Bay leaf - benefits, harm and healing properties. Natural remedy - bay leaf: benefits and harms, recipes and rules for use against articular pathologies

Bay leaf everyone knows it as a spice that is used to give dishes a rich taste and aroma. In the Middle Ages, this plant personified goodness. And in ancient Greece, wreaths of its leaves were worn around the neck of the winners of the Olympiads. Currently, lavrushka is used not only in cooking, but also for the treatment of diseases. The beneficial substances contained in it help to fight a variety of ailments.

Laurel is very rich in useful substances. All parts of this plant contain resins, tannins, essential oils and bitterness. Also, the composition of the laurel is distinguished by some interesting elements, such as formic, butyric, acetic acids, phytosterol, linalool, camphor, starch.
The nutritional value per 100 g of the product is:

  • - 7.61 g;
  • - 8.36 g;
  • carbohydrates - 48.67 g;
  • dietary fiber - 26.3 g;
  • water - 5.44 g;
  • ash - 3.62 g.
Caloric content of bay leaf - 313 Kcal.

Did you know? In ancient Rome and medieval Europe, laurel branches were hung in houses to protect the home from lightning.

Of the macroelements, the composition includes, and of the microelements -,. There are many vitamins in the bay leaf, such as,.

Due to the rich chemical composition, the plant has a significant healing effect on the body, including:

  • does not allow cancer cells to develop;
  • helps to remove toxins, salts from the body, as well as excess fluid;
  • has a general strengthening effect, fills the body with useful substances, improves immunity.

  • has antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial, wound-healing effect.

Formic acid, which is part of Lavrushka, is a natural antibiotic that slows down the processes of decay. And butyric acid provides energy for a good metabolism and helps protect the colon from disease. Thanks to phytosterol, cholesterol levels are lowered. And linalool calms the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Infusions from this plant help with insomnia, promote good digestion, improve appetite, lower blood sugar levels, and inhibit the viability of tubercle bacillus.

Bay leaves, even when dried, do not lose their beneficial qualities.
When buying a product, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  • The leaves should have a uniform dark green hue. Khaki color indicates the expiration date, and the presence of spots or "rust" indicates diseases of the plant;
  • the aroma should be rich and spicy. If the smell is weak or bitter, then the leaves are most likely spoiled.

The place for storing lavrushka should be dark, with a maximum humidity of 75% and an air temperature of + 10–15 ° С. The best place would be a separate pantry. But if one is not available, you can put the laurel in the refrigerator. It is allowed to store in kitchen cabinets, drawers and on open shelves, but the leaves should be marked in an opaque container.
The containers in which the lavrushka is stored must be airtight. It is better to put the leaves in tin or glass jars, which are tightly closed with lids. Laurel can only be stored in linen bags in a separate pantry, as they allow heat and moisture to pass through.

Important! It is not recommended to store the spice on the windowsills and shelves that are near the gas stove - the leaves will quickly lose all their qualities.

Recipes for medicinal purposes

Traditional healers use laurel to treat various ailments. Due to its beneficial qualities, the plant is able to get rid of many diseases.

With sinusitis

To cure sinusitis, you need to grind ten bay leaves, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Then the decoction is poured into the basin, lean over it, covering his head with a towel, and breathe for 5 minutes. After such manipulation, pus may be released from the nasal passages. If necessary, inhalation can be repeated.

With otitis media

To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, you need to pour five leaves with one glass of water, boil, and then pour into a thermos and leave for two hours. Use the product should be no more than four times a day, dripping three drops into each ear. This infusion is also recommended to drink 4-5 times a day, one tablespoon.

In case of inflammation of the eyes - conjunctivitis, it is recommended to make lotions using an infusion of lavrushka. Three or four leaves are crushed, poured with one glass of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. Then filter and wash the resulting infusion of the eye at least ten times a day.
In addition, before going to bed, it is recommended to put cotton pads soaked in a solution of laurel on the eyes. Procedures should be carried out until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

With hemorrhoids

From this common problem, an infusion of lavrushka helps well. 25 leaves pour 3 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos or other insulated container throughout the day. Drink the resulting remedy should be before or after meals.

