in the lymph circulation system. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special drug (contrast agent) into the human body, which will allow you to monitor the outflow of lymph through x-rays. The method is popular in the detection of cancer.


Allows you to explore the general condition of the lymphatic system. Based on the results of the diagnostic method, the neglect of the pathological process is judged. The procedure is performed by injecting radionuclide markers into the subcutaneous layer of the feet. A contrast agent is injected into both legs of the patient, which will allow you to compare the composition of the lymph.

Dopplerography of vessels

The method allows you to track the outflow of blood in the venous vessels. Dopplerography reveals various pathologies associated with narrowing of the lumen of the walls of arteries, veins, and the formation of cholesterol plaques on their walls. The procedure is performed under the influence of ultrasound, similar to an ultrasound examination.

Vascular Dopplerography is an informative and harmless diagnostic method, which is carried out when the ichor is isolated from the wound.

Other tests

Magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to detect lymphatic disorders. The method allows you to track the outflow of lymph, does not have a side effect on the human body.

A biochemical blood test is needed to determine the rate of proteins and liver enzymes. Also, when lymph flows from the wound, a general urine test is taken. All of these diagnostic methods will help in choosing a method of therapy.

Treatment Methods

When lymph is abundantly released from the damaged area, the question of hospitalization arises. If you refuse a stationary regimen, they are treated at home, but this should be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

The patient during treatment is forbidden to eat salty and liquid foods.

How to stop the ichorus?

If the lymph flow is accompanied by severe discomfort, the wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide using a piece of cotton wool. With an abundant flow of fluid, doctors recommend the following treatment procedures:

  • treatment of the damaged area with a solution of manganese;
  • dressing the wound with an elastic bandage;
  • keep your legs higher than your body while in a sitting position.

In especially severe cases, you can not do without surgery and taking medications. During the abundant secretion of the ichor, a person should rest his legs, walk less.

With trophic ulcers

The considered pathology of the skin of the lower extremities appears due to varicose veins. The expansion of the veins in the legs is accompanied by the release of lymph and pus with a characteristic unpleasant odor. In such a situation, it is important to prevent microbes from entering through the wound.

For treatment, medications are used, which the doctor will prescribe.

Drug therapy

The intake of medications for the allocation of lymph depends on the causes of the pathological process. "Cardiomagnyl", "Atoris" are used for cardiovascular diseases. To effectively relieve swelling, diuretics are prescribed. An effective means of eliminating the problem will be taking the drug "Flebodia 600". There are many lubricating medications that will help stop the bleeding from the wound.


They will improve lymphatic circulation, restore tone to the leg muscles for many years. The following wellness procedures are prescribed:

Treatment with decoctions and infusions

Unconventional methods of dealing with pathology will help stop the release of fluid from the leg during wounds.

Among the variety of traditional medicine recipes, the following have proven themselves well:

  • dandelion infusion - prepared by adding 1 tbsp. crushed flowers in 500 ml of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 2-3 hours, then drunk before breakfast. Lotions are made from the tincture, applying them to the damaged area;
  • honey and garlic compress - 2 vegetable cloves and 1 tsp. bee product is thoroughly mixed. The resulting remedy is applied to the sore spot with a piece of cloth, a gauze bandage;
  • freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - drink every day on an empty stomach until the ichor stops flowing from the leg.

Health food

To improve the body, salty dishes are completely excluded from the patient's menu. Nutrition is based on the consumption of foods rich in animal and vegetable proteins, amino acids. Sour cream, eggs, milk, lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, beans are the most useful foods in a situation where lymph flows from a wound.

Compression treatment and kinesiotherapy

Compression underwear is worn both in order to prevent violations of the lymphatic system, and to stop the pathological process. Special knitwear will improve blood circulation, normalize the outflow of lymph.

Kinesiotherapy is a new physiotherapeutic method that is used to treat various pathologies. To prevent the flow of ichor from the leg, massage, lymphatic drainage are done. Procedures will remove puffiness, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


Manual and hardware lymphomassage of the lower extremities is useful for improving the functioning of the lymphatic circulation system. The procedure strengthens the immune system, removes poisons from the body, improves metabolism. Massage sessions are enough to prevent discharge from the wound.

Lymphatic drainage massage with abundant flow of lymph from the legs is contraindicated for pregnant women and persons who suffer from chronic diseases of the skin, kidneys, liver. The manual type of manipulation is performed independently at home, the hardware is done in beauty salons.

