Foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The role of protein in the body Daily protein requirement

Protein is a building material for the human body, all the cells of our body consist of it, and therefore it is incredibly important for us. It contains 20 amino acids, of which 11 the body is able to produce itself, while the remaining 9 are indispensable for us. With a lack of just one amino acid, protein synthesis slows down and the body begins to extract it from its own tissues in order to ensure the functioning of the brain and heart. At the same time, other organs begin to suffer. The first symptom of such a shortage will be a tremor of the hands and fingers, weakness and trembling in the muscles.

Protein is part of DNA and enzymes, and therefore it should be in our diet every day, regardless of age or gender. At the same time, the diet of protein foods should be varied and include both animal and vegetable proteins. Thanks to products from low content fat can easily lose extra pounds. In case there is a need to gain muscle mass, then proteins should be with high content amino acids. Many believe that protein is only needed by athletes to increase muscle, but proteins are needed for the functioning of the body as a whole. It is involved in the work of the stomach, liver, hair strengthening, immune, endocrine system.

For proper growth and the development of our body needs food. All our organs need oxygen, vitamins, trace elements and water, which we get from food. Important components are carbohydrates, fats and of course proteins. It is they who will give us strength and endurance, energize, provide thermoregulation, form new cells, support normal level blood sugar. So: what is protein food and what are these products? How much to eat for weight loss or gain muscle mass?

If the products contain little protein, they cannot be called protein. Most protein is found in animal products: meat, fish and cottage cheese. But some products plant origin, such as legumes or nuts, contain a lot of protein. At the same time, although mushrooms contain a large amount of protein, you don’t need to get carried away with them - their protein is poorly absorbed by the human body.

Protein is one of the important 3 components used by the body for healthy functioning, the other two are carbohydrates and fats. He is involved in all important processes activity and has different effects on different organs. Proteins should make up 40% of the daily diet and come from plant and animal foods.

  • Cells and muscles are made up of protein, which is especially important for children, pregnant women and athletes. It restores damaged cells, is responsible for their regeneration.
  • Metabolism - protein affects metabolism, helps to assimilate various components.
  • Hormonal background - protein normalizes hormonal system thanks to the hypophysis.
  • Immunity - protein provides tissues with an individual structure, creates a protective system and resistance to infections.
  • Blood - protein helps to supply organs with oxygen, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other chemical elements through the blood.

Daily protein intake - table

The daily protein requirement is different for everyone. Here is a table based on the rate of protein per 1 kg of weight:

  • the average norm for an adult is 1–1.5 g (about 85 g per day);
  • at normal weight, physical activity, physical training- from 1.8 to 3.3 g;
  • with normal weight, but low physical activity - from 1.2 g to 1.8 g;
  • with overweight and obesity - from 1.2 g to 1.5 g;
  • during pregnancy - from 1.7 g to 1.8 g.

When choosing products, it should be borne in mind that 1 g of protein gives the body 4 kcal, 1 g of fat - 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4.2 kcal. Protein in the daily diet of an adult should provide 12 to 25% of calories.

Signs of protein deficiency

  • difficulty concentrating;
  • susceptibility to infections;
  • hair loss;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stratification of nails;
  • dry skin.

The lack of protein is accompanied by hypo- and beriberi, iron deficiency anemia, lack of zinc in the body. There are bowel dysfunctions and thyroid gland, develops hormonal imbalance, muscle atrophy.

List of animal protein foods

Protein products of animal origin include all types of meat and seafood, as well as dairy products and eggs. They are quickly absorbed, but have a lot of fat, which is not always good for weight loss. That is why, during a protein diet, chicken, turkey and rabbit are allowed, while pork and lamb are prohibited. It is better to choose milk fat-free or with minimum percentage fat. Here is a list of animal protein foods:

All of these proteins are easily digestible, in addition, they are closer in composition to the proteins contained in the human body. Dairy products contain fast proteins - 9 amino acids that our body is not capable of producing on its own. And meat, in addition to protein, contains vitamin B12, which is not found in plant foods, but it is necessary for proper functioning. nervous system. In addition, red meat and egg yolks contain zinc and iron, dairy products - calcium and leucine, necessary for building muscle tissue. But animal proteins also contain more cholesterol and fat, which are responsible for the development cardiovascular disease and obesity. For this very reason, it is better to choose lean varieties meat.

The most famous protein food- this is meat, or rather the muscle tissue of animals, fish or poultry, which consists of interconnected fibers. The rigidity of the meat depends on the strength of such a bond. So fish belongs to the most tender meat, animals to hard meat. The human body metabolizes different types of meat in different ways. So minced meat from different types of animals will be more useful and valuable than a whole piece. Recommendations for choosing meat:

  • Choose lean meats.
  • Choose fish or chicken over red meat.
  • Don't fry the meat in a pan, but steam, grill, or oven it.
  • Do not abuse meat broths There is little protein in them, but a lot of fat and harmful substances.

When choosing milk, you should pay attention to its fat content. The higher it is, the less protein will enter your body. Egg chicken protein is easily and qualitatively absorbed by the body, contains methionine and phenylalanine. But the yolks contain many useful lipids, vitamins (except C) and trace elements, but they should be limited to 1-2 per day. The average protein content in a chicken egg is almost 12 g for every 100 g. The calorie content of eggs is low, but they are involved in important metabolic processes in the body.

Harm of animal protein

Excessive consumption of such products can lead to metabolic disorders, weakening immune system and the human heart. In addition, the abuse of red meat provokes the development of cancer and causes cancer. During the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and digestive system, doctors recommend abandoning animal proteins. In addition, constipation and bad smell from mouth.

List of plant protein foods

Plant-based protein foods are very important for weight loss, because unlike animal protein foods, they do not contain fat and cholesterol, but they are not very well absorbed. Nevertheless, both types of protein cannot be neglected. So vegetarians do not get the necessary amino acids contained in meat products. For example, 100 g of beef contains 20% of the required rate of fat and 30% of the required cholesterol, while soybeans cannot boast of this - there is no cholesterol in it, and only 1% fat. However, soy contains the best composition amino acids, as well as glutamine and arginine, which increase the body's endurance.