To reduce swelling and inflammation in the anus, you need to do laurel compresses. 10 g of laurel is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for no more than 10 minutes. The agent must cool to room temperature. After that, gauze is moistened with it and applied to the anus for a trio of minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times during the day. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Baths with laurel will help get rid of cystitis. To do this, pour 30 g of leaves into 8-10 liters of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. The resulting broth is poured into a bath and diluted with water to a volume that will cover the legs in a sitting position. This bath should be taken every day for 20 minutes.

From cystitis also helps a decoction of 10 bay leaves, brewed in 0.5 liters of water. For a day you need to drink 200 ml, divided into three times.

For sweaty feet

A special infusion will help to cope with this problem: 35 bay leaves should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insisted for about three hours. The decoction is added to the foot bath, which must be done every day for 15 minutes.

For joint pain

Lavrushka has the ability to remove salt from the body. For pain in the joints, you should prepare an infusion of 30 bay leaves, which you need to pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 12 hours. Ready solution is recommended to strain and drink throughout the day in small sips. The course of treatment is 3 days. Repeat therapy is allowed only after 6 months.

Important! During the treatment period, you can not eat protein foods - the diet should be vegetarian. Alcohol is completely prohibited at this time.

To induce menstruation, you can prepare bay leaf infusion. There are several options for the "magic potion":

  • 6 bay leaves are poured into two glasses of water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered. It is necessary to drink one glass of the drug per day. It must be taken before eating.
  • 10 g of laurel leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for one hour. Then the broth is filtered. Drink one glass.

Important!If the reason for the delay in menstruation is pregnancy, then you can not drink these decoctions. Bay leaf is an ancient abortifacient.

To improve potency

Lavrushka is an aphrodisiac. The use of laurel infusion by men will help lengthen sexual intercourse. It is necessary to brew one leaf of laurel in 200 ml of boiling water and drink on an empty stomach.

You can also prepare a bath two hours before the intended sexual intercourse. Chamomile and laurel leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. The infusion is added to the bath and diluted with the required amount of warm water.

To prepare homemade cosmetic products, you can buy laurel essential oil at a pharmacy or use dried leaves.
The use of such cosmetics is not recommended for people who are allergic to bay leaves.

For problem skin you can prepare a decoction of lavrushka and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and wipe your face with it. To add a tonic effect, it is recommended to freeze the decoction in ice molds and wipe the skin with the resulting cubes. If the skin on the face is oily, then 1 teaspoon of alcohol can be added to the product.

To narrow the pores on the face and tighten the skin, it is recommended to prepare such a mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of bay broth with 1 teaspoon of honey, egg white, olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice. Apply to the skin for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

For acne and rashes on the face: Pour 100 g of bay leaves with a glass of hot water and boil for 5-10 minutes. The product must be cooled and wipe the skin with it.

For hair

oily hair many people have. To solve this problem, you need to add five leaves of laurel to 100 g of apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to insist the mixture in a dark place. Before rinsing hair with tincture, it should be diluted with water 1: 1.

Get rid of dandruff a decoction of lavrushka will help: 30 leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for three hours.

To strengthen hair, you need to brew bay leaves and mix the decoction with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mass should be applied to the hair for 60 minutes, and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, bay leaves were placed in mattresses to have prophetic dreams.

People who have thin hair it is recommended to use a mask of three slices of bread, half a liter of kefir and laurel oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair roots for one hour, and then washed off using shampoo.

People who are prone to allergies should not use bay leaf for treatment and add it to food, since this plant is a strong allergen. Lavrushka also has an exciting effect on the uterus and it begins to contract strongly. In this case, the pregnancy may be interrupted by a miscarriage.

The tannins contained in the laurel can worsen the well-being of people who suffer from diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels.
People who often experience constipation should also not take tinctures from the leaves of the plant in question.