Excretion of fluid from the legs with edema

  • Discharge of fluid from wounds.
  • Pain.
  • Weakness.

Lymph flows from the leg - what to do

The lymphatic system is very important for human life, as it provides protection to the body from pathogenic bacteria. In the case of various disorders on the legs, swelling and cracks can form, from which fluid is released. What to do if lymph flows from the leg. This condition can be treated quite successfully if you turn to professionals for help in a timely manner.

The reasons

Lymph may be discharged from the leg in the following situations:

  • Condition after surgery.
  • Limb injury.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic vessels (blockage, impaired permeability, etc.)
  • Some skin diseases.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • Other systemic diseases.

If lymph flows from the leg, the person should be put to bed, the leg should be given an elevated position (above the level of the heart). Apply a bandage to the site of lymph leakage. Seek medical attention.


Leg full of lymph

The patient is likely to require hospitalization. If the patient refuses to carry out treatment in a hospital, then you can call a therapist, a cardiologist and a surgeon at home. AT last resort, organize the patient's stay at the day hospital.

The next steps are:

  • Diagnostics is carried out to the maximum extent.
  • Minimize salt and fluid intake.
  • Dressings pre-soaked in a weak solution of manganese are used. From above they are fixed with a bandage, after drying, they are replaced with a new compress.
  • Elastic compression. It is necessary to buy special stockings of the 3rd class, for initial stage you will need 4 pieces, since they need to be changed 2 times a day. If you are using elastic bandages, then the limb should be properly bandaged. Compression is used only if the ulcer or fissure begins to heal, this method therapy will reduce the flow of lymph.
  • Phlebodia 600 much more effective than capsules Troxevasin. It is prescribed for lymphovenous insufficiency and in violation of microcirculation.
  • If swelling and leakage of lymph occurs against the background of heart failure, then permanent basis appointed Cardiomagnyl and Atiris.
  • Diuretics - this can be Torasemide with Veroshpiron or Furosemide. The dosage is selected only after the examination.
  • Bandaging is carried out twice a day. At this time, the damaged area is being treated. saline and one of the drugs is applied: Levomekol, Triderm, Oxycort or Baneocin. The initial dressings must be supervised by the surgeon.

O further treatment the leading specialist will tell in detail.

Lymphomassage (video)

Clinic (Kyiv)

Lymph flows from the wound: what to do and how to stop

Any adult or child can suddenly fall or be injured. The consequence of such an accident will be bruises, abrasions or even wounds. As a rule, along with the blood, a small amount of a clear liquid flows out of the wound - lymph flows.

A small abrasion usually heals fairly quickly, and big wounds cause more trouble. The wound may not heal for a long time, and fluid will continue to flow from it. People call it the saccharine. Before understanding why fluid flows from a wound, you need to understand what lymph is and the lymphatic system as a whole.

Lymph and lymphatic system

Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid containing lymphocytes, a scientific medical name ichors. It always begins to stand out at the site of any damage to the skin.

Having received a wound, a person most often treats it on his own at home with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green), then closes it with a plaster or bandage. The main task in the treatment is not to bring the infection into the healing wound. After all, even after it is tightened with a crust, there is a risk of infection. If, after a long time, the wound, for example, on the leg, does not heal, the person panics and goes to the doctor with the words: “Help, liquid oozes from the leg.”

Any doctor will immediately reassure the patient, because the lymph is designed by nature to remove salts, water, protein and toxins from the tissues and return them to the blood. Lymph is found in human body always in the amount of 1-2 liters.

The lymphatic system is a very complex component of the vascular system of the human body. It is involved in metabolism. Its main function is to cleanse and disinfect the body from the “garbage” accumulated inside and prevent the penetration of external infections.

The lymphatic system is involved in maintaining and improving human immunity, protects against viruses and harmful microbes.