List of plant protein products:

  • String and red beans
  • Peanut
  • Lentils
  • Buckwheat grain
  • Semolina
  • Sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds
  • Millet
  • Almond
  • Peas, chickpeas
  • pistachios
  • Hazelnut
  • Walnuts and Brazil nuts
  • Bread and bakery
  • Mushrooms
  • Apples and pears
  • Berries
  • Millet
  • Garlic
  • Green peas and green vegetables
  • Potatoes, onions, zucchini, carrots, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and cucumbers
  • Algae and seaweed
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits
  • pineapples
  • Fruits with a stone - apricots, peaches, cherries, avocados
  • Tofu (bean curd)
  • Edamame (young green beans)
  • Sesame
  • Seitan (gluten)
  • Spirullina (microalgae)
  • Dried apricots and prunes, dates
  • papaya and kiwi
  • soy milk

Nuts are high in vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants, but lack the essential amino acid methionine. Proteins of plant origin can only be absorbed by 60%, and animal origin - by 80%. Cereals, legumes, lentils, mushrooms and soybeans are the protein leaders in the plant category. If you use a variety of protein foods along with fiber, you can not only increase the digestibility of protein, but also avoid the process of decay of food residues in the body. Cook cereals in milk, because they are digested vegetable proteins much better when cooked.

Harm of vegetable protein

Any product has its pros and cons, and it depends on the amount of consumption and the balance of nutrition. For example, vegetable protein does not contain essential amino acids, vitamin B and sufficient iron. Without eating animal proteins, you will decrease the level of saturated lipids, carbohemoglobin in the blood. You will tire quickly and urolithiasis may occur. If long and large quantities consume soy, hormonal disruptions in women may begin. BUT bean diet will lead to bloating.

fast squirrels

Fast proteins are very useful for athletes, as they quickly restore strength and energy, help you feel more alert and help you gain muscle mass. The body needs only 60-80 minutes to digest fast proteins. After this time, they break down into amino acids and get straight into the cells.

List of fast protein foods in the table:

Protein SourceAmount of proteinsplit ratio
Cheese25 1
pink salmon fish25 0,9
Chicken20-28 0,9
Lean beef26 0,9
Egg13 1
Kefir, milk3-3,6 1

Slow squirrels

Slow proteins are broken down by the body for a long time, help to lose weight and not feel hungry. They break down to amino acids in 6-8 hours, contain few calories, and their breakdown requires more energy. Therefore, they are often consumed for dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, then the body will have enough night time to digest food, and fully enrich the muscles with amino acids.

List of slow proteins in food in the table:

Protein food - food list

Above, we gave a list of protein foods with their content of calories, fats, carbohydrates and protein. Here is another table of protein foods with protein content per 100 grams of product:

  1. Egg powder - 45.0;
  2. Brynza - 18.0;
  3. Hard and processed cheese - 23.4-29.0;
  4. Cheesecakes, casserole - 16.4-18.9;
  5. Liver pate - 18.0;
  6. Canned meat - 15.0-20.0;
  7. Cutlet, chop - 20.0;
  8. Soy protein isolate - 90.0;
  9. Ham - 22.6;
  10. Lamb shish kebab - 22.9;
  11. Servelat - 24.0;
  12. Smoked salmon - 25.4;
  13. Macaroni - 10.0–11.3;
  14. Beefsteak - 28.8;
  15. Sausage mince - 15.2;
  16. Curd - 14.0–18.0;
  17. Boiled veal - 30.7;
  18. Ham - 14.3.

Protein foods for muscle gain

To gain muscle mass, protein nutrition is used. Here you need to understand that muscle mass begins to increase only when the amount of energy coming from food exceeds the amount spent. But this does not mean that if you eat a lot of protein food and lie on the couch, your muscles will begin to grow on their own. Eating protein in your diet is a must for proper nutrition, but you should also not forget about counting calories for both weight loss and muscle gain. At the same time, daily training is required.

In order for the protein from food to be well absorbed, be sure to consume a lot of clean water. Sweet drinks, cocoa, coffee, juices are prohibited. Carbohydrates and fats should make up 30% of the total diet. 70% are distributed between protein products:

  • raw eggs;
  • boiled egg white;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • boiled chicken meat (breast without skin);
  • boiled squid;
  • low-fat sea fish;
  • nuts, beans.

Carbohydrates and fats are preferable to receive from:

  • natural yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat boiled in water (without sugar, oil and salt);
  • vegetables, low-calorie fruits (grapes, bananas, potatoes and pears are not allowed).

The norm of protein intake for athletes is 2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

  • Start consuming protein from the minimum daily rate for athletes - 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  • If no effect is observed, increase the rate to 2-2.5 g of protein.

The required diet of protein products can be compiled independently according to the table above. For example, in daily diet athlete weighing 85 kg, must include: 0.5 kg chicken meat, 200 g of cottage cheese, 5 eggs and 0.5 l of fat milk. You can alternate fish, legumes, etc. Calorie content for gaining muscle mass should be increased by almost 2 times. Only in combination with exhausting strength training is possible speed dial muscle mass. More detailed information about protein nutrition for athletes you can get from the video:

Protein digestibility table

Protein Source Digestibility Ratio

Isolated soy protein Supro100%
Other isolated soy protein92%
Mechanically deboned poultry meat70%
Canned beans68%
wheat gluten27%

Protein foods for pregnant women

The diet of the expectant mother should be balanced, include vitamins and minerals. To ensure a healthy pregnancy and proper development fetus in daily menu pregnant women must have protein:

  • Quail and chicken eggs. Avoid eating raw eggs.
  • Dairy products - milk, kefir, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream.
  • Cereal products, cereals, wholemeal bread.
  • Sea fish - salmon, sardines, anchovy, hake, scallops. Canned food should be discarded.
  • Lean chicken or turkey meat, fish, beef.