You can’t use bay leaf or decoctions from it if you have:

  • problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • protein metabolism is disturbed;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • ulcers;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • pancreatitis.

Bay leaf has many beneficial properties. But there are also contraindications. Therefore, you can add it to food, use it for treatment or use it in cosmetology only after consulting a doctor.

Bay leaf is one of the most common spices. Laurel makes dishes richer, tastier and more aromatic. The plant has been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the bay leaf was considered a symbol of goodness. And in ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were hung around the necks of the winners of the Olympic Games.

Today, the plant is used in cooking, the chemical industry and medicine. Bay leaf has many beneficial properties that help fight various diseases.

The use of laurel

Bay leaf can be used fresh or dry. It is commonly added to soups, stews, and meat dishes. The plant has a bitter taste and a resinous, sweet aroma.

In the first dishes it is put five minutes before readiness, and in the second - ten minutes. For one liter of water, one leaf of the plant is required. Store the bay leaf in vacuum packaging or a glass jar, no more than a year from the date of assembly.

Mineral composition

Bay leaf is rich in vitamins and minerals. It consists of:

  • Vitamins - they are represented by group A, B (2, 6, 9), C and PP is contained in a small amount.
  • The number of trace elements includes calcium (100 grams contains 80% of the daily norm for a person), magnesium (30%), potassium (20% of the daily norm), fluorine (15%), zinc, iron, manganese.
  • Essential oil.
  • Salicylates - elements that contribute to blood thinning.
  • Tannins.

Beneficial features

Bay leaf is not consumed whole. From it make infusions, decoctions and oils. They can help with a number of diseases.

Benefits of laurel:

  • Effect on the digestive system- bay leaf stimulates appetite, helps to normalize digestion. The special enzymes contained in it contribute to the breakdown of heavy food, the rapid removal of digested products from the body.
  • Benefits for joints Laurel helps to remove excess salt from the body. It is able to free the joints from unnecessary deposits, relieves inflammation and pain.
  • Strengthening the immune system- the bay leaf contains a large amount of vitamins and useful trace elements that increase immunity, so decoctions are used for colds.
  • Influence on the genitourinary and reproductive systems. The spice contains zinc, which is good for men's health. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system, and folates are responsible for the development of the nervous system in the embryo. Due to these properties, bay leaf is recommended for women planning a pregnancy. But after a successful conception, you should stop using the seasoning, since the laurel can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Benefit for skin- baths with a decoction of seasoning help in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic rashes and other skin diseases.
  • Bay leaf is widely used in cosmetology. It helps to get rid of dandruff, fights acne and pimples, relieves age spots. Vitamin A, included in the bay leaf, regenerates the skin of the face, rejuvenates the skin.
  • Laurel oil helps people with dry skin, gently softens it, nourishes it with the necessary elements. This tool helps smooth wrinkles, fights dry hair.
  • Bay leaf has anti-aging, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, detoxifying properties. It can be used as an emetic for poisoning.

Nutritional value and calories

100 grams of bay leaf contains 313 kilocalories. Of these, 48, 7 are carbohydrates, 8.4 are fats, 7.6 are the protein component.


The benefits of bay leaf are invaluable. But along with it, the laurel has contraindications. Before using this seasoning, you should read the following recommendations:

  • Bay leaf - powerful allergen, it should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to this plant;
  • seasoning is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Chemical compounds can provoke uterine contractions, which increases the risk of miscarriage. Salicylates, which are part of the laurel, thin the blood and can lead to bleeding in pregnant women;
  • spice has astringent properties, with prolonged use bay leaf leads to constipation;
  • bay leaf is prohibited for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • laurel should not be used in diseases of the kidneys, liver, urolithiasis.

The widespread use of bay leaf in cooking has led people to the erroneous belief that this plant is completely safe. Laurel should be used exclusively for the purpose of flavoring dishes and in small quantities.

