Feeling good on the day of ovulation. Nuances to consider. Ovulation is a regular process

Every woman in the body is a lot of different processes associated with the function of childbearing. Ovulation is a key stage, without which the birth of a new life is impossible. In this article, we will consider the features of the process, symptoms and signs, principles of definition, as well as what sensations accompany it.

Ovulation - process features

In simple terms, ovulation is the opportunity for fertilization. At this time, the woman's cell enters the genital tract. In the event of a successful meeting with the sperm, conception will occur, in the absence of it, the cell will die. Processes proceed cyclically, repeating from month to month. It falls almost in the middle of the girl's cycle.

Menstrual cycle

The cycle is the time interval between the first dates of menstruation. It is divided into three main periods:

  1. Follicular. From the beginning of blood discharge, vesicles in the ovary mature. Each cycle, the ovaries work in turn, but often there are peculiar failures when the action occurs in one ovary for two consecutive terms or there is no maturation of the follicle in principle. Over time, one of the bubbles outstrips the others in size. This is where the egg is born. It begins to grow faster and faster, up to the boundary mark of 20-24 mm. With such dimensions of the follicle, the cell is considered mature. By this time, the remaining bubbles disappear due to atresia (regression).
  2. Ovulation. Having reached the peak of development, the cell breaks the wall of the follicle to go outside. She starts moving towards the uterus. If she meets and comes into contact with the sperm, fertilization is very likely. In the absence of male cells, the female will collapse a day after the release.
  3. luteal. At the site of the gap formed by the cell, the corpus luteum grows. It promotes wound healing and produces a special hormone - progesterone. Its concentration in the body is necessary to accompany the processes of fertilization, implantation and the development of pregnancy in general. With a successful conception, it will be produced throughout the pregnancy to ensure the proper development of the embryo. If there is no effect, by the end of the cycle, the corpus luteum stops functioning, after which menstruation occurs.

Stage duration

The duration of each stage differs in women, based on the characteristics of the body and the length of the cycle:

  1. Follicular phase: 11-17 days. It is considered normal if the cell matures in 14 days. The rate of its formation depends on the hormone estrogen and its concentration in the body. Since the natural balance of hormones in girls can be very different in ratios, the length of the phase will also be different. At the same time, due to stress or taking medications, the proportions of hormones change, which is why in one month the cell may mature faster or slower than in another. There are situations and late ovulation, when the cell appears every 1-1.5 months.
  2. Ovulation: 1-2 days. The length of the phase depends on the viability of the cell. On average, she lives up to a day, but there are cases of a shorter life - 12 hours or a long one - up to 3 days. But such situations are very rare. It is precisely because of such a short time for the functioning of cells that the process of conception can be difficult to plan and implement. It is necessary to be able to correctly determine this day.
  3. Luteal: 14 days. Experts have found that it takes just that much time to heal a wound on the ovary and bring the body back to normal. Very rarely, the phase can last 12-13 days.

Characteristic signs of ovulation - discharge

To clearly find out the date of release of the cell, in order to “guess” the moment for conception, specific signs of ovulation will help. Women's discharge is considered the most striking. They have a different structure and appearance at each stage. By observing the external manifestations of mucus, you can easily find out the day before and the direct exit of the cell.

Cervical mucus changes structure depending on the balance of hormones. Based on which hormone prevails in the body, it can thin or thicken. Usually, discharges are characterized by such signs at each stage of the cycle:

  1. During the growth of the follicle, estrogen acts, which liquefies the mucus. The secret becomes very thick and acts as a mucous plug, blocking the access of microbes and spermatozoa to the uterus, since in this period of time fertilization is impossible and their presence is undesirable. Due to this density, the discharge does not show through and cannot be detected on linen.
  2. As the cell grows, the level of estrogen begins to decrease, due to which the mucus gradually thins, but there is practically no external discharge.
  3. After the appearance of a cell in the genital tract, due to the rupture of the follicle, a surge of luteinizing hormone occurs. The proportions of hormones formed at the time of ovulation change the structure of the mucus. It acquires ductility, transparency and is produced many times more. This consistency is optimal for the promotion of spermatozoa and contributes to the vital activity of cells. Mucus due to similar external characteristics is called "egg white". It may be interspersed with brown blood, which is considered normal, since the follicle has ruptured and a droplet could have entered the peritoneum. Since there is no outward discharge until the moment of ovulation, the girl will not be able to miss the appearance of such an abundance of mucus on the linen. The mucus will be observed in the state of egg protein for a couple of days. For some, it is found two more days immediately after the release of the cell, and for some (usually women over 35), the entire period can take one day or a day.
  4. After the growth of the corpus luteum and the increase in the level of progesterone, the mucus begins to thicken. She prepares to plug the fallopian tubes upon successful implantation of the fetus in order to protect the fetus from the penetration of external bacteria. Therefore, the discharge practically stops.
  5. If conception did not happen, on the eve of the blood discharge of the next cycle, the mucus thins a little, becoming somewhat watery.

As you can see, any girl can observe her secretions and, if abundant and viscous manifestations are found, start conception on this day and the next two, as this is a sure sign of ovulation that has occurred.