The effect of protein on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • provides normal development fetus;
  • performs a transport role in transmission nutrients, calcium and iron;
  • strengthens the immune system (protein products are the main antibodies against viruses and bacteria);
  • ensure optimal functioning of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems,
  • prepares the mother's body for breastfeeding
  • responsible for the processes of lactation,
  • strengthens the mammary glands, uterus and placenta, preparing the body for childbirth,
  • contribute to the regulation of hematopoietic function, protects the mother's body from anemia.
  • favorably affects the intestinal microflora,
  • improves blood supply to the fetus.

If a future mom eating for two, this contributes to a set of fat mass, which negatively affects childbirth and can even affect the health of the child.

How to replace animal protein for vegetarians?

Vegetarians are recommended to include lentils, soybeans, broccoli, onions, asparagus, red peppers, couscous and wheat germ in their diet. Spinach, avocados, and bananas are great fruits and vegetables (but not good for weight loss). Brazil nuts are very nutritious and healthy, as well as almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkins. Peanut butter is also rich in protein, but it is also not suitable for weight loss, but it is quite suitable for gaining muscle mass.

Among vegetarians, a popular product is seitan, which is made from wheat gluten, which absorbs the flavors of dishes that are cooked nearby. One hundred grams of this "meat" contains 57 g of protein and is an excellent substitute for duck or chicken meat. Soy tofu is also important for the vital functions of the body and for weight loss. It can be fried, added to soup, mashed, etc.

Green soybean pods are also popular among vegetarians. It is a healthy and nutritious snack, but the protein in it is about 7 g / 100 g.

We also recommend that vegetarians consume quinoa, zucchini, hummus, black beans, green pea. From them you can cook many dishes, showing imagination. All these products contain a minimum of fat and are very good for weight loss.

The right combination of protein with other products

If you decide to go on a protein diet, don't think that eating protein alone will solve your overweight problem. There are foods that, when combined with protein, can add extra pounds to you. Therefore, follow these combinations:

  • eggs plus beans;
  • eggs plus potatoes;
  • eggs plus corn;
  • eggs plus wheat;
  • soy plus millet;
  • milk plus rye.

There is simple rules, the observance of which will allow you to save in the diet useful animal protein without prejudice to health and figure:

  • If meat is present in the diet, its amount should not exceed 1/3 of total vegetables - the golden rule of Chinese cuisine.
  • Raw (not heat-treated) vegetables contribute to better absorption of protein.
  • Do not combine two or more types of foods high in animal proteins.
  • Do not combine proteins with sugar.
  • Forget about meat with potatoes and butter, especially fried.

Both fast and slow proteins are needed by those who are losing weight, and those who are gaining muscle mass, or just want to be healthy. Remember - a healthy combination of animal and plant foods and keeping calories will achieve the desired result!

What can replace animal protein?

If you are not going to become a vegetarian, or just want to follow great post, then it is impossible to refuse protein completely. Beans, peas, soybeans and lentils are considered excellent substitutes for animal protein. At the same time, soy is in the first place - the main competitor to meat in terms of the amount of protein content. Fish rich in Omega-3 and vitamin B2 will be replaced by seaweed and cereal seeds. Sesame will make up for the lack of calcium - the amount in it is the same as in animal food. natural milk with its vitamin D and B12 will replace soy or rice milk. It would not be superfluous to include vitamins for the period of Great Lent or the temporary cancellation of animal proteins, and increase the size of portions to make up for necessary for the body daily allowance squirrel.

Low Protein Foods - List

Foods low in protein do not have a beneficial effect on the body, but it is not recommended to completely exclude them from the diet.

So, which foods are low in protein:

  • marmalade - 0 grams;
  • sugar - 0.3 grams;
  • apples - 0.4 grams;
  • raspberries - 0.8 grams;
  • raw russula - 1.7 grams;
  • prunes - 2.3 grams.

Proteins - chemical compounds, without which human life is impossible, since they produce energy, actively participate in transport, exchange and many important processes occurring in the human body. What foods have a lot of protein, how much a person needs and why, we will analyze in detail in this article.

Basic functions of proteins

  • plastic, supplies the body plastic material, therefore, all cells, organic tissues, enzymes and many hormones are characterized by the composition of the protein;
  • hormonal function regulates the system of biochemical reactions of the human body;
  • the catalytic function delivers energy to cells, since the enzymes consisting of this substance are involved in the breakdown of food into simple components;
  • the transport function is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the organs and tissues of the body;
  • the protective function consists in the work of proteins of the immune system, which are called antibodies and guard the health of the body, giving it the strength to fight bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances;
  • contractile function is in the presence of special proteins myosin and actin, which provide hard work and coordinated muscle contraction;
  • the regulatory function strengthens the nerves and speeds up the production of conditioned reflexes.

The lack of this substance in food can provoke a number of pathological changes such as stunted growth and development, reduced defensive forces organism, insufficiency of digestive enzymes. That is why a person should eat foods containing proteins.

In turn, healthy food can improve health, make the appearance attractive and even help in losing weight. Protein in the nutrition program is relevant for people who lead a physically active lifestyle, as it quickly replenishes the expended energy of a person.

What foods are high in protein: tables and description

Protein is found in products of plant and animal origin, and naturally, the second group is the leader in its content.

Animal Products


Meat is well absorbed by the body because it contains protein and full complex amino acids. A huge advantage over other products is a large selection of cooking methods and ease of use in large volumes. This is important if you need to quickly replenish the protein resources in the body.

poultry meat contains protein, which has reduced caloric values ​​and is easily digested compared to other types of meat.

Beef characterized by the most complete proteins, since the meat is rich in amino acids, vitamins, iron. For more useful action product is advised to stew or boil the product.

in pork located a large number of proteins. The dry mass of lean pork contains a nutrient, which is why it is considered one of the main food sources squirrel.