If the bay leaf enters the stomach, it can provoke poisoning. External use of bay leaf is used without restrictions.


Laurel is widely used by traditional healers in the treatment of many diseases. The beneficial properties of the plant help to forget about debilitating diseases forever. Before using bay leaf, you should consult with doctors, if they give the green light, then you can safely proceed to treatment.

  • Help with. Take ten laurel leaves, finely break them. Add one liter of cold water, boil for fifteen minutes over low heat. You need to breathe over hot steam for about 5 minutes. For a successful procedure, you should pour the broth into a basin and cover your head with a towel to create a "bath" effect. After this inhalation, pus may come out of the nose. The procedure should be repeated if necessary.
  • The use of laurel with bad breath. Bay leaves help with sore gums, stomatitis leading to bad breath. Take a small leaf and chew it for five minutes, then spit it out. The procedure should be performed several times a day until improvement occurs. Within an hour after chewing the laurel, you should refrain from eating and drinking.
  • in the treatment of joints. Laurel is able to dissolve salts and contributes to their removal from the body. Take 5 grams of the plant (about 30 leaves), fill them with 400 milliliters of boiling water, place in a thermos for 12 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and drink throughout the day in small sips. Treatment is carried out within three days. The course can be repeated no earlier than six months later. During therapy, you need to give up protein foods, during this period, food should be vegetarian. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet.
  • Bay leaf helps fight bad breath caused by excessive sweating of the feet. To do this, it is worth making a special infusion: pour 30 - 35 leaves of laurel with 250 milliliters of boiling water. Let it brew for 3 hours. Add it to your foot bath. The procedure should be carried out daily for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bay leaf contributes to the fight against. Take a tablespoon of chopped laurel, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. The broth should be filtered and taken half a cup twenty minutes before meals, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Such treatment will increase immunity and help to easily cope with a cold.
  • Treatment. Pour 10 leaves of bay leaf with a glass of boiling water. Place the resulting mixture in a thermos, leave for 3 hours. The infusion should be taken three times a day half an hour before meals. After 2 weeks, blood sugar should return to normal.
  • The use of laurel in the treatment of barley. Take three large leaves of the plant, chop them. Pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 20 minutes. Drink the resulting tea throughout the day, every hour. The barley will come off the next morning.

Use for weight loss

The diuretic effect of the leaves helps to get rid of excess weight. Essential oils contained in the plant help to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate swelling. A large concentration of diuretics can remove about 4 liters of unnecessary fluid, ridding the body of accumulated toxins.

You can use a decoction for weight loss no longer than 3 days so as not to cause dehydration. Prepare the infusion in the following way:

  • take a cinnamon stick, drop it into a liter of boiling water. Then add 6 bay leaves. Cook spices over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. The resulting infusion should be taken before each meal. Dosage - 1 tablespoon.

While taking the decoction, it is recommended to consume no more than 1500 kilocalories per day., which speeds up metabolism and helps to reduce weight. Before using this method of losing weight, you should consult a doctor, since the uncontrolled use of bay leaves can lead to negative consequences and health problems.

Bay leaf can provide invaluable assistance to the body. At the same time, this plant has a number of contraindications. Uncontrolled use of laurel can lead to health problems. Before starting treatment, it is worth evaluating the possible benefits and harms of seasoning.

Despite the rather high level of development of pharmacology, not all people are ready to deal with ailments with the help of medicines. And this makes a certain sense, since chemicals can cause the body not only benefits, but also great harm. It is not for nothing that there is a saying that with the help of pills and injections we treat one thing and cripple the other. As a result, even with serious diseases, it is often necessary to give preference to folk remedies that are quite effective and at the same time do not have such a detrimental effect on human health as pharmacological preparations.