Pain during ovulation - causes

As we have already discussed, when leaving the follicle, the cell breaks the wall of the ovary. This is a common wound, and therefore can cause discomfort and unpleasant pain. Usually, a woman does not notice the sensations during ovulation, unless she specifically listens to the body. This is due to the insignificance and low strength of such pain.

Pain in the sides

If you count approximately the moment of ovulation and observe yourself, you can pay attention to some tingling, possibly aching or pulling pain. It lasts in different ways - from a one-time sensation to several hours or even up to 2 days. There are girls who feel very strong pain, tingling, and often a return to the lower back. At the same time, from month to month, sensations are felt from different sides. It depends on the ovary, which produced a cell this month.

Stomach ache

It happens that pain is felt in the peritoneum (lower part), which causes some anxiety in ladies. This can be caused by a drop of blood from a ruptured follicle entering the abdominal cavity or retrouterine space. Don't worry, it will come out naturally. If after a couple of days there are no changes, but there is an increase in temperature and general signs of malaise, it is better to immediately visit a doctor to prevent adverse consequences.

prolonged pain

If the pain is felt already a few days after the birth of the cell, it is worth clarifying a few points:

  • During sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation, fertilization probably occurred. When the embryo is implanted in the uterus, tissue stretching occurs, which is accompanied by pain. And this happens 7 days after conception.
  • In the presence of nausea, fever, an inflammatory process, the onset of a tumor, a violation in the location of the appendages and other deviations are possible. You should visit a specialist.
  • If the pain is severe and occurs during other periods of the cycle, inflammation of the appendages, rupture of the ovarian wall, or other unpleasant diseases and problems are possible. Postponing a visit to the doctor is unacceptable.

Other symptoms of ovulation

Slight pain and peculiar discharge are the most striking and common symptoms of ovulation. But there are some others that will also help to correctly determine the moment.


Under the influence of progesterone, the mammary glands begin to change. This symptom is more common after the rupture of the follicle, but the girl will still have a few hours or a day before the completion of the ovulation stage.

Since all processes in the body are interconnected and it reacts to any changes, then at the moment the finished cell appears, it begins preparation for the process of childbearing and subsequent breastfeeding. Because the mammary glands swell a little. It can feel uncomfortable or even painful, especially when rubbed against clothing. But for some girls, such a process occurs without consequences, and it is impossible to pay attention to it.


The finished cell that has appeared in the genital tract also signals the body about the desire to reproduce offspring. Therefore, a woman's libido and physical attraction increase. This happens mainly on a subconscious level, but it is very simple to catch the tendencies and wishes of your body.

Calendaring - calculations

Every girl should keep her menstruation calendar. It should only mark the first days of their onset. Such a calendar helps to control the normal course of processes and female function. It is known that any deviations in the calendar may indicate a disease, a malfunction of the organs of the reproductive system, etc. It is necessary to control the following points:

  • Cycle length. Count the number of days between the first numbers. Normally, the indicator is close to 28 days.
  • Regularity. The duration of the cycles should be identical, with a minimum deviation of 1-2 days.
  • Number of days of menstruation. Normally, the nature of the discharge, structure, abundance and duration should be the same in each period.


In the same calendar, a girl can calculate the expected ovulation when a decision is made to plan the birth of children. These will be approximate values ​​that you need to focus on, combining with observations of your feelings. The calculation is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Subtract 14 from the length of the cyclic process. As we remember, this value is characteristic of the luteal phase and acts as the same parameter for everyone.
  2. Count from the first day of menstruation in the current period the resulting number. Mark on the calendar the date of the expected release of the cell.
  3. Mark as auspicious two days before this date and one after.

irregular cycles

With an irregular process, when a girl's deviations between periods can be 5-6 days or more, you need to act differently. Preliminarily compare all your cycles for several months of observations, choose the smallest of them. Subtract 14 from it already. But for an irregular cycle, such indicators are very approximate. The girl stands, starting from the calculated date, to observe changes in the body and secretions. If you find the above symptoms, you can begin to have regular sexual intercourse.

Additional options for determining ovulation

In addition to observations and calculations, a girl can use some methods to determine the day the cell appears with a high probability:

  • Home tests that analyze urine.
  • Microscopes and apparatus for the analysis of saliva.
  • Keeping a schedule for temperature measurements rectally.
  • Conducting ultrasound.

Ultrasound procedure

The last option is the most reliable and accurate. But it’s worth contacting him if you can’t figure out the day the cell appears on your own due to the irregularity of the processes being passed or in the absence of characteristic symptoms of ovulation.

In such a situation, the doctor begins an ultrasound examination approximately from the 5th-7th day of the cycle or from the 9th day, with higher rates of its length. He observes the appearance of the follicle and the rate of its growth, for which he appoints examinations every 1-2 days. When it reaches the desired size, the doctor reports the date of release of the cell and appoints the optimal days for sexual intercourse in order to conceive.