Causes of lymph flow

  • Injuries and wounds. Lymph leakage in these situations is absolutely normal. Thus, the body takes care of us and removes poisons and toxins that could enter the body.
  • Surgical intervention. The healing of the suture is accompanied by lymph leakage. If the amount of lymph flowing out is small and there is no suppuration, then you should not worry.
  • Leakage of ichor or lymph from the navel is a common occurrence in newborns. This points to normal process healing of the umbilical region. Only in a situation where a yellow liquid appears from the wound (it has festered), the baby's parents, under the supervision of a doctor, are treated with an ointment that contains antibiotics. Ointment is lubricated with a wound several times a day, ordinary brilliant green is used for drying.
  • In women, after a caesarean section, the healing of the suture also occurs with lymph secretions. Treatment methods are the same as for caring for the umbilical region in babies.
  • In the elderly prolonged release ichorus from a wound usually occurs after a surgical operation. At the site of the scar, lymph is secreted.
  • Trophic ulcers.

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Pus or ichor?

If the outflow of lymph in small quantities this is normal phenomenon, then the presence of pus is a reason for unrest or even a visit to the doctor. According to statistics, suppuration of sutures after surgery occurs in 15% of operated people.

Other causes of possible suppuration:

  • Damaged skin that has not been treated with antiseptics;
  • Individual intolerance to drainage or prosthesis;
  • Weakened immunity.

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How to distinguish pus from lymph?

When fluid flows out of the wound, pus can be distinguished from lymph by the color of the fluid that is released from the wound. If the discharge is red, then blood flows out. Lymph is a colorless viscous liquid, and pus is cloudy, most often yellow or yellow-green.

Lymphorrhea and lymphedema

Abundant discharge of clear fluid is called lymphorrhea. This condition is caused by violations of the removal of lymph from the human body. Gradually accumulating, the liquid increases tension in the tissues located nearby, and makes it difficult for itself to drain. This results in tissue swelling. Lymphorrhea often manifests itself after a surgical operation or other medical manipulation.

This is enough serious problem requiring observation by a specialist or even repeated surgical intervention. With a severe course of lymphorrhea in the legs, the disease can develop into lymphostasis.

Lymphostasis is a pathology of the lymphatic system, in which the circulation of the lymph is completely stopped. In the most severe third stage of the disease (popularly called "elephant disease"), there is an ongoing flow of lymph from wounds. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of medical professionals.

Lymph leakage in trophic ulcers

One of severe complications, in which there is a situation of outflow of lymph from wounds on the legs, these are trophic ulcers. Ulcers appear with such a common disease now as varicose veins veins.

Trophic ulcers - chronic process, usually occurring for more than 6 weeks, in which a skin defect occurs on the leg (usually on the lower leg) with a weak tendency to heal. This disease occurs due to venous congestion blood caused by varicose veins.

The most common cause of ulcers is increased load on the veins of the legs when a person walks for a long time or spends time standing on his feet. If at the same time the patient is engaged in heavy physical labor and not treated, the disease progresses. There is a thinning of the skin and walls of the veins on the legs, the veins "go out" to the outside, become visible, painful.

When trophic ulcers appear, lymph and purulent bloody discharge flow, the smell is usually unpleasant. When cleansing, itching appears. In this situation, urgent effective treatment, the purpose of which is to clean the wound and prevent the penetration of infection.

The result of the treatment of trophic ulcers.

How to stop the flow of lymph

In a situation where discharge from a small wound disturbs the patient unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend treatment with hydrogen peroxide (using a piece of bandage or a cotton swab). If the situation does not improve or suppuration occurs, then a course of more complex medical treatment should be taken: antibiotic ointments (for example, Levomikol) are most often prescribed.

If a drug treatment does not help with suppuration, then the wound is often opened surgically, then the pus is removed and the wound is disinfected. Further treatment is carried out until complete scarring of the wound surface.

In the case of diagnosing lymphorrhea, treatment should be more complex:

  • wound treatment with special solutions (fucorcin, dioxidine, hydrogen peroxide) or streptocide in powder - done 2-3 times a day. Also, for drying and healing, brilliant green and sea buckthorn oil are used;
  • dressing the affected area with the help of "knee socks" or an elastic bandage;
  • medications (prescribe antibiotics to act on microorganisms that cause suppuration in the wound);
  • suturing the wound surgically.

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Treatment with herbal decoctions and infusions

As an additional therapy for lymphorrhea, treatment with folk remedies is used:

  • plantain infusion helps to stabilize the flow of lymph. Freshly picked plantain leaves are crushed. Then in the evening the mixture is poured with water at a ratio of 2:500. In the morning, the resulting infusion is drunk on an empty stomach (1/2 cup), then the rest - during the day. The next portion of the infusion is re-prepared in the evening;
  • dandelion decoction relieves puffiness well. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed dandelions into half a liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. The decoction should be drunk 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach. Additionally, make lotions with him at night on a sore spot;
  • decoctions from the fruits of cranberries, black currants (leaves and berries), dogwood, mountain ash or wild rose. All these plants contain vitamins P and C necessary for the patient. Decoctions prepared in advance are taken half an hour before meals;
  • freshly squeezed juices of pomegranate and beets will be very useful for lymphorrhea.