Application of bay leaf decoction

A worthy place in the "green pharmacy" is occupied by a bay leaf, a decoction of which helps to fight various ailments. Most often, it is used to strengthen the immune system and restore the body after severe viral diseases. In addition, a decoction of bay leaves very effectively cleanses the body of heavy metal salts and helps fight various joint diseases. It has been proven that a decoction of bay leaves is a powerful antiseptic, so they can treat purulent wounds. For colds and viral diseases, it is also recommended to take it orally.

In addition, this folk remedy has the ability to suppress the reproduction of tubercle bacillus, has excellent diuretic and decongestant properties. Also, a decoction of bay leaves is recommended for people who complain of high blood pressure, want to get rid of fungal skin diseases, or sore throats during a cold. Externally, such a remedy is used in order to get rid of bruises and minimize discomfort after severe bruises. In this case, lotions and compresses are prepared from a cool broth, which have not only analgesic, but also absorbable properties.

The bay leaf itself is rich in essential oils and vitamins A, PP, C and E.. In addition, it contains potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, copper and sodium. When preparing a decoction, most of the beneficial substances that make up the bay leaf are preserved. It is for this reason that the healing properties of the resulting remedy can hardly be overestimated.

Bay leaf decoction: recipes

When it comes to restoring immunity, then to prepare the broth, 10 medium-sized bay leaves are used, which must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for at least 3 hours. Then the resulting product must be carefully drained, and the steamed leaves should be discarded. The liquid is recommended to take 50 ml after meals 3 times a day. The recovery course is designed for a week, and this is quite enough to improve health and enrich the body with useful substances that are so necessary for it. For people who are prone to frequent colds, such a course of treatment is recommended 3-4 times a year with intervals of several months. For preventive purposes, you can drink a decoction of bay leaves in the midst of seasonal influenza epidemics or acute respiratory diseases. In addition, the resulting remedy can be used to gargle with inflammation or the mouth with stomatitis. Such procedures should be performed every 3-4 hours, which will help not only relieve redness and disinfect wounds, but also get rid of pain. For fungal skin diseases, the decoction should be rubbed three times a day into the affected areas with a cotton swab and wait until the liquid is completely absorbed. The course of treatment is usually designed for 3-4 days, during which it is strictly forbidden to wet problem areas with water.

When it is necessary to remove salts and toxins from the body, then a more concentrated decoction is prepared, for which you need to pour 1 liter of boiling water 30 bay leaves. It is infused in a thermos for at least 7-8 hours, so it is best to prepare this medicine in the evening. In the morning, you should drain the decoction and divide it into three equal parts - according to the number of days of taking the remedy. Drink this decoction in small sips throughout the day, but it is best to do this on an empty stomach. Already on the second day of treatment, you will notice a change in the color of the urine, which will turn dark brown. This means that harmful substances and salts of heavy metals began to leave the body. To enhance the cleansing effect within three days of taking the drug, it is recommended to follow a fruit and vegetable diet, giving up fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods.

Decoction contraindications

Despite not excellent healing properties, a decoction of bay leaves has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to be used by pregnant women., since this remedy can provoke premature birth. In addition, nursing mothers, diabetics, as well as people who suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers, chronic liver and kidney diseases should refrain from taking the decoction.

Bay leaf is considered the most common spice among cooks around the world. It is difficult to meet a hostess who would not use fragrant leaves in the cooking process. It turns out that the medicinal properties and contraindications of the bay leaf have been thoroughly studied by scientists, and it is not only a universal spice, but also a powerful remedy.

The homeland of the evergreen plant is the Mediterranean. References to the unique properties of all parts of the tree are found in the manuscripts of Ancient Rome, Greece and even Egypt deciphered by archaeologists. Currently, tall laurel is widely cultivated in areas with a subtropical climate in both hemispheres.

Naked leaves of a simple structure with a peculiar spicy aroma are collected from subtropical trees and shrubs of the Laurel family under the name "Noble Laurel" to improve the taste of many dishes and for medical purposes. Next, the plant material is dried. In this form, the leaves can be stored in a dry place for several years.

familiar stranger

dried laurel leaves, photo

It is difficult to overestimate the economic importance of appetizing laurel leaves as a universal spice used in almost all sour and salty products, from soups, borscht cabbage soup and ending with canned food. No meat, no mushroom, no fish, no vegetable dishes, no sauces, no marinades, no jelly, no goulash can do without lavrushka.