Table meat products that are high in protein

The product's name Amount of protein per 100g. The product's name Amount of protein per 100g
Goose 28 Beef liver 17
Chicken 26 pork liver 18
Turkey 25 Lamb liver 18
Mutton 20 beef tongue 13
Beef 20 Beef kidneys 12
Duck 19 Pork tongue 14
Pork 17

List of protein products from fish and seafood

Fish recipes are presented with dietary, healthy and delicious dishes. By the presence of proteins, fish is similar to meat. Its largest amount is in lobster, mullet, anchovies, tuna, salmon. Also in the fish there are many different amino acids and minerals such as: iodine, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, E, D.

Its main advantage is the minimum composition of structural fibers, represented by collagen. Meat boiled fish tender and soft, and the protein is perfectly absorbed by the body. Only you should refrain from eating smoked meats, both fish and meat.

Name Amount of protein per 100g. Name Amount of protein per 100g
Lobster 26 Caviar caviar 27
Mullet 26 Cod liver 24
Anchovies 24 Shrimps 20
Tuna 24 Squid fillet 18
Salmon 21 Crabs 18
Pink salmon 21 oysters 14
Salmon 21
Cod 20
Halibut 19
sardines 19
Herring 18
Pollock 16
Hake 15


Bird eggs are dietary products which are high in protein. The yolk contains a significant amount of proteins, fat soluble vitamins, minerals, and, of course, pepsin. Egg protein contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal tissue.

Which dairy products contain the most protein

As part of dairy products, except minerals, is an easily digestible protein.


Cow's milk, kefir, cottage cheese - suppliers of protein such as casein. It evenly distributes amino acids in the blood, which is why the feeling of satiety persists for a long period of time. This group of products should be consumed by people who restrict themselves in nutrition for a long time in order to lose weight.

Albumin and globulin

Serum, especially its concentrate, is rich in such beneficial proteins like albumin and globulin. They will help lower blood cholesterol, increase the metabolic rate, which will contribute to the rapid breakdown of fats. They are extremely similar in composition of amino acids to the proteins of human muscle tissue. They are also considered sources of essential amino acids. Whey proteins also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as they reduce the rate in the body stress hormone cortisol.

Cheese- this is a protein-rich product, if only it is prepared from natural ingredients in accordance with all the rules (not a cheese product!). For weight loss, when choosing cheese, it is necessary to give preference to less high-calorie varieties, for example, cheese. If enhanced nutrition is required to gain body weight, then fatty high-calorie cheeses are introduced into the diet.

What dairy products have a lot of protein: table

Product name Amount of protein per 100g.
Cow's milk 3,2
Sheep milk 4
Goat milk 3
Condensed milk 7
Sour cream 3,3
Cream 3
Yogurt 5
Kefir 3
curdled milk 2,8
Fat cottage cheese 14
Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Parmesan cheese 22
Cheddar cheese 23
Chees Feta 16
processed cheese 4
Brie cheese 19

Protein in plant foods

Vegetable protein helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent colds, saturation of the body with fiber, restoration of natural microflora, improvement of metabolism, helps to normalize digestion, protect against obesity, energize, add strength and improve skin, hair and nails.

Vegetable protein is found in legumes, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, raw vegetables and fruits. In which herbal products a lot of protein - in detail.

Protein in legumes

Modern directions for consumption wholesome food consist of a huge group of leguminous plants. They are varied and include significant amounts of protein, plant fiber, B vitamins, and minerals.

Legumes are characterized by an affordable price, you can cook a lot of them delicious meals which makes the fruit popular among vegetarians. Legumes are also useful for people during fasting or when following a plant-based diet to cleanse the body, as they can satisfy hunger and provide the body with protein needs.

Nuts are the real leaders among plant foods that contain a lot of protein.

Peanut relieve hunger for a long time. This nut is best excluded from the diet for people who have problems with the stomach and intestines, kidney disease, and are also prone to allergic reactions.

Cashew nuts, in addition to protein, it also contains a lot of carbohydrates, so you should not get carried away with it. Mostly consumed fried.

pistachios consist of fiber, antioxidants, which are the first helpers for the skin, slow down the aging process, thereby prolonging youth and setting the body for longevity. Pistachios are recommended for those who are exposed to significant physical activity and people prone to thinness.

Almond contains a sufficient amount of protein, but has almost no carbohydrates, therefore it helps to remove “bad” cholesterol from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels. Significantly satisfy hunger due to high calorie content.

Advantage hazelnuts is a combination of protein and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on muscle tissues. When choosing hazelnuts, you should be aware that peeled nuts lose their valuable properties during storage, so unpeeled fruits should be preferred.

walnut nuts are very popular and sought-after fruits. There are many various recipes using this nut. Lowers arterial pressure, soothes and promotes brain activity.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a small amount of protein, so it is not advisable to consider them as a source of protein. Consist of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates that the body needs for normal functioning.

Product name Amount of protein per 100 gr.
Garlic 6,5
Brussels sprouts 4,8
figs 3,1
Broccoli 2,8
Dates 2,8
Avocado 2
Potato 2
Leek 2
Banana 1,5
Beet 1,5
Onion 1,4
Sweet pepper 1,3
Green onion 1,3
Carrot 1,3
Radish 1,2
eggplant 1,2

Protein products for weight loss

When protein is consumed, the body is enriched with proteins and there is a shortage of such an energy source as carbohydrate. When losing weight, the body has to burn what is more available to it, namely reserves of fat. In this case, there is a change in metabolism. In addition, the protein that comes with food needs significant energy costs for splitting.

The list of products that are advisable to add to a weight loss nutrition program includes:

  • milk
  • low-fat cottage cheese
  • soy cheese
  • lean meat
  • buckwheat
  • beans and nuts.

Foods that are high in protein are necessary components healthy diet nutrition. When designing the menu, the presence of all groups should be taken into account. food products, in which the protein is located, to ensure the supply of all types of amino acids. It is also necessary to control the protein content - its deficiency, as well as an excess, can provoke negative consequences for a person.

Hello friends! Today we are looking at protein-rich foods. From it you will learn everything about the usefulness and necessity of this nutrient, learn how to choose the right protein products, and also get acquainted with ... I will not reveal all the cards in order to save some intrigue.