The process of expiration of lymph (or ichor) from any wound is a normal reaction of the human body. In order not to cause further problems and complications, the patient must treat the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and prevent infection. If the problem cannot be solved on your own, then you should definitely contact the specialists.

And some secrets.

Have you ever tried to get rid of swollen lymph nodes? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • the appearance of inflammation on the neck, armpits. in the groin
  • pain on pressure on the lymph node
  • discomfort when in contact with clothing
  • fear of oncology

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Is swollen lymph nodes can you endure? And how much money have you already “leaked” for ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree?

Fluid leaking from swollen legs

Grandmother (87 years old, no diabetes, never got sick in her life, never complained, did not take any pills until mid-May 2014) has long had swelling of her legs, especially the left one. 2 months ago she fell ill completely, severe vomiting, dizziness, exhaustion (I came to visit my parents and found my grandmother in this state). They tried to call a doctor - a therapist in the village (it takes place in a village 2 km from a city with a population of 3,000 people) refused to go, right on the phone and said - I will never come to you! The arrival was achieved, a huge number of medicines were prescribed, but the doctor said that the grandmother had a couple of days left, they say, severe intoxication and nothing would help.

My grandmother got worse from the drugs, I left only the diuretic (Diuver, Veroshpiron), the rest (Panangin, Pentoxifylline, Thromboass, Bifiform) stopped giving. She fed with broths, made lotions on her left leg (there was an ulcer) with chlorhexidine twice and a bandage with levomekol at night. A week later, my grandmother felt better, got up, but walked only around the room, a week later she canceled the diuretic (end of May). The stool has improved (it has become regular) and urination - the diapers are full. Appetite and mood improved.

A few days ago, liquid began to ooze from the left leg, a little at first, but on the second day three “holes” were flowing strongly.

I understand that most likely I need to go to a hospital, but I don’t even know how to achieve this if the therapist has to be brought almost by force.

What can you do to make your grandmother feel better? How to stop it.

Lymph secretion causes and symptoms | How to stop lymph

The lymphatic system is very important for a person. It is responsible for the protection and penetration into the body of various kinds of infections. And if it is broken, then various kinds of edema and cracks, sores appear on the body, which begin to secrete fluid in the form of lymph (ichorus). Lymph secretion is, of course, a very unpleasant sight. However, such diseases can be fought.

Causes of lymph discharge from a wound

Blood poisoning as a cause of lymph secretion

The transfer of various kinds of diseases that are associated with diseases of the skin and circulatory system.

Work at enterprises that are associated with the chemical industry or harmful effects on the body.

Frequent overload of the body as a cause of lymph secretion.

Symptoms of lymph discharge from a wound

As for the symptoms, here you can talk about this.

  • Swelling of the extremities and the occurrence of wounds.
  • Discharge of fluid from wounds.
  • Pain.
  • Joint mobility disorders.
  • Initial redness in places of cracks or wounds.
  • Weakness.
  • Feeling of heaviness and as if bursting.

How to stop the ichor and lymph?

Naturally, with this kind of disease, it is necessary to turn to good specialist to help with treatment. Treatment methods depend on the origin of the lymph itself. With lymph secretions and edema associated with heart disease, in such cases, the doctor will prescribe you diuretics. They will help in the outflow of accumulated fluid and normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Doctors also prescribe drugs to stop the lymph, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Troxevasin ointment has an excellent effect with everyday use.

With more complex diseases, such as: trophic ulcer, lymphomas, ulcers of lymph nodes and lymph nodes surgical intervention. At home, this kind of disease cannot be cured.

In any case, if lymph is discharged, consult a doctor immediately. You should not start the disease, as more complex forms can lead to tragic consequences, even death. Always be careful and do not try to do everything yourself. Do not constantly listen to the advice of friends and relatives on how to stop the lymph. Qualified specialists are much more aware of what needs to be done.

How to stop lymph secretion at home?