Culinary, medicinal and aromatic properties of bay leaf provide phytoncides and essential oils containing limonene, camphor, cineole, pinene and other phenolic compounds and terpenes. In addition to the listed volatile substances, organic acids (valeric, caproic, acetic), tannins, bitterness, resins, mineral salts, antioxidants and vitamins are present in the composition of plant materials.

In addition to the use in traditional and folk medicine, as well as the use of the product in cooking, bay leaves are also credited with magical properties. The leaves and branches of the sacred tree - noble laurel - since the time of Ancient Greece have been considered a symbol of triumph, glory, victory, conquest, conquest of peaks and greatness.

Ancient healers treated patients with various drugs based on laurel. For example, Hippocrates prescribed leaf extracts to facilitate labor and reduce pain during attempts. The Roman physician Galen used raw materials in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Slavic healers treated feverish conditions with bay leaves, and the eastern doctor al-Razi, using the spice, successfully relieved people of a nervous tic. Oil extracts, obtained by infusion of raw materials in sunflower, flaxseed, corn and other vegetable oils, were considered an effective tool for rubbing with paresis and paralysis.

green leaves

The chemical compounds of laurel leaves determine the following therapeutic properties of fresh and dried raw materials:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • deodorizing;
  • regenerating;
  • antifungal;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • anticholesterol;
  • diuretic and decongestant;
  • metabolic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • cleansing;
  • tonic;
  • restorative.

Adding lavrushka to everyday dishes not only improves their taste, but also activates the processes of digestion and assimilation of useful components from food.

The plant has powerful cleansing properties, due to which, together with feces, the intestines evacuate toxins, carcinogens, toxins, metabolites and remnants of processed food. Fats that are difficult to digest, for example, in fried meat, saltison and other fatty dishes, are processed faster in the digestive tract in the presence of bay leaf components.

Medicines made from bay leaf help to eliminate uric acid and excess salts from the body, thereby improving the mobility and general condition of all joints. Therefore, infusions are so often prescribed for arthritis, gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, but not more than 3-4 days in a row.

Biologically active phytonutrients of the spice help to strengthen the body's defenses, and this, in turn, allows you to resist viruses and infections.

Bay leaf in type 2 diabetes helps to stabilize blood glucose levels, normalizing carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Zinc and folic acids, contained in the spice in sufficient concentration, have a beneficial effect on the health of the entire reproductive system. Lavrushka extracts stimulate uterine contractions, helping with congestion in this organ.

Extracts from spices when applied topically help. Dermatologists and traditional healers prescribe infusions and oil extracts of bay leaf in the complex therapy of dermatitis, acne vulgaris, allergic rashes, and irritated skin.

The spice is also indispensable in dental practice. Chewing fresh leaves neutralizes bad breath after smoking, eating garlic or halitosis. Due to the disinfecting properties of the plant, the raw material has a therapeutic effect in inflammatory processes occurring in the gums and on the oral mucosa, in particular, with stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Traditional medicine recipes with “lavrushka”

oil tincture

The medicinal properties of bay leaf determine its use in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol and oil tinctures.

Baths and washings from a decoction of seasoning allow you to get rid of diathesis in infants. 5 leaves are poured with hot water (0.3 l), kept in a water bath for 5 minutes, insisted for about an hour. The filtered liquid is used to bathe the baby in a warm form, adding to the bath or wiping the entire body of the baby.

An alcoholic tincture of bay leaves applied topically helps treat acne by relieving inflammation, disinfecting pustules, exfoliating the skin and tightening pores. To make it, a dark glass container is filled with dried or fresh leaves broken in hands (up to the top, without tamping), pour vodka or medical alcohol diluted in half with water, clog tightly and infuse in a dark place for 20 days, shaking the liquid daily. The lotion is used only externally, wiping problem areas of the face and body.