So, everyone pricked up their ears and prepared to absorb megabytes useful information.

Protein-Rich Foods: Theoretical Foundations

It just so happened that bodybuilding is not only a blunt pulling of glands, but also a responsible approach to nutrition. However, the vast majority of people visiting gym, negligently (not clothes :)) relate to nutritional issues, and in particular to the main building element for muscles - protein. Don't blame them (you) for this. normal phenomenon, and it is connected with the fact that initially the human diet is depleted in this nutrient. And the introduction of a new habit - to eat more foods rich in protein, is a rather unpleasant and unhurried process.

In general, if we raise the statistics, then the majority (about 80% ) "simulators" and fitness young ladies do not grow (in terms of increasing muscle volume), because their diet lacks quality (high protein and low fat) protein products. The answers to these and many other questions are the subject of our today's note.


Before diving into the theory powerfully, I would like to remind the “new” and already experienced visitors and readers that in our pantheon there is already one entry dedicated to building and nutritional issues, and it sounds like this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this creation, and only then proceed to its logical continuation.

So, I would like to start with a brief "historical" information about the protein.

Protein Rich Foods: The Truth About Protein

Protein (protein / protein) from the point of view of a bodybuilder is a building block for creating new muscle structures. It is a fundamental nutrient in the nutrition of an athlete (and not only), on which the muscles are based. In food sources, protein is in the form of amino acids. (raw material for building proteins), which are interchangeable, irreplaceable (not synthesized by the body) and conditionally essential.

Visually, the classification is as follows.

Very common in literature (especially foreign) you can find the following image of essential amino acids.

Those people who want to gain “good” weight (not fat), build muscle or just lead a healthy lifestyle should include protein-rich foods in their diet. This is due to the fact that protein is one of the main factors for muscle repair and growth. A diet consisting of (including) high protein foods- the basis for building a harmonious body.

Therefore, it is very important to understand, especially for beginners, that before you think about: “how to build muscle?”, You must first consider your diet, replacing various simple carbohydrates (bread, cookies, rolls, etc.) for protein.

Most begin their training adventures from the bulldozer (I was impatient and went) and in the end (after the lapse of 2-3 months and no visible results) on classes with iron clogged. And this happens because, even after a well-conducted workout, it’s not building material that is thrown into the furnace of the body, but the usual diet. (potatoes, sausages, bread, etc.). Or is the quality (percentage of protein) and the amount of protein consumed does not reach the bar for triggering growth mechanisms.

Protein rich foods: how to choose the right one

Now let's look at how to choose the right protein-rich foods. Not many people know how to wisely buy groceries in stores or supermarkets. Next Tips help you stay properly satiated.

Council number 1. Protein mix

When choosing a building nutrient, always aim for a combination of animal and vegetable proteins. If you are actively engaged in the construction of your body, then you should consume 1,5 gr (women) and 2 grams (men) of protein per kilogram of body weight. Always remember that:

  • animal proteins are more complete proteins. They contain all the necessary amino acids to create new protein structures in your body. Animal proteins include: poultry, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products (kefir, ryazhenka, varenets), cheese and milk;
  • Protein sources from vegetables, grains, fruits, and nuts are incomplete. They lack one or more of the amino acids needed to make new proteins. The body uses them by breaking them down into individual amino acids. The latter are then combined with other amino acids (from other products) to create new building blocks;
  • always read the information about the composition of the product (the nutritional value) On the other hand, sometimes the most expensive product does not mean the most useful. Position “amount of proteins in 100 gr” - the larger the value, the better (at low fat content).

Compare two products that were on the same fish store shelf.

Council number 2. Soya

Soy is a complete protein good alternative animal protein from red meat. Include foods like soybeans or tofu in your diet. This will significantly increase your protein levels.

Council number 3. Food rating

Many types of protein (e.g. nuts, beans, whole grain) include alimentary fiber(fiber). It helps to digest food better and gives a longer feeling of satiety. On the other hand, some protein foods (whole milk, beef) contain saturated fat that lead to blockage of the arteries. Choose healthier protein alternatives such as lean meats (poultry) and skim milk.

Council number 4. bypass

In every possible way avoid various semi-finished products rolled up in cans or in vacuum packaging. Often, to extend their service life, various chemicals are added there. (preservatives, class E additives, etc.). Also avoid various sausages and sausages. In fact, there is much less meat (protein) in them than stated by the manufacturer.

Council number 5. Balance

Keep a balance between the amount of carbohydrates and protein consumed. On average, the latter should account for 25-30% , and for carbohydrates - about 55-60% . Food, rich in protein, allows you to control weight, pushing back the feeling of hunger.

Council number 6. Changes

It is very problematic to take and change the usual diet for so many years at a time. Therefore, smoothly and gradually introduce new eating habits. For example, replace Ground beef for turkey or sausage chicken breast. Change the ways of cooking - instead of frying, simmer on water or cook on the grill, microwave and double boiler will also help you. Use only egg whites instead of whole eggs, excluding bad cholesterol from the diet.


In fact, concerns about excess cholesterol from chicken eggs greatly exaggerated. You can calmly, without a second thought, use up to 3-4 eggs every day.

Council number 7. Meal Schedule

All your efforts to choose foods rich in protein will be in vain if you do not learn how to manage your diet. To do this, you need to keep a food diary in which to prescribe at what time and what dish you have to hamster. Such a system will exclude various snacks and long breaks between meals.

Tip #8. Ingenuity

Whatever strong-willed person you are, sometimes there come moments when you want to quit eating right and eat to the fullest :). To avoid such breakdowns, periodically experiment with your diet - try new foods (combinations), new recipes and dressings.

So, everything seems to be here, let's move on to the highlight of the program, namely ...

Protein-Rich Foods: What Are They?

I don’t know about you, but I am very scrupulous about nutrition, and I always devote the most time to choosing the right foods, including protein ones. In fact, now my choice is always predetermined, because. I know which gastronomy contains the most protein, but in the past I pored over studying the packaging and reading the ingredients.