Of course, mild forms of lymph discharge can be treated at home. You just need to follow the rules that will help you.

To stop the lymph, you will need such means: a manganese solution, an elastic bandage, calendula tincture and alcohol solutions(preferably diluted with boiled water).

If the secretion of lymph due to edema, in such cases it is necessary to moisten the bandage with a solution of manganese and bandage the affected area. Keep the bandage until completely dry. And continue this procedure until the wounds dry.

If you are unable to buy potassium permanganate, for this you can use calendula-based alcohol solutions or just alcohol. However, it must be diluted with boiled water.

If you need to reduce the swelling of the lower extremities, you need to use an elastic bandage.

When lying on a bed or when you sit on a chair, place your feet as high as possible so that the liquid does not flow down. And on the bed, to stop the lymph, put a roller under your feet. And in general, try not to load your legs and body too much. In treatment, heavy weights and long walking are contraindicated.

Causes and treatment of lymph leakage through the skin of the lower extremities

Good afternoon, my relative is 93 years old, in full mental consciousness, about 7 years ago he had a fracture of his left hip and since then he has been on crutches. Doctors also claim that he had previously suffered a heart attack on his legs. A month ago, both of his legs were very swollen and lymph began to flow from the left. severe pain, says that he feels like the skin is torn on his leg. Doctors concluded that he had coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, he often lacked air, especially after walking. The grandfather himself is a little swollen, but both legs are completely swollen, especially from the knee to the foot, purple wounds have formed there, from which lymph flows out in large quantities, when he walks, a wet trail remains behind him. In the morning he feels much better, in the evening he begins to terrible pain. If you press on the leg, a hole remains, which is quickly leveled. Takes Troxevasin capsules 3 times a day, 2 tablets of Trifis in the morning, 2 tablets of Preductal 2 times a day, 1 tablet of Ateris, Cardiomagnyl in the evening. sometimes Furasemide, but it helps on a short time, Asparkam 2 times a day, 2 tablets, in the evening Ketanov and make lotions Baktosin. Since he lives in the village, there is no way to show him to a good specialist, local doctors are afraid to take him to the hospital, justifying that his heart will not withstand antibiotic treatment. We rely only on our strength and your recommendations. Thanks in advance.

Good afternoon. It's good that you're worried about your grandfather. Your relative, as far as can be judged from the information provided without visual inspection, severe heart failure against the background of coronary artery disease and rhythm disturbances. Significant decline heart function leads to the development of congestion in the systemic circulation, resulting in swelling of the lower extremities, the anterior wall of the abdomen, in the most severe cases, anasarca. The accumulation of fluid in the venous vessels leads to its perspiration into the intercellular space and further to the surface of the skin with the formation of trophic ulcers.

How can you help your grandfather?

  1. Hospitalization is optimal. If hospitalization is refused, then such a severe patient can be treated at home by a local therapist with the participation of a cardiologist and a surgeon. If possible, arrange at least a stay in a day hospital. All diagnostic measures must be carried out to the maximum extent possible.
  2. Limit your fluid and salt intake.
  3. Elastic compression - buy grandfather class 3 compression stockings, you will need initially 3-4 pieces, taking into account the change 2 times a day. It can be replaced with elastic bandages, but the limb must be bandaged correctly, otherwise there will be no effect.
  4. It is better to replace Troxevasin capsules with Phlebodia 600, in addition to reducing the number of tablets, the effect will be better. Research confirms this as well.
  5. Atoris and Cardiomagnyl should be used on an ongoing basis, the dose of the statin is adjusted according to the lipid spectrum.
  6. The most important link in the treatment of this condition will be the appointment of diuretics - Furosemide, Torasemide in combination with Veroshpiron. The dose is regulated only by the attending physician on the basis of examination data. When taking Veroshpiron, Asparkam can be canceled. Furosemide (Torasemide) at first is best administered intramuscularly.
  7. There are no drugs for the treatment of atrial fibrillation - these can be beta-blockers, digoxin (taking into account such heart failure).
  8. Add ACE inhibitors - Enalapril, Ramipril, Perindopril, taking into account the level blood pressure and kidney function.
  9. For the prevention of thromboembolic complications, Xarelto should be added in the absence of contraindications (insufficient data), efficacy this drug easier to control than warfarin. The selection of the dose of Warfarin in the countryside is almost impossible. But these drugs are among the most important in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
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