An infusion of bay leaves will help activate metabolism and remove excess fluid from tissues in the process of losing weight. To prepare a drink, 3 large leaves are poured with boiling water and insisted under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Strained elixir is taken half an hour before meals 5 times 40 ml, but not more than 4 days in a row.

The same infusion is used as a tonic, wiping the face with it after washing 2 times a day. You can freeze the elixir and wipe the skin with ice cubes to smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the skin of age spots and rashes.

Contraindications for use

The spice is not added to food and is not used for medicinal purposes in the presence of all types of allergies.

With an increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy, extracts from laurel leaves are contraindicated.

The spice contains highly concentrated phytonutrients that are undesirable for breastfeeding babies, so it is forbidden for nursing mothers to eat it.

With caution and in minimal quantities, the spice is used by persons suffering from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcer, gastritis, inflammation in the digestive organs, and having a tendency to constipation.

In chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, spleen, a specialist consultation is required before treatment with folk remedies based on bay leaf.

The amazing is always there. Try to use bay leaf not only in everyday cooking, but also in home cosmetology and the treatment of certain diseases, and you will be surprised at the effectiveness of this inexpensive spice available to everyone. Good health to you!

Fragrant, spicy, with a pronounced bitter smell, the bay leaf is familiar to everyone since childhood. It was added to broths, soups, main courses, meat, making them incredibly fragrant and appetizing. The smell of a dish seasoned with bay leaves is impossible to resist. But the awakening of appetite is only one of the many abilities of this fragrant spice. The benefits of bay leaf for all body systems are enormous, which was noted by ancient healers.

The special properties of the bay leaf are also recognized by traditional medicine: the leaves, fruits and flowers of this plant are used in pharmacology.

It is important to remember: only the totality of the green leaves of the Laurel Noble tree is called a bay leaf. Other species, very similar in shape of leaves, flowers and fruits, can be not only not useful, but also poisonous.

Mineral composition

The nutritional value of this spice is very high. Its composition is saturated with minerals, vitamins and organic acids. In addition, bay leaf is rich in essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, phytonutrients and salicylates.

The calorie content of a laurel branch weighing 100 g is quite high - 313 kcal (27% of the daily requirement), but the scientific calculation is made taking into account the use of the leaf for food. The real calorie content of this spice as an additive to dishes is negligible. Most of all, carbohydrates in Lavrushka are 48.7 g, and proteins and fats are 7 g each, or 14-15% of the daily requirement.

The mineral composition of 100 g of spices is as follows:

  1. Vitamins. Group B is represented by vitamins B6 (87% of the daily requirement), B2 (23%) and B9 (45%). Not less in the composition of vitamins A and C; RR is included in a small amount.
  2. Macronutrients. The benefits of bay leaf are huge in terms of saturating the body with calcium - it is part of 80% of the daily norm. The spice is rich in magnesium (30%), potassium (20%) and fluorine (15%), but the sodium content is negligible.
  3. Macronutrients. Regular consumption of laurel leaves for food will satisfy the daily requirement of the body for iron and manganese. 100 g of spice contains 239% and 408% of these elements, respectively. Many in the composition of zinc, copper and selenium.

Long-term storage deprives lavrushka of useful properties. A year later, the spice acquires a characteristic bitter taste and smell, after which it is undesirable to eat it.

Beneficial features

In general, this spice is not used for food, however, decoctions, infusions, and oils from the leaves can provide considerable benefits. Dishes (garnishes, soups, meat recipes) to which this spice is added during the cooking process can also be attributed to decoctions. Laurel, included in the regular diet, is able to provide:

  • rejuvenating,
  • detoxification,
  • immunostimulating,
  • antispasmodic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antibiotic action.