If the girl has no problems with regularity and symptoms, but it is only necessary to confirm the appearance of the cell, it is worth using standard tests that are easy to purchase at any pharmacy. On the test, strips impregnated with a reagent are applied. It shows the level of concentration of luteinizing hormone, which splashes out in large quantities just before the rupture of the follicle. It is recommended to start testing 3 days before expected ovulation and compare test strips every day. If a brighter shade is found, it can be argued that the day of ovulation has come up and set the days for conception.

In addition to the standard strip strip, there are other varieties of a similar product that work on a similar principle. The differences are only in the method of conducting the analysis or in deciphering the result:

  • Cassettes. They are considered more convenient, because. the paper strip is placed in a special case.
  • Inkjet. Used by directing a stream of urine onto the strip. There is no need to collect liquid, and therefore it will be possible to apply it even in a public toilet, and not just at home.
  • Electronic. They are used as strip strips, but have an advantage in assessing the response. A girl does not need to compare shades, which always raises a lot of questions. The answer will be displayed on the screen.


Devices such as microscopes are very convenient in comparison with strips, and they are also reusable, which affects their cost. This option is suitable for a girl who has difficulty identifying the day and the process of fertilization.

They can be used anywhere, they are very compact, easily fit in a bag. It is necessary to put a smear of saliva on a glass slide and look at it through a microscope. Salts contained in saliva form a peculiar pattern that acquires the features of a fern leaf at the moment of rupture of the follicle wall.

Basal temperature

The basal temperature chart is the most time-consuming method. It is necessary to take daily rectal temperature measurements and note the indicators on the graph. By observing the curve, one can note the decline before ovulation and the rise during the release of the cell. So the girl will be able to find out in advance about the onset of a favorable moment, noticing the characteristic jumps. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that these "peaks" are in the range of 0.4-0.6 degrees, and therefore the measurement accuracy is very important.


Knowing the main characteristics, symptoms and signs of ovulation, the girl will be able to correctly determine the approach of the "cherished" day, on which a successful conception is possible. Knowing additional options for determining ovulation will help confirm your observations and feelings. Do not forget to monitor your processes according to the calendar in order to notice failures in a timely manner and take action.

"Female" hormones and mood during ovulation: why it worsens

Normally, every woman monthly experiences an almost complete renewal of the body, which is associated with the menstrual cycle. If you observe carefully, you can notice the following pattern: ladies who do not have problems with menstruation look much younger than their peers who suffer from ailments in this area. In addition, they usually have a more positive attitude towards life. The body signals: the egg is maturing, everything is fine, there are no failures, it has a large supply of vitality and is able to bear a healthy child.

In order to understand if there are any problems, try to pay attention to your mood during ovulation- sometimes the disappearance of indirect signs of it may indicate that the female reproductive system is not in order, you need to get a doctor's advice.

Mood before ovulation: normal options

The first half of the menstrual cycle is a thorough process. The first days of the cycle are the time when a woman experiences not the most pleasant sensations.

She has increased sensitivity to pain, periodically there are cramps in the lower abdomen, sometimes blood pressure rises (or falls), which in turn can cause nausea and apathy. She wants to be left alone and given the opportunity to take a leisurely stroll through the streets of the city or lie down at home on the couch while listening to her favorite movie. This is the still ongoing action of prostaglandin hormones, which completely control the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - that is, 1-2 days before the next menstruation. Often, painful periods completely discourage the desire to communicate with a beloved man and even just engage in any kind of vigorous activity.

But here a couple more days pass, menstruation is close to completion. A woman notices an extraordinary surge of strength, her behavior changes. She is:

  • becomes cheerful and cheerful;
  • easily, "on the fly" assimilates new information;
  • more easily endures visits to the dentist and gynecologist - the most "terrible" doctors for women due to an increase in the threshold of pain sensitivity.

Sexual attraction at this time tends to peak, but has not yet reached it. A huge role in all these metamorphoses is played by adrenaline and norepinephrine, which "rule the show" during this period. The body is ready for change and is able to endure stress without complications.

But now - closer to the middle of the cycle - the lady begins to notice that her attitude has become not so bright and colorful. In other words, the mood before ovulation worsens slightly. This happens just a few hours before the "X moment", when the egg is about to leave the mature ruptured follicle.

Ovulation, mood and behavior

Interestingly, it is during this short period that a woman becomes unusually attractive to members of the opposite sex. If at some point she notices that men began to look after her more often, smile, say compliments - most likely, her ovulation is “on the way”. The body releases special substances - pheromones, which increase the attractiveness of such a woman for gentlemen on a subconscious level, behavior changes and becomes more playful. The secretion of estrogen increases. Sexual desire before ovulation - libido - often increases in the lady herself.

It would seem that if everything is so wonderful, then why does a woman visit a bad mood so often during ovulation? After all, we are seeing a very optimistic picture:

  • the follicle has matured, the egg has escaped to freedom and hid in anticipation of the spermatozoa;
  • beauty blinds others;
  • men are ready to lay down at their feet in piles.

Why, then, do you want to go home and delve into sad depressing thoughts about the imperfections of this world? The deterioration of mood during ovulation is caused by banal reasons - well-being during these hours may not be at the highest level. The stomach may ache from the side of the ovary where the egg was released, sometimes the head hurts a little, a slight swelling is felt. Occasionally, 1-2 drops of blood stand out in some women, but they are most often seen only as a mark on toilet paper. No spacers are required. However, the desire for intimacy may remain high. Here is such a paradox.