In general, it is customary to isolate the following sources of protein (presented in descending order of value).

Now let's go through the highest protein foods of each protein source.

Protein Rich Foods: Protein Sources

No. 1. Meat and poultry

Many consider meat, due to its fat content, to be a poor source of protein, on the one hand it is. But on the other hand, who is stopping you from choosing low-fat varieties of it. Include the following types of meat in your diet:

  • lean beef (steak, beef stroganoff);
  • chicken (breast, fillet);
  • turkey (fillet);
  • rabbit meat;
  • deer meat.


In all further figures, the following designation is adopted: through a fraction, the protein content / fat content in 100 gr product.

No. 2. Fish and seafood

Fish is perhaps the best source of essential amino acids needed for muscle repair and growth. It contains six times more protein than dairy products, making it one of the richest sources of building material. Keep this in mind and include the following types of fish and seafood in your diet:

  • tuna (natural);
  • salmon (fish fillet);
  • sardines;
  • mackerel;
  • anchovies;
  • mullet;
  • tilapia;
  • shrimps;
  • squids;
  • lobsters;
  • milk.

Number 3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients. They contain fiber and many vitamins that the body needs to function properly. However, it must be remembered that many vegetables (like potatoes) contain a large amount. Therefore, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of such products.

Include the following types of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

  • Chinese fuzhu (soy asparagus);
  • tofu;
  • soya beans;
  • beans;
  • brown rice;
  • spinach;
  • asparagus;
  • avocado;
  • banana.

No. 4. Nuts and seeds

In addition to being relatively high in protein, nuts and seeds are also rich in fats that are good for the brain and nervous system. And since before 60% human brain consists of good fats, then include the following types of seeds and nuts in your diet:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • (peanut butter);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

No. 5. Eggs, cheese and dairy products

Eggs are an excellent source of protein (egg white) for muscle building. High in calcium and vitamin D, dairy products are the perfect post-workout snack.

Include in your diet:

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • cottage cheese (low fat or up to 5% ) ;
  • kefir (fat-free);
  • milk (cow fat-free);
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • cheese (Oltermani 9% , Adam).


Protein-rich foods and their effects on the human body have been the subject of numerous studies and many scientific reports. Even though meat has more protein, some research suggests that it's better to eat more fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber and other vital nutrients.

When compiling your food basket, it is important to remember that your diet should be balanced in all nutritional nutrients, not just protein. Therefore, always rely on the base - and you will always be properly and usefully fed.

Well, in conclusion, as promised, a little scientific.

Protein Rich Foods: What the Science Says

AT 2012 year at the Pennington Research Center (USA) one Scientific research regarding protein, calories and weight gain. During it, unusual results were obtained, which said that weight gain depends on the number of calories consumed, and not on the amount of protein consumed.

Most nutritionists believe that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in the human diet are more important for weight gain than the number of calories consumed with food. This study proved otherwise.

During it 25 experimental rats brave people imprisoned in the metabolic ward for a term 12 weeks. The volunteers had to eat about 1000 extra calories per day over and above what they needed to maintain their weight. Their diets contained 5% , 15% and 25% calories from protein, respectively.

All volunteers gained weight (which is not surprising), although the low protein group ( 5% ) recovered slightly less. Most of additional mass - fat. In the medium and high protein groups, people also gained muscle mass. The low protein group lost muscle.

All differences in weight between people are most likely due to different energy expenditures for activities and keeping warm. (protein causes higher heat loss).

Results Say Low-Protein Diet Caused Loss of Muscle Mass (which is bad for an athlete). In addition, there is not much difference between a diet containing 15% protein and above 25% ) . The study also showed that higher protein diets won't help a person lose weight unless they cut back on their calorie intake. Calories have highest value in weight gain, and their reduction is consistent with other studies. Of course, the quality of the diet also matters: it is easier to reduce the number of calories consumed if a person eats a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grains.


Another note written, today we continued to deal with nutritional issues and talked about high protein foods. After reading, you only have to do one thing - hit the grocery store and stock up to the fullest the right products. Well, with this you will already be fine without me, bon appetit!

PS. Whoever writes a comment will perpetuate himself in history!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

We all heard. What exactly is its role, what protein-containing products are suitable for a healthy lifestyle and diet, with what and how to combine in the diet - all this is really difficult to understand right away. To create an optimal diet, it is important to understand which foods contain a lot of protein.

Daily use the required amount of protein is a guarantee that your hair, skin, nails will look perfect. Muscle growth, cell regeneration, metabolic processes are directly related to protein synthesis in the body.

On Wikipedia, you can read a lot about all the nuances, but for common man, who decided to study and accept the principles of PP, it is enough to memorize that a protein (protein, polypeptide) is a substance without which no organ and no system in our body can work.

Protein food: what is it and why is it needed

Any protein is a group of amino acids in various variations. There are 22 of them in total, and our body can produce only 13 of them - we get the remaining 9 from food.

Foods rich in protein make it possible to obtain high-quality protein to the fullest. If there is little or even simply not enough such food in your diet, then apathy, loss of strength, drowsiness - this is what you will definitely encounter very often.

Signs of a protein deficiency or excess

Also, a lack of protein in the diet can be manifested by other negative conditions:

  • Immunity deteriorates, protective functions decrease:
  • the brain works worse;
  • you become less resilient;
  • irritability, tearfulness appear.

However, this does not mean that it is urgent to find out which foods contain the most protein, and lean only on them.

An excess of food high content protein is just as undesirable as a lack.

With a constant bust with protein, you may feel clear signs intoxication:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the hypochondrium on the right;
  • constant thirst;
  • digestive problems.

Long-term abuse of protein foods can result in problems with bone strength. This is due to the fact that calcium is involved in the synthesis of proteins.

How much protein does the body need

If we do not take into account athletes and professional bodybuilders, the norm of pure protein for an adult averages from 90 g to 120 g. Minimal amount- at least 40!