Potassium helps to normalize the water-salt balance, relieves swelling, and reduces sweating. Manganese, iron and copper are the main components for hematopoiesis, and since there are more than enough of them in the bay leaf, the benefits of decoctions of this spice for humans are enormous.

decoction recipe

To get the maximum benefit from the use of laurel, you must be able to properly prepare a decoction of bay leaves. It is better to use it fresh, and store it ready for no more than three days.

In boiling 300 ml of water, put 10 leaves of fragrant spice and boil for 6-7 minutes, remove the parsley, strain, wait until it cools down, and store in a cool place.

Infusion recipe

Using bay leaf infusion, you can get the maximum concentration of beneficial components that make up the leaf. The infusion is prepared a little differently than the decoction.

It is also necessary to boil 300 ml of water, dip 10 leaves into it, boil for 6-7 minutes, and cool without removing. Strain before storing.

Digestive system

Essential oils have the ability to stimulate appetite, minerals and organic acids contribute to the normalization of digestion, tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect in the intestines. In case of poisoning, a decoction of lavrushka is used as an emetic to wash the stomach and remove toxins.

The human digestive system can digest many substances, but not all. The benefit of bay leaf is the content of unique enzymes that can break down heavy food, prevent food from lingering and causing inflammation. In addition, decoctions and broths on laurel help to remove toxins from the intestines.

Assimilation of food is facilitated by a composition rich in B vitamins. They are:

  • responsible for the production of enzymes
  • normalize metabolism,
  • are actively involved in the work of the nervous system.

Genitourinary and reproductive systems

Zinc, which is part of the spice, promotes sexual development, is an important element of men's health.

Family planners recommend including spice in the diet of women preparing for pregnancy. The fact is that a decoction of bay leaves contains B9 (folic acid) in large quantities. Folates (salts of phosphoric acid) are involved in the synthesis of DNA, are responsible for the formation of the nervous system of the embryo. However, after the onset of pregnancy, laurel infusions and decoctions should be excluded from the diet.

The spice has a pronounced diuretic effect, which can be useful for urolithiasis.


Laurel decoctions and infusions help to remove salts, toxins and other deposits, including from the joints. Dishes seasoned with lavrushka, or compositions specially prepared on it:

  • promote the release of joints from constricting deposits,
  • relieve inflammation,
  • eliminate pain.

The immune system

Vitamin C, which is found in large quantities in the infusion of lavrushka, acts as a powerful immunostimulant. In case of respiratory diseases, it is useful not only to use infusions and decoctions inside, but also to gargle, rinse the nasal cavity, inhalations.

Local immunity helps to strengthen tannins, making the mucous membranes less susceptible to infections and seasonal viruses.


Baths with a decoction of lavrushka contribute to the treatment of:

  • dermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • allergic rashes.

In cosmetology, masks, rinsing and washing with laurel infusions are widely used. Fresh plucked leaves can be used in the fight against acne and dandruff. Regeneration, rejuvenation of the skin is promoted by the content of vitamin A.

You can apply a leaf of laurel to a fresh wound or wash them with a decoction. This will help speed up the healing and restoration of the skin.

The vitamins that make up the spice normalize carbohydrate metabolism, help reduce blood sugar. In diabetes, regular consumption of dishes seasoned with this supplement helps to normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Bay leaf in pharmacology

Extracts of fruits, inflorescences and leaves of laurel are used in the preparation of medicines. For example, the components of this spice are used to create drugs that:

  • eliminate stomach colic;
  • reduce flatulence;
  • warm;
  • heal wounds;
  • disinfect;
  • analgesic when applied externally;
  • repel insects.

Contraindications and harm

Along with the invaluable benefits, a certain harm of bay leaf has been noted:

  • The astringent properties of spices can lead to constipation, especially with prolonged regular use of infusions and decoctions;
  • Salicylates thin the blood, which can cause bleeding in people prone to them and pregnant women;
  • Chemical compounds in the composition can provoke contraction of the muscles of the uterus and miscarriage.

What is your relationship with bay leaf? Write in the comments!

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