Mood after ovulation: how will it change and why?

After ovulation is left behind, the woman's body rebuilds and prepares for change: the abundant production of stress hormones and growth hormones is inhibited, being replaced by those hormones that contribute to the maturation and preservation of cells. The parasympathetic nervous system becomes more active. The corpus luteum, formed after the rupture of the follicle, is produced. But since testosterone is still very active until about the 20th day of the cycle, sharp mood swings after ovulation are possible. Until about 24-25 days of the cycle (with its length of 28 days), the lady feels great. She is calm, active, enjoys working and studying.

For some women, sex drive increases after ovulation. If this happens immediately after the “X hour”, then this phenomenon is explained by the activity of the egg: within 24 hours after ovulation, it is still able to capture the sperm. She needs to be in time, and therefore the woman feels a surge of desire. If the desire for intimacy increases after a few days, then, on the contrary, this indicates that the body has “calmed down”: there will be no conception guaranteed, so you can enjoy the company of your beloved man without consequences.

The reaction of the body is unpredictable and depends on many circumstances: in particular, on whether the lady is in the mood for pregnancy or is trying to avoid this event.

When a couple of days remain before the expected menstruation, the female body is rebuilt a little again. The amount of prostaglandins increases. Irritability appears, they torment, which resemble spasms. , because of which the arrows on the scales crawl up, the legs swell slightly, and swell.

As a result, the mood decreases and deteriorates. I do not want to think and solve world problems, but there is a desire to watch some melodrama and even cry over the difficult fate of its heroes. All this is absolutely normal sensations before menstruation. As soon as the critical days are left behind, the woman will bloom again, and the depressed mood will disappear.

If you notice during the cycle about such changes in your mood and attitude, then everything is in order. But if you've never felt anything, or if your own schema is slightly different, that's also a variant of the norm. It is worth worrying only when something has changed in the body: for example, there was always a slight soreness during ovulation, and then suddenly completely disappeared. Or if you previously noticed a sharp increase in libido in the middle of the cycle, but over the past few months you have not experienced anything like this. Then it would be useful to consult a doctor - perhaps the body gives the first alarm bells.

Ovulation can be tracked in many ways: by measuring basal body temperature, observing "pupil syndrome" at a gynecologist's appointment, meticulously doing folliculometry, or using special tests. Or you can just relax and trust nature, and then you yourself will feel when a new life has come. Women's intuition rarely fails!

Ovulation is a physiological process characterized by the release of a mature egg from the follicle, head to the reproduction of the egg. In women, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. within every 21-35 days. It begins at the time of puberty, and ends with the onset of menopause, interrupted for the postpartum period, during pregnancy.

Why you need to know the signs of ovulation

Information about the onset of ovulation can be useful in several cases. Some women use this knowledge to determine a favorable time for conception, others to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy.

Ovulation is a process that happens differently in every body. Patients may feel slight discomfort or severe pain in the abdomen. Symptoms of ovulation can be a cause for concern, so you need to know them, as they say, in person.

A woman who has studied the signs of ovulation learns more about her body, learns to listen to her own feelings and distinguish normal symptoms from disturbing ones.

How to determine the imminent onset of ovulation: signs, symptoms, sensations

To the number main symptoms ovulation includes:

  • Change. Before ovulation, the mucus that is secreted by the cervix becomes copious and watery.
  • Increased libido. A woman who is ready to conceive becomes more excited and willingly makes contact with her partner.
  • Chest pain. Many patients experience breast swelling and soreness during ovulation. The appearance of these symptoms is associated with a hormonal surge that prepares the body for a possible pregnancy.
  • Increase in basal body temperature. With the onset of ovulation, it rises by a few tenths of a degree. As the temperature rises, the amount of progesterone increases.
  • Abdominal pain. Unpleasant sensations are explained by the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it. occurs in the left or right side of the abdomen, lasts for several minutes, hours or days.
  • The rise of luteinizing hormone responsible for stimulating the body and releasing mature eggs.

What to do if ovulation does not occur

Ovulation is a process that repeats year after year, month after month. It is not surprising that the absence of this phenomenon scares women, forcing them to think about possible problems in the body. According to gynecologists, the following categories of patients most often complain about:

  • Teenagers. Adolescence is characterized by the absence of a clear menstrual calendar, so the presence of interruptions in the cycle in young girls is considered normal.
  • Women after childbirth. After the birth of the baby, when the body is restored, the menstrual cycle begins to gain momentum again. The presence of cycles without ovulation in the postpartum period is not a cause for concern.
  • Young women. Lack of ovulation can be the result of stress, diseases and infections.

To understand whether it is worth worrying about the lack of ovulation, you should watch the body within a few months. If this phenomenon is absent for several cycles, it is necessary see a doctor, get tested. A prolonged absence of ovulation can be a symptom of infertility and other gynecological diseases.

If during the examination it turns out that the woman is absolutely healthy, the doctor can prescribe her a diet and drugs necessary to restore the cycle.