The most a simple formula for calculating the required amount is 0.5 g per 1 kg your weight, provided that you do not have special physical activity. If you do sports regularly, then multiply the result by 1.5-2.

Also, the amount depends on the age of the person - in youth, growth and metabolic processes are much faster than in old age.

In the cold season, during a period of intense mental work, foods containing a large amount of protein (table just below) must be introduced into the diet.

However, not only the amount of protein plays a role - its quality is equally important.

Which protein to choose?

A quality protein is one whose digestibility tends to be 100%. For example, eggs and mushrooms are foods that are rich in protein, but in the first case, the protein is absorbed by 90%, and in the second by 50%.

The origin of the protein is also important. Meat, eggs, dairy products human body“closer and dearer” at the cellular level. But peas and other legumes are less complete in terms of amino acid content. Highly it is important to combine everything correctly possible types products containing proteins- this will make it possible to get the maximum of the amino acids we need.

There is also such a thing as “slow” and “fast”, that is, those that are absorbed by the body longer and in a shorter time.

"Slow" protein(cottage cheese, chicken meat), the full cycle of synthesis of which takes from 6 to 8 hours, - perfect option for dinner, last meal and.

But "quick"(kefir, milk, low-fat) - for eating before hard physical or mental work.

It is slow proteins that are so important in losing weight and for building muscle - the calorie content of such products is less, and the body spends more energy on their synthesis.

If your goal is to increase the amount of muscle, then before and after training, eat a fast protein, and for dinner - a slow one.

Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products

Food of animal origin best source protein. Red and white meat, cottage cheese, cheese and eggs contain a record amount of protein. In addition, it contains calcium, iron and healthy fats. Therefore, all nutritionists advise including such food in the diet of athletes, pregnant women, losing weight and, of course, children.

  • Meat for pp-recipes, especially if you need to lose weight, it is better to choose low-fat varieties - veal, chicken, rabbit meat.
  • Fish, in principle, any will do. If lean, then it is hake, pollock, tuna, cod. But fatty - mackerel, any red - also cannot be ruled out, there is a lot of omega-3 - a substance that promotes weight loss.
  • Eggs, especially protein, are ideal both in terms of the amount of proteins and their quality (digestibility). And 2-3 boiled proteins before bedtime will accelerate weight loss, moreover, solely due to fat burning.
  • Cottage cheese and other dairy products are high in protein and almost no carbohydrates. And if you choose low-fat varieties, then there is also a minimum of fat.

Vegetable Protein Products

By virtue of different reasons sometimes meat and other animal products are not included in the diet of pp-shnik. Someone refused because religious beliefs, someone believes that the energy of a killed living being is harmful, but there is also such that the body simply does not accept meat (often this happens in pregnant women, children). In this case, you need to make a menu so that you get the right amount of protein from plant foods.

Vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes are good sources of natural protein, but not all have enough protein. Usually in vegetables, fruits it is not enough.

Here is a good one table of leading products containing protein, vegetable origin:

*Amino acid balance is almost perfect

However, plant-based protein foods have a lot of advantages:

  • the presence of fiber, which contributes to weight loss and cleansing;
  • balanced complex of minerals and vitamins;
  • easy digestibility of nutrients;
  • a minimum of fat (with the exception of vegetable oils, seeds and nuts).

What foods have the most protein?

If we take into account both the digestibility and the origin of the protein, then we can distinguish top 10 record holders. But since it is important for us not to forget about maintaining harmony, we will place products, taking into account their safety for the waist.

As we see, dairy products lead. Both kefir and cottage cheese satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, saturate well, and are perfectly absorbed. Be careful if you are allergic to any dairy products.

Chicken, especially white meat- generally indispensable in proper nutrition - pure protein, a minimum of calories, a lot of delicious recipes.

Beef and veal- a little worse, because not everyone will like it, and cooking this meat is not as easy as chicken.

Sea fish- also one of the foundations of the PP diet. In addition to protein, it has so many other useful things!

With eggs, especially chicken, it is important not to overdo it. if you have an allergy. But if you need to urgently and quickly make up for the lack of protein (for example, after a workout), then there is nothing better than eggs. It is even better to separate the whites from the yolks - the latter have a lot of fat! Only do not exclude the yolks completely - their composition is rich in such beneficial substances that are nowhere else.

in herbal products, as already mentioned, protein is not so easy to digest, but because of the vitamins, peas and other legumes are indispensable in the diet.

Nuts are very high in calories. There is a lot of fat in any nuts and seeds. But after all, eating them in kilograms is useless - a small handful is enough. By the way, choose peanuts - it has more protein and fewer calories than the rest.

High quality, made to order hard cheese- the best source of protein, but its calorie content “shifts” it to the end of the top 10.

List of high protein foods

Of course, you can learn our top 10 record holders and plan menus based on them, but proper nutrition implies variety, so it is important to know what other foods are high in protein.

Complete table of protein products

This table shows which foods contain protein and how much it contains.

ProductContains protein per 100 gProductContains protein per 100 g
Red caviar31,6 Sprat17,1
Boiled veal30,7 Bold cottage cheese16,7
Cheeses: reduced fat25-30 Dried apricots5,2
Black granular caviar28,6 Yoghurt 1.5%5
pollock caviar28,4 Green peas5
Cod26 Fresh champignons4,3
Dutch cheese26 Fat-free kefir3
boiled beef25,8 Natural cod liver4,2
boiled turkey25,3 White fresh3,7
boiled chicken25,2 Greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel)1,5-3,7
Kostroma cheese25,2 pea3,4
boiled rabbit24,6 Cauliflower3,1
Mackerel23,4 Green peas3,1
Pink salmon22,9 Skimmed milk3
Boiled lamb22 Milk 3.2%2,8
Pike21,3 Kefir fat2,8
Zander21,3 Dates2,5
Sturgeon balyk20,4 Boiled polished rice2,4
Perch19,9 Boiled potatoes2,4
Crabs18,7 Prunes2,3
Hake18,5 Apples2,2
saury18,3 Boiled brown rice2,2
Flounder18,3 Onion2
Low-fat cottage cheese18 Braised white cabbage2
Squid18 Zucchini caviar2
Brynza17,9 Vegetable cabbage rolls2
Cod17,8 Sauerkraut1,8
Shrimps17,8 White cabbage1,8
Pollock17,6 Raisin1,8
Herring17,5 Turnip1,5

Bananas, honey, popular among pp adherents, Bell pepper, tomatoes and juice from them, different berries. Their benefits are undoubted, but they cannot boast of a protein content - less than 1.5 g.