Signs of the completion of ovulation

The main sign of the end of ovulation is change in the nature of the discharge. When the egg leaves the follicle, the discharge ceases to be liquid, becomes white, and becomes sticky.

It is important to remember that ovulation is accompanied by hormonal changes. That is why when the egg leaves the follicle, such unpleasant symptoms appear as pain, rash, and feeling unwell.

When the process is completed, the general condition of the body returns to normal, the skin loses acne, the chest ceases to be painful and “heavy”.

For women who measure basal temperature, it is even easier to determine the moment when ovulation ends. It is enough to know that during ovulation the temperature rises and then drops. Note: if conception has occurred, the temperature remains elevated.

Since ovulation is a fairly short process, you can determine the moment of its end using a calendar method. In most patients, ovulation ends 1-2 days after the onset.

What are the symptoms of successful conception

It is possible to understand whether ovulation has passed "idle" or ended with conception, according to some signs. So, for example, the following symptoms indicate the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy:

  • discharge of blood from the vagina, a feeling of pain in the ovaries (such phenomena are of a short-term nature and disappear after 1-2 days);
  • delayed menstruation;
  • soreness and swelling of the breast;
  • headache;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased need for food.


Watch the video to get acquainted with the main signs of ovulation.

So know ovulation symptoms should every modern woman. This information will be useful in planning conception and protection against unwanted pregnancy, it will help to identify the presence of problems in the body. Remember: monitoring your health and your own feelings is the key to a long and healthy life.

Often couples in which conception does not occur for some time use the method of calculating the most favorable day for fertilizing an egg. If you carefully observe the female body, it is easy to notice when ovulation occurs. Laboratory methods for determining the level of hormones responsible for the maturation and release of the germ cell, and measuring basal temperature are the most accurate methods. There are also physiological signs of ovulation and its end, after which, if conception does not occur, menstruation occurs.

What is ovulation

The function of childbearing is almost the main one for any female representative. Ovulation is a key stage of reproductive activity. This is the moment when a mature egg is released from the ovary. Planned conception during ovulation, according to experts, is only 33%. The process occurs approximately 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. Each woman has an individual menstrual cycle, so the day the cell comes out can shift by several days in one direction or another.

The process of maturation and release of an egg capable of fertilization stops only during pregnancy and with the onset of menopause. The frequency is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms - gonadotropic and follicular ovarian hormones. Hormonal balance in this process is fundamental. The following sex hormones are responsible for the release of the egg, which must be in the required concentration:

  1. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It rises at the time of maturation of the follicle. When LH reaches its maximum concentration, the follicular capsule ruptures, due to which the female germ cell comes out and enters the fallopian tube. The residual follicle is transformed into a corpus luteum.
  2. Estrogen - stimulates an increase in FSH, which is necessary for the growth of the follicle, without which the release of the germ cell is impossible.
  3. Estradiol is a type of estrogen derived from testosterone. It is responsible for the development of the endometrium and the growth of the dominant follicle (one or more).
  4. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - along with estradiol is responsible for the maturation of the follicle.
  5. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the corpus luteum. It is able to stimulate or suppress ovulation. If pregnancy occurs, the level of the hormone rises, in the absence of conception, the concentration of progesterone gradually decreases and after 12-14 days menstruation occurs.
  6. Testosterone, a hormone related to androgens, is able to influence the period of release of the female cell. An excess of this substance prevents the maturation of the egg and the rupture of the dominant follicle.

How is ovulation in women

The process is to enable the meeting of the male and female cells in the uterine cavity to conceive a new life. The egg enters the genital tract, spermatozoa rush towards it. During fertilization, the embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus and develops; if conception does not occur, the germ cells die, so that after a while new ones come in their place. The process is repeated monthly, it falls roughly in the middle of the cycle. To better understand how ovulation occurs, you need to consider the entire menstrual cycle:

  1. The follicular period lasts from 11 to 17 days, the norm is considered to be 14 days. From the first day of the onset of blood discharge, the vesicles in the ovaries mature. Normally, each monthly cycle, the ovaries function alternately. Although there are exceptions to the rule, when preparation for fertilization occurs in one ovary several times in a row, in both at the same time or at all, the process does not occur. After a certain time, one of the vesicles noticeably outstrips the others in development, and the egg cell matures in it. When the follicle reaches sizes from 18 to 24 mm (increases by 2 mm per day), the germ cell is considered mature. Unclaimed vesicles disappear, undergoing a process of reverse development (atresia).
  2. Ovulation lasts 1-2 days, depending on the viability of the cell. Fully formed, the egg breaks the follicle membrane. The female cell goes into the fallopian tube, where, under favorable circumstances, it will merge with the sperm. In the absence of male cells, the female is destroyed a day after the release.
  3. The luteal phase lasts 14 days, very rarely the phase can last 12-13 days. At the site of rupture of the follicle cell membrane, a corpus luteum is formed. It produces a specific substance - progesterone, which promotes wound healing. The hormone accompanies the process of fertilization, implantation, development of pregnancy. At conception, progesterone is produced throughout pregnancy, ensuring the correct formation of the fetus. If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum stops its activity and is rejected with blood from the uterine cavity through the cervix into the vagina and out.

First signs

The initial signals of the onset of ovulation in the laboratory are determined by increased levels of progesterone in the blood plasma. A woman may feel short-term pain in the lower abdomen. There is a noticeable increase in clear mucous discharge from the vagina. If you measure the basal temperature, then it is greatly reduced at the time of rupture of the follicle, and the next day there is a sharp jump in indicators. Eloquent harbingers of ovulation, which are used to judge with confidence the release of the egg from the follicle:

  • breast enlargement;
  • headache;
  • puffiness;
  • fatigue;
  • change in secretions;
  • bloody issues;
  • irritability;
  • emotional outbursts;
  • burst of energy;
  • increased activity;
  • exacerbation of smell, taste;
  • increase in libido.


If the symptoms of ovulation do not make themselves felt in childbearing age, then this indicates anovulation. Failure is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle and dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus. The signals accompanying the rupture of the follicle indicate a healthy body of a woman, a well-formed reproductive system, help the couple to choose the right time to conceive a child. Common signs of ovulation in a woman are as follows:

  • an increase in luteinizing hormone;
  • a sharp increase in basal temperature;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • change in cervical secretions;
  • pain on any one side of the lower abdomen.


During the period of ovulation, not only the internal state of the female body will change, but also the appearance, emotional mood, eating habits and other factors undergo changes. The visible symptoms of the onset of the most favorable period for conception are slightly different for each woman. There are external symptoms of ovulation common to most of the fair sex:

  • breast swelling;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased appetite;
  • tendency to be nervous, stress;
  • strong sexual attraction;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • change in secretions;
  • possibly a slight discharge of blood;
  • cramps or drawing pains in the lower abdomen.

Feelings of ovulation

The mood of a woman changes, emotional outbursts are observed. The preovulatory state is characterized by different emotions: irritability, resentment, tearfulness. From the side of the body, you can also notice special sensations. The female genital organs become more sensitive, the desire for intimacy with a partner increases. Secretory secretions are visible on the underwear, which are designed to moisten the vagina to allow slip during coitus and the movement of sperm through the open cervix into the fallopian tube to the mature egg.


To break out, the egg tears the follicle membrane. The rupture is accompanied by a small amount of blood and follicular fluid. To move the female cell through the fallopian tube, it contracts. This process irritates the abdominal wall, the woman at this moment may feel pain. Ovulatory syndrome, expressed by pulling pains, tingling, heaviness, occurs in the side from which the ovary leaves the germ cell. Pain in the chest during swelling lasts for several days, but sometimes persists until the onset of menstruation.


Careful observation of the cervical fluid secreted from the vagina will help determine fertile days. Allocations are formed in the cervical canal, their nature varies depending on the phase of the cycle. Cervical discharge can be seen when visiting the toilet on underwear or toilet paper. You can evaluate the consistency and color of the discharge by applying a napkin to the genitals. By regularly monitoring changes in the cervical fluid, some regularity will become noticeable.

With the onset of menstruation, bleeding is abundant, after 2-3 days they become scarce. By the end of physiological bleeding, the fluid acquires a brown, sticky, rubbery consistency. Towards fertilization day, the mucus appears thin, becoming creamy in texture with a whitish or yellowish tint. Immediately 1-2 days before and after the release of a mature egg, the cervical fluid changes to elastic, clear discharge. At the end of the process, the discharge stops until the next menstruation.


Everything is wisely arranged by nature, this also applies to the function of childbearing. A few days before and after 2-3 favorable days of conception, a woman experiences a particularly strong sexual attraction to her partner. So the instinct of procreation, through the hormonal system, takes care of maintaining life on Earth. Increased desire is not an exact sign of the onset of the right time for fertilization, bursts of sexual activity can occur at different times and depend on all sorts of factors.

Arborization of saliva

Crystallization of the fluid secreted by the salivary glands helps determine the onset of ovulation. Identification of the process of arborization of saliva occurs with the help of special microscopes that determine salts in saliva, which are formed under the influence of luteinizing hormones. In the period from 24 to 48 hours before the release of the germ cell, saliva under a microscope will resemble frost on glass, this process is also called the “fern phenomenon”. The method does not guarantee a 100% result.

Temperature rise

Measuring basal rates is one of the old and proven methods. The temperature is measured in the rectum with a thermometer. In order for the data to be accurate, the temperature is taken in the morning at the same time immediately after waking up from a sleep that lasted at least 6 hours. It is important not to get out of bed before the procedure for determining the basal temperature. On the eve of the day of conception, the indicators go down, and when the egg is released, the temperature rises sharply. This is the moment of ovulation, when they start procreation or are protected, depending on plans for the future.

Signs of double ovulation

The re-maturation of the egg is a proven scientific fact, although this is more the exception than the norm. Confirmation are cases of double pregnancy. With repeated ovulation, conception occurs during two different releases of germ cells. There are two types of reproductive phenomenon: simultaneous, when two cells mature in one ovary and then are fertilized; with a time interval, if the eggs are formed separately from each other with a time interval.