A sufficient amount of protein in the diet in itself contributes to weight loss, since the body spends a lot of energy on the digestion and assimilation of proteins. That's why protein diets so popular. Proper nutrition, as we know, does not approve of any restrictions, but if you still want to lose weight with protein, follow the basic recommendations of nutritionists:

  • the duration of any protein diet should not be more than 7 days;
  • in addition to protein, fats and carbohydrates should also be included in the daily diet;
  • even better just a couple of times a month to arrange unloading protein days- it is safer for the body;
  • protein sources should be a variety of foods - meat, fish, vegetable and dairy;
  • boil food, steam, bake. It is impossible to fry, especially with fat, especially on such days - the liver is already under a big load due to the increase in protein intake. In addition, fat prevents full protein synthesis;
  • remember about fractional nutrition - 5-6 times a day a little, observing an interval of 2-3 hours. The body needs time to cope with such food.

Useful video

To understand in practice how much protein you need and how it looks like in reality, watch the video below - everything is very accessible and clearly explained.

Protein food is the main component of a healthy diet, a source of amino acids and proteins. Deficiency of such products leads to hormonal failure, heart problems, reduced immunity and other unpleasant consequences. Protein stimulates metabolism and is involved in building muscles, therefore it is considered an indispensable element in the diet of athletes and those who are afraid of obesity.

Foods that have protein: the basis of a healthy diet

What foods are high in plant proteins?

Conventionally, food is divided into two types: vegetable and animal origin. By the same principle, dishes are also distinguished in which protein is present.

The leaders among plant products containing the most protein are:

· beans;

· lentils;

bean curd tofu;

· White mushrooms;

They contain a complete protein and are able to satisfy the human need for essential substances. Therefore, dishes with them are necessarily present in the diet of vegetarians. However, some products alone are not able to provide sufficient absorption of protein by the body, so they must be combined with other foods - cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables and fruits.

Pure protein in plant foods is found in soy, nuts, and beans.

animal squirrels

According to doctors and nutritionists, animal products contain more complete protein, which is better digested and absorbed by humans. It is part of following products:

· Fish and seafood;


dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese);

At heat treatment the protein becomes lighter for the body and is well absorbed, but some amino acids are destroyed by high temperature. Best way cooking such food - steaming or boiling.

The listed food sources differ from each other in the content of fat, the excessive consumption of which leads to weight gain and various diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend including only low-fat foods in the menu (besides, they have more protein).

Milk, meat and fish are foods that contain animal protein.

Are all protein foods healthy?

You can determine what kind of food is ideal for a person by lifestyle. For those who follow the weight, but move little, heavy proteins are suitable. They are slowly digested (up to 7 hours), spending energy and burning calories, and at the same time satisfy hunger for a long time. It is better to use such products for dinner.

Fast proteins are easily digested, therefore they are valued by athletes. They restore the body after training and supply it with building material for muscles.

Not all protein-rich foods are the same. Some of them are also rich in high fat content, the harm from which dominates the benefits, especially when consumed excessively. Therefore, when choosing a diet, it is worth focusing on the percentage of all elements in the composition (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

protein food rating

Consider below how much pure protein occupies in products that are beneficial to the human body.

1. Low-fat cottage cheese - 15%, contains heavy proteins that take a long time to digest and give a feeling of satiety for 3-4 hours.

2. Cheese - 30%, rich in amino acids, but it has a lot of fat. Therefore, the product is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

3. Egg - 17%, protein is absorbed by the body by 90% (the most high performance among other food).

4. Soy - 14%, the basis for the preparation of vegetarian dishes. Easily digestible, but does not supply the person enough amino acids.

5. Fish - 20%, light and low-calorie product with complete proteins. The following varieties are rich in amino acids: mackerel, salmon, tuna, pollock.

6. Meat - 25%, the main source of animal protein. Low-fat varieties (beef, turkey, rabbit meat) are especially useful.

7. Liver - 25%, inexpensive, but at the same time useful product, which is not inferior in nutritional value to dairy and meat dishes.

Below is a table of protein products, which indicates the content of the component per 100 grams of the finished dish.

What foods don't have protein?

Proteins are involved in all transformations of the body - they underlie metabolism, growth and development (including intellectual development). It is not surprising that this important element found in almost all natural products. What food sources contain the least amount?

1. Vegetables - cucumbers, green onion, zucchini, tomatoes.

2. Berries - gooseberries, currants, cranberries, cloudberries.

3. Fruits - persimmons, apricots, oranges, pears.

Foods without protein:

· vegetable oil;

· animal fat;



These food sources contain fats and fast carbohydrates, which, when consumed in excess, accumulate in the form of body fat.

Differences in protein products

All proteins - vegetable and animal, useful and not very - differ from each other in the content and combinations of amino acids, of which there are up to 150 types. Of these, a person needs 20, and only 9 of them must come from food (the rest the body recreates itself).

From the variety of products, it is impossible to single out any of them that would fully meet the needs of a person. Some contain an insufficient amount of amino acids, but are easily digested (like egg white). Others are endowed with everything that is needed, but do not compensate for the needs of the body.

What foods should be in the diet?

Scientists have proven that the most valuable products, which include protein, are of animal origin. They contain an acceptable ratio of amino acids necessary for a person. In addition, without them, vegetable proteins and necessary trace elements(vitamins, minerals) are absorbed worse.

Because perfect product No, the best option- their combination. At the same time, the basis of the diet should be dishes from milk, eggs and meat. And other food sources are already added to them - cereals, bread, fruits and vegetables.

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