The signs of double ovulation are the same as in the usual process: pulling pains, swelling of the mammary glands, viscous secretion, an increase in basal temperature, etc. Symptoms are observed twice per cycle if ovulation occurs with a time interval. With the simultaneous maturation of two eggs, characteristic signs are determined using ultrasound or test strips that respond to an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone.

On ultrasound

Ultrasound diagnostics refers to accurate methods for determining the favorable period of conception. With the help of the hardware method, the dynamics of follicle growth is monitored. For observations, a dominant vesicle is isolated, which, upon reaching the maximum size provided, is torn by a mature egg. When examining the patient with an ultrasound machine, the moment of disappearance of the dominant follicle is clearly visible. At the site of the ruptured bubble, first a gap is observed, and then the formation of a corpus luteum.

At the time of the exit of the female cell, when examined by a gynecologist or when an ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina, the specialist observes the expansion of the cervix. The uterine inlet becomes soft, moist, raised, abundant transparent discharge is observed. Until the day favorable for fertilization, the uterine cervix is ​​closed, dry, hard, inclined, lowered. At the end of the process, the entrance to the uterus closes, hardens, becomes dry again, dense and descends.

Signs of not ovulating

A menstrual cycle without ovulation occurs in mature women who have been diagnosed with infertility due to hormonal imbalances. With an anovulatory cycle, bleeding occurs, but the corpus luteum does not form, there is no secretory activity. In addition to the usual symptoms that are characteristic of the release of an egg, there are signs that clearly indicate anovulation - this is a failure of the cycle and a delay in menstruation (from several days to months). The prolonged absence of menstruation will result in an intense outflow of blood from the uterus, accompanied by severe pain.

Symptoms after ovulation

The signs of the post-ovulatory period depend on whether the pregnancy has occurred or the egg has died and menstruation is expected. If conception does not occur, the female cell ceases to function, the cervix closes, the sticky creamy discharge stops, and the pain disappears. In the event of pregnancy, implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity is accompanied by bleeding and cramping pains.

Some girls develop acne after ovulation due to hormonal changes. The endocrine system in females is normalized, as a rule, after the first birth. In young women who have reached reproductive age, hormonal surges are reflected on the face in the form of painful rashes. The rash passes on its own, if you do not try to remove it, when the level of hormones that accompany the process of preparing for conception decreases.

Signs of fertilization after ovulation

There are generally recognized manifestations that indicate the birth of a new life in the body of a pregnant woman. The body of each woman is different, therefore, in some representatives of the weaker sex, the signs make themselves felt from the first days of conception, while in others they do not occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Well-known symptoms of fertilization after the day of release of the egg:

  • bleeding and spasms occur at the time of implantation of the embryo to the mucous layer of the uterus;
  • hypersensitivity of the breast is observed with its simultaneous increase;
  • headaches appear due to hormonal changes;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet is due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder;
  • fatigue occurs due to the appearance of a double load on the body;
  • increased need for food is typical for pregnant women, since the need for nutrients is at least doubled;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting may occur when the blood type and Rh factor of the mother and child do not match.

Additional options for determining ovulation

In addition to observing the emotional state and physical manifestations, each woman can use one of the highly informative ways to determine the day the egg is ready for fertilization. They resort to professional diagnostics for couples who are planning a pregnancy or who have difficulty conceiving. There are several methods by which the moment of egg release is determined:

  • tests that analyze the composition of urine;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • microscopes for examination of saliva;
  • measurement of basal temperature.


The chance of getting pregnant is theoretically available on any day of the menstrual cycle, but it reaches its peak during ovulation: during this period, the possibility of conception increases to 33%. For comparison, in the first days of the cycle, it does not exceed 1-2%. The chances of getting pregnant also drop sharply after ovulation. A mature egg, entering the fallopian tube, dies within 12-24 hours, and conception these days is extremely unlikely.

Many women try to determine what is happening in their body at the moment, when planning a pregnancy, and sometimes in order to prevent it. We will tell you about the signs and symptoms of ovulation in this article.

How does ovulation occur?

It's no secret that the female body works cyclically, and grandiose metamorphoses take place inside it every month. Ovulation is the peak time when a woman's body is maximally tuned for fertilization.

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. During the first phase, the follicle matures, inside which the egg is located. By the time of a possible meeting with a spermatozoon and the implementation of conception, the body is carefully prepared: the thickness of the endometrium that covers the uterus increases; changes in the level of estrogen responsible for libido; the cervix opens slightly and loosens. The release of the egg from the ovary usually occurs on the 13-15th day of the standard 28-day cycle - this moment between its phases is called ovulation. After ovulation, the menstrual cycle continues in the luteal phase, or the corpus luteum phase. The corpus luteum is formed at the site of the ruptured follicle, and its role is to produce progesterone. Together with the estrogen of the follicle, progesterone promotes implantation of the embryo in the uterus. If conception does not take place in this cycle, the corpus luteum dies off, and the outer layer of the endometrium is torn off - menstruation occurs.

The first signs of ovulation

Symptoms before and during ovulation are very subjective, but some women, who are especially attentive to the state of their body, note the following changes:

  1. There may be nagging pain or tingling in the lower abdomen , usually on one side - the one where the egg has matured. Even minor bleeding is possible.
  2. Changing the nature of vaginal discharge . They become more transparent and plentiful, acquire the consistency of egg white.
  3. Increased female sexual desire . The reason is obvious: our body at the hormonal level contributes to the possible fertilization.
  4. Emotionality, irritability, hypersensitivity may indicate impending or ongoing ovulation.
  5. Swelling, soreness, or tingling in the chest . This is due to the hormonal changes in the body during the release of the egg.
  6. Bloating, increased flatulence can also be caused by changes in hormone levels.
  7. Enhanced taste and smell sensations .

Medical and home methods for determining ovulation

The above signs may indicate that the day of ovulation has come, but still more reliable methods for determining the favorable period for conception are medical, such as:

  • ultrasonic monitoring,
  • blood test for luteinizing hormone,
  • special tests for ovulation.

ultrasound control - this is the observation using ultrasound of the development of follicles and the preparation of the endometrium. An ultrasound specialist using a vaginal probe conducts a study every 2-3 days, starting from the 6-8th day of the current menstrual cycle. Monitoring the state of the ovaries in dynamics allows you to accurately determine the day of ovulation.

The release of a mature egg from the ovary is controlled by the pituitary gland, which begins to secrete LH (luteinizing hormone) around the 12th day of the cycle. After the appearance of this hormone, ovulation should occur within the next 36 hours.

Ovulation tests are based on an LH test. Naturally, you can determine its level by donating blood, but the most popular and easiest way is test strips, which work on the same principle as pregnancy tests. An ovulation test detects the appearance of LH in the urine: the absence of a second strip indicates that ovulation is not yet expected, and the presence, depending on the intensity of the color, indicates the proximity of ovulation or that it is happening at the moment. Such tests are not the cheapest pleasure, so you should start doing them, focusing on your own monthly cycle. Subtract 17 from the cycle length, the resulting number will be the serial number of the day of the cycle when you can start testing for ovulation (for a 28-day - the 11th day, for a 30-day - the 13th day, for a 32-day - 15- th day, if the cycle is irregular, we take its shortest duration as a basis).

The gynecologist can state the onset of “day X” during the examination: during ovulation, the cervix softens, rises and opens slightly. With the help of special tweezers, the doctor can check the extensibility of the vaginal mucus - during ovulation, it can stretch up to 10-12 cm. Gynecologists call this the "pupil symptom."

Continues to be popular among those planning a pregnancy method for determining ovulation by measuring basal (rectal) temperature . It is quite simple, but painstaking: you will need to measure the temperature in the rectum daily and record the chronology of these measurements. The onset of ovulation is indicated by a sharp decrease in temperature and a further rise. The rest of the cycle, the temperature in the rectum is approximately the same.

This method cannot be classified as very reliable, since changes in body temperature can be caused by various reasons. Therefore, if you want to use it, you will need to take measurements for several months (at least 2-3) in order to correctly interpret the data and draw conclusions about the time of ovulation.

Signs that you have ovulated

You can guess that ovulation has passed if you carefully listened to your own body in the middle of the monthly cycle. Signs of past ovulation include:

  • a decrease in the amount of vaginal mucus (it becomes scarce and cloudy);
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • disappear pain in the ovary, where the egg matured;
  • basal temperature is higher than in the first half of the cycle.

Ovulation without symptoms

Some women, having familiarized themselves with an impressive list of signs of ovulation, begin to worry: “Can there be ovulation without symptoms? I don’t feel it, maybe it doesn’t exist at all ... Will it be possible to get pregnant? Generally speaking, ovulation without symptoms is an absolute norm. To conceive a child, you absolutely do not need to know the “favorable” days of your cycle, since this is not a guarantee of success. Remember the animals - they give birth to offspring without any calendars and torments “did you ovulate?”!

Every woman is unique, and ovulation (or lack of it) can vary greatly. In addition, doctors talk about the subjectivity of sensations during ovulation. To reliably determine the day when the body is maximally ready for conception, only laboratory methods will help you - all other methods are quite approximate.

In addition, a woman may experience ovulation differently at different times in her life. And if she did not notice any changes in the middle of the cycle, for example, before pregnancy, it is quite possible that after the birth of the child, the sensation of ovulation will appear.

Late ovulation: symptoms

Not all women ovulate in the middle of their menstrual cycle. Most often, the shift of ovulation to a later date is associated with stress, the presence of infection, gynecological diseases and hormonal disorders.

For women planning a pregnancy or simply following their own monthly cycle, a symptom of late ovulation is the presence of its signs less than 11 days before the onset of menstruation. But this, of course, applies to those cases when a woman feels or controls her own ovulation.

Most often, late ovulation is detected through ultrasound, ovulation tests, or pituitary hormone testing performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Consultation with a competent gynecologist will help you develop a strategy for further pregnancy planning. Do not worry, late ovulation is not infertility, but only a deviation that needs to be corrected. Depending on the causes of late ovulation, it will be necessary to either eliminate the source of the disease or adjust the level of hormones. Try to reduce anxiety and lead a healthy lifestyle.

To determine favorable days for conception, we recommend that you use ours